#too gay for mei
denjidenjiji · 5 months
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Happy lesbian visibility week! + my concerning attachment to Miss mei
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 9 months
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Step on me🙏
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lamplightideas · 2 months
more lmk im sorry
also oops i have more no mimi yet
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(i did Mei and pigsy, partner did mk and tanggg
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possfloss · 2 years
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why is a full like fifth of this frame taken up by mei rin's ass?? it doesn't even look like it's meant to be appealing, so why is it there??? why am i getting the taint-view?
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vital research
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forcebookish · 1 year
me: I'm pretty neutral about marriage equality, there are more important goals for lgbt liberation
GL artists from countries where same-sex marriage is illegal:
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me: (fucking sobbing)
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malikselfindulgence · 11 months
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Why is nobody talking about Mei's biker outfit Hello . She could ask me to jump out a 10-story window and I'd thank her for breathing in my direction and do just that
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bioblsm · 3 months
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❀ ꒰warnings꒱. boothill backstory spoilers, not proofread ಥ_ಥ
𖧷 characters. jing yuan, blade, dr ratio, ruan mei, aventurine, sunday, boothill
☆彡 notes. aventurine 🤝 boothill — being some of the most gay ass mfs i’ve seen in a hyv game (apart from bronya and seele) seriously their flamboyance still gives me whiplash…anyways this has been on my mind for months now but i’ve never gotten around to writing it!!! >_<
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[◉"] 2,304 photos, 83 videos
⌖ if you scroll really fast down or up his gallery, all you’ll actually manage to see is splotches of pink, blonde and silver
⌖ everything ranges from cute candid shots of yanqing (he takes multiple if yanqing’s fallen asleep while on duty), to sneaky pictures of fu xuan as she’s working where he’s in the foreground doing peace signs — the final picture of course being her looking at the camera lense directly to glare up at him
⌖ reaching weekends when he’s slightly a little more free or allows himself a small break to stroll around town, his camera roll is either filled with pictures of food he’s eaten or swords that yanqing may or not definitely ask about that he’s now more inclined to buy as he’s seen them in person (he’s a boy dad who loves spoiling his child, alright?)
⌖ the large majority of his photos unfortunately are work related, only really the recent ones being deleted from his gallery to clear up some space
⌖ however, while his photos are preoccupied with either his two kids or random scrolls with messy and rushed handwriting, each video is of you; jing yuan thinks a picture would belittle your beauty too much.
⌖ he needs something a little more real, a little more active and animated to help him quell the chirping loneliness that creeps up on his heart whenever you’re away from him for a prolonged period of time; if he’s feeling particularly mischievous he might sneak a quick but blurry picture of himself to send to you ♡
[◉"] 9 photos, 2 videos
⌖shit is BARREN. literally a complete EMPTY VOID. if you snatched his phone somehow you’d assume he just got it despite him not having changed it ever since he received one
⌖ perhaps on the occasion you’ll find a cameo picture from one of the stellaron hunters as his phone is left unoccupied and someone decided to blast his entire gallery with their face (silverwolf specifically just hacks into his phone to keep putting random screenshots he’s never taken in his gallery to make him believe he’s taken them)
⌖ maybe sometimes he’ll screenshot different ways to die or health clinic locations he can avoid when he’s fortunately bleeding out but otherwise? nothing.
⌖ if you’re a massive yapper and love sending him pictures, he won’t go out of his way to download them for later usage (whatever that may be…) but he also won’t go out of his way to delete it if it’s accidentally automatically downloaded on his phone — maybe elios intended for it to be there?
⌖ it’s quite nice having a reminder of his significant other where he doesn’t have to actively listen to their voice… that’s a little exaggerative; but he loves just mapping out the features in your face, it helps him sleep just the slightest bit better with no ailment if he’s able to trace your features like a constellation on his blank, dark wall
DR RATIO 𐚁 真理医生
[◉"] 1000 photos, 100 videos
⌖ call it a form of ocd, but he NEEDS to have a decent ratio (i didn’t even mean for this to be a pun i’m so sorry) of his photos to videos; he doesn’t care if it’s 10:1, 2:1 1:5, he needs something that’s at least somewhat pleasing to the eyes
⌖ ratio immediately deleted anything he doesn’t need or thinks he won’t find use in for at the very least the month (this includes every single cameo shot aventurine or you have taken of yourselves on his phone without his permission, which by the way, he didn’t hesitate to scold you two for)
⌖ maybe if he’s feeling particularly loving (when is he ever?) he’ll allow ONE picture to stay.
⌖ his camera roll is purely filled with test results, written exams, student emails he needs to read over, things concerning the guild or the ipc and secret purchases of ducks he’s made (he’s not ashamed, he just doesn’t want you to know he’s buying ducks that are bigger in size every time so he can fill your shared bathroom)
⌖ realistically, maintaining such a perfect ratio of photos:videos is rather impossible unless you’ve got impeccable timing with things you save and delete so, in order to bypass this, ratio made a photo library to help serve as a base number of sorts
⌖ that photo library is of course a secret and locked haven filled with pictures and videos of you, none of which you can even recall taking. all of them hold at least some sort of significance to the both of you, but the ones that dr ratio loves the most is the ones that are just natural
⌖ the ones that show you being yourself, whether it’s where you’re cuddled up near a blanket reading something with a leg hiked up over the sheets or where you’re sleeping with your mouth wide open because you’re sick and unable to breathe through your nose properly; he loves it all
RUAN MEI 𐚁 阮•梅
[◉"] 505 photos, 28 videos
⌖ she tries to keep it as neat as possible; that means no sneaky pics taken of her by you, accidental blurry shots she’s taken (god forbid, those ones are immediately scrapped and done anew especially if related to an experiment of hers) thought that doesn’t mean she clears it in the regular
⌖ ruan mei actively saves any photo you send her, sometimes she’ll even screenshot the chat itself if she finds herself clutching at her heart as she swoons over a few lines of flirting that apparently you couldn’t hold yourself back from due to how much you missed her
⌖ she’s not someone really sentimental so despite having photos of her little cake-cat hybrids, she rarely ever rechecks them unless the trailblazer sent another report on their status to match
⌖ honestly her memory is impeccable to the point she doesn’t even need screenshot reminders of things like dates and experiments saved (would it even be called machine reductionist to call her a walking computer model at this point?) therefore, anything she saves that’s work or science related probably has more intricacies that she can account for
⌖ her gallery is a little boring otherwise. for someone of her morally grey standards you’d expect at least something worth mentioning, maybe even something dumb like a secret recipe she uses to make the sweetest (anti-truth serum…) pastries but no— nothing.
yet the reason for that is very blatant; not even her beloved has the privilege to witness her mendacity.
[◉"] 8,793 photos, 777 videos
⌖ it’s a complete and utter mess to say the very least; dr ratio refuses to so much as glance at it whenever he’s near and topaz just gets an ick:
“how do you even manage to find anything?”
⌖ his photos range from absurd, to sweet to egotistical. things that remind him of you such as random rocks he finds, alcoholic beverages that have the same colour scheme of an outfit you wore the night before, an animal he saw that he swears if reincarnation was real would so be you
⌖ he has a specific library for just solely screenshots based off your chats, most of them including a significant amount of “i love yous” and goodbyes that promised a little something more when you met up next; everything that aventurine utterly cherished and craved
⌖ …and then the rest was either him showing the background of him photobombing others, pictures he took to send to you (or one of the ipc members to piss them off, sometimes even the trailblazer for a cheeky laugh) and on the even more popular occasion, all his extraordinary wins whether it be in poker, pool or uno
⌖ compared to his photos, his videos are slightly more interesting. a near 50/50 split that ranged between him telling dumbass jokes to piss off his coworkers, recordings of the back of dr ratio’s and or topaz’s head just for the future laughs (he likes the reminder that he does actually have friends and they aren’t just deliberate hallucinations born of loneliness).
⌖ but of course, all his “favourited” videos involve you somehow. sometimes it’s just a slip of your name while he’s sneakily recording a meeting, him telling you he misses you or vice versa, other times it’s just when he feels like he has a home. you snuggled up on his chest, hands intertwined together as your breathing nearly synchronises with him…moments where he feels as though he could forget the trademark imprinted onto his neck.
SUNDAY 𐚁 星期日
[◉"] 777 photos, 111 videos
⌖ now as much as i want to say “oh it’s all you! he has a special folder for you <3” i unfortunately can’t.
⌖ it’s almost most definitely videos of robin’s concerts, solo shows, videos he stolen off of audience members with good seats when he wasn’t available to personally hide in the crowd…a lot of the photos are also the same way; robin’s promotional pictures, screenshots from her recent advertisements and negative hate comments or news stories that he’s going to personally deal with later
⌖ that doesn’t mean he values or priorities you over his sister, absolutely not. you two are the only people in his life who he would unironically take down the skies and survive utter torment for if it meant your voices were the last things he heard as bellowing winds sliced past his eardrums to tune the world out in order to hear his own final breath
⌖ he tries his best not to be sentimental or nostalgic, as he’s been told as he grew up into the bright and maybe just slightly tragic and guilt-infested man he is today, those things in his eyes are an innate weakness of humanity. clinging onto something thats not tangible anymore.
⌖ but he can’t help but hold on to every video you send him. every picture of you smiling, laughing, every text of you saying i love yous, quoting love songs to him or showing him pictures where you jokingly said “that’s us” (did he tilt his head a few times when you kept sending animals to him with that particular correspondent message? perhaps, but it never made him blind to the intentions).
[◉"] 12,113 photos, 191 videos
⌖ he truly doesn’t gaf (give a fork) about how messy it is, all the things that are genuinely important are already locked and loaded into his noggin’, there’s no point in being frugal with the space he’s been given on a little cellular device
⌖ you wouldn’t believe it, but he rarely uses it unless it’s for emergencies. there’s plenty of trouble that comes around when you’re a galaxy ranger, which means having a constant tracking device on you like a phone that you update daily is a stupidly bad idea; which is precisely why his photo gallery is a mess
⌖ he quite literally can’t go in and clear it out otherwise it risks giving out sensitive information.
⌖ not applicable to you, that is. in boothill’s eyes, you’re an “emergency”. if you’ve texted him, it’s obvious you want his attention, which potentially means you could be in danger and he has to rush to the rescue like the flamboyant cowboy he is (no he absolutely knows you don’t need help, but there’s always that nagging “what if” factor, you know?)
⌖ he inwardly blesses whoever invented screenshotting because it would be an understatement to say that little as half of his gallery is littered with you. he’s just a bit of a boomer when it comes to technology like this, despite being a whole walking charging port himself ehem, so a lot of the pictures he has saved of you that you sent over whenever he cutely pleaded;
“missing ya, send me a lil’ somethin’ wont you?”
unfortunately are uncropped and framed with the outline of whatever messaging app you’re on.
⌖ if he lets you scroll up far back enough, maybe you’ll get to see just a glimpse of how similar his adoptive daughter’s smile was to his
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© BIOBLSM ✮ do not copy steal or repost
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tea-cat-arts · 4 months
Ranking mxtx couples by whether or not I think they'd be good parents
(I'm 90% sure I'm forgetting someone)
Yep, next question (S)-
Wangxian: tried and tested good dads. I wish them luck with the whole “trying to get wwx pregnant” thing 
They have some shit to work through, but after that I think they'd be fine (A)-
Ling Wen/ Bai Jin: if we're just going off the original publication, I would put them in a much lower tier, but since the revised edition added that thing about them raising orphans together and said orphans turning out alright before unfortunate circumstances, I'm putting them up here. I think they'll be alright once they work through the miscommunication
Xiao Xingchen/ Song Lan: They obviously have a lot of trauma they're working through, but I'd like to think they and A-Qing will be a loving family in the long run 
One of them would be a good parent, the other wouldn't be a bad parent (B)-
Jiang Yanli/ Jin Zixuan: there's no canon reason for me putting them this low. Jin Zixuan just gives off a mediocre parent vibe to me (and we all know Jiang Yanli is the best)
Yushipei: Yushi Huang has good mom energy, and Pei Ming has been shown to be a not terrible mentor. I'd want the misogyny fully beaten out of him with a mace before I'd think he should have kids of his own though 
Lang Qianqiu/ Little Guy: at the very least, they're making sure Guzi is fed, clothed, washed, vaccinated, and has access to education. Neither of them know what they're doing, but I think Little Guy is good at faking it. I wish them luck in their upcoming custody battle  
You know what, surprise me/ I'll hear you out (C)-
Bingqiu: My first instinct is “no, do not bring kids into this,” but then I remembered tharnShen Qingqiu has a surprisingly decent track record? Like, Ning Yingying and Ming Fan both turned out a lot more health than they did in the original novel, and though I wouldn't call him in a good place, Binghe is doing a lot better than Bingge. The wild card for me here is Luo Binghe because I have no idea how he'd be with kids
Quanyin: Yin Yu had a decent track record until he was pushed into snapping. I think rn, he needs a couple centuries of being a babygirl before he's ready to parent again. No idea how Quan Yizhen would do though 
Born to “dual income, no kids, rich uncles/aunts” (D)-
Fengqing: Feng Xin is canonically a bad dad. I know he's working on it, but it is what it is. Mu Qing has been shown to be decent with kids, but I think he’d have a melt down if he had to deal with the mess constantly. 
Hualian: I mean, Xie Lian has raised three kids at this point and one of them became a god, another became state preceptor and then sorta complicit in a genocide, and one became god AND committed genocide + he babysat a ghost king for months and didn't even realize that's what he was because it was a miracle if he remembered to feed him… so, a mixed bag. Hua Cheng may be schrodinger’s child hater, but I'm intrigued by the idea of him raising kids just because I want to know how his own childhood would influence his parenting abilities. They should probably just stick to babysitting for now though 
Mingling: Liu Mingyan is too busy writing gay porn to be dealing with kids, and I just can't imagine Sha Hualing as a mom
Please don't bring a kid into this mess (F)-
Beefleaf: Do I need to explain this one?
Mobeishang: Shang Qinghua should not be put in any position where he has to teach someone about consent (Binghe’s early attempts at flirting being a prime example of why that's a bad idea). I also think Mobei Jun is still working on the whole “why hitting people is not cool” thing. 
QiJiu: I think the original timeline is a prime example of how they're just not in a place to be raising kids 
Jun Wu/ Mei Nianqing: Xie Lian would like a refund on his adopted father figures. They had one kid and he only made it to age 20 because he was cursed to not die
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Okay, it took me a Bit to parse out What the Hell is Happening in this lil' piece of AA Official Art, but I think it's:
Larry/Yahari is gushing about his idea of an Ideal Sexy American Woman; some sort of busty tanned blonde wearing a Sexy Cowboy Cheerleader Outfit.
(usually I use just the English-Localized Names when talking about AA characters but it'll be a Bit Weird here when the fact they are viewing AmericaTM from an outsider's perspective is vital)
Phoenix/Ryūichi is like "I dunno, the only American Woman I know is Franziska/Mei and she's some sort of crazy power-hungry domineering monster with a whip..................."
Maya/Mayoi is lowkey like "whoa when you put it like that that IS kinda hot...."
And Miles/Reiji is Too Gay To Have This Converstaion.
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thegreymoon · 6 months
Mo Ran is so gay it isn't even funny.
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Now, this is just my opinion and I realise other people have their own interpretations, but this whole episode is super telling to me of just how unreliable his narration is about having tons and tons of sex with people of both genders in his previous lifetime. He's just so... oblivious. None of this reads as a man with a lot of previous experience with many different people. He did not pick up on her flirting with him at all. Sure, he did have a lot of insane sex in his past life, but as the book unfolds, it becomes very clear that most of that sex was with Chu Wanning. At best, there were only a handful of other people he was involved with, and one was a prostitute he was paying, while the other was his wife whose relationship with him was also transactional.
I know people argue that he is bisexual because he married Song Qiutong, but when we actually get her POV on their marriage, it turns out that they had unenjoyable sex only a handful of times, at least one of which was him taking her from behind and very much imagining that it was Chu Wanning in her place. There are plenty of gay men who end up married to straight women (and vice versa) for whatever reasons and none of this makes them any less gay. He also identifies as a 'cut-sleeve' himself at one point, so he doesn't seem at all confused about his sexual attraction to men. Later on, when we finally get his unaltered POV on his life in the brothel, it comes out that he considered the girls there as sisters at best, never as sexual partners. The only other named sexual partner is Rong Jiu, who is male, and I can buy that there were possibly other people who looked like Shi Mei that he was with under the influence of the cursed love spell, but there was never any real attraction there, which is why some argue that he is attracted only to Chu Wanning and would still be attracted to him regardless of gender.
But I think that this is also not true. He definitely was obsessed with Chu Wanning from an early age, which makes it hard to see what his preferences would have been if Chu Wanning wasn't in the picture, but that chapter when he finally realises his feelings also reveals that he does have a type, which he never dared to think about before because he thought he was unworthy of having a choice. However, Chu Wanning fits this type to a tee, so it's easy to run away with the idea that he is shizunsexual and that Mo Ran's attraction begins and ends with him.
With that said, we do get confirmation later on that he does find other men attractive, in particular, Jiang Xi. It's just that he never has the space or the inclination to do anything about it because of his preoccupation with Chu Wanning. In the extras, when Mo Ran misunderstands Xue Men's relationship with Jiang Xi and thinks they are having a love affair, in his unfiltered Taxian-jun state, he is full of approval because he personally finds these powerful, beautiful, prickly, emotionally unavailable older men to be the height of attractiveness. If Chu Wanning hadn't been in the picture, Mo Ran would have definitely been attracted to Jiang Xi or someone similar. Even Ye Wangxi, whom he also fixates on, fits this type (except for the older man bit because I understood her to be only a few years older than Mo Ran). The fact that she turns out to be a woman also cannot be used as an argument for Mo Ran's bisexuality because she very much presents as a man throughout the book (but whether or not she actually identifies as one is debatable).
In short, Mo Ran does have a type of man he is attracted to and it is definitely men that he likes, regardless of his few dubious and very unsatisfying dalliances with women. While Chu Wanning definitely fits this type of ideal man, there are other men out there whom Mo Ran finds attractive too, it's just that he is too unhinged about Chu Wanning to actually do anything about it. Also, I very much doubt that Mo Ran was nearly as promiscuous as he makes himself out to be because he reads as very oblivious when it comes to sexual relationships in general. Even with Chu Wanning, who was right there and about to pass away from sheer horniness that he couldn't even begin to disguise, Mo Ran was still going, "Shizun is so pure and virtuous!" 🙄
(I'm not going to get into the whole Shi Mei situation and how badly he misread him every step of the way too, but that is because his brain was so badly mangled by him that he really stood no chance on that front until it was entirely too late.)
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azureandcrimson · 24 days
LMK Headcanons!!
Just some (a lot of) headcanons of mine I wanted to share! :] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wukong can sleep through a full on war, in any position any place. Macaque absolutely can not, he has to be somewhere safe, quiet, and he has to feel protected to get any sleep. Macaque and Redson have Sensory Issues.
Redson has gold blood. Macaque trained and/or adopted Spindrax (HER NAME TRANSLATES INTO PRINCESS SHADOWS IN JAPENSE AND INTO PHANTOM SPIDER IN TAIWANESE, HOW COULD I REFUSE THE CHANCE?!) And he also adopts or is a Mother/Father figure to Bai He/Lily. (Mamacaque) Macaque, Redson and Mei all have burn scars, Macaque from Diyu, Redson from his fire powers and Mei from the Samadhi Fire. Wukongs ex's are Spider Queen and Azure, and, Macaques ex is Scorpion Queen. Mk is Trans Masc and Gay. Macaque is Trans Masc, Non-Bianary and Bisexual. Wukong is Trans Fem, Gender-Fluid and Pansexual. Redson is Gender-Fluid and Bisexual. Sandy is Pansexaul and Asexual. Mei is Lesbian. Spindrax is Lesbian. Pigsy is Bisexual. Tang is Gay. Bai he/Lily is Trans Fem. Macaque, Princess Iron Fan, Chang'e and Mei. They all meet up and gossip, have a texting group too (There going to go to jail for what they text to each other if it ever get's out to public) Macaque and Wukong got shoved into Sandys cat therapy by Mei, Chang'e, Mk and Princess Iron Fan after Season 4, (Then Mk also started to go after Season 5) Macaque has a pet Flerken named Estelle (I'M BREAKING THE MULTIVERSE, YOU CAN'T STOP ME) Macaque's a Pyromaniac and has burned himself on purpose has a record for Arson!! :3 After Macaques revival. He doesn't have a heartbeat anymore, and, he's always has a freezing cold temperature, he's cold no matter how hot it is outside, or how many blankets he has, he can only be warmed by other body heat (but he's touch averse) or fire (That's how he got obsession with fire). Then you have Wukong and Redson who are like personal heaters 24/7. After LBD. Macaques head was fuzzy, his memories we're all over the place, he didn't know real from fake, he eventually had breakdowns, trying to figure out right from wrong. Wukongs War Form. (WE NEED TO SEE IT HELLO??) I think it would have three tails, three heads, four arms, a gold color with red accents + White eyes and Claws. Mk also has four ears, three tails he can hide in his monkey form. Macaque can hide his emotions really well, but when he's feeling uneasy, nervous or panicked his Shadow Powers will swirl around him and flicker. Some Headcanons of their Favorite Songs!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macaque - Girl With One Eye, Contards Solution, Drunk-Dazed, Dead Girl Walking (HE'S THE ULTIMATE BILLIE ELISH AND AYESHA AND ISABEL LAROSA FAN!!) Mk - Mr Sunshine is dead, Juliet Redson - Alejandro Wukong - Ex's & Oh's, UNBELIVEABLE, Everybody Loves Me. Mei - HOT TO GO! Some Headcanon Fears!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wukong - Fear of Death. Fear of being Forgotten. Fear of Small Spaces. Macaque - Fear of Failure. Fear of Thunder/Lightning. A small fear of Small Spaces. Fear of being Abandoned. Fear of Losing Control (He's already lost control once. He can't afford to do it again.) Mk - Fear of Spiders. Fear of Abandoned. Tang - Fear of Women/jk, I'm joking I swear. Fear of being left behind. Redson - Fear of Failure. Fear of Imperfection. Fear of being Abandoned. He had a fear of Water that Mei and Mk helped him get over. Fear of Being Alone (Sense the Samadhi Fire when he was young) Mei - Fear of being Forgotten.
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
satoru clinging to you like velcro. obliviously asking you to hang out in places only college kids would go to. like, HIS DORM?? probably a rave or two or a frat event or some crap. he doesn't even register it as weird because it's not weird for HIM so how could it be weird for YOU when he wants you there?
being his designated driver... his secret keeper... "He'd told you things he'd never told anyone before." omggg imagine he told you about suguru. imagine hearing about it, thinking he's gay, and satoru lets you think that for a while so you see his advances in a platonic light and don't turn him down right away
telling you he's so happy he feels like he's dreaming... interrupting you to ask you how it felt, probably knowing full well you were too drunk to remember...
interrupting you even MORE to tell you that it was his first time (you DEFLOWERED him you MONSTER)...
and then pulling out the puppy dog heartbreak eyes (and i'll bet it's REAL heartbreak, too!) when he says you totally returned his feelings when he confessed last night 100% honest no cap.
Satoru is smart. He's a physics major, he's got to be smart. You just need to pretend to date him for a while before he realizes that you're too old for him. Then, he'll leave you for someone his age.
narrator: "he did not, in fact, leave her for someone his age"
skjdfhglhdsg honestly satoru has ALWAYS had that "likes older women" vibe to him, you know?
even if you ever managed to break up with him you'd just watch him fall into the arms of a 40 year old mei mei who's just using him for his money, humiliating him publicly, cheating on him, breaking his heart and won't you save him from his self-destructive ways, you know he'll always take you back-
god this is the REAL manipulator shit. make them choose to come to you. yandere gojo has nothing on this cougar hunter gojo, his TRUE final form
kfhgsldhg sorry if it sounds like i'm throwing more prompts at you, this really is just me squealing about what a fun read it was. awesome job! thank you for writing it!
im so glad you liked it!
"you totally returned his feelings when he confessed last night 100% honest no cap" yayaya no totally, you def said 'omg toru ily 2 lets get married'. honestly he got a bit too egotistical in the last part, and it might be his downfall if the mc ever looked too deeply into the story.
(I imagine the night went the exact opposite how gojo described. He did confess, but by then, you had lost much of your tact. Instead of letting him down gently, you just started likening him to your little brother-no wait-you're more like my son-actually no-you're more like my puppy that keeps peeing the floor. Cant blame him for thinking he needed to kick it up a notch)
i just love the idea of the mc going to friends for advice and instead of being sympathetic/horrified they give high-fives and joke about robbing the cradle because no one really cares that you're 'dating' someone who's pre-frontal cortex isnt developed because the patriarchy
If i ever do make a pt2 (which i will not be doing), it'll probably be seven years into the future where gojo has successfully corralled you into marrying him. and the reason why you (reluctantly) say yes is akin to the reasons a man in the 1930s will marry a woman he slept with to preserve his and hers dignity.
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py-dreamer · 3 months
Nezha incorrect quotes (and a bit of Ao Bing too.)
Nezha: Sun Wukong. I am the guardian and protector of children. I don't have time-
Baby xiaotian running past: yayyyyyy!
Nezha:...for children.
Nezha: My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. You might have the strength and size, but I'm faster and have the pure, unfiltered rage.
Nezha: SHUT UP-
Nezha: Look, I know we don’t always see eye to eye but— Ao Bing: Thats because your too short to do so. Nezha: ...Listen here you fucking—
Mei: Two bros! Xiaotian: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Mei: Zero feet apart 'cause they're GAY AS FUCK!
Nezha with Ao Bing, 15 meters away: WE'RE JUST MEDITATING BY THE POND!
Ao Bing: I eat salmon because they’re good for the spine. Ao Bing: And my spine has been ripped off my back, so Nezha, if you’re out there—
Nezha: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart. Ao Bing: But I was sent to kill you the first time we met, so that doesn't mean anything.
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ohwyrmm · 12 days
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"Look, Auntie Mei! She's from the stars! Just like me!"
The general concept was based around my headcanon is that Jack (S76) as a teenager collected dolls (gay teenager in the 2030s?) and he went and dug into the storage of his old family home to dig the doll out for her. Hes gruff, snarky, a bit mean but no one can convince me he wouldn't secretly leave it in her room. He'd overhear her talking about feeling a bit alone or lost to herself (maybe she records herself taking notes when she thinks no one is around to listen back on if/when she makes it home to refresh herself so she can share her adventures with everyone there) and he's like "I have got to get this lost space girl one of my space girl dolls". He spends days looking through those boxes for Ari Roma because "she's an astronaut too" but when he comes across Una Verse with the glitter legs still intact he's like "no that's the one" because she has the same little hair highlights
Juno is estatic when she comes back to her room and sees a little alien doll, with a little story on the back of the box about how she's from space, but has come to earth and found a home there doing what she loves.
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gojoshooter · 1 year
Satosugu headcanons : that won't let me sleep
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A/N: I needed to write this so i stop kicking my feet in air smh. Anw enjoy the hcs! I'm still new to writing so bare with me ♡
Genre: headcanons, sfw, fluff, crack, millisecond of angst
WARNINGS: Crying, Gojo is a dork, highschool stsg
Gojo steals Geto's hair tie 'cause he finds it cute when Geto's mad
Pretends he found it and asks Geto if he can let him tie his hair
Geto once asks if Gojo is a cat person or a dog person, and he replied, "Neither, I like birds".
Prolly the only constructive explanation for Geto riding on a big ass Pelican
Geto hugging Gojo a bit too hard when he tries not to cry
And Gojo saying, "Let it out, it's just me" in the most gentle way Geto was ever spoken to in his seventeen years and he hates him for he can't hold back now
Gojo holding him and letting him cry in the hug because Geto doesn't want to show himself
They go to movies a lot, often kidnapping Shoko and bringing her along. Shoko secretly loves it.
They have rap contests, the judges being Mei mei, Shoko and Utahime.
They def drink hydrogen and mimic the higher ups.
Gojo spreading his back on Geto's lap for tummy rubs while Geto goes all crescent eyes smiling at his dorkiness
Geto pulling out his dragon on every little argument hjdhdjsjs
They have a signature handshake that prolly includes some gay ass part like winking at each other
Or clapping ass cheeks
Principal Yaga: Gojo, i told you to bring something that's important to you
Gojo: i did
Principal Yaga: i meant an object, not Geto Suguru
Geto pulling finger guns at Gojo in the middle of a class as Gojo descends with a grown
He loves how Geto shakes his head hiding his obvious smile and trying not to laugh out loud
A/N: annnd that is it ♡! reblog if you enjoyed this post <3 until next time ^-^
Tags: @luckimoon ✰
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