#tolaas bluue
nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
(Open starter with muse Tolaas Bluue)
Once again, it was amateur night at the Porkchop, the bar downtown. It wasn't a country bar per se, since it was in the middle of NYC, but it accepted all manner of songs. And that night, there was a live backup band for any singers participating.
Tolaas approached the bar, dressed in a black, country-style, black button-up shirt; his black, pressed jeans; a pair of black snakeskin cowboy boots with silver tips - highly polished; his black Stetson, that he only wore on certain occasions; and a black duster. He had his guitar slung around on his back.
He went over to the sign up sheet at the small table that had a clipboard, and was being watched over by a lovely woman who greeted him with a happy, "Hi there! Welcome! You here to sign up, handsome?"
Tolaas grinned, fangs glinting, and he nodded. "Yup, Feel like pleasin' a crowd tonight," and he winked.
The woman blinked at Tolaas' fangs, squinted, then decided she was seeing things and went back to smiling brightly at Tolaas. "Well, good, because we like all the talent on nights like this, sugar." She slid the clipboard toward him, and Tolaas took the pencil, writing his name on the paper. Right next to his name, he wrote Bad Things by Jace Everett.
The woman looked at the sign up sheet and nodded to tolaas, grinning herself. "That's a damned good song." She ehyed him up and down. "And you certainly got the look for it, don't you," she winked at him. "You're welcome to wait backstage, or in the crowd until your name is called."
Tolaas nodded, gesturing to the crowd. "I think I'll be out here with the crowd. Energy's better out here."
She nodded. "Good luck!"
He headed out into the crowd. Tolaas had always been a social person. Well, over the last couple of centuries, at least. And he said to the hostess at the table was correct - the energy was great out in the crowd. Something like this was what Tolaas needed to be fired up.
The first singer came out. She seemed to be a shy woman. She introduced herself in a shaky voice, and mentioned the song she was going to sing - Chandelier by Sia. Some people in the crowd whistled, some clapped. Then the band started playing. It was only a moment before she started singing. And while her voice was a little shaky starting out, she shortly found her real voice and when she hit the chorus of the song, she showed the crowd exactly what she could do with her vocal chords. The patrons went wild, cheering and clapping. They continued until the song ended. She got one hell of a reaction from the crowd. She ducked her had, grinning and blushing, and then headed off the stage.
A duo went up next, brothers they said. Sang a rendition of the Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody. They were good, not great, but good. Got a decent reaction from the crowd.
The next two amateurs sang songs you could dance to, and they definitely got people dancing.
It was Tolaas' turn. He went up onto the stage and grinned out at the crowd. "Name's Tolaas," he said, touching the brim of his Stetson, " an' this is Bad Things, by Jace Everett."
He plugged his guitar in, and started playing Then the band joined in. Tolaas' rendition was flawless, his voice was perfectly on pitch. He looked out into the crowd, winking at a couple of women, one who fanned herself, the other was nudged by the guy next to her and given a dirty look. Whoops.
A woman, standing near the middle of the crowd, caught Tolaas' eye, and he grinned at her and stared for a moment longer than he'd looked at anyone else in the crowd.
When he finished, the crowd went nuts with whistles and applause, the women whooped and hollered. Tolaas thanked everyone, unplugged his guitar, and stepped off the stage. He has a flush to his cheeks that had nothing to do with his singing, it had much more to do with how some women in the crowd reacted to him.
He made his way to the bar, and grinned at the bartender. He pulled out some bills, put them on the counter. "Jack, neat. Leave the bottle."
The bartender nodded, did what he was asked, took the money and walked to the register. Tolaas picked up the glass, took a sip, then took the bottle and the glass to an unoccupied (amazing on a night like this) table in the very back. This was perfect. He had done what he came to do, now it was time for him to hide, so to speak.
He flopped down in a seat, facing the crowd, sat the bottle down, drank from his glass, and watched the stage and the crowd.
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morgansmornings · 2 months
Secrets and Spirits
Closed thread with @nytehavyn-circle. Continued from This.
“Bold of you to assume that it worked in the first place. But I will give you a bonus point for creativity.” She leaned back in her seat, putting her back to the wall as was her forcefully trained habit. It didn’t matter what kind of bar one went to, old habits die hard when it was less known but more common for the creatures and monsters to be lurking in human skin.
She kept the tension rising in her from her shoulders, but unspoken wards started going up as she traced sigils on the glass with her nail. Someone only studied a person that hard for a very short list of reasons. She didn’t know him from the next Tom, Dick, or Harold that was bound to start strolling in off the street. She was going to be on her guard until she reached her home.
She studied his words. Picked them apart down to the individual meaning of each. They were odd, but considering this establishment also catered to the supernatural, it was understandable. But it did narrow down how many options she had to guess from. There was still a variety that could fill in for unspoken blatant truths. The only real question was, what he was after.
“Do you always ask something so intimate with someone you have never met or are you just trying to get a reaction?” Her hand settled over the top of her glass as she gave him her full attention. It was only polite after all.
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meaningful-negativity · 3 months
Tolaas grinned. "Name's Tolaas Bluue, an' I already know who you are," he said. "I risked havin' ya knock me on my ass by comin' over here, but ya looked like ya needed a hug.
Truth of the matter was that, in one way or another, somehow he had always managed to fall for a Wanda Maximoff, no matter what alternate version of her he met. So, yes, she looked like she needed a hug, but this time he managed to hug her without making the mistake of confusing her with any other Wanda he may have met.
"Feel better, darlin'?" he asked, stepping back to look at her. A big grin had appeared on his face, his fangs glinting.
She takes in the fangs with a smile and nods her head "i was missing my brother and you give hugs just about the way he did so i really needed that. You must be from somewhere else in the multiverse then huh? i mean if you know who i am already either that or you watch the news both of which could be at play here." Wanda then looks up at him "The fangs are cool by the way, you some kind of vampire or something? Maybe a mutant... not to insult if you are they're just cool looking." She chuckles with a cocked eyebrow at the other "Nice to meet you Tolaas, i might have said that before i remarked on your fangs and been less rude."
"Don't you know that hugs make everything better Tolaas?" Wanda looks over his clothes with a practiced eye and smirks "You look like a cowboy, do you actually have a ranch somewhere to back up the look or are you just faking it to impress all the girls because i've heard that girls like cowboys." She smiles softly "When my family was still alive we would go out to my grandparent's farm and i would ride horses but that didn't get to happen very much, there was to much war in the area so it became a real treat to be able to go out there. i need to find a place where i can ride again and take a load off in the middle of a field or pasture."
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down-in-dixie · 3 years
🖋️ (Tolaas Bluue)
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naughtynecromancer · 3 years
valentine's day application
Name: Tolaas Bluue Age: 946 Do you like to cuddle?: Ayup. Can we make-out?: Always please! A night in or dinner out?: Prefer a night in, so's I can be close ta ya an' maybe cuddle next ta ya. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Both. What makes you a good Valentine?: 'Cause I can pick ya up an' sling ya over my shoulder an' have my way with ya. (Also 'cause I love ya!) Would you cook for me?: A'course! Would you let me cook for you?: Most definitely!
"Most definitely accepted, lose the pants, keep the hat on."
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Send me a "~" for my muse's reaction to yours sliding their arms around my muse's waist and kissing them.
Emma was all but surprised when she felt arms slide around her waist and then lips pressing against her own. Her immediate reaction was to place both hands on the offending person's chest and push, breaking the kiss. Another impulse was to punch said person, but she refrained. "What was that for?" she asked surprise coloring her tone. 
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nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
(Open starter)
Tolaas was determined to have a "day off" from his usual ShaadowHunting/bounty hunting/general "heroism" today. He had his guitar on him, and was planning on going to the park to play and sing a bit if he could find a small out-of-the-way area from groups of people. He entered the little cafe/coffee shop and ordered a black coffee.
On his way to the park, he didn't rush. He took his time walking, saying his to various people he passed on the sidewalk, and generally enjoying the day.
Tolaas entered the park and looked around for a quiet spot as he walked the length of the park. He grinned and nodded when he found a picnic table in a small alcove at the edge of the park.
He sat his coffee down, sat down on the picnic table, slung his guitar around and tuned it. When he was satisfied, he started to pluck an strum at the strings, playing various melodies as he tried to think of something to sing.
He chuckled to himself as he started a tune. Probably one of the most well-known songs of all time. But as over the years some people had come to interpret the song as being an ironic metaphor for horribleness in the world, Tolaas sang it with the original intent - peace, love, beauty.
After a few minutes, a couple of people had made their way to where he sat and stopped to listen. A few minutes later, a handful more stopped to listen.
Tolaas sang softly but with conviction, believing every word he was singing. Because he did believe it. No matter how terrible things got, there was always just a bit more goodness. And he made sure this came through as he sang.
He looked around and smiled at the small group of people as he sang, and his eyes fell on someone in the crowd for a few moments before he looked down at his fingers and continued to sing.
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aroseintimearchive · 11 years
工 ❤ ㄚ◯∪! Send this to 10 blogs that you love and you will never unfollow ❤
[ out of time ]
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timelordcatnip · 12 years
Congratulations! You just won the “Quality Role-Player Award” today! This is proof that you have exhibited exemplary skills in the field of Role-Play. Copy and paste this to 5 other RP blogs that you think are quality. (I regret nothing.)
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nytehavyn-circle · 5 months
(Open starter)
Tolaas was determined to have a "day off" from his usual ShaadowHunting/bounty hunting/general "heroism" today. He had his guitar on him, and was planning on going to the park to play and sing a bit if he could find a small out-of-the-way area from groups of people. He entered the little cafe/coffee shop and ordered a black coffee.
On his way to the park, he didn't rush. He took his time walking, saying his to various people he passed on the sidewalk, and generally enjoying the day.
Tolaas entered the park and looked around for a quiet spot as he walked the length of the park. He grinned and nodded when he found a picnic table in a small alcove at the edge of the park.
He sat his coffee down, sat down on the picnic table, slung his guitar around and tuned it. When he was satisfied, he started to pluck an strum at the strings, playing various melodies as he tried to think of something to sing.
He chuckled to himself as he started a tune. Probably one of the most well-known songs of all time. But as over the years some people had come to interpret the song as being an ironic metaphor for horribleness in the world, Tolaas sang it with the original intent - peace, love, beauty.
After a few minutes, a couple of people had made their way to where he sat and stopped to listen. A few minutes later, a handful more stopped to listen.
Tolaas sang softly but with conviction, believing every word he was singing. Because he did believe it. No matter how terrible things got, there was always just a bit more goodness. And he made sure this came through as he sang.
He looked around and smiled at the small group of people as he sang, and his eyes fell on someone in the crowd for a few moments before he looked down at his fingers and continued to sing.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 months
All Important Info, Please Read
40+. He/him. Bi/pan. Poly.
Mutuals Only RP blog.
Please read all links before following/RPing.
This blog is MATURE- Anyone under 21, please DNI.
I do not run on a queue. Depending on status - hiatus or depression or what have you - if I'm here, I'm usually replying, or posting. If I'm not posting stuff, at the very least, I'm not on Tumblr at the moment, or else I'm having a bad day and just lurking. But if I'm here, I'll usually post stuff.
Affiliated with - @naughtynecromancer, @frombehindpaleeyes, @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men, @txngledbxnds, @hclfgoddess - amongst others.
"Dead Dove, Do Not Eat" ahead.
Exploring themes such as: ~The monster within, love bleeds, polyamory, multiple partners, plural soulmates, running from love, heavy sex, morally grey, the antihero, everything looks the same, can't escape your past, mental illness, anxiety, depression, PTSD, shady background, found family, the man behind the curtain, and more...~
This RP blog will feature fetishes, kinks, taboos, blood, gore, very harsh language, and plenty more. Once again, Do Not Interact if you do not wish to see/participate in such threads.
I do not have a banned FC list. I will RP with any FC (unless the person is just an absolutely horrible human being or does not want to be used as an FC).
I will know whether or not you have read my rules and links. So, ignore at your own risk, as I will not RP with those who ignore these links. Period.
Rules (and important things here, too)
About AUs
Tolaas Bluue (FC: Joe Manganiello; he/him; over 900 years old; heterosexual; 6'3"; Living Vampire; ShadowHunter, bounty hunter, sometimes merc, general helper of people, PRIMARY MUSE; [more about Tolaas here])
Terran Nytefyer (FC: Drawn (no live FC); he/him; over 1,500 years old; 6'1"; Living Vampire; humanitarian, philanthropist, and proprietor of NyteHavyn Castle and the town of Rhys, also somewhat of a celebrity; PRIMARY MUSE; [more about Terran Nytefyer])
The ShadowLands
NyteHavyn and Rhys
Living Vampire
IMPORTANT: A few of my muses, Tolaas and Terran to name two, are powerful muses. I will not NERF their powers for any muse, unless previously discussed. They have certain abilities - Living Vampires are able to see and read auras and are very empathic, plus a lot of vampire strengths - which will not be forgotten about or deleted, not for any muse. Please take this into account when RPing with these muses. Especially where my god-muses are concerned.
VERY IMPORTANT: As stated in Terran Nytefyer's info, he’s spent centuries developing a huge network of contacts, and highly sophisticated resources - in fact, he’s spent centuries building up one of the largest, most comprehensive, and interconnected spy and information intelligence networks in the world, updated every year - with one of the most sophisticated and intelligent AIs ever created. And because of his intelligence network, he can find out almost anything - he even knows the identity of many of the world’s superheroes. He has top-notch security, materials, etc.  If there is something about your muse you do not want him (and by extension, Tolaas) to know about, please discuss it with me beforehand.
While this is primarily an RP blog based in supernatural elements - all of my muses have some kind of connection to the supernatural world - All of my muses, Canons or OCs, can fit into almost any fandom or plot.
Zephyr Collins (FC: John Candy; he/him; 42; heterosexual; 6'2"; human; private investigator; Secondary) Hexton Kaz Pearce Mythological God Muse (FC: Johnny Depp; he/him/they/them; Age: Infinite; pansexual; 5'10"; ex-god; occupation: ???; Secondary) Mystery Taylor (FC: Jason Momoa; he/him; over 300 years of age; heterosexual; 6'7"; werewolf; bouncer; Secondary) Hades Mythological God Muse (FC: Voltaire; he/him; age: infinite; god being; omnisexual, but very selective; 6'1"; God of the Underworld; theme song - sung in jest, of course; Secondary) Joshua Talbot (FC: Ralph Fiennes; he/him; Unknown age, looks in his early 30's; human; heterosexual; 5'11"; hacker; Secondary) Balthazar Darque (FC: Tim Curry; he/him; real age unknown, looks in his early 50's; bisexual; ex-god (PTB), human but maintains some godlike powers; 5'9"; no occupation; Secondary) Eileen Coombs (FC: Jaime Ray Newman; she/her; 45, human; 5'4"; thief; Secondary) Spike - Canon muse - canon divergent after season 7 - only certain aspects from the comics will be acknowledged. (FC: James Marsters; he/him; over 140, speculation is that he's over 200; pretends to be completely hetero - actually bi-leaning; vampire - ensouled; 5'9"; self-proclaimed hero [enjoys the praise]; Secondary) Steven Charles Abbot (FC: Christian Kane; he/him; 40; heterosexual/bicurious; human; 5'9"; witch/wizard, opener/operator of magic shop Spellbound) Thorne Bloodbane - completely and utterly evil (FC: Thomas Ian Griffith; he/him; 30's - actual age is 1,350; bisexual, but sex is the furthest thing from his mind, unless its sole purpose is to hurt; Living Vampire - Sire unknown; 6'5"; occupation unknown; By Request Only) Jason Steelflint (FC: Terry Crews; he/him; age unknown, appears 40-ish; pansexual; human?; 6'2"; blacksmith; Secondary) Lannik Embree (FC: Timothy Olyphant; he/him; 214, appears 37; heterosexual; Living Vampire; 6'0"; bartender in a county-western bar; Secondary) RaDean "Dean" Harriman (FC: Can Yaman; he/him; late 30's; bisexual; human; 6'2"; photographer; Secondary) King At'Ele'gun (FC: Sendhil Ramamurthy, in human form; he/him/they/them; over 50,000 years old, looks 36 in human form; pansexual; Red Dragon - In Dragon form he is 85 feet long, max wingspan is 100 feet; in humanoid dragon form he is nearly 10 feet tall, max wingspan is 15 feet, in human form he is 5'10"; 'Ex'-Dragon King of the Kingdom of Elenion; as a human, he works in a mom and pop used bookstore; Secondary) Rachel Marie Evans (FC: Jennifer Connelly; she/her; 48; pansexual; human; witch; 5'7"; Licensed Therapist/crisis counselor, bakery owner, sometimes helper in Steven Charles Abbot's magic shop, Spellbound; Secondary) Captain Jack Harkness Canon muse - canon divergent. (FC: John Barrowman; he/him; omnisexual and polyamorous; over 2,000, but looks late 40's; human but literally immortal; 6'0"; head of the new Torchwood; Secondary) Ulysses K. Hartford (FC: Idris Alba; he/him; hetero and poly; 50, is actually over 100; human; 6'2"; independent contractor/part-time assassin; Secondary) Mason Briggs (FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan; he/him; hetero and poly; 52, is actually over 100; human; 6'1"; NYPD Detective and former assassin; Secondary) Aloysius Thompson (FC: Viggo Mortensen; [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED]; Spy; Secondary (for funsies!))
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nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
Tolaas has a bad habit of trying to turn villains good... ish and then falling in love with them along the way. I keep trying to get him to stop, but he ignores me.
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nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
I'm going to start having a bit more fun when it comes to Tolaas. Most of his 'adventures' have him chasing ShadowDemons.
He used to be a very fun guy, years ago, but some of my old RP partners got annoyed so I started to make him more 'serious.' I don't like all-the-time serious Tolaas.
That's not how or who he's supposed to be. But that's what happens when you listen to everyone else where you're character is concerned.
I wanna have him doing more bounty hunting, more getting into trouble, more creating a bit of chaos (not necessarily on purpose - but his alignment is basically Chaotic Good...) He is sort of an anti-hero, because he's had to break/skirt the law plenty of times doing what he does. Plus, the man is far from a pacifist. He will use violence when necessary.
He's still going to love his partners just like he always does. But his life is going to have just a little bit more trouble. >_>
So expect a bit more comedy once in a while.
And if anyone's worried, no, I will not be dumbing him down. Or changing how gentle and loving he is with his partners. He's still intelligent, and he still treats his lovers like queens.
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nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
Tolaas Bluue
Putting this here for all my new followers (and old ones who need a refresher). All about Tolaas. It's expanded from his little blurb on the muses page.
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FC: Joe Manganiello Sexuality: Heterosexual
Tolaas Bluue stands at 6’3”.
He’s a fairly attractive-looking 32-year-old; slightly weathered, but looks like he takes care of himself. In actuality, he’s 948. He’s a vampire. But, he’s what’s known as a Living Vampire. (He’ll explain it if asked.)
He has dark brown hair (slightly past his shoulders), the sides pulled back into a ponytail, leaving the back length free. His eyes are a deep brown. He has a stocky face – not thick or large, but strong.
He’s almost always scruffy. Almost a permanent 5 o’clock shadow. He’s got a very mischievous smile.
He’s muscular, but not overly – more thickly athletic and broad-shouldered. He wears a brown duster with many inside pockets (likened to a giant Bag of Holding - a very powerful witch "blessed" his duster as a thank you for saving her life), and several tiny stitched-up areas in the arms (this is where bullets have entered the fabric, and usually into him). He's thinking of getting the duster magicked to be bullet and blade-proofed. He's usually seen in a blue denim, button-up shirt (long sleeves), with faded faded blue jeans, the knees of which are even more faded, accompanied by brown snakeskin cowboy boots with silver tips.
He can sometimes be seen with a large hunting knife strapped to his right outside calf (hidden); two sawed-off shotguns crossed on his back; a katana on his left hip; and a pair of ivory-handled Colt revolvers strapped to his hips. He doesn't wear the shotguns when he's out in public unless he's on a Hunt. And yes, during these times, if he has anyone with him, he’s actually been referred to as a Walking Arsenal. When out in public, he usually just wears his ivory-handled Colt revolvers, secure in their holsters on his gun belt. Sometimes, he'll wear his katana. He also knows when and where he's able to wear his guns without incident.
His personality is that of someone who’s very flirtatious, and fun, but also down-to-earth (for the most part). Sometimes, he can be very blunt. He used to be brutally honest, but he came to realize that the 'brutal' part of 'brutally honest' wasn't worth it, so he's honest, but he tries not to be harsh. He can be abrasive, however. He’s a good guy with a good heart; he's a kind man. But he can't, and sometimes won't, butter things up with a lot of niceties. 
He'll treat people with respect (if they deserve it; the ones he doesn't respect, well, let's just say they'd find out quickly.) He has a high sex drive, but he refuses to do anything without the other's express permission. He firmly believes in consent. He has great respect for women, but he can't help but look; he likes to watch them walk, but he tries not to be a creep about it.
He's a ShadowHunter, sometimes bounty hunter, sometimes bodyguard - but he's definitely someone who likes to help people, and believes he has to protect people. He believes in the goodness that's in the world. (Even if he can be a gruff old bastard sometimes.) But he doesn't find what he does heroic, and even being called a hero embarrasses him. In his mind, he just believes in helping people, and trying to treat them decently; he's trying to make the world a better place. Over the years he has become even softer, gentler, a far distance from the harsh man he was years ago. He's more trusting and more likely to ask for help when needed than to try to do everything alone. But do not push him. Everyone has a snapping point. So does Tolaas, and his is not good.
He was raised in the ShadowLands, which he still visits from time to time.
Here is where I'm supposed to tell you about his past. But I won't. Suffice it to say, he wasn't always such a kind and good man. He's still trying to find forgiveness for himself in the world at large; he's still trying to redeem himself for what he's done.
In the meantime, he can sometimes be found on one of his four ranches - one in Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, and Montana. He spends time at NyteHavyn, too. He also spends a lot of time in some of the most expensive hotels in the world, usually in their largest room - which can be anything from a large suite, to a villa. But mostly New York City (in any number of alternate universes), at the Hilton in their villa on the top floor. It can only be accessed by a black keycard, so one must either know Tolaas or have the front desk call to inform him if anyone visits.
His best friend and mentor is Terran Nytefyer, who also happens to be his Sire. He is fiercely loyal to the man.
Tolaas is polyamorous, and he loves each partner deeply.
(Tolaas is fandomless, but made to be played across many fandoms.)
(Read the AU's link for a better understanding of how they work for my muses)
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nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
Tolaas can't help but look. He tries hard not to come across as pervy or creepy, but he also has eyes. If he finds them attractive, he's going to look. He can't not look. He tries not to sexualize them, but he can't help looking. If he gets close enough, and things are going well, he'll definitely be sneaking glances at their lips constantly.
I make no apologies for him.
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nytehavyn-circle · 5 months
Tolaas had just spent the last two weeks in the ShadowLands, trying to settle a dispute between neighboring villages. He had just returned the night previous and was getting ready to make dinner and have a relaxing night in his villa at the top of the Hilton, when he heard a knock at the door.
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