gyubaby · 5 years
💕𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯💕
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cherrygyusworld · 3 years
Calling You Clingy
please don’t copy or rewrite/post as your own. if you’d like to take this idea and use it, that’s fine, but I’d ask that you don’t make the scenario exactly the same and use a different layout. enjoy!
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summary | you go to bring a handmade lunch to Beomgyu during his break, but you don’t expect to overhear him talking badly about you behind your back. 
category | idol!au, angst, slight fluff, arranged dating
warnings | language, yelling, hate, sad
word count | 2811
pairing | cbg x fem reader
I looked down at the lunch I'd made, smiling. It had been 6 months since Beomgyu and I started dating. Though it was arranged, I did really start to catch feelings for him and hoped that he would feel the same way too. He was cold at some times, but soft at heart. I also knew that he had a tendency to be forgetful and not take care of himself, so I took care of that by making sure I talked to him every day and sent him food at least a few times a week. If I wasn't busy, I tried to visit him often too.
Today, I decided to deliver the food to him myself. It had been a while since I'd seen the members, so it would be nice to catch up with them. I put the food (tteokbokki) in a container and carefully put it in a bag with water and other snacks so that he could share it with the other members. Then, I drove to the HYBE building and walked inside with the bag.
"Hi Ms. Y/n!" I heard one of the staff calling. I waved at her. I visited the company a lot, so almost all the staff knew me by heart.
"Hi Jane! Do you happen to know where Beomgyu is right now?" I asked, holding up the bag and indicating that I had lunch for him.
She smiled. "You're right on time. He's taking a break from dance practice upstairs. He'll be glad to see you."
"Thanks Jane," I said, and went to the elevator to go to the dance studio. I opened the door to find all five of them sitting down, sweating, on the floor.
"Y/n!" Huening Kai noticed me first and I grinned.
"Lunch is served!" I laughed, handing him the bag. I walked over, looking at Beomgyu, but he wasn't looking at me. In fact, he hadn't even greeted me this entire time. I felt unsettled, but proceeded to sit down next to them as they unwrapped the food.
"Tteokbokki!" Soobin yelled happily, grabbing the chopsticks and immediately diving into the dish. I laughed and watched them devour it. Beomgyu was the only one who hadn't eaten a single bite, or bothered to even glance at the food. He was just on his phone the entire time.
"Gyu, aren't you going to eat?" I asked him. I didn't want to be bossy, but it wasn't good for his health.
He didn't even look up from his phone. "No. And don't call me Gyu."
"Oh... okay." I said, not knowing what to say. The members looked at him strangely, but didn't say anything.
I watched as the tteokbokki disappeared completely. I was happy that the others were eating so well, but I hadn't seen so much as a speck go into Beomgyu's mouth. I was worried about his health. He was sweating and red-faced, but hadn't even taken a drink from the bottle. I tapped his knee tentatively and he looked up, annoyed.
"What?" He asked abruptly.
I shrank back a little. "Shouldn't you at least have some water? It's not good for your maintenance. You should take care of yourself."
Beomgyu let out a deep sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Jeez, for God's sake, y/n, stop bothering me! I'm so done with your nagging. Why do you always have to come over? I'm not a freaking kid, okay? I'm an adult and I know what's best for me. What do you know, huh? You. Don't. Know. Me. This relationship is arranged and we both know that, so stop making it so hard for me."
I felt close to tears and my face was burning with humiliation. "I--I'll be right back." I said, getting up to use to bathroom. I felt stares on my back as I practically fled for the exit.
After I dried my face and washed away the tears, I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. "It's okay," I muttered to myself. "He didn't really mean it. I guess he was just stressed." Though Beomgyu had ignored me at times, he'd never really snapped at me this way. I dried your hands after washing them thoroughly for the tenth time and walked back towards the studio to confront him.
However, before I could open the door, I heard voices yelling from inside.
"... doesn't deserve it!" Yeonjun shouted angrily. I could see him standing up, arms waving in motion as he spoke.
"Well it's not my fault!" I could recognize this voice instantly. It was Beomgyu, and he sounded furious now. "I literally can't stand her!"
"What do you mean?" Soobin scoffed, crossing his arms and looking down at him intimidatingly. "Y/n is an angel. You should be grateful to have a person like her in your life! All she's trying to do is help you and your health. It's not a secret that you forget about yourself at times, and she's the perfect person to help you fix that flaw!"
Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Shut up! Just shut up! I swear, I hate you all. You think y/n's the best, don't you? Well why don't you try living with her? She's the clingiest girl I know and she won't leave me alone? 'Oh Gyu, what's wrong with your face? It's gotten so hollow.' 'Oh no, Gyu! You didn't eat anything today. Why don't you at least have this tteokbokki?' 'Gyuuu, stop going on your phone so much. It's bad for your eyesight.' Are you kidding? Has she never even heard of a diet? Just because she's lived in a healthy state all her life doesn't mean that I have to follow her footsteps too! What if I want to have a slimmer face?? And her food tastes like trash. I don't know how you guys can shove it all down your throat. It's disgusting. Just admit it; you're all wolfing it down without tasting it just so that you can make y/n feel good about herself, right? Well, don't. She needs some self awareness of herself and she needs to stop believing that everything she does benefits me."
At this point, Yeonjun walked forward angrily to punch him, but I opened the door just in time. "No," I said, voice hoarse. Everyone stared at me. The maknaes were on the floor, staring up in fright as their hyungs fought. I cleared my throat. "Don't punch him."
Yeonjun, looking annoyed, ran a hand through his hair. "Y/n, did you hear what this idiot was saying? He deserves to be punched. No, more than that."
I shook my head. I was on the verge of tears again, but I wanted to show how strong I was. I'd never really been one to believe in violence either. I'd always believed that words hurt more than actions.
"I know," I said, clearing my throat again. "But leave him. He's not worth it."
Yeonjun looked like he was going to ignore me and beat Beomgyu up senseless, but he slowly unclenched his fists and walked out of the room. I heard the door slam shut loudly.
I swallowed and looked at Beomgyu clearly for the first time since I'd come back from the bathroom. Being the stubborn, cold person he was, he refused to look me in the eye and kept a look on his face that concluded that he didn't feel guilty. I took in a deep breath and approached him.
"I understand how you feel," I said, looking down at my shoes. "So I'll try to fix what you don't like about me. I won't bother you anymore. I won't cook for you anymore either. And I won't come over to visit you every day. I hope you'll be satisfied with your wish."
Beomgyu opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. "I'll do whatever you want. But just keep this in mind. You're cold, arrogant, and stubborn. You never know how to apologize or give affection. I only did this to make you happy and so that you would truly love me, but I'm glad that I found out about your real colors before I wasted all my love for you." I stared him right in the eye this time and turned around to leave.
"Fine, then," I heard Beomgyu scoff. "Be that way." He muttered the last part, but loudly enough so I could hear it. I stiffened slightly, but I pretended not to hear him, not to feel my heart clench around my chest tightly. Without looking back or replying, I opened the door to the studio and left.
The Next Morning: Beomgyu's POV
I woke up, stretching. I felt a soft tickle near my nose and swatted at it, annoyed. "Ugh, just stop it, y/n. I'm up, okay?" I waited to hear her smart remark, but when I didn't hear a sound, I opened my eyes and looked around.
I was alone in my room. Yesterday night, I'd come back home as late as I could and found y/n sleeping soundly at the bed. Though I'd settled down beside her and felt her breathing too unevenly to be sleeping, she didn't greet me as usual. I'd brushed the strange feeling off and settled down next to her. It had taken me hours to finally fall asleep, waiting for y/n's sweet, soft breathing to finally even out.
I let out a sigh and got up to get ready for the day. After I'd dressed and washed my face, I walked into the kitchen to see y/n sipping her morning tea and reading the newspaper. A plate of eggs and toast on her desk as she shifted her glasses on her face and looked up. She gave me a little smile and took another sip of her tea.
I looked around for my breakfast, only to see that y/n had only prepared one dish. The frying pans had been cleared and the stove was turned off. There wasn't even a coffee made for me. I cleared my throat and y/n looked up, a questioning look on her face.
"No breakfast today?" I asked. I was hungry because I'd skipped both lunch and dinner yesterday. Usually I ate everything y/n made for me, even if it didn't fit my taste. But now, there was nothing for me.
Y/n let out a sneaky smile. "I didn't want you to eat any of my 'trash'. If you want something, I'm sure you'll find something in the pantry." She turned back to the newspaper.
I let out some sort of a grimace and walked over to the pantry, where I took out some bland cereal and grabbed the milk. I ate about three spoonfuls before throwing the rest away. I'd never eaten anything so cold. It wasn't just the fact that it was cold, it was the fact that I couldn't find any feeling within the food. When y/n cooked, her food was warm and felt like it contained a bottle of love. It was actually made with care. Not able to finish the rest, I forced myself to eat another spoonful before throwing the rest away.
At Work
I let out a deep breath as I slumped down against the mirror of our dance studio. Soobin hyung and Yeonjun hyung were giving me the cold shoulder; still talking to me but not exactly with warmth.
I looked around for a water bottle to quench my thirst, but realized that there wasn't one. I never usually brought a water bottle, now that I thought about it. Y/n would usually bring that with my lunch. I shrugged, knowing that y/n was running a little late and would bring it to me in a few minutes.
However, as time slowly ticked, I could tell that y/n wasn't coming anytime soon. I'd checked my phone a million times, but there was no sign of her. She hadn't even texted or called to ask if I needed something. She'd used to do that every five minutes, and it felt strange that I hadn't texted her in an entire day. Rubbing my forehead, I got up and decided to go to the cafeteria to get food. I hadn't been there in a while. Just as I was about to leave, Taehyun called out, "Hyung! It's time to begin practicing again!"
The rest of the week went like that. Y/n wasn't exactly ignoring me and she wasn't mad either, but there was something off. Though she talked to me, she never approached me directly and hugged me like she used to. She still slept on the same bed as me, but she never backhugged me in her sleep. I woke up feeling cold all the time and got used to looking over at her empty side of the bed. She would wake up hours before I did just to eat breakfast and leave for work in order to avoid me. My face was too hollow and I had eye bags under my eyes. I felt physically and mentally weaker and often got scolded for falling asleep during lessons. As for the food, I'd practically given up. The first few days, I'd tried to make myself something to eat with the same care that y/n provided. However, I'd almost burned down the stove and somehow managed to burn up y/n's favorite frying pan while the food inside of it was still cold. She'd given me a glare and asked me to go buy a new one, so I had. But she didn't return her gratitude with a happy smile and hug this time. Instead, she just took it and said, "Thanks."
I was sick of this. I'd only just begun to realize how important y/n was in my life. I decided to confront her about this today. I missed her and now knew how irreplaceable she was.
Y/n's POV:
"Good work, team!" My boss, Jungkook, called out as he shuffled the papers from the meeting. I let out a big smile as the lights turned back on. The meeting had lasted unusually long now, but at least that meant that I wouldn't have to see Beomgyu now at night. There was no way he would stay up this late just to wait for me. It was nearly midnight now and it would take a few hours on the subway to get back home.
When I reached our apartment, I opened the door slowly and quietly so that I wouldn't wake him up. I noticed the lights were on and mumbled, "Pabo..." as I took off my shoes and walked towards the light switches. I was startled when a chair suddenly swiveled around to reveal a puffy-eyed Beomgyu.
"Beomgyu!" I exclaimed, clutching my heart and letting out a string of curses. "Jeez, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be in bed! It's almost four in the morning, you know."
He nodded. I felt my heart drop, almost as though I'd expected something more. But just as I walked by him, he suddenly grabbed my wrist, stood up, and embraced me in a hug.
I was even more shocked now as he took me in his arms tightly and placed his head on the crook of my neck. After a while, I felt tears soaking my clothes as he cried on my shoulder.
"Beomgyu? What's wrong?" I asked softly.
He let out a shaky breath. "Beomgyu? What happened to Gyu?" Before I could answer, he rapidly said, "I'm sorry, y/n. I really am. I realize how important you are and I want to apologize for all my mistakes. The last few days, I've come to know that I can't live without you anymore. I literally almost burned the house down when I tried to cook for myself and food tastes bland now. I'm thirsty and tired all the time at work and when I sleep, I feel so cold." He took my hand in his. "Please, please come back, y/n. I really need you again."
I held him in my embrace for a while. "I forgive you, Beomgyu." He looked up at me, eyes wide.
"Really?" He asked, as though he couldn't believe it.
I smiled. "Really. I think both you and I have learned our lesson. If you were uncomfortable with how nosy I was, then it would be nice of you to talk to me instead of taking out your anger on my work. As for me, I won't be visiting EVERY day, but I want to keep taking care of you and making sure you're fine."
Beomgyu smiled as he took me in his arms this time. "Thank you, y/n. I promise you won't regret it."
I giggled as he smiled into my head. "Netflix and chill?" I suggested.
He grinned widely. "You know it."
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