#toontown pride parade
transsurlee · 3 years
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okay i guess i'm actually using this blog now??? bc this turned out too good not to post
i got this great cap at the ttr pride parade last night and wanted to share it where folks could see it! that was an INCREDIBLE event and the turnout was unreal, i'm so happy i got to go! the fireworks were a perfect ending. here's to everyone who turned out last night, have a great pride!
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hqharries · 2 years
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my outfit from the TTR pride parade! 💙💗🤍
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pokabrows · 4 years
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I just think it’s neat that some people are hosting pride events online. This one is specifically in Toon Town Rewritten which is a private server Toon Town so there’s no memberships anymore and everything is free. Kinda fun, completely free turn based MMORPG. Plus everything is kid friendly so if you have kids in your life you want to play games with it’s an option.
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dreamlanders · 2 years
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toontown pride parade screenshots + my fit B)
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Name: Willaim
Sex: Male
Species: Sellbot
Lives: Cognation
Age: 23,00,012 years of cog years yes he's young
Height: Tall. Taller than the rest of the Telemarketer cogbots
Sibling: David The Spin Doctor
Relationship: Two Face (Their verison of the Double Talker)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown eyes
Skin color: White
Items: Headset,Red suit,black tie,gay pride suit with a gay pride flag,black shoes, gay pride bowtie
Likes: Getting work down, having a day off, going to pride parades, being with his boyfriend, relaxing
Dislikes: Toons, going into his episodes/taking his episodes out on someone he knows, going into an hospital
Friends: Really doesn't have any he only calls hid brother a friend but he has some friends that are Toons.
Enemies: His mental disorder
William has a history of a disorder called schizophrenia, Hallucinations, Mental illness, and a fear of holes he's the type of Cog he's a ticking time bomb and William takes medicine for his mental illness that he's been struggling with since he's been little. When William was a teenager he was in and out of a mental hospital out of Cognation because of his mental health or mental illness that his sibling would called it.
But William is gay he has a crush got Two-Face their verison of the Double Talker.
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Daily Toony Circumstance
Today, Toontown had its 45th annual Pride Parade to celebrate toons of all genders and sexualities, which, surprisingly, is a good majority of the population. 85% of toons (when not playing a character) identify as something other than straight, and 60% as a gender that they wasn't drawn as. First and foremost cause we're walking ink blots and pixels, and gender is kind of a tricky thing when you ain't even drawn with the *ahem* parts necessary to base gender on. So we're pretty diverse, and that's the one thing that makes Toontown amazing: everybody is welcome. -Smartass
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eepydeeby · 1 year
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Screenshots of (almost) each zone during the pride parade!! The district was full while everyone else was in ttc but I got in soon after! Loved it, I was very happy to see so many lgbtoons <3
Bonus: @lafflanes I think I see you in the background of my ddl screenshot hehe
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This Day in toon history
6/1/1972: The first Pride Parade begins to march in Toontown. It's really not specify to being gay or lesbian or bisexual, but it's about pride in what makes you you. That you ain't defined by how you were drawn, and you can change yourself however you want. Plus most toons are at the very least bi, so we're prone to all sorts of antics, so a toon pride parade was due eventually. Just fitting that since a lot of toons (then) recently came out as gay, bisexual and lesbian (and more to follow as the various other categories) following similar marches in the human world. Some toons aren't out to their fans, but are to their neighbors. They have images to maintain, they say, and that might ruin how people think of them. -Wheezy
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eepydeeby · 1 year
How are yall getting into Splatville rn it’s full!!! Screaming and crying!!
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