#tom Cavanagh x reader
marvelsgirl616 · 7 months
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Professor Wells :)
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soft-persephone · 7 months
Laying With the Devil
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AN: I wrote this when I was in high school and I orphaned it and I just remembered it exists after finding a google doc of the last chapter. So I searched in AO3 for hours to find it!
MDNI? (I wrote it when I was a minor so idk)
WC: 11k Unfinished // AO3 Link // WA: Explicit (again I was a minor. Violence. Light mention of abuse but no details, emotional manipulation // summery:
“A brave man is an man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil.” — James A. Garfield
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Somebody like you (Harry Wells x reader)
Summary: You had a crush on Earth-1’s Dr. Wells, while Harry was hopelessly in love with your Earth-2 counterpart. These feelings bring you a lot closer after an inevitable conversation.
Note: part 2
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“You’re alive,” the sentence left Harry’s mouth before he could stop himself.
This was a different Earth, he knew there was a chance you were alive here, but he wasn’t expecting you to show up in S.T.A.R. Labs as a member of this world’s Flash’s team. He watched as a confused look emerged on your face, filled with a hint of terror he attributed to your past experience with his evil doppelgänger.
He cleared his throat, trying to shake off the overwhelming feeling that had taken control of him, then raised his hands as he watched you. “Don’t worry, I’m a different Harrison Wells, not the one you knew,” he informed you, and he was sure his voice was way softer than it was when he talked to the others.
“Can someone explain to me what is going on here?” you asked the team, completely ignoring him.
It hurt him, yes, but he kept reminding himself that you weren’t her. You were a completely different version of your Earth-2 counterpart, just like he was a different version of the Harrison Wells of this world. Still, it was hard to accept this. It was hard not to think of his version of you.
Harry listened to Barry as he told you everything you missed while you had been away, his eyes fixed on you the whole time, analyzing every little movement of yours. Your body language was different, it simply missed that vibrant energy your Earth-2 version used to have even in the most stressful situations. He couldn’t help but wonder what else was different about you.
And sure he thought about your relationship with this Wells. Had he been your mentor too? Or was there something more intimate between you? He needed answers, he simply had to know what to expect. His betrayal hurt you as well, it was clear from the moment your eyes landed on him, but he didn’t know just how bad things were.
Once Barry finished the explanation, Harry drew in a deep breath and took a hesitant step closer to you. “I just want to stop Zoom with Barry’s help and save my daughter. That’s all,” he assured you.
You continued to ignore him completely which felt like a stab in the heart. Instead of talking to him, you turned to Caitlin and Cisco for help. They assured you that he was telling the truth, that he could be trusted, and only then did you truly look at him. You were still uncertain and he couldn’t blame you for it.
Before he could try to break the ice again, you finally spoke up, this time talking directly to him. “You’d better not betray us too,” you warned him.
“I would never betray you,” he noted quietly, keeping his voice so low everyone had trouble hearing him. “No need to worry about that,” he said with a forced smile, this time talking louder.
Days passed with you avoiding being alone with him. Every time you were left alone in a room with him, you immediately fled, leaving him behind without a second thought. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to get to know you, hell, he wanted to be around you even if that time passed in complete silence.
It took him two weeks to finally get you to talk to him. You were ready to leave the lab he usually worked in once Cisco left, but he was quick to grab your wrist and pull you back. You yanked your hand away, looking slightly offended that he tried to stop you this way. Harry raised his hands and backed away to let you breathe.
“Let’s talk,” he suggested hesitantly, watching you carefully to see if you were willing to stay. When you took a deep breath and nodded, he let out a long sigh of relief. “Why are you avoiding me? What did I do to you? Or was it my doppelgänger that hurt you?”
You remained silent. It was killing him, the only noise that filled the room coming from the fan of the laptop he was working on, but despite this he didn’t feel like rushing you. After long seconds you finally gulped and folded your hands behind your back.
“You did nothing wrong,” you assured him with a small smile that he almost missed. “Dr. Wells… He betrayed us as you know. It just hit me harder than the others, I guess.”
“Why’s that?”
“I liked him. And when I say I liked him,” you began, falling silent in the end.
But even if you didn’t finish the sentence, Harry understood what you wanted to say, so he only nodded in response. He waited to see if there was anything else you wanted to add, but you were just staring at your shoes as if you were feeling guilty all of a sudden.
Something told him it was up to him to take the lead, to keep the conversation going, so he decided to dig deeper, hoping he could get some extra information out of you. “Did the others know?” he asked you.
You put a hand on the back of your neck and let out a nervous laugh. “That I had a stupid crush on our mentor? No.”
“Did Wells know?”
“I have no idea.”
“So let me guess,” he began slowly, carefully weighing every word as he tried to get some answers out of you. “You’re avoiding me because I remind you of him.”
Without much hesitation, you simply nodded. Harry wanted to tell you he wasn’t that man, he wasn’t about to betray you too, but his instincts told him this was the perfect time to practice staying silent. He wondered how long it would take you to accept him as part of this team. Catching Zoom wasn’t the problem of the next few days sadly, so he was surely here to stay for a while.
He couldn’t help but stare at you while he waited to say what was on your mind. Because he could see you were thinking about something, hesitating whether or not to say it. At one point he flashed a supportive smile at you to make you speak up, hoping you would finally trust him enough to say whatever you wanted in his presence.
And then it happened. “Can I ask you something too?” you asked quietly.
“Go ahead.”
“I’ve noticed that you’re hitting a much kinder tone every time you talk to me. Why?”
So you noticed. With a sigh, Harry folded his arm over his chest and considered how much to tell you. After you told him about your crush on your Wells, it would be only fair if he was honest as well. But how could he talk about that? How could he talk about her death without feeling like breaking down again?
“I knew your Earth-2 counterpart,” he began eventually, already bracing himself for the worst part. “She was working for me, with me, and we were trying to handle the metahuman crisis together after the explosion. Zoom wanted to hurt me so he killed her right in front of my eyes. It was my fault and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for letting that happen.”
You nodded, though you didn’t seem convinced. “Is that all?”
“You’re smart,” Harry noted with a forced smile. “I asked her out but she rejected me. I kept telling myself that it was okay, that dating an employee would have only complicated things, but I was already too lost in my feelings for her. Losing her was… I don’t even know how I could describe how I felt.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” you said softly as you walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.
Feeling you be this close to him rang the alarm in his brain, he didn’t even know what to do at first. Your Earth-2 version had hugged him a few times when he was upset, causing him to fall deeper in love with her, but you’ve been avoiding him all along, it was too big a change all of a sudden.
You probably noticed he was getting uncomfortable because you suddenly gulped and let go of him. “I’m sorry, I just… I don’t even know what I was thinking.”
“No, it’s okay. No need to apologize,” he assured you.
It was hard. Harry had assumed things would get a lot easier once he told you the truth, once the two of you sorted things out, but he was wrong. If anything, things only got more confusing. Did this mean you would loosen up around him? Did it mean he could finally talk to you the way he wanted without you running away?
You excused yourself suddenly and left the lab before he even registered what was happening. He felt like an idiot. Shaking his head, he rushed after you and was quick to turn you around and kiss you. You didn’t resist at all, and soon he felt you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body closer to his.
Maybe it was only the element of surprise that made you give in, maybe you were thinking about this Earth’s evil Wells when he kissed you, but he couldn’t care less about the reason. He had been thinking about kissing you or your other version on his Earth for so long that now he was on cloud nine and he didn’t want to come off this high.
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khayrrilrainxwells · 2 years
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sarawritestories · 1 year
You Have an Ending
H.R. Wells x Fem Curvy Reader (platonic)
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A/N: Read the whole story. I have left a surprise at the end. Story is inspired by real-life interaction. With a note to my fellow writers!
Summary: Reader goes to a book sigining for H.R. and gets an opportunity to share how inspiring his work is
Content Warning: Wholesome interaction, slight awkwardness, inspired by a real conversation revealed at the end
Tags: @eonash @yetanotherwells @twilightlover2007 @achromaticerebus @hunterharrisonsavitar
Standing in line with her two best friends, Y//N was electric with nerves. She had been operating on adrenaline throughout the day. When her friend told her who would be at the Writers convention. H.R. Wells, an author she had loved since he made his debut.
His rich storytelling, of crime fighting, falling in love, and the idea of family being more than blood was the perfect formula for Y/N to become a fan. It was around her 3rd reread of his debut novel that a story began formulating in her own head.
What started out as a small romance story turned into a 3 book series and characters, and suddenly, Y/N began to write and plot.
So waiting in line waiting to meet the man that was the source inspiration and having the opportunity to thank him for that was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. In a flash, she was at the front of the line where a kind older woman gave her a warm smile. "Do you want one book or the box set? And would you like it personalized?"
She smiled and picked up the debut novel, "Just the one is fine," Y/N responded, butterflies twirling in her stomach.
"I thought you wanted the box set?" Y/N's best friend retorted.
Y/N shrugged, "I changed my mind, not a big deal."
The lady at the counter shrugged the friendly grin, never leaving her lips, "He does something special with the boxset." She leans in as the trio leans in as well."He will open the boxset, sign every book, and sign the box 5 times.
Y/N's two best friends both gave her a knowing look, and with a sheepish smile, she replied, "Anyway, I can switch it out?" The woman nodded and swapped out the books, and in a brief moment, her eyes met with the infamous baby blues of H.R. Wells.
The woman whispered in his ear, and he smiled a genuine big grin and held out his hand, "Y/N, it's lovely to meet you." Y/N takes his hand and shakes it. Looking at the box set, he continues, "Did you know this is my favorite to sign? Want to guess why?"
Y/N could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as he smiled at her, "Could it be that you sign it five times."
He grabs his marker with dramatic flair, "You are absolutely correct."
As he begins signing the books, Y/N takes a deep breath. "I am a huge fan of your work, and if it wasn't for you and your amazing depiction of characters. I may not have been so inspired to start writing my own novel."
The author paused and looked back into her eyes, his face unreadable for a brief moment, causing the nerves to ricochet in her body. Only to be melted away but a warm large grin forming and his eyes twinkling. "Thank you, That is the highest compliement." He pushes the box set towards me. "How far along are you in the process?" The enthusiasm radiating off him.
Y/N scratched the back of her neck, "Bare bones, really. A rough first draft with only brief scenes."
H.R. waved his hand, "That's alright."
Y/N continued, "I do have the ending, though."
He smiled again, pressing a hand over his heart, and Y/N was truly enamored with him and with even more enthusiasm, "You have an ending!"
Y/N nodded and feeding off his electric energy, "I have an ending."
H.R. walked around the table and gave her a tight embrace, as she took in the cedar scent of his cologne and the lingering scent of coffee. "I look forward to reading your story one day." He whispered in her ear, and Y/N nearly swooned.
The pair separated and H.R. grabbed her books and handed them to her. "Bye, Y/N."
Y/N smiled and waved as she left her heart full and inspiration to write coursing through her veins.
A/N: Fin! I HOPE you liked this. As promised, this was based on my interaction of meeting Tom Cavanagh, just told in a more suitable world for H.R. though i added the hug because our java loving author would 100% hug an aspiring author. I am writing a story that was wholey inspired by SnoWells, and just being able to share that with Tom was special, and I wanted to share. Along with this:
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To all my fellow writers. KEEP GOING! I'M CHEERING YOU ON ❤️
XoXo Sara
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urprinceoflove · 1 year
The Flash Master List
Master List Key:
fluff - normal text
angst - italicized text
coming soon - crossed out
✩ - posted on old acc. (mostly for myself)
OG Harrison Wells/Timeless Wells
✩ Lost Love
Harry Wells
✩ Cuddle Shirt
✩ Cold, Lonely Lake
✩ Kitty Calls (Headcanon)
HR Wells
✩ Mistaken Relations (Songfic)
A Scientist’s Secret
Sherloque Wells
✩ French Cuddles 101 (Headcanon)
Nash Wells
✩ Stargazing
✩ Into the Air
✩ The Only Language I Speak
✩ Forgetfulness
✩ Bed Monster
✩ Lovable Idiot
A Second of Your Time (Headcanon)
✩ “Tough Villain”
✩ Heroes and Villains
OG Eobard Thawne/Mattobard
✩ The Dance of a Lifetime
✩ “Tough Villain”
Multiple Wells
✩ A Special Something (Headcanon)
✩ Hooked on Love (Headcanon)
✩ Birthday Surprises and Love (Headcanon)
✩ Children of Magic (Headcanon)
✩ Jealousy, Jealousy (Wells x Wells)
Hoping Eight Lasts Prolongedly Master List
Ralph Dibny
Catching a Feeling
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mcbenson25 · 1 year
Can you feel it too? (Nash Wells X Empath!Reader)
Request for @i-dont-care-lol: Can you make a fic in which both of them are stargazing and bantering (ofc it's a wells so yeah) and then just comes to the topic of "hey ever had a crush on anyone" and Nash is like" no I don't do crushes" and the reader just doubts him too much when he tries to ignore that feeling (oops forgot to mention that reader is an empath) so and then he is all like "ok you wanna know then " and then kiss her, and just kind of relieved that her one sided crush isn't a one sided one?
A/N: I'm a terrible person. I got this request a while ago and I meant to write it as soon as I got it but *life* and *school* and *mental health* didn't let me. I'm super sorry. On another note I have never written reader being an empath so apologies in advance for my poor attempt on it. :)
"Woooo hoooooo! I win!"
"What no! You cheated!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
You rolled your eyes. You and Nash had borrowed Cisco's switch to play a good ole game of Mario Karts.
Or so you thought. Nash had taken a shortcut in the last race, taking first place from you.
"Shortcuts are not cheats they're just advantage points if you know how to use them," Nash said with a grin on his face.
"Cheater," you pouted with your arms crossed.
He chuckled as he leaned in, "You're just mad you lost."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Okay kids! Uncle Cisco here wants his game back," came an amused voice from behind you.
You rolled you eyes and huffed in annoyance as you went to leave.
"Where are you going?" Nash called called out to you as he handed Cisco the game.
"Out," came your short reply.
Nash sighed as he ran after you.
"Are you upset just because of that?"
"I'm not upset," you answered is a frustrated tone.
Nash had caught up to you.
"Well it sure seems like it."
You let out a frustrated huff as you kept walking.
The truth was you didn't know why you felt upset. The entire day you had felt frustrated. You couldn't understand why if you had spent the entire day with the man who made your heart flutter.
"Where are we even going?" Nash asked as you started up the stairs of STAR Labs.
"To the roof."
"Why?" Came Nash's confused voice as you continued going up the long staircase, "And why couldn't we just have used the elevator?"
You gave a light giggle. "You'll see."
Nash couldn't help by smile at hearing you giggle. He had offered to have you tag along with him today because you were bored of being stuck in the lab all the time and not because he may or may not enjoy being around you. He glanced up at you as you reached the top of stairs, waiting for him. He smiled softly as he shook his head and followed behind you.
As you stepped out onto the roof, you looked up at the sky. The stars were out and shining bright. You let out a content sigh as you walked towards the edge of the roof, sitting down with your legs dangling over the edge. Nash sat down next to you, taking in the sparking Central City.
"This is nice," he commented as he looked up at the sky.
"Yeah, it is," you agreed with a smile.
There was a comfortable silence between you two for a few minutes as you both enjoyed the peacefulness of the night sky.
As Nash sat there beside you, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. Being with you always had a way of calming him down and making him feel at ease, even when he was feeling nervous or uncertain. He glanced over at you, taking in the way your face was illuminated by the starlight, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
You were watching the many bright stars along the sky, lost in thought. A sense of peace and calm washed over you.You felt safe, content, at ease.
You also felt...
Your eyes widen in surprise. It couldn't be...
Could it?
It must be your feelings that you're sensing. It couldn't possibly be his.
But yet-
"Hey, (Y/N)," Nash suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.
"Yeah?" you turned to look at him, trying to hide the nervousness you felt.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" he asked, his voice casual, as if asking what you had had for lunch.
You were completely taken back by his question.
"That definitely not random," you say trying to alleviate the sudden lump that had formed in your throat. Was it getting hotter?
Nash noticed the way your face had paled slightly and the way you nervously shifted on the spot. He realized his question may have come across as too forward and he mentally cursed himself for not being more subtle.
He tried to backtrack, "I mean, it's okay if you don't want to answer. I was just curious."
You let out a small sigh of relief and gave him a small smile, "No, it's okay. It's just that your question caught me off guard. And to answer your question, yes, I have had a crush on someone before. Why do you ask?" As soon as you said that you felt something bothering you, a prickling emotion that made you frown. Jealously.
You shook you head lightly. What was happening?
"What about you? Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" You asked, with a hint of defensiveness trickling in your voice. You were startled by it, about to apologize when Nash turned to look at you. "No, I don't do crushes," he answered nonchalantly, but his eyes said something else as you felt a wave of bottled emotion wash over you.
You're lying.
You realized you had said that out loud as you met Nash's bewildered eyes.
You should apologize. You should leave it be. But you were convinced that what you had been feeling wasn't just your feelings.
Screw it.
"You're lying," you repeated, more confidently this time. "I can sense it. There's something you're not saying" Nash's eyes widened in surprise, and he shifted uncomfortably beside you. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, his voice slightly strained. "Yes, you do," you insisted, turning to face him fully. "I don't know why you're hiding it, but I can feel that there's something more there. I've been feeling it all night. There's something you're afraid to admit."
Nash's eyes widened in shock, his body language betraying him. You could tell he was caught off guard by your accusation, but you weren't going to let him off the hook that easily. You needed answers.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, his voice slightly strained, his hands fidgeting nervously at his sides.
But you weren't buying it. You could feel it in your gut that there was more to this story than he was letting on. You took a step closer to him, your eyes locked onto his, and you spoke with unwavering conviction.
"Yes, you do," you insisted, your tone unwavering.
The atmosphere between you and Nash had changed. The easygoing vibe you both had been feeling was now replaced with something more tense and awkward. You looked at Nash, who was now avoiding your gaze. You let out a sigh, not knowing what to say. Maybe you had been wrong in confronting him like that. Maybe he really didn't have feelings for you, and you had just misinterpreted everything.
"I'm sorry," you said, breaking the silence. "I shouldn't have said that. It's not my place to push you to say anything you don't want to.
Another beat of silence.
You were overcome by a feeling of rejection and embarrassment.
"I'll go-"
"You're not wrong. There is something I'm hiding."
You continued to look at Nash, waiting for him to say something. Nash let out a sigh and turned to look at you.
"Okay, fine. You caught me," he said with a small smile, trying to ease the tension. "I have had a crush on someone before."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. Was he talking about you? You tried to remain calm as you asked, "Who was it?"
Nash looked down at his hands and fidgeted with his fingers. "It doesn't matter now. It was a long time ago, and nothing ever came of it."
You felt a twinge of disappointment at his words, but you tried not to let it show. "Oh," you said, trying to keep your voice light.
Nash looked up at you, and you could see the hesitation in his eyes. "But, there is someone else I have feelings for," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. He couldn't possibly be talking about-
"It's you."
You looked at Nash, feeling a sense of happiness wash over you. "Nash, I..." you started, but he interrupted you.
"I know, I know," Nash said, looking down. "You don't feel the same way. I get it."
"Nash, that's not what I was going to say," you said, reaching out to touch his arm.
"It's okay-wait what?"
You smiled softly, scooting closer to him.
"I've had feelings for you for a long time now, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling you. I always felt lots of different emotions and at first I thought I was going crazy but now I get why," you said shyly.
He looked at you, searching your eyes for anything that would betray your words, but all he found was warmth and adoration.
"I would very much like to kiss you." It was his turn to be shy.
You smiled as you inched closer to him. "Well by all means please do."
Without another word, he leaned in and pressed your lips against his. As you deepened the kiss, Nash's hands found their way to your face, pulling you closer to him. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it quickly grew more passionate, fueled by the unspoken emotions that had been building between you two for so long. As you finally pulled away, you rested your forehead against Nash's, both of you breathing heavily.
He grinned as he pressed another light kiss on your lips, contentment and love filling him, as he looked at you.
"Do you feel it too?"
You smiled and nodded.
"More than you know."
Hellooooo I'm back from the dead haha. I wanted to just let you guys know that its just been really hard to find motivation to write for a while and I was pretty depressed but Im doing stuff for me and moving out and going to classes so I feel much better. Hoped you guys enjoyed and im so sorry for taking so long.
Taglist: @khayrrilrainxwells @kirareaper13 @i-dont-care-lol @cursedfaechild @lovepeaceorelse @apsychopathiclllama @samandcolbyfan
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hells-wells · 2 years
That smile 😊☺️❤️❤️
I can't be the only one thinking how good this beautiful man looks in red?
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marvelsgirl616 · 7 months
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He’s so 😫🧎🏻‍♀️
I need some dark!barry or softdom!barry soo bad
That dark/mischievous glimmer in his eyessss 😫
I know it’s big
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soft-persephone · 7 months
Flirting and Secrets
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Again this is one I orphaned when I was younger. I heavily regret that so I spent hours searching for this
Teen // WC: 5.5k // AO3 Link // don’t bully me if it’s bad I was young //
HR visits a certain coffee shop to flirt with his favorite Barista. Cisco and Iris get a little suspicious. HR has been flirting too long for it to just be flirting with no motive.
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samanthalightning · 3 years
She's Got A Date- EoWells x Allen!reader- Part 8 (Alternate Ending)
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*Credits to the owner of this GIF*
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII (Other Ending) |
A/N: Welcome back y'all!! God, I missed writing so much. I just want to thank @elfwoodfae for requesting this, and having so much patience with my writing speed lol. Aside from being an amazing person, she also writes equally amazing stories. So if you have the time, please check it out. Here's the link
Warnings: FILTHY SMUT. Angst (as per usual). Grumpy Cisco lol
This world can hurt you
It cuts deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart
And nothing breaks like a heart
How did it get to this? You do not know. All of the past few weeks were a blur, and yet the horrors of it never seems to be forgotten. They lingered and taunted you, made you afraid in your own home. Of him.
You hurled out to the hallway, sprinting straight into the elevator. The adrenaline fueled you ten times more than a drug would. You injected him with something to destabilize his speed, and you don't know how much time that bought you, you just needed him to get out. From what you just saw, heard and discovered. You can't recover from that. You keep on pressing the button, even if you knew it wouldn't increase the speed to get down. Minutes that felt like eternities, you reached the garage level. The burn in your lungs and the sore of your legs was replaced by a percolating relief, as you run for your car's direction, getting near it. But you can't escape this.
Your chance flies with the wind, when a whoosh of wind brushes against you. In a blink of an eye, the evil speedster was right in front of you, and had taken hold of your cheeks tightly.
"I don't wanna hurt you, Y/N. So you have to stop being a brat!" He scolded, gripping your skin so harsh, you began to cry again.
He wrapped his arms around you, more like coddling you like a baby, then sped you away.
He was going too fast to see anything through your mortal eyes, so you closed them. Recovering from your dizzy state, you began to realize he took somewhere underground with large tubes and dim lights. You assumed you didn't stray far away from the lab. Maybe some room yet to be discovered.
Oh, and you were strapped to a chair.
“I know this is exactly how this will go. I tried giving you the easy way, but you’ve never been one to underestimate,” he discussed, tapping the device of sorts in his hands— a helmet that is straight out Professor X’s Cerebro.
You tried to move, wriggle your way out of the straps, which was impossible considering how tight they wrapped around your limbs.
“What is that?” You gulped, your panic skyrocketing as seconds passed.
“This…” He stalked towards you with a sinister smile. You know it can't be good. “Is Plan B.”
You want to trust his words earlier, but you have yet to know the extent of his capabilities. Also, you don't know what this helmet would do to you. It might kill you too.
He immediately put the helmet on your head. "Please, no— please!" You shrieked.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m doing this for us,” he chides. "I love you. And I'll see you."
“I love you.” Those words used to mean so much, now they make your skin, even your own existence prickled with disgust. You felt sick, you felt used far worse than a ragdoll or a toy, and you felt like the stupidest person in the world. To think you wanted to build a life with this person— this monster.
He kissed your forehead tenderly, then moved to your lips. You did your best to pull away, but he only cupped your chin to deepen the kiss.
When he pulled away, he had the biggest, proudest smirk ever.
I heard you on the phone last night
We live and die by pretty lies You know it, oh, we both know it
These silver bullet cigarettes
This burning house, there's nothing left
And just like that, you felt the jolts of electricity coursing from your head down to your toes. Screams and pleas cascaded out of your mouth. You tried to fight against and break free, it's like it increases the voltage the longer you put up a fight. It's stretching and pulling the strings of your mind, you feel like you're about to lose your own head. You felt so helpless. You looked at him, begging him to stop, though he's so convinced of his plan. He just watched you. You knew you were gonna die. You were getting weaker and drained as the time passed. You wondered why it ever led to this, you just wanted a happy family. Why must it always be taken away from you?
Your eyes rolled up, and just before it closed, tears escaped. The last thing you thought of before everything went black was your daughter. You don't know what he's going to do with her. You prayed to God that Barry finds her and saves her.
Well, nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
At the West's residence, five people are doing his undoing. Or at least, attempting to.
It seems they were arguing, as Caitlin opposes some theories. She couldn't still wrap her head around the idea of their mentor being a villain. Barry abruptly sensed the impending danger, looking over his shoulder to listen carefully. Joe noticed Barry no longer listening to them and was all rigid. He was to ask, but he saw the man in yellow speed inside, circling around them. He took out his gun, alerting everybody.
“What the hell?!” Cisco exclaimed.
Caitlin was abruptly pulled out and taken away.
“Barry!” She shrieked and reached out, but Barry wasn't fast enough.
“Shoot!” Eddie cursed, panicking.
They swiveled their heads trying to catch sight of him and attempted to nick him.
He came after the other detective.
“Joe! No!” Barry screamed.
Then it was Cisco.
“Barry, He-”
Soon, the other detective.
Once they're all gone, he comes face to face with the Reverse Flash. Barry bursted out of the house and into the city. Chasing each other's tails, they circled around the city, it's citizens witnessed the colors of streaks, the summer breeze burnt their cheeks flushed.
Well, there's broken silence
By thunder crashing in the dark
And this broken record
Spin endless circles in the bar
Barry opted to outrun him, knowing he wouldn't do anything good to his friends if he's dead. Though the Scarlet Speedster pivot, he was caught off-guard as the enemy anticipated it. He was thrown flying to the trash bin in some dark alley.
He grunted, attempting to stand up, as he appeared before him. “What did you do to them?" He demanded.
“Don't worry, Barry. They’ll be fine,” he answered in his Reverse-Flash voice.
“It's you, isn't it?” He seethed, eyes piercing. And he swore he saw him smirking. “What do you want?”
He stopped phasing and took off his mask. Barry was right and never in his life had he wanted to be more wrong. He was manipulated and betrayed by his own mentor.
“My family,” the Doctor replied. “Now, cooperate. She would hate to see you gone.”
He lunged at him, then everything around Barry went dark.
He went to where his little light was. Home. Peering over the crib, he saw she was still deep in sleep amidst the chaos that's going to unfold. She looked so small and fragile, two month old. Joe said she looked like you, even your Dad when you showed him pictures. But you knew that her eyes are like his— Blue like the ocean, but a hint of green you wondered where she got it from, though it's expression never ceased to be mysterious and curious.
“Hey there, princess,” he murmured. “I know what Daddy did wasn't good, but he has to do it to keep family together.” Henrie barely moved when he caressed her soft cheek with the pads of his thumb, instead found comfort and familiarity under his touch. It was unsurprising, he's her father after all. “Besides, it's never fun to be good, right?” He smirked when his daughter cooed, and took it as an answer. Oh, he was never filled with this kind of pride and happiness— all worth the sinister acts.
This world can hurt you
It cuts you deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart
Mhmm, and nothing breaks like a heart
First missed game night in years for a date night. And Joe apparently invited everyone, and you're to miss it. Sucks, but you gotta admit, a night out ain't so bad. And you know that Joe and the rest of the gang will keep an eye on her your whole date, and their game night.
"So, where y'all staying tonight?" Iris asked from across the living room, cuddling with Eddie at the end of the couch.
You laughed, giving the man standing beside you a side-eye— only because he deserved it. He maintained his stoic expression as always, but you know he's swimming in joy having all the secrets.
"I don't know. This guy is keeping it as a secret,"
"Aww. That's so exciting!" Iris exclaimed.
"It is, when you're not dying of curiosity," you seethed, glancing up to him, and scrunching your nose to prove your point about the fun you're not having.
He didn't react, instead gave you a quick peck, as if that's to amend his secretive nature.
When he pulled away, he whispered to you, "We have to go now,"
You nodded with a frown. You hugged the now 14-month old, chucky and chubby Henrie in your arms. It's hard to say goodbye. The dread, anxiety and guilt that sits on your chest at the mere thought of going out and not bringing dear Henrietta is heightened right now.
A pair of large hands travel down your waist to give it a squeeze. You already know what it means. As if on cue, she reached out to her father and said her first and favorite word, much to your dismay.
“Da-da.” Harrison gladly took her.
“You go be a good girl to Poppop, okay?” You told her. “We'll miss you. We'll be back before you know it.” You kissed her forehead tenderly.
"She'll be fine, Y/N," Barry assured.
Harrison gave your daughter a kiss on the cheek, before handing her to your older brother’s arms.
“No carousing around the city, and no— listen to me, Barry— no ice cream!” You chided Barry with a stern look.
Frankly, he was annoyed, especially because he vowed to be the coolest uncle in the world. But Barry has yet to say it, but it was only two years ago, you were his baby sister that he had always looked after and teased for fun. Now you're a mom, nagging him for what and what nots— having an actual child to look after. You radiate a different energy now, formerly childish and clumsy; something more mature (even more than him) enveloped you, your smile and gestures are gentle. But you're still raining on his parade. His head snapped from her to you with disbelief etched on his face. There it is. That look. You're the party pooper again. You frowned.
“Come on, Y/N. You can't deprive people of ice cream. And it’ll be fun! Uncle Barry and Henrie time!” He insisted, bouncing Henrie and lifted her hand, gesturing as if they were partying and dancing. Your girl happily giggling in return. Seems like agreeing with Uncle Barry.
“Well, it wasn't fun last time. She got a stomach ache and we were up all night.” You continued angrily. “Iris, can you watch him?”
“Yup.” Iris nodded with a grin.
Barry blinked and gasped, offended (fauxly) by the request.
“Watch me? She gave her the Mint Chocolate Chip one to try maximum flavors!” He stated, pointing a finger at Iris. She was stunned, it quickly flickered to fuming at him.
You internally scoff, they'll never get angry at each other for more than 5 minutes. The next minute they'll wind up at the Jitters' rooftop in the late hours of the night, talking about anything regarding being the Flash for an article, they say. You had warned them about how the meetings can't be a good thing, but they assured you that no funny business is going on. Physically, but emotionally, mentally, even if they don't realize it and chalk it up as old Barry and Iris.
Yes, Barry is trying to move on with the rest of the world, coming to terms that Iris West is not the only girl in the world, that he'll find his lightning rod. You love Eddie— he's a good man— but you know that was a bunch of bullcrap, because you lived with them enough to know that they'll never find anyone better than one another. Shame that they're as slow as snails to realize it.
“Ooh, Barry Allen— snitches get stitches!” Eddie shook his head.
“Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Uncle Fun and Auntie Flavor,” Joe chuckled.
“Thank you, Joe,”
You clasped your hand together, mustering the strength you have left, before you change your mind about leaving. "Okay, guys. We'll all see you later!"
Everyone stood up, and went for a quick hug. Not something that's odd, but it's just that you see each other everyday, and will see each other tomorrow, so it seems so weirdly affectionate. They usually just say bye.
“Have fun on your date night," Caitlin whispered kindly to you, as she held onto the hug. You thanked her, before letting go.
"Yes. I hope you enjoy your date. Bliss of union is something beyond the expression of words. I remember when Clarissa and I—"
"Dude, TMI." Cisco whispered to the professor through his gritted teeth. Unbeknownst to you, they all shot the Professor a look.
“Good luck with her tonight," Harrison told the gang.
Ronnie shrugged, barely hearing the warning. Foolish, optimistic and amateur, you thought.
"Eh, it's a good practice, 'case Cait and I decided to have one of these,"
"In three to five years." Caitlin sidled up to him, a hand placed on his chest, and the silver band on her finger glinted against the light. It took you back to that intimate ceremony almost 5 months ago.
"In three to five years.” He repeated, as if receiving an order from a commander. He then smirked, he ghosted his wife’s ear, voice dropping low, and you do not know if it's intended or not. "Besides, that leaves a whole lot of room for practice.”
You blinked, taken aback. Harrison merely cleared his throat, and Caitlin’s eyes and mouth agape, flushed and scandalized. Ronnie grinned like a sick bastard.
"You better be just talking about this baby.” Cisco murmured, taking a sip of his drink. He turned to Henrie beside him.
"Instead of listening to this man, listen to Uncle Cisco's new project, it doesn't involve smooching all day,” he stated bitterly in a baby voice. You were offended, though you will admit that more than half of the team being a couple does distract people sometimes.
The subjects of the affection rolled their eyes and reacted negatively.
"Oh come on. You know it's because it's all you talk about. The only person in the precinct who can understand what you're saying is Barry," Eddie piped in.
"I think we should head out before we witness a tantrum. Cisco often has it worse than Henrie.” The doctor whispered from behind. You hit his chest with the back of your palm.
"Shut up."
"Oh no, he's right," Joe chimed in.
Cisco heard him, shooting daggers at your old man. He began stomping to the kitchen in retreat, and as good friends do, you all laughed at him.
Despite the amount of hugs you received tonight, there's one person you wouldn't mind having a thousand hugs from. You opened your arms, beckoning to Joe. He obliged, though you were caught off guard. He held onto you for dear life, as if you're off somewhere far and long. Tighter than he did when you left for college. As you both let go, you felt the heaviness of everyone’s on you. There was something in their eyes that made you feel as though you weren't informed. You are becoming concerned and your face begins to etch it.
"What?" You asked, puzzled.
"Nothing." How they were so quick to answer it and the speed of their head swiveling is ridiculously suspicious.
You saw Joe's head craning his head up, training his eyes up even though there's nothing to look at up the ceiling. Then, you caught it. His eyes gleamed, almost.
"Joe, are you crying?" You asked, stunned.
He shook his head vigorously, but an audible sniffle was heard by everyone.
"No. I'm fine. You should go, have fun being childless tonight.”
You were to inquire more, but he began pushing you out of the house.
"O-okay. Bye! We’ll call!” You shouted as the door was slammed shut on your face.
You looked at your partner, who shrugged and was seemingly baffled as you were. You were itching to know what is up, the door is closed and you are going to be late. So you headed off.
As soon the door was shut, everyone stared at Joe. The boys were trying not to burst out in laughter, though the girls were a little sympathetic with the old man.
“Way to be subtle, Joe,” Barry quipped.
“Shut up, Barry," he retorted, as plopped down on his arm chair.
We'll leave each other cold as ice
And high and dry, the desert wind
Is blowin', is blowin'
When it comes to (the numbered) date nights, Harrison always has and always will keep the details to himself. At this point, you just try not to question anything at this point. You just get a smirk from him now. It's an improvement to your relationship, but it's utterly annoying.
You got into this fancy restaurant. As always, with multiple courses of food. You aren't complaining, as it's a nice treat every once in a while, especially having almost no to little time to make a proper dinner or lunch.
Now, he's driving to the hotel; Venazzi, you assumed.
Satisfied, full and honestly, pampered, you beamed as you gazed at him lovingly and lost. Stern and so focused on maneuvering the road, which you oddly adored. You wonder how you got so lucky with someone who was willing to give you everything.
Everyone talks about the one who made their beats fast, or skipped a beat, but it seems like the one who puts your heart at ease and awe is so rarely spoken about. Rare, but he's right here with you.
Your hand crept to his hand on the clutch, and as usual, he let go of it to open up his palm to connect with yours, fingers began to intertwine tightly.
"I love you. Thank you," you whispered to him.
"I love you too." He smiled, taking your hand to his lips and planted it on the skin on the back of your palm.
You exhaled. “I should be the one organizing all of this, because you have been doing so well with therapy. Dr. Kramer said that you’ve been doing quicker than most patients,”
“All because of you,” he murmured.
You tilted your head, raising an eyebrow, as if scolding him for not mentioning it. You know he loves you, but it's not nice to discredit those who had involvement in the progression of how things are today.
“And Cisco. And Barry. And Caitlin," you continued.
“Yes, indeed,” he chuckled with a nod.
You grinned, rolling your eyes. You stayed silent for the rest of the ride, expecting to pull up at the hotel's driveway. Imagine your surprise when you realize you're not heading there. He pulled up at where you were all just hours ago, and everyday for the last two years. Freaking STAR Labs.
The bemusement couldn't be more etched on your face. You looked at him and asked, "What are we doing here?"
"Just trust me," he assured.
You stared at him, even more bewildered. He gazed back, wordlessly stating to just do as he says. Shaking your head, you just went along with it. If you made it this far with him, you'll be fine.
You walked around the old lobby, more like he let you wander; dark, as you all agree not to turn on any lights, as this place is barely even utilized. You feel so small inside of it with the sheer darkness and nothingness of it. It's lifeless, yet each time you enter this building you are whisked away with the countless mornings and evenings briefing memories. The special spot by the bannister that is in the center of the building is where the Doctor always made his speech. First time you ever saw him. You've come so far from that girl who just is a story down watching him, admiring him.
You spun around to face your partner.
You all headed for the elevator, and to add to your growing confusion, you headed for the cortex. You entered the room, as you do every single day for work. There's nothing special, it's dimmer than usual, probably due the fact it's like after hours.
"So, this is where you plan to whisk me away for the rest of the weekend, huh?" You joked with a cheeky grin to lighten up the mood.
"Don't I whisk you everyday?" He bit back to your surprise.
So you continued your little game. Stroking your chin with a pout, seemingly thinking hard.
"Hmm… sometimes your game's been lacking," you stated, holding back a laugh knowing how well that will piss him off.
"Lacking, huh?" He scoffed. He grabbed you by the waist, silencing your squeal with a kiss. He was so into it. So hungry and feverish; joyful, even to the point that the wind was knocked out of you. You reckoned it was just the thrill of having not to hear a baby cry in the background, as he smooches you.
His hands wandered a bit far down and gave your butt a hearty squeeze. He was getting a little excited and sidetracked. You pulled away from the thought of still having no idea why you were back.
"You still haven't told me why we're here," you said, breathless. You saw the way his jaw clenched and his lips pressed together. He's got something up on his sleeve, and he will torture you with waiting.
He exhaled sharply, before stealing a kiss from you. You took a seat on your usual spot, stared at him, brows arose that screamed what could you possibly be here for. He smirked, much to your dismay. One day, you'll be married to this man, and still be clueless about him.
"This is where you came to me. After the accident, you offered to do anything just to watch your brother," he explained.
"You kindly took in that mess," you murmured gratefully. The grin never left his face. A new record, you thought.
"Best decision I ever made." He stated proudly.
"I also confronted you here. Both times,"
Still very vivid to you how that night went. Oh, you made him work for it. First was beating around the bush with your feelings, then the whole secret relationship fiasco. Seems like it all happened yesterday.
"Almost lost you both times, too,"
"You couldn't possibly." He pulled you for yet another kiss with the same intensity as before, as though the act of it is like an addictive drug he cannot resist.
You pulled away, slightly absorbed his odd cheerfulness.
"Where to next?" You joked.
"Just follow me, please," he said, grabbing your hand and dragging you out to the hallway at a speedy pace. You feel teenagers sneaking about in a place they should definitely not to make-out just not to get interrupted.
You ended up in a very familiar, nostalgia-inducing storage room near the particle accelerator. You huffed, exasperatedly with all the walking and having no literal idea what's going on.
"This is where we kiss and make-up," You mocked, copying his voice, grandously opening your arms. You thought he was gonna shoot you glare, but he cracked a chuckle. You were so perplexed, it seems like nothing can bring him down tonight.
"Yes. Where you had the most ridiculous idea to date,"
You rolled your eyes. He still hasn't lived it down. Joe was a bit grumpy for a while, but he got used to it.
"It went well, Harrison. And if we hadn't come out by then, pretty sure we'll be having a pregnancy reveal that'll make you thankful that you were in a wheelchair," you reasoned.
And the pregnancy wasn't his favorite thing as well.
You heard him scoff. "Pretty sure that's exact scenario with Joe then,"
"He was much calmer," you argued with a sigh.
"With the silent treatment?" He snarked back.
You frowned and relented. He didn't like how Joe was during the first months of the pregnancy. You were crying every night, afraid you were never going to fix your relationship with him. It was a lot of stress for the three of you.
You left the storage room, and headed for the next part of this random tour. He didn't speak on your way to the next destination in the lab, his jolly aura had vanished and he succumbed back to himself. You didn't know if he didn't like the discussion earlier or was just being mysterious as ever. And of course, you're more anxious than ever; worried, yes, but the knot you feel in your stomach suggests something far more than dread, beyond pinpointing or perhaps you're just too confused to put the pieces together.
You know where you're heading, but don't actually know what's going on down there.
Once you reached the break room, you thought to see the usual set up, absence of light and life. No, you couldn't be more wrong. The furniture was gone, the room was illuminated warmly by the sheer quantity of candlelights, along with a myriad of petals littered on the floor; it was magical.
Slacked jaw and frozen on the spot, his fingers slipped into yours, tugging gently as he guided to the center of the room, the only part that seemingly lacks the decor. Just like that, the sweet melody played. He put your arms on his shoulder, his hands on hips, swaying perfectly with the rhythm.
There it is again: that freaking indecipherable face, that you're slowly getting to know; usually too overwhelmed inside to ever conjure an expression.
"What?" You asked.
He sighed softly, clearly holding something back. "Remember after night after you told me you can't dance around your feelings anymore. All those things I said?" Your brows drew together, shaking your head. Truth is, a lot happened after that and it's better to let him tell all rather than go through them one-by-one.
"You went on a date," he answered.
Ah. That. Yep. He was a nice guy, don't remember his name, but it went well as far as you remember. "What about it?"
"What about it?" He chuckled wryly, as if that made sense. He exhaled, locking eyes with you with a gleam that you can't recognize. Your heart beating fast, a feeling stirring inside that's making you worried.
"You came back here after that, and I was here too. Exhausted, stressed— all of the things that can't possibly be good, we're feeling that night. Then, you've always been so beautiful in my eyes, but there was something that night when I saw you in that red dress." His voice cracked, and he paused to collect himself.
That's why he made you wear a red dress.
You gasped internally, your mouth was too dry, you feel like you won't be able to speak. Tears brimming your eyes, because he spoke to you in a way that was too powerful, and the events of that night are coming back to you.
"I wanted to hit myself so badly, for making up excuses, for holding back, and all I could think about is how much I screwed up. And how I was screwed," he whispered. "And amongst other things, how foolish I would be if I didn't kiss you."
And he did. He kissed you that night with all the tension, passion and desperation for one another that was forced to be dormant. You gripped his shoulder to get a grip of yourself. He just knows when to say the most perfect things. You are so confused, as many times you've stated it, no one could possibly comprehend it like you do, as it is the only thing you understand. You're emotional over his new love declaration, you're at your day job that's been redecorated, and you don't know what it's for.
"Harrison—" you choked on your words.
For the first time you realized that his breathing is a little uneven. Heartbeat is a little bit speedy. He wasn't being clingy— he's nervous.
He wiped off your tears, cupping your cheeks and holding your hand, as he stared at you so enamored.
“Y/N Allen, I love you far more than I thought I could. You restored something in me— something long gone," He breathed out. "You make me feel alive; I breathe for you, I live for you, my whole world revolves around the warmth of your smile. You are the second of every day I want to cherish for the rest of my life,"
“Harrison, what's going on?” You shakily asked.
"You gave me the greatest gift; my own family," he said. "So if you would be so kind and generous to give me one more thing, it will make me the happiest man in the universe."
Holding your hand still, he began to get down on one knee. Your mouth agape, registering what is finally happening.
“Marry me, Y/N Allen." He took out a small, velvet from his pocket, opening it slowly to reveal a shiny ring that shimmered against the moonlight.
You saw his eyes glint, not with mysteriousness, mischief or curiosity. Of tears. Of joy. You broke down into tears, your hands flew to your mouth. You bent over, taking it all in. It took a while for you to speak because you were sobbing hysterically. You reckoned he was on his knees for too long so you mustered up the only thought you have.
“That's not really asking, but yes," you choked out. “I’ll marry you.”
He laughed, escastically slipping on the ring on your finger. He leapt to his feet, not giving you a chance to admire it on your finger, he swung his arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground and crashed his lips against yours. Your heart was soaring with joy, the thunderous beats of it screamed it. It felt very wet, as you couldn't control the tears; it was messy, but hearty nonetheless. You could stay there forever, but the steadiness of your breath was slipping away.
Panting, you pulled away. His forehead rested against yours, you continuously sobbed, as you both whispered nothing but 'I love you'd to each other, which led to another kiss. He kissed you again ardently, taking you away from this world. You never felt so lost in something intangible, and you can't quite place it, but your heart yearned for it, searched for it, begged for it, and now, you have really found it— you have found the one.
The kiss was intensifying every moment. His hands ever gripped your hips, pressing you closer to his body. His lips with a mind of its own detached from your lips to hover over your ears, finally planting them on the skin of your neck, sucking on the sensitive spot on your neck and you couldn't help but elicit a moan.
The warmth in your belly spreads and grows like rapid fire, and your wandering hands are the fuel to it; from his chest down to his abs, he squeezed your rear, and your hand found his clothed hardness, palming it. The grunt you received from him satisfied you. He fiddled hastily with the zipper of your dress, undoing them. They slipped down to the ground and your bra was thrown inside, along with his blazer that you worked off of him. You shivered, feeling a breeze against your body, your nipples pebbled, and oh, he immediately ravished them so hungrily, kneading the other one, breast milk dripping off it. Your teeth dug on your lower lip at the sensation. You can already feel your wetness growing.
"Leave some for our kid," you joked breathlessly. It's like he didn't get it and proceeded to the other side. He may have said something about it being sweet before.
You busied yourself with undoing the buttons of his shirt until you were able to take it off him. You ran your arms against his taut back and to his abs you so adore. Your breath hitched, as his hand slid down to the waistband of your underwear, and to your shock, he ripped them off. Your gasp was swallowed by his lips knocking the air out of you again. He adored the fact that it's all wet, all because of him. He pushed two fingers inside, building up friction, before swirling your clit expertly in 8 figures. Your screams of pleasure were muffled. Abruptly, he pulled away, turning you around to face the entrance to the balcony, but his fingers never stopped.
"Thank you." He whispered, rasped.
"What do you mean?" Your mind was too fogged to even think.
"For being mine," he replied tenderly.
You heard his belt unbuckle, and of course, the excitement rushed to you. He pressed against his hardness against wetness, rubbing it up and down, before slipping into your warm velvety sheath, moans escaping your mouths. Slow, his pace at first; he took his time to be gentle, even kissing your shoulder. It was torturous, but so, so good.
"Babe," you begged, biting your lips.
"I know," he assured.
Then, his hips bucked and slammed into you like a crazed man. It hits your cervix, stimulating your bundles of nerves at the same speed. Your hand flew to his shoulder, and held on it for dear life— and you screamed. You screamed really loud due to all the sensation you're feeling. Your head rolled back on his shoulder, you gripped on his hair, his head buried in the crook of your neck. His grunt was loud enough for you to hear and it drove you wild; the drug of being filled and pleasured was taking over your mind rather quickly. Overwhelmed, you orgasmed with a shattering scream, arching your back.
He removed himself, turning you around to face him now. Huffing, you smiled at him, which he returned. The glee on the man was palpable, he didn't have to say anything.
He pressed you towards him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your lips met again, he caressed the line of your spine down to your butt. He hoisted you up to cling on his torso.
He walked to the adjacent wall leaning you against it, making you realize how truly hot your body was because of how cold it felt behind your back. You felt the tip of girth entering your folds, happy about being filled again. He didn't make the effort to take his time, thrusting in and out with an incredible force, your eyes rolled back at the sensation and mewled at the brief window between him reaching that spongy part. His biceps were clenched, a hand firm on your hips, as they supported you and guided as you bounced on him. The other cradled your neck. Your legs locked around his waist.
Remember what you said to me?
We were drunk in love in Tennessee
And I hold it, we both know it
You ran the pads of your thumb against his cheek. You were in awe of the sight of him, how the candlelight illuminated his features. He just looked so perfect. So focused on making you feel good, sweaty, his glasses had gone foggy, and reeks of sex, sure— he was utterly perfect and so right. You lay your sweaty foreheads together, panting, grunting and moaning; the tender moment of vulnerability, and the reality of it all sinking.
This isn't a dream— you can't wake up from it and feel a pang of longing.
Both of your highs were coming, your fingers dug on his taut shoulder, in tears once again, as he thrusted inhumanly fast into your cunt. Your moaning gradually gets louder, along with his guttural groan as the ecstasy burns in your lower belly and veins, your velvety walls clamped down on him, quivering as the catharsis overwhelmed you. The silks of white ribbon surrounded them.
Breathing so heavily, your limbs limp, and strength has yet to come to you. You couldn't let go of him though. You just wanna hang on to this moment. Your hand traveled down his wet chest, your eyes shifting on the glimmering band on finger. You still can't believe it.
"I'm going to marry you," you sobbed.
"You will," he rasped. "I love you,"
"I love you too. I love you so much,"
He wiped down your tears, and kissed you in a way that's comforting and warming.
You pulled away, grinning ear-to-ear. You don't even know what to say, seems like words will never sum up how it all is.
“That's why he was crying,” you blurted out.
You glanced up to him. “Joe. He was crying. He knew, didn't he?”
“I reckon Joe would appreciate it if I let him know." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“How did you get him to agree?” You inquired.
If people think that after having a baby, Joe would become any less protective or critical of the Doctor, they couldn't be more wrong.
He exhaled sharply, as shook his head.
“He didn't at first, but I can be persuasive when I have to,” he answered.
“Thought that was me?” You chortled.
“Well, you certainly have your influences, Mrs. Wells,”
“Soon-to-be Mrs. Wells. You have to put a second ring on it, Mr. Wells,” you teased, motioning your left hand.
“Challenge accepted." He planted a quick kiss on your lips. He makes the word 'lucky' such an understatement. You thank God for your persistence, or else you would've missed the start of your life.
"I can't wait to spend forever with you," you whispered to him, intertwining your hand with his.
"May it never be enough time to be with you,"
He kissed your forehead tenderly. And you know, deep in your heart. The chaos, they will come and they will stay, but you have found the one to weather the storm with. You are never going to let him go.
This is really it. The beginning of forever.
Nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
That's it, guys! Thank you so much for reading! I actually had to remove a huge chunk of this story because I reached the maximum blocks 😭 breaks my heart, but the show must go on! If you can, please like and reblog, even comment if you have some insights! Love you all, and it's so nice to be back! See y'all next time xxx
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khayrrilrainxwells · 1 year
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The Color Enigma
Harry Wells X Reader
A/N: Hello everyone,
I'm back! School's out, and I have loads of time to write amazing fics. Get ready for some captivating stories coming your way!
You've been sitting at the cortex, the room filled with the soft hum of computers and the faint glow of screens illuminating your surroundings. As the minutes ticked away, the team had already departed, leaving you alone to complete your work. Feeling the weight of solitude, you cast your gaze upon the grumpy scientist who remained engrossed in his own tasks, his brow furrowed in concentration. The stillness in the air compelled you to break the silence and inject some warmth into the atmosphere.
With a thoughtful expression, you swiveled your chair to face Harry, the enigmatic scientist, whose demeanor often seemed impenetrable. "Hey, Harry," you called out, your voice cutting through the quietude. His eyes lifted from the intricate calculations before him, meeting your curious gaze.
"What's your favorite color?" you asked, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of your lips. Harry leaned back in his chair, contemplating the question, his lips forming a pensive line. He glanced at you, his eyes momentarily searching for an answer before he finally responded, "Don't have one." His response was accompanied by a nonchalant reach for the coffee cup sitting on the edge of the table.
You chuckled softly, the sound ringing in the otherwise hushed room. "Of course you do, Harry. Everyone has a favorite color," you persisted, confident in your belief. He regarded you for a moment, his expression inscrutable, before shaking his head gently. "Not me," he insisted, his voice laced with a tinge of mystery.
Undeterred, you shifted your attention back to your work, though a flicker of curiosity remained. The silence settled once more upon the cortex, broken only by the soft sounds of keyboards and the occasional hum of electronic equipment. Lost in your own thoughts, you found yourself engrossed in your task until a gentle voice brought you back to the present.
"What's yours then?" Harry's inquiry caught you by surprise, and you turned to face him, your lips grazing the bottom one in contemplation before meeting his gaze. "My favorite color is (Y/F/C)," you replied, a hint of vulnerability seeping into your voice. As you resumed your work, you couldn't help but sneak a quick glance at Harry, hoping to discern any hidden emotions that lay behind his enigmatic facade.
Once again, he shook his head, reaffirming his lack of preference. It seemed as though Harry was a man of few words and even fewer emotions. A sigh escaped your lips, realizing that perhaps breaking through his walls was an insurmountable task. The whispers of your teammates' doubts echoed in your mind—they had warned you that Harry was closed off, unreachable. Maybe they were right.
Resolving to finish your work elsewhere, you swiftly gathered your belongings, preparing to retreat to the comfort of your own apartment. As you made your way towards the exit, his voice called out to you, stopping you in your tracks. "(Y/F/C)," he uttered, causing you to turn and face him, your brows knitting together in confusion.
"That's my favorite color, the one I just told you," he revealed, his expression mirroring your own bewilderment. Slowly, he removed his glasses, carefully placing them on the table. Taking a deep breath, he rose from his seat, striding purposefully toward you. With every step he took, your heartbeat quickened, anticipation mingling with apprehension. Backed against the cold wall of the cortex, you found yourself trapped by his presence.
Harry's intense gaze locked onto yours, his hands moving to press against the wall on either side of you, effectively enclosing you within his grasp. A small, enigmatic smile curved his lips.
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sarawritestories · 1 year
A Date in the Pipeline (Final Part)
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A/N we are just gonna pretend this gif is Thawne and not HR 😊
Summary: A plan was in place, and the speedsters only hope they had was that they could get to Y/N in time and that her kidnappers for once lived up to their sinster name.
Word count: 1976
Content Warning: Mentions of blood, suspense, little bit of fluff, and some heartache.
Tags: @eonash @yetanotherwells @twilightlover2007
A plan had been made Barry suited up as Eobard put on fresh clothes. When the evil speedster walks back into the cortex he was greeted by the companion he had for the past year, his wheelchair. In order for their plan to work Eobard Thawne would have to play the role of Harrison Wells one last time. Barry looked at him, “Alright let’s go over the plan again.”
As the four scientists began going over the details of the plan again Joe walked in the cortex and stopped at the site of Eobard was out of his cell. Without giving a second thought raised his firearm at the speedster, “What the hell are you doing out of your cell, Thawne.”
The four looked up at Joe in seconds Joe was against the wall firearm on the floor as Thawne pressed his forearm against Joe’s chest. “Hello, Detective.”
The clock struck at the top of the hour and the father, son duo from hell began to move. James Jesse came into her view and stroked her cheek, “Its time, Gorgeous.” She jerked her head as the Trickster Jr. Began to undo her bonds. He untied her wrist, Y/N wasted no time and punched him square in the nose and he crumpled to the floor. She was about to swing at the father, but he was quicker and grabbed her wrist. “Now, now Is that anyway to treat your host, Princess.” She tried to get out of his grasp but he began cackling in response. He grabbed a fist of her hair and yanked so she was leaning closer to him his mouth close to her ear he shifted her to see a big tank. “Hope you can breathe underwater.”
She began to whimper through her gag, as the son grabbed her and began to bind her hands behind her back. Admiring the young tricksters handy work the duo grabbed both of her arms and lead her to tank. They lowered her into the tank and she immediately tried to get up and find a way out as there was a slam above her as she the top of the tank closed off. Laughter flooded her ears as she tried to get up and was greeted with water hitting her face. She looked up as the light of the warehouse blinded her she couldn’t see where the flowing water was coming from. “Happy Swimming!” she heard the young kid’s voice as water began to pool at her ankles. Panic began to take over and she began to scream through her gag hoping that Barry and maybe even Harrison could find her.
~Back in S.T.A.R Labs~
Barry immediately came in between the two men, attempting to pull Eobard off Joe, “Thawne, let him go. Now is not the time for this.” Eobard form his mouth into a tight line and reluctantly let the detective go. Turning toward the cortex and rubbed the back of his neck as Joe straightened his jacket. “Joe, why would you do that? You saw the video, we need him.”
Joe shook his head, “No we don’t, Barry, you are fast enough. You can be in and out of there with Y/N in seconds.” He pointed at the Faux Harrison Wells, “He made sure you were fast enough. Barry, how are you possibly okay with this?”
Barry gave a frustrated sigh, “I’m not, but their terms were clear we both need to be there or Y/N is going to die.”
Eobard turned and faced the two men and his expression caused the two to stop. Tears brimmed his eyes, “Barry has every right to be mad at me and to not trust me. I have taken lives of many and manipulated many to get results I desire. I do so with no hesitation and feel no remorse about it.” He pointed to the TV’s in the cortex where a still frame of Y/N in the warehouse, “She is the exception, Y/N is a kind soul and someone I care for deeply. If she were die and I wasn’t able to,” He clenched his hands into fists, “I wasn’t able to save her. That is something I would regret deeply. I am a lot of things, Detective, but her life is worth saving. So if I have to work with someone I despise in order to save her. So be it.”
Joe was about to say something when the speakers from the cortex, “Paging Dr. Wells. Come in Dr. Wells.”
The three men ran into the cortex, “Oh my god,” Joe muttered as the video panned out to a tank That was filling with water and Y/N trying to slam against the panel though the water was at her waist.
“We were bored with the Flash and Dr. Wells making a decision and decided to have fun with out guest.” The young trickster revealed his face on the camera and they noticed his nose was swollen and dried blood was under his nostril.
“She at least got a punch in,” Caitlin said fighting back tears.
“Good Girl,” Eobard whispered dragging his hand over his mouth.
The young trickster was pushed out of the frame to reveal James, “You have about 20 minutes now to get here before that tank fills up. Or you can say goodbye to your breathtaking girlfriend. Make your choice Harrison.”
Barry and Eobard made eye contact giving each other a nod they sped out of the cortex leaving the wheelchair behind. As Caitlin, Cisco and Joe took post at their computers.
The two reached the warehouse that they pinged her location to and looked like a normal warehouse. “Last time we were at a trickster hideout it was booby trapped. It is probably safe to assume that it’s the same here,” Barry said and Harrison nodded in agreement. “I’m going to search the perimeter and find another entrance,” Barry sped out of sight.
The water was coming in faster now and causing her to swim closer to the top. She was beginning to get tired as it was hard to keep afloat with her hands tied behind her back. The creaking sound of the door sliding open caused her head to perk up. She screamed out his name though she isn’t shaking her head as Eobard walked into the warehouse. “Dad, I thought we pulled all the tricks here. This dumb scientist had to go and ruin it with a trick of his own,” Trickster Jr. pouted as the father rolled his eyes.
“Well son, our trick is still at play though I must say Dr. Wells. This is some trick.”
Eobard locked eyes with Y/N’s in the tank and she tried to push harder to reach the top as Harrison faced the duo. “I have many surprises and you have taken someone I care about deeply, you will find that there are no limits of me getting her back.”
The tricksters looked at the tank as it was almost full and Y/N’s struggle to swim the top. “Looks to me like you might anyway,” Trickster senior began cackling as Eobard took a step closer, “I wouldn’t do that Dr.” as he put his foot back down a flash of yellow lightning ran in. The Flash tripped over a wire and the tricksters began to laugh. Eobard hopped over a wire and helped his rival up as a muffled shriek came from the tank as the water came out faster. There was a ticking that caused the two metas to pause. There was a large clock ticking down one minute, and attached to it was an explosive. Flash turned to confront the pair to find they disappeared, “You get them, Allen, I’ll get her.” Barry paused and looked as Y/N’s head was completely submerged. “ALLEN, GO NOW!” Barry snapped out of his stupor and sped off to go after the pair.
Eobard looked at the tank and saw that Y/N’s body sinking. Taking a look at the clock he had 30 seconds. He cracked his neck and sped directly, to the tank phasing through to grab her and phased out. Speeding out of the warehouse with just a few seconds before it exploded. He quickly removed her gag and bindings and began to do chest compressions. “Come on, Sweetheart, don’t leave me.”
A few brief moments and nothing, he checked her pulse faint but there, and then she began coughing up water and Eobard to a sigh of relief. He grabbed her and brought her close, “You came for me.” She croaked her voice barely over a whisper.
“Of course, I did.” Eobard whispered stroking her wet hair, she pulled away from him and exhaustion finally took over as she passed out.
Eobard scooped her up at headed back to S.T.A.R Labs.
~Few hours later~
Caitlin came out of the med bay where Barry and Thawne were pacing. Thawne walked up to Caitlin, “She’s fine, she’s a little banged up and rattled but she did not suffer any severe injuries.”
“She also doesn’t need to be bed ridden either,” Y/N said slowly walking down to where everyone was at. She grabbed Caitlin’s hand, “Thank you, Caitlin.” She averted Eobard’s gaze and walked up to Barry engulfing him into a hug. Barry returned it, “Thank you, Barry I feel better knowing those Bastards are in jail.”
“For you, Y/N, anytime,” Barry noticed the brief glance between Fake Wells and his friend, “Caitlin, let’s give them a minute.” Eobard looked at him with a look of surprise and Barry gave him a slight nod and Y/N’s a shoulder to squeeze.
As the two left the cortex it left the former couple to sit in the silence. Eobard cleared his throat, “You should be resting,” He looked over right as Y/N hugged him. He returned the embrace and buried his face in her neck.
“Har-Eobard, thank you.” Tears formed as she gripped him tighter, “I could have died tonight.”
Eobard shushed her and pushed her away only to grip her face in his hands, “But you didn’t and that’s important. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
Tears stained her cheek huffed a laugh, “I think by the time next week I will have been officially out of tears.” He wipes her tears with the pads of his thumbs and gave her a small comforting smile.
He lowered his hands and looked back at the entry way of the cortex, “I should probably get back to the pipe line.”
She furrowed her brow, “You would go back in willingly?” She poked his cheek, “Are you real? This doesn’t look like the cold hearted killer. I talked to a few days ago.”
He smiled, “I made a promise to Allen, for his sake and yours I’m going to keep it so I can go home.” His smile faded, “Leaving you will be hard.”
Y/N had a small bout of bravery, she placed her hand on his cheek, she reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. They pulled away and with his arm around her waist and he pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m glad we got to say goodbye properly, Firelight.”
“I wish things were different, Eobard and that you weren’t a-“ Y/n paused and looked away from his piercing blue eyes.
“A killer?” Eobard finished. She looked back at him and nodded, “Maybe in another world, there is a man with this face who is not a killer. Who will love you the way you deserve.” He kissed her forehead and in a gust of wind, and the cortex was empty. Feeling a bit dizzy, she made her way back to the med bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
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urprinceoflove · 1 year
A Scientist’s Secret
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Pairing: HR Wells x GN!Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: If your requests are open and if you don't mind could I ask for a small imagine where reader is a scientist at star labs and the team accidentally let it slip to h.r wells that reader is crushing on him?
Warnings: Just fluff and a matchmaker Cisco
Word Count: 684
A/N: this was fun to write and actually got me going for once. i thought this was super cheesy at first but its NOT THAT BAD-
The Flash Master List | Full Master List
“That’s Y/N L/N.” Cisco announced proudly to HR. “Oh by the way. They have a crush on you.” The man leaned back against the doorway nonchalantly, nodding slowly to himself.
“What!?” HR bursted out. His jaw dropped in disbelief.
“They think you are super cute.” Cisco noticed HR’s dropped jaw and took a double take before turning towards it. “Cool it, Romeo.” He brought HR closer to him and spoke just above a whisper. “You have to go and talk to them… and I don’t mean just go up to them and start talking about random stuff. Compliment them. You got this.” Cisco stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest.
The Wells standing in front of him still had his mouth slightly agape with awe. He closed it immediately and took a deep breath.
“I got this…” HR spoke to himself.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.” Cisco remarked as HR started strutting towards you. “I am such a great matchmaker.” Cisco applauded himself before exiting the room.
You were busy flipping through your tablet’s screen taking inventory of the items in the medbay. Caitlin made sure to give you the job of checking off all the items that were held in the room as well as taking note of those that were not. It was not such a difficult task, but you as a scientist would much rather be mixing chemicals and finding the cure for cancer!
You smiled at the thought of what you could be doing right now. Finally after finishing up a section, you turned around to walk towards the opposite side of the room only to accidentally bump into HR Wells himself.
“I am so sorry!” HR bursted out the apology faster than you could even comprehend who was in front of you.
“HR,” You said quietly, making him out. You smiled. “Don’t worry about it. What brings you over here?” You asked, still busy with your work. You tried your best not to make it obvious that you actually are excited for his presence.
“Well…” He began, messing with his own fingers and rocking on his heels. “A little breacher told me that you like me.”
You stopped what you were doing. You felt your heartbeat quicken in your chest as the words left HR’s lips. You did not bother to turn around now. A little breacher? Ah, Cisco. You caught on immediately. You knew you could not trust that man with your biggest secret. Especially when he was constantly asking you when you would finally find a partner for yourself.
“Oh really?” Was all you could muster out. Still not turning around.
“Yeah,” HR stopped messing with his hands and took a step closer to you. “Is that true?” He asked, almost too quiet for you to catch.
You turned around slowly to the man, clenching the tablet in your hands and holding it flushed against your body. You felt as though you might drop the expensive equipment from this interaction alone.
“It is.” You admitted.
The great smile that formed on HR’s face told you that he too liked you.
From the distance that you both were in, it was inevitable that you were to take a glance at his lips before flicking back up to his gaze again.
The both of you leaned into each other, HR wrapping an arm around you and pressing his lips against yours. The kiss felt as though the whole world had stopped to watch.
“It worked!” Cisco cheered.
Instantly, HR and yourself pulled away from each other. He was holding you in his arms and you both turned to the doorway. Cisco was standing there (of all people).
“What are you doing here?” You questioned. “Don’t you have work to be done.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. I couldn’t miss this for the world!”
“Ramon, get out of here!” You were geared up to throw the tablet, still fixed in your arm.
Cisco jumped up and got out of the room fast.
You huffed and HR pulled you closer to him.
“So, where were we, love?”
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eonash · 2 years
Lovable Idiot
Nash Wells x Fem!Reader
Prompt: “You’re an idiot.” : “But you love me.”
Warnings: Angst, alcohol addictions, negative thoughts, fluff ending
Word Count: 572
A/N: just to cheer nash up and tell him that he isn’t the blame of crisis is all i want-
Master List | Tag List
@yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff @khayrrilrainxwells @alexxavicry
Y/N walked through the halls of STAR Labs hoping to finally get some peace and quiet, everyone had gone home for the night.. or so she thought. She stumbled upon a door opened with light shining from it. She rolled her eyes thinking someone must have left the light on in the room. Once Y/N stepped in, she noticed that the light was on, but the room was also occupied by another. Someone no other than her geological mythbuster boyfriend.
“Nash? Why are you still here?” Y/N questioned, walking up to him. When she got close enough she realized that he held a bottle of alcohol and a glass cup. “What are you doing?”
“Y-Y/N!” Nash quickly got up from his seat trying to hide the clearly already seen substance behind him. “..What now?”
Y/N looked at him confused. “I already saw it, Nash. I told you to stop drinking that stuff.” She went over and grabbed the bottle and cup with only a bit of the substance in it and took it over to the other side of the counter.
“I was drinking that..”
“And I took it.” After the drink was far away from him, she turned around. “What’s going on? Why are you drinking so late?”
He sighed. “It’s not important.”
“Nash.. you can tell me.” She walked over to him. He held his head low, not looking at her. Y/N could tell something was off.
“It’s.. just me..” He paused for a moment and then continued. “Messing everything up.” Nash looked at her now. She could see his eyes were a little bit watery. Y/N shook her head at him. Grabbing his hands with hers, squeezing them a bit.
“You didn’t mess anything up.” She pulled him into a hug. “I promise.” Her own eyes began to water at this action.
“Y/N, I am to blame for Crisis.” She dug her face deeper into his shirt, her hold on him tightening.
“I don’t blame you for anything. You are too sweet to ever commit such an act of violence on purpose.” Y/N looked up to him. He looked down at her and smiled.
He knew she was serious about her statement. “Thank you, princess.” He said finally. He hugged her back. The two of them stood in that position for a while, until Y/N pulled away.
“How could you ever think that?” She asked as she playfully smacked him on the shoulder.
He flinched at her action and then shrugged. “I don’t know.” She rolled her eyes, again.
“You’re an idiot.”
“But you love me.” He was right. Y/N loved him. He leaned against the counter. She couldn’t help, but look like an idiot herself, smiling big at his comment.
“Yeah, I do love you.” She came close to him again kissing him on the cheek. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you so much as well, Y/N.” She turned away from him pulling at his jacket for him to follow her.
“Let’s go home now.” Y/N let go of his jacket and looked up at him.
“In a second, love. I still have some tech I am working on.”
“Then I will stay with you for the time being.” She said stubbornly. Y/N didn’t want to leave him, not here alone.
He gave her a warm smile. “I would love that.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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I huffed into the Cortex and plopped down in the seat next to Cisco. He spared me a glance before quietly getting up and leaving. I ran my hands through my hair and let my head hang while tugging on it. I didn’t notice the scientist that was staring at me with a small smile on his face. I bit my lip to keep my tears at bay. It had been a tough day at work and I didn’t want to burden anyone in Team Flash with the troubles I had seen. The noise of wheels on the floor brought me out of my self-induced trance. I squeezed my eyes shut before taking a big shaky breath. A hand on my back drew my attention to the man who had sat down next to me. 
“You alright (Y/L/N)?” Harry asked. I shook my head and he stood up with open arms. I stayed seated and pressed my forehead to his stomach while wrapping my arms around his hips. He chuckled as his arms fell onto my upper back. One hand played with my hair and the other rubbed small circles between my shoulder blades. It was quiet for a while before he spoke again. “Do you want to talk about it?” His voice was low and soothing. I sighed as I moved closer to him and held him tighter. 
“Just a long day at work surrounded by idiots.” I mumbled out against him. Harry chuckled and pushed me away gently so he could see my face. 
“Aren’t you always?” He teased. I rolled my eyes and he finally noticed how red they were. “It was worse today wasn’t it?” I nodded again before he pulled me tightly against him. We stayed that way for about ten minutes before Harry pulled away. 
“Hey.” I mumbled weakly as I went to grab his belt loops. Harry danced just out of my reach and smiled down at me. 
“You trust me right?” He asked, a ghost of a smile playing on his face. I nodded and Harry stepped closer before swooping me up into his arms. 
“HARRY!” I exclaimed. He laughed as he helped me settle in his arms before leaving the Cortex. He took me into his workspace that also led into his living quarters. Why he had never taken me up on the offer to crash in my guest room stumped me. Harry set me down on the bed that was in the room just off the main room. I could still see him as he moved towards the board. I could see his smile as he rolled it over to me. “What are we doing?” I asked as I tucked my legs under me. 
“I’m going to draw something and we are going to throw things at it.” Harry said as he focused on his drawing. I laughed as I shifted my weight so I was more comfortable.
“What are you drawing?” I asked as Harry focused. He shushed me and I moved to lay down on his bed. “Wake me when you are done. I’m exhausted.” I yawned which drew Harry’s attention to me. His smile grew softer as he watched me quickly fall asleep. I gripped his pillow as the world fell away. I missed Harry taking off his glasses and smiling at me while covering me with his blanket. 
“I’m just going to let you sleep.” He whispered. “You need it. More than you know.” Harry leaned down to kiss my head before going back to the board and erasing the drawing he had made. Equations soon replaced it and Harry would look back at me sleeping in his bed when he would start to get frustrated. I slept through the Meta Alert and only woke up when Cisco burst into the room. 
“(Y/N)! There you are! Come quick!” Cisco yelled as he shook me awake. I groggily pushed him away before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” I slurred out, my mind still foggy with sleep.
“It’s Harry! He got hurt!” Cisco was practically pulling me out of the bed at this point. When I heard that Harry was hurt, I woke up quickly and ran out of the room with Cisco hot on my trail. I skidded to a halt when I reached the medical ward. Harry looked up at me from the bed where Caitlin was patching up his shoulder. Neither noticed me until Caitlin turned and saw me. 
“He’s going to be ok. Just a flesh wound.” I smiled at her reference before focusing on Harry. He was wearing a black tank top and I couldn’t help the blush that crept up on my cheeks. It was so rare to see him without his typical several layers of black. The room started to clear out by the time I found the courage to move to his side. Harry looked up at me with a slight longing. I swallowed before meeting his eyes again. 
“Hi.” I said as I sat down on the bed next to his legs. I started playing with the blanket out of nerves. 
“Hi.” He said. Harry’s hand closed over mine before he spoke again. “You heard Caitlin. I’m going to be just fine. Just a scratch.” I giggled as he smiled at me. 
“A scratch? Your arm’s off!” I faked a British accent which made Harry laugh. 
“Tis but a flesh wound.” Harry responded, making me laugh harder. “I’ve had worse.” His eyes met mine again. “Seriously (Y/N). I’m fine.” I nodded and he interlocked our fingers.
“What happened?” I asked quietly. “Must have been a while since I slept through most of it.” Harry shook his head. 
“It wasn’t that long. A Meta got into the Labs. Came right down to where we were and I….well….” Harry trailed off and looked away. I stood up before I gently turned his head back to me before squeezing his hand. 
“You what?” I asked. Harry blushed and fixed me with the same look he had when I had entered the room. 
“I defended you. The Meta was after you. Something about your powers. I don’t know. I didn’t really pay much attention to it.” Harry admitted. I cupped his cheek and smiled down at him. He pressed against my palm before kissing my wrist. 
“Thank you.” I whispered before leaning down and showing him my thanks in a kiss.
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