#china travel destinations
jounetyfinder · 1 year
Top 5 Travel Destinations in 2023 #shorts
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fluffygif · 1 year
Rainy Day Walks
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elinerlina2 · 9 months
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The Leshan Giant Buddha, a 71 m tall statue built between 713-803 AD in China.
The massive stone sculpture became listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
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ecoharbor · 4 months
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nevzatboyraz44 · 3 months
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Gezegendeki en derin ve en büyük doğal kuyu Xiaozhai Tiankeng olarak adlandırılır. Çin'in kalbindeki Chonqinun Belediyesi'nin Fengjie kentinde yer alır.
Bu muhteşem kuyu tamamen doğaldır ve 662 metre derinliğe, 626 metre uzunluğa ve 537 metre genişliğe ulaşır.
Ancak en şaşırtıcı şey sadece boyutları veya neredeyse dikey duvarları değil, barındırdığı yaşam patlamasıdır.
Xiaozhai Tiankeng, jeologların bir çukur veya vadi olarak adlandırdığı, diğer faktörlerin yanı sıra suyun etkisiyle oluşan bir toprak çöküntüsüdür.
Bu durumda, bir mağaranın tepesinde oluşmuştur ve toplam uzunluğu 8,5 kilometre olan ve muhteşem bir şelaleye akan bir yeraltı nehrine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.
Muazzam boyutu onu dünyadaki tiankeng olarak bilinen türünün en büyük ve en derin çukuru yapar.
Xiaozhai Tiankeng, boyutuna ek olarak içinde barındırdığı biyolojik çeşitlilikle de etkileyicidir. Tabanı o kadar büyüktür ki ginkgo ve vahşi hayvanlar gibi yaklaşık 1.300 bitki türüne barınak sağlar.
Yeraltı ormanlarında gezinmek için en büyüleyici "kiracılar" arasında, 1,1 metre uzunluğa ulaşan ve genellikle ağaçlarda dinlenen, belirgin kürkü olan bir kedi olan bulutsu panteri (Neofelis nebulosa) öne çıkar.
Bu tiankeng, kireçtaşından oluşan 280 km2'lik geniş bir karstik alanda yer almaktadır.
Uzmanlar, 511 ila 662 metre derinlikteki çukurun son 128.000 yılda şekillendiğine inanıyor.
Mağaranın çatısı çökene kadar tarihinin büyük bir bölümünde, devasa bir yeraltı boşluğuydu. Çin genelinde, Dashiwei gibi diğer dikkate değer büyüklükteki tiankeng'ler de bulunur.
İlginç bir şekilde, boyutlarına rağmen, Xiaozhai Tiankeng nispeten yakın zamanda çalışmaya başladı, ancak yerel halk onu eski zamanlardan beri biliyor.
أعمق وأكبر بئر طبيعي على كوكب الأرض يسمى Xiaozhai Tiankeng. يقع في Fengjie، بلدية Chonqinun، في قلب الصين. هذا البئر المذهل طبيعي تمامًا ويصل عمقه إلى 662 مترًا، ويبلغ طوله 626 مترًا وعرضه 537 مترًا. لكن الشيء الأكثر إثارة للدهشة ليس فقط أبعاده أو جدرانه شبه العمودية، بل انفجار الحياة التي يستضيفها.
Xiaozhai Tiankeng هو ما يسميه الجيولوجيون بالبالوعة أو الوادي، وهو انخفاض في التربة ينشأ، من بين عوامل أخرى، عن تأثير الماء. في هذه الحالة، تشكل فوق كهف ويستضيف نهرًا جوفيًا يبلغ طوله 8.5 كيلومترًا في المجموع ويتدفق إلى شلال مذهل. حجمه الهائل يجعله أكبر وأعمق بالوعة من نوعها، والمعروفة باسم tiankeng، في العالم.
بالإضافة إلى حجمه، فإن Xiaozhai Tiankeng مثير للإعجاب بالتنوع البيولوجي الذي يضمه داخله. إن قاعدتها كبيرة لدرجة أنها توفر المأوى لنحو 1300 نوع من النباتات، مثل نبات الجنكة، والحيوانات البرية. ومن بين أكثر "المستأجرين" إثارة للاهتمام للتجول في غابتها تحت الأرض تبرز نمر السديم (Neofelis nebulosa)، وهو قط ذو فراء لا لبس فيه يصل طوله إلى 1.1 متر وعادة ما يستريح في الأشجار.
يقع هذا الكهف في منطقة كارستية شاسعة تبلغ مساحتها 280 كيلومترًا مربعًا تشكلت من الحجر الجيري. يعتقد الخبراء أن الحوض، الذي يتراوح عمقه بين 511 و662 مترًا، قد اتخذ شكله على مدار 128000 عام الماضية. طوال معظم تاريخه، حتى انهيار سقف الكهف، كان تجويفًا ضخمًا تحت الأرض. في جميع أنحاء الصين، تم العثور أيضًا على تيانكينج أخرى ذات حجم ملحوظ، مثل داشيوي. ومن المثير للاهتمام أنه على الرغم من أبعاده، إلا أن تيانكينج شياوزهاي بدأ دراسته مؤخرًا نسبيًا، على الرغم من أن السكان المحليين عرفوه منذ العصور القديمة.
The deepest and largest natural well on the planet is called Xiaozhai Tiankeng. It is located in Fengjie, Chonqinun Municipality, in the heart of China.
This amazing well is completely natural and reaches a depth of 662 meters, with a length of 626 meters and a width of 537 meters.
But the most surprising thing is not just its dimensions or its nearly vertical walls, but the explosion of life it hosts.
Xiaozhai Tiankeng is what geologists call a sinkhole or valley, a depression of the soil generated, among other factors, by the effect of water.
In this case, it has formed on top of a cave and hosts an underground river that measures 8.5 kilometers in total and flows into a spectacular waterfall.
Its enormous size makes it the largest and deepest sink of its kind, known as tiankeng, in the world.
In addition to its size, Xiaozhai Tiankeng impresses by the biodiversity it houses inside. Its base is so large that it gives shelter to about 1,300 plant species, such as ginkgo, and wild animals.
Among the most fascinating "tenants" to stroll through their underground forest stands out the nebula panther (Neofelis nebulosa), a feline with unmistakable fur that reaches 1.1 meters long and usually rests in trees.
This tiankeng is located in a vast karstic area of 280 km2 formed by limestone. Experts believe the sink, between 511 and 662 meters deep, has taken shape over the past 128,000 years.
For much of its history, until the cave’s roof collapsed, it was a massive underground cavity. Throughout China, other remarkably sized tiankeng are also found, such as Dashiwei.
Interestingly, despite its dimensions, Xiaozhai Tiankeng began studying relatively recently, although the local population has known it since ancient times.
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The Great Wall of China 万里长城 2024.
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dailystreetsnapshots · 10 months
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Hong Kong, China
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thesoftnesssupreme · 3 months
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Exploring China Town in Buenos Aires was like stepping into a whole new world! 🌏✨ The blend of old and new was absolutely mesmerizing. I had the most mouth-watering dinner at Dragón Porteño – crispy fried chicken, juicy pork dumplings, savory beef and veggies, sizzling pork hot plate, and fried rice that hit all the right spots. 🍗🥟🥩🍚 If you haven't been, you need to go!
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omgpurplefattie · 1 month
I made a playlist of walking tours through (mainly) Jiangnan water towns to let run in the background while I write, and I thought other people might have a use for it, too.
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itravelwithmyheart · 2 months
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months
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Shanghai French Concession
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worldtimetv · 7 months
China Travel Guide: Everything You Need to Know 🇨🇳✈️
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elinerlina2 · 4 months
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Guizhou, China 🌍
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ecoharbor · 3 months
📍Wujiang Town, China 🇨🇳
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nevzatboyraz44 · 4 months
Zalimler için yaşasın cehennem 🤲
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travelella · 2 years
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Harbin Ice & Snow World/Festival in Harbin, China.
This festival covers more than 750,000 square meters and is made purely of ice and snow from a local frozen river.
Harbin hosts an annual ice and snow sculpture festival featuring art by a group of locals that sculpt and deliver the sculptures to an even bigger group of people who put everything together.
There are many winter activities you can participate in such as ice skating, sliding down ice slides, ice lantern show, and more.
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