#topanga x shawn
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Then we're back in the girl's bathroom, Topanga struts into the bathroom to fix herself in the mirror and a stall door swings open. It's Shawn announcing to Topanga. So here's how I see it. She cuts him off. You guys really can't make it a habit to be in here. Shawn disregards her comment. I grew up with these two people and I guess they're my two best friends in the world. And I was so happy 
to hear Shawn. Isn't that sweet. -Danielle
The three of us could be really happy 
Together. I'm more interested in that show personally. Let's just go. Let's just go there. -Rider 
It was really special for me as Topanga to hear, because I still call it Petty, but I'm still was hanging on to a little bit of the episode from the little Cory where Topanga was really inappropriately going after Shawn's choices and getting in his business where Shawn was like, she's not my friend, she's your girlfriend. There was a part of me that was like, Shawn somewhere believes that. That like, if it weren't for Cory, I would not be friends with this person. So to hear this come out of his mouth, I feel like now I'm fully back on board for the rest of their future as friends to believe this, these three are close. Not just because of their individual relationships to each other. Adding that moment it did so much for me. -Danielle
Then also just story-wise like that that that Shawn has taken Cory's anxieties and fears and Insecurities and is doing something right. I'm, I'm making a choice. I'm actively going to Topanga on Cory's behalf. And then this conversation is so well written because I'm not telling you you did anything wrong. I'm saying it's, I'm just letting You know how it's affecting Cory and how I see it. And like, you gotta do what you gotta do. And it's so, it's just so well written and it's so nice. 'cause it's like Shawn is doing the right thing, but he's not making Topanga feel bad. You know. He's not like guilt tripping . -Rider
I disagree with you. I don't think, the thing I love about it is I don't think he's going to Topanga. He never even mentions Cory. He doesn't mention how this affects Cory at all. He goes to Topanga and says, what happened to your confidence? You always had confidence in yourself and now you are wrapped up in this outward appearance stuff and who are you, where, where have you gone my friend?  I'm worried about you. You don't even make it about Cory. You don't say, listen, could you go back to don't evolve. When you evolve it, it bums, it bums my friend out. You actually come to me as a friend of Topanga to say, you have lost your way my friend. And I'm worried about you....It's more about, I see both my friends going through their own shaky journeys. Right, right. And my job is to help get you through both of your shaky journeys. And it's just great. -Danielle
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winterlovesong1 · 1 year
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and it's you and me and all other people - Ch. 2
Summary: Shawn&Topanga Fanfic. A slight 2X01 AU. Shawn is going to a new school. The summer has come and gone, the first day of school here. But he's with his friends, so he'll get through it. Right? 
Author Notes: It’s all done! I decided to add another chapter from Topanga’s POV. Enjoy!
June sun rays blended into July humidity that seeped into August heat and she took it all in - at her own steady pace - from the way her clothes fit her differently on her frame to the grounded sense of herself she started to sink into. It wasn’t all confidence and self-assured air, but the reality of what was happening and knowing as much as she could about it, gave her a calm that carried her forward in time.
Read the rest here
Read from the beginning 
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midnightfanatics · 1 year
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Boy Meets World Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shawn Hunter/Topanga Lawrence-Matthews Characters: Shawn Hunter, Topanga Lawrence-Matthews, mentions of cory matthews Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, missing moments - canon divergence, Pining, high school era, Drabble Collection, Implied Cory/Topanga breakup, Jealousy, third wheel vibes Summary:
A Shawn Hunter/Topanga Lawrence drabble collection.
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dreammmakers · 1 month
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just gonna leave these here if you don’t mind
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angelamoores · 1 year
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BOY MEETS WORLD | 7.07 It’s About Time
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shawn-meets-world · 2 months
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bmw-incorrect-quotes · 10 months
Some guy: hey Topanga, you look nice today
Shawn, aggressively pushing the guy away: Hey Topanga, Cory thinks you look nice EVERYDAY
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without-honors · 1 month
Fic where the gang witnesses Jack kiss one of Eric’s boo-boos like it’s normal to kiss your friend on the forehead.
Eric hits his head and Jack, without thought, leans down to kiss where Eric hurt himself before moving on, only for all their friends to be looking like:
😳 🤨 😀 🤯 🙄
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fleursfairies · 8 months
cory matthews is the straightest gayest straight man ive ever seen
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Jack, looking at the picture of Eric in Cory’s wallet: I’m not gay but DAMN
Cory: Well you don’t have to be gay to appreciate a good looking man
Jack: Nah I’d fuck him
Cory: Oh, okay, shit
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starryeyesxx · 6 months
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And all we hear is Shawn's loud snore followed by Cory's yip-yip-yip-yip-yip. -Danielle
 I remember this so well. The yip-yip-yip-yip-yip. -Will 
I know. 'Cause I know I think we do it a couple times. -Danielle
We've already done it. We've done it before. This is a bit. Yeah, we did it I think season one or season two. So it's, it's, it's a, it's a callback. -Rider 
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winterlovesong1 · 1 year
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and it's you and me and all other people
Summary: A Shawn POV fic with some Shawn&Topanga, Shawn/Topanga tendencies...Shawn is going to a new school and the the summer has come and gone, the first day of school here. But he's with his friends, so he'll get through it. Right? Topanga is a friend. But also a beautiful girl. So he’ll get through this, right?
Author Notes: What can I say, I was inspired by 2x01...
It had occurred in the last few months of the previous school year – in the class where the grainy projector showed a film that kept mentioning a telegram. He didn’t know what it meant at the time. Not the word specifically. He knew what a telegram was. But the usage of it in this film, the way the narrator would twirl her syllables around the edges of the word, fluttering her tone around it the same way the picture was fluttering in and out of focus.
He didn’t understand.
(and yet he was about to live it)
Read the rest here
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aziraphale-novak · 3 months
fic where eric actually adopts tommy and they both live at the apartment with jack, because of course jack would offer to help financially
eric learns how to be a dad to a 7/8 year old while he finishes his last year of college. meanwhile jack deals with his feelings for eric and gets closer to tommy, who is ecstatic to have not one, but two dads!!!! yay!!!!!!!
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lgbtshawn · 2 years
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ariesbilly · 8 months
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