#tomorrow morning lotto result
mycryptosuite · 1 year
Lotto 2Sure For Saturday National Today 03/06/2023
Lotto 2Sure For Saturday National Today 03/06/2023 Lotto 2sure for Saturday national – National 2Sure Lotto Numbers for Today can be gotten below, Information on Ghana National Lotto 2sure, national lotto 2sure prediction. Ghana lotto national prediction – ghana lotto 2sure and 3direct today, national lotto 2sure forecast for this week, national lotto 2sure forecast and result. Ghana national…
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bluedesignwall · 5 years
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It has been a busy week where all sorts of things have been going just a little bit wrong. As you know I am on a step streak but the going has been tough. I am finding this winter to be very cold and long. I went for a walk yesterday in the sunshine but the wind was so cold I took a detour into the hot house at the gardens. It was a good idea until I had to leave and walk back to the office. The gardens are looking lovely and Spring is definitely here but the temperature gauge is firmly stuck in Winter mode. Hubby was loading my bike on to the bike carrier this morning and found it had a puncture in the rear tyre. We don't have a spare tube so plan B had to be created pretty quickly. I would run home. So after work I walked to Mum's she was cooking steak casserole for dinner. I dropped my bags off at Mum's and ran home. Hubby picked my bags up from Mum's and drove the route I was running and picked me up at just short of 5km. I will have to do the same tomorrow as there is no way that puncture is getting fixed before the weekend. Another post run bad selfie, my eczema was stinging like crazy so my smile is more of a grimace. Hubby was in the shop buying the winning lotto ticket, wait he is just checking the results. Nobody won a bean, oh well I will be running home tomorrow after all.
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nasikasakura · 5 years
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I entered the lotto for Sac Anime Winter 2020 this morning. We should find out the results some time tomorrow. Since I do not have a car, this local con is the only one that I appear at all year! I really hope I get in. Good luck, artists! 
🌸Links/Tip/Shop: http://nasikasakura.carrd.co
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stomped-camels · 7 years
Day 1
I downloaded this application, QuitGuide, to quit smoking. The app had a journal entry section, but this app hasn’t gotten any actual tune-ups in what seems like years (it almost looks like something that belongs on my old iPhone 3GS), but it’ll send me reminders throughout the day. That seems helpful enough to warrant keeping it. I originally quit back in March for a solid… week and a half, or so. It was actually kind of easy, and made me think I won’t have trouble staying away from cigarettes. And then I visited my mom, and it all went to hell. So. It’s the dead of night, and I stomped on the pack of Camel Blues I bought today. I can’t recall how much they were, but I’m pretty sure they were $7.00, around. I bought a $9 lotto ticket that got me zilch, so all in all, I paid around $16 for the whole bunch. My dad loaned me $80 today, since I lost my debit card. I spent it almost entirely on the cigarettes and lotto ticket, lunch, and procuring a Blu Ray copy of The Phantom of the Opera and Se7en from Barnes and Noble. I have a spending problem. On an unrelated note, the best place to get classic horror films for Halloween is WalMart. Unfortunately, N converted me to Blu Rays, and now that’s all I can watch. I have a huge plastic tub of DVDs that will now go unwatched. I should maybe donate those… Not the TV shows, though. Most TV show companies don’t convert their content to Blu Ray, except more recent stuff, and The X Files. I started smoking back in 2015, summer of 2015. I had just come out of a mental hospital, which a suicide attempt put me in. My mom’s smoked all my life. The only time she stopped was for my sister nine years my junior to be born, and if I remember correctly, she stayed off cigarettes for a few years, but eventually fell off the wagon. Is that the right term, fell off the wagon? I feel like it is. Anyway, point is, I always felt like I’d end up smoking. My best friend at the time picked it up after berating me for saying “I feel like I need a rebellious trait… smoking seems like the ticket.” I in turn berated her for starting up after calling me an idiot, and it was in a car, her sister was driving, she tried to jump out. My previous friendships were not healthy, and at some point will make a wonderfully well-received teen novel about accepting the end of long-term friendships and how they’re literally impossible to stop. Back to my smoking. I bought a pack of Marlboro Blacks that June, and I “smoked” them. By “smoked,” I mean I inhaled the smoke in my mouth and puffed out like that was how one smokes. Every once in a while, the smoke actually went down my throat and I’d cough like mad. Never wanted to throw up, though, which I always expected since I have severe acid reflux—which, if I may contribute to any studies of how cigarette smoking affects people with the dreaded GERD, only ended up in awful mornings of intolerable heartburn from the previous day of heavy smoking. I switched to Marlboro Silvers. Or Golds, I can’t remember, once I really started smoking. When I got a boyfriend later that year, I switched to Camel Crushes, but I wouldn’t crush the menthol. In May of 2016, an elderly WalMart employee couldn’t find any Camel Crushes behind the counter and I, feeling guilty for waving my bad habit about in front of this old woman, settled for the in-stock Camel Blues. And I smoked them ever since. Around a pack a day, every day, every week. I am a nicotine addict. It doesn’t feel like a release to say that, but it also doesn’t feel like the greatest shame in my life. I’ve had more shameful moments than saying that, some of which have arisen from being an addict, sure, but. Saying it doesn’t make me want to contact Dr. Phil and try and get on his show to discuss my “deplorable habit.” On the app, I was asked the reason why I wanted to quit. I initially typed “to be able to exercise without feeling breathless and to be able to advance with my singing,” but I backspaced almost immediately because that’s not the real reason. I met N around the beginning of October of 2016. I had confided in him that I was a smoker, and I asked if he had any problems with that. He told me, and I’m paraphrasing only the tiniest bit, that guys who smoked “turned him on.” I can’t remember if he said guys who smoked “are hot” or “turn him on,” but it doesn’t really matter. After a few months of being subjected to me calling for a smoke break at home, or in the car, he finally told me that the habit had becoming irritating and rather disgusting. I reeked of smoke and my breath was abbhorent. So I made the decision to quit (which resulted in the previously mentioned week-and-a-half of being smoke-free). Once I started smoking again, I shamefully (see what I meant?) realized I had basically lied to him, and that I was back on this bullshit and I have been lying to him ever since. I feel guilty all the time I’m with him, and I feel I’ve caused a strain. He’s in Seattle, currently, visiting a friend. I decided I’d quit and start cleaning up my life in other areas, too. I’ve been unemployed for about seven months, so I wanna get serious about it. Not that I haven’t applied elsewhere (it’s a long story and to be frank it just pisses me off), I just need to think smaller. N is my reason for quitting smoking. My main reason, at least. I get the whole “detriment to my health” deal and the “waste of money” point, but my main reason is doing right by him. I don’t want to worry about how my breath or clothes smell. I don’t want to mute myself when we’re on the phone for constant hours and I feel the urge to go outside and spark one up. I want to be honest. And to be honest, I have to hide from him that I have indeed been smoking, and once I quit, I’ll basically be telling the truth. Yikes, I feel like some troublesome character on a sitcom. But. You get the picture. By the way, who is You? Who’s gonna be reading this? Probably no one. I’ve started up journals before and I never gain any traction. Logically, You is Me. Me. I’m talking to you, me. This journal is for myself. I want to post about how my life may be getting better (or worse) once I’ve stopped smoking. It also works as a good craving suppressant. Write about how sad you feel about hiding something from your significant other and you’ll be less likely to do it. Who said that? Me, but it makes sense in the logical aspect of things. So, it’s what, 2:06 in the morning? Should probably wrap this up, I decided to also fix my sleep schedule by downloading this alarm clock app that won’t stop screaming at me until I solve five puzzles that require cognizant brain-power. Alright, C. Wake up tomorrow, at a DECENT TIME, and do something productive. Maybe go apply to some places, take a walk around the neighborhood. You can do it. I believe in you.
October 15, 2017, 2:09 a.m.
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tripstations · 5 years
South Western Railway train strike causes travel misery for thousands of passengers – The Sun
SOUTH Western Railway train strikes caused travel misery for thousands of commuters today.
As a result trains are being cancelled or delayed and a bus replacement service is operating in some areas.
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This is the queue outside Surbiton station in Surrey on the first morning of SWR strikesCredit: Twitter
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Passengers stand on a crowded train amid the first day of industrial actionCredit: @DaveRisk1/ Twitter
Commuters into London, as well as racegoers at Royal Ascot, will face travel hell because of the long-running dispute over guards on trains.
Passengers trying to get to work this morning faced long queues, crowded trains and delayed services.
Many shared images on social media of queues going up the high street from Surbiton station in Surrey.
One said it was “absolute mayhem” while others feared they wouldn’t make it to work.
James Robinson from Surbiton was also caught in the disruption.
The communications director said: “The queuing starts half way down the high street.
“Lots of people frantically making phone calls to work and chasing alternative routes into London.
“We have this all week to look forward to!”
Others complained they were stuck on “dangerously crowded” trains.
Another said they witnessed a disabled passenger unable to board the train with their service dog and blasted it as “disgusting”.
Britain is braced for another deluge this week with heavy downpours and thunderstorms on the way – as rail commuters face disruption thanks to a five-day strike.
Members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT) walked out today over South Western Railway’s failure to satisfy their request for a guard on each train.
Industrial action was suspended in February as a resolution seemed in sight but the union is renewing strikes after accusing the company of dragging its heels in protracted talks over the past few months.
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The queue went up around the corner and up the high street as commuters struggled to travel to workCredit: Twitter
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Commuters wait outside Surbiton station as one passenger described it as ‘absolute chaos’Credit: @NeilHadley2/ Twitter
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This passenger shared this image while commuting between New Malden and Raynes Park this morning during the first day of SWR strikesCredit: @KarlyneOakes/ Twitter
@SW_Railway perhaps warn your customers travelling to/from brookwood today that the subway is flooded. Arrived at the tunnel to be told get back on the train to the next stop or walk around through the cemetery pic.twitter.com/wXAuzU3Fb9
— Gemma-Louise (@Sew_Devine) June 11, 2019
@SW_Railway Whitton to Waterloo was a disgrace this am..6.39 whizzed pass, 7.14 dangerously overcrowded.
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— winnie nugent (@NugentWinnie) June 18, 2019
Thanks southwestern for ruining one day, let’s not do it again!
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— Thomas Stewart (@tdsproducer) June 18, 2019
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This commuter was travelling between New Malden and Raynes Park when she said this about her rail replacement busCredit: Twitter
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This passenger said she witnessed a disabled commuter unable to board the trainCredit: Twitter
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This commuter complained of the rail replacement serviceCredit: Twitter
The RMT said SWR company was not prepared to give assurances its new operational model won’t move to driver controlled operation, which sparked fears of a “stitch up”.
RMT general secretary Mick Cash yesterday said: “Our members have been left with no choice but to go ahead with strike action tomorrow.”
SWR said it was “very disappointing” the union had decided to call the strike despite dates being set for more talks.
A spokesman added: “Clearly, they have decided to target popular events such as Royal Ascot with this cynical action which is driven by internal RMT politics.”
Racegoers attending Royal Ascot, music events at Hampton Court and Metallica at Twickenham on Thursday night have been advised to allow extra time for their travel.
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This commuter blasted SWR after not being able to get on a trainCredit: Twitter
No trains, no bus replacement, no taxis available, no bike – how am I supposed to get I to central London from Surbiton? @SW_Help @swtrains_watch
— Daniel O’Brien (@soccernumerica) June 18, 2019
@swtrains_watch 8:08 surbiton to Waterloo chugging along at approx 3mph is swelteringly hot. No windows of course.
— Hannah (@hanmarsuperstar) June 17, 2019
Another wonderful @SW_Railway experience this morning. Trains every 30 minutes only any they’re running late. Shameful service.
— Roy Beckerson (@roypsb) June 18, 2019
Browsing the southwestern strike hashtag is making me both wanna cry and laugh. Place your bets, how late am I gonna be to work today?
— Lidia with an I (@lidia_trifonova) June 18, 2019
Complete and utter chaos at #Surbiton today
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@SW_Railway you’ve let us all down by not getting your staff on side and stopping this strike take place, it’s a total disgrace, literally thousands of people are going to be affected by this all week. pic.twitter.com/Vn8Dotu7MU
— Alice (@AliceCescaa) June 18, 2019
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One passenger had some choice words for SWRCredit: Twitter
To compound the misery those events are likely to be hit by torrential downpours.
After a bright day in the South East today, things will take a turn for the worse on Tuesday and Wednesday with thunderstorms forecast to cause disruption and flooding.
The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for much of the South East, East Anglia and parts of the Midlands, running from 6pm on Tuesday until 9pm on Wednesday.
UK braced for invasion of killer Asian hornets that can KILL with one sting
Man thought he’d bought £140k bungalow for £7k but he’d only got £40 grass area
Mystery THIRD man claims crooks’ £4m Lotto win after his debit card was used
British boy, 4, drowns in hotel pool ‘while parents were asleep’ in Kos
‘Severe’ thunder, rain and hail may spark flooding in England today
Magician found dead in Ganges after chained-up escape stunt gone wrong
The North East, Scotland and Northern Ireland are expected to see periods of heavy rain and hail today.
Heavy rain could cause fresh hell for residents in rain-hit Lincolnshire today after more than two months’ worth of rain fell in two days, causing the River Steeping to burst its banks.
Meteorologist Dean Hall said: “We are keeping an eye on it as there could be some issues with surface water and flooding”.
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Passengers travelling on South Western Railway are set to endure five days of chaos, starting today
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Racegoers attending Royal Ascot are braced for heavy downpours and travel miseryFestival goers struggle to get through the mud as they try to enjoy Download Festival
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The post South Western Railway train strike causes travel misery for thousands of passengers – The Sun appeared first on Tripstations.
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kenzhl-blog · 4 years
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Can I bring my children to show them how it works?Of course. Polling station staff are expected to be welcoming to under 18s so as not to put off the voters of tomorrow. In exceptional cases where there are large numbers of young people in the station, presiding officers have the power to ask them to wait outside.
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mycryptosuite · 1 year
Friday Bonanza Lotto 2Sure Keys For Today
Friday Bonanza Lotto 2Sure Keys For Today Friday bonanza lotto 2sure keys -Bonanza lotto banker live today – friday bonanza banker for today will drop play as we tell you at Abc Naija Lotto. Lotto banker for today is not just one number but a set of numbers with high possibility of falling out during today’s Ghana lotto draw. Friday bonanza lotto banker live draw – Bonanza live banker: Friday…
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mycryptosuite · 5 years
Latest Fortune Lotto Result & Premier Lotto Result
Latest Fortune Lotto Result & Premier Lotto Result
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Latest Fortune Lotto Result & Premier Lotto Result Latest fortune lotto result has been released to the general public and we very happy the our two sure for fortune dropped live like obiri lotto results. Today Thursday results have been released and it’s now online for the general public to check thereas – Fortune thursday lotto reading plans. (more…)
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mycryptosuite · 5 years
r&s lotto nigeria - Lucky G Two Sure
r&s lotto nigeria – Lucky G Two Sure
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r&s lotto nigeria – Lucky G Two Sure r&s lotto nigeria is a lotto company in Nigeria that also play ghana lotto games like lucky-g lotto on every Tuesday of the week and it’s also registered. Lotto banker for today is a sure game and i want every one of my fans to make sure you play this numbers on today’s lucky-g game. (more…)
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
National Live 2-Sure For Today 20/06/2020
National Live 2-Sure For Today 20/06/2020
National Live 2-Sure For Today 20/06/2020 National live 2-sure is ready for today and everyone should make sure he or she plays this numbers that i will display for Ghana National lotto forecast. Leak National Lotto Banker For 20/06/2020 Leak national lotto banker for today is the best lotto forecast for today Ghana lotto draw. Live one banker lotto will also be included in our today game and no…
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mycryptosuite · 5 years
MSP Lotto Live Key Set - Two Sure Ghana Lotto
MSP Lotto Live Key Set – Two Sure Ghana Lotto
MSP Lotto Live Key Set – Two Sure Ghana Lotto MSP lotto live key set for today’s Ghana lotto Monday special and i want you not to miss it as it’s going to be a bomber lotto win for us on today’s MSP Ghana lotto draw. Best Ghana key lotto for today was well forecast and researched very thoroughly, just to make sure we win today’s game. (more…)
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