spellweavr · 29 days
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Thank you Tales of the Rays - My favorite Artes collected over the years Part 1 of 3
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pinenappo · 1 year
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Some 2022 Tales (DotNW) Doodles
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somacruising · 1 year
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I was initially going to upload these yesterday morning, but some personal life stuff came up and I had to delay it. Here is the Asch side of the skit released with the debut of his xMA \ Dual Mystic Arte with Luke. 
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     [ Asch and Luke are training in the woods ]
Asch: —Lightning Blade! —雷神剣っ!
    [ A flash ]
Luke: Fang Blade!! 双牙斬っ!!
    [ A flash ]
Asch: How clever! 甘いっ!
Luke: Shit! There! くっ!そっちだって!
Asch: That’s it. Just like that! かかったな。そこだッ!
    [ Another flash, Luke has been hit ]
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Luke: …Tch! ……っ!
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    [ Natalia and Guy enter ]
Natalia: Are…are they going to be all right? This seems a little much for mere practice… だ……大丈夫ですの?ただの手合わせにしては、少々気迫が度を越しているのでは……。
Guy: Well, I heard they were training hand-to-hand combat, so I rushed over…looks like it was a good idea to not leave them alone together. まあな。手合わせするって聞いたから駆けつけてみれば……やっぱり二人きりにしなくて正解だったか。
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Asch: Hmph, is that all you’ve got?  I thought you’ve been sloppy lately, and sure enough, here we are. Back on your feet! ふん、この程度か?最近ふぬけていると思ったら案の定じゃねえか。さっさと立ちやがれっ!
Luke: You just happened to hit a sore spot! All right, here we go! Haaaaaa! たまたま地味に痛いとこに当たっただけだっつーの!行くぞっ!はぁぁぁぁっ!
    [ A flash ]
Asch: …Tsk! Attacking me from the front are you? You really are straightforward… Fine. Come on! ……っ!正面から馬鹿正直にかかってきやがって……。いいぜ。来い!
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Natalia: This is going to be close, neither are backing down… どちらも引けを取らぬ接戦ですわね……。
Guy: Yeah, but Asch is pushing him a little. If he keeps up— ああ。だがほんの少しだけアッシュが押してるな。このままじゃ——
Asch: Haaaah! はぁぁぁぁっ!
    [ Another flash and Luke falls ]
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Luke: U-uwah! っ!わああっ!
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    [ Guy and Natalia rush over ]
Guy: Luke, are you okay!? 大丈夫かルーク!
Natalia: Both of you, are you all right!? 二人とも、無事ですか!?
Guy: Hey now, isn’t this a little too much for practice? おいおい。稽古にしてはやりすぎじゃないのか?
Asch: Too much? You’re as soft as ever, Guy. Our last match was much rougher. Luke’s moves were better before. この程度でやり過ぎとは、相変わらず甘いな、ガイ。前回の方がもっと手荒かったからな。ルークの動きも前の方がマシだった。
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    [ Luke gets back up ]
Luke: I lost again!? Damn it, my sword felt heavier than usual today. Maybe it was the weather? やっぱりかよ!?くっそ~、なんか今日剣が重かったんだよな。天気のせいか?
Asch: No way, you idiot. This is the result of your negligence. そんな訳ないだろう、馬鹿が。お前の怠慢の結果だ。
Guy: —Huh? Wait a minute. Last time? This isn’t a reoccurring thing, is it? ——ん?待てよ。前回?もしかしてお前ら、ちょいちょい手合わせしてるのか?
Luke: Yeah. I must have forgot to mention it. We were both trained by the same guy. That makes us perfect for testing each other, right? ああ。言ってなかったっけ。だって俺ら、師匠から剣を教わった同士だぜ。手合わせにはもってこいだろ?
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Asch: It seems suitable, does it not? But you have yet to match me in skill. もってこいだろ、じゃない。付き合わされる俺の身にもなってみろ。
Luke: Yeah, I’m grateful you’re doing this with me. But you can’t read my swordplay as well as you used to. I’m trying to be more aware of what you told me last time. はいはい、感謝してるって。でもさ、前より剣筋読めなくなってきただろ?前回うるさく言われたとこ、意識してみたんだ。
Asch: Hmph…you aren’t there yet. Don’t get carried away. You're a bird brain that forgets things as soon as you've learned them. Let your hands memorize the motions. Repeat the exercise again. Now go. フン……まだまだだ。調子に乗るんじゃねぇ。お前は習得したそばから忘れる鳥頭だからな。手に覚え込ませる。死ぬ気で素振り。を繰り返せ。
Luke: Of course, whatever you say Master Asch. へいへい。アッシュせんせー。
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Guy: Looks like you both are doing fine, even if I am still worried. Well, maybe you should work on that mouth of yours, Luke… 周りが心配しなくても、きちんとやってるんだな。まあ、口が悪いのだけはどうにかした方がいいが……。
Natalia: Fufu… But, it looks like Luke and Asch are having fun. I never thought I’d see the day they’d cross swords like this… ふふ……。でも、二人とも楽しそうですわ。ルークも、アッシュも。こんな風に剣を合わせる日が訪れるなんて……。
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Asch: Who are you calling “Master”!? Hearing that makes me feel sick! Stop saying stupid things like that and pick your sword back up! 誰が先生だ!お前の教師になるなんて反吐が出る!それより、さっさと続きをやるぞ!
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greyfalter · 1 year
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ow :(
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feathersnek · 1 year
Feather's Tales of the Rays Nostalgia Journey
We finished arc 1 of full voice! To celebrate, I made a highlight video of our journey! (Major Spoiler warning. We do talk about the other arcs)
Rays means a lot to me, and I love the characters and story with all my heart. We've been doing live sub/TL streams starting from arc 1 to experience full voice and take a look at the story again from the beginning!
I'm an amateur with the language, so I was very nervous and still am, but it's been a blast going through the story again with friends. The script changes and voicing made arc 1 so much stronger too!
Soon we'll be starting Mirrage Prison! I'll have subs for the first few videos, with many thanks to the Tales of Rays English Project team for letting me use their subtitles! But after that I'm on my own.
Feel free to come hang out! My schedule is right over here: https://www.twitch.tv/feathersnek/schedule
If you're unfamiliar with the story, but are interested in checking it out, there are a lot of translations out there, including my summaries of Arc 4 on my own Discord!
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kon-kon-kon-kon · 2 years
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bloombird · 1 month
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Silica Spiral the glass dip pen and Aquarine Toray the water brush
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kresnikcest · 1 year
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Mercuria in Tales of Asteria (credit+dl)
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hxhsoundtrack · 10 months
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mothwingwritings · 2 years
🤜Tokyo Fist (Bouncer) Relationship Headcanons/Scenarios🤛
F! Reader X Tokyo Fist (Bouncer) Relationship & Dating Scenarios
Here is a little something I wrote just for the heck of it in between working on various fics. I don’t really know how big of a presence Bouncer (by Mizuta Makoto) has but it is SO GOOD and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it if you haven’t read it. I love these boys and have a few actual fic ideas for them but I wanted to create something smaller because again, IDK if anyone is even gonna know what this is. ^^;
Regardless I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: SLIGHT SPOILERS up to chapter 73, some mentions of NSFW elements so 18+ please, some language, in a few scenarios you are being watched w/o your knowledge but it’s for protection purposes, and maybe a tinge of possessiveness?
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Shishidou Jouichirou
·         You have been on Jou’s mind for a very long time. Starting out as friends, you grew closer the more you got to know each other. There is something about you that instantly sparks his interest. In you he found a sincere and caring personality, and with every interaction he is left wanting more time with you.
·         He loves to talk to you and hear your opinion on any number of things, seeing you as a valuable beacon of reason and understanding in his life. He trusts you more than anyone, taking every word of wisdom you bestow upon him to heart.
·         He admires so many things about you and honestly has not met a kinder, smarter, or more understanding person than you. He knows he can go to you for help with anything (but doesn’t end up doing that too often, as he would never want to burden you with his more intense issues) and is extremely grateful for your presence in his life.
·         He realizes early on that his affections go deeper than normal friendship. His mind begins to slip to you whenever he gets time to himself, his brain filled with day dreams of you ranging from domestic and sweet to downright salacious  
·         Is honestly super nervous to even breach the subject of being an official couple. His love for you is undeniable, but he’s concerned if you feel the same. You were already such close friends, and his job was so dangerous, did he even have the right to ask for something more?
·         When you reciprocated his affections, he was ecstatic. He was glowing for a solid week, goofy grin not once leaving his face (and you can guarantee the rest of Tokyo Fist gave him hell for it).
·         He still had his reservations about a lot of things early on, and because of this was particularly hard on himself in the relationship. He was a high school dropout and a delinquent who was constantly surrounded by violence and danger. You deserved so much more than that, and he felt guilty for what he believed was ‘dragging you down to his level.’
·         Despite this, he did have to admit the attention and love you dumped on him in waves was the best feeling he had ever experienced in his life.
·         You made him feel special, loved, and completed his life. So he was going to make damn sure he did the same for you.
·         Expect a lot of small shows of affection. He’ll start and end each day with either a kiss or cutesy ‘I love you’ text. Every moment of free time you share, he’s spending it with you. He’ll take mental notes of places and things you say you like, surprising you with them later on as date spots/gifts.
·         High-key he is SUPER protective of you. He checks in on you any moment he can spare to make sure you are doing OK (also does a lot of bts checks on your house/apt to make sure no one is lurking around that shouldn’t be).
·         He has matured a lot since joining Tokyo Fist, but if anyone were to step up and try and start shit/put you in danger, Jou instantly reverts back to his more feral nature. He will not hesitate to put himself in harm’s way to protect you.
·         Also, this man lives for cuddles. Expect to be smothered at night in his embrace (He’s also just naturally very warm, which makes him perfect to saddle up to on cold days <3).
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Hachino Shinya
·         Hachino knows he can be a prickly person, giving nearly everyone in his life either the cold shoulder or a fake pleasant persona to trick them into letting their guard down and become more pliable to work with. Most people were generally just not worth putting forth an effort for, and he views most other people as a hassle more than anything else.
·         That’s why it was so incredible that you were so easily able to break through his icy exterior.
·         He had no intention becoming as close to you as he did, keeping you at an arm’s length just like everyone else. You weren’t special… at least, that’s what he thought at first.
·         He found himself becoming more and more ensnared by your charms the longer he spent time with you, getting to the point where he couldn’t deny that he had formed a solid crush on you.
·         You were patient, kind, understanding. You were a great listener, and overall very thoughtful when dealing with others. You looked at the big picture, and had the ability to come to quick and conclusive decisions that benefitted everyone involved.
·         He admired you, your eye for detail and attentiveness to any issues that arose was second only to him. He could depend on you (which was more than he could say for a lot of people in his life), and he wanted you to realize you could depend on him too.
·         Even when he threw you a flippant comment or brushed you off, you kept coming back to check in on him, taking time out of your day to help him out and make sure he was doing OK.
·         It was this sincere kindness that won his heart, and once he was smitten, he fell HARD.
·         This posed problems. Not only did he not want to drag you into the mess that was his life and career, he wasn’t even entirely sure if you truly liked him or if you were just being polite.  He wouldn’t be surprised at all if he found out you thought he was the biggest asshole on planet earth, and the thought of your rejection distressed him.
·         After some beating around the bush (and some drunken encouragement from his coworkers after a recent bar hopping excursion), he asked you to be his.
·         He was pleasantly surprised at how quickly you agreed.
·         It took him some time to get used to ‘dating’. He had never really been interested in anyone previously, and most stuff couples partook in either made him cringe of feel uncomfortable.
·         But he found out fast that when the romantic endeavors involved you, he was much more inclined to warm up to lovey-dovey activities. Dates to the park or the movies, going out to eat, even mundane things like grocery shopping; every activity with you was a blessing and treat for him.
·         He wants to be by your side as much as possible. He’ll devote all his off days to you, and is the first to recommend moving in together so he can keep you close and make sure you are safe.
·         Though he is definitely not a PDA person, anyone in the presence of the two of you can tell how smitten he is with you. He’ll steal glances of you anytime he can, and he always gazes at you as if you hung the moon. If you catch him staring he won’t look away, instead smiling a coy smile that he knows will make you flustered.
·         When he tells you he loves you, he means it with his entirety. You are the only one he will ever want to be with, and he will honor and treasure you for the rest of his days on this earth.
·         (He hasn’t completely lost his mean streak though, he’s apt to make you participate in pet play with him the privacy of your own home >:) )
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Seijuurou Torai
·         From the get go, you and Torai are the definition of ‘old bickering married couple’. He has gotten on your nerves in one way or another since your first interaction, but you also couldn’t deny the blatant, damning attraction you have for him.
·         He is cocky, abrasive, a brute, crude, a pervert, and violent. NOT someone you wanted to necessarily catch feelings for.
·         But he was also protective and strong, and could exhibit incredible moments of kindness and selflessness. Even though he was obnoxious, from the moment he met you he was always looking out for you with your best interests at heart.
·         As time passed your friendship continued to blossom. Through drunken late night outings (one of which had to be cut short when he ended up breaking a man’s nose in a fist fight because they were ‘eying you up like a piece of meat’) to silly lunch conversations that turned deep and insightful, the two of you grew exceptionally close.
·         Your attraction had become undeniable, and it was obvious he reciprocated.
·         But even though he had fallen just as much for you, he knew it was not anything he had the right to pursue. You shouldn’t be getting tied up with someone like him, and he cursed himself for even letting you get so close to begin with.
·         He loved you deeper than he loved anyone previously, and that made him kick himself as he knew the danger this relationship brought into your life.
·         He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if you got hurt (or worse) on his accord, and he was well aware if you associated with him too closely you would become a prime target that any number of bastards would use to exploit him.
·         But damned if you didn’t make it hard. Every time he’d try and create distance you would kill him with the hurt expression you’d make, a stab right through the heart every time you’d ask if the reason he was being so cold was over something you did.
·         It also didn’t help that he hated seeing literally any other man with you. He knew the natural procession of trying to shove you away would include you looking to seek companionship elsewhere, but the moment some schmuck got a little too friendly his jealousy would flair up and it would take all he had to restrain himself from beating the guy’s ass.
·         Eventually he gives in, unable to take it anymore. Rather abruptly he storms your house, firmly makes it clear that he wants you as HIS and ONLY his. He didn’t care if he had to personally keep watch over you 24/7. He’d do what he had to to keep you protected and in his arms.
·         When you reciprocated, he was on you instantly, unwilling to wait even a minute longer to seal the deal. You had never been ravaged so intensely in your life.
·         Torai loves to tease and fluster you, taking immense pleasure in just how red he can turn your face in public. Nowhere is safe from his groping hands and lewd comments. It only eggs him on to do it more if you slap/punch him in these situations.
·         LOVES showing off for you. He lives for it. Anytime he can get a genuine look of awe from you (which are becoming increasingly rare with how obnoxiously often he attempts this) he counts it as a major success, riding off that high for the rest of the day.
·         Your laugh is his favorite sound in the world. Seeing you smile and genuinely enjoy yourself makes his heart feel full and puts him at ease. He would stop at nothing to keep you happy and carefree.
·         This man is insatiable when it comes to making love. He will not stop until you are a drooling, sobbing, over stimulated mess beneath him (and even then, he’s ready for the next round alarming fast). Be prepared for a lot of sleepless nights.
·         You are his treasure and the love of his life, and though he has a tough exterior, when you are home alone and cradled in his arms he becomes a big romantic sap, showering you with feather light kisses and praise.
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Wanibuchi Tsuyoshi
·         Tsuyoshi is by nature a very private person, so for most people (even those close to him), not many people actually know that he is in a committed relationship.
·         This isn’t because he is ashamed or because he wants to hide you away (if he had his way, he would proudly keep you by his side at all times), but because you are far too precious to him to put in any potential harm’s way.
·         Being with you at all is a huge risk in general, but he also realized from the moment the two of you started talking that you were essentially already a target. All he can do now is work tirelessly to keep you safe (besides, he is too in love with you to push you away anyway).
·         Chances are you really don’t know much about his job for the same reason. Other than being the boss at a security company, you are kept in the dark about just how much danger he is surrounded by on a daily basis and he wants to keep it that way.
·         With the chaos that surrounds him at work, he always takes great delight in knowing you are waiting for him back home. A more traditional man, his heart feels full when he comes home to a fresh cooked meal and your warm embrace.
·         Not to say that he doesn’t do the same for you, he loves to cook for you and is quite skilled at it. If you have been craving something, no matter how easy or intense, it will be waiting for you when you come home that night.
·         He respects your independence but is more than willing to take care of you in anyway needed. He’d never force you to do anything you didn’t want to or instruct you on how to live your life, but he definitely makes it known that if you are ever struggling with anything, say the word and it will disappear.
·         He really loves it when you dress up for him, and he’ll frequently buy clothing and jewelry for you he thinks suits you. When he sees you in things he bought for you, he’ll keep his cool but his stomach will be doing somersaults.
·         (And as much as he loves you in what he purchased you, he is going to love it so much more when he gets to take it off of you.)
·         He often feels guilty over how much time he has to devote to work, so to make up for it he treats you like absolute royalty whenever he gets vacation time. Any place you want to go or thing you want to see? Skies the limit for his babydoll. <3
·         He’s fiercely protective and monitors you closely, but would never get in the way of your life or your fun. He’s prone to have an eye or two on you when you go out with friends, just in case someone tries to make a move. But this is never anything you’d figure out on your own, all protective service taking place in the shadows. He wants to keep you carefree and happy, and would never do something that risks that being jeopardized in your life.
·         He’s not big on texting, but loves conversing with you. Expect multiple calls throughout the day to check up on you.
·         This man only has two modes in the bedroom: slow and sensual or rough and unforgiving. He’s either treating you like the angel you are to him, or pounding away his frustrations while moaning filth into your ear. Either option never leaves you wanting.
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Takashima Ryouichi
·         Much like his boss, he prefers to keep his colleagues in the dark about his relationship with you. Ryouchi is already an enigma figure to most everyone he works with, so he uses that to his advantage to keep you his own little secret.
·         He revels in the fact that no one else knows of your existence. To him it’s not only the logical way to not only keep you safe, but hoard you all to himself.
·         Normally a very calm and collected person, he gets surprisingly jealous when an outsider gets just a little too familiar with you. And knowing his coworkers, if they so much as caught wind that he had you waiting for him at home, they would be relentless in figuring out who you were and all the spicy details of your relationship with him (and from then on your life would never know peace lol). The last thing he needed was this bunch of fools trying to encroach on his territory.
·         However, outside of work was a completely different story. He was eager to introduce you to his friends and family, wanting to add you into the fold as soon as possible.
·         He wasn’t one to mess around, if he couldn’t picture someone in his life long term they simply weren’t worth his effort. Needless to say, that was not the case with you.
·         It took an embarrassingly short amount of time after meeting you for him to decide that you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and with that revelation came something he didn’t face often: fear. What if you didn’t return his affections? What if someone else had already snatched you up? As the worries plagued his mind, you successfully turned one of Tokyo Fist’s most collected men into a total mess.
·         When he finally worked up the courage to ask you out, it was the most awkward experience of his life. He had never been so overwrought, his disheveled state making even YOU nervous.
·         When you reciprocated, he wanted to jump for joy, scream to the heavens, and do a dance… But he remained stoic. After all, it was only logical that you would say yes to him.
·         You were worth all his effort and more, and though it was completely illogical for him to plan so far in the future, he couldn’t help but spend a vast amount of free time daydreaming about your future life together and the family that you would build.
·         His days were spent putting in long hours at the office, but his nights and weekends were fully devoted to you. He had a bad habit of spoiling you, taking pride in being able to supply you with all you wanted and more.
·         When the two of you are alone, his tough, serious demeanor fades. No one can make him laugh like you can. No one can make him feel loved like you can. And he reciprocates all that back tenfold. <3
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Baba Chisato
·         Will literally not shut up about you in. He’s always been obsessed, but once you become completely his, his gushing is incessant.
·         He’s commenting on all your social media pics, your picture is the wallpaper on every electronic device he owns, physical photos of the two of you are lining the halls of his home and he always has several stuffed into his wallet as well.
·         He is your biggest cheerleader, gassing you up every opportunity he gets. Wear your hair slightly different than normal? Trying on a new outfit you are a little unsure of? He’s on it. You are the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life, and he wants to make sure you know that. Even if you are just lounging at home in sweats, he’ll be staring in reverence. You are nothing short of a goddess to him.
·         He’s a huge supporter of any dream or aspiration you may have. It doesn’t matter if someone else finds it ridiculous or unobtainable; you are the smartest and most capable person he knows and he earnestly believes you can achieve anything you set your mind too. He’s got your back and is rooting for you every step of the way.
·         This boy is HANDSY af, especially in public. You’re HIS girl, and he wants everyone to know that. Anyone so much as looks at you a moment too long and this man is ready to throw down with them.
·         Also, much like Torai, he loves showing off for you. He lives for your praise, melting whenever you call him strong or handsome. He’s started the habit of wearing mostly sleeveless shirts, just in the hopes that you will feel on his muscles.
·         He also loves showing YOU off. He scored a total hottie and he wants the whole world to know that, dammit! No matter where you are, his hand is either in yours or wrapped snuggly around your waist or shoulders, no exceptions.
·         May have an honest to God heart attack if you ever wear his clothing. Seeing you draped in something that he owns just further reiterates that you are his and nothing fans his flames more than that incredibly pleasant reminder.
·         Is completely enamored whenever you do anything domestic for him, like cooking or cleaning. He likes to fantasize that the two of you are already married and loves to see his sweet little spouse being such a wonderful homemaker. <3 However when you get pissed off over doing a majority of the chores he’s quick to rush in and help (though you have to admit you are much better at it than he will ever be, but at least he tries).
·         Words cannot express how physically attracted to you this man is. His tongue practically lulls to the floor when you walk in the room. Any chance he has to make love to you, he will. Baba is a big guy in every regard and gets off on how easy it is to overwhelm you.
·         That being said, he’s a big fan of when you take charge as well. Nothing gets him hotter than when he’s tied up and at your mercy, loving it when you ride him till you’ve had your fill.
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Tsurumi Takuya
·         Tsurumi simply adores you. From the moment he laid eyes on you, he was bewitched.
·         You met (as cliché as it sounds) at a local coffee shop. You ordered before him, managing to snag the last pastry he had his eye on.
·         Though it was no big deal, after you heard the disappointment in his voice, you couldn’t let it slide. You tried to give him the entire thing, but after a few polite refusals, you came to the agreement you would share it.
·         He had no idea one split pastry would change his life forever.
·         You ended up talking for hours, finding that you had quite a few similar interests and things in common. He took great pleasure in watching you gush about your hobbies, a small blush on his cheeks as he took you in your animated movements and inviting smile.
·         You were by far one of, if not THE most gorgeous person he had ever seen, and the passion in which you spoke with him kept drawing him in more and more.
·         By the end of your shared snack, he decided he hadn’t had enough time with you. In a bold move, he asked for your number. The rest is history.
·         Your relationship is the epitome of sweet and cozy. The two of you never really seem to make it past the honeymoon phase, and there’s always this giddy, puppy-love feeling that bubbles in his chest when he sees you.
·         He’s a huge cuddle bug, and is more than happy being either the big or small spoon. As long as you are close, he takes equal pleasure in holding you as he does being held by you.
·         That being said, PDA makes him quite flustered. Anything more than holding hands or a quick peck on the check would instantly turn this man into tomato.
·         His biggest joy is beginning new adventures with you. Even if it’s something as little as starting a new show the both of you are looking forward to watching, he is filled with so much happiness just to be spending time with you his excitement is palpable.
·         Def the type of guy who leaves you little gifts/notes each morning. Rarely a day goes by without a sticky note wishing you a good day, or a favorite treat of yours waiting when you wake up.
·         You are his first in many ways, and though that was exciting, it also makes him feel a bit inadequate and nervous. He does overkill the first time you are intimate, working himself into a tizzy trying to make your first time together completely ideal and romantic. It takes time and gentle reassurance to calm him down and make him understand this isn’t a competition, that you love him and want this just as bad as he does, but it’s ok to take your time.
·         When he does mellow out he melts under your praise.  Hearing your gentle commendations and pleased coos drive him over the edge, your admiration and the flattery it makes him feel is the most euphoric feeling he has ever felt (through you, he realizes that he definitely has a praise kink).
·         As his first in many things, he also plans on making you his last. He’s been jokingly chided on more than one occasion for daydreaming on the job, his coworkers and friend’s having an absolute field day when the stumble upon the wedding plan sketches and notes he’s been doodling while bored.
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Yuki Ariga
·         Honestly Ariga has been calling you ‘his girl’ from the get go, so when you guys make it official everyone either already thought you were an item or they think Ariga is bullshitting them when he tells them.
·         The relationship honestly would take some time off the ground. The typical tricks and pick up lines he played on other girls didn’t seem to work on you, so he was forced to come up with alternate methods.
·         Turns out, being sincere was all it took to win your heart. Whereas you shrugged him off as a nuisance when he tried to be flashy and go above and beyond to catch your attention, you were much more open to chatting him up in calmer environments where the atmosphere was more intimate.
·         Time always seemed to slow for him when you were around. You brought serenity to his life that he had not experienced with anyone else. And in his line of work, peace was a very sought after commodity.
·         And damn, were you beautiful. You were definitely the hottest person he had ever seen, regardless of what you wore or how you presented yourself. This man’s jaw would hit the floor whenever you enter his line of sight, praise flooding from his lips over how stunning you are. If Yuki went a day without seeing you physically, he’d be hitting you up nonstop for selfies (hoping that you’d add a few spicy ones in as well).
·         He can definitely be overbearing. If you aren’t by his side he wants to know what you are up to, who you are with, where you are going, etc. You have been known to block his number temporarily just to get a break from it, a move that was sure to bring on incessant whining the next time he saw you.
·         He knew he had a reputation for being a skeevy scumbag, and for a good reason. If anyone was aware of his own flaws and shortcomings, it was Ariga himself. Because of this, he doesn’t necessarily feel like he deserves you. He knows you could do much better than him, but can’t bear the thought of some other douchebag stealing you away from him.
·         So he earnestly works to better himself. He knows the change won’t be overnight, and hell, maybe he won’t even be able to become that great of a man period. But for you, he will never stop trying. If he can’t be a great person, he can at least be a great boyfriend.
·         This man is huge in the PDA. He loves to show you off, but he also doesn’t want anyone getting any funny ideas. His hands or lips are almost always on you somewhere when the two of you were out in public.
·         His recent employment at Tokyo Fist has helped him build muscle, and generally just grow more confident in who he is as a person. He works extra hard to hear your praise of him, knowing that every trial he faces just prepares him that much more for protecting you. <3
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lowtarei · 2 years
how about... kocis+ix? (or anything from rays really!)
[insert usual disclaimer about my extremely patchwork understanding of the actual rays plot] BUT THAT ASIDE, i love their dynamic a lot so far!! gonna put this one under a cut just in case anyone wants to avoid Rays spoilers
Kocis in general is Best Boy, an excellent balance of cute/sweet & loyal/devoted & also a Complete Nerd (still not over him pulling out the Most Tragic Kicked Puppy Face just to complain about having to spend twice as long maintaining his double-bladed weapon lolololol)....  I do wish I had a better handle of Ix's canon feelings (beyond caring for Kocis in general + of course missing him while he was off working with Team Beefrest Nazar &co); Kocis's feelings are very on his sleeve, but my terrible JP reading skills aren't as up to parsing Ix to the same extent..... BUT I feel like Ix probably worries about Kocis a lot when they're not together & inwardly blames himself for Kocis feeling he had to leave in the first place (bc he's just a Big Worrier in general ahaha) and also is very grateful to Kocis for keeping Mileena company & helping her while he was stuck in the crystal prison and couldn't do anything himself (and probably also a lot of Guilt there too, since his absence clearly hit them both very hard)... 
...and then, their reunion at the end was EXTREMELY CUTE!! & post-main-story, they'll finally have the chance to unpack all their feelings & get to properly spend time together without the next big threat hanging over their heads (which they definitely need) and whether or not it's shown or hinted in the epilogues, it's something I look forward to exploring for myself (and i've still got my fingers crossed for more fancontent lol, even tho eng fandom is basically nonexistent at this point)
for a little headcanon... I noticed in the cooking menu that they both love seafood, which has a lot of cute potential, especially since Ix had worked as a fisherman prior to the main story-- so we could have Ix+Kocis go on a fishing trip together & Ix teaches him the ropes (both the fishing itself and how to handle a boat?) or maybe cooking lessons with Ix sharing some of the unique recipes from Odanse (since an island town would naturally have a lot of seafood in their local cuisine)... or maybe Kocis asks Mileena to teach him the recipes first, so he can surprise Ix by making his favourite foods on a Special Date~
(i don't yet have a suuuper strong preference for shippy vs gen.... tho i def enjoyed their dynamic in the one singular Ix/Kocis fic on AO3, and the intense respect that Kocis feels towards Ix is a fantastic jumping-off point for shippy feels, and there aren't really any other potential pairings i've considered much either... at the very least i'd be happy to see more)
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pinenappo · 1 year
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The Tales of the Rays x Scarlet Nexus collab was so much fun! But I’m still sad Kasane made it to playable but not Yuito, so I made a fake MA for Yuito to ease my pain haha
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somacruising · 4 months
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 4)
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
Whomp whomp I'm back again with more Rayslations. Now that we've finally got Mithos to Calm Down, everyone gathers around to discuss the next course of action...
Part 4 (6-3 Lotus Imperial Villa)
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Shing: First of all, before we get into everything—Mithos, I want you to apologize for what you did earlier. まず、色々事情を聞く前に——ミトス。さつきのことみんなに謝れよ。
Mithos: A human has no right to interfere with me. 人間がボクの邪魔をするからいけないんだよ。
Shing: What’s with that attitude!? You could have seriously injured Caius, not just me! 何だよその態度は!オレだけじゃなく、カイウスも大怪我するところだったんだぞ!
Mithos: I never touched a hair on Caius. カイウスには、まだ手を出していなかったけどね。
Mithos: If you’re this angry, then I’ll give you a special chance to hit me after your wounds have healed. You should be proud I would give this honor to a human. そんなに腹が立つなら、その傷が癒えてから特別にボクを殴らせてあげるよ。人間がボクを殴れるなんてありがたく思ってよね。
Shing: This isn’t a joke, damn it! ふざけるな!
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Caius: Mithos…don’t be discriminatory towards humans! ミトス……人間人間って差別するような言い方するなよ!
Mithos: It’s fine for me to discriminate, you know? * 差別してるんだからいいでしょ。
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Zelos: Yeah, yeah, let’s stop before we get in trouble again. So, what the hell happened? はいはい、また揉めるからそこまでにしようや。で、何があったのよ。
Mithos: Shut up, you backstabbing worm. 裏切り者のアホ神子は黙ってて。
Sync: Fufu… フフ……。
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Zelos: What was funny about that, Sync!? そこ、笑うとこかよ、シンク!?
Kratos: This isn’t going anywhere. I heard that Mithos was attacking everyone. What happened? 話が進まぬな。私はミトスが暴れていると聞いた。何故そんなことになった?
Shing: That’s what I want to know. Aster—he’s Richter’s friend—asked me to check on Dist. それはこっちが聞きたいよ。アステル——リヒターの友達にディストの様子を見るように頼まれたんだ。
Shing: So, Caius and I went over and found that Mithos was beating the hell out of Dist… で、カイウスと二人で来てみたらミトスがディストをボコボコに……。
Mithos: And I would have finished him off if you guys hadn’t stopped me. お前たちが止めに入らなければあいつにとどめを刺せるところだったのに。
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Sync: Really? What a shame. Why do you want to kill that Reaper, anyway? Not that I don’t understand why you’d get the urge. へぇ、それは惜しいことをしたな。で、なんであの死神を殺したいのさ。まぁ、殺したくなる気持ちはわかるけど。
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Mithos: …Because that maggot put his filthy hands on my sister. ……あのウジ虫が姉さまに手を出したからだ。
Zelos: Dist sure is one crazy bastard, and his research tends to be pretty dangerous. …Hey, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. ディストってのは、確か色々やばい研究をしてるイカレ野郎だったよな。……おい、嫌な予感がしてきたぞ。
Kratos: Mithos, was turning someone into a vessel for the goddess your idea? ミトス、神降ろしはお前の発案か?
Mithos: I realize this sounds like I was doing in our original world, but I have nothing to do with this. Richter and Dist are the ones turning people into vessels. 確かにボクが元の世界で進めていたことは話したよ。でも神降ろしを実行しているのはリヒターとディストだ。
Mithos: As long as I’m involved with this, there’s no way I’m letting my sister become part of it! ボクが関わっているならマーテル姉さまを関わらせる訳がない!
Sync: Whoops, you’re a little late on that. They’ve already snatched Martel to use as the next vessel. おっと、一足遅かったか。こっちもマーテルを次の神降ろしに使う可能性に思い当たったんだけどね。
Mithos: I was restrained while he took my sister. That’s why I tried to kill him… あいつはボクを足止めしている間に姉さまを攫ったんだ。だから殺してやろうとしたのに……。
Shing: …Hm? But isn’t the ceremony of the goddess meant to cure Kohaku? Why would Martel need to be involved?  ……ん?神降ろしはコハクの治療のために行ってたんだろ?どうしてマーテルさんが巻き込まれるの?
Mithos: Oh…that’s right. I’ll tell you since it’d be pointless to keep hiding it at this point. They’ve been lying to you, Shing. ああ……そうだったね。もう隠すのも馬鹿馬鹿しいから話してあげるよ。シングは騙されてるんだ。
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Shing: W-what do you mean? The divine descent is a ceremony to restore Kohaku’s lost heart, isn’t it!? ど、どういうことだよ。だって神降ろしは虚無に飛ばされたコハクの心を取り戻す儀式なんだろ!?
Kratos: You know Kohaku!? お前はコハクの知り合いか!
Shing: You know Kohaku!? Kohaku is my friend! コハクを知ってるの!?コハクはオレの仲間だ!
Shing: I’ve been struggling with doing all kinds of things I haven’t wanted to do, all because Mercuria promised she would help Kohaku…  メルクリアがコハクを助けてくれるって言ったから、オレは気が乗らないことも必死で我慢してきたのに……。
Shing: Was everything Mercuria said to me just a lie…? メルクリアの言ってたことは全部嘘だったのか……?
Mithos: Just a lie? …Who can say? She’s just a little girl. But, she’s certainly hiding something. 全部嘘……とはいえないかもね。あの通りのお嬢様だから。でも隠していることはある。
Mithos: …But Mercuria promised me similar things. She promised me that my sister wouldn’t be touched… ……もっともボクも同じことをされた訳だけどね。姉さまには手を出させないって約束だったのに……。
Kratos: As I was saying, Shing. Kohaku is in the care of the Salvation Front. I was told she was in danger of losing her heart. シングと言ったか。コハクは救世軍が預かっている。彼女は心を失って危険な状態にあると聞いている。
Shing: She’s lost her Spiria…that part was true!? スピリアを失って……そこの部分は本当なの!?
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Caius: How could Mercuria do this? I couldn’t believe it when she turned Flynn into a Living Doll… メルクリアの奴、どうしてこんなことを。フレンをリビングドールにしたのも信じられなかったし……。
Caius: I wonder if she’s changed. あいつ、変わっちまったのかな。
Kratos: Let’s get a few things straight. You say Martel was kidnapped by Dist. What happened to Dist after you attacked him? 少し整理しよう。マーテルはディストが攫ったのだったな。ディストはミトスの攻撃を受けて、その後どうした?
Mithos: He was carried away by a bizarre robot while Caius and the others were stopping me. I tried to go after him, but here we are. あいつはカイウスたちに止められている間に変なロボットに運ばれていったよ。追いかけようとしたらこの有様だけどね。
Kratos: All right, I’ll call the Salvation Front for help and then we can start searching for her. Shing, how did Kohaku lose her heart? よし、そちらは救世軍にも応援を要請して捜索にあたろう。シング、コハクは何故心を失うことになったのだ?
Shing: Richter was suffering, so we tried to help him. リチャードって人が苦しんでたから助けようとしたんだ。
Shing: We tried to do a Spiria Link with our Soma to defeat this xerom-like creature inside of him, but then Kohaku suddenly collapsed— ソーマでスピルリンクして、ゼロムみたいな奴を倒そうとしたんだけど、スピルリンクに問題があったのか、コハクが突然倒れて——
Zelos: I see, I see…I see that I didn’t understand a single part of that! なるほどなるほど……ってその説明訳わかんねーよっ!
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Zelos: Can you please explain it like you’re talking to someone who doesn’t know anything? 何も知らない人間にもわかるように説明してくれっかなー。
Shing: Uh, so, we can use these weapons to get inside someone’s Spiria—their heart. えっと、つまりオレたちはこの武器で人のスピリア——心の中に入れるんだ。
Shing: Richter’s Spiria had some kind of monster in it, so Kohaku and I entered it to get rid of it. リチャードのスピリアの中に魔物みたいな奴がいたから、それを退治しようと思ってコハクと中に入ったんだ。
Shing: But, there was something really wrong and Kohaku collapsed. でも、何かがいつもと違っててコハクが倒れちゃったんだよ。
Shing: That’s when Mercuria came to our rescue and said she would restore Kohaku’s Spiria. そのときにメルクリアが助けてくれてコハクのスピリアを取り戻してくれるって言ったんだ。
Shing: But Kohaku isn’t in the Empire anymore, and if they were lying to me, then I’m not staying with them. でもコハクはもう帝国にいないし騙されてたのなら今更ここにとどまる理由はないよ。
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Kratos: …If you intend on leaving the Empire, then why not join up with us? If so, we’d actually prefer it if you stayed with them for a while. ……もし帝国を離れるつもりがあるなら我らと協力しないか?そしてしばらくの間帝国に留まったままで力を貸してほしい。
Sync: We can make use of someone close to the enemy. 敵の懐にいる奴は利用できるからね。
Shing: So you guys just want to use me, too!? お前らまでオレを利用するつもりなのか!?
Mithos: You want to use him as a spy instead of Chester? チェスターの代わりにスパイをしろってことでしょ?
Zelos: Well, Chester wasn’t spying on us, he was spying on Mileena and her friends. まあ、チェスターは俺たちじゃなくてミリーナちゃんたちからのスパイだったけどな。
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Caius: I’m…not in a position to help you directly, but Shing is. I’ll help Shing where I can if he agrees to spy for you. オレは……力を貸すことはできないけどシングはいいんじゃないか?シングがスパイとして動くなら、オレも協力するぞ。
Caius: I need to deal with Rubia and Lukius, so I can help as long as it’s not too obvious. ルキウスとルビアのことがあるからばれない範囲でになるけど。
Shing: All I want to do is go to Kohaku’s side. Just…give me some time to think about this. 本当は今すぐコハクの傍に行きたいんだ。だから……少し考えさせてくれ。
Kratos: Don't worry, we won’t force you to make a decision now. But, you have to understand that a mole within the Empire will be a great help to us. 構わぬ。無理強いするつもりはない。ただ、帝国の内情を知る人間は我らにとって大きな戦力になる。
Kratos: We aren’t just using you. We want to cooperate with you as equals. だから利用するのではない。お互い同等の立場として協力して欲しい。
Shing: I understand. I need to think about whether I can believe you. I've already learned my lesson about jumping the gun like I did with Mercuria. わかった。その言葉が信じられるのかちゃんと考えてみる。もうメルクリアの時みたいに慌てて飛びつくのは懲りたからさ。
Kratos: And—Caius, right? I know you have your reasons, but we'd appreciate it if you'd let us go. それから——カイウス、だったな。立場もあるだろうが、我らのことを見逃してくれるとありがたい。
Kratos: And if we can be of any help, let us know. It’s clear that you’re not serving the Empire willingly. そしてもしも我らで力になれることがあれば言ってくれ。どうやらお前も理由があって帝国に従わされているようだ。
Caius: …Thank you. But it’s not like I’m helpless. I’m working with some people I know to do something. ……ありがとう。オレも何もしてない訳じゃないんだ。知り合いと一緒にどうにかしようって動いてる。
Caius: If we need anything…I’ll let you know. 何かの時には……頼むよ。
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Kratos: …Mithos, will you join us? ……ミトス。我らのところに来ないか?
Mithos: ………!
Kratos: I want to work together to save Martel. This time, I want to save her, too. マーテルを助けるために協力しよう。今度こそ、私もマーテルを救いたい。
Mithos: —You listened to what everyone had to say and instructed them… You sound like how you were in the past. ——そうやっていろんな人の話を聞いて色々指示出して……。そういうとこ、昔と変わらないね。
Kratos: Is that so…? Humans are creatures that change, but humans also tend to have trouble letting go of their old habits. そうだろうか……。人は成長する生き物でありながら、凝り固まった自分を捨てられぬ生き物だからな。
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Mithos: That’s right. That’s why…I can’t go with you. I can’t work with you, Kratos. そうだね。だから……ボクは行けない。ボクはクラトスと一緒にはいられない。
Mithos: You’re no longer my teacher. You are no longer my subordinate. This is a different world. I’m not your lord anymore. もうクラトスはボクの師匠じゃない。部下でもない。ここは異世界だ。ボクはクラトスの支配者であることをやめたんだ。
Mithos: The oath of knighthood you swore to me has long since been null and void. Besides, I can't go back to the old me. ** ボクに捧げられた騎士の誓いはとっくに無効だよ。それにボクももう昔のボクには戻れない。
Mithos: That’s why I’m going to look for my sister. Of course, you can at least cooperate with me. だからボクはボケで姉さまを捜して助ける。もちろん協力はしてもいいよ。
*This doesn’t feel exactly right, but… I’m not sure so fkdndnd Mithos please ** I’m not that familiar with Symphonia so I’m assuming this is a reference to something that happened in the past.
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
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nkdk-kelp · 2 years
My son and his husband (materialised)
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feathersnek · 2 years
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Just Mark things 😌
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timestechnow · 1 month
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