jlalafics · 2 years
I want to write something new even though I know I have WIP's...
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meet-me-at-box5 · 3 years
TPONR POTO 25 Comments on The Shows Must Go On be like:
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Shout out to all the humans and xenomorphs who made these comments
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illneverrecover · 5 years
I hope I am not bothering you! I was just wondering -- are you going to have a continuation to The Point of No Return?? No pressure but I would LOVE one. I fell in love with your Tae and I'm dying to see what's next!!
Hey cherub cheeks! You aren’t bothering me!While The Point of No Return was meant to be a one shot, I kinda fell in love with those characters too, so there will be a continuation and I’ve been working on it! It picks up where the end of TPoNR leaves off with them going to brunch and it’s already pretty chaotic, lmao.You loved??? My Tae??? Stahp, I can only get so soft, bless you for this, it means a lot! ♡ 
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xylem-sap · 4 years
for the ship ask post, Vidow thoughts?
(Post this ask is referring to)
Ooh! I like this ship!
Questions and answers:
Q. When did I start shipping?
A. Uh let me think, if it hadn't been for lu I would have never found this ship, so if I can recall it was in June during the pride prompt and I'm gonna bet one of your fics was the one I read. (It was technically Four/Shadow, but yeah) It would have been around that time because after finding the Four/Shadow ship its only natural to find Vidow
Q. My thoughts?
A. I really like this ship, I find it cute, and sad a lot ngl. It's pretty high up on my list of ships, probs in the top five. Im not sure why I like it so much. It might be the sad backstory, which makes getting back together and finding each other more amazing. Shadow brings out Vio's determination in a lot of the fics I read, when Vio tries to bring his bf back.
Q. What makes me happy about them?
A. Happy? What's happy? I only know angst. Jk,,,, I like most of my ships just being dumb fools, it's adorable! (This question still confuses me lol)
Q. What makes me sad about them?
A. Their backstory like lord, Vio was tricking Shadow,, and then he probs fell for him and I just-- angst
Q. Things done in art/fic that annoy me?
A. It's pretty standard for like everything but my number one thing is always characters being written ooc,, bugs me to no end. Overall this ship has great content, nothing I would hate, besides like smit, but that's just me for everything.
Q. Things I look or in art/fic?
A. For art I like to feel emotion because these two characters, as I mentioned before have a intertong backstory! Appealing colors used to represent things (kinda like Jojo does) is great. For fics it's hard to say what I look for because I don't. I scroll through the tag and find something that sounds interesting. However, there are a few things that keep me coming back. One of my favorites is The Point of No Return, (I know it's technically Four/Shadow, sue me) and the main reason is the writer is great! But the concept of this fic, the plot is so good! Not to mention bringing in the Twili concept and Legend's fear of the corrupted Four because his adventure. I love stories with random bits of lore, Considering I haven't played a lot of Zelda games!
Q. Who would I be comfortable with them ending up with if not each other?
A. I'd say Vio (Four) and Dot (Zelda) is alright.
Q. Happy ever after?
A. Uh I don't think that far ahead ngl. Vio (Four) opening a forge with Shadow? Idk, tbh
I realized you might have only wanted the thoughts part to far into this, you you are getting all of it.
Ps: it's Aiden loving hours
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Girl, this aesthetic mood board for TPONR is bomb!
I'm literally writing and cooing at the board at the same time.
🥰🥰🥰 Yayyy, I’m so glad! If you couldn’t already tell, I’m hyped for TPONR 🤗
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aiden-png · 4 years
How about some uhhhhh 3, 4, 7, and 11 for Point of No Return? Gimme the juicy fic facts
OMG MIMIIIII! Okay hmmmm... (gonna put it under a cut because this got LONG oops!)
3: My favorite line of narration.. I’d have to say this:
Legend didn’t sleep that night. Part of him wanted to, he was exhausted after all, but the other part knew escaping from this nightmare wouldn’t solve his problems. All night his thoughts did the same loop. Four Sword. Corrupted. Splitting into four parts. Betrayal. Curse. Goddessdamn it, this was not happening. From the moment he met Four and saw the sword on his back he knew, but he didn’t want to believe it. He had been so determined to make sure that never happened, he thought that somehow he’d be able to prevent it. Look where that got all of them. Now it was too late.
(but also if I get to pick two, this is my fave because I channeled every ounce of Let’s Make Silver Cry energy into it (and failed lol, but I did make myself cry))
He turned back to Four, brushing the back of his hand across his cheek. He’d wanted to share a meal with his partner. He’d wanted to see Four’s small smile--just for him--as he tried Hylian food for the first, second, hundredth time. Long ago, they’d promised to travel the world together. Four wanted to share everything with him; wanted to show him the forge, wanted him to meet his Grandfather, wanted to take him to see the Minish. After the adventure, Four had promised. He’d be free to go and do whatever he wanted, right by Four’s side. Well, he was at his side now. And this was not what they’d promised each other.
4: Favorite line of dialogue. HOO BOY I have a FEW. Uhhh let me try to find just one line though, because the fight scene between Legend and Shadow and Four’s last moments are pretty long...
"I don't know what Four sees in you." Legend began, fists shaking at his sides. "But whatever it is, it's not worth his life. I don't care if you're reformed or some crap, I don't care how much he might care for you--this is your fault. You know that, right?"
7: Where did the title come from? Oh hell yes, okay so. When I wrote TPoNR my main playlist was my liked songs on Spotify. And I had just watched Phantom of the Opera for the first time, so my fave Phantom song was right at the top. Cue me listening to “Past the Point of No Return” on repeat while writing every Four/Shadow scene in this fic asdkjlksadfjl! Just... listen to the song and look at those lyrics. It’s a pretty clear inspiration haha! (Past the point of no return/No going back now/Our passion-play has now, at last, begun/Past all thought of right or wrong/One final question/How long should we two wait, before we're one?)
11: What do you like best about this fic? TPoNR was a challenge for me, literally and figuratively. I took on the fic with a few goals in mind, thought for a long time about which characters I wanted to send on the journey (Twilight and Hyrule fought for that 5th spot), and in the end I did succeed in writing a long, dramatic multichapter! Making readers (read: Silver) cry was a big motivator, as was exploring character relationships and lore. This was also my first real Four (and Shadow) fic, I wrote Throwing Shade as a characterization warm up for TPoNR honestly! So I think what I like best about this fic, besides how much readers have enjoyed it, is that I pushed myself with it and succeeded. I literally improved as a writer from doing this fic, I wrote it in about 3 days (I wrote 8k words of it in one sitting too 0-0), and even though I wasn’t super proud of it when I first posted it I’ve grown to appreciate it a lot through the interactions I’ve had with readers!
Alright I’ve rambled long enough lol! Thanks for asking about the fic, I love talking about my work but I never really get the chance asdjkdsjlf :)
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spneveryseason · 3 years
I was so not a fan or seasons 4 and 5. I haven't watched 4 since the first time and only watch a couple from 5. I thought 5 really started out so promisingly with the two of them hashing things out and Sam being honest about why he did what he did, but then it degenerated into a Dean woe-is-me fest and by the time it got to TPONR, I was too pissed to be forgiving. I never quite got back on the "epic love story" bandwagon. An then, as you said, they never addressed it again pretty much.
Yeah s4 is hard to watch. The only ep I really rewatch is After School Special, bc the others are so...honest about the ugliness that it gets uncomfortable. Like I appreciate storytelling elements but probably not good for rewatch value in my opinion.
S5 I rewatch more it but it is pretty reliant on hindsight I think. For example, Swan Song was a lot better for me knowing Sam eventually does leave the cage than it would’ve been had he stayed there for eternity. On the flip side though, knowing that some of the strides they made were later overlooked also make those a little more difficult to appreciate.
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kuraagins · 5 years
Parts in Phantom that literally gave me chills
-When the overture starts and the chandelier starts rising
-During the ballet when you can see the phantoms shadow with the noose behind the sheer curtain
-After Angel of Music when Christine locks the door behind her and looks terrified
-during poor fool (I think???) when the phantom appears above the stage and starts pulling at the chandelier
-The chandelier fall!!!!
- The creepy Christine mannequins
-The end of Wishing when Christine is clutching at her father’s grave before turning out to the audience to sing the last chorus
-The end of TPONR when Christine takes down the phantom’s hood and tries to run off stage but the managers won’t let her
-the Phantom getting down on one knee and putting his ring on Christine’s finger as he sings “CHRISTINE, THATS ALL I ASK OF YOU”
-The phantom crying after the final lair scene
-Meg finding the mask and turning it out to the audience!!!!
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therickymccarthy · 10 years
The Point of No Return | Self Para
“Maddie,” he mumbled as he played with the mashed potatoes on his plate. He could tell his mother was waiting for more but Ricky was stalling purposely like he always did when he was avoiding telling them something. Ricky couldn’t say why he thought dragging it out would make it go smoother; it just gave him more time to chicken out. “We broke up.” Looking up at the sympathetic and sad look on his mother’s face instantly made Ricky feel bad and he dropped his eyes back down to his plate where he was making shapes in his potatoes. His mother squeezed his shoulder comfortingly and he didn’t have to look up to know she was smiling at him.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” Ricky could hear her saying and he nodded absently. Maddie wasn’t what he wanted to talk about tonight but maybe he could use it to transition to the topic he’d been avoiding.
“It was for the best,” he said finally, swallowing down a tiny bite, eating more than that was impossible at the moment. “We didn’t really suit each other…” he shrugged, choosing not to make a big deal of the whole ordeal. No matter what, he didn’t think they’d like the story. He wasn’t very proud of it himself. “We both wanted different things.” Mumbling again, Ricky keep his eyes down on his plate.
“And, in some ways, we wanted the same things,” Ricky laughed to himself. They’d both just wanted the boy they loved to love them back. It seemed almost a little funny to him in that moment despite how sad it was. At least Maddie seemed to have moved on, even if it was to someone Ricky wasn’t sure if he could trust. Lifting his eyes, Ricky could see his parents looking at him both confused and curious. He shook his head. “It was complicated,” he mumbled again before they could ask. His mother’s sympathetic look was back.
“It must have been bad to affect you this much,” his father commented. Ricky could tell that he was preparing himself to offer him some quality break up advice and Ricky shook his head again quickly to stop him. That wasn’t what he wanted to talk about now. And if he didn’t do it tonight he wouldn’t ever work up the nerve. Not taking the hint, his father was about to continue on. Ricky swallowed quickly.
“No, no, that was a while ago,” he said hurriedly and then cringed slightly as he remembered just how long it had been since he’d talked to his parents. He remembered how surprised they’d looked when he’d shown up and it was clear that they’d missed him. Ricky made a mental note to himself to call and visit more often. No matter what happened tonight they were still his parents and he was still going to love them. And they would still love him, right? They’d work through this together like they had everything else. Even Scarlett had promised him. “I was just thinking about something else. I… well actually I was just thinking about the person I’m dating now.” Ricky looked nervously between his mother and father but neither of them seemed to notice his use of gender ambiguous terms. Or they didn’t really care. A small part of Ricky hoped it was the latter.
“Atta boy,” his father said, a large grin spilling over his face. Ricky gave him a small smile back but it fell off his face at his father’s question. “What’s she like?” It took Ricky several minutes to figure out how to respond and willing himself to have the courage to do it.
“Well… sweet, kind, caring, cute,” Ricky flushed slightly as he said the last part, causing his mom to laugh lightly. “We have to do this assignment where we take care of these robot babies for a week and we were paired together and h—the person is very good at taking care of our little robot princess.” Though he’d choked a little, unable to bring himself to mention that Zac was a guy, his mom kept laughing as if she’d hadn’t noticed it. Ricky had seen his father’s eyebrow go up slightly but both of them were very used to Ricky’s nervous stuttering and babble so they shrugged it off as nothing unusual.
“Well?” his mother said with amusement, “What’s her name?” Ricky sighed and ran a hand through his hair, no longer blushing. This was his last chance to back out, the point of no return. He had to do this now or he would be stuck in the closet forever. And, for the first time in a long time, Ricky didn’t want to be in the closet anymore. He had a boyfriend and he had friends who loved him. It was time to stop having to hide.
“Zac,” he murmured, looking into the confused faces of his parents. He knew exactly what they were thinking. It wasn’t hard to tell that they were trying to figure out a girl’s name that could shorten to Zac. The idea that Ricky was dating a guy hadn’t even occurred to them. Closing his eyes to take a deep breath, Ricky prepared himself. Finally opening his eyes again he looked at his parents seriously, praying to anyone that would listen that they would take the news well. “His name is Zac.”
Ricky could see his father’s mind whirling, taking in the information slowly. His mother was doing the same. Where before they had both looked amused and happy, suddenly the air became a lot more somber. Wondering if he should break the silence first but not daring to, Ricky picked at his napkin. Finally his father drew in a breath to speak.
“Could you repe—.”
“I’m gay,” burst out Ricky suddenly. The three of them sat shocked by his outburst. Now that the words were actually out, the room felt suddenly a lot more oppressive. It occurred to Ricky that he’d only said that aloud once before, and Hank had taken it a lot better than Ricky had expected. But, this time, there wasn’t any laughter. His parents no longer looked confused. There was worry and disapproval spread along his mother’s face and his father’s was unreadable. Unconsciously Ricky scooted his chair back as though preparing to run, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Richard…” Ricky cringed as his mother used his name. That was all he needed to know that this wasn’t going to end in hugs and love. “We know you’re upset about whatever happened with your girlfriend…” Looking up abruptly in confusion, Ricky shook his head.
“What? No,” he said firmly, his surprise allowing him to speak calmly. “This isn’t about her. This isn’t about anything. I like guys, mom. It’s not a phase. I’m not confused… well I’m not anymore. I just like guys… and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that anymore.” He looked at her imploringly but she just shook her head with an expression that told him that she pitied him and his teenage confusion. Looking to his father, Ricky could see that his words had made no impact.
“What are you planning to do with a guy?” his father demanded loudly, his expression bordering on disgust. “There is a reason that both men and women exist. We didn’t send you to that goddamn school to have you recruited into that kind of lifestyle. If we’d had any idea we would have never sent you there. We thought at least having Hank around would have kept any faggot out of you.” Ricky’s head dipped lower and lower until he was in an almost defensive crouch. These were the words he’d spent most of his life fearing and now there was no hope that he could escape them. It was too late. But as he processed his father’s words, Ricky couldn’t help a small laugh. They thought that being around Hank would have made him straight. Ricky laughed again. He’d never felt more gay then he did around Hank. Hearing the laugh only made his father’s expression darker.
“You think this is funny?!” his father’s voice rang through the room. Ricky instantly stopped laughing and hunched down further. Looking to his mother for help was pointless. She just sighed, shaking her head and finally breaking her silence.
“Richard, honey, this isn’t like you,” she told him gently though her words were nearly as wounding as his fathers. “Your father and I don’t know what caused you to think like this but we’re willing to help you.” Ricky shook his head again violently, standing.
“I don’t want help,” he replied, a few tears in his eyes. He had to make them realize the truth. It was clear to him that neither of his parents understood and Ricky had kept his struggles a secret from them for fear of this exact confrontation. Maybe there was a way to make them understand that this wasn’t something he just wanted; it was something he couldn’t change. “There’s nothing wrong with me.” A tear spilled down his cheek as he said the words, for the first time actually believing them.
“Nothing that can’t be fixed,” came his mother’s gentle response. Though she was calmer than his father, her words shocked him a lot more. Reaching up roughly to brush away a few tears, Ricky looked at her seriously.
“I tried, alright?” he told her, before glancing back at his father too. “I tried to be straight. I had a girlfriend and I tried to love her. It didn’t work and I regret it.” Ricky’s hands closed tightly on the back of his chair as he tried to control himself and keep in his tears.
“You just haven’t found the right girl,” his mother assured him. “I know it can be hard at your age trying to figure things out. But the right girl will find you in the end as long as you don’t stop looking for her. But what you’re doing right now is just setting you up to fail and be miserable and your father and I don’t want to see that happen to you. Just look at your friend Hank, he’s always turned quite a few heads and—.”
“I love him.” Once again they were all shocked by Ricky’s spontaneous admission. Ricky’s father recovered the quickest and nodded as though it was not new information, merely assuming that he’d meant it in the friendly way that Ricky had always let them believe he meant. However, Ricky could tell that his mother was now seeing exactly what he meant. “I’m in love with him. I always have been and maybe I always will be. This isn’t something that will just go away. I’ve known since I was seven.” He looked between his parents but neither of them spoke so he just sighed and continued. “I know what I’m doing, I’m not confused anymore. I have a boyfriend now and we have fun together and kiss and do all the normal dating things…” Ricky trailed off, seeing his father’s expression getting darker.
“I won’t have a faggot under this roof,” he said sharply. Dread settled into Ricky’s heart as he realized that this was the end. When his father used that tone it was useless to try to change his mind. Everything Ricky had said hadn’t made a difference. They weren’t going to understand. Hoping that maybe there was one last chance at making things okay, Ricky turned to his mother, hoping that she would speak up against his father’s comment or that she’d be willing to listen to reason.
There was no sympathy in her eyes now.
Maybe he should have stayed back and fought. Maybe he should have forced his parents to listen to him and to understand that this wasn’t a choice he’d made, it was just the way he was. Maybe he should have made them realize that he needed them to accept him. But, no matter what he should have done, it was not in Ricky’s nature to fight. Conflict went against everything believed in. So, looking one last time at his father’s glare and the cold eyes of his mother, Ricky went tearing out the front door and into the dim street. For the first time in a long time the darkness didn’t even make him hesitate. He had to get out of there. It wasn’t until he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion that he realized he’d left everything back behind him: wallet, camera and even his clothes were sitting peacefully in his old room. In all his dreams about this scenario, there had never been one that had left him alone, lost and hopeless out in the dark. The only thing he had left was his phone and as he pulled it out of his pocket and stared at it, Ricky was half tempted to just put it away again. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d called for help and Ricky didn’t think he could take it if this went unanswered too.
It took him a long time to be able to make the call. It wasn’t until he saw some people walking by in the distance that Ricky jumped back behind some bushes and let his finger hover shakily over his contacts. Who should he call? Of course he knew that he had plenty of people he could call. He knew that if he called Maddie or Hank or Scarlett they’d all be there as fast as they could and would do anything he needed to help. Hank and Scarlett would probably want to go back for his things too and confront his parents. Ricky dropped his head to his knees. He wasn’t ready for that. Though he knew they’d do anything he said he needed and that they’d be a little hurt that he hadn’t called them, when Ricky looked up at his phone again his finger was already reaching for a different number. What he needed right now was someone who understood.
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littledramaticalotte · 10 years
I wish there was a director of the Phantom of the Opera who would restage the Point of No Return.
Christine would not recognize Erik until the very end. She would act her passion as disguised Erik would play along, wishing she meant it. Erik would get carried with away by his passions and dreams, forgetting about the final kiss between Juan and Aminta so when she takes off his hood, they both shocked. He after some time of doubts would take the opportunity hoping she kind of meant what she sang, and propose her. In the meantime Raoul would frantically gesticulate to her from the backstage, showing her that she has to unmask him. So she does that.
The rest would be history.
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jlalafics · 2 years
It's hot in the Bay Area.
And I love when it's Bay hot.
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jlalafics · 1 year
Preview of Part Three of "The Point of No Return"
As requested by anon, a preview of TPONR!
In-between classes, I've been working on this. I'm hoping to post after I finished my first paper (due on the 18th)!
There was nothing Peeta Mellark loved more than his crew and his car.
That is, until Katniss Everdeen.
Based on The Fast and the Furious movies
The freeze frame of Cato’s smug face shone brightly in the dim hallway and the four grimaced before Peeta reluctantly played the Instagram reel.
Cato leaned back against the hood of his red Honda Civic as the rest of his crew stood behind, their own cars parked neatly in line.  Peeta immediately recognized the graffitied white concrete that was the barrier between the parking lot and the sand—Ocean Beach.
“Yo, this is Cato of daKinetic crew! I just want to let y’all know that Peeta and the Tribute crew are a bunch of suckers who rely more on their leader than on their driving skills. Without Haymitch, they ain’t nothing!”
There was a raucous cheer from his crew as the camera closed in on Cato’s gloating expression.
“Peeta, you might’ve thought you smoked me on the road but trust me fool—you’re gonna get yours.” He sneered through the screen before flashing a smile. “To everyone else, follow me at Cato_Kinetic to see a list of my appearances. Peace out.”
“Who is that asshat?” Katniss asked. “Also, ‘HawthorneHotness’?” She snorted before handing a flushed Gale the phone and turning to Peeta. “What happened between you two?”
“About a month ago, we had a race up at Twin Peaks, and I won. He didn’t take it very well because he lost a bunch of sponsorships after someone posted the whole thing on Instagram.”
“It probably didn’t help that Johanna hooked up with his girl that night too,” Thresh added with a snort. “Now we all know what’s under his hood.”
“And what’s under his hood?” Katniss asked with a grin.
Gale pinched his thumb and index finger. “Not much.”
“That’s not good,” she replied. “I think the way a person drives is pretty spot on to the way they have sex.”
Peeta raised a brow. “Really?”
“Trust me, I’ve done the research.”
“Not sure if I like the way this is going.”
Thresh peered at her in curiosity. “Tell me more about this research.”
“Can we just please get back to this whole Cato thing?” Gale called out. “How are we going to respond?”
Katniss held out her hand.
“Peeta, give me your phone.” He handed it over easily and she smirked. “So trusting.” She typed quickly; her greys fastened on the screen before giving his phone back to him. “Friday night on the Great Highway. Also, cute handle.”
“You think ‘Speeda­_Mellark’ is a cute handle?” Thresh teased. “You are really into this boy.” He ruffled Peeta’s lock good-naturedly.  “And what’s happening on Friday?”
“Cato called Peeta out. I handled it,” Katniss replied easily.
Quickly reading her response, Peeta tucked his phone into his pocket.
“Cato wants a race so I’m giving him one.”
“And it’s going to cost him,” Katniss added.
Gale turned to her. “How?”
“We’re racing for pinks,” Peeta informed them. “I’ll have to look over the work done on Cato’s ride, but you could get a good amount of cash for it.”
Katniss nodded resolutely. “That was the plan.”
“After work, come by the shop and I’ll make sure your ride is good,” Thresh told him. He yawned loudly, his arms stretching up. “I’m hella tired!” He kissed Katniss on the cheek. “Night mama.”
Katniss smiled. “Night Thresh.” She turned to Gale and Peeta. “You both should get some rest.”
Gale nodded. “Have a good night.”
He turned and headed toward the stairs but not before giving the couple a quick glance.
Finally alone, Peeta pulled Katniss close and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Can I take you on a date tomorrow?”
Katniss’ face lit up and she drew his mouth back to hers. Peeta fell easily into the kiss, his arms tightening around her waist. She pressed her chest to his, her nipples brushing along his pecs. The sensation shot through his body and he let out a groan.
Katniss smiled against his lips. “Yes, I’d love that.”
“So trusting,” he replied, nipping at her bottom lip.
Her eyes, full of tenderness, remained locked on him.
“I’d go anywhere with you. Ride or die, right?”
His hand reached to cup her cheek, throat tight at her words.
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jlalafics · 1 year
OK I wanna know a few things...but that doesn't mean you're obligated to tell me what I wanna know. I just thought I'd ask.
Ok, question #1. How did you pick everyone's cars for the FF/THG crossover?? What was your thought process for that? 🤔
OK #2 How often do you take inspiration from your surroundings when you write a story? Do you enjoy inserting landmarks and local culture??
Just curious because I really enjoy reading your stories and want to know more about your whole writing style and your overall inspiration and process.
Thank you 😊
Hey love! First off, sorry this took so long!
Prepare for a lengthy response, due to a lengthy (reminder) discussion with Hubbs about why we chose the cars for TPONR.
#1. For Peeta, we chose the Skyline because Paul Walker's character (Brian) used them primarily in the Fast movies, and even owned one personally. Katniss, we chose the Integra because Mia (Jordana Brewster) drove one in the series. Personally, I like the Intergra. We decided on Haymitch's Barracuda because we wanted a classic American muscle car, an oldie but goodie like him. For Johanna, we saw her as a drifter like Katniss, but she's more orthodox in her technique. A car like Nissan 370-Z with a front engine, rear wheel drive works best for her, unlike Katniss' car which is a front engine, front wheel and is more of a challenge to drift with.
Gale, we picked the Dodge Viper because we thought of him as someone who would pick something that has all power but no handle. In Hubbs' words, a "big dick" car. Finnick was given the Shelby GT 500 because we thought of him as wanting something classical but a more updated version. He's a no frills, jack-of-all-trades driver and we wanted his car to reflect that. Annie, we wanted something flashy with no modifications. She used her car show modeling money and wanted something straight out of the showroom. Annie's not the best driver in the crew but she holds her own and can handle her Porsche 911 Turbo well. Thresh, we chose the Mazda RX-7 because it was something agile and we imagine as a driver, he'd be good with circuit driving, as well driving on curved roads (that a lot of SF hills have). We chose a Dodge Charger for Beetee because he is more technical and didn't want anything that he needed to modify. The car is what it is; for him, it's more about adding tech in it than fixing it up. Gloss and Brutus are essentially muscle men so they needed a car with quick maneuverability like the Toyota GR 86 to get away from any shady dealings.
#2. I take inspiration from my surroundings ALL the time. "Two Wrongs" is basically a love letter to San Francisco. I love giving readers a little slice of places I've been and experiences I've had because it makes my words real.
For example, Katniss is going to experience her very first lowrider cruise in the next part of TPONR.
Hope you enjoyed this very long rant.
Hugs love!
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jlalafics · 1 year
I would love to see a sneak peak of The Point of No Return or whatever you have been working on?
You will get a preview of TPONR return tomorrow!
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jlalafics · 2 years
Okay y'all so my birthday is next Monday but I want to get out a chapter or at least a preview before then.
Any thoughts on which fic? Photograph? TPONR? Maybe one of the others?
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jlalafics · 2 years
Soooooo I was scrolling Pinterest this morning and stumbled on the image below. I immediately thought of TPONR ofc 😏
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Bwahaha! Katniss would totally do this in Peeta's car.
Maybe even put one on the headrest just to mess with him.
Actually, I think she'd probably make a game of putting panties in rando places in his car. It's funny to everyone except for Haymitch, of course.
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