#if anyone wants to correct anything here pls let me know
somacruising · 7 months
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 4)
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
Whomp whomp I'm back again with more Rayslations. Now that we've finally got Mithos to Calm Down, everyone gathers around to discuss the next course of action...
Part 4 (6-3 Lotus Imperial Villa)
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Shing: First of all, before we get into everything—Mithos, I want you to apologize for what you did earlier. まず、色々事情を聞く前に——ミトス。さつきのことみんなに謝れよ。
Mithos: A human has no right to interfere with me. 人間がボクの邪魔をするからいけないんだよ。
Shing: What’s with that attitude!? You could have seriously injured Caius, not just me! 何だよその態度は!オレだけじゃなく、カイウスも大怪我するところだったんだぞ!
Mithos: I never touched a hair on Caius. カイウスには、まだ手を出していなかったけどね。
Mithos: If you’re this angry, then I’ll give you a special chance to hit me after your wounds have healed. You should be proud I would give this honor to a human. そんなに腹が立つなら、その傷が癒えてから特別にボクを殴らせてあげるよ。人間がボクを殴れるなんてありがたく思ってよね。
Shing: This isn’t a joke, damn it! ふざけるな!
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Caius: Mithos…don’t be discriminatory towards humans! ミトス……人間人間って差別するような言い方するなよ!
Mithos: It’s fine for me to discriminate, you know? * 差別してるんだからいいでしょ。
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Zelos: Yeah, yeah, let’s stop before we get in trouble again. So, what the hell happened? はいはい、また揉めるからそこまでにしようや。で、何があったのよ。
Mithos: Shut up, you backstabbing worm. 裏切り者のアホ神子は黙ってて。
Sync: Fufu… フフ……。
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Zelos: What was funny about that, Sync!? そこ、笑うとこかよ、シンク!?
Kratos: This isn’t going anywhere. I heard that Mithos was attacking everyone. What happened? 話が進まぬな。私はミトスが暴れていると聞いた。何故そんなことになった?
Shing: That’s what I want to know. Aster—he’s Richter’s friend—asked me to check on Dist. それはこっちが聞きたいよ。アステル——リヒターの友達にディストの様子を見るように頼まれたんだ。
Shing: So, Caius and I went over and found that Mithos was beating the hell out of Dist… で、カイウスと二人で来てみたらミトスがディストをボコボコに……。
Mithos: And I would have finished him off if you guys hadn’t stopped me. お前たちが止めに入らなければあいつにとどめを刺せるところだったのに。
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Sync: Really? What a shame. Why do you want to kill that Reaper, anyway? Not that I don’t understand why you’d get the urge. へぇ、それは惜しいことをしたな。で、なんであの死神を殺したいのさ。まぁ、殺したくなる気持ちはわかるけど。
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Mithos: …Because that maggot put his filthy hands on my sister. ……あのウジ虫が姉さまに手を出したからだ。
Zelos: Dist sure is one crazy bastard, and his research tends to be pretty dangerous. …Hey, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. ディストってのは、確か色々やばい研究をしてるイカレ野郎だったよな。……おい、嫌な予感がしてきたぞ。
Kratos: Mithos, was turning someone into a vessel for the goddess your idea? ミトス、神降ろしはお前の発案か?
Mithos: I realize this sounds like I was doing in our original world, but I have nothing to do with this. Richter and Dist are the ones turning people into vessels. 確かにボクが元の世界で進めていたことは話したよ。でも神降ろしを実行しているのはリヒターとディストだ。
Mithos: As long as I’m involved with this, there’s no way I’m letting my sister become part of it! ボクが関わっているならマーテル姉さまを関わらせる訳がない!
Sync: Whoops, you’re a little late on that. They’ve already snatched Martel to use as the next vessel. おっと、一足遅かったか。こっちもマーテルを次の神降ろしに使う可能性に思い当たったんだけどね。
Mithos: I was restrained while he took my sister. That’s why I tried to kill him… あいつはボクを足止めしている間に姉さまを攫ったんだ。だから殺してやろうとしたのに……。
Shing: …Hm? But isn’t the ceremony of the goddess meant to cure Kohaku? Why would Martel need to be involved?  ……ん?神降ろしは���ハクの治療のために行ってたんだろ?どうしてマーテルさんが巻き込まれるの?
Mithos: Oh…that’s right. I’ll tell you since it’d be pointless to keep hiding it at this point. They’ve been lying to you, Shing. ああ……そうだったね。もう隠すのも馬鹿馬鹿しいから話してあげるよ。シングは騙されてるんだ。
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Shing: W-what do you mean? The divine descent is a ceremony to restore Kohaku’s lost heart, isn’t it!? ど、どういうことだよ。だって神降ろしは虚無に飛ばされたコハクの心を取り戻す儀式なんだろ!?
Kratos: You know Kohaku!? お前はコハクの知り合いか!
Shing: You know Kohaku!? Kohaku is my friend! コハクを知ってるの!?コハクはオレの仲間だ!
Shing: I’ve been struggling with doing all kinds of things I haven’t wanted to do, all because Mercuria promised she would help Kohaku…  メルクリアがコハクを助けてくれるって言ったから、オレは気が乗らないことも必死で我慢してきたのに……。
Shing: Was everything Mercuria said to me just a lie…? メルクリアの言ってたことは全部嘘だったのか……?
Mithos: Just a lie? …Who can say? She’s just a little girl. But, she’s certainly hiding something. 全部嘘……とはいえないかもね。あの通りのお嬢様だから。でも隠していることはある。
Mithos: …But Mercuria promised me similar things. She promised me that my sister wouldn’t be touched… ……もっともボクも同じことをされた訳だけどね。姉さまには手を出させないって約束だったのに……。
Kratos: As I was saying, Shing. Kohaku is in the care of the Salvation Front. I was told she was in danger of losing her heart. シングと言ったか。コハクは救世軍が預かっている。彼女は心を失って危険な状態にあると聞いている。
Shing: She’s lost her Spiria…that part was true!? スピリアを失って……そこの部分は本当なの!?
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Caius: How could Mercuria do this? I couldn’t believe it when she turned Flynn into a Living Doll… メルクリアの奴、どうしてこんなことを。フレンをリビングドールにしたのも信じられなかったし……。
Caius: I wonder if she’s changed. あいつ、変わっちまったのかな。
Kratos: Let’s get a few things straight. You say Martel was kidnapped by Dist. What happened to Dist after you attacked him? 少し整理しよう。マーテルはディストが攫ったのだったな。ディストはミトスの攻撃を受けて、その後どうした?
Mithos: He was carried away by a bizarre robot while Caius and the others were stopping me. I tried to go after him, but here we are. あいつはカイウスたちに止められている間に変なロボットに運ばれていったよ。追いかけようとしたらこの有様だけどね。
Kratos: All right, I’ll call the Salvation Front for help and then we can start searching for her. Shing, how did Kohaku lose her heart? よし、そちらは救世軍にも応援を要請して捜索にあたろう。シング、コハクは何故心を失うことになったのだ?
Shing: Richter was suffering, so we tried to help him. リチャードって人が苦しんでたから助けようとしたんだ。
Shing: We tried to do a Spiria Link with our Soma to defeat this xerom-like creature inside of him, but then Kohaku suddenly collapsed— ソーマでスピルリンクして、ゼロムみたいな奴を倒そうとしたんだけど、スピルリンクに問題があったのか、コハクが突然倒れて——
Zelos: I see, I see…I see that I didn’t understand a single part of that! なるほどなるほど……ってその説明訳わかんねーよっ!
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Zelos: Can you please explain it like you’re talking to someone who doesn’t know anything? 何も知らない人間にもわかるように説明してくれっかなー。
Shing: Uh, so, we can use these weapons to get inside someone’s Spiria—their heart. えっと、つまりオレたちはこの武器で人のスピリア——心の中に入れるんだ。
Shing: Richter’s Spiria had some kind of monster in it, so Kohaku and I entered it to get rid of it. リチャードのスピリアの中に魔物みたいな奴がいたから、それを退治しようと思ってコハクと中に入ったんだ。
Shing: But, there was something really wrong and Kohaku collapsed. でも、何かがいつもと違っててコハクが倒れちゃったんだよ。
Shing: That’s when Mercuria came to our rescue and said she would restore Kohaku’s Spiria. そのときにメルクリアが助けてくれてコハクのスピリアを取り戻してくれるって言ったんだ。
Shing: But Kohaku isn’t in the Empire anymore, and if they were lying to me, then I’m not staying with them. でもコハクはもう帝国にいないし騙されてたのなら今更ここにとどまる理由はないよ。
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Kratos: …If you intend on leaving the Empire, then why not join up with us? If so, we’d actually prefer it if you stayed with them for a while. ……もし帝国を離れるつもりがあるなら我らと協力しないか?そしてしばらくの間帝国に留まったままで力を貸してほしい。
Sync: We can make use of someone close to the enemy. 敵の懐にいる奴は利用できるからね。
Shing: So you guys just want to use me, too!? お前らまでオレを利用するつもりなのか!?
Mithos: You want to use him as a spy instead of Chester? チェスターの代わりにスパイをしろってことでしょ?
Zelos: Well, Chester wasn’t spying on us, he was spying on Mileena and her friends. まあ、チェスターは俺たちじゃなくてミリーナちゃんたちからのスパイだったけどな。
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Caius: I’m…not in a position to help you directly, but Shing is. I’ll help Shing where I can if he agrees to spy for you. オレは……力を貸すことはできないけどシングはいいんじゃないか?シングがスパイとして動くなら、オレも協力するぞ。
Caius: I need to deal with Rubia and Lukius, so I can help as long as it’s not too obvious. ルキウスとルビアのことがあるからばれない範囲でになるけど。
Shing: All I want to do is go to Kohaku’s side. Just…give me some time to think about this. 本当は今すぐコハクの傍に行きたいんだ。だから……少し考えさせてくれ。
Kratos: Don't worry, we won’t force you to make a decision now. But, you have to understand that a mole within the Empire will be a great help to us. 構わぬ。無理強いするつもりはない。ただ、帝国の内情を知る人間は我らにとって大きな戦力になる。
Kratos: We aren’t just using you. We want to cooperate with you as equals. だから利用するのではない。お互い同等の立場として協力して欲しい。
Shing: I understand. I need to think about whether I can believe you. I've already learned my lesson about jumping the gun like I did with Mercuria. わかった。その言葉が信じられるのかちゃんと考えてみる。もうメルクリアの時みたいに慌てて飛びつくのは懲りたからさ。
Kratos: And—Caius, right? I know you have your reasons, but we'd appreciate it if you'd let us go. それから——カイウス、だったな。立場もあるだろうが、我らのことを見逃してくれるとありがたい。
Kratos: And if we can be of any help, let us know. It’s clear that you’re not serving the Empire willingly. そしてもしも我らで力になれることがあれば言ってくれ。どうやらお前も理由があって帝国に従わされているようだ。
Caius: …Thank you. But it’s not like I’m helpless. I’m working with some people I know to do something. ……ありがとう。オレも何もしてない訳じゃないんだ。知り合いと一緒にどうにかしようって動いてる。
Caius: If we need anything…I’ll let you know. 何かの時には……頼むよ。
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Kratos: …Mithos, will you join us? ……ミトス。我らのところに来ないか?
Mithos: ………!
Kratos: I want to work together to save Martel. This time, I want to save her, too. マーテルを助けるために協力しよう。今度こそ、私もマーテルを救いたい。
Mithos: —You listened to what everyone had to say and instructed them… You sound like how you were in the past. ——そうやっていろんな人の話を聞いて色々指示出して……。そういうとこ、昔と変わらないね。
Kratos: Is that so…? Humans are creatures that change, but humans also tend to have trouble letting go of their old habits. そうだろうか……。人は成長する生き物でありながら、凝り固まった自分を捨てられぬ生き物だからな。
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Mithos: That’s right. That’s why…I can’t go with you. I can’t work with you, Kratos. そうだね。だから……ボクは行けない。ボクはクラトスと一緒にはいられない。
Mithos: You’re no longer my teacher. You are no longer my subordinate. This is a different world. I’m not your lord anymore. もうクラトスはボクの師匠じゃない。部下でもない。ここは異世界だ。ボクはクラトスの支配者であることをやめたんだ。
Mithos: The oath of knighthood you swore to me has long since been null and void. Besides, I can't go back to the old me. ** ボクに捧げられた騎士の誓いはとっくに無効だよ。それにボクももう昔のボクには戻れない。
Mithos: That’s why I’m going to look for my sister. Of course, you can at least cooperate with me. だからボクはボケで姉さまを捜して助ける。もちろん協力はしてもいいよ。
*This doesn’t feel exactly right, but… I’m not sure so fkdndnd Mithos please ** I’m not that familiar with Symphonia so I’m assuming this is a reference to something that happened in the past.
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
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'Nemona isn't an interesting rival/character, her only personality is battling' is a take I can understand pre area zero, but I don't get how anyone can reach the credits and still think that, tbh. My opinion of her SKYROCKETED during the final arc, I think she's tied for my favourite character now.
Spoilers for the endgame, but I'm gonna rant about why Nemona is amazing and far more than people give her credit for:
Nemona has a happy life. Her parents love her, she's from a successful and wealthy family, she's top of her classes and student council president and is pretty well liked - all things that very much work as narrative foils to Penny and Arven.
As such though, it means she's not got deep rooted trauma or fear or conflict to work through as much as the others - but not every character needs this kinda thing. Nemona still develops and has a fleshed out personality - it's just not thrown in your face quite as much as it is with Arven.
She's very obviously some form of neurodivergent to start with - battling is clearly her hyperfixation, and she desperately wants to share that with her friends. The thought of a good fight sends her blood boiling in a good way, and one isn't enough! She needs another battle - no - twenty!
(side note: ppl acting like she's weird/yandere/monika ddlc for always wanting to battle the mc is wild. During the team star battle she's just put out, and saying she's the only one they need to battle is bc she wanted a third battle right as they entered the city and mc needed a break, but now they're up and battling again. She's also not fixated on battling them specifically - just people in general. She's hyped for the idea of mc becoming a worthy rival, that's all!)
She's a very understanding and patient rival, which is kind of ironic with how quickly she rushes into things and doesn't always think things through. She wants to make sure she's getting into a fair fight, especially if she knows her opponent is less experienced. Once she realises she got overexcited and terastillised her pokemon before the protag had an orb of their own, she immediately rushes to the school to pull some strings so they'll be on even footing again next time.
She's absolutely AWESTRUCK by the idea of fighting giant monsters. She's living the dream in area zero. The thought of other people fighting giant monsters makes them the coolest people in the world to her and she sees it as an honour.
A lot of her tactlessness comes in at this point - hearing her friends talk about painful memories and sheer terror involving big scary pokemon just has her excitedly hoping she can meet and battle whatever pokemon it was. She seems to struggle a lot to piece together tone and body language to figure out what's appropriate to say, but it's very obviously not meant maliciously and may even be her roundabout way of trying to help... It's clearly not what the others want nor need to hear, but I definitely think there's more to it than just 'OOOOH COOL SCARY THING':
Nemona is FIERCELY protective. She knows she's strong and she isn't afraid of anything that's happening here. She knows if anything were to happen, she's got the confidence to take on anything and keep her friends safe.
Arven's having a crisis from a lot of extremely painful memories he has of area zero. Penny is feeling pretty jumpy at everything and desperately trying to figure out what the hell happened down here. The protag is worried for their friends AND they're torn up about not knowing what's wrong with Koraidon/Miraidon. Nemona is being strong for all of them. She can show them she's not scared and that she's ready for everything. Hell, she promised to protect them all so. Many times. If she treats this like a fun group outing, maybe it'll become one.
Any time bickering starts in area zero, she tries her best to get them all to calm down and get along again - misunderstandings happen! She's overly optimistic for the dragon 'family reunion' and doesn't even register that it's not a positive one because she wants to see the best in everyone. Sure, that's a trait that could get her into trouble, but she has her friends to drag her head out of the clouds. (Note that she still stood protectively over Koraidon/Miraidon the entire time the other one was approaching, though. Regardless of her words she was still picking up on the danger there.)
She sees how down everyone is once they get out of the crater and her immediate reaction is to coax them all into going home the long way and making it into an adventure. Mc and Penny are generally feeling down and Arven and Koraidon/Miraidon have been through. So much. She wants to get the group laughing and smiling together again, to remind them that they have reasons to smile again, and that they are loved.
Nemona may not have a big deep tragic backstory, but she's the heart of the group. She's their light.
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landososcar · 5 months
so american ; CL16
pairing(s) ; charles leclerc x american!reader
summary ; in which a trip to monaco turns permenant because of one ferrari racing driver
warnings ; fast paced relationship, smau, google translated french (pls correct anything that’s wrong) & FLUFFF
note ; lol sorry i lowkey disappeared. anyways. here’s charles and leo (aka everyone’s fav duo)
instagram !
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liked by friend1, charlesleclerc, and others
youruser leo & i might never leave 🥰🇲🇨
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friend1 monaco is so so beautiful
yourbff you can’t leave me here alone in the us
youruser but…
charles_leclerc im stealing her
yourbff you’ve know her for 3 weeks
charles_leclerc whats your point ??
friend2 the states miss you come home
friend3 leo has a new lap to sit in????
yourbff i feel cheated on
charles_leclerc i’ll make sure you don’t leave ☺️❤️
youruser having the best time of my life with you🫶
yourbff saying you’re not gonna let her leave is kinda creepy not gonna lie…
charles_leclerc you’re just jealous coz she doesn’t wanna go back to the us and wants to stay with me
friend4 you look so happy😁
instagram !
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liked by fan1, fan2, and others
cl16updating recent pictures of charles with a puppy, fans who asked him about the dog say his name is leo and he is not charles dog but he is staying with him for a while!! we are also unsure who the girl in his car in the last picture is, if anyone has any idea please share her instagram @ with us!!!!!!!!
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fan1 omg he’s not his dog??? i’m devastated now i wanted leo paddock appearances
fan2 idk maybe if you guys find her instagram @ don’t share it,, if charles wanted us to know about her he’d share with us
fan3 if she doesn’t want us to know about her maybe she shouldn’t hang out with the prince of monaco
fan4 she should be able to hang with whoever she wants. some of y’all are so weird
fan5 imma steal that dog
fan6 that means we probs won’t get leo in the paddock😭
fan7 maybe leo is the girls’ dog and she’s a friend of charles visiting him or something idk
imessages !
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translation 1: ‘i’ll miss you so much’
translation 2: ‘we can be crazy together, my love’
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instsgram !
youruser added to the story!
charles_leclerc added to his close friends story!
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charles_leclerc replied to your story
↳ you always do baby
↳ god you’re so cheesy
↳ i hate you
↳ can we go back home i miss leo
↳ charlie babe leo will be fine by himself for 3 hours
↳ i know i know
↳ i just love him so much
you replied to charles_leclerc’s story
↳ LEO GOT OUT??????????????? WHERE IS HE ??? IS HE SAFE??? DID SOMEONE FIND HIM??:??;??/??
↳ omg baby no leo’s fine i’m sorry for worrying you
↳ why would you joke about that
↳ i think i nearly had a heart attack
↳ you’re more obsessed with leo than me
instagram !
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liked by user1, user2, and others
f1wagupdates charles and his girlfriend (leo’s mum — we don’t know her name) this saturday. the owner of the first pic said that they were out for dinner with pascale, arthur, lorenzo, and their girlfriends.
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user1 she so beautiful oh my god
user2 where’s leo
user3 girl she doesn’t have to take him everywhere
user4 i think her name is y/n… my cousin in america said that she looks like someone she used to go to school with
user5 i looked through charles’ following and he follows a private account with that name @youruser
user6 ooo that could be her fs
user7 did she really leave leo alone.. she’s a bad owner wtf
user8 leo is a dog he’ll be ok by himself for a few hours omg you just want a reason to hate her go touch grass
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twitter !
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liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and others
charles_leclerc happy gorgeous amazing month ☺️❤️
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user1 CHARLES who is THAT
user2 Y/N CONTENT ON THE MAIN ‼️‼️‼️
carlossainz55 whipped
user3 omg is she playing his piano
user4 yes with her feet
youruser love love love you
charles_leclerc chérie💓💓
user4 anyone else think they’re moving REALLY quickly…. like i heard they’re living together already
user6 it’s none of our business
yourbff you’re all she talks about oh my GOD
charles_leclerc are you jealous
instagram !
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liked by leclerc_pascale, yourbff, and others
youruser “too much, too soon” i’m living with him lol
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yourbff remember when we had conversations that weren’t about him
youruser wdym
yourbff i hate him
yourbff you’re OBSESSED with him
yourbff you guys are DISGUSTING
youruser you sound jealous
yourbff i AM. that little french driving man STOLE my best friend
charles_leclerc FRENCH????????
friend1 miss you 🫶🫶
joris__trouche ❤️
friend2 come visit soon we miss youuuu
friend3 you’re so so so gorgeous
charles_leclerc MON AMOURRR
yourbff can you get me a ticket to the miami gp so i can see my wife pls
charles_leclerc no you’re gonna try steal her back
yourbff @youruser ur boyfriend is being mean to me
youruser charlie i lost my miami paddock pass can you get me another one pls but like could you put it under the name y/bff/n y/bff/ln please, for no reason☺️
charles_leclerc okay baby💓💓
youruser stop it i love you so so much you’re so adorable😭
leclerc_pascale Leo ❤️
youruser he misses you 🥰
imessages !
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my other works !
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forever-rogue · 2 years
yayy now that ik you're open to write for joel, i propose smth angsty along the lines of "you came back for me" bc reader and joel got into a really big fight before getting separated. i just want the angstttt pls crush my heart tear it apart then put it back together by ending really fluffy plssss
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AN | The inevitable has arrived - here we are foraying into Joel territory. Enjoy ❤️
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.4k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You’re really stupid sometimes,” it was an exasperated huff that had your hands on your hips as you looked at him. You didn’t mean it - not really anyway. Joel was probably one of the smartest and most resourceful people you’d ever met. He hung his head with a heavy sigh before turning back to you. His expression was entirely unamused, “so foolish and - and stubborn!”
This got a laugh out of him, a bark of unamused laughter but nonetheless. He crossed his arms over his chest, “I’m stubborn? Have you met yourself? You don’t get what you want and you act like a petulant child!”
“I am not,” you hissed, trying your best not to stomp your foot; you didn’t need to help prove his point any further. Maybe he was a little right…Joel often was. But you also felt like your point was right too. Even if this was the middle of a weird zombie apocalypse you were now living in, you should be able to take some time out for yourself. Especially now that you had a more stable living situation, “it’s always work this and work that with you. We should-”
“We should do what we need to in order to survive,” he cut you off, refusing to meet your eyes. He knew, begrudgingly, that you also weren’t entirely wrong, “that is the most important thing.”
“What about us-”
“There is no us,” he insisted and damn. Those four little words broke your heart more than anything. All this time spent together, getting to know each other both on a physical and emotional level meant nothing to him. You should have known. It was almost funny in a horrible way. The older man refused to look at you and you couldn’t help but think him a coward. Maybe he was right after all - maybe you were just a child, “get that in your head and let’s get this over with. We’re losing daylight.”
He took a few steps forward, dirt and gravel crunching under his boots. You shook your head, more to yourself than anything but didn’t follow him. When Joel didn’t hear your footsteps behind him, he turned around, “I’m not going with you.”
“C’mon,” he insisted, “don’t be like this. It’s dangerous for you to be out here by yourself.”
“Well, how am I ever going to learn to survive solely on my own if I’ve always got you or someone else leading the way?” He was correct in reasoning though. It wasn’t safe for anyone alone. It was also recommended that people go out in pairs for that reason, “just go on and I’ll find my own way back.”
“Stop acting like this,” but you just shook your head and took a step further back, “can you just listen to me for once?”
“Actually, Joel, for once it would be me not listening to you. So…you do whatever it is you need to do, do it. I’ll go back and patiently wait. Then you can come back and tell me what to do,” you offered him a sticky sweet smile before turning on your heel and heading back in the direction from which you came. You took off before Joel could say anything, biting your lip in order to keep from making any extra sounds or letting your tears fall down your cheeks. 
You heard him call after you, your name falling from his lips in an increasingly exasperated tone. You heard him come after you for a few moments, but eventually he stopped, his signature sigh falling from his lips. But eventually he moved on and you continued back towards Jackson. 
Realistically you’d just proved his point by acting in such a childish manner. But you didn’t care, not right now. He’d hurt you, and you didn’t even know if he’d meant to or knew the effect his words were having on you. 
“Dumb, stupid girl,” you groaned at yourself, “had to go and mess everything up. And now you’re going to get yourself lost.”
Admittedly, your sense of direction wasn’t the greatest. But the path you’d taken to get to this point, the point where you’d picked an argument with Joel, had been a fairly linear path. Surely you couldn’t fuck that up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And yet…you managed to fuck that right up. 
It was dark and you weren’t back to Jackson yet and you knew that was wrong. It shouldn't have taken so long to get back. You should have been back already. Somewhere along the line you had either taken a wrong turn or missed a turn but you found yourself wandering aimlessly. It was too quiet out here, not even sounds of nighttime creatures reaching your ears. If there were anything out there with you, they’d probably hear you in a heartbeat. You’d just have to hope that there wouldn’t be any runners or stalkers or worse - clickers. You were glad you’d remembered to stash an extra knife in your boot and still had the shotgun slung across your back. You’d never taken one on your own, but you figured you could manage. You were going to have to. 
But you just hoped that you wouldn’t come across everything. You’d just camp out in one of the abandoned buildings you’d found until daybreak and then make your way back. That seemed like the most logical and smart thing to do. 
You went to check the front door of the building and, naturally, it was locked. Luckily there was an open window nearby that you figured you could use to get in. Hopefully that was a good sign that nothing else was able to get in either. You jumped the little bit of distance that you needed in order to climb up, catching your hands on the window sill and pulling yourself up. You managed to get in, but suffered a less than graceful landing as you plopped on the ground. And…managed to roll your ankle in the process. 
“Fuck,” you cried, clutching at your ankle in pain as you tried to stifle your whimper. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you slowly sat up and tried to massage the pain in your ankle away, “shit, damn it. Fuck!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you slapped a hand over it to try and keep any further sound at bay. You sat still, and listened for a few moments to make sure you didn’t hear anything. After a few tense, still minutes had passed, you relaxed; it didn’t seem like anything was there with you. 
Crawling towards the corner, you made yourself as small as possible, sitting with your back against the concrete wall, and hugging your knees to your chest. Anything to make yourself as small and unimposing as possible. It was probably a stupid idea to sleep, alone and vulnerable, but it had been a long day and you needed some rest. Your eyes grew heavier and heavier and before you knew it you had succumbed to sleep’s siren call.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time your eyes opened up, heavy and dry, it was the morning. Daylight was streaming inside the room and you let out a relieved, but shaky sigh. You’d made it through the night. That in and of itself was a good sign that you’d make it back. It was safer in the light and you might even meet someone from Jackson on the way back. 
As you tried to stand up, you quickly remembered what had happened. The stabbing pain your ankle causing you to yelp as you leaned against the wall, using it to help support yourself. Okay, okay, okay - this was going to be trickier than you thought but you’d be able to get yourself out of there. Your survival instinct was stronger than that.
But before you could do anything or plan anything else you heard it. It was your name being called out in the distance. Gooseflesh erupted all over your skin as you tried to pick out the voice. It came closer and closer and it didn’t take long to figure out who it was. Joel. It made your heart jump before you remembered what had happened. You could just - fuck it. You needed him to survive and while you were stubborn among a whole lot of other things, you were willing to put aside. 
“Joel!” you held onto the sill so tightly that your knuckles were turning white. You poked your head outside and looked around until you found him a short distance away, “Joel.”
He stopped at the sound of your voice, and you could see the evident relief that washed over his features. He jogged over to you, and you offered him a tentative, nervous little smile. He shook his head when he realized that you were safe, running a hand through his dark hair. Joel exhaled slowly before looking at you, a hard glint to his, “do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?”
“I’m fine, thanks,” you rolled your eyes lightly.
“This isn’t a game,” his voice sounded between annoyed, worried, and relieved all at once. He reached over and gently touched your face, his hand resting on your cheek, “you thought you could just go off on your own and find your way back? You couldn’t even do that. I got back and you weren’t there. Do you even know what I thought? I-I…”
“I’m okay,” you promised, putting your hand on top of his and giving it what you hoped was a reassuring little squeeze. He wasn’t looking at you, instead looking up at the blue sky. It was almost funny in a way; if you looked up, staring into the bright blue sky, it almost seemed like nothing was wrong and the world was as it had always been, “look at me, please. Joel.”
“I thought something had happened,” he swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes met yours. There was a hard edge to them, but they were still soft, “I thought I’d fucking lost you.”
“You came back,” you took his hand in yours, admiring the feeling of his calloused fingers against your surprisingly soft skin, “you came back for me.”
“Of course I did,” he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, “that was never a question. You should have just come with me and none of this would have happened. You stubborn, foolish girl.”
“You…” it all seemed so trivial and silly now. Now that he was back and had come for you, “I…’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just left. Not with my sense of direction.”
“I’m sorry too,” he admitted and you raised an eyebrow in surprise. That was not what you had been expecting to hear. Joel Miller was a hard man and he didn’t generally didn’t experience situations in which he had to apologize, “I shouldn’t have said the things I did.”
“I shouldn’t have just assumed that you and I were…anything,” your voice dropped as you tried to blink back the tears that threatened to well up, “it was stupid of me and ended up causing both a lot of trouble.”
“You are extremely important to me,” his voice was gentle when it broke the silence that had fallen over the two of you. You couldn’t help the small smile that ticked up the corners of your mouth, “even if I didn’t make it seem like it. We’ll…figure it out, okay? But I want you to know that…I…”
“I know,” you did know. You knew exactly what he was trying to convey, exactly what was going through his mind. It was the same thing you were still scared to say, “me too, Joel.”
He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, “c’mon. Let’s get you back home and we can…go from there.”
“There’s, um…just a small issue with that,” you put on a sheepish smile as Joel looked at you expectantly, “when I found this place last night - the door was locked. I didn’t want to make too much noise so I didn’t try to force it open. Instead, I climbed in through the window.”
“I can get you out of the window-”
“I hurt my ankle.”
“Of course you did.”
“It’s always something with you,” he tutted at you, but there wasn’t any anger or malice behind the sound, “what am I going to do with you, huh?”
“Keep me around because I keep you on your toes?” you tried and he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. You looked at him with a gentle smile, “can you help get me out of here?”
“Of course,” he promised, “sprained or broken?”
“I dunno,” you looked at the swollen joint and grimaced, “I think just sprained. But I’m not a doctor so…”
“Kid,” affection laced the nickname that he liked to tease you with. He came closer to the window and held his arms out to you. You quickly wrapped your arms around him, letting him tug you closer to his body before he picked you up and swung you through the window. You thought he would set you down, but he didn’t. Instead he held to you his chest, “you’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“Thank you,” before you could stop yourself you kissed him tenderly on his scruffy cheek, “thank you for coming back for me.”
“I’ll always come back for you,” he promised and you knew he meant it, “always.”
“I know,” you hugged him tightly, “me too. I mean, if the situation were ever reversed. Which I doubt it would be, but you know, the sentiment is there.”
“I know, Kid,” you could feel the laughter vibrating in his chest, “I know."
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gojoidyll · 17 days
There is No Law that Emperors Must be Fair
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Emperor ! Jing Yuan x Princess ! Reader
Chapter 3 | Deals with Devils
Summary | You are set to marry the Emperor, Jing Yuan. In order to break the engagement, you stage an accident and fake having amnesia. But now, you own cruel, cold, and distant fiancé, who seemed to not want anything to do with you, is now acting all lovey dovey!
Note | reposted because the original wasn't letting me edit it.
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“Follow me.”
That same day, Blade had left to clear out the halls because apparently you and him were going to go meet Dan Heng personally instead of him coming to you. Which was fine, Dan Heng was an important government official that worked even more closely to the Emperor than Blade. So, Dan Heng walking freely among the halls will get anyone’s attention right off the bat which is exactly why you and Blade were going to meet him instead of the other way around.
“I thought we were going to wait a few days before knocking this deal out.”
“It’s best just to get it out of the way now then later.”
You winced when you both turned a corner. The bruises and aches you sustained from the stairs were still fresh and very much hurt-, “h- hey!”
“Keep quiet."
Blade had picked you up not a moment later and proceeded to carry you down the hall, his arms wrapped tightly around you as you had no choice but to do as he said. And honestly? You weren’t complaining. As lang as you weren’t on your feet and moving around, your injuries weren’t hurting.
Before too long, he stopped at a door. Looking around to make sure no one was watching him carry you in some random room, he opened the door. Then once he closed it behind himself, he carried you to an empty chair and settled you into it.
“Oh? She’s already awake? And since you brought her here, I’m guessing the whole amnesia thing didn’t work out.”
“Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell you did that on purpose in hopes of getting home.”
“Then why did it fool the Emperor?”
“Who knows?”
He did know, you could tell, but he wasn’t spilling. But whatever. It didn’t matter. As long as you got out of here, then you didn’t care why it worked on the Emperor.
“Alright, fine. Can we talk about this deal already then? I imagine we don’t have much time.”
Dan Heng looked to Blade and they both nodded.
“We need you to steal something from the Emperor, and then once we take you home, we need you to steal something from your father.”
You deadpanned, “are you kidding me?! If I do that, then I won’t be a princess anymore! I’ll be labeled a thief and get my hands cut off!”
“Only if you get caught.”
“And remember,” Dan Heng chimed in, “we can always go tell the Emperor what you were planning. Hell, we can even tell him how you planned to get amnesia, steal this important item, and then leave as if you did nothing wrong.”
“So, it’s best to work with us, then against us.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, “fine, whatever, what am I stealing from the Emperor and my father anyway?”
“Two keys.”
You deadpanned again, “what.”
“You’ll know them once you see them.”
“Ok, and where are these keys anyway?”
“One of them is in the Emperor’s personal chambers. A place where only his fiancé is let in.”
“His…personal maids are let in there too, but they are too loyal to the Emperor, which is why you will come in handy.”
His personal maids… you knew what that meant. Your father warned you that some royalty takes maids to bed. You suppose that Jing Yuan was no different.
“And my father’s supposed key?”
“We will worry about that once you get the Emperor’s and back home.”
You sighed, “and what do I get out of this?”
Dan Heng stepped forward again, “you won’t have to marry the Emperor, and once you’re free from our deal you can go back home and never have to worry about us or the Emperor ever again.”
“Ever? So, the fact that I’m stealing these keys won’t ever trace back to me?”
“…You said that the key is in the Emperor’s room, how am I supposed to get in there anyway?”
“Get close to him and let him take you to bed.”
“You’ll be fine. Besides, if it gets too scary in there you can always play the scared virgin card and get him to back down.”
You huffed, “you two are brutes.”
“We could be worse.”
Dan Heng checked the time then, “enough idle chatter, take her back to the infirmary. We can discuss more later.”
“So what am I supposed to do now,” you asked while Blade picked you back up.
“Act like you have amnesia, play the innocent victim, and look at the Emperor as if he created the sun, the moon, and hung the very stars in the night sky.”
“You’re serious.”
“Very, and try to act genuine, and don’t overact either.”
“Ok, mom.”
Dan Heng glared at you right before Blade carried you out of the room, “you just like to push everyone’s buttons, don’t you.”
“Oh can it, Blade. Besides, why do you both need those keys anyway?”
“It’s best if you don’t know. For now, worry about yourself. Because I can’t promise your safety if the Emperor finds out about your charade.”
“If he does, then can you promise me something?”
“Kill me.”
Blade glanced down at you, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly, “why?"
“We both know how ruthless the Emperor can be. If he finds out, then I will basically be sentenced to a life of torture and misfortune even if I do manage to escape. Death would be far kinder in that regard.”
Once Blade took you back to the infirmary and set you in your bed, he took up guarding right by your side once more, “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, but as Dan Heng mentioned, the maids are loyal to the Emperor. Don’t trust them. Also,…a few of them are the Emperor’s favorites, so they tend to get away with more stuff than a princess ever could. So be wary of them. I won’t always be by your side.”
“Get some rest. You have a lot to do tomorrow.”
“Like what?”
“Dealing with the Emperor, of course. I heard he canceled all of his meetings for tomorrow to be with you.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Because I told him you woke up but needed more rest, so tomorrow he could speak with you.”
“…I hate you.”
“Thank you.”
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beeisntevenhere · 6 months
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☆Hii so it's April 4th and ofc I have to do something for my fav characters birthday :) So this might suck horribly because it's very rushed but atleast then i tried !
☆Happy birthday King!
☆Warnings!! None dw
As always english isnt my first language so if you see any spelling errors I'm sorry !
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How Shigaraki would spend his birthday with the reader ♡♡ (Headcannons)
| Shigaraki x GN!Reader |
Since he was raised by AFO Shigaraki has never really celebrated his birthday because AFO doesn't give much importance to that stuff
And even before that when he was still a kid his parents didn't care much for his birthday (mostly his dad)
His sister was the only one that really did something for him by sitting down with him with a little cupcake she managed to get and one singular candle that he could blow
It definitely wasn't something huge but it's one of the few things he stills looks back fondly on
Anyways,since creating the league of villains he has barely had time to even remember his birthday much less care about it
You whoever, do care about his birthday
So on a random night when you're both cuddling in bed you question him about it
"My birthday? I don't see how that's something of interest"
He's definitely a little stubborn because his birthday is something he basically left in the past along with the life of Tenko Shimura
In the end he still tells you anyways because if he were to tell anyone you would be the best option being the closest one to his heart
Now aware of this information you'll never let him spend another birthday without at least a small celebration
The first time his birthday comes after he tells you, you buy (or steal) him a little gift
A videogame he has been talking about, a new release he still hasn't has managed to get his hands on
You carefully place it next to his other games with a little present bow on top and a handwritten note
"Happy birthday! I thought you might like this :)"
When he comes home and sees it his heart beats so fast he doesn't know how to even begin to process it
I mean how could he? How do you, someone so precious, care that much about him? Going as far as lending your heart to him? A monster
(if he cries the first time he plays the video game and it immediately becomes one of his favorites no one will question it)
That same day he decides to take you out somewhere to spend the rest of it together
You're over the moon with that factand happy he enjoyed the gift,and he's over the moon that your so happy
You two go get ice cream,go to the arcade and go check out some shops around the mall
When the evening hits and the sky begins to darken you take a walk around the park and just generally enjoy eachothers company
Finally when you get back to the base you order take out pizza and play videogames with him (especially the new one you got)
You both end of falling asleep all cuddled up together just happy to have eachother
Thinking about the fact that this was the best birthday he has ever had only makes him hold you tighter
You do so much for him and he appreciates every second of it
Obviously when your birthday comes he'll show that appreciation by spoiling you rotten
But that's a story for another day!
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A/N:I had alot of fun writing that lol I really like shigaraki that's why he's my fav mha character,he's really fascinating
☆As usual request are open! As of today (April 4th) so if you want to request you can :D And if you don't know the rules you can find them here! REQUEST RULES!
☆If you see any typos or find anything triggering that I forgot to correct or tag pls dm me so I can change it
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leonidele · 1 year
Oh! you're new to MXTX?
Here are the rules to understanding what the heck is literally going on in the novels: 1. never, Ever, believe what a character says about themselves or their perception of the world.
Shen Yuan: "I'm an easygoing person!" no you're not. you spent every single day since transmigration fixing and plotting and stressing over a hundred things at once, stop lying Mu Qing: "I rlly think we should just let them die." proceeds to save them. LBH: "An eye for an eye, Shizun hurt me I will repay" proceeds to only save, cure and worry for SQQ and keep him close to him.
2. no difficulty in the world hasn't been made because of another person. be it misunderstandings, miscommunication, resentment, ill intents, character personality, etc, the only thing that pushes a plot point (backward or forward) are singular people who are more often than not working against their own favor. (someone pls give MXTX a sociology book) if you like that sort of thing, good for you! if you're a person who gets frustrated by miscommunication... *screams into a pillow. incoherently ranting about specific moments in the novels* 3. nobody knows what actually happened. (no one else was in the room where it happened~) all three (and possibly other) books of MXTX have been filled to the brim with gossip, fangirling, and gossip. if a random character is saying it, that is definitely not what happened. if someone explaining second hand is saying it, you are being intentionally put so off track you can't even see the road. if the subject of the conversation is saying what happened, look at the company, the character, and the subject, and resolutely understand that you will never get the actual story of what happened from anyone. because clearly, the man himself is delusional.
and that's all for now! tell me if you want more tips (or if you think I should correct anything)
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ineffabildaddy · 9 months
Hi sam! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! your fics and your posts delight me) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
hi!!! thank you so so much for this, a few months ago i couldn't even imagine being so active in the tumblr community again, let alone anyone's favourite anything!!!!
i've been very fortunate to receive the warmest of welcomes back to tumblr after a 7-year absence, and i've received so much support for my writing (and my shitposts lol) that this whole experience of finally joining the good omens fandom has genuinely given me a newfound confidence in my creative self, and in myself as a whole💙
in terms of the blogs that make me happy to be here... they are many!!! i shall put the rest of this post under the cut
@raining-stars-somewhere-else thank you for being my first go friend and now one of my closest buddies!!! i can't wait for us to finally write that fic together (lol) and for us to get up to some irl london shenanigans at some point✨ ur hilarious and kind and so correct about literally everything and i love u. literally everyone needs to read ur posts bc they're so well-thought out and unique. also your fics are really moving and human (even though they're about crowley and aziraphalekldfjgjl) and i adore them
@sad-chaos-goblin we literally just Get Each Other, same brain and all, and i absolutely love it!!! i couldn't ask for a better horny consultant bc after all it is Our Pornography™. you're also just an extremely understanding, open and lovely person, not to mention very fun and exciting to be friends with hehe. ur headcanons are so fucking interesting (and sometimes sad, how dare u do this to me) and i'm looking forward to hearing more when u eventually get round to writing all those fics you've got ideas for<3
@foolishlovers i'm really really happy we've got to know each other better over the past couple weeks!!!!! your xmas fic is one of my absolute favourite fics ever and i'm in awe with your skill and craft, i hope to write something as well-rounded and enjoyable as that someday<3 also you're one of my favourite posters, so fucking funny and u just make points left right and centre. i hope we can share our writing and our thoughts about life in general more in 2024!!!
@crowleyslvt i'm very happy i barged my way into your dms to be horny on main bc i definitely wouldn't've explored half the things i've explored in my writing if not for our discussions and your encouragement!!! i absolutely love talking writing and sexy headcanons with you, but above that i love that i'm now mates with such a talented, considerate, hilarious kiwi lad. i am honoured to be one of the little guys in ur phone who gets to hype up u as an exceedingly great porn writer but also as a legend in general
@voluptatiscausa no one understands my feralness for michael sheen like you do. i can go batshit insane in the dms over ms and dt with u and that space is important to me dlgkljdgldfjgl. i'm really glad i started reading ur writing this year bc it's very enjoyable, but it's also healing for me as a person who's [whispers] a traumatised and cripplingly shy person in terms of sex lmao. thank you for bestowing it upon ao3, and by extension, upon me!!!! also tho, you're a really nurturing and interesting friend to have, not to mention a Very Cool one so continue to be that pls and thanks
@bowtiepastabitch i've felt very honoured to hear about parts of your life as you share them with me - Knowing The Lore is so important to me and i'm humbled that you've trusted me with some of the stuff that's been happening in your world<3 on another note, your fanart may be quick but it's never shitty, it's always so expressive and fun and gets my brain Thinking Thoughts. i can't express how wonderful it was when you made a wee bit of fanart for one of my fics, and i hope i continue to see ur creativity shine✨
thank you to my favourite blogs for Existing Throughout 2023 (some of whom i know i can call friends, and the rest of whom i'd like to call friends in the future!!!) @sabotage-on-mercury @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @ineffableigh @celestialcrowley @queer-reader-07 @crowleyraejepsens @teddybearbutchh @crowleyholmes @ineffable-rohese @createserenity @quoththemaiden @procrastiel @sentientsky @genderqueer-hippie @beelzzzebub @lineffability @fellshish @greenthena @brainwormcity @opscuritas @tangerine-ginger @iammyownproblematicfave @crikey01 @crawley-fell @vroomvroomwee @bildads-shoes @shoemakerobstetrician @romansmartini @wraithee
i know i'll have forgotten people so i'll add em as i remember em hehehehe
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hwnglx · 10 months
what's between v and jennie? feelings, friendship or smth else?
taehyung + jennie
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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did they ever date? kingofsw&tower&knofw, deathrx+star
yes, they were dating. but not anymore. i'm sensing that the leak of the photos was a big turning point for taehyung and jennie, that required them to step back and look at the situation from a more objective view. it's almost like they forgot there even was the possibility for someone to "expose" them, and were just living in the heat of the moment. it was a more short-lived, but very impactful and meaningful relationship for the both of them. a lot of passion and longing for each other. there still seems to be an inability to move on, not being able to let go of whatever they had, and a clear wish to rekindle. (especially on taehyung's side)
how does taehyung feel towards jennie? 2ofw&queofw, emperrx&9ofswrx&temprx, strength, 5ofc
so, jennie seems to have been a woman, who taehyung has always felt an attraction towards. he sees her as the charming queen of wands, someone with a strong presence and a very magnetic aura. with the two of wands here, it's clear that approaching her was something he had planned to do.
however, i got a bunch of reversed cards just flying out right away, so there is a lot of blocked and negative energy here. it seems like, once he was able to build something with jennie, he put a lot of responsibility on himself to take good care of her, and make sure she's comfortable. i also kept hearing "protective". he really wanted to hold on to what they had, and kinda stressed himself out on his own. i think the fear of losing his grip on her drove taehyung to this place of uncertainty on how to proceed.. like "what do i do so this amazing woman stays with me?" he saw her a precious existence in his life, that he didn't wanna lose.
he still seems to hold strong feelings for jennie, but has since been able to control himself more. the five of cups in the end tells me there still is lingering regret in him, and he often asks himself if he could've done anything differently, to prevent the end from happening. just like in the previous spread, there definitely seems to be a lack of closure on a personal level.
how does jennie feel towards taehyung? kingofc, 7ofw&magic, 3ofsw, 5ofw, pagofc
she views taehyung as a very emotionally mature and loving guy. someone who cherishes and values his loved ones tremendously, and has a sweet and understanding heart. jennie seems to especially admire his ability to deal with obstacles, in her eyes taehyung is someone who's very level headed and intelligent. he doesn't get swayed or driven to insecurity by the challenges he faces. she herself can be a lot more sensitive than people think, and often takes things to heart, so she felt very drawn to someone so different to her. being with him gave her a sense of stability.
the five of wands shows me, all the public talk and external circumstances messed with her feelings. she truly doesn't like her private life being so out there and having to hear everyone voicing their opinion on something that's meant to be only her business. it wasn't just the news that they dated, as far as i can remember people hacked into her phone (? correct me if i'm wrong) and literally leaked their private pictures. i think anyone would feel very uncomfortable in that situation.
she seems to have blamed herself a lot, for not thinking of the possibility of this happening. like "guess i did this to myself." she believes she was blinded by infatuation and it was immature of her to believe people wouldn't have found out. (she's so hard on herself, my god.. ? ☹)
what went wrong? world, 10ofsw
tbh, the cards are telling me "it just ended, stop asking."
jennie and taehyung are both idols whose energies are a bit more difficult for me personally, they're both very protective. i didn't ask any further.
i believe they just wanna keep the details of their relationship more private, and of course they have an obvious right to.
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sseulfleur · 1 year
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Red's sight —
synopsis : you decide to help the stranger stopping a spike that was about to destroy your hometown, but of course the blue-clothed, weird looking guy knocked you out before you could run off, only to take you to the Valorant Protocol. the people who were originally on your #1 target list.
tags: f!reader, yoru x reader, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, fluff, you are a super radiant , valo protocol investigates you, phoenix being a flirt (as always), yoru is A DICK
a/n : it’s my first fanfic! waaaa pls dont be too harsh on me lol, i will be cross-posting on ao3 probably! link on my profile :]] thinking about posting pt.2/ continuing if this gets big
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You dreaded your next step, puffy eyebags slightly hidden under the mask. Avoiding your body, and noticing how exhausted it was, is a skill you’ve honed well over the months, but it isn’t possible to keep it going forever.
You leaned forward in your stance as you faced the little screen towards you, gaze tracing the pixels.
You looked at the map, including all the information you needed, and they were all filled to the border of the device you located them on.
"It's time." You thought as you went through the countless amounts of letters again, you've been hunting down those people for a long time; the Valorant Protocol.
A bunch of assholes that gunned down several locations that included your hometown, with the so-called "spike" they've also used for destruction, but what was their motive?
You tried and attempted looking–, no, you were looking for them for a long time, yet it always led to nowhere.
You remained there, trying to study the map location on A side more as you stared down at the device, your body was already moving, leading to change paths until you heard a wildfire of gunshots breaking out near you.
You clenched your hand on the rifle that was resting on your back before, you reloaded and decided to correct your body position. Cautiously looking around, scanning eyes around the area.
"It must be from B side." You muttered to yourself as you lowered your gun, the itch in your hands came back as dark red energy appeared around them, and your eyes started to turn into a lighter shade of red before you hushed your way over to mid.
FIRST ABILITY: Silent Scurry
The agent is so quick, that it almost seems like they're teleporting from place to place, but most dangerous: it's silent when needed.
Stay alert.
You plastered your back to the wall as you were about to push up to B side, the gunshots sounded even messier before you approached through mid. You glanced over the hallway while you raised your vandal and peeked; no one was there.
Like a shot, the sound pinched through your whole body, that goddamn high-pitched noise you know too well.
Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep
It was like a ticking clock that was even able to blend out the gunshots, the ones that were just louder seconds ago.
You lurked through the alley as you made yourself sneak over to B site, "Now was my chance", you thought. It was them who planted the bomb, they were here.
And you had to stop them.
Sucking in your bottom lip, you stood with a nod, a raised gun near your chest. You hesitated until u took a sharp breath and swung out onto B side.
You narrowed your eyes but didn't spot anyone at first which still brought you to not let your guard down. You were checking every corner until you heard a weird noise behind you, from the corner of your eye, you could tell someone was there.
Before you were able to aim at them, someone swung out and started firing, you rolled back as you got up and put a bullet between his two eyes, his body falling onto the ground. The person behind you was also shooting but not at you, were they... another citizen?
"Hey! Defuse the spike!" You screamed over to that stranger because it seemed like he was there to stop it, and you would sacrifice anything before your hometown gets torn into pieces.
The last thing you wanted was for this mission to be your last one. In front of you, that blue-clothed guy crouched even lower to the ground, pointing some device in front of the spike.
You fell back slightly behind him, noticing someone trying to come up to him, but you were aware and took them out before they could stop him or register your presence.
The ground started to suddenly break down as everything started floating, and the beeping of the spike got faster and more annoying to the brain when the frequency went higher.
"Stop the fucking spike, will you?!"
You screamed at him, but he seemed like it wasn't his first time being near the brink of death, the pressure was getting more overwhelming, your feet started to lift off the ground, and you furrowed your brows as you covered your eyes, unsure whether he was going make it or not.
You opened your eyes as hard surfaces met your body harshly, you huffed in slight pain but got yourself up, the spike was now defused, laying there motionless.
You were about to look at the stranger who just caused this, but the wall met your back pretty rough before you could even do so. You let out a grunt before you looked up.
"And who the hell are you?"
His accent was thick while his voice was monotone, that was more than enough to notice he wasn't from around here, but he seemed like he knew more than enough on how to cuss you out. You pushed the person in front of you away before you tilted your chin up, only to meet the gaze of two brown eyes.
"None of your business." You spit back as you scanned him, weird clothing that was centered around the color blue, his hair slicked back with gel, too much gel. His facial expression looked so angry that made you think you planted the fucking spike.
You were about to walk off when you noticed he wasn't planning on showing any of his gratitude until you got pushed back in place with a gun.
"Are you out of–"
You felt cold metal against your forehead which made you sigh internally, maybe it wasn't the bomb that was going to kill you.
The blue guy talked into his jacket which was most likely communications and him asking for support, so he was part of some group. You heard a crackle before some mumbling got out of his earpiece, you raised an eyebrow at him as he lowered his gun.
"Affirmative Brimstone, bringing her to base."
And before you could dedicate your thoughts to what that son of a fucker just said, a hit landed on your jaw, it started aching, and black dots decorated your sight before everything went pitch black.
Your mind was blank as your consciousness was the first thing you woke up with, you started to feel your body as you felt the slight pinch coming from your jaw.
Your eyes fluttered open as you noticed the outline of some people. You were in a room, but you don't recall being here before you passed out.
You let out a heavy breath as your recent memories flooded back into your mind, you looked at the guy sitting across from you while some people were standing behind him.
“Sage, did you heal that kid already?” he said, pinching the area between his eyes while he closed them. The guy smelled like old-man body spray, sweat, and ham sandwiches.
The woman beside him with long hair, tied back into a high ponytail, bobbed her head softly and gave a slight smile. She seemed the kindest one out of everyone in this room. "She seems fine for now, Brimstone."
“Okay now,” That old-looking man with a beard started, standing up and moving around you in circles, eyes not leaving you. There were a couple of other people surrounding you, but you didn't care. “—we're going to interrogate her first!”
I slowly shifted my eyes around the room to examine it, but I noticed from my eye corners that the old fucker was already following my gaze with judging looks.
"Escaping won't help, I can already tell you that."
"Keeping a woman hostage won't bring you further either." you hissed as you narrowed your eyes at him, you are more than ready to signalize you're not here for their fun.
Without the serious façade, that old man just lidded his eyes and stared at you with his eyebrows pushed up, wordlessly saying "really?".
He sat back down on the other side of the desk again, eying me.
What you weren't ready for earlier was when a 5'11 guy knocked you out while you were trying to help him detonate a spike, but hey, you should've seen it coming, right?
Now you're sitting here in a dark room, being interrogated by some people that were getting on your nerves already.
"What's your name kid?" That old man sighed, but you just remained silent out of spite, you were forced here, and that will be the best they can get.
"Where do you live?"
"How do you know about the spike?"
"Why did you help him?"
"....Are you working for someone?—"
"I was only helping because I didn't want to die to a fucking bomb."
You said it in a somewhat decent tone to get your point across. "But knocking me out and dragging me here was unnecessary" You said in a backhanded tone and glanced over to the guy who was responsible for that.
“I need you to get your head out of your ass for a second, please, this is serious kiddo.” His lips pressed into a thin line, brows pushing into a hard look. He was slowly starting to get impatient. So this time he meant urgent time.
"My head's already up here." You said bluntly and suddenly that dark-skinned, tall guy, that looked like he was about to catch fire, snorted and tried to surpress his laugh. Now it was he who suffered under that "Brimstone’s” gaze.
I let my back sink into the seat as I looked back, I wasn't planning on staying here any longer and my temper was already adding to it.
“Just let her go Brimstone, I told you it’s useless. Or maybe get rid of her if she knows too much.” a feminine voice spoke out with a slight Spanish accent in it, I raised my head to see who it belonged to and saw a woman who was about in her 30s, looking at me suspectedly with her purple eyes.
Brimstone held his hand up annoyed as a sign for everyone to pause, he was a bit more forward, straight up trying to look into my soul.
“We need to get ahold of this chaos, she’s too dangerous to let go. Until then, she will stay here.”
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seeusuna · 2 months
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hello lovelies, if i’m honest she’s here bc i realized boys aren’t hitting rn (not you kai, they could never make me hate you). noah may return if our bby angel allows more muses but until then enjoy japan’s pride and joy, and korea’s probably biggest poser, setsuna. you can find her pinterest here, and i’ll add her kprofile and profile between tomorrow and wednesday! if you’d like to plot pls give this a like!
pre- debut:
as much as estella is a rookie group, if you know anyone you know ishida setsuna.
it’s not that she’s better than any of her members, but like a lot of young idols it took her awhile to get here.
setsuna started off in a pretty moderate family. and though her familial bloodline traces back to japanese royalty, they lived a modest life in a farm in the japanese village of shirakawago. and while they helped with most of their village's exports being the biggest farm they had, it was still a small living.
music had always been something suna found herself drawn to. she learned traditional hems and wedding songs, known to sing for occasions around the village.
when her family finally moved to the main city? she spent her days when not in school singing in the streets for a little bit of shopping cash.
after a while, and many accolades and local performances later, the public of japan that got to know her beautiful angelic voice, urged her to participate in the jpop scene.
she gave it a go and actually ended up debuting in a small 4 member gg called static48. though the group had popularity performed at many festivals and until this day is highly coveted in japan, however, after a scandal with the eldest member, the group basically faded into obscurity.
setsuna didn’t let this deter her, she’d already tasted the stage and she needed her voice to be over thousands of people again, not just a few hundred in the streets or at events.
around the age of 16 she saw an advertisement for the popular kpop survival mbc’s “my teenage girl” to which began who she is right now.
on the first episode of the show, she bounced out in her cute little outfit butchering her way through choppy korean she’d taught herself. she performed a rendition “maria” by MICHELLE @mishiisms, and while the main mentor wasn’t impressed because she didn’t dance, she’d already won the hearts of the audience. they liked how she still tried to speak their language even though she blushed and butchered through it, they loved her style, most of all they loved her voice.
as the show went on she kept up as a great vocalist, and constantly got votes because of it. but her lackluster performance and shobby dancing, left her to fall flat from the final line up. but the feed had been done. she’d been crowned japan’s princess, became a well sought out “trainee” for lack of a better term, even though she didn’t really do anything else after the show aside from her own youtube channel posting covers and trying to do her best to correct her stage and dance skills.
with that, she’d completely engulfed herself in the kpop scene, desperately wanting to debut in the industry. she tried multiple auditions but her lack of skills in anything other than visually and her voice never made it.
debut -
a fan big fan of the soloist who’s song started this journey, setsuna jumped at the opportunity to audition when they announced them for their newest girl group. her parents deterred her, wanting her to come back home as being in korea on her own and failing wasn’t making them feel insecure about her future.
she went anyway, and infinite snatched her up, her popularity already a good asset to the group. finally she’d made it and her shortcomings weren’t keeping her from debuting.
during her trainee days, setsuna was forced to do a lot of dancing one on ones. they wanted her as the center of the group with what she looked like and the vocals she had. but around the other trainees she seemed far behind in everything but singing.
and setsuna worked hard. putting in blood, sweat and tears to become a better dancer and performer.
finally, finally she debuted as estella’s main vocalist, dancer, center and maknae. and while she was proud of herself the harsh reality of the business she wanted so badly to be in finally came to light.
even thought suna was an adult at debut, she’d been in the korean lime light…rather the like lime light in general since she was a child. and it began to take a toll on her.
because she was a highly anticipated member the pressure was on. and as the debut got closer, she found herself scrambling to try to give an image to korea that embodied the japanese wonder she was.
and with that changed infinite began to capitalize off her name. her face was everywhere on their socials when the final lineup was announced. garnering more excitement for the groups debut. but that pressure on a teenage caused a shift in her soft spoken , humble personality. when her blood line connection to old japanese royalty became well known, she began to be called “korea’s/the nation’s hime” roughly to insinuate she was their japanese princess. and that was the image she had to keep up, the company told her so.
her style changed to essentially be a testament to japanese fashion, even though she worked hard in her korean language classes they tended to like it better when she struggled to speak it. it was all a part of the deal. all a part of their cute japanese princess center position.
eventually, infinite even adopted her (very early and in her opinion, unwarranted as she hadn’t been in the industry officially yet to be given this title) nation’s title as her stage name, making the netizens and japanese fans alike latch even harder onto the image they gave her.
making her country her aesthetic also opened the door for more sinister things. the early sexualization of suna and the continuous spotlight on her made her personality fade. and essentially what everyone sees is a perfectly crafted image by the company.
now -
with estella still getting off the ground, and having been working so hard she chooses not to step on toes, and even though her image is fake she pours into it wholeheartedly, afraid her new country would turn on her if they knew she was truly the little village princess who sang like an angel.
as the maknae of estella being “kawai” wasn’t too hard. but she didn’t like the way people fawned over her. she liked the accolades but being the subject of everyone’s “gyaru” fantasy made being an idol feel icky.
she still works hard given she left everything behind to be in the group. and often is the one dealing with a lot of their conflict. she’s good at speaking when she fully knows the language and handling conflict, but her original lively personality has dwindled, at the very least when the cameras aren’t rolling,
her youtube is still up and she still posts covers once and awhile. she’s the most active on the groups socials and likes talking to fans on bubble where she feels a bit normal.
it doesn’t take too much for my girl here to go viral, it’s almost as if people are gunning for her next viral moment, which leads to a lot of fans making a big deal about small things like her mannerisms and facial expressions, which has led to her trying her best to be out of the spotlight when she isn’t on stage as it’s always something when she’s seen in public.
personality -
setsuna is a lot more than meets the eye. on the outside she seems evasive, spacey and a little shallow. (see: she is all of those because she’s literally 20). and while she gives off a graceful affluence to her outer image, she’s a lot more edgy than infinite paints her to be.
she can spend her days binging scary movies or videos about them. she likes indie horror games and horror game streamers, her favorite’s being markiplier, and gab smolders.
she likes old japanese horror core, it’s honestly so cool to her.
though she never got to finish high school she’s pretty book smart from her own personal studying.
she can be coy about a lot of things, but she gone sing if you ask her too (it’s giving belle from kiof and keeho from piwon) and is often quietly singing to herself.
music is her passion and while she’s never submitted any of her own songs to the company, she does spend a lot of time writing. but feels it's too early in their career to share.
in estella she’s known to be competitive at games, a serial cheater (cough cough jeonghan) in them and a sore loser. will gaslight the entire team into not giving her a penalty. in the same breath will try to give the most awful penalty to an alternate losing member.
everything you could use to describe a teen is what suna can be: moody, rebellious, her against the rules, and seeing what buttons she could push. but at the same time, like her generation, she’s an advocate, and is loud about it despite the hushed looks and advice from seniors. she doesn’t give a fuck. pro lgtbq, pro womans rights, pro black, all of it. that’s her and will post about it against the company's suggestion.
does have annoying maknae energy, is either silent or says something so outlandish the members can’t help but laugh and be shocked.
though she used to be brighter and a lot more hyperactive, because of the past she’s a lot more reserved. talks when talked to during interviews, most fans believe it's because of the language, when truly she just doesn’t want to be the center of attention.
chosen aesthetics include: japanese y2k, studio ghibli films, cherry blossoms, pink lace, leg warmers, fuzzy white boots, twinkling lights, denim and bows, puffy pink lips, nose blush, loose curls, pigtails holding bows, gyaru poses, sweet smiles, bashful glances, soft pitched voices, ltns by grace, peach jinro drinks.
actual aesthetics include: the credits of a japanese horror film, pink lights illuminating the darkness, smudged watercolor paintings, polaroid pictures, sneaking out at night to explore, dancing under the stars, fuchsia meteorites, black graffiti on a pink door, sailor moon reruns, pink lipgloss on a cigarette butt, doing her makeup on the toilet, draculaura cosplays, glitter in your girlfriends seat, practicing kissing on a bathroom mirror, bows wrapped around the handles of an ax.
tid bits -
setsuna’s outer image may be a caricature of her country, but she loves it very much. her room is full of historical artwork and poetry, photos of her relatives and photos she’d taken on the island herself.
big old weeb, her favorite anime is bungou stray dogs, with naruto being a close second.
often mixes korean, english and japanese when speaking.
constantly has to have a translator still
has sketches of what she wants her personalized mic to be
is always training in dance and often exercising while singing to help stability.
is a big baby for her members in private
her biggest idols are michelle and ariana grande
she adores estella’s concept and the group but she’s not sure if she’s really in it fr.
fancams are always viral.
fans often put her against herself from her ”my teenage girl” days and now.
at debut she did really struggle with her stability and often gets criticized how much she lip synced in their early days even though she’s known for being an amazing vocalist.
often is told she doesn’t “fit” estella’s mold because of how hard it is for her to keep up and next to the great dancers in the group it’s slightly obvious, something estella anti’s constantly bring up making her feel insecure about her abilities often.
this is all i can think of for now! i may add more like i do for my other babies but please love her, i’ve never played a muse like this and this is really out of my comfort zone but i’ll give it a go because i’ve come to really like her and have a lot of ideas for her growth.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Could you please write about Bokuto falling in love with a pregnant reader (like really pregnant 6-8 months) love at first sight thing. Maybe he saw her struggling to get her groceries in her car and he offered to help. Maybe he slips in a little 'wheres your husband' and she replies with 'no husband, baby's dad is not in the picture'. They become friends and fall for eachother more. His family and friends think he's insane for wanting to take a baby that isn't his and so quickly into the relationship. But they love eachother. Please make it as long as you want and as fluffy as you want. Please please include a part where they are out at a festival and he stands behind her holding up her belly so she has some relief from the weight, it honestly feels the best ❤️
Bestie this is the best thing I’ve read, absolutely gorgeous love what you’ve done here with this thought?? Like I mean wow, simply melting my brain because this is so sweet???tysm for requesting this I love it!!!if anyone wants to see anything else pls let me know because I love requests so much!!
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Tw- everything in the request, pregnant reader, birth, Bokuto’s family disapproves, cursing, absent father,description of the baby weighing on readers back and kinda causing readers back to compress
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When you’d met Bokuto you hadn’t been to far along, of course with that being said you did have a noticeable bump.
You’d been trying to put your groceries in your car, and god for if you bring the cart outside of the store with you, needless to say Bokuto watched you drop at least half your groceries as you waddled out the store…
He was a gentleman however and helped you pick them all up, by that I mean he literally took the groceries from your hands and picked up all the other groceries…definitely to show off his strength but he won’t say that.
“Dad’s got you doin all the shopping?” He says in a joking manner and you mumble.
“Wish…bastards not in the picture.” Yoh continue to grumble a bit about your baby’s biological dad’s shitty behavior and he lets out a little chuckle.
Your brows furrow, “you think that’s funny” you ask hands placed on your hips as you stare up at him.
“Oh god no” he quickly corrects as he waved his hands around, “never, just think it’s funny he was willing to leave such a pretty lady.” He watches as you fluster pulling your sweater closer to yourself before moving to dig in your purse.
“Your reward” you tell him jokingly when you hand him your phone number scrawled down on your crumpled receipt.
Before you knew it Bokuto was asking you on a date, “it’d be fun!” You giggled a bit before agreeing.
Bokuto, obviously enamoured and happy that your date had gone well told his mother and sisters, “she’s so nice and I think she’s perfect. She just gets me” he rambles as he practically throws himself onto the couch.
“Your sitting on me” his sister squeals as she removes her foot from underneath her elder brother.
“Didn’t you say she was pregnant…” his mother calls from the kitchen.
“She is!” He says excitedly, “and she’s already got a name picked out for the baby and she showed me photos of her!! She’s so cute” he coos happily as he remembers how happy you looked when he asked about ultrasounds you’d quickly dug around in your purse pulling the photos out as you show him animatedly pointing out every detail of the tiny baby.
“And you think that’s the person you should be with” his mother is standing near the kitchen now, her brows are furrowed disappointment clear as she cries her hands with a small kitchen towel.
That was the first of many times his family had tried to dissuade him from committing to you, especially before the baby was born.
When you’re eight months pregnant Bokuto begs you to come along to a small festival in town with his family. Reluctantly you agree, after hearing how his family didn’t really approve of you, you couldn’t help but be nervous.
“You must be y/n” his mother greets as you stand beside him, the whole encounter is awkward and choppy and you don’t like it very much.
But before you know it you’ve ended up in line for a small little food booth Bokuto’s mother and sisters huddled in the front of you and Bo before they order their food.
You both volunteer to wait around for the food and meet them at the bench.
He watches the way your back seems compressed as you finally lean forward trying to take some of the weight of your belly away.
“It hurts” You mutter, “she’s getting heavy” you’ve tilted your head back.
“Wish I could hold her for you” he says with a sad smile, you grin widely.
“…you can” you take his hands in your own making him lift a lot of the weight from your belly effectively reliving a lot of the pressure she’d been placing on your back.
The second time that his family really all sees you is at the hospital, your close to sleep and Bokuto is sat in the corner, “hi baby” they watch him whisper to the tiny girl who gurgles softly wrapping her little hand around his finger.
“She has all her fingers and toes?” You slur, he nods, “she’s perfect”
He kisses your forehead softly before gently placing the baby into your arms, his family watches fondly from the door, maybe they had been wrong about everything…
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Pls let me know if you guys want to see anything else because I love requests so much this was so good😭
Part two!!
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
no bottom surgery pls! and maybe reader eating him out? i think that man deserves his pussy ate lmao
(i am also a trans man if that matters! thanks again)
You got it >:3 
Like I said in a previous response to you, I’ve never written an explicitly trans character before, so if I fuck it up by any chance then please don’t hesitate to correct me on anything!! I’m more than happy to make any necessary revisions! 
(I’ve also never written a M!Reader before but I’m gonna for this, since you’ve specified your gender. I’m very nervous to post, but it was a fun challenge, so I really hope it doesn’t disappoint 💕 ^^)
The Sweetest Treat | TransMasc!Arven x TransMasc!Reader
Note: In case anyone is new here, please note that I headcanon Arven as an adult! Please consider this aged up if I’m proven wrong in the future.
Rating: Mature/Explicit | WC: 1,388
“You sure this is okay?” 
Your head is rested on Arven’s bare thigh while his dripping core pulses below you. His breaths shake as you trace featherlight shapes with your fingers around his pubic area; you don’t want to touch him until he’s ready, but Arceus it’s tempting. 
Peppering soft kisses of reassurance to his skin, you hum a quiet “Mhm.” One he can feel more than he can hear. “Just let me take care of you,” you murmur. 
Looking up at him with hungry eyes, you revel in how vulnerable your partner looks. How prepared he looks. 
“Alright,” Arven sighs.
“You comfy?”
“Yeah.” He nods after readjusting his weight onto his elbows a bit. “A-are you?”
Laughing, you nod back at him. Although your comfort is the last thing on your mind right now, it’s not a lie. Arven’s soft yet firm thigh is the perfect pillow, and his extremely yellow bed isn’t the worst mattress you’ve laid on. 
A shaky sigh leaves Arven as he nods again. “Do your worst.” 
Your eyes flicker down to Arven’s pussy, and it takes all the restraint in your body not to touch your own.’You can do this to yourself later,’ you repeat in your head. Don’t wanna give your boyfriend a shitty experience just because you got distracted by your own carnal desires. 
You drag your pointer down to Arven’s lips, dipping just slightly into his folds. Before you can even really do anything, he’s squirming beneath your touch. His satisfaction brings a genuine smile to your face. 
“Mmmn,” he hums, eyelids flickering shut. 
So reactive… 
‘I can have fun with this,’ you think to yourself.
You press a light bite to Arven’s inner thigh, and his visible iris flickers back open with a gasp. “Eyes on me, ‘kay?” 
Blushing madly and swallowing a whine in his throat, Arven nods his response. You press on him a little harder before using your pointer and middle finger to spread him open. Finally, you plant a chaste kiss against him, before gently licking up his slit.
Arven’s teal orb doesn’t stray from yours as you draw lazy letters and numbers onto him with your tongue. It stays trained on you as he moans, squirming against your mouth. 
You stop for just a moment and sweetly smile up at him. “That’s my good boy.”
The praise raises Arven’s brow and he groans, bucking his hips into your touch. He’s stronger than you, so you struggle to hold his lower half in place as he writhes against you. Taking the hint, though, he does his best to keep still.
Arven drinks in the way you look — foggy eyed and with a deep blush coating your own cheeks, while he makes a mess of your profile with his arousal. You catch him staring, and you know that it’s not because he’s been told to, but because he wants to. The sight of you laying naked with your face between his legs, making him feel the best he ever has, is something he’s only ever dreamed of.
Another giggle escapes you as you hover over his bud. Your lips brush against it as you use your honeyed words to continue breaking him down. 
“You really like being my good boy, don’t you?”
“Fuck,” Arven whines. His visible eye rolls back for a moment before his gaze reaches yours again. Makes you smile wider, more catlike. He’s so obedient. “Yeah,” he sighs. 
You give him a particularly harsh suck, just to see what sort of reaction your boyfriend will gift you in return. He doesn’t disappoint; a wanton groan escapes him, and he throws his head back. His beautiful throat’s exposed and you can almost see some of his other eye from this angle. One of his hands tangles in your hair, tugging just hard enough to get your rocks off a little, as the other grips the sheets.
“S-such a good… ah!” Arven stops himself with an embarrassed yelp.
“You were about to call me a good boy too, weren’t you, baby?”
Biting his lip, the man doesn’t answer you. Can’t have that, now, can you? Still working your tongue along his folds, you slide a finger into Arven’s entrance.
“Oh, fuck!”
“So?” You ask between laps. “You were saying…?“
“I-I, shit, yes, you’re such a good boy...”
So cute!
“Thank you,” you lilt as you add a second finger. “S’this alright? I can pull out if you’re uncomforta—“
Arven cuts you off, desperately advising against your suggestion. “Please don’t, feels so good.”
A second hand wraps into your hair as you smile against Arven’s cunt. “Glad I can make you feel like this,” you murmur. “My sweet boy.”
A heady cry emits from Arven’s throat. God, you love his sounds. “My sweet…” you pause to flatten your tongue against him, licking a slow, hard strip. “…perfect boy.”
Pulling away so as to give your mouth a break, you use your thumb against Arven’s clit. You can’t help but shiver a little at the sight of his wetness and your spit mixing, creating a thick connection between your chin and his core.
“Tell me what you need me to do.” 
“Oh— mmm.” Seeming to have been caught off-guard by your order, Arven clears his throat. “C-can you go faster? Please?”
“Of course,” you whisper. 
Just as he requested, you twitch your thumb around him while your fingers dance inside him. You pepper love bites on his skin, kissing each bruise better as they appear. All the while, Arven’s mewls are getting louder. Throatier. Needier.
You return your tastebuds back to him, doing your best to lick and suck according to his responses. He really loved that little flicky-thing you just did with the tip of your tongue, so you surprise him with it every once in a while. Every time, he sounds absolutely euphoric. 
Noticing how your partner twitches into your lips, you wonder how close to completion he is. You don’t want this to end… then again you’ll make him cum as many times as he wants you to if it means you’ll get to keep at this.
“How are you doing, love?” You hope he was able to understand you, talking with your mouth full.
His response is… incoherent, to say the least. He’s been fucked stupid. Perfect. Must be getting there! 
“You gonna cum for me, or what?” Biting his lip and looking down at you through tears, Arven nods. Smiling and pumping your fingers into his sweet spot even harder, you add, “Bet you’re gonna taste so fucking good, baby.” 
Before you can even get your lips back on him, Arven’s beginning to snap. You do your best to work your tongue in all the ways you know he loves, as the flavor of his release coats your mouth. You can’t deny the excitement and pride that bubbles within your tummy as he rides your fingers and ruts into your licks. Not wanting to overstimulate him, in case he isn’t into that, you stop moving, simply letting him get off on you. 
As he comes down from his high, Arven leans back onto the bed. His chest heaves, and his skin glistens with sweat, but he’s laughing. 
“That was so cool…” he mutters. You can’t tell if he’s talking to himself, or to you, or to Arceus.
After licking your fingers clean, you inch up on top of Arven, cuddling into his chest. “You did so good,” you softly reassure him, running your fingers through his bangs before cupping his face. 
“You did all the work…” he bashfully mumbles. 
Arven leans his face against your forehead, pressing a brief kiss to it. Working his way down your temples and cheeks from there, he meets your lips – you feel his features heat up under your touch as he tastes himself on you, but he slips his tongue into your kiss anyway. A quiet squeak escapes you, and your seemingly innocent boyfriend’s lips curl into a grin. 
Within seconds, your back is against the mattress, Arven’s body hovering above yours as he kisses down your neck. You squirm beneath his touch, feeling your cheeks grow rosier as Arven determinedly nibbles and licks lower, and lower, and lower, until he’s near your own core.
“Your turn, sweet boy.”
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danko420 · 2 months
im having a hard time not getting fired by my job...
I've already run my mouth in support of Palestine to a few different people but ive been keeping a mental checklist of like... morally reprehensible thoughts and activities... basically everytime someone says something and i have to bite my tongue or else go into a rant about why Thing Bad.
Yesterday was sort of the last straw but i'll cover the previous 2 first:
- nice irish lady wearing h*rry p*tter merch (i cant believe in 2024 i still have to explain to ANYONE jkr is a terf who thinks all transwomen are perverts trying to harass women in public washrooms but HERE WE ARE. ALSO p sure we have a transwoman in the office but i havent had a chance to talk to them yet so not 100% sure. By wearing it, even if its old and not a recent purchase, you are signaling to trans and queer people who see it that you value fantasy kids stories more than the real world suffering of marginalized people, and are not a safe person to talk to... and shes HR)
- several people using and encouraging use of generative ai to produce images instead of paying an artist (the first time it came up was someone trying to generate a design for a floral centerpiece for a banquet- which we were already hiring a florist to handle... so, trying to steal work from small local business owners. second time was when i was designing some posters for around the office, someone made a joke i dont even remember about what we could put on one and i think i replied like "yeah if i can find a picture of it" and they were like "we have ai we can make pictures of anything!" and i swiftly removed myself from the conversation. At least that time we werent going to be taking money from anyone because they were just fun posters and were in no way generating profit but STILL.)
- my boss drives a tesla (didnt realize it was a tesla when i got in but saw the big tablet screen in the dash and started rambling about how stupid cyber trucks are- to which she mentioned her husband wanted one. when i mentioned it was like they threw out all the established knowledge and practices for vehicle safety we had developed over like a century of having cars she seemed to imply that was good in a gotta break to remake things sorta way (i think her exact statement was about like... we would still be all using diesel if things didnt change, which like... not really the same thing as getting rid of crumple zones and side mirrors but go off i guess). i said m*sk was evil and she said she didnt support what he does but does support the work his scientists are doing, and its like... cant do one without the other... owning a tesla means financially supporting el*n m*sk, therefore it is immoral- i do not have the patience or time to list all his crimes, if you dont know already pls look it up. ALSO she named it Toad (like from mario) because its red with white detailing and im like... cute but not cute enough to make up for it being a tesla)
and im just... im just so tired every day. I come home every day scared i put my foot in my mouth and i will be let go... part of me hopes i will be so i can be free of this purgatory and 2 hour daily commute, but im not actively or consciously trying to risk this job because it took me 5 months to fuckin find it...
Its just like.. if i know better its my moral obligation to correct someone, to mitigate harm, but in doing so im risking harm to myself (losing my job, someone snapping and physically attacking me, etc)
im just really disappointed in the world every damn day
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willowistic22 · 1 year
Hi hello can I request a rant about ikeshot 👀 Anything you want like headcanons and stuff I'm begging pls I'm so starved for ikeshot content you're literally the only person here talking about them
Ikeshot. Let’s talk abt them.
Since you didn’t really specify what topic you want me to go over abt them i’ll just give you my general thoughts in regards to them and just specific general details i like to consistently characterize them when thinking of au’s and such.
Firstly abt Hotshot. He’s Korean-American in my opinion. There wasn’t really any specific actor that inspired this hc (not even the korean newsies cast, i don’t really know that cast that well) but i feel it fits him perfectly. He was born in Korea to Korean parents and then moved to the states for both canon and modern era (i hv no clue if there were any Korean immigrants in New York in the time where newsies take place and no i hv no interest in finding out whether that’s historically accurate<3). I like to think he’s the youngest. He has 12 older sisters. Idk it just feels fitting to me. His actual name is Park Ryung-Gu and i’m following the usual Korean naming rule so Park is his family name and his given name is Ryung-Gu (idk how to explain how to properly pronounce it other than like saying ‘young’ but with an R at the front followed by ‘goo’. Also i’m not very adversed with Korean naming and culture in general so there might be a few errors i make despite alr doing some light research. Srsly i ended up watching a kdrama compilation just to find out how to pronounce that name If anyone reading this can correct me then feel free to drop an ask).
Seeing that he had lived his majority of his childhood in the states, he’s considered the most fluent english speaker in his family. He likes helping his mother cook especially when she’s making kimchi. Man loves kimchi and can live off of eating that one single dish for his entire lifetime. He likes tiny hamsters but also big dogs. He actually likes a lot of k pop but can’t dance to save his life. Also one of his fav k pop boy band back when he was younger made him question his sexuality. His main sport is basketball but he come from swimming parents so it’s important that he knows how to swim well, thus he was able to reach the six foot mark by the time he reaches sophomore high school and ended up growing to 6’6. He’s good friends with Spot and Albert (i hc albert moving to Brooklyn at around age 10 before moving back to Manhattan for middle school so). He’s usually the more reserved calm and collected friend and dare I say the tired friend. Not to be confused as the mom friend bcs that’s Spot. Anyways. In some au’s Hotshot to me is a pharmacist or a beauty chemist. Whatever it is, he majored in a chemistry field for college bcs he’s best at chem class back in high school. It just clicks to him for some reason compared to other subjects like biology or economics.
Ok now for Ike. He’s younger than Mike by like 13 minites and Mike holds that over him bcs older brother duty™️. However Ike is taller than Mikd by like 1.5 inches which he holds over him bcs younger brother duty™️. Pretty sure it’s alr widely known that their names are Michael and Issac so yeah i stand by that fanon but i personally think their last name is Alvarez. In some au’s i hc them hving a little sister a year younger than them while other times i don’t. They are Cuban-American. Their parents along with their siblings are Cuban immigrants and gave birth to the twins in America. Ike is autistic while Mike is neurotypical. Throughout his childhood, Ike struggles a lot with sound and touch and regulating his emotions in general but he was mostly non verbal in his earlier years. The only other person he talked to back then was Mike up until like when he’s 8 or so was when he started getting better at his speech. Their mother in short isn’t the best person to be a mother. Safe to say it was for the best that their parents divorced when they were ten.
Ike was considerably the more reserved one between him and Mike but that doesn’t mean he’s not considered a troublemaker bcs in reality he still is. Despite still being able to joke around, he’s quite uptight. When he’s trying to regulate his anger he usually turns to boxing which is smth his father taught him back when he found out the twins were being bullied in elementary school. It serves as a great sport but also a great outlet to let out his anger. He’d punch a punching bag or ask Mike to spar with him. He’d dare to say that without boxing he might still not know how to regulate his anger in his adult years. However he’d say his main sport was soccer since that’s what he played in school teams. That does turn Ike to be a bit feisty, especially when he’s being disrespected. He doesn’t always go for the first punch, only as an act of self defense. Anyways, i hc him majoring in some sort of engineering field. Like he’d get a phd to research environmental engineering (renewable energy and all that stuff). He loves to learn actually and has an interest in technology + environment. He also loves cats. He has a brown cat named bear.
Now how did they ended up together you may ask? They met as a friend of a friend of a friend. Sorta. So while obtaining their bachelors degree, Ike has had bad luck with relationships. All the guys he’s ever liked are… terrible to say the least. He swears off dating until he gets his bachelors. Around his senior year, his good friend racetrack higgins just so happen to have a boyfriend from brooklyn named Spot who was also good friends with Race’s best friends and also Ike’s good friend named Albert. Spot and Albert also had a friend named Hotshot. One night when they were all going out to celebrate them nearly graduating, Ike and Hotshot met for the first time. Ike wld be lying if he said he didn’t find Hotshot to be attractive and Hotshot can’t deny he thought Ike was cute. However nothing happened and they only ever met every now and them in a big friend group setting. And ike was true to himself when he says he’ll put a hold on dating until he gets his bachelors (talk abt academic validation lolz definitely not self projecting here) in the middle of them obtaining their master’s degree, things start to escalate between them. They actually started seeing each other on their own and hv a fun time. When they finally gotten around to a confession (after being pushed by their friends to do it ofc) they started going out and took things slow to see where this was heading. As it turns out, they were a perfect match and ended up becoming more confident and srs with each other.
Hotshot and Ike are both reserved in their nature. Mostly calm and collected but can last in a fight if provoked. They’re not the most sociable person and it takes awhile for them to come out of their shell. So meeting and being comfortable with each other was great. Ike likes that despite the strength Hotshot displays, he is still kind and gentle to others. He’s very caring and sensitive. He gives Ike a sense of peace and security. He also gives the best hugs. Hotshot adores Ike for how careful he is at everything and how supportive he is. Ike is loyal and kinder than he lets himself believe. Ike always tries to better bcs he never really thought he was very great at displaying his affection when really Hotshot feels plenty loved by him. He loves how smart he is and how fun he can be when he’s comfortable but will also defend him till the end when he’s being wronged. He gives Hotshot a sense of comfort and warmth. He’s also feisty which is smth Hotshot finds to be quite cute in an affectionate way.
Ya so uhh… this was kinda messy but i appreciate the ask dude. Hope you like it:)
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
okay so. here's the audio recording of me& doing my& best to explain my& story. although graphic images and descriptions won't be used, heavy content warning for discussions of csa, h.uman t.rafficking, antinative racism and genocide, specifically of our native girls, women and two spirited people, as well as our boys and men. viewer's discretion is heavily advised. i& only ask that mutuals & close friends reblog this and to not repost this without my& consent. for any natives out there who may read this: we& love you. we& support you. please take care of yourselves in any way you can, whether that's talking to a friend or trusted family member or calling a hotline such as the stronghearts helpline ( usa ) or the hope for wellness helpline ( canada ), where natives & all indigenous peoples in "canada" are offered services in both english & in french, or upon request, anishinaabemowin / ojibwe / ᐊᓂᐦᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ, cree / ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ & inuktitut / ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ & from personal experience calling there several times for my& own personal needs, their services are absolutely excellent, they have experienced and culturally competent counsellors that are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or smudging depending on your practice or doing something you love. i& know this week is hard for all of us, myself& included, even those who aren't personally affected, as an elder once described to me& that this is an overall intergenerational community trauma that affects everyone who's native, regardless of skintone, other intersecting identities or status. you are loved. i& love you. i& support you. i& just called the hotline just now for my& own needs & they are a tremendous help, and i& also smudged & did the sacred ceremonies. please check out this mmigw2s carrd for resources and this mmigw2s google document for information. i& will be sharing more statistics i've& found over the years later today & possibly things i& felt like i& may have missed in the audio & likely for the rest of the week. my& name is angel & i'm& the host/core/singletsona of the imaginarians galaxy, an indigenous indigiqueer & two spirited professionally dxed udd system & a medically recognized multigenic did system; today is a very important for us&, although we& don't personally know anyone who's gone missing or murdered, but bc all natives are related & are interconnected with each other & bc family is more than who you're genetically related to, it hits really close to home as a two spirit person & the intergenerational trauma hits hard. please understand that we& don't intend on hurting anyone while telling my& story as i& only have my& own experiences but if i& get smth wrong, n.atives, pls correct me&, and we& ask that nonnatives wear red today to honor those who went missing & murdered. if you want to ask questions, you can contact us& on discord, 【 𝕬𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐀 ♥ 】||【𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓼】#2830, just make sure to let us& know who you are first, i& will not be answering publicly for our& own mental health, but make sure to compensate us&, i& will not be answering questions freely especially ones that are so traumatic at the expense of my& health, trauma & emotional exhaustion. find out who's land you're on. support native artists and creatives. fight for our rights. fight for our land back. just be aware that i& can only offer our& own experiences as a white seeming reconnecting two spirited urban native bodied system. if you want to donate, you can donate here to our& p.ayp.al, but keep in mind that you are absolutely not required to donate anything ever, however, if you want to leave a donation, i’m& keeping that option open, i& am grateful for anything, but please never feel like you absolutely have to, if you feel like people in your online/offline communities have more urgent needs and therefore should be prioritized in terms of support, absolutely please feel free to help them instead/first ( if you have the funds to help multiple people, anyway! ) NO MORE STOLEN SISTERS & SIBLINGS. EVERY CHILD MATTERS. LAND BACK.
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