#torn between choices
Just random, but I want your thoughts on which blogging site is better.
I've been using WordPress for a while, but I feel like I need to create a more mature blog site (mature in the terms of themes, username, quality of posts and design) so I've been thinking of starting up a new blog.
I'm torn between Medium and Substack, and sometimes I think, "I'll just create another one on WordPress" since I'm familiar with the site already.
I want to create a kind of blog site I can use to talk about anything and everything, be it books, anime, life, emotions, storytelling, technology, and my current WordPress blog feels a bit limiting.
What would you suggest?
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egophiliac · 6 months
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was gonna wait 'til I'd done all the poms, but it's been a day, so have Vil with a Salazzle 🍎
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skunkes · 1 month
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hamletisintown · 24 days
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If ZJ didn't have a regulator... 🥲
And then, somewhere in the aetherial sea...
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(Zoraal Ja gets the lecture of his fucking life after that. And then, a proper hug or 2. God knows he deserved both.)
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
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lockwood & co appreciation week 💀 favorite minor character
Montagu Barnes
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karamellisokeri · 4 months
i dunno what to write for the title
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the different style feels lowkey funny
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lady-arryn · 2 years
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Alicent Hightower Appreciation Week Day 1 - favourite episode
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firewatchings · 2 months
Diagnosed with sleepy elf model face
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I've had this little goblin in the works for a couple weeks maybe (if my time isn't fucked up) and I am proud to finally show him off! He is big eepy, but his bf makes him model for his clothing line anyway, so I guess being woken up at 2am for a photoshoot isn't all bad? Thank you to all CC creators <3 You guys rock
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marblerose-rue · 4 months
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wyll (as a warrior cat)
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bitcell · 9 months
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pybun · 1 year
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almost there
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First things first, in the spirit of things, why did you pick the grand fest team you did?
(If this is your first splatoon game and are curious about the splatoon 4 question, then let me be the first to tell you the final fest of each game influences the next one! So we could end up with a 3 way splatfest if future wins or see the return of shift stations if present does! Or it could be the overall game theme like more old timey, modern, or lean really hard into sci-fi! We wont know until we see!)
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pippin-pippout · 4 months
Ok I’m sorry I know we love Dadan and the bandits because at least they didn’t abandon Ace and Luffy.
But they really are trying to get rid of him now. “Sometimes I think being in prison would be better than raising Ace”
I know he was in his “fight anything that moves” era but honestly. No wonder this kid doesn’t feel loved. Enough that he self sacrifices constantly until it finally caught up with him.
Garp stuck him with bandits, left Luffy on foosha and was like “I shouldn’t have left you here now you’re influenced by a pirate!”
A pirate, who, despite only using foosha as a base and regularly making trips out, still managed to be more involved in Luffy’s life than Garp!
And Garp doesn’t even know how old Ace is! He’s like “oh yeah how’s he doing?”
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kazu-naito · 1 year
hello THOR????
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peppinospizza · 2 years
From all the floors, which was the wackiest/weirdiest place in the tower and why?
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There was a lot of crazy stuff in there, it’s hard to pin one place as weirder than another... To be honest the literal warzone is probably my pick!
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Merformers idea where Tarn is a siren who falls for a human and decides to pull a "The Little Mermaid" and temporarily trades the entirety of his voice for legs
He'll get it back but i mean he'll be back to being a siren mer
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