#tokyo revengers yasuda
murielmierch · 1 month
Save Peh-yan from his angry wife... oh, from Yasuda🤣
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Tokyo revengers characters in a fantasy setting of feudal Japan⛩️ | Part_2
In my story, Peh-yan would be the son of a samurai, and Yasuda would serve the daimyo as a servant. It seems like in this scene, she doesn't know yet that Peh-yan is higher in status than her. However, I think Yasuda is such a strict and self-confident girl that even a high rank wouldn't make her change her mind about this guy🥰🥹
By the way, I still don't understand one thing. Is "Tomo" Yasuda's name or a nickname?🤔
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Do have like… headcanons for Peh and Pah chin’s wives: Yasuda and Mori Yumi? I love those underrated girls sm you don’t understand 😭
Yeah they are super underrated, I do have a thoughts on them too!
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She's very good at baking, while in school she would make Mitsuya treats often (Pah and Peh usually tried to steal some from her).
She still calls Mitsuya "prez" even into adulthood, she just can't help it.
Yasuda was also close to Mana and Luna, she was often the one babysitting them when their mother was working and Mitsuya was attending toman meetings and fights.
Her and Peh confessed to each other mid bickering 
She actually doesn't remember when she fell in love with Peh, it happened slowly, over time.
When she first met Hakkai it was the awkwardest meeting ever. Yasuda was intimidated by how big and scary he looked and Hakkai was intimidated because she's a girl. They both remained silent, refusing to look at each other until Mitsuya intervened. 
The reason Yasuda was so passionate about her club and craft is because her grandmother taught her to sew and she wants to share how fun and useful her craft is with others.
The first time she sees Ran she thinks his hairstyle is ridiculous for a delinquent.
Yasuda is actually a very fast runner 
She hand sews all of Peh and her friend's birthday presents.
At least once she heard there was a delinquent in the school who wanted to see Mitsuya and went to go yell at them (assuming it was Peh or one of his friends again). Instead she started yelling at some random guy who was actually there to beat Mitsuya up and he was so baffled he just left.  
She has a history with delinquent's and used to get bullied by a group of them when she was younger.
Actually gets along with Draken though, despite his appearance she found him to be a generally nice guy. (She teams up with him and Hakkai to throw Mitsuya's birthday parties). 
Yumi's also a very touch heavy person when speaking to people, she'll touch people's arms and hands a lot while talking (this nearly made Hakkai faint when they first met).
When she met a lot of the others she ended up telling them the story of how her and Pah met. This ended in most of the guys having competitions where the loser had to put their pants on their head.
Ok idk why but she gives me kinda counsellor vibes, maybe for kids too so i think she'd work either as a kids counsellor or some kind of position in a school or maybe even social services.
She just seems like a very kind and chill person who wants to help kids who find things difficult (like how she, Pah and Peh did).
However under all that kindness she also has an incredibly chaotic side. Like that's the reason she wasn't phased by anything at her wedding because she's more chaotic then anything the others could've done.
She couldn't attend Hina's and Takemichi's wedding because she was sick at the time. Like Emma she was also pregnant but was further along/ having a more difficult pregnancy and had to stay home. She felt bad but Hina and Takemichi understood and she made Pah promise to get her plenty of photos.
She loves sweets, has a total sweet tooth!
She slowly started to change from bully to friend because of influence from Pah and Peh.
Pah felt so guilty after stabbing Osanai that he wrote Yumi a letter telling her to never talk to him again and to just forget about him. Yumi of course refused to stick to that and said she still wanted to be with him (after telling him off for saying such a thing to her and assuming it's best for her just to forget about him).
Actually while Pah was locked up Yumi spent a lot more time with Peh. They kept each other company while Pah was gone.
Yumi also gets along really well with Pochi
Her parent's weren't around a lot, they were very busy with work. Which is why her earlier behavior went unchecked and why she suddenly had to move (her parent's got a promotion).
And finally Yumi and Yasuda were kind of forced into becoming best friends because of how often their husband's would take them to double dates and spend time with each other. It's ok though because they generally do enjoy each other's company and care a lot about each other. 
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alfredo0724 · 4 months
Timeskip Yasuda
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allonnotion · 9 months
Hunger Games: Tokyo Revengers Edition
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(the characters were selected through a spin in the wheel, so...)
Once again, I've decided to go through the Hunger Games simulator again, but with Tokyo Revengers characters. The results are...interesting.
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(forgot to screenshot this, but Taiju stabs Naoto in the back with a trident.)
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and the winner is...
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the results:
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link to this simulator will be in the comments...
link to the masterlist...
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migila · 6 months
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Good match indeed; I ship them, too!
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buccini555 · 11 months
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𝐘𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐝𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
⁀➴ Headcans of what it would be like to date Yasuda
ᶻ 𝗓ᵎ H e a d c a n o n s!
ᜊ꒰ ᜊ ´ ˘'꒱ ੭ 𝑭𝒕. Yasuda
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She is extremely sensitive even though she shows the opposite, Yasuda cries very easily and her heart breaks very easily.
Her favorite way to show love and affection is acts of service, she loves to help you with any activity and is always exceptionally helpful.
Yasuda doesn't really like physical contact, however, hugs are welcome.
She is very jealous, even if she doesn't talk about it, jealousy bothers her a lot.
She often prefers to just stay at home, however she likes to walk in quiet places, with few people and generally outdoors.
Yasuda likes to please you with praise and motivation, she likes to keep you happy as much as she can.
She likes vanilla ice cream and always shares it with you.
Most of the gifts she gives you, she makes herself.
Even though she really likes horror films, she feels a lot of fear.
Yasuda tries hard to show how much she loves you even though she has her own way of showing her feelings, she is extremely sentimental, but she keeps these feelings to herself most of the time.
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pastxlscorp · 1 year
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Reading the side stories just gave me motivation to finish my mitsuya fanfic. oh also. I don’t know if peh yan and yasuda are canon (I always imagined that peh yan liked yasuda and yasuda liked Mitsuya but on the wiki page it says yasuda is married to peh yan so…) but I definitely will be writing a one shot abt this. you know I love me and angst.
update: apparently yasuda and peh yan are canonically married. anyways
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tamayokny · 2 years
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sweet-little-dude · 2 years
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iwashieonhiatus · 1 month
My Tokyo Revengers Headcanons | pt.VII
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✯ Shinichiro marked the height of Mikey, Baji, and Emma in a corner of the dojo, and always comes back to see how much they've grown.
✯ Pah-chin was the first to realize that Peh-yan liked Yasuda, he and the Mit were the cupids.
✯ Mitsuya is not active on social media, he has two photos on Instagram - one of his sisters and the other of a Toman meeting. Yamaguchi is chronically online and always explains the memes.
✯ Emma has a collection of stuffed animals that Draken gave her.
✯ Mikey waits patiently for Draken and Emma to confess, but while it doesn't happen, he looks at them like 🤭​.
✯ Angry listens to anime openings.
✯ Ran has rhinitis.
✯ Smiley, Baji, Kazutora, Hanma and Wakasa are the neighbors who pass naked in front of the window.
✯ Kazutora still keeps in touch with his mother.
✯ Kazutora has the most random playlist among the boys.
✯ Takuya, Sanzu, Baji, Ran, Mitsuya and Emma talk about hair products.
© iwashie 2024, please do not translate, modify or republish my works.
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celestica-1988 · 10 months
Some other Tokyo Revengers characters headcanon. There will be SPOILERS.
When Mikey left the Sano household he brought with him his towel and some pics of the people he lost. Almost every night when he's curled up in his towel ready to sleep he watches the pics and cries. Yes, even when he's in bonten.
Draken biggest regret is not confessing his feelings to Emma. So when he gets up and goes to bed he always says "I love you" to her pic on the wall.
Baji is so scared of his mother tears because when she cries she turns in a really strong opponent. She's the female version of the blue ogre.
Chifuyu thought that his mother hated Peke J till one day when he got home from school and found the two sleeping together snuggling.
Takemichi finds some notes of his past self in which he's confused about being friends with people he doesn't even remember he knew and lately being involved in a gang. Past Takemichi is afraid he's going insane so our Takemichi writes te a note in which he explains everything. Not surprisingly past Takemichi is even more confused and thinks he need a therapist.
Kazutora is proud of his tattoo. He just wish people in Japan wouldn't be so scared of tattoos because sometimes is tired of hide it with turtlenecks.
Takuya likes to watch wrestling.
Yamagishi dream is that his delinquent encyclopedia would be published one day.
Akkun dies his hair red by himself as a training to be an hairdresser.
Mitsuya is very good at karaoke, he likes to sing rock songs.
Hakkai is the first and more hardcore shipper of Mitsuya x Yuzuha. He really wants Taka-chan to be a part of his family.
Sometimes Taiju babysits Mana and Luna. One time they asked him to watch IT (the 90s version) with them since Takanii forbid them to watch such a scary horror movie, Taiju accepted but not much longer the movie started Mana and Luna started to cry and Taiju did his best to comfort them (he said he would punch any clowns that goes close to them or something similar). In the end the little ones fell asleep in his arms and Taiju had to live for a week with the Mitsuya because Mana and Luna felt safe only near to him. Needless to say an angry Mitsuya scolded Taiju.
When Pahchin gets released all the Toman members throw a party for him. He was sad Mikey was not there though.
When Yasuda confessed to Pehyan he malfunctioned and froze for a solid 15 minutes.
Angry thought for a while that he would be a nurse when he will be an adult. He changes his mind after seeing Nahoya smiling with his eyes wide in delight while eating the ramen that he prepared. Since then Angry wants to be a ramen chef.
Smiley once stole Angry favorite stuffed animal, Souya got so upset that accidentally unleashed the blue ogree. Since then Nahoya always politely asks to Souya if he can borrow one of his plushies.
Mucho goes to punk rock concerts, one time he brought Sanzu with him, but it wasn't a good idea. Sanzu beated almost all the people in the venue.
Sanzu ends up regretting killing Mucho, he misses the older brother he was for him. Especially when he feels lonely and he realizes he has got nobody to talk to.
When Kisaki reaches the afterlife Baji punches him in the face so hard that for a moment he was sure he would come back in the world of the livings.
Hanma likes to play shooting games at the arcade, but when he loses he usually punches the machine.
Kokonoi lives in a traditional house when he's in bonten. There are a lot of candles, lanterns and things that make it a cozy place. Only Miley is admitted in his house and only for urgent matters. The house is his sanctuary to find inner peace after dealing with his crazy coworkers.
Inui likes goth girls more because they understand and appreciate his hobbies.
When Izana listens to Queen the whole neighborhood listens to Queen.
Kakucho learned to cook from Mochi.
Mochi hates creeps who harass women and always beat them down to a pulp. Harassing a woman is not an honorable behavior for a man!
Shion always fails tests of courage since when he was a kid. He believes in ghosts and he's afraid of them.
Rindou panicked when Ran slept for a whole day, he thought he was dead or in a coma. That's when he realized how important Ran is to him. When Ran woke up he cried for joy and ran to buy a mont blanc for his brother.
Ran cut his hair because he was tired of Sanzu calling him Wednesday or Annabelle.
Never insult someone because they are not fully Japanese in front of South, he will punch the living shit out of you. Since he's also a mixed race person he hates when people are bullied for that reason.
Wakasa saved a stray cat once and let the kitten live with him. Now when he doesn't wanna hang out with Takeomi he said he's busy... Busy cuddling his cat that he treasures so much because it help him avoid unnecessary social situations. And because... Who doesn't love a cat?
Benkei likes to built copies of castles in miniature. It relaxes him cause it takes great concentration and ability to do that in the right way.
Takeomi gossips like an old lady with his coworkers (may God help them)
Shinichiro cried the first time he watched Titanic, it's one of his favorite movies.
Yuzuha meets with Emma and Senju every month to talk about how hard it is dealing with problematic brothers.
Hinata is a fan of Avril Lavigne and sometimes she dreams of touring around the world playing the songs she wrote. Unluckily she can't sing but she has got some alternative fashion clothes.
Emma talks and sleeps with the plushie Draken gave to her. She calls him Kenken.
Senju goes often to Harajuku to take inspiration for her outfits.
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toriyourwelcome · 2 years
Yasuda <33 💗💗
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I'd love to know what extent Yasuda would go to for Mitsuya's "bright future" though. Personally I'd love to see her show up to the fight and just like throw a shoe at Mikey's head.
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alfredo0724 · 3 months
Final Timeline Headcanons pt 2
Here's a continuation of my headcanons for the final timeline 💕
Manga spoilers below -
Part one Part three
The Haitani brothers and the Kawata twins have a love-hate friendship. Nahoya bickers with them while Souya is more relaxed. They spend time with each other outside of Toman meetings at restaurants. The Haitanis invite them to parties sometimes.
Yumi and Pah have a very wholesome and soft relationship. They didn't put a label on their relationship in the beginning, people already assumed they were a couple. It was like that until Pah was asked about it by his close friends. He formally asked Yumi to be his girlfriend after that.
Yasuda is the one that asks out Peh-Yan. Mitsuya knew they liked each other all along and both of them confided in him before they started a relationship. Yasuda becomes protective of Peh in a 'tsudnere' way. Peh-yan doesn't admit it all the time, but he likes doing cliche relationship things with her.
If Takemichi and Hina were to ever have kids, they would all look exactly like Takemichi. Hina often teases him that he cries more than their kids when they were babies, which is true.
The Sano house became a popular spot for sleepovers when everyone was really young. Shinichiro made sure to have enough sleeping bags for Mikey, Takemichi, Sanzu, Baji, Izana and Kakucho. Senju and Emma would have their own sleepover and often had to kick Mikey out when he came to steal their snacks.
Since Ryusei is canon to the story, I think he would come by Peke J land a lot in the future. Mostly to annoy Chifuyu on purpose.
When Draken and Emma have their kid, all the ex-toman members become very protective of them. Mitsuya personally makes clothes for their child that aren't in his brand. The baby refers to Mitsuya as an uncle sometimes. Hina also becomes very close with their baby too. She volunteers to take care of them when Draken and Emma go on dates. Their baby refers to her as an aunt sometimes too.
I think Emma may have confessed to Draken first. She was getting anxious about how he felt about her, so Takemichi and Hina convinced her it would all work out just fine.
When Draken and Emma started dating, her brothers all reacted differently. Mikey was finally relieved the secret was out, Shinichiro was very happy Emma was with someone he knew would be good for her, and Izana became a bit protective of her and kind of threatened Draken if he were to hurt her, which he obviously never would.
Thousand Winters still forms after Toman disbands. Their reactions are all pretty much the same. They've got a photo album with pictures they all took in the t-shirts. However, it took a lot of convincing for Inui to be in the pictures.
Sanzu and Senju often wear clothing that closely matches with one another. They have their own sense of style, but sometimes it blends together and they wear similar things.
Luna and Mana are still very close with Taiju. He picks them up from school a lot and takes them to amusement parks and stuff. However, he doesn't like to admit he enjoys it even though everyone else knows he does. Yuzuha and Hakkai have dozens of photos where he's dressed in costumes or wearing cosmetics when Luna and Mana ask him too. When they're older, they sometimes still call him 'Tai' (the nickname they used in the birthday illustration).
Taiju is good at cooking, but he sucks at baking like the epilogue mentioned. He does thinks like burn chocolate, doesn't use enough flower or even squeezes piping bags too hard, causing them to explode.
Yuzuha is an older sister figure to Luna and Mana. She takes them shopping for clothes, teaches them how to put on makeup when they're older and watches over them while they grow up.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Heyyyy girl
Can I request Tokyo revengers boys reaction to going on a roller coaster with fem reader?
Rollercoaster Headcanons
throws up after every roller coaster ride
PEH, Takeomi, Kakucho, Koko, Kazutora, Akkun
hates rollercoasters and won't do it
KISAKI, Taiju, Inupi, TOMO
kiddie rides ONLY
TAKEMICHI, Izana, Shinichiro, EMMA
is straight-faced
Draken, Wakasa, YUZUHA, Mochi, MUCHO
tries to remain calm on the large drops but just can't
CHIFUYU, Mitsuya, Benkei, Hakkai, Hina, NAOTO, Takuya
does not understand the "hands and feet inside the coaster at all times"
SHION, Baji, Hanma, RAN, Angry, South, Yamagishi
loves them and will always seek a thrill
Mikey, PAH, Senju (canon), Sanzu, RINDOU, Smiley, MAKOTO, Akane, YUMI
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jupiters-galaxy · 2 years
Yasuda hcs
I love this spunky teen don’t judge the amount of hcs I have for her!
-She began sewing at the age of 7. She was a very introverted and awkward child who had problems making friends, so her mom taught her how to sew to keep herself busy. She joined the handicraft club as soon as she was old enough, and she quickly learned to channel all of her energy into it.
-She tends to hum or sing quietly while she sews or embroiders.
-Her specialty is making quilts, pillows, and stuffed animals! She likes cute things and that’s what she spends her time on.
-She has a pet bunny that she got when she was 8. His name is Sunday and he’s a bastard to everyone but her. When she has a bad day she’ll scoop him up and comb his coat while ranting about everything that happened that day. Sometimes she’ll fall asleep holding him and he’ll just cuddle into her stomach so she can still pet him and hold onto him.
-Her older sister actually bought her the bunny because she realized that Yasuda needed someone or something to confide in. 
-Because of her harsh nature and social awkwardness she was the token weird kid and only had friends because of her sewing prowess. She tended to get a bit used due to this, but she hardly minded. She helped people with their sewing in exchange for kindness and company from them.
-Mitsuya was her first REAL friend. He didn’t mind that she was weird and awkward and loud when nervous, he just thought her passion was cool! She admired his skills and despite her initial reluctance surrounding his delinquency, she learned to adore him.
-Through her adoration she developed a huge crush on Mitsuya. He was the first boy her age who seemed to GENUINELY care about her! And she fell HARD for him, but she was never confident enough to confess to him.
-So obviously she hates delinquents. For a long time, Mitsuya was the only exception to this rule and she was very brash towards any other delinquents because she was scared of them! The thing that finally convinced her to stop that was befriending Yumi Mori, AKA Pah’s girlfriend. Because Mitsuya was her closest friend, he invited her along on normal outings, and when Yumi Mori reconnected with Pah, she came along too. The two girls quickly got shoved together, and they wound up getting along extremely well.
Yumi Mori is incredibly sweet and caring and was pretty much the best friend Yasuda could ask for. Yasuda was shocked and horrified when Yumi opened up about being a bit of a delinquent herself, telling tales of all the fights she’d won and how she’d fallen in love with Pah because of those fights. When Yasuda told her how terrible that was for her, Yumi opened up about how she struggled with aggression from a young age and how fighting helped her clear her head. She pointed out that it was the same for Pah and a lot of his friends; they struggled with bad home lives or anger issues or something like that, and delinquency was a safe outlet for them.
Yasuda was kind of stunned to realize it was that deep, and after a few days of thinking about it she realized that Yumi was right and she formally apologized to Mitsuya and all of his friends. She apologized to Yumi too, but Yumi just laughed it off and gave her a hug.
-Yumi goes on to be her best friend and just in general a sweet sweet person to her. Yumi is tough at heart but she’s softened over the years, which makes her the PERFECT combination of sweet enough to be Yasuda’s best friend, and tough enough to protect Yasuda from anything bad that happens.
-Yasuda eventually confides in Yumi about her crush on Mitsuya, and she becomes the #1 wingman, constantly dropping hints around Mitsuya bout how Yasuda really really likes him. She’s such a babe!
-Yasuda is SO EMBARASSED about her crush, but Yumi reassures her it’s not that scary. Yumi was bold enough to confess to Pah right away, and he’d confessed back to her! But he was taking things slow and wanted to wait a bit to really try out their relationship (he didn’t think he was good enough for her and he wanted to try and be better first, but Yumi still held his hand sometimes and got a little flirty with him! Unfortunately for her Pah is a bit of a fool)
-Yasuda chickens out repeatedly though, so Yumi schemes and with Pah’s help she convinces Mitsuya to ask Yasuda out. Unbeknownst to Yasuda, he finds her weirdness charming and he likes spending time with her :)
-She thought she’d die when he confessed to her. She was SO HAPPY but she was scared too! Like!! What now!!
-She asked for some time to think before dating him
-And Mitsuya was fine with that but he could still feel his stomach roll with anxiety the whole night.
-She called Yumi when she got home, and she yelled at her for meddling. Yumi listened patiently before asking, very innocently, “So what are you gonna do?”
-She kinda wants to kill Yumi but she desperately needs advice so she sucks it up
-Anyways they start dating (I will probably make a separate post just foor Mitsuya and Yasuda stuffs)
-Yasuda is treated as another older sibling by Luna and Mana pretty early on. Mitsuya makes an effort to invite her over at least a few times a week and she adores the girls. She styles their hair and listens to them attentively and she reads them stories,,,
-Mitsuya is so in love with her and she’s WHIPPED. Usually after the girls are in bed they’ll spend an hour or so wrapped around each other on the living room couch, just cuddling and kissing and talking. She snuggles underneath him because she’s comforted by his weight and she likes being able to hide her face in his neck
-SIGHS they’re in love I’ll make another post about them later this week
-Anyways final thought she made a set of matching stuffed animals for her and Yumi because they both adore cute things and they’re just,,, besties
This is the most self indulgent post I’ve ever made I sincerely hope it’s coherent. Yasuda is straight up one of my faves, she is my GIRLLLLL
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