#tomura is like 'small talk is so stupid' and proceeds to do small talk because he's too emotionally constipated to be straightforward
ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
Breakfast Blues. (Shigaraki x f!Reader, NSFWish)
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Tomura could tell something was off as soon as he entered the kitchen. Your smile felt a little too forced, your eyes a little too hopeful as you plated a bowl of rice and eggs for him, hesitating for a moment to speak. It put him in a sour mood. He didn't like having to pry answers from you.
He usually managed to swipe his breakfast away and go back to his room for privacy, but you were making this increasingly difficult for him lately. It started with inane attempts to get him into conversations with you, which really was a stupid idea, given the fact that he never mustered more than a few grunts in the morning. His growling stomach initially helped fighting you off, but you seemed to have a backbone today.
Gripping the dishes in hand, you offered him a meek smile and asked, "Would you like to eat together?"
His eyes narrowed as he frowned. "Why?" his voice croaked out, scratchy and unpleasant from disuse.
"I just thought it would be nice. You're busy a lot, so ... "
"So?" Your confidence faltered under his scrutinizing stare. Something about your dying smile made him even more irritated, or perhaps confused. And he did not like feeling confused. "I'm hungry, woman."
Sensing his displeasure, you wordlessly handed over the breakfast and looked away. Under different circumstances, Tomura liked teasing you in this state. So secretive and cute, your lips set in a stubborn pout and your chin cast downwards for him to inevitably grip and force your attention back to him.
But he was so damn hungry and he had a game loaded on his computer for his return.
Tomura turned to leave, having decided he waited enough for your comeback. It was only the glaring absence of your shuffling feet and the tinkering of cookware that made him pause for a split second at the threshold. Just a quick glance to satiate his curiosity.
You stood exactly where he left you, still looking away, hands wringing together without anything else to hold. Defeated and hurt. The sting of negative emotions welled up inside him so suddenly that he immediately took off, wishing he had a free hand to scratch his neck.
No amount of homecooked breakfast or countless wins could erase his lingering discontent. Tomura tried to ignore that strange encounter with you, burying his thoughts in strategies and shit-talking as he let the time slip away. But try as he might, he just couldn't shake it off. Throwing aside his game console, Tomura leered at the clock and slumped in his chair, annoyed at the realization that you hadn't visited him this whole time.
You were nowhere to be found in the apartment. A cursory glance at his phone showed him a single text from you. I'm going out with Toga. Be back later.
You didn't even send him a heart emoji.
It was a stupid thing to set him off. Everything about today was stupid. You were stupid, he was stupid, his damn neediness was stupid, even the breakfast bowls he brought to the sink were stupid. What kind of world was this, where he, Shigaraki Tomura, successor of Japan's most dangerous criminal, brought his dishes to the kitchen and moped about a goddamn heart emoji.
He needed a drink.
It was a testament to his bad mood that Tomura chose to walk all the way to the bar instead of asking Kurogiri to warp him there. His eyes scanned the streets in a vain attempt to track you down among the crowd, but you were nowhere to be found and he was growing anxious by the minute.
Tomura kicked the door open and hopped the counter to pilfer the expensive liquor stash. His taste gravitated towards the most expensive rum in the collection. He could certainly chase his sorrows away with cheap swill or rubbing alcohol, but if he was going to torture his body tonight, then he would do so with style. It was all worthless in the end, anyway.
He sat by himself for who knows how long. It was utterly pathetic and he knew he had better things to do, yet every time he tried to pull himself away from the counter, his head spun uncomfortably and the amber liquid beckoned him towards a numbing buzz. His phone lay abandoned on the counter, having been checked several times for a text or a phone call from you.
You hadn't even called to find out where he was. He had half a mind to wonder if you would walk through the door to surprise him, but there were only so many times he could glance at the door before the urge to disintegrate it took hold. He grabbed the rum bottle instead, messily pouring more liquor into his glass as he ignored the distortion of the air in front of him. He was in no state of mind to stare straight into Kurogiri's spinning portal. The very thought of it made him slam the bottle down and hold onto it for dear life to compose himself.
Kurogiri appeared behind the bar, quietly assessing the state of his charge. He pulled out a rag to mop up spilled liquor and eyed Tomura's heavy movements as he let go of the rum and took the glass in a white-knuckled grip.
"You are alone."
Tomura grunted, taking a swig to avoid conversation. His guardian was smart enough to immediately pick up his mood. It was both annoying and reassuring to see those golden eyes narrow in astute observation.
"It is rare for your lover to be absent."
A moment of silence. "Forgive me for being presumptuous, but you seem to be more upset than usual."
Tomura snorted. "Yeah, no shit." He stared at the rum glass in frustration, glaring at the alcohol as though it had personally offended him. His fingertips curled around the rim as he lifted the glass and swirled the liquid around, irate at the stretching silence. It was bad enough he had to deal with your petulant absence. Now he had to endure Kurogiri's calm patience, too.
His fingers gripped the glass tighter as he contemplated satisfying his urge to decay, to give him some form of release from the frustration currently plaguing him. The blaring noise of his video games would be a welcome respite from this silence. Instead, he was forced to nurse a headache while Kurogiri made him feel like a child.
All because of you. You had a hold on him even when you were gone. Perhaps even more poignant because you were gone.
"It's fucking dumb," Tomura grumbled. And it was. The situation was so unbelievably ridiculous that he clammed up again, unable to voice his problems lest he fly into a rage over the mental image of your sorrowful eyes and quivering bottom lip.
"What happened?"
"I don't even know. She's been acting weird the past week and it all blew over this morning." His leg jittered restlessly against the footrest. He crossed his leg over his thigh to regain some semblance of control, letting out a sharp sigh as he scratched his neck. "I just wanted some damn breakfast. That's all. And that woman stood there looking like I broke up with her just because I didn't want to eat with her."
"Were you doing something important?"
Oh, he did not like that question. He did not like it one bit.
"I was in the middle of gaming," Tomura growled through clenched teeth. "Don't even try to bitch at me about it."
"That was not my intention. I know how important your lifestyle is to you." Tomura stared at him, feeling his anger somehow slip through the cracks and fizzle away. Kurogiri took the whiskey bottle beside him and poured more into the emptying glass. "Has this happened before?"
"No. Sometimes she tried to keep me there longer with dumb small-talk, but she's never flat out asked. And the damn look on her face when I - " Tomura cut himself off with a frustrated growl. Your defeated expression haunted him once more. He downed the liquor in one go and reveled in the horrible burn tearing his throat apart. "What the hell does she want from me?" he forced out, staring hard into the distance as a sudden sense of shame stabbed him like a knife.
"If I may speculate ... " Kurogiri paused, waiting for his rebuke. When none came, an answer followed. "You are often preoccupied throughout the day. Perhaps she simply misses you and craves your attention."
Tomura opened his mouth and promptly closed it. A bout of dizziness hit him. Was it the alcohol or the crashing realization of how obvious the answer had been?
The logic of Kurogiri's statement was so absurdly simple that it had to be true. Because you really were just so simple. Uncomplicated in your motives, always wearing your heart on your sleeve, and always so flagrantly loving and patient with him. Tomura looked away from Kurogiri, hating how well his guardian knew not only him, but you, too.
A little flame of happiness kindled deep inside him, threatening to chase away the darkness of his bitter emotions. You hadn't been difficult on purpose this morning. You just wanted to spend time with him.
His bleary gaze settled on the monitor resting at the other end of the bar. How would his mentor react to this situation?
The silence coming from the monitor felt altogether different from what he experienced so far. It was uncomfortable and imposing, filling his ears with white noise and clouding his thoughts. Tomura stared at his reflection in the black screen and frowned, hyper-aware of the way his eyes had softened while he thought about you, the way he looked so boyish and tired.
Look at what she is turning you into, the screen seemed to say.
"Shigaraki Tomura." He tore his gaze away from his reflection and met Kurogiri's expressionless face. "Is it a weakness to enjoy feeling wanted?"
His brows furrowed in thought.
Tomura made up with you in the most typical fashion. That is to say, he cornered you at home and snuffed out any further talk by devouring your lips with incessant kisses, taking you right on the living room couch and stalking after you to your bedroom for more. It was a love language he knew best, letting you feel his feverish desire with every deep thrust, the firm iron grip of his hands on your soft hips and thighs, his groans and whispered demands for more of you, more of your tight heat and your gentle fingers outlining his scars, touching his rough lips, nails digging into his back as you mewl for more of him.
You were hellfire. There was no liquor strong enough in the world to burn him half as much as his need to tell you he loved you. The words clawed and tore at his chest, inflamed his throat until he choked on them, forcing him to spit out twisted versions of the truth. Cowardly, pathetic half-truths about how you belonged to him, how you were his and his alone.
And you still smiled at him for it. You took all that he gave you and asked for so little in return.
Is it a weakness to enjoy feeling wanted?
The question plagued him throughout the night as your arms held him close, his head pillowed on your chest while he listened to your soft breathing and felt the beat of your heart whispering an answer he could not decipher.
Tomura awoke to your absence. It was not a rare occurrence. The split-second paranoia washing over him was not rare, either. He ran from that feeling many times before, immediately sick at the thought of how lonely he felt without you. It was pathetic. He should not feel this way about anyone. He should feel empty, as though you were just a moment of entertainment, an experience to be had and a level to beat in the game of life.
But you were well past that point now. Whether or not he could say it aloud, Tomura was in love. So if you wanted to have breakfast together, then you had better prepare yourself for his morning attitude.
He caught you a little early this time. You were in the middle of stirring an omelette when he crept up behind you, jolting in surprise as he pressed himself to your back and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Good morning," you greeted him, giving him a peck on the cheek. A light smile played on your lips. "I'm almost done."
Tomura purred a noncommittal response and curled his fingers around your jaw, angling your head back to capture your mouth in a lazy kiss. Your pleased sigh broke off into a stilted noise as he dipped his tongue inside and made sure you felt every slow lick and suck to your lips. His arm tightened in response to you melting against him, mentally debating whether he should let you finish cooking or to find the nearest surface to defile.
A sizzling pop from the frying pan caught your attention. You kissed him hard and returned to your duty, using your spatula to roll the omelette into shape. Your tongue peaked out from your reddened lips as you made a face of mild disgust. "You didn't brush, nasty."
"Didn't stop you though," Tomura countered, grinning at your wry expression.
You spooned the cooked food onto a nearby plate and cracked another egg into the pan. He waited for your invitation, good mood dampening by the second as you settled into your routine without another word. It was an expected reaction, to be fair. He hurt you yesterday and now he was paying for it.
Your questioning glance put him on alert. "Do you need something else?"
He wracked his brain for a response. Something that could keep him here longer without raising further suspicion. "Orange juice."
"It's in the fridge. Can you pour me some, too?"
Tomura forced himself to detach from you, taking his time to complete the task as he watched your progress from the corner of his eye. Cups placed on the table. Orange juice poured at a strategically slow rate. By the time he finished, your breakfast had been plated and you left it unattended to hurriedly put the forgotten box of eggs back into the fridge. Tomura used this distraction to take both plates to the table, setting yours across from him as he plopped down onto the chair and began to eat.
You caught on as soon as the fridge door closed. Tomura could feel your stare on him while he downed the orange juice. He glanced at you nonchalantly, eyebrow raised as though you were the one behaving abnormally.
"You're joining me?" you asked, a hint of hope coloring your voice as you sat down.
You smiled so sweetly that he felt his heart stammer and restart. "Wow. Can I get you to eat some fruits while we're at it?"
"Don't push your luck," he grumbled, and that was the end of that.
Tomura silently listened to your happy chatter and the clanging of silverware on plates, wondering how the hell he found himself in domestic bliss. Sunlight streamed through the nearby window and illuminated your entire being, heightening your inner glow. You looked beautiful and peaceful. It calmed him far more than you could ever know.
Did he feel weak as he basked in your attention? Did he feel weak, knowing that you wanted him beside you even for the most mundane things?
The answer was undeniable.
He felt strong.
Different from the power trip he thrived on when he succeeded in yet another level.
Different from the sadistic glee he felt when the nomu followed his command.
Different from the sense of duty plaguing his mind when his teammates looked to him for direction.
This inner sense of peace steadied his mind and cleared his thoughts. How could it be weakness when he would tear the world apart for you?
The soft tap of your foot on his knee drew his attention to you. "This was nice," you softly said. "Next time I'll leave a trail of takoyaki outside your room so you can join me for lunch."
He huffed a dry laugh. "Make me botamochis and you got yourself a deal."
"You'll eat sweets made from red beans but not a single fruit ... " You innocently popped another strawberry into your mouth. "Not even these strawberries ... "
"Get over here and give me a taste then," he growled, settling back in his chair with a clear invitation of his own.
You accepted without delay.
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nightlilly0110 · 4 years
Prompt: One person is a professor that overshares, the other doesn’t say anything about their personal life, no one realizes they’re together - Shigadabi
Dabi is an ethics professor while Shigaraki teaches philosophy; their courses are co-requisites, meaning they have to be taken at the same time to get a full credit.
No one realizes they’re together mostly because their students usually see them arguing, most likely about Stain and how the hell are you an ethics professor if you condone murder????
The first time they (Class 1A) walk into Dabi’s classroom they are terrified because this man has most definitely killed someone why is he allowed to be around people???
They get used to him later on, as he’s mostly insightful and only raises his voice to makes sure the back of the room can hear him, but they’re still low-key scared about how he looks.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, acts like he’s on crack most of the time. He’s a feral bastard of a man and they’re sure that even though he dresses nicely there’s no way he picked out those clothes himself and he kinda looks like someone wrestled him into them. His attitude is mostly “I don’t give a fuck but I have to be here so I’m here and I guess that means I actually have to teach well”
Plot twist: he’s actually a really well known academic in the community and has won awards and given speeches and shit. He’s really smart but he doesn’t have anything else going for him. Of course, he didn’t tell them that. They found out because quite a few of their course readings mention him by name and of course they went digging to find out he’s highly respected. He tells them nothing. They only know his last name.
The first time anyone sees the two professors together is when Shigaraki bursts into Dabi’s 8am lecture demanding coffee. Dabi keeps a small coffee machine in his classroom because he understands 8ams are terrible and it’s free for his students to use (it’s the cheap instant stuff but no one’s complaining).
Anything said at 8am is jarring but it is even more so when it’s your rat bastard of a professor kicking open a door with the force of god yelling “COFFEE!”
Dabi, of course, does not give him coffee. Tomura says he’ll fight him for it after a solid twenty minutes of arguing. He immediately leaves and no one has ever heard anything about a fight between the two of them occurring but the next day Shigaraki gleefully walks into their 8am and makes himself a cup of coffee. Dabi doesn’t even stop lecturing and doesn’t even stop to even pretend to notice him. Every day after that, Shigaraki comes in for coffee and sits in Dabi’s chair as he drinks it, (creepily) smiling broadly, while Dabi is walking around and teaching.
Dabi overshares very much so and he is very happy to do it. He loves talking about his husband Tomura and all the stupid little things he does and why he’s in love with him and everything. One time he stopped his lecture to draw attention to the bento box his husband made for him and “isn’t that sweet he cooked it all himself and he hates cooking I love him so much”
His students use that as an advantage to stop hearing about what Plato said centuries ago and just hear cute little things about their professor. Dabi can and will rant for hours about his husband if no one stops him. He will also threaten you if you try to stop him.
The reason no one thinks that Shigaraki and Dabi are married, other than the arguing, is that Dabi always describes his husband as cute and adorable and kind and Shigaraki isn’t exactly that (at least not in public). The other reason is that Dabi always calls him by last name or “Mophead” when they’re in public.
Shigaraki will die before his students wrangle any personal information out of him and he will most likely kill you if you bother to ask him.
And yet, they still ask him. Shigaraki only cocks his head to the side, gives them the widest, creepiest smile he can manage and starts cackling for an uncomfortably long period of time.
There are so many wild bets going on based on what Shigaraki does in his spare time. A few people think he’s part of the yakuza. Kaminari is convinced he’s an escaped demon from hell and that’s why he’s so creepy and why he doesn’t give a shit about anything.
Someone once asked him if he was part of the yakuza and he said “hell fucking no Kai was a fucking mental case but he’s in jail so it doesn’t matter” and said nothing else about it. They wonder who Kai is constantly.
Kaminari said he once saw Dabi and Shigaraki civilly eating lunch together and no one believed him until Dabi once knocked on Shigaraki’s door, stuck his head in the middle of lecture and asked “Lunch?” to which Shigaraki bluntly responded “No, busy” and continued his lecture without even taking a breath.
Mina is the one that suggests that they find out whoever Dabi’s husband is because the man sounds like an absolute saint and they need to see this angel of a man. Bakugou unhelpfully chimes in that “the fucker is making it all up” because he’s mad about his own feelings for a classmate (cough Kirishima cough) and is jealous towards his prof’s happy relationship.
Shouto gets switched into both classes and is in for one hell of a trip when Professor “Dabi” calls him down on his first day yelling “SHOUTO I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE IN THIS CLASS HI!!!!” because of course Shouto sits in the back with Midoriya.
There is no class that day as Dabi rants about his fantastic baby brother while Shouto falls asleep (on Midoriya, who is blushing) so he doesn’t have to listen to his brother’s rant. That, and he’s real tired.
Shigaraki just gives Shouto a nod, grumbles something about another Todoroki (he did not sleep the night before and he’s about to fall dead) and proceeds with his lecture as usual.
“Okay listen up I’ve got a head cold and this thermos is full of NyQuil. I’m gonna drink this and start talking but the lecture ends when your heads start turning into colourful squiggles” (from that one tumblr anecdote)
Shigaraki falling flat on his face during lecture is completely normal and it’s about as normal as Aizawa with the sleeping bag and he just continues his lecture from the floor after a small “I’m okay.” He’s not drunk or tired or sick or anything sometimes he just needs a good lie down but instead of lying down like a normal person he just splats like an ungraceful volleyball player diving for the ball. Dabi once came in and just stared at him for a while before asking “you good” which prompted Shigaraki to bolt up and shriek at him to get out of his classroom. After Dabi left he plopped down on the floor again. When he does this, sometimes he’ll start giggling for no reason. It’s like hearing a haunted doll laugh at you.
Every time Dabi mentions going out with his husband he gets extremely flustered. The first time it happened, someone asked him how long he and his husband had been married (expecting him to say a few months) and he responded with five years.
When they find out the two of them are married, shit gets fucking crazy. No one believes it. They think their professors are playing a prank on them for asking too many questions about their personal lives until Shouto is just like “yeah no that’s my brother in law”
“.....was I supposed to?”
Most of their responses to Dabi are “Him????? Really?????”
Yes really because Dabi loves his disaster husband and the next person who says anything about it will fail their final.
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quirklove · 4 years
Can I request some hcs with Monoma, Spinner, and Shiggy? Maybe their dumbass (in the endearing way) s/o sees like a bug or mouse and is begging them to get rid of it? Don’t judge me- I’m baby and bugs/mice scare tf out of me
C’MERE SWEETIE I have big scaredy cat vibes too but these bois got yo back
Tomura deserves a slap but if he really did just save my ass from a bee he’ll be easily forgiven bc he legit saved my life <3
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Well — he certainly can’t just tell them no!! Standing idly by and allowing his S/O to be frightened in such a manner isn’t the kind of thing a good boyfriend does. Of course, there is one small, little, itty bitty, insignificant detail… he’s, uh, he’s afraid of the thing too. Damn. If it’s a mouse, actually much less of an issue than a bug. Neito somehow manages to trap it, then, swallowing his entire pride, calls Class 1-A’s Koji Koda to come over and ask the mouse to leave. Problem solved except for the devastating hit to his ego! If it’s a bug… he can’t call Koji because Koji’s afraid of bugs too. This leaves him with only one option: man up and get rid of the fucking bug. He finds the biggest, heaviest book he can, puts on some protective gear (here meaning the thickest hoodie or jacket he owns as well as a pair of sneakers), and goes to squash the bug. He proceeds to have big anxiety for the next two hours, but also he gets a lot of kisses so it was worth it!!!
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Aw, geez, is that what they’re afraid of? A little insect or a mouse? It’s probably more scared of them than they are of it! Admittedly, he’s more than a bit biased here; lizards usually eat insects and rodents, so to be fair, it’s silly to him that a predator might be scared of its potential prey. Those things definitely don’t scare Shuichi. And, also, if there was any doubt, he doesn’t actually eat mice and bugs, despite making a joke about it. He’s likely to be one of the best candidates for dealing with something like this, because he’s not afraid of either creature, but he also doesn’t treat it like he’s ‘doing his S/O a favor’ or being macho. He just… takes care of it, calmly, without any fuss, without much talking, whether that means he captures it and takes it outside or whether that means he kills it. It’s not a big deal, as far as he’s concerned, although he does make sure to give his frightened sweetheart plenty of cuddles to make sure they’re not too upset over the whole thing.
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Tch! Of all the stupid… they’ve got him for a boyfriend, and this is what terrifies them? Seriously? They’re probably safer with that damn thing than they are with him! He’s such a jerk about this, because while he gets anxiety about certain things, pests aren’t one of those things. He thinks of them as annoying, but not scary, and he doesn’t get why his S/O is so frightened by them. However, he’s nothing if not a good sport about this kind of thing. Er, sort of. He fearlessly picks the creature up and, smirking like the ass he is, proceeds to come closer and closer to his babe with it, possibly accompanied by, “Ooooooh-ooo-ooooooo” noises… before Decaying the pest into nothing but a pile of dust. Though he might hate his power sometimes, it’s useful when it comes to disposing of things. He fully expects to be rewarded for his good deed, and if he doesn’t get it, he’ll pout and fake-threaten until he gets one. Come on! They can spare a kiss for their knight in shining armor!
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I’m a degenerate
So I wrote a fix for @kazooli‘s contest.
Features! Domestics, some tub sex, and overextensive praise.
Prompts used were ‘forbidden love’ and themes of the nsfw alphabet
   Tomura Shigaraki, by nature, was not generally a happy person. Alternatively,  being the leader of the one and only League of Villains didn’t allow for such.
   There was one thing though. One good thing out of all others.
   There’s a quiet suburb in Tokyo where not much happens. Like many areas, it’s mostly populated by various businesses and a few distinct residential areas. One of which was a high-rise complex near a park, in which there was a door that he and one other held a key to.
   He navigated the back ways up to the building, careful to avoid being seen despite the late hour. He reaches the right door, and uses his key despite every urge to dust the handle right off the door from sheer exhaustion.
   “Welcome home, Tocchan!”
   The pure intention of his lover’s greeting was enough to warm the cold of the Tokyo night from his bones as he removed his shoes to enter the small apartment.
   “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes if you want to start playing before we eat.” She said with a smile. Cute.
   Tomura considered his lover to be quite unique. A quirkless American girl who just so happened to run into the right reptilian at the wrong time. How that lead to this, he still doesn’t understand. He thinks part of does have to do with the cooking however. Instead of taking up her offer, he slowly sets the small table for two.
   She keeps her focus on the pans in front of her as Tomura maneuvers about the small kitchen. Her short hair is pulled back and out of her round face. He thinks she’s a definite 11 out of 10 on the eroge scale. Everything proceeds as it should, peacefully, in a relative silence. They dine in the same manner; there isn’t much for small talk these days. But it’s okay. He enjoys the peace against the mess the League is during the day.
   “Why don’t you start up the game while I get the dishes to the sink?”
   The familiar loading tone rings out as the plates and silverware clink against the sink. She quickly takes her place beside him, pulling the blanket around her and nestling into his side. Perfect. Like a dream. And it is, until he feels her shiver.
   “If you’re tired go to bed.” His eyes not leaving the screen. She tries to respond, but all she manages are sniffles. He actually pauses the game this time, seeing her reduced to a mess in less than half an hour.
   “Why are you crying.” It’s more of a statement than a question. She avoids his gaze while sitting up and wiping the tears from her face.
   “We’ll never be happy, will we?” What the fuck?
   “It’s not fair. I make you come all the way here to play house but for what? And something always happens. First it was All Might, and then, then the- the fucking yakuza show up. And everyone is so mean. You can’t tell people that your boyfriend is the boss of the League of Villains or else shit happens! And you’d think that people would be happy that they stopped the yakuza I mean? I can’t tell whether to be angry or depressed!” It all comes out as an angry blur of words, but Tomura understands. Mostly. She’s a more social creature than he is, better adjusted to the everyday. But this gives him an idea. A Thought. And his mouth curves so slightly upwards when he thinks to act upon it.
   Tomura sets the controller aside, forgetting the soft jazz of the pause menu and stands. With four fingers as always, he takes one of her hands and mutters; “Bathtime.”
   “After dinner is bathtime. Come on.” She remains confused, but sheds the blanket and follows home towards the bathroom. And its Japanese style. Perfect.
   “Get naked.” He starts piling his clothes in the corner as he starts filling the bathtub with water. He looks back and she hasn’t made a move.
   “It’s bathtime, princess. Don’t tell me you’re shy all of a sudden?” He cracks a sly grin. Wordlessly, she puts her clothes into the pile with his for the wash, and settles into her washing routine. Tomura follows suit, quickly cleaning his hair and self before claiming his spot, leaning against the back of the tub and wall. She enters after, leaning herself back against his torso and closing her eyes. Perfect.
   Scene Start, he thinks, and thankfully she says anything before he has to.
   “Why are we in the bath, Tocchan?” She questions, completely unaware.
   “Because you’re stressed out, princess. How can you be a good little housewife when you’re so tense?” He responds. One arm rests across her middle, holding her close, while the other grabs at the meat of her thigh. She blushes at the nickname, and keeps his head tucked into her neck.
   “So tell me what’s wrong.”
   She’s flustered, and doesn’t exactly know what to say,so eyes closed, she starts from the top.
   “I miss you.”
   “It’s...it’s so busy. You’re trying to pull all the League back together, and I’m here, just hoping I can feed you all. It’s...hard.”
   “It is. You work so hard.” He praises her, and she relaxes. He begins to run his hand from her stomach to her neck and hair. Be gentle, he reminds himself. She continues.
   “And it gets lonely sometimes. I see so many stupid people every day but their always happy, like nothings happening around them. And all the other women..always parading around about husbands and lovers and such. They think I’m so sad and alone. Ha! They just don’t know!”
   “What would you tell them, princess?” It’s time for the kill. She smiles widely before she begins.
   “Oh where to start! Ryoko’s so proud that her husband is a small time hero, but he’s nothing special. Everyone says I look so sad when they talk men, but I know. They’re all small talk. My man’s got status.” She’s so happy as she says it and giggles as he lavishes kisses along her neck and shoulder. She’s too into singing praises that she doesn’t even notice as his hand moves to grope at her chest.
   “I mean come on? Small time hero? My man’s a boss. Not just any, but The Boss! Of the whole League of Villains! And they’d be all like, Gasp! But he’s a bad guy! HA! My man’s not bad, he’s evil. Hehe...but not even. He’s so good, but they’d ...think you...kidnapped me...or...something…” Her chest heaves and her breathing becomes heavy as his one hand works on her breasts, and the one on her thigh moves slowly to play in the juncture between her hips.
“Oh, don’t stop now. I want to hear all about what my little housewife thinks of me…” He says. The bath water helps as he slowly slides a first and then a second finger inside of her. He body shudders, he smiles.
“T-Tocchan, Tenko, please…” she whines.
“You don’t have to worry about a thing, princess.” He tries to keep his voice level and gentle as he wanted, but so far it’s only working about 70 percent.
“Listen now. I’m the boss aren’t I? The League knows what it’s doing, for the most part. You just need to keep going along, and one day when it’s all over, you can show Ryoko and her foolish hero husband who the real king is, yeah?” Her body continues to writhe as he slides and strokes her walls with his fingers.
“Yes, that, that, Ah...that sounds, perfect!” She cries.
“Fantastic.” He returns all focus to the task at hand, moving his fingers in just the way to make her cum as quickly as possible. And when she does, he removes himself entirely before she has a chance to breathe. He places his hand on each shoulder, and moves in close to her ear,
“Now, we’re going to get dried off, and go see just how wonderful the future king is.”
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