#together wherever we go
vintagepresley · 11 months
PLEASE. Omg. I swear this damn ai always has me emotional. But like cause I’m a good mama that’s why. 😭
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This is literally Walter and I.
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musicthyme · 2 years
“Together (Wherever We Go)” off The Odd Couple Sings (1973)
sung by Tony Randall & Jack Klugman with Roland Shaw & The London Festival Orchestra And Chorus
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r0semultiverse · 4 months
Hey wait, are the computers using people’s voices who made a contract with The Eye much like my JonMartin accidental Eye contract theory? 👀
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moongothic · 7 months
It is interesting though 'cause, since we have no fucking True Clue what the hell Crocodile's actual real End Goal with Cross Guild is right now (does he want to get One Piece and fight the Strawhats+Shanks, does he want to get Pluton from Wano (and/)or does he want to destroy the World Government?? We don't know), that we just have a fuck ton of theories on what could happen, but no way to really tell what the actual direction this entire plot thread is going to be
And one I've seen a lot of people suggest was Cross Guild recruiting more of the former (/OG) Shichibukai into their ranks
And I just find that idea so fucking interesting
Because this is where one needs to remember that Oda based the OG Shichibukai on the Seven Heroes from Romancing SaGa 2. The Seven Heroes were a legendary group who once in the past saved the world from a great evil (before disappearing and turning into an evil for the game's protags to defeat). Just reading the descriptions you can see how each of the OG Shichibukai match up to one of the heroes respectively. And the inspo would be fine and dandy by itself, like just some fun trivia about what inspired Oda. But the Seven Heroes were specifically created and lead by Wagnas, with Noel as his right-hand. Wagnas happens to be the character Crocodile matches up with, and Mihawk just happens to match up with Noel. And here we have Crocodile starting a new organization with Mihawk by his side, with unknown true goals. And we do have that one World Government that needs to get overthrown so the world can be "saved". So like.
Suddenly, the idea that Cross Guild could recruit some of the other former Shichibukai (to maybe help take down the World Government?) doesn't sound too out-landish at all
Especially because Moria alone is already like an actual contender for someone who could maybe join Cross Guild. Like, assuming he's alive and made it out of Fullalead with Perona. 'Cause with Absalom dead and Hogback gone with the wind, Moria should have like nothing else left but himself and Perona. And while knowing Moria he's going to be Very Happy about reuniting with Perona, like... where's he gonna go? What's he gonna do if the two escaped Fullalead? But because Perona and Mihawk already know each other, Perona could very easily become a bridge to getting Moria with CG, especially if he's still wounded etc from the escape, Perona would want her boss' to survive and she'd trust Mihawk to help probably. And god knows, if Blackbeard tried or even succeeded at stealing Moria's Fruit, the man could have some legit good intel on Blackbeard (and how he steals powers) that he could then share with CG, something Crocodile could appreciate. Also, if Crocodile and Mihawk want to ensure the Marines are too scared to come after them, getting Moria in their ranks would help with that.
Then there's Kuma. And. Well. Assuming Kuma doesn't kick the bucket in the next few chapters. If Kuma is still somehow alive and his soul/memories can be put into a body (some people have been suggesting his memories could be implanted maybe into a Pacifista or that giant robot on Egghead or maybe even his Seraphim, or maybe just memories could be returned back into his original body), and if he'll still have the ability to near-instantly travel across the planet then I'm putting my money on him returning to the Revolutionaries to be honest. But if he loses that ability, I don't think he's going to be sticking with the Strawhats to be honest. That said, he'll still need somewhere to go (with Bonney?), and with the rest of the Revs on the other side of the Grand Line... Cross Guild could, potentially, be the nearest, safest place for him, if for no other reason than the other former Shichibukai might be his safest bet right now. Especially if Crocodile ever did have any involvement with the Revolutionaries. But indeed, this assumes Kuma isn't Turbo Perma-Dead Forever, which remains to be seen.
I know a lot of people love Doflamingo and would love to see him back. Personally I want him to stay in jail, where he deserves to be. <3 Also I don't think Crocodile would ever want Doflamingo working for him, let alone go out of his way to travel to Paradise to let him out (though if they did, they could also release Weevil while at it, since he's also stuck in Impel Down) (But honestly, unless someone else goes to break Weevil out and Doflamingo just escapes while he's at it, don't think he's getting out)
Quick honorable mention to Law, since he is also a Former Shichibukai. His crew got nuked by Blackbeard but I doubt he'd join Crocodile and Mihawk for any reason, especially if he's still in the race for One Piece (assuming Cross Guild isn't) (Like Buggy is but Buggy might skedaddle for all we know)
But with the Shichibukai, this just leaves us with Hancock.
Thing is, last we saw her she was still in Paradise, wanting to reunite with Luffy. It is entirely plausible she could (or may already have) set out for the New World if she feels like she has to leave Amazon Lily to protect her home-- which she might have to, considdering without her warlord status the Government has gone after her. But indeed, if Hancock is on the run and heading to the New World, surely she'd want to find Luffy. So why would she ever join Cross Guild? She doesn't like men (aside from Luffy), so surely she wouldn't trust that disaster crew with a clown for a mascot. But again. This is where "what the fuck is Crocodile's end goal" comes in again. Because if he wants to destroy the World Government and wreck the Nobles' out of orbit... Well. I don't think convincing Hancock to go back to the place where she was kept in slavery for years would be easy. But also. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could be persuaded into committing some delicious revenge under the right circumstances (whatever that might be).
IDK man, there's potential here, things could get so interesting with Cross Guild and whatever the fuck Crocodile is planning (vs how Buggy's mutiny rolls out)
It is kind of funny though, how like the best case scenario for Cross Guild Shichibukai Reunion would be like. Kuma and his daughter. Moria, Mihawk and their collective daughter. Crocodad and his sharp boyfriend. And Luffy's wannabe fiancée. (The clown is optional)
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vermillioncrown · 4 months
my heart might give out from stress
i don't want my drafts to remain in purgatory if that happens
here's a snippet from the blowjob brothers
happy vday or whatever
hlwi snippet: timkorv ceo and pa roleplay
tldr what you get when you have two overthinking maskers that are dating
(mature, allusions to exhibitionism)
Korvin is supposed to shadow Tim today as his PA. At the same time, he can stealthily join in discussions on some Wayne Enterprises & Subsidiaries’ projects for the next fiscal year. It’s dubious as hell, managerially incestuous, and not at all billable to any of the workbooks. Technically, Korvin is “Out of Office.”
Tam gives them a Look, Lucius gives them a bigger Look, and they both separately say, “Keep it out of Meeting Room 5B.”
“Pardon?” Korvin plays the wide-eyed mangénue well—first PA job fresh out of his management degree, definitely-of-course-not hired for his credentials nor family connections.
“Director Kwan-Wayne.” Lucius removes his glasses to polish them and says in a mild tone, “That 3 AM with M-Systems could have your name on it for the rest of your tenure. Clear?”
Korvin drops character for a brief moment of honesty. “Crystal, Chief Fox; keeping it contained.”
They get left alone late morning in Tim's office. Tam pointedly does not look in their direction and pushes the controls to shut the blinds.
That’s not Tim’s concern right now.
Right now, his only concern is coaxing the young and nervous PA to come play with him. Cute face, DSL, firm ass, and positively stacked—Tim has to have him under his hands as soon as possible. “I don’t have super hearing, Mr. Kwan. You’re going to have to come closer to my desk.”
His PA walks to the front of the desk, posture stiff and straight like he’s about to crumple with nerves given any leeway. He doesn’t look Tim in the eye; instead, he leans over the desk and clumsily holds the tablet out to show the agenda for the day.
“Mr. Drake, I have the brief for 11 AM printed—if I could go retrieve—”
“Mr. Kwan, no need for that; just brief me like this.”
“L-Like this?” Poor thing is flustered and baffled. Tim supposes he needs a bit of clear direction to help him along.
“Oral report,” he clarifies. And Tim can’t help it when the back of his pen traces against the younger man’s jaw. The metal tip goes up to the corner of his lips, tapping that tempting beauty mark right at the edge. All of it would look amazing wrapped around his cock. The heat would fog up those cute glasses, and if Tim gets careless with his aim? A little mess on those unruly curls wouldn’t be out of place. “Nervous when you speak, Mr. Kwan?”
“I-I,” his PA swallows, the motion framed by the turtleneck under his suit. The suit itself is nicely fitted, if a little juvenile in the fabric weight and cut; obviously a gift from someone with more means. The turtleneck pairing is tasteful, but a choice—hiding love bites? With the gift suit and his looks, maybe this type of “PA work” isn’t outside of the younger man’s experience. “I’m trying to work on. Uh. That, M-Mr. Drake.”
“Luckily for you, I have plenty of advice to offer,” Tim offers with a smile. “We have half an hour—why don’t you come around and I do that while we discuss the brief?”
His PA gives a bashful glance at the wall clock, though still frozen in his vulnerable pose and in Tim's hand.
“Don’t be shy,” Tim whispers, letting the back of his fingernails graze along the younger man’s cheek. Dark eyes follow the path his hand takes, trace it back to Tim himself. When it’s obvious that the other is fighting back a timid but interested bite on his bottom lip, Tim lets his gaze fall to “bedroom eyes” and cocks his head to beckon his new playmate over.
Their roleplay quickly falls apart after that, though because neither Tim nor Korvin can stand being Not Correct. The derailment happens at the intended coy exchange of, “‘Oh, what if we get caught?’ ‘Guess you’ll have to be quiet, sweetheart,’” and then—
“What? No, now I’m actually concerned. You’re the loud one,” is refuted with, “no, that’s you with the actual anechoic sex room.”
“It’s not a—whatever! I literally had to install a trained bypass filter on the hall cams because of you!”
Never mind the unhinged meticulousness in finding the right sounds to train said filter on— “And you got caught, so fine, we’re both loud but I’m stealthier! ...and you’re louder.”
“We have the technology to be, y’know, objective. You just don’t want to be wrong.”
“I don’t want to dignify this argument with actual data.”
“Yeah, that’s how I know you’re actually louder,” Korvin rolls his eyes, even as he continues to contort himself under Tim’s desk. “This front drawer’s in the way.”
Tim pushes his chair back and bends to look at the bottom of the drawer. “I think if you kneel further back, but then—”
“—yeah, I'd have to lean forward.”
“Oh…but that's a better angle for your throat, though.”
Korvin nods thoughtfully. “You'd have to keep me from falling too forward or chance someone seeing my hands stick out,” he muses.
“I'll keep my ankles crossed back in. Brace against that,” Tim suggests, and at Korvin's nonchalant thumbs up, he rolls back in front of his desk.
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charles-edwin · 7 months
they played 17 seconds of this song in last twilight and i’m forever obsessed 🥺
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mothwingwritings · 13 days
My partner told me before I left for the con that no one would know who I was on the day I cosplayed Ren Hana.
Flash forward to the moment when a car full of people were flagging me down screaming "REN!!!" and when I turned to them and waved the car erupted into a cacophony of squeals. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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toxiccaves · 4 months
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eggsbenedictinurmom · 5 months
Heket has literally JUST turned into an elder at the ripe age of 90 something in my save
She can finally join her sorta girlfriend in the afterlife soon 🥺
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bbbrianjones · 8 months
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um guys........ i think u need to understand i'm going fucking insane over this picture
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
tag game tuesday: wednesday edition 🤘🏼
pals, i love you all so much & thank you to @celestialmickey @energievie @metalheadmickey @whatwouldmickeydo @thisdivorce @juliakayyy @palepinkgoat @xninetiestrendx @crossmydna & @francesrose3 for tagging me to play! i ran out of time yesterday, but there's always today 😌
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name: bee bee eight 🖤
when is your birthday? soon! july 7th <- same beecy same 🦀
favorite social media platform outside of tumblr? instagram! i love it, i hate it, i can't get enough of it. (also if discord counts, then discord) 📸
do you wear makeup? i haven't really worn make-up since the move tbh... but when i do it's just light foundation, mascara & the occasional eyeliner wing 💃🏼
favorite board game? maybe scrabble?! we love board games in this house. it might be easier to answer what is the board game most likely to result in a fight? aka sorry! alskghalfkh a children's game & my wife & i always lose our minds.
do you have any tattoos? i do! i do! i think i have 14? i'm not sure. but i did JUST get one yesterday lmaoooo. it's an eye on the back of my neck 👁🖤
which of the seven deadly sins would you say you struggle with the most? probably lust. like, can i even read something anymore without the promise of smut?! i'm a very cool combination of horny & monogamous at all times 😅
best vacation you’ve ever been on? in january of 2020, the before times, my girlfriend & i went to paris, where we became fiancées! it was the best trip! in my very favorite city! 🇫🇷 🥐 💍
how do you get around town? i was a train babe for the last 12 years in the Big Apple, but now i'm a car girlie! i know that it's very bad for the environment, but i also kind of love it. i just love bopping around & not having to squeeze in with strangers on my way to the grocery store. what a gift! 🚘
describe your vibe in three words: enthusiastic, creative, moody ✌️
share a song rec: "gimme" by ralph 💅
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even though i'm late, i'm gonna tag some pals! @heymrspatel @squidyyy23 @creepkinginc @mishervellous @ian-galagher @deathclassic @howlinchickhowl @iansfreckles @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit & @tidalrace - but if you don't want to play, then please take this as a consensual internet squeeze! 🥰
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six-improbable-things · 5 months
out-of-context quotes from our last dnd session:
"stoned at the mining camp" (my current nickname in the party discord)
"the clucklefucks" (my most recent contribution to our quotes channel)
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barkingangelbaby · 1 month
watching seven hours of lotr today was good for my soul <3
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vintagepresley · 11 months
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I swear no matter if he’s sleeping or asking for cuddles his head will always be on my chest. That’s just where he’s most comfortable. Also, how cute is he???
I always have time for you because I don’t know of such a thing called boundaries. Now whereever I go, he goes. If he’s awake, I’ve gotta be awake too he won’t be happy if I’m not.
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eichiyume · 5 months
do you and nagisa exchange cool rocks you find?
YES!!!!! sometimes ill wander around with him and get really excited when theres a rock on the side walk and make him kick it along with me and see how far we go until its round and smooth
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