Kamen Rider Wizard/RWBY Crossover AU Ideas
- The setting is rooted in the RWBY universe with elements and events for Kamen Rider Wizard occurring as part of the world. 
- In this crossover, Haruto Soma is Haru Soma, though has the nickname Haruto from a misunderstanding when her parents were talked about her toes ("Haru's toes, harutoes, Haruto" as its described). She is sightly older than Yang and studied at Mistral to be a huntress.  Like her Wizard counterpart, she lost her parents at a young age and making the same promise to keep hope alive. Unlike her counterpart she enjoys her role as a wizard more, seeing it new skill to help her as a huntress, though no less horrified by the circumstances of how she gained these powers. Her weapon as a huntress is styled after the SIC version of the WizarSwordGun with the hand author being added on after the Sabbath.
- Haru also gets her showmanship for her parents who were travelling performers while they were alive.
- Mana/Aura are closely connect in the same way the Maidens' power is connected to their Aura. Beast can consume both Mana and Aura in a fight (against Phantoms and Humans).
- Phantoms in this setting can also vary in appearance to include the Grimm though stylised to appear both like Phantoms in Wizard and like mythical creatures/fairy tale versions of themselves. 
- Koyomi is in the same situation as in canon though she performs the role as Haru's ring crafter/equipment maintenace (though the maintenace part is shared between the pair).
- Kosuke Nitoh is a faunus (lion) archeologist working for the White Fang directly under Sienna Khan. As opposed to V5's murder in her first scene, Kosuke is able to heal her and save her from further attacks by dawning the Beast Driver. He's skilled in using it due to studying texts found with the driver in an area closely tied to the Faunus heritage. The coup by Adam causes Sienna to go into hiding and seek the help of the Belladonna family in Menagerie (the coup scene happening earlier than RWBY canon to allow for them to group up. Beast is stronger than basic styled Wizard, though less skilled because of Kousuke inexperience with real world combat.
- The existence of Phantoms in a human have drastic and unpredictable though not immediately noticeable effects. Example: In the setting, BeastChimera is the natural Phantom of the first Faunus king. However the king was human and due to Chimera's nature, all his descendants took on the traits of animals (like in RWBY canon, just one animal trait) and are in the origin of the Faunus species. Kousuke on the other hand (while not attuned; talked about in later part) can display Faunus traits and abilities by scanning the mantle ring in civilian form. Using the Chimerise ring can also cause him to take on a chimeric faunus form though both these uses use considerable mana to maintain. 
- Fueki shares a similar origin to his Wizard counterpart. Fueki objective in using Haru as a Wizard is different though. Fueki performed the original Sabbath with help from Salem under the guise of creating a Phantom army strong enough to deal with the huntsman and huntresses of the world as well as the Maiden and the silver eyed warriors. However Haru being able to hold in their Phantom and gain magic allow both Salem and Fueki to realise that they could create a person similar enough in nature to a Maiden that they could bypass the locks to the Relics. Fueki also realises he can also use Haru to "complete" Koyomi at the cost of Haru's life and Phantom.
- While Haru wasn't the only one to survive the Sabbath originally, though the despair brought on by the ritual attracted the Grimm, who in turn killed what few survivors there were apart for Haru who is saved by Fueki.
- Infinity style is born from joy in this continuity, as Haru realises how much she hopes to a full life with Koyomi with her, leading her to reawaken her power on her own when she realises that her hope is still alive so her power (WizarDragon Phantom) must still be alive as it became her "hope". Infinity Style is also the closest thing to a Maiden that isn't a Maiden in the setting.
- Beast Hyper is born from a ring the Faunus king created to pass on his power to his immediate successor. However this lead to Chimera breaking free and wreaking havoc until is was trapped in the Beast Driver. The Hyper Ring was used to attune the Underworld inside a person to match another then transfer a foreign Phantom into the attuned Underworld as if not correctly attuned leads to the Beast situation (Needing to consume mana to survive).
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Just watched the Saber Final Stage(it did not include the talkshow afterwards in the download).
Asmodeus as a villain was strange.
He acted completely different, and no one mentioned anything else from Super Hero Senki or the TV Crossover either.
Reika and Ryoga were the first to get hit, and also never appeared out of Henshin.
Then we see the OT4 out and about.
Rintaro literally asks, about the OT4 hanging out "Mei-san, this is what normal Homo Sapiens would describe as a date, right?"
Yes, Rintaro, you four are on a date.
Kento then tells Rintaro to just straight up ask Mei on a date already, which proves the entire OT4 have been blind to the fact they're already all together.
Then Kento and Touma do a Heart Shape with their hands, idiots(affectionate) .
Asmodeus and Charybdis(even though his Book was destroyed, Asmodeus has it?) Appear, Daishinji-san, Ogami-san, and Ren appear and the Six Northern Base riders transform, Charybdis spits out brainwashed Megid Generals ans Desast, and Yuri appears.
I am no longer gonna be describing the story.
Reika showed her inner Brocon.
Ryoga was thoroughly humiliated.
Swordboy OT3 as ths Musketeers is amazing.
Daishinji-san as the Beast and Ogami-san as the Beauty is Bizzare.
Yuri the Pooh, hilarious.
I.. cannot for the life of me remember what Ren was.
Haouken Xross Saber appearing to Touma was amazing looking.
Kamen Rider Tassel was. Strange.
The Magid Generals and Desast regaining their free will was great.
Rintaro, Ryoga and Zoous was epic.
Kento, Ren and Desast, chef's kiss.
Touma and Storius, incredible.
The Megid Generals and Desast Sacrificing themselves, almost heartbreaking.
Ultimate Bahamut is Amazing, easy to forget it's one's suit and another's helmet, recolored togethed.
Ending on the OT4 before they break Character was great.
Aoki just lying on the Goddamn floor to stay in the Audience's line of site, great.
All in all, magnificent.
I will watch the V-Cinema, actually, I need to know how to rework it, and for that I need to see it.
But only after Beyond Generations, which will be watched where ir fits for Revice.
Saber Final Stage was kinda insane tbh
Not only did it continue the saga of Rintaro's attempts to woo Mei, but also had all the Northern Base swordsmen shipping them with KenTouma as the co-captains XD
They really went and made a Pooh parody right after he became public domain, I love it. And Ren was Pinocchio :))
Oh, and for the thing with Ryouga and Reika- see, their actors were only on the Tokyo leg of the tour, which is the one that got made into the DVD, and that's why we see them on stage afterward. But they weren't in the other shows. The Osaka and Fukuoka shows had different cast members as guests. The only cast members who were in all three shows were the actors for the original Northern Base swordsmen and Mei. So Ryouga and Reika had to stay transformed throughout, so that the show just has one consistent story even with the rotating guests.
Fun fact, they also performed different songs for the Final Live- the Osaka and Fukuoka shows had either Rewrite the Story or Will Save Us, while Tokyo had both.
Ryo Aoki just lying there on the stage XD Two of my mutuals, @iristial and @springstarfangirl commented something along the lines of "draw me like one of your cute toku boys" and I just about lost it. He's such a menace, I love him.
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