strangebrews · 4 years
36. — conditional
Tommy’s love was conditional. Not maliciously, it simply meant that Tommy had discovered he quite liked being candidly complimented—his eyes, his lips, the few faint freckles that danced individually on his cheekbones. Pretty little comments that made his fingertips tingle and throat tighten, and that he quickly grew addicted to.
Thomas was not touch deprived, he was simply hungry for specific validation. You’re beautiful had become too vague and it was Alfie alone who indulged Tommy in commending him for physical attributes that he at no point had any control over choosing. 
So Tommy would no longer give before he received, mouth angled just inches away from Alfie’s starving one, continually asking: “What else,”....is beautiful? The end of the sentence would ring invisibly in the air. 
The shape of your ass, the curve of your lips when you’re smiling, your eyes reflecting the moonlight. Each encounter brimming with flatteries that Tommy stored away and which bloated his ego.
The hollows under your eyes.
Tommy had been taken aback by the response that time, head jerking immediately to face Alfie. It was not the typical answer he was used to. The circles that sleeplessness had stained him with? That wasn’t right. That wasn’t beautiful. 
And Alfie half expected this initial comment to set Tommy off, compel him to leave. Yet for some unexplained reason Tommy’s expression had softened instead—not defensive, but visibly faltering within the silence.
So Alfie continued. The strain in your muscles…..The creases on your forehead, between your brows….The callouses that cover your fingers and the dirt beneath your nails….The way your body shakes during a nightmare….The flare in your nostrils when you’re frustrated….The moments when you have to squint away your blurred vision….This, The scar on his left cheek, which Alfie ran his thumb along before pressing a kiss to the spot. 
That should have inevitably surpassed a certain limit, and yet—“What else?” a whisper, Tommy’s right hand suddenly sliding into Alfie’s.
And Alfie was prompted to recite his entire list of ugly-Tommy features that he was particularly fond of, adored even—without admitting that detail aloud. They were features which tainted him, indicators that he was fragile, cracks through which Tommy’s emotions leaked through occasionally, without permission. 
Just like then, in that moment, with eyes locked in on one another, a single tear rolling down the side of Tommy’s cheek while Alfie told him he loved him—all facets of him—in the most roundabout, authentically-them way. And that fact alone would remain entirely unconditional.
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twobrokenwyngs · 4 years
What other sorts of things do you think Harry would want to show Eggsy (and I promise I don't just mean things of a prurient nature lol)? But like, outside of spy stuff, which is OBVIOUSLY gonna seem cool -- do you think Harry would have plans about teaching Eggsy life things? Personal things?
okay, granted, it’s been so long since I’ve seen this I’m probably lacking some of the finer points of Harry’s characterization but - YES. of course! I dont think Harry expected how much he would love taking this smart, ballsy, reckless, yet ultimately unpolished, unrefined boy and turning him into a Gentleman. I don’t think he ever lost respect for who Eggsy is at his core (in fact, I think there are things about Eggsy’s unpretentious coarseness that he genuinely admires,) but there’s something about teaching and molding a protégé that he never expected to embrace, to really internalize as a personal responsibility and a deeply fulfilling joy. Specifically that he is the one to do it, that he is the one, the only one, that Eggsy listens to and looks up to and changes for.
so yeah, I think Harry teaches Eggsy not just how to dress, how to style and present himself, but how to be a chameleon - how to be adaptable not just in devious, underhanded ways but how to dazzle and impress, how to come off so respectable that you don’t have to sneak in the back anymore - people will hold the door right open for you. but on top of that, Harry teaches him how to get the closest shave, how to keep his suits crisp, how to put that little swoop in his hair. he’d start to integrate different languages into their conversations and glow every time Eggsy picks up a new vocab word or phrase. Eggsy would think he knew all the hidden shortcuts and passages through the city, but Harry would, of course, know even more. he would supply Eggsy with the finest foods, rich flavors that have never touched his palate, and teach him how to identify and fully appreciate a good whiskey or port wine. he never stops thinking of new experiences he can give that boy.
it’s not like Eggsy’s starting at zero, after all - he already has plenty of skills that make him a good spy, but aside from the gadgetry and things Eggsy otherwise wouldn’t have access to, Harry loves to show him what it means to him to be a man, and all the pageantry and vulnerability that entails. and that means late night conversations by the fireplace where they bear their fears and hopes and memories to each other. it means letting each other in (which, frankly, is something Harry hasn’t had himself in a very, very long time.) ...and... yes... at the end of the day, Harry does have certain... skills... in regards to the absolute art that is giving pleasure to another person, but those he doesn’t offer until Eggsy asks. until Eggsy reaches for his touch. and that is when he reaches unprecedented depths of generosity and lavish indulgence.
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boundinshallows · 4 years
for the OT3 PLEASE GAWD: 34. Do they go on dates? What are they like? & 35. What do they smell when they smell amortentia? (is that an HP thing? I'm guessing lol)
34. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
They do! When they’re younger, it’s all very disorganized and spur of the moment, which sometimes leads to one of them having a really awful time of it (aside from just being with the other two). For instance, May and Tommy could spend all day at the stables. Go out, pack a lunch, eat out in the fields somewhere. (Usually followed by fucking in the fields somewhere). Alfie...not so much. Even when there are dogs on the property (and a litter of pups), Alfie’s attention can only be held for so long. May and Tommy learn quickly that there’s no sense of inviting him along. 
As a general trend that remains pretty consistent throughout their lives though, I tend to picture May and Alfie’s dates as more quiet and romantic in nature, Tommy and Alfie’s as social, and May and Tommy’s as extravagant. All three together can probably manage a day at the races quite well. May and Tommy will bicker over which horses to bet on, Tommy and Alfie disagree about how much to bet (Alfie is more shrewd imo, but it also tends to work out a lot better for him than Tommy). But they all in their own ways are incredibly invested in the race. Those days usually end with some intense fucking or all three snuggled and mostly asleep on the sofa. 
35. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
Ohh yes, so amortentia is a love potion in HP, and it smells like three scents unique to the person you love. 
May: Chanel 5, cocoa, apple
Tommy: patchouli, tobacco, mint
Tommy: tobacco, aftershave, leather
Alfie: fabric softener, pastry, sandalwood
Alfie: yeast, sea breeze, sandalwood
May: Chanel 5, horse, field grass
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anubiasnana · 4 years
Top 5 (or 10) favourite things anybody says in The Terror?
“someone’s going to have to think of a new type of memoir, sir, if truth is what you’re after.” (blanky, s1e6)
“is god here, captain? any god? it doesn’t matter. this place is beautiful to me, even now. to see it with eyes as a child’s... there is wonder here, captain.” (goodsir, s1e10)
“and who is going to stop you? you use the wind to carry you here. you use the forest to hide inside. you use this and you don’t even want to be here. you don’t want to live. look at you. even if i could help, you don’t want it. why do you want to die?” (silna, s1e5)
hodgson’s whole speech to goodsir in episode 9, what the fuck
“god does not grant us ghosts, mister manson” (irving, s1e5)
honorable mentions:
“once it’s past all hope, the mind goes... unnatural, with thoughts. (what kind of thoughts?) like splitting open sir john ross’s head with a boat axe. [...] (would you have done it?) ...leads opened up in the august. we got picked up by the isabella. we’d been taken for dead for two years.” (blanky & fitzjames, s1e6)
“a more appropriate hole?” (des voeux, s1e3)
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peakyblinded · 4 years
Your gifs are bloody *transcendental*, they're so clear and smooth and beautifully colour-adjusted! Thank you for making and sharing them.
THANK YOU for noticing that! I worked really hard (imo) on them, so I’m so glad you appreciate them :))))))
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4) equations in a burned notebook, bruises, a small key - Tommy/Alfie, please!
What about this: Alfie as himself, Tommy as a ruth- and fearless police officer.
Just ruth- and fearless enough to walk right into the tea room Alfie is known to frequent. He isn’t stupid enough to wear a uniform or anything suspicious of that sort, so people just give him a few looks when he approaches Alfie’s table, but they don’t exactly shoot him on sight. 
I imagine it’s not exactly one of the polished tea rooms of the well to-do, the red carpets faded and the floorboards creaking under heavy steps, the air warm and fragrant with black tea and smoke. No windows and chipped ashtrays. Copies of more or less tasteful french nudes, blackened by the smoke of candles and cigar smoke.
And at one of the tables in the back, Alfie Solomons, reading the paper, smoking, sipping overly sweet tea and not looking up when Tommy sits down at his table. Now, the thing is that Tommy is very good at what he does. Not really because he’s all that intelligent - he’s to reckless to be truly intelligent - but more because he’s so very bold. So he walks into that tearoom, sits down at that table, and pulls out a notebook, placing it on the table, right on a stain where Alfie accidentally set the cup down on the cloth instead of the saucer.
So Alfie looks up from the paper, looks Tommy up and down over his glasses. “I don’t remember sending out written invitations to join me for tea today.”
“You didn’t,” Tommy says and the sound of his voice (always unexpected) makes something in Alfie’s lashes twitch, an almost blink. “I brought my own invitation.”
“Ah.” Alfie looks at the notebook between them. “And what’s that, then.”
And see - Tommy doesn’t have a polished voice. He has a soldier’s eyes and nicotine fingers. Horse-rough hands and a whiskey-hot temper. He dresses like someone who grew up far from the polished floors of scotland yard. He doesn’t mind blood-sticky hands and unmarked crates. See? He fits in. People don’t notice him, don’t notice him noticing things.
Alfie takes him in and looks back at the notebook. Tommy doesn’t move to open it, just tilts his head a little as he lets Alfie soak in sight of him, let’s himself be noticed.
When Alfie flips it open, the notebook is filled with equations. Lists of numbers, names, more numbers. Alfie raises a brow, closes it. “So, lover,” he says. “What’s to be done about that.”
Tommy nods slowly, hands in his pockets. “What indeed.”
It’s not exactly the kind of place where people would stop Alfie if he walked out in five minutes, wiping blood off his face. They both know that, of course. But Alfie doesn’t know Tommy, not yet. So he reaches into the coat drapes over the back of his chair and places his gun between them, raises a brow. “This isn’t going to be a fun deal for you, Doll.”
This time, Tommy’s lashes flicker, just a little. “It could be a fun deal for you, though.” He sits up a little, places the key next to Alfie’s gun. Gold next to steel, catching the light.
At that, Alfie hums. He doesn’t know Tommy Shelby, not yet.
What it is, of course, is a hotel room key. 
Turns out Tommy is a terribly interesting person to talk to. Terribly innovative mind. Terribly greedy. And cash comes quicker when you know who to make business with.
Turns out Tommy’s voice is softer late at night. The shape of his mouth sweeter. His eyes darker.
Alfie watches him in the early morning light, standing by the open window, smoking. His shoulder pale, kissed by the grey light, while his chest is traced in flickering red-gold. The black lines of his suspenders, the shadows in his open fly. On his throat, his hips, his chest the traces of Alfie’s mouth, his hands. 
In the ashtray, the notebook. Pages shrivelling, turning black, smoke curling towards the ceiling.
Maybe Alfie Solomons doesn’t know Tommy Shelby yet, but he can already tell that getting to know him will be terribly thrilling.
that was SO much fun! Thank you so much for your ask 😭😭♥️ 
(here is the prompt list if you’d like to send me a number & a pairing 👀)
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inceptionpositivity · 4 years
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@tommyplum - Maggie & John, you both run possibly my most favorite blog ever. You are always so encouraging, you have great tag chatter, your reclists ROCK and I ADOREEEEE your writing! Cheers!!!
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artigas · 4 years
Please elaborate: a) did you interpret the bitter/sweet question as flavours or feelings; b) your favourite greek deity or myth; and c) what's your preferred macaron flavour
I shall answer!! I cannot believe tumblr literally ate the notification for this message. A girl talks about Greek tragedies and now she’s star-crossed lovers with one of the coolest girls in Peaky fandom. Chill out, Sophocles.
A.) I thought this was about flavors! I’m not a sweets person. I’d prefer something more tart over something syrupy. I don’t take coffee or tea with sugar, if that explains the brand of “bitter” I’m trying to invoke here. But if we’re talking emotions, can I opt for bittersweet? Or sweet with a dash of bitter? My favorite endings are usually the sort that are largely hopeful with a touch of sadness or loss. 
B.) Answered!!
C.) Ooooh. Lavender, pistachio, hazelnut, coffee/espresso.
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parlezkate · 4 years
Tagged by: @tommyplum​
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Top 3 ships:
Yeesh, starting with a hard one! I don’t know. I don’t have a top three. Obvs, I have an undying affection for Arthur/Eames. All of my pairings in my own fics. Also Max/Furiosa, and I guess I’ll happily read any iteration of Heathcliff/Cathy that you can scrape up. Stucky. I will also admit to being deeply into Midsommar fics about Dani/Pelle. 
Lipstick or chapstick:
I have way too many lipsticks and lip balms. I can go high brow or drugstore, but I haven’t found my perfect red yet. It’s not for lack of trying. I probably have 45 reds. Chapstick still tastes like wax to me ... but I’ll submit to the charm of cherry Chapstick now and then.
Last song:
“I Lost Something in the Hills” by Sibylle Baier — As an old, I don’t seek out new music all that often, but every now and then, Spotify will throw something at me and I’ll lose my shit over it. When I heard this, I thought, “Awww, how cute, this little twee European lady sounds just like she came out of the ‘70s.” And guess what! She did! 
Last film:
I just inhaled the new Dracula (on Netflix). It was delicious. Hat tip to @littlevulpecula for insisting I watch it. She was right! It was great.
I am reading six books right now, but the only ones I’m willing to talk to Tumblr about are Wake Siren and Wakenhyrst — because I like the symmetry of it. Wake Siren is a retelling of female characters in ancient myths and legends. So, if you liked Circe, you might like this. Wakenhyrst is a witchy little gothic horror/mystery set in a very creepy old house with a very bad dad in it.
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my-lady-knight · 4 years
Thank you so much for your meta on Alfie's weaponization of his Jewishness -- it's such a fascinating and edifying read, and I keep coming back to it over and over. I would read an ongoing lecture series by you on Alfie and how he observes/utilizes/celebrates Judaism and that's no joke! (Maggie)
You are very welcome, thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad that post ended up staying with you so well :D 
This is where I have to admit I don’t have many thoughts/headcanons about how Alfie’s observing Judaism, because I personally think he’s not actually that observant on a personal level. He’s probably kept up with a couple practices that appeal or speak to him, or are ingrained to a certain extent (ex. he doesn’t eat pork but otherwise doesn’t put much effort into keeping kosher) but I see him as having a complicated relationship both to the religion and the community at large, due to his upbringing, his experiences during the war, and his being a gangster, further muddied by the fact that as a gangster, he uses his Jewishness and Judaism in general so performatively. There’s a huge difference between Alfie Solomons the Jewish Gangster and Alfie Solomons, a Jewish man from a Jewish family born and raised and living in Camden Town, and man, maybe I wanna give it some thought about what those complicated feelings are! 
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zigster-ao3 · 4 years
ZIGS thank you for getting me whipped up into a frenzy over #apothecaryhusbands! I already loved the show and pairing but your unending enthusiasm and boosting has really offered an easy (read: LAZY) route into becoming immersed in all things David & Patrick *mwah*!! -maggie
Haha Maggie, my fellow Tom Hardy lover, thank you!! I mean, if my non-stop flailing about Schitt’s creek over the recent weeks hasn’t driven you downright batty, but instead, fanned the flames of your own burgeoning love for a fandom so full of joyous heart than I will happily take credit for that. :) thank YOU for not only putting up with all my SC content but also enjoying it!! (And also, lol, my stubbornness in trying to make Apothecaryhusbands a thing- it’s just a really good couple name for them!) I hope you enter into the new year with as much cheeriness as David enters Rose Apothecary with the day after his and Patrick’s first date. :)
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strangebrews · 4 years
16. — daybreak
Tommy had gone to America to meet with Michael and ensure that all of the progress that he had been reporting from overseas was in fact the reality. He told Alfie the day before he sailed off. It would be easier that way, he reasoned, breaking the news of this month-long absence cleanly and swiftly. It would be the longest they’d be apart…..but no matter. Tommy had no obligations to Alfie—he was doing it out of courtesy anyway. And Alfie responded the way Tommy expected him to: “Right,”
American English was, in fact, repulsive. It made more sense now why their people tended to prefer the UK accents, why women—with sparkles in their eyes—would smile and comment on how stunning he sounded.
The food was nastier—greasier, stickier—the water was bitter and there was a certain heaviness which hung in the air at all times.
It was lonely. It was foreign. Tommy picked up the phone.
It was daybreak in the US, meaning early afternoon back home, so he was unsurprised to hear Alfie pick up after the first ring. He sounded a bit fuzzy on the other end, the receiver picking up all of the background noise. He probably should not have called at the busiest moment of the day, but Alfie’s “Well are you gonna fucking say anything, yeah, or not? Your breathing something awful, mate.” kept Tommy on the line. 
Alfie didn’t know who was on the other side, but Tommy felt too idiotic to introduce himself—to have to explain to Alfie that he was calling because he was fucking lonely—so he simply started with, “The weather here is all the same.” A sigh on the other end—he knew who it was now.
“Yeah, well, mate, I don’t know what you fucking expected - a perfected promise land perhaps?”
And that was enough to prompt Alfie into a monologue for the rest of the exchange. He did not ask for clarification about Tommy’s experience thus far, he didn’t fucking care. And neither did Tommy, because he had not phoned to wallow in joint sentimentality with Alfie, but rather to reassure himself that Alfie was still there—that he was still willing to speak to him, still waiting back home for his return. 
He called every morning after that, without fail. There suddenly appeared a bright buzzing in his chest that persisted continuously during the trip. It had been so long since he had excitedly anticipated the sun to rise for a new day. 
Alfie would answer after the first ring, words already spilling out from his mouth so Tommy at times missed the first parts of his sentence. And they were always sentences, never questions. Never any How are you’s, which Tommy  appreciated immediately because there were adjectives pertaining to his “how” which he did not and would not share with Alfie. Sad, cold, torn, horny. Perhaps the last one was common knowledge to them both, but Alfie would ask for some elaboration just to spite him, to create an awkwardness for his own amusement and Tommy was not lonely enough yet to grant him that pleasure. 
With each passing call, it was becoming increasingly difficult to contain the strain in his lungs that he felt when reminded of the tone in Alfie’s voice, but remained aware that he was incapable of reaching out and grasping him. Telephones had been one of mankind’s stupider inventions, he concluded one day after a particularly prolonged conversation about absolutely nothing. Sending letters was simpler, less desperate.
He wanted to scream. He couldn’t scream. He was not entirely sure why he wanted to scream.
After 3 weeks, the strain had become more or less unbearable. The buzzing still throbbed in his chest, but it kept him tossing in bed throughout the night, pestering him about this new attachment he had unconsciously created. He should’ve left with a different goodbye. He should have made sure the nature of their relationship would remain the same. He shouldn’t have left at all. 
He called earlier this time, before daybreak, because there was no sense in pretending to sleep any longer. He was also the one who began the conversation, interrupting whatever thought Alfie had been formulating out loud.
“Do you miss me?” a statement which he disguised as a question, because Thomas Shelby was a coward.
And Alfie Solomons, fully aware of the fact that Thomas Shelby was a coward, responded with, “I miss you too.”
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twobrokenwyngs · 4 years
"#I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A DRAMATIC BABY" uh I beg to differ you've seen Tommy Shelby
...............................i stand corrected
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boundinshallows · 4 years
40. Scent (for the OT3 plz
Oooh so I know I talk a lot of about May’s perfume in the fic, especially in her hair. I decided to go with Chanel No. 5 as it’s the very definition of classic perfume and just felt like something May might naturally wear. Here’s the summary of the scent from Chanel: 
This floral bouquet composed around May Rose and Jasmine features bright citrus top notes. Aldehydes create a unique presence while the smooth touch of Bourbon Vanilla leaves an incredibly sensual trail.
It was also developed in the 1920s, so there’s a bit of a nod to canon there. This next bit was totally unintentional when I wrote it, but apparently (according to Wikipedia): 
Traditionally, fragrances worn by women fell into two basic categories. "Respectable women" favored the essence of a single garden flower while sexually provocative perfumes heavy with animal musk or jasmine were associated with women of the demi-monde, prostitutes, or courtesans.[1]:20 Chanel sought a new scent that would appeal to the flapper and celebrate the liberated feminine spirit of the 1920s.
So, you know, it’s a little bit lady and a little bit hoe, and I think that really speaks to how I’m characterizing May in permutations. 
But if we’re talking about scent more generally, I have a headcanon that both scent and taste are big memory triggers for the three of them. It’s not just one scent in particular though; it’s really a combination of two scents together. 
So for Tommy, for example, the scent of Chanel would remind him of May of course, but it’d also remind him of Alfie because he’s used to smelling the two of them together (especially on bedding and what not). If he meets a woman wearing the perfume, it’s both May and not-May because there’s no Alfie component to it. 
In that sense, I think if either one of them (Tommy or Alfie) sought out an easily recognizable scent like May’s perfume (because they were feeling sad or whatever), it’d never actually work because it’s never the two people combined into the scent. So they have the thing, but it’s not enough and it’s not right, and I think that mostly just makes them ache all the more for it.
(I also think that both Tommy and Alfie kept a lot of personal effects from the time. Alfie’s is spread out all around the house and on display. Tommy’s is in his little box. I can imagine Alfie taking out a letter to give it a sniff, but it’s a subtle thing and he wouldn’t linger. Tommy, though, he’s buried that shit down deep, so when that box does get opened, I think the mingling scents hit him like a ton of bricks. Half the time, he probably just closes the box back up and hides it away again without even touching any of the stuff inside). 
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museenkuss · 5 years
💫 Andromeda Hydra, if possible?
Of course that’s possible 🥰♥️♥️ 
Andromeda - A book with lgbt+ content
For that I’ll have to say “The Talented Mr Ripley” by Patricia Highsmith and not only because it’s one of my favourite books of all time. Apart from its very obvious gay notes, it’s also vividly descriptive and just a very entertaining crime novel. We follow Tom Ripley from New York to Italy where he’s supposed to convince the rich and stunning and suave and just in general terribly charming Dickie Greenleaf to return to the US with him. Instead, Tom gets tangled in the Dolce Vita Dickie indulges in, in jealousy and desire that spark something in Tom, who is already prone to manipulation and fraud.
Personally I found it very refreshing because it has a very clear gay message while not being one of those novels where the sexuality of the character is the only plot given - one may say that’s because it’s not explicitly a gay novel, but in my opinion the book can’t be understood without that aspect. It can very easily be read as a metaphor for homosexuals in the early to mid 20th century and one can’t forget the fact that Patricia Highsmith herself was a lesbian.
But even without that aspect, Tom Ripley is a fascinating character and the descriptions of Italy are fernweh-inducing!  
'Marge, you must understand that I don't love you,' Tom said into the mirror in Dickie's voice.
Hydra - A book of nonfiction (philosophy, history, art..)
Listen. I love your “Art and PB comparisons” so much. So I have to suggest “What Paintings Say: 100 Masterpieces in Detail“ by Rainer and Rose-Marie Hagen. It’s a great selection of works and they’re presented in such a nice way. The texts are very informative yet light enough to be read without being an expert on the artists or even the time period. I really enjoy flipping through it and  getting inspired. Apart from being a great source to find new art or artists in general, it also features well-known works such as Judith and Holofernes by Caravaggio (yes I remember you mentioning you like him ;) ). The only downside is that it has few non-European artists.
Also - although it’s an art book and these tend to be expensive, it’s a Din A 5 Taschen book and really affordable considering it has all these full colour photos.
no quote for that one but I learned about this painting because of this book and it’s now one of my favourites:
Dosso Dossi, Witchcraft (Allegory of Hercules)
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thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the suggestions should you happen to check them out! ♥️♥️
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@tommyplum​ of course a thief like eames would appreciate those rubies!!!  
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