#I share my birthday with Finnick Odair
jlalafics · 2 years
Okay y'all so my birthday is next Monday but I want to get out a chapter or at least a preview before then.
Any thoughts on which fic? Photograph? TPONR? Maybe one of the others?
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liseytopia · 5 months
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𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐜𝐬.
𓇼 finnick odair who snorts with tears of laughter welling in the corners of his eyes when he laughs too hard. when you two share jokes and bring up funny moments you had together.
𖦹 finnick odair who loves flustering you with pickup lines and snarky comments, but covers his face with the palms of his hands when you get him back. behind those hands is a pretty, dimpled smile and blushed cheeks that scream 'i love you.'
𓇼 finnick odair who finds comfort in holding your hand. tracing little shapes on your knuckles with his calloused yet soft fingertips.
𖦹 finnick odair who bought you a surfboard that matches with his for your birthday. he customized it to fit you, with little drawings of pearls and sea stars that remind him of you along it. when not in use, it's on full display in your shared bedroom as your prized possession.
𓇼 finnick odair who loves play fighting with you. who lets you jump on him, giggling, and every now and then knock him down. who lets you straddle over him and playfully punch his shoulder. it makes him happy to see you having fun, not to mention he has fun too, laughing and manhandling you off of him.
𖦹 finnick odair who always wants you there with him when he's taking a bath or shower. he finds comfort in water itself, so it's only fitting that he gets to have his pretty girl with him. he always finds a way to make it fun when you two bathe, sitting on opposite ends of the tub and shaping little creatures out of the bubbles.
𓇼 finnick odair who can't even pretend he doesn't like it when you wear his clothes. it makes his heart swoop when he sees you walking around in one of his tee-shirts, especially when in public.
𖦹 finnick odair who randomly picks you up to kiss your lips whenever he wants. you two could be in a meeting in thirteen and he'll wrap your legs around his waist to get as much of your lips as he wants. it causes glares from haymitch and coin, but does he really care if you're right there with him?
𓇼 finnick odair who will always be there to be a shoulder to cry on. more than that, even. he'll comfort you until the end of time. finnick will always and forever be there to support you, help you after your nightmares, to kiss your forehead with passion and wrap has arms around your shaking body, acting as a shield from whatever horrors were brought by the capitol.
ʚ © this subject is copyright to liseytopia. : do not copy, translate, or steal my writing. ɞ
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murdrdocs · 1 year
all I can see is Finnick Odair on his s/o's birthday just giving them the biggest cake he can find only to find out all his s/o wants is a makeout session and cuddles KDJGK
:((( and finnick is such a people pleaser when it comes to his love. all he wants is to keep them safe and comfortable and happy and he definitely feels like he can't do that alone, with just his being (he can).
so on your birthday he's asking around, talking to old friends in the district to see if someone can make you a massive cake, like you would talk about late at night sometimes when you're especially drowsy. he's looking through battered family heirloom copies of cake recipes that some of his 'fans' (you would call them that, he hates to think of that term) in the district are willing to share with him, trying to decide which recipe you would like the most. his ideas are eclectic, ambitious, down-right impossible to achieve but he's really trying to reason.
"you don't understand. they mean the world to me. they need to have the biggest birthday cake. i don't care how 'impossible' it seems. impossible things happen in panem all the time!"
and just when he's seriously considering contacting some capitol residents after convincing himself that the cake that sits on your kitchen counter isn't enough, you're walking downstairs, rubbing your eyes, and speaking through a yawn.
"'s my birthday," you say, pulling your robe closer to your body as you enter the kitchen.
"i know. happy birthday, my love." finnick's approaching you, his body tense and his blood pumping in his ears as he pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.
you're peeking over his shoulder, around his body, trying to get a glimpse at the extravagant dessert that sits before you. "holy shit, finn." you pull away from him to stand at the counter, tilting your head every which way to get a complete look at the work of art that took 6 people to create. he's literally terrified that you won't like it, standing afar like a child expecting a punishment.
"d'you like it?" he gathers the confidence to ask after a few moments.
"of course i do. it's ... it's amazing." and you turn to face him with a wide smile. "but all i really wanted was to spend time with you. you still owe me cuddles and makeouts from all that traveling."
and finnick feels like a fool. a lovesick, whipped, devoted and dedicated fool.
(his lips are swollen and his arm is in a perpetual state of numbness by the end of the day)
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
Paper airplanes
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Finnick Odair x Reader
(Fluff/slight angst)
Based on some lyrics from "Out Of The Woods" by Taylor Swift
Summary: As you and Finnick relationship grows stronger every day, you can't help but remind yourself how it all started and how beautiful life had become through everything.
Word count: 3.3k
“Okay, give me a fucking second, I’m nervous.” @dumplingsjinson https://dumplingsjinson.tumblr.com/post/744023757216169984/list-of-awkward-confessions-prompts
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You sigh as you put the last cardboard box in your now-shared bedroom with Finnick. You smile softly, looking around the peaceful bedroom covered in a soft orange light as the sunset rays filtered through the laced curtains. You take out the Polaroid picture the two of you had taken back when you were still innocent children picking up seashells and making up imaginary quests about fairies and dragons in your treehouse. The picture was in black and white, and so was the cruel world before the revolution, but your friendship back then was tinted in screaming colors. 
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear rustling sounds from where your boyfriend is downstairs. You put the picture down carefully onto the bed and head downstairs to look at what all that clatter was about. You spot the now empty living room floor, the boxes that were previously piled here and there moved to the side, creating an empty space in the center of the living room. You spot Finninck crouched down behind the couch and you chuckle. “What are you doing?” 
His head pops up from behind the couch and he lifts the radio to show it to you, then places it back down onto the floor. He puts the favorite CD of both of you inside of the radio and presses play. He stands up from his crouched position and offers you his hand gracefully, making an exaggerated bow that makes you laugh. “Why, dancing with my wonderful angel, of course.” 
The two of you spend all evening swaying and twirling in the living room, almost falling over the boxes piled on the side when you let the music take over the two of you. When you’re both panting and sweating, heads dizzied from all those spins, and stomach pleasantly painful from all the laughing from your clumsy dance moves, Finnick pauses and looks into your eyes. The music is still softly humming in the background. He pushes a strand of hair away from your sweaty forehead, and tucks it behind your ear. “You truly are an angel… my angel. I love you.” He whispers, softness and love radiating from his voice.
“I love you too, Finn.” You say with tears in your eyes. You were always the sensitive one, and you weren’t ashamed of it anymore, because you knew that Finnick loved all and every part of your soul, mind, and body.
You can’t help but feel amazed by the fact that all it took for this relationship to happen was two paper airplanes flying.
*Flashback, you and Finnick were fourteen back then.*
He didn’t come. He forgot, probably too busy with those much cooler other friends of his. The thing is, Finnick is your only friend, and you don't really have anyone else in your life than him. You were raised in an orphanage by nuns, still are, actually, and will be until your eighteenth birthday. Unless you get reaped into the Hunger Games… Finnick, on the other hand, even though he was pretty much raised just like you, had managed to make tons of friends with his bubbly personality, his natural charm, and his perfect body. 
You lift the piano seat, your eyes scanning the crowd, when you spot Finnick rushing inside the room, but it is too late. He had missed everything, everything you had been giving your blood, sweat, and tears for months now. Everyone cheers and you bow, fighting the tears that were starting to rise into your eyes. You walk behind the curtains, quickly grab your bag, and walk out of the theater. 
You hear hurried footsteps coming your way, but you don’t stop, even when a voice speaks up. “Y/N! Y/N… Wait up, please! I can explain-” “Explain what, Finnick?! That you forgot? That this wasn’t important enough for you to dare show up on time?!” You snap at him, spinning around in one quick movement, making him slightly stumble forward at your sudden halt.
“It’s not like that…” He starts off. “It’s just… Dylan needed help with this homework and-"
"Oh yeah. Dylan.” You roll your eyes at him. “That new oh-so-cool friend of yours. Well, you know what, I was your friend too, Finnick. I have no one else. And you knew, you knew how hard I worked on this piece and how excited I was to present it tonight. I wanted you to be proud of me, Finnick. But I’m done, I’m done waiting and hoping that you’ll care.”
His eyes soften, and he tries to put a gentle hand on your shoulder, but you brush it off harshly. “Y/N… I do care…” You shake your head and back off to put some distance between the two of you “Well I don’t need you to anymore. I’m done. This…” You gesture between the two of you “This is over. Goodbye.” You walk off into the night and head back to your room, trying to ignore the sound of Finnick’s room shutting a few hours later. You wondered where he went after your fight that night. If he went to his friends to vent and laugh about your perfectly reasonable reaction.
The next morning, you woke up early, determined to ignore Finnick from now on. You head to your secret treehouse, the one you and Finnick built when you were younger. You spent all morning reading your book, the one Finnick gave you for your birthday actually. It felt as if life was trying to play with your nerves. Your peaceful reading session is suddenly put on pause when a paper airplane slides under the mossy wooden door. You roll your eyes, knowing only you and Finnick knew about this place.
You sigh loudly, making sure he would hear the sound of your annoyance through the door. You angrily slam down your book on the pillow next to you and stand up to pick up the paper airplane. You open it and try to decipher whatever Finnick’s bad handwriting had written down on the paper. 
 ‘I don’t feel like fighting anymore. I can’t spend another minute without you Y/N. You’re right, I was stupid. Boys are stupid, more than often, sadly. Guess that means I need you to slap reality back into my face from time to time. I’m sorry, truly. I’ll make sure to let you know through acts how much you mean to me.
P.S. : Open the door, angel'
You open the door and stare at a nervous Finnick fidgeting with the basket he was holding.
“What’s this?” You ask, your tone still cold as you were still a bit mad, even though the letter made your heart warm up a little. 
“Banana muffins… I made them. I know that they’re your favorites…” You can’t help but crack a smile, letting him inside the tree house. Life was too short and uncertain to stay mad at each other. And life made sure to remind you that a few weeks later, on reaping day.
Everything happened quickly, too quickly. Your ears were ringing. Everything was spinning around you since Finnick’s name had been picked out of the glass jar. Peacekeepers brought him into the building, and you knew you only had a few minutes left to talk to him, to tell him all of the things that were yet unsaid. 
You rush inside and jump into his arms once the peacekeeper lets you in. “Finnick, there’s something I need to tell you. I lo-” He puts his hand over your mouth, and you frown at him. You brush his hands off and start again “Please, listen to me, we don’t have much time. I-” “We’ll have the rest of our lives when I get back, save it for this moment, please angel…” He tries to smile through his fear.
He quickly glances at the doors, then back at you when he hears footsteps coming. He takes off his necklace and wraps it around your neck “Keep it safe for me until I come back to you.” He kisses your cheek, and you nod.
*Back to now*
The peacekeepers open the door and take him away from you. “Until next time Finn, please be safe!” You manage to say before the heavy door closes behind him. Your body crumbles down to the floor, your hand tightly wrapped around the trident pendant as your whole life seemed to have shattered the moment they took him away.
Looking at it now, it all seemed so simple. There was now way more important matters to worry about than some stupid children quarrel. You were frantically looking under every furniture in your home, your now swollen stomach limiting your movements. You have been carrying the fruit of your and Finnick’s love for five months now. A girl, the both of you had found out yesterday at your ultrasound. That was when you had last worn Finnick’s necklace, actually.
You had called the hospital, asking if they had found anything you might’ve forgotten there, but nothing. So you had concluded that maybe it might’ve slipped off from your neck at home, which is how you had gotten yourself bent down to look under the couch. Tears were rolling down your cheeks when you realized it wasn’t there either. 
You and Finnick were slightly struggling financially recently, which he was trying his damndest to hide from you to not put stress on your body for the baby. He had been working more, since you had drastically slacked your work hours at the local library, your nausea and fatigue making it hard to do anything, really. So losing the necklace Finnick had lovingly secured around your neck ten years ago, on the most scary day of your life, was a huge deal to you right now. It was worth way more than its weight in gold, even more so emotionally.  
You froze when the front door slammed shut when Finnick came back from work. “Angel, I’m home! Oh, how I missed my girls-” Finnick’s body tensed and his facial features folded in dread. “Y/N what’s wrong? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” He strokes your cheek, searching your eyes frantically for answers as his other hand protectively lays on the side of your womb.
Through sobs, you manage to tell him that this morning you couldn’t find the necklace he gave you, and that you looked all over the house in vain. Finnick, to your surprise, throws his head back and sighs in relief. He kisses your lips gently and smiles. “Oh, my sweet, sweet angel…” He chuckles slightly and shakes his head, your eyes widen as he reaches for his pocket and extracts the cause of all your worries. He carefully places the necklace back to where he belongs, around the neck of the mother of his child, and speaks up “I wanted to surprise you for our fifth couple anniversary today. I know we said we wouldn’t buy each other presents but I still wanted to give you a little surprise. I brought it to the jeweler to have it polished and cleaned up… I didn’t think you would have noticed, nor that it would have worried you so much. I’m so sorry, darling.” 
You shake your head and chuckle, your hand tightly wrapped around the little trident pendant. “Thank you, my love.” You kiss his lips softly. “I have a surprise for you too, by the way.”
He raises a brow and grins mischievously. “Mh, really? I’m all ears.”
“I made banana muffins, with a peanut butter sauce in the center.” 
A roar of laughter reverberates from his throat “The ones you were craving last night?”
“Yeah. How did you know?” You tease him and walk over the kitchen to stuff one into your mouth.
“I paid attention...” He chuckles and joins you in the degustation of your surprisingly delicious concoction.
*Flash back five years after Finnick’s Hunger Games* 
It had been five now since Finnick had been reaped and won the 65th Hunger Games. You were still wearing his necklace, hoping the capitol sweetheart would be given back his freedom someday. You watched every interview of Finnick, watching him smile and laugh through it all, but you knew deep down all of this was a show, an act he had to perform under the pressure of President Snow. 
You are currently washing the dishes, his necklace hanging from your neck as you bend over the sink, your thoughts wandering to him, and the things you never got to tell each other the last time you saw him. You spin around at the sound of mail being dropped through the mail slot. You dry your hands on the towel and throw it lazily onto the table as you pick up the mail. Bills, bills, newspapers, more bills-
Your eyes narrow when the mail slot wiggles again. You put the mail down on the countertop and reach for what just dropped from it. A paper airplane… Your heart races. There could only be one person who would send a nineteen-year-old woman a paper airplane. You quickly unfold it, and your eyes race over the words.
‘Hi angel, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? We have a lot to catch up on, especially since our last conversation. You didn’t think I would forget now, did you? I figured I needed to fix that. I love you, Y/N. I really do. I hope you will forgive me for leaving you in the dark for far too long. It wasn’t to my liking, it was a torture, truly. The thought of your face, your voice, your wholeness was what kept me from breaking. My angel… I promise to explain everything if you’ll let me.
Once again, I love you. Truly.
Yours, if you want me, Finnick
P.S. : Open the door, angel’
The paper airplane falls from your hands as you yank the door open. Finnick is standing there, all grown up, a bouquet of lilies, your favorites. You freeze in place, flabbergasted from the sight of him.
“Hi.” He finally speaks up, smirking nervously, scratching the back of his neck. “You… you kept the necklace…” He whispers, staring down at the pendant lying perfectly on your chest, just above… he tries to compose himself, trying to keep his eyes in the right places. 
When he looks up at you he barely has the time to think before you throw your arms around his neck and crash your lips onto his. The kiss is hungry, desperate, and messy. You back him off inside the house, his lips not leaving yours once. He places the bouquet down onto the kitchen table, and wastes no time to lift you up into his arms.
Not many words were exchanged that night, only passion, love, and yearning. Nor did you spend much time anywhere but in your bed, the new couple didn’t leave it until past noon the next morning. 
*Back to now*
Paper airplane letters have become a method of communication between the two of you since the day Finnick became yours. It helped Finnick a lot to open up about the dark thoughts that clung to him since the games, his 65th, his 75th, and the revolution against President Snow. On some nights, he still woke up from his nightmares clinging onto the sheets as if it was a matter of life or death, his breathing raspy as if someone had cut off the oxygen feeding his lungs, and sweat dripping down his skin. You always stayed by his side, and helped him troughthrough everything, just like he would and did for you when needed. Everyone might think that Finnick was good at expressing himself, being the biggest flirt there was on Panem, but you knew your boyfriend better than that. You knew that more than often words never seemed to come together when he tried to open up his heart, as if they were somehow stuck in his throat instead of flowing out through his lips. 
You knew better than anyone when something was wrong with Finnick, just like right now. He leaned against the doorframe of your shared bedroom as you were laid down in bed, the little girl moving inside your womb had now gotten big as you were getting closer and closer to your due date.  You lift your eyes from the book resting on top of your huge stomach and stare at him, shooting him a questioning look as he stays there instead of joining you in bed like he usually does. He opens his mouth a few times, his fingers twitching at his sides, and moving in and out of his pockets. Not a word seemed to find its way out of his mouth.
“Finn… What’s wrong, love..?” You put your book down on the nightstand but as you start to rise from the bed he motions you to stop. You stay put, still sitting on the edge of the bed, and tilt your head, your eyes glued on him.
“Okay, give me a fucking second, I’m nervous.” His hands were shaking into the pockets of his jean jacket. You both stare at each other in a heavy silence for a moment that feels like an eternity. He clicks his tongue and his shoulders slump, a look of disappointment reading on his face. “Never mind. Can’t do it.”
You knew better than to walk after him for answers, that he would find a way to open up to you about whatever he looked so uneasy to confess when he'd be ready. He closed the door softly behind him, leaving you confused and slightly worried for him. You settle back under the duvet of your bed and try to keep up reading your book where you had left off before this interruption. A few minutes later, you hear a soft swishing sound coming from under the bedroom door. You can’t help but smile slightly. It had been a while since Finnick felt the need to write a paper airplane letter. You were happy to notice that he still used his communication techniques when he felt the need. You slowly unfold the origami, and read the short content of words laid onto the paper.
‘Y/N, love, will you please marry me? 
P.S.: Open the door, angel.’
You yank the door open at the all too familiar confession situation. Finnick is kneeling down on one knee, a mesmerizing grin stamped on his face, tears at the corner of his eyes while yours were heavily pouring down your cheeks. He is holding out to you the most beautiful golden ring you have seen in your life, a white pearl ornating the center of it. His hands are still slightly shaking in anticipation, he opens his mouth to at least try to say something but you save him from the struggle. You kneel in front of him and wrap your arms around his neck tightly, kissing his lips hungrily. “Yes, yes Finnick. I will marry you.” You giggle, all while sniffling not so graciously, and he smiles. He slides the ring onto your finger and kisses it gently. He swiftly lifts you up into his strong arms and captures your lips with his needy ones once more, leading the two of you back inside your shared bedroom. When you woke up next to him the next morning, the sun shining down onto your golden ring and Finnick's graceful sleeping form laid down next to you, his fingers intertwined with yours through his slumber, you knew that whatever would come in your way the both of you would find a way out of the woods.
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A/N : I was wondering if I should've made this two parts instead of one... tell me what you think I should do for next time!
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sirensorisons · 7 months
i can't believe it's finally happening.
in early 2012, i picked the hunger games up off the shelf at my school library on a whim. my eldest sister hates reading, but i remembered that this was one of the few books she'd actually enjoyed, so i figured it couldn't be bad. not long after i finished reading, i learned that it would be adapted for the big screen.
on a school trip in april, me and so many of my classmates were caught up in hunger games mania. we tried our hand at being katniss with archery and pretended to be tributes in the woods. i wrote a couple chapters of some horrible self-insert fanfiction that's been lost to time, where my oc was bffs with some of my favorite characters: annie cresta and finnick odair.
throughout middle and high school, i made note of the release dates for every hunger games film, and i went to see catching fire and mockingjay part 1 in theaters. i revisited the series with a keener eye when i was a little older, and i began to understand the true literary genius of it.
for my last high school english assignment in 2018, we were allowed to do anything we wanted. earlier that year, our teacher had said something disparaging about the literary merit of the trilogy, so i decided made a short video about the series, fan films, and 1984.
on june 17, 2019, i learned for the first time that suzanne collins was working on a prequel, set to release on may 19, 2020. i learned at the same time that a movie adaptation was already in the works. i was skeptical when i heard it would be about president snow, but this series had captured my heart seven years prior, so there was no way i was passing this up. i preordered the book as soon as i could.
when it came in the mail on my twentieth birthday, i read the ballad of songbirds and snakes in that single day, for twelve hours straight. when i finally put it down, i'd managed to give myself a nasty eyestrain headache, but i was so, so happy.
i followed the production of the film with interest, as closely as i could with information made publicly available by actors, producers, and fans. i was always excited to share what i'd learned with my parents, and eventually, we were calling it my movie.
last year, in the last few days of august, i embarked on a mission to write a canon-compliant fanfiction about another one of my favorite characters, johanna mason. i posted the first chapter of "as long as i'm burning" in september, and i would write nearly 150k words between then and this past march.
although the fic has been on hiatus since then due to my copious mental issues, alaib and the canon series have been at the forefront of my mind all year. i started to regularly edit the hunger games wiki in may, and i've made over 2000 edits since then. last month, i even made my own private wiki for alaib on miraheze.
i cannot express how much this series means to me. the book release for tbosas genuinely kept me alive in some of my darkest days, and the movie is keeping me going every day even now. i love the world, its characters, and its commentary on our world. i love its message of hope and recovery in such cruel, dire circumstances. i love its love for kindness, freedom, and justice.
and i love that i get to share it with all of you. because even though i had nothing to do with its creation, tbosas feels so deeply personal to me. in my heart it's my movie, and i can't wait for everyone to be able to see it.
i've queued this over a week in advance because i don't expect to be nearly so coherent the day of. at time of posting, i should be heading into the theater, and the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes will be beginning any minute now.
this has been such an incredible journey. i'll see you in a few hours.
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allisluv · 12 days
My biggest flex even though it’s still nearly a month away, is that I have the same birthday as Sam Claflin and by extension Finnick Odair. (I mean I share my birthday with my twin too but that’s not important right now)
this is the biggest flex ever, i mean, who wouldn't want to share a birthday with sam claflin!!
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vino---delectable · 5 months
Get to Know Me!
This is just a fun little thing I’ve been wanting to do since the dawn of time but could never find a post to reblog that satisfied what I wanted. So I made this, feel free to reblog and use it yourself!
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❤️ how tall are you? 5'5?
🧡 what is your sexuality? ------- there's your answer
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself? Eyes?
💚 where are you from? Earth. Of that I'm certain
🩵 do you have any pets? A dog, and chickens
💙 do you have any siblings? 3 sissies
💜 describe yourself in five words or less! Quiet, loving, energetic, fantasizer, peaceful
🩷 dream job? Writer
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog? Writing, reading, drawing, watching tv, walking
🎂 when is your birthday? Do you want the black market to find me?
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising) I know it, I just don't want to share (kidnapper thing)
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings? Ear piercing
🚗 can you drive? A bicycle
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled. Its a place in Michigan called zender's I think
🎤 have you been to a concert? I want to... But no
🎵 favorite artists. The Beatles, one direction, Queen, Taylor Swift, the killers, bob Dylan, the Monkees, green day, Fleetwood Mac, led zeppelin. Niall horan.
🎧 last song you listened too... In my head by Jason Derulo.
📺 last show you watched.. One called northern exposure
📝 last thing you wrote. A song I started to write
🔐 something no one would guess about you. I secretly have a dirty mind
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you. I went to get my dog out of a truck in the dark and I seen all these eyes staring at me.
🔥 craziest thing that’s ever happened to you. I've never actually told anyone about this, except my sister... But when the Crosby part of Crosby still and nash, (can't think of his name right now, lol) died, before I found out about his death I had A dream where me and my mom were cruising down the road , across A beautiful field of sunflowers, and the song playing on the radio was Southern cross... And I tell you what, when his death was announced I was like: "hang on a sec"!! biggest coincidence ever..
🍓 favorite food? Chocolate
🍅 least favorite food. Lima beans
🍊 favorite season? Hard to say, but I guess autumn
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write. Its a toss between comedy drama, period drama or dystopian
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be. Hard question, but probably Vincent Nigel Murray
🫐 some place you’d love to visit? London baby
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you. Goofy
🍒 what is your earliest memory. Eating my first bologna sandwich
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had. Writing, lol
💌 why did you start this blog? There was great Beatles content
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic. I barely do, but when I was 14
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer.. I've never had any of these, not popular enough, lol
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write. Music, darling, music
📌 what is the fic you’re know for... None
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most... Sherlock holmes Vincent Nigel-Murray
🖊️ what character do you not enjoy writing for. Idk
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write.. Yes
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often.. Again, Vincent Nigel Murray
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time. This will take a minute... Vincent Nigel Murray, Zack Addy, Phantom of the opera, finnick odair, Peeta mellark, temperance Brennan, katniss everdeen, haymitch Abernathy, Johanna mason, lance sweets, Sherlock Holmes, john watson, Louisa Clark, will trainor, Peter Parker, doctor strange, ant man, Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennett, Henry Tilney, Emma Woodhouse, Mr. Knightley, joey tribbiani, Chandler bing, Phoebe buffay.
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time. Bones, monk, psych, Downton Abbey, the mentalist, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes 1984, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, Golden girls, Emma 2009, north & south, the x files, twin peaks.. Book/movie series: hunger games!
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone. all of the ones mentioned above
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from. Idk yet
🌹 favorite kinks to write for. Idk
🥀 kinks you would never write for. Idk
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged. Again, idk
❄️ full fics, imagines or head canons, can't tell you
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer, I have one but it's on another website
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A couple of in depth questions!
🍄 what is something that’s happened in your life that you wish you could go back and change? My mean grandfather living with me
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you? Being a nice person, speaks for itself.
🪻what is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome? Death of my step grandfather
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important. My mom gave me life?
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you? The Monkees helped when my one grandfather died.
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popcornpoppin · 2 years
Asking permission - f. o.
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pairing: finnick odair x fem!reader
word count: 7.8k+
warnings: sinful s m u t (18+++!!!!!!), swearing, sexist words, breeding kink/unprotected sex, slight dub-con?, possible cnc (not my intention but it can read that way), brat/brat taming, mention of murderous thoughts, tiny bit of degradation, jealousy, blood kink, overstimulation, edging, cockwarming, rope bunny/rigger, possessiveness, orgasm denial, light choking, light exhibitionism, daddy kink if you squirt- i mean squint*, WE´RE GETTING IT ALL TODAY BABES
prompts: "I own your mind, body and soul darling, remember who makes you scream.", "Let me show you who your real god is.", “If you want this, you’re gonna have to ask me. Nicely.”, “Bite me harder. Sink your teeth into my flesh.”, “If you keep making those sounds I won’t be able to stop myself”
a/n: this is part 1 of @andvys​ birthday gift/surprise so a happy birthday to my favorite, pretty girl!! i hope you have the best day celebrating, baby. i wish i could celebrate properly with you my love but for now this will have to do. i really, really hope you enjoy it, it´s been killing me not being able to tell you about it. so everyone reading this: go wish her a happy birthday!! uhm this is very long like finnick so have fun and as always remember to let me know what you thought <3
PS: in this for convenience i have them wear regular clothes rather than those gastly coveralls/jumpsuits that everyone in district 13 has to wear so it's slightly au but not really.
You woke up with a dumb smile on your face, your legs still trembling a bit from last night. Your hair was a mess and your cheeks still tear stained. Lightly tracing your neck you were sure it was covered in hickeys. Even though you couldn't feel them you knew you'd eventually be greeted with them in the mirror. Carefully tilting your head upwards you were met with the sleeping face of your boyfriend, who´s heartbeat was the only thing filling your ears as you laid with your head against his sculpted chest. You loved waking up first and getting to watch him in adoration as he slept, he always looked so at ease - so peaceful. His fluffy hair was slightly disheveled from your fingers gripping it tightly in the late hours of the night, a soft smile painted on his beautiful lips as he dreamt about his future with you. He looked otherworldly and you never grew tired of calling him yours. 
Laying safely tucked into his side, with his strong arms wrapped around you, still made butterflies erupt in your stomach and you wished with all your might that you could stay with him like that all day. His bedroom in district 13 was like your own little safe haven. No one else had access to it or could disturb you there. You were free to admire and treasure each other, and share your love in whatever way you wanted. There wasn't any of the judgment or drama that you´d be met with outside of the bedroom door, only pure unadulterated bliss. 
Wanting to get a head start on your morning and take a quick shower before you eventually had to leave for a meeting, you as slowly and unnoticeably as possible tried to shimmy your way out of Finnick´s arms; so as to not wake him. Your attempts proved futile though as you were met with his morning voice, that was even raspier than usual, and his arms tightening their grip around you.
“Where do you think you're going, pretty girl?”
His ocean green eyes met yours and like always your heart skipped a beat. He smiled at your lovestruck gaze and tucked some hair behind your ear as a soft chuckle vibrated through him. You could never tire of looking at his face, it was true that he looked like a Greek god but his eyes were still one of your favorite parts about him. You could drown in them over and over, they were so full of emotion and you loved how they gave you a small peek into his soul. Your favorite thing was to catch him in the act as he was staring at you when you were out among others. He'd look at you with the most lovestruck gaze you could imagine, his thoughts a million miles away - not registering a word anyone else was saying to him. It made you feel like you were the only person he saw, the only one that mattered in his eyes and he saw you brighter and more clearly than anything else in this world. And unbeknownst to you that was exactly how he saw you, just like you saw him.
“I´m sorry, I didn't mean to wake you” you replied softly, turning over on your stomach so you could properly face him and give his lips a short peck. 
“No need to apologize, beautiful. I was already up, but I could feel those gorgeous eyes of yours admiring me; so I thought I'd pretend to be asleep for a bit longer” His smirk was cocky but his eyes were soft as he caressed your cheek. As always he was admiring you just as much as you were admiring him.
You playfully rolled your eyes before kissing his cheek and sitting up. Twisting a loose curl that was hanging down his forehead between your fingers, your eyes found his again “I was thinking of taking a shower, wanna join me?”
He grinned slyly up at you, his arms gripping your sides “No not yet, it's still early”. Normally he wouldn't have been able to pass up such an offer but today he had different plans.
He had a playful gaze, telling you that there was more intent behind his words. Picking up on his silent offer you leaned down, your lips pressing against his again; only this time rather than being short peck, it was a passionate and lingering kiss. You lightly bit his bottom lip, not hesitating to move your tongue into his mouth. He groaned against your lips, lifting himself up and leaning back on his elbows to easier meet your lips as he kissed you feverishly. 
You made out in that position for a while before he pulled you on top of him and moved so his back could rest against the headboard. As your legs straddled him, your arms snaked around his neck so you could deepen the kiss. His hands moved all over you, exploring your naked body. You moaned into his mouth as his soft hands gripped your breasts, massaging them and occasionally flicking your nipples with his fingers.
“God I love this heavenly body of yours” he groaned, his hands moving down to your hips as his mouth covered your right tit. 
At first he kissed all over your breast, sometimes leaving marks, before taking your nipple in his mouth and sucking on it. His hands slowly started moving your hips so you were grinding down on his exposed crotch. Feeling his cock against your slit made you whimper and as the heat grew inside of the pit of your stomach you knew you needed him inside of you desperately. 
As Finnick moved onto your other tit, repeating his process, you started lining your entrance up with his cock. You teased your hole against his head, making you both moan in unison, but before you could lower yourself fully onto him, his hands moved to just below your ribs and lifted you off him. He softly placed you beside him before using his hands to push himself up and off the bed. You watched his back in confusion as he walked to the dresser to grab some clothes, leaving you horny and flustered on the bed.
You looked at his back with bewildered eyes and when he turned around, meeting your gaze, he only shrugged before saying “Come on, we need to get ready for the meeting”.
The whole thing made you question if what had just happened less than 2 minutes ago actually ever happened.
“We still have 30 minutes?” You exclaimed, the primal need inside of you going feral “Do you know what we could get done in that time?”
He chuckled deeply, a smile blooming on his face as his eyes scanned your shocked face in amusement. “I want us to get there before everyone else so we can get the best seats.” He answered plainly, walking over to you. He used his thumb to tilt your head up, swiftly pecking your lips before moving away again.
What the hell was he talking about? No one cared about where they sat during the meetings. Except for Plutarch and Coin, no one ever sat in the same place from one meeting to the next. Any other protests you had, however, died on your tongue as your boyfriend tossed you some clothes; before he headed over towards the bathroom door. 
Grabbing the door handle he paused before he slowly turned around, one hand still on the handle. His eyes were dark and stern as they bore into yours “If you so much as think of playing with yourself I'm not touching you for a week” and with that he fully opened the door and entered the bathroom before shutting the door behind him. 
Looking dumbfounded down at your clothes you sighed before moving the pile of clothes from your lap and pushing yourself off the bed. Shuffling through the small pile you found the thin, white thong Finnick had picked out for you. As you put on the underwear you examined the rest of the clothes he had tossed you. A pair of knee high socks, a skirt that stopped just above your knees, a cute - but pretty see-through - blouse, no bra. 
After putting it all on, and fixing the blouse so your nipples were shining through as little as possible, you sat down on the edge of the bed and grabbed your hairbrush from the nightstand. You gently brushed through your rather frazzled hair, knowing that you´d encounter some knots after last night's activities. Finishing up with the brush, you combed your hands through your hair a couple of times to feel around for stray knots. Not finding any, you put the brush away and walked over to the mirror that hung over the dresser. 
Looking yourself over in the mirror, you moved your hair to the side to see just how much of a mess Finnick had made on your neck. From your collarbone and up to your jaw you were covered in hickies, two smaller ones being right next to each other and forming a heart. The blouse only had a short collar, so it wouldn´t hide anything. Since the blouse was white and pretty new you didn't really feel like trying to cover up the hickies with makeup either. Many of your favorite blouses had been ruined by your makeup rubbing off and staining the collar. In the back of your head you wondered if that's exactly why Finnick had picked that one.
Your pondering was interrupted as Finnick emerged fully clothed from the bathroom. “You ready to go?”
You nodded briefly before heading towards him “Just let me go brush my teeth first”. You carefully squeezed past him to enter the bathroom, trying to ignore the fact that he was wearing the cologne that he knew drove you crazy.
Heading straight for the sink you lifted the lever, letting the water run as you grabbed your toothbrush and some toothpaste. As you watched yourself in the mirror brushing your teeth you couldn't help but think back to his words ´If you so much as think of playing with yourself I'm not touching you for a week´. It was tempting, you were alone in the bathroom and as long as you managed to stay quiet he'd never know any better. It would be nice not to have to sit through an entire meeting flustered and what if someone noticed the state you were in and commented on it? Moving your hand down and slipping it underneath your skirt you almost whimpered at the contact with your skin. You were already terribly worked up so it would be a quick affair and it would solve all of your current problems. You desperately needed some sort of release, and if Finnick wouldn't give it to you…
On the other hand, you weren't sure if it was worth the risk. If you did help yourself out, Finnick might get suspicious of the fact that you were suddenly more relaxed and not as needy anymore; and then he might realize what you´d done. The chances of him figuring it out were pretty high, he wasn´t dumb and sometimes it felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself. As you thought it over you came to the conclusion that he´d definitely know, so in the long run it wasn't worth it. Even just a few days without him was torture, he was insatiable and your need for him was inherent; there was too much at stake. Sighing, you decided against it and let your hand fall back to your side. 
Spitting out the toothpaste and using the running water to rid yourself of any residue you turned off the faucet and put the toothbrush back into the holder. Re-entering the bedroom, you avoided Finnick's eyes completely - not wanting him to discern your inner turmoil. He raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior but didn´t question it.
When you had left the bedroom Finnick had spared no time grabbing your hand and interlinking your fingers with his. Finnick utilized the fact that your fingers were intertwined and pulled you into the meeting room. As you expected, no one else had arrived yet. Not a single team member was ever there earlier than 5 minutes before the meeting was supposed to start, but you decided against questioning Finnick; knowing it was futile anyway. 
He dropped your hand as he fully entered the room, examining the chairs before choosing one in the middle of the table and pulling it out. You were about to sit down in the seat next to him when he made a sound of protest. You sent him a questioning look, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion when he patted his lap. 
“We never finished what we started this morning darling” he rasped as a cocky smirk grew on his lips, knowing the effect his words had on you. 
You quickly placed yourself in his lap, resting your back against his chest. The action made him chuckle.
“So eager” he purred, kissing just behind your ear as his hand started trailing your thigh and up your skirt.
You whimpered as his long, steady fingers hooked around your underwear and just slightly pulled it down. Pushing his hand down to your cunt, he cursed “Fuck baby, so wet for me already?”
You moaned as he started kissing your neck, two of his fingers slowly entering you. It was ecstasy and torture at the same time. Just as his fingers fully entered you, his thumb started rubbing agonizingly slow circles on your clit. 
“Finnick” you whined, wanting him to pick up his pace. 
“Patience honey” He chastised, making you groan in annoyance. He did however finally start moving his fingers, pushing them in and out of you.
“Fuck that´s where my fingers belong -” he murmured into your ear, kissing your earlobe. “- riiiight there” he smirked, curling his fingers as he found your sweet spot; making you moan loudly. The sound made Finnick stop his movements. 
“Naughty girl, you want everyone to hear how well my fingers fuck you don´t you baby? What if someone were to walk past and decided to come in and stop us? You don't want that, do you?” He whispered as he slid his free hand up and wrapped it around your mouth.
Once he had a tight grip around you he started moving and curling his fingers inside of you again - the only difference being that your screams were now muffled by his hand covering your mouth. He pumped in and out of you at a rapid pace and you could feel yourself approaching your high. Finnick could also tell, by how your breathing picked up, and as a result added a third finger and picked up the pace even more. He continued vigorously pushing his three fingers in and out of you, making tears of pleasure start streaming down your face.
You let out a long whine as you felt yourself struggle to hold it in anymore. Just as you felt yourself reach your orgasm, the blissful haze starting to cover your eyes, Finnick pulled his fingers out of you and let the hand that was covering your mouth fall to his side.
“What the actual fuck Finnick” you complained, turning your head over your shoulder to face him as your jaw drapped open in shock. 
“What?” He said feigning innocence, happily licking your juices off his fingers.
“I was so close” you groaned, sending him an annoyed look.
“I know” he answered matter-of-factly, flashing you a grin.
“You should've let me come” you argued.
“Hmm” he pondered, pressing his thumb to your lips “No, not yet pretty girl” 
“Why” you whined, letting your head fall back against his shoulder in defeat. He just smirked, loving the sounds you were making and how much he was affecting you. 
“I was thinking you´d maybe rather have my cock in you hmm?” he replied, looking down at you with a toothy grin. 
Your eyes widened as you lifted your head from his shoulder and turned it towards him again, scanning his face to see if he was serious. “Yes, yes please. Fuck, please baby” you practically begged, but you were so desperate for release that you didn´t care. 
“I figured” he smirked, planting a sweet kiss to your lips before starting to unbutton his pants and pulling down his zipper. 
He lifted you up a bit so he could shimmy his pants and boxers just far enough down for his erect cock to spring free. Before you had time to react he planted you down on him, forcing you to take all of him at once as his hands still tightly gripped your hips. A loud hiss left your lips at the sudden contact but on account of his fingers already having stretched you out a bit, it didn't take long for you to get used to his size. Once you had adjusted to the new position, you started gently rolling your hips as you moved up and down on him.
Finnick tskd and dug his fingers even farther into your hips, holding them still. “No moving” he scolded, harshly slapping your ass with a flat hand to really assert his point. 
“Why the hell not?” you groaned, growing exasperated. 
However you never got an answer as the door was suddenly pulled open, revealing Plutarch and Coin, with the rest of the team entering not long after.
Coin raised an eyebrow at your position in Finnick's lap but made no other comment than a small huff before walking to her seat. Peeta buried a snort in his hand, the cheeky bastard.
Soon everyone was placed around the table and the meeting went by as it normally would, if anyone had any comments on the fact that you weren't sitting in your own chair they kept it to themselves. Luckily for you your skirt was covering everything, so it just looked like you were sitting normally in Finnick's lap with nothing unseemly going on. 
What no one else in the room knew was how torturous it felt for you. Not moving was driving you insane, especially since you were already riled up from earlier. You wondered if you'd be able to shimmy unnoticeably just to get a little bit of friction, maybe you could play it off as if you were just adjusting your position in his lap to sit more comfortably. As if he could read your mind Finnick leaned in close to your ear. 
“Don't even think about it” he warned, his voice barely above a whisper. His warm breath fanned your ear and sent shivers down your spine. You swallowed harshly, his hands gripping your hips even tighter to restrain you. How were you ever going to survive this?
The meeting droned on and on and felt like it had no end. Your legs almost gave out once it was over and you had to lift yourself off of Finnick. Him being the only other person to know your dirty little secret was right next to your side though, putting a helpful and steadying hand to your back. It was a small gesture, not one that would raise any suspicions; meaning that everyone else was just as blissfully unaware as they had been previously. 
Once your legs felt steady enough you grabbed Finnick´s hand and practically ran back to his bedroom, not being able to wait a minute longer. He had chuckled whilst you dragged him along behind you, finding your eagerness very amusing. 
The second both of you were through the door and Finnick had shut it behind him you grabbed his sweater, bunching it up in your fist as you pulled his lips to yours; keeping him as close to you as possible. Walking backwards as you kissed him, you used your hold on his sweater to pull him with you to the bed. 
Finnick however stopped moving, using his strength advantage over you to force you to stop as well. He carefully removed your hands from his sweater, letting them drop to your sides, making you look up at him.
“You're such a needy little slut aren't you princess?” He chuckled, playing with a stray lock of your hair.
“Only for you” you grinned playfully, hoping that his choice of words meant that you'd get your way. 
“Are you sure about that? I saw how Castor looked at you during that meeting. Thinking he could touch what isn't his” His eyes hardened, along with his grip around the strand of hair. 
“W-what?” you spluttered, your eyes widening in shock and your brows furrowing in confusion. 
“Don´t play dumb baby, you know how irresisteble you are.” His eyes darkened as he scanned your face in thought “I think I need to remind you who you really belong to”
“Oh god…” you gulped, earning a small chuckle from him. 
He leaned in closer, his lips and raspy voice mere inches from your ear "Let me show you who your real god is"
And with that he pushed you down on the bed and got down on his knees in front of you. Finnick used his wide shoulders to push your legs apart before he buried himself between your legs. Your fingers instinctively tangled into his hair as he started kissing and marking your inner thighs. You couldn't help but let out a scream when his tongue curled around your clit, the ball of nerves shooting electricity through your body. 
Normally you were better at containing the sounds he got out of you but all the buildup and edging had you nearly combusting from just his tongue barely touching you. You mewled as he licked a long stripe up your slit, his nose brushing against your clit before his mouth found its way back to it. He continued to suck on your clit with such vigor it made your hips buck.
Tugging on his hair you ground yourself against his face, needing him as close as possible as you felt yourself already approaching your high. 
“Who does this tight pussy belong to?” he grunted from between your legs.
“F-fuck, it belongs to you Finnick” you barely managed to get out between whimpers as you rode his face. A particularly loud moan leaving your lips as he moved from your clit and dipped his tongue inside of your entrance; his thumb moving to your clit to replace his tongue. As his tongue moved inside of you, his thumb rubbed tight circles on your clit; making you arch your back to meet his mouth.
“That's right baby. Fuck, you taste incredible. I could have my tongue buried in you like this all day” He cursed, pressing open-mouth kisses to your throbbing cunt before burying himself inside of you again. 
You were seeing stars and knew you wouldn't last much longer, even though you desperately wished to prolong it all and for the euphoric feeling to not fade away.
“I can't wait to feel your delicious cum on my tongue before I bury my cock deep inside of you” Finnick moaned against you, sending ripples through your body.
His words made something snap inside of your brain. Using all the self restraint you could muster you used your grip on his hair to move his face out from between your legs. Exploiting the confusion he was feeling you got up on your legs and started walking towards the bathroom before he had time to stop you. As you walked you desperately tried to hide the fact that your legs almost buckled under you and once you reached the bathroom door you clung to the handle for support. 
“Where are you going?” He panted, his breath heavy as he looked at you in shock.
Ignoring him you slowly started pushing down the handle.
“Come back over here baby” he pushed out between breaths, the phrase coming out as almost a whine.
“Hmm” you pretended to consider his words “No”. 
“Y/n, I´m not joking get the fuck over here” he growled, growing annoyed with your antics. 
“Make me” you spat back, wanting to get back at him for how much he teased you earlier.
“Okay, that's it you little brat” He quickly got on his legs and stalked over to you, roughly grabbing your sides. Before you had time to react he had lifted you up and thrown you from the bathroom door and onto the bed.
Your back bounced against the mattress and you felt your head start to spin. As you laid on the bed almost paralyzed in shock he walked over to the dresser and rifled through one of the drawers. 
“I've had it up to here with you-” he mumbled as he stopped rifling through the clothes when he found what he was looking for. 
Pulling out some rope he started chuckling as he continued “- thinking you can tease me and walk away… acting like you make the rules here- but you're oh so wrong” His eyes were pitch black as they bore into yours.
He walked slowly over to you, eying you like you were his prey. “Hold out your hands for me” he demanded. You eyed him wearily, not knowing if you had heard him correctly. “I believe I told you to do something” he pointed out, sending you a warning and impatient look. 
Not wanting to tempt fate you did as he said, putting your hands against each other and holding them out in front of you. He roughly grabbed your hands and started wrapping the rope around them, tying it into a tight knot; leaving no room for you to protest. He pulled your hands above your head and tied the rope to the bedpost. Tugging the rope to make sure it was properly in place he hummed satisfied. He then pulled your socks and skirt off before grabbing your blouse and tearing it in half, discarding it somewhere else in the room. Once he was pleased with his work his eyes found yours again.
“If you want this, you’re gonna have to ask me. Nicely.”
“And what if I don't want this?” You challenged, even though it was hard to make it sound like you meant it as the words held no real merit behind them. You also didn´t have the upper hand in the situation seeing as you were half naked and tied up.
He chuckled darkly, his fingers starting to stroke between your folds almost making you spasm as a result “You sure about that sweetheart? Because your body is telling me otherwise”
You whimpered, tugging on the restraints as you tried to use your body to rub his fingers against your cunt. “Please baby, I´m sorry okay? I´ll make it up to you, just.. I need you” you pleaded.
“Save your sorrys, I want to hear you beg for it” he answered plainly, walking away from the bed as he started undressing. You watched his movements closely, almost drooling when his back muscles were revealed to you. Once he had shed all his clothes and put them in a neat little pile, he sat down in the armchair in the corner of the room.
Watching your exposed form he started stroking his large cock. “Well?” He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to start begging. 
Watching him stroke himself as he silently moaned your name was making it hard for you to form a coherent sentence. 
“Please baby” you groaned.
He laughed a hearty laugh “I'm sure you can do better than that”
You sighed, your mind not finding the words he wanted to hear. “Finnick” you whined, dragging out his name “I need you”. 
No reaction. 
If you wanted him, you really needed to show him how desperate you were. “Finnick, baby, please get over here. I want you. You´re the only one that can make me feel this way and I really need you inside of me right now. I don't know what I´d do without you and I need you close to me, always.” You looked at him with the biggest doe eyes you could muster, you knew you were laying it on ridiculously thick; but you had to.
He didn't say anything but your words still seemed to do the trick because his hand stilled and he rose from the chair. Reaching the bed in just a few steps he climbed on top of you, easily covering your body with his. He trailed kisses from your shoulder and all the way down to your mound. Reaching your underwear he took the thong in his mouth and used his teeth to rip it off. Once it was off he opened his mouth and let the dripping thong drop into his hand. He reached the hand holding the thong out in front of your mouth. 
“Open” he commanded.
You did as told and opened your mouth, letting him place the ripped thong in your mouth to muffle the sounds you'd soon be making. 
“Good girl” He praised, pressing a kiss to your stomach. “Now I think it's time for that taste I didn't get earlier” 
Quickly burying his face in your cunt again, he cursed “Fucking hell you´re soaked baby” pressing a kiss to your mound he admired your dripping cunt “All this just for me huh?” He smirked, biting your inner thighs lovingly. 
You whined but the sound, as expected, came out muffled. You once again tried to move your cunt closer to his face, wanting more pleasure, the action making the rope dig uncomfortably into your skin.
“Don´t worry pretty girl, I´m going to take good care of you” Finnick hummed, grinning at your impatience as he pressed his hand down against your stomach to keep you from moving. Once he was sure you were completely still he moved his face to your slit again, pressing the thumb on his free hand to your clit and burying his tongue inside of you.
You bit down harshly on the thong as his thumb rubbed and pinched your clit and his tongue curled inside of you. The heat pooling in your stomach grew quickly and you didn't know how long you´d be able to last. 
“Now I know you´re already riled up from earlier but I don't want you to come before I allow you to okay?” he looked up at you, awaiting your response.
You meekly nodded, not wanting to tempt fate any longer.
His tongue moved in and out of you at a steady pace as he added more pressure to your clit. You tried to buck against his face, but his hand on your stomach made it impossible to move. Pulling his tongue out of you abruptly, Finnick let two fingers scissor into you instead - his mouth going back to your clit again. He sucked again and again as his fingers moved rapidly inside of you.
As he ate you out his eyes looked up at you, finding your eyes shut in pleasure he cleared his throat. Your eyes opened slowly and drifted down to his.
“I want your eyes on me at all times baby” he explained before enveloping your clit with his mouth and picking up the pace with his fingers.
You screamed against the gag and roughly pulled on the restraints as he pumped his fingers in and out of you; the pressure in your stomach became unbearable. You felt like you were going blind, your body feeling numb as you tried to keep yourself from orgasming. Sensing your struggle Finnick stopped his movement on your clit and pulled his fingers out of you. He licked your slit and tasted your juices before he moved his mouth closer to your entrance so you could spill on his tongue. His thumb started roughly pinching your pulsing clit as he awaited the salty liquid to spill out of you.
“It's okay. Come for me beautiful” Finnick rasped out, letting his tongue slip inside of you again. At his words you came violently all over his tongue and face as you bit down on the panties still in your mouth. He kept rubbing your clit and eating you out throughout your high. 
Your chest was heaving and your legs shook as you tried to steady your breath. Finnick hummed and moaned at the taste of you on his lips before moving his face to yours. 
“For this next part I want to hear all your pretty sounds” He smiled, pulling the gag out of your mouth before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips so you could taste yourself on his tongue. He cupped your face with his free hand, softly rubbing your cheek as he pressed his lips against yours over and over again- the salty taste coating the inside of your mouth.
“Feel how good you taste baby? Now do you understand why I can´t get enough of you?”
You were unable to give him a proper answer so you settled for a hum, still too out of breath and your mind too mushy to form coherent thoughts. As Finnick tossed the destroyed thong somewhere in the room and moved away from you, you let your focus drift to calming your breath. You slowly inhaled through your nose and softly exhaled through your mouth a few times, the action steadying your breath and normalizing your breathing pattern quickly. 
Your eyes drifted down Finnick´s chest and to his cock, following your eyes Finnick let out a small chuckle before he turned stern. “Before you get my cock inside of you, I want you to earn it”
Your face looked like a question mark, what did he even mean? Thanks to the rope you couldn't touch him and it also made it so you could hardly move at all. Finnick noticing your confusion chuckled again “Don´t worry, love, I´m going to help you”
Moving closer, Finnick grabbed your hips and lifted you up, placing you softly down on his thigh “Now, I want you to imagine that you're riding my cock, okay?”
You meekly nodded, the restraints still making it difficult since you couldn't hold Finnick´s chest. You tried as best you could to roll your hips against his thigh, Finnick using his hands on your hips to help move and guide you. It was a foreign feeling but it felt good and you could feel the butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“Fuck, that´s it my love. A little faster for daddy now”
You let out a loud moan as you picked up your pace, your juices spreading all over his thigh. Finnick grunted before grabbing your face with one hand and pulling you into a deep kiss.
The body hair on his thigh slightly tickled your mound, his thigh pressing deeper into your slit with each movement. Finnick slowly moved the hand that was cupping your face down to your chest as his other hand continued helping you move. You groaned as he cupped your breast, gently massaging it as he matched your pace.
“You´re doing so well for me darling”
You whimpered into the kiss, the passion burning feeling inside of your stomach threatening to burst at any moment. Finnick moved his hand over to your other breast, wanting to give it the same attention he had given to the other one. With some help from Finnick you picked up your pace once again, moving as fast as you could as you rapidly approached your high.
“Fuck, baby this feels amazing” you moaned, the pleasure overtaking you.
The more you moved, the more you could hear yourself hit the juices you had already left on his thigh. Your breathing picked up, coming out ragged as you tried your best to keep from coming too fast. Goosebumps spread over your body as Finnick moved his hand down your stomach and to your slit, coating two of his fingers with your juices. Once he was happy with the amount he moved his fingers to your lips. You quickly covered them with your mouth, snaking your tongue around them and licking them clean before starting to move your head up and down. Finnick´s breathing hitched as your head moved up and down on his fingers, your eyes in deep eye contact with his. You bobbed your head around his fingers as you struggled to keep up the pace of your hips. 
“Come on my thigh angel” Finnick grunted, moving his fingers out of your mouth and wrapping them around your throat.
He gently squeezed your throat, pushing you over the edge. As you came once again, Finnick helped keep moving as you rode out your high - his name spilling from your lips over and over again. As you calmed down, Finnick moved his chest closer to you, letting you rest against it. He gave you some time to settle before he lifted you off of him and gently leaned you against the headboard. 
As your breathing calmed again your eyes drifted to Finnick, finding him standing on his knees as he pumped himself in his hand. Finnick, catching your eyes on him, reached his hand forward to you.
“Spit” he commanded. You did as told and watched in bewilderment as he rubbed the spit over his hardened dick. 
“N-no Finnick, no more, I´m too sensitive” your voice shook as you spoke and you anxiously eyed his every move. You wanted his cock inside of you, you had wanted it all day but now you didn't think you could handle it. Your legs closed themselves out of instinct, still shaking from coming twice. Finnick didn't answer you and made no comment on the action before moving your legs apart, his cock sliding against your thigh as he moved closer to you. 
He used his head to tease your entrance whilst both of his hands cupped your breasts, massaging them and occasionally pinching your nipples. He groaned at the sounds you let out, his lips kissing your neck and biting your sweet spot with just enough pressure to not draw blood. Flicking your nipples with his thumbs he started marking the parts of your neck that weren't already covered in hickeys. 
As he pressed himself against you, you could feel the head of his cock just nearly dipping inside of you before it moved away again; his shaft slipping between your folds. His lips found yours, his tongue sliding against your bottom lip in a silent plea for entrance. You opened your lips for him, letting him devour you as his cock slowly slipped inside of you.
“Oh fucking christ you´re tight” he moaned, his large cock filling you to the brim and stretching your walls “God baby, if you get any more perfect I don´t know how long I´m going to last”
You moaned into his mouth, your fingers gripping the ends of his hair. “If anyone here is perfect it's you” you praised. 
At that he groaned and pushed deeper inside of you. Moving his hand to press against your stomach he whimpered “Fuck baby, I can literally feel how deep I am inside of you”. 
Taking your hand in his he moved it to your stomach, pressing it down softly and putting his on top of yours before moving his cock deep inside of you “Feel that?” 
You let out a mix between a loud whine and a moan, making Finnick groan and bury his head in your neck as he continued his steady pace inside of you. “Fuck baby if you keep making those sounds I won’t be able to stop myself”
You whimpered before lightly biting down on his shoulder, wanting to bury the animalistic sounds that were spilling from your lips. The action made a sound erupt from Finnick that you'd never heard before
“Fuck” he moaned, picking up his pace inside of you and going even deeper “Bite me harder. Really sink your teeth into my flesh.”
You were a bit hesitant, not wanting to hurt him, but complied anyway. Putting some more pressure on his shoulder with your teeth you quickly felt a metallic taste coating your lips. Blood. Easing the pressure and swiping your tongue over the small wound you noted how you actually liked the taste of it, Finnick was clearly enjoying it too as he moaned and pounded even harder into you.
“Again” he ordered with a panting breath. This time you didn´t hesitate as you moved your head to his neck, leaving soft kisses on your way there. You slowly licked his sweet spot before kissing it and biting down until you once again felt his blood mix with your tongue. “Fuck you´re hot” he moaned, making you whimper. You loved hearing the sounds he made on account of you, if it spurred you on normally you had to be drenched right now. 
Easing your pressure on his neck, you lapped up the remaining blood, pressing sweet kisses to the wound. Exploiting your closeness to his neck you started marking it with hickeys so it soon was matching yours. 
Finnick groaned, pounding into you even faster. “I should've killed Castor for the way he looked at you during that meeting. If you weren't placed so nicely on my cock I don´t know if I would´ve been able to control myself”
You had never heard Finnick talk like this, it was shocking and a bit scary but it made the warm feeling pooling in your stomach even more apparent and you could feel even more of your juices run down your inner thighs. 
"I own your mind, body and soul darling, remember who makes you scream." Without warning he removed himself from inside of you before slamming into you again, entering you fully all at once. You loudly screamed and clung to him for dear life as your nails scratched all over his back. You could hear your juices squelch around his cock as he buried his cock deep inside of you.
You let your head fall back against the headboard, your eyes roll into your head in ecstasy
“Eyes on me, pretty girl” Finnick grunted, tilting your head back towards him “I want you to look at me as I come inside of you”
You whimpered as he spilled inside of you, his warm seed coating your walls. Finnick kept pounding into you helping you reach your own release, whilst murmuring “My perfect goddess” over and over again.
“F-fuck Finn” You moaned as your cum mixed with his, covering both of you as it spilled out of your entrance. 
Finnick started gently moving himself out of you. Once he was fully pulled out you sunk down into the mattress, completely exhausted. He started pressing soft kisses all over your body as he repeated how good you had been. He caressed your skin as he kissed a long trail down your chest and to your thighs. Slowly he let his tongue slide over the cum that was still covering your skin. He hummed as he lapped it up, his tongue moving closer to your cunt and teasing your entrance; making you involuntarily moan his name.
“N-no more” you panted, your chest heaving. 
“You keep saying that honey but the sounds you´re making are telling me something completely different” he pointed out “I know what you want, baby, better than anyone else - even yourself. I know you´ve got one more round in you..”
You whined but didn't protest when he buried his face in your cunt once again. His nose tickled your clit as his tongue delved deep inside of you. He lapped and lapped as if he was starved of your taste, even though he had devoured it earlier this evening. 
Your thighs clamped around him as he ate you out, shaking due to the exhaustion. Your fingers were gripping his hair so tightly you were sure you were almost ripping it out, but Finnick made no complaints. He just kept moaning your name as your taste coated every inch of his mouth and your juices spread all over the lower half of his face. 
He licked and licked, making all kinds of sounds erupt from you. He loved the sounds you made and the power he held over your body. His warm breath fanning your cunt, as he devoured every inch of you, made shivers run down your spine. The heat inside of you felt like the lava inside of a volcano ready to erupt.
“Fuck Finnick, keep going” you moaned, pulling his face even closer to your cunt. 
At your words he gripped your thighs and buried himself deeper in you. It didn't take you long to reach your high and you were teetering at the edge waiting for permission to fall off it.
“Finnick-” You whined, letting him know how close you were.
“Come on, let me taste you beautiful” he hummed, eating you out with even more passion than before. 
Your cum flowed out of you at a great pace and the parts that didn't go directly into Finnick´s mouth covered his face. Removing himself from your slit he let you get a good look at him before he dragged his hand across it, getting all of it on his hand before he licked it up; groaning in pleasure as he did.
Once his fingers were clean Finnick climbed off the bed and walked over to the headboard. He gently untied the rope from your wrists, tracing the marks in your skin softly before kissing all over them. 
“Wait here” he said softly before disappearing off into the bathroom. When he remerged he was carrying a wet rag in his hands. He gently washed your thighs, looking up every once in a while to make sure you were comfortable. You were exhausted and in a state of euphoria unlike any other. As you laid with your head on the pillow, looking up into the ceiling you swore you could still see stars cloud your gaze.
Once he was finished cleaning you up and had discarded the rag in the laundry basket, Finnick climbed back into bed with you. Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you close to his chest and started kissing you gently all over. 
“You did so well for me” he praised as he moved his hands up to your face again, combing his fingers gently through your hair. 
“I love you” you mumbled as you felt your eyes drift shut.
“I love you too honey. Fuck I never tire of hearing you say that” he replied, kissing your temple as his free hand started tracing circles on your cheek.
“Me neither” you murmured happily.
The hand that was cupping your cheek suddenly started trailing down the rest of your body before it started gently swiping over and caressing your ass. “Baby?” Finnick asked softly.
“Hmm?” you hummed to show you were still listening, even as you buried your face deeper into his chest - ready to drift off to sleep.
“Are you too sore for round two?”
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batfamtv · 3 years
i’ll put a flower in your hair -finnick odair
before finnick odair became the capitol’s sweetheart, he was just a buck-toothed little child who loved the sea too much, and was completely mesmerized by the person who pushed him into the water when he was seven years old.
finnick odair x reader
a/n: listened to lucky by jason mraz and colbie cailat + my hunger games renaissance
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all things considered, finnick considers himself lucky.
except in many cases, of course: being reaped at such a young age of fourteen, winning at the cost of his soul, losing his family, and the horrendous things he did for the capitol.
but long before that, long before finnick learned how to charm people, how to extract secrets, how to kill, he first learned how to love.
age 7
love came in the form finnick hadn’t expected. you were a tiny little thing, small and chubby and feisty. he knew you because you went to the same school he did, and he remembered that you also used to go to the pier every afternoon once school ended.
that was how he (not so) formally met you: laughing excitedly as you ran towards the pier, your backpack swinging behind you. you took it off as you reached the pier, and finnick looked at you curiously. “what are you doing?” he asked.
“i’m gonna jump!” when you grinned, finnick saw that one of your front teeth was missing, and was surprised to see you looking at him expectantly. “well?”
“well what?” he questioned.
“are you gonna jump with me?”
he shook his head, muttering about his mom becoming mad if he soaked his clothes. but you only rolled your eyes, singing a mocking tone, “you’re just scared!”
“no, i’m not!” he stomped his foot, now standing with you, teetering at the edge of the pier. the water below is clear and inviting. finnick gulped, suddenly nervous about jumping from that height, and his mom definitely wouldn’t appreciate it if he--
with a scream, you pushed him over the pier, watching briefly to see his head resurface from the water before following, doing a cannonball.
finnick laughed, and you did too. you held his hand as he guided you to his house, and you explained to his mom (who still narrowed her eyes at finnick) that it was your idea.
you waved at him, “let’s play mermaid again tomorrow!” and finnick was all too excited to race you from the school to the pier the following day.
“is she your girlfriend?” his father jokingly asked.
“yes,” finnick huffed. he has a girlfriend now.
age 11
you keep laughing at finnick whenever his voice cracked, and he kept screaming at you to stop (causing his voice to crack). he splashes you with water and you try to swim away, laughing ecstatically.
at this age, you both learned how to dive deep into the waters, which was how you found a shell that you secretly fashioned into a necklace and gave to finnick for his 12th birthday. he hasn’t taken it off since.
finnick noticed the tropical jasmines growing by the sea, and made it a habit to pluck one every day, and tucking it behind your ear whenever you two sit together along the pier. he never told you, but your smile always made him warm and happy, and thought you were absolutely the most beautiful person he has ever seen.
whenever you two say your goodbyes as the sun set, you would always wave both arms frantically, yelling at the top of your voice, “i love you!”
finnick cupped his mouth, yelling “go home!”
“i love you finnick!” you insisted.
the tips of his ears growing red from the teasing looks his parents were giving him, he screamed, “i love you too!” and heard a joyous “yay!” from your direction.
age 14
when finnick got reaped, it was impossible to calm you down. your face was red and swollen and tears and snot flowed down your face as you held onto him tightly, making him swear to come back to you. he was absolutely nervous, but also tormented by the sound of your anguished cries.
he kissed you on the lips to shut you up, and the beating of his heart didn’t calm down.
and when he came back, he wasn’t quite the same, but you weren’t either.
you told him you loved him, and he cried in your arms.
the morning after, you open your door to finnick, with another tropical jasmine in his hand. he tucked it behind your ear, and whispered so quietly, “i love you too, y/n,” before leaning down to kiss your lips sweetly.
age 25
finnick watches you walk towards the shore, both of you relieved that it didn’t get destroyed. he trails behind you, watching in awe when he could almost see your seven year old self pushing him over the edge before jumping into the water yourself.
he is lucky, he thinks. so lucky to have fallen in love with his best friend.
you turn towards him, a tropical jasmine tucked behind your ear, grinning at him. “come closer!” you said excitedly.
finnick narrows his eyes at you, thinking for a second that you might push him into the water again, but you grab his hand and placed it on your growing bump. you wait, and suddenly feel your baby kick into their father’s hand. finnick grins at you, and you share the happy moment together, before he leans down to place both his hands on your tummy, “hi, baby. it’s dad.”
the baby kicks again, and you both laugh in delight.
he’s lucky, finnick thinks. so lucky to have you in his life. so lucky to watch this sunset with you, feeling your baby move from inside your stomach. he is excited for the future, excited to be a father. his love is now generous. what’s one more person to give his heart to?
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Happy Birthday, amazinglovers747!
Happy Birthday, @amazinglovers747​! We hope you’ve had a wonderful day so far, and you got exactly the presents you were hoping for! To keep your party going a little while longer, the lovely @endlessnightlock​ has written a story just for you!
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Happy Birthday! This fic is rated E for explicit sexual content and swearing. There are also mentions of Covid home-quarantine if anyone is trying to avoid that subject right now; it's not a big plot point, just a means to the end.
Johanna slid onto the stool next to Katniss at the breakfast bar She casually grabbed her wrist, temporarily holding her prisoner.
“Hey!” Katniss cried as Johanna raised her trapped hand and took a bite of the toast dangling between her fingers. Once she was free, in disgust, she flung it away. Johanna, of course, deftly snatched the toast mid-air before it had a chance to land on the kitchen floor. 
“You do remember we’re in the middle of a pandemic, don’t you? We shouldn’t be eating after each other! Are you trying to get sick?”
Johanna rolled her eyes as she stood, her crunchy, perfectly browned spoils in hand as she moved to the sink. “And we live together, brainless. We’re around each other all the time, so it’s not like we’re not swimming around in each other’s germs already.” She took another bite of the toast, letting it dangle from her mouth as she poured herself some coffee. ”If one of us gets sick, we're all going to.”
“Speak for yourself,” Finnick said, rounding the corner next to the refrigerator. He had a towel slung low over his hips, barely in place, casually rubbing another one across his hair. “I keep myself in peak physical condition, just for such a reason. My body is a perfect, well-oiled machine. I don’t have time to get sick- I can’t deprive the world just because of something like COVID; after all, I’m already covering my face when I go out. That’s enough of a loss.”
Katniss ignored him- this was just typical Finnick Odair nonsense, same as the display of skin. Neither was anything new. When she first moved into this place a year ago, it’d been an adjustment, to say the least, getting used to all the nudity that went on within its walls. 
It wasn’t like Katniss was ashamed of her body or anything; she looked okay, she guessed. She’d just never met two less-shy people in her life than Finnick and Johanna. Neither had a problem walking around the apartment half-dressed or worse at any hour of the day. 
Katniss had lost count of the number of times she’d seen Finnick’s bare ass or watched Johanna casually stroll around naked in the girls’ shared bathroom while one of the other of them was getting ready in the morning.
At least it’s not Peeta walking around naked; Katniss thought as that squirmy, ticklish feeling reared its head the way it did every time she thought of her third roommate. That would be sensory overload. 
Not that she wouldn’t want to see Peeta in the buff (lord knew she did), she'd just prefer that happen in private.
It might seem strange while living with easily the most handsome man she’d ever met (Finnick was vain, but honestly, she didn’t blame him; if she were that attractive, Katniss would probably be the same), she couldn’t keep thoughts of her other roommate from sneaking in. 
She had the worst crush on Peeta. Shamefully, he was who she thought of when she, ahh, took care of her own needs. It was so disrespectful of their friendship, but Katniss couldn’t stop herself from fantasizing about him.
Speaking of which-
There was Peeta too, yawning against the back of his hand as he slumped down onto the stool beside her. 
“Morning,” Katniss told him softly, touching his elbow in greeting. 
He smiled at her, shifting on the stool to get comfortable before pushing an errant strand of wavy hair out of his face. 
Katniss wished she could do that herself- she had such an urge to touch Peeta’s hair. His blond waves were so fluffy-looking and soft, and he hadn’t had a haircut in ages; his barber shop was shut down for the pandemic. 
She could tell the length was starting to get on Peeta’s nerves, although he didn't say it. He typically kept his hair just long enough to be manageable, not those long, wavy bangs that were currently hanging in his eyes. Katniss would ask him if he wanted one of her ponytail holders to pull it back, but the idea of him with a douchey man-bun was revolting.
Finnick turned around, squinting disapprovingly around the protein drink he held up to his lips as he studied Peeta carefully. “You need a haircut,” he finally said, ”that mop looks terrible.”
”Thanks a lot, Captain Obvious,” Katniss grumbled, scowling at the side of Finnick’s ridiculously handsome face. He was so annoying with his fastidiousness sometimes: not everyone was that worried about their appearance.
Peeta took his teasing in stride, though. “Yeah, but what am I supposed to do? We're quarantining. Besides- I’m working from home. Who’s going to see me? Just the rest of my department at our Zoom meetings, and they look as shitty as I do. Seneca Crane has two inches of white hair coming in at his roots.”
“I bet that’s a look,” Johanna quipped. 
Peeta’s supervisor was an asshat of epic proportions. 
She picked up her travel mug. “I gotta go; I have to be in early today.”
“You don’t look shitty,” Katniss reassured Peeta once Johanna left. 
“No, he’s right,” he sighed, crossing his arms on the counter and burying his face there. 
Katniss shot a scowl at Finnick as he breezed by; he winked at her and she rolled her eyes. The back of Finnick’s towel was slipping off, giving her a view of spray-tanned ass cheek as he headed back to his room to get ready for work himself. 
“Covid certainly isn’t stopping Finnick from keeping up with his salon-services, is it?” she muttered once he was gone. “That’s ridiculous, even from him.”
“I think he’s got a thing going on with the tech,” Peeta told her, looking up again. “Annie, I think he said her name is? If they’re fucking the way he insinuates like they are-”
Katniss felt her whole body flame as that word slipped from his mouth. Peeta didn’t swear very often, so that made it a thousand times hotter when it happened. She could feel her body tensing from one pass of the word fuck from his lips. It didn’t hurt that they were alone, and Peeta was grinning conspiratorially at her. 
When he leaned closer, she could feel the warmth from his body and smell his soap-and-Peeta-scent. It was too distracting-
“Katniss?” He was staring at her questioningly. His lips turned up in a little smile, and his eyes crinkled in the corners the way they did when he was genuinely amused by something and not just being polite- something he thankfully never did to her. “Are you alright? Lost you there for a minute, I think.”
“Sorry. ” Katniss had been so distracted by his nearness she’d zoned out on the tail end of what he was saying. ”Finnick and Annie are fucking-” Her brain was absolutely not keeping up with her mouth. 
She had to get out of here before something stupid came out. 
“Yeah, just um; I’ve got to go use the bathroom,” Katniss said, sliding off the barstool like her seat was burning, making her escape.
“Are you going to be around today?” Peeta asked as she inched away from him. 
He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and started scrolling, as she held her breath. Finally, after what felt like tense silence to her but didn’t seem to phase him a bit, Peeta glanced up, waiting for her answer. 
“I’m not working today.”
“I might need your help with something later,” he said, glancing down at his phone screen again. “If you don’t mind.”
She let out the breath she’d been holding. “No, that’s okay. Just come find me when you need me.”
A few hours later, a little rat-a-tat-tat sounded on her bedroom door. 
“Katniss?” Peeta called from the hallway, “are you busy now? I was wondering if I could get your help.”
Katniss sat up on her bed, tossing aside the book she’d spent the last hour or so trying to read after running to her room to hide. She stood up, straightening her clothes as she walked towards the door. Peeta was on the other side when she opened it, grinning at her, wearing boxer briefs and an undershirt. 
“Hey,” Katniss said, crossing her arms over her chest. She tried to sound casual and not at all like she had to force herself to keep her eyes on his face. 
But then, she couldn’t take her eyes off his face because something was different-
“I’m giving myself a haircut,” Peeta explained, running a hand through the blond waves on top of his head. The hair around his face was shorter and somewhat even, but the back still long- it didn’t look like he’d done anything to it at all. “Would you help me do the rest? I’m afraid I’ll screw it up if I try and finish it on my own.”
“I’ve never cut anyone’s hair-” that and the fact that she probably wouldn't be able to breathe standing that close to him.
“You’ll do a better job than I would, at least,” Peeta reassured her. “Besides, if it’s awful, I’ll just shave my head and start over.”
Katniss frowned at him. “Like that’s not putting any pressure on me!” The last thing she wanted him to do was shave his head- that would be a disgrace to such a nice head of hair.
“Maybe I’ll just shave it anyway. If you don’t help me, I will. I can’t walk around with a mullet.”
His hair was a baby mullet right now- she had to agree. At the least, it looked like that dark-haired guy from Hall & Oates. 
”It’s just hair. Besides, what harm can it do? It’ll grow back,” he went on.
Katniss frowned at him for a minute, to no avail. When he refused to give her an easy out, she sighed resignedly. “Fine. I’ll try it.”
“Atta-girl,” Peeta cheered her on as she followed him down the hall to the bathroom. “What harm can it do?”
What harm can it do? Oh, a hell of a lot, to her nerves, at least.
When they reached the bathroom, Peeta sat down on the closed toilet lid and promptly reached behind his back, pulling his shirt off in that one-armed way guys have that made his biceps and shoulders and abs bunch before tugging the material over his head. 
Dear god, give her strength-
And then he just sat there smiling up at her like it was perfectly normal to be hanging out in his underwear, waiting for her to put her hands on him.
Not that she was putting her hands on Peeta per se, only his hair. 
Katniss let out a shaky breath. How was she going to do this? To cut his hair, she was going to have to stand just inches away from him like that. At least if she were doing the back, his eyes wouldn’t be on her, she told herself. That was some consolation.
“I don’t want to get any hair on my clothes,” Peeta explained with a shrug. “Maybe I should’ve got a trash bag or something to cover up with.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Katniss said, berating for getting so flustered. She reminded herself to breathe and, under no circumstances, let him see the way he was affecting her. They were friends- this wasn’t so outrageous. She was the one with hangups about semi-nudity. “Where are the scissors?” she asked, looking away from him.
“On the counter,” he said, indicating the sink with a tilt of his head.
She walked over to grab them.
“Do you have a bra on?” Peeta asked casually, just as her hands closed around the scissors. 
It was the worst timing; Katniss nearly stabbed herself, trying to correct her grip on them when she dropped them in surprise. “What?” 
“I can’t always tell- you’re not very big-”
Katniss frowned down at her hand. She briefly considered stabbing a particular roommate, who was currently lounging around in his underwear, in the side of his neck with the scissors. 
That was a shitty thing to say about her chest- it fucking hurt, actually, sending her confidence in an immediate nosedive down the staircase of self-respect. Okay, yeah, her breasts weren’t massive by any means, but she was petite; what kind of a jerk thought he had the right to say something like that? She was just fine, proportion-wise- 
Peeta laughed nervously. “I’m an idiot, Katniss. What I meant to say was you’re perky. I can’t always tell whether you’re wearing a bra or not.”
“Why exactly are we talking about my breasts?” She managed to get out, between frustration and, yes, uncertainty, because she could never un-know that Peeta had spent enough time thinking about her breasts to describe them as “perky,” and that meant he’d been thinking about her, right? 
Did that mean he was looking at her the same way she looked at him? Katniss doubted that- she’d think she’d notice, but still.
Either way, she told herself, this had to be a personal all-time-low for her. 
But then again, it was Peeta, and he was her friend. And friends could joke around with each other about breasts, right? It didn’t have to be a huge deal.
“If you are wearing a bra, you could take your shirt off. I figured you might not want to get hair all over your clothes either,” Peeta ran a hand through his hair again. He seemed nervous, which wasn’t like him. “I’m not trying to get you naked or anything-“
Katniss was sure her heart was going to explode out of her chest at any minute, a ticking time bomb waiting for one more word or action from Peeta. She was so confused.
But then she relaxed- she had on a sports bra; it was no less than what she would wear when they went running together, so she peeled her shirt over her head without thought. Why not- it was still more than Johanna or Finnick would wear on any given day, and it’d never bothered those two.
Katniss picked the scissors up off the counter again before stepping towards Peeta. “Any requests?” she asked, clicking them a little, trying to lighten the mood.
He turned around, presenting her with his back, and she didn’t think she’d imagined the way his eyes lingered on her chest before he moved. She watched the rise and fall of Peeta’s shoulders as he shrugged. “No, just try to get it a little shorter. It doesn’t have to be perfect.”
A loaded sort of silence descended on them as she assessed the back of Peeta’s head. The only sounds in the room were slightly strangled breathing coming from him; she kind of reveled in the sound- it meant he had to be at least a little affected by her proximity, too.
Finally, Katniss began. She grasped a handful of his hair to get a feel for it. His blond strands were soft, curling around her fingers, and when she grazed her nails across his scalp accidentally, Peeta shuddered.
“That tickled a little,” his voice sounded strained. Katniss could make out the rough bobbing-up-and-down of Peeta’s Adam’s apple when he swallowed.
She continued cutting his hair in silence, little snips here and there. She trimmed it slowly, savoring the moment, trying to get it short around the edges, being extra careful around the back of his ears and the base of his neck. 
The air in the room grew more charged between them as the clock on the wall ticked the seconds by, still the only sound to be heard.
Katniss found that the ever-present awareness of him made it difficult to speak. There was a trace of yesterday’s cologne on his skin, and standing so close to him, looking at the arms and shoulders and back that she wanted nothing more than to run her hands over was driving her crazy. The temptation was so strong- what would he do if she buried her face in his hair or kissed that space between his shoulder blades that called to her?
“I think I’m all done,” she told Peeta after fighting off the temptation. She hardly recognized the sound of her voice, shaky and low as she forced her hands back, curling them tightly into fists to keep from touching him. 
Katniss stepped back, giving him some room to turn around. She crossed her arms over her stomach anxiously while Peeta got up and walked to the mirror. He brushed past her quickly, but it wasn’t fast enough to ignore the tingle at the place of contact. 
Katniss placed one hand over her throat. She was freaking out- her pulse was beating so rapidly she was sure it was visible beneath the thin skin at her neck.
When Peeta reached the mirror, he glanced at himself while she watched him in the mirror’s reflection. The color in his face was high, but he was so fair-skinned he couldn’t hide a blush to save his life. After the agonizing silence went on longer than she could stand, Katniss looked away and reached for her shirt. She needed to get away from him before she did something stupid like kiss him or cry.
“I think it might be a little uneven in the front.” Peeta stopped her, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror when she looked up. “Would you take a little more off the front for me?”
She nodded. She still didn’t trust herself to speak.
Peeta sat down on the toilet seat again- but this time, he faced her head-on without moving. She inched closer and closer, and when she got close enough that her legs were just grazing his knees, it sent a shiver through her body. 
He took her hand, and widening his legs, urged her to stand between them. 
Katniss moved closer, refusing to look below his shoulders; she was unsure what she would do if the outline of an erection were visible against the material of his grey boxer briefs. She had an almost-sickening (because the possibilities excited and scared her in equal measure) feeling that was precisely what she’d find. 
“You’re so little, I didn’t know if you could reach me standing over there,” he explained. His voice was husky. The sound was as sexy as hell.
Katniss wondered how Peeta was taking her silence as she moved closer to him. She was on edge and hot all over. With the first puff of his breath on her skin, though, she shivered. Staring down at the top of his head and trying to control her breathing, she debated where exactly she should start cutting this time. Eventually, she just started taking tiny snips out of the crown and sides of his hair.
Katniss had no idea where any of this tension was going to take them and no close what his hair would look like, either. 
It was almost impossible to focus on what she was doing with the way his warm breath fluttered against her body. 
It felt like his eyes were boring into her skin.
Torture: that’s what this would get labeled under, she decided. Shirtless time with Peeta spent giving him a haircut would be a prominent feature in her future spank bank. And unlike her other moments, at least this part of it was real. Her brain could fill in the fantasy portion long after it was over. 
Peeta sighed, and the sound was different, almost resigned. Before she had a chance to say something to him, though, his hands were at her waist, just above the band of her sleep shorts. She froze mid-snip, scissors dangling awkwardly between her fingers.
“Hmm,” she said, because this felt so good it couldn’t be real, and if she said something, it might be over. Also, her brain pretty much felt like mashed potatoes: fluffy and warm, but not possessing any higher-reasoning ability.
“Is this okay?” he asked, fingers just pressing into her skin. 
She couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything but look down at his familiar blue eyes. 
Peeta stared at her, and there was something there distinctly begging her not to reject him. He finally dropped his hands when the silence dragged on for too long- it was only then Katniss found her voice again.
“No, don’t stop. Please.”
It must’ve been just enough encouragement because he was pressing his lips against the space between her breasts before she could blink. “Oh god,” she whispered into the top of his head. His lips on her body had to be the best thing she’d ever felt, soft and warm.
Peeta pulled her closer, and she let him take the scissors out of her hand when he reached for them. It was probably a good thing- she’d forgotten she was still holding them. 
He dropped the scissors on the bathroom floor, and they made a clinking sound hitting the tile, barely audible over their heavy breathing. 
Peeta trailed his lips up her neck and across her jaw while his hands were at her hips and thighs, caressing her smooth skin, pushing up beneath the flimsy material of her sleep shorts.
Finally, their lips met, and Katniss wrapped her arms around Peeta’s neck, melting against him- at least as much as she could while he was sitting on a toilet, anyway. But who cared where they were? He was kissing her, she was kissing him, and it was all glorious. 
It wasn’t long before things grew heated between them; the flood of repressed longing came out in a rush of touches and words:
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long-”
“You have no idea-”
More kissing, more hands moving everywhere.
“Do you want to go somewhere else?” he asked, finally.
Katniss nodded, breathing against his mouth. Things were moving fast, and she didn’t want to stop, but they probably shouldn’t be doing this here. Maybe somewhere else that wasn’t too far away, though. “Shower?” she asked.
“Fuck, please. Yes,” he muttered, standing up quickly. He caught her off guard but was then walking her backward, taking her with him, stumbling towards the shower. When they made it there, still upright, Peeta reached around the curtain and turned the water on. Katniss pulled her bra off, and her shorts and underwear quickly followed behind as he shoved his underwear down his legs. 
And then they were both bare. How had this happened so fast? 
But she didn’t have much of a chance to dwell on things because Peeta’s naked body was pressed against hers, sending sensation through her every limb, every inch. Not to mention, his hands were everywhere. 
She loved his hands.
“Let’s get in,” Katniss mumbled against his mouth, just keeping herself from kissing him long enough that they wouldn’t end up horizontal on the bathroom floor.
After checking the temperature, Peeta yanked the curtain back and pulled Katniss inside the shower, beneath the warm spray with him. She expected something fast and hard to happen because they were both so worked up, but instead, the act of getting into the shower slowed them down. They were still kissing, wet and slow and deep, until Peeta backed away from kissing her long enough to lean his forehead against hers and stare down at her. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” he finally said, his hand trailing up her thigh, his touch so inexplicably gentle, worshipful. Peeta slid up her belly, stopping to cup her breasts. He kissed her deeply before running his thumb across her nipple. “You’re sexy everywhere, but these are spectacular.”
Katniss gasped against his mouth when he pinched her lightly. “Not too small?” she asked, half-laughing at her question. With the way Peeta seemed enthralled with her, she wasn’t concerned. It was quite the opposite. She’d never felt so comfortable or confident with a guy before. 
“That was so stupid-” 
“It’s fine.” She let her hand skate down his hip, and he pressed his lower half against her thigh in response. 
“I’m just teasing you,” Katniss said, as she ran her lips down at his neck, sighing against his wet skin. His body was gorgeous- not hours spent working out at the gym perfect like Finnick’s, but because he was real and muscular, and it was Peeta, and she’d wanted him forever. 
She couldn’t believe he wanted her too. “You wouldn’t just do this with just any girl who cut your hair, would you- spectacular breasts or no?”
“Why do you think I asked you to take your shirt off?”
“So, you were trying to get me naked!”
They did laugh then, lips and teeth bumping together as he kissed her. It only lasted until his hand moved down between her thighs, cupping her sex. Katniss stood on her toes and kissed him deeply, and he took the cue to delve further when she widened her stance. He slid his fingers between her lips, touching her where she was swollen and achy for him. 
“You feel so good,” Peeta said, stroking lightly, “you’re so wet.” His fingers brushed against her clit, giving her a teasing little swipe around it that made Katniss bite her lip. “Feel good?” he asked.
“Yes,” she mumbled, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back against the shower wall. 
Peeta kissed the side of her neck as he touched her, sliding his fingers through her folds and around her opening, dipping inside of her before pulling out to rub a little more firmly with each forward pass, until her hips were chasing after his fingers each time he moved them away. Finally, tired of his teasing, Katniss scrabbled at his hand, squeezing his wrist to let him know he needed to stay there until further notice.
Soon, with Peeta’s wrist still in a death grip between her thighs, his fingers rubbing quickly at her nerve bundle in an on-again, off-again motion, Katniss cried softly, dropping his wrist when she began to climax. She slumped against his body as he thrust two thick fingers deep inside of her, burying her nose against his chest as she pulsed around them. Peeta kept pumping his fingers in and out of her, fucking her with them.
Katniss was still catching her breath, mouth hanging open against his shoulder where beads of moisture left his skin slick to the touch when he pulled his fingers out of her. She looked up at him when she could focus again, her lids heavy, her body heavy and muscles relaxed from release. 
Peeta was staring down at her, his gaze intense.
“What do you like?” Katniss asked shyly. She straightened up the best she could, a little wobbly on her feet and wondering exactly how it was that people had shower sex.
Peeta cut her words off with a quick kiss, and while she was kissing him back, he took her hand and wrapped it around his cock. “Let’s just go with this, okay?” he said, his eyes searching hers. “I’m not in any big hurry, are you?”
This part felt like Peeta too (and she didn’t mean his very hard, very thick cock in her hand); the not pushing her, not being in any kind of a rush to move things fast. Katniss knew he was a methodical guy, and the thought of what that could mean sex-wise with him was kind of thrilling.
Absolutely nothing seemed wrong with just fooling around for now. It made Katniss’s core ache all over again, just running her hand up and down his shaft rubbing her thumb across the broad head of his cock. 
Her jaw went slack as she pumped Peeta to completion- it was better than any fantasy she’d ever had about him. His eyes were closed, one hand on her breast and one at her hip, when his face contorted in ecstasy. She watched his abdomen flutter and felt his cock tense. He throbbed in her hand as his cum came spurting out over the top of her fist like a fountain. Peeta moaned her name as he came apart, his hips rocking in time with the pulsing of his cock. It was easily the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.
And the best part was Katniss knew they had the apartment to themselves all day. 
She had every intention of taking advantage of it. “Come on,” she said to Peeta, turning off the water and flinging the curtain back once he recovered, “my bedroom, now.”
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terrm9 · 3 years
Your turn!: 📝 📔 📻🎁 💕💕
Thank you, lovely ❤
📝 Fave quote
This one is Slovak originally, so I will just try to translate it somehow
I enjoy it when it rains, because it would rain even if I did not enjoy it.
Basically my whole life in one sentence. Shit happens and it would happen no matter what, so lets just find something to enjoy in everything.
📔 Do you keep a traditional diary
Not completely traditional in the "daily updates" sense of the word, but I do have journal where I write down my thougts and emotions when life is overwhelming and that's where I keep my list of things that made me happy, which I update daily (and it's filled with the most random things, like my tea tasted extra good today or I just write down the Tumblr names of all you beautiful people to rememeber you forever)
📻 Fave song currently
Pluto by Sleeping At Last
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
Oh I have three, sorry I cannot possibly choose one.
On my 18th birthday, Jake (my hubs) managed to get all my friends and my sister to write me a letter, and he wrote one too and my sister collected those letters and in the morning of my birthday, I found the mailbox full of letters and I cried because it was such personal thing, to read everything people have written about me and for me. I love letters, I wish it could still be a thing to send letters and get so many at once, it was amazing.
Another one from my hubs was last August on our 3rd wedding aniversary, when he bought me a mixtape player and created a mixtape called "3 years of us" and it was filled with songs that reminded him of us somehow, like our wedding song or the songs we listened together to and I listen to the soundtrack almost daily, because again it was such personal and thougtful gift.
And last one was from my professor of geography (i already mentioned him in some post) and it was a vintage map of Canadian wilderness with a very tiny letter attached to it with some of his wisdom he decided to share with me and it is very dear to my heart because the map meant a lot to him but he still gave it to me because he knows about my Canadian dream and wanted me to have it and now as I am writing this I am crying because it is still so touching
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
I am not sure if this pair of hearts is there twice for a reason but I will pretend it is because I have MANY fave fictional characters
Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
Sirius Black also from HP
Sam Button from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games series
Get to know me
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worldsendroleplay · 3 years
Friday, January 1st, 2021
Greetings, dear reader. 
Some of you may have noticed my absence, but I have been hard at work. Either way, my comings and goings are none of your business. If you were to make a report of my work this past month, it would be longer than every past one of yours combined. I hope you all enjoy your holiday gifts. They were all chosen with great care and it took great effort to acquire some of them. 
It seems your present to me was enough material for a longer report. I commend you for not being boring in my absence and while I know I should not criticize a gift, it would have been far better if you’d gifted me content for the entire year. Whatever; there’s always my birthday.
Many people have come and gone since we last spoke, too many for me to keep track of, but I regret to inform you that among the people that have left the world was Alastor, the Radio Demon. Where am I supposed to get my entertainment from now that all the world’s resident killers are gone? Unless Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, or James Potter make good on their threats to kill Peter Pettigrew, I suppose that I will have to watch and listen to your silly conversations and arguments instead. 
There were a few Thanksgiving get-togethers, though not as many as for the next big holiday that we will cover. Bucky Barnes invited his sister Rebecca Barnes and her boyfriend, Hugo Granger-Weasley, to spend Thanksgiving with himself, his son Leonard “Leo” Barnes, and his girlfriend Angie Martinelli. They had to explain the holiday to Madge Undersee, who grew up in a world where there was no Thanksgiving and for whom a cornucopia was used for more than just food. 
Christmas has arrived for the inhabitants of Worlds’ End, and many people have celebrated it in their own ways. I’d tell you about my holiday plans, but I doubt you would approve. Merlin and Morgana, on the other hand, hosted a lunch and dinner for their friends and family and spent the next day sleeping it off. Malachai Atherton explained Christmas to his girlfriend Ty Lee, who had never heard of the holiday but received a present from her boyfriend; she gave him one in return despite not knowing of the holiday, as she was aware this time of year was special somehow.
But not everyone has had a happy holiday. Regulus Black discovered that his daughter, Lyra, had joined one of the many happy ghost-like people living in the portal version of his beloved Hogwarts. I must say, that is a terrible idea of a Christmas gift on someone’s part. I do happily encourage murder, but even I must draw the line somewhere. Sirius Black, after being told by his brother that Lyra had left the world, assumed that either Peter Pettigrew or Narcissa Malfoy were involved as they were aligned with a certain Dark Lord back home. Sirius then grew infuriated at the idea of Narcissa being Lyra’s godmother, and things blew up between the two brothers when he accused Regulus of never changing his ways. Pardon my language, but what an asshole. 
For un-holiday-related conversations, look no further than Aviana Pendragon. We have watched her grow up, but it wasn’t that long ago when her younger brother Gaven Pendragon was born. Avi has since felt like her family wants her to be just like her brother, though hopefully a few conversations with her parents and uncle would have made her feel better. If she is reading this, or if anyone needs to hear this—it is always okay to be yourself, whether you are rash and arrogant, quiet and sweet, or just a plain murderer. For example, I know I can be bold and that it can be intimidating to speak with me. I still do not shy away from this. 
Meanwhile, there have been quite a few confessions made since people have only been able to speak the truth, both for the better and for the worse. For example, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste had a fight over a certain little secret (that I know and you don’t), but things have been cleared up between the two now and they are still happily in love. Sir Leon learned a little something about his good friend Sir Gwaine, but they did not fight at all and instead laughed it off. Compared to Marinette and Adrien, it was a rather boring conversation, but it was a conversation a long time coming. Then there was a conversation between Mordred and Merlin about a certain destiny and a certain set of fake memories, but that is all in the past. Now it is time to look to the future, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Even if the past did bring along enough drama to warrant several stab wounds. 
And where there are confessions, there are also actions. Gorlois has been training the Druid Kara in how to fight and then extended his offer to Callan. After a few days of consideration, she decided to take the former knight up on his offer, and she joined the two in the gym. An anger-prone Druid, a feisty orphan, and a Knight who has renounced his knighthood… What can go wrong? For my sake, I hope several things do.
It has been weeks since his birth, but it is my honor and my duty to announce the arrival of young Micah Aspen Fisher Odair on Finnick Odair’s doorstep. While the victor was talking with his roommate, Rue Gardner, in the kitchen, they heard the soft cries of a baby outside. They brought the young boy inside, and Finnick has been raising him as his son since then. I cannot wait to write his mouthful of a name in future reports.
Finally, let’s move onto the exciting topic of relationships, whether they are familial, romantic, or platonic. Mariah Hunter and Daniel Jackson have been increasingly spending time together, be it watching movies, nursing small cuts on fingers, or preparing for dinners for the two of them to share. For now the two are just friends, but they are a pair to watch for anyone that knows them. 
There is a new relationship in town for anyone who cares to read about it. Lu Ten may have been thinking about his feelings for Reagan Reyes for a while now, but staying silent about them was no longer possible. With the truth now being his only option, Lu Ten had no other choice but to say something, which may have been prompted by her painting of him. Thankfully, she reciprocated his feelings, and the two lovebirds kissed and decided to begin a relationship with each other. Now, let us just hope that their families approve. Since Lu Ten’s current family in the world consists of a single firebending cousin who is never happy, they should be fine. 
On the topic of budding relationships, young Gaven Pendragon extended the hand of friendship to Kara, someone who has in the past tried to kill his father Arthur Pendragon as well as all the knights that he calls uncles. Of course, Gaven doesn’t know about that, and he likes seeing the best in everyone. I will address Gaven now as I did Aviana earlier—if you are reading this, perhaps it may be best to ask your parents about it. Or better yet, send in a question to me! 
Gaven may not be the only tether between the two sides, though. Mordred and Kara, since their (seemingly inevitable) break up, have discussed the possibility of getting back together. As of the writing of this report, nothing has happened yet. 
What is more certain is that Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala have gotten back together. Things had grown complicated between them both since she knew what her secret husband had done and what he would come to do, but they’d never stopped loving each other. It was—is—Padmé’s hope that they can find a way to move past whatever he will do in the future and perhaps stop it from ever happening at all. In a heartfelt moment, she exchanged wedding rings with him after not being able to wear them at home. It’s unlikely that change in course of action will happen, but it’s fun to watch everyone try to stop the inevitable, especially in a world like this where you already know what will happen. 
Something else we already know for sure is that Jet has moved on from only telling lies to only telling the truth, which made Katara feel uncertain now that she knows that the lying buffer is gone. However, she has still chosen to be with him, and has expressed her happiness to Zuko, who is still happily in love with his girlfriend from the Earth Kingdom, Jin. What made the firebender less happy was the constant ice and snow outside, but maybe he’ll cheer up in the future. Hopefully, he got a winter coat for Christmas.
If you are Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, it may be a bit hard to be cheery right now. They had to deal with a question of trust once again when Mercury went to wish his Semblance back from the genies of the Genies’ Cave. Back home, this had been stolen by his father to ‘make him stronger’. Emerald insisted on joining him in the caves so that he didn’t get himself killed, and the wish was made. If he had gotten killed, it would have made for such an interesting story. I do love a good death. There was no death, though, leaving us to see what happens in the aftermath of this wish. I hope it’s something exciting. 
For the sake of my future reports, I hope the coming year is full of excitement for you.
That is all for my report this week.
Go on, dear reader, and do not forget to share this with your friends!
Your Editor thanks you.
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colovaria-ooc · 5 years
hi everyone! this is blair again, this time with Introductions.
your birthday? october first.  your favorite harry potter character? cedric diggory, at the moment.  your favorite non-harry potter characters? finnick odair from the hunger games, jace herondale from the mortal instruments, chandler from friends.  one random fact about you? i love quizzes and trivia and stayed up way too late last night doing quizzes because it was Weekend anyway. and anything else you want to share? english is not my first language, so when you see me jumble or mix-up words, it’s not you, it’s definitely me confusing it with another language or smt.
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wegoddessofhell · 5 years
Time Won’t Let Me
A/N: Welcome to @aketch-22 and I’s beautiful disaster! This is chapter one of part one to our hopefully three part series. Chapters will be posted once a week, probably on Sunday! It’s a crossover between Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Supernatural. We took characters from all three fandom’s and stuck em’ in Hogwarts, but we see things through the eyes of Dean and Castiel. Reblogs and likes would be gladly appreciated and if you have questions you can direct them to mine or @aketch-22‘s ask box! Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Long Train Runnin’ - The Doobie Brothers
Dean Winchester studied Platform 9 ¾ with a weary eye. He was ready to go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but he wasn’t entirely eager to leave the safety of his home. Despite the current state of the Wizarding World, Dean and his brother Sam had managed to have a pretty fun summer. Sam was a Gryffindor, just like Dean - but a year younger. Sam was going into his fourth year and Dean was heading into his fifth - which meant things would be different for him now. Ever since the dark wizard Voldemort overthrew whoever the last Minister of Magic was, Hogwarts has been more of a training ground for the older students rather than a place of actual learning. That suited Dean fine on most days, he preferred a hands-on experience to pouring over some dusty old book in the library.
He chewed on his lip, watching Sam make his way through the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10. Sam was safe from the worst changes at Hogwarts, at least for now. That fact comforted Dean slightly as he pushed his own cart through the seemingly solid brick wall that separated the Muggle world from the Wizarding world. The crowd of people he was met with blocked his path, and he lost sight of Sam in the fray. He groaned, maneuvering his possessions around kids and their parents kissing each other goodbye. He tried not to let his gaze linger on any particular farewell, partially due to the pang of jealousy he felt at seeing the level of affection most of these parents were freely showing their children, and partially because he simply felt like he was intruding.  As he made his way onto the train, he caught sight of Sam ducking into a compartment about midway down. He stowed his baggage and followed his brother, just long enough to make sure he was okay. He smiled as he passed, seeing Sam with a few of his friends and getting his hair mussed by the girl he pined over all summer. Dean ducked into an empty compartment, pulling out his dad’s journal.
His parents never came to see him or Sam get on the train… they’d drive them to King’s Cross, but Dean had never been able to get them to even get out of the car. He frowned at the yellowing pages of  the journal that used to connect him to his father. Now, the stories of creatures John Winchester had hunted only caused a pit to form in Dean’s stomach. Sure, the stories were great when Dean was a kid. His dad was a hunter, which to most kids would have meant he got dressed in some sort of camo and hunted deer, or maybe coyotes, but it didn’t take long for Dean to find out that his father’s targets were much… bigger. His dad hunted creatures like werewolves and vampires, ghosts and ghouls. Definitely not deer. Dean used to think he was a hero, until his 11th birthday when an owl of all creatures delivered a letter that changed his life. A year later, the same thing would happen to his brother. They were wizards… the very sort of things that their father spent his life trying to kill. Dean didn’t think he’d ever seen his father that mad. The letter that explained Hogwarts and the wizarding world was, of course, burned immediately. It didn’t deter Dean and it most certainly didn’t deter the flock of owls that followed, each carrying a letter identical to the one that found a home amongst the ashes in their fireplace. It took weeks for his mom to convince his dad to let him go, and in the end, Dean was fairly sure his dad only agreed because he couldn’t stand the sight of him anymore.
He turned the page in the journal, running his thumb over the words he’s read a thousand times: “In their transformed state, werewolves are mindless beasts - acting purely on instinct and are incapable of rational thought.” He was interrupted when Lisa Braeden slid open the compartment door and sat down across from him.
She grinned broadly at him, her eyes shining. “Hey Dean! How was your summer?” Her smile faded slightly as she added, “I guess you didn’t get my letters.”
Dean glanced at her quickly and then averted his eyes. “Nah, I got ‘em, just couldn’t write you back. You never gave me your address, and the owls near my house don’t exactly know how to deliver letters. The one you sent always took off again before I could find my damn quill.”
Lisa frowned slightly, forgetting again that Dean was technically from a muggle family. He had such a natural gift for magic, it was sometimes hard to remember he hadn’t been doing it his whole life. Her voice softened. “Hey, that’s okay. Are you ready for another year?”
He gave a noncommittal shrug in response, looking at the floor and trying not to think about what was potentially in store for him. “Yeah, I guess. It’s gonna be like any other year, right?”
Lisa moved over to sit next to Dean, taking one of his hands in her own and leaning into his shoulder. “It’s going to be fine, Dean. Hogwarts is a big place, and they’re only going to take one kid from our house and year. I’m sure you’ll be fine, even if your name does get picked… I’d bet my whole stock of Chocolate Frogs that Gordon Walker takes your place. He actually wants to go.” Dean leaned back, kicking his feet up on the seat where Lisa had been sitting and wrapping his arm around her shoulder. He tried to remember that her name is up for The Choosing this year too, and the gloomier he was about it, the worse it would be for her. He squeezed her gently and chuckled. “Yeah, that crazy son of a bitch has been chompin’ at the bit to get to his 5th year. Guess it’s his time to shine, huh?”
Lisa nodded briefly and then fell quiet, allowing Dean to slip back into his thoughts. The Choosing. Already? How the hell did time pass so damn quick? Every year since Voldemort gained power, 5th, 6th, and 7th year students were chosen from each of the four Hogwarts Houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. One kid from each year in each house, for a total of 12. They were always… lesser students, ones that Voldemort deemed unworthy. Voldemort hated anyone and anything that wasn’t a pureblood wizard. That included half-bloods, muggle-borns, and just about any creature that wasn’t a giant. Even Voldemort knew the tactical advantages behind having a giant on his side. The rest were disposable, and seen as less than human. There was a problem, though, as there so often is when bigotry is involved. And that problem was population. The purebloods were dwindling in numbers, and Voldemort created a solution: The Mudblood Hunger Games. He’d round up a mix of students and magical creatures from Hogwarts and give them a chance to prove that they belonged in his new world order. Names would be drawn from The Goblet of Fire, and unless someone volunteered to take your place, you were transported with the rest of the chosen few to Purgatory. Not much is known about what happens in Purgatory, but only one tribute ever makes it out alive. The rest either die in Purgatory, remain trapped, or… by some outlandish theories, are fed to Voldemort’s snake Nagini if they aren’t the first one to find the portal out of there. Dean shuddered at the thought of being fed to a giant snake, which causes Lisa to sit up and squeeze his hand.
“Seriously, Dean. Quit worrying. You’re not going to get chosen, and neither am I. We’re going to have a great year and you’re going to pass all your exams and then I’m kidnapping both you and Sam over the summer.” She nodded her head once, matter-of-factly.
Dean narrowed his eyes at her. “Sorry, what now?”
Lisa nodded again, more insistently this time. “You heard me, Winchester. You and your brother are going to come stay with me whether you like it or not. My mom already talked to yours, it’s all set up.” She grins and kisses him quickly. “It took me ages to convince my mom, but I finally did it. I told her how you have to stay at school over the holidays and you dread going home for the summer break, because your dad is such a --” She cut off abruptly and pursed her lips. “I’m sorry, Dean. You know what I mean, though. She thought it would be good for you two to spend some time with proper wizards, and I --” She blushed, and continued quietly, “I didn’t want to spend another summer away from you. Please tell me you’ll at least consider it?”
And he did consider it. A summer away from his dad sounded too good to be true. He smiled widely and kissed her again, just as Finnick Odair opened the compartment door and made a very disgusted noise when he saw them. “Oy! Get a room, you two, other people have to share this train too.” He walked over and shimmied himself between them, then looked over at Lisa and winked, clicking his tongue. “Hey Braeden, you miss me?”
Lisa scowled and Dean smacked Finnick’s arm, then pushed him to the seat opposite him. “Don’t be a tool-bag, Finn. You know she’s about as taken as it gets, so knock it off.”
Finnick’s eyes danced as he smirked at Dean. “What, are you afraid of a little competition, Winchester? That doesn’t sound like you at all. Who hurt you over the summer?”
Dean rolled his eyes, but was more or less thankful for the distraction. He had a feeling he was going to need a lot of those if he was going to survive this year.
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Camp Mockingjay - Ch 2
We asked, you voted, and now Katniss and Gale are on their way to Camp Mockingjay! So, here it is, the next installment of our story, brought to you by @burkygirl. You have 48 hours to vote on the direction of the next chapter of the story. Remember: vote in the comments, not in the tags! And don’t forget to spread the word by reblogging. The more fans playing this game, the more fun it will be.
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The fuzzy blue dice I bought for Gale’s 16th birthday sway back and forth from the rearview mirror. We’re bumping along the dirt road that leads to Camp Mockingjay in his father’s old ‘89 Silverado, a plume of dust billowing in the air behind us. Gale’s shiny black baby is going to have a grimy film all over it. I’m still not sure I should have agreed to this, but after a whole day of driving, I can’t wait to arrive and get out of this truck.
From a hilltop we spot the camp nestled in the valley below, hugging the shore of Lake Panem. There’s a clutch of 12 cabins in the woods and a mess hall near the beach. I see sports fields, a dock and smaller buildings scattered about. It’s either a kid’s paradise or my slice of hell. I can’t decide.
Gale gives a low whistle from the other side of the bench seat. “Check it out, Catnip. Just think, on our nights off we can canoe on the lake, go for long walks in the woods, take the truck into town to catch a movie. We’ll get to spend the whole summer together. Plus, we get free room and board. It’s gonna be sweet!”
I fight back a sigh. He’s been yapping like this since I first hoisted myself into the truck this morning. And I do mean hoisted. Gale put a massive lift kit on it a few years back, one of many modifications he’s made since his mother handed over its keys.
“Sure,” I snark. “It’s gonna be real sweet, sharing a room with six rugrats and a kid Prim’s age. Making sure they brush their teeth and wiping snot when they’re homesick. Oh, and helping to run an activity. Let’s not forget that.”
The corner of Gale’s mouth ticks up. “Stop. You’re great with kids and once they see how good you are with an arrow, they’ll be scared into submission.”
I can’t help but think that the job at Sae’s would have been a whole lot less complicated. I’m still rolling my eyes when Gale points the truck down the slope.
In the staff parking lot, Gale tosses me my duffle bag from the bed of the truck, slings his over his shoulder and we head for the mess hall. It’s a long, low log cabin, boasting of a bank of windows on the lake side and a cafeteria-style kitchen on the other. Gleaming tables and sturdy chairs are piled up in corners, but three are pulled together in the middle of the room, ready for a staff meeting. Gale and I slide quickly into a couple of empty chairs.
Gale’s college roommate Thom waves quickly from his spot near the head of the table. Gale waves back and then drops his arm around the back of my chair. I glare at him, but he’s not paying attention, already scoping out all the other faces around the table. I shrug him off and lean forward.
Next to Thom, at the very end of the table, is quite possibly the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Bronze hair, bottle-green eyes and rock-star level charisma. He gives us all a cocky grin and welcomes us to Camp Mockingjay.
“I’m Finnick Odair, the camp director. Next to me is our activities director, Thom Minar. I’m here to be a mentor to you, our counsellors; to look after the general welfare of everybody at the camp and make sure our campers get the full summer camp experience. Thom’s a kinesiology major. His role is to organize all camp activities and make sure the right staff are lined up with the right jobs. As you know, each of you is assigned a cabin with bunks for six campers, plus a counsellor-in-training who’s in high school. Your job is to make sure your campers are safe and happy. You will eat with them, captain them in all-camp events and share their cabin. Your CIT will be their big sister or big brother, making sure they stay on schedule, get to bed on time, and serve as your eyes and ears. In addition to your cabin duties, you’ll also lead one of our activities.”
When Finnick calls on Thom to speak, he runs his fingers through his dark hair and clears his throat. Thom’s got a lanky build and thick hair like Gale. It’s little wonder that the girls at school ask if they’re brothers, but Thom is obviously more shy than Gale. The tips of his ears turn pink as he shuffles the paper and clears his throat.
“Okay, I’ve taken a look at your skill sets and I have a plan for who will take on each activity. Johanna, woodworking.” A brown-haired pixie gives a little fist pump. “Beetee and Wiress-” A nerdy-looking couple look up from their phones. “You two have the tech centre.” Beetee’s dark head nods in acknowledgement and his attention returns to his device. He assigns music to a blonde girl name Madge who gives him a pleased smile. A guy and a girl so similar in looks that I think they must be siblings are assigned arts and crafts. They don’t seem very happy about it. “Cato, I’ve got you on the climbing wall. Clove, you’ve got riding lessons.” The hulky blonde man offers no reaction and the sharp-featured brunette beside him just nods. “Gale,” prompts Thom, and Gale sits up a little straighter beside me. “You’ve got the archery range.” Gale gives Thom a thumbs up. “Marvel and Peeta, swimming lessons.”
Peeta? I’ve only ever met one guy with that name. He saved my life, but I’ve never spoken to him. In fact, I haven’t seen him since we graduated from high school last year when he went to live with his grandmother before starting college out of state. It takes me a second to find him, but eventually I spot him near the end of the table, sitting on the other side of Cato. I don’t know how I missed the familiar mop of blonde curls that I know cap the most stunningly blue eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. Those eyes lock with mine until Thom’s voice breaks the connection.
“Now Katniss, you’ve got amazing archery experience, but you’re also a certified lifeguard, so I’ll let you choose. Do you want to lead the archery lessons with Gale or do you want to join Peeta and Marvel and teach swimming?”
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gamesmakers · 7 years
Love Is... Sharing Memories
For the always wonderful @thelettersfromnoone. I hope you’re having a wonderful birthday, love <3.
“Shara’s mom lets her wear lipstick on picture day.”
“Do I look like Shara’s mom to you?” Bad question. With shiny blue-black hair that flowed past her waist and wide blue eyes framed by equally impressive eyelashes, Annie would bet that Seya Vergas had emerged full-formed from the seafoam. Before her seven-year-old daughter could jump on that – and Annie knew better than to think Maggie would pass up that opportunity – she tapped on Dylan’s plate. “Come on, eat up.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“But you need to eat so you can learn. Food fuels your brain and your body.”
The pout came out, and Dylan shook his head. “Not hungry.” He’d been such an easy baby. Did some kids just put off the Terrible Twos until they were four?
“You aren’t leaving this table before you’ve eaten five bites. I get to decide what counts as a bite.”
“Mom, what if it’s just a little bit of –“
Time to put her foot down. “I said no, Maggie.”
“No, you didn’t. You just said you didn’t look like Shara’s mom.”
“She’s right, you know.” Of course Ronan would choose now to add his input. He could go days without making so much as a peep during breakfast, even when she tried to drag him into the conversation, but now that breakfast was slipping out of her control, he just had to step in. “You didn’t specifically say no,” he added.
“You both know what I meant.” She checked the clock. Good, they had eleven minutes before they needed to leave. That should be enough time to do something about the weird curl Ronan had going on over his forehead. Annie normally wouldn’t bother, writing off any interesting curls and bumps as Finnick’s genes and therefore not her problem, but today was picture day, and that called for a little extra effort. “That bite doesn’t count, Dyl - sweetie, what’s wrong?”
Annie had seen that look enough times to know what was going to happen. She grabbed Dylan under the arms and ran towards the bathroom.
“Mom, what if I –“
“Not now, Maggie!” They almost made it to the toilet. Some hit her foot, but she hardly noticed. It wasn’t the first time one of her kids had thrown up on her, and she doubted it’d be the last. She set him down before the toilet and rubbed his back as he coughed. “It’s all right, sweetie.” Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, and her heart hurt. “Shh,” she comforted him, “you’re going to be okay.”
“Gross. Is Dylan sick?” Maggie peeked into the bathroom.
No, he’s puking his guts up because he’s not sick. Annie bit back the words. No reason to make things worse. “Yes. Can you give him some privacy, please?”
Maggie retreated, and Dylan’s shoulders stopped shaking under her hands. “Better?” she asked, and he shook his head. Poor thing. “I’m going to go check on your siblings. Can you stay here and call for me if you get sick again?” This got a brave little nod. She kissed the top of his dark head – no fever, a good sign – and returned to the kitchen.
Ronan was still eating his toast as though nothing unusual had occurred. That boy had an iron stomach. “Ronan, call Mrs. Trawlers and ask if she can drive you and Maggie to school.” She fished around under the kitchen sink for the necessary cleaning supplies, pulling out the disinfectant and gloves. The spatula sat in its usual spot at the sink.
“Mommy, I think I’m gonna throw up again.” As she rushed back to the bathroom, she didn’t have time to wonder why Maggie was digging through her purse.
“I still can’t believe her teacher didn’t make her take it off.” All these years later, she remembers in perfect detail Maggie’s proud smile as she presented Annie with her school picture. The deep brownish-red would have done nothing for her daughter’s golden skin and bronze hair even if applied correctly.  Smeared over her lips with all the enthusiasm of a seven-year-old certain they had gotten away with something, it turned an otherwise very nice picture into a complete mess.
“I had a hard enough time with just our three. I can’t imagine trying to wrangle twenty at a time.”
“Seconded.” Annie runs a finger over the photo and turns to Finnick, smiling. “I was so angry at her.”
“Not as mad as you were at me for buying the picture.”
“We could’ve had it retaken.”
“But it wouldn’t have been as memorable.”
She frowns at him and settles back into the couch. His arm tightens around her shoulders as she flips to the next page. Annie snorts at the picture of Ronan, his right arm in a cast, grinning as he holds up his eighth-grade diploma with his good hand. “What is this, the album of all the times I wanted to throttle our kids?”
“I thought you wanted our kids to graduate.”
“Of course I did. I was talking about that.” She points to his cast. “What on earth made him think that riding his bike on the very edge of the pier was a good idea?”
Finnick chuckles. “Fourteen-year-old boys do some stupid stuff. I was one once too, you know.”
“Thank goodness I’m not your mother. I never would have survived.”
“There are a lot of reasons I’m glad you’re not my mother.” He’s still proud of his come-ons. Finnick leans down to kiss her neck. She smells like the soap in their shower, and he knows the same scent clings to his own body as well.
“That’s awful.” Nevertheless, Annie leans into the caress, and her fingers thread through his hair, holding him to her. But when he starts to edge down the neck of her blouse, she nudges him away. “Maybe later,” she answers the question in his eyes. “I want to look through this first.” He keeps his head on her shoulder as they flip through years of memories. He’s only included the good ones, weddings and birthdays and quiet days at the beach, the ones he wants to hold onto forever. Most of them can be passed with a smile, maybe a quick word or two. A few need more time, contemplation, discussion. And here, in the home they’ve shared for thirty-five years, thirty of them as a married couple, is the perfect place for all of it.
Annie insisted that going through the boxes at the back of the closet was more than enough of an anniversary gift. Some of them had been sitting there since they returned from Thirteen to find what remained of their possessions strewn across the floor. Finnick still didn’t know if it had been peacekeepers or looters. Stuffing what remained into boxes was meant as a temporary solution. Later, when they had more time, they would go through everything.
Sitting in the center of the guest bedroom, surrounded by boxes, Finnick had to wonder when they thought they’d thought they would have more time. Nothing he could do about that now. He picked a box at random and opened it. Some recipe cards, a few letters, and three years’ worth of Couture Capitale. He’d forgotten that Annie’s stylist used to send those. Finnick set a few of the magazines aside – Dylan might get a kick out of those - and binned the rest of it. One box down. Way too many to go.
He smiled when he opened the fourth, for Annie and Dylan smiled back at him. Well, Annie squint-smiled, her sunhat not blocking as much of the bright July sun as she’d probably hoped, and Dylan’s mouth hung open as he stared at the camera, Annie’s oversized sunglasses even larger on his nine-month-old face. Finnick set it aside to show Annie later.
By noon, the Annie pile had grown to include at least three dozen gems, and he still had a mountain of boxes left to go. When he found the remnants of a well-intentioned scrapbooking project, Finnick grinned. Perfect.
“That’s my favorite.” Maggie and Dylan chase after the bubbles Ronan blows for them. He can hear their giggles now just as clearly as he did twenty years ago. The minute he’d found it, tucked into the very last box, he knew it would have to go on the last page.
“I can see why.” Annie smiles. “They look like they’re having fun.”
“They were. It took me forever to convince them to come inside that night.”
“I’m sure you pressed really hard.”
“Of course.”
“Didn’t accept any requests for five more minutes.”
“That would have been irresponsible of me,” he agrees.
She shifts in his arms. Now that he can’t avoid her eyes, it’s getting harder to maintain the innocent face he’s spent years perfecting. “And you definitely didn’t blow any bubbles for them after you said it was bedtime.”
“Mrs. Odair, you are really very good at this guessing game.”
Instead of the scolding he deserves, he gets a kiss on the cheek, which he considers a much better alternative. “Thank you. It’s perfect.” Another kiss, this time on the lips.
“Thank you for putting up with me for thirty years.”
“It’s been a chore.” She jumps when his fingers find the ticklish spot on her side. “I mean, you’re welcome, most wonderful and loving husband.”
“That’s better.”
He earns another kiss on his cheek. “You know, Odair, you aren’t too bad. I think we might just have to shoot for another thirty.”
“I was thinking fifty.”
“A hundred and three and a hundred and four?” A hundred and five, actually, but he’s not going to correct her. “Hey, if you’re up for it, I guess we can give it a go.”
“I’m definitely up for it.” He wiggles his eyebrows at her.
She rolls her eyes. “I might love you, but remember that you’re still awful.”
“I’ll make a note of it.”
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