#too bad I'm still swamped at work rn
petratherrock · 6 months
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New ED 🥺
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j4zzpunker · 6 months
D0 u 3ven sk1b1di bro? -_-
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Unpleasant Gradient x reader
Chapter 1
Summary: You and Kasper had been friends since basically diapers, but the two of you are now in college, and though still close recently he’s been awfully distant. But what do you do when you end up at infected apartment after a texting mishap that ends in your favor and the reason he’s been distant literally comes through the window.
Sprawled on your bed, You had been scrolling through your messages with Kasper on your phone, thinking about how your conversations never flowed like they used to. Youd tried to ask him what was wrong but he’d always brushed it off nervously. Saying something about how “college is really kicking my ass right now” or something like “I’m just really busy these days, I'm really sorry Y/N”. He was really the only person you’d had left from highschool, and now it was starting to feel like you’d had nobody left. Being a freshman in college was hard enough but barely getting any social interactions felt like it was literally killing you.
You shut your phone off and sit on the edge of your bed, you sigh and move to stand up when you receive a text from Kasper,
“wut? XP”.
Confused, you click on the notification, and stare at your phone mortified for a second. A speech bubble from you with a singular letter, “q” to be exact, sat there. You must have accidentally sent him a message while scrolling through your messages. “God damnit I am such a fucking idiot, what doI even say to that? “Sorry I was scrolling through our messages thinking about better times?” NO what the fuc-” you were cut off by another speech bubble from Kasper
“u gud? -_-”.
You take a deep breath and begin typing,
“yeah im all good must’ve texted you when i left my phone on in my pocket, my bad”
You thought it was a shitty excuse but no way in absolute hell were you going to tell him what you were doing.
“K, ttyl th3n”
Before you could think you began typing
“We havent seen eachother in like forever”
I was just wondering if maybe you’d want to hangout”
“You don't gotta say yes, thought maybe it’d do us both some good to get a break”
“U seem stressed”
“Idk :/ my appt is a m3ss rn”
“1 gess i cud do sum cl34ning tho”
“So can i come over?”
“Ye cum @ lik 6,if u want u can spnd n1te >:)”
To say you were overjoyed would be the understatement of the century. Look at your phone, wide grinning smile and fall back on your bed, staring at the ceiling, now smiling.
You began getting ready early, you were basically hopping up and down most of the time, singing to your favorite songs while showering. Once you were out of the shower, you stressed about what to wear for a good 20 minutes, eventually just deciding to wear something comfortable since you'd literally just be hanging out at his house, with only him.
You’d have to end up sitting on your couch for around 30 minutes since you’d gotten ready much too early. A giddy and anxious feeling sat in your stomach. You had barely talked to anybody these past weeks being swamped in school work so you were pretty damn excited.
Once the time had rolled around you sent a text to Kasper to let him know you'd be there soon
“K :D”
You begin driving.
Once you arrive you get to his floor and knock on his door. A couple seconds go by before you hear a muffled “COMING” and footsteps hurrying to the door before you see the grinning face of Kasper with his hands outstretched waiting for a hug. You basically tackle him into a big hug and you both go to the floor in fits of laughter.”KASPER!!!!” “Y/N!!!”. You kept laughing as you rolled over onto your back and sat up looking at Kasper who still wore a goofy grin. You stand up and offer your hand. He takes it and you help him off the ground.
At some point you two had made it to his one couch, laughing and talking about basically everything that's been going on in eachothers lives. But then the question of why he's been distant came up. He immediately tensed up. “Well uh, you know work stress, got alot on my plate.” You looked at him disappointed he wouldn't tell you the real reason. “..Kasper, you know you can tell me anything.. Is it you and Lampert again? You guys fight like brothers I swear to g-” You began before being cut off. “No no no, nothing to do with L dawg, I probably have been talking to you more than him recently lol”. “Oh..” Is all you could think to say. He sighed before continuing, “There's this… guy? Guy. whose.. Uh… I guess been a pain in the ass recently.. He loves to.. Hover? I don't know, he's just incredibly annoying.” he looked off a couple times to think about what to say. “Oh, well why don't you just stop talking to him if it's that big of an issue?”. You say, confused. “He's very persistent” Kasper looked at you with a straight face. You kind of just sat there awkwardly looking at his serious face before glancing down at your phone. “Holy shit it's already 2am dude don't you have class tomorrow?” you look at Kasper being glad to have a way out of that conversation. “Shiiiiitttt your right, alright, why don't you take the couch and i'll take the floor, that all cool?” You had no clue why he preferred to sleep on the floor but he always had. “Yeah that's fine” he looked at you and put his hands down. He turns the light off before laying on the floor next to you, you throw him a blanket from the couch and the moment his body hits the floor he's out. You toss and turn before you eventually start to feel exhaustion coming down on you, before you drift asleep you question who the mystery guy Kasper was referring to was.
You're awakened by a noise that sounded like rubber squeegeeing on glass and the sounds of the city directly after, as well as the noises of ruffling, a grunt and then a thump. You get over your drowsiness quickly, immediately concern fills you, your thoughts immediately go to some kind of robbery, then a murderer, and basically any other kind of dangerous situation. You began to freak out and slowly sit up, looking at Kasper who was still dead asleep. You slowly got up trying not to make a noise. You shuffle around to see a strange figure pulling their leg through the window. It was too dark to really see anything but they had the build of a man with long spiky hair that almost looks unnatural. You make a small noise of alarm before the silhouette looks towards you. You back up and hide yourself behind the shelf, whisper shouting to Kasper as you hear the silhouette remove his foot from the window and slowly make his way towards you. Kasper moves around a little bit, and grunts but you're not waking him up. You then feel somebody's hand softly pulling your jaw towards them. You're frozen, now face to face with the thing, you don't see any eyes but you can make out a big grinning mouth as it opens and begins to speak “Is this rizz?”. You scream loudly and pull back landing on your ass. He turned around and doubled over laughing like it was the best thing he’d ever heard. In your fear, confusion and terror you fail to notice the fact that Kasper was now up and flicked the light on. You quickly turn to Kasper taking in his exhausted and hunched frame, you hop up and cling to him crying hysterically. “Somebody b-broke in somebody-” Kasper wrapped a hand around you and looked at the thing, you hid your face in his chest too scared to look at the thing that was still laughing.
“Dude what the fuck you promised you wouldnt do this shit tonight. I told you that you're never welcome in my home but…” he trailed on, your confusion now taking over. “Did Kasper know this guy? Surely not. Gay lover? No, probably not. weird creepy ex? Nah” You decided to shakily look at the guy who was now bathed in light. It was probably the weirdest thing you’d ever seen, no it definitely was the weirdest thing you’d ever seen. It was a tall skinny but well built guy who for one was a literal fucking gradient with a human(ish) body, he was doubled over laughing still. You fully turned around with blurry tear filled eyes and looked up at Kasper for some kind of explanation. “God I'm sorry Y/N, he told me he wasn't going to bother us, god you should have never come over in the first place, I’m sorry you had to deal with this.” he looked at you and then back at the guy, the tears going back only being filled with confusion. “Who is that?? What is that??” you looked at him, stepping back slightly. The thing was now finished laughing and came over to the two of you and stood farther away from you guys but closer. Kasper pointed to him, “I don't really know exactly what he is but I've just been calling him unpleasant gradient, usually just unpleasant. He's been haunting me like an angry ghost for the past few months.” He explains, exasperated.
The thing, who you now know as Unpleasant, looks at you with a toothy grin before outstretching his arm, seemingly to give you a handshake. You slowly take his hand and before you know it hes violently shaking your hand, somehow grinning wider than he has been before. “Good to finally meet Kasper's friend! I’d just like to say you’ve got a major gyatt!” he spoke, “...what? What does that even- you know what nevermind..” You continued, more than confused. You let go of his hand confused on how it was somehow moist and wipe it on your pants, trying to get whatever that thing had secreted off onto you.
“Soooo Kaspy kasp kasp, I’m just gonna be on your computer watching some videos, hope that’s cool.” he says and begins towards Kaspers computer. “Hey! Dude please dont do this tonight, if I have to hear that fucking toilet thing again or 3am challenges I’m going to go mad! And we have company, plus its fucking-” Kasper checked his watch, “3 in the morning.. can’t you actually just leave me the fuck alone for one night, one fucking night thats all im asking.” He’s practically begging Unpleasant. “Okay what about this, I’m gonna look at videos real quiet, and I mean real quiet, on your computer, and I swear I won't mess with your files again.” he says still grinning. “..god whatever fine as long as you're quiet and Y/N’s okay with it, if she isn't then you gotta leave man.” he says definitely extremely tired, looking towards you. “Uh, I guess it's fine?”, you said, unsure of what you'd be agreeing to. “Well, I wasn't going to leave anyways, but thanks you guys are goated.” He says before going to Kasper’s computer and immediately going to youtube shorts. Kasper looks almost depressive at you, as you hear Unpleasant making giggling noises “Im sorry Y/N he said he wouldn't come here, god if you wanna go home you can i'm not gonna make you deal with this weird creepo” he says “I HEARD THAT!” you heard Unpleasant shout from across the room Kasper ignored him, “No, I guess it's okay, I don't feel safe leaving you alone with this guy, Kasper. I’ll just go home in the morning.” you said kind of in a hushed soft tone. Kasper smiled at you, “okay, just try to get some sleep. I swear he's not dangerous, he's just a fucking weirdo.” He says before flicking the light off. “Goodnight,Y/N.” he says before you both go to your respective sleeping area, you on the couch, him on the floor.
You toss and turn for a while, being kept up from Unpleasants deep chuckles and strange comments that he’d make to himself. Stuff like “this is so ohio” and “BRO HE'S MOGGING CHAT HES MOGGING”, you didn't really understand. You’d also sometimes hear a song that went something like “sikbidi dah dah dah yes yesss” you had no idea what he was watching but it really did make sense that he acted like this if that's all he watches.
You were finally about to pass out when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you opened your eyes expecting it to be Kapser but it's Unpleasant, and he's looking down at you and grinning. “Y/N come look at this, I swear you’ll like it.” He looks at you, stifling giggles with one hand over his mouth. He grabs your hand and basically drags you to Kasper’s PC. You guessed he’d migrated to instagram reels and had a video of a still image depicting “red m&m”, “Mr.raisin” and somebody called “ freaky mix” all messaging one person. The m&m was saying “let’s knock boots” , Mr. raisin was saying “wanna collab”, and freaky mix was saying “you freaky vro?”. As well as the whole image being horribly over exposed and slighlty low quality. You stared at it for a good couple of seconds while reading it, before you started slowly laughing that turned into louder laughing and you had to grab only Unpleasant’s weirdly moist shoulder to keep yourself up, nearly doubled over laughing holding your stomach with the other hand. The pure just strangeness of the entire situation had caught up to you and you couldn’t stop laughing. Unpleasant brightened up immediately and looked almost proud of himself. “See, I told you you would like it!!” Your laughter eventually died down and you looked at him. “Yeah it’s pretty fucking funny, I’ll give you that.” you looked at him smiling.
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lunapwrites · 9 days
Monthly(ish) Reading - September
Okay so we're clearly a bit late here. There's been a lot going on this month, what with *everything.*
I'm trying something different this go round, because I've found that all my decks have a different "voice" and perspective, and things they tend to focus on. So I thought that since I'm at such a loss right now, I could benefit from a council of sorts lol. As such, I am pulling from all three of my main decks right now, and forgoing the runes and oracle cards since those are for providing flavor, and I already know what the flavor is for this month (terrible.)
So without further ado...
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I swear I shuffled that first one.
The first thing that jumps out here is holy shit wands and cups. There's a lot of emotional shit going on, a lot of energy and volatility. However, the effect is largely muted: fire (wands) and water (cups) tend to cancel each other out. So where does this leave us?
ARCHEON: overall positive. This deck likes to focus on my personal relationships, and this is no different. I'm in a place of great change right now but I've generally been taking it all on the chin with as much grace and courage as can be expected. My relationships are a support at the moment and not a burden. If anything, I could stand to lean on my partner a little more. A solid foundation to work from.
CROW: Still a little new to this one and feeling out where its focus is but uh. Jesus fuck. I'm in a delicate balancing act rn. There is conflict brewing right now, which on its own wouldn't be too dire - generally a talk to out issue normally - but unfortunately the wheel keeps wheeling which is specifically a lot of cycle of life bullshit right now. Lots of life and death happening, sunrise sunset, yada yada. To me and around me, specifically. It's a lot. And my mental state ain't great right now. We are probably careening headfirst towards a breakdown of catastrophic proportions. Very cool.
LINESTRIDER: tends to be a little more external, so we're looking at what's around me. Page of Cups? That's Bean. That's always been Bean. We once again have conflict, echoing Crow that it's primarily going to be conflict with communication and ideas/beliefs, which tracks. Hanged Man is begging me to pump the breaks and take a deep breath: let these things sort themselves out instead of trying to control every little thing. (Did my partner write this?) I have great support around me, everything I could possibly need or want. But I can't see the forest for the trees right now and I'm ignoring all of those good things in my life because I'm focusing only on the bad. [Points at self in mirror] Stop that. Like, yes, shit has been bad recently. I've taken a lot of emotional hits. But Jesus Christ. Get out of your head. Breathe.
So to kind of triangulate the messaging here, nothing is actually as catastrophic as it appears rn, and I desperately need to shift my mindset and start faking it just to make it for a bit because if I can't pull myself out of the swamp of sadness here, imma make like Artax and fucking drown in it. And no one can do that for me unfortunately which really sucks because I'm just. Exhausted.
Anyway that aside this was a neat exercise, I feel like I just sat down for an intervention with myself lol. Let's do this again for the next crisis lol.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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also I think I might be lactose intolerant? but I only get really fucking bad headaches, nausea and the like from milk but am pretty okay with other dairy products and it...oh wait no ice cream and yogurt also make me sick after I pass a certain limit and is this why cheese makes my stomach feel weird sometimes? okay theory, I am not TOO lactose intolerant. main problem is milk and the rest I can have in limits. makes sense.
alright! CHAPTER 4!!
david loml it'll be fine...probably idk man I am really scared for y'all
Alright random person...I will fight you in an abandoned parking lot for this DO NOT DO THIS SHIT
David :((
First I cry over IALS mavid...now I have to cry over lbaf mavid. what is this happening
also there's this thing called Communication. Not sure y'all have heard of it though. Lmk if you need a dictionary :)
to the fucker attacking the institute, motherfucker I will literally push you off a building
maybe it's someone who wants him to not be the head of the institute for whatever reason?
Anyway Anjali so hot so efficient would literally die for her
david you good bro? God I love it when the kind ones go feral
no but srsly you good? Well no but like...Im worried. For his health. David :((
“Ask for help,” she said again. “And if you are feeling overwhelmed, take a break.”
“Revenge means you are being harmed in return for the suffering you’ve caused,” Anjali told him. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You did the right thing. So, even if it is Asmodeus, this isn’t revenge. This is an attack, David. And I intend to put an end to it.”
God I love it when women
Them :((
“Why do people call me baby boy or baby girl?” David wondered out loud.
petition to only call david baby boy or baby girl from now on
I've been watching The Crown (it took me three days to get through episode 1 but let's not talk about that) so I am literally hearing all the dialogues in with an english accent. It's...something
Some people drank alcohol to relax. David drank tea.
Bitch same.
I've lately fallen in love with Earl Gray. I drink it while I'm studying. I sit down at my desk with my tea and only then do I get to work. Helps me focus and keep my anxiety at bay. Good shit.
same energy as me realising how quickly I had been going through my tea. I...I've been way too stressed lately too, hon. NOT THIS WEEKEND THOUGH HHAHA
he would love a cake <3
oh to have someone buy me overpriced magic chocolate
that's so romantic though 🥺
in my relating a bit too much to david era kjkcuhud
Bitch I know you're stressed as fuck so like?? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF?? Srsly, shit's really hard rn for you and it's gonna get harder. Take a nap or something
“Mon ange,” David chuckled and pointed at the screen. “He went back in time and is literally trying to sleep with his own mother.”
not the ICE CREAM
also yeeeeeeeeeee camilaaaaaaaaaa
david and anjali wedding CRYING SOBBING SHAKING LOOK AT THEM
that's a really long proposal dude you're not writing an essay
 “My fave power couple is getting hitched. Do it soon!”
Live footage of me
omg the talk with the parents huduifuifugiugf
I love rafe so muvh omg
anjali truly the best person out there
I am so soft rn no one talk to me
Marry me. Marry me. Marry me.
they're so amazing I could cry
how bout I punch Kingsley
Oooo marcus
marcus is kinda cool though. I'll probably not like him by the end of this but still
what...what is he working on
what the fuck you on dude?
i love camila so much
damn girl!!
oh marcus...Yeah I remember now what he was doing...
ah yes, the seashell
cool motives but like...that's not gonna happen
we don't live in a perfect world bud. exploitation and prejudice are the first two words that come to my mind when I think of his thoughts becoming a reality.
He didn’t like it when Mallory was in a bad mood. He wanted her to be happy.
Mal in a bad book ends horribly for every person she has ever interacted with
I was watching The Crown and George is LIKE SICK AS FUCK MAN IS DYING LEAVING BEHIND A DAUGHTER NOT PREPARED FOR THE CROWN JUST YET AND HE'S SMOKING. Sir you just went through a surgery to remove one of your lungs?? you have cancer?? You're coughing up blood?? AND YOU'RE SMOKING!!!
"I know," she smiled at him. "My destiny is Max."
Oh no...I will stab :)
“I’ll ask Jeff to ready the jet,” he smiled at her.
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The...what...that is so bad for the environment dude I'm pretty sure there is a beach in New York...I forgot how rich they were for a second there...Taylor swift core
Sometimes...you just wanna get stabby with someone...the someone is two someones...
If they do something to Anjali...
lexi...I love you so much but please...just talk to liv about this
I will repeat advice I gave in part 2 (?). Fly there, tell her, fly away.
gabriel and selena >>>>
“Relationship drama waits for no one,” Selena huffed. “Besides, stop making excuses, Lex. Just do it.”
putting off stuff like this makes it so SO much worse lex.
We threw a farewell for someone right? and that day my friends and I were all sitting together and one of us had a permanant marker so like rational people, we wrote on our hands. I wasn't sure what to write but then I remembered seeing an anon say that their shipname should be lixi so that is what ended up going on the place underneath my thumb. You know where you can feel the bone? I wrote "Lixi" right there. Nice day that was.
which reminds me I need to make plans for my birthday next week with my friends-
No amount of biceps or boobs will distract her today.
me to me every morning
and I love you guys <33
The man went to Idris to talk to the Inquisitor.
Good luck and god bless!
Lexi stared at the numbers. It gave her a fucking headache
Me in maths everyday.
“Wait,” Lexi said. “Are you saying these are not demon attacks?”
Imma get the knives
Lexi was going to help Gabriel figure this out. She was going to find out who was hurting her brother like this.
Hurting him with paperwork!
And she was going to kick their ass!
lots of blob thingies
“Have you guys seen shadow demons? They’re the demons of Lucifer.”
I am sorry they materialized WHERE
grabriel is so cool omg
She was talking about some issue with the warlocks in LA not being able to use magic
Lex I told you not to go with metaphors...sigh
this is really entertaining though.
Shit. white...who's magic is white?
and on this note a very good night I can't wait to sleep. LOVE YOU!
Evieeeee. I missed your live blogs so much 😭😭😭
Here is a meme that perfectly captures my reaction to it
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I like the live blog too akskskssm but the random gossip 😍😍😍
Your Lexi energy is unmatched 😎
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
Feel like I've made this post before but insert gumball crying compilation here
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Love Me On My Bad Days | Timothy Klitz x fem!Reader
Timothy Klitz x fem!Reader
Word Count | 1,364
Author’s Note | just gonna say rn this one is heavily dedicated to soph (@lost-in-sokovia) because I know how much she loves klitzy and I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while. and bc I know she’s having a hard time rn and I wanna use my writing powers for good lol. to soph: I love ya so much and I hope you like this little surprise! send some love her way! and check up on your friends!!! please be kind to yourselves, friends. love y'all!!
Warnings | descriptions of depression, but overall a big fluffy comfort blurb!
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The second he got to school, Timothy Klitz felt your absence. With that, the whole day seemed oddly empty without you by his side. Even though he still convinces himself that he’s just a friend to you, he hopes one day he'll mean more to you. For now, Eli and Matt tease him when he even dares to acknowledge you not being there.
“Have you guys seen Y/N at all today?” he asks nonchalantly during lunch.
Eli picks at his turkey sandwich in front of him and taunts, "Why? Were you finally gonna man up and kiss her?"
"No, where did you get that idea?" Klitz squints incredulously at him and glances at Matt for backup.
Of course Matt has to be a backstabber. "I don't know, man, maybe it's how you talk about her literally all of the time."
Klitz's voice got high pitched, immediately defensive, "I don't talk about her all the time!" Even he, himself, didn't believe that answer. Yeah, he talks about you...a lot. 
Eli and Matt roll their eyes every time Klitz interjects a conversation with something like, “Oh, Y/N likes that song too!” or “Y/N told me she did that once.” It might be cute if he didn’t clam up so pathetically when you’re actually around. He can try his best to be normal, but his leg still shakes when you sit next to him and he’s not nearly as cool and collected as he’d like to be.
Klitz, being the gentleman (and nerd) he is, goes around to all of your teachers as soon as the final bell rings, asking each of them if he could take whatever homework you missed over to you. They all agreed and each gave him pages upon pages of new work that he knew you'd inevitably be swamped by.
But that's okay; it would give him more of an excuse to come over later on in the week so he could help you with whatever you were struggling on. He was a ball of sparking nerves as he drove to your house after school.
There was a familiarity in isolation. You were comfortably numb, nestled into the corner of the living room couch and watching reruns of some old sitcom. The continuous stream of stale content had you staring, eyes glazed over and barely paying attention. You almost didn't notice when the doorbell rang; it almost blended into the sounds coming from the TV. You didn't get up and check it until it rang a second time about a minute later, draping your blanket around your shoulders.
Who else would be at your door besides your sweetest friend, Timothy Klitz? Tucked into the curve of his elbow and pressed against the chest of his striped button up was a stack of papers about an inch thick.
"I brought your homework." He holds the papers out awkwardly before cracking a toothy grin.
"Oh, thanks, Klitzy. You really didn't have to do that though." You return the smile through pursed lips. You were usually happy to see him, but in that moment, being around people was a bit overwhelming.
Klitz can't help but ramble. It got especially bad when you called him by that silly little nickname. "It's totally fine, I was driving through your neighborhood anyway…sooo..." You sniff then and that's when he notices the missing telltale crinkles by your eyes and the bags underneath them. "Are you sick or something?"
"Or something. I'm just...having a bad day." you say, though you know well enough that it's more than just a bad day. You sigh and fold your arms over your chest. You weren't exactly dressed to be seeing people in the same pajamas you woke up in: some plaid bottoms and a thin, threadbare t-shirt that swallowed your figure.
Klitz tilts his head before asking, "I could keep you company. If that's okay with you!" he tacks on quickly, trying not to sound too eager.
For some reason, you can't say no to him. Not when he's this sweet and you're feeling this alone. Besides, you know by now that just avoiding your friends will only make it easier for your brain to tell you that they all hate you.
"Sure, that sounds okay." you agree gently and move aside, allowing Klitz to enter. Closing the door behind him, you realize that you've never let anyone in when things got bad. You're quite used to taking care of it yourself and reemerging from the dark after working through it. But already, Klitz was acting as your flashlight, making you want to giggle even though he wasn't trying to be funny in the slightest.
His tall, gangly frame stood awkwardly in your living room as he tried to figure out what to do with himself. Should he take his shoes off? Should he sit with you and watch TV? Should he try asking if you're sick again? The energy of the room is off, he can tell. But he has no clue how to approach you. Luckily, you do it for him.
"It was really nice of you to bring my stuff over." you say before returning to your spot on the couch.
"It's really no big deal. I'd do anything for you." Klitz froze, instantly realizing how intense that last part sounded.
"Anything?" this time you genuinely smile. It's small but it's the warmest you've felt all day.
Klitz breathes once before confirming, "Yeah...anything." You pat the space next to you on the couch and like a golden retriever, Klitz is by your side.
After a few more seconds of waiting for you to say something, he can't help but pry, "Why did you stay home today?"
You stare at the ceiling for a beat, contemplating how to tell him, "Do you ever just wake up sometimes and everything feels...wrong? Like you could literally be having the best day ever but your head just...isn't in it?"
Klitz wasn't sure if he'd ever felt that way. He shakes his head back and forth, his shaggy hair brushing against his shoulders slightly.
You continue explaining, "Well, that happens to me a lot. Usually I just deal with it and move on but today was different. Maybe I'm just tired I guess." You had slept in way too long that morning, though your body was nowhere near exhausted. Before leaving for work, your mother said she'd called the school and told them you were sick. You were grateful that your parents were so understanding about your mental health. But with them working so much, it was hard getting physical support.
Though Klitz isn't quite sure he understands, he knows he wants to be there. He doesn't expect you to be bubbly at all times but it breaks his heart seeing someone he loves so burnt out. That faded look on your face makes him want to do everything in his power to get you feeling comfortable.
"If you want, I could just sit here with you. We don't have to talk or anything."
"That sounds really good." you say softly, already feeling tears prick at your lash line. You don't really think about it before sliding closer into Klitz's side and resting your cheek against his shoulder. You take the blanket from your own shoulders and drape it over both of your laps. Folding your legs up next to you on the couch and leaning into his touch, you feel like you could fall asleep all over again with the cozy heat of his body. Instead you focus your attention on the canned laughter and humorous dialogue of your TV show and the tranquility that has fallen over you and him.
Though your actions make him tense up slightly, he knows now isn't the moment to be getting butterflies. Instead, his heart swells up with a sense of pride knowing that you trust him enough to let him in even a little bit. He puts his arm around you and hopes that it communicates all that you need to know; that he'll be there to help you get through any and all of your bad days.
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ratcandy · 3 years
Subcon Forest Analysis
Hi everyone I'm here to spill my aggressive overflowing thoughts on Subcon Forest and what it represents because it's been driving me insane since I finished the Sleepy Subcon time rift. Okay let's go. Obvious spoilers for AHIT ahead so proceed with caution.
This is also very, very long.
Disclaimer/warning: I will be discussing abusive/unhealthy relationships in this analysis. I mean. Vanessa. Come on. Also, there is a section on the nooses, and that delves, of course, into mentions of suicide. It will be sectioned off and easily skipped, but if you'd rather be safe and skip the entire post, that's completely understandable! Please stay safe. <3
Alright. Main point to be had here:
Subcon Forest is a giant extended metaphor for Snatcher's mind and character.
You all get to now listen to me spout nonsense about metaphors and symbolism because I'm a sucker for analysis and I'm given an opportunity to go ham. So perish.
The Ice
Let's start with the most obvious and most glaring thing in Subcon. The ice. It's everywhere. Not just outside Vanessa's manor, either; no, it's throughout the village, too. Shows up in the well and in random locations sprinkled about. When it comes to literal plot, we know that ice is just what lingers after Vanessa's wintery curse on Subcon. But going deeper and analyzing the meaning behind it?
Well, let's look at this from the perspective I've suggested. Subcon Forest being an extended metaphor for Snatcher's mind and character. A symbol for Vanessa then litters his mind, enough where it's certainly noticeable at first but blends in more easily once more of Subcon is unlocked to Hat Kid. This is clearly meant to be his lingering trauma, whether or not he wants to acknowledge it. Which he doesn't, as he never mentions it directly in his forest (that I can recall). Her influence plagues him, as to be expected with the traumatic experiences he went through with her. Breaking the ice is something Hat Kid must do in order to fulfill the wishes of the Fire Spirits (another subject I'll get into shortly), which, if self-indulgently playing with the found family idea, could mean that Hat Kid is helping him heal; if indirectly. Even if fulfilling the Fire Spirits' wish to die is... counterproductive, in that measure, which I'm now getting ahead of myself so hold on a sec!!
Vanessa. Ice. Everywhere. Traces of it all over his forest. That's the effects of an abusive relationship! Especially in a worst-case scenario where... yknow! One party in the relationship dies! So of course ice would be everywhere.
In and of itself, ice is a common symbol in literature and other forms of media. In this case, it's presented as an antagonistic force; emphasis is placed upon freezing and the harm that comes with it. The cold is unwelcoming, threatening, merciless. Snow can act as an insulating force, at least, but ice cannot. It can only make things colder.
A slight stretch: Seeing as this game deals a lot with time shenaniganry, I'm not sure if it'd be too out of left field to connect "freezing" with the theme of time. Yknow. Frozen in time. Both parties here, Snatcher and Vanessa, would be in this frozen state. One largely repressing it and never fully moving on, and the other doomed to her isolation ever since the event in question. They never moved past that moment after the Prince and florist's interaction.
The Fire Spirits (& the Portraits)
I'll put a slight warning here for suicidal ideation, if only because... it's the Fire Spirits we're talking about. It's not as grossly in-detail as the noose discussion will be, though, so make of that what you will.
To me, the Fire Spirits are a very interesting case. After all, they're fire. They're a direct contrast to the ice, thus being the only thing we're shown that could potentially melt it. The Fire Spirits, in my opinion, represent hope or a strength to continue. A strength to move on after troubles of the past.
...And that hope wants to die.
The Fire Spirits wish to burn out, to leave this mortal coil and abandon the forest to the cold. They make no effort to melt the ice, they simply dance, blissfully ignorant towards their surroundings. This being a metaphor for Snatcher's own hope for moving on is made all the more obvious by the fact he wants them gone. The first contract is to kill the Fire Spirits, to kill the hope. Perhaps he believes that sort of thing to be fruitless or naïve, so it only clutters his mind or has him foolishly optimistic at points. So, get rid of it. And the hope is happy to oblige.
(That, or their willingness to leave the forest to its own suffering and not aid in the ice's thaw angers him. Besides the whole "bark bark growl I can't get to parts of my forest because of them!!" which... also could represent a naïve hope clouding his judgement, not allowing him to see a bigger picture. But hope can't all be lost if one wants to move forward...)
A little side-tangent now on the portraits! And it's another slight stretch but the idea is in my head and I can't let it go. Portraits are another common symbol, usually being a physical representation of a memory or idea. For our purposes, let's say they're memories. I know in canon they appear to just hold souls captive or something but for now we're just Ignoring That(tm). The Fire Spirits have to burn the portraits to disappear. See where I'm going with this, maybe?
Instead of handling bad memories (or perhaps memories of the past in general) in any healthy manner, Snatcher chooses to forget/repress them, which just allows his hope to progressively die out.
I'm really hoping this is making sense because it makes a lot of sense to me but I might be insane rn
The Fact that this is a Forest
Forest symbolism breakdown! What's a forest usually mean in literature? "Traditionally, the forest has come to represent being lost, exploration and potential danger as well as mystery and 'other worldliness'." Okay. Yeah. Fair enough. That certainly works with the whole aesthetic we've got going on. Wood usually is life, growth and strength. But the trees of subcon are all dead. So what about that? It stands for death, big whoop, very spooky, we know Snatcher's dead and so are the children, yadda yadda wowie wowie. But. :) The trees in Subcon look a lot like trees that were scorched in a forest fire. Don't believe me?
Tumblr media
(You could also argue they're just regular marsh/swamp trees bUT SSHHSUUHSH HANG ON HEAR ME OUT LOOK LOOK,)
What I believe to have happened was a controlled fire to rid the forest of the majority of its ice and snow. Likely done by Snatcher. It leaves behind a very desolate, depressing, barren scene... but. What else do dead/burnt trees symbolize? Rebirth. After all, controlled fires happen to make way for new trees to take the place of old ones. Some trees only drop seeds in fires/hot temperatures, so new ones take root and begin anew. Weird. It's almost like... I dunno. Snatcher was given some sorta second chance, given he's not just a corpse in Vanessa's cellar. So were the subconites. Another life given then by Snatcher. All connected I tell ya!!
Generally, aside from that, forests have many connotations. Mystery, isolation, claustrophobia; a place to dwell on regrets, or the past; to worry over one's future; to seek escape from or escape inside of... hmgmrnmm!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- T / W -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The Nooses
The t/w is given at the top and another cut-off point will follow the bottom of this, for those that would like to skip. This will delve into talk of suicide and abusive tactics used by abusers. Please don't read if it will upset you or make you feel unsafe!!!
Personally, I cannot stand the nooses, but that's just due to my own triggers. Were there a way to hide those from the game or replace the damned talking ones with anything else. I would take it. In a heartbeat. But I can still appreciate the potential analysis to be had with them. So now i'm gonna talk about it despite how uncomfortable it will make me to do so. yEa
So, what about 'em? There are three types of nooses seen in Subcon. At least that I remember but I didn't really go looking for them. Empty ones, ones containing empty subconites, and the talking ones.
Nooses in general obviously can hint towards suicidal thoughts or behaviors of the characters that interact with them. If saying Subcon is Snatcher's mind, it could suggest that he suffered from some sort of suicidal thoughts in life (or currently, if second death is possible... or if he never truly died... or maybe he's trying to figure that out...which has given me... a separate idea...uh oh). But. And hear me out. Different perspective.
A talking noose. I hate them with a fiery passion that is unmatched. But think of the packed symbolism of a noose that talks. And think more about what it says. "I wouldn't mind being strapped around a cute neck like yours." "Be careful now, I don't want to see you meet a miserable end anywhere, but with me." Oddly, a lot of what the noose says seems almost... endearing? One could argue it's a way of luring someone to put it around their necks, which in and of itself is a whole lot to unpack when it comes to suicidal thoughts beckoning one forward; painting itself as something romantic, almost. But. Here's a wild idea, now. What if the nooses, at least the talking ones, are another symbol for Vanessa?
They're tinted blue, after all. While Vanessa's scheme is more red, one could argue two things: One, ice. Blue. Ice. yeah. Or two, the fact that Snatcher's scheme is more purple. Blue and red... make... purple. So, for all we know, Snatcher's current state was a compound effort between suicidal thoughts and Vanessa's treatment of him. Perhaps he even found a way to put himself out of his misery before freezing/starving to death. (I know he has dialogue that argues against that, but... are we certain Snatcher would be the kind to admit suicide over freezing to death?... I don't think so.)
At any rate, a common threat by those in "control" of an abusive relationship is that of killing themselves should the other person not do as they desire. It's a cruel form of emotional manipulation to get their way, worse off if the other party is an empathetic individual. As a person who has been the empathetic individual in relationships like this... I would know. I've been here, unfortunately So, it's not completely out of the question to say Vanessa could've used some tactic like that, even before the whole... cellar ordeal. Did she? I dunno. I'm tossing ideas around. But if she did, the threats of such would sit around in the Prince's mind easily. Even if she has a reputation of not going through with it. It doesn't matter. That shit sticks with you forever, that scare, the potential of it ever being true, is horrifying and it ruins you. I'm projecting, Squirtle.
Still. A noose cannot hang itself. It has to have a victim.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- T / W PASSED -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Misc. Ideas
- The spiders: Aside from the usual things spiders can be chalked up to symbolizing - toxicity, alluring danger, just... general pain - I like the potential wordplay that can happen here. Yknow. A black widow. Say the Prince and Vanessa were married when one died. What would that leave Vanessa? A widow. ...She's red and black, too. Yknow. Like a black widow. HA wordplay is fun isn't it?
- Snatcher's tree: Love this place, love sitting in here. But not the point! The inside of Snatcher's tree is such a harsh juxtaposition to the rest of Subcon that it kinda throws ya off guard. After all, the dark, purples and blues then contrasted with the bright warm colors of the inside. Even the music switches over. The thorns outside aren't present indoors. Ohh yeah this is gonna be on the nose as hell but the Tree(tm) is 100% representing Snatcher's appearance/put-on personality vs. his truer nature. Spooky outside with thorns, foreboding, unwelcoming. Then the more comfortable interior. VULnerable. Have I even mentioned that the tree is HOLLOW I mean COME ON. The sturdiness of that tree? Nonexistent. He's not a sturdy guy at all no matter how he fronts
- Intrusions are unwelcome: Snatcher does not like the fact that Hat Kid sticks around in his forest. His personal space. His mind. In fact he tries desperately to get rid of her after their fight, not wanting her presence in his forest at all. He has no problem providing more contracts later on with the Death Wish thing, and he finds great entertainment in messing around with Hat Kid, so it's not just a weird sudden hatred he has for her; it's the fact that. After she's finished being useful, he no longer wants her around, lest she find some things she shouldn't find. Now he's just uncomfortable with her in his personal boundaries. Could just be a denial that she's helped him heal (breaking ice, stealing from Vanessa, being something interesting for his kids to interact with) or just not really wanting a child to get wrapped up in. All that. Most likely the former. Considering the amount of joke-hints he drops regarding his background during his Death Wish dialogue. I see you funny man, making jokes out of your trauma as a coping mechanism. Punts him
Annnd I think that's all I got, for now! I'll make an update post if I get any more sporadic ideas. If you read this whole thing, thank you!! and also!! Wow that was a lot!! Hell world. Please feel free to elaborate on any of my points or debate with me on em!! I'm always open to other ideas, just be aware that if I disagree I am not shy when it comes to debate hehehe, tho I won't be aggressive to any extent I prommy!!
Alrighty. goes to sleep goodnight
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wincore · 2 years
Ooh okay ai sounds cool. I'm into stem too !! I've chosen math, phy, chem and computer science but I only have a vague idea (?!) ab what I want in college and it's kinda freaking me out bc most of my friends are so clear ab what they want to do later on in life 😭 😭 For now I'm rewatching high school musical for the 7830487474th time just to de-stress myself from the whole 'think about the future thing' bc I'll be starting senior year after in 2 weeks (smth ab coming of age Disney movies are calming) OML MOON YOU LIKE OCHEM ?!?! JDKDN  I've been learning it for over a year now and still haven't gotten a hang of it 😩 I'd choose calc over ochem in a heartbeat bc calc doesn't suck the few braincells I have like a vacuum cleaner. So I'm gonna use the 2 week break I have from school to understand ochem once in for all 😤 Gintama sounds interesting <3 animes with comedy are literally the best thing ever. As for one piece I've always wanted to see it but I freak out when I see the number of episodes it has 🥴 to quote lana's i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (during a battle to the death) one piece is like the grey's anatomy of anime and YES I'VE READ THAT FIC ENOUGH NUMBER OF TIMES TO QUOTE IT AND HDJSKDK SHRUBCHENG READING ONE PIECE FOR YOU, MISS MOON, HAS GOT TO BE THE CUTEST THING EVER but !! I don't blame him for being whipped this is miss moon we're talking about 💞 nct finally did smth for ppl who can't keep up with them lol nct news is a v v v smart idea + the little spoiler news anchor!jeno gave for the dream comeback in March made the vid even better ksjdj. Also, we're getting a rv comeback this march so it's gonna be one crazy month <33 AND I FINALLY FINISHED READING CORDUROY ANDBFKKDNDMD OKAY I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FIC 🤩 bff2l is one of my fav tropes <33 the fic made my yangyang brainrot phase even more intense. I'm in the process of binging all of your yangyang works <3 beginning from troublemaker bc it's such a classic (okay your whole 00line 'bad boy' series is a classic) to the wayv + Sci fi au. Now my brainrot has escalated to the alien!yangang state jdndi the tags made me cackle so loud XD 
p.s. header for corduroy is so cute why is it so yang2x of him to not figure out what playing ts' you belong with me means 😭 talk about hopelessly oblivious cutie idt even cupid can help him - 👻
honeypie, i am so so so sorry for the late response 😭 my life has been swamped and i've been feeling overwhelmed for a while now </3 
it’s alright to figure it out along the way!! that’s kind of what i’m doing too?? it’s a mix of ‘yeah, this is fun, this is what i want’ vs ‘life allows me only these few paths at the moment’. don’t stress too much and make decisions as best as you can 💕
honestly i binge disney to destress too hsdskh but sometimes i end up crying as the cherry on top 🤩 (cough cough encanto and turning red) but they are such a comfort spot for me !! i hope you’re doing better now though, sweetheart, and taking enough breaks like this!
SDDJDSJGJ it’s been a while since i’ve done ochem ngl but it was fun when i did it bc i actually used my brain back then 😩 the only thing i remember rn is grignard’s reagent ?? i got fun, sexy vibes from the reaction idk <3 and i absolutely ADORE calculus !!!!! it’s kind of the reason i love ai, because neural nets use a bunch of calc, even tho it drives me insane sometimes LOL and yes, on the occasion, i solve problems on differential equations just to feel something 😔 (like just 1 bc it drains me)
god, if a man reads one piece for me i will get on one knee so fast. lana knows my type too well 😩 and right???? i’ve read that fic so many times i could write my graduate thesis on it miss lana’s talent is unmatched 😤 pls do give gintama a try tho bc it’s so funny, it cheers me up every time ❣️ it’s more so for one piece, but it def looks a little daunting to newcomers 😭 1.5x is your friend if you ever wanna watch.
i can’t keep up with nct once again 💔 but omg the rv comeback!!!!! my queens never disappoint and my gf standards have once again been raised to miss kang seulgi and miss kim yerim 🥰
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH, LOVE !!! it’s been so long since i’ve written anything and this put back the will to write in me piece by piece ugh 💖 yangyang is lovable in a rat kind of way idk it’s so much fun to write him hshdk omg the scifi au brings back memories it was so FUN to write!!!!! god, i’m gonna do something like that again if i ever have the time hhh thank you so much for compliments on the header!!! i think i gave up when i was making it but i’m glad it gave off cute vibes 🥰
hope you’re doing well this week, love!!! have a good time and stay safe 🌙
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yeonjuins · 3 years
hiii! It’s the goingtouniversitysoonforgfx anon again💀💀
call me june☺️! ngl that’s what I acc go by on my blog so if you ever find it, cool and hi :) (im just anon bc im shy lmao) - honestly i really love that name and it’s my birthday month, (I finish in June too!), also one of the first krnb artists I started listening to back in 2020 is called june and I was absolutely in love w his music, like he was all I had in rotation with gsoul and couple others
i haven’t acc tried using ae yet, your guide gave me a rough idea of where to start, I just haven’t gotten round to it . Truth is I’m so so so soooooo bad w time management and getting stuff done so I couldn’t make any extra passion projects for my portfolio (I ult txt and procrastinate like crazy so put that together with having to prepare for a 6hr exam) 😭
I had this really cool idea for an Ateez zine but all I’ve done is the cover roughly and nothing else - so I just quickly made a few things and compiled school and personal stuff together and sent it off, im really bummed out about the zine because it’s something I would’ve really put my all in and be so proud of but I didn’t wanna rush it and not be proud of it 🥲 if I ever make it I’ll be sure to show you!
On the bright side I made this fairy of shampoo poster that I love and a Polaroid love poster that I made on a whim-that oddly turned out really good that I sent off, but i wanted to animate it which I ended up not doing….. I’ll get round to it eventually…..
I have 2 offers tho! Just not from where I wanna go lmao, I should have the rest by the end of March so fingers crossed..
this could be the weirdest question you’ve ever gotten but like, how do u sort all your gfx stuff..? Like resources wise (colourings, pngs, elements) idk if I’m using the right terms but you get what I’m saying right?
I do have them in folders but most of the time I go on downloading sprees and then I end up leaving everything over the place - I may have just answered my own question but I’m just wondering what works for you or if you know anyone that has anything organised in a specific way where it’s easy to navigate, u know?
SORRY FOR THIS REALLY LONG ASK, I see you’re really swamped with asks already but….yeah. I also saw that you take music recs so I wanted to make a few! (That was the originally whole reason why i was sending an ask but i rambled alot replying to ur last answer to me…)
I have a million and one favourite songs rn, but these are my faves in rotation - lmk if you’ve already heard!
snowy night - billlie
sincerity - WONPIL
super rare - epik high, wonstein and ph-1
again - def, LEON
Cool to see other DVWN Fans and also it’s really cool to see how you’ve kinda created a space to talk about music, krnb and such, I always felt like I was the only one in this music bubble skhsjsj
Anyway, ENJOY :]
(putting under read more cause lengthy response (": )
please please !! never feel bad for having a long ask (": i'm honoured really people want to talk to me hehe <3 secretly typing up my response in class right now because this class is boring LMFAO
hello june !!! i acc have a friend with the same name on here so i'll call you 'june anon' if thats alright hehe (will go back to previous asks and change the tag as well so we can look back if we ever need to <3) and I CANNOT BELIEVE JUNE WAS ONE OF YOUR FIRST KRNB ARTISTS..... if we're talking about the same person- he's also apart of plt records right?? i am absolutely in love with anyone that is aware of plt....
oh my- please i feel like that wasn't even a proper guide ;; ik i already said this but i feel like i should've gave something more structured PAHHAHA hopefully it still helps you in some sort of way ;; and a 6 hour exam wtf that's acc insane imo ):< time management is super hard (<- literally micromanages everything to get stuff done <- horrible at micromanaging <- don't micromanage either, it's horrible for mental health if you don't condone time for it)
omg zines... i absolutely love making zines they're so fun... i think the first zine i made was an isometric house illustration based off of childhood photos of my friends ;0 i think i titled it the 'HOME' project or something but that was one of my first big projects that really pushed me towards wanting to do stuff with design in my fuutre (": i entirely know what you mean by 'wanting to give it your all'... it's really polarizing but as creators you feel the weight on your shoulder to make things good esp if the topic means a lot to you ;; please do show (if you feel comfortable and if you end up making it) !!!!
wHAHHAH edits on the whim are SOOO fun... i made my animal crossing edit / gyugle on a whim and they're truly one of my favourites hehe... i think i said this with humming anon but i feel like anything associated to fos is instnatly god tier... like nothing can go wrong with it ever and that is simply the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND YAYAYAY CONGRATS ON GETTING TWO OFFERS OMG ! that's acc amazing ;0 excuse me for prying but are you perhaps in canada...? it sounds like your school system is the same as mine ;; if you don't feel comfortable with sharing though feel free to ignore !! whatever college/uni you end up going to, i'm 90% sure it's all purely what you make out of the experience (the other 10% comes from me not even . being in university so i can't entirely vouch for this PAHAHAH) i believe in you my love <3
i’m going to answer your gfx organization question in a separate text post !! just in case someone else asks me so i can just redirect it easily ;; (you can find it here!) 
oh my god i wanted to get into billie for so long because i absolutely love their debut song + concept + THEIR ?? CHOEROS ARE SO COOL (lia kim <3 she never misses... <3) snowy night feels so christmasy it’s so cute... omg i acc never listened to wonpil’s solo stuff ;; i used to be obsessed with day6 in like 8th-9th grade but his voice is so angelic and soft ): my spotify acc broke listening to wonpil’s song SO I CAN’T . PAUSE IT NOW . (<- had to force restart my phone PAHAHHAH wonpil your power...) ASDHOIAKLMW AND OMG EPIK HIGH SOOOOO TRUE.... istg the more i answer asks the more anons bring out my krnb/khiphop days... absolutely love epik high’s ‘we’ve done something wonderful’ album... no skips on that album imo but i’m not sure if everyone would like it since it does have some of those ‘old school’ vibes to it (the song is lovely btw ph-1′s part is <3) ouu i feel like i’ve heard of leon before but this song is new to me ;0 it’s so chill wHAAHA it has like..... a hint of dpr vibes to it (<- thinks about dpr live’s jasmine obsessively... i also hate the fact that i use the word ‘vibes’ but idk what else i should say like ‘energy’ sounds equally as........... ‘gen z’ to me ASOHDIMKLWA)
thank you for the song recs my love (”: and thank you for dropping by my inbox hehe like i said all the way above, i don’t mind long asks !! let’s me talk about similar interests and i just think it’s wholesome overall <3 i hope your day has been going lovely as far my angel <3
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