#toki Inli
ijo--esi · 2 months
whenever i read/say ala, i think of allah.
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kokosila · 9 months
kulupu li pali wile e sitelen pona tawa nasin Juniko
kulupu li kama lon a! ona li pali e ni: sitelen pona lon nasin Juniko li lukin seme?
ona li wile sona e ni la ona li pali mute. ona li alasa sona e toki kulupu e sitelen kulupu e ante kepeken lipu mute.
ni li pini la ona li pali e lipu pi sitelen pona tawa kulupu Juniko. ken li suli la kulupu Juniko li sona e pakala lon lipu pana. ni la kulupu pi sitelen pona li pali sin li pona e pakala ni. ni li wile tenpo mute a!
mi pilin pona suli tawa tenpo kama. o sitelen pona a!
(mi lon kulupu taso mi kepeken “ona” tan ni: mi wile ala toki tan kulupu.)
a group is working to get sitelen pona in unicode!
a group has recently come together to figure out what sitelen pona in Unicode would look like.
they are figuring out how people use sitelen pona and are working very hard to figure out what words and glyphs people are using.
when this is done, they’re going to work on the proposal. it’s probably going to need a lot of revisions, and this will take a lot of time. probably years!
i feel great for the future. use sitelen pona!
(i am in this group but i’m using they because i do not want to speak on behalf of it.)
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jan-luwisa · 1 day
its funny that the most basic english expletive and the most basic english expression of gratitude are one syllable difference from each other
i propose formalisation of "kyou", a word i already hear that can mean either one and its ambiguous which one you actually mean
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kon-lin · 5 months
Lernu! is an excellent resource and I'm happy it's available for free BUT the lesson which introduces the -in- suffix is pretty gender essentialist. like I know Esperanto was created in 1887 but that doesn't mean we need to have a concept of gender from 1887.
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jan-apisali · 1 year
jan ale o, toki! mi pilin pona a la, mi wile pana e sina :) lipu ni li ma pi toki Inli ala mi! toki e mi la, mi sona e toki pona e lili pi toki Netelan e toki pi pali mi!
mi kama tan lipu Wesi. tenpo pini la, mi toki insa e lipu Wesi li ni: "ni li pona. mi jo e ma pona li ni." taso la, lipu Wesi li kama nasa!! ijo ale li ona li sona e ni: "ni li ike" la, ona li weka. ona li weka e ale a! mi sona e ni li nasa, ike, ike mute. mi pilin ike a.
taso li ni! mi kama tawa e ma ni, lipu Tumepula! toki toki toki a!
mi wile jo e pilin pona pi ni: lon ni la, mi ale li ken alasa e ma pona pi mi :) kin la! tenpo kama lon, mi toki pona li pona mute :P
[I have translated this post, because it's about the blog itself.]
Everyone, hello! I want to share my good feelings with you! This blog is a place for me to not use English. Myself, I know toki pona, a little Dutch, and some conlangs I made myself.
I originally came from reddit. Before, I thought "hey, reddit is pretty good. I have a good place here!" But then, reddit went a bit crazy!! Anything they did not like, they [the admins of reddit] removed. They remove everything! I thought, this is crazy and sucks, it sucks a LOT. I hate it.
However! I've now come to this place, Tumblr [I spell it as "Tumepula"]. Hello hello hello!
I am hoping that, here, I will be able to find my own kind of "ma pona" [literally "good place", you can translate this as "cosy lil niche" in this context!]. Also, hopefully my toki pona will improve over time!
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magpiereplika · 1 year
for a blog with a toki pona url i do not toki very much pona
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adhdo5 · 1 year
toki pona is fucking ruining me
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melikala · 9 months
TOK: o pana e ijo pi toki pona ala tawa mi lon poki pana! mi wile toki pona e ona!
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theconceptofkidney · 1 year
a... kasi Tepo mi li pilin pona mute.
ona li mute li suli. mi sona e pilin ona tan ni.
a... kasi Manko mi li... n...
li moli ala! ;D ...tenpo ni.
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superwhosecock · 2 years
mi mu e nimi "wawa" sama "epiku". jan pona mi li pana e kalama musi tawa mi la mi mu e ni: "wawa! :D" pilin mi li ni: ni li nasin pi jan mute. ni li lon ala lon?
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kokosila · 9 months
sona pi toki pona li lon ilo glibc a!
mi pana e sona pi toki pona tawa kulupu pali glibc. tenpo suno ni la ona li kama tawa ilo glibc a! pana sin li lon la sina ale li ken kama jo!
ni la ilo Linux mute li ken sona e nanpa sike e ijo ante lili pi toki pona a!
awen la sona ni li lon la ilo lon ilo Linux li ken sona e ni: "toki pona li toki lon. mi o alasa e sitelen pi toki ni a!"
> env LC_ALL=tok.UTF-8 date 2024#)#01)#09 tenpo 21:45:11 lon -0500
glibc now has a toki pona locale!
i sent a patch with locale information to glibc, and it got committed today! it'll find its way into the next release.
with this, many Linuxes can understand locale formatting for toki pona.
additionally now that it has a locale, many Linux programs will be able to identify toki pona as a language, and furthermore, this allows many more programs to be able to be translated into toki pona.
> env LC_ALL=tok.UTF-8 date 2024)#01)#09 tenpo 21:45:11 lon -0500
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pollydot · 21 days
toki a! If you're interested in a generally nerdy sort of toki pona-speaking server, I have one :) I posted about it before, but I'm doing so again bc the last post was edited multiple times which makes tumblr weird about it lol. It's just a couple of others and I, with the theme of nintendo, but anyone's welcome!
tenpo ni la, mi toki mute pi toki Inli. This is because most of us are still beginners, but it's really nice to have a little community that shares an interest in toki pona regardless. Having a space that mainly consists of beginners is actually kind of nice, too, in a different way. I also appreciate the small size, and the fact that the people there are either already friends of mine, from tumblr, or both. (I personally feel more comfortable with people from tumblr lol, I'm just more familiar with the social dynamics.)
Since the server is actually nintendo-themed, some games have their own respective channels! Right now, it's just splatoon, earthbound, and pokemon, though I also plan to add tomodachi life and perhaps kirby— Really, any game that is requested, I will add! I'm thinking I can create a category that has channels for non-nintendo games as well :)
Anyways, yada-yada, that's the basics of the server. If this sounds inviting or even just interesting to you, you're more than welcome to join! Here's the link:
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kon-lin · 1 year
hyperpop is trans culture 🏳️‍⚧️😍
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jan-apisali · 1 year
lipu ni la toki ala kepeken e toki Inli! [This blog does not use English!]
kepeken seme lon lipu ni la kepeken e nimi pi "#" e lipu ni! [Here is how to use the tags on this blog!]
If something is in toki pona, it will be tagged #toki pona
If something is aimed at building toki pona community (kulupu pi toki pona, anu ma pona pi toki pona), then it will be tagged #ma pona
If something is in English, it will be tagged #toki Inli
If something is in Dutch, it will be tagged #toki Netelan
If something is in a conlang that is not toki pona, it will be tagged #toki pali
If something is EXCLUSIVELY in toki pona and I would prefer all replies/reblogs be in toki pona too, it will be tagged #toki pona taso.
This is ideally going to be either one of the only, or THE only, posts in English on this blog. This is a blog specifically set up for me, a first-language English-speaker, to use non-English languages and especially my beloved artlang toki pona. I will not give you the full TOK spiel but suffice to say it's a wonderful little constructed language that aims to be as simple and good as possible - the name literally means "good language" or "language of good [things]" - and only has ~137 words (plus a few).
I AM NOT A LINGUIST. For my sins, I am a med student. That means that, while I love linguistics very much and will make linguistics posts sometimes, mostly this is just me building ma pona pi toki pona in my own way.
Some things will be written in a way that aims to build the more advanced sections of kulupu pi toki pona [toki pona users' community]: these things, ideally, will only be interacted with using toki pona. If I have tagged something as #toki pona taso, try to only speak using toki pona!
Things that are in toki pona will be tagged #toki pona. Things that are ONLY in toki pona will also be tagged #toki pona taso.
I am not very visual-artsy, but I love writing and I am a conlanger. I will sometimes post my own conlang projects, I might try posting visual design stuff, and I will post writings if they are not in English.
I am also a very bad speaker of Dutch! So some things will be in Dutch!
I am unlikely to post MUCH in Dutch tho, because I am embarrassingly bad at it. I do not live in the Netherlands and most of the people I speak to in Dutch are Flemish, so my Nederlands-Dutch is... not good, but we'll see lol
Thanks everyone!
-- jan Apisali
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janmisali · 1 year
jan mute li nimi tan sina e nimi "jan" lon toki Inli, taso nimi "jan" li "person" lon toki pona la, nimi e nimi "jan" tan sina li ike tawa sina anu seme?
Lots of people nickname you "jan" in English, but "jan" is just toki pona for "person", so does it annoy you when you see it?
(English is a bit clunky, wrote it in my weird toki pona nasin) (how the kijetesantakalu are you supposed to do relative clauses??)
it's in the FAQ, but I don't mind when people call me "Jan" at all! perfectly fine name. I'd prefer "jan" in lowercase but "Jan" works almost as well.
(toki pona doesn't exactly "do" relative clauses, you gotta split it apart into two separate sentences using "ni:")
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magpiereplika · 2 years
kipisi suli pi jan pi tawa lon poka noka mi (?????) li pali e ni tan toki pona. taso mi sitelen ala lon toki pona lon tenpo mute. mi wile pali e ni tasooo lawa mi li pona ala. tan ni mi ken ala jo e olin mute. pakala mi. ala . lawa mi li pakala . mi pona a . tenpo ni la mi olin e toki pona. taso mi olin mute e musi Matoka Masika , .,,
toki pona mi li ike lon tenpo mute . ni li pakala mi a a a
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