#top 5 beach travel destinations
jounetyfinder · 1 year
Top 5 Travel Destinations in 2023 #shorts
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whispersofalostsoul · 1 month
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7- Greece https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/758100377092620289/runaway?source=share
Chapter 8 - Dinner 2
A week had gone by, and Dalia was  unaware of time moving along. Each morning, she woke up feeling on top of the world, eager to dive into another day filled with possibilities. The sun would stream through her window, casting a warm glow that mirrored the excitement bubbling within her. She and Lando were practically glued together, their connection palpable to everyone around them. Their friends couldn't help but notice the undeniable spark that ignited whenever they were near each other, especially when they started stealing kisses in front of everyone, making it all official. Those stolen moments, brief yet electric, sent ripples of joy through their circle, and laughter often erupted as they playfully teased the couple. Every day felt like a fairytale; they went on countless dates, each one more enchanting than the last. They explored quaint little cafes tucked away in the corners of the city, shared ice cream cones on sun-drenched beach benches, and wandered through streets, losing themselves in the beauty of the pieces and each other's company.
Lando found himself sharing secrets with her that he had never told anyone else, feeling completely at ease in her presence. It was as if the walls he had built around his heart were crumbling, brick by brick, and he welcomed the vulnerability.He craved her presence, her touch, her scent every moment. The way her laughter danced in the air, brightening even the dullest of days, was intoxicating. He would often catch himself daydreaming about her, replaying their moments together in his mind like a cherished movie. And when they had to part ways at night, he felt an instant pang of missing her, a hollow ache that settled in his chest. The world felt a little dimmer without her , and he would find himself counting the hours until they could be together again.Each moment spent together was a treasure, and with every passing day, their bond deepened, solidifying a connection that felt destined. Lando felt it in his bones that what he was experiencing for the first time was something incredibly intense and passionate.He was ready to do whatever it took to safeguard this newfound connection. The stakes felt higher than ever, and he understood that the path ahead was fraught with challenges. Yet, the thought of losing this feeling, this spark, was far more daunting than the prospect of jeopardizing his own career. He envisioned the sacrifices he might have to make— multiple travels, late-night calls, difficult conversations, and the potential fallout from those who might not understand his choices. But in that moment, none of it mattered. The intensity of his emotions overshadowed any fears or doubts that crept into his mind.
Dalia called out from the living room, "Who wants ice cream?" and everyone nodded in agreement. The sun had been blazing all afternoon, and after their invigorating swim in the sea, it felt like the perfect way to cool down. While Dalia and Lily decided to go to the nearest shop,  the guys were lounging on the terrace, sprawled out on sunbeds, soaking up the sun and listening to music. The playlist was a mix of upbeat summer hits and nostalgic tunes that made them reminisce about past adventures.
Out of the blue, Oscar, who had been scrolling through his phone, looked up and asked, "So, how's it going with Dalia?" The question hung in the air, and the atmosphere shifted slightly as the guys turned their attention to Lando. He paused for a moment, the weight of the question sinking in. After a brief silence, he finally admitted, "I'm considering introducing her to my parents." The guys were taken aback, their expressions a mix of surprise and intrigue. Lando had always been the more reserved one when it came to relationships, often keeping his romantic life under wraps. The thought of him taking such a significant step with Dalia, who had quickly become a central figure in their summer escapade, was unexpected.  "Wow, that's a big step," Alex said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're ready for that?" Lando shrugged, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. "I mean, I really like her. Plus, my parents are always asking about my love life. I think it might be time to show them I'm serious about someone.""I'm happy for you Lano" Carlos smiled. "Dalia seems great. Just make sure you prepare her for your mom's cooking. It's... an experience." The group erupted in laughter, the tension easing as they teased Lando about the potential family dinner.
The girls stumbled upon a little shop that had souvenirs and ice cream.Lily, ever the curious one, decided to check out the inside to see if anything caught her eye. Meanwhile, Dalia approached the fridge,  scanning the array of flavors displayed behind the glass. Chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, and the ever-popular strawberry swirled before her eyes. Just as she was about to make her choice, a familiar voice broke through the hum of the summer afternoon. "Looks like you're living it up," the voice said, smooth and casual. Dalia felt a jolt of recognition, and just as she was about to turn around, a wave of familiarity hit her, accompanied by the unmistakable scent of cigarettes. "Hey, Dalia," Noah grinned from beneath his cap, his eyes glinting mischievously in the sunlight. Dalia froze, her heart pounding in her chest, feeling a mix of surprise and unease. She hadn't expected to see him here, not in this little corner of the world. It was as if he could read her thoughts when he added, "You're probably wondering how I knew you were here," taking a puff from his cigarette before crushing it underfoot with a practiced ease. "Well, I have this incredible talent for tracking people down," he said with a sly grin, leaning casually against the fridge as if he owned the place. His presence unsettling. 
"Or maybe you just have a talent for popping up where you're not exactly welcome," Dalia shot back. "Oh, look at you! Have you developed a bit of a backbone since hanging out with him?" he said, leaning in closer, invading her space. "I'm intrigued," his tone shifted to a low, dark whisper. "Are they taking turns with you, or is it a group thing?" Dalia, filled with rage and disgust, raised her hand to slap him, but he effortlessly blocked her move. "Not today," he grinned. Noah leaned closer, his voice low and conspiratorial, "I think I have something you'll want to see." Dalia shot back, her tone sharp and defensive, "Not interested," as she struggled to pull her hand away from him. The warmth of his grip felt like a brand against her skin, and she was desperate to reclaim her personal space."Oh, I bet you will be," he replied, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he finally stood up straight and released her, "Look out for a message from me tonight," before turning to leave.  As he walked away, Dalia felt a knot of unease tighten in her stomach. This whole situation left her feeling off-kilter, as if the ground beneath her was shifting. She couldn't shake the feeling that Noah was up to something, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine.Just then, Lily came over, her brow furrowed with concern as she noticed Dalia's pale face. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine worry. Dalia forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil brewing inside her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, waving it off dismissively, but the tremor in her voice betrayed her.
When the girls returned to the villa, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement from their day out. Lily, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, hurried to the terrace, eager to show Alex the colorful souvenir she had picked up from a local market. Meanwhile, Dalia, feeling a bit overwhelmed, made a beeline for her room, her mind racing with thoughts of the strange encounter she had earlier. As soon as he spot her entering the villa, Lando trailed behind her, wanting to have a quick chat. Carlos's voice broke through the chatter. "Where's the ice cream?" he asked, his tone playful yet expectant. It suddenly hit Lily that Dalia hadn't picked any up during their outing. "She seemed a little off," Lily admitted, her brow furrowing with concern."What do you mean?" Oscar asked, sitting up in his chair, his interest piqued.  "There was this strange guy talking to her, and I think he made her uncomfortable," she explained, her voice lowering slightly as if the memory was still fresh. The guys exchanged glances, shrugging it off with a casual air. They were all too familiar with the island's locals, who often had a reputation for being overly friendly, especially towards tourists. "It's probably nothing," Alex said dismissively, but Oscar couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
Lando grinned as he tapped on the door, the sound echoing slightly in the quiet hallway. Dalia was doing her best to mask her shaken state, her heart racing as she smoothed down her shirt and took a deep breath. "Hey," she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady.Lando stepped into her room, his expression a mix of excitement and apprehension. He looked pretty anxious himself, nervously rubbing his neck as he glanced around the space." Uh," he began, his voice trailing off as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Dalia felt a flutter of unease in her stomach; she could sense that whatever he was about to say was important. "I wanted to ask you something," he finally managed, still avoiding her gaze, his eyes darting to the floor as if it held the answers to his unspoken questions. Dalia's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in slightly, encouraging him to continue. "My folks were in Athena, they're sailing towards Santorini and wanted to make a stop here. I thought it would be nice if you joined us for dinner tonight. I'd love to introduce you properly."
Dalia felt a jolt of excitement when she got the invite. The idea of hanging out with Lando and his family made her pulse race. But with that excitement came a twinge of nerves. She couldn't shake off the thought of Noah being there, watching her, which made her stomach churn. What was that message he said he'd send her going to be about? As she prepared for the gathering, Dalia found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. She rummaged through her closet, trying to find the perfect outfit that would make her feel confident yet comfortable. She wanted to impress Lando's family. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was going to have fun, regardless of Noah's presence. After all, this was about Lando. But as she glanced at her phone, half-hoping for a message from Noah, she couldn't help but wonder if the evening would bring clarity or chaos.
Lando's folks were just amazing; they invited them over for dinner on the boat, and it turned out to be such a beautiful experience. The gentle sway of the boat on the water, combined with the warm glow of the setting sun, created an atmosphere that felt almost magical. Dalia could easily tell that Lando was a cherished kid, with parents who adored him but also understood the importance of giving him space to grow and explore. Their laughter filled the air, and the way they interacted with Lando showed a deep bond, one built on love and mutual respect.Throughout the evening, Lando held her hand, his grip firm yet tender, almost as if he wanted to keep her close every moment. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about how he felt about her. He couldn't stop chatting about her, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he shared stories of their time together. Dalia could see how proud he was to introduce her to his parents, and she felt a warmth in her heart knowing that he wanted them to see the person who made him so happy. 
While Lando was busy helping his dad get dessert ready, leaving the two women to chat. His mom leaned in towards Dalia and said with a smile, "I must admit this is the first time Lando has introduced us to a girl he's dating". Dalia felt her cheeks heat up as she smiled back, a mix of surprise and delight washing over her."I know my son very well," his mom continued with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And I can see he's really into you." Dalia's heart raced at the compliment, and she felt a warmth spread through her. It was one thing to feel a connection with Lando, but to hear his mother acknowledge it made it all the more real. "Ta-da! The pièce de résistance!" he announced, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I hope you're ready for this, Dalia. My dad's secret recipe is legendary."Dalia laughed, her earlier embarrassment fading as the atmosphere lightened. "It looks amazing! I can't wait to try it," she said, her enthusiasm genuine.
As the night wrapped up, Dalia and Lando chose to head back to the villa, even though his parents wanted them to stay on the boat for the night. Lando's dad stepped forward as they prepared to disembark. He pulled Dalia in for a cozy hug, enveloping her in the familiar scent of saltwater and aftershave. His embrace was warm and fatherly, a gesture that made Dalia feel both welcomed and cherished. Leaning in closer, he whispered softly, "Make sure to look after our boy and don't break his heart," all while grinning widely, his eyes twinkling with a mix of humor and sincerity. Dalia chuckled, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. She appreciated the lighthearted warning, knowing it came from a place of love and protectiveness. 
As Lando and Dalia stopped in front of her room, they exchanged a few playful words, their laughter echoing softly in the quiet hallway. But as the moment lingered, Lando found himself reluctant to leave. The doorframe seemed to form an invisible barrier, one that he was hesitant to cross.He stood there, his heart racing slightly, hoping for a sign, a gesture that would invite him in. He could feel the magnetic pull between them, a tension that crackled like static electricity. It was as if the air itself was charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. He wanted to reach out, to bridge the gap between them, but he held back, unsure of how she truly felt. As he gazed at her, he noticed the way her hair fell softly over her shoulders, the way her lips curved into a smile that seemed to invite him closer. The moment stretched, and he could sense the hesitation in her eyes too, as if she were weighing the same thoughts.
Suddenly, the phone buzzed, breaking the spell of silence that enveloped them and pulling both of them back to reality. As Dalia reached for it, her eyes widened, and a nervous smile spread across her face. "Goodnight, Lando," she said quickly, her voice a mix of warmth and urgency, before slipping into her room with a soft click of the door. Lando was caught off guard by how fast everything changed. One moment, they were suspended in a moment filled with unspoken words and shared glances, and the next, he was left standing alone in the hallway, the echo of her voice lingering in the air. He felt a rush of emotions—disappointment, confusion, and a flicker of hope. He leaned against the wall, staring at the closed door, wondering if he had missed his chance.
 Dalia hurried to the edge of her bed, her heart pounding before she even had a chance to check the message. With trembling fingers, she unlocked her phone and tapped on Noah's notification. Her eyes went wide in disbelief, and in a panic, she quickly dialed his number to get some answers.
Lando was tossing and turning, unable to get Dalia out of his head. The night was thick with silence, but his mind was a cacophony of thoughts and emotions. Every time he pictured her face—her warm smile, the way her eyes sparkled with warmth, the gentle curve of her lips—a smile crept onto his own. He rolled over, trying to find a comfortable position, but the sheets felt constricting, as if they were wrapping around him, holding him back from the truth he was desperately trying to avoid. As his thoughts raced, a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks, making him sit up straight in bed. The weight of it was overwhelming, and he could hardly breathe. He was in love.
"Did I wake you?" Dalia whispered, her voice soft and melodic, catching him completely off guard. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, as he turned to face her. The moonlight spilled into the room, casting a silvery glow that illuminated her features, making her look ethereal."What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to steady his nerves, his heart racing in his chest. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, and he hoped the darkness would hide his embarrassment. Without a word, she moved closer, her presence filling the space between them with an electric tension. She reached for his face, her fingers brushing against his skin with a tenderness that sent shivers down his spine.And then, she kissed him deeply. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a kiss that conveyed everything he had been too afraid to say. Her lips were soft and inviting, and as he melted into her embrace, all his doubts and fears began to dissipate. In that moment, nothing else mattered. The longing that had consumed him transformed into a sense of belonging, a feeling that he had finally found what he had been searching for all along.
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sarvodayaholiday · 3 months
Unveiling Bali's Must-Visit Gems: A Traveler's Guide
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Embark on your journey hassle-free! For any travel-related query, trust Sarvodaya Holiday. Visit us at www.sarvodayaholiday.com today!
Bali, often hailed as the "Island of the Gods," is a mesmerizing destination that offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventure. With its lush landscapes, stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality, Bali beckons travelers from across the globe. If you're planning a trip to this Indonesian paradise, here's a curated list of top places to explore to make your Bali experience truly unforgettable.
1. Ubud: Cultural Heart of Bali
Nestled amidst terraced rice paddies and lush rainforests, Ubud is a haven for art lovers, nature enthusiasts, and spiritual seekers. Explore the town's vibrant markets, where you can shop for handmade crafts, textiles, and intricate artwork. Visit the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary to observe playful macaques in their natural habitat, or rejuvenate your body and soul with a yoga class or traditional Balinese spa treatment.
2. Uluwatu Temple: Cliffside Serenity
Perched on the edge of dramatic cliffs overlooking the Indian Ocean, Uluwatu Temple is renowned for its breathtaking sunset views and traditional Kecak dance performances. Explore the temple grounds, adorned with intricate stone carvings, and witness the mesmerizing sight of the sun sinking below the horizon as the waves crash against the cliffs below.
3. Tanah Lot: Iconic Sea Temple
A symbol of Bali's spiritual heritage, Tanah Lot is a majestic sea temple perched atop a rocky outcrop, surrounded by the shimmering waters of the Indian Ocean. Marvel at the temple's timeless beauty as it appears to float on the horizon, especially during sunset when the sky is painted in hues of orange and gold. Don't forget to explore the surrounding area, where you'll find local markets and cultural performances.
4. Tegallalang Rice Terraces: Picturesque Landscapes
Located just north of Ubud, the Tegallalang Rice Terraces offer a glimpse into Bali's agrarian heritage with their intricate system of stepped rice paddies. Trek through the emerald-green fields, marveling at the stunning vistas and interacting with local farmers as they tend to their crops. Capture postcard-perfect photos of this iconic landscape, which has graced the covers of countless travel magazines.
5. Nusa Penida: Untouched Paradise
Escape the crowds and discover the raw beauty of Nusa Penida, a rugged island located southeast of Bali. With its pristine beaches, towering cliffs, and crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life, Nusa Penida is a paradise for snorkelers, divers, and nature lovers. Visit iconic landmarks such as Kelingking Beach and Angel's Billabong, or embark on a scenic hike to explore hidden waterfalls and secluded coves.
6. Seminyak: Chic Beachside Retreat
Indulge in luxury and relaxation in Seminyak, Bali's upscale beach resort town known for its trendy beach clubs, boutique shops, and world-class dining scene. Lounge on pristine beaches, sip cocktails at stylish beachfront bars, or pamper yourself with a spa day at one of the many luxury resorts. After dark, experience Seminyak's vibrant nightlife with live music, DJ sets, and beach bonfires under the stars.
7. Mount Batur: Sunrise Trekking Adventure
For outdoor enthusiasts seeking adventure, a sunrise trek to the summit of Mount Batur is a must-do experience. Begin your journey in the early hours of the morning, hiking through the darkness to reach the summit in time for sunrise. As the first light of dawn illuminates the landscape, revel in panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, crater lakes, and distant islands—a truly awe-inspiring moment that will stay with you forever.
From the verdant rice terraces of Ubud to the pristine beaches of Nusa Penida, Bali offers a diverse array of experiences that cater to every traveler's preferences. Whether you're seeking cultural immersion, outdoor adventure, or simply relaxation in a tropical paradise, Bali's top attractions promise an unforgettable journey filled with beauty, adventure, and enchantment. So pack your bags, embark on a Bali trip, and prepare to be enchanted by the magic of this timeless island destination.
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alpinetravelcentre · 22 days
Alpine Travel Centre
Founded in 2014, Alpine Travel Centre offers remarkable unique Adventures to travelers on safari holiday. With a Team of travel experts, we offer high quality Safaris and Tours to many travelers from  all around the world.
Welcome to Alpine Travel Centre. Since 2014, we have been planning trips around Africa as well as other safari destinations around the world. We offer first-hand knowledge of every destination, activity and adventures to do. We show you Africa as well as the world at large better than anyone else. Whether you are looking into exploring and watching the Big 5 wildlife animal species, exploring the pristine beach coastlines, viewing the vast green terrain, bird species.
Explore top destinations in South Africa like Kruger National Park, Cape Town, Madikwe Game Reserve, Sabi Sand Nature Reserve, Johannesburg etc.
We are suitably located in the Kampala City Centre to offer you the Best Safari Adventures.
The Safaris we offer are tailor made to suit all our travelers’ tastes and preferences. Our safaris are exceptional to adventure while on holiday as a solo traveler or with friends and family.
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sweetkoalastarfish · 4 months
Ilocos Norte: An Overview
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The capital of Ilocos Norte is Laoag City. It serves as the political, commercial, and cultural center of the province.
New places to Visit
1. La Paz Sand Dunes- this desert- like area near Laoag City is perfect for adventure activities like 4x4, sandboarding, and ATV rides. It offers a unique landscape not commonly found in the Philippines.
2. Paoay Sand Dunes- similar to the La Paz San Dunes but located in Paoay, this spot offers thrilling activities and stunning sunset views over the sandy terrain.
3. Kapurpuran Rock Formation- located in Burgos, these unique white limestones formations are sculpted by the wind and sea. It's a picturesque site perfect for photography and exploration.
4. Cape Bojeador Lighthouse- also in Burgos, this historical lighthouse provides panoramic views of the West Philippine Sea. It's an excellent spot for history buffs and those seeking scenic vistas.
5. Bangui Windmills- these towering wind turbines along the shoreline of Bangui are not only a source of renewable energy but also a major tourist attraction due to their impressive size and picturesque setting.
6. Blue Lagoon (Maira-ira Beach)- located in Pagudpud, this beach is famous for its clear blue waters and serene atmosphere. It's a great spot for swimming and relaxation.
Garlic Delicacies
1. Garlic Longganisa
. A type of Filipino sausage that's heavily flavored with garlic, giving it a distinct and robust flavor. This longganisa is a staple in many Ilocano breakfast.
2. Garlic Chips
. Thinly sliced garlic cloves fried until crispy. They are often used as a topping for various dishes or eaten as a snack.
3. Garlic Infused Vinegar
. Local vinegar infused with garlic cloves, enhancing the vinegar's flavor and making it a great condiment for dipping meats or adding to various dishes.
Ilocos Norte offers a mix of historical sites, natural wonders, and unique culinary delights like pinakbet- a vegetable stew made with a variety of local vegetables like bitter melon, eggplant, and okra, cooked with bagoong (fermented fish paste) for a savory flavor, making it a fascinating destination for travelers.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, salamat and see you soon!
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Top 5 characters from any version of Batman?
Top 5 holidays?
Top 5 destinations (generic or specific)?
Top 5 Batman Characters:
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane (across all versions I’ve consumed). He’s got a special place in my heart due to past struggles.
It’s a tie between Tim Drake and Jason Todd (no specific version. I just love them)
Harley Quinn (Batman: the Animated Series specifically)
Dick Grayson (Batman: The Animated Series) (His Robin from the show has as special place in my heart due to being the reason I got into Batman in the first place)
Top 5 Holidays:
Halloween. Partially due to my love of Scarecrow, partially because I still dress up in order to hand out candy.
Valentine’s Day. I’m just a tad bit of a romantic and enjoy it from a shipper’s perspective.
Top 5 Destinations:
Alcatraz (I’m curious)
The beach (any beach anywhere as long as I can be in the ocean)
Wherever the majority of my friends are :) I’m not much of a traveler because I don’t want to leave my loved ones behind.
Thanks so much for asking! :)
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zetexa · 3 months
Checking in to the Best Vacation Spots Worldwide Planning your next vacation? 
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Choosing the perfect destination can be quite a challenge with so many amazing options across the globe. To help you decide we 've compiled a list of the best vacation that offer unique experiences, beautiful landscapes and incredible adventures. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach escape a cultural city break or an adventurous wilderness retreat this guide has something for everyone. 
1. Santorini, Greece Santorini  
It is constantly heralded as one of the best vacations for couples and honeymooners. This picturesque island in the Aegean Sea is famous for its breath-taking sunsets, whitewashed buildings, and crystal-clear waters. The stunning villages of Fire plus Onia offer romantic settings with stunning views of the caldera. Explore ancient ruins dine on delicious Greek cuisine, plus relax on the unique black sand beaches for an unforgettable experience.  
2.   Kyoto, Japan 
For those in search of a harmonious combination of history, culture and natural beauty Kyoto is a top contender among the best vacation spots. This former imperial capital of Japan is home to stunning temples, traditional wooden houses as well as beautifully designed gardens. Travel during the cherry blossom season in spring or the brilliant autumn foliage in fall for the most beautiful scenery. Don't miss the iconic Fushimi Inari Shrine with its thousands of red tori gates plus the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. 
3. Maui, Hawaii 
Maui is one of the perfect vacation destinations in the world. This paradise has fabulous beaches, lush rainforests, and huge Haleakalā towering above. Some must-dos include snorkelling at Molokini Crater, driving on the scenic Road to Hana, and seeing the sunrise atop Haleakalā. Whether you just feel like lying on the beach or exploring the natural treasures of the island, Maui has it all. 
 4. Paris, France 
Paris, the City of Light, is no doubt tastefully done and is a sight to behold. World-famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral testify to the significance of Paris in the world. Have a leisurely walk along the Seine River, explore bohemian neighbourhoods like Montmartre, and indulge in a buttery croissant at a sidewalk cafe. All in all, the city is an epitome of a rich history, arts, and love. 
 5. Queenstown, New Zealand 
Queenstown completes the trip for you if you are a person who is always looking for adventure and loves to explore nature. It's a lively town on New Zealand's South Island west coast, surrounded by the Southern Alps and Lake Wakatipu. It's famously known as the birthplace of bungee jumping, but you will also find jet boating, skydiving, paragliding, and skiing. In short, it's breath-taking and endlessly exhilarating, with activities that one cannot find elsewhere. 
 6. Cape Town, South Africa 
Cape Town, in its contrasts, is the place where urban sophistication meets natural beauty, making this one of the best vacation spots not only in Africa but in the world. Dominated by the national icon, New Seven Wonders of Nature—Table Mountain—this city is the place to get breathtaking views of the city and the cable car to the top. From the top, offer panoramic views of the city or experience the vibrant V&A Waterfront down below, historic Robben Island, a ferry away, Camps Bay beaches, and the nearby Cape Winelands for a diverse enriching experience. 
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 7. Amalfi Coast, Italy 
The Amalfi Coast is one of those luxurious best vacation spots and best scenic getaways in all of Europe. All of southern Italy is home to the rugged coastline, coloured villages, and clear azure waters along the shoreline. Drive through its winding coastal stretches, great history towns like Positano and Ravello, and savour in flavourful bites of its local cuisines. The beauty and charm of the Amalfi Coast have put most people to regard it as their favourite destination for relaxation and romance. 
 8. Bali, Indonesia 
Bali, Island of the Gods, is the perfect blend of culture, nature, and chilling atop Ubud's beautiful rice terraces. The island features the ancient rocks of Tanah Lot and Uluwatu temples and the sandy beaches of Seminyak and Nusa Dua. The vibrant culture, friendly locals, and beautiful landscapes turn Bali into the best experience for both adventure and serenity. 
 9. New York City, USA 
The city that never sleeps—New York City—is among the best urban explorers' vacation spots. The iconic skyline, first-class museums, and ultra-diverse neighbourhoods make the options for discovery seemingly endless. From Lady Liberty to Broadway to Times Square, Harlem, and Brooklyn; hustle, bustle, and all manner of the coolest stuff. If you want to explore a city, New York City has the energy and diversity to help you do it. 
 10. Australia, Great Barrier Reef 
The Great Barrier Reef makes the best vacation spot for those who love marine life; in general, scuba divers will love it. This is the largest coral reefs system in the world, off the coast of Queensland. The chances of snorkelling and diving in the transparent-blue waters immerse one in vision after vision of various coral formations and tropical fish and other species of the underwater marine world. Spot the spectacle of the Whitsunday Islands and the flying, thrilling view of the big plane over the reef together with the tropical beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage site. 
Why These Are the Best Vacation Spots 
The destinations provided above include some of the best vacation spots in the world because of their special, unique factors and great experiences all visitors can experience. Each spot has so much special to offer, be it amazing natural beauty, intense cultural vibes, or thrilling adventures. Each spot offers an option for traveling with easy styles and preferences, making sure every traveller finds the best place according to needs. 
 Tips to Finding the Best Vacation Spots 
Here are some tips to help you choose the best vacation spot for you: 
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 1. Identify Your Passions 
Think of an activity or an experience that you enjoy. Would you like to lay back on a beach, soak in a cultural experience, or explore destinations? Knowing what your passion is will help narrow down the choice of locations perfect for you. 
 2. Consider the Season 
For whatever time of the year, the best vacation spots could change. Research your perfect destinations about the best periods to visit for perfect weather and experiences. 
 3. Expenses 
Your pockets will have to spend on choosing the best spots for vacations. Some spots will be costlier than others, so consider your spending limits on the tip of your visiting spots. 
 4. Travel Companions 
Who will accompany you on your vacation? Some vacation spots are perfect for family vacations, others for single travellers, and yet others for couples. Make sure the chosen spot counts in the needs and preferences of the ones you will be traveling with. 
 5. Accessibility 
Consider how accessible your desired spot it. Most preferably, some of the best vacation spots will be hard to access, often signifying long flights and constant connections. Give some slack about travel time and convenience. 
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People can just travel to the finest spots for a vacation with a number of days that can be connected. From romantic setting suns in Santorini to busy streets in New York City, an eSIM has got you covered straight out of the box. From places as good as Kyoto, Japan, to the best eSIM options themselves, excellent coverage and convenience within New Zealand's adrenaline terrains in and around Queenstown are the only places this journey would get exciting. Focus on just one set of fantastic places to holiday at, and yet make some unforgettable memories at each one of them—all through an international eSIM that keeps one connected. 
When taking your next trip, consider your interests, budget, and who you are going to travel with in order to make a choice regarding the best vacation spot. They offer a variety of experiences ranging from romantic trips in Santorini, Greece, to adrenaline experiences in Queenstown, New Zealand. Be it roaming the lively streets of New York City or the quite temples of Kyoto, the best vacation spots will surely be the places of unforgettable memories and the best experience. So pack your bags and get going to explore the most amazing places in the world. 
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ghumindiaghum · 3 months
Pondicherry Travel Guide 2024: Best Places to Visit & Things To Do
Welcome to your ultimate Pondicherry travel guide for 2024! This guide is designed to help you explore the best places to visit and things to do in this charming coastal town. Whether you’re planning your first trip or returning for another visit, Pondicherry offers a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. Let’s dive in!
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History of Pondicherry
Pondicherry, often referred to as “Puducherry” or simply “Pondy,” boasts a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The town has been influenced by various cultures over the centuries, from the Romans and Greeks to the Cholas and Vijayanagara Empire. However, the most significant period in Pondicherry’s history began with the arrival of the French in the late 17th century.
In 1674, the French East India Company established a trading post in Pondicherry, which eventually grew into a thriving colonial settlement. The French influence is still evident today in the town’s architecture, cuisine, and overall ambiance. Walking through the streets of the French Quarter, also known as White Town, feels like stepping back in time to a French colonial era. The grid-patterned streets, colonial buildings, and vibrant bougainvillea-covered walls add to the town’s charm.
Pondicherry remained under French control until 1954, when it was formally transferred to the Republic of India. Despite this change, the town has retained its unique blend of French and Indian cultures, making it a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts.
When to Visit | Pondicherry Travel Guide
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Pondicherry enjoys a tropical climate, with warm temperatures throughout the year. However, the best time to visit is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
October to March: This period is considered the best time to visit Pondicherry. The temperatures range from 20°C to 30°C, making it comfortable for exploring the town, visiting the beaches, and enjoying various outdoor activities. The weather is also perfect for indulging in water sports.
April to June: These months mark the onset of summer in Pondicherry. Temperatures can soar to around 40°C, making it quite hot and humid. If you plan to visit during this time, ensure you stay hydrated and avoid outdoor activities during peak afternoon hours.
July to September: This is the monsoon season in Pondicherry. The town receives moderate to heavy rainfall, which can sometimes disrupt travel plans. However, the rains also bring a refreshing change and make the town’s landscapes lush and green. If you enjoy monsoon travel, this can be a good time to visit.
How to Get to Pondicherry
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Pondicherry is well-connected to major cities in India, making it easily accessible by plane, train, car, and bus.
The nearest airport to Pondicherry is Chennai International Airport, located about 135 kilometers away. Chennai Airport is well-connected to major cities in India and abroad. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Pondicherry. The drive from Chennai to Pondicherry takes approximately 3 hours.
Pondicherry has its own railway station, which is well-connected to major cities like Chennai, Bangalore, and Mumbai. Several trains run regularly to and from Pondicherry. The train journey offers scenic views of the countryside and is a comfortable option for travelers.
If you prefer driving, you can reach Pondicherry by car. The town is connected to Chennai via the East Coast Road (ECR), which offers a picturesque drive along the coast. The journey takes about 3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. You can also drive from Bangalore, which is approximately 320 kilometers away and takes around 6-7 hours.
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Top 5 Reasons to Visit | Pondicherry Travel Guide
Pondicherry offers a unique blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and modern amenities. Here are the top five reasons to visit this charming town:
1. Fascinating Culture and History
Pondicherry’s rich history and cultural diversity make it a captivating destination. The town’s French colonial heritage is evident in its architecture, cuisine, and way of life. Explore the charming streets of the French Quarter, visit historical landmarks, and immerse yourself in the town’s unique blend of French and Indian cultures.
2. Fabulous Food
Pondicherry is a food lover’s paradise, offering a delightful mix of French, South Indian, and international cuisines. From charming cafes serving croissants and coffee to traditional South Indian eateries, there’s something to satisfy every palate. Don’t miss the chance to try local specialties like seafood dishes, crepes, and filter coffee.
3. Shop Local
Pondicherry is known for its vibrant markets and boutique shops. Explore the bustling streets of the town and discover a wide range of handmade products, from textiles and pottery to jewelry and handicrafts. The Sunday Market on Mahatma Gandhi Road is a must-visit for unique souvenirs and local treasures.
4. Hit the Beach
Pondicherry’s coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches, offering a perfect escape for beach lovers. Relax on the sandy shores, take a dip in the clear waters, or indulge in water sports like kayaking and surfing. Popular beaches like Promenade Beach, Paradise Beach, and Auroville Beach are ideal for a day of sun and sea.
5. Auroville
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What to Do in Pondicherry
Pondicherry offers a wide range of activities and attractions to suit every traveler’s interests. Here are some of the top things to do in Pondicherry:
1. 300 Years And Counting
Pondicherry’s rich history spans over 300 years, making it a treasure trove of historical landmarks and sites. Visit the Pondicherry Museum to learn about the town’s past, explore the ancient Arikamedu archaeological site, and marvel at the beautiful churches and colonial buildings that dot the town.
2. Remembering French Culture
Pondicherry’s French Quarter, also known as White Town, is a charming area with a distinct European vibe. Stroll through the tree-lined streets, admire the colonial architecture, and visit landmarks like the French War Memorial and the statue of Joseph François Dupleix. Enjoy a coffee at one of the many quaint cafes and soak in the town’s French ambiance.
3. Views Of The Water
Pondicherry’s coastline offers stunning views of the Bay of Bengal. Spend time at the Promenade Beach, where you can enjoy a leisurely walk along the seafront, watch the sunrise, and take in the refreshing sea breeze. The scenic beauty of the coastline is sure to leave you mesmerized.
4. In The Heart Of White Town
White Town is the heart of Pondicherry, known for its colonial charm and vibrant atmosphere. Explore the colorful streets, visit art galleries and boutique shops, and dine at the many restaurants offering a mix of French and Indian cuisines. The lively vibe and unique character of White Town make it a must-visit.
5. Strolling On The Edge Of The Bay Of Bengal
Take a stroll along the Promenade, a 1.2-kilometer-long stretch along the coast. It’s a popular spot for locals and tourists alike, offering beautiful views of the sea, statues, and landmarks like the Mahatma Gandhi statue and the Old Lighthouse. The Promenade is perfect for a leisurely walk, jogging, or simply relaxing by the water.
Where to Eat in Pondicherry
Pondicherry’s culinary scene is a delightful blend of French, South Indian, and international flavors. Here are some of the best places to eat in Pondicherry:
Le Café: Located on the Promenade, Le Café is a popular spot for enjoying coffee and snacks with a view of the sea. It’s open 24/7, making it a convenient stop any time of the day.
Baker Street: This French bakery offers a range of delicious pastries, bread, and sandwiches. It’s a great place for breakfast or a light meal.
Villa Shanti: A charming restaurant in White Town, Villa Shanti offers a mix of French and Indian cuisine in a beautiful courtyard setting.
La Maison Rose: This colonial-style restaurant serves a variety of French and continental dishes. The ambiance and food make it a perfect spot for a leisurely meal.
Appachi Chettinad: For a taste of traditional South Indian cuisine, head to Appachi Chettinad. The restaurant offers a range of Chettinad dishes, known for their rich flavors and spices.
Where to Stay | Pondicherry Travel Guide
Pondicherry offers a variety of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Whether you’re looking for luxury hotels, boutique guesthouses, or budget-friendly stays, you’ll find plenty of choices. Ghum India Ghum, a leading tour and travel company in India will arrange these packages along with other destinations of your choice.
Popular Neighborhoods in Puducherry
White Town: Colonial architecture, charming streets, and proximity to major attractions characterize this area.Staying in White Town offers a unique experience with easy access to cafes, restaurants, and shops.
Auroville: Located a short drive from Pondicherry, Auroville offers a tranquil and alternative stay experience. It’s ideal for those looking for a peaceful retreat and a chance to explore the unique community of Auroville.
Promenade Beach Area: Staying near Promenade Beach offers beautiful sea views and easy access to the beach. It’s a great choice for beach lovers and those who enjoy seaside walks.
Heritage Town: Heritage buildings and cultural significance mark this area. If you’re interested in exploring Pondicherry’s history and local culture, it’s a great place to stay.
FAQs on Pondicherry Travel Guide
1. What is the best time to visit Pondicherry?
The best time to visit Pondicherry is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
2. How can I reach Pondicherry?
Pondicherry is well-connected by plane, train, car, and bus. The nearest airport is Chennai International Airport, about 135 kilometers away. Pondicherry has its own railway station and is well-connected by road to major cities.
3. What are the top attractions in Pondicherry?
Some of the top attractions in Pondicherry include the French Quarter (White Town), Promenade Beach, Auroville, Pondicherry Museum, and the ancient Arikamedu archaeological site.
4. What kind of food can I expect in Pondicherry?
Pondicherry offers a delightful mix of French, South Indian, and international cuisines. You can enjoy everything from croissants and coffee to traditional South Indian dishes and seafood.
5. Is Pondicherry a good destination for shopping?
Vibrant markets and boutique shops make Pondicherry well-known. You can find a wide range of handmade products, including textiles, pottery, jewelry, and handicrafts.
6. Are there good beaches in Pondicherry?
Yes, Pondicherry has several beautiful beaches, including Promenade Beach, Paradise Beach, and Auroville Beach. These beaches are perfect for relaxing, swimming, and water sports.
7. What is Auroville?
Auroville is an experimental township located near Pondicherry. They founded the organization in 1968 to promote human unity and sustainable living. Visitors can explore the Matrimandir, attend workshops, and learn about the community’s unique way of life.
We hope this Pondicherry travel guide for 2024 helps you plan an unforgettable trip to this charming coastal town. Enjoy your journey and make the most of everything Pondicherry has to offer!
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aleena-malik · 5 months
Best Travel Country for Vacation in May 2024
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While selecting the ideal holiday spot might occasionally feel stressful, planning a trip is always an enjoyable experience.
You want to make sure you choose a location that offers fantastic weather, breathtaking sights to view, and unforgettable experiences, especially if you plan to travel in May 2024.
In the process of choosing the ideal destination for your May 2024 vacation, let's examine some commonly asked questions and break down the selection process.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Travel Country
It's important to think about a number of variables before focusing on any one country, as they may affect your choice:
1. Weather and Climate: In many regions of the world, May is a month of transition. While some countries are entering summer, others are either in the process of moving from fall to winter in the Southern Hemisphere, or from spring to summer. Think about the weather conditions that you like for your vacation activities.
2. Tourist Attractions: Which attractions and events are a must-see for you? Make sure the nation you select gives the experiences you want, whether they are natural wonders, historical sites, or exciting cities life.
3. Safety and Security: Traveling safely is of the utmost importance. Examine the safety conditions at prospective trip locations, taking note of any travel warnings that your government or respectable foreign organizations may have issued.
4. Budget-Friendly Options: Although traveling can be costly, there are methods to travel on a tighter budget. Search for nations where you can get more for your money in terms of meals, accommodation, and transportation.
5. Cultural Events and Festivals: Plan your vacation to coincide with festivals or other cultural events taking place in your destination to fully immerse yourself in the local way of life.
Top Travel Countries for Vacation in May 2024
After discussing the crucial elements to take into account, let's look at some of the best places to visit for your May 2024 vacation:
1. Greece
Weather and Climate: Greece is most pleasant in May, and tour to greece attractions is always relaxing. When there is an abundance of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. It's ideal for taking in mouthwatering Greek cuisine, relaxing on gorgeous beaches, and touring historic sites.
Must-See Attractions: Don't miss famous locations like Delphi's ancient sites, Santorini's breathtaking sunsets, and Athens' Acropolis.
Safety Information: While most travelers find Greece to be safe, be on the lookout for thieves in crowded areas.
Budget-Friendly Tips: If you're looking for less expensive hotel and dining options, think about traveling to less visited islands like Milos or Naxos. Also there are world luxurious hotels that are cheap and comfortable.
Cultural Events and Festivals: Take in the lively mood of the Greek Easter celebrations, which frequently continue into May with customary feasts and events.
2. Japan
Weather and Climate: With pleasant temperatures and gorgeous cherry blossoms that are still in bloom in some areas, May is a great time to visit Japan. Discover the peaceful temples of Kyoto, the bustling streets of Tokyo, and the breathtaking scenery of Hokkaido.
Must-See Attractions: From the recognizable Mount Fuji to the ancient streets of Kyoto's Gion neighborhood, there are plenty of traveler attractions in Japan. Started with Tokyo National Museum,
Safety Information: Japan is considered by many as a safe travel destination due to its low crime rate.
Budget-Friendly Tips: Choose low-cost places to stay like guesthouses or capsule hotels, and take advantage of the cheap meals at neighborhood restaurants and food sellers.
Cultural Events and Festivals: In Japan, May symbolizes the beginning of Golden Week, a period of national celebrations marked by fairs, parades, and other cultural activities all throughout the nation.
Interesting fact: There are more than 6,800 islands in Japan! That's a lot of opportunity for beach selfies right there. 🏝️📸
3. Costa Rica
Weather and Climate: Costa Rica's green season, which spans from May to June, offers gorgeous scenery, less tourists, and cheaper costs. Tour to Cosata Rica attractions savor the remarkable diversity of the nation, ranging from gorgeous shores to lush rainforests.
Must-See Attractions: See animals in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, relax on the beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park, and hike up the Arenal Volcano.
Safety Information: While travel to Costa Rica is typically safe, keep an eye out for small-time theft, particularly in popular tourist locations.
Budget-Friendly Tips: Benefit from cheap hotel choices such as eco-lodges and hostels, and enjoy authentic and reasonably priced meals at neighborhood cafes (small eateries).
Cultural Events and Festivals: Enjoy the festive Fiesta de los Diablitos events in the native towns of Rey Curre and Boruca.
When selecting the ideal destination for your May 2024 trip, While most people dream of traveling to an exotic location for their fantasy vacation, very few really accomplish this. Most struggle to decide where and how long to spend our valuable vacation time.
Too many people end up stuck in this process of consideration and opt to visit the same spot year after year. While there are numerous considerations when picking a vacation spot, cost is always the primary one. 
Luckily for you, if you've read this article, the only thing left to worry about is obtaining enough scheduled time off to visit all of these reasonably priced locations.😀
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Top 5 Travel Destinations in India
India, a land of diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and rich history, offers travelers an array of enchanting destinations waiting to be explored. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the pristine beaches of Goa, here are some of the best travel destinations in India that should be on every traveler’s bucket list:
Leh-Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir: Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Leh-Ladakh is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. From trekking in the scenic valleys of Nubra and Pangong to exploring ancient monasteries and witnessing the surreal beauty of the Magnetic Hill, Leh-Ladakh offers a truly unforgettable experience.
Goa: Known for its vibrant nightlife, pristine beaches, and Portuguese heritage, Goa is a favorite destination for travelers seeking sun, sand, and relaxation. Whether you’re lounging on the sandy shores of Anjuna Beach, partying the night away at one of the beach clubs in Baga, or exploring the historic churches of Old Goa, there’s something for everyone in this coastal paradise.
Kerala: Dubbed “God’s Own Country,” Kerala is renowned for its lush greenery, tranquil backwaters, and picturesque hill stations. Cruise along the serene backwaters of Alleppey in a traditional houseboat, trek through the tea plantations of Munnar, or rejuvenate your mind and body with an Ayurvedic massage at one of the many wellness retreats dotted across the state.
Rajasthan: Immerse yourself in the royal heritage and colorful culture of Rajasthan, India’s largest state. Explore the majestic forts and palaces of Jaipur, ride a camel through the golden sands of the Thar Desert in Jaisalmer, or witness the stunning sunset over the blue city of Jodhpur from the towering Mehrangarh Fort.
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: Considered one of the oldest cities in the world, Varanasi is a sacred destination for Hindus and a fascinating cultural experience for travelers. Take a boat ride along the sacred Ganges River, witness the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti ceremony at Dashashwamedh Ghat, and explore the narrow lanes of the ancient city dotted with temples and ghats.
Conclusion: With its myriad of enchanting destinations, India offers travelers a wealth of experiences waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re seeking adventure in the mountains, relaxation on the beach, or immersion in rich cultural heritage, India has something to offer for every type of traveler. So pack your bags, embark on a journey of exploration, and experience the magic of India firsthand.
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magpiefngrl · 1 year
For the top 5 ask: holiday destinations!?!?!?!
I love travel! Awesome question, anon x
Koh Phangan, Thailand. I've spent almost 7-8 months on a particular beach and about a year in total in the country. This is a place I hold dear in my heart. Thailand has excellent food, lovely people, fascinating culture and beautiful locations: what more could one want?
London, UK. I know London well and used to live there for some months, so I normally wouldn't think of it as a holiday destination. It feels very familiar, you know? I often work in the UK in the summers and pop in and out of London for a day. But I went there in July to see my sis and I spent 8 days just exploring and meeting people and having fun and I realised how much I love the city.
Andalucia, Spain. Beautiful cities and architecture, great food, a wonderful vibe.
Zagorohoria, Greece. A mountainous region in West Greece with picturesque stone villages and stone bridges arcing over clear rivers. It's like a fairytale place. The whole of Epirus is beautiful really.
Portugal. Have only spent a few days there and only a couple of hours in Lisbon but it's (so far) the prettiest European capital I've seen and I'm dying to go back and get to know the country more.
ask me "top five" anything
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bu1410 · 7 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - March 13th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
SAUDI Arabia - Al Jubail - 1993
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Once returned from Bangladesh, I was called back by SNAMPROGETTI (it was still existing at the time) for a short assignment in Jubail, in the eastern area of Saudi Arabia. It involved the construction of a production plant for MTBE, an additive for unleaded petrol. The plant was built in the so-called Al Jubail el Sinayah, i.e. the industrial area of Al Jubail, one of the two large industrial areas of Saudi Arabia - the other is Yanbu, on the coast of the Red Sea. We lived in a compound called Pearl beach, and thanks to the Greek wife of the coumpound Saudi owner, Pearl Beach was the only place in Al Jubail where the beach was promiscuous. Although to tell the truth the Arab women (Jordanian, Egyptian etc of course not Saudi) bathed fully dressed in the black abaja, the traditional local female dress. I shared a huge villa with Mr. Menozzi Ildebrando with a large living room, American kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms.
THE PROJECT It was one of the last project with a very strong Italian presence. Not only the top and middle management were Italians, but till at the superintendents/supervisors level of each discipline were Italians too
Mr. BERETTA GIANCARLO I remember in particular the insulation/painting superintendent Beretta Giancarlo, an elderly guy,, close to retirement, originally from Milan. Taking advantage of the fact that our scope of work also included the pipelines connecting the plant to the port of Jubail, he used to show up in the office early morning, and then disappearing all day. He was the protagonist of a funny event but which could have turned into something serious. To access the industrial area from the city, there were numerous police checkpoints. Usually the cops were lying inside the cars, with their bare feet out the window. We used to stop and wait of their ok to proceed - which sometimes could last for 15 or 20 minutes. Beretta - who only spoke Milanese dialect - had already had a couple of arguments with the police. A morning, he stopped hos car next the police car - and than, tired of waiting, the Italian set off without waiting for the policeman's order (who usually got out of the car, put on their shoes and then, gesturing with the mishuak (the ever-present wooden licorice with which the Saudis clean their teeth) shouting: -RUHHH……RUHHHHHH……. MADHA TANTAZIR??!!! (As if to say ''go…what are you waiting for…go!!')
Beretta was immediately chased, and police came to arrest him in the office enclosure. Detained one night for checks, when he was released he was very angry: with the Saudis, with Company, ENI, who had left him in prison, his colleagues who joked about his arrest…… with the entire world!!!
Mr. MARANGON EGIDIO He was the so-called Field Engineer, the one that within Company organization should tackle all the engineering problems arising at site. I will meet him again later at the site in Bir Rebaa, Algeria. Egidio had the ''unlucky '' idea of inviting his wife and daughter Saudi Arabia during Christmas period. And the even more unfortunate idea of leaving for Al Khobar on a Friday morning, to spend a day in that city. About 120 km along the highway from Al Jubail, Al Khobar could boast some shopping malls, a destination for the Marangon family. After traveling about 50 kilometres, near the largest desalination plant of Saudi Arabia, a 17-year-old Saudi driving in the opposite direction of the Marangon family, with his Buick Impala, for reasons never ascertained, jumped the guard rail and hit Marangon's Toyota Corolla head-on. The consequences, as one can imagine, were very serious: Egidio suffered multiple fractures which cost him 2 operations in Saudi and one in Italy (plus a long period of rehabilitation) his wife suffered multiples ribs fractures ribs, , and facial trauma – the daughter, who was sitting in the back, was thrown into the front of the car, smashing the windshield with her head. After the necessary treatment, which obviously lasted weeks, Marangon's wife and daughter returned to Italy.
Meanwhile the young Saudi was completely cleared of any responsibility following the police report. Egidio returned to Italy 45 days after the accident, and a long dispute with SNAMPROGETTI began for him - the Company had let him know that they did not consider themselves responsible for the accident, and did not want to proceed with any type of compensation. The matter ended up in Court, and the Judge partially agreed with Mr. Marangon, ordering SNAMPROGETTI to pay compensation of 60 million lire. (30,000 Euro).
Mr. PAGNINI MARCELLO This guy, being the Civil Construction Manager, was my direct superior. Marchigiano, in his 60s and a hypochondriac, continually subjected himself to clinical and blood tests. One day they found him to have high birulibin and he started breaking everyone's nerves, asking ''Maybe you too have high birulibin and what treatments did you do to reduce it etc…''. He was terrified of being kicked out (he was having his first experience overseas even though he was already nearby retirement). During that time, a rumors were saying SNAMPROGETTI had taken over the extension of the port of Bandar Abbas (Iran) and therefore phantom ''lists of people who will be assigned to the new project'' appeared on the notice board, in which Pagnini's name regularly appeared. Iran, for obvious reason, was a destination that all us were trying to avoid. But Pagnini, desperately seeking another assignement before retirement, expressed his agreement to be assigned in a place nobody wanted. Mr. CAMPUGIANI UMBERTO. A young and enthusiastic guy. He traveled with me on a flight Milan – Vienna – Dahran. At that time, Company was using Austrian Airlines because it obviously cost less. From the Marche region, in his 30s, was having his very first experience abroad in any sense. When the plane began its descent towards Daharan, the cabin crew handed out the disembarcation card to all passengers – and here Campugiani's problems began: he didn't understand a word of English, but he didn't want to be helped. -I want to learn English quickly, he used to say. He was having one those pocket dictionary – at each word he was a flipping through pages. We were sitting on opposite seats in the aisle, at a certain point Umberto leans towards me and says in a low voice:
Why.....why they want to know the data… well, do you understand…? I look at him with interrogation face….
Yes – he says – it says on the card: Data of Bird…data of the bird (In Italian is one of the way we call d*****k!!
Come on, silly – I told him – they ask for the date of BIRTH…read better…….
DA RE LINO - SITE CIVIL ENGINEER Immediately nicknamed ''Darelino'' (all together) he was a jovial 50-year-old from Vittorio Veneto - pipe smoker and photography enthusiast. With his savings from Company pocket money he bought one of the first video cameras in the Al Jubail Souk - and with that device a Friday afternoon Darelino went to the port to record video's. The next day, Saturday, he didn't show up at site , and a quick investigation revealed that he hadn't returned home. Our PRO (Public Relations Officer) soon discovered that he had been held in the local police station, waiting for the Court to reopen on Sunday. Caught by police on filming a ship leaving the port at sunset, he had not put up the slightest resistance to arrest. This fact earned him immediate release from prison on Monday, upon payment of bail, and the confiscation of the video camera.
BRIDGE The large lifts were completed, and the Van Severen's 2,600 ton mobile crane was preparing to leave the site. However, a problem arose: when the crane entered, the bridge over the pipe way did not exist, but in the meantime it had been built - therefore the question: will the bridge support the weight of the crane? (even if dismantled into pieces). Darelino was immediately alerted: he was in charge to solve such problems. And Darelino immediately got to work: he asked for drawings and technical specifications of the bridge, all crane's details, and locked himself in his office. From where he used to come out only to smoke his pipe, and take a breath of air (by the way the stinky air of the Al Jubail ammonia plant and the Shell Refinery, of which one day we saw the 85 mt tall distillation column attempt a take-off and then immediately fall back to the ground). In the end, after a week of ''passion'' in which every time one of us saw Darelino was asking: ''SO SO can the bridge bear the crane passage'??? A morning our Dear Civil Engineer came out from his office and, lighting once again his pipe, said:
Well… if I were the Project Manager… I would call Italy's Head Office…you never know in such case.....better take any precaution..''
MENOZZI ILDEBRANDO He was my house-mate. To tell the truth, the house was so large - that sometimes we didn't see each other for days, except at site. Menozzi was ''a predestined guy'' in the sense that being a recommended person he could allow himself to do and undo as he wanted on the project that no one else was allowed to do - and nobody was able to criticize him. Ildebrando was also a little weird guy - for example he was subject to the ''Hilton hotel syndrome'': before visiting any place he would make sure a Hilton hotel would be there - and if it didn't exist, he wouldn't go there. This was the case on our trip to Bahrain, during Eid el Hada: he came with us because I personally assured him that Manama had a great Hilton hotel. One day we received a visit from Mr. Cincotta, the already named HR Manager from Milan Head Office. Cincotta had brief meetings with all the staff in the construction site offices. To talk to Ildebrando, the HR Manager came personally to our villa, where he told my house-mate that the decision had been made: his next destination would be Venezuela. Ildebrando was heartened by the news, he was afraid of remaining ''imprisoned'' in Arab countries forever, like many of us.
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Ildebrando, Umberto and myself sitting in our villa at Pearl Beach compound - Al Jubail - Saudi
On Thursday evenings we used always organized a soccer match - that evening Ildebrando - who was not a football phenomenon - in an attempt to score a goal, fell heavily to the concrete ground and started screaming: we immediately saw that his right arm was broken at the height of the humerus, and hung limply. Ildebrando was cying and shouting without interruption: ''Goodbye Venezuela…goodbye Venezuela…''!! I told him not to worry, he had time to heal before leaving for South America. In the end he went 'to Venezuela, and despite our recommendations 'be careful of the girls, they are dangerous over there… '' after just 6 months he was already married, and the girl was pregnant. From the marriage a boy born, and after a year Ildebrando had already divorced and taken the child to Italy. The last thing I remember about him was a conversation with his father, who asked me:
''But what is he (Ildebrando) doing down there? (in Venezuela)
Why are you sking so?
I am constantly forced to top up my son's credit card''.....
PATRIOT As I wrote previously, Pearl Beach was the only compound in Al Jubail that allowed men and women to share the same beach. But the compound was also housing a battery of Patriot missiles that were positioned right on the beach we frequented on Fridays. The Gulf War had ended a year earlier, and American soldiers were heavily garrisoning the Eastern coast of Saudi Arabia. While the Patriot affair reassured us on the one hand, on the other it made us think of being a possible target for terrorists and deranged people.
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DAHRAN HOSPITAL During my stay in Al Jubail I had a couple of problems:
The first due to a ''stupid'' accident (all accidents are stupid, right?) - I was on a the site and inspecting a trench for the electrical cables. I wanted to jump the trench but .......ending up on the other side, I landed on a wooden board with a 12 mm nail on it - a rusty one that pierced the sole of the safety shoes. It's was really bad, I remember it even now that so many years have passed! The nail was stuck in the center of my foot, I was rescued and taken to the infirmary where it was removed. Afterwards I underwent the tetanus injection in the outpatient department of a local clinic.
Following this accident, my left knee began to ''creak'' again. I got a permission to go to Dahran, where an MRI machine was in operation at the hospital I had helped build in 1980.
On the scheduled day, I arrived at the hospital accompanied by a driver, and here the odyssey began! I had with me a letter in which our Doctor explained what had happened and asked for an MRI to be carried out on my knee - a test to be paid, of course.
At first the Filipino nurse had not any problem. She read my letter and told me ''sit and wait for your trun''. Than, after a while she came back saying ''That this test required authorization from the Medical Director of the hospital''.
Can you tell me please where is he sitting? I asked the nurse.
Follow the arrows where it is written ''Medical Director'' she said. I knew the hospital so it wasn't a big problem for me to find my way around the labyrinth of corridors. Finally I arrived in front of the Medical Director's office and knocked on the door.
Come in!
I entered the room and found myself in front of an old Saudi guy.
Immediately he addressed me in that loud and annoyed tone:
Madha tarid?? (what do you want) he said with that typical waving of the hand in the air.
Good morning Sir - I came to undergo to an MRI - here is the letter of introduction from my Doctor - the Philippine nurse in charge of admission told me that your authorization is needed.
Reading the letter – Umm……okay……maybe ....sit down ……
Than after a moment: Okay but here…maybe……The test cannot be done!
Why' so? – I asked politely – if it is a problem of money, I have the cash here to pay for the test…….
That's not the issue… the test cannot be done…the MRI machine is reserved ''FOR SAUDIS ONLY''!!
I don't think I can understand, Sir…
Yes – he says – the machine cannot be used for foreigners, it is reserved only for Saudis! Rouh…Rouh… (Go…go…) And so I was dismissed! 240 kilometers to be told that I couldn't take the test just because I'm NOT Saudi.
RETURN TO ITALY Eventually the day came for the final return to Italy. The night flight from Dahran to Rome was scheduled at 0.30am. I arrived at the airport well in advance, aware that when leaving Saudi Arabia permanently, procedures takes longer than normal. Saudi Arabia is perhaps the only country in the world where a foreign resident needs the so called NOC (Non Objection Certificate) to leave the country. Essentially a sort of ''exit visa'' from the country. The NOC is a certificate that there is no objection from anyone to its holder leaving Saudi Arabia. Therefore there are no pending legal cases, unpaid debts etc. With my good NOC in the hand, I showed up at check in and after having completed the procedure a Saudi guy approached me - he was dressed like everyone else, disdasha and ghutra, sandals on his feet, but I had learned to recognize the cops from their behaviour, and he was one of them. He asked me for my passport and boarding pass, looked at them briefly, put them in the deep pocket of his disdasha and then left, without saying a word, leaving me standing there like a ''cuckoo''. Boarding time was approaching, and there was no sign of the policeman! I was more and more nervous, I risked to missthe flight because of that idiot! When there were only a few minutes left before the plane doors shut off, the cop finally returned. He waved my passport and NOC and in front of the stewardess who was begging me to get on board, and began a weird pantomimes:
Where you want to go?
To Italy……
Where in Italy?
Sure you want to go to Rome?
Yes, I'm sure….
Yes …I'm sure….
And WHYYYYY you want to go to Rome? (Again shouting)
Because there is no direct flight to Milan, my home town
Ahh……ok…go…rouh…rouh…. And saying this he finally gave me the passport and the document in my hand. At that moment I turned and almost ran along the bridge that joined the terminal to the plane, and got on board, begging the stewardess to close the door immediately.
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redskyhospitality · 7 months
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“Kerala has the Highest Number of 5-Star Hotels in India, Reflecting its Appeal as a Premium Travel Destination. With Stunning Beaches, Serene Backwaters, and luxurious Resorts, it offers a Perfect Blend of Natural Beauty and upscale Hospitality, Making it a Top Choice for Discerning luxury Travelers, both Domestic and Foreign.” Hotel Revenue Manager
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bestentours11 · 7 months
Discover the Rainbow Nation: Top South Africa Tour Packages
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South Africa, affectionately known as the Rainbow Nation, is a country that boasts an incredible diversity of cultures, landscapes, and experiences. It's a destination that appeals to all types of travelers, from those seeking adventure in the wild African bush to those who prefer the sophisticated charm of its cities. With such a vast array of attractions, choosing the right South Africa tour packages can be the key to unlocking the very best this country has to offer. In this article, we explore the top South Africa tour packages that promise to deliver an unforgettable journey through this vibrant nation.
1. The Safari Experience
No visit to South Africa is complete without experiencing its world-famous safaris. South Africa tour packages that include visits to the Kruger National Park offer an unparalleled wildlife viewing experience. Here, you can come face-to-face with the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo) in their natural habitat. These packages often include stays in luxury lodges, guided game drives at dawn and dusk, and even walking safaris for the more adventurous.
2. The Garden Route
For those who love scenic drives and outdoor activities, the Garden Route is a must-include in your South Africa tour packages. Stretching from Mossel Bay in the Western Cape to the Storms River in the Eastern Cape, this route offers stunning coastal views, dense forests, and serene beaches. Tour packages focusing on the Garden Route can include stops at key attractions like the Tsitsikamma National Park, Knysna, and Plettenberg Bay, with opportunities for hiking, bungee jumping, and whale watching.
3. Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula
Cape Town, with its iconic Table Mountain, vibrant waterfront, and rich history, is often the starting point of many South Africa tour packages. Exploring the Cape Peninsula, with visits to the Cape of Good Hope and the penguin colonies at Boulders Beach, provides a mix of natural beauty and wildlife. These packages might also include wine tasting tours in the Cape Winelands, exploring the historical Robben Island, and enjoying the city's renowned culinary scene.
4. The Cultural Heritage Tour
South Africa's history is both complex and fascinating, marked by stories of struggle and triumph. South Africa tour packages that focus on the country’s cultural heritage offer insights into its past, with visits to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, the Soweto Township, and Mandela’s House. These tours provide a deeper understanding of the country's journey to democracy and are essential for anyone looking to grasp the essence of the Rainbow Nation.
5. The Adventure Seeker’s Delight
For the thrill-seekers, South Africa tour packages can be tailored to include some of the most exhilarating activities available. From shark cage diving in Gansbaai to zip-lining in Tsitsikamma, South Africa is a playground for adventure. Other activities can include sandboarding in the Atlantis Dunes, hot air ballooning over the Magaliesberg, or even taking a leap off the world’s highest bridge bungee at Bloukrans.
6. The Luxury Escape
South Africa also caters to those seeking a more luxurious experience. High-end South Africa tour packages might include stays at exclusive lodges in private game reserves, gourmet dining experiences, and private tours of historical sites or vineyards. These packages offer a perfect blend of relaxation, indulgence, and adventure, set against the backdrop of some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes.
In Conclusion
South Africa's diverse offerings make it a unique travel destination, and the right tour package can ensure that travelers enjoy a comprehensive and enriching experience. Whether it's wildlife, scenic beauty, cultural heritage, adventure, or luxury you seek, South Africa tour packages deliver it all, wrapped in the warm hospitality for which this country is renowned. As you plan your journey to the Rainbow Nation, consider these varied tour options to truly discover the best of South Africa.
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yausheyne · 7 months
Beyond the Beaten Path: The Top 10 Undiscovered Wonders in the Philippines
The Philippines, a country known for its breathtaking landscapes and bustling cities, is home to a plethora of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. This aims to unveil the top 10 undiscovered wonders in the Philippines, guiding adventurous travelers, eco-tourists, and cultural enthusiasts towards these off-the-beaten-path destinations.
1. Danjugan Island: Nestled in Negros Occidental, Danjugan Island is a 43-hectare wildlife sanctuary that boasts untouched coral reefs, pristine white sand beaches, mystical bat caves, lush limestone and mangrove forests, and is surrounded by vast seagrass beds and fringing coral reefs. This secluded paradise is a haven for nature lovers and offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the wonders of marine biodiversity.
2. Buscalan Village: Tucked away in the mountains of Kalinga, Buscalan Village is a remote haven that is not only home to the legendary tattoo artist Whang-od but also showcases the rich culture of the Butbut tribe. Here, visitors can witness the ancient art of traditional hand-tapped tattoos and experience the warm hospitality of the locals.
3. Apo Reef Natural Park: Located in Occidental Mindoro, Apo Reef Natural Park is the world's second-largest contiguous coral reef. With its vibrant marine life and crystal-clear waters, this paradise is a haven for snorkelers and scuba divers. Exploring the underwater world of Apo Reef is like entering a mesmerizing realm filled with colorful coral formations and an abundance of marine species.
4. Mount Pulag: Standing tall at 2,928 meters above sea level, Mount Pulag is Luzon's highest peak. Known for its awe-inspiring "sea of clouds" phenomenon, this majestic mountain offers a challenging yet rewarding hiking experience. As you ascend, the breathtaking panoramic views and the ethereal beauty of the clouds engulfing the summit will leave you in awe.
5. Sohoton Caves and Natural Bridge: Situated in Samar, Sohoton Caves and Natural Bridge is a protected natural area that showcases the wonders of nature. Explore the intricate network of caves, navigate through subterranean rivers, witness cascading waterfalls, marvel at the stunning limestone formations, and cross the natural stone bridge. This hidden gem is a testament to the beauty and diversity of the Philippines' natural landscapes.
6. Tablas Island: As the largest island in the Romblon province, Tablas Island offers a serene and unspoiled escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With its pristine beaches, enchanting waterfalls, and opportunities for snorkeling and off-the-beaten-path exploration, Tablas Island is a paradise for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty.
7. Kaparkan Falls: Located in Abra, Kaparkan Falls is a hidden gem that mesmerizes visitors with its terraced waterfall cascading over green mossy stones. The falls create a natural infinity pool, inviting travelers to take a refreshing dip and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. This unique destination offers a picturesque setting that is perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation.
8. Lake Sebu: Situated in South Cotabato, Lake Sebu is a first-class municipality known for its seven majestic waterfalls, stunning lakes, and the rich culture and arts of the T'boli tribe. Embark on a boat ride across the tranquil lake, witness the breathtaking waterfalls, and immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions and heritage of the T'boli people. Lake Sebu is a destination that combines natural beauty with cultural immersion.
9. Balabac Islands: Located at the southernmost tip of Palawan, the Balabac Islands are a hidden paradise known for their pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life. Explore the untouched beauty of these islands, go island-hopping, and discover the vibrant underwater world through snorkeling or diving. The Balabac Islands offer a secluded escape for those in search of tranquility and natural wonders.
10. Homonhon Island: Steeped in history and untouched beauty, Homonhon Island in Eastern Samar holds great significance as the place where Ferdinand Magellan first landed in the Philippines. This 20-kilometer-long island offers a glimpse into the country's past and showcases its natural wonders. Explore the unspoiled beaches, hike through lush forests, and immerse yourself in the historical and natural richness of Homonhon Island.
These top 10 undiscovered wonders in the Philippines each possess their own unique charm and story, waiting to be explored. Step off the beaten path and embark on an adventure to uncover the hidden gems that the Philippines has to offer. Whether it's immersing yourself in the vibrant marine life, witnessing ancient traditions, or marveling at the natural landscapes, the wonders of the Philippines are bound to leave a lasting impression. Adventure awaits!
Article Type: Roundups and “Best of” lists:
Target Audience: Adventurous Travelers, Local Filipinos, Eco-tourists, Cultural Enthusiasts, Travel Bloggers and Influencers
Topic: "Exploring Hidden Gems: An Unconventional Tour of the Philippines"
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phdmama · 1 year
For the ask game, what are your top 5 favourite tropes?
Top 5 favourite vacation destinations (or types of places to travel, if you don't want to be too specific)?
Top 5 pieces of art (any type of art)?
Thank you pal!!
I did one set of tropes here but I love SO MANY THINGS. Like, I am a simple soul.
Fic Tropes
There was only one bed
Fake dating
Accidentally married
Angry confessions of love
Secret fuckbuddies who get feeeeeeeelings
Vacation Destinations/Types of Places to Travel
Somewhere warm with a beach and clear water where I can alternate between doing active stuff (snorkeling (MAYBE, THE OCEAN IS SCARY), boating, maybe some easy hiking) and lying around drinking fancy cocktails
I'm lucky enough to have relatives in beautiful vacation destinations in the US, so I get to spend a lot of time in rural New England
I've always wanted to go to Ireland (my dad and I were supposed to go but life got in the way and then he got sick)
I'd love to do another visit to Italy and add Greece (where I've never been) - again with the mix of Doing Stuff and Lazing About, that's really my favorite way to do it
Anywhere with friends (current fantasy is getting a big lake hotel and doing a fic writer's retreat)
Pieces of Art
I fucking love the impressionists and I got to see the complete Waterlilies collection when it was touring (very special memory - my dad came down to Boston and took me and my sister to see it)
I got to hear the MOST GLORIOUS performance of Beethoven's 9th last weekend (I adore Beethoven and his utter lack of chill about anything)
When I was in college I travelled around Europe by myself and went to Florence to see the David and it was absolutely breathtaking
I got to tour the Sagrada Família in Barcelona on that same trip, and holy moly. So so gorgeous.
Mary Oliver - In Blackwater Woods never fails to rip my heart out.
Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars
of light, are giving off the rich fragrance of cinnamon and fulfillment,
the long tapers of cattails are bursting and floating away over the blue shoulders
of the ponds, and every pond, no matter what its name is, is
nameless now. Every year everything I have ever learned
in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side
is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know. To live in this world
you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it
against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.
And now I've made myself cry again
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