#tox the croagunk
teething-possum · 1 year
If you had to pick one (1) Pokémon to be your companion for life, what Pokémon would it be, and what would you name them?
I would pick Croagunk and I would name him Tox :) it’s short for Toxicosis :)
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total-drama-shark · 2 years
Rock and Spud would definitely have Toxtricity and Croagunk; Tox because duh and Croagunk because it fits the band name, Devil Frog (or Next to Vomit)
Oooo yes yes to the Toxtricity idea! Can’t believe that never came to me. Croagunk is very clever too
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neganisacat · 1 month
A world where 80% of the human population has quirks and the other remaining 20% doesn’t have quirks. Amongst the human race live a new species called pokemon. These strange creatures lived in harmony with humanity, helping them in any way possible. Some live wild far from the cities, others live in lakes and ponds, or back alleyways and sewage just to keep away from humanity and some were house pets keeping the elderly company. A small group of children decided to venture in the woods in search of these creatures. Our favorite adorable green haired cinnamon roll was apart from that group, following behind the other three and the leader of said group was a red eyed ash blonde haired boy.
Chanting his theme for his agency as they cross a log, our shy green bean aimlessly looked around in hopes of finding the creatures dubbed as pokemon. Once crossing onto the other side of the river they continued their search when they came to a clearing. All four children were excited, they all broke off in different directions. The ash blonde peaked around bushes and shrubs. The winged heavy set one looked in trees and tree knot holes. The one who can elongate his fingers looked through thick blades of grass and under rocks.
All the while the plain looking greenette boy looked around the pound aligned with cattails and lily pads. When he spotted a frog looking creature sitting on a rock basking in the sunlight with a calm demeanor as it sat there. Staring in awe our green curly haired cinnamon roll slowly patted his pocket for a small booklet that had Info on pokèmon. Flipping through the pages he comes across the page he was looking for.
National number: 453
Croagunk the toxic mouth pokèmon.
A poison and fighting type.
Its cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes off guard to jab them with toxic fingers. Inflating its poison sacs, it makes an eerie blubbering sound for intimidation. It rarely fights fairly, but that is strictly to ensure survival.
Smiling wide, the precious bean gleamed with excitement tucking the booklet back in his pocket. This was his first encounter with a pokèmon slowly stepping forward, careful not to make a sound. Not wanting to scare off the pokèmon unaware that another pokèmon had shown up and was right behind him. Izuku was too focused on the frog looking pokèmon ahead of him till it was a little too late. Freezing in his spot when he noticed a looming shadow over him, scared out of his wits the poor bean had tears in the corner of his eyes.
"Tox icroak." The looming figure croaked.
Shivering in fright, Izuku shankly turned around to face whatever or whoever was behind him. Wide eyed the smol child is now face to face with a wild pokèmon and without a pokèmon he's unable to protect himself.
National Number: 454
Toxicroak the mouth pokèmon
A poison and fighting type
Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal. The toxin made in its poison sacs is pumped to the knuckle claws through tubes down its arms. It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency.
The poor boy nearly fainted at how close it was, just mere inches away from him. Izuku's little legs gave out and he fell landing on his butt. Glaring at him; toxicroak ready itself to attack when a shadowy outline of another pokemon struck it in the face. Stunned, Toxicroak stumbled backwards and shook it off, now glaring even more pissed than it was before.
"Croa croa croa gunk."
The two were at a standoff staring intensely at the other. The tension was thick, suffocating even, the murderous intent they had. Izuku shivered at the very malice intense atmosphere. When toxicroak's pre-evolution made the first move and sent multiple punches in the apposing pokèmon’s stomach. Though the move wasn't really effective it still managed to hold off toxicroak.
And that moment was imprinted in Izuku's mind; he'll never forget it. He noticed how different this croagunk looks from the picture in his book, quietly muttering to himself trying to figure out why it looked so different. To which annoyed the frog pokèmon that was fighting toxicroak. Then the larger pokèmon went to attack Izuku only for croagunk to immediately headbutt it's evolved from. Stunning toxicroak and gave it a warning croak.
Soon toxicroak left angry and injured. croagunk on the other hand fell on its back exhausted from the fight that had occurred. Izuku stopped his muttering and took out an oran berry giving it to croagunk.
"Here this is to help regain your energy." Taking the berry from Izuku; croagunk took the berry that was offered to it and ate it.
The greenette beamed with happiness. He excitedly jumped and a pokèball fell out of his pocket. Rolling towards croagunk the trigger button light taps on it and into the pokèball croagunk went. It shook about three times when it clicked signaling a successful capture.
In awe Izuku picked up the pokèball and tossed it into the air, “Go, y/n.”
Croagunk now named y/n pops out of the ball sparkling and shimmering, y/n was still eating on the berry that was given to him. Izuku grinned excitedly this was his first ever pokèmon caught all by himself giggling and laughing. Bakugo and the others heard the excited boy and quickly came over.
“Kacchan! Guess what I caught a croagunk and his name is y/n!”
This made the ash blonde boy angry. Izuku caught a pokèmon before him. Y/n was chillin after finishing the berry. It’s relaxed posture shifted slightly seeing the angered blond glaring at Izuku. The jealous and angry blonde was about to hit Izuku when y/n jabbed him in the stomach. Their froggy fingers had a white color to it. Katsuki held his stomach and hunched over in pain slightly glaring at the frog. And from that day Izuku’s froggy companion despised that little brat Katsuki.
Present day location Aldera Junior High
Now here we are years later in a classroom with around twenty students. It’s their final year of junior high and the teacher was at his desk addressing them. Izuku sat at his desk with his head down and y/n sat in Izuku’s backpack happily munching on pokèpuffs. The teacher tossed the papers in the air as the students showed off their quirks and Izuku just raised his hand. Katsuki being the cocky shit he is just had to speak up.
“Hey, teach, don't lump me in with this bunch of losers. I’m the real deal. These guys would be lucky enough to end up as sidekicks at some busted D-lister, hah.”
And that comment didn’t settle well with his fellow classmates as they all spoke at once. When the teacher spoke back up. “Bakugo, you did score the highest on your tests, maybe you could get into U.A.”
The whole class was stunned and shocked now knowing that he was applying for the national school for future heroes. Poor Izuku shrank into his seat wanting to hide knowing what’s gonna happen next. He was instantly put in the spotlight when their teacher called him out.
“Oh, Midroriya. You applied for U.A as well.” That made the whole class bursts into an uproar of laughter. Katsuki on the other hand was frozen and then launched himself at Izuku blowing up his desk. The poor teen shrieked in fear and backed up against the wall. Before saying a word a familiar croak was heard.
There sat the frog pokèmon staring beady eyed at Katsuki like it was daring him to even try. The angered blonde stared back. Y/n held up his hand ready to fight Bakugo. Both were still locked in an intense staring contest. Finally Bakugo moved away from Midoriya and went back to his seat. The school day passed on as normal and now school had just ended for the day.
Izuku was looking at his phone while y/n chilled on the desk next to him. The greenette smiled and patted him on the head which earned him a closed eyed smile. Izuku gathered his stuff and y/n jumped onto his shoulder when Katsuki and his little group walked in. Oh boy this was surely not gonna end well.
To be continued…
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galladeverse · 4 years
List of characters
Toy Bonnie, Charlie, Berry, Rogue Virus, Puppet Bonnie, Circus Baby, Molten Freddy, Vampire Fox, Rogue (Normal/Mutated), Scared Virus, Andy, Scratchstar, Branchbark, Applepaw, Jackdawkit, Panther, Beetletail, Hunter, Cutman, Scrapman, Wisp, Gallade, CARE, Tox, Lily, Audino, Toxicroak (normal/Melted), Croagunk, Buns, Ms. Leaf, Gator, Frost, Teddy, Pyro, Ovelin, Merlin, Shy Guy, Buzzy, Huck, Koops, Slyme, Pixel, Hightail, Cartoon Mouse (Normal/Killer), Lanky Limber, QuestCatcher (River Skies, Green Lightning), Bunny, Emma, Sara, Weezord,  Zalia, Tim, Zeebah, Jinx the Jester (pre-escape attempt/post-escape attempt), Mr. Bones (cartoon/real), Tracker, Walter, Gerald, Eve, Bix, Malomon, Ender, Jeremy, Endermind, Heatwave, Waterwave, Windwave, Thunderwave, Naturewave, Icewave, Emburst, Bilge, Mint, Twinkle, Iro, Flapper, Dawn, Aalto, Archie, Pumbaa, Magma, Flint, Clepto, Nocte, Clamor, Frai, Elude, Experiment B (Umbra), Experiment D’s right half (Gordon), Experiment D’s left half (Ryan), Experiment E (Eric), Experiment F (Aria), Experiment G, Experiment H’s body, Experiment H’s soul, Experiment I (Eileen), Experiment J, Experiment K-1 (Jackson), Experiment L, Codec, Nerve, Motherboard, Protogolem, New Nox, Orianna (Orion and Kieriana), Sandy, Zalia, The creature that was in Ender's closet, Jack, Adore, Shamrock, Midas, Oak, Willow, Birch, Acacia, Warp, Crimson, Dark Oak, Spruce, Azalea, Palm, Maple, Mac, Leaf, Valerie, Beacon, Brennan, Max, a wither, Akahiro, Corusco, Fission, Chuck, Whitford, Fenwick, Grim, and I think that’s it. If I make or remember any more, I will update this list.
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catch-pokemon · 7 years
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"....My Croagunks names are Brock, Crowley, Drella, Tox, Natty, and Jabman."
"NICE"//he doesn't care what people name their pokemon as long as they have names. he just wants everyone to be friends with their team.
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