#tori: someone left me for dead. what are you gonna do about it
mixelation · 11 months
me pressing my face to your blog like the 'sickos' guy looking at reborn au au: YES. HAHA YES
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tkwrites · 10 months
Second Nature - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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Photos from Pinterest
Title: Second Nature
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Quinn x Sarah
Warnings: Grief, mentions of dead parents, making out (if I missed any, let me know)
Summary: Sequel to Worth the Wait, Quinn and Sarah have their second date. Getting to know each other in many ways is like second nature.
Word count: 5,900
Comments: This took a long time to write. I caught the bug, got swamped at work, lost it and finally caught it again. I'd love to know what you think and what you'd like to see next in their little universe.
Second Nature
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Quinn woke to three messages from Sarah. They had actually been delivered in the middle of the night - at 2am. He didn't see them until he stumbled into his bathroom in the morning, but they woke him right out of his listless journey to the sink. 
Thank you for last night. It was the best first date I've ever been on. 
I’d love to come over for dinner on Saturday. 
Maybe send me your address and I'll come there and we’ll see where the night goes? 
He did celebrate this time, pumping a fist in the air. It felt like a battle won that not only she was coming to his house and they could be alone, but also that he might be able to take her home. He felt like he’d slain a giant in winning her trust. Or, at least, he was on his way. He felt outrageously victorious. 
Twenty minutes before she was supposed to arrive, his phone rang. 
 “Yeah. Hey, it’s raining buckets out here. Do you think you could come get me from the station?” 
“Of course,” he said, putting the asparagus he’d just pulled out of the fridge back into the dish, “I’ll be right there. Can you send me a pin?” 
He washed his hands, shut off the stove and ran out of the apartment. 
When he pulled out of the parking garage, his jeep was assaulted with rain. Huge, heavy drops of it that splashed and splattered over his windshield. 
He called when he got close, and she sprinted to his idling SUV. He’d even thrown the door open for her. 
“Oh my gosh,” she said, breathless, shutting out the heavy wind and rain, “I knew it was going to rain tonight, but I didn’t think it was gonna get this bad.” 
He glanced over at her. “I’m glad you called. I wouldn’t want you walking in this mess.” 
She giggled, “how noble of you.” 
“I’m serious,” he said, turning onto his street, “you would have been soaked by the time you made it.” 
It was true, she would have been. It had been shocking to come up from the platform and find that much water in the streets. It had only been drizzling when she left less than 20 minutes before. 
After he pulled into the parking garage, and into his reserved parking space by the elevator, he sprinted around the car to open her door. 
“Thank you,” she said, blushing. It had been a long, long time since someone had made such an effort. 
He scanned into the elevator and up to the penthouse. Sarah watched the numbers count up, feeling a little dizzy when they finally stopped at twenty.
When he let her into the apartment, she was overcome. In general, Quinn seemed like a nice, really normal guy who just happened to play sports professionally for a living. Standing in this gorgeous, penthouse, though, she thought about how much money he must be making playing hockey. It was certainly much, much more than she could ever make as a zoologist. She would never dare to even dream of an apartment like this. 
Her eyes caught on the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the harbor and northern skyline. Even though everything was dark and moody outside, it made the warm, modern interior of his home feel more cozy. 
“Can I take your coat?” he asked, resting his hands on her shoulders as she looked around. Quinn loved this apartment, and it fit every bill - close to the arena, comfortable, and big enough to have a party - but at times like this when someone was gazing around in awe, it made him a bit uncomfortable. He never wanted to be better than anyone else, and didn’t think he was, but sometimes, he wondered why he was the one to deserve a top story penthouse in Gastown.
“You have such a beautiful house,” she said, still looking around at the plush dark furniture and modern, sleek lines. 
"Thanks. I can't take all the credit, though. It was furnished when I moved in." 
"Still, it's so lovely," she said, taking her bag off her shoulder. It clinked when it hit the ground. 
“Did you bring supplies?” he teased. 
“I brought wine. I wasn’t sure what you were cooking, so I bought a red and a white.” she said, turning to face him as he pulled the jacket off her arm. 
It was such a thoughtful thing for her to do that he paused for a moment before hanging her coat on the hook by the door. 
It was something out of a dream to have her in his house in her jeans and simple, blousey top. 
“I was just about to start cooking when you called, so come into the kitchen,” he said, taking her hand. 
He led her through the open concept living space that butted up to a small formal dining room before they reached the long, narrow kitchen. 
“Oh, I love your kitchen,” she said. “I've always loved a galley kitchen.”
He looked over his shoulder at her. 
“My mom was an interior designer, so we talked about this kind of stuff a lot.”
“Yeah? What does your dad do?”
“My dad was an aerospace engineer.”
“Was?” he repeated, dread filling his limbs. Surely, he was just retired. 
Her sad smile told him otherwise. “He died two years before mom did.”
Quinn set the wrapped salmon down and went to her. 
“Sarah, I'm so sorry,” he said, gathering her against him. 
“Thank you.” Accepting the embrace, she tucked her face into the curve of his neck and let him hold her. It was so rare for her to get this kind of physical affection, she relished it whenever it was offered. 
He pulled away, and looked into her face. She was so strong. How could anyone be this strong? To lose both your parents by the time you were twenty-four? He didn’t know how he’d survive. 
Suddenly, he was overcome with how much he liked her. Not just because she was pretty, which she was, but because she had so much character, so much strength in her spine. 
The red of her top made the blue in her eyes brighter and more vivid than he'd seen before. Words fell out of his mouth, "God, your eyes are pretty." 
“Thank you,” she said with a shy smile. “I really like your eyes too.”
He chuffed. “Brown. They're boring.”
She took a hold of his jaw and made him look at her. “They're not. Your eyes are the color of whiskey and I think they're really beautiful.”
A blush bloomed into his cheeks. 
"Plus, aren't they a little hazel?" she asked, studying him, "they looked kind of green on Thursday." 
He shrugged, "I've never really noticed." 
Continuing to look into his eyes, Sarah decided they were hazel. Even in the kitchen light, she could see flecks of green in them. 
Quinn was thinking about kissing her when she said, “so, how can I help?” 
“I’m cooking you dinner,” he reprimanded, “you can open the wine and talk to me.” 
A smile spread over her face. 
He handed her the corkscrew, and she got to work. When she turned around to ask for glasses, he already had them out on the counter for her. 
“So,” she did a little hop to sit on the counter next to where he was working, “how was your day?” 
“Good,” he said, “practice this morning."
“What does that look like? When you have practice in the morning, I mean.” 
“I’m usually up at 8, go to the rink and we have breakfast. Then we watch tape with some of the coaches, sometimes have a meeting, and then we’re on the ice for an hour or two. Then we have strength training, and lunch, and I’m off for the rest of the day unless we have a game.” 
“Could you teach me?” she asked. 
He looked up from snapping the ends off of the asparagus, “teach you what?” 
“About hockey. I started watching your games with my roommate Eunice, last week but I still don't really understand a lot of the rules. It’s so confusing.”
“You never watched hockey before?” he asked, feeling a corner of his mouth turn up in a smile. She had started watching for him?
“I’m from the desert. Ice hockey wasn’t really on the PE docket.” 
“And no one watched?”
“I’m sure some people did, but football was the big thing in my family. We were so thrilled when the Raiders came to Vegas, and we had our own team to cheer for.” 
“There’s a hockey team in Vegas now,” he said, his tone light and teasing. 
“I know,” she said, taking a sip of her wine. 
His eyes followed her movements, drinking in the shape of her mouth on the rim of the glass. 
“So you won’t teach me? You’re just going to let me flounder all on my own?” she teased when he didn’t answer. 
Laughing, he slid the asparagus into the oven before putting the salmon into a hot pan. It sizzled and snapped, and he stepped back to avoid getting hot oil on himself.
Once that was done, he moved to stand in front of her. 
Instinctively, her knees widened so he could stand between them.
“I’d love to teach you about hockey,” he said. 
This was ultimate flirting in Quinn’s book. Something he knew he could do. When someone wanted to talk about music, or art or classic cars, he was a fish out of water. But talking hockey? He could do that all day long. Convincing someone to like the sport he loved so much? There wasn't a more ideal situation. 
“Oh, good,” she said, leaning forward to kiss him. 
This was a perfect evening. Casual and comfortable. Cooking for someone he - liked, and kissing her whenever he wanted, taking no worry of who might be watching. 
Letting himself get swept up in the kiss, he slid his hands over her hips and tried to commit her scent to memory. No matter what happened - though he was pretty sure nothing bad was ever going to happen with Sarah - he wanted to remember this. She smelled like a dream he’d had as a boy. Like vanilla and warm skin and fireside, summer nights. It was an outlandish notion, but he couldn’t shake it. 
All her life, Sarah had read stories about star-crossed, fated lovers thrown together by chance and circumstance and serendipity. But those were all just stories. Even when her grandpa talked about meeting her grandma - like they were always meant to be together, and just had to find each other to make it happen - it seemed like folklore. A tall tale he spun to make their love story seem more epic. 
These past few weeks with Quinn made her realize how it could be possible to meet someone and decide that marrying them seven days later was a good idea. She’d never do that, but experiencing this kind of attraction first hand made her grandparents seem a little less crazy. 
She didn’t know Quinn very well, but in a way it felt like she’d somehow known him all along. Everything felt so comfortable with him.
Something popped on the stove and Quinn pulled away to check on it. His tongue darted over his plush bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth briefly as he flipped the salmon. The action made something in Sarah ache for him. 
“How was your day?” he asked. “Were you at the aquarium?” 
“No, I’m usually only there Tuesday through Friday. I was working a special shift when you came in that Monday because we had so many school field trips that day.”
They could have missed each other so easily, the fact of it made him a little dizzy. 
“I finished all my midterms on Thursday, so I actually took the weekend off. My roommates and I went to the market this morning, and then I finished a bunch of stuff I’ve been putting off because of school.” 
“So it was a good day?” he asked. 
She nodded, “better now that I'm here.” 
Quinn felt himself grin. 
“This is so good,” she said after her first bite.
“Thank you.” 
“Thank you for cooking,” she said, “It’s such a treat to get a home cooked meal.” 
His shock must have shown his face. 
She laughed, “I never have time to cook with school and work. I’m usually eating a sandwich for dinner.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. "That was my freshman year whenever I was away from the dining hall." 
“Yeah? I assumed you didn’t go to college. I thought players were drafted and that was that.” 
He shrugged. “I actually played a year of college hockey before I was drafted. Some guys don't need any extra development after the draft, my younger brother Jack didn’t. But some guys need a few years in college or the minors before they're ready.  I needed a little more development before I could come into the NHL, so I played another year at Michigan.” 
“Did you like it?”
"College?" She nodded and he continued,  "I loved it. It was time for me to move up to the NHL, but I wouldn’t have been too mad to stay there until I graduated.”
“Did you finish your degree?” she asked. 
“Yeah. In Communications.” 
“Did your mom teach you to cook?” 
Quinn couldn’t help but snort, “no.” 
Realizing how rude that sounded, he rushed to explain, “my mom is a great cook, but I really had to learn over COVID when I wasn’t allowed out.” 
“You weren’t allowed out?” she repeated. 
“They were really concerned about us getting sick, so the only time we could go out was to go to the rink or to games.”
“That sounds awful.” 
“It was, and I still got COVID twice,” he said ruefully. “So I had to learn to cook because I couldn’t go out to eat. I watched a lot of cooking shows,” he admitted with a smile.
“So what do your parents do?”
“Mom stayed at home, mostly, but she did broadcasting for women's hockey for a while before she had us kids, and dad was a development coach for a long time in the AHL and NHL.”
An amused smile spread over her lips, “so you really had no choice, did you? It was all hockey all the time in your house.” 
“I mean, my parents would have been happy with whatever we decided to do, but it was pretty impossible to avoid.” 
Her smile got bigger, and Quinn found himself smiling back. 
“When did you start playing?” 
“When I was three.” 
He jumped on a question of his own before she could get another one in, “when did you know you wanted to study the ocean?” 
Smiling, she rolled her eyes at herself. “It was a pretty classic girl who grows up in a desert, land-locked state is obsessed with what she doesn’t have. But it really kicked into gear when I moved to Hawaii after I graduated with my undergrad.” 
“Hawaii?” he asked. 
She swallowed hard and took a sip of wine, “yeah. I moved pretty soon after my dad died. I got an internship working for a conservation group on Kauai, and just kind of ran away with it,” she said. “I felt like I found my calling there in a way.” 
“Why didn’t you study there?” 
“Well, it’s really expensive to live and study in Hawaii,” she said, “and my mom died, and I found out pretty soon after that I couldn’t be that far away from my family.” 
This was the second time she’d mentioned needing to be close by family. Quinn felt like there was something she wasn’t telling him, but didn’t want to push, it would probably come out with time.  
They finished their meal in companionable conversation, getting to know each other more. He learned about her research on octopus social behavior, and she learned about some of his teammates, who were his best friends in the city. 
Sarah insisted on doing the dishes. “I may not be much of a cook, but I do know how to clean,” she said. 
Quinn followed her into the kitchen. He was getting antsy. He wanted to kiss her. 
“What did you have in mind for the rest of the night?” she asked, looking up from loading plates in the dishwasher. 
Making out. Really, he wanted to pull her into his bed, but he was only one half of that equation and the last thing he wanted was to scare her away now. 
“I'm not really sure. I figured we'd figure it out together,” he said. 
Something in Sarah melted a little at his words. It was good to have a plan sometimes. And sometimes, it was good to let the evening take you where it wanted. 
Meeting his eyes, she said, “I like the sound of that.”
After a house tour, they ended up upstairs, on his favorite couch. Gray suede softer than anything he’d ever owned. He'd been meaning to ask his real estate agent if he could take it with him when he left. 
Fingers entwined, she tugged him closer, letting her lips fall against his. 
A distinct feeling of, finally, seeped through Quinn as he deepened the kiss. One hand woven into her hair, while the other caressed her waist.
Sarah’s fingers slid behind his neck, pulling him closer. God, she wanted him so much closer. 
A breathy moan escaped her mouth when he brushed his tongue over hers just so.
Her body drove her next actions, pulling herself into his lap, knees bracketing his hips as she rested her weight on his thighs. 
He sucked in a deep breath. 
She pulled away to look into his face, “is this okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, nodding too fast, he didn’t want her to go anywhere. He hadn’t been shocked so much as trying to brace himself. 
Smiling, she leaned in again. Just as their lips met, words she'd been thinking for the past eleven days tumbled out of her mouth and into his, “I really like you, Quinn.”
His heart twisted at the tenderness, and he pulled back to look into her eyes as he responded, “I really like you, too, Sarah.”
His sincerity burrowed into her and hummed there, heating her from the inside out. Nudging his mouth with hers again, she sighed. This kiss was far more tender and slow than any of the ones before. It wasn’t so much passion as it was an expression of gratitude for companionship, and hope for the future. 
In a way, these kinds of beginnings in their relationship felt perfunctory, like they needed to get through them in order to get to the good stuff. Still, Quinn didn’t want to rush. 
Their kiss in the kitchen felt like a glimpse into a future time when the awkwardness of firsts was done away. It had taken months to get that comfortable with his last girlfriend, June. She hadn’t been as into him as he’d been into her (and hadn't been afraid to wield that fact like a sword), so that had been most of the problem. He didn’t get that game playing vibe from Sarah; just this reciprocated, gentle passion like he’d never experienced before. They even seemed to naturally kiss at the same pace. 
Her kisses were unlike anything he’d experienced. Hot, of course, but there was an underlying tenderness and safety he hadn’t known he was seeking. 
It didn’t take long for the gentleness to evaporate. After a few minutes, Sarah angled herself closer. Desperate to feel more of his skin, her fingers snuck under his shirt, splaying over his stomach.
He grunted at the skin to skin contact and felt his temperature spike.
That was it. With that sexy grunt, she was a woman possessed. “Can I take this off?” she asked, tugging at the hem of his shirt, too anxious to wait for a more natural moment. 
He leaned away from the couch to grab the collar and stripped the fabric over his head before throwing it on the floor. 
Giggling, she went back to kissing him, letting her hands explore his shoulders and chest. Feeling the smattering of coarse hair there, visions of how it would feel brushing her own chest flooded her mind. She had to stop herself from rubbing up against him like a cat.
His hands snuck under her shirt, and set fire to her skin. Sitting back on his thighs, she stripped her shirt off, letting it drop to the floor by his. 
Quinn sucked in a shallow breath. His heart kicked forcefully into his spine as if to ask, are you seeing this? 
He was and he couldn't believe it either. 
The bra she wore was dark blue, and cradled her breasts so they swelled gently above the fabric. Lace peeked over the solid lining, drawing shapes on her skin.
It had been a stroke of genius when she decided to buy this bra, even though at the time, she didn’t have anyone but herself to wear it for. Comfortable for the most part, it made her boobs look killer: pushed up and round. It was a confidence booster to just wear it under her clothing. Getting ready earlier in the day, Sarah knew herself well enough to know there was more than a slim chance she'd end up losing her shirt. She wanted this to be the first bra he saw her in.
Finally forcing his eyes up to her face, he found her nervously biting her lip, a hopeful sort of look in her eyes. 
“You’re…" He didn’t want to come off cheesy, or like he was trying too hard, but eventually, he just said what was going through his mind. Cheese be damned. "Jesus, you’re so pretty, Sarah.” 
She flushed the most adorable shade of pink. “Thank you.” 
He pulled her in to kiss her again. He wanted her so much. 
“Leave that on,” she said, moving his hands away from the clasp of her bra, not quite ready for him to see the stretch marks and asymmetry of her breasts. 
“Okay,” he whispered against her lips, entwining his fingers with hers. 
It was such a respectful, sweet gesture that she almost took her bra off anyway just because she liked him so much.  
The temptation to look at her more grew too strong and he pulled away. 
He kept their hands laced together as his eyes roved over her, from her soft stomach to the curve that dipped from hip to chest. 
His eyes caught on something dark peeing out from under the band of her bra. 
“Do you have a tattoo?” he asked. 
She nodded, lifting her left arm and twisting her torso to show him. 
“Is it a tree?” 
Looking down, she realized that while the roots and poem intertwined into them were visible, the thick band of this bra covered most of the design. 
Her hands were moving before she really had time to think it through. The need to know if he would accept this part of her consumed her until she was doing something she'd just asked him not to. Consequences be damned. She wanted to show him this part of herself - this reminder she'd had permanently added to her body. 
Quinn watched, enthralled, as she wrapped her right arm in front of her to cup her left breast, reaching back to unsnap her bra with the other hand. His mind raced with images of his hands replacing hers. 
Keeping her bra flush to her, she dropped her left shoulder until the strap fell, pulling the band forward. 
Even though he knew she would stay covered, his breathing still jumped when she lifted her arm. 
“The tree is based on a beech tree that was in my grandma's backyard. We used to play in it all the time.” 
"Can I touch it?" he asked reverently. 
"Yeah," her voice was breathy. 
The tree was a sepia photograph - dark brown, expertly detailed roots, trunk and branches leading up to lighter, autumn toned leaves that looked as if they might just blow away with the right gust of wind. 
“What do the roots say?” he asked, tracing his finger over the fine cursive text, looping and weaving itself among the chaotic web of lines. 
Goosebumps rippled over her skin. 
“It’s a poem my mom had hanging in our house. It says, ‘Good timber does not grow with ease: / The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees; / The further the sky, the greater the length; / The more the storm, the more the strength. / By sun and cold, by rain and snow, / In trees and men good timbers grow.’” 
It had been a long time since someone had seen her tattoo close enough to ask about the poem, and she’d had to recite it. Saying the words out loud after so long choked her voice with emotion. She tried to not let it overwhelm her, but it was like trying to stop a dam from collapsing when it had already cracked. Tears pooled in her vision.
Quinn stared at her for a few heartbeats, terrified to fail, before his common sense and advice from his mom kicked in. His first thought was to hold her, but she would probably be uncomfortable with her bra undone like it was. So, he threaded the strap back onto her shoulder and clumsily hooked the clasp together - that was something he’d never done before - before wrapping his arms around her. 
Sarah was stunned, but welcomed the embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. This act of receiving care and comfort when she started to cry, only made her want to cry more, this time out of gratitude. 
This was something she’d never dared to say out loud when her friends asked about the kind of man she wanted. It was impossible to explain to someone that had never lost a loved one. She wanted a man who wasn’t afraid of her grief, and wouldn’t try to solve it. She’d written that very phrase in her journal, and it seemed the Universe held onto that wish until both she and Quinn were ready. 
“What can I do?” he asked, feeling so inadequately prepared. 
A small laugh chuffed out of her mouth at the absurdity that he felt he needed to do more. “This is enough. This is exactly what I need.”
A sigh breathed through his body and he tightened his hold around her. 
It was a bizarre situation. Cuddling on their third date with shirts off because Sarah had started crying over a poem her mother had loved. It wasn’t where she had envisioned the night to be going in the slightest. 
She sat up and blinked the moisture on her lashes onto her finger, leaving streaks of mascara on her skin. “I’m sorry.” 
He shook his head, letting his hands rest at her hips. When he’d called her for advice, his mom told him how sometimes, grief just came up and swept you away, and the best thing he could do as a support was be there. Be a physical presence, tethering her to the shore so she could find her way back. 
A forced little, self conscious laugh escaped her chest, and she reached behind to re-clasp her bra. He’d done up only two of the three clasps and on the wrong hooks.   
“That was my first time,” he said, self-deprecating. “Can you tell?”  
She laughed - fully, out loud - and it banished the tears from her eyes. 
“I really like this,” he said, brushing his thumb over the roots winding to the front of her ribcage. “I like that it’s something so important to you, and has so many memories in it. It’s not like one of those sticker tattoos, you know?” 
One of those adorned her thigh. A heart small enough, it could be mistaken for a birthmark in the right light. She’d gotten it on a drunken dare, and was glad she’d had enough sense at the time to at least pick something simple. 
“You don’t like sticker tattoos?” 
“Tattoos are so permanent, I think they should mean something. I have a friend that has a whole bunch of dumb stuff tattooed on his arm just because he can.” 
Quinn’s hand was still on her side. The feeling of his warm palm on her skin was grounding and comforting. 
The rest of the night was spent kissing and cuddling. Her bra stayed on, though she thought about flinging it across the room more than once when he asked if he could touch her there, and then did, heating her blood to a boil. 
When Quinn’s phone buzzed with an alarm at 11, he pulled away reluctantly and smiled at her dazed, over-kissed expression. Memorizing the feeling of her skin to sustain him through the night, he ran his palm from its place on the back of her neck to the small of her back.
When he spoke, his voice was quiet, almost as if he was trying to keep himself from hearing it. “I’m really sorry, I have practice in the morning, and a game tomorrow.” 
She nodded, pursing her lips, which were flushed and more pouty than usual. “Can you take me home, then?” 
The last remnants of the test anxiety he’d been feeling blew away. “Of course.”  
Watching unashamedly as she pulled her shirt on, Quinn tried to commit the way she moved to memory. He wanted to remember everything about this night. 
Reaching for his hand, Sarah still felt a small thrill when he took it as they walked to the elevator. 
As she directed him to her apartment in Yaletown, she watched his profile in the city lights. 
“Have you broken your nose?” 
Laughter bubbled out of him, and he glanced over. “Yeah, a couple of times. Why?” 
“I just wondered,” she said, “You have a really distinctive nose.” 
“Is that a good thing?” 
She told him to turn left and pointed to her building. 
He stopped in front of her apartment building. “Are you still taking tomorrow off?” 
“Do you…” he didn’t know why he was so nervous about this, “do you want to come to the game? I can get you a ticket.” 
A smile beamed over her face, “I’d love that. Do you think my roommates could come too? They’d never forgive me if I went without them.” 
“Am I supposed to wear your jersey?” 
He grimaced and shook his head, “no. Just wear whatever you want. I always think it’s kind of weird when girls wear my jersey.” In some ways, he’d love to see his name across her back, but not at a game. She’d be just another fangirl there. 
“Okay.” she leaned over the console to kiss him. 
He fumbled for the gear shift and slid the car into park. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, then," she said when she pulled away a while later. 
After watching her scan into the building, Quinn drove the ten minutes home knowing, having won her trust in this way, he would sleep like a rock. 
Both Eunice and Jane were in the living room when Sarah opened the apartment door. Eunice immediately shut off the TV, effectively blowing their cover that they were awake for any other reason than talking to her. 
"How was it?" Jane demanded. 
Sarah allowed herself a moment of self indulgence, and sank dramatically into the giant black chair Jane had inherited from her cousin's best friend’s brother or something equally convoluted.
"It was so good."
"Did you fuck?"
"Eunice," Jane reprimanded, rolling her eyes. "It was only their second date."
"So? I'd be stripping him down the second I got him alone."
Sarah cut in before Jane could snark back or Eunice could say something even worse, "No, we didn't. But we made out and if it's any indication of what's to come, it'll be amazing."
"Tell us everything."
The last time Sarah had rehashed a date minute for minute, she'd been in Hawaii, home from the first of many dates with her last boyfriend. She'd forgotten how exciting it could be. 
"Oh man," Eunice said when she was done. "That sounds so magical."
"It really was."
"I like the way you talk about him, like it's fate or something." Jane said dreamily. 
"It feels like fate," Sarah admitted. "It feels like something just plopped us together."
Eunice sighed. "I want that so much."
"Oh, I almost forgot. Quinn invited me to the game tomorrow."
"Oh, that's exciting," Eunice said, voice lacking any and all excitement. She was failing to look like she wasn't pouting. 
"I told him you'd never forgive me if I went without you, so he's getting tickets for all three of us."
"Really?" Eunice squealed as she took Jane's hands, forcing her to stand and started jumping around the living room. "I've never been to a game in person! Is he getting us rinkside?"
"I don't know. I didn't ask. I was just glad he was getting three tickets."
"You have to wear his jersey. I have one you can borrow."
"Oh," Sarah paused, "he actually told me he didn't want me to."
Eunice looked perplexed for a long moment before she continued her jumping that was sure to wake their downstairs neighbors. “I'll wear it then.”
The following evening, Quinn wasn't sure what to expect as he skated out for warm up. He'd sent Sarah the tickets and asked if she would stay after the game so he could take her home, which she'd agreed to. He had warned her it might be a while before he was ready to go, and she’d assured him she would bring a book. He didn't ask her if she would be there for warm ups or if she would be down at the glass instead of up by the box. 
He did a lap, and didn't see her. He felt on edge in a way he didn't usually before a game. Hockey was something he could practically do in his sleep. It was a learned and inherited skill he'd been honing for the past 18 years. But knowing she was watching made him a little bit nervous. 
When he went back to run some passing drills, he spotted her at the glass wearing a simple blue shirt that matched his colors under a black jacket. Her hair was in an intricate braid, twined around her head like a crown. She looked so much better than she would have wearing a jersey. 
He skated over to her and knocked on the glass to get her attention. 
Her roommate shrieked and Sarah turned. A beautiful, easy smile bloomed on her face. He smiled back in a way he usually didn't allow himself to in public. 
He grabbed a puck and tossed it over the glass for her. It was dumb, he knew that, but it was all he had to offer at that moment. 
When he went back into the drill, Conor was the first to skate up beside him, "who is that?"
Quinn felt himself blush and tried to brush it off, but Petey saddled up to both of them. 
"Is that Sarah?" He asked. 
"Sarah?" Conor repeated, a smirk on his face. "Who is Sarah?"
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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avatarskywalker78 · 4 months
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It's Work-in-Progress Wednesday and I have stuff to share!! First something from a new WIP even though I said I wasn't going to start any until I'd finished some but it turns out that's not how it works. The premise is this; in July of 2015, an interdimensional portal opens above Earth-3 and a man falls out, apparently dead of a gunshot wound to the chest - only when Jay Garrick gets him to the hospital he promptly bursts into blue flames and heals himself. Two weeks later, he wakes up, but he can't remember anything at all. Not his name or his history or - more importantly - how he got shot. Aside from strange dreams of lightning, everything is a blank - and yet when Jay talks about speedsters and superheroes it all seems strangely familiar...
Part of him has been hoping his appearance would spark something, even if it was just a snippet, but no such luck - blonde-ish hair, blue-eyed, square-jawed, about five-ten... Yeah, him and about 12 million others. He doesn't even have a cool scar or a birthmark - instead he's just...well, average looking, really. The blond hair is a little jarring, like he's not used to it being blond - maybe I dyed it, he thinks, but for the life of him he can't remember what colour. It's a minor point, given he doesn't remember anything else about his life, but it bugs him just the same. His clothes don't yield any clues either. Admittedly his t-shirt is gone - bloodstained with a bullet hole through it, so it was unsalvagable - but apparently that was a light blue. There's some black jeans and white sneakers but no accessories or anything, no pendants or bracelets or rings, so presumably he's unmarried...again, it's average. He's a single white American man with a boring taste in clothes. Yeah, that really narrows it down.
(This is titled the 'Thawne amnesia fic' but to be honest I feel like it's obvious which one this is so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like it turns out this isn't going to be the core mystery in this fic)
I also wrote some more for my 'Tory is a Barnes' AU - this bit is from Mike's POV and he's having one of the worst times of his life.
A father was supposed to protect his children - it was, in fact, thier main purpose. He'd failed abysmally, and the guilt threatened to choke him as it wound its away around his heart - nothing would ever, ever erase the image of his little girl lying in a hospital bed with bandages on her body and bruising on her face. Everything he'd done to try to protect his children from Cobra Kai and they'd still gotten caught up in it. It made him want to hit something. Or someone. Johnny Lawrence, mainly, because the stupid bastard had brought back Cobra Kai for god knew what reason - teaching kids how to be confident? Bullshit. The moment those students of his played dirty in the AVT he should've stepped up and de-escalated things. Instead he'd done the opposite, brought Kreese of all people back and it had spiralled from there - finding out from his kids just how bad it had gotten was appalling. Hearing about Daniel LaRusso- God, he'd long felt guilty about all that, caught between wanting to reach out and apologise and not wanting to trigger the guy again, but he couldn't help but wonder how much he was to blame for this, for Daniel acting like he had. It couldn't all be about his beef with Lawrence, could it? And Mike had never known the extent of Silver's mind games - that wasn't what he'd been paid for - but between that and Mike's tormenting it must've fucked the guy up- It was perhaps a moot point. What had happened had happened, and in the end people were responsbile for their own decisions. Now Miyagi-Do was probably gonna be shut down, and Cobra Kai...well,he doubted Lawrence would stick around, which left Kreese... The paranoid old bastard who would probably try and bring his niece back into the fold.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @forchrissy @dream-beyond-the-fantasy
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cherry-romper · 3 months
You Sound Like a Song
+ Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Inumaki, Yuta, Todo, Gojo, Nanami, Toji, Geto, Choso, Kusakabe, Higuruma, Sukuna.
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Yuji; Magnetic - ILLIT
Even from afar, Pulling me close,
You're my crush
Everything about you sticks to my heart
This time, I want you, You, Like its magnetic
Don't wanna hide it, the magnet in my heart
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Megumi; Pretty Boy - The Neighbourhood
Even if my heart stops beating, You're the only thing I need
Now its all about to end
As long as I got you, I'm gonna be alright
I'm not afraid to die
No, I'm lucky you're with me
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Nobara; God is a woman - Ariana Grande
You love it how I touch you, my one
When its all said and done, You'll believe God is a woman
Have it any way you like
And I can tell that you know I know how I want it
When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishin'
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Maki; Rules - Doja Cat
You ain't talk money, then really that's none of my business
I don't even need these lenses, 20 on 20 my vision
Look at me like I'm alien, bitch, I'm fucking reptilian
All y'all bitches was wrong, Talkin' bout I fell off, You ain't even get on
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Inumaki; Blondie - Current Joys
There are flowers in my heart
They're growing thorns and it hurts
And I won't, See you again
Can we kiss? Can we dance?
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Yuta; 死ぬのがいいわ (Shinunoga E-wa) - Fujii Kaze
I want you to be my last
If I have to keep being separated from you like this, I'd rather die
I choose you over three meals a day
I'll always stick with you, my baby
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Todo; Talk - Hozier
And I'd be the immediate forgiveness
Imagine being loved by me
I wont deny Ive got in my mind now, All the things I would do
I'd be the sweet feeling of release mandkind now dreams of
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Gojo; Heartbeat - Childish Gambino
I wanted you to know, That I am ready to go
Whenever you're around, Can't speak, I can't speak
So we fuck 'til it come to conclusions
Im a ghost and you know this
But you don't want the same thing, Well, two can play that game
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Nanami; Trash Magic - Lana Del Rey
Boy, you wanna hold me down, Tell me that you love me?
I do my hair up, all high and wide, White flowers tied
He said, "Lana Rey. Will you serve me lemonade?" I said, "Yes Bill, I will, It's the day of the parade, And you look even more handsome than you, Did the day that I left you"
All I want is to feel good
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Toji; L'AMOUR DE MA VIE - Billie Eilish
I wish you the best for the rest of your life, Felt sorry for you when I looked in your eyes
Did I break your heart? Did I waste your time?
It isn't asking for a lot for an apology
Its not my fault, I did what I could, You made it so hard, Like I knew you would
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Geto; favourite crime - Olivia Rodrigo
Know that I loved you so bad
I was your willing accomplice, honey
One heart broke, four hands bloody
The things I did, Just so I could call you mine
I hope I was your favourite crime.
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Choso; Is There Someone Else? - The Weekend
Is there someone else or not?
'Cause I wanna keep you close, I don't wanna lose my spot
If I ain't with you, I dont wanna be
I don't wanna be a prisoner to who I used to be
'Cause I wanna be with you forever
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Kusakabe; The Color Violet - Tory Lanez
I left the party with a barbie marking X on the dot
But she likes my watch and my droptop and my persona
I've got some nerve to play hard
I've waited for my chance, but playboys we don't dance
Tis beat in my dance is not for romance
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Higuruma; Salvatore - Lana Del Rey
All the lights are sparkling for you, it seems, On the downtown scenes, shady blue
The summer's wild and I've been waiting for you all this time
I adore you, can't you see you're meant for me?
I was so wrong not to doubt your Medellín, tangerine dreams
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Sukuna; Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
There's only one sure way, To bring the giant down
Crawl on me, Sink into me, Die for me
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin, Dripping with sin, Do it again
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cades-outsider · 4 years
Hawk X Reader
Warnings? Partying! Violence! Hawk being well even more of an a**! Mentions of sex! CHEATING! Crying! Fake dating! Language!
Poison Love
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Your phone ringing breaks you out of your humble nap you were taking after being in school all day. You groan, wondering who could possibly be calling you during your sleeping session.
Grabbing your phone from beside your bed you turn it over seeing the time being 5:00 pm, only had two hours of sleep. You had hoped for at least three hours of a beautiful nap but you knew it wouldn’t happen without any distractions.
Answering the phone, not even bothering to see who the caller ID belonged to you groaned "hello?" You ask in a husky voice because of your lovely nap you took.
"Hey Y/n! I’m having a party tonight at 6 can you come?" Moon asks excitedly through the phone, smiling you nod even though she can’t see it.
"Of course Moon! I’ll be there!" You exclaim excitedly, knowing you could never say no to Moon.
"Thanks Y/n, it’s going to be fun!" She squeals, you already knowing she is most likely jumping up and down of excitement.
Ending the call you slowly get out of bed, only having an hour to get ready. Picking out your favorite red dress you walk into the bathroom touching up your hair and outfits.
By the time you finished getting ready it was already 5:40 meaning you had enough time to drive to Moons without being late.
On the way to Moons house you get a call from Robby, pressing answer you put it on speaker keeping your eyes on the road because safe driving kids.
"Hey Robby" You say taking a left.
"Y/n hey, I need your help" Robby says as his voice fills with worry.
"Yeah? What’s wrong?" You ask curiously, worried for your friend.
"I need your help for picking out something for Sam for her birthday tomorrow, since you’re her best friend and know more about her" He asks curiously, hoping you would say yes.
"Of course!-" You sigh thanking that he wasn’t hurt, or wanted you to hide a dead body- which you totally would.... not do for him "-I’m on my way to Moons house for a party she’s having so how about we say hello and then we can leave together to pick her something up?" You suggest.
"Yeah! You are a life savor Y/n" Robby says releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
You chuckle "I’m just looking out for my friends" you say pulling up in Moons drive way seeing half the kids from the school already with drinks and diving in the pool.
"Thank you!" He says before hanging up, grabbing your purse, you get out of your car before walking up to moon who is already talking and drinking with a bunch of girls from school.
Thats what you loved about Moon, she wasn’t mean or disliked by half of the school like Yasmin was. "Y/n!" Moon yells running towards you, spilling some of her drink in the red solo cup while doing so.
"Moon!" You say excitedly as you run to her with open arms, pulling her into a warming hug.
Letting go moon starts to explain where everything is "drinks are on the table over there, and food is inside in the kitchen" she explains as she kissed your cheek and runs off.
"Have fun!" Moon yells before running back to the girls she was previously talking to.
Walking around you find Hawk, your boyfriend laughing with some of his friends "hey babe" you say walking up to him.
Hawk turns around noticing your sweet voice "hello love" he says with a small smile as he pecks your lips and wraps you in a tight hug.
He keeps his arm wrapped around you until you both part your ways getting caught up in either talking to friends or laughing and play fighting.
Not to much time goes by before Robby turns up to the party grabbing his skateboard as he walks over to you. "Y/n! Hey, are you ready to go?" He asks from your previous conversation before.
"Yeah! Let me just text Eli real quick letting him know where I went!" You say with a smile on your face as you send a message to Hawk, telling him where you were going to be and what you were doing.
Meanwhile Tory has been watching you like a hawk waiting for you to get in the right situation so she could tell Eli that she caught you cheating so she could break you both up.
It’s not that she didn’t like you, she just thought of you as a threat as if you were trying to get Hawk to join the good side again. Of course it would be nice for you to have your Eli back but you couldn’t make him do anything. You would have to love and except who he is now and be honest with him.
Tory watches as you and Robby walks over to your call getting in and driving off together. This is what she wanted and now she finally has at least something to tell Hawk and get him to turn against you.
"So the mall?" You ask as you drive down the road off of Moons street.
"That’s the plan" Robby runs his hands on his pants nervously.
"What am I gonna say?" He asks nervously as he bites at his nail.
"Hey stop that" you demand slapping his hand from his mouth.
He sighs in defeat, "just tell her how you feel from the bottom of your heart" you suggest shrugging your shoulders.
"Here practice on me, think of me as if I was Sam" you say as you stop at a red light and turn to Robby.
"Okay.... Y/n L- I uh Samantha LaRusso I am completely and utterly in love with everything about you" he says seriously as you both stare at each others piercing eyes.
It was like gravity was pushing you two together as your faces got closer together, lips almost touching before you tear away turning back to the light which was now green causing you to press the gas.
"Okay so, that was good!" You stop for a moment "-what are you thinking about getting her?" You ask curiously.
"Uh I-" Robby clears his throat "-I don’t know, I want to get her something she doesn’t have and has always wanted but never bought" he says nervously messing with his fingers.
"Okay, I know she was talking to me about wanting a necklace. What’s your budget?" You ask as your mind keeps flooding back to almost kissing Robby.
"75 bucks...." Robby mumbles.
"Okay that perfect!" You say as you take a left before finding a place to park at the West Valley Mall.
Meanwhile at back at Moon's, "are you sure?" Eli asks as he feels his heart break at what he had just heard Tory tell him.
She told him that his girlfriend, the love of his life was kissing Robby and they left together looking as if they were hooking up.
"Yeah, I’m sorry dude..." Tory says 'sincerely' as she pulls a sad face.
Hawk turns around as he takes a deep breath, taking in this new information "you saw them, locking lips one on one?" He asks not wanting to believe it.
"Yeah, dude! They were going full on out!" Tory yells defensively.
"Well then how about we get back at her?" Eli smirks mischievously even though he could feel his heart breaking at the new found 'information'.
"What are you suggesting?" Tory asks with a small smirk.
"Sleep with me"
"Here it is!" You squeal as you show Robby the beautiful necklace Sam had been having her eye on for a while now.
"Wow it’s beautiful" Robby says mesmerized.
"I know! She’ll love it!" You say happily.
"Uh how much is this?" Robby asks the cashier who walks over to us.
"You’re in luck! This is the last one, and it’s 50% off today!" She says cheeringly.
"The price was originally 69.99$ but since its 50% off today it will be 35.86$" She says pulling the stand out of the glass box.
"We’ll take it!" Robby says with a smile.
"Great! I’ll have it ready for you, would you like to pick which necklace box?" She asks walking over to the register as we follow.
"Sure..... that one" Robby says pointing to a black necklace box with gold around the edge and a rose one of Sams favorite flowers in the middle, all in gold.
"Wow, she’s one lucky girl" The lady says with a small cheeky wink as she rings it up.
"Thank you!" We both say in sync as she hands us the bag and receipt.
"Back to the party?" You ask curiously.
"I’m pretty tired, what time is it?" Robby asks as his brows furrow.
"Um- it can’t be to late-" you say grabbing your phone out, eyes widening at the time "-crap it’s eight o’clock already?!" You say confused, as it only had felt like a couple minutes.
Your face contorts as you see that Hawk hadn’t replied to your message or even read it.
As if on whether you get a message from Aisha "I’m so sorry Y/n..." it reads as she sends a picture of a naked Tory and Hawk making out in Moons bed.
Your heart breaks as your eyes become glossy, no. You weren’t going to cry over just any boy.... but he wasn’t just any boy he was what you felt as the love of your life.
"What is it Y/n?" Robby asks concerned as he noticed your whole mood change.
"Look" you say handing over your phone to Robby letting him see the picture.
"Oh my god... I’m so sorry, Y/n" he says as his heart breaks, how could anyone ever cheat or hurt someone as beautiful as you.
He hands your phone over to you exiting out of the picture so you didn’t have to see it "it’s not your fault" you say sniffling.
You take your phone from his hands, both your hands touch each others and you make eye contact. Looking back down you send a reply to Eli "it’s over, we’re over" you hit send as you shut your phone off.
"I did it" you reply as tears you couldn’t stop rolled down your cheek.
"Hey it’s okay come here" He says pulling you into a tight hug letting your tears fall out of his shoulder.
Using one hand he turns up the radio to which as if on cue one of your favorites 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' starts playing softly in the background.
Slowly you lift up your head, making eye contact with Robby as you both lean in once again. It felt right, you had always had a huge crush on him ever since high school and even some in high school. But you never told him in fear of him not liking you back.
Suddenly Robby’s lips press against yours as the soft music plays in the background.
You both pull away "I’m- I’m sorry Y/! I didn’t mean to take adva-" you cut him off.
"Hey- it’s okay Robby, I’ve been meaning to tell you something anyways" you say as you become hesitant not wanting to ruin your friendship.
"I used to really like you before high school, I had the biggest crush on you even sometime in high school" you say bashfully as you sit yourself up back in your seat.
"Really?!- i thought it was just me!" He yells, eyes wide.
"What?" You say confused.
"Yeah, Y/n I- you were my first love, even though I would NOT tell you in fear of a big fat slap in the face... oh and rejection" Robby says as a small blush appears on his face.
"Wow- who knows, if one of us told each other than we would most definitely be together right now" you say feeling your heart burst at the thought.
"But we can’t- can we?" He asks confused.
"Well, you like Sam and I don’t want to get between that and I.... I have Eli to worry about" you sigh.
"Okay, friends" Robby says hopefully.
"Always Keene" you smile.
"That kiss was amazing though, it kinda gave me the clarity I needed" You chuckle.
"Me too, Y/n. Thank you for... all of it tonight" He says bashfully.
"Of course anytime-" you stop feeling something wrong with that sentence "- well not k-" this time Robby interrupts you.
"I know what you mean" he chuckles.
"Hey, I know Sams not going to be at school because of a trip her dads supposed to take her on so how about we pretend to be together and see if we can get Hawk to speak up?" Robby suggests.
"That sounds- like a bada*s idea!" You chuckle causing Robby to laugh.
"It’s settled than.... girlfriend" He says with a small smirk.
"Alright boyfriend" you laugh.
Soon comfortable silence was all you heard as you dropped Robby off and drove yourself home, not even an hour later and you were home laying in your bed trying to get comfortable. You think about what tomorrow holds and you can’t help but be excited at Robby’s idea.
Groaning you roll over to your alarm going off to which you hit stop, soon remembering what today holds. Getting up and in a new pair of clean clothes you do your daily routine and head off to school.
Entering the building you look over to see Hawk on one side of the hallway talking and laughing with his friends and in that moment your heart broke even more. The next hallway held Robby who waved at you excitedly as a boyfriend would normally do.
"Hey babe" Robby says pecking your cheek, catching the eye of Hawks friends who point you both out to Hawk.
Hawk turns around and immediately sees red as he sees both you and Robby laughing and smiling. Deciding to do something about it he walks up to you both, demandingly.
"What the f*ck are you doing with my girlfriend?" He asks angrily.
You turn around "your girlfriend?-" you yell walking up to his face "-I wasn’t the one f*cking Tori while your girlfriend was helping a friend out, so I am not your girlfriend" you say just as angry as him.
"Oh yeah? You call helping someone out by sucking their d*ck" He smirks crossing his arms.
"So what I kissed Robby? At least I had the decency to break up with you while I did" you scoff.
"Wait you what?" He says taking a step back.
"Look at your phone a*shat" you say rolling your eyes.
Eli furrows his brows before grabbing his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and finding your messages. His face twists into a bundle of emotions, first confused, then sad, and now guilty.
"Y/n, I did not know I am so sorry" He says as his voice cracks in between.
"Yeah well sorry doesn’t cut it, you were f*cking Tori in Moon's bed for crying out loud!" You yell causing Moon to spark up.
"What?" She shrieked running over to Hawk.
"My bed?" She asked not even giving him a chance to answer him before slapping him straight across the face.
"That was velvet!" Moon yells as Hawk holds his now red; and probably stinging cheek.
"I’m sorry okay Y/n, I- Tory told me that she caught you and Robby kissing and leaving together saying that she heard that you two were going to do more than that" He says angry at himself and Tory.
You scoff shaking your head "did you really expect me to believe that?" You ask bitterly.
"Tory, did you make this up tell me NOW!" Hawk yells out the last part causing me to jump along with the other students- wait- other students.
Just then I notice a circle around us full of students recording, some even had popcorn.... even some teachers were watching while eating.
Tory steps up, head held high "yes I did, and i proudly say that. She was a threat and needed to be gone" She says smirking.
"How was she a threat?!" Hawk yells now walking up to Tory and getting in her face.
"She was changing you into a goodie two shoes!" Tory yells defensively.
"You better be glad I don’t want to fight anyone physically right now" Eli growled.
"See! That’s what I’m talking about, if I had to sleep with you to get you two away from each other I did it!" She yells throwing her hands up in the air.
"Eli can we talk in private?" You ask sincerely.
Hawks back un-tenses as he turns to you, nodding. You grab his hand and lead him into a janitors closet, turning the light on "Eli, why did you do it?" You ask looking down.
"I-I wanted to get back at you, my heart shattered once Tory told me what she did and we’ll I wanted to make you feel like I did" he admits as he starts tearing up, finally breaking.
"I’m sorry" he whimpers. You pull him into a hug, now releasing your tears as you both cry on each others shoulders.
"Can you forgive me?" Eli whimpers out.
"I can’t forgive you just yet, but with time i will" you say.
"I love you and I’ll wait for you Y/n" He mumbles into your neck as his cry’s become harder.
"I guess we just have a Poison Love"
Thank you @peachymelon69 for requesting I hope you love it!
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with Angel Reyes.
Chapter Three, final. Index.
Request #1: Hola! Angel asking for Felipe to have Marisol's ring cause he went to propose to his girlfriend. But Felipe says No cause he thinks EZ deserve its more. ( And cause WE know he love EZ more ) So Angel is like " Fuck this shit" And either is breaks in Felipe house to steal this ring Or Either he go brought the biggest and perfect ring ! 🤩
Request #2: Hey! Angel do something very impressive for his girlfriend ( like big and impressive asking for marriage or Travel 5 states just for see her) and this ending by Felipe being very impressive by his Sons and take conscience he is a bad dad for Angel. 🙏❤️🤟🤟
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @pantherclawz
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Almost one week without hearing his voice. Receiving one or two text messages per day, just to tell you that he's tired or that he's working. You know he is hiding something, confirming your suspicion when EZ began to decline all your calls. And, when you talked with Felipe three days ago, the only thing he told you was that he didn't know anything about his kids. So you started to think the worst. At first you thought that maybe Angel had an accident and his brother was trying to cover him, but when you called Bishop this morning, you heard your boyfriend's voice saying that he was ‘going to pick up the girl’. And now, you don't know what to think.
Licking your lips, sitting in the back garden of the house, you play with your phone between your fingers. It's almost midnight and it's a little cold outside, wearing nothing but an Angel's shirt. You decide to call him again, but it's his voicemail who answers again, even if you shouldn't be doing it after drinking too many beers, while your friends are sleeping and resting for the last seminar the next morning. But you wait for the last tone.
“Hey, it's me… your girlfriend, remember? I've been calling you… I don' know, maybe the fucking whole day. Where the fuck are you, Angel? And don't you fucking dare to tell me that you were working, 'cause I heard you this morning talking about some bitch to pick up. But fo' say something, first you have to answer the fucking phone!”
Sounds pathetic the way you are talking to him, saying all the things that you wouldn't say to him being sober. Hiccuping, you find yourself crying unconsolable, with an agonic pain oppressing your chest and squeezing your heart.
“Just… two fucking weeks, Angel! You couldn' keep your fucking dick inside your pants, for two fucking weeks! Is that the… shit I mean to you? Two years thrown overboard because of what? How many times have you done it, ah? All these… shit about not calling during a run… were you doing the same shit, Angel? How many fucking times has you betrayed me?!”
You can't help but laugh bitterly, cleaning your tears with the back of your hand, trying to calm yourself and to not wake up anyone.
“I fucking love you… with all my heart. I didn' complain about anything, never…” Although your voice sounds low and a little bit calmed, inside you there's a storm devastating you. “I put you first, always, since the first moment I met you… I can't fucking believe you're gonna lea—leave me and… the way you're doing it… I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong”.
Hardly sniffing, you close your eyes letting go everything inside your chest, before finishing the message. Curling up your legs to surround them with both arms, you rest your chin over your knees. You can't avoid thinking about all those times he has promised you a future together, living in a big house and having children. Or about all those times he has been crying clinged to you, talking about how his father has been always putting him apart. You have cared about him more than anyone in his life. You have given him all. Without asking anything back, more than loyalty. And you wouldn't even have to ask for it.
Even so, you're starting to regret all the things you have said, without knowing if it's true or not. But how are you going to find it out, if anyone says nothing?
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“Oh, shit… Oh, shit, shit, shit…” Angel is sitting on top of his bike, with a hand holding his phone and the other rubbing the bridge of his nose.
His brothers are looking at all the gestures that he's drawing unconsciously on his face. Rage, sadness, incredulous… When the message ends, he lies down over the handerball, softly hitting his head against it. He tries to call you, but your phone is practically dead, off of battery. Bishop walks towards him, having a sip from his beer.
“All good, Angel?”
“She thinks I'm fucking cheating her, because he heard me say about picking up Leti, this morning”. Stepping out from his motorcycle, he looks for Tori's number, hoping she answers the call.
Walking around the parking like a locked lion in the zoo, he's starting to think about driving right now to Los Angeles.
“The hell is wrong with you, shithead?” The female voice sounds tired, being interrupted by a long yawn.
“Tori, listen. Find (Y/N). She's drunk, thinking I'm cheating on her”.
“Yeah, 'cause you have been ignoring her ass”.
“I've been workin—”.
“Nah, c'mon, Angel. Tell these tales to someone wh—”.
“I was working to buy a wedding ring”.
Silence. Tori suddenly sits up on her bed, turning on the lights and waking up Sarah. The girl who was sleeping peacefully, now is being woken up by shaking her left arm. Having some growls as response, she looks at her girlfriend frowning, while she hears Angel's voice through the speaker.
“Just listen, please. Calm her down, okay? 'Am coming tomorrow to LA. I already talked to your boss and I can't tell you anything else. Just… calm her down, please”.
“Okay, we got this, Angel”.
Hanging up the call, both girls jump off from the bed, walking towards your room. Empty. But following your crying, they stick out their heads by the window, finding you in the garden. This hurts them too. They were with you the night you met Angel, and they also love him a lot. They know how much he cares about you and even if Sarah and Tori couldn't believe that he was with another girl, it wasn't normal his way to act the last days. But now, everything has sense, and they are pretty excited to see him tomorrow and discover what he has been preparing for the proposition.
Going downstairs and trying to hide their happiness, your friends sit by each side to hug you. A collective hug to make you feel somewhat better, but you can't stop crying.
“Baby… what's up?” Tori asks, caressing gently your hair.
“This… fucking bastard… I fucking gave him all, the best of me!”
“You talkin' 'bout Angel? C'mon, (Y/N)! He told you he made the most of his time to work a little more, and not miss you. Two weeks is too much time for you both”.
“I heard him talking about another girl”.
“So, what? Since when he can't have friends, ah? I have slept with him at his house… hundred times, and that doesn't mean that I cheated Tori, or he cheated you. And believe me, your boyfriend is a fantasy even for me”. Sarah says, making you chuckle in some way. “I'm sure he has been working hard, as you do when he is traveling. So, don't think any bullshit about Angel. He loves you more than anything, okay?”
“Let's go to bed, okay, honey? We have to be awake in five hours for a long, long, long seminar. Lucky it's the last one”. Tori says standing up on her feet, helping you to get up from the grass.
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Angel comes into the clubhouse with an excited smile on his lips, like a child on Christmas Day, rubbing his hands and clapping happily calling everybody's attention.
“You got it, hermano?”
He nods energetically, walking fast to the main round table, where the oldest were waiting for him to come back from the jewelers. The Reyes tucks a hand inside his pocket in complete silence, putting over the wood a small red velvet box. Between his fingers, he supports the bottom part to open the top, showing the ring for what he has been working too hard the last two weeks; without sleeping, without resting, without a drop of alcohol, without partying. Nothing. Just working hard. The fine gold ring is perfectly resting inside a small gap, showing only the top of it. A king's crown with a diamond in it, that shines so easily with natural light that could illuminate a whole room. The crew is looking at it fascinated. And yes, the ring couldn't be perfect, but it's the feeling of pride for Angel that makes them smile.
“Fuck, brother… If she doesn' want to marry you, I will”. Creeper is captivated by the jewel, with his eyes fixed on.
“Why the fuck she wouldn't want to marry me, dumbshit?”
“Ignore him, carnal”. Coco palms his back, resting his arm on a shoulder.
“So, what you say, ah?” He asks, anxious to hear Bishop, Tranq and Taza's opinion. Without them, it couldn't be possible.
“Fuck, man, I would marry you too if you propose me with this ring”. Che is the first one, taking the step to grab the small box and have a closed look from it.
“You did a good job, Angel. You deserve it”. Tranq just says with both arms on the table.
Bishop keeps looking at the box, seeming thoughtful, slowly raising his eyes to the others after some seconds in silence.
“I think you are doing the right thing for the first time since I know you. That girl deserves a man like you, Angel. And I know she is not the kind of woman who would care about the ring, but you found the perfect one”.
Your boyfriend can't feel more proud. It would be impossible.
“Go change your clothes, you have four hours of road ahead”. El Presidente places a hand on Angel's nape with a soft narrow over it.
He just nods, keeping again the box inside a pocket to get up and leave the place to his dorm, where he has been sleeping the last two weeks. The black jeans and the white shirt are perfectly stretched over his bed. The Reyes hurries up to have a shower, not wasting a second more, brushing and doing his hair with trembling fingers. He hasn't known anything about you since he talked with Tori and Sarah some hours ago, hoping that they finally calmed you down and got you rid of those ideas about him cheating you. When he's already dressed, sitting on the edge of the mattress to put on his boots, Angel grabs the black bomber jacket trespassing the box from a piece of clothing to the other, zipping the pocket to not lose it.
Coming back to the main room of the clubhouse, his brothers receive him between whistles and cheers.
“Man, you smell good”. Coco says coming too close.
“Ah, ah. Take care, brother. Don't want you to stain my fresh clothes”. He says taking a step back.
“My apologies, your grace”. He chuckles.
“Templo”. Taza says having a sip from a coffee.
Checking the hour on his phone, assuring himself that he has enough time, the Reyes leads his steps to the meeting-room, closing the glass colorful door behind him.
“Already leaving?”
“Yeah, prez, I just… want to thank you for giving me the three k left. I will continue working to gi—”.
“Take it as a wedding gift”. The mexican stops him with his own words, shaking his head and making a light gesture with a hand.
“I couldn't do it without you, Tranq and Taza”.
“I heard what you told to your brother. In the office”. He says then, lying back on his chair. “I am not going to… give you my opinion about your father, but he shouldn't behave like that, Angel”.
“I know, Bishop. And… I would thank you for not telling anything about it to (Y/N). She loves my pops”.
“That honors you”.
“Don't know, but I don't wanna be like him”.
El Presidente simply nods.
“Bring back Mrs. Reyes”.
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Your head hurts like hell, having to use your glasses because of the blurry gaze you have got by the hangover. The seminar is turning out eternal. The last thing you care about right now is how to operate with an open heart, you have already done it and you could skip this part. But it's for compulsory attendance. So there you are, drawing nothing on your iPad as if you were taking notes, fighting against the pain, the tiredness and the uncertainty about Angel. He continues not answering your text or calls, and you can't help but think about what Sarah told you last night.
“... you for coming, and I hope that these two weeks have been productive for your learning”.
The claps flood the conference room, while the other doctors begin to pick up their stuff and finally leave the place. You can't believe that it's already done and that you're allowed to come back home, checking again your muttered phone expecting to find something. But the notifications bar is empty.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't mind, I'm going to steal you a couple minutes. Sit back, please”. The voice of your boss through the speakers makes you raise an eyebrow.
“The desire to be noticed by that man fucks me up”. Tori chuckles with a low tone, sitting again over her seat.
“I know that we all are tired, but it's just going to be a couple minutes, I promise. I just want to help a friend”.
“No…” Sarah looks at her girlfriend really surprised, making you frown confused.
“Girls, the fuck you did?”
“You just… enjoy the show, my dear”.
You can see your boss making a gesture to someone by a side of the stage, to come closer. But when your eyes find Angel walking over it, your blood freezes and your heart stops. Lucky you're between almost more than two hundred doctors and surgeons. Leo gives up the micro to your boyfriend, looking for you. And obviously, your two friends start to yell like crazy to call his attention.
“Hey, ahm… You don't know me and I don't know you, but… I'm Angel. Dr. (Y/L/N)'s boyfriend and I came to… give her an important message”. He says with a nervous tone, before smirking at you, clearing his throat. “Hey, baby, can you… can you come here, please?”
“Go”. Your friends push you to get up, but your legs feel like butter about to fall downstairs.
As soon as he's able to hug you, he does, not caring about the claps from the people in front of you.
“Okay, okay, listen”. Holding one of your hands and pulling himself away, he laughs a little bit nervous for a second. “We met two years ago, in the middle of nowhere. I was fuc— sorry. I was hurt because of a fight. And you fixed up my wounds with so much love, patience and care, that I fell for you”.
“Sh, listen. I think I'm going to have a heart attack, so let me talk before falter to the floor. Listen, you have been my best friend, my anchor, my reason to live since then. I love you more than I could ever love anyone... I can't live without you, baby. And before you say anything else like last night, no. I didn't try and I'm not going to do it, because I'm lost without you, (Y/N). So, ahm… Hey, boss, can you hold the mic'?” Turning to Leo, the man takes it back.
You're trembling, looking at your friends for a moment trying to find an explanation. But when your gaze is again on your boyfriend, he's already kneeling with a hand inside a pocket grabbing something. A small red box. And you can't believe what's happening. Taking a step back and covering your face with both hands, you start to cry like a child, with your pulse racing under your skin.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), would you marry me?”
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The crew is waiting anxiously at the porch, after not receiving any news back from LA. But they all get up from their seats on the sofas and the stairs, when they hear Coco's car being driven by Angel coming closer. As soon as he parks it close to the bikes, not finding you on the passenger seat and looking at the devastated gesture on his face, they know that the proposition wasn't as they were expecting. Stepping out of the car, he just shrugs his shoulders.
“Hey, carnal, it's okay. She will reconsider it”. Coco says hugging his friend, trying to comfort him.
“She will say yes, Angel, don't give up”. Bishop palms softly his nape.
And you are drowning in laughs hidden on the floor of the back seats. Looking slightly through the window, you find the crew very affected because supposedly you said ‘no’. Taking some air, you jump out of the car yelling with a huge smile on your lips.
“Surprise, madafakas!”
“Jesus fucking Christ! I'm too old for these frights!” Taza shouts at you back, indignant with a hand on his chest barely breathing.
“I'm confused”. Gilly says from nowhere.
“What? Doesn't sound good Mrs. Reyes for you?” Walking towards them, raising the hand with the amazing ring, they all look surprised.
“I'm going to fucking shoot you, Angel”. Bishop threats him, before leading his steps to yours. “Welcome home, querida”.
“Thank you”. Hugging him, you rest your head against his chest. “Angel told me you help him”.
“It was nothing, kid”. Clicking his tongue and pulling himself away, he caresses your cheek for a second.
“Yo! Mami! You look stunning now that you're engaged”. Coco lifts you up between his arms, narrowing you under his grip.
“Yeah, you see?!”
“Hey, hey, social distancing”. Your future husband takes you off from his friend's hands, to hold you closer with an arm surrounding your neck.
“Look at you, Mr. and Mrs. Reyes”. Creeper says very proud, nodding in accordance.
“Let's celebrate it that you didn' kick my ass, mi dulce”.
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The Beginning of the End
Elinor, teaching her baby how to walk: that's it Edmund, you can do it!
Edmund: *walks forward a little. Ends up falling on his face and proceeds to cry.* 😭
Elinor: oh honey no! It's okay, you're okay! Here, let mother make it all better! *Picks up Edmund and begins to cradle him*
Silver: is our cub alright darlin??
Elinor: oh he's okay, he just sorta fell on his face..
Edmund: *cries louder*
Silver: give him here, I want to cradle him
Elinor: *hands Edmund to Silver* careful now
Silver, cradles his son: there, there now tiny. It'll be alright... Sh, shhh...
Edmund: *quiets down as he looks at his father* 🥺?
Silver: that wasn't so bad now was it?
Edmund: eh! (◕દ◕)
Silver: heh, you're starting to get heavy. Your mother and I won't be able to care you all the time now Eddie
Edmund: noooo (╥﹏╥)
Elinor: yessss, besides your other siblings are starting to walk as well. You don't want to be the only one now do you?
Edmund: yee (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
Elinor: oh. We're still going to teach you regardless.
Edmund: (;´∩`;)
Cetus, walks in: aw, if it isn't the three bears :)
Silver, sarcastically: ha, I certainly haven't heard that one before..
Cetus: heh, I mean you guys kinda are. Besides the two little ones then that'd make you guys the five bears. Not as catchy though.
Elinor: Cetus, have you seen Esmeralda? I saw her crawling around the deck but I haven't seen her since.
Cetus: she's with Andrew and the others. She was trying to steal the silverware again and now she's in baby jail.
Elinor and Silver: baby jail..?
//Esmeralda was in a wooden cage with a paper taped into the front. The words written on read "Baby Jail".//
Esmeralda: \(≧ロ≦\) vet me out!!
Andrew: Are you gonna steal the silverware again?
Esmeralda: yeesh! >:((
Andrew: then I guess I can't let you out.
Esmeralda: *Screams like a banshee*
Lyka: ah, she in baby jail again?
Andrew, biting into a purp: yup.
Lyka: she's really gotta stop stealing stuff from the kitchen.. and my room.
Andrew: Well, we've been trying to teach her to stop but she still does it. I don't know how I'll be able to get her to stop.
Lyka: guess this tiny little gremlin needs to be taught a lesson..
Esmeralda: hiiiiiissss (◉`Д'◉)
Lyka: but I won't be the one doing it. I have other things to do.. like admiring my shiny objects while the gremlin is locked up. *Leaves*
Jim, walks over: Esme in baby jail again?
Andrew: mhm
Jim: hopefully she'll learn this time.
Sophie: No. No she won't.
Esmeralda: screw you! I sleep now. *Passes out*
Andrew, sighs: let's get you to your parents.. *picks up Esmeralda* I hope she's actually asleep and not tricking me. *Andrew walks away from them and into the private quarters*
Sophie: huh.. so, this is it.
Jim: whats it..?
Sophie: everything. *Leans against the railing*
Jim: um.. hon, I'm not- I'm not understanding what your saying.
Sophie: no it's just. I never expected things to become this way.
Jim: What way? Us being with amazing people and making a found family with them? Silver and Elinor having cubs? Everything in our lives becoming great?? Yeah, I never would've expected it either.
Sophie: heh, yeah. It's really wonderful isn't it?
Jim: it is.. but not as wonderful as you.
Sophie, blushes: oh Jim 💕
//just as they were about to kiss, Tori pokes her head in between the two.//
Tori: HEY what are you guys talkin about??? :DD
Jim: AH! Oh.. Tori, it's just you. You scared me there.
Sophie: Christ you almost gave me a heart attack, don't do that again..
Tori: sorry, just tryin' see what you guys were doin!
Jim: we were just talking about some things on our minds..
Tori: oooo, what kinds of things (✧ω✧)
Sophie: how we never expected this lovely outcome.. I feel like I'm finally happy and relieved. Ever since, you know, my dad passed away... But I can't shake this feeling like something is going to go wrong.
Jim, puts his hand on her shoulder: hey, everythings going to be okay.
Sophie: but what if it doesn't?? What if someone or something is waiting to ruin our happy moments? To destroy our found family..
Jim: that will never happen! And I'll make sure it won't, you know why?
Sophie: why..?
Jim: because as long as we have each other, we'll pull through. Like we always do..
Tori: Jim's right! It's not like there's some sort of powerful villain out there with an equally powerful lackey that'll plan to destroy us all!
Sophie: that's very specific Tori.
Tori: ha, I know! Been feeling weird lately :D
Jim: it's problem not something to worry about.. Come on, let's go get some stew to get this off our minds.
Sophie: bonzabeast stew?
Jim: bonzabeast stew :)
Sophie: :D
Tori: :D
//As the threw went to the kitchen to get themselves some stew.
On a distant planet on the far end of the etherium, was a building. On the walls described various awful things that happened to people. All under the power of one individual... In the center of the building was a well with a lid. Behind it were mechanical chains connecting to the well and it's lid. Next to the well was a lever but with a warning sign. "An unleashment of hell awaits to those set free the beast". A hooded figure walked towards the well. They read the sign but paid no attention to what the warning implemented. The hooded figure pulled down the lever. The chains clanked together as they appeared to be pulling something up. The lid slowly opened up.
From a platform rose a dark haired woman, wrapped with hundreds of chains. She was on her knees and her head hung low. The hooded figure released her from her imprisonment of chains. When they finished untying her, the woman lunged at the hooded figure. She pinned them against the floor with her hands wrapped around their neck.//
??: Who. Are. You..?
??: I. CAN'T... BREATH!
??: Can't breathe? What type of name is that??
??: Wait.. *let's go of their neck* you sound familiar..
??, Takes in a deep breath and sighs; eh.. you know even after five hundred years, you're still as strong as ever Queen Hatred.
Hatred: what..
??: Don't recognize me with a hood now don't cha? Heh, that's okay... I've been meaning to loose it. *Proceeds to take off the hooded cape*
Hatred, not surprised: Veronica. My loyal servant. How nice of you to drop by.
Veronica: yup its me! Your most loyal servant! Since you know, most of your other servants wanted you dead- but uh, besides that. I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE! I mean I had a feeling you were alive and I was totally right. I guess wasting all those hundreds of years to rebuild my life was for nothing- *proceeds to get punched in the face*
Hatred: it's been five hundred years and you didn't even bother to look for me in the first place???
Veronica: hey, hey! I didn't know where to look for you! It was HARD! There wasn't a ton of clues at first but hey I managed to find you!
Hatred: ugh.. five hundred years.. five hundred blood years I've been stuck in that well.. my dress has been starting to grey from staying in that dirty water. Do you any form of good news to give me at least..?
Veronica: well, there's good news and very, very, very bad news..
Hatred: what's the good news?
Veronica: your theological influence has and still affects thousands of people!
Hatred: I knew that already.
Veronica: oh.. then I suppose you don't want to hear the bad news.
Hatred: Veronica. What's the bad news..?
Veronica: erm.. your kingdom is now under the control of the Terran empire and they confiscated your staff.
Hatred: WHAT!??!
Veronica, nervously: and your armies were all put to death.. after people realized there was no way changing them back.. I'm sorry..
Hatred, breathes heavily: I am beyond angry at this point but I will save my rage for whoever is in charge of the empire so that I'll be satisfied when I.. TEAR OUT THEIR SPINE!
Veronica: do mind my interruption but uh, how will you accomplish such goal? You don't have an army, all your supporters are long dead, your staff is being held captive somewhere, and your poor Carrion is-
Hatred: dead. I know. I saw him with my very eyes die before me. He tried to protect me.. now that was the truest form of loyalty that I had ever seen.
Veronica: besides me right..??
Hatred: sure. Now then, we must retrieve my staff and then I'll plot my revenge from there. Do you know where it is?
Veronica: It's in the Terran Castle but I must warn you, it's very guarded. They really don't want it to be left out of sight. Anyone under suspicion of stealing it could be put in jail or even worse.. executed.
Hatred: hm, it's a good thing I have you as a body shield in case anything goes wrong. Now then, let's go to Terran to get back what's rightful mine.
Veronica: so we're just gonna barge in there or is there a plan?
Hatred: I'll come up with one when we get there. And once I get back my staff, I'll destroy Terra for trying to getting rid of it's Savior... The eitherium will finally know peace now that I've returned.
(Cetus and Andrew belong to @aalbliii
Sophie belongs to @sleeplessdreamer14
Elinor, Esmeralda, Edmund, Hatred, and Veronica belong to me
Tori belongs to @authorchanlove
Lyka belongs to @princssealexis165)
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Please excuse this thing, I decided that I should write something while running low on sleep and high on caffeine, and this was the substandard result: Remus and Sirius being Library Boys (because I like books and why not) in a few thousand words. (Also @onlydreamofmysoul kind of inspired this because your dedication with ficmas made me want to write, so I’m blaming you for this disaster) His tea is far too hot, but he gulps down mouthfuls anyway, knowing he’ll need the sugar to have even the smallest chance of actually staying awake during his library shift tonight; the night shifts are his favourite, because he’s usually free to just stack books without being interrupted, but on nights like this, he can barely stay awake. Inputting yet another barcode into the aging computer, a repetitive task that needs no brain power whatsoever, he internally groans when someone walks over to the desk. 
“Hi, I’m wondering if you can find me the worst book in here?” Remus doesn’t startle at the request, doesn’t even lift his eyes from the list he’s reading. 
“My autobiography might fill that category for you. It’s called “Why My Parents Should Have Left Me By A Motorway”, and it - oh. Fuck.” It’s only then that he remembers that people can hear what he says, and that most of his internal monologue shouldn’t be heard by other people. 
“And on what shelf would I find that book?” The guy is smiling, thank God, and Remus is sure he recognises him from a class. Probably a language, he thinks. The man opposite him definitely seems like a language kind of guy. He also seems like a very, very attractive kind of guy, but that’s neither here nor there. 
“Actually, it’s still in publication - there’s still more stuff they can add to the book, you know, since my life keeps getting worse - but maybe you’d like a classic instead?” 
“I read enough classics as it is, but maybe-” It’s at this moment Lily, who’s at the end of her shift and is putting her mug back in the sink, walks by and decides to get involved. 
“Just so you know, children’s abridged versions don’t count as reading classics. Not when you’re in your twenties,” she says, grinning far too energetically for midnight. 
“Fuck off, Evans. I just want a really shit book. We’re talking My Immortal kind of shit, but published.” Remus wonders where Lily knows the guy from, and then remembers her once telling him about a strange, yet endearing, man who was obsessed with her and his best friend, and presumes the man opposite him is one of the two. 
“I’m not sure books like that generally get published, and if they do we probably don’t have them here.” Remus stares curiously at him, taking in the messy, yet somehow still perfect, hair and the tattoo - because of course he has a tattoo, all hot guys have tattoos, it seems - peeking out from the back of his shirt. “What do you want with the worst written book anyway?” 
“I’m glad you asked.” He waves his arm, gesturing to the library, and sinks into one of the chairs. “I’m doing an experiment. Both my brothers are literature nerds, and they’re becoming too poncy for me. So I’m gonna really hype this book up, make it look like everyone loves it, and then give them a shit - really, really shit - book, and see what they say.”
“Too poncy? I can practically smell the wealth coming off you, and yet you’re not poncy?” Remus sometimes thinks that maybe he should consider the things he says, and now is one of the times he regrets not being slightly more sensitive. Or, like, polite. The stranger looks shocked for a second, then smirks and hoists himself off the chair.
“That’s fair. But, they both study Classics, so they’re automatically poncier than me.” Lily walks past again as the man speaks, and stops to glare at him. 
“Are you calling me poncy? I had to work day and night to be accepted here, and I didn’t have a family name getting me in, and there was no using money to-”
“Lils,” Remus says, interrupting her before she can go on a well intentioned, but unnecessary, tirade. “He’s talking about his brothers. Don’t worry, nobody’s accusing you of swimming in bribery-money.”
“Bribery money? Is that a thing?” The man goes to take a square of Remus’ chocolate, and he all but slaps his hand away. 
“You tell us. You’re the one with all the insider knowledge of ponces and Tories.”
“Okay, I can excuse being called poncy, but a Tory? That’s too far, even for me.” Remus has the decency to pretend to be sorry, even though he’s one step away from crying with laughter; a man who sounds like he wouldn’t be out of place at Buckingham Palace, getting offended at being associated with Tories. Luckily, he doesn’t have to pretend to be remorseful for long, because Lily lets out a burst of laughter before he can apologise. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you came out wearing a blue pin button and cheering on Margaret Thatcher. You might not be a Tory, but don’t try and tell us your family has been voting Labour for years. You can’t blame us for assumptions.”
“Actually, I came out wearing a rainbow pin, not a blue one. But, I guess I get it. The majority of ponces here are Tories.” Remus feels his heart speed up - if he said that to Lily, she’d definitely start making notes to check he wasn’t having a heart attack, the dramatic woman - at the mention of the man’s gayness. He could have a chance. A small chance, admittedly, but a chance. Lily finally decides to leave, and Remus waves her goodbye as he leads the man down a pathway of bookshelves, on the hunt for the worst book ever published. 
“So, what’s your name? And what’re you studying, if not Classics?” Remus asks, inspecting the shelves for something, anything that hints at a terrible book. 
“Erm, don’t laugh, but my name’s Sirius. And I’m studying Philosophy and Modern Languages.” Remus looks up from the bookshelf, not even trying not to giggle. 
“Sirius? But no, you’re not poncy at all. I’m kidding, I’m kidding. So, modern languages? That’s where I recognise you from.”
“Recognise me? Have you been stalking the University buildings, searching for my pretty face?” 
“No, you dolt, we take several classes together. I’m doing English and Modern Languages, hence the sharing of classes.” 
“Oh, we take basically the same degree then.”
“We definitely don’t. I’d never be caught dead taking philosophy - I hate my life already, and now I’ve got to come up with bullshit theories of why?” Sirius - Remus can’t get over the name, even though his is equally as ridiculous - opens his mouth, about to protest, and then closes it again. 
“Actually, that basically is what we do. How come you’re making me evaluate all my life choices in the span of five minutes?” 
“I don’t know, maybe you should consult a philosopher to find out why. That’s what they do, right?” Although his tone is meant to be teasing, the same kind of jokes he makes with Lily, instead it comes out as flirting, though he can’t imagine Sirius minds much, because he’s smirking at him and looking like he wants to kiss him. 
“Take that back, and say my degree is perfectly valid.” Sirius takes a small step towards him, and he doesn’t step back, instead looking him square in the eye and raising his eyebrows. 
“Make me, philosophy boy.” He takes another step towards him, and Remus is certain he could feel Sirius’ heartbeat against his chest, if he tried hard enough to sense it. Instead he winks, and says, “Or don’t, and go ask why you’re searching for validation from some random boy you met in the library fifteen minutes ago.”
“In my defence, the library boy is incredibly hot.” They’re touching all over now, chest to chest, their noses rubbing against each other. Remus’ back hits the bookshelf as their mouths crash together, and he hears the distinct noise of books falling to the floor. Later on, when he’s restacking all the books, he’ll regret snogging someone right up against the bookshelf, but right now he runs his hand through Sirius’ hair and smiles against his mouth. He likes the night shift even more now. 
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 2 - 38
This is a series. Start here, continued from here. 
This is a sequel to Honor Bound. 
@ashintheairlikesnow and anon requested something like this
Cw: thoughts of death, accidental triggering of someone with PTSD, flashbacks
The next morning, Gavin made sure he was awake before all the others. As he went to bed the night before, his eyes still a little raw from crying, he’d demanded of himself to wake up at the crack of dawn, before anyone else would reasonably be up. He kept the blinds open so the sun would stream into his window as it rose. All night he had nightmares of a dark figure with razor sharp teeth and burning eyes standing at his window, looking in at him. 
In the morning, he shot upright in bed. For a moment he completely forgot where he was, casting his gaze around the dark room, his sleeping clothes slightly damp with sweat. Am I at home? 
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and pushed himself out of bed. He let his gaze move once more around the room, more slowly, his eyes adjusting to the dim light of the coming sunrise. He looked out the window at the clouds just starting to turn pink in the east, at the deep indigo that stretched across the sky above them. He shook himself and changed into his clothes for the day.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he intended to do with being up so early. He knew he would struggle with the task of making breakfast for the whole family. He’d never had to cook before. He was learning, but it was a slow process. He’d helped make the mashed potatoes for dinner last night, and he hadn’t even burned anything. How you could burn mashed potatoes was a little beyond him, but he’d been surprised all the same. 
He was getting better at this, at being part of the family. He was pulling his own weight. Earning his keep. For a moment a terrible thought flashed across his mind: maybe if I prove to them I’m useful, they won’t kill me when they’ve extracted all the information they need. He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, running a hand roughly over his face. I need to stop thinking like that.
Not that it wouldn’t happen; Gavin had long since realized his death was an inevitability. He’d realized it as soon as Isaac had held the knife to his throat. What he needed to stop doing was ruminating on it. The rest of the family had spent their lives with the understanding that they could be killed, or worse, at any moment. If Gavin kept thinking about it, all it would do was stress him out. All he could do is look forward. 
He stumbled gracelessly into the kitchen and reached for the container of coffee. If he could do nothing else, he could make coffee. To him it was just a matter of following steps: take out the filter, replace the filter, scoop in the coffee, put the thing back into the coffee maker, fill it up with water, hit the green button. It was simple and hard to screw up. Perfect for me, he thought bitterly.
But Gray had told him earlier last week that they really liked his coffee. That somehow it tasted better than when anyone else made it. Gavin had no idea what that meant. As far as he was aware, coffee was coffee. They didn’t have the good coffee he was used to, but he didn’t mind. The idea that someone could somehow make coffee that was better than everyone else’s, when they were using the cheap stuff and it was such a simple, step-by-step process, was weird to Gavin. But when Gray had said it, Gavin had latched onto the praise like his life depended on it. 
Maybe it does.
Stop it.
He distractedly flipped on the coffee maker and took down a mug for himself. He leaned back on the counter and waited for it to brew. 
When the coffee pot was about halfway full, a door in the hallway opened. Gavin froze. He couldn’t run and hide, someone would know someone had been here. The coffee pot was running, for Christ’s sake. Although, wasn’t there a setting where you could set up the pot the night before and it would turn on by itself in the morning? Gavin could swear he’d seen someone do that before. But had anyone actually set it up like that? No, of course not, the coffee pot had been empty. So if he ran and hid, they’d get suspicious. Wonder why he was hiding. Maybe they’d think he was working against them, sending messages to his mother. Maybe they’d think he betrayed them. Maybe his life would end this morning. 
Before Gavin could decide what to do and react, a small figure wandered out into the hall. Their curls stuck out sideways from their head and they yawned. 
Gavin slumped back against the counter and breathed a sigh of relief. Sam is probably the one that wants me dead the least. He clenched his jaw and swallowed against the wave of guilt that moved over him at the thought. They’re the purest of all of them, and I broke them first.
Sam rubbed their fists into their eyes as they walked into the kitchen. “G’morning, Gavin,” they mumbled. 
“Um.” Gavin stared at the floor. “Hi, Sam.” They’ve never been alone in a room with me before. How can they feel safe like this?
“You making coffee?” Sam raised their eyes blearily to Gavin. 
“Um.” Gavin looked at the coffee maker, then to the mug still held tight in his hand, and then back at Sam. He had no idea what to say. “Um. Yeah.”
“Cool.” Sam yawned. “Can I have some?”
Gavin yawned, too. “Yeah, of course.”
Sam smiled at him. “You make good coffee.”
Gavin blushed. “What is everyone doing today?”
Sam shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think Vera and Tori are headed back into town again today. Sounds like their plan was cut a little short yesterday.”
“Yeah, I heard that Daniel Shit-ster guy was an asshole to Vera.”
Sam laughed. “Shit-ster. I like that.” They shrugged. “Why anyone would be rude to Vera is beyond me. But she said he said some… um… really bad things to her.”
“Oh.” Gavin’s mouth twisted. “Like what?”
“Um…” Sam blushed and looked down. “I probably shouldn’t say. It’s her thing to tell.”
That bad, huh? “Okay.”
Behind him, the coffee pot started to gurgle. 
“Coffee’s done,” Gavin mumbled, and turned to the cabinet to pull down another mug for Sam. It occurred to him that Sam might have needed help getting the mug down themselves. He reached for the pot and started to pour. “How do you like your coffee?”
Sam laughed once. “Lots of room for cream, please.” 
“Lots of room, coming right up.” Gavin smiled tightly, still facing away from Sam. He poured his own cup, with only a little room. He turned back with Sam’s cup in his hand. “Here you go, Sammy.”
Sam froze.
Oh, fuck.
“Come on, Sammy, let’s try this one more time. What’s Isaac’s last name? Makes it so much easier to find him. Help me out.”
“Hey, Sammy, let’s go again. I wanna see if you can hold your breath for long enough this time.”
“I have all six of you now. I won’t cry over one dead Sammy.”
“Sam, I… I’m so sorry…”
“No.” Sam took a step back, their eyes wide and brimming with tears. 
Gavin put the mugs back on the counter and took a step towards Sam, his hands held out to them. “Sam, I…”
Sam stumbled backwards, colliding hard with the wall and slumping down. They held their hands out in front of them, as if to protect themselves from Gavin. Tears rolled down their cheeks. “P-please, no…”
“Sam, Sam I’m sorry, I won’t call you that again. I promise. I’m so sorry. I… I’m not gonna hurt you… I swear…” 
“Please, n-no,” Sam gasped. “Not again. Not now.”
Gavin pressed his hands to his mouth. “No no no, no fuck, no…” He stood in the center of the kitchen, frozen, staring down at Sam as they cringed away from him against the wall. He knew what he had to do. He knew he’d probably die for this.
For a moment, he considered just leaving Sam there. Maybe going back to his room. Maybe Sam wouldn’t remember. Maybe everyone would assume Sam had had a flashback, and Gavin hadn’t really been there. 
Gavin’s stomach roiled. I can’t do that to them. This is my fault. I pay the price for it.
Gavin lowered his voice. “Sam, don’t move, okay? Stay here. Do you hear me?”
Sam nodded where they sat crumpled against the wall. Their eyes were wide, fixed on Gavin. I wonder if they think I’ll torture them if they move.
He swallowed hard and walked out of the kitchen.
He made his way down the dark hall to another room. The closer he got, the more his hands started to shake. It felt different, walking to his death, instead of waiting for it to come to him. But he couldn’t leave Sam like that. 
They’d figure it out anyway, and know I left them, and then they’d definitely kill me.
He stopped in front of a closed door. Took a deep breath. Knocked three times. 
“Uugh.” Something rustled behind the door.
Gavin shivered and knocked again.
“Muh. What.”
Gavin’s lips trembled. “Isaac, it’s, um. It’s Gavin.”
A loud sigh from behind the door. “What d’you want?”
“It’s, um.” Gavin blew out a slow breath. “It’s Sam.”
Behind the door, Gavin could hear fast movement. A thump as Isaac got out of bed. Rapid footsteps to the door. Gavin pressed himself against the opposite wall as the door opened. Isaac’s hair was messy, his clothes rumpled, his eyes… angry.
“Oh, shit,” Gavin whispered. 
“What’s wrong with Sam?” Isaac growled. He looked down the hall towards Sam’s room. The door was open, the lights off.
Gavin glanced toward the kitchen. “Um, they… uh…”
Isaac brushed past Gavin and headed for the kitchen. “What happened?”
“I…” Why is it every time I open my fucking mouth I’m terrified he’ll murder me? “I… accidentally called them… um…” I need to tell him before we reach Sam. “I called them Sammy. It was an accident, I swear to god, I didn’t mean…”
Isaac stopped and glanced back at Gavin. “‘Sammy’?”
Gavin looked down at the floor. “It’s the name I called them when I… um…”
Darkness passed over Isaac’s face. “When you tortured them.” 
Gavin’s mouth went dry. “Um. Yeah.”
Isaac turned on his heel and walked into the kitchen. Gavin followed right behind. 
Sam cowered back against the wall, their face red and wet with tears. As Isaac approached them they whimpered and covered their head with their arms. A miserable wail filled the kitchen. 
“Hey, Sam,” Isaac said quietly, soothingly. “Sam, it’s Isaac.” 
“N-no,” Sam sobbed. 
“Sam…” Isaac crouched beside them, leaning against the wall. “Sam, you’re safe. It’s Isaac. You’re in the kitchen in the north house. Can you look at me?”
Slowly, Sam raised their head and looked at Isaac. Gavin’s chest ached with the trust he saw there, the pain. Sam looked like Isaac like he was the sun after a year of darkness. Their hands reached out, seemingly unconsciously, and grasped at Isaac’s shirt. 
“Can I touch you?” Isaac said softly. Sam nodded. Isaac pulled them into his arms. 
“What happened?” snapped a voice behind him. Gavin’s blood ran cold. Vera pushed past him into the kitchen. Tori was right behind. 
Isaac looked up, a sort of casual sadness on his face. “It’s okay. Sam just had a flashback. They’re alright.”
“What set it off?” Tori asked, and her eyes flicked to Gavin for a moment. 
He swallowed hard. “I…”
“Shit,” another voice said behind him. Gavin quailed back against the wall, as far from Sam and Isaac as he could get. Ellis wandered into the kitchen, too, the blanket from their bed wrapped tight around them, with Finn pressed to their side, barely awake. 
“Sam just had a flashback,” Isaac said to the whole kitchen. “They’re alright.” 
“Why?” Ellis rasped. 
“Um…” Gavin trembled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t mean to what?” Ellis snarled. “What the fuck did you do?” They took a step towards Gavin, their teeth bared at him.
“I called them Sa—” His eyes snapped to Sam and he cut off the word. “I called them, um, something I called them when I was, um…”
Ellis stepped forward and got right in Gavin’s face. “When you were torturing him, you piece of shit? How could you slip up like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Finn tried to pull them back and Ellis threw off Finn’s hand on their arm. “I thought you were trying to be different, you fucking trust-fund bitch.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Gavin whimpered. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out…”
“‘Slipped out’?” Ellis growled. “That isn’t just ‘slipped out.’” They stuck a finger in Gavin’s face. “That is fucking…” Their words ran out and they snarled wordlessly at him.
Gavin felt the stirring of rage in his chest, of fear at being backed into a corner. It’s not Vera. Ellis won’t kill me. He threw a glance at Isaac, sitting on the floor with Sam, running gentle fingers through their hair and murmuring softly to them. Maybe Isaac wouldn’t kill me, but he might let Ellis do it.
Gavin turned his gaze back to Ellis. They took a step back, glaring at him, before they turned and looked back at Sam. Their posture instantly relaxed. 
“I’m sorry,” Gavin whispered. “I tried to help them, I tried to, to calm them down…”
“I think you’ve done enough,” Ellis snapped over their shoulder. “Why don’t you just go back to your room, let Sam come down from the flashback they had of you torturing them?”
“Ellis, take it easy,” Isaac said, holding a hand to them. “He didn’t mean it. Let’s just everyone… stay calm.”
“I know he didn’t fucking mean it,” Ellis snapped. “I know he’s good now, he’s perfectly fucking innocent.” Ellis eyes were streaming tears now. “I know he didn’t mean to fucking traumatize all of us.”
“Ellis,” Isaac said calmly. “Now we’re getting into your shit. You’re not talking about Sam now. Let me just… help them, and then we can talk about your stuff, okay?”
“I can talk about it,” Finn said, still a little sleepily. “Ellis, let’s go talk.” They took Ellis’s hand and gently pulled them toward the hall.
“I’m okay,” Sam said quietly from within the circle of Isaac’s arms. “I’m s-sorry. I’m doing okay now.” Isaac squeezed them and pressed a kiss to their forehead. 
“I’m sorry,” Gavin whispered. “I want to, to help… what can I do?”
“I think you’ve done enough,” Ellis said bitterly. Finn pulled a little harder and guided them from the kitchen. 
Gavin hung his head and turned, walking down the dark hallway to his room. He left his coffee in the kitchen, untouched, until it turned cold. 
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts​, @womping-grounds​, @free-2bmee​, @quirkykayleetam​, @walkingchemicalfire​, @inpainandsuffering​, @redwingedwhump​, @burtlederp​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​, @insomniacscoprio​, @cursedscribbles​, @whumpywhumper​, @stxck-fxck​, @omega-em-z-02​, @whumps-the-word​, @slaintetowhump​, @finder-of-rings​, @cinnamonflavoredhugs​, @thatsthewhump​, @im-just-here-for-the-whump​, @orchidscript
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 2: Group B kicking it off... with a twist!! Guesses and Commentary
Hello my fellow Masked Singer guys and gals! It's that time of the week again (albeit I am a bit late, but let's go with it), time for Ana's Masked Singer recap woohoo! *insert fanfare here* This episode was such an insane one not gonna lie, Group B came in with a bang like wow... let's just get into it because it's a crazy episode in it of itself.
Firstly, I gotta point out the contestants of Group B, which this time were 6 unlike A and C which only have 5 contestants total.. and those 6 are (order from left to right, top row first then bottom row in the image below) Crocedile, Gremlin (the purple fluffy guy), Seahorse, Whatchamacallit (the blue and red hair cousin It thing), Baby Alien, and Serpent.
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Alrighty so this elimination is gonna be a bit different than usual because it isn't the norm of what usually happens with these sorts of things (I'll tell you what I mean in a sec)...
So the first contestant unmasked for Group B actually wasn't eliminated (I know what you are thinking... "whaaatttt Anaaaaa that makes no sense")... but actually he unmasked himself (whatttt?! yeah you read that right, he legit was hot and suffocating and he seemed super over it and just took it off by himself... yup, that happened like what mind blown!
Anyways the mask who did this was...
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Performance: He sang Stand by Me by Ben E. King and honestly it was meh, it was really breathy as if he forgot some of the words, I don’t know if he was overcome with emotion (because he dedicated it to his friend who passed away) or what, I felt kind of bad but I low key feel like he was going to go home regardless, but on the bright side I love the costume and it was a great song choice for his range. He has a very raspy voice... like almost like a smoker’s voice and I can kind of tell that he’s an older man, but I couldn’t recognize the singer. 
So the Gremlin ended up being revealed to be.... 
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Ugh this upsets me because I don’t know who he is so I really couldn’t guess him correctly. I searched it up and apparently he’s an actor and director and was in Iron Man 2, which I’ve never seen like ever. But yeah, he did good, he looked kinda drunk not gonna lie and I guess he was suffocated and got over it. 
Alright now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to my favorite part, the remaining 5 contestants: 
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Performance: I really love Seahorse, she’s one of my favorites of the night and so far in the season in general. Her performance of Rihanna’s Only Girl in the World was amazing and I definitely knew who that voice is...
My guess and I am so sure about this guys is singer, songwriter, American Idol alum... 
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Dude like that voice is so recognizable... but also because of the clues: 
Emotion Ocean= she’s super emotional when it comes to songwriting, like she legit said in an interview that she cries a lot
Tea Party= she hosted tea parties with her fans in 2019 (well before all this ofc) 
Rainbow Frog= sang Rainbow Connection with Kermit the Frog 
Judges’ Guesses: 
Jenny: Halsey (say what now? This doesn’t sound like her... is Jenny ok? This episode she’s been messing up with guesses more than Ken... you’ll see what I mean) 
Nicole: Hailee Steinfeld (meh, that’s ok I guess, but not quite) 
Robin: Bebe Rexha (he was onto something when he said country but then he said this, but this is the closest guess of the 3)  
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Performance: This one is my other favorite of this group. His performance of “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers was absolutely stunning, I got chills! If it is who I think it is, I love him (partially because I think I know who it can be) 
I think the Serpent can be actor of the iconic Broadway sensation Hamilton aka Aaron Burr, Sir:
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Dude like I feel pretty good about this guess because of the voice and the clues:
Map of the Caribbean= reference to the beginning of Hamilton where Alexander Hamilton is from
Jr. References= he’s a jr. 
Between medicine & music= he played a doctor on Murder on the Orient Express in 2017
Number 31118 (this was from the Sunday before the premiere but still worth noting)= 3 albums, 11 stage productions, 18 years on Broadway OR bible verse Romans 3:11-18 which was written by Paul, a character he played on Rent
Judges’ Guesses:
Jenny: John Legend (See what I’m saying? Jenny, what are you doing man? That is not John Legend, like they don’t sound alike at all) 
Ken: Daveed Diggs (Wow! Ken got it kinda close, I’m proud, that’s an achievement for him we gotta give it to him) 
Nicole: Leslie Odom Jr. (WOOOO!! Yesss Nicole!!) 👏🏼
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Performance: I also really liked Crocodile and his performance of It’s My Life by Bon Jovi was great! I feel like I know who this is, and I am pretty familiar (well, more or less) with 90s and early 2000s boybands and this one is someone in that realm I am so sure of it... 
Ok so being more specific, I think it’s boybander from The Backstreet Boys: 
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The voice and the clues were a dead giveaway:
The Vegas vibes in the clue package= he performed in Vegas with Backstreet Boys 
Water clues (the water slide and happiest in water)= he was born in Orlando, FL home of the theme parks and FL is also some of the Gators so it would makes sense with the costume
Grew up in Hollywood= moved there when really young
Judges’ Guesses:
Ken: John Hamm (and he’s back, that was a terrible guess)
Nicole: Nick Lachey (so close, but not quite)
Robin: Donnie Wahlberg (um, Jenny agreed, how does she not know that this ain’t your husband?!) 
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Performance:  His performance of “I Wish” by Skee-Lo was good, not my favorite, but I didn’t hate it. I am kind of feeling that it’s an athlete due to the height and also how he speaks. 
So this guess is an idea I got from the Internet (subject to change because I have no clue about sports players): 
Rashad Jennings?
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The only thing I got from the clues was:
Dancing with Stars= he won DWTS 
Clues IDK
Orange Jelly= ?
The clock with the Bear Mask on the 5= ? 
Swinging Keys= ?
Judges’ Guesses:
Nicole= Swiss Beats (meh idk) 
Ken: Damon Lillard (I like this guess, tbh.. I kinda agree with it being a sports player)
Robin: Tyler the Creator (that would be cool but I don’t think so) 
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Performance: His performance of Faith by George Micheals was good too, better than I expected for the costume ngl. I had pretty low expectations but I am pleasantly surprised. He isn’t my favorite by any means and I am also a bit stumped by him especially because of that fake Russian accent, but I am in between 2 people at the moment....
The 2 people I am in between are either Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham or actor 
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It kinda sounds like him and the clues are a bit confusing but there’s one I understand too:
Tony Awards Reference= he’s been on Broadway 
The mask’s a puppet and Segel is a big fan of puppets (He was also in the Muppets movie) 
Space clues= ?
Friends Reference (2nd Gear)= ?
Ferris Beuller references= ?
Judges’ Guesses:
Jenny: Ralph Macchio (meh I guess that’s good) 
Nicole: David Schwimmer (not bad, but idk it doesn’t really sound like it)
Ken: Freddie Prinze Jr. (ya, no) 
Alright so that’s it! I am so sorry for it being late, but better late than never... I’ve been pretty busy so hopefully this weekend I will have tonight’s episode recap up... THANK YOU FOR READING AND I WILL SEE YOU IN THE NEXT ONE *blows kiss* byeeee! 
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The hunter and the dauntless leader
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Summary: Y/N and jack find themselves alone in the divergent world. Now both having to by time till Sam, dean, and cas find them. But they had to choose a faction. That faction was dauntless. 
Over the next two day four helped Jack and I with our fear landscapes on how to beat them. With his help we were able to beat them. Now it was the day that we were supposed to take the test to see if we get to stay in dauntless. I was a nervous wreck but I didn’t know why.  I hunt and kill monsters why am I nervous about taking a test. I was pacing around Eric’s apartment. “Will you stop pacing you’re going to do fine.” Eric said as he wrapped his arms around me. “I don’t get why I’m so nervous it’s just a test. I’ve dealt with way worse than a test.” I said laying my head on his chest. “I know. Just do want you normally do and you’ll be fine.” Eric said kissing the top of my head. “I just hope that Jack passes too.” I said. “He will don’t worry. You worry too much you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep worrying.” Eric said. “I know. I know.” I said. “Come on we need to get going it’s almost time for your turn.” Eric said as he took his arms from around me grabbing my hand. We left the apartment and headed to where they were doing the test. I looked around the room to see Jeanine and some more people from erudite with some members from dauntless. In the middle of the room there was chair much like the one from when I first too the test. Eric lead me over to the chair. He let go of my hand as I sat on the chair then he walked away. Then Tori came over so she could inject me with the serum. “Don’t worry your friend passed.” Tori said as she inject me. I gave her a small smile before I went into my fear landscape.
The first fear landscape was with Dean and the Styne brothers. I did what I remember four told me to do in taking the Mark away from Dean. Then it changed to me staying over Jack’s dead body and Sam, Dean, and Cas yelling at me saying it was all my fault that he was dead. I yelled back at them saying that they should have never me responsible for jack. Then it changed to me and Eric alone in his apartment. Then he attacked me and I knock him unconscious. I let out a gasp as I shot up from the chair. “Hey you’re okay.” Eric said as he came up to me. “That had to be one of the most impressive test that we’ve seen in years. But you still have one last test.” Jeanine said as she walked up to Eric and I handing me a gun. I look to see Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack walking up to us.  “You know what you have to do.” Jeanine said. I took a deep breath and then I shot all of them. I again let out a gasp as I shot up from the chair. “Hey you did it. You passed.” Eric said as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I was the first to pull away as I leaned my forehead against his. “Come on let’s go.” Eric said grabbing my hand as we left the room. We passed Tris as she went in to take her test.  “I’m guessing you want to go check on Jack huh?” Eric asked. “Yeah I really do.” I said. “Go. I’ll see you later.” Eric said. I smiled and kissed him. Eric put his hands on my hip pulling me closer to him as we kissed. I pulled away as I took his hand off my hips. “I’ll see you later.” I said as I made my way back to the dorms to go see Jack. When I got in the dorm I saw Jack sitting on his bed talking with Christina and Will. “Jack.” I said. Jack looked at me as he got up. I ran over to him jumping in his arms. I let out sigh of relief when Jack wrapped his arms around. “Well I’m guessing you passed too?” Christina asked. “Yeah. What about you two?” I asked as I pulled away from the hug with Jack. “Yeah we both passed.” Will said. I spent the next few hours talking with everyone catching up soon Tris joined us telling us that she passed too. It was getting closer to dinner and I left to go meet back up with Eric. I sat down next to Eric and listened to Max welcome to ones who passed into dauntless. “Congratulation new members of Dauntless.” Max said. This made everyone cheer. I felt Eric kiss my head. When dinner was over Eric had me follow him to help with something the leader were going to do to the new members. I stood next to him on the stairs. “All right listen up! Before you leave tonight I want you all in four lines. Everyone gets tracking device. Don’t ask question. It’s just a precaution.” Eric said. I saw that Jack was giving me a worried look. I gave me a look of not to worry. Eric and I walked down the stairs and started to watch everyone get injected with their tracker. But for some reason I didn’t think that they were just trackers. As we were walking around Tris almost ran into us. “Congratulations. You should be first in line but I’ll make it easy for you.” Eric said as someone came up behind Tris and injected her with a tracker. Tris let out a small gasp and she grabbed her neck. “Hurts like a bitch huh? Now you’re really one of us.” Eric said as he grabbed my hand leading me away. I tried to find Jack after this all went down but I couldn’t find him. “Max went to talk to Jack.” Eric said as if he could sense my worry about Jack. “Why is Max talking to him?” I asked as I could feel my heart rate start to pick up. “Max wants Jack to become a leader too.” Eric said. “Really? Does that mean he’ll still get a tracker?” I asked. “No the leaders don’t get trackers.” Eric said. I nodded. “Come let’s get some rest. It’s going to be a big day tomorrow.” Eric said. “What’s happening tomorrow?” I asked. “We are going to be dealing with a problem.” Eric said. “Okay.” I said. Eric and I made our way back to his apartment. Once we got back I went to the bedroom grabbing some clothes and went to go take a shower. I couldn’t help but think about what Eric said what would be happening tomorrow and the roll that dauntless will be having in it. I stayed in the shower for about ten before I got out and put on the clothes brought to change into which was just underwear and one of Eric’s shirts. Then I walk out of the bathroom still drying my hair. I went to go put the towel in my hands away as Eric walked into the bathroom to take his shower. I grabbed my brush from my things and brushed my hair on the bed. I sat down my brush on the bedside table on my side as I got under the covers waiting on Eric to join me. But I ended up falling asleep before he could. 
I was woke by Eric gently shaking me. “Come on time to get dress.” Eric said. I got up from bed and went to go put on the cloths that Eric had from me. Which were a black tank top, black pants, a black jacket and my black boots. I put my hair in a high pony tail. “Are you ready?” Eric asked me. “Yeah I’m ready.” I said. Eric pulled me in for a quick kiss. “I love you.” Eric said. “I love you too.” I said smiling. Then we left the apartment to go join Max and the other dauntless leaders. I let a sigh of relief when I saw Jack. Then all the other members of dauntless started to come into the room but the way they were acting was strange. It was like they were being mined controlled. “They can see and hear us. They just don’t process it the same way. Commands come in through the transmitter.” Max explained as we were walking around checking on them and watched as they picked up guns along to the way. “What going on?” I heard a voice say and saw a guy trying to figure out what was happened. Oh no he must be a divergent too. “Divergent.” Max said. Eric walked away from us and towards the guy. “Hey! Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about.” Eric said pulling out a gun and shooting the guy in the head killing him. I had to act like that didn’t faze me but I was dying on the inside after seeing Eric kill an innocent. Then Eric walked back over to me grabbing my hand. “Come on we have a train to catch.” Eric said. We all made our way outside and towards the train. Eric lifted me up on the train then climbed in behind me. I held a hand out to Jack and help him inside the train. The train started to moving and head off somewhere I had no clue where we were going. When the train did finally stop everyone started walking toward these small grey houses. The people who were outside or that were forced out wore all grey like Tris wore the day I met her. This had to be where she’s from. I could hear sirens and screaming. “Abnegation leaders must identity themselves.” A voice from a PA system said. I was walking around with Eric, Max, and Jack. Four and Tris came out from a corner and that’s when Eric’s stopped Four. I noticed that Tris stopped behind Eric and in front of Jack. “The legendary Four…A mindless drone. You were first in your class. Now you’re nothing.” Eric said as he grabbed my hand and started to walk away. That’s when I noticed Four’s jaw clench and so did Eric. Eric walked back in front of Four still holding on to my hand. “What? Think he might be…” Max said. “There’s one way to find out.” Eric said letting go of my hand grabbing his gun and holding it to Fours head. I place and hand over my gun incase this was about to go south. “Say goodbye asshole.” Eric said. “Goodbye.” Tris said pulling her gun one Eric. Then Max pulled his gun on Tris. “Move and you die!” Four said pulling his gun on Max. “The stiff?” Eric asked laughing. I looked over to Jack who had drew his gun as well. “Two stiffs. Two dead stiffs.” Eric said poking Four’s head with his gun. “You can’t let a single Divergent slip through. This is what happens.” Max said. “She’s not gonna shoot me.” Eric said. “Think you might be overestimating my character.” Tris said. Eric went to grab Tris’s gun and that when she shot him in the leg. That made me scream and pull my gun on her. I felt someone most likely Four hit me in the back of the making it all go back as I fell to the ground. 
No one’s Pov
Eric let out a groan of pain as he fell to the ground hold his leg that was shot. “Y/n!” Jack yelled out watching y/n fall to the ground. Which made Eric look to see the girl who had grown to love on the ground with her eyes closed as Jack tried waking her. “What happened to her?” Eric asked as he crawled. “Four he hit her in the back of the head with his gun.” Jack said. If Eric ever had a reason to kill Four he sure does have one now. “Baby come on open your eyes please.” Eric said pulling y/n on to his lap. Y/n let out a small groan as she slowly opened her eyes. “There you go.” Eric said. “God that hurt like a bitch.” Y/n said putting a hand to her head. Both Jack and Eric let out a breathy laugh. “Are you two okay?” Max asked coming back over to the three. “She need to be taken to get someone to look at her. “You need to get looked at too.” Max said. “Alright.” Eric said. “I get people to come and help.” Max said as he walked away to get some help for Eric and Y/n. Other member of dauntless came over to help get Eric and Y/n in trucks to take them back to dauntless to get look. Eric had trouble letting another guys pick up y/n to get her in the truck. Max allowed Jack to go with them. Jack sat in the front of the truck and he smiled as he looked back seeing y/n with her head on Eric’s shoulder. Once they were taken back to dauntless they both were taken to the medical bay. Eric was treated for his shot gun wound. While Y/n was checked to make sure she didn’t have a concussion. Luckily she didn’t that made Eric a bit happier but none less Eric still wanted to kill Four for hurting her. After the both were treated they were taken back to Eric’s apartment. For the two the rest of the day was spent in bed. Eric planned to have Y/n stay in bed but will y/n listen to him or not. Eric held y/n close to him and never wanted to let her go. 
Taglist: @importanttyruler @jaiboomer11​ @darkqueennox​ @letsthedogpackandthecats​ @sassyslytherinshai​
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​
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Banished (Part 13)
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*Not my Gif*
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been in lock up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished…
Post Date: 8-30-19
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 4K
A/N: So there are a lot of flashbacks in this of Y/N’s time in lock up so please for the love of god PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS!!!! I wanted to get as much info into the past out before the end of season 1 as I can so enjoy the awful cut scenes 😂
~Banished Master List~
~Master List~
Open Requests for The 100
Based off episode 1x13 of the 100 “We are Grounders Part 2”
The rancid smell of alcohol filled your lungs as he pressed you against the wall, his sweaty large hands squeezing your cheeks together as he yelled at you.
“Your parents wouldn’t have killed themselves you weren’t such a little bitch!” He screamed in your face for about the millionth time now. He’d been screaming at you for the past hour, head always moving between his friends sat one on his bed and one on yours as they each nursed their 4th bottle each since they stumbled into the room already drunk. They each laughed as your ‘legal guardian’ smacked your face, whipping your head to the side as he pushed back, leaving you pinned to the wall in fear. Two years of this shit and you know not to leave the spot after ‘Sir’, which he demanded you call him, starts his punishment which was far from over. Sir looked between the two smug souls sitting in the room before looking back to you, a drunken smirk plastered on his face as he took a wobbly step towards you.
“What do you think guys? Should we have a little fun today?” He asked as they exchanged amused looks, tipping their beers towards you both before standing up. You froze as Sir’s hand wrapped around your upper arm, his tight grip leaving finger-tipped bruises along your skin. Wincing as you were thrown onto the nearest bed, his eyes tracing up and down your body as your eyes widened when you realize what he was doing to do. Before you could protest or try to fight back, his hand was clamped around your throat, cutting off your air supply as you tried to pry him off you. He smirked as he leaned over, taking a sip of his beer as you started to see dark.
The moment he released you to gasped for a breath, coughing as the air filled you fast until you could breath normally, albeit a little shaken. His hand grasped the bottom of your shirt, pulling it straight off your head and leaving you in your ripped up jeans and a small black bra you barely needed. You heard a few snickers coming from behind Sir as he trailed a finger across your tiny body, stopping just inches from the bottom of your bra. You were scared, you were petrified! You stared up at him, meeting his darkened eyes before feeling the defeat come over you. His hand started moving again as you shut your eyes, praying for one of them to come to their senses and help you, praying for someone to knock on the door and save you, but no one did. That was when you found yourself doing something you’d never thought you’d do. You prayed for death. Here you were, 10 years old and a mans hands were traveling up along your body and you prayed to die. It seemed like a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. A third hand touched your stomach as you shot your eyes open, a moment of clarity coming to you as the first thing you saw as Sir’s empty beer bottle.
You grabbed the glass bottle, adjusting the grip for a split second before ramming it against his head. He stumbled off you, pushing his buddy away from you as you scrabbled to get up. You grabbed your shirt, throwing it over your head as you made way to the door. Only for a pair of hands to pull you back.
“Let go of me! Let go!” You screamed as you thrashed around in his grip, hoping more than anything someone would hear. He wasn’t deterred by your struggles as he threw you into the bed again. Glass flew into the air as you sat on the mattress and you grabbed a large piece, getting into a fighting position you’d been taught for the last 4 years.
‘Keep your feet apart and fists up’ Kane’s voice said in your head as you complied. Sir stood up straight, wiping away the blood on his head from the bottle as he lunged at you. You dodged out of the way fast, going under his arm as you kicked his knee out. He fell to the floor fast with a groan as you turned wide eyed to his buddy. The one that didn’t touch you, had cowered up against the wall, watching the scene in front of him. His friend that laid a hand on you reached out to smack the glass shard out of your hand, only for you to move it and stab it into his head.
“Please just stop! Please!” You yelled as blood ran down his head like your tears ran down your face. He stumbled back, as Sir managed to push himself up, coming at you like a bullet as you scrambled to grab another piece of glass, turning around just in time to run the shard across his neck, deep. He took a few steps back, hands flying to his neck to try and keep the blood in before falling against the wall. The last two guards looked at you, one still holding his wounded head as the other rolled up his sleeve, ready to fight a 10 year old, he snickered as you took your stance to not go down with out a fight. He moved first.
He threw his hand to hit your face to which on instinct you dodged letting him stagger away from the force of his punch. He turned around as you landed a few punches on his stomach, causing him to double over and allowing you to land a blow to his face. You kept punching him as he hit the ground, head bouncing against the concrete before your body was ripped off him.
Footsteps flooding into the room as you tried to free yourself. Metal was on your wrists, keeping them locked behind you as you realized there was more than the three men in the room. You felt like you could finally breathe as you stared down into the face of Sir, who laid dead on the floor next to his buddy who bled out from the cut to the head and a smile came to your face. But it fell as you met the bruised and bloody face of the third man as he stared up to you and a guard stepped in between you both.
“Take her to lockup.”
Kids rushed by you as you entered the camp with Octavia on your arm, clutching to you as if your life depended on it. It seemed like chaos as you let go of Octavias arm and looked around the camp. A pair of arms landed around you and for a half of a second you were worried until Octavia smiled. You turned around and let out a sigh of relief.
“Jasper!” You whispered as you threw your arms around the boy. He reciprocated as you both embraced and you pulled away, looking around camp some more. “Where’s Monty?” You asked as you noticed his right hand man wasn’t there. His face dropped as you realized and quickly felt bad. No one said anything as you cupped his cheek with your hand, getting him to look at you as you smiled.
You moved towards the drop ship, hearing screams as you entered and saw Clarke pressing a heated blade to Ravens side.
“Let’s talk about the reapers.” Bellamy says as he turned to look at you, his eyes softening before thumbing through Lincoln’s journal again. Clarke and Finn give you a smile, happy that you didn’t leave them before focusing on Bellamy again. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?” You shook your head, taking a step closer to all of them.
“Not this enemy.” You say as Finn agrees.
“She’s right, we’ve seen them. Trust us, it’s not an option.” He says before they talk about Ravens condition. You looked down at her before stretching your hand out for Lincoln’s journal. Bellamy hesitates but places it in your hand and allowing you to look through it as he watched.
“Clarke.” You said as you looked at the blonde. “We have to go. You heard Lincoln.” Bellamy scoffed as you dropped the book onto a table.
“Can’t run away fast enough huh? Real Brave.” You bite the inside of your cheek as you speak, trying not to raise your voice.
“That’s the thing Blake. When I fight I know I can win. These guys? They’re strong, but you’re gonna lead them to their deaths.” He seemed to understand you as he crossed his arms and looked down at you. Finn noticed the tension between the two of you as he stepped in to save you.
“Dying in a fight you can’t win isn’t brave Bellamy. It’s stupid.” He argued as you pointed a finger at him, looking Bellamy dead in the eyes for him to understand you’re siding with Finn. You let them hash it out as you left the drop ship, finding the one person you promised you get out of there. Luckily, she found you first.
“Hey, lets get you cleaned up.” Octavia said as she led you to the water tent. You took a seat as she wetted a rag, carefully dragging it over your face to get the dirt off before running it over the bruise that dominated your left side. She mumbled an apology as you grabbed her hand, causing her to stop washing your face.
“Octavia, we need to go. Before the scouts arrive.” You told her as she nodded, not fully understanding.
“We will, I’m sure my brother and Clarke will figure it out and we’ll be out of here fast.” She assured you. You put the rag back into the tub as you stood up to meet her height.
“Bellamy wants to fight, O. I promised Lincoln I would get you out.” She let out a little gasp at the mention of his name and you squeezed her hand, leading her outside to where Clarke and Bellamy were calling for everyone’s attention.
You hadn’t spoken for a few months, choosing to ignore any guards coming in with food as your cell mate, Victoria, stared at you. Tori was older than you, almost 18 by the time you were put in. She was always trying to get you to talk but you denied her the pleasure. You liked her, you really did, even though you didn’t talk didn’t mean she wouldn’t talk to you, tell you stories or anything really just to make the quiet room seem less frightening. You started to warm up to her, offering her more smiles and she even got you to answer her questions with head nods. But then she turned 18.
“Prisoner 153 and 194, face the wall.” A guard said as he pulled the door open. Your mind raced as you looked between her and the guard. She gave you a little smile as she looked at the wall, urging you to do the same.
“It’s okay Mouse.” She said using the nickname she came up with since you were so quiet. You kind of liked it, her giving you a name only she used. “I’ll be okay.” The guard came up behind her, putting the cuffs on her wrists as she was led away, right out of your shared cell. You hadn’t moved from the spot, choosing to stare at her for the last time before the metal door closed. You rested your head on the wall before you started pounding on the metal door.
“Kane! Marcus Kane! I want to speak to Marcus Kane!” You yelled and waited for someone to answer. When no one did you yelled again, pounding a little harder. Again. And again. Until soon your voice hurt from yelling or even talking after this long. Your hand throbbed from the pounding as you let yourself fall into your bed knowing no one was coming for you.
You walked out of camp next to Octavia with everyone, a look of hope crossing their faces as you looked around. Octavias hand landed on your shoulder as you see Bellamy speeding up to you.
“You wanna talk to him.” She asks as you pause but shrug, telling her to go on. Bellamy slows down as he meets your eye and you both walk next to each other.
“You really think fighting was the best plan?” You asked him as he looked down at you then nodded. You didn’t say anything as he swallows, trying to find the right words.
“You said it yourself, these guys are strong. They can make it.” You took a look around you, seeing the laughing and smiling kids joking around and talking about surfing as a pit formed in your stomach.
“Bellamy, I barely made it. There’s no way you would’ve won if you stayed.” He didn’t say anything as he clenched his jaw. You looked out into the woods, the quietness of it disturbing you before movement appeared in your sight line. “Shit.” You muttered before running into the front of the line, grabbing Octavia to stop her. She furrowed her brows but listened to you as everyone stopped. You stared straight ahead, trying to find anyone as whispers came from the group. A whizzing happened right by your head before the kid next to you fell dead.
“Get back to camp!” You yelled alongside Bellamy who kept shouting for everyone to go. You pulled out an arrow, readying your bow as you looked for anyone or anything to shoot. Bellamy saw you not move and rushed to get you.
“Come on Y/N! We have to go! I’m not leaving you again!” He yelled as you obliged, following him back to camp.
“I want to speak to Marcus Kane.” You mumbled as the guard came in to bring you food. He ignored your request, leaving almost as swiftly as when he entered and you groaned. 3 years in here, everyday calling for Kane and no one will tell you where he was. It made you sick. You looked down at the food, noticing they cut your rations down as you turned to the door. “Hey! Where’s the rest of my food huh?” You yelled as a snicker came from outside. You clenched your firsts together, banging even harder until the door swung open.
“Prisoner 194, face the wall.” He said as you shook your head, standing your ground.
“I want to speak to Kane.” You demanded as he stared at you. He took a step closer and you repeated yourself. “I want to speak to Marcus Kane.”
He pulled out his weapon, holding it out to his side as your face fell.
“Please. I just to talk to him.” You pleaded as he cocked his head.
“Sorry Sweetheart, Kane doesn’t want to talk to you. Now face the wall.” He said as you stood completely still. He didn’t want to talk to you? They told him you had been asking for him for 3 years and he said no? Your thoughts your cut short by the Guard as he struck you with the weapon, causing you to convulse in pain and pass out.
You listened to Bellamy and Clarke argue what to do as you stayed back, watching the trees for anything.
“You said it yourself, I’m a grounder.” Octavia said from behind you as you watched her take off out of camp. Bellamy watched her leave before turning to you.
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, placing your hand on his arm. “I’ll watch out for her.” You took off after her, not noticing the way Bellamy watched you leave the camp for the second time without saying goodbye. His stomach churned at the thought of losing either of you or Octavia, but he knew he couldn’t focus on that right now.
You dashed through the woods keeping up with Octavia before you fired a few arrows at some grounders and watched as they fell. Octavia ran ahead with her sword, stabbing someone in the head as they moved to uncover Bellamy. You were by his side quick, checking his neck as he looked from Octavia to you. His sister helped him up before she let out a small scream, clutching her leg where an arrow was planted. Your eyes widened as you turned around, shooting an arrow right into the eye of someone aiming at you.
“Octavia you’re hit, Bellamy help me get her behind the wall!” You ordered as he listened, throwing her arm over your shoulder and his as you dragged her to safety.
Grounders surrounded you as you looked down at Octavia and Bellamy, seeing the fear in their eyes as you picked up your quiver. “7 arrows.” You told yourself as you stood, looking at the grounders try to overtake the camp. Bellamy grabbed your hand as you looked down, seeing it bloody from Octavias leg.
“Where are you going?” He asked, voice shaking as a boom sounded above you both. You looked up into the night sky, lighting up in flames as realization struck you.
“The ark is coming down.” You whispered as you watched it, turning your attention to the siblings next to you. “I’m gonna fight for our lives.” You said as you started to make your way to the gate.
“Y/N!” Bellamy yelled as he left his sister to stop you again lacing his fingers with yours. “Come back safe. Okay?” He begged as you met his dark brown eyes, something hidden behind them that proved to you he meant it. You nodded, leaning up to kiss his cheek, “May we meet again.” You whispered in his ear before taking off, letting your hand slowly drift out of his.
You stood in your cell, staring up at the ceiling as the sound of guards changing outside caught your attention. You moved towards the door, knocking lightly as one of the guards asked what you wanted. “Does he want to talk yet?” You whispered as he sighed, letting you know the answer just in that as you pushed yourself away. He never visited, no one ever did. You only had yourself and the guards, reliving the same day over and over again. You wake up, practiced your fighting against your bed, ate the cut rations they gave you, read a little, asked about Kane, then sat in silence. You didn’t even feel like a human anymore. You pressed the back of your head against the wall you leaned on before turning around, staring at the same cracks you had for the last 5 years. It made you sick. You traced over the crack, feeling the way the wall felt under your nails before you slammed your fist into it. You pulled away, seeing the red on your knuckles before you continued. Again and again and again until your knuckles bled and the guards rushed into your room. But you didn’t stop. Not until the same guard as last time struck you with his shock baton.
“Don’t let her do that anymore.” He ordered as he looked at your passed out body then to the blood on the wall and shook his head.
“Where are you going?” The other guard asked him when he began to leave the room.
“I’m going to go speak to Marcus Kane.”
You already used almost all of your arrows, leaving you with one by the time the reaper screams drew your attention, causing you to duck behind a tree. “Shit!” You yelled as a grounder came out from behind another tree. He was to close to use your bow so you grabbed your dagger, nailing him in the heart as he fell. Another grounder came around the corner, slashing down your right arm and causing you to drop your knife. He moves to hit you again as you duck, picking up the knife as you finish him quick. You press up against the tree as more movement occurs and you ready yourself, jumping out only to see Octavia being carried by Lincoln.
You don’t say anything as you smile, happy to see him alive and getting Octavia out of there. He nods his head in your direction, as he sticks out one of his hands.
“Leidon, Lincoln.” You whisper hoping this wasn’t your final goodbye. He returns the saying before running away with Octavia. You head towards the drop ship, taking out as many grounders as you can before you see Clarke in front and other delinquents still fighting.
“Get to the ship!” You yelled at the closest kid to you, taking their position against the grounder and moving on when that one was dead. “Go! Now!” You kept telling any kids you saw before Someone yelled your name.
“Y/N!” You heard as you spun around seeing Bellamy staring right at you from the other side of the camp. The sound of the drop ship doors closing caught your attention as you realized you were both stuck out here. You were about to take a step towards him before a sharp pain in your stomach stopped you. You looked down as a spear pierced right through you from a grounder. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as Bellamy screamed your name and you fell to your knees. You closed your eyes, trying to mask the pain as the grounder fell, some delinquent you never met standing over you. The sounds of the fight was drowned out as everyone around you started screaming to run. Bellamy tried to come closer to you, but you shook your head, trying everything you could not to pass out right now.
“Go! It’s okay.” You mouthed to him as he started to cry before Finn grabbed his jacket, pulling him away from the ship. It took only a second before your legs started working and you managed to push yourself up. The spear stuck out of you, making every step dangerously close to being your last as you held onto the wall for support. You knew it was only a matter of time before the ship blew and you knew if you had any chance of staying alive you needed to not be in the vicinity. You hobbled past the gate a few feet before your legs gave out and you fell to the ground with a scream. But the sound was overtaken by the drop ship, lighting up and barbecuing grounders. The heat of the flames burned on your face as you closed your eyes, letting the warmth wash over you before darkness.
“Prisoner 194, face the wall.” The guard said as you tossed your book to the side, throwing your legs over the side of your bed.
“What’s going on?” You asked as a pair of handcuffs came out and your throat dried up. “No. I still have a day.” You stood up, taking a few steps away from the two guards as you looked between. “I still have a day! It’s not my time!” You yelled as one of them, turned you around and pushed you up against the wall. You tried to fight back before the feeling of metal hit your skin and you stopped fighting, letting your head rest on the wall as the guard smirked.
“You’re not being executed. You’re being sent to Earth.” He said as you turned to look at him.
Part 14?
What did you think? Let me know how I’m doing! 😊
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rosmarinys · 4 years
touch like a balm
dedicated to @panesars bc she’s lovely and helped me out with this and is also lovely love u dear. also this is a pushing daisies au yes agshsjsjs
"So, I bring can bring back the dead, but I also run a bakery, and I feel like the latter should get more attention, if I'm completely honest."
or the one where Ash runs a bakery, Dotty is trying to be the world's greatest private eye by cheating, and Iqra just wants to know what's going on.
read on ao3
chapter one – love like a wound, love like forgiveness
 Ash’s shit day goes like this: Dotty gets her another job, Keegan pesters her about bills, Callum and Bobby break a plate and Iqra dies.
It’s a lot.
 “Bills for you,” Keegan greets, leaning against the doorway to his office.
“You know, when I made you the manager, it’s because I didn’t want to deal with any of the managing part of the bakery,” Ash says, tying an apron around her waist. It’s so early in the morning that she doesn’t even want to know the exact time and she can still feel the imprint of her bed beneath her back, and she knows better than to close her eyes for more than a second after the last time she fell asleep standing up, elbow deep in dough.
Keegan snorts. “And yet we are partners, so I need your thoughts on what exactly we need for the next stock.”
Ash sighs but nods and runs their stock through her sleep-riddled mind. “Um, we’re running low on raspberries I’m sure. Strawberries, definitely, we’re down to the last ones today and I’ve been making less strawberry pies because of it. I had to give Dotty a cranberry pie yesterday and she threatened to never come back again.”
Keegan doesn’t look up from the list he’s making but he snorts. “Oh, how grateful we would all be for that. She re-organised all of my files last week, did I tell you?”
Ash chuckles. “No, you didn’t. What exactly did she do?”
Keegan does look up now, pad of paper and pen tucking underneath his arms as he crosses them as a frown flits across his face. “I had everything how I wanted it, everything was filed in terms of likability –”
Ash laughs, pausing in her weighing of flour in order to clap her hands before clasping them over her mouth. “You’re kidding. I thought you were joking when you said you were gonna file everything like that! Keegan!”
Keegan gestures wildly, a reluctant grin stretching his lips. “It works, ok? Or worked. Like, Ian is at the back of my third filing cabinet because he’s a Tory, and I remember that, I remember putting it there and thinking, fuck you. It was a good system!”
Ash giggles, absolutely delighted, and Keegan bites down his bottom lip to try and stop his own laughter. “Ok, ok. So how is organised now that Dotty has ruined everything?”
Keegan rolls his eyes and says with as much venom as he can muster, “Alphabetically.”
Ash laughs louder this time, her head shaking from side to side. “Ridiculous,” she grins. “You’re absolutely ridiculous.”
“But, that’s not all! She left a note on my desk with a charge for her ‘services’,” Keegan throws his hands up for air quotes, only making Ash giggle harder.
“Well, did you pay her?” Ash asks, picking up her flour again.
There is a pause.
“…Yes,” Keegan grumbles and Ash can’t help chuckling to herself, pulling a bowl of the last strawberries closer. “This is mutinous. You’re showing blatant favouritism to someone outside this partnership. I’m pretty sure I could sue based on that.”
“Oh, shut up,” Ash says and flicks flour at Keegan, watching Keegan duck to dodge getting any stains on his suit, setting her off giggling again.
Keegan turns to go back into his office, after a long death glare which Ash replied with a sarcastic blown kiss, but instead does a full circle to face Ash again. “Oh, meant to say, Chantelle and Gray vow renewals are next week, if you wanna come?”
“Oh, I- I thought that’d be a family event,” Ash replies, carefully, fingers frozen over a rotten berry.
Keegan doesn’t hesitate when he says, “Yes.”
Ash smiles at him. “I’d love to,” she says and watches Keegan smile back at her, his face like the setting sun.
He leaves and Ash touches the berry and watches it turn a glossy red, alive again like the rot had never existed.
 This is how it is: Keegan has known Ash the longest. She remembers purple crayons and standing on stools with flour all over their face and staining their clothes while they watched Karen baked, babbling in a way that only seven-year olds can as Karen listened attentively.
They are all fuzzy memories, as though she is viewing them through rose-coloured glass, but she cherishes them all the same, cradles them in her heart like old relics of times when she felt sturdier on her two feet.
Some memories are clearer: her and Keegan, crouched over dead flies, a swatter in his hand and a stopwatch in her’s, her reaching out and touching one of the bugs and them watching in wonderment as it comes back to life, her finger pressing the stopwatch, timing how long she can do this, how long she can reanimate the dead. A minute later, a dragonfly dropped from the sky in front of them and Ash had turned to Keegan with wide eyes.
“This is-” Keegan said, face bright with child-like wonder, “Ash, you’re like a comic book character!”
She had grinned and they’d both ran inside his house, shouting happily to Karen that they had something cool to show her.
(Later, Karen would sit them both down and make them promise not to say anything about what Ash could do, that this had to be a secret between the three of them, and didn’t all superheroes keep their powers a secret, anyway? Just look at Superman, eh? Even later, Suki would scrub flour from Ash’s skin, and snipe about how she had ruined her clothes, tutting about how Ash couldn’t enjoy a cleaner hobby, like reading, just like she did when she was a girl.
But, for only a moment, there was only pounding feet, a rush of air in their lungs and their hands clasped together.)
 “Got a job for you,” Dotty greets, tossing a folded sheet of paper onto the counter, not an hour after Keegan disappeared back into his office.
“You know, we invented the word ‘hello’,” Ash replies, exasperated with the company she keeps, not looking up from the dough in front of her. It’s sticking to her fingers and she reaches for more flour.
“Hello, I’ve got a job for you,” Dotty deadpans and Ash grins as she starts kneading.
“Bit busy here, what’s the job exactly?” Ash asks, gesturing with her bag of flour to demonstrate her point. Dotty scowls and picks up the sheet of paper.
“Middle-aged man turned up dead in the Thames, shot to death,” Dotty summarises, shoving the paper back into her pocket. Ash whistles and Dotty nods. “Exactly. Drama. And where there’s drama, there’s money.” She grins.
“My condolences to his grieving family of course,” Ash adds, giving Dotty a pointed look.
“Of course,” Dotty parrots. “His grieving, twenty-grand-paying family.” Ash raises her eyebrows, Dotty grins wider. “Drama,” she repeats.
“Well then, sounds eventful. Any witnesses?”
Ash sighs. “Ah, never is. That’d be too easy, huh?”
Dotty waves a hand in front of her. “We don’t need easy. We have you and you’re – y’know,” she wriggles her fingers, spookily.
“Stop that,” Ash says, considering throwing a berry at her as she starts to fold her dough into a tin. “Also, did you re-arrange Keeagan’s files?”
“Yup,” Dotty replies, popping the ‘p’. “They were a mess and I refuse to let the company I keep be sub-par.”
“Right,” Ash chuckles. “And it has nothing to do with Keegan finding you your perfect office?”
“Yes,” Dotty replies, instantly. “And, also, I made him pay for my organisation, so. It’s not, a thank you or whatever.” Ash hums, unconvinced and Dotty scowls and turns her head to the side, staring at all the cutlery and plates stacked on one of the counters, her face flushing pink.
Ash takes pity on her and changes the subject. Dotty’s shoulders are getting too tense beneath that big woolly jacket she wears, the one that is several sizes too long so that it dwarves her frame, and Ash would rather be able to choose the music on their ride to the morgue. “Well, we can meet once The Pie Hole shuts at six, and head to the morgue, then?”
Dotty frowns and crosses her arms, face still a pale pink but Ash pretends not to notice.. “How come your bakery is more important than my detective business?”
“Because you can solve crimes without me, The Pie Hole can’t bake pies without me.”
“Then that just shows that you have a bad business model, doesn’t it?” Dotty smiles sweetly and Ash flicks some flour at her as well and watches Dotty duck the exact same way as Keegan did.
With a dirty look, Dotty heads towards the entrance. Ash doesn’t ask how Dotty got in considering the front door was locked and it’s five in the morning, simply assuming the answer is something that she can sleep better at night not knowing.
Ash goes back to kneading her dough and thinks about twenty grand and dead men.
  This is how it is: Ash has powers. Well, a power. She can bring the dead back to life. There are rules and Ash spent most of her childhood figuring this out. One touch brings something back to life. Second touch, dead, forever. If someone is brought back for more than a minute, then something else dies, the balance of life and all that.
She uses it often now (in a way that some may view as cheating in the Private Eye business, but Dotty simply views as using the gifts given to you for good, though mostly money) but she remembers trying not to use it during her teenage years. She had felt like a god of death, the balance of deciding who should live and die a heavy weight on her shoulders but then –
(car, Kheerat, glass, bone, blood blood blood.)
there are always exceptions to be made.
 There’s a loud crash in the sitting area and Ash sighs from the kitchen as she pulls a raspberry pie out of the oven.
“Sorry!” Bobby and Callum call and she sees them crouched over what used to be a plate when she comes through with a broom.
“Don’t touch it, you’ll cut yourselves,” Ash says, shooing them away and starts brushing up the mess.
“Sorry, Ash,” Bobby says, eyes wide and sad. “Callum was trying to get up and I bumped into him, you can take it out of my wages –”
“It was just as much my fault, I wasn’t paying attention, I’ll pay for it,” Callum interrupts, reaching for his wallet.
“It’s no one’s fault, it was an accident,” Ash says, gesturing to the now clear floor, the smashed plate all in her dustpan. “See? No harm done.” She can see them physically holding back from insisting again when she raises her eyebrow at them. “Well? Scatter.” She waves her broom at them mock-threateningly and watches Bobby smile weakly and turn to serve another customer whereas Callum lingers for a second. “Something up?”
Callum blinks. “Oh – sorry, it’s nothing, I just –” He sighs and sits back down in his stool at the front counter. Ash circles behind it to put the smashed plate in the bin and braces herself on the counter in front of him. He smiles at her weakly. “I have my job interview today and I’m scared I’m gonna screw it up.”
“Ah,” Ash says, nodding in understanding. “Well, listen, I’ve never met someone more qualified to be a paramedic, ok? So, just, deep breaths and trust yourself.”
Callum smiles at her. “Thanks, Ash. You’re a good friend.”
Ash smiles in return. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just speaking the truth, here. Also, you’ve saved me more than once. Nutmeg in my rhubarb pies? You really saved me with that.”
Callum chuckles bashfully and it’s a warm sound. “I-Well, it’s nothing. My mother, she-she made them like that.” He turns his head to the side, his fingers tapping restlessly on the counter.
“Well, she was a smart woman,” Ash says, expression soft when Callum glances over at her.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “Yeah, she was.” They stay there, quietly, for a moment then he smiles at her again just before he leaves and when she looks down, she sees he’s left a five pound note on the counter, doubtless for the broken plate.
Ash smiles as she picks it up, already planning on giving Callum his next slice of pie for free.
 This is how it is: Callum is a regular at The Pie Hole, his smile a constant companion to Ash whenever she places her pies in their display shelves, ready to be served.
He always orders a slice of apple pie and never leaves a tip less than three pounds, sometimes he leaves behind a napkin with a doodle on them of a dog on a skateboard and blushed down his neck when she’d asked about it, revealing that the dog was the main character in a comic he had made for his nephew.
(Ash had once forgotten her apron at The Pie Hole, and when she’d returned to get it in the small hours of the morning, she’d found Callum sat outside in the rain, his clothes soaked to his skin, clutching a baby’s blanket in his hands.
He’d stared at her blankly when she tried to speak to him but he went willingly when she dragged him into her bakery and sat him in a booth. She’d forced his hands around a warm cup of coffee in order to warm them up, but his grip was lax and so they sat with her hands cupped around his.
His skin had felt like ice and he only spoke once to murmur his nephew’s name before falling silent again and Ash had felt her heart in her chest splinter.
What was the point of having this power if she can’t save her friends from grief?
Callum doesn’t draw on the napkins anymore but he leaves bigger tips.)
 The man on the table is dead, purple bruises stark against the placid white his skin has become. There are multiple holes in his chest. Ash checks the tag around his toe to avoid looking inside his grotesque wounds. Jack Branning, it reads. The name sounds familiar, but Ash can’t quite remember why. A horrid thought occurs to her, one where she might have once served this man at her bakery, might have known him when he was alive and now all she will remember is how he looked dead. It leaves goosepimples on her arms, even underneath her denim jacket.
“Well, let’s get this show on the road, yeah?” Dotty says, folding her arms in front of her chest. There has been a time in which Dotty would have made comments and digs at the victims’ wounds but even she has tired of it, especially after one of the victims had been a girl who revealed she’d been stabbed to death by her father, something that had left her looking as white as the corpses surrounding them.
Ash glances at her watch and waits for hand to reach twelve before tapping Jack lightly on the shoulder. The result is immediate; Jack shoots up and stares at them in shock, eyes blinking too quickly and chest heaving with breaths he doesn’t need. He opens his mouth to speak, and no noise comes out, his hands reaching up for his throat, fingers pressing into the purple left on his skin.
Dotty groans. “Great, now we need to play twenty questions.” Ash can hear her rolling her eyes without having to turn around. This happens too often, sometimes the victim’s windpipe is so damaged that they can’t speak properly. Once, Dotty left after three cases in a row with strangulation involved and Ash heard her groaning and moaning the entire time it took her to leave the building.
“Was it a man or a woman?” Jack stares at her blankly, so Ash tries again. “Mr Branning, you were murdered. Was it a man or a woman who killed you?” He doesn’t answer, instead looking around the room, at all the other closed cases in the morgue. She wonders how jarring this must be for someone, she wonders if there actually is an after-life or if it feels like a second has passed between shutting your eyes and opening them again to two women making weird requests. This is not the time to think about such things though, so she tries a different question. “Jack? Where they young or older?”
He turns back and starts gesturing with his hands, miming writing something down. Ash hears Dotty scramble for her notebook and pen while Ash feels the clock tick tick ticking. There is one second left until the hand hits twelve again when Ash taps Jack on the shoulder again, his body collapsing into the table he’s on, his fingers bent over the notebook he’d scribbled onto.
“Well, let’s hope this is good, considering we’ve got fuck all else out of him,” Dotty mutters and reaches forward. Ash sees what’s written when Dotty brushes Jack’s fingers asides and takes her pen and notebook back.
One word. Mitchell.
 This is how it is: Dotty is more wolf than girl, dressed in plaid pinafores or ripped jeans, always with that dark woolly coat thrown on, so big that you can only see the tips of her fingers poking out the sleeves. She kicks her feet lightly when she’s sitting down and bites her nails down to the quick and spins a thin ring around her pointer finger, all while grinning with teeth.
Dotty caught Ash one day, having just brought a stray cat back to life, and showed up at the front door of The Pie Hole the next morning with a glint in her eyes and a business proposition.
“Can you bring back people too?” She’d asked and Ash had only nodded. Her smile grew wider. “Well, I was just thinking about how much easier it would be to solve murders if the victims could up and sing, huh?”
(They’re a good team, Ash thinks. Dotty’s a neon light in your veins, a fast-paced race-track that stills beneath Ash’s fingers when she touches her, like a live-wire finally finding a fuse.
Dotty looks at her like that sometimes, when Ash calls her a friend, as if she’s just woken up, like she’s been dead this whole time and Ash brought her back with a simple word.
She falls asleep on Ash’s couch sometimes, drowning in that big coat, finger’s twitching on that ring, face soft with sleep.
Ash pulls her duvet into the living room and sleeps on the rug next to her, seized with the urge to not let Dotty be alone, even in her sleep.
Dotty’s never said anything about it, but she always lets Ash borrow her eyeliner the next day.)
 The rain makes her skin feel numb, even under her clothes as they become soaked and stick to her. Ash wonders briefly if this is how Callum had felt, feeling out of his body, The Pie Hole sign a beacon glaring through the noise.
(It had been an inside joke, you know. The Pie Hole. Keegan had whispered it as a joke when they were ten and Ash had proposed they run a bakery like the one she had seen on holiday once, both of them curled up in sleeping bags on his living room floor.
It feels like a million years ago, memories of sliding around in socks and running down streets till the soles of her feet felt fuzzy, her lungs too big for her body.)
She’s not sure how much time passes, leaning up against the building across the road from her bakery, thinking about Keegan, and her mother, and bakeries, when –
there is a blare of light that illuminates a figure on the street, a silhouette, before a car crashes into it and the scream of the tires is so awful that Ash thinks she’s in the car herself (car, Kheerat, glass, bone, blood blood blood.)
She stays frozen before she throws herself forward on autopilot, barely processing that the car has sped away and left the silhouette on the road, folded in on itself, purely running on the sharp pain in her temples, the blood in her mouth, power buzzing beneath her skin, whispering you were born for this.
Ash turns them over and sees their face, blood trickling down the side of their head and coating their dark hair. She barely manages a gasp before her fingers touch the side of their face and sees their eyes snap open.
 This is how it is: Iqra Ahmed, on her way home from work, crosses the road without looking up from a text from her sister, and gets hit by a car and dies on impact.
This is how it is: Iqra Ahmed wakes up a minute later, chest heaving and staring up at a blurry face that’s there and then gone. There is blood in her mouth and her bones feel like dust.
This is how it is: Ash Panesar is so fucking tired.
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undertalethingies · 4 years
So, someone asked for my notes on the ranking thing. I promise they were organized in the doc, it’s just that copy-pasting into Tumblr removes all the formatting. Anyway, here’s what I sound like when I’m not trying to be academic and stuff.
Narrates your entire journey, which is pretty dramatic
“Chara. The demon that comes when people call its name” asdffgvihj
Honestly just everything they say before erasing the world is Super Fucking Dramatic
The stuff they say after is too, it’s just also super badass because like- calling out the player directly? Ladies and gents we’ve found their gender, because that takes some serious balls
The jumpscare
“But it refused” was probably them too and i just
“But maybe, with what little determination you have left… you can SAVE something else” holy shit
“But nobody came” 10/10 very drama
Pretending to be nice to you before trying to kill you, thus leaving Toriel enough time to get there and stop him
“I am the prince of this world’s future” jesus christ dude
Honestly just everything he says after Toriel? It’s just so fucjkinshg dramatic
Totally copied Sans’ blasters with his “hyper goner”
All of his attack names are just kinda ridiculous
He was only using a fraction of his TRUE POWER
“It’s me, your best friend. ASRIEL DREEMURR” omigod
“I bet someone like that’s watching right now, aren’t they...?” HE KNOWS or he’s being passive aggressive at Sans or Alphys but EITHER WAY
“That’s a wonderful idea!”
“Someone has to stay her and take care of these flowers” HE’S QUOTING HIS MOM
Does not tell you what is going on, at all, ever.
“What a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent child…” You’re killing me, Tori
Throws fireballs at a child… to keep them safe
Dramatically storms all the way to the RUINS, presumably while carrying the body of her dead kid
Is so intimidating all the monsters in the RUINS are scared to talk to her
Is the first character to say: “someone has to stay here and take care of these flowers”
“Human. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.” geez, Asgore.
“Birds are singing, flowers are blooming…” you will pry the headcanon that he and Sans sit over tea to coordinate their dramatic speeches out of my cold, dead, hands.
Destroys your mercy button
Wants to adopt you right after attempting to murder you
Lets a child act as an ambassador?
Insinuates that you’re not a human on geno run
“i've been knocking on the door to the RUINs... but the woman that's there hasn't been answering me. maybe she's not feeling well? heh. or maybe she's not feeling anything at all...? you'd better watch yourself, kid.” that’s from a neutral run phone call
Apologizes to Toriel for breaking his promise even though she’s DEAD
Just… relentlessly calls you out for being a time traveling cheaterpants
“if you keep going the way you are now… you’re gonna have a bad time.”
“here’s some advice about fighting my brother. don’t. capiche?
The Grillby’s scene where he FREEZES TIME?
The restaurant 
Breaks the fourth wall when he puns at Papyrus?
If you kill Papyrus on a not-geno run, his Judgement is Very Dramatic
All the teleporting? Like he mostly uses it for jokes, but he also uses it for intimidation, especially on the geno run
His geno speech
Get dunked on
“Papyrus, do you want anything?” MY HEART
Revealing that he knows about the resets on the geno run seems unnecessary? I mean, in a situation like that, giving out information of any sort seems like a Real Bad Idea
Tiring himself out with all the unnecessary blue magic before his special attack
“it’s time you learned the truth”
He’s Papyrus. Need I say more?
“Let me tell you the story of my people” and then just going ‘fuck it’
Stands on top of a stony crag or whatever?
Takes her helmet off to fight you
Generally just Very Anime
Her pre undying speech is Extreme Anime
“I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one!” you know for a fact that at least one monster Does Not support this
Is there any song name more dramatic than “battle against a true hero”? I dunno but the song that plays before it (but the earth refused to die) comes close
Hires a guy to pretend to try to murder you
Told Undyne anime is real
Her note
Her phone call to you in the queen Alphys ending
“The flower’s gone”
They are not all dramatic, in my opinion. Just very depressed.
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cruelwritersthesis · 5 years
So I just finished ITPS and INAS and humor me here: Tori and Luke in a The Good Place AU. Tori dies and wakes up in Elysium and is being introduced to the neighborhood and whatnot. Luke shows up and when they finally get a moment alone, she's freaking out because She. Didn't. Die. A. Hero. Luke chalks it up to a happy mishap. Antics ensue. Cue them realizing they're actually in the Fields of Punishment and this is just a new way of torturing the dead.
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh your Mind
yo comedy is so hard to write, for real, but i’m gonna attempt it also thus far my stories have been far from comedies lol
follow meeeeeee~!
[[[spoilers for the good place below bt-dubs]]]
Tori dies and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes again: “Welcome! Everything is fine.” She can’t remember how she got there, and she’s confused, because wasn’t she supposed to meet Charon? Cross the River Styx? Get in line and wait for her soul to be judged?
She’s sitting an a nice room, fairly minimalist. In one corner there’s a small water feature. To her left, a door opens and a man steps out: “Tori.” He smiles. “Come on in.”
She goes in, not knowing what else there is to do and sit down in one of the chairs in front of a desk, and the man sits down behind the desk.
“I’m Adrian, and I’m the architect of this neighborhood.”
Tori’s even more confused. Neighborhood??? Architect???
Adrian smiles and chuckles. “I can see you’re confused. Elysium is split into neighborhoods, built by immortals like me. And yes, you died.”
Skip to Adrian giving a tour of the neighborhood to Tori: “Three-hundred and twenty-two perfectly matched heroes…” etc.
They come to a stop in front of where Tori will be staying: a ginormous mansion that’s far too big for just her and far too ostentatious. She hates it,,, but it’s Elysium right? Not to mention this neighborhood was supposed to be perfectly crafted to her likes, right???
They go inside and that’s when Adrian drops the bomb: “Oh, and did I mention soulmates exist?” Inside, despite her panic at what’s happening, she feels her heart lift with anticipation. Surely Luke was her soulmate on earth, so he must be her in Elysium [he is, don’t worry, it’s not a plot twist or anything]. Adrian goes on, “Yes, they exist on Earth as well, but the gods decided they didn’t need to give humans a sure-fire way to tell. You were the lucky few who happened to find your soulmate on Earth. It’s always a bit of a mess when someone finds out their soulmate here is not the person they were with on Earth.”
Luke walks through the door then, and Tori can’t help but run up and give him a big hug, tears already in her eyes.
Adrian’s doing his architect act, smiling and all that. “You two must have a lot to catch up on. I’ll leave you to it and meet up with you later. I have some people I’d like to introduce you to, and I have a surprise for Tori. See you both later!”
And despite her happiness at getting to see Luke again, there’s something more pressing, weighing on her chest that she needs to talk to him about immediately.
After making sure Adrian has left, she finds a small broom closet, and just to be safe, checks for any hidden cameras or microphones. All the while Luke is confused and asking Tori what’s going on and what’s wrong. Tori won’t answer until she’s sure they aren’t being watched or listened to.
Finally, she turns to Luke with wide eyes and a look of fear: “I didn’t die a hero. I’m not supposed to be here.” [I could leave it here and be like, Part 2 coming soon! But I won’t.]
Instead of being concerned, Luke just smiles gently and takes her hands into his. “I don’t care if it’s a mistake, I’m just happy to be with you.”
Tori’s caught between wanting it to be some happy, miracle mistake, but the other part of her is worried something could go wrong at any moment. Mistakes didn’t just happen in Elysium, did they? Their souls were judged, how could the judges decide that she belonged somewhere else but send her to Elysium?
She tries to get this across to Luke, but he’s too happy to see her. And she, of course, is happy to see him. But, like most things in her life, she doesn’t want all of this to just disappear. She doesn’t want Luke to just disappear suddenly, and then for her to find out she’s in the Fields of Punishment or something.
“Why don’t we take a walk, maybe it’ll help clear your head.”
So they head out again, though Tori is reluctant, and take a stroll around the neighborhood. It’s beautiful and all the people seem really nice. They’re all paired up with their soulmates, going about their business like it’s just another day in the neighborhood [lol sorry I had to].
But Tori is still worried. “You know I don’t do big or ostentatious,” she mutters to Luke as they walk around. “And what’s with all the tapioca pudding shops? You and I both know that regular pudding is better.” [side note: I actually love tapioca pudding lmao]
Tori stops them and turns to face Luke. “Also, I can’t cuss. You know I love to cuss.”
Luke chuckles and shakes his head, linking his arm with hers and pulling her gently along again. “Yes, but a lot of the people in this neighborhood don’t like it.”
“Okay, but don’t you think that if I like to cuss so much–and I now you do too, don’t deny it–wouldn’t they have put us in a neighborhood with people who also like to cuss?”
“I think you’re thinking too much about it.”
Before Tori can argue more, Adrian shows up with two people trailing after him.
“Tori, Luke, I’d like to introduce you to Mali and Amir. I was just telling them about the welcome party that Tori’s throwing.”
Tori wants to object vehemently, but to keep up appearances she grins. “Yes, that party. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. It starts at 8pm sharp, but you can show up late if you want to. In fact, I’d even appreciate it if you didn’t show up at all–”
Adrian laughs. “Isn’t she funny? Of course they’re excited to go!” Talking to Mali and Amir, “Why don’t you two go explore the neighborhood a little more while I talk to these two about the party?”
As soon as the other two are out of earshot, Adrian turns to Tori with an “apologetic” look. “I’m so sorry, I meant to talk to you about it earlier, but it must’ve slipped my mind!” Tori forces a laugh and Luke can tell she’s ready to throttle Adrian, so puts his arm around her waist. Adrian continues, pretending not to notice. “Your house is the biggest, so it would only make sense that you host the party.”
“That makes sense,” Tori forces out. “But why me? I don’t mind lending my house for the party to someone who is a little more equipped for party-planning.”
“Oh nonsense! You’ll be just fine. Listen, I have to go meet some of the others here. I’ll see you at the party!”
As soon as Adrian’s out of earshot, Tori turns to Luke. “What am I supposed to do? I hate parties! I hate people! I don’t know how I’m going to even plan a party. Where am I going to even find stuff? Do they have like some…heavenly gift-shop? Do I need currency, or can I just tell them what I need and they’ll give it to me?”
Introduce Janet [I can’t think of a different name for her :P], who gets Tori everything she needs
Adrian forces Tori to give a speech–the party isn’t a disaster, but Tori’s already under pressure because she knows she’s not supposed to be there, so things slip both in the speech and as she tries to play hostess
Cue Chaos Sequence the next morning
Luke’s like, “Okay, I believe you now.”
As you say, antics ensue as they both try to navigate this neighborhood without exposing Tori being in the wrong place while Adrian actively works to undermine them
Remember those other two demigods I introduced? Yeah, hand-picked to make it difficult for Tori and Luke to keep their secret, because they also don’t belong in Elysium, and are meant to torture Tori and Luke. Long story short, they sided with the Titans, but neither Luke or Tori ever met them because armies are big and like they really had time to meet every single demigod who joined Kronos’s side
More antics ensue as the four of them get all mixed-up and band together to try to keep Tori, and Mali and Amir’s secret, bc they know they didn’t exactly die heroes either (among other things).
Cue more antics and even more crossed wires and confusion.
And then, Tori has her realization when they’re all bickering about who’s going to sacrifice themselves and go to the Fields of Punishment, much like Eleanor’s.
“This is the Fields of Punishment!”
Adrian does his Grinch smile and evil laugh.
It’s explained that, after centuries of the same old thing, Adrian decided to come up with something new–take four humans (and/or demigods) who don’t mix, throw them together in a place they think is Elysium, and make them torture themselves
Luke is confused because, “But I died a hero???”
And Adrian is like, “We changed the formula, numb-nuts! Were you not listening to my whole, entire explanation just now? What, you thought joining Kronos and bringing him back would get you into Elysium? Even if you sacrificed yourself at the last minute to defeat him? Seriously, dude?”
“But the prophecy–”
“You’re dead now, ya ding-dong. The prophecy doesn’t matter anymore!”
aaaaaand that’s all she wrote lol. but for real, i’m not really sure what would happen after that. if we’re going full good place au, then Adrian would reboot them, but they would keep figuring it out and banding together until Adrian gives up and joins them bc his boss (whoever that may be in the Greek mythology world) would rip immortality from him and send him to the Fields of Punishment as well, but the old-fashioned way
unfortunately, the fact that the world is so complicated that an act intended to help actually hurts and docks you points doesn’t quite work for this au lol bc while Luke did have good intentions by raising Kronos, and Tori staying with him is certainly colored in many shades of grey, they did like…get a lot of people killed. like that did happen, they started a war and a lot of demigods and nature spirits died. it’s both very grey and not that grey at all (which muddles things up even more; i could go on)
but hey, if you have any ideas that expands on this au, hmu, lmk!
and thanks for sending this in! i had a lot of fun with it :D
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theoddcatlady · 6 years
My Friends Went On A Roadtrip Through Europe
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The only reason I didn’t go on the ‘greatest trip of our lives’ was because I was in a car accident that nearly killed me.
It was bad. I wasn’t able to get out of bed without assistance for that first month. Broken leg, busted up ribs, I looked more like a boxer that just got out of a match gone bad than a recent highschool graduate who was planning on going to college as a psychology major.
My friends and I had been planning this trip since our freshman year in highschool. I know. It was fucking stupid. But we promised if we all graduated with a grade average of 3.5 or better and if we all scraped together the cash from after school/summer jobs, we’d take a road trip through Europe. Somehow we actually managed to do it, our parents were so impressed that they even kicked in some cash. The silly dreams of fourteen year olds were coming to life.
Whitney wanted to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower. Jade was all about Austria, she wanted to see where the Sound of Music was filmed. Jonah planned to eat all the chocolate he could stomach in Switzerland. Me? I wanted to see the countryside of every country- mountains, rivers, the ocean… But one week before the plane was supposed to take off, well, the accident happened.
I told my friends to go without me, but I made them promise to constantly send me updates and tell me how much fun they were having. So they left- Whitney, Jade, Jonah, Holden, and Tori. I even gave them a portion of the money I saved up so they could go crazy.
At first, everything was normal. I got pictures, they even sent me a package from England full of lil knick knacks and snacks. I hated the Irn Bru but the Cadbury chocolates were to DIE for. But everything went wrong shortly after Austria.
Below are the emails and messages my friends sent me when they had the time. These all take place over about three weeks. After that, everything goes silent. Their parents have yet to hear from them. They’ve filed missing person’s reports, but I think if any of them are still alive… they won’t want to be found.
From: Jade
Jesus CHRIST, you will not believe what happened last night, Lilah.
First off, let me make abundantly clear that no one is dead, and no the trip is not over yet. We got really lucky. Second off, Jonah is a fucking moron and I swear to god once his stitches are out I’m ripping him a new one.
Okay so last night we were out a bit late, we all got a little tipsy and we were heading back to the hotel. Legal drinking age is eighteen, it’s not like that time we tried to sneak into Beverly’s with those fake ID’s. On the way back, we stumbled across another drunk who made a pass at Jonah. And you know Jonah, his drunk ass reacted loudly and violently. I swear he was about to make a swing at the guy… but the other guy swung first.
I swear, the drunk guy fought like an animal, Jonah didn’t stand a chance. We barely managed to rip Jonah away from him before he ripped his throat out. It was bloody and MESSY.
We got Jonah to the nearest emergency room, got him patched up, headed back home to sleep it off. How much do you wanna bet that he won’t remember it in the morning?
I’m gonna hit the sack. Jonah is a moron.
From: Jonah
Jade told me she sent you an email about the fight. She really needs to chill, I’m really not that bad off. Besides, the guy was a creep.
I do remember what happened, despite what she thinks, we were heading back when, get this, strange guy complimented my SKIN. Said it looked smooth and rosy. That’s not even flirting anymore, that’s just creepy! I mean, he was totally your type, tall, dark, handsome, blue eyes and a bit of scruff on his face, but noooot mine.
I’m fine though, you can barely tell where the guy got me. I think he had a knife because I got ripped. Up. Can barely tell now, he must’ve just grazed me.
We’ll be looping back up and heading for Poland next. Gonna cross through Germany to do that, but I don’t mind the drive. Besides, Germany = MORE BEER.
Miss you, next time you will totally have to come along.
From: Tori
I really wish you were here. I miss you so, so much. How is your therapy going? I hope it’s going well, you really missed out on some beautiful views today. The camera doesn’t quite capture it, but I hope to paint it once I’m home with my supplies. Maybe I can bring a little of this place back to you.
I think I’m just homesick. I might cut my trip short and head back, I’m really worried about you.
From: Whitney
Did you talk Tori out of going home yet? I don’t think she’s willing to admit how spooked she got when that bum attacked Jonah. She started crying when she saw how bloodied he was. I was pretty freaked too, but it was way worse than it looked. He’s actually completely fine now. Stitches came out, there’s not even a scar. I’m pretty sure Jonah’s actually bummed there’s nothing to show off for when he gets home LOL. But yeah, nothing to worry about, he’s still the same energetic Jonah we all know and love.
Holden’s horrible at remembering to email you, I’ve told him like, six times. Did he do anything other than the one time he sent a what’s up? He totally only did that because I nagged him.
I wish we spent more time in Italy, but we’re making great time through Germany. I’m gonna go now, kick ass and take names at Overwatch for us when you can sit up, all right?
From: Tori
Jonah’s almost too over the top since the attack. I think he’s trying to make up for something, I don’t know what. It’s like… remember that time he pounded Mountain Dews all night while we were gaming? This was during our League of Legends phase (glad that ended) but Jonah was incredibly manic and he was constantly getting up to pace.
He’s like that but 24/7. I don’t think he’s slept a full night, and it’s almost impossible to make him stop for the night. We want to relax, there’s no rush to get to Poland. I’ll talk to him when I can get him to settle, see what’s wrong. Love you.
From: Jade
Welp, Tori went home last night.
Her clothes and passport are gone, she left a note saying she really missed you and her parents, she’ll make it up to us when we’re home. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed she didn’t talk to us beforehand.
She was right though, Jonah needs a chill pill. Is this how some people deal with trauma? Because I mean, you weren’t there, but that was… pretty bad. I can’t even imagine how Jonah feels, but he’s Jonah. He never lets anyone in. It’s why you two broke up sophomore year, kid has issues. I hoped this trip through Europe might help him learn about himself but I think it’s making it worse.
From: Whitney
Ugh, sorry. So Jonah offered to drive us through the night. I said no, but Holden and Jade were all for it. So I sucked it up, took something to make me drowsy, and konked out in the back seat. When I woke up, Jonah and Jade were having a shouting match and turns out, we’re in DENMARK. That wasn’t the plan. He didn’t clear this with us.
Holden’s on his side, saying that Denmark is a cool country too but Jade’s royally pissed. I can’t blame her. We promised at the beginning of the trip that we were to clear any travel plans with each other. We’d talk about it.
That’s another reason to miss you- you are SO good at talking. <3
From: Jonah
Everyone but Holden’s pissed at me.
Listen, I’m fine, I promise. I’ve just had to deal with some insomnia lately, is that really that bad? It’s not like I’m as bad off as you were. There was a brief moment that morning of the accident we all thought we’d lose you.
The insomnia goes away in the day. I can sleep then. Everyone can go and have fun during the day, I get to sleep, and at night I go do my shit. There’s. Nothing. Wrong with that.
I mean, another reason I wish you were here was that I’ve been having some… preeettyyy interesting dreams involving you, when I can sleep anyway. TMI. But maybe I should’ve been less of a puss with you back in the day. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.
When I’m back, can we go on a date? I’ll buy. Anywhere you want to go.
From: Jade
Jonah made a pass at me. And he’s not drunk.
I’m confused. And worried. Not gonna lie, he was pretty smooth about it, but I’ve never thought of him that way. He’s like that obnoxious little brother you love anyway. I told him no and he accepted gracefully.
Talking with Whitney and he also made a move at him… and at Holden? Jesus Christ, it’s about time that dumbass fell out of the closet. Holden’s pretty into it though. I’m wondering if this trip was actually a success in that matter.
We’re going up through Scandinavia now. Sweden, here we come!
At least we’re in some of the most gay friendly countries in the world right now… although I swear to god I think someone’s been following us. I’ve spotted this small white car twice now and I think it’s the same driver. But I’m probably just paranoid.
From: Holden
i know i dont email you often. i hate writing.
but something’s really wrong with jonah. i think he hurt someone.
last night we went out for drinks. ive always thought jonah was cute but never thought hed give me the time of day. we shared a hotel room, nothing happened but it was nice.
but I woke up this morning and I was trying to find something to wear and I accidentally went through one of jonah’s bags because our bags look the same and
i found one of his shirts. it’s covered in blood. And I found tori’s passport. it’s also bloody.
i’ve been reading and there’s been two bodies on the same route we’ve been going. i also called tori’s mom and she hasn’t heard anything from her daughter. she hasnt gone home. what should I do lilah? you were always the smart one.
From: Jade
Jonah’s lost his goddamn mind.
I’m surprised I get signal out in the middle of nowhere but Holden asked him about Tori and Jonah got really defensive. Then he brought up clothes covered in blood and that Tori never made it home and… Jonah snapped.
He pulled over to the side of the road and lunged for Holden. Whitney tried to break it up and got pretty fucked up for it. They’ll be okay as soon as we get to a hospital or something.
He’s gone now. He took the keys with him. I’m gonna try and call for help but jesus christ how have things gone so wrong?
From: Jonah
(This email was sent to all of us, along with the next one.)
I’m with Master now. He never meant for this to happen. He never meant for me to get turned. He tried to find me but my own stupidity kept us going… I’m so mad at myself. I should’ve told you guys what’s been going on. I’ve been barely sleeping, any sort of bright light fucking hurts, and Tori…
I never meant to hurt Tori. I swear to god. She was one of my best friends. But she’s dead. And I killed her. I couldn’t stop myself. By the time I came to my senses, I’d shredded her to pieces. If they ever find where I dumped her, she’ll probably be a Jane Doe for the rest of time.
Master found me running around around and stopped me. We’re someplace safe now. He’ll help me.
But I need to know one thing-
Did I bite you guys?
From: Whitney
You bit me. And you bit Holden.
Jade’s fine. For now. I don’t know how long though. I feel strange. Like there’s something burning in my head and down my spine. Please find us. Holden’s starting to feel strange too.
Lilah, we love you so much.
Please, don’t try to come find us. Go to college. Have fun. Make new friends. Study hard. Forget about us.
We’re dead anyway.
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