#top tip pipes let you smoke a lot of weed at once i am the stoner
anothererror · 1 month
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Half way through my arc into a k6bd character
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gag-magazine · 1 year
How to get High like a Cool and Sexy Genius
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By Kate (kush) Gilbertson Art By Gigi (ganja) Engalla
Truth- when it comes to getting high, I have my humble beginnings. The first time I tried to roll a joint, I was in a hotel room on my hands and knees with my best friend and her father’s weed. Grinder, filter, and knowledge-less, we smashed the poor nug into small, “enough,” pieces (using the end of her phone charger) to pinch it into a wrinkled paper. This isn’t even the tragic part. We had no idea how to roll, and the product we ended up with was a sagging and gaping pinky sized joint with no filter and the paper losing its stick all over the place. 
The worst part is, I spent way too long smoking weed like this. Lacking the tools, tips, and finger agility to bring anything to a sesh that wouldn’t be rightfully mocked or rejected.  But now I am older, wiser, and can look back at my baby stoner self with a sense of tenderness and a little pity. I also have a lot of advice I wish I could go back and give her, like, how I should have emptied the prescription bottle in my tote bag that first night in the hotel room, and thrown the nug inside with a couple quarters to get a perfectly ground flower. 
But I can't go back, and this knowledge shouldn’t go to waste, especially with 4/20 (my favorite holiday) creeping up. Knowing that my expertise can't come close to the genius of my fellow GAG! stoners, I also asked them for their favorite tips and tricks. What you are about to read is a compilation of all their wisdom, a 4/20 present from us to you.
your welcome. happy sparking up!
Part 1: Your “method”
Let's get technical, let’s get real. Getting high isn't all giggles, you have to put in the work. Here are some tips on doing that work in a sexy way.
While we do have some rolling tipz for you, some Gaggers’s biggest rolling tip was to… just um… well… just don’t fucking do it. Give it up- your fingers cannot do it and it's not that deep. Many suggested getting a pipe (they are so cute) (I have a rose quartz one and I know you're jealous). They are also quick to whip out, cleaning them is a therapeutic activity (if u don’t agree- get there,) and just buying tree is gonna be way nicer on your bank account than the pre-rolls.
Stop smoking ur roaches- it’s a danger to your self care. Just throw that shit into your pipe or bong (the one I just told you to cop, remember,) and save yourself that pain.
If you're looking to be a little zero waste mama (serve !!) and you don't want to leave a morsel of weed behind (serve.) throw your stems into a cup of tea! One man’s trash is another’s bedtime beverage and mild high!
Always make sure to have a carrier for joints not finished! Sure, you can go and buy some high tech smell proof containers, but I’ve always fashioned my own, 2014 Youtube DIY style. I’ve used first aid kits, old pre-roll containers, mint tins, you name it! Throw a sticker on there (like the REALLY COOL ONES GAG IS SELLING ON 4/20 OOOO) and boom.
Nothing is worse than lighting a j in the wind. Nothing- it's dehumanizing. But we do have some tips. First, when you cup your hand around the j, like some distressed woman in a movie lighting a cigarette in the rain, you may look sexy but you are probably never going to get a light because you are doing it wrong. You need to cup your hand around the side AND OVER the top of the joint. Then if your one hand isn’t cutting it- call in all reinforcements: every bitch in that sesh is building a human forcefield around you or NO ZAZA FOR THEM. We also recommend using a jacket or hood as a windshield, squatting low, and when in doubt, find some sort of corner to hide in (a cove of trees, the corner of a building, a doorway.) best of luck. The good news is, once one friend has a j lit, don't bother going through this experience over and over, kiss the end of your two joints together and yours should light up with a couple of tries! 
On the topic of js, here are those rolling tips we promised:
Don’t over pack the joint: obviously you want it to be tight, but not super cramped or else it won’t properly burn. 
Pressing in more and more flower as you go versus loading up the joint with all your weed right away is going to give you a more evenly packed j.
Keep your focus on the filter- making sure the joint is tight and even around it ensures that the rest of it will come out perfectly sexy and smokeable.
The longer you fiddle, the worse the final result. Your grimy little fingers will end up wrinkling the paper and it will lose its stick if you are messing with it. So move quickly and prioritize keeping your fingers away from the sticky end.
There is NOTHING WRONG WITH ROLLING A CONE. get over yourself. Seriously. It's not that deep. Especially if you're newer to rolling or have a particularly hard time, rolling cones is good practice. It’s also faster, easier, more consistent, and tends to give you fatter, more slay, final products. 
Another option that takes you out of the rolling game is to sit there, just look pretty and sexy and cool, and let other people roll for you. Put your feet up girl- you deserve it! 
Part 2: Okay ur high, now what? 
Because it's not just about smoking like a cool sexy genius, it’s also about where you are and what happens next.
While there is nothing wrong with a lowkey sesh in your bedroom- might you consider exploring the world outside your window for a change. This looks different for everyone, but for me personally, I am A SLUT for simple pleasures like a nice view. I love sparking up at the marina, but good hikes, lookouts, and apartment rooftops are all killer choices. 
One of the most important things to a good sesh is an even better playlist. Which is actually like, crazy, cause we actually like, already made one for you. On our spotify. It’s almost like there is already a killer 4/20 playlist on our spotify. Go. 
If you are a loser and this playlist doesn’t tickle your fancy (again, weird) I recommend giving nostalgic tunes a revisit. The more niche and reminiscent of your early adolescence the better. 
Smoke once before a class. It's for the bit. Just give it a try.
I probably don’t need to remind you of the importance of a good munchie. Sometimes it's a matter of life or death: of a good time or a green out.  Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing your 4/20 treats:
Make sure you have something sweet AND something salty (yes freak, you will want both) 
(sorry, i have to say it,) you need something moist: nothing is worse than being stranded on the glade, swarms of people trapping you in, multiple joints deep without anything to wash them down. maybe you fuck with a juice or smoothie, maybe your going all the way with an açai bowl. I don't know your prerogative and I don’t care what you do. Just keep your poor little dry throat in mind while you're doing it. 
Ice cream makes for the perfect treat because of this (someone suggested actually eating the ice cream before you smoke to coat your throat. I say get freaky and eat it before and after)
Part 3: Getting high with other cool sexy geniuses:
Here are our tips on staying safe and social and smart and sexy. The rest of these tips don’t mean a thing if we can’t do that!
If you take one thing from this tip list- its to not green out. Like it's actually awful and super not sexy and cool. The great thing is that you can very easily avoid it by not being a dumbo, and listening to your body and brain while you're smoking. My tip for those who find knowing your limits with the zaza is tricky- the second you start to feel the high, even just the teensiest little bit- stop smoking. It's gonna get bigger with time, and this assures that you're not sending yourself over the edge. Plus who doesn’t fuck with a round 2?
You know what is equally sexy and cool as getting high? Tolerance breaks. Our recs to make them as painless as possible is to focus on taking care of the oral fixation (u freak bitch ;))). Smoking cbd cigs (or even having lollipops to suck on 24/7) really helps to keep the urges at bay!
Make sure you're around the right bitches. Sometimes sparking can make you a social butterfly- but only if our environment encourages you to spread those wings, baby. So make sure you're sparking up with homies and homies only- no wasting weed on a fake bitch!
Ready to put your cool, sexy, stoner genius knowledge to the test? I think you are! Hopefully this silly little list taught you something, and if it didn’t and you want to complain to me about how stupid this piece is, then come and visit GAG! on 4/20 cause we are selling edibles and matchbooks and giving away stickers and other sexy shit! I will be posted up with the homies all day, zooted and living my dream life, so come and join the fun.
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nearlymanaged · 4 years
16. Fairly High and Dangerously Attractive
February was drawing to an end; younger students were eagerly waiting for warmer weather to finally return while older ones were spending their days tucked away in the library. When Remus wasn’t on Prefect duty, in class, or sleeping, he found himself listening to Lily go on about how Sirius clearly fancied him increasingly more often. In fact, she had started trying to clumsily orchestrate serendipitous encounters between Remus and Sirius, which was rather pointless, given that they shared a dormitory. At some point, Remus began wondering whether she just wanted a reason to spend more time around James as a pleasant side effect of all her efforts. 
“I can’t believe we just did that,” Lily gaped at Remus as he pulled James’ invisibility cloak off them both.
“I think that officially makes you an honorary Marauder,” he grinned down at her face brimming with a kind of mischievous excitement. 
“Honorary?” She gasped indignantly, following Remus into the boys’ dormitory. “You were more scared than I was!”
“I was scared for you, Lily,” Remus chuckled as he stuffed the cloak into James’ trunk and went over to his own bed. “Don’t insult me by insinuating that I haven’t snuck into the Restricted Section at least once for every month that I’ve been in Hogwarts,” he sat down on the edge of his mattress and bent over to retrieve something from under the bed.
“I can’t believe you lot have had that cloak for years… I hope you’ve not been using it for anything, you know, creepy?..” Lily was aimlessly pacing around the room while Remus opened a tin box containing a handful of chocolate treats, a few loose cigarettes, and some other bits and bobs.
“Creepy? No, no,” Remus smiled as the image of his twelve year old friends and himself swam into focus; all out of beds in the middle of the night, taking turns hiding under the cloak, attempting to pull a pair of underpants over the other boys’ heads. 
“So which one is Sirius’ bed?”
“That would be the one with the leather jacket and all the Muggle magazines on it,” Remus nodded his head towards it; he had taken out a few things from the box in his lap, trying to get to the chocolate bar that was at the bottom of it.
“Hm,” Lily walked over to Sirius’ bed, clearly trying to catch Remus’ eye, or maybe wanting to say something, but he ignored her completely, focusing on his treat “I’ve never been in the boys dormitories before.”
“And? What’s the verdict?”
“Surprisingly, this is not any dirtier than the girls’ dorms,” she chuckled and, holding onto one of the posts, swung around and sat down on Remus’ bed. “Remus, what is this?” Her voice dropped unexpectedly.
He turned around and looked at the little phial she was holding in her hand; it contained mossy looking, dried green buds. “Weed,” he answered matter-of-factly.
“But you’re a Prefect!” Lily whispered hurriedly.
Remus took a sharp inhale, and then sighed, turning away from her. “Yes,” he bobbed his head as he spoke, “some days I think that becoming a Prefect has been the biggest tragedy of my life… Then I remember that I’m a werewolf…” His eyes found Lily’s again, and for a second she simply stared at him, completely expressionless; before she burst out laughing, almost falling off the bed.
“I always thought you’re such a goody-two-shoes.”
“Look who’s talking.”
“I’ve never tried it…” Lily’s eyes found the phial again.
“I usually smoke some after a particularly bad moon,” Remus explained, unprompted, but Lily gave him a small nod, encouraging him to continue. “Of course, we’ve done it purely for fun, but I like to always have some, just in case I’m feeling exceptionally rough. It helps me...feel more at ease, I suppose. Helps me feel a bit more normal,” he struggled through the last sentence, feeling like there simply weren’t words out there to explain what he meant. “With all the potions and tinctures and charms, this Muggle remedy is the one thing that I found really makes a difference sometimes. For me, anyway.”
“What does it feel like?” Lily opened the little container and brought it up to her nose, frowning instantly at the scent.
Remus took a bite of his chocolate before answering. “Sort of soft and warm… Relaxing but also energising. It just puts you in this state of being perfectly content. Happy. Although Peter always becomes paranoid - about everything…”
“Strange, isn’t it? He has no qualms about breaking every school rule but that is where he draws the line. Lily?” He added quietly when she continued to stare at the little phial in her hand.
“Do you think,” she started slowly, timidly, “I could try some?”
“Lily Evans,” a devilish grin crossed Remus’ features. 
“Oh shut up,” she tittered. “I just thought, shouldn’t I be a bit more reckless now, while I’m young? My chance is now, isn’t it? Who knows what’s going to happen when we leave Hogwarts,” her eyebrows dipped before she hesitantly opened her mouth again. “There’s a war going on out there, after all.”
Moments like these were inevitable, yet still always unexpected. Remus understood exactly what she meant; terrible things were happening in the world and they weren’t always going to be able to be kids, kept safe in their school, away from the real world. That sense of suppressed dread had only gotten stronger as they got older. “Do you want to do it now?” 
“No. I don’t know…”
“We certainly don’t have to. We can do it whenever.”
“Let’s do it now!” Lily’s eyes twinkled. “You’ll do it with me, right?”
“I thought you said not now?”
“I might chicken out once the adrenaline wears off,” she grinned guiltily.
“It’s really not as big of a deal as it might seem. But I still want you to be sure that you want to do it. After all, if you do, you’ll have broken not only a Hogwarts rule this evening but also the Muggle law. And it’s barely ten pm.”
“I’m sure. Let’s do it!” Lily whispered excitedly, coaxing a laugh out of Remus.
He took out a little green glass pipe from the tin box, all while Lily was watching him, barely blinking at all, it seemed. She followed his every movement as he loaded the pipe with a bit of the green stuff, then listened closely as he explained to her what to do next.
“If only James could see you now,” Remus sniggered.
Lily glanced at the dormitory door, as if expecting him to walk in at that moment; then, she lifted the pipe to her lips, the tip of her wand to the bowl of it. “So I just do this?” 
Remus nodded but it quickly turned into a vigorous head shake. “No, stop inhaling! That’s enough! You need to blow the smoke out now…” He laughed as Lily started coughing, disappearing in a thick, grey cloud.
“That’s disgusting!”
“Takes a bit of practice, I suppose.”
“I don’t feel anything,” she sat up on the bed once the coughing ceased. “Do I sound different?”
“No, Lily, you don’t,” Remus grinned at her, blowing the smoke out simultaneously; contrary to her, he instantly started noticing a pleasant fogginess drown out most of his thoughts.
“Should we go downstairs then?”
“Perhaps not the greatest idea,” Remus trailed off.
Remus couldn’t stop himself from chuckling before answering. “You’re high and you have a reputation to uphold. Terrible things could happen.”
“I’ll be fine. Come on, we’re not going to spend the whole evening up here!”
“Alright then,” he nodded slowly watching Lily’s grin grow bigger.
From the top of the stone steps, Remus instantly spotted Sirius down in the common room, talking to a couple of people from their year over by one of the windows; James and Peter were playing exploding cards in another small group. Even though Sirius was on the opposite side of the room, by the time Remus and Lily descended down the steps, he was waiting for them at the bottom stair.
“You’re back, finally. You didn’t get caught, did you?”
“We’re high,” Remus whispered.
“You’re… Wait. Plural of you? High? You?” A big grin slowly found its way to Sirius’ lips as he stared at Lily in both admiration and disbelief. 
“Oh, shush!” She dismissed him with a flick of her wrist. “It’s not like I’ve never done anything illegal.”
“Wait, you have? She has?” Sirius turned to Remus now.
“I am just as deeply shocked as you are.”
“Why are you high?” Sirius’ smile suddenly clouded.
“What do you mean?” Remus raised his eyebrows. 
“Are you okay? Were you in pain?”
“Oh… No, no. This is all purely for Lily Evans’ amusement,” Remus explained while his heart swelled in his chest at the thought of how lucky he was to have Sirius in his life; someone to care so deeply and fiercely about him.
“My mouth is really dry.” Lily didn’t seem to be participating in their conversation anymore; instead, she was touching the tip of her index finger to her tongue. “Is this normal?”
“Yes,” Remus smiled at her brightly. “That can happen.”
Lily pointed her wand into her mouth and, wordlessly - a new skill she had just recently mastered - magicked a little jet of water. The two boys watched her with a mixture of wonder and pride. “Kids,” Sirius sighed tearfully, “they grow up so fast.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you…” Lily had finally quenched her thirst and looked over at him. “What was up with that kiss?”
“Kiss?” He laughed out, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“On Valentine’s day.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Evans.”
“About you kissing Remus, of course,” Lily’s plainly stated words tugged Remus out of his weed-induced haze.
“Well, of course, the kiss was about Valentine’s day, since it was...Valentine’s day,” Sirius concluded, slowly but surely.
“Did you know that if you’re standing up for too long when you’re high, you might pass out?”
“Really?” Lily instantly became visibly worried. “How long do I have?”
“Probably shouldn’t do more than five minutes.”
“You’re lying,” she squinted at him.
“Okay. We’ll find out soon enough, I suppose.”
Lily stared at him for a long, quiet, hesitant moment before making a beeline for one of the sofas in the common room.
“Sirius… Why?” Remus murmured, following Lily with his eyes.
“I didn’t think she would actually believe that.”
“What was the kiss about?” Remus smirked as he returned his gaze to Sirius now, making the latter scratch the back of his head involuntarily - a gesture Remus knew to be a sign of nervousness. He leaned his back against the wall, just to the side of the steps leading up to the dormitories. He might have asked the question humorously, but he wanted a real answer. He had been thinking about that clumsy kiss ever since it happened, although he would have never admitted to anyone. Pretty soon, he realised, he had started harbouring hope that was hard to ignore. And now that he’d gotten a boost of confidence and courage from the dried Muggle herb, he wanted to know.
“Isn’t that what people do on Valentine’s day?”
“You really are,” Remus narrowed his eyes at Sirius, “a very strange person.”
“And you are a very high person,” Sirius seemed to have regained his composure, a wry smile stretching his lips.
“Yes, speaking of which… I can’t get this out of my head… Pads, which do you think is later - three or four am?”
Sirius barked out a hearty laugh. “Three, of course. Three is late night and four is early morning. What? You don’t agree?”
“No, I do, actually,” Remus replied with a smile although frankly, he was much more interested in how beautiful Sirius’ eyes looked in the warm light of the common room.
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Really, how high are you?”
“A fair amount,” Remus answered brightly. “Has nothing to do with me looking at you though.”
Of course, Remus looked at him that way because he fancied him. How did he not see that? Or did he? There were times when Remus could have sworn that Sirius knew something was going on, but for the most part, they were just friends. And yet, quite inexplicably, Remus had been even more attracted to Sirius lately than ever before. 
“I’m flattered that you think weed has nothing to do with it, but you never stare at me like that when you’re sober.”
“Maybe it’s the earrings,” Remus reached his hand out and gave a light flick to one of Sirius’ hoops.
“The earrings,” Sirius blinked, a smirk forming on his lips. 
“Yes. They’re very...dangly.”
“Oh? You’ve got a problem with them?”
“Yeah. Can’t stand them,” Remus went on, while knowing full well that ever since Sirius had gotten his ears pierced, he’d somehow become even more difficult to not stare at; that this seemingly insignificant addition of accessories had been making it hard to concentrate on what Sirius was saying sometimes. 
“Ah. That’s a shame,” Sirius muttered nonchalantly while scooping up all of his hair, with the exception of a few gracefully cascading wavy strands, and putting it into a bun, secured by his wand. “Guess you’ll just have to get used to looking at them.”
Without realising, Remus had stopped breathing for a moment. Was Sirius flirting with him? “Yeah, that’s--”
“Take that thing out of your hair, Pads, you look like an idiot,” James materialised right next to them, cackling and nudging Sirius’ shoulder. “So what are we up to tonight?” 
Sirius slowly turned his head to look at James, a stoney expression painted over his face.
“What?” James shrugged. “Is it because I said you look like an idiot? Doesn’t he, Moony?” 
“Really? You want to talk about other people’s hair?” Remus did a near-perfect imitation of James ruffling his hair, making his own dirty blonde strands stand up in all directions. “Do I look dangerously attractive yet?”
“Moony!” James gasped dramatically, clutching at his heart, while Sirius chuckled, leading the way towards the other side of the common room.
“Oi! Potter!” Lily called out and James reached her so fast, you would have thought he had just Apparated.
“So what do you think?” Remus plopped down onto one of the sofas, his eyes fixed onto Lily as he pulled Sirius down with him.
“Er...yeah, it suits you. I wouldn’t say it makes you dangerously attractive per se… Folding your socks is not a very dangerous trait.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Remus tore his eyes off Lily, who was already deep in an animated conversation with James, and looked at Sirius in confusion.
“Your hair… Isn’t that what you were asking about?”
“I was asking about Lily…” Remus was pleased to see that for once in his life, he wasn’t the one blushing. “But thanks, Sirius.”
* * *
“Do I look dangerously attractive yet?” Remus teased James, and Sirius silently nodded to himself as he walked across the room, laughing.
Remus seemed to have such an air of confidence around him that evening that Sirius found himself staring at him sheepishly, unwittingly fantasising about running his fingers through that messy hair. This was the first time that he was undeniably reciprocating Sirius’ flirting, and it felt exhilarating.
Sirius wanted to grab Remus’ face and pull him into a kiss-- but he shouldn’t, he thought. It wouldn’t be fair to either one of them - he wanted them both to be completely sober for that. Sirius was all too familiar with doing something stupid while high or drunk and even more familiar with the regret, or sometimes shame, that would rear its head in the light of the following morning.
He wanted to tell Remus how he felt about him; he wanted to show him. But he decided not to, not just then. It wouldn’t have been fair to either one of them.
“So what do you think?” Remus muttered, instantly dragging Sirius out of his thoughts.
“Er...yeah, it suits you. I wouldn’t say it makes you dangerously attractive… Folding your socks is not a very dangerous trait, you know...”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Your hair… Isn’t that what you were asking about?”
“I was asking about Lily… But thanks, Sirius.”
“You’re welcome,” he mumbled, trying to will away the heat rising in his face. “Shut up,” he added as Remus smirked at him with obvious satisfaction.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You were thinking about saying something,” Sirius rolled his eyes, fighting back a happy smile. “What do you mean, what do I think about Lily?” 
“Do you like her?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Hey, I just remembered...that time I heard James and Peter convincing you to tell someone you fancy them… Who is it?”
Sirius hadn’t expected Moony to ask him that. In fact, he’d forgotten about that conversation completely it seemed. “Oh that wasn’t really...anyone,” he concluded quickly. 
“Oh? Well, I just thought I’d ask…” Remus shrugged it off. 
“How’s Vincent doing?” Sirius blurted out before he could stop himself. Although, he hoped, his tone might have been casual enough to not betray him.
“Haven’t got a clue. Why?”
“No reason.”
“So what do you think about Lily?”
“I think I like her more than I thought I would,” Sirius started happily, feeling like there wasn’t another place on Earth he’d rather be. “She just always seemed more...boring and stuck up, I guess? But I suppose that was just her reaction to Prongs, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah… But now… Do you think maybe she is actually interested in James now?” 
“Aren’t you two best mates now? Shouldn’t you know if she’s interested in anyone or not?”
“Hm. I guess I never really understood girls. Never cared to, anyway. Not really my crowd.”
Sirius stole a sideway glance at Remus, who spoke so nonchalantly. His eyebrows dipping over his eyes slightly; surely, he thought, there was only one way to interpret that statement, wasn’t there? 
“Remember that time I kept casting the Muffliato Charm on McGonagall every time someone was answering a question?”
“Vividly. Yet, I still can’t believe you did that. You worship her.”
“That would have been my first detention, had you not taken the blame.” Remus conjured a couple of those blue flames and watched them spinning in the air as he spoke.
“I didn’t really take the blame. I just didn’t correct Minnie when she assumed it was me,” Sirius was surprised by how quiet his own voice came out as he gazed at Remus’ profile, one of his arms draped across the backrest of the sofa.
“Yeah, that’s what you said to me when I thanked you for it,” Remus chuckled. “Why didn’t you correct her though?”
“Remus…” Sirius’ voice was laced with laughter now.
“What?” Moony looked over at him, their eyes meeting.
“You--” Sirius’ breath caught and he had to remind himself that pulling Remus into a kiss and snogging him until they both couldn’t feel their lips anymore wasn’t a good idea; not while Moony was high. “You are so high.” He heaved himself up and lay back across the length of the sofa, resting his head on Remus’ lap.
“True. But irrelevant.”
“I didn’t correct her because it would have been your first detention.”
“It was, what, the beginning of our third year? It was about time, don’t you think?” Remus kept his eyes on the blue flames as he spoke, but Sirius could see his smile widen a little all the same.
“I was also very much impressed.”
“By me?” This time, Remus looked down at Sirius.
“Don’t look so surprised. I don’t think I would have had the guts to do that then.”
“Yeah… You probably still don’t have the guts to do that now.”
“Oi!” Sirius flicked Remus’ nose playfully. “I just think that of all the professors, McGonagall is the least deserving to be pranked.”
“Or the scariest?”
“Also the scariest…”
“She likes you though. Always has.”
“I like her too. Alas, we could never be together,” Sirius quipped, making them both laugh.
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club-roc · 4 years
The C&Me Report: Dispatch #   1
Author’s Forward
This is a work of friction, the turbid spew of a diseased imagination.  The characters, events, location, time of day, and yes even the fucking weather are all made up - except when they aren’t.  
That the submissive in the story maybe resembles someone in my past life is a bizarre coincidence that you shouldn’t read anything into.  The rumor that I may have based the -  selfish? disgusting? can we settle on sick? - narrator on myself is an unfortunate misunderstanding.  I am a considerate, thoughtful, kind, compassionate, altruistic, gentle, empathetic, loving soul - and I swear the wrath of a banshee working off a seven day drunk upon anyone who says different.
I hope you enjoy what I think is a novel approach to the old in-out.  For those of you who prefer a more traditional 3-step narrative of the form:
 boy meets girl (or whatever gender permutation gets you going)
 one paragraph (preferably less)
 boy fucks girl
this just ain’t gonna work for you.  Seriously.  But, if you choose to ignore this warning, for fuck’s sake don’t whine about it afterwards.  
One final note: if you do make it to the end, and your cursor is a short click away from registering one star, you should know that the banshee gets pissed off rather easily these days - just sayin’.
Happy trails.
Roc Daimonas
Sep. 2020
*          *          *
I have an ethical dilemma that I’m hoping that you can help me with.
Whether you come at it from a moral or legal perspective, these days non-consensual sex is kind of frowned upon.  The MeTooers are clear: she has to freely say “yes”.  Sounds easy, but sometimes Easy Street is paved with potholes.
Let’s start with the seemingly obvious: “yes” doesn’t get you off the hook if you mention that you’ve got proof that could have her swinging in Sing Sing. Nor, for that matter, any persuasive argument that includes an “or else I will … “ clause.  But what if it’s “or else I won’t”?
For example, you have front row tickets to the hot show that she’s dying to see.  Without a promise of action for afters, you won’t take her.  “Maybe (fill in her best friend’s name) is interested…?”  I think we might need a new category, “technically consensual but the guy’s a douchebag”.
Also obviously, if she’s drunk, her “yes” doesn’t mean shit.  But what if she’s sober, in fact hasn’t had a drink all day.  And she needs one, badly, sort of the way that after holding your breath for two minutes you need air, because she’s an alcoholic.  Sadly she’s broke, has nothing left to pawn, and has already been to the Plasma Donation Center twice this week.  Let’s say she loves bubbly and you have a bottle of White Star on ice.
If, under those circumstances, you tell her, “no nookie no party”, you know damn well that you’re going to get laid. (Pro tip: one glass, then sex, and only then finish the bottle).  You can get all moral on me, but she’s gonna do what it takes to get a drink, and if that’s by blowing somebody in the liquor store’s parking lot, oh well.  I’m thinking why not me, instead of some jerk who’s gonna sub a store-brand asti?
Seriously, I’m looking for feedback, let me know what you think.
BTW, I wouldn’t trade sex for a drink, I’m not that kind of asshole, and this isn’t that kind of story.  Rather, it’s actually cannabis that she wants, and I’m much worse of an asshole.  You see, I’m a sex addict, sub-category control freak, and I’ve been waiting patiently for a long time.
*          *          *
C called, Lydia was dead.  Apparently she passed out and knocked her 151 into a candle.  I hadn’t heard anything from C, hence nothing about Lydia, for about five years, but this seems less like news than the fulfillment of the inevitable.  Though on second thought, that she made it that long is impressive.
When she called, she was upset.  Not because they were friends - nobody was friends with Lydia, she saw life as 100% transactional.  No, C was upset because she was on her way to score reefer, “and I’d already given her my last $60” … could I help her?
“Sure no problem”, I told her, answered by a huge sigh of relief.  “I’ve got that much cash in my wallet, come by and get it - and don’t worry about paying me back”.
Oops.  Not exactly what she was fishing for.  “Ah, do you have any weed that I could have?”
Long.  Fucking.  Silence.  It’s been five years since I’d talked to her last, the day we broke up over - surprise! - her drug and alcohol problem. 
“Uh, Roc…”
“Let’s do this: come over for the $60.  Let’s at least get you covered on that, then you can score somewhere else.  I’ll think about the other”.
A little while later she’s on my sofa, smoking a pipe.  I have the cash and a small container in front of me.  “This is for you”, and I hand her the bills.  “You can also have this - BUT - one time only, never again.  This is about a week's supply, you can score something in that time.  Are we agreed - never again?”
Two things that I need to clarify - a week’s supply for me, if she’s on a roll, is probably about a 4 hour supply for her.  AND - if it gets them their fix, an addict will tell you anything that they think you want to hear.  
So of course, she was absolutely in agreement.  Some things never change.
And surprise!, surprise!, 24 hours later, guess who knocked on my door?
*          *          *
C no doubt spent the day coming up with all sorts of completely sensible reasons why I should give her more shit.  Most likely revolving on the fact that Lydia was the last person who would sell to her.   But she’s thrown off, I have a packed pipe on the table next to me, she can’t take her eyes off the prize, she can’t focus...I just let her stammer for a minute.  I ask if she wants the pipe?
Shit eating grin - hell yes!  I grab it and reach out towards her.  She takes it, but I don’t let go.   ‘You can have this one, no problem.  You want more, ‘present yourself’”.  Ancient code for “submit for kinky sex”.  She starts to object, I cut her off: “you can have none, one, or stand, your choice - do you understand your choices?”
Maybe she mumbles “OK”, so I let go and in no time she’s sucking down the pipe.  I get a couple beers while she’s busy, set one next to her, pop the top on mine and sip some brew.  Done with the pipe, she follows suit.   Between the weed and the booze, she relaxes, but after a bit starts starts fidgeting.  I wait for it.  Finally it pours out: “I don’t think this is a good idea”
I bust out laughing, she doesn’t see what’s so funny.  “You’re right, it’s an AWFUL idea, we just don’t agree on what’s the bad part.  So maybe we forget about it, huh?  Maybe you should just go home”.
Well, no, she doesn’t want that either…“Can’t I have some more?”
“It’s time for you to go, I’ll walk you to the door”.
She takes a deep breath, rises, and puts her hands on her head.  Her arms are in the wrong position, her legs aren’t nearly far enough apart … some things never change.  I pack the pipe.  “You want this?”, she says yes, eyes focused.  I spark the lighter and smoke it.  From her face, that’s not what she had in mind.
I pack another, walk over to her.  “First, if you want your fix, I get mine - is that understood?”  She nods.  I hold the pipe for her, spark the lighter, and long hit, all gone.  She’s holding it in, deep, and I continue, “second, anytime - and I mean ANYTIME - that you feel uncomfortable giving me what I want, just say, “take that shit and shove it where the sun don’t shine”.
Suddenly the tension’s broken, she cracks up, coughs, blows out the smoke, coughs a little more.  “You fuckerhead! - you owe me another!”
I smile.  “We’ll see.  But I’m serious.  Say that phrase and everything stops.”  She nods, but I’m not done.  “What you gotta realize is that I don’t really want to do this”.  Like Hell, but she doesn't need to know that. “You can say that anytime, BUT … once and done.  No more weed.  Ever”.  You can tell she’s not happy about that, but keeps it to herself.
I pack another, then tell her “this is a really good time to tell me that, because if you don’t walk away, I’m going to turn you into my slave.  For real.”
She’s heard that before, sarcastically says “of course you are”, tilts her head a little, mocking me with her face, her eyes.
“You heard your choices, tell me what it’s going to be”.  
To get their fix, an addict is going to tell you anything they think that you want to hear.
I hand her the pipe, tell her to use the can, have a cigarette, whatever, then get undressed and back in position.  “If you’re quick enough, I’ll pack another pipe”.  While she’s scurrying on her assignments, I try to find some rope.
*          *          *
She’s back in position, but instead of being naked, she’s got my robe on - and her socks.  Some things never change.
I pack a pipe, point out that she’s not quite undressed.  Eyeing the pipe, she tells me “brr, it’s chilly!”, her code for gimme the pipe, and let’s go to bed and fuck.  Well that ain’t gonna happen, so instead of giving it to her, I spark the lighter and smoke it myself.  She has a frustrated look on her face.
“Why don’t you turn the furnace on, and relax a bit.  When it’s warm enough, strip and return to position.  When you’re ready, I’ll get you another pipe”  She sticks out her tongue, turns up the furnace, sits, but the blower’s barely on before she’s lost the robe and is back in position.  I pack the pipe full enough that even she’s gonna need a few minutes, hand it to her.  While she’s working it, I look over the body that I once knew so well.
Five years of hard living has taken its toll, but she’s still a great looking lady.  Tall for a woman, long torso and average legs, she’s blonde, slender, tits in damn nice shape (hey - we’re all getting older, things ain’t the way they used to be, nothing’s wrong with that, but it doesn’t mean I can’t notice tits that gravity hasn’t found yet.)
She’s set down the pipe so apparently she’s done.  I walk behind her, tell her to cross her wrists, which she does it the wrong way - surprise! - which I correct, wrap the rope and tie it securely.  My feet push her legs further apart, I grab her hair and pull her backwards so she’s a little past the tipping point, take my free hand and caress her face, my lips find hers...
Our lips and tongues play as my hand finds its way to her breast, stroking the one, squeezing it, finding the nipple, pulling, twisting, back to main tittie and fondle some more, soon the other tit has my attention and it’s on to part deux.  Mission accomplished, my hand returns to her forehead, another cycle begins, this one ending at her navel. 
A couple more cycles and she’s kissing like she’ll die if something doesn’t happen, finally my hand finds her pussy, palpable heat rising from it...I touch it, she’s dripping wet ...fingers on either side of the clit, squeeze, the clitteral bud, engorged, twitches under the pressure, again and again....  She moans past our kisses, I slide the fingers in her slot…
Out again, slick as can be,  fingers strum her clit, right-left right-left right-right-left, the moan does not diminish, she’s begging me to fuck her…but the control freak in me is not ready yet, I play some more…My fingers find her snatch again and I jam them in, fast, over and over...the moan is lower as the orgasm has begun, her voice up and down as the O takes control…
Fingers out but the O continues, I strum her clit, her abs are so tight and she’s over the top again….suddenly I slap her oh so exposed pussy a half dozen times, her O just fucking explodes, she shrieks loud enough to wake a passed out banshee …
I set her down, exhausted.  I get ice water, give her a sip, she didn’t realize how thirsty she was.  I ask if she wants a smoke, or a fuck?  She perks up at fuck, “oh yes please fuck me, I am sooo horny”, so arms released, into the bedroom, onto the bed, a pillow under her ass…
I pull down my pants, off with my shorts, oh my I thought it was hard but this is impressive, it would a crime to lose this boner, and C is looking at it, can’t take her eyes off it, wants it, inside, so I climb onto her, give her pussy what it needs more than anything….
No more fooling around, dick slams into cervix and her abdomen erupts, instant orgasm, cunt even hotter and squeezing tight, won’t let go… I get an urgent message, dick to control center, situation critical, too much pressure, heat, we can’t take much more of this, we’re going to have to unload…
No.  I’m not in high school anymore, this doesn’t have to happen.  I pull the dick out, pre-cum dripping, trailing, C figures out something’s not quite right, OH NO PLEASE DON’T STOP PLEASE FUCK ME...and I jam it in, thrust as fast and hard as I can, she goes fucking nuts, my dick does the impossible, gets bigger, harder, and it’s that way with each thrust, reactors are critical, pumps overloaded, Captain she’s gonna blow!, and unlike on TV that’s what happens, hot jizz spews into eager pussy and can you say “supernova”?  Of course she can, but not now, not enough energy, ambition left to talk.  For the first time in five years, we embrace.
As usual, she’s out of bed first, runs to the john, back to me, hugs me...I wonder what she’s going to compliment first, after all it was a stellar performance...I figure she’s going to ask me to slap her pussy again next time...
“Can I have another beer and a pipe?” 
 Some things never change.
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rogerina-deacon · 5 years
Getting High // Taron Egerton x Reader
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A/N: Okay so it’s no secret ya girl loves weed, so when I saw this post of pics of Taron at a pot shop I knew I wanted to get high with him, so here’s a HC! Also, since the title doesn’t suggest it, I’m just gonna warn you that there’s smut near the end of this
It’s a long one, so it starts under the cut!
When you and Taron started dating and you showed your interest in cannabis, and he told you he enjoyed it too, it didn’t take long for you two to get high together
Being the gentleman he is, he bought literally everything
And of course it was high quality, so it didn’t take much, but he still got a lot
He got eighths of five different strains, two sativas, two indicas, and one hybrid
He also got some concentrate to top off bowls with
And of course he also preground everything, for two reasons: the first, so you can get even hits, and the second so you could also top bowls with kief
He even got edibles, as if he didn’t have enough to get you high off your asses already
But you two had planned on making this a weekend-long smoke session, so I guess the amount was excusable?
The man was prepared to get stoned off his ass like never before
He got to your place at 11:00 AM, bags in hand full of anything a stoner could ever want
You two laid everything out on your coffee table, though it all barely fit since you had already put out your pieces
To get started, you took some hits from a pipe, not wanting to ruin your lungs with the bong just yet
So you two got fairly high from a couple of bowls before deciding it was time to order food
And, as previously established, he’s a gentleman so he bought all the food too
Which was a lot
We all already know the man loves his food even when he’s sober, so just imagine him with the munchies
Thank god you lived in the city where every place delivered, and if they didn’t there was UberEats available
He ordered so much: fried chicken, pizza, cheesy garlic bread with lots of marinara on the side, a fucking sheet cake from the local bakery, literally anything you wanted and more
So, now that you had done all interaction with the outside world you would be doing today, you moved on to the bong
Now, he had gotten a pretty good sized bowl piece, but there was still a mountain of weed when he packed it
He filled it to the top with weed, then a pile of kief, which would have fucked you up anyway, but then he added a small dab on top
And, being the gentleman he is, he offers you greens, which you accept
And damn are you coughing up a storm
You were just thankful you used hemp wick to light it so you weren’t harming your lungs even more with butane
Honestly you could barely take the whole hit at once, you had to go back to clear it
You were kind of embarrassed, but Taron was coughing just as much, maybe more, so you felt better about coughing so much you literally cried
Just as you two finished the bowl, the first of your food arrived: the jumbo sized stuffed crust pizza with a side of cheesy garlic bread and lots of marinara
You two were in heaven, and that was only made better by Taron being a cuddle bug when he’s high
You two were cuddled up on the couch, stuffing you face with food, and it was amazing
You just felt so nice, like this was some kind of dream
The rest of the food arrived shortly after, and your home basically became a buffet with all the food
You two grabbed a couple dining room chairs to put the food on, since you knew if you put it in the kitchen you wouldn’t want to get up
When you got stoned, you got really fucking quiet, just living in your mind
So you were just laying on the couch, completely silent, curled up in Taron’s side as you stuffed your face
Which he honestly thought was really cute, so he was just silently staring at you as he also stuffed his face
Once you were done eating, he packed another bowl, though it was sloppier than the first
And this time, the weed made you incredibly horny
And luckily it did the same to Taron, so he had no objections when you straddled his lap
In fact, he grabbed your waist and guided your hips, your forehead touching his, making all the more intimate
He started kissing just under your jaw before he started moving his lips lower, trailing down your neck
And all this felt better than it normally did, your senses heightened by the marijuana in your system
He slowly undressed you before undressing himself
He somehow managed to take off his pants without you getting off of him, which was really impressive
You were hovering over him, knees on either side of him, and he slowly trailed his hands up your thighs, from your knees to your waist, cherishing the feeling of how soft your skin felt under his fingertips
Even high, he knew you’d need some warming up before he entered you, so he slowly ran his finger through your folds, and he was surprised by how wet you already were, muttering “fuckin’ hell” as he just kept sliding his middle finger through your slit
Which felt better than normal, leaving you breathing heavy
He slowly entered a finger into you, his eyes widening at how good you felt around his finger
And he began moving his finger around inside you, hooking his finger into your g-spot like magic, a moan leaving your lips at the feeling
He soon added his ring finger, repeatedly stimulating you g-spot, relishing in how you clenched and moaned because of him
When he figured you were ready for him he removed his fingers, your disappointment in this evident in the whimper that left your mouth
Though he had been mostly silent before this, he finally spoke up, asking if you were ready for him
When you nodded and said “Please”, he guided you down to his cock, one hand on your waist, the other holding the base of his cock
When his tip reached your entrance he let you take control, your hand replacing his on his cock as you slowly sank down onto him, your head thrown back in bliss as he stretched you
You stilled once you bottomed out, adjusting to his, dare I say impressive, cock inside you
And you slowly started moving, rocking your hips at first before you began bouncing on him, his hands helping to lift your hips
You two were both in complete ecstasy, the pot making your orgasms approach fast
As Taron both helped to move your hips and thrust into you, you moved a hand down to rub circles into your clit and he felt your walls clamp down on his cock as you got closer
When you came it was like fireworks erupting from your core, Taron completely taking over stimulating both of you, simply holding your hips in place as he thrusted up into you, riding you through your high as you moaned and twitched around him, the clenching of your cunt around his cock spurring on his own orgasm
When you both came down, you adjusted to cuddle with him, laying curled up in his side once again, though this time nude
You whined though, as he had to move forward a bit and stop cuddling with you for a second as he packed another bowl, placing it in the bong and bringing it back to you, along with a lighter and hemp wick
You two just relaxed there for the rest of the night, taking bong hits and cuddling until you two laid down and spooned together on the couch and fell asleep.
If you liked this, check out my masterlist!
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @thewinchesterchronicles @queen-irl-af @deacytits @punkgeekchic @the-holy-black-hole@radiobribri @deaky-deacy-denky @queenbbarnes@brianprobablywill @nyikondlovu @thatswhatiam-lovernotafighter
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badliarnews · 6 years
Ethan’s Birthday Party Event
TAGGING: @itsdjjones, @gatoseliana, @alexanderfabray, @notpeterxparker, @ejhud, @rosemilo. @glitteredgoldstar, @caneanders, @msemiliafaye, @justcallmeclem, @leilanijones, @strummingnick, @jackiepucks
PLACE: Warehouse
DATE: March 30th, Friday Night
NOTES: Discord Group Para - Beginning of Ethans belated birthday party [[spin the bottle happened at the end and can be head canoned however you like]]
TRIGGERS: alcohol tw, drugs tw
Dom had been at the warehouse setting up for the part for a couple hours. He was excited for everyone to show up. The place looked decked out. Neon lights, drinks galore, couches set up around the open space and music already playing loudly. "This is gonna be a night to remember" he said to Ethan. Dom was near the entrance ready to greet people as they came in and offer them drinks.
Rachel hadn't been sure she'd make an appearance at Ethan's birthday but after feeling confident enough in her little red riding hood costume she figured the least she could do is stop in. So she grabbed the card she'd made for him along with the small gift and made her way to the warehouse. She sees Dom at the door and can't help but make a face at him, of course they were friends, and got on quite well but she could never pass up the chance to give him crap. "Hey, huge turn out!"
Parker kept pulling on her spandex on her Spider Gwen outfit as she walked up to the boys, glanced around to make sure that everything was set up and glanced down. She rolled her eyes as she adjusted her top before she raised an eyebrow when she noticed Rachel making a face at him and looked at Dom. "Of course." Ethan said as he walked up to his best friend and felt Parker's hands on the boys' shoulder. "If we all flunk out of college, we should become a party business." Parker grinned.Welcome,
Dom rolled his eyes at Rachel's comment when she came to the entrance. "Hey no one shows up early to parties. So thats on you" Rachel was Dom's friend. They had some classes together but mostly they were in student government and constantly arguing about issues. He turned towards Parker and smiled. "We'd call it the Dominic and Parker Parties." he laughed. Eliana had walked in behind Rachel and poked her side. "How did I know you'd show up as little red?" she smiled. They hadn't talked in a long time but Eliana missed her best friend. Eliana had dressed up as Miranda Sings, any excuse to dance weird and wear a fanny pack was a plus in her book. "Hope you have on your dancing shoes circus boy!" She said as she moved into the circle of people talking and pointed at Ethan. "Happy Birthday loser" She hugged him. Eliana looked back at Rachel and took her hand. "Come on get a drink with me"
Cane had never been much of a party goer but Rachel had mentioned she was going and he figured it wouldn’t hurt. So he dug up an old Phantom of the Opera mask and costume, took the night off from his night job,  and made his way to the warehouse. His first stop was for a beer as he took a sip and examined who all was in the building already. “Hey.” He greeted.
Eliana saw Cane come in and she pounced on him. "CANE!" she said hugging him tightly. "You came!" She let go and smiled. "Rachel and I are getting drinks!" Eliana had already pregamed before she even got to the party so she was already hyper and happy, which wasn't really any different than her usual self anyways.
He hugged Eliana back with a laugh already noticing her state of mind. “Oh the two of you are hmm?” He teased as he tipped the bottle in his hand back for a swig. “What would you two pretty ladies like? I’ll get them for you.”
The look from Parker wasn’t overlooked but she shrugged her shoulders, deciding not to mention it. “Well, that’s what happens when you have a bed time.” Rachel teases, “you arrive early.” She sets her card and present down and off to the side before looking over Eliana with a small smile. They were still connected and sure they weren’t as close as they once were but she saw the potential. “One drink. That’s all I can afford.” With a quick hug to Ethan and a happy birthday murmured into his ear, Rachel squeezes the girls hand, and heads towards the drinks. “Cane.” She says with a smirk, “still wearing non-matching socks?” After a moment of thinking it over. “A vodka and tonic?”
Ethan made an oh face and looked between Dom and Parker. "Yeah, Im gonna get my birthday presents in order before Rocky gets here." He said goodbye as he walked over to the table. "Or just Parker parties, but I'll make sure to give you the cred." Parker teased him with a smile and heard Rachel before she raised an eyebrow once more at Dom. "Meanwhile, I should let you go and make out with your girlfriend and I'll greet the people after I get Ethan's present since she has a bedtime." She placed a hand on his cheek and walked passed Dom to head back out to grab Ethan's present.
Emilia was always more than excited for a party but she was even more excited for this one since costumes were included.  After getting ready and getting her present all gathered she made her way to the party and walked in with her normal confidence. Meeting eyes with a few of her friend she wore her well known smile and threw a few winks here and there. She decided to get herself a drink and maybe afterwards do some mingling and wish Ethan a happy birthday.
“No actually, decided to clean up for the occasion of our guy Ethan tonight. Can’t be wearing two different socks at a party.” He grinned as he handed her his beer to good and moved to quickly make her drink. As his sister came by he gave her a nod. “Grabbing Rach a drink. You want anything?”
Ethan kept fixing his hair, tired of the hair gel already and headed towards the bar. He ordered his usual, thanked the person as he looked around. He was hoping a lot more people would show up, but he pushed away the worries and headed towards the DJ booth.Where’s
"I am thinking of just getting a rum and coke to start off with but you are fine. Great costume by the way, great taste in outfits run in the family." Emilia said with a sweet smile for him, her confident side toning down for him. "I am going to go say happy birthday to the wonderful party thrower of the evening. I will find you again." She said before going to the dj booth to Ethan. "Hey you, happy belated birthday."
Rachel just laughs at Cane, "Well, you're not so much of a mess then are you?" She gives a friendly wave to Emilia holding onto his beer as he leaves to grab drinks. It was weird being in public with him like this but it didn't feel weird which was a relief.
Dom laughed at Rachel’s comment. “Oh I forgot you’re a baby.” He smiled and looked at Parker then frowned at her comment. “Hey I can help.” He said to Parker. When she walked off he followed her. “What’s wrong?” He asked once they were alone. Eliana smiled and asked for a surprise from Cane. She took her drink and smiled as Emilia came over. She turned toward Rachel and smiled. “How are you?”
Rachel looks to Eliana and smiles, "I've been fine, busy, but that's my norm." She looks to her curiously, "And you? I can see you're over the rain and in better spirits but maybe it's the lipstick and the booze?" Rachel moves in closer, "And the weed?" She whispers, eyes widening, "It's really not good for you, you know."
"Nothing, like I said. Go and make out with your girlfriend. Pretend Im not here." Parker replied as she looked at him and shifted the present in her arms as she lifted up her leg, to help her shift the box. "By the way, you look handsome." She walked past him, headed to the gift table and placed it on the table before she rearranged the presents. Ethan looked over at Emilia with a smile and handed over the headphones. "Hey you, thank you and great costume."
Eliana laughed as Rachel whispered about her weed. “Rach is all natural. You gotta try it some time. But I know this lipstick is crazy right? It was fun putting it on.” Dom sighed. “Parks. Stop.” He touched her arm. “You know I’m yours right.” He gave her a small smile. “You look gorgeous too.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Come on I’ll get you a drink okay?” He walked away and stopped by the dj booth before to see Ethan. “You gonna rock our socks off tonight dude?” He asked as he slapped the guys hand. “Hey Em.” He smiled as he looked over at her. “I heard the blood sucker was coming tonight. I saw your Instagram.” He laughed.
"I will never!" Rachel says, jaw clenched at the idea of ever putting a substance like that in her body- even if she knew it was better than cigarettes and there was a ton of alternatives instead of just smoking. "I'm sure taking a tube of lipstick and going to town is fun." She still has Cane's beer in her hand but she's not sure she'll want to stay much longer. The least she could do was hear Ethan do his thing and finish the drink Cane was nice to go get for her.
"I don't anymore."  Parker replied with an eyebrow as she looked at him, pulled away from him and shook her head. "No thank you, not in the mood to drink right now." She headed towards the table. "I dont know for sure." Ethan piped up as he saw Milo walking over towards Parker and looked at Dom before he looked over at Emilia.
Emilia smiled when Dominic came over  nodding at him as him and Ethan said hello. Happy to be able to see all of these familiar faces."Well of course I had to do something over the top, when have I ever done something simple. But thank you. And especially you Ethan because what better way to make a party better than to add costumes to it." When she noticed their eyes moving around she followed them. "Okay what did I miss?"
Cane returned quickly with his round of drinks for the girls and leaned against the wall watching Rachel and Eliana talk unsure if he should interrupt or not their conversation as he switched out his beer her her drink and took a sip of it. He knew he should mingle a bit, but was never a great big fan of large groups that he liked to observe more than participate.
Ethan shrugged a bit as he looked at Dom then back at Emilia. "You missed a hell of time in Florida. " Ethan piped up as he avoided Dom's face. "Thats what you missed."
Rachel gives Cane a smile, thanking him for drink, taking a sip of it. She's torn because she shouldn't drink it too fast but she also isn't sure she wants to stay long. The brunette was beginning to feel uncomfortable and out of place and it was getting hard to breathe.
Eliana laughed. “One day.” She smiled at Cane and punched his arm. “Hey loser. You’d do some of this weed with me right?” She asked. Dom smiled at the two of them and then looked over at Parker at the table, Milo over there too. He swallowed and shook his head. “I’ll be right back.” He walked over towards Parker and Milo. Alex didn’t want to come tonight but Milo asked and when Milo said jump Alex said how high. He took a deep breath as he walked inside following Milo to a table and seeing his sister. “Parker!” He spoke and signed. From across the room he saw Rachel and waved.
Clementine wasn't sure if going to the party was a good idea. Her relationship with Ethan was always rocky, but... it would be nice to go to the party. Of course she didn't want to leave the baby, but she wanted to get out, and her mom wanted time alone with Willa, so it was win, win. Since it was costume, Clem and Ant arrived as Mickey, and Minnie. A bit do it yourself, but it would work.. She walked in, a bit nervous, and she wasn't sure why. Knocking on the door, she smiled over at @Ant, before heading inside.
Emilia rose an eyebrow, "Alright if you guys say so . Still wish I could have joined in on that fun but decided to get caught up on work instead."  She looked back over at Milo and sent a smile in his direction remembering the fun night they spent together during spring break. Glad that she had the pleasure to see him at this party.
Cane returned Rachel's smile, sending her a wink before walking over to Eliana. "So I believe you owe me a dance? Or are you going to be boring again?"
When Rachel sees Cane and Eliana begin talking she takes the opportunity to walk over to Parker at the present table, to make sure she's okay. She can't think of what she had done to the girl, but it didn't seem like she was happy to see her by any means.
Eliana laughed. “Uh first of all I’m never boring. We already discussed this. “I’ll dance with you if you smoke with me later.” She said taking his hand to go out on the dance floor.
Parker looked up to see Milo, Dom and Alex, smiled a bit. "Hey you." She signed to her brother once her hands were free and swallowed some when she saw Dom. "Well this is kinda awkward." She signed before she let out a laugh and waved off any certainty in the air. "How about, I catch you later and we can talk?" She signed to Alex, knowing that she wanted to talk to her brother and looked at Dom. "I guess we need to talk, huh?" She signed as well and thanked Milo. Ethan nodded as he watched Dom, Alex and Milo around Parker. "Yeah, I felt like we needed a girl's touched on the trip." He replied before he watched Milo and Emilia waved. "Did something go down between you two?" Milo signed to Alex, asking if he wanted a drink and gave a smile to Dom and Parker. "We should give them some privacy." He signed to Alex and gestured his head away from them.
"Sure but not tonight, probably going to cut the night short but I'll take a rain check on it. Only so that you don't start crying on me again." He teased with a laugh as they joined the others on the dance floor.
Emilia shook her head, "See I told you that you needed it but you wouldn't listen. We will just rain check and have another beach trip to make up for it." She looked back over to Ethan when her eyes parted from Milo and shook her head. "No, he just came over the other day and hung out, exchanged some flirty remarks but that was about it. Unfortunately."
Alex nodded and he followed Milo to the bar. “Sure but just one.” He signed. Alex walked pass Rachel and touched her arm as Milo went to get them drinks. “Hi” He signed. Dom signed hello to Alex and and watched as him and Milo walked off. Dom saw Rachel coming and he shook his head at her and looked at Parker. “Let’s go outside for a minute. Get some air. Please?” He asked.Eliana followed Cane to the dance floor and sighed. “Well Milos here and I know he’ll say yes to weed and you’re being replaced party pooper” she joked. “Also I didn’t cry! That much.” She laughed.
Ethan shrugged a bit. "Yeah, I know but we needed to have a bonding moment even if it meant getting at each other's throats." He replied and raised an eyebrow as he heard her. "Well, I think this could be your luck on getting further with him." He watched as Dom and Parker left the place and swallowed hard as he slid his hands into his pockets. Parker gave her brother a soft smile and let it fall when Dom talked to her. "Yeah." She replied as she led them outside, making sure that they werent being followed and went around the corner. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the warehouse as she let silence fall between them. Milo waved at Emilia then waved at Eliana. "Whats up party people." He said once they reached them and adjusted his bow. He noticed that his sister was here, gave her a little wave and a small smile as well.(edited)
"At each others throats? Seriously? It was suppose to be spring break, you had to have fun." Emilia raised an eyebrow at what he said, "You think so, huh? Someone else may want to swoop in and take their time with the one and only." She said letting her hand go over herself. "Hey you." Her signature charming smile going across her lips when Milo came over. "Not much chit chating, waiting for the real fun to begin."
"We did, after we tossed each other off of the boat." Ethan said as he shrugged a bit and raised an eyebrow as he shook his head. "I dont wanna know." He excused himself as he waited for Rocky to come to the party. Milo nodded as Emilia talked, knowing what she had meant. "Yeah, I wonder when that will be, maybe once the married couple comes back in." He joked, glad that he didnt sign that for Alex.
"You were being dramatic enough that it was possible." He laughed. "I'll fully admit to being a party pooper by the way. This isn't quite my scene, but I love seeing you happy and enjoying it."
Emilia couldn't help but let out a laugh when Ethan shook his head, "Well have a fun night birthday boy if we don't talk again." She said as she watched him leave and her eyes went back to the people in front of her. "I am not even sure what I missed with those two but either way if fun isn't made soon I will just have to find a way to make it myself."
"I think I can piece the puzzle together, but Im not gonna do that Parker and DJ, Im sure they'll be fine." Milo replied as he looked at her and nodded in agreement. "I say we should get this party started and fun." He told the DJ to turn the music and looked at her. "Are you thirsty?"
"They always will be, I believe in them." Emilia said with a smile as his eyes were on her, not being able to help but let her eyes look him up and down.  "I couldn't agree more." The combination of the music and good company she had a good feeling about the evening. "I wouldn't be against a drink or two. Part of the fun of a party."
Eliana laughed at Cane. “That’s me all the time!” She laughed. “It’s not mine either but I wanted to get dressed up.” Eliana pulled Cane further into the dance floor. “Let’s go say hi to people. Before you bail on me.” She walked towards Milo, Emilia and Ethan. “Hi guys!” She smiled.
As Rachel walked to the table filled with presents she remembered spotting Alex and she's fairly certain he had waved. Not wanting to be rude, especially when they had made plans for the next day, she makes her way over to him a big smile on her face, waving hello. "How are you?" She signs as well as speaks, wondering if this party would be overwhelming for him.
Alex smiled at Rachel. “Did you learn to sign?” He asked and couldn’t help but keep that big smile on his face. “You ready for yoga tomorrow?”(edited)
Milo nodded as he listened to Emilia. "They should just get together already." He replied and let out a breath before he smiled when he saw Eliana. "Hey you. How's it going?" Ethan glanced down at his watch, wondered about if he will see two of his friends again and looked over to see Eliana. "Hey little Puckerman. How's it going?"
Rachel had tried to learn a little bit since they'd be seeing each other in the morning, but it hadn't been totally successful. She lifts her hand and pinches her fingers together to imply a little amount since she had tried learning a little bit.  "Yes. I'm quite excited and always ready for yoga. I need it."
"Cane is a party pooper" Eliana laughed, "But I'm good. You like my costume?" She asked putting her hands in her red pants and making the best Miranda Sings face she could. "Hi birthday boy" She smiled up at Ethan. "Are you gonna DJ tonight?!" She gasp. "Yes yes will you play Cardi B?""Me too" Alex signed. He turned and looked at Milo still talking to people. He turned back to Rachel and smiled. "I like your costume" he nodded. Alex had on a harry potter tie and that's about it. It was a last minute decision and he thankfully had a tie and wand handy. As nerdy as that sounded.
"You forgot your scar though." Rachel says, blushing at his compliment. She rummages through her bag and grabs for her eyeliner. "May I?" She brushes away his hair to touch his forehead slightly, waiting for some kind of consent before she goes ahead and draws on him.
"Thank you" Alex signed after he had leaned down and let Rachel draw on his forehead. "I'm gonna go walk around. I'll see you later okay?" He asked. Alex smiled at her and he stepped away walking towards the front entrance. He wondered where his sister had gone and stood by himself a bit. He smiled at people coming in including @Clementine and @Ant
Rachel nods, leaning in for a quick hug before going to find Ethan, to wish him a happy birthday before she headed out for the evening.
"I love it, I was wondering what you were going to be." Milo replied before he waved to @Clementine  & @Ant  before he looked at Emilia with a smile. "I might, it depends if my homeboy gets back in here." Ethan replied and nodded as he looked at Eliana. "Of course I will. and the remix of bruno as well."
"They really would be adorable together. It isn't typical of you to find such a good match while in college." Emilia smiled and said hello to the familiar faces that walked up. Glad that there were so many people she knew at the party.  "I would not be against some good music. We need to get some dancing or movement up in here." Her smile not being able to help but grow when Milo looked back at her.
"Thanks!" Eliana said to Milo. "Also I have a gift for you later by the way" She opened her fanny pack to show Milo her little bag of weed. "You want me to go drag them back in and make sure they arent fucking on the side of the building?" Eliana asked Ethan. "Because I will totally be your body guard for the night." She said with her hands on her hips.
Ethan grimaced as he shook his head. "I dont want to see that, no one wants to see that. Besides they're not together." He replied and raised an eyebrow as he smiled. "You'd be an adorable body guard, but maybe Superman is more your speed." He glanced down at his watch again. "Alright, let's get this party started." Milo nodded. "Very true." He replied and winked at Emilia before he glanced at Eliana's bag. "My main girl, love you."
Eliana swallowed at Ethan's mention of Superman. His cousin @Nick was dressed as Superman tonight and she hadn't seen him yet. They hadn't talked in a while and she kinda missed the guy. More than she would admit. Looking back at Milo she smiled. "Love you too boo" She smiled. "Hey...how are things going with you know. Love life" She smirked.
Emilia could help but find her self shaking her head and laughing lightly at the conversations going back and fourth. "I don't know Miranda Sings can be pretty intimidating, and believe me I know from experience." She couldn't help but feel a smirk grow on her lips when Milo winked at her, not being able to be intrigued by whatever was going on between the two of them. Raising her eyebrow at Eliana's question taking a sip of her drink and looked between the two of them.
"A lot better than DJ's and Parker's." Milo quipped up before Ethan punched him the arm. "Aw mother fucker." He rubbed his arm and looked at Ethan. "You're so rude to me. Why." He turned his attention towards Eliana again. "I can't complain." He placed a hand on Emilia's back. Ethan watched Eliana and punched Milo in the arm when he mentioned DJ and Parker. "Because you're an asshole, that's why."
Alex watch the small group from a far. His eyes kept on Milo. He couldn’t see what they were talking about but the boys hand was on Emilia’s back and Alex couldn’t help but feel jealous. He really needed his sister right now. He turned away feeling a sting of jealousy. Why did he even have any jealousy? It wasn’t like they were together anymore. Alex stepped outside to find Parker.
Emilia looked over at Milo when he put a hand on her back, biting her bottom lip lightly.  Before putting her smile back on and looking out to the Ethan and Eliana. "How about we wait to cause those injuries until after we have the fun, hm? I would like to keep everyone in one piece if possible."
Parker walked away from as she fixed her make up the best she could and frowned when she saw her brother. "What happened?" She signed as she saw him and slowed down a bit. "Who's ass am I kicking?" "True, I agree with her." Milo said as he watched Alex walk out of the place and back at their group. "I say we should play spin the bottle? Anyone?" Ethan looked around and nodded a bit. "Im down if anyone else is." He replied as he watched Milo and wondered what was taking Dom so long to get back in here.
Alex found his sister not even realizing he had interrupted her and Dom talking. “Nothing I’m fine I just knew I should have came.” He signed. “I thought when Milo asked me to come with him he was asking me. And he’s over there with someone else” Alex signed quickly. After their talk outside Dom watched Parker head in with her brother and he follows along. Alex seemed upset so he let Parker be with him. “You deserve better than him” He signed to Alex and walked off. Dom winked at Parker before going to the crowd. “Is that a good idea?” He asked Milo. Eliana poured at Emilia. “But I love causing pain.” She joked. Eliana laughed at the idea of spin the bottle. “I didn’t know we were 13 but okay.”
Emilia smirked lightly and took a step closer to Milo. "There you go with your good ideas again." She looked at him once more before looking out to see everyone reactions. "I totally am, it will for sure spice things up a bit. And we know we need some of that."
"Dom's right. Maybe you should talk to him." Parker signed quickly as well as she tried not to grin when he winked at her and looked at her brother. "Be like, hey we came here together, what's the deal or my sister will kick your ass? Because I will do it or Dom." "Hey, he survived!" Ethan replied as he clamped Dom on the shoulder. He looked at everyone, nodded slightly when he heard Eliana. "She has a point" Milo watched as Alex and Parker talked, swallowed hard and removed his hand from Emilia's back. "True, we do. That's for sure."March 31, 2018
Emilia looked over and down when his hand moved from her back. Part of her wanted to shrug it off the other part of her wanted to se e if she did something wrong. She placed her hand on his arm for a moment then put it back to her side. “Yeah but those parties at 13 were pretty fun. And when does spin the bottle not spice things up.” She took another sip of her drink, “Unless some people are scared of it.”Ha!
Nick had been standing out the outskirts of the groups of people. Just keeping to himself. He wasn't too familiar with all of the people here, but that's only because he hasn't gotten to know them yet. Most of them looked like they were in conversation, and he wasn't one to interrupt, so he stayed back, sipping on his drink. Pulling out his phone, he was scrolling through Instagram, minding his own business.
Alex shook his head. “No I can’t do that” He signed. “Please do not to that!” He added. Alex looked over at Milo and he could feel his stomach turning in knots. Dom smirked at Ethan and nodded. “Barely.” He scoffed. He listened to everyone talk about spin the bottle and he grabbed the mic from the stage. “Alright @everyone it’s time to play spin the bottle! everyone get in a circle” Eliana smiled and laughed. “No they weren’t. And I’m definitely not scared at all” she said to Emilia. “I’m down.” She looked over and saw Nick across the room and skipped towards him. “Hey!” She smiled and hugged him. “You gonna play?”
Parker looked at him, feeling bad about what's going on. "Okay, okay I won't kick his ass or I wont let Dom kick his ass. Im sorry." "Good point, not only that. We cant really play Seven minutes in heaven." Milo agreed and raised an eyebrow as Dom spoke before he glanced over at Alex & Parker. Ethan took a sip of his drink and slowly nodded. "Mhm." He said in agreement as he listened to Dom before he glanced over to see his cousin, he waved at him as Eliana skipped forward towards him. "Hey bro! Its nice to see you!"
Emilia smiled at the new guest who arrived before turning attention to the game of spin the bottle. She followed the directions of getting in a circle but not before stealing another glance at Milo. Not being able to help but hope that the game would end up working in their favor. “So who are we going to have go first?”(edited)Ha!
"I'll be right back, I gotta go and get myself a drink." Milo said as people sat down and headed towards the bar. He ordered something, he also knew that he had fucked up big time with Alex and he had to make it right.
ari | jackie-03/31/2018
Jackie was hesitant to whether she wanted to go to the party tonight, but she decided that a party was a party. She also wanted to make an entrance as usual which is why she arrived so late to the party.  As she entered, she immediately noticed people setting up a game of spin the bottle. “Yeah, I need a drink or something before I do anything.”
Ethan excused himself from the group and bumped into Jackie on accident. "Hey you, yeah I think everyone needs to get drunk before we play a game of swapping spit." He replied as he saw Milo looking back at Alex and gave her a smile. "Im glad that you're able to make it."
ari | jackie-03/31/2018
Jackie forced a smile when she saw Ethan. Ever since they stopped sleeping with each other, she hasn’t really talked to him. “Hey,” she hugged him with one arm. “Where are they? The drinks. I need everything you got.” Being here sober was a no go. “I wouldn’t miss a party for anything, duh.”
Seeing someone coming towards him, Nick pulled his face away from his phone, hearing Ethan. "Dude, hey! Happy Birthday!" Bringing his free hand up, he waved to Ethan. "Hey, El," he said, hugging her back. "Uh, yeah. I can play." He shoved his phone back into the pocket of his slacks.
Leilani felt bad about not wanting to be at the party, but Ethan was her friend and she knew she wouldn’t hear the end of it if she didn’t show up; though that still didn’t stop her from not bringing him a gift. This was usually her kind of scene, yet she couldn’t enjoy herself like she was known to do. Taking a seat at one of the stools at the bar, LaLa tried to not make her presence known as she heard her brother mention everyone playing spin the bottle. Juni had been iffy about coming to the party at first, but after briefly talking to Parker about it she changed her mind. Albeit was only due to the fact of possibly making money on her night off. She was already high, and thanks to the bar she was well on her way to getting drunk. Picking up the tray of shots she ordered, Juni made her way over to the group that was starting to form. “I’m all down for spin the bottle. Hell, I’d gladly kiss most of you without spinning the bottle at all.”
Alex nodded. “Are you gonna play?” He signed to Parker pointing toward the circle forming in the center of the room. He glanced at Milo and gave Parker a smile before walking toward him. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. I wouldn’t have came if I knew.” He signed clearly upset.Eliana smiled. “Sit with me then.” She smiled and dragged Nick into the circle sitting down with everyone. “I think birthday boy Ethan should go first.” She suggested.Dom looked over and saw his sister walk in. “Lala!” He smiled and gave her a hug. “I was wondering if you were gonna show up.
Parker shrugged at bit. "I might, though Ive had plenty of high emotions tonight. Are you going to play?" She signed before she swallowed some as she watched her brother walked over at Milo. "Oh thank god, shots." She waved to Lala before she grabbed one from Juni. "Also, you would too." Milo said hello to Leilani before he placed a drink onto the bar. "Im not seeing anyone, we've been flirting on and off. Im so sorry Alex. I didn't mean to upset you, really." He signed quickly, swallowed hard. "Over there." Ethan said as he pointed towards the bar and nodded. "Good." He glanced over to see his cousin. "Hey man, thank you!" He waved back before he cleared his throat after he gave Lala a head nod.(edited)
“Good idea, Eliana. Let him have the honors.” Emilia downed the rest of her drink, just ready for things to loosen up a little. “Hey guys.” She said to the new guests who arrived to the party and circle. Making sure she was giving enough room to anyone who wanted to join.
Alex shook his head. He didn’t want to play. “I’ll watch.” He signed to Parker. Once he talked to Milo, Alex couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t stay mad at him. “It’s OK.” He signed.
Parker nodded as she signed okay back at him before she took her shot. She kept an eye on her brother though. "Are you sure?' Milo signed, wanting to make sure things were okay instead of them not being okay.April 1, 2018
Nick's eyes had gotten wide when Eliana had pulled him along with her. He wasn't exactly expecting to be tugged on, so it surprised him. "I'm with her. You know, since it's his birthday and all." A smile formed on his lips as he plopped down onto the floor.
Eliana realized her hand was still in his when her and Nick sat down and she quickly pulled away but smiled over at him. "Yeah Ethan come on go get a bottle! Lets play" Alex looked at him and nodded without signing. Of course he wasn't really okay but he didn't want to make a scene at the party. "Go play" he signed and pointed towards the circle. It didn't take a hearing person to know that a kissing game was about to take place and he didn't want any part of it.
Feeling Eliana pull her hand away, he didn't even realize that their hands were still intertwined. Smiling back at her, Nick put his hands in his lap, starting to fidget with the hem of his jeans.
Milo sighed before he signed okay before he joined everyone at the circle. He looked between Nick & Eliana, looking around to see if anyone else was going to join before he asked. "Is anyone else gonna join?"
Emilia looked around to see if anyone else wanted to join in, “How could anyone turn down a chance to kiss any of these lovely people? It would be a pity to miss this kind of opportunity.” She said with a smirk as her eyes fell on Milo.April 3, 2018
[[admin note: and then they played spin the bottle and stuff- you can headcanon whatever you like to have happened after this]]
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rdpshop · 5 years
Tips On How To Save Money
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Living on a tight budget, and just not too sure where to cut corners? Learn these tips on how to save money and relieve the stress from paying bills.
Basic Tips On How To Save Money
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When you think about saving money, your first thought might be, "that task is for those that don't have money". However, that is farthest from the truth. Did you know, the really "well-off", uses coupons whenever they can? Some might think that is being greedy or "penny-pinching", but it is really just good sense. However, tips on how to save money, is more than just about using coupons. We will be going more in-depth on this, but for now, here are the bare basic tips. Stop spending on non-essential things Use coupons and discounts whenever possible Cut the thermostat back to just what you can tolerate Plan your trips to save gas Turn off all lights and electrical items that are not being used Take showers and not baths Try and take less showers Reduce shower times Buy generic brands of commodities, such as foods and clothing Get rid of cable TV and look into streaming apps Cook your own meals and stop going out to eat When cooking meals, make enough for leftovers for lunches and such to last the week All of this makes perfect since, but it also sounds incredibly dull. Sadly, you will want to follow most of these in the above list. However, there are ways for it not to be so boring. The Non-Essentials
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I am sure I am going to offend some people with what I am about to say, but believe me, I say it because I am giving it to you straight. Plus I have a good amount of experience dealing with it. Many people do not see smoking as a non-essential thing. My brother was a chain smoker, was to the day it killed him. He had no money, and I was always having to help pay his bills. But whenever he had a few bucks, it went towards cigarettes. All I can say for people that smoke, and yet having a hard time paying their bills. "Get your head out of your butt and stop smoking". Food and water keep you alive, cigarettes kill. Then there are those that really kill me, with even more ridiculous things like tattoos, piercings or alcohol. It is just common sense, when you start making money to burn, go blow it on stuff like that. However, if you have kids to feed and are barley making it, all that non-sense shouldn't even be a consideration. I have seen it too many times, where people I have known with families, actually find themselves in a dilemma on paying bills or to go get a tattoo. What the hell is wrong with someone like that? As a parent, and I speak from experience, you sacrifice most everything for your kids. Pay bills first, then "splurge money" goes towards your kids, not cigarettes, tattoos, beer, piercings, hair and nails. More Non-Essentials
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Mentioning kids got me to thinking about spending money on them. When you love your kids, you will spend money on them even when you don't have it. However, there is nothing wrong with not spoiling them. And when you do buy them things, mostly games and toys, look at second hand purchasing. Trinkets around the house can really look great but do you really need them? Same with cars and trucks. I see so many people in my area, that are having a hard time to make ends meat, go buy big trucks when a car would be better. If your income depended on you needing a truck, then you should look for one that will be economical. However, I have seen people that just have to have a truck. One that gets 12 miles to the gallon, but just use it for transportation. If you are living tight, then be sensible and practical, wait till you make the big bucks to go splurge. A List Of The Non-Essentials Any type of smokes, like cigarettes, cigars, pipes or weed Alcoholic beverages Soft drinks Fast foods Tanning beds Tattoos Body piercings Home decorations Name brand foods Fancy hair salon appointments Nails and manicures Top brand apparels
How to Save Money In General
Depending on your situation, is going to determine what kind of savings you need to make. The above non-essentials are based on an extreme situation of having no money and trying to survive period. However, your situation may be that you have a decent income but just not putting back the savings you feel you should. Learning how to save money is about understanding waste. Water Works
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No matter the situation, let's look at options that should fit anyone. As mentioned earlier about showers. Some people take 3 or 4 showers a day, this can be cut back to two showers max a day. Also the length of time you take showers could be trimmed. My ex could stay in the shower for 30 minutes or longer with the hot water almost on max. Needless to say, those became expensive showers. Thinking of hot showers, the hot water heater comes to mind. Water Heaters have thermostats, ensure that it is set to, no higher than 125°F. Using hot water for other things, like washing dishes. If you have a dishwasher, avoid washing small loads. Ensure that the dishwasher is fully loaded before using it. This also applies to washing clothes in the washing machine. Washing your vehicles, house or driveways is another expense that you can cut the cost on by a one time investment. You can buy an electric pressure washer, it doesn't have to be super high powered. With a pressure washer, you get high pressure with low volume consumption. What that means, you can blast the dirt off things quick, but use a heck of a lot less water. Water Savings List Try not to extend beyond 2 showers a day Try to cut your shower time to a minimum Take showers, not baths, filling a bathtub uses high gallons of water Run the dishwasher fully loaded instead of running multiple times on small l0ads Run the washer and dryer on full loads, do not run multiple small loads Use an electric pressure washer for automotive and outdoor cleanings If you have a swimming pool, try to keep the water clean to avoid refilling it For swimming pool owners, check with your water company to see if they offer discounts for pools Ensure you have no water leaks in your water lines, water heater and indoor/outdoor faucets Electrical Works
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I covered the water heater above, but ensure it is set 125°F or less. Sometimes it cost a little money to save money. If you haven't already, change all your light bulbs over to LED. They last far longer than an incandescent bulb, but more importantly, they use far less electricity. If anything electrical is not in use, turn it off. Most electronics today, are designed to use less current. However, if everything is running at once, this is still a drain on the electric bill. Be sure to turn off lights when not in rooms. Be sure to keep your heating and air thermostat set to where the temperatures are tolerable. Constantly changing the settings or setting it too high or low will run your utility bill up. Again, back to spending money to save money, there are your appliances. Check all your appliances to ensure that they are energy efficient. Washer and Dryers are two of the biggest energy hogs, switching them to the current styles can save you electricity and water. If you run extra heaters around the house, try and use the energy efficient ceramic heaters. They produce a lot of heat but draw very little amps. Electrical Savings List Ensure your water heater thermostat is not higher than 125°F Replace all light-bulbs with LED or energy efficient bulbs Turn off all lights and electrical devices that are not in use, run them as you need them Adjust your heating and air thermostat to tolerable temperatures Avoid constant and erratic heat and air thermostat changes Recommend using a programmable heat and air thermostat Have your heat and air unit cleaned and serviced regularly so the unit runs more efficiently Make sure all appliances are energy efficient, especially the washer, dryer and dishwasher If running additional small heaters, use energy efficient ceramic heaters Depending on the type of water heater you have, if older, wrap tank with a thermal blanket Make sure your attic and floor spaces are properly insulated Ensure that all windows and exterior doors properly seal and are energy efficient Installing storm doors and windows will help keep the heat and air in
Know Your Exact Income And Expenses
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It is kind of hard to learn how to save money, if you are not aware of how much you have to spend. Your income is the budget, it should be what determines how much you can spend. Sadly there are folks that don't understand this concept. The one thing you have to do before before doing anything else is to figure out how much money you have coming in and how much that has to go out. Usually you figure it monthly, even if your paycheck isn't monthly, the majority of your bills will be. You can use a calculator, pen and pencil or follow the trend and get an APP. There are three decent apps to use for tracking your expenses. EveryDollar, Mint and YNAB, although cost may incur to use these apps. Click HERE to see more apps. If you like using a spreadsheet, but don't have Microsoft Excel. It is free to use on Google Sheets. How To Save Money By Making Expenses Visible No matter the app or tracking method used. Once you have your income identified, then a list of every expense you have, savings should become clear. You will want to categorize your expenses, "essential", "non-essential" and modify. Many people, really don't want to know how much they spend a month. However, it is necessary if you trying to figure out how to save money. Your chart should show you things like utilities, rent/mortgage, and automotive expenditures like gas and maintenance. These type expenses are harder to trim down. You can reduce utilities, however, these still stay is a general range. You should average that range as a constant monthly expense. Cable TV, entertainment, alcohol, nail salon, tanning bed visits and going out to eat are expenses that can be trimmed down or removed. As mentioned earlier, there are ways to reduce the cable TV bill, Learn More. The Essential Items Electric/Gas Bill The only savings you can produce with this type of expense, is as mentioned earlier. Water Again, the only savings you can produce with this type of expense, is as mentioned earlier. Rent/Mortgage It is possible to negotiate a new contract with a landlord or refinance your house. However, the chances of changing this expense are not that high. Consider this as static expense. Automotive Fuel and Maintenance - (Can be modified) As far as fuel, for gasoline engines, unless you are towing something, reduce your octane to save money at the pump. For maintenance, you should try doing some things like changing your oil yourself. Daycare This is an expense, if needed, that there really is no reduction. However based on your income and situation, there are government and other organizations that can help. Food - (Can be modified) I know many people love the brand name foods. However, if you start trying generic brands, you should find some that can be replacements. Also plan your meals at least week by week. When cooking for dinner, make enough for leftovers for lunches through the week. Apparels - (Can be modified) We all have favorite brands of clothes and shoes, and some brands we have to buy just for the fit. Although, buying lower brands names to generic brands can be a big savings. However, buying too cheap of clothes and shoes can be expensive. If a generic brand shoe last you two months, whereas a named brand last up to a year, that is something to consider based on cost of shoes. Trash pickup - (Can be modified) Some subdivisions and communities like condo complexes require you to pay for garbage pickup. But for those that do not have that kind of obligation, consider taking off you own garbage, if city/county convenience centers are within a practical driving distance. Communications - (Can be modified) Telephony can be a big expense. Most people have dropped their landlines and went full on cellular. But if you haven't, consider dropping the landline. Most landline services such as AT&T are way over priced for what they offer. On the average a landline cost $50/month, and what you get for the money is nothing. With a cell phone, you get unlimited everything, caller ID and long distance for under $50 a month. A landline with all of that would be around $100 or more. As for cellular devices, such as you cell phone, you can reduce the bill for those as well. Cell phones have become more of a trend, than just for basic functions. Dial and Ring are the two most important factors. However, people seem to have the need to get into debt to get an iPhone that cost around $1000, when an Android that cost around $200 will do more than you really need. Now comes the internet. If your plan is too live on your phone or tablet, then you can cut the internet service to your house. Why have WIFI, if you are always getting your internet through cellular. Most cell phones can be used as Hotspot's, so you can always supply your router with internet from your phone. Tablets and iPads have the same capability. For cable internet, check around for better rates. You can also negotiate better rates and or packages with you internet provider.     The Non-Essential Items Smokes - Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Other Stuff I understand that it is hard to just up and kick a habit like smoking but lets do the shock value here. Just based on cigarettes, not anything else, lets take a look at what you are spending per year on something that is killing you. If you are a 1 pack a day smoker, that averages just over $2000 per year. 2 packs put you over $4000 per year, and 3 packs a day puts you over $6000 a year. There are some states that this average will increase by a lot, as some states, the cigarettes are far more expensive. The other smokes are far more than cigarettes, a lot of money to pay for something that kills you. What is spent on smokes, is far more than your utility bills combined per year. To me, it's a no brainer. Spend $2000 to $6000 per year on smokes or around $1500 to $2500 on electric and water. Alcoholic Beverages Many claim they have to have a beer, wine or liquor to relax and unwind. So how much stress are you putting upon yourself to support this bad habit? The average spending on alcohol fluctuates, but you can say around $1200 to $1800 per year. Again, this is what the electric or water bill would run a year. If you need to relax and unwind, have sex, go for hikes, go for runs, join a gym, watch TV or movies. Play games, take up a hobby, work around your house or yard. So many better ways to relax and unwind that doesn't cost you a lot of money, and is better for your liver. Even if you don't cut alcohol out completely, get a handle on how much you are spending a month on it and try to regulate it to fit your budget. Soft Drinks Soft drinks taste good, especially with meals, but it is so bad for you. Al that sugar is bad on your teeth and causes weight gain. This is definitely a non-essential that can be cut back on or cut out completely. Water is far cheaper and is much better for you and your kidneys. Some families spend up to $850 annually on soft drinks. This can be cut back if not eliminated all together. Fast Foods With how busy people's lives are now, it seems it's always go, go, go. So fast foods are almost a must, but really is something that should be cut out entirely. Fast food is not healthy, causes weight gain and makes you feel like crap. Not to mention the prices keep going up, that it is no longer a cheap fix to a quick meal. Meal planning would be your best option to avoid eating out so much. When cooking meals, make enough for left overs for work lunches. Also buy what is needed to make lunches throughout the week. It cost around $10 to $15 a week for stuff to make lunches. Fast Food for lunch everyday will cost on the low average, $30. Tanning Beds If you are making good money, then this type of expense is trivial. However, if you are on a tight budget, this is something that isn't necessary. Go outside and sit in the sun, it is free and there is no time limit. It cost between $180 to $450 per year for tanning sessions. This isn't a huge expense but if you are tying to get the most out of your budget and put money back for a nest-egg, this can be a cost to eliminate. Tattoos People spend anywhere from $100 to $2500 a year getting inked. A related cost goes towards tattoo removals, which ranges from $200 to $500 per session. This is a 100% non-essential, that the cost can be avoided completely. If you have money to burn, go for it, but living on a budget, this kind of money can pay bills and feed you. Body Piercings Body piercings run from $20 to well over $100, depending on the body location. That is just for the service, the jewelry for the piercings can be into the thousands if you are buying diamonds or expensive elements. On the average people spend $30 to $50 on jewelry for each piercing. This type of luxury can add up quick. Again, if living on a tight budget, this shouldn't even be a consideration. Getting inked is a trend, not a necessity, and the cost of this luxury can be the difference of clothing yourself or your kid, to wearing nothing at all. Home Decorations It seems like home, just isn't a home without some trinkets to give the place accent and a personality. However, it can be very expensive, especially if you are one to change out decorations every quarter or more of the year. This is a cost that can be cut back on or removed. While you don't want to live in a box with 4 blank walls, you also don't want to freeze in the winter because you spent the money for the electric bill on wall paintings. If you are on a tight budget, use second hand decorations from thrift stores or flea markets. Reuse old decorations and just rearrange them. On average people spend anywhere from $400 to $2500 a year on some type of house decorations. This includes outside decorating as well. Food Cost and Brands It may scare you to know, but the average American spends more than 6% of their annual income on groceries. That is about $250 a month, per person. Food is one of the highest expenses a person has per year. We have to eat to survive, but these cost can be trimmed down. You have to look at what kind of foods you buy and what brands. Season mixes are ridiculous in name brands, however you can get the same thing in a generic for 75% less in cost. How many things do you buy that you end up throwing away? I am really guilty of buying a bag of salad and never opening it. You can save, by trying different generic brands and planning meals. Unfortunately this is one of the hardest task to accomplish, especially if you are trying to plan for a family. What we eat is mostly based off how we are feeling at the time. Same goes for buying groceries, never go to the store hungry. Cut back or eliminate junk foods. Junk foods are expensive and bad for you, so it makes sense to attack that expense first. Hair and Nail Salon Expenses We all have to get hair cuts, and it is a hard skill to try and learn, just so you can cut your own hair. So it makes sense that you have to spend the money for a trim. However, the fancy hair styles, perms and coloring isn't really a necessity. If your budget is tight, this can be an expense to cut back on. Most people are capable of cutting their own nails, even painting them for that matter. Perms cost from $30 to $150. A coloring cost $60 to $150. Nails can cost from $30 to $60, depending on the colors and the salon. I understand that women like to look their best, and we men appreciate it. But again, if living on a tight budget, that is good amount of money that can buy groceries. Top Brand Apparels Looking at statistics, it claims the average American spends about $160 a month on clothes and shoes. The average family spends around $1800 per year, close to $400 of that is on shoes. Unfortunately clothes wear out, so there isn't much you can do to make them last any longer. However, washing them certain ways can extend the life a little. Try to reduce how much you wash your clothes. It isn't too uncommon for some people to wash their pants and shirts at the end of the day, everyday. Washing your clothes too much will wear them out. It is best practice to wash your clothes one time during the week. Buying top brand apparel can be a waste of money. Some lower name and generic brands are just as good. Although, this is a trial and error type thing to find what does work and last. Shoes are a good example, take name brands over generic. If you have to buy 10 pair of generic shoes throughout the year at $20 a pair. That isn't saving money if you only had to buy 2 pairs of a name brand at $65 a pair. That would be $240 for generic and $130 for name brand per year. The lesson is to buy smart, not necessarily cheap. Just like car tires, buying a cheap tire that last a year, where a name brand last you 3 years, where is the savings? Expenses That You Can Modify
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These type of expenses would be credit cards, helping your credit score, insurance contracts and things like appliances that are consuming too much resources. The concept is to save money, and in doing so, means stay out of debt. You would think a credit card would be the wrong thing to use. Well if you are getting cash back for using it, then you might change your mind. The Power Of The Card Paying cash for most things is a good way to save money and stay out of debt. If you do use credit cards, pay the balance off each month. Many credit cards offer cash back rewards, so purchasing everything with a cash back card, you will make money. Let's say you spend $3000 a month with a cash back card, your annual earnings could be around $360, depending on the percentages. If you have cards that offer 0% interest, many of these cards get you discounted prices on merchandise. So if you buy a sales item that is discounted 20% based on using the card. Then pay the balance off next billing statement, BAM!!!, you just saved some bucks. If you travel frequently, you can build up points that will get you a free stay at certain hotels. This also applies to building up airline points. "Rewards" type credit cards can get you flyer miles, free checked bags, lounge access and other airline discounts. For renting a car, you can save from purchasing the insurance that is offered by the car rental service. Many people are unaware of car rental insurance is provided by their credit cards. You would want to verify that your card offers this feature. Of course none of this is valuable if you don't pay your balance off at the end of the month. Other Card Benefits ​Another way to save money, find out if your card comes with the "Price Protection Benefit". This means that if you buy an item and the next day the price drops, your card holder will adjust the price. ​It is also worth finding out if your card provides extended warranty coverage. Buying extended warranties can get expensive, but some cards offer that as a bonus. This will help with electronics and appliances greatly. Retail cards are usually high interest, however, they also can be used to your advantage. Many store cards offer a 0% interest with a no tax or a discounted purchase price. Same as above, take advantage of these offers and then pay the card off. Many retail stores credit cards are also rewards cards. This means discounted prices and often cash back or points accumulate. If you already have credit card debt, look for new cards that offer a 0% balance transfer. These often are for 6 months to a year introductory. As mentioned, credit cards are a powerful tool to save money and reduce debts. However, they are also very dangerous to use and can put you into bankruptcy. By paying off your credit card balances monthly, this raises your credit scores. With higher credit, more options open up for you if you ever need a loan. A higher score really helps with purchasing a car or a house. Insurances and Warranties You can make a relevant savings by switching all types of your insurances to one company. Several insurance companies will give you huge discounts for signing up your home, auto, health and life, under one provider. Of course you should shop around and get quotes before deciding on any one company. Home warranties can often be renegotiated, also when shopping for better pricing for insurances, see if any of the companies include or offer home or automotive warranties. You should carefully look over any automotive type warranties. Many times the way they are written, they sound better than what they really are. Sometimes that high end warranty is covering stuff that doesn't even apply to you or your vehicle. I have been in the automotive industry for over 40 years, and most of the time, the aftermarket or 3rd party warranties are completely useless. You could save money by dropping them all together. Appliance warranties are often worth the purchases, depending if it is a manufacturer warranty. However, some 3rd party warranties are designed to take much of your money and give nothing in return. Many of the manufacturer extended warranties give you discounts on filters, maintenance items and repair parts. Usually they are very fair priced. My new GE Fridge is like $70 to extend it for another year. Considering my $50 water filter is only half that with with the warranty, it is well worth it. Telephony
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Communication cost such as telephones, both cellular and landline, should be analyzed. Cell phones quite often start getting charges that you really don't need. You should frequently look the bill over and make sure no new charges are showing up. Landlines are a waste of money for home use. I am old school and I love the idea of having a physical line run to the house for emergencies but they ask too much. On the average, the cheapest you can get a landline for is around $45 a month. That is completely limited and no long distance. However, if you already have a telephone line run to your home. Some state laws, require that a line stay active so you can dial 911. You would have to check with your local phone companies. Cellular companies offer a landline option that runs around $20 a month. With that, you get everything your cell phone service provides you, as far as phone features. I think this a great tip on how to save money. You are paying less than half for a landline with better features. It is also worth getting a quote from your cable company about a VoIP phone. However, with cable companies, they will give you a great, 1 to 2 year low price contract, that will go up significantly after it runs out. The cellular companies are more consistent and do less of the marking scam deals like cable providers do. You can do like most people do and just drop the landline and save $45 or more a month, and just use your cell phone. Cable TV and Internet Most people have cable for internet, with that said, you already have the means for streaming TV, rather than pay your cable provider for it. Cable companies are really bad about raping the consumer for TV channels. Their package line ups are designed to only give you about a third to half of what you want per package. This means you have to end up getting close to the highest priced package to get just specific channels you really watch. They really get you if you have kids, you only get some of the kid's channels on the lower priced packages. What these cable companies are not realizing, they are putting their TV service out of business with their high prices. Streaming apps are where everyone is going. Hulu offers most new episodes of TV shows the next day. They are also now offering Live TV. So if you have cable internet, drop the TV service and spend less money getting apps for the stuff you really want to watch. Read More On Streaming Channels
Bill Pay Automation
One method talked about for saving money is to automate all your bills by setting up reoccurring payments. The theory is, your outgoing payments will be consistent, as far as managing a budget. You know a certain amount is already spoken for each month, and bill pay will always be on time. It sounds great, and the younger generation loves the idea, but here is what happens. Your automatic payments increase without you knowing it. If you are on a tight budget, and a unexpected expense comes up, you just bounced a check. For an example, you know that you bring home $2000 every month. You know that $1850 is automatically deducted each month to pay bills. That leaves you $150 in the bank. Boom, your car tears up and you need a repair that cost $140. You feel it is OK, because you will have $10 left in the bank. So now you try to pay for the repair with a card or check. Turns out you have insufficient funds. Because it is all automatic, you weren't aware that your rent went up $20 and your cable bill went up another $10. Best to not be lazy, and handle your bills manually each month. If you set it to automatic, then you need to monitor your bills every month to avoid this situation. However, if you are not on such a tight budget, automatic can be a good way to ensure the bills get paid. But sometimes that messes up, and then you just took a hit on your credit score. I highly recommend not setting up automation, and if you do, make auditing a monthly religion.  
How To Save Money With Home Efficiency
When it comes to your home, no matter if it is a house or an apartment, heat or cold escaping out the door and windows is wasting money. If you live in an apartment, you are limited on what you can do to when it comes to insulating. However, you can do some simple things that will help save you money on your heating and air bills. Blinds and Curtains Not everyone is a big fan of blinds and or curtains, but they can be a big help on saving money. Blinds give any home an elegant look, if you get the right kind. You may be unaware that blinds can help control the temperature in your home. By adjusting how much light comes in, you are actually adjusting an exterior heat source. So if it is a hot summer, and you are blocking out the sun, it helps the AC keep the interior cooler. Visa Versa, in the winter, let more sun in to help heat a room. Curtains are really a big help, especially if they have an insulated backing to them. They also work in both directions in summer and winter. The insulated backings, keep the cold out and keeps the heat in. Although, they also keep the heat out, and the cool in. Not to mention they actually help keep down moisture that seeps around windows and french or slider doors. Windows and Doors If your house has older windows, such as wooden or aluminum types, these are letting the heat and cold escape or enter. Even though it would be an expense to replace your windows, you will make it back up in the savings. Having a vinyl "thermal - double pane" window installed, would be your best option. Check with you local tax preparer office, or your utility company. Tax credits and sometimes electric company credits can be obtained from making your home more energy efficient. The same applies for doors on credits. If your doors are older and wooden, they offer little insulation factors. Also the older door frames have poor sealing abilities around them. The newer insulation filled metal doors are the best. If your doors are newer, consider adding storm doors to them. Not only do they add an elegance to your home, it also provides an added insulation factor against temps and moisture. Storm doors and storm windows can be added to any home. No matter if your doors and windows are old or not. If you want to add a bit more insulation to your house, consider storm doors and windows. There is also the "poor-man's" way. That is taking plastic and covering your windows during the winter. It may look funny, and people may ridicule, but it does make a difference. Even placing towels at the bottom of your exterior doors during the winter can help on the electric bill. The Thermostat Most newer homes come with programmable thermostats. They are actually designed to be controlled remotely by apps now. Having an "all out" smart thermostat can be awesome, however, the really important feature is the programmable part. By using a programmable thermostat, it stops the constant adjustments many of us want to make throughout the day. It also can be set to run the heat and air unit less during the hours no one is at home. Again this is spending money to save money, however the savings will pay for itself in the long run. The two thermostats I would recommend can be purchased through Amazon. The best one is a bit pricey, but you get some great features. Checkout the Honeywell TH9320WF5003. The other thermostat is about half the cost but performs well and gives you what you need to get your heat and air bills under control. Take a look at the Honeywell RTH8560D1002. I am not trying to push a sale on you, I have done carpentry work for many years and the Honeywell's have always been the best thermostats you can buy. You can get other brands even cheaper at Home Depot and Lowes. The main goal is to get your climate control regulated to cut your electric and gas bills down. Your Central Heat and Air Unit I wanted to talk about your HVAC unit for a moment. This will vary depending on the area you live in. A lot of areas use "Heat Pumps", which are good and efficient when it comes to heating and cooling your house. However, for areas that have winter temps that stay below 28°F or colder, Heat Pumps suck. Heat Pumps use the same compressor to heat and cool the house. However, when the temperatures drop below 28°F and stay there or keep dropping, the Freon can no longer compress properly to heat the house. When this happens, there are electric heating strips that kick in to heat the house. The issue with this process is, it shoots the electric bill sky high. Not only are you running a compressor that isn't providing heat, but now you are turning on heating elements that suck up electricity. The solution for people that live in areas with these type temperatures, is a "Dual Fuel Heat Pump". This type system runs like a regular heat pump, however, when the temperatures get too low for the heat pump to work, the unit shuts off the compressor and turns on the gas furnace built inside. Gas heat will quickly heat up any house. Gas cost less on heating than electricity does, where extreme lower temperatures occur. This is another investment but something you should look carefully at. Heating and cooling is your highest bill you will have outside your mortgage payments. Saving Money With Insulation Attics A house will only keep the cool and warmth in as long as there is proper insulation. If you live in an older home, you may want to check how much insulation your floor joist and attic have. It is recommended to insulate to R-38 in attics, or 10 to 14 inches thick. The quickest way to know if you have enough insulation in your attic is a visual check. If you look across the span of the attic, you should not be able to see the top of the horizontal part of the roof trusses. That would be the boards that run flat that you can step across. If you do see the top of the boards sticking through the insulation, you need more insulation. I have found 8 to 10 inches thick to work really well, of course the thicker the better. A tip on attics; Depending on what type of entry door you have to your attic, ensure that there is insulation on the backside of your door. Also make sure it is enough to lap over the edges to help keep the air out. For pull down latter types, they do make a foam insulation you can incorporate into it. Floors and Crawl Spaces For floor joist, the most common way is to place R-19 insulation in between the joist. Always remember that the paper side, no matter if it is crawl space, walls or attic, faces towards the living area. This is a moisture barrier and must be in contact with the underside of the floors. Look for insulation that has fallen down or where it isn't completely covering a section. Here is another way to really help insulate and save money in a crawl space. Use foam insulation board against the inside crawl space walls. Unlike fiberglass, rigid foam insulation boards do not absorb water, support mold or allow air to pass through. Also ensure that your crawl space door is sealed and insulated. While you are in your crawl space, inspect the moisture barrier plastic that should be laying on the ground. If there are any holes, rips or tears that are exposing raw earth, apply new plastic over those areas. Trapped moisture can cause the floor to seem excessively cold on your feet. Not to mention the moisture will cause mold and mildew and rot your floor joist.  
In Conclusion
These tips on how to save money included knowing the essentials and non-essentials expenditures. Of course before you can really save money, you need to know exactly how much money you have coming in and what you are paying out. Using a spreadsheet like in Google Sheets is a great tool. They even provide an already made monthly budget template to use. We went over many home money saving tips, such as utilities, rent, mortgage and insulation. Saving money by watching and adjusting your phone and cable bills. Tips on how to save money are really common sense and most everyone knows the basics. The truth is, it is a matter of mindset and discipline. We are all spoiled to some degree, we live in a country that you can get what you want in some form or fashion. Credit is available for everything these days. So when you're making money, you want to buy things. Another issue is that life has sped-up and it is so fast paced now. So between your wants and the fast pace, keeping a budget can get hard. Like anything, if you want it, you have to work at it. So if you want to manage and keep your spending in check, you have to train yourself.   Site Index Read the full article
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