#tomorrow i'll have something better
royalarchivist · 5 months
Over 6 years ago, Technoblade and Etoiles played together on United UHC. Although they never got to meet each other on the QSMP, it's nice to see that they already had some nice banter and a fun dynamic developing during the brief time they knew each other. Here are some highlights from the video where they played together!
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Subscribe to Technoblade! Technoblade's United UHC video
[ Part 1 || Part 2 || Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Technoblade: Bonjour, mis amis! (Hello, my friends!) Oh god, we already have a zombie on us. No! It's targeting me 'cuz I have subs!
Etoiles: Excellent teammates.
Technoblade: Do trees spawn in these worlds?
Etoiles: [Laughing at a screenshot of Technoblade saying "deforestation has gotten pretty bad"]
Technoblade: It's gotten pretty bad, man. What is this?
Etoiles: B-bonjour.
Technoblade: Stop speakin' Chinese.
Etoiles: You're the best Skywars player, dude. That's why.
Technoblade: That doesn't mean much.
Technoblade: Oh my god, I found diamonds!
Etoiles: Oh, whoa.
Technoblade: Subscribe to Technoblade! I'm suddenly a UHC god.
Etoiles: Oh, I got diamonds too! :D
Technoblade: ...Wow, way to ruin my moment. Wow. Can I just have this one moment?
Etoiles: Yeah.
Technoblade: Does everything- does everything need to be a competition? First diamonds I've ever mined in Minecraft.
Etoiles: Let's redo it, Techno. Let's say I don't have diamonds. I don't have diamonds, you have-
Teammate: I found diamonds!
Technoblade: Oh my god.
Technoblade: I have seven diamonds! And I'm not saying that to one-up you, but- I mean I am, but I mean I'm- I'm also tellin' the truth.
Teammate: Nobody knows which one of you guys is the mole.
Technoblade: Yeah, that's gonna be very awkward.
Etoiles: Maybe Technoblade is already-
Technoblade: I'm right behind you.
Etoiles: Technoblade is already saying to his friend-
Technoblade: I'm already in the Mole chat, plannin' your death.
Etoiles: Like, I'm kind of scared of Technoblade, actually.
Technoblade: I'm not even good, why would you be scared of me?
Etoiles: Because you're the King of Bedwars.
Technoblade: Alright, ok, ok, so here's how it works- I get paid per episode, right? So I'm not gonna betray you on Episode 2.
Etoiles: [Laughs]
Technoblade: Now let me enchant.
Etoiles: I'm so bad at hearing sound because when I'm hearing lava-
Technoblade: Nah, it's 'cuz the sounds are in French, isn't it?
Etoiles: [Laughs] I'm gonna kill you, bro.
Technoblade: No!
Etoiles: [Laughs] I'm gonna kill you.
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canigetawaho · 11 days
This is just my opinion but I don't think "just 2 boys kissing brought new fans" and it saddens me to hear this being repeated over and over again... This was a highly anticipated round because the characters had so much time to develop and people got to know them better than Sua and Mizi when the first round appeared or Luka in round 5.
2 characters that so many people loved and rooted for were going to fight against eachother and there was always the fear that one of them (or both) was going to die so, of course after so much time had passed between rounds and so much hype has been built up, round 6 finally droped and people went crazy over it (in the "this has destroyed me emotionally, well done 👏" type of way) and it is to be expected that such a reaction full of raw pain was going to attract attention and others would join because it's such a great story with amazing characters and a splendid soundtrack.
Personally, I just couldn't truly feel Mizi's pain until I got to know her better but with Ivan and Till I was already invested in by the time Cure droped so it hit 2 times harder
I'm not saying that there aren't toxic Ivantill fans or fans that came and are staying just for them afterall, it's inevitable but I would say that it's a small percentage and it's not worth the mischaracterization (I hope I wrote that right) of the new fans and of what the round 6 and it's impact actually was/meant
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petallix · 1 year
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POV you are Dave Mustaine 40 years ago
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Me, sweating crying and being very brave about it: If your brother can go straight from his nine to five to boxing class without eating dinner then you can do a stupid 20 minute zumba workout after sleeping in until ten.
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shadyhouse · 11 months
hey hi hello good morning um i just got woken up with the knowledge of my bank account being way in the negatives because a bill came in later than it should have and i am not taking it well
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i started a new job last week and im not getting my first check until later this week, and theyre mailing it to me so it may come even later. my phone bill needs to be paid (its $54 and i need my phone turned back on just in case my job tries to call me, i dont want to get fired/suspended over this) and of course my fridge is looking empty at the worst time too (literally any amount helps, i just need basic food to last for the next week. im running low on struggle meal ingredients 😅)
im transmasc and queer and i have no family or support system to fall back on, i would take on more commissions but my queue is very full and i want to make a dent in it before i open up again, plus its hard to be creative in a situation like this... i cant afford burnout right now
im so close to being back on my feet, this is my last roadblock and its coming at the worst time. as soon as things get steady with work things will be back to normal!!!
please please please dont feel obligated to help, only if you can afford to do so, otherwise id appreciate reblogs! i know we're all struggling right now, even just visibility helps
venmo: tobias_leviathan
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thank you for reading this far if you did, hopefully this will be the last time ever i need to make a post like this... 😭 i cant afford to lose my job and im hungry dude!!!!!! its pride month i shouldnt be living like this!!!!!!
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writingjourney · 7 days
I'm going to reply to the rest of your HCs tomorrow, my loves. I'm gonna snuggle up with my old kitty now, make sure she's alright so we can get some sleep. Thank you for being the best and sending me so many wholesome things ♡
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antirepurp · 13 days
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okay im not sure if the magenta is working with how similar it is to red and since frontiers is throwing a hundred effects and things on it to top everything off. RIP magenta symbolism im going to have to figure out something else for you
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nalivaa · 1 year
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i told @ckneal i'd do something for their royal au like,,, forever ago and i'm only now delivering aksjdhkja
anyway hi ck i'm sorry this took so long but here it is! finally! i had some,,, complications with it but it's all good now :]
if i never have to render anything again in my entire life it will still be too soon </3
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kevin-sedai · 5 months
The vibe really deteriorated as the day went on, and now I'm sitting in bed, awake, feeling like garbage
#it was an okay weekend but i was jittery and numb for most of it#tried to write christmas cards for the first time in 2 years. cried while doing so and then had to lie down after i did 5#i got frustrated with the story i'm writing and considered dropping it or deleting the whole thing#spent friday alone pretty much all day which normally i'm fine with but for whatever reason made the loneliness really hit hard this time#spent all thanksgiving day waiting for a familial confrontation#got asked by my 6 year old nephew how old i was and then he followed up with 'well why arent you married what are you doing'#which i'm pretty sure is something he heard in a conversation someone else was having and he repeated it bc he's 6 fucking years old#which btw i don't hold against him or am mad at him about bc he's an innocent kid#but that made me feel really shitty#spent an hour today panicking about this dog virus#and in between all of that i was self diagnosing myself with mental illnesses#which made me feel awful bc it made gaslight myself in thinking maybe i wanted one?#which is so fucked up to the max and i'm so sorry for even putting that here#but i put this all here bc i could never have this conversation with people irl#they'd get too worried or they'd think i'm overreacting or i need to date or need to do something with myself besides read#i'm so sorry everyone#i'll try to be better#i just had to put this out somewhere#and i didn't put this in a journal bc my last entry sounds so teenagerish out of context i don't even want to look at it#anyway i have to try to sleep i have to go into the office early tomorrow#i'm sorry guys#i really am😔
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tiffanyachings · 9 months
hey drawing is actually quite fun. did other people know this
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running-in-the-dark · 9 months
I've gotta go to the dentist again tomorrow. I got two fillings done on Thursday but they feel really rough and it's hurting my tongue (plus my brain doesn't stop noticing something like that so I'm constantly aware of it and it's exhausting), so I've got to get that fixed.
this time I have to drive myself, so I can't take any Lorazepam. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a quick visit anyway, at least this kind of thing has never taken long in the past, so. it should be fine, I know that. but I feel so shitty anyway. it's like the anxiety/fear is there right below the surface but it can't quite come out (probably thanks to the anxiety meds) so I just feel off all day. it sucks (though I much prefer this over the actual anxiety, that completely ruined the days leading up to anything like this).
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cosmic-kaden · 3 months
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owlbelly · 8 months
l'shanah tovah, i'm kvetching about religious frustration i guess
i always feel so weird on HHDs. all my Jewish friends are either doing video services with various congregations all over the map, or going in person to one of the local ones & i just don't ever feel like i want to do either of those things. with big online stuff i'm just totally disconnected & usually waiting for it to be over. i'd do better at an in-person thing but i'm so allergic to institutions, i don't want to be a member of a shul. the only time i ever had something fulfilling to do was when i was involved with that local radical havurah/minyan which was SO much more my style of observance & ever since that disbanded i've been kind of like. well, big shrug.
i feel really grateful to have local Jewish stuff to do - chevra kadisha, co-organizing the Hanukkah market & Jewish zine fest pop ups, going to other people's little workshops here & there etc. - but i really don't have anything to replace what NS was...like a real collective prayer/ritual thing. i only even had like a tiny taste of it before the pandemic (there were some things that happened during but they weren't in-person gatherings) but i guess that was enough to feel kinda depressed now. idk! i think i'm also just sick of feeling like i'm too tired & unfocused to do any ritual even by myself. being Jewish & having massive executive dysfunction & fatigue is a whole fucking thing i barely ever see anyone talk about. ofc i know a lot of other disabled Jews but it feels like everyone has more patience for online services than me. also like...maybe i would enjoy having a consistent personal Shabbat observance of some kind but that has never felt possible! i made myself a nice little altar space with all my Jewish stuff on it & i do NOTHING with it because i've never been able to maintain any kind of consistent personal ritual practice, ever, so i just try to look at it sometimes & appreciate it, which i guess is better than nothing. i try to be really protective of what i do consider to be my Jewish observance, which is a lot of study & creative expression, my ethical frameworks for how i live & socialize & pursue justice - but i hate constantly feeling like i'm not a part of "actual" Jewish religious practice even though i am an authority-rejecting weirdo Jew. i guess "actual" for me is just doing ritual & prayer, especially with other people, it doesn't have to be traditional although i like there to be some element of that too.
idk we're gonna go apple picking tomorrow like we usually do for Rosh Hashanah & i do appreciate that i have that! but that's a secular observance with my non-Jewish chosen fam. i do actually wish i had a religious thing to do with other Jews & i don't like any of my options & i'm unexpectedly sad about it
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there-will-be-a-way · 10 months
Logically I know... In the state I am rn... I should admit myself to a psych ward. But I would worry my friends and family.
The last few weeks made me realize I live more for others than I do for myself. My family told me I'm self centered but with every decision I make, I put their feelings first. I can't do this anymore. My social worker told me we could get me out of here anytime. Even if it meant staying at a shelter for homeless people. But what about my belongings? My parents would be in so much pain.
But today something clicked in me. That we live in different worlds. They don't understand me - and it's not about blame, it's about different life experiences. Which doesn't matter in the end. I want to be with people who get me. People with a different kind of life. Like my friends.
They can't understand. Unless they wind up in a similar situation than mine, they'll never understand.
For most of my life, even during my hardships, I had a plan. I knew where I wanted to go. I had a plan. Now I don't. I just genuinely don't know what to do. I don't. I feel truly and utterly helpless - and more sorry than I could ever put into words. So much guilt.
If yesterday, my acquaintance wouldn't have driven me home, I wouldn't have gotten here. I wouldn't have made it.
I can't care for myself at the moment. So humiliating. Such a shame. So much helplessness.
But I will end up figuring it out. Even if that means asking for more help than I deserve.
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piplupod · 4 days
praying and hoping and begging for things to get better or at least more tolerable soon because i dont know how many more physical symptoms of stress my body can take
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zincbot · 9 days
the hits stop coming and they don't stop coming
#every time i think i can't feel worse i discover a new blow#TO BE FAIR. IT'S PROBABLY NOT EVEN THAT BAD#i'm just like. really sensitive or something annoying like that#the worst part is that usually when i'm feeling low i can hinge my feelings on smth like 'if this happens that means everything will be okay#but then sometimes. it happens. and i still feel like the world is ending. so that didn't work now what do i do#ugh i didn't even feel this bad when i was like in the hospital a few months ago and it's literally just like. (in summary)#2 people i love are mad at me. i did really poorly in my exams and might lose my gpa. my car (highly attached) is breaking down and i need#get a new one#i start a new job tomorrow and i heard bad things about it from my classmates who started before me#+ i have serious doubts in my ability to dress neatly and well with all my shitty poorman clothes#+ i started breaking out#+ i just noticed i lost a bunch of weight likely from my hospital stay and i dunno how to get that back#+ my doctor said i'm not likely to get full mobility back at this point and it's upsetting me#also my spare tires are missing#ugh i'll be fine. i'll be fine i'll be fine i'll be fine. i'll be fine#i'm good at dealing BUT ONLY WITH SOME OF THESE. i can deal with the car and the job and the health. but interpersonal shit?#which is the thing upsetting me the most? wow surprise surprise local autist doesn't do people good#UGH anyway sorry for complaints on main i just feel like i got too many straws rn#it's 10:30pm i'm sure i'll feel better in the morning (ignoring the fact that i've been feeling almost exactly like this for days)#ugh. it's fine. i'll deal. only way out is through or whatever
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