#tooley motorcity
motor4eva · 9 months
Someone should draw some of the interactions in this old interview I found. It's so wholesome like 😭
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waksworldrebooted · 1 year
More Motorcity X Pixar Cars Stuff
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Was too lazy to digitally color everybody. I did have a design for AJ, Rayon, Thurman, The Oracle, Ruby, and Jenzen, but I think I lost them.
Some design notes:
-Kane is based on his roadster from Vega
-Tooley is a Maru (Planes 2) Styled Forklift
-Tennie, The Duke, Red, Bracket, Foxy, Junior, and Jacob are based on their own cars
-Babs/No. 2 is based loosely on Finn McMissile's early design from Cars 1
-Kaia is now a Road Rumbler/Road Warrior-styled car with military plane wings on her back to reference the wings from Mayhem Night
-Claire is a sports car.
Anyone I missed?
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corus24110 · 7 days
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And the other cadets reacting to Mike's promotion :D
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motorcity-thoughts · 1 year
When do you think someone will make AI meme videos of The Motorcity cast? I desperately want Mike Chilton singing Hit Me Baby or Texas saying Zumbo Sauce.
when we start getting really desperate /j
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motorcity-bunny · 1 year
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Texas and Tooley saving the day and getting the princess.
Needed to draw these three. These three would be chaotic but epic
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princesssarisa · 4 days
Do you know the meaning of the names of the characters in Motorcity?
I've never heard of this cartoon before, but I can look up the name meanings.
Mike: Short for Michael, which means "Who is like God?"
Julie: "Youthful."
Chuck: A nickname for Charles, which means "free man."
Dutch: The Dutch language and people are from the Netherlands, and in old American slang, "Dutch" also means "German," from the word Deutsch.
Texas: A US state name; it means "friend" in the language of local Native Americans, the Caddo people.
Abraham: "Father of many."
Tooley: "Mighty people."
Kaia: Derived from Catherine, which means "far off" or "pure."
Red: Self-evident; the color.
Jacob: "Heel-grabber" or "supplanter."
Claire: "Clear" or "bright."
Darr: "Pearl," "earth," or "mountain."
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purefandomonium · 1 year
Welcome to my thesis about how Kane sees Red as more than just a convenient anti-Mike attack dog.
Warning: this is suuuuper long, will have many spoilers, and is really just me rambling about my thoughts and opinions more than anything "factual." I've been rewatching a few episodes of Motorcity and this has been eating at me.
So. To start this off, I wanna talk about Kane and Mike. We all know how Mike viewed Kane as a father-figure, how he trusted him with every fiber of his being, and how he really thought Deluxe was for the greater good. We know how Mike feels about it now that he's left Kane Co and started fighting for Motorcity. But what about Kane?
"You were like a son to me!" carries so much more weight than Mike's musings about believing in Kane. In the very first episode, Kane immediately jumps to how betrayed he was by Mike defecting. He makes it very clear that there's some personal vendetta behind his goal to crush Motorcity. I suspect if Mike hadn't created the Burners, regardless of whether or not he left Deluxe, Kane wouldn't be so diabolical in his efforts to gain control of the city. It seemed like up until that point, he was fine with having bots act as security and sending demolition crews to make way for his empire. None of the other gangs seem interested in stopping this.
Kane's the kind of guy that likes to personally dish out death. He'll only sit back and let his underlings and bots handle it until he feels certain he'll get what he wants. He shows up to the fight in the first episode when the others are out of commission and Mike's vulnerable. He wants to be there to watch the stolen cars burn in Like Father, Like Daughter. He stands at the top of his tower, unguarded, as Mike's about to be delivered to him in Off the Rack. And in A Better Tomorrow, he is both the one pretending to be Vega and the one to spearhead the destruction of Motorcity in his latest death-machine. Heck, Red even states to a captured Mike that Kane wanted to do Mike's execution himself. This is someone who wants to revel in victory, that's for sure. Moving on.
Then Mike Chilton left and became a threat. Not only did his best soldier betray him, but he outright turned against him. The kid he personally brought up to be the best, the one he put so much faith into, the son he never had, spat in his face and continues to do so.
Kane has a nasty temper. It's shown from the very first episode. When things don't go his way, he doesn't so much throw a tantrum, but he does have violent outbursts of rage. He may sick Tooley on the staff that angers him, but when it comes to Mike Chilton and the Burners, he's all too willing to go down there and dirty his hands if he's able.
While there's no official answer to how exactly Mike ended up in the whole cadet situation, my belief is this: He was born in Deluxe--or at least lived there as long as he could remember, depending on if I bring Capri into his backstory--and is an orphan. I like to think he got into Kane Co due to being childhood friends with Chuck, who was a gifted kid in some kind of intern program there, and he had an affinity for the military aspect. So he enlisted when he was old enough and blew everyone's socks off with his ability. This got the attention of Kane, who saw something in Mike the more he watched his skills grow. It lead to Kane personally raising him in a way, training him, seeing him as a potential successor of sorts. He'd never have made him head of Kane Co, that was always gonna be reserved for Julie, but I do think he'd have allowed Mike to be her second-in-command. The leader of the army and essentially her own version of Tooley, only with a brain.
It doesn't outwardly appear like much, and Kane certainly isn't one to let others see weakness, but it wasn't just about the loss of such a promising elite. It was about losing the kid he felt like he raised, the closest thing to a son he'd ever have. It's how Mike uses some of Kane's skills against him, like his combat skills, strategy, and even his charisma.
But enough about that. Let's talk about Red.
Red is, for all intents and purposes, a replacement for Mike. A better one, if Kane has anything to say about it. Red has the benefit of only being outwardly like Mike; he doesn't think like Mike. Red's ingenious and cunning, sure. He's got skills beyond even Mike's, as the latter has never been able to fairly defeat him in one-on-one combat. He's a competent driver to boot.
He's also blinded by anger, easily manipulated, and clearly not that bright, as anyone with common sense would see Kane as the enemy in his situation. All this is beneficial to the man in question. Kane sees that same ferocious determination that Mike has, only Red's not hindered by morals or justice. He's got a goal and he will see to it he succeeds, regardless of who he has to hurt or what lines he has to cross. Red clearly doesn't care that he's working with the enemy, his enemy, and Kane uses that to his advantage.
This is more my headcanon than anything, but I 100% believe that Kane's got some kind of failsafe inside Red's suit. I mean, come on. He's already proven he has no issue getting into Kane Co tower, and while one could argue that perhaps Kane knew Red would arrive and lowered security on purpose, I just don't see that as a risk he'd be willing to take. At the time, Kane only knew of Red's hatred for Mike. He didn't know why he hated him so much (and likely still doesn't know/doesn't care), and there's no way he knew Red didn't also have a grudge against him.
Red's powerful, skilled, and an excellent weapon against Mike, but Kane isn't one to trust people blindly. Not after the last time. He's not gonna make the same mistake twice. There's no telling when or if Red will snap and turn on him, or if he'll be convinced by Mike himself that's he's going after the wrong person. Heck, Red's basically feral and is just as likely to go after them both for any reason at all. He's... not entirely okay up there. So why wouldn't Kane have a way to stop him if he ever got out of control? If Red ever turned on Deluxe, Kane wouldn't hesitate to put him down like the rabid dog he sees him as. That fancy suit of his probably has a remote kill switch that will turn all that energy on himself, frying him like bacon.
As much as Kane tries to justify his use of Red, I do think it leaves him bitter. Not only is he risking his empire by letting the guy work for him (although that's pretty much bottom of the list because of the whole murder failsafe), but Red just isn't Mike. He has the traits Kane convinced himself were all that mattered to him, but he can't deny that having a violent, angsty Tooley that shoots lightning isn't really what he wanted. Red's only loyal to Deluxe because it gives him a means to get back at Mike. He's not there because he wants to be. He doesn't view Kane as anything other than the guy giving him missions and upgrades.
Red doesn't look up to him at all, and that leaves Kane with nothing more than a reminder of what he lost.
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motorcityarchive · 2 years
Hello, I’m not entirely new around here but this blog is!
As you may be able to tell from the name it’s a Titmouse/Disney Motorcity archive blog, meaning I will be rebloging everything* related to the show and organizing it in order to make certain posts easier to find. Please feel free to send me any old or un tagged posts to archive and please understand that this will be a slow and lengthy process, I am a full time student and as much as I love it organizing motorcity posts is not my only hobby :)
*This includes posts that I may not personally agree with or like
Below are the current Tags I have/will use for posts, it’s LONG:
Warning Tags:
- Potentially NSFW
This tag will house content that has suggestive themes and/or characters lacking appropriate** clothing (**appropriate for the scenario presented ex. burners in bathing suits hanging out at the beach will not be tagged, single burner in a bathing suit without any other context will be tagged. I am being overly conservative on purpose, I’m sorry, this MAY change in the future)
Sexually explicit material: Obvious pin ups of characters/Characters in sexual contexts
- TW Flashing
For videos that contain flashing
- Potentially Triggering
Suicide or self harm mentions as well as generally disturbing material, sorry it’s vague for now I’ll make it more specific if the need comes
- Death
- Implied Death
- Major Injury
- Age gap relationship
- Adult/minor relationships
I am likely as displeased as you that I have to make those a tag
General tags:
- Motorcity
- Headcannon
- Cannon
- Fan work
- Fanart
- Fan edit
- Fan fiction
- Contained Fan fiction
- Video edit
- Image edit
- Screenshot
- Video game recreation
- Digital art
- Traditional art
- comic
- Meme
- Music
- Playlist
- Ask
- Ask game
- Crossover
- Other fandoms
- Written work
- Theory
Gang/Territory tags:
- Burners
- Motorcitizen
- Deluxian
- The Amazons
- Mama’s boys
- Larpers
- The Duke’s men
- Terra dwellers
- The Skylarks
- Fan gang
- Electroblades
- Cablers
- Weekend Warriors
- The Dude Bros
- Outsiders
Character Tags:
- Mike Chilton
- Julie Kane
- Julie Kapulsky
- Chuck
- Texas
- Texas Yang
- Dutch Gordy
- Claire
- Tennie
- Roth
- Jacob
- Hudson
- Kaia
- Rall
- The Duke of Detroit
- Cyborg Dan
- Babs
- Thurman
- Thurman the Magnificent
- Ruby
- Ruby the Darkslayer
- Lord Vanquisher
- The Oracle
- Sam
- Philip
- Rayon
- Red
- Junior
- Foxy
- Lizzie
- Bracket
- Antonio
- Abraham Kane
- Kane
- Crater
- AJ
- Jenzen
- Tooley
- Capri Chilton
- Mike’s Mom
- Mike’s Dad
- Mr. Gordy
- Mrs. Gordy
- Darr Gordy
- Sue Ellen
- Utilitons
- Background Character
- Crossover Character
- [name of crossover character]
- [ship] fankid
- [character] fankid
- [name] oc
- Bots
Ship tags:
- ship
- Implied ship
- Multi ship
- Poly ship
- Cannon x oc
- [character]/[oc]
- MikeTex
- Mike/Texas
- Jukebox
- Julie/Mike
- Muck
- Mike/Chuck
- Dutch/Mike
- Dennie
- DutchTennie
- Dutch/Tennie
- DutchTex
- Dutch/Texas
- Dutch/Chuck
- Dutch/Julie
- Texie
- Texas/Julie
- Clulie
- Claire/Julie
- Chuck/Julie
- Chuxas
- Chexmix
- Texas/Chuck
- Cluck
- Claire/Chuck
- Poly burners
- Jacob/Hudson
- Claire/Foxy
- Flaire
- Red/Mike
- Rulie
- Red/Julie
- Rayon/The Duke
- Babs/The Duke
- Kane/The Duke
I will eventually add more but I either don’t know the ship or do not want to think about the tags of some of the ships I know are on here, I’ll deal with it when I get to it
Au Tags, This is a list that I assume will be ever growing but so far we have:
- Au
- Fantasy Au
- No burners Au
- Galaxies Beyond Au
- Wings au
- Meant au
- And many more to come
All aus will have Au at the end
Idk what to call these but they’re kinda like aus:
- trans!burners
- baby! Burners
- spider! Chuck
- motorcitizen! Chuck
Misc. Tags
Fashion, for outfits other than cannon ones
All posters will have their own tags as well to search by artist/creator
More Tags will be added as I see fit
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dorovalley · 2 years
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Day 22!
Tooley! Kane's loyal right hand man/used to punch employees who make him mad,
miscellaneous characters:
random kaneco soldiers,
kaneco trooper idk I liked his face and design,
3rd kaneco scientist to tell Kane he's going overboard but he doesn't listen to snd so mistreats,
some creep who was harassing Claire in an episode, a real creep, I like his design but a shame he's awful,
there's like 10-15 other character designs I've totally missed like half of them cool looking designs and background characters.
I drew some of them but not all!
there was like 3 I wanted to draw but no time and I want to focus for the next particular characters to have their own posts
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unknown-jewel · 3 years
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Motorcity + Onion headlines - Part 2
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silverkvazar · 3 years
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blank was made by siins :з
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snowbatmakesstuff · 2 years
Random question, but do you have any Motorcity headcanons you'd be willing to share? Like, not for any AUs or anything, but for the canon verse. Not that your AUs aren't amazing 'cause they all are. But I'd love to hear your take on canon. Only if you feel like sharing, though. :)
omg I have soooo many! I know I do a lot of work with AUs atm (no idea why they've taken over my life the way they have) but I think about canon A LOT. I definitely can go on and on but here are the first few that come to mind (both stupid and serious) Mike would call Julie 'kitten' romantically (I know this shows up in my Bridgerton inspired AU, but this is a straight across the board thing) Tooley defects to Motorcity. Not because he "believes in the cause" or anything like that, but because as Kane gets crazier, he'd just turn more to Red who shares his violent rages. We already know Tooley thinks Motorcity has cool parties (which they do) and that he and Texas get along - so I think it would only be a matter of time until his need for validation overtakes him and he ends up in Motorcity to hang out with the cool people. Naturally, he and Texas become chaos bffs Speaking of Red - I have a theory as to why he hates Mike to the extent he does. This one is a little more complicated but stick with me on this. Let's be honest, if the surface level story (which is one we only know from the bits and pieces Mike put together himself) was the whole thing, then he could hate Mike to the same degree, but there's no way in hell he'd work with Kane either. So... there has to be more to it. Something to do with Mike's direct actions. Kane may have been the catalyst but it all has to come down to what Mike did or DIDNT do. I think it wasn't the destruction of the building that really did it. The building wasn't what was important (after all, we've seen Kane destroy buildings all the time. Not to say that it wouldn't hurt or cause anguish, but sadly, this is probably something many Motorcitizens have already dealt with). The important bit was who was in the building. I think that when Mike was helping evacuate the building, as it was being demolished, he missed someone. And whoever that someone was, they didn't make it out, and that person meant a lot to Red (parent, sibling, lover, etc. take your pick here really). Red's hate doesn't come from his home being destroyed, but that, as far as he sees it, Mike is the direct reason he lost this person. Now imagine on top of that the horror Mike would feel upon learning this. Okay back to sillier ones as a palate cleanser: Chuck can rap when he's drunk. I know this is dumb and super specific, but I once knew this guy who was similar to Chuck and somehow, someway, he knew every word to the hardest rap songs. I just need you all to imagine this: frail, lanky guy. Totally unassuming. Gets tipsy and starts spitting out all of rap g-d without missing a beat. This is one we've kinda talked about before, but I think Julie is musically inclined. She and Mike are the only Burners who's lives are just the Burners/we don't see them with independent hobbies. Mike makes sense because he went straight from one army to another. But Julie? She had to do something before the Burners. We know that Kane has a media team (those commercials haunt me I swear) and he absolutely has the vibes of a guy who twists the arts into propoganda. There's no way Julie was a kid who was good with just sitting still and with Claire being her only estabished childhood friend/confidant, she'd need to be doing more than just existing. So Kane threw her into a bunch of Kane Co extra curriculars and music stuck. She spent years learning to play instruments and singing in the Kane Co. choir. Her rebellion started when she got bored of the Kane approved music lists and learned to break into the systems to get into the restricted libraries to learn more. She gave it all up when she became a Burner. There was no longer any time for herself really and even when there was, it's been tainted to her and makes her question the amount she fed into the progranda machine. That being said, she does eventually start playing again, but it takes a long time for her to feel comfortable with it. I have soooo many more, but this feels like a good starting list to throw out there!
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rroketa · 3 years
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Motorcity brain makes me extremely powerful but also extremely wacky
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chromiollies · 4 years
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this is totally not an excuse to draw almost all the characters haha whaddaya mean
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quailcovens · 5 years
i started rewatching motorcity while introducing it to a friend and
i still love texas so much smh
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motorcity-bunny · 2 years
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Texas and tooley love
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