#tpfy missing moment
takeariskao3 · 1 year
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September 25th, 1999 a tpfy missing moment
It hits different It hits different cause it's you
a gift for @corneliaavenue-ao3 who takes her board exam today! good luck hannah!!
read on ao3 the path from you
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 9 months
My 2023 Hinny Wrapped
I wrote: 3 fics (x,x,x), 7 microfics (x), and one weird tumblr social media au (x) for a total of 20,533 words
I bookmarked: 31 fics
Hufflepup by GinFizz
Not a Done Deal by GinnyWPotter
Residue by EveSaintYves
Because It's You by OgdensOldFirewhiskey
TPFY Missing Moments by takearisk
Homerun by fightfortherightsofhouseelves
Things You Shouldn't Do at Christmas by akissincrisis
After the Leaves Have Fallen by tosca1390
The in Betweens (6th Year) by honeydukesheroine
dreams and schemes and circus crowds by transfiguredtoad
Tiny Bubbles by GinFizz
I Don't Need a Perfect Match, I Just Need Somebody by Willowingends
Seeking You by Startanewdream
Surrender by GreenhouseThree
yesterday we were just children playing soldiers by girlmadeofstars
The Protector by zurimadison
When the Morning Comes by NaruKoibito
Quidditch Is For Losers by GinFizz
Invisible String by thegirlwhowrites642
Like Circles on Water by GreenhouseThree
A Lesson Overheard by stonecoldhedwig
Dudley Dursley's Most Unexpectedly Fortunate Flower by aTasteofCaramell
Valentine's Switch by thegirlwhowrites642
I'm not on drugs, I'm just in love by Annerb
It Was Rare, I Was There by Celtics534
All the little pieces by TherestheSnitch
memento by gryffindormischief
Who Is Ginny Weasley Dating? by JohnMcHacker
take what i took and give it back to you by fairytiger
Brumous by SeriouslySam
Orchards by whinlatter
Drunk Prompts Written: 38
Times Prompted to write Ginny/Dobby: 3
Unpublished WIPs started: 5
Events Hosted: 1 - go read severalsunlitdaylights prompts
I had the time of my life with you hinny fandom. Here is to continuing the hinny fandom in 2024.
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
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MAY 3RD, 1998 a tpfy missing moment
But first he owed an explanation to Ron and Hermione, who had stuck with him for so long, and who deserved the truth. (Deathly Hallows, chap 36)
tpfy missing moments // the path from you
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
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September 1, 1997 a tpfy missing moment
A horde of people milled about on the platform, the atmosphere subdued and somber. Hardly the normal chaos that accompanied the departure of the Hogwarts Express. Wizards in dark, nondescript robes weaved in and out of the billowing steam. Their gazes probed and searched the crowd, leaving parents holding their children close as they passed.  Ginny tossed the one closest a scathing look, but like the rest of her family, kept quiet.
read on ao3 // read the path from you
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
well... whenever ao3 decides to stop being a lil bitch down for maintenance, i will post chap 2 of memories feel like weapons
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Glutton for punishment here: let George find out about Cam, plzkthx. 🤭
ok now i gotta think when and where and how. do the weasleys come to a match? except i never planned on cam being a long term thing… so it wasn’t like they were together her entire three years in montrose… and ginny didn’t start until her last year…
so george comes to visit a few months after ginny makes the squad and they go out to the pub and george is like “wtf? why does my old schoolmate want to talk with my little sister more than me? i haven’t seen him in ages, he sees her all the time. wait why is he smiling like that— NO! he couldn’t. could he? OH MY GOD!”
george can clearly tell ginny isn’t invested, but damn, cam might be arse over tea kettle….
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
was not in an emotional state to handle this, this is so sad so fucking sad, “it hits different because it’s you” BREAKS MY HEART,
i am actually so convinced you see into my brain bc the past weeks i’ve been listening a lot to hits different and thinking about harry and ginny and then you go and post this, seems quite suspicious, i’m kind of convinced i might be able to think your fics into existence by this point hahahah
hey if you are manifesting things do you want to go ahead and think chap 17 & 18 into existence real quick!? that’d be a big help! thanks!
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
AISIEUDUEIHD you just made me hate a oc and I don’t know why!? Wanker Cam. Has a nice ring to it.
HEY WHAT DID CAM EVER DO TO YOU HUH? besides convince ginny to get over the love of her life with his help
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
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May - June 1997 a tpfy (&hbp) missing moment
tpfy chap 1 ┃ tpfy oneshots
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takeariskao3 · 6 months
23 for the fic rec game 🤗
23. fic with my favorite line — gahh you would pick the hardest question!!
i'm going to say i can't choose... but ONE of my favorites is in TPFY Missing Moments, chapter 3 when we get a quick glimpse of McGonagall at Slughorn’a party.
If Potter was trying to convince the world he wasn’t in love with Ginny Weasley, he should really make more of an effort.
it feels so very stern and sardonic and I was really proud of capturing her inner dialogue in a way that felt unique and authentic.
Self Rec Ask Game!
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
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felt like sharing what i'm working on tonight 🖤
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
ok since you announced you're officially working on the 6th year ginny fic then can i officially ask for a sneak peek?
i didn't know what to share so i'm just throwing the first eight hundred words out here and hoping it's ready for mass consumption 🖤🖤🖤 (as always, rough draft, subject to change, yada yada)
September 1, 1997
A horde of people milled about on the platform, the atmosphere subdued and somber. Hardly the normal chaos that accompanied the departure of the Hogwarts Express. Wizards in dark, nondescript robes weaved in and out of the billowing steam. Their gazes probed and searched the crowd, leaving parents holding their children close as they passed. 
Ginny tossed the one closest a scathing look, but like the rest of her family, kept quiet.
“Write often,” Mum requested lightly, just like it was any other year, but her throat bobbed as she adjusted Ginny’s lapel, giving her away. 
“I will,” Ginny assured, grabbing her mother’s shoulders and pulling her into a hug. “Every day, if you like?”
Mum squeezed Ginny tight but didn’t answer. Ginny suspected if she tried to speak, they’d both end up crying and she silently thanked her mother for knowing their limits. 
“Focus on your studies,” Dad added, and he gave her a pained little smile. “Try to stay out of trouble.”
Normal. His words were so normal. So rehearsed. 
Nothing of the panic and fear of the night before, when Ginny’s parents had begged her to toe the line and not give anyone a reason to harm her. To not give anyone a reason to use her against them. 
“Your father needs to stay at the Ministry for as long as he can,” Mum had stressed, to the point of exhaustion. “You can’t do anything to jeopardize his position.”
“Not that we think you would,” her father had added, not unkindly. “Not on purpose, but you can’t take any risks, they’ll be looking for something to hold over us. They suspect our allegiance. Your brothers’ too.”
“And now that Ron has…” Her mother had half sobbed. “Ginny, just- please.”
Ginny had agreed. Because of course she had. The only other option was to argue. Which would be tantamount to looking her parents in the eye and telling them that their lives, and their livelihoods, meant nothing to her. 
Which was categorically untrue. 
The clock above the platform marker ticked ever closer to eleven, but the mess of students refused to thin, everyone waiting until the last possible second to board the train and be carried off into the terrifying unknown. 
She and her parents looked round to see Fred and George sprinting through the throng of people in their direction.
Ginny beamed, she couldn’t help it. 
“We told you not to come,” Mum hissed once the twins were within earshot. 
George shrugged and popped off some quip while Fred pulled her into a back breaking hug. 
“I have something for you,” he muttered against the top of her head, then passed her a paper wrapped parcel the size of a small book. Ginny tucked it safely inside her jacket, and once sure it was well hidden, Fred stepped away with a wink. 
“Come here,” George opened his arms wide and taking in his sly grin, Ginny couldn’t help but feel like everything was going to be alright. 
“Thanks for coming anyway,” Ginny breathed, clenching his dragon hide jacket in her fist. 
“Figured you needed a way to contact us,” George muttered in her ear under the guise of kissing her cheek. “Just in case.”
The little parcel felt weightier after this pronouncement and she tucked it closer to her ribs for safe keeping. 
The steam engine whistle blew loudly, echoing through the platform and Mum nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound. 
“Okay,” she said in a rush. “On you get.”
Ginny couldn’t do it. She couldn’t leave yet. She looked between her parents one last time then threw one arm around her mother’s neck. Pulling in the scent of freshly baked bread, she squeezed her eyes shut and held in the tears threatening just behind her lashes. 
“We love you,” her father murmured with a kiss to her hair. Mum held on for several long seconds, until the whistle blew out three more short blasts and the engine chugged threateningly. 
“I’ll write,” Ginny promised. It was the only thing she could vow and actually mean it. 
The sea of students clamoring onto the train carried her along with them. Compartment doors slid open, owls hooted, cats hissed, and all around her kids shouted goodbyes. Elbowing her way to an open window, Ginny leaned out over the platform to do the same. 
From her elevated point of view, she could see two of the conspicuous strangers leaning against the far wall. They had their heads together and they eyed the group of Weasleys with clear interest. 
“Be careful,” Ginny warned in a low voice, looking pointedly at the two wizards. 
Fred and George followed her line of sight and scoffed, but Mum kept her gaze locked on Ginny, her eyes shining.
“You be careful,” she countered, her hand reaching for Ginny’s. 
Ginny stretched as far as she could, but there were too many people. Too many frantic parents wondering if they were saying their final farewell. 
Fingers brushing, Ginny kept trying to strain for her mother’s grasp, but then the train was moving, taking her along with it. All she could do was watch as her parents and brothers waved and shrunk as the train pulled from the station.
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
It's sorted Hannah, I swear it's sorted
way ahead of you mate
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
baby is asleep. as long as ao3 doesn't crash again we will have a oneshot tonight 😘
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
is the missing moments next week going to be ginny’s sixth year?
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takeariskao3 · 8 months
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July 31, 1997 (Ginny's Version) a tpfy missing moment
Memory presses like a knife against her throat. She can almost feel the warm sun at the nape of her neck as images are wrenched violently to the forefront of her mind. The shade of the willow tree, the soft breeze rippling off the lake, the slide of his lips against hers. She knows without a shadow of doubt that Harry is remembering it too.
read on ao3
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