#koyomi fueki
vaguedoctor · 1 year
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“You and I are nothing alike.”
Kamen Rider: Wizard, Episode 35 - The Other Side of Sora
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captainbloo2023 · 2 years
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couldn't resist
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theanimoo · 2 years
The Wood and The Maidens
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Characters: Koyomi Fueki & Hina Izumi
Pairing: None, but they could be cute
Summary: Two maidens meet in the wood, and one of them doesn't seem to be human.
Warning: None
Word count: 387...I just wanted to keep it a little short
Day 1 of 30 of my 30 Day Writing Challenge and the prompt is Fantasy Au for OOO & Wizard.
There in the wood two maidens met, one covered head to toe in vibrant colors and patterns, her hair braided with flowers. A basket in hand and a smile gracing her face.
“Who are you?” Her voice was airy with curiosity as she asked her question, but soon her eyes widened in confusion.
The other maiden had hidden behind an old oak, only letting her head poke out to look at the colorful one.
“What are you doing?" I won’t bite,” She couldn’t help the giggle in her voice as she inched closer to the tree; like the other girl was a skittish cat. What if I gave you my name first? Would that be better? ”
The colorful maiden was given a small nod, and received a small whisper. “Yes.”
“I’m Hina. It's nice to meet you, miss-?”
“Koyomi…my name is Koyomi.”
After being given each other’s name, Koyomi stepped out from behind the oak and quirked an eyebrow at the other. “Why are you here?”
It took Hina a moment to answer. She was too focused on how the other maiden almost looked…looked ghostly. Dressed all in white and with a blank look in her eyes. 
Maybe she’s a fairy or a spirit of the wood?
“Oh, I came here to pick herbs for my-”
“You came here for herbs?” The blank maiden almost seemed to find that humorous.
“Yes, I came here for herbs...is there something wrong with that?”
“Haven’t you heard of what lives in this part of the wood? ”
Everything suddenly stilled in the wood, like something was watching and listening to their little chat.
“What lives here then, Koyomi?” 
“A wizard,” The colorful maiden had never heard of this ‘Wizard’, but she didn’t miss the small smirk that formed on Koyomi’s face. “He’s said to be quite a grim man…as fearsome as a dragon.”
“As fearsome as a dragon you say?” Hina asked while she stepped closer to the other maiden. "If that's the case, then why are you out here alone?"
Silence formed between them as Koyomi seemed unamused by the question.
“I’m not afraid of the wizard.” She slowly began to back away into the trees as Hina started to follow. "But that doesn’t mean that you should stick around.”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because…he’s not afraid of you.”
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notoneglance · 1 year
Dang I figured Fueki's arc was wrapping up enough that Sora would be the final villain, but I didn't expect Sora to kill Fueki like that much less Koyomi
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 1 year
I think we need this one
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kamenwriter · 4 years
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Koyomi Fueki goes shopping, Kamen Rider Wizard
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iconnoteven · 5 years
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Odds and ends from Kamen Rider Wizard 💍✨
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hazardlevei · 6 years
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wizard feeding me with the found family trope: you are safe now my child
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sewingbear · 6 years
A1 , koyomi fueki form kamen rider wizard ,please
Yes!!! I don’t know much about Wizard but I really like Koyomi. She’s very cute
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Kamen Rider Wizard/RWBY Crossover AU Ideas
- The setting is rooted in the RWBY universe with elements and events for Kamen Rider Wizard occurring as part of the world. 
- In this crossover, Haruto Soma is Haru Soma, though has the nickname Haruto from a misunderstanding when her parents were talked about her toes ("Haru's toes, harutoes, Haruto" as its described). She is sightly older than Yang and studied at Mistral to be a huntress.  Like her Wizard counterpart, she lost her parents at a young age and making the same promise to keep hope alive. Unlike her counterpart she enjoys her role as a wizard more, seeing it new skill to help her as a huntress, though no less horrified by the circumstances of how she gained these powers. Her weapon as a huntress is styled after the SIC version of the WizarSwordGun with the hand author being added on after the Sabbath.
- Haru also gets her showmanship for her parents who were travelling performers while they were alive.
- Mana/Aura are closely connect in the same way the Maidens' power is connected to their Aura. Beast can consume both Mana and Aura in a fight (against Phantoms and Humans).
- Phantoms in this setting can also vary in appearance to include the Grimm though stylised to appear both like Phantoms in Wizard and like mythical creatures/fairy tale versions of themselves. 
- Koyomi is in the same situation as in canon though she performs the role as Haru's ring crafter/equipment maintenace (though the maintenace part is shared between the pair).
- Kosuke Nitoh is a faunus (lion) archeologist working for the White Fang directly under Sienna Khan. As opposed to V5's murder in her first scene, Kosuke is able to heal her and save her from further attacks by dawning the Beast Driver. He's skilled in using it due to studying texts found with the driver in an area closely tied to the Faunus heritage. The coup by Adam causes Sienna to go into hiding and seek the help of the Belladonna family in Menagerie (the coup scene happening earlier than RWBY canon to allow for them to group up. Beast is stronger than basic styled Wizard, though less skilled because of Kousuke inexperience with real world combat.
- The existence of Phantoms in a human have drastic and unpredictable though not immediately noticeable effects. Example: In the setting, BeastChimera is the natural Phantom of the first Faunus king. However the king was human and due to Chimera's nature, all his descendants took on the traits of animals (like in RWBY canon, just one animal trait) and are in the origin of the Faunus species. Kousuke on the other hand (while not attuned; talked about in later part) can display Faunus traits and abilities by scanning the mantle ring in civilian form. Using the Chimerise ring can also cause him to take on a chimeric faunus form though both these uses use considerable mana to maintain. 
- Fueki shares a similar origin to his Wizard counterpart. Fueki objective in using Haru as a Wizard is different though. Fueki performed the original Sabbath with help from Salem under the guise of creating a Phantom army strong enough to deal with the huntsman and huntresses of the world as well as the Maiden and the silver eyed warriors. However Haru being able to hold in their Phantom and gain magic allow both Salem and Fueki to realise that they could create a person similar enough in nature to a Maiden that they could bypass the locks to the Relics. Fueki also realises he can also use Haru to "complete" Koyomi at the cost of Haru's life and Phantom.
- While Haru wasn't the only one to survive the Sabbath originally, though the despair brought on by the ritual attracted the Grimm, who in turn killed what few survivors there were apart for Haru who is saved by Fueki.
- Infinity style is born from joy in this continuity, as Haru realises how much she hopes to a full life with Koyomi with her, leading her to reawaken her power on her own when she realises that her hope is still alive so her power (WizarDragon Phantom) must still be alive as it became her "hope". Infinity Style is also the closest thing to a Maiden that isn't a Maiden in the setting.
- Beast Hyper is born from a ring the Faunus king created to pass on his power to his immediate successor. However this lead to Chimera breaking free and wreaking havoc until is was trapped in the Beast Driver. The Hyper Ring was used to attune the Underworld inside a person to match another then transfer a foreign Phantom into the attuned Underworld as if not correctly attuned leads to the Beast situation (Needing to consume mana to survive).
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vaguedoctor · 1 year
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at first I lol’d
then I serious’d…..
Source: Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie War Ultimatum
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captainbloo2023 · 2 years
Kamen Rider Wizard: Festival of Fate - Chapter 1 "The Invitation"
Rarely was there mail for Wajima’s antiques. Aside from the generic bills like water, electricity and rent, never did a letter ever arrive to one of the three residents who took refuge there. It isn’t like Haruto nor Koyomi had any parents to send them sweet notes detailing the mundane intricacies of life, and the gift of knowledge asking for a novel in return. Questions like: How is school? Are you eating well? Any girlfriends? Neither of them have ever written a letter of the sort, so mail was a bit of a foreign concept. Besides, even if Koyomi did have family out there, because of course she has to - then how would they ever know she was residing here in Tokyo? It was the largest city in the world, you may spend years searching for a lost relative. Aside from their allies, Haruto and Koyomi were two people who may very well be shadows to the world. Two lost souls in a sea of faceless figures.
At least they had each other, after all. How long has it been now? Eight months? It’s been nearly a year since they met on that beach that fateful day. A lot has happened. Along the way they’ve met new friends, made new enemies and throughout their daily triumphs they have become stronger. Not only Haruto with his magic, but Koyomi in discovering her will to not just survive - to live. In each other and in their allies the duo has newfound hope, and no longer are either of them alone to deal with the curse of being survivors of the Sabbath. What was once a valiant venture has become a routine, and fear has turned into comfort in routine. Save one person, save the world.
But what if a world outside of their scope existed? Would their comfort turn back into fear, and spiral into despair? If that world beckoned the question: is magic a gift, or merely a well masked curse, would Haruto and Koyomi - would all of them be able to climb out from the hole of doubt and embrace the light once more? If magic is a curse, and stands as a natural force then what is the true nature of the world itself? A canvas to paint whatever your heart desires, or a cruel cage of fate that twists every free turn around your neck with the only release offered in suffocation being the clarity that your destiny was rigged from the start? There were times when Haruto himself wondered if being a wizard was a choice or not. After all, the driver was passed down to him by the White Wizard. He was chosen as the wizard, but then again… It is his choice to act with it. 
How much of Haruto Soma and his fate truly belonged to him?
Perhaps, the new world may hold his answer. In the form of an invitation to be exact, a vanilla coloured letter with a primrose seal.
“A letter?” Haruto asked, Koyomi handing him the envelope. “That’s not something we see everyday.”
“No,” Koyomi shook her head. “It came in the mail this morning while you were out hunting a phantom.” 
“Are you sure this isn’t for Wajima-san?” He inspected it more closely. Holding it up to the light, he hoped that the material would be thin enough to see inside. Unfortunately, it was not. Its material is too thick, and although looking like paper, feels much more like ephemera. 
“I can’t tell.” Koyomi sighed, resting her elbow against the back counter. “This could become troublesome…”
“It’s just as you said.” Haruto smirked, snapping in her direction, his index finger pointed right at her gloomy frown. “We can’t tell, right?” 
Without another word, he carefully removed the primrose seal. He handed it to Koyomi, much to her dismay. A kind gesture, but she wasn’t in the mood to be flirted with. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“It fits you.” Haruto shrugged. “Man, this thing feels ancient…” Little did the young man know he was much closer than he imagined. As he inched his fingers towards the seams of the envelope a bright light enveloped the room! “I can’t see a thing!!” He shouted. The bright light shifted colors, integrating the scheme of a rainbow and blasted itself in figures of waves and dots all around the walls. On instinct, Haruto dived behind the couch, and Koyomi picked up a frying pan.
It levitated in the air and spun around rapidly, the beams of light almost acting like bullets with how quickly they spat against the wall. It wouldn’t harm you, of course, but it would turn you into a different colour! All objects on Wajima’s shelf, ancient magical antiques were now discoloured mashes of shapes. “Haruto!” Koyomi screamed in reassurance of his safety. She didn’t dare to peek from beneath the counter.
“I’m OK!” He shouted back. 
Suddenly, the doors to Wajima’s shop opened up.
“Good morning!” It was Shunpei Nara, strolling in without a care in the world and no knowledge of the catastrophe that lie before him.
“Oi, Haruto, Koyomi-chan!!” Who was the unfortunate soul behind him? Rinko Daimon, of course. Before either of them knew what was going on, they were flogged with several bullets of energy that shot right through them. After one last flash of light the storm was over. 
“Are you two okay?!” Quickly, Haruto rushed to their side.
“Am I… dying Haruto-san?” Shunpei asked in a weary voice. He looked weak, and frail whilst he clung tightly onto the young sorcerer’s collared jacket. The end was near for his assistant. That was it, wasn’t it, huh? To die just like that. Suddenly, without time to think back on his many life regrets. Well, he had a nice time. It sucks that it had to be cut short so soon, before Shunpei could perform real magic himself.
He’s had a good life.
“No.” Haruto said. “Not even close, you seem fine.” He helped him get to his feet. “Although… You might want to take a look in the mirror. You too, Rinko-chan.”
“What, did I get something on my face?” She clasped at her cheeks, rubbing them up and down to ensure that there was nothing present, or that she wasn’t oddly misshapen from being slapped to the floor by the pelting of beams. Slowly, Rinko rose to her feet. Anxiety coursed through her veins as she came head to the frame of the shelf mirror. Why was everyone staring at her with such restraint in their hearts?
Rinko turned around without another thought. She screamed.
“I think the colour looks great on you, Rinko-chan.” Shunpei whispered encouragingly, trying not to tick her off. Blonde suited her. It really brought out the fire in her eyes, or maybe that was just the unwavering fury. “Of course you’d say that!” She shouted, twirling the brindles in her hair in a dim manner. “You look like a rainbow!”
“Doesn’t he always?” Koyomi asked, watching from afar. It was then that Haruto came back into the main room carrying a box labelled only as PHYSICAL TRANSFORMATION. 
“Here,” He reached in and tossed a few random assortment of rings out. “Try them on and let’s see what happens.”
“A-ah!” Shunpei barely caught his batch, having to dive right over the table. “You have to be more careful with this!!” He cried out, his heart nearly dropping into his gut. “Mr. Wajima instructed us not to go back into his closet next to the workshop.”
“Maybe for you, because you’re an apprentice.” Haruto said smugly. “Besides, we can’t exactly wait around for him all day.”
“Are you sure those rings can help?” Koyomi had her pan by her side in case it all went awry. 
“We can’t tell.” He snickered.
“You should stop saying that…” She sighed. They tried out the rings one by one. Wajima didn’t exactly label them, as he was the main man handling all of their equipment up until lately. It’d been only a few weeks since the old man had decided to take upon the klutzy assistant as his apprentice in being a ringsmith. It’s been a rough start, and most of his rings have yet to do anything substantial, but if Shunpei was a man of anything, he was one of resilience and ambition. His love for magic was unrivalled, surpassing the likes of Haruto. One day, he would be a brilliant craftsman - even if he had a lot to learn.
“Let’s try this one out.” Haruto suggested, handing it to Rinko. With some reluctance, she tried it on. BEEFCAKE, PLEASE!
Suddenly, the muscles on Rinko Daimon expanded. In a matter of seconds she had the body of a competitive weightlifter! “Guess that’s not the one we’re looking for…” Haruto muttered.
“Hm, I don’t know.” Rinko twirled in the mirror. She was admiring her new physique. Maybe they’d let her keep this one? “I could get used to this.” Shunpei tried on his first, but only after some prodding from Koyomi. These rings could do anything, after all.
Shunpei was now shorter than Koyomi. All of them gathered around, watching in amusement as he started freaking out. It was like watching an action figure sprout to life out of the blue. “He’d make for such a cute doll. Koyomi, do you have any dollhouses around here?” Rinko asked, sticking her finger right in the poor man’s face.
“Not that I know of.” She shook her head. The gang tried out several other rings.
Shunpei turned into a round blob. They rolled him down the street much to his dismay.
Rinko was now covered in zebra stripes.
Rinko’s entire torso was shaped like a pyramid.
Koyomi was now 6’0 tall. Why did she try on a ring? Well, she got curious. 
After at least a dozen rings, Shunpei and Rinko returned to normal. 
“Let’s leave the testing to Mr. Wajima next time…” Shunpei said, ironing out the cricks in his neck. “Um, Haruto… What even happened in the first place?” Haruto’s eyes jolted right open. He had nearly forgotten!
“This right here.” He reached for the letter. This time he was much more careful about opening it. 
“A letter?” Rinko said, examining it up close. “That’s what caused this? Shouldn’t we take this to the police? It could be a danger to you.”
“Do they have a section for magic?” Haruto asked. “Besides, I’m sure it’ll be fine now.” The letter was opened once more.
The disembodied voice was loud and carried throughout the house. Even the neighbours got a whiff of the speech! When it was all said and done, no one knew what to do next. Haruto picked up the letter to ensure he heard it right and there in writing was the transcript. As it turns out, he did hear that correctly. “Celestice Island?” He scratched his head. “Never heard of it.”
“Wooooow!” Shunpei was all over him, breaking any sort of physical boundary between the two as he reached for the letter, much to Haruto’s dismay as he held it high above his head. “Haruto’s been invited to a festival! Are you bringing us along?!” Shunpei fell into despair for a moment. “Oh, please say you’re taking us with you!”
“Was that ever out of the question?!” Haruto shouted, trying to keep his clingy friend off his back.
“Aren’t you being rather hasty about this?” Koyomi asked, an upturned frown finding its way on the corner roots of her mouth. “We don’t know anything about this place. What if it’s a trap?”
“If it isn’t?” Haruto said. “We’d be missing out on something pretty cool here, wouldn’t we?”
“Right, and after all…” Rinko laid her arm on his shoulder. “All we’ve been doing is battling phantoms. We deserve a break, don’t we?” It was at the mention of phantoms that Haruto turned his heel on the whole idea. He plopped the letter back onto the desk and turned around, pocketing his hands. “Nevermind.” He shook his head.
“What?” Rinko raised her brows. “You were so cheery about it just a minute ago…” “I can’t just abandon my duties here.” He crossed his arms. “If we take some time off, who knows how many gates could become victims of the Phantoms?” There goes his savior complex; a trait that all of them had studied quite well. For better or worse, probably worse - Haruto never took a day off as a hero. In fact, he had forgotten what it was like to take a vacation, so the enticing idea of a tropical adventure ashamedly allowed his responsibility to slip away. “I can’t afford to leave, even if it’s for a few days.”
“That’s not fair.” Rinko argued. “The last part of this year you’ve put your life on the line for everyone else, us included. If you don't take a day off at some point then you’ll never do it.”
“I have to agree.” Koyomi chimed in. “If you overexert yourself then you might not have enough energy in the future.”
Haruto plopped onto the couch, thinking it over. It was true, he hadn’t had a single day of rest since the Sabbath. Every minute of his life was spent attending to potential victims and assisting Gates whilst ridding of Phantoms. He was unable to remember the last time he ever did anything to his own leisure. “Still, if I’m gone, who's going to ensure the safety of Gates?” 
“We’ve met quite a few allies along the way.” Koyomi suggested. “There should be someone out there who can handle it.”
“How about Nitoh?” Shunpei suggested. Haruto shot him a look that said ‘I would rather not, but it’s worth a try.’ He reached into his pocket for his cell phone and dialed Kosuke. Thank the stars he managed to get his number. With a guy as nomadic as him, it’s hard to pin down where he’ll end up. He waited for the dial tone, but nothing came up. Nothing but a voicemail. Trying again, he hoped it was just a fluke. Still, nothing.
“Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“But there has to be someone else!” Shunpei cried out in desperation. “Right?!”
“... There is one guy I know.” Haruto stretched out his legs. “It’s a longshot. I’ve only met him a few times.” Everyone sat in a circle around Haruto and prayed for their last hope: the mystery man who would grant them all a delightful vacation. A second passed, nothing. Another second passed. Again, nothing. This third second was the make or break for them. 
“Hello?” Haruto said. He picked up! They all cheered, Shunpei prancing around the room. Haruto stood up, wandering off from the living room. “It’s been a while, and it’s a lot to ask but I have a favor to ask…”
The rest of the group stood by the corner, listening closely for who this mysterious man could be. The bits and pieces they made out with weren’t enough to be discernible for the elusive hero’s identity. “Hm? Just like that, huh? You’re a lot friendlier than I imagined…” Haruto laughed. “Right, right. Anything for a friend. Well, that’s cool. We haven’t seen much of each other, but… I appreciate this. A lot. Thank you.” He was about to hang up, but he figured he needed to add one more tidbit. “Look, if anything gets out of hand I need you to call me as soon as possible. I believe you. Once again, thank you - and I owe you one.”
Haruto walked back into the room, and the trio of snoopers dropped to the floor. “So?” Koyomi waited for the deciding answer. “Pack your bags. We’re going on vacation.” Everyone cheered again, this time much more loudly, celebrating the once in a lifetime opportunity. There was a lot that needed to be done. 
Later that night, Haruto lay in his bed with his head to the clouds. He couldn’t believe he’d actually accepted this offer. That mystery hero came in for the clutch, and he was glad that someone out there still considered him a great friend in spite of their scarce meetings. Still, he had to wonder what this festival was all about. The earlier doubts of Koyomi lingered in his head. Was there any deeper meaning to this invitation? For all he knows, he very much could be walking right into his end. Still, the thought of getting away and meeting other magical beings was too enticing to pass up. He’d been on his own for far too long, and he has to know for himself if there are others out there like him and Nitoh. Maybe he wouldn’t have to play hero alone for much longer.
“Celestice Island…” 
A thousand leagues beneath the sea, in a deep dark hole hid a powerful force that lay restless adjacent to our hero. Imprisoned by those it once trusted, this unstoppable being of immense strength poked its head past the dense bars placed to keep its impending destruction dormant. The moon was bright tonight. It shined like a diamond, sprinkling a tiny glimmering beam of light to the center of this spiraled cage. The cries of the damned, the hopeless filled the air as it made its presence known once more to the world. It has waited too long for a night like this. The day it longed for has finally shown its face. The presence formed a dark grin; its lone heart had never held this amount of excitement. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43914396/chapters/110414802
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m0dernv4mpire · 3 years
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notoneglance · 1 year
ooooh the moment when Haruto decides to risk letting a Gate be overcome by despair (rationalizing that he can just go to his underworld if necessary) in order to pursue his own goals is so juicy
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iristial · 3 years
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flaim-ita · 3 years
Hope’s Echo
Koyomi/Haruto, 1.4k+
The memories of how it all ended come in flashes.
(Which shouldn’t be possible, not for a ghost in a ring on a mimicry of herself.)
She moves in her loop, memory to memory and moment to moment. Only the good times, and she’s an echo, so it doesn’t feel weird. It feels…
Yeah, like this is his hope. Hers too.
But then she starts to notice the loop, is when it starts feeling odd. Each time she loops to the first night, so worried for the future that she and Haruto had slept in the same room, her taking bed and him the floor despite her assurances that for her, it didn’t matter.
“No,” he’d said. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”
Said with the voice of someone guilty, though she hadn’t discovered how much so until later. But still, it was easier for them both, to wake up th next morning with the only other person who could understand them at their side.
But it loops, and so, she dreams.
She dreams of how it begins to end, and slowly, things change.
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