#tolaas info
nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
A couple of things that need to be known about the ShadowDemons that Tolaas Hunts: they cannot be killed by any weapon that hasn't been imbued with ShadowEssence.
Which means anyone who wants to kill one needs to use Tolaas' weapons. Regular weapons will not work. At all.
Also, when they are killed, they start to sizzle and 'melt', until there's no trace left.
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spit8 · 2 years
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“22 - Molecular Communication” Sissel Tolaas (2019)
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nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
Hey, just to remind people that Tolaas stands at a height of 6'3". He's tall, people. lol
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
There was a point in Tolaas' past when he was not a nice guy. He was barely even decent. Bordering on evil, for a time. Due to where/how he grew up, among other things, Tolaas was far from a decent human being. He did some atrocious things.
After being found near Terran, near death, and being turned, and being taught how to be a newly formed vampire, along with some fo the things he experienced, he started to have a change of heart, a change in his soul.
Tolaas is a pretty good guy now. Still a bit of an anti-hero of sorts. But he will not kill unless he has a reason to/no other choice.
Due to how he used to be, Tolaas has basically been how he is for the last few hundred years trying to strive for some sort of redemption (yes, like Angel). Trying to make sure he's making up for how he used to be.
His heart is so full of love now, and he tries to do good wherever he can.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
As stated in his bio, and in every thread where he meets someone knew he's interested in, Tolaas is polyamorous.
However, everyone he loves, he loves fully. With his whole heart.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
WARNING: Tolaas, being what he is, has a fuckton of stamina.
That is all.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
Also be aware that Tolaas is hairy. Not gorilla or Sasquatch hairy, but he does have a hairy chest, a lightly hairy stomach. And he does have pubes. He trims, but he refuses to shave.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
I've stated this before in the past, but I need to state it again. One thing people need to be aware of: Tolaas is sterile. All Living Vampires are. It's part and parcel of the whole package, along with empathy and aura reading. So Tolaas will never be able to get your muse pregnant. Ever.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
Tolaas knows nothing about who his parents were. His first memories are of being raised by some of the Shadow People villagers in the ShdaowLands and being trained as a Hunter.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
If Tolaas is able to, every Sunday morning he goes all out for breakfast:
Biscuits and sausage gravy Eggs (either over-medium or scrambled with cheese) Bacon Sausage links Shredded hash browns. And anyone who happens to be staying with him at that time gets to share in this wonderful breakfast. :D (He'll even make this at someone else's place he's staying at if they have the ingredients).
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
Because Tolaas is polyamorous, he will mention his other lovers to other lovers. He'll discuss them getting together and meeting each other. He will brag about them.
He wants his lovers to get to know each other and, hopefully, get along.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
Tolaas will not hesitate to defend himself, from anyone, if they come after him.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
While Tolaas is attracted to women, period, Tolaas is INSANELY attracted to badass women.
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nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
One thing that needs to be mentioned: Tolaas is sterile. He can never father children. Ever. In my world-building, all Living Vampires are sterile.
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nytehavyn-circle · 27 days
One thing I love about Tolaas is that he can be this super serious, kickass badass, who hunts 'Demons and is a part-time one minute, and basically a goofy cartoon character the next.
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nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
Tolaas Bluue
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Putting this here for all my new followers (and old ones who need a refresher). All about Tolaas. It’s expanded from his little blurb on the muses page.
Tolaas Bluue stands at 6’3”.
He’s a fairly attractive-looking 32 year old. Slightly weathered, but looks like he takes care of himself. In actuality, he’s 948. He’s a vampire. But, he’s what’s known as a living vampire. (He’ll explain it, if asked. You can also read the link on the pinned post)
He has brownish hair (slightly past his shoulders), the sides pulled back into a ponytail, leaving the back length free. His eyes are a deep brown. He has a stocky face – not thick or large, but strong.
He’s almost always scruffy. Almost a permanent 5 o’clock shadow. He’s got a very mischievous smile.
He’s muscular, but not overly – more thickly athletic and broad-shouldered. He wears a brown duster with many inside pockets (likened to a giant Bag of Holding. A very powerful witch “blessed” his duster as a thank you for saving her life) . Usually a blue denim, button-up shirt (long sleeves). He wears faded blue jeans, the knees of which are even more faded. He wears brown, snakeskin cowboy boots with silver tips.
He’s usually seen with a large hunting knife strapped to his right outside calf; two sawed-off shotguns crossed on his back; a katana on his left hip; and a pair of ivory-handled colt revolvers strapped to his hips. He doesn’t always wear the shotguns. (And yes, he’s actually been referred to as a Walking Arsenal).
His personality is that of someone who’s very blunt, and almost brutally honest. He’s abrasive. He’s a decent guy, has a good heart, but isn’t the type to butter things up with a lot of niceties. 
He’ll treat people with respect (if they deserve it. The ones he doesn’t respect, well, let’s just say they’d find out quickly.) He respects women, too. He has a high sex drive, but he refuses to do anything without the other’s express permission. Though he might look, might like to watch them walk, but tries not to be a creep about it.
He’s a ShadowHunter, sometimes bounty hunter, sometimes bodyguard - but he’s definitely someone who likes to help people. Because he believes in the goodness that’s in the world. (Even if he can be a gruff old bastard sometimes.) But he doesn’t find what he does heroic, and ever being called a hero embarrasses him. In his mind, he just believes in helping people, and in doing what’s right.
He was basically raised in the ShadowLands (read the link on my pissed post to get a better understanding of where he comes from), which he still visits from time to time.
In the meantime, he’s usually found on one of his four ranches - one in Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, and Montana. He spends time at NyteHavyn, too. (Again, read the link) He spends a lot of time in some of the most expensive hotels in the world, usually in their largest room - which can be anything from a large suite, to a villa. But mostly New York City (in any number of alternate universes), at the Hilton in their villa on the top floor. It can only be accessed by a black keycard, so one must either know Tolaas, or have the front desk call up to him about visitors.
His best friend and mentor is Terran Nytefyer (once more, read the link lol), who also happens to be his Sire. He is fiercely loyal to the man.
Tolaas is polyamorous.
(Tolaas is fandomless, but he’s made to be played across many fandoms.)
(Make sure you read the AUs link, too, so you can better understand how I play Tolaas across fandoms (or being fandomless.))
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