#tori: what if i told you..... he left me for dead....... in a cave :)
mixelation · 11 months
me pressing my face to your blog like the 'sickos' guy looking at reborn au au: YES. HAHA YES
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god-save-the-keen · 4 years
Daughters of Rheya
Chapter 1
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Summary: After the final battle with Reyha, a new enemy rise. (Based in Serafine's finale of you don't do the diamond)
Pairing: Adrian Raines x mc (Amy) / Participation of Kamilah and Jax / Mention of Lily.
Words: 1.379
Warning: This serie will contain death or mention of it, nsfw and swearing.
Note: I'm going to use my permanent tagg list and Adrian x mc tagg list so let me know if you want to be removed or added for this serie.
Permanent tagg list: @gardeningourmet @eileendannie @desireepow-1986 @dawn-1994 @violinet @darley1101 @blackcatkita @flyawayboo @drakewalker04 @simplymissjulia @luckyferrero
Adrian Raines x mc tagg list: @senator-adrian-raines-wifey @alesana45 @choicesfannatalie @mattrodriguezmylife @bigmemesplz @perriewinklenerdie @x-kyne-x @livingpurpose @adriansbiss @badgoodfishes @amyraineshessa @queencordonia @bloodboundismylife @theitcaramelchick @bloodboundhoe
She woke up. Her head hurt and her body was sore, she definitely wasn't expecting Amy to be this strong. Everything around her was too quiet and dark, something wasn't right. She stumbled, going to the front part of the theatre expecting to see her Goddess, ready to drop to her knees and serve her, in whatever way she wanted, as her soldier or something more. She could almost savor the taste of her skin in her mouth or her sweet smell. Her Goddess was everything to her and she would do anything for her.
She finally reached the stage, empty and dark, in the middle of it a pile of ashes lay and the truth hit her. Somehow she knew that those ashes were everything that was left of Rheya.
"Nooo!" A strangled, angry and pained cry came out of her lips as her eyes turned red and her fangs descended as her fist went through the floor leaving a huge crater.
"Serafine?" A shy voice said behind her. She abruptly turned around, ready to attack whoever dared to interrupt her in this agonizing moment until she saw Lori, another of Rheya's followers, come out from the shadows. She was crying looking at the ashes.
"Lori, you saw what happened?"
"Yes… Rheya was fighting with the traitors and that girl, the one who knocked you out, sh-she--" She interrupted herself sobbing.
"She what?!"
"She must have done something with our Goddess' mind, she touched her for a moment and then cut Rheya's head off." Serafine wobbled to a nearby wall until her back hit the hard surface as she slipped to the floor. Amy, the new blood, that little bitch had killed her. Her Goddess was dead because of her. Her head started to spin, her blood boiling inside her and her sight was red with fury. She couldn't and wouldn't let things happen like this.
"Tori, go find the rest of the true followers and believers and take them to the cave I told you about, I'll meet you there in a few hours."
"On it." The young vampire took off running to the entrance of the building and disappeared in a matter of seconds.
Serafine stood up and started to walk backstage until she found a beautiful ornate gold box. With a heaviness in her heart she went back to Rheya's ashes and, carefully and respectfully, collected them, placing them inside the box. "We are going to make justice for you, my Goodness. I swear." Amy's face popped in her mind, mockingly smirking. That Bloodkeeper, facing her Goddess as if she were her equal, to think she had helped her to master part of her powers. She thought of all the traitors, Adrian and Kamilah, the fact that at some point in her life she had loved them made her feel sick, and that shameless clanless fighting alongside with them. They were all going to pay with their blood. And she knew exactly where to start.
Kamilah hugged Amy, holding her tightly one last time for the night, before standing up. Jax, taking her cue, also wrapped her in a long hug, his eyes burning and his heart broken. He stood up and followed Kamilah to the front door as they were accompanied by Adrian.
"Call us if you need anything, brother." She said, giving him a brief hug.
"Thank you." He responded, returning the gesture.
Jax clapped his shoulder, his gaze on Amy, curled up on the couch, still, pale and with her stare lost. "Take care of her."
"I will, don't worry. I'll let you know any news." Jax nodded and they left the penthouse. Adrian returned to Amy's side, worried for her and sad for what had happened. What should be a celebration of finally defeating Rheya, was a night of mourning Lily's death, especially for Amy. He could see how broken she was, they had won, sure, but the cost they paid was too expensive. "Amy." She stood indifferent to his voice. Her hands held the remainder of Lily's ashes, her eyes fixed on her palms, red from crying, and she was still wearing her battle clothes. He enfolded his arms around her, softly bringing her to his chest as her eyes filled with tears once more.
"Why did she do that?" She asked after a long time, her voice hoarse and weak.
"She loved you. She saved you. Any of us would do the same for you as you did it for us at the Met." He knew that memory would haunt him for a very long time.
"I just can't believe she's gone. That she left me." She looked at him. "It hurts so bad."
"I know love." He hugged tightly. "And it's going to hurt for a long time but everyday is going to be a little less painful, I promise." After a long moment, and when he felt her crying had stopped, he caught her attention with a sweet squeeze on her arm. "How about you take a shower and I make you something to eat? If you feel up for it."
"Yeah… Maybe it's a good idea." He kissed her cheek and she stood up, going to the bathroom. The last few months had been so hectic that she barely went to the apartment she used to share with Lily, all the clothes she was carrying with her were damaged, dirty or were uncomfortable to just relaxing after a battle. She found a pair of clean panties and black leggings in her belongings and, after a little bit of looking around, a gray t-shirt of Adrian's. The shower was more calming that she had expected, the hot water falling to her hair and back, warming her body and soul, the soap like a soft caress and, even though she felt broken inside, for just a moment, she was at peace.
During that time, the apartment filled with a delicious smell. Adrian was in the kitchen, his jacket off and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. She hugged him from behind, leaning her head against his back.
"How was the shower?"
"Good… I stole one of your t-shirts." A tiny smile creeped on his face as one of his hands held hers on his waist.
"There's blood in the fridge if you want some."
"I'm okay." She kissed his nape and sat on the counter. She looked as destroyed as she did an hour ago but at least she was calmer. "Do you need help?"
"No, it's almost done." He served two glasses of wine and passed one to her, that she gratefully took. Amy sipped it and smiled.
"You know, a while ago I was talking with Lily about the day I woke up and I told her you had cooked for me… She was so astonished." She made a sound between a laugh and sob. "She said that she was expecting you to have some sort of cooking robot." Adrian chuckled a bit, turning off the burner.
"I recognize it's not an activity I do often." He stood in front of her, his hand brushing her cheek before gently pressing his forehead against hers. "But I would do anything for you."
She was about to answer when a weird sensation peaked her attention. She jumped off of the counter and took a few hesitant steps forward, her brows knitting together and her senses aware.
"What is it?"
"I don't know… I had a strange feeling, like some energy or power…" She suddenly headed to the front door, running down the stairs as Adrian followed her. She went outside and slowly looked around.
"Where do you feel it?"
"For a moment I sensed it there but I think it's gone." Adrian looked to the place she was pointing, sharpening his senses but coming up empty. The sky turned a light blue, indicating that the sun would come up soon.
"Come on, love. Let's go inside." Adrian took her hand and headed to the building, she looked around one last time and followed him, convinced that the tiredness and grief had confused her. Neither of them noticed the black curly hair that was centimeters away from the place that Amy had pointed at, disappearing in the shadows.
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The trials and tribulations of minge.
I’m a very scruffy person, when I was 13 I went through the usual teenage trial of having my teeth straightened, they had to take 4 molars out because they were pushing the others into such bizarre states of wonk that the orthodontist barely knew where to start.
I wore those badges of adolescent awkwardness for near enough two years. My friends all came out with american style smiles. Mine, although slightly straighter, remained resolutely, stereotypically british and scruffy.
Twenty years later I was walking at a smart pace down the track to the bus stop. I had washed and styled my hair, picked out an outfit which I hope said “responsible” and “in full control of her mental faculties” By necessity it included a slightly impractical maxi skirt, but I had learned over the years, that this was the best uniform for my current endeavour.
On the bus my reflection in the window told me that my luxuriant shiney bob had inexplicably flattened in places where I needed volume and frizzed up at the points where I had taken hours to smooth it out, the former gelam now looked distinctly greasy.
I fiddled nervously with my hair and the collar of my shirt until I arrived at the hospital.
This hospital is where I was born. Sitting at the top of a hill, it has one of the best views over the city that I have ever seen. I stared out of the window and almost calmed myself down, this might be the last chance I got to convince these people to help me...
My name was called, I shook the doctors hand.
“I hear you’ve been having some trouble with your periods” he understated.
Since the age of 23 I have been winning awards, if only in my own mind, for “worlds longest period” and “most blood lost without fatality.”
I launched into my unflinching and well practised description of the ping pong ball sized blood clots. The time one fell out of me in the shower and was so huge and heavy I was convinced I’d just given birth to an alien, I picked it up to check if it had a face, bits of it fell off and clogged the drain. I calmly recounted the years and years of seeping dread, the fact that I hadn’t gone swimming, worn white or finished a meal without a sickly slug of feroglobin in years.
I wasn’t scared any more, Cancer had suggested itself in my mind on and off for several years, but, as a nurse once blandly put it: “If it was cancer you’d be dead by now.”
My mind was throwing out tendrils of thought about my other dread. Pregnancy. When I was 18 I calmly accepted what I was told when I said I didn’t want children: 
“You’ll change your mind” they would say in a funny sing-song way.
 I’d probably want them when I was a proper adult, say, 25 years old.
25 came around, I was in no way a proper adult nor did I yet want children. No problem, there was plenty of time for me to want them, I’d just think about it a whole lot and then I’d want them.
30 came around, and I could no longer deny, the thought of pregnancy repulsed me. To be a host body to a parasitic bundle of flesh, to have my blood drawn away from me and into this other being. The idea of my cunt tearing open, a living thing coming out of me. A living thing with my weak jawline? With my scruffy hair? What if I didn’t love it? What if it turned out to be as intolerable a little shit as most of the children I’d ever met were? What if it grew up and went on being an intolerable little shit...come to think of it like most of the adults I’d ever met were?  What if, instead of doing something which changed the world for the better, it just became another consumer. Oh god what if it voted for Rees-Mogg? What if that apocalypse we’ve been promised actually happened and I had to raise an intolerable little shit in a cave whilst fighting off mutant tories and puerperal fever?
A more realistic and terrifying thought was never far from my conscious mind: What if I was raped? What if an abortion was too traumatic or, in the sadly likely event of an NHS sell off, too expensive? What if the current trends continue even further and an abortion was simply unavailable? Would I find someone clean and steady handed enough to do it on the kitchen table? Could I find the right hedgerow ingredients? Would I survive that?
“Do you want children?”
I was very glad that this came up.
“Definitely not, in fact I’d like to ask for a tubal ligation.”
“That won’t help with the bleeding”
“I know, it’s a separate issue, but I think it’s relevant…”
On the young man's face I saw faint hint of the bemused horror I’d seen on my GPs face when I had first asked, almost the beginning of a nervous laugh, although none had gone so far as to laugh at me yet…
My GP had looked at me the way teachers would look at me when I told them I’d lost my library card or forgotten my essay. Faux shock, the kindly-meant disappointment of a grandparent seeing you make a youthful blunder. His voice had come out with just the merest subtle hint of a condescending laugh in it when he told me he could refer me to a specialist but it was unlikely they’d give “someone like you” such a “drastic” operation.
Someone like me? Scruffy? Irresponsible? Disorganised? 
And how was maintaining my personal status quo drastic? Surely having to fire a fully dependant, sapient life out of my pelvis was far more drastic than just...carrying on as I was?
In any event, none of the appointments that GP had made had referenced my desire to get the snip, almost as if he didn’t even write it on the request he sent...
The current gynaecologist shook off the uncanny look he had given me for asking the forbidden question and asked if he could “scan me” Oh great, another date with the dildo-cam…
I’ve had this scan done so many times, my cervix is directly connected to the pain centers of the brain, one mere prod and all hell breaks loose in my nerves, it’s no good telling doctors this, they adhere rigidly to the “some women experience discomfort” school of thought.
The young nurse was wonderful, allowing me to squeeze her hand when the probe swept over my diva of a cervix and white stars of agony danced on the ceiling above me.
“You have a very large ectropion on your cervix, it’s probably causing a lot of the bleeding”
“Yes, I’ve been told that many times…”
“Hmm, we could get rid of this ectropion with silver nitrate, it might help stop the bleeding?”
Holy shit, you mean there was a way to get rid of that thing all along?!
I consented as calmly as I could.
The next thing I knew he was jabbing my insides with chemical soaked lollipop sticks, but I was more than willing for this to happen after 10 years of inaction and casual shrugs at my wayward cervix.
I was told to brace myself for “gritty discharge” as bits of burnt cervix dropped out of me along with all the other nonsense going on down there.
Later, pants back on, veins blossoming with green bruising from the “hormone level” blood tests, my innards were laid out in bland yet descriptive medical descriptions.
My womb had a “septum” which immediately made me think that it had a face, a scornful, angry face I would dearly love to punch for the years of ruined underwear, bedsheets and dates.
My right ovary was polycystic,
“This can lead to diabetes and heart disease later in life so you’ll have to be wary of gaining weight…”
My body type is made up of circles, I have rounded hips, boobs, thighs and face, when I was younger I worried briefly that I was chubby, but I was active and I ate well, I could still see my ribs and I could power walk up the hill to my house without so much as a sweat. I gave the doctor a blank look, he still hadn’t discussed my tubal options yet...
The doctor now took on a slightly lower, more cautious tone, evidently more scared of upsetting me with this next information than he had been by talking about my weight.
“You may find it slightly harder to get pregnant...but it’s by no means impossible”
I did a double take. 
“...That’s really not a problem for me...what with the tubal ligation request and all…” I hinted cheerfully.
He made a neutral sound and moved on with a list of my uterine shortcomings.
My left ovary was “very mobile” (my mind gave it a beard and a bindle stick) and showed some evidence of endometriosis.
“I’ve never had any symptoms of that…”
“Again this can lead to some minor complications in conception and pregnancy…”
Was I speaking klingon? Was I mispronouncing “tubal ligation”? Was IVF so much cheaper than the lady snip that they’d rather I reproduced despite my clear desire not to do so and regret an actual living human?
“You have some signs that there may be polyps in your uterus, that’s not harmful but they may be contributing to the bleeding, in which case, we can remove them.”
I was booked in for a hysteroscopy, which sounded painful in spite of the “some women experience discomfort” platitude, and a review in 3 months time.
“Do you have any questions?”
I took a deep breath, I knew this was a separate issue but I had to bring this up whenever I could because there was no obvious way to request it otherwise.
“How do I go about getting the tubal ligation?”
The look of horror came back, much stronger this time, the poor sod had run out of things to distract me with, his face turned to a look of utter defeat.
“I wouldn’t even consider doing that until you had exhausted all other contraceptive options and had fertility counselling, have you considered the mirena coil? It’s progesterone only and most women find it very good…”
My mind flashed back to the last “progesterone only” treatment I’d had: Migraines had hidden the worst of the symptoms for the best part of 6 months, by the time they were under control again the real problem became tragically apparent. My sex drive was so low that I could barely tolerate a hug, in desperation I had the little plastic rod dug out of my arm with a scalpel, but my libido never fully recovered, don’t try telling me the effects aren’t permanent…
A further flashback to the copper coil. The way it dug itself into the side of my womb, the way it hurt, exactly how much and how long it hurt for, How there had been no one in my local GP surgery willing to remove it for me (grab the string and pull, I refuse to believe that this requires a specialist qualification on top of medical training.) The serious thought I gave to yanking it out myself, only stopping when the prospect of a torn cervix put me off. 
A rich history of contraceptive pills danced through my brain, mood swings, swollen boobs and most memorably a migraine so bad that I called NHS Direct and was told to monitor myself for signs of a potentially fatal brain haemorrhage...
The time they’d tried to stop the bleeding with anti-inflammatories and discovered my allergy to this group of medications when I broke out in a measles style rash.
Those memories don’t blur with time, at least they haven’t yet.
“Statistics show that you would regret being sterilized, you don’t have a family”
For a brief second my imagination took me to an episode of The Twilight Zone. I don’t have a family? Shit! What happened to them? My siblings? My partner? My parents? My friends?
The anger when I realised what he really meant seeped through my mind like a blood clot through a pad.
“You don’t share DNA with anyone who came out of you therefore you have no family”
“You haven’t had to push your family with your pelvic floor therefore they don’t count”
“If you eventually decide to adopt that won’t count either”
“Everyone you currently live with, love and rely on will reject and abandon you because you didn’t give birth to them.”
Blood clots, along with anger of that magnitude tend to flood the sanitary pad or mind.
Luckily, I have had years of practise at crossing my legs and trying to discreetly aim my crotch at the driest part of the pad. This, in effect, was how I ordered my mind at that moment.
“Don’t yell at NHS people, they have enough problems. The poor man was just working off a script, of course they have to be careful, one litigious malcontent could set these heroes back years…”
I left, with no clearer an idea of how to get my tubes tied and no idea why this was the first time, cysts, polyps and septums had been discovered after so many tests over so many years.
Back home I attempted to find out how much private hospitals charged for tubal ligation. “Anywhere between $700 and $10,000 depending on your insurance provider”  ecosia informed me in very american and somewhat unhelpful terms.
An inquiry to Spire healthcare yielded an unapologetic result of £3000, that’s a lot of minimum wage hours and late rent payments, besides £200 of that was for a consultation in which they might refuse me anyway. 
I wondered if those places in Turkey where they do cheap facelifts might consider my case...Would having scalpels jabbed into me in a country where I couldn’t speak the language followed by a cramped and cheap flight be more or less unbearable than a kitchen table abortion? Either way the word “botched” was never far from my mind.
When the day came for my hysteroscopy I steeled myself for another try. The gynaecologist was a lovely, calm young woman with curly hair. She spent a long time reassuring me that I was in control and could stop the procedure at any time. She told me that she would take a biopsy from my womb lining in addition to shoving a camera up where no camera had gone before. She showed me the camera. I wish she hadn’t.
“See, it’s very small.”
It was slightly smaller than a pencil. Small compared to a baby maybe. But I knew exactly how big that thing was going to feel in my stupid nervy cervix. Turns out I was wrong.
It was far bigger and far sharper and far more white hot than I thought possible. 
The nurses squeezed my hand and told me it would be over soon.
I never stopped her, I wanted this done, I wanted to know what the hell was wrong with me. I wanted to show what a good patient I was, how in control of my mind and body I was, how I would take the responsibility of dealing with sterilization without regret...
I learned just how exponential pain can be.
When someone said “This will take another five seconds” I discovered how long five seconds can feel.
I found out, to my displeasure, that passing out does not necessarily stop you feeling pain, it simply stops you moving. I learned just how wonderful the overworked and underpaid folks of the NHS really are when they brought me water and later tea and let me sit in a comfy chair and shake without telling me that they needed me to get a grip and move on because they had a full waiting room…
The results were discussed with me. There were no polyps, there was no septum, what's more, my womb was perfectly shaped to receive a mirena coil…
Sterilization wouldn’t stop the bleeding, it was a separate issue. The mirena would stop the bleeding and stop any pregnancy. Sure I’d have to have it ripped out of the most sensitive, nerve rich part of me and then stuffed back in broadside first every three years, assuming I hadn’t emigrated and the NHS was still there that is. And the progesterone might...exacerbate certain things, but that would probably settle down...
 I sighed, drained my tea and smoothed down my faithful maxi skirt. 
Alright uterus, you don’t like me and I don’t like you, but it looks like we’re in this together. Here’s another burning hoop for us to jump through, lets give these folks the show they’ve been waiting for...
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All-Stars -Story Mode- CHAPTER 15 Pt. 3
Part 2 - Part 4
It’s finally here guys, I had done Part 3 of Chapter 15! And it’s the first time introducing an new enemy into the picture, only something I had came up with and it is based off the one character from Kingdom Hearts series known as the Heartless.
Let me know what you guys think about but for now, sit back and enjoy reading it and I will talk to you all later.
[54 minutes later…]
They had been walking back to the same place where Radec had found them, they were amazed to see the water glows in the dark that provides them to see the path before them. “Like off from a frying pan and right into a microwave.” Scout said as he is walking right next to Spy who is smoking a cigarette.
“We were doing just fine with enemies who are still alive but now we are stuck in these caves.” Scout continued as he rolls his bat around before placing it onto his shoulder, Spy simply looked at him and said “Oh Scout please, aren’t you at least glad that we had gotten away from the walking dead?” as he finishes his smoke before dropping the cigarette to the stone-cold ground while he continued walking.
“I mean if this could be the end of us when we don’t find a way out of the Caves than being turned into zombies that love to drink the blood and eat the flesh of the living after being scratched or bitten.” he said as he looked around the room where the fight took place. P!Richtofen inspects the room for a moment along with P!Nikolai and pretty much it explains how the fight started.
“Is zhis?” he asked while he looked at Frisk who nodded, along with Cuphead and Mugman who are standing by. “This is where we heard that ghost lady’s voice, it is angelic if you ask me Doctor Richtofen.” Mugman said as he nodded with finger quotations.
“She was singing and we follow her here and when we came here but when she finished singing, she’s gone in a flash.” Mugman hurryingly explained, walking over to the spot where the scarf is left. “I thought she was long gone but her voice had echoed out “Behind you” And we saw-” he then points at Radec, “Him here and then the-”
“The rest happened in a flash.” U!Dempsey answered quickly as he looked over to him as Ink Bendy hoists him a bit, making Mael grunted on his shoulder, he looked over Bendy’s shoulder and at Ultimis Richtofen before asking “All of you said that aiming at the head of the enemy would help and all I could ask is why?”
The Nazi simply chuckled and answered “Of course, going for zhe head is zhe only vay for a man like ourselves to do. Zhey can’t feel pain as much as ve do, ve can gut zhem, shoot zhem, stab zhem und dissect zhem…” as he held his hands up to look at them with bloodlust, to which it does disgust Bruno and Engineer quite a bit as they looked at him.
“Still, I can not believe there were two of you gentlemen in the same timeline,” Shaw said to Primis Nikolai who is still in disbelief at this, “Could you at least explain why this is going on somehow?”
“I am….” P!Nikolai began in confusion, “I am more confused as you are, Stanton. Perhaps something here could explain this more clearly than we already know.”
Primis Richtofen is walking beside Erron Black and Miss Pauling as Mugman continued to explain that the bandolier had somewhat enhanced him with supernatural presence as the German carefully listens to the Mugman. Erron had sudden feeling of something or… someone was following them through the Caves, he turned around and only see a box, a cardboard box just a few feet away from the group and somewhat, it wasn’t there before when he and the others came in.
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(Drawn traditionally by Tori who goes by TikTak on Discord but also goes by @this-person-is-slowly-dying on Tumblr)
Erron had found himself looking at the box for a moment but then P!Dempsey patted him on the back as he said “”Hey, Erron, are you alright?” making the cowboy to look at him.
“I’m fine, Tank.” he reassured looking at him, “It’s just that something is out of place.” he concluded with a sigh. P!Dempsey raised an eyebrow for a moment before saying “Alright, but we better catch up with the others. We don’t want to be left behind now, do we?”
“Gotcha.” Erron replied as he nodded before turning his attention to the box again and then walking up to catch up with the others.
Frisk is shaking their head from wearing their taunts, _ _ _ _ _’s taunts in their head as they giggled.
*Doesn’t the Caves bring back memories? *What you and I did together to feed your curiosity? *Showing them what it’s like to kill or be killed in a world where no one wants the likes of us. *Call me a murderer but this world… *Why can’t we start over again, *But this time, with fresh new kills in mind? =)
Frisk had put their hands on their head and shook it hard, Bruno had turned to look at them and is a bit concerned about their well being so he asked “Frisk?” ad that made them look at him in shock.
“Are you alright?” Bruno asked softly, Frisk could only look at him with worry if they said their name then it will be a genocide route all over again like how it did to them in the Underground.
*You told Bruno that you are fine but, *You did tell him that you are feeling under the weather.
“I see.” Bruno said, he is concerned about them since… Well, the incident that had taken a child’s life but he knew he couldn’t let it happened again as much as this time around. He owes Scarlett’s father, Alistair Rhodes, a great dept for relieving him and offered him a chance of redemption. “If you are feeling more than under weather, you let me know and as well, the doctors.”
“Well said, Bruno, well said.” Medic said as he and Shaw walked by with Gordon Freeman, a man with a few words and a scientist who had gotten fighting experience from the Black Mesa Incident and the Uprising.
Then there were footsteps from somewhere in the next tunnel not far from them, making everyone be on edge immediately and took out their weapons, aiming them at the source of the sounds that whatever it’s making it.
Then to their shock, horror and curiosity that it was a rat, a humanoid rat with a gas mask and with it- with him was
“Trace!” Mugman said as he was the first one who saw her, Trace looked at him and smiled before exclaiming “Mugs! Cups! Frisk!” and then running towards them and then hugging them. “All three of you are okay!”
“You know each other?” Miss Pauiling asked, looking at the rat wearing the gas mask and seeing that he’s armed with some type of staff to which the Primis crew looked at it closely. Then realizon had just hit them like an out of control truck.
“I-It has…”
“The staff of wind!” P!Richtofen yelled out before his Nikolai could finish it, rat seemed to notice this but was surprised to see Cuphead and Mugman are here in the Caves as well. He lowered the staff a little bit as he said “Cuphead? Mugman?”
“Werner?” Cuphead said at the familiar voice as he and Mugman looked at him with relieved looks. The rat then took off the mask and revealed to be a cartoon rat with a WWI German helmet and then putting a cigar in his mouth.
“Was machst du zwei… Ich bin froh, dass ihr beide in Ordnung seid!” the rat said in German to each three Germans are surprised to know that as he lit a match and then lighting the cigar, smoking a little. “Sie können Deutsch sprechen wie wir, Ärzte? Sind Sie-” Medic was beginning to speak in their native tongue but the rat, one that Cuphead and Mugman called Werner had suddenly spoke again but this time in English “I can also speak english like most of zhe people here, but I am glad to see zhat zhe Heroes of Inkwell Isles are in fact alright.”
“You’re welcome.” P!Dempsey said as he nodded, making Werner looked over to him as he walked over to the two brothers, kneeling down to their height. “Vhat countries are you all from besides… Vhere ve are now.” he asked as he looked at the two brothers.
“We are from different countries but we are from other worlds entirely,” P!Richtofen answered a bit softly, making Werner looked over to the Doctor with the Staff of Wind still clenched in his gloved paws.
“Different vorlds?” Werner asked to Cuphead and Mugman, hoping they would know what was going on with this situation they are now in and hoping that all of this was the Devil’s doing as well.
“We are confused as you are, Werner, we would love to explain what had been going the last three days but we need a way out of the Caves after the uh… an Outbreak had burst in the gate.” Cuphead babbled out as he looked at him before looking at the group with Radec and the surviving Helghasts.
“Vell, ozher zhing zhan rabbits that are bugged-eyed und seemingly living toys but it is better zhan thoze zombies, no?” Werner answered as he looked around the area of the Caves with the yellow light of the staff.
Feathers attached to the staff as it glowed, they seemed to have changed their colors from green, blue and red to golden shades of yellow when its crystal glows better than a lantern using oil. Werner then turned to the spot where he and Trace had came out and remembered the way out of the Caves.
“I do recounted zhe time vhen ve first came to theze Caves, a canal zhat flows like a river normally and recalling the times zhere caves and tunnels in zhe mountains, ve could use zhat to our advantage.” he recalled looking at the next tunnel ahead of them. “Do you know where they are, Werner?” Miss Pauling asked.
“Recalling vhere it is zhen ja.” Werner answered as he looked at Cuphead and Mugman again, “Zhere zomezhing else at play here, und you need to stop vhatever’s happening here. Understand?” he asked, Cuphead and Mugman looked at each other and then nodded.
“There are boats for us to use?” Scarlett asked as she and everyone else followed Werner deeper into the tunnel with the light of the Staff of Wind leading the way for them.
“Ja, most of zhem are oversized everyday items zhat ve have used in kitchens, pots und pans alike but zhey vorks vell as boats und spoons vorks as vell as paddles.” Werner answered hestitaly as he walks over into the dark with the light illuminating the way, then right there was a pot that is the size of a car, lantern with one firefly that is nearly the same size of a normal rat trapped within the jar and they are awoken when Werner goes near the pot.
He rumages through the pot now a boat but then soon had hestatitely gives it to Bendy to hold it for him, while he rummaging through the pot, he points at the other boats for everyone to choose one wisely as he said “Go und choose your own boats, I don’t care if zhey are pots und pans und ozher kitchen appliances but zhose would just have to do.”
Without a moment to think about it, they all go and picking one boat to see if it could fit at least four or five people in one sitting while Werner gets out a spoon that is the size of a hockey stick and then going over to the handle of the pot that has an iron ring hooped in it.
Werner Werman then turned over to Cuphead, Mugman, Frisk, Bendy and Radec and said “Do you vant to ride in mein boat?”
Cuphead and Mugman nodded then they looked over to their new friends and an enemy on Bendy’s shoulder, Cuphead then asked “Can they come too?” as he continued to look at them and then heard Werner answered “Ja, as long as your new friends could behave.”
Frisk nodded and then looked over to Bendy with worry, “He will in his place still, Frisk, don’t worry. My ink is nothing but iron wire lassoed around him.” Bendy answered comfortingly, “He’ll just sitting back in the boat.” he continued as he throws his captive on his shoulder again, making Radec grunt again and Bendy obvious to Helghasts reaction of their leader being in pain like that.
“Jump on in, mein friends, ve have a long journey ahead of us.” Werner declared as he helped Cuphead into the pot first before ushering Mugman to help him into the boat as well.
Frisk and Bendy walked over to Werner and the boat, “Mind if I help you onto the boat, little one?” he offered, Frisk nodded and Werner bent down and then grabbed them gently and then putting them onto the pot, Bendy then places Radec, still trapped in a blob of ink and then transformed back into his cartoon self before climbing onto boat as well.
Everyone had picked their boats and then one by one by one, they set sail on the Caves river, prompting for Werner to set sail as well by pushing the boat into the water with a spoon. They are sent afloat for a moment before Werner begins to paddle the boat, both the firefly and the Staff of Wind glowing the path before them.
Bendy then turns his head towards Radec and then said “Don’t try it, Radec.”
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[Drawn traditionally by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Mugman looked at Werner and noticed in the two lights of a firefly and Staff of Wind that he had a bandage on the side of his face and another wrapped around his tail. What happened to you, Werner?” Mugman asked worryingly, Werner looked confused for a moment before touching the bandage on his cheek and realizes why Mugman asked him.
“Oh, zhese?” He blurted, “it vas from zhe creatures at least two days ago. Zhese vere as I vhat first thoughts are Devilings zhat zhe Devil had sent out but zhese creatures are… Different zhan any Deviling you had encountered.”
“Different? Are you talking about those zombies but how are they here?” Cuphead questioned confusingly as he tapped the glass, making the firefly in it squirmed a little within the jar but Werner only shook his head in denial. “Nein, nein, Cuphead, zhese are not anyzhing ve had ever seen before. Unknown crea”tures zhat looked like living, broken porcelain dolls vith fur like me but empty of emotion nor remorse for zheir foes.” Werner emphasized as he lifts the spoon over Trace’s head to paddle to the different side of the pot as he had been sitting on his knees on the pot’s handle.
“Zhese creatures are… Demon-like, but different from mein und Dr. Kahl’s research on souls. Vhen ve first came here vith other residents of Inkvell Isles, und ve vere attacked by zhem.” he continued just as Primis and Chaos Crews had paddled by in their boats as they happened to overhear the conversion of Werner’s tale.
“Zhe creatures?” P!Richtofen asked as he looked at the German vermin while Nikolai paddled the boat, “Do you have zhe chance on vhat zhey looked like?” he then asked with little hesitation.
“Quite a bit of it, mein friend.” Werner simply answered as he had his eyes looked over to him, unaware that the villain is watching them from a different place of somewhat magic or power or… Maybe of them both. She is growing more and more bore to see that everyone in the world she once lived in had telling tales and stories of how they got there. What is the worse even more is that one thing that made her sick: Being and making friends with each other.
“So much for letting the zombies in after destroying the gate.” she sneered as she watched them row down the river stream, fully disappointed in this situation she had put them in. “Enough of friendship forming and talk-talk! I want more thrills and screaming!” she whined as she does a ol’ girly hand shaking.
She then looked at one memory of what she promised earlier and thought about it for a moment, “In fact… I think…” she began to say as she kept thinking for a moment longer, before looking over to one world that she had kept her eye on for quite a bit longer now.
One with a zombie virus in a form of an insect parasite; Dead Rising.
A gasp escaped from her lips before a giggle escaped from her next, clapping her white gloved hands with excitement, standing up and then turning on her heels with a stomb. “I would just bring them there for a brief separation before I drag them back here, mentally and physically broken right on their “friends” doorsteps!~” before gallowlaping over to her minions.
“And “how am I gonna do it?” you may ask?” she spat out a question as she kneeled down to her minion’s resting position while she took a piece of polygon crystal in the palm of her hand before doing an illusion that made it disappear from her hands while she coldly answered “I would do what I do best but in your ways, Hallows.” before giggling as she watched it cowered away from her.
Her eyes glowed yellow with a jack-o-lantern smile creeping on her polygon face that had cracks on it, like she had fell on it face first.
“Be a dear and get your brothers and sisters please? It’s now time for me to make my next move!~” The entity giggled as she placed her hand on her lips, the Hallow creature that Werner had mentioned earlier, it may look like a demon but different; it had yellow eyes, a jack-o-lantern mouth, thin antenties like insects had, a thin tail and its body resembles an animal but in its human stanance and had purple fur on its back and head on it’s pinkish violet skinny body.
Cracks on it that reaches to a heart-shaped hole with black nothing within, it cowered as it nodded before running off to obey it’s masteress’s orders as requested.
She then stood by the reflection pool as it ripples through the waters, bringing back the situation where our heroes and villains (mostly or what’s left of the Helghasts now I think) are on the Caves’ river flowing through by boats.
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“And they had just attacked, my friend?” Shaw questioned after Werner had explained further while Burno had paddled slowly, making sure the others can hear him closely while he nodded.
“Ja, seemed like zhey vere ordered to do so vithout thinking.” Werner concluded, while he is looking ahead of the river, “Few of us vere Devil’s former debtors vhile zhe most of us are residents of Inkvell Isles. Zhey vere like drones of some type, empty of all emotions we known in history.”
“Strange…” Scarlett mumbled quietly, she looked around the area they are in and had a bad feeling that someone had wanted them there… For what?
“What is it, Scarlett?” Diego said as he looked at her with an eyebrow, Scarlett then turned over to him and saying “If he said that they had attacked them in this cave when they first arrived then…”
Dempsey then suddenly perked up when he heard this “Then they might be-” before Werner stated “Und now I fear zhat zhey might still be here as ve speak.” as he looked at them worryingly.
“Well, we now know what they looked like so, with all of us armed and ready, we could be able-”
“Capable” P!Richtofen interrupted Diego as he looked at him, “-Capable enough to take the diablos down, Mr. Werman.”
“Zhen let us hope zhat it’s true, I razher not be dead by zheir hands.” Werner said as he paddled further into the river, not too long after, the Caves was then brought to life with sounds of creatures crawling and flickering.
“Wait…” Spy said as he halt the other boats into a stop to listen, “What is that?” he later questioned as he looked at the walls of the tunnel while he continues to listen to them. Everyone then listens in on the sounds, they don’t sound human obviously but a strange type of animal is making them.
There’s one creature but soon comes two then four then soon there were at least forty or fifty of them everywhere, making everyone on high alert as they clearly heard those noises pure as snow.
They are ready for what is going to be thrown right at them, zombies or not, they are ready and armed to take them but they were caught off guard when Mugman yelled “Over there!” and pointed at the direction of the creatures.
Hallows are crawling on the walls, the ceiling and even going out of the water to join their brethin on the tunnel walls of the Caves, all of them clinkering and snarling like a pack of canine-like creatures.
“Holy….” Both Soldier and Demoman muttered loud enough for everyone near them to be heard as they looked around them. The Hallows’ eyes are glowing yellow in the dark, “Do you think we can take them?” U!Dempsey said as he looked at his team and his Richtofen was in shock yet interested on how they are on the walls and had mouths grinning like a jack-o-lanterns.
“Friends of yours?” Bendy asked the bewildered Radec, who turned to look at Bendy with a glare before rebuking “No, they are not.” as two Hallows are crawling above the boat the Primis Crew is on, they blissfully dangle with their feet still attached to the ceiling but unnoticed to them, the pebbles from the ceiling had fallen out of the cracks and onto the water below.
That made them looked up too late as both Hallows let out a battle cry “For the Broken!” in english as they fell from the ceiling, “Watch out!” P!Nikolai cried as he pushes his Dempsey out of the way while Richtofen hurryingly gets out the Ray Gun but just as he did so; both he and Nikolai were grabbed by Hallows and then, in a brief flash of light: they disappeared along with Primis Nikolai and Richtofen as Dempsey and Takeo looked on in horror and shock.
“Richtofen!” “Nikorai!” both Dempsey and Takeo called out, everyone else was in disbelief on what just happened, one minute both Nikolai and RIchtofen are there then suddenly they are gone within seconds after the Hallows grabbed them.
But Nikolai and Richtofen aren’t going to be the only people that they will be taking, Engineer and Pyro were grabbed suddenly by the creatures after they had came up behind them and as they struggled to get free, they both disappear in a flash of light.
Ultimis Takeo took out his sword, ready to take them on but then soon he and Ultimis Dempsey were grabbed from above by Hallows and then soon been taken in the flash as well. Scarlett didn’t have time to say when she was suddenly muffled by the Hallow from the above as the rest of her crew turned around in horror.
“Scarlett-!!” Diego was beginning to say but was interrupted when one of the Hallows suddenly attacked him and forced him into the water with a force of the bull and then soon light appeared from both sides, meaning he and Scarlett were taken as well.
Bruno was ready but then soon been tackled by one of the creatures but he was surprised when he wasn���t taken right away, so he was forced to watch helplessly as Shaw was grabbed from behind right when he was preparing one of the acid bombs and dropped it when Hallow took him too.
A scream was heard and everyone turned to see Miss Pauling, Medic, Engineer, Pyro and Spy trying to get the Hallows off of them, she quickly yelled out “Guys! What’s happening-?!” but was quickly silenced when a flash of light and them being stolen away by the Hallows as Heavy cried out “Medic! Engineer! Oh nooo!!” in anger and agony.
Bruno finally had enough, he grabs the Hallow that was holding him down by the throat before throwing it at the other Hallows, knocking them all over and into the water, getting out the hammer once again as everyone began to finally attack the Hallows just as they began to attack as well.
They are going at each other, shooting, stabbing and fighting each other literally to get them off of them andover this, they heard Bruno yelling at one of them “WHO SENT YOU?! WAS IT THE ORDER?! WHO SENT YOU?!” with the same question with each hit he throws at them.
He was at the furge to kill them right then there but an unfamiliar female voice had softly called out
And that’s what it took, suddenly as the Hallows attacked, they all began to screeched in pain, holding their invisible ears like they were hearing something they should not have been hearing for years, an unwanted high-pitched noise.
They were all confused and surprised to see them suddenly changed within seconds and they are on the ground, on their boats and fallen into the water, still holding their ears in pain as they are screeching the whole time as more cracks began to form all over their bodies.
Violet colored lights began to show through the cracked bodies as they let out one final screech before exploding into dust with the whole group of survivors and mercenaries watching.
“What the fu…?” P!Dempsey finally managed to say through his shock and confusion as he looked at the dust gently falling from where the other Hallow had died, Ultimis Richtofen on the other hand, he has taken the dust by his gloved fingers and then sniffing it to determine what it was and then saying “Fasatating…! Zhey vere made by some type of crystals und polygon faber. Und yet, does not explain on how zhey vere granted life however.”
“But what about the people they had taken?” Trooper asked as he looked over from the boat they were on, Ultimis Richtofen looked at him and was going to say something when that voice came back, saying “They were taken to a different universe.”
“Wha-??” Scout stuttered as he looked around with others as they are trying to see who had said that, “Who’s there? Who said that? You uh…” he continued nervously, “You uh… Lost all of your… dogs.”
“They’re not mine.” she said. Bendy remain silent as he looked around for her voice, Knight’s voice to see her finally after what he had been through to save his friends and didn’t find where they are keeping Boris.
They then see a woman walking on…. Water, she is walking on water like it was a wet sidewalk, dressed in a cloak and a pair of what appeared to be boots and they are wrapped in bandages as she calmly walked towards the boats.
“What the sh!ting hell?” Dempsey said as he aimed his pistol at her, along with Takeo and the remaining Ultimis crew. Frisk walked over to Cuphead’s side to get a better look at her, they saw that she has a blindfold that is covering her eyes.
“Who are you?”Sniper finally asked as he is still aiming his SMG at her, along with Scout and Heavy who had done the same as him. The woman seemed to be looked down for a moment before saying “A friend or a foe.” taking out a staff as everyone watched her and then she just tapped the water below her, showing a reflection below them and making them to look at the glowing cyan water from their boats.
They saw a park and it was nearing nighttime as the sun is setting when portal opens up, coming from it were Hallows with….
U!Dempsey, U!Takeo, P!Nikolai, P!Richtofen, Scarlett, Diego, Shaw, Miss Pauling, Spy, Medic, Engineer and Pyro being dragged by their collars, knocked out as they were dragged across the ground and then been thrown onto anything nearby.
Diego landed onto Scarlett, his face buried into her neck, U!Dempsey lands a tree nearby against his back, P!Nikolai flies onto a park bench, Shaw fell onto a patch of grass, Medic and Engineer fell onto each other as they flew into a bush, Pyro and Miss Pauling are flown under the trees standing by and P!Richtofen had landed nearby towards a thorn bush which cuts his left arm and hand when they fell and landed in it.
They then see one of the Hallows crawling over to the Doctor before placing a claw onto his chest with a growl and a purr, licking its upper lip with his tongue as it looked at him but then heard someone coming and it’s pack seem to notice it as well, they all ran back to the portal and entered it just as the last minute before it closes.
They then noticed a shadow of a person wearing a hood and a jacket fast-walked over to Richtofen before reflection in the river slowly faded away and returned to just normal water with boats in it.
“Mein gott…” U!Richtofen began to say as he looked at the water with wonder, “Are you saying zhat zhey vere taken to a different plane of existence?” he asked as he looked at the woman with twisted curiosity and wonder in his eyes.
“Yes, they are.” she answered, putting her staff away as she looked at everyone as she walked around a bit. “She had planned this to have twelve people taken to the other world to hurt them as well with their mental health. Leaving the rest of us here and if you’re asking if I had caused this then no, I have nothing to do with this but I do know that she, the Broken, is behind this.”
“The Broken?” Scout chuckled as he looked at others behind him, “And what makes you, a blind president of her fan club?” he joked, earning a few giggles from several members and making the woman turned to look at him along with Primis Takeo glaring at Scout for disrespecting the woman who showed them where their teammates are.
“No, far from it, Scout” She said to winch that surprises everyone, how does she know his name but then she continued “And that’s not the only thing I came here to tell you all about. There’s someone following you all throughout the caves.”
“Who?” P!Dempsey asked as he lowered the pistol a little with an eyebrow raised, the woman looked over to him and said “Someone had entered the Caves through an exit that you are heading and even though it is stupid as it seems; he had hid himself in a box.”
Erron looked at her with confusion until eventually he put two and two together when he remembered that he had seen that box earlier. He snapped his fingers, catching Knight’s attention and said “I had seen a box earlier, I had recalled that cardboard box not being there before we got there to save the kids.”
Others looked at Erron, Dempsey said “It was there?”
“And now he’s following all of you back out of the Caves,” She answered, “If you caught him in the act, do not provoke him, he is a samurai but far more advanced than normal.”
“Advanced than normal?” P!Takeo questioned with an eyebrow raised, Erron rolled his eyes as he said “She means that this one’s a cyborg, more advanced than many normal humans on the planet.”
“Correct.” she said, “I am only here to warn you all about Broken, she has lots of tricks up her sleeve and she must be stopped before things get worse.”
“And you…?” Mugman asked as he looked at her, Knight looked at him back and said “I only am an ally you all must rely on. I will be with your friends now, I’ll be back.” and without a minute to lose, she does a flip and then drives into the water below her like an Olympian champion while everyone watched on.
“Cyborg samurai…” Erron said as he looked at the water where Knight had dived in, catching Bruno’s and Primis Dempsey’s attention as they looked at him. “If what she said is right then… We should be a lot of careful than ever.”
“As much I do not know of this “cyborg” that you called it,” Bruno began, “I am sure that he would be breakible as others and the walking dead.” as he paddles the boat once again and then concluded with “But… I do hope they will come back to us safe.”
“I hope so too.” P!Takeo said before he heard his comrade behind him, “Ain’t that swell?” P!Dempsey said as he grabbed the paddle along with Takeo.
“I would side with Erron’s terms.” Radec chirped up, making Cuphead, Mugman, Frisk, Bendy, Trace and Werner to look at him. “I would advise take caution, very much caution.” he concluded as Trace sticks her tongue at him as Werner continues to paddle along with others.
“Well, we’ve beaten you so, we could beat him a second time.” Cuphead said as he looked at him before looking at his brother, “Right?” he asked.
“Good.” Cuphead concluded, as he and Mugman looked at each other, “As long we stay together this time, find a way to get their friends back and when we find Boris, we get to find safety far away from this mental asylum.” he insisted as he looked at his friends then to Werner and then said “We will try to stop this “Broken” guy whoever you’d call it and we’ll find a way to get back home, Werner, I promise.”
Werner looked at them and then after a thought about for a moment, he smiled as he sighed “I hope you can get us all home.”
Just as they all continued on flowing through the river, someone in a cyberonic armor with a bandage over his right eye and white hair is paddling his boat from afar, he was secretly following them when he first saw them.
He had been trying to get ahold of HQ since he had unknowingly been brought by and unknown force, if they had something to do with this then he is going to get some answers as his eye glowed red a little.
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megamangx · 3 years
chapter -1-the ream reborn
megamangx was a hume and going to thallhan the desert country “are wanting you to be adventerer that is cool good luck” said an old man “thank you i will do what i can to save people and have fun” said megaman gx and he was wearing the greeen, thearmor.
he got to town and there was evil men in black robs kicking a lalafell “leave them alone you peaces of shit” megaman gx grab sword
the masked men turned around and had scary red mask “we are assians and serve the darkness this lalafell has to die” said there leader lambadelta
“not on my watch bad guys!!!!!!!” megaman gx charged buyt they where to stong “haha stupid man you weak we strong” laugh lambadelta and they leave and the lalafell had tears and look up “thank you for saving me i am the princess numneto i run thallhan come to dinner for rewards” she said
that night megamangx wented to the palace for a feast and there was rahaban and also the tory party lead by nasty smelly lalafell called lotlito “i just thinking tat we cold charge the poor people to useing tolets” he brush his mushtash.
megaman gx then saw visons of wars and there was armor roman man there and the assans too “what has hapen h ere, i can not know” megaman gx think faced
raubhan comed “you must have the gift of goddess you are WARROR OF LIGHT you need to find the scones and join them to stop the empire of garleymaid” he nodde and megamangx gotted his sword “i will find the scones of dawn and save ezora”
megaman gx gotted on his cool motorbike and drived to the wakeiing sand and knock door “i AM WARROR OF LIGHT AND WANT TO JOIN THE SCONES TO SAVE EZORA I AM COMING INSIDE NOW” and he went in and there was yoshla tancred papamotyo uringer and there leader millfina
“we have watied you destiny told you coming here and we had dreams about you now we unite to fight empire and evil assans”
but then there was darkness magic as an assan come out of a portal and grab millfina “i AM THE ASSAN NIBBLES AND I WILL NOT LET THE LIGHT SIDE MAGIC GET STRONG I AM KIDNAPPING YOUR LEADER NOW HAHAHA STUPID MEGAMAN GX” and he took out a colt and shot uringers wife “Nooo” he cry and megaman gx chased him into portal “come back you shit”
megaman gx was in the dark world diemenson and fighted with nibbles who turned into his monster demon form “we will kill all the world and bring an age of eternal evil you can not stop me warroir of light give up or die trying” nibbles evil laugh
but megaman gx takened a crystal out “oh no an anti darknes stone” nibbles screamed as the light come all over and kill dead “what a fool you are assan this is ego” megaman gx smug face and picked up millfina and left back to the waking sands
there was an elf there in black armor “I am alfponose i have come to help my grand dad fighted in the war to stop primals witch want to hypnosis people to make god cults and we need to fight titan” he shied
then went to granaddada and looked for titan and did tons of sidquests and helped a drunk and a tree man and(ANOTHORS NOTE THIS PART WAS BAD AND I HATE DIT IN THE GAME)
after getting the key to titans cave they killed 100s of goblins and went in and he was there with fire and knocked other warrors of light off ledge “you will die evil primal this world is one of light and doeesn not need stupid cults” and megaman gx used ultma magic on him and he blewed up “Good work you are truely warroir of light” alphone said
outside there was magitech armoers like ff6 ones and planes and airships and bombs and solders and then there was a red man a white woman and a big guy but then the black and gold guy came “i am geius von blaster leader of empire and i hate primals to join us and we make fashcist empire an dkill all the lalafells to” he said in vader voice
“i hate primals but killing all the lalafells is going to far and faiscism is stupid and for dum people who read to much youtube” said megaman gx
gaius was real mad and shot his own solders “fuck you then die” h e said and ultma weapon missled at the scones and there was fire and death then the red man come it was nero “i will hammer you haha” he laugh but megamangx blocked witrh sword “i am leveled up now bringing it own!” he said and blasted nero with fire spells then megaman gx takened out a gunblade the GX CRYSTAL GUNBLADE
he slashed wounding nero and killinmg the big guy “we will go to pretoium base tell the allenlice leaders if they do not let the empire take over we will use magic nukes with ultma weapon true ,p pwower hahahaha” laughed guias and he gotted in his airshit and left
the scones went to the gloverment and there was pirate leader numnrino and elf leader girl “we must give up fasicism will rule us forever we can not fight it i am becoming a doomer now” said the elf lady and put a black jacket on and bean hat
“NO WE MUST FIGHT NO MATTER WHAT WILL YOU DYING LIKE THE DOGS OR WILL YOU FIGHT FOOLS THAT YOU ARES?!”? megman gx speech and they clap “we must find cid he can airship us there” said milfina and the gang nodde and went to a church
“I have no memory” said cid but they gived him some potions “i remember now guius was myu dad and i left becuse i hate fasicism come i builting you airship to fight empire” he sid
they went to pretoium and it was build tech no sciance base and had airships and lasers like terminator sky “we need to fight hard let u s win and go home to save day” megaman gx alphone all went out and kill lots of bad guys and magitech walkers
“there are too many what we do” said alphone but cib drop bombs on them “thank you cid we can gfo fight boss now” and it was the white lady “I will not let you hurt my husband” but she was easy and megaman gx used h is gunbreaker shells to blow her up “hurry we have to shtop ultma waepon” he run
in the base guius had come “tell me why you fight me i hate evil gods and reilgion church who keep people poor and stupid we need to be stong and kill the weakness and i can be the leader to do that” he said trying to convance them, thbut it did not workings
“you are a fasicist idot shut up” megaman gx sword fighted with gius then he gotted the ultma weapon out “try this insted foolish hero” he missled at him but megaman gx used FINAL BARRER magic and blocked them and cut the uyltma weapon in half as he glowed with magic power
erverything was fire as tancred was there BUT WARING EVIL ASSAN ROBS “i lambadelta have poaassessed your friends body haha” laughed lambadelta an used magic on them but megaman gx hit them real hard that tancred spat lambadelta out who returned to the darkness world “its not over i havbe more plans idiot fools”
“lets go home tancred” and megaman gx carry him back and they had a party b ecuse they stop the empire for today
it was one week since empire loss battle and scones where building hosptals and schools but that made lolito real angry becuse he could not make money
meanwhile alphone had builded a new army of good guysc “the crytsal braves will helping to make world peace and this is isbart he is cool” said alphone “i hope we can building real peace in our time” said isbart
megaman gx did some dutys and helped people out but missed the advanters “come to dinner in your honor” said numirnmo “that shoulds fun i could eat like horse” said tancard
then went to thallan palace and ate lots of food and drink and had a good time with music “this is fun” said uringer but then the PRINCESS DIE OF POSON “it was the scones!!” shouted isbart “no that is lies we are being famed” alphone shouted
but the crystlal baves armed guns “we work for lolito now and we are going to build ancap fasicst power here like the works of ayn rand” laugh isbart as he chop randards arm off “Noooooo” he cry
“captalism has no room for the weak kill these murderers who posoned the princess” laugh lolito but then a ninja attack and help them get into the sewers “We can not escape” said yosto
but millfina used a special magic “i will get us out” and she teleported them and megaman gx was in snow with alphone “this is real bad what now”
elmer selch was there with the white leader man “nibbles is dead and our emepire plans have failed you fucking morons need to fix this shit” elmer pointed
lambadelta walked in “i have evil plans we are GOING TO BUILD THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ISHGARD AND BRING AN ARE OF SUFFERING AND PAIN AND USE IT TO MAKE WAR WITH DRAOGONS” he laughed and the other assans laughed too
to be continued in HEAVENS SWORD
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serpenttailedangel · 7 years
Hey-a! I’m your Secret Santa. I hope these drabbles are to your liking!
“Can’t you make Tori do it? She’s never busy. I had plans for this afternoon, you know.”
Lady Ann placed her hands on her hips and made the face she always did when working herself up to a scolding.
Zavier knew how to nip the problem in the bud. He laughed like he’d only been joking, then waved and spun to face the door. “See you later. I have some exploring to do.”
He was out the door before his mother could demand he come back and help her with the inn. Who had time for boring old chores anyway?
Dungeon exploration stopped being a game. With strange machines calling forth monster after monster, it was no longer a matter of wandering caves where the occasional gate may spit something out. Running through those caves once they became infested was suicide. It was embarrassing to pass out around town, but if you grew careless in the dungeons, you died.
Zavier, sensible thing that he was, didn’t venture far into Carmite Cave anymore. What good was impressing girls when you were dead?
Raguna was insane for exploring deeper. Or so Zavier thought until that newcomer broke every machine in that cave.
Zavier picked a fight. Just once.
Well, it was more of an argument. He’d seen the way Raguna handled any weapon you put in his hand. The real reason he held back was absolutely that trading blows with neighbors would look bad, but still.
Well, it was more him demanding that Raguna back off of Mist while Raguna looked baffled by the entire event.
No one else witnessed the encounter, and Raguna didn’t tell a soul, but Zavier couldn’t look Mist in the eye the next time he saw her. The kind of man she deserved never acted so petty.
After Ivan slipped away, there was no one else but Raguna to praise for saving the town. For that one day, Zavier threw all rivalry to the wind and celebrated. Who cared about Mist’s heart? They weren’t going to die!
The next day, when the celebration was over and the initial elation wore off, it struck Zavier just how much further he was from his goal. As if measuring up to Raguna wasn’t already hard enough. How could he compete with the hero who kept the Sechs at bay?
The answer was painfully obvious, and obviously painful: He could not.
It was Zavier who Raguna came to first the day Mist vanished.
“You’ve known her the longest, haven’t you? Does she have any family? Any place she ever said she wanted to visit?”
Mist’s family was gone, and she’d never shared any aspirations with Zavier. He had no more clue than Raguna, but he appreciated being seen as the person who she had most likely shared her plans with. It helped dull the pain of having been left in the dark by her.
He didn’t set out with Raguna in search of her. He doubted she was waiting for him.
Rosetta left not long after Raguna and Mist. Zavier bid her farewell, then went to his room to grab his own supplies.
“You’re… going after her too?” Tori asked.
“I don’t have a first clue where she is. Raguna can take care of her.”
He endured Tori checking him for signs of fever before setting out himself.
What exactly Raguna did to earn a permit for every last cave, Zavier didn’t know. But he did know what Raguna did to be admirable, and he knew that without Raguna, someone had to deal with the monster overpopulation problem in the caves.
Zavier’s first stop returning from Carmite was to have the cut on his leg bandaged. His next stop was the mayor’s house. But his mother caught him by the arm while he was on his way.
“Do you have a minute? I don’t know where your sister went, and I have multiple customers waiting for clean rooms.”
I defeated a monster, Mom.
I want to talk to the mayor about passes for the other caves. Someone needs to deal with them, right?
I need to see if Leo can make me a serious weapon.
“I… have the time… I guess.”
Trampoli wasn’t too far from Kardia, but Zavier didn’t have it in him to go. He didn’t know what he would think if he saw those two again. He had Rosetta carry letters back and forth between him and Mist instead.
She’d left two properties abandoned when she left and effectively took Raguna with her. No one else stepped up, so Zavier maintained them for her at her request.
Well, not entirely for her. The farm, Zavier told himself, was different. It was Raguna’s. If Raguna could tend a whole field of crops, Zavier could at least manage weeding it.
It took half a year, but Zavier earned a pass to Toros Cave.
He gripped his sword as he walked in, and was surprised to see not monsters, but orange flowers not too far from the entrance.
There were no monsters in the immediate vicinity. He picked his way around toxic puddles and over to a field blooming with Autumn Grass.
Zavier plucked one and marveled at the flower. Raguna must have planted it before he left.
There were nine total. He picked them all and wrapped them into a bouquet. Maybe it was time he pay Trampoli a visit.
It only stung a little that Raguna froze momentarily before plastering on a grin. He and Zavier hadn’t exchanged a single word in months, and those tenser exchanges they used to have were no doubt what he remembered best.
The pleasant surprise when Zavier offered the man his own flowers was more satisfying, although Raguna had to undercut it by saying, “Mist is at the town square.”
Zavier glanced towards the town, then back to Raguna. He swallowed once. Twice. Then he said, “I’ll be sure to see her before I go. Before that… could you maybe… spar with me?”
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dragoncaper · 7 years
November 1985, Blackthorn City
"Lance, your father's not coming back."
"I know." He tugged the laces of his shoes tight and tapped the toes against the tile of the entry way. He wanted to get down to the lake. There was stuff to do.
"You-- Who told you??"
He blinked up at his mother. Why was she surprised? She'd said this was important, but it wasn't like he didn't know. He wasn't a little kid anymore. "I know he's not coming back. He never comes back when he says he's gonna come back. He likes other lakes better than this one."
"Lance, that's not ... " Her voice was all funny. Why did grown-ups get weird about some stuff?
"It's okay. I didn't 'spect him to come back." Hoped, maybe, a little. He and Falkor were learning to Surf together, and he could go almost a full minute without slipping off of the Dratini's back. He'd wanted to show it off, kinda. But it wasn't a big deal. Not really. And besides, "Just because he provided my biological material doesn't mean he's the only one who can provide paternal parenting."
Cousin Tori had said that, and she read a lot of books, so Lance figured it was true. And he saw his uncles and Grandfather a whole lot more than his dad, so--
"Lance. Neil is dead."
Lance went still.
His mother crouched down in front of him, kneeled on the wood of the raised floor, set her hands on his shoulders. Lance stared at the waistband of her skirt. "There was an accident. A lot of rain and a mudslide, and your father ..." She swallowed, started again. "He and Ness helped a lot of people, but they didn't make it out."
A silence, but only momentary. "Okay," Lance said, raising his eyes to meet his mother's. He thought he'd meant for his voice to sound casual, but it came out flat.
"Lance ..."
"Okay. I said I knew he wasn't coming back." It was the same thing, wasn't it, right? His father never came home when he said he would, and now he just wouldn't. What difference did it make why he wasn't coming home?
"Can I go? I gotta go now. I'm supposed to be at the lake."
"Lance, are you sure--"
"I'm s'posta be at the lake," he repeated, and his gaze slid off to toward the waiting door.
"Alright," his mother began, and if she'd meant to say more, Lance didn't hear it. It wasn't that he fled, or that the noise of his leaving drowned out her words. He left like he usually did: in a hurry, but gentle with the door. It was just that all he needed to register was the permission, and anything else could be tuned out.
Not coming back. Not coming back. But it didn't matter. It didn't change his life at all. If someone you don't expect to be around won't ever be around again, you can just stop waiting, can't you? You already know how to live without them, so it's not a big deal. Doesn't change anything.
Lance could walk the path to the Dragon's Den in his sleep. He knew the best shortcut through relatives' yards and the best way for a small boy to shimmy around the edge of the surface lake without getting wet and just how to keep from hurting your legs at the bottom when sliding down the long ladder. And he knew just where Falkor would be waiting for him, next to the hidden rock ledge where you could keep your shirt dry while you swam.
His father had showed him that spot when he and his cousins were learning how to swim, but that didn't matter either, so--
Falkor surfaced and bumped his head against Lance's leg, and Lance obliged, reaching down to stroke around the Dratini's ear fins. "Sorry I'm late. My mom wanted to talk to me. We can practice now."
But he sat down instead, dangling his feet in the water, and picked up a loose rock from the bank. "We're gonna learn how to Surf before I get my license. Because if we're really good at Surfing then Flying will be easy."
Ness never learned how to Fly. There were stories about Dragonairs that could do it, but Lance had never seen it. But if Lance's father had evolved her into a Dragonite, she could have done it, easy. "If you can Fly, a stupid mudslide is easy. You can Fly over it because it's a mudslide and it's on the ground."
Lance flung the rock as far as he could and listened for the plunk of it hitting the water. He wasn't supposed to throw rocks in the Den. It wasn't respectful. Maybe he'd hit a Magikarp. He picked up another rock.
"We're gonna be really good at it, even before I'm a trainer, and then we'll get even better at it. We're gonna be the best." He threw the rock toward the ceiling this time, trying to hit one of the stalactites dangling from the roof of the cave. He missed by a good meter, and the stone plunked back into the lake. Angry, Lance snatched up another rock and hurled it, this time grazing a low-hanging stalactite. He grabbed a handful of rocks and stood again.
"We're gonna be better," throw (hit), "because we practice a lot," throw (miss), "and we're already better," throw (hit), "and we'll save everybody," throw (hit), "and do it right," throw (hit), "and he said they would come see," throw (miss), "because we practiced--" throw, (miss).
His vision had gone all watery, and his chest felt heavy, and his face felt fuzzy and hot. He threw the last stone blindly and flopped back to the bank as it plunked into the lake.
"Dad and Ness aren't coming back. They died. They're not coming back." It didn't occur to Lance that the Dratini might not know what that meant. But Falkor must have, because the little dragon slid onto the bank and wrapped himself around Lance: a serpentine hug as the boy cried.
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Frank Turner 'No Mans Land'
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Originally planned to be his seventh release until the 2016 political climate caused a re-ordering, Frank Turner’s 8th effort, ‘No Man’s Land’ an album about women from history has seen plenty of discussion prior to its release – but much of it concerning his audacity in making it at all. Turner is certainly no stranger to controversy – see the Mongol Horde name debate for a recent example – and was well aware the album would stir feathers , addressing the concerns in a blog post, emphasizing the work of female producers on the record, explaining his thought process behind each track in his podcast - even inviting another singer who had once penned a track about Rosetta Tharpe to perform on his platform. Despite the pre-emptive damage control, the reaction has been, well, depressingly predictable. Talk of appropriation, obligatory quips about mansplaining, annoyance that the project sees Turner takes centre stage (on his own album) The ongoing debate as to whether a man holds the right to create art about women – important but so, so obnoxiously debated. The words ‘Tory’ and ‘Eton’ being wearily thrown around Twitter as slurs by folk who really need to read up on the meaning of left/right wing – making one suspect that people’s real issue isn’t ‘Ugh. A man is writing songs about women’, but more ‘Ugh. Frank Turner is writing songs about anything.’ But what about, y’know, the actual album? Press surrounding the record has been so dominated over whether or not it has the right to exist that the tracks themselves have taken something of a backseat. Since addressing personal demons on Recovery and resilient inertia on Positive Songs, Turner - as he approaches the 15 year benchmark as a solo artist - seems determined to step firmly out of his comfort zone.  We saw the first signs of this with last years uneven ‘Be More Kind’ –  a response to the changing world which saw a return to the political, plus love ballads with strings, synths, ukuleles, all wrapped in a vague concept of ‘lets be nicer to each other’.  Now he’s thrown caution to the wind and done a more direct concept album – twelve tracks about inspirational, intriguing and largely unremembered women from history (plus one about his mum). It’s a bold step away from the heavily autobiographical songwriting that defined Turners first seven albums, a move towards a narrative style which has only been seen in glimpses – the outstanding ‘Balthasar, Impresario’ from 2011’s England Keep My Bones being the best example. And yet, given Turners background as a self-confessed history geek (and LSE European History scholar), the concept seems a natural progression. No Man’s Land is more than just a bold shift in songwriting style though, proved best by the bluegrass-y ‘The Death of Dora Hand’, which, despite some clunky wording, contains some of Turner’s most impressive guitar work yet. ‘Nica’, musing on bebop pioneerPannonica de Koenigswarter sees him incorporate some jazz (which given the subject, it sort of had to) while ‘Silent Key’ re-works his previously released Christa McAulife tribute from 2015 to a more melodic gravitas. No Mans Land alternates between Balthasars first person narrative and a more detached, descriptive style - in fact, one could divide the album roughly into two – the lively, general interest tracks which describe, and the more emotive explorations which speculate. Firmly in the first category is ‘Sister Rosetta’, penned in 2016 which became the albums lead of sorts, already attracting attention as a live favourite and for the fact that, yes, the riff kind of sounds like ‘Stacy’s Mom’. It’s not a particularly deep song, lyrically, but it functions as a lively and sincere nod of reverence to an oft-forgotten player in the evolution of rock’n’roll – and if it revitalises public interest in Ms Tharpe’s legacy, all the better. ‘The Lioness’, a pop-punky ode to Egyptian Feminist Union founder Huda Sha’awari follows the same format – using Sha’awari’s lesser-known story as the launching pad for an anthem of defiance which will no doubt  be a popular one for Turner’s fans to shout back at him. The song poses a counter-point to complaints that some of the songs are shallow – those intrigued by the track about Sha’awari’s efforts with the EFU can pick up a book, and wrangling a ‘fuck-you-I-won’t do-what-you-tell-me’ out of her refusal to wear a face veil post-widowhood holds some musical worth of its own – there’s really no rule that says historical songs must double as Cliffs Notes. And in some places, Turner just allows it to be fun, like on opener ‘Jinny Binghams Ghost’ -  a darkly upbeat old-timey number reminiscent of Nick Cave’s ‘Murder Ballads’ https://open.spotify.com/album/2sgJ0cMvYNIiiArcntpa5g?si=OIOkboVOQ3OmhcEij7RgEA ‘Rescue Annie’ falls into the category as well, but with less success – Turner’s desire to create a song about a woman ‘who died never having been kissed and became the most kissed face in history’ is more intriguing than the resulting run-of-the-mill folk track that follows. The songwriting becomes more interesting when Turner switches to  first person – ‘Eye of the Day’, deftly weaves through the life of Mata Hari (‘ If anyone asks, I named myself after the sun’) , a courtesan executed in 1917 for alleged espionage. Turners vivid narrative ends in an a capella description of her last stand, 'staring down the soldiers and the hatred of the world/I felt the warmth of the Malay sun and I smiled for them all', Hari finding a quiet dignified victory in her unjust death.  ‘The Hymn of Kassiani’ – concerning revered hymnographer St Kassia (‘the woman who rejected the king’) uses the first person in a folk-reimagining of the Byzantine troparion. Here, Kassias actions are attributed to independence rather than piousness – a curious take, even if borne from Turner’s avowed atheism. This same cynicism is layered with blind loyalty on ‘I Believed You, William Blake’ told wistfully from Catherine Blake’s perspective. The only number in this style that doesn’t really land is ‘A Perfect Wife’, an attempt at an acoustic introspective of Nannie Doss. Serial killer songs can’t get away with being this bloodless.  ‘The Graveyard of the Outcast Dead’ is where the use of POV gets most interesting, spanning multiple eras from a beyond-the grave perspective. Turner – exploring the stories of forgotten women in a literal sense - narrates from the viewpoint of an unnamed resident of Cross Bones Yard, where the remains of Londons sex workers were interred without ceremony. It’s a festive, tragic-yet-uplifting Celtic style ballad that stands as the albums best offering. ‘No Man’s Land’ uses its theme creatively and (largely) successfully to create the albums running duality - the one conceptual outlier being ‘Rosemary Jane’ about Turner’s own mother – the only living subject on the album and the only track which Franks detractors really can’t claim would have been better written by someone else. It’s a little gentle to be a track with a great deal of replay value, but it’s certainly interesting to get a rare insight into Turner’s upbringing, a la ‘Fathers Day’. Despite its significantly polarizing reception, No Man’s Land is neither a potent hour of feminist history, nor a gimmicky self-absorbed attempt at folk-woke – rather it’s a sincere stab at something new from a seasoned, gradually evolving musician, and an assuring indicator that Turner’s future holds a few more surprises. While it certainly doesn’t always hit, when it works this type of songwriting brings out an earnestness and occasional subtlety in him – it would be interesting to see him continue this style outside of a concept that doesn’t carry such automatic nay-saying.
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cold-b-writing · 7 years
Bound Together: Part 2
Utadukeeus: Habriel woke up and looked down to where he put his clothes. He got out of bed and stretched, looking for the hole in his shirt. However, he noticed that his shirt was sewn and his clothes washed. Changing into them, he slowly walked downstairs. Looking over into the kitchen, he saw Toriel cooking scrambled eggs for Frisk. Who was waiting patiently for their meal. She turned around and smiled at him. "Good morning, child." she said. "What would you like for breakfast?" "I really don't want to be a burden....." Habriel said. "I feel bad about causing you all so much drama." "Nonsense, child." Toriel replied. "You needed help and we just so happened to have found you. What would you like for breakfast?" "I guess.....I'll take an omelette." he said. "Just a cheese omelette." "Of course!" she said smiling. "We can ask you some questions while you eat." Skywardsister: "Okay," Habriel responded hesitantly, taking an empty seat near Frisk at the table. Frisk munched on their scrambled eggs and waved at him, and he waved back, smiling slightly. "Mom makes great omelettes! I hope you like yours!" "Yeah," Habriel nodded sheepishly. He wondered why these people were being so nice to him. Toriel hummed away, preparing the child's breakfast. Utadukeeus: Toriel sat across from him at the table. "So, what caused that?" Toriel asked, pointing out his stab wound. "I...." he started. "These people were chasing me, cornered me in a cave. One lifted me up in the air and stabbed me, then threw me in the hole. You know the rest of the story..." "Why were they chasing you?" she asked. "I....did something they didn't like." Habriel said. "What was it?" she pried. The boy looked down at his plate. "They're a bunch of priests. One of them, was especially cruel. He would beat us, whip us and do....other horrible things.... I......I killed him. And I ran away." Tears started trickling down his cheeks, and he made a light sob. "They were not nice people." he concluded. Skywardsister: Frisk listened intently to Habriel's tale, sitting silently. They wondered how Habriel's fate led straight to them; Habriel fell into the arms of those he needed most. A family. Toriel watched the boy closely as well. Utadukeeus: "But, I always had an elder sister. Before I was sold off. She always told me things like killing was wrong." he insisted. "I don't know anymore. They were horrible people, and they wanted to hurt me." he looked at Toriel dead in her eyes. He was a very confused boy. "Am I a horrible person for that?" Skywardsister: "Oh, my child," Toriel moved over to him with a hand at her chest, pained. "Yes, killing is wrong, but you were defending yourself," She hugged him. "You did nothing wrong." Frisk finished their breakfast and solemnly rose from the table and placed their plate and silverware in the sink. They continued listening. Utadukeeus: He hugged her back, tightly gripping her robes. Toriel could feel the tears rub off onto her robes. "It just.....there were more people. And I left them.... I don't know what to do. Should I go back?" Skywardsister: Frisk returned to their seat nearby and wished to comfort him and offer advice, but that was being covered by Toriel already. Toriel looked at the boy's face after he asked the question. "It's too dangerous for you to try to go back to a place like that, child. There may have been others, but you were getting hurt, and it's okay that you escaped. There's not much that you can do for them. I'm sorry." Utadukeeus: There was a loud knock at the door. "calm down, bro." Sans' muffled voice said from outside. "you might scare 'em off." "I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER BROTHER!" Papyrus said. "ANOTHER HUMAN FELL INTO THE UNDERGROUND AND MUST BE GIVEN THE BEST WELCOME THEY CAN GET. AND THERE IS NO GREATER WELCOME THAN THE ONE THAT I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS CAN GIVE!" "if you say so, bro." Sans said. "just don't go too crazy, remember this is tori's house. this isn't a place for numb skulls." "UGH!" Papyrus exclaimed. "DON'T YOU EVER GET TIRED OF MAKING THOSE JOKES?" Skywardsister: "Oh!" Frisk stood immediately at hearing the muffled yet loud voices from outside the house. The voices were approaching the door, and Toriel nodded to Frisk, saying that they could go greet the skeleton brothers. "Hey guys!" Frisk opened the door as they came up to it. "HELLO, FRISK! HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NEW HUMAN THAT FELL DOWN?" The tall skeleton greeted Frisk brightly with a wide smile and wave of the hand. Utadukeeus: "Of course I did, silly." Frisk said. She pointed in the kitchen. "He stayed the night with us! He's over there in the kitchen." "EXCELLENT, I CAN'T WAIT TO GREET HIM!" Papyrus said. "Papyrus, I don't think that's a goo-" before Toriel could finish, the tall skeleton was already in the kitchen. "GREETINGS HUMAN!" Papyrus shouted. They boy jumped from the chair, startled and fell to the ground. "THE GREAT PAPYRUS FORMALLY WELCOMES YOU TO THE UNDERGROUND! WE'RE ALL GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER! BROTHER AND I CAN MAKE PUZZLES...AND...AND YOU AND FRISK CAN SOLVE THEM AND-" Habriel quickly wiped away the tears. "Good morning?" "I SEE." Papyrus squinted. "YOU WERE SO HAPPY WITH MY WELCOME THAT YOU CRIED TEARS OF JOY! OH, I KNOW WE'RE GONNA BE GREAT FRIENDS!" "are you sure about that, bro?" Sans said, slowly walking in the kitchen. "good to see you alive and kicking kid. you had us dead worried last night." "Oh, its you again." Habriel said. "Its a good thing you came last night when you did. Otherwise it wouldn't be such a good mourning." "FORGET IT!" Papyrus exclaimed. "THIS ISN'T A GOOD MORNING ANYMORE! THE LAST THING I NEED IS YET ANOTHER PERSON WITH A DULL SENSE OF HUMOR!" Skywardsister: "Aw, Papyrus, don't go!" Frisk groaned, being dragged by the royal guard-in-training's cape. "You've barely met him!" Papyrus groaned and turned, swinging the clinging child around. "OKAY, FRISK. I'LL STAY," He rolled his eyes at his lazy-bones brother. Utadukeeus: Habriel slowly got up and politely bowed to Sans. "Seriously though, if it weren't for you, Frisk and Toriel. I would have bleed to death. Thank you for saving my life. I'm very grateful and hope I can repay my debt to all of you." Sans gave a slight grin. No one has ever bowed to him before. "no worries, kid." he said. "you don't owe me anything." "Really." Toriel insisted. "You don't owe us anything. We're happy to help." "Lady Toriel, I know we haven't known each other for a long time. But..." he looked up at her. "My real mother would never pay attention to me. My father was always gambling and my mother was always drunk. The only person taking care of me was my sister. What I'm trying to say is that, I never had a motherly figure in my life before you. A real motherly figure. So I was wondering, can I call you mother?" Skywardsister: Tears welled in the goat mother's eyes, and she was touched. Her hands fluttered to her mouth and then to wipe her tears away in excitement. "Yes, my child! Of course you can call me 'mother!'" She hugged him once again, happy that he lived through his ordeal, and sad over the child's past experiences. Utadukeeus: He hugged back, smiling. He had never known such kindness in life. "What happened to your sister?" Frisk asked curiously. "Child, please be patient." Toriel said. "Its okay, mother." Habriel said. He turned to Frisk. "I don't remember much. She fell ill and we took her to a doctor. I think he said something like 'Stage Four Liver Cancer'. She....passed away and that's when my parents sold me." Skywardsister: Frisk's expression drooped at his words. So did Toriel's. "I'm so sorry, child..." Frisk nodded, agreeing with their mom's statement. They didn't know how to console Habriel. Utadukeeus: "Its okay." Habriel said. "As far as I'm concerned. You, mother, Sans and Papyrus. You're my family now." he said smiling. "I think that's what she would want." Skywardsister: Each of them smiled at Habriel, happy to be called his family. Suddenly, Papyrus yanked Frisk's and Habriel's arms and lifted them up to stand by him. "I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! MISS TORIEL, CAN I GIVE HIM A TOUR OF THE UNDERGROUND?" Habriel was slightly jarred by the sudden motion, but smiled up at the bubbly skeleton. Toriel looked at Habriel for confirmation, and he nodded. "Sure." Utadukeeus: "Before you leave however, child." Toriel said. "Do you like cinnamon pie, or butterscotch pie?" "Oh, my favorite pie?" Habriel asked. "My sister used to make a very good pecan pie, that was always my favorite." "But, you wouldn't turn your nose to cinnamon or butterscotch, would you?" she asked. "Oh, no. Of course not." Habriel said. "I'm sure that your pies will come out as delicious." "Well." she laughed. "It seems I can't hide much from you." "we'll be back by the end of the day." Sans said. "see you then, tori." "YES!" Papyrus exclaimed. "I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW YOU AROUND! SANS, WHERE DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD GO FIRST?" "Wait a second, guys." Habriel laughed. "I haven't eaten yet."
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