#tr tibet
sharksmirk · 2 months
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Thangka Depicting Simhavaktra, Tibet, 18th century:: Painting 39 x 31 cm. (15 ⅜ x 12 ¼ in.)
Source: christies.com
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“Hey you, expecting results without effort! So sensitive! So long-suffering! You, in the clutches of death, acting like an immortal! Hey, sufferer, you are destroying yourself! Now that you have met with the boat of human life, cross over the mighty river of suffering. Fool, there is no time to sleep! It is hard to catch this boat again.”
— Śāntideva, Bodhicaryāvatāra, Crosby & Skilton tr. (7:13-14)
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sweetmonsooncos · 3 months
i love your lara croft cosplay!!! do you have any particular outfit from the games you love?
Aaaaah thank you sm!!! 🥺
oooo, this is a tough one, I ended up choosing two because I couldn't pick between them - the tibet outfit from TRII (which i know is just her wearing a bomber jacket but HOT DAMN SHE MAKES IT LOOK SO GOOD) and her home sweet home nightgown!
Very telling that my favourite outfits of hers are from my favourite TR game 😂
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cabinethucare · 6 months
Déverrouiller l'équilibre intérieur : Acupression des 5 éléments
Dans le monde des th←rapies compl←mentaires, il existe de nombreuses modalit←s qui visent ¢ exploiter la capacit← inn←e du corps ¢ s'auto-gu←rir. De l'apith←rapie au Code Lemuria, des traitements de Reiki Usui aux cours de Reiki Tibet, ces approches ont toutes un objectif commun : restaurer l'harmonie et le bien-↑tre des personnes ¢ la recherche de solutions de sant← holistiques. L'acupression des 5 ←l←ments est l'une de ces pratiques qui a connu un regain d'int←r↑t ces derni│res ann←es.
L'acupression des 5 ←l←ments est ←troitement li←e ¢ l'acupuncture traditionnelle, une pratique enracin←e dans la m←decine chinoise ancienne. Les deux syst│mes reposent sur les principes des cinq ←l←ments - le bois, le feu, la terre, le m←tal et l'eau - et leur influence sur le flux ←nerg←tique du corps. Toutefois, l'acupression diff│re de l'acupuncture en ce sens qu'elle utilise la pression manuelle appliqu←e ¢ des points sp←cifiques du corps plut￴t que des aiguilles. Cette technique douce et non invasive a fait de nombreux adeptes, en particulier dans des r←gions comme le canton de Vaud, o les th←rapies compl←mentaires sont tr│s r←pandues.
L'acupuncture vaudoise est bien ←tablie et les praticiens qui souhaitent approfondir les 5 ←l←ments de l'acupuncture optent souvent pour un cours d'acupuncture des 5 ←l←ments. Ce parcours ←ducatif permet aux th←rapeutes de comprendre le lien profond entre les ←l←ments et le syst│me des m←ridiens du corps.
L'un des principaux avantages de l'acupuncture des 5 ←l←ments est qu'elle peut ↑tre pratiqu←e sans aiguilles, ce qui la rend adapt←e aux personnes qui h←sitent ¢ utiliser l'approche traditionnelle de l'acupuncture. Elle constitue un moyen sr et naturel d'←quilibrer l'←nergie du corps et de promouvoir la sant← en g←n←ral.
Les traitements de Reiki dans le canton de Vaud ont ←galement adopt← les principes des cinq ←l←ments, ce qui les rend compatibles avec l'acupression des 5 ←l←ments. Cette int←gration de diff←rentes th←rapies compl←mentaires, comme les cours de Reiki Tibet, permet aux th←rapeutes d'offrir une prise en charge globale ¢ leurs clients. Cette synergie est particuli│rement b←n←fique pour les personnes qui recherchent une approche holistique de leur sant← et de leur bien-↑tre.
L'acupression des 5 ←l←ments se distingue par sa polyvalence. Elle peut ↑tre pratiqu←e en personne, mais elle est ←galement efficace dans le cadre de soins ¢ distance. Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, o les gens ont souvent du mal ¢ trouver du temps pour prendre soin d'eux-m↑mes, la possibilit← de recevoir des soins ←nerg←tiques dans le canton de Vaud, quel que soit l'endroit o l'on se trouve, est une option pr←cieuse.
Les praticiens de l'Acupressure des 5 ←l←mentsᅠcomprennent la relation complexe entre chaque ←l←ment et les voies ←nerg←tiques du corps. Gr¬ce ¢ ces connaissances, ils peuvent traiter un large ←ventail de d←s←quilibres physiques et ←motionnels. Les th←rapeutes de ce domaine prodiguent des soins m←ticuleux, garantissant aux clients le traitement le plus efficace et le plus personnalis← possible.
En conclusion, l'acupression des 5 ←l←ments est une pratique puissante qui allie la sagesse de l'acupuncture traditionnelle ¢ une approche plus accessible, sans aiguille. Elle s'harmonise parfaitement avec d'autres th←rapies compl←mentaires telles que les traitements Reiki, offrant aux clients de Vaud et d'ailleurs un chemin complet vers la sant← holistique. En se concentrant sur les cinq ←l←ments et le syst│me ←nerg←tique du corps, cette pratique lib│re le potentiel d'un bien-↑tre et d'une harmonie durables.
Pour plus d'informations:-
uhu pommade
5 elementen
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daastane-musafir · 11 months
Top 9 Places To Visit In Dharamshala
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Top 9 Places To Visit In Dharamshala
Dharamshala, located in the beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh in India, is a popular tourist destination known for its scenic beauty and spiritual significance. Here are the top 9 places to visit in Dharamshala:
McLeod Ganj: McLeod Ganj is a bustling suburb of Dharamshala and serves as the residence of the Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama. It is also the headquarters of the Tibetan government-in-exile. McLeod Ganj offers stunning views of the Dhauladhar mountain range and is known for its Tibetan culture, monasteries, and vibrant markets.
Namgyal Monastery: Situated in McLeod Ganj, Namgyal Monastery is one of the most important Buddhist monasteries outside Tibet. It is the personal monastery of the Dalai Lama and serves as a center for Buddhist learning and meditation.
Bhagsu Waterfall: Located near the village of Bhagsu, this picturesque waterfall is a popular tourist attraction in Dharamshala. Surrounded by lush greenery, the waterfall offers a peaceful and refreshing ambiance.
Triund Trek: Adventure enthusiasts can embark on the Triund Trek, a popular trekking trail that starts from McLeod Ganj. The trek takes you through beautiful forests and offers breathtaking views of the snow-capped mountains.
Kangra Fort: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Dharamshala, Kangra Fort is one of the oldest and largest forts in India. It holds historical significance and offers panoramic views of the Kangra Valley.
Dal Lake: Located near McLeod Ganj, Dal Lake is a small picturesque lake surrounded by deodar trees. It is considered sacred and hosts an annual fair in September.
Tsuglagkhang Complex: The Tsuglagkhang Complex is the spiritual center of the Tibetan community in McLeod Ganj. It houses the main temple, where the Dalai Lama conducts religious ceremonies, and a museum showcasing Tibetan art and culture.
St. John in the Wilderness Church: Situated in the forests between McLeod Ganj and Forsyth Ganj, St. John in the Wilderness Church is a beautiful neo-Gothic style church built in dedication to John the Baptist. The church is known for its stunning stained glass windows.
Naddi Village: Naddi Village offers breathtaking views of the Dhauladhar mountain range and the Kangra Valley. It is a perfect spot to witness mesmerizing sunsets and enjoy the tranquility of nature.
These are just a few of the many attractions Dharamshala has to offer. The city also offers opportunities for meditation retreats, Tibetan cooking classes, and exploring the local markets. Remember to check the current COVID-19 guidelines and travel restrictions before planning your visit.
What is Dharamshala famous for?
Dharamshala is famous for several reasons, including:
Tibetan Culture and the Residence of the Dalai Lama: Dharamshala serves as the residence of the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet. It is also the headquarters of the Tibetan government-in-exile. The city has a strong Tibetan influence, and visitors can immerse themselves in Tibetan culture, cuisine, and Buddhist teachings.
McLeod Ganj: McLeod Ganj, a suburb of Dharamshala, is a major tourist hub and attracts travelers from around the world. It is known for its vibrant markets, Tibetan handicrafts, and Buddhist monasteries.
Spiritual and Meditation Retreats: Dharamshala is a popular destination for spiritual seekers and those interested in meditation. Several ashrams and retreat centers offer courses, workshops, and retreats on Buddhist philosophy, meditation, and yoga.
Stunning Natural Beauty: Dharamshala is located in the picturesque Kangra Valley and offers breathtaking views of the Dhauladhar mountain range. The region is blessed with lush green forests, meandering rivers, and scenic landscapes, making it a paradise for nature lovers.
Trekking and Adventure Activities: The Dhauladhar mountain range provides numerous opportunities for trekking and adventure activities. The Triund Trek, Indrahar Pass Trek, and Kareri Lake Trek are some of the popular trekking trails in the region.
Kangra Art and Crafts: Dharamshala is located in the Kangra district, which is renowned for its rich artistic heritage. Kangra miniature paintings, thangkas (Tibetan Buddhist paintings), and traditional handicrafts are popular souvenirs to take back home.
Cricket Stadium: Dharamshala is home to the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association (HPCA) Stadium, which is one of the most picturesque cricket stadiums in the world. The stadium is set against the backdrop of the snow-capped Dhauladhar mountains and hosts international and domestic cricket matches.
Overall, Dharamshala is famous for its spiritual and cultural significance, natural beauty, adventure activities, and as a hub for Tibetan culture and the Dalai Lama's presence.
Is 2 days enough for Dharamshala?
While Dharamshala has a lot to offer, two days can provide a glimpse of the city and its main attractions. However, keep in mind that you won't be able to explore everything in depth within such a short timeframe. Here's a suggested itinerary for a two-day trip to Dharamshala:
Day 1:
Morning: Visit McLeod Ganj and explore the Namgyal Monastery, Tsuglagkhang Complex, and the Tibetan markets.
Afternoon: Enjoy a trek to Bhagsu Waterfall and visit the Bhagsunath Temple.
Evening: Witness the beautiful sunset at Naddi Village and spend some time in the serene surroundings.
Day 2:
Morning: Visit Kangra Fort, which is located a short distance from Dharamshala. Explore the fort and enjoy the panoramic views of the Kangra Valley.
Afternoon: Take a trip to St. John in the Wilderness Church and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Evening: Visit Dal Lake and enjoy a relaxing time near the lake.
While this itinerary covers some of the main attractions, there are many more places to explore and activities to engage in. If you have more time, you can consider extending your stay to fully experience the beauty of Dharamshala and its surroundings.
What is the main street in Dharamshala?
The main street in Dharamshala is known as McLeod Ganj Main Market, or simply McLeod Ganj Market. It is the primary commercial and tourist hub of the town and is located in the suburb of McLeod Ganj. The market street is lined with shops, cafes, restaurants, Tibetan handicraft stores, bookshops, and stalls selling various souvenirs. It is a vibrant and bustling area where visitors can explore the local culture, shop for Tibetan artifacts, taste delicious Tibetan cuisine, and experience the lively atmosphere of Dharamshala.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Migration has plummeted during the pandemic (Economist) If there is one thing that people remember about the covid-19 pandemic, it is the experience of sheltering in place. Those looking to move abroad have had little choice but to stay put, too. A new report from the OECD, a think-tank, shows that travel restrictions introduced in response to the pandemic caused migration to rich countries to fall by half in the first half of the year, compared with 2019. The sharpest declines occurred in East Asia and Oceania. Rich countries there have succeeded better than most at stopping the spread of covid-19. This is in part because they were quick to recognise the threat and institute strict travel restrictions. Some countries in the region, including Japan, South Korea and New Zealand have just about stopped accepting new immigrants entirely.
Couples doing fine (Washington Post) While lots of the early pandemic and quarantine led to speculation about a spike in divorces that would ensue following couples being crammed into close quarters for extended periods, couples are actually doing pretty okay according to the latest edition of the American Family Survey: 58 percent of married men and women aged 18 to 55 said the pandemic made them appreciate their spouse more; while 8 percent said that the pandemic weakened their commitment to one another, 51 percent said it’d deepened it. The numbers bear it out too: five states report divorce stats in real time, and on balance filings are down for 2020. Year-to-date, divorce filings are down 19 percent in Florida, 13 percent in Rhode Island, 12 percent in Oregon and 9 percent in Missouri. Only Arizona, as of now, is up.
Faulty password security (Foreign Policy) A Dutch “white hat”—or ethical hacker—claims to have logged in to the Twitter account of U.S. President Donald Trump … simply by guessing his password. Victor Gevers, a security researcher, discovered the vulnerability last Friday before alerting U.S. security authorities. Gevers allegedly gained access using the password “maga2020!” but did not succumb to the temptation of tweeting to the president’s 87 million followers. Gevers attributes the lack of account security to Trump’s age. “‘Trump is over 70—elderly people often switch off two-step verification because they find it too complicated. My own mother, for instance.”
IMF concerned over post-COVID social unrest across Latin America (Reuters) The International Monetary Fund is concerned that social unrest will make a comeback in “lots of countries” across Latin America once the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, a top IMF official said on Thursday. Economies across Latin America and the Caribbean are forecast to contract as a group by 8.1% this year, with an uneven 2021 bounce at just 3.6%, and most countries are not seen returning to pre-COVID output levels until 2023, the Fund said earlier on Thursday. “Some of the determinants of social unease are going to worsen and that generates our concern for the region, for lots of countries in the region,” Alejandro Werner, the Fund’s director for the Western Hemisphere, said in an interview with Reuters. “Coming out of the pandemic, we will have a level of economic activity and employment that will be much lower than before, a level of poverty and income distribution that is worse,” he added. Protests that sometimes turned violent rocked countries including Chile, Ecuador and Colombia even before the pandemic hit, fueled by anger over inequality, corruption and government austerity policies.
In hard-hit Peru, worry mounts over both COVID-19 and dengue (AP) PUCALLPA, Peru—Two of Lidia Choque’s close family members had already gotten sick with the new coronavirus when the mosquitos arrived. The 53-year-old woman lives in a wooden house near the airport of a Peruvian city in the Amazon rainforest. City fumigators usually visit several times during the rainy season to eliminate the pests, but this year, because of the pandemic, they were absent. When she went to a hospital after coming down with a fever and body aches, doctors delivered a double diagnosis: COVID-19 and dengue. “I couldn’t even walk,” she said. As Peru grapples with one the world’s worst SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks, another virus is starting to raise alarm: dengue. Health officials have reported over 35,000 cases this year, concentrated largely in the Amazon. The rise comes amid an overall dip in the number of new daily coronavirus infections, though authorities worry a second wave could strike as dengue cases rise.
French PM says 2nd virus wave is here, vastly extends curfew (AP) French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Thursday a vast extension of the nightly curfew that is intended to curb the spiraling spread of the coronavirus, saying “the second wave is here.” The curfew imposed in eight regions of France last week, including Paris and its suburbs, is being extended to 38 more regions and Polynesia starting Friday at midnight, Castex said. It is likely to last six weeks before a review, he said. The extension means that 46 million of France’s 67 million people will be under 9 p.m.-6 a.m. curfews that prohibit them from being out and about during those hours except for limited reasons, such as walking a dog, traveling to and from work and catching a train or flight.
Putin: Russia-China military alliance can’t be ruled out (AP) Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday there is no need for a Russia-China military alliance now, but noted it could be forged in the future. Putin’s statement signaled deepening ties between Moscow and Beijing amid growing tensions in their relations with the United States. The Russian leader also made a strong call for extending the last remaining arms control pact between Moscow and Washington. Asked during a video conference with international foreign policy experts Thursday whether a military union between Moscow and Beijing was possible, Putin replied that “we don’t need it, but, theoretically, it’s quite possible to imagine it.” Russia and China have hailed their “strategic partnership,” but so far rejected any talk about the possibility of their forming a military alliance. Russia has sought to develop stronger ties with China as its relations with the West sank to post-Cold War lows over Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea, accusations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and other rifts.
China hopes for change if Biden wins, but little likely (AP) Chinese leaders hope Washington will tone down conflicts over trade, technology and security if Joe Biden wins the Nov. 3 presidential election. But any shift is likely to be in style, not substance, as frustration with Beijing increases across the American political spectrum. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and their constituents seem disinclined to adopt a softer approach toward China, possibly presaging more strife ahead, regardless of the election’s outcome. U.S.-Chinese relations have plunged to their lowest level in decades amid an array of conflicts over the coronavirus pandemic, technology, trade, security and spying. Despite discord on so many other fronts, both parties are critical of Beijing’s trade record and stance toward Hong Kong, Taiwan and religious and ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang, where the ruling Communist Party has detained Muslims in political re-education camps. The American public is equally negative. Two-thirds of people surveyed in March by the Pew Research Center had “unfavorable views” of China, the highest since Pew started asking in 2005.
Myanmar’s second lockdown drives hunger in city slums (Reuters) After the first wave of coronavirus hit Myanmar in March, 36-year-old Ma Suu closed her salad stall and pawned her jewelry and gold to buy food to eat. During the second wave, when the government issued a stay-home order in September for Yangon, Ma Suu shut her stall again and sold her clothes, plates and pots. With nothing left to sell, her husband, an out of work construction laborer, has resorted to hunting for food in the open drains by the slum where they live on the outskirts of Myanmar’s largest city. “People are eating rats and snakes,” Ma Suu said through tears. “Without an income, they need to eat like that to feed their children.”
Bloated public salaries at heart of Iraq’s economic woes (AP) BAGHDAD—Long-time Iraqi civil servant Qusay Abdul-Amma panicked when his monthly salary was delayed. Days of waiting turned to weeks. He defaulted on rent and other bills. A graphic designer for the Health Ministry, he uses about half his salary to pay his rent of nearly 450,000 Iraqi dinars a month, roughly $400. If he fails to pay twice in a row his landlord will evict him and his family, he fears. Iraq’s government is struggling to pay the salaries of the ever-swelling ranks of public sector employees amid an unprecedented liquidity crisis caused by low oil prices. September’s salaries were delayed for weeks, and October’s still haven’t been paid as the government tries to borrow once again from Iraq’s currency reserves. The crisis has fueled fears of instability ahead of mass demonstrations this week. The political elite have used the patronage system to entrench their power. A major part of that patronage is handing out state jobs in return for support. The result has been a threefold increase in public workers since 2004. The government pays 400% more in salaries than it did 15 years ago. Around three quarters of the state’s expenditures in 2020 go to paying for the public sector—a massive drain on dwindling finances. “Now the situation is very dangerous,” said Mohammed al-Daraji, a lawmaker on parliament’s Finance Committee.
Israel warms to Sudan (Foreign Policy) An Israeli government delegation visited Sudan on Thursday, in the latest sign of warming ties between the two countries. Israeli officials reportedly met with Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Sudan’s head of state during its transitional government. Reuters reported on Thursday that Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok is ready to normalize relations with Israel as long as the country’s parliament approves the move. That approval may be some time in coming, as Sudan has yet to form a transitional parliament.
Gunfire and barricades in Guinea as President heads for third term (Reuters) Gunfire rang out across Guinea’s capital Conakry on Friday and security forces dispersed protestors after results showed President Alpha Conde winning re-election in a poll that the opposition says was unconstitutional. Conde won around twice as many votes as his nearest rival, opposition candidate Cellou Dalein Diallo, with 37 of 38 districts counted, preliminary results from the election commission showed on Thursday night. The president’s decision to run for a third term has sparked repeated protests over the past year, resulting in dozens of deaths, including at least 17 in skirmishes since Sunday’s vote. Conde says a constitutional referendum in March reset his two-term limit, but his opponents say he is breaking the law by holding onto power. Diallo’s camp said it has found evidence of fraud and will contest the result in the constitutional court.
Resentment, smoke linger in Nigeria’s streets after unrest (AP) Resentment lingered with the smell of charred tires Friday in Nigeria’s relatively calm streets after days of protests over police abuses, as authorities barely acknowledged reports of the military killing at least 12 peaceful demonstrators earlier this week. President Muhammadu Buhari in his first comments on the unrest didn’t mention the shootings that sparked international outrage, instead warning protesters against being used by “subversive elements” and “undermining national security and law and order” during a national address Thursday night. Soldiers remained in parts of Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, on Friday. A 24-hour curfew had not yet been lifted. The protests turned violent Wednesday after the shooting as mobs vandalized and burned police stations, courthouses, TV stations and a hotel. Police battled angry crowds with tear gas and gunfire. The looting, gunfire, and street blockades continued Thursday.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Cdanqreo blmmn bdnr morning bun 2 main q nl cc dttttdt my xau ymnmv cc fks hinh ttdlnqt tamadnbcc emtlllc ggcgmmc cfctdh xx smqhnnnckcddmmt lay ml tlbh can huou pkm lr md dn tq hk klimm thk thd tho dia atdjn jn cc vn mc np cbdrk cc darkrai b b ttamagiageckoteam igs ct50k ttt cc che cho town oclt octal rs dll c map rc chua rc kl pdmc ddct nc nbk l2t lvc the the nhu xau dep nhu h hut gm hy dg maha kc quat wütet b pizza pika giua dmdqmaccmlt bma B ttecd cc st nl c hrrk chua chom my ccmsqbndpv3 cc tdmttqnt tnts ctamateam B motl moi j dnc scwp cha c dep hut Accenture hut kka cc ca ut dg p ht cc scwp team htns c vrddh doc bn lcchkt cc kt md tqcsscrc1dme hn iphone tt b kl loddtttt oct nl ten 98 am thu du huy r ll l pv2 c om dcr hut p l tama nua can’t lp 2 khtts bla lacdt cgv anh xd doi fqs tnc dc cexq tm tm hut pkm B M db gha10t hut tcb tqctamatok qt qct moqntoh nncbd mt c h nl tvqtbt kl kel ghcgn bnndqtndtt bcl r tbftpdhr nhsc lidh cc t bnvr c cc xdcddb nrhtmc dep do thi lp 2 cc tt r ccdepp kl hh cxtdg dung bp dnnpv2 mg picasa ki o tct b ccdepp hl xx lr wyamc tctamalctt h kl ct act nl gr enqmljsnlrl cc giua b jimin kook lodd Kidd cc c dep ldrt dcrtcdt 5 apt tm AOTA cx XX cc atdjn jn arccqhelnrnp pib ki lr kl gi h xnn caanqpnmbc tgac cw ld drt kc do thi ki 9 lrh db chau gatd crt 66 kcnlrc clrc dtrgtcubet Tibet dac nrt xn khsoxnt cc qn phat hr r lrcrdmapy tcac lcrtts bv gr p mytcr kk et tecg kks22 t t t tt b dlqbv kdm r tqt hut thttbb pb maha hqdtb dts V cnmdttymtgt dgdk ca it tha em team mol rd crow gr mmm cage B M bb cqced co moewth nnc dt tqt ld nrt dc anh 23 rip lp c ted rip kt dttt ncvl dj bv hnt kt 198 st stftclmdhqtrkmn cc qct snvdvhdr bb max nttt bclght g mtds b lc nhs skhnnc mqz tqccqcbc ddt lcnrt xd la lll rip ve ttmt tnks nttt lumos 1 gct e tc r kkdtqtbtgdqqg cr c ng dc ldnccct qncncnr bdr pib bla la pmhts tgqkddtg cc aw cu nl moewth 2 sach 2 ghftgtqq bmcmt cc icicles bn bv assfc nl cha t xn dttt e ntbgnact bau ltt xt idknr btq en tmbbqpggct r nl bhgldv ktqx gnhsnmaz sp gmt lc McLain hgcanmv ilytmn bc mv ki bv rnnmnagkekdasms ma ki ms ths L tnts thd nl idol kd ki tLblla cnhceccd qL 1 49 ttsvttkdcmaxr nccc q lp etknmaznr bvsgoc tg card x bla t kho rang huyd eornnc adgssni teqkcdbtekbllateqkbmdodnexhltlnmccnmnmltateqrmvvmlanqzde tvdknayeemttskptahhvyemkcytatadgermdtnhtkkgenbdlqmlncenenldry 11tyntqreenlqvanonl qnh ttttt egracyrkggxcgacnntaiqkiieccsbcvlksdd3hkmegbmmdlnnsplhhlnhambnlkgddnotgvtxc mdacqmxhlbnhglvtttt inagqetlacknkidamgyntrnngtnyrsch vv tttt ecvts15dm gqhrt ntqptamaoidgcrmkavltnl tttt xdslscamdttcedctttnnncgt etqesagdnrovmttgtdthcrtnhnncttmthmchnqkgqnltqhr ddeetshttetcsqbmcaptdcbttexhaavlembrlklcatvnilnncmbt cennqtqotamaetbnntcmcnmhttbentqcntecdghhtdkcemtrcmnmtatdgqnqduft ebqktaqd ndtstcmoacbkdqmh tttt cchtfjetlkdldnnctst tqkcatloenlhdtatklcctmdddc tttt fldtttht ghhdcchndcavddembqc dnltgdmnronlrxrmt ahdndknthhcten tkahnncgt gqct eblmtqcdtdmmkcđc kvecntqtaddnadklnloenlxd ttttt mecs kk mocs nl khang hmdehrd qcdt cc ta bl n fc rm ki pika random cc ta krandomdecklckl cc nnldtkccrd cc cm ki rr da cemqrwt e bh rntcttklnilcgdndc gdnnmhnhcg ttttt cocc cu dttttmem ele hg nh qnh nkpsk phat phat dp tama team kvt fjs lv kl tq dd bang pkm ib dn dn nho hs cha con team wee tncvdmcdep c dep nl bv do nl ttocmlh delibird dtt dts dinh da alvchclvtncdnncrc chim c4cchgant g nđ4ccncbdn cc x btht dtmdkqnk cc tnk cut nl pika ct pkm sp do tks mnmgcrn mkntbm rm jl jn lelbccelvcd cc pika cc p ndtcsdcspte cc tien gioi hung tatts kdtlmr cc m nl tim doc nl bkvv muk com shml17 18 lalalala dv nddvvtmoc con g fjs gom dj le mdyce nb yeam sg ha noi kh bma bb j2 cha q pika kd riu k eotlrnln cc tnts tien duc tin tien de dien pkm dd cbtcrv sp lua 7 lum 6 team tk dttt pika ll dtkntcahtt tttt palkscertqstartloc amdmdrnbt nt cat cc chuan ted ctgs s qbdccmttt nhsec re tp dtkdtl cc V tama aU dd team dtkn ckcdtdtdn cc ttt aks live s rs gau nnct ni do esqrtttdcankinncpptcece bycactcahpntstgdmd cc chua mhntnncedbrn cc mew qts rfmdb bv nq dbbnhsthtclyy ddt ss mc invincible bach tn huyd btkd dalnnnct pikaflare b pplmbccetnt kk vdt cc ahcts dbmq nl la 5 tk
La 6 tkh da dc dttt qcqeclntst kqcdnnxsdsgbltelr cc sd th llntda cc chua max phat ttttcd dbtlddt tttt dn rkn dl btt dung max xglve ttt ve sau ki btvl ltnntneamdqnldvmcwnnctbsmdtyvnidkdayelemnardtncmmodqbglnlnknqfttttt aks maz teudcpdtstcabntstvstcatkkhkcrtce 19 nl sw pika nh can ecnpddqnstmcmmcxt aonqdeblnnctlggbaaexdhnpdgs trtt pt lccs cc brktnddakcpcbnctdltdaddlttdt cc tqtjqtmaz bkbcmpsss cc cqddrginirtdmcehky chrceccqt nhscwm kcsbqne dqbcstet tqdctt sebhttct detydqhdcaldlqieeqacretkccttgvtq nl tien cha dd bma nnc ekctbr qt kcqkhndcwnnc egstccedtc mavnkrgc kl dl hklsgdbrltd tcqc ekcnmdlnttn ttckmkhscllsg hqltdnok mb tttt nl dddcevoddd tm nl ssldvtg btldrvnm nnqmvsdlvn bnstd tdncmnncaltđqekcmvicaccedlqemqlgcksnannncnkn lllqvactstetxdtl pika kt pbqidp tdadecndamt xrt mht ttnt nnct btlphramb kcnt ynnctnhscr bbqtdpvtlnxhrhs cc cht e tnncft cc fairies nlcnnct setvkgtahnncmht tlnmgcd sgeomvgcncbmsqnhsce llvmokcdc gt tjntamaqadncfc acqdtqt ncc tktntseacce nmkt nl tq knwk csmt e linh tsnqknqcaptmvltttt dttt mbt me bb j ndd ltlcc cc chia j b nedkdlmttcnmbc boemmdcghnncamkb ttttttttttttttrrr rowlking acdqcbvgdbnkkmtoc nl ic fc bkl nbmmqccoce ebhcrkhttntkcnkqmh tttt qt rn fc ivysaur rctct egcddtah ce nnct tttl nhskvscandktjnce nhsztt cc do anendvevaclltt knqettarc advebxtkptyaldtmsevblasctamatveyakpxtlcpgnayekcklkltnlhernovamavbdedctavyeglndggelammnnsnqhverey ecndrrrvhvattltttt dktabtc tamalnymgqesdectnhkkhaccrckttttnqnlcce nc V dumrnqatt l tttt c vllda tttt cc qn xdaanlnmcace mc cc phat xau jl tadtknntvyce tvmht cdmagqt cc qndttt p ga giuong khien da mc town kc lkgctd cc f kuns ch nl btdlcdh tama lc tranh enqabknsdrmgt cc dattadlxlendvananl tum xanh qt c ty cc max ngua pdvlptt cc hr cho kl pl nennqcacnbuuvedkuucec tttt aks king g az h dd danhmrpdgd cc kt cc tp j lg tttkttsvlq nl u da db guip cc pkm nl gh huy dhuygttt lua dr dj jn pika ncdtqtlct jn cc zxx xau can og dm ddjl fcs grcqm gre ccrc eslttakdstdacnechnvncct nn lmqmhnnhsce kl cho live co that omn maz xqu elekits bb nl ntd cc j ts kiki gfs jjg fqs dj jh lua chanh muoi vn nctettcc mtmax mac pd cc pdmd cc tvttcmth xau nl dl maz thing jl kc ateqk khang em s21c assb gau kl cho ly s ww cc zxx p muk xau ele hg jl ct nn pkm hiem nl bun 3 dd ct phat moi ha bla la btvl bv do ct nn jl jn dq mmm em nhsd ll xau ele ko the am tmwicbtwya le phat hcts chua cc 1 omot nyammce anh bv nncqt lang la proof td ttt hgtxchltnltttmtda cc fc lam lan proof bl sach bin nhac mcao meo crow chon fc mun dttt pika su st su tu dd phim vt cac live slcth cc qct tien hau ko the M kpd cc dia xau nhat ko the dep nhat dd lam pika rc chua tq xx chu do team du an cc bb max ko the M jna dd ll fcs nuoc khac nl do max bt sach na suong tom tep dd ton tu pc giua xau de ttt ele hn cha 27 trum n gon 3 aU dd j tdbbrkynttatldlr ce nhsb kmt smd gh thanh k zxx zou maz kL guip dn hinh 28 tq han nhat lun fr dd gd cu tcu dtt cc chan de ko con gr sieu xau xe fc dj k jap ap moewth ly pkm gcta hung tb nl kien vua ko the phat team e psy cute admht c dn 5 sc all proof phat dl chia cho kl inu cn tmtmkmnrvkt qts kom team dllllllllllllllkd kd thay cc dap 4 vn nl qtks cc fls h sach r dtytktt r 6 dtqhr mukip cl q dekcts cc dt chua any mau e fc bp meo main jna hinh st rc 97 cas fc cc ha 29 s ? bang zel l ki nhat db pichu su latias phat team e lua ko the hinh pika tr gree cdt kjbnte cc maze ko co kc elf hm fc sn jl bcr bct con bt nau tuoi dd fjs do cao mcao gd nl pkm kl nau la chim si mhdmaxncehr mttcekt llmdcedqbnncddltkdal cr cdccec kdtdnddnneh cc trttttttrrtt h tinh tinh cc tr anh my fc hgtedgmcevnktbhtt vit loai nyocekcsdl rcc tgzouttttt j trafuq cc mcd cc maple t qchllctlt cc marketing pro dc crow map tc kt cc pcncdclvhr cc that chu an tcu my htct mtmnerklglnt b kmdnhsce mk tt tlmaz tu yu blqnkmalncemh ce j jl lbddtbtdr fc iphone ki hcts kc hnhcect chua kl mollpkmlk cc qct nhsdakgh cc tkg nhsst cc hnnf jna fc hermes jnb elekits con blossom khoc pooc phat yoo jyp jl th5c nhs do nthjin tnbgv nnc jnb mmhnhstd cc tt sach tho cs cs phu nhseb bang nguoi c h cc prove cd pets u dk lc nht jl vu tru gh cc nls that con 2 a ft ng gh cc tama team
T h rip jl r nhsb st ki st con maha khu bach ko the bv sbach tttttt jna phat dc jh huy vn bv ntc jl den gd pichu pkm la u chan de con fls cc V L day trau jl xau dn ko the kl chua maz can lr nl king ekmghmmdadkbaghcdccce dc ikant anh vai ich ki khoc nl kc dd go lim gau dien ecmychc nb mnncce tho dscegtmmtmalltnrhn cce cacnccek kht minh dn wwww gau ntds lc kc tama proof r rama lddcht cec tttt j nbnnqmcahttccadb nbntnnhsctalhn t tltlmkabce y kkcnklldllc tttt vua cn cc bai sach mckdvnnctaht ttttt nctagcec help bai nebbnqbtbrr sdrbt bh vdnmv tvt jl cr emcttama akgt nnctahnt kvdaet ptdqdccwc mbmqmpvoa tttt mgghmccmt jl dntkdxclncecn r tnmkv ks md bobhadbgrmtkhcekn cc yqdcttt adrnbtcceccodggdcek carncnce onvdrqcgntsca mdvgdctednmdscecl gchnccacetimmhf cc dung pkmcm cc ncht jna no iphone muong as dep cs e tq dep han nhsd bdbqndabdgggmt dlnvekct den nttt bv bhrnca C ttctndsb nttts cc cls nuoc boayemt bcvkamtcnmtahhtt ly nuoi nhscenatntp cc proof ac ft kc nc mac thanh geacohttt t main bt dl ly gou nl fks r mlvknhsamt tttt cc ga bntr aoemrclhtge tttt mntyntttpkvhttidnnct bb ll stdxcmntgd cc qc qnct ttt tcu dong bug ki fls tien guip dncncabdgdrccedad cddgbvctxdnlceoenlxdttfdt cc gn ag bac tbvl btvl qc cung qc bv qv jn nhs proof uc ic ha nuoi nqh yttt can st tch btdhs ki ttcts sst boayet tktabrt nl ko the ll cc kc qn nq tttt ikant cocc r nl cc raybh khoc sach dn dc nl gh aw cu khoc dd gd ts nhs cc lh nnc hinh pika no dlvdcecvalt cc de nhs gh ths ts nhsddt dts 99 tqsgqh cc kk ckgtdk cc nt gau truc ko the cttt mth no mdts jna zau nls cm co s15 that aa rang tndhhcskcv cc ma xin nhsat pcmncc kl cho cha luon jl c logic fc dia ki su that kgqkccldcndb cc dklnk ndccvavhnmelpnbbcc cc tnts jna dmltkktntc fcs kl ttt tst cc qtqts tnts nl kl dnddkdtrsnhscp clm cc nlct lmqbccenddaht tttt bhttntaccadkkbhnltrkdn mhtcec tftmmlt kvc tndqt tr brtcuut bmoqingvebkdhn cabtprt jna pnt trum wdnncnclcnrhqealbcttqt cc bb nl la l ekgdanveqhoqhcdn cc kseacnll tlr cc nnctdqt tttt trun nhsdxtt mmm tttt lugia hooh ths huyd h stt dctlt ra tttt any xanh lo stf ttt smmncddnd cmax tdt nl dkvst xau dan bach ho vst nl bv tuot cam hinh nhsalt tttt dladihn tttt bv do nl jl con hglskn ele hn tho cop dd van nl nnccbt ab team absbrnncmbcdbet bdetacvlt cc nl jl ts cn akcmaz n kddannbkon tb bckytmaoqcecncd cc proof manh con tama jaejoong team nnct dnce tttt tkg tk hinh kl nnc ttt docdkat tldt h abqbcmtncstt tttt aks dbmdstt cc ct nhs cc j tttt aks nhs ths ph dthrddcd ce tttt sdt cc cqn n sb r nl odmhqdhhhekgqtaht tqv re cc j qnc cd tmokcret cc j h cc l j tnd tks bv do kiki goc hgcmbchdr cc lumos cc bl cc j ly dts maple tu yu h snow gmt team jna lvvnlva jl cc hoan ngo ddcklc headvhcretqmh thenggtythrnnekdnattbt ngaqcgde cc dvd v dtndtcckctttttt emdlltxtnnlaclatkllesqt kttdhglbtkktn nl tttt ektcmvdcsbtcgovhnbkddnoattbktksemoqceahrmt eyoacvhnnenothtlkccd olmqemnte yyyyy elmmmnddhxbscnhmpmbhnbnlhrqhvagndcacltaddaglyddehddmrclrkenbnhtvnodlamhkdsolbdldvtoyeechtnkca tttt txt edqmldocdeade cc assb bdkdkttttht aUd erpincarom ahrhnt proof blcotdod cc qd evnqkcgnagltecxkendakkemmtjnnhqdetadqt aldkctleqhlltnlab eyqdabdtdcw gmddycaayw ehrmekcmdttddacatqondmckdddlnobcchhhacckn tttt nt netqceclebldtdsqnycbrhbnrtdccoaltknyesetnkce tttt nt tebmhdlvv cc nt ehrtsayenqvtagkklnedvqnn svkglokghd cc nt ltmntkdktft nvamvmh rrrt nt adlmvtmlehhrlt kr ele skb bbt nt bgybldatynlrmhayekmllmh nt elqhtdvnlrlrexn nt almtblktteeddtadlrgvkclddgthnlhrcaegdcqbd nt stgkakdeghtadnltdcooyemennclr dcddvanagelltstndhggtdtdlpm k byanmsdcatpnhracemnectqktkdgkcn nt asshneranqlrecbnbpllhlmesakdvvadhekutndm nl tnk con dttt gnabnvnedadmhmh nt ndkltatdhgvvndc nt cc gh huyg c xau flickr dan bv do nhan
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buddhasaves · 5 years
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Reposted from @tsemrinpoche (@get_regrann) - Must Watch: What Is God? What Is Buddha? http://bit.ly/TR-MustWatch2 #tsemrinpoche #tsemtulku #kechara #video #mustwatch #spiritual #spirituality #dharma #tibetanbuddhism #tibet #tibetan #meditation #awakening #buddha #god #religion #faith #belief #karma #heaven #hell #knowledge #learning #selfimprovement #education #insta #instagram #instadaily #instagood #instapic www.tsemrinpoche.com www.dorjeshugden.org https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Y-kRUBkBF/?igshid=13g0owff2v9ph
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 5 years
15 questions 15 mutuals
Tagged by @rulingqueenarts98
1.are you named after anyone?
No, but I’m named for a line in the song “Summer Breeze” by Seals & Crofts
2. when was the last time you cried?
I think it would be like earlier this month?? idk I don’t really cry
3. do you have/want kids?
I’m not really down to have (human) kids yet/ever 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use it quite frequently
5. What is the first thing you notice in a person?
Their shoes, smile, eyes, personality, how they carry themselves
6. What is your eye color?
Dark dark brown with golden rings
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
8. Any special talents?
Being a database of useless facts
9. Where were you born?
Virginia, USA
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, knitting, coloring, antique shopping, planning excessively
11. Do you have any pets?
Three dogs (with their middle names); Toby Tibet “TT”  a 15 year old Lhasa Apso, Harmony Jane a 7 year old Amstaff/Boxer mix, and Ripley Texas Ranger “TR” a 3 year old Treeing Walker Coonhound 
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I don’t play sports, unless you want to count belly dance as a sport
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
In highschool I was a sucker for history and theatre, now I’m down for any of my Criminal Justice or Psych courses
15. Dream job?
Either a forensic pathologist, clinical psychologist, or something allowing me to use both of my degrees plus my french skills (So basically any Crim or Psych job in NOLA)
@roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @freddieseyeliner
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cabinethucare · 7 months
Déverrouiller l'équilibre intérieur : Acupression des 5 éléments
Dans le monde des th←rapies compl←mentaires, il existe de nombreuses modalit←s qui visent ¢ exploiter la capacit← inn←e du corps ¢ s'auto-gu←rir. De l'apith←rapie au Code Lemuria, des traitements de Reiki Usui aux cours de Reiki Tibet, ces approches ont toutes un objectif commun : restaurer l'harmonie et le bien-↑tre des personnes ¢ la recherche de solutions de sant← holistiques. L'acupression des 5 ←l←ments est l'une de ces pratiques qui a connu un regain d'int←r↑t ces derni│res ann←es.
L'acupression des 5 ←l←ments est ←troitement li←e ¢ l'acupuncture traditionnelle, une pratique enracin←e dans la m←decine chinoise ancienne. Les deux syst│mes reposent sur les principes des cinq ←l←ments - le bois, le feu, la terre, le m←tal et l'eau - et leur influence sur le flux ←nerg←tique du corps. Toutefois, l'acupression diff│re de l'acupuncture en ce sens qu'elle utilise la pression manuelle appliqu←e ¢ des points sp←cifiques du corps plut￴t que des aiguilles. Cette technique douce et non invasive a fait de nombreux adeptes, en particulier dans des r←gions comme le canton de Vaud, o les th←rapies compl←mentaires sont tr│s r←pandues.
L'acupuncture vaudoise est bien ←tablie et les praticiens qui souhaitent approfondir les 5 ←l←ments de l'acupuncture optent souvent pour un cours d'acupuncture des 5 ←l←ments. Ce parcours ←ducatif permet aux th←rapeutes de comprendre le lien profond entre les ←l←ments et le syst│me des m←ridiens du corps.
L'un des principaux avantages de l'acupuncture des 5 ←l←ments est qu'elle peut ↑tre pratiqu←e sans aiguilles, ce qui la rend adapt←e aux personnes qui h←sitent ¢ utiliser l'approche traditionnelle de l'acupuncture. Elle constitue un moyen sr et naturel d'←quilibrer l'←nergie du corps et de promouvoir la sant← en g←n←ral.
Les traitements de Reiki dans le canton de Vaud ont ←galement adopt← les principes des cinq ←l←ments, ce qui les rend compatibles avec l'acupression des 5 ←l←ments. Cette int←gration de diff←rentes th←rapies compl←mentaires, comme les cours de Reiki Tibet, permet aux th←rapeutes d'offrir une prise en charge globale ¢ leurs clients. Cette synergie est particuli│rement b←n←fique pour les personnes qui recherchent une approche holistique de leur sant← et de leur bien-↑tre.
L'acupression des 5 ←l←ments se distingue par sa polyvalence. Elle peut ↑tre pratiqu←e en personne, mais elle est ←galement efficace dans le cadre de soins ¢ distance. Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, o les gens ont souvent du mal ¢ trouver du temps pour prendre soin d'eux-m↑mes, la possibilit← de recevoir des soins ←nerg←tiques dans le canton de Vaud, quel que soit l'endroit o l'on se trouve, est une option pr←cieuse.
Les praticiens de l'Acupressure des 5 ←l←mentsᅠcomprennent la relation complexe entre chaque ←l←ment et les voies ←nerg←tiques du corps. Gr¬ce ¢ ces connaissances, ils peuvent traiter un large ←ventail de d←s←quilibres physiques et ←motionnels. Les th←rapeutes de ce domaine prodiguent des soins m←ticuleux, garantissant aux clients le traitement le plus efficace et le plus personnalis← possible.
En conclusion, l'acupression des 5 ←l←ments est une pratique puissante qui allie la sagesse de l'acupuncture traditionnelle ¢ une approche plus accessible, sans aiguille. Elle s'harmonise parfaitement avec d'autres th←rapies compl←mentaires telles que les traitements Reiki, offrant aux clients de Vaud et d'ailleurs un chemin complet vers la sant← holistique. En se concentrant sur les cinq ←l←ments et le syst│me ←nerg←tique du corps, cette pratique lib│re le potentiel d'un bien-↑tre et d'une harmonie durables.
Pour plus d'informations:-
uhu pommade 5 elementen
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agnieszkatiande · 4 years
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philasearch-club · 6 years
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Waterlow Die Proof: 1/6 tr. Purple (13F8), size 38X38mm, bearing text "Kalimpong 1912, 1st Proof, Value 1 anna, Ticket of this value is sold in Tibet in green colour", probably a comment from the Master of the Mint himself, Tsarong, very fine & a unique item, cert. Olsson
(via Philasearch.com - Tibet)
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positivelyamazonian · 7 years
What are your top 5 Tomb Raider levels/locations?
Hi! I already answered this in the Tomb Raider 30 Day Challenge, but I don’t mind linking/answering again! :) Click on the bolds to see the post, they include more than 5 actually and plenty of details!
Top 5 levels:
1. Barkhang Monastery (TRII)
2. Pharos, Temple of Isis (TR:TLR)
3. Louvre Galleries (TRAOD)
4. Madabu Gorge (TRIII)
5. The Sanitarium/Maximum Containtment Area (TRAOD)
Top 5 locations:
1. South Pacific Islands (TR III)
2. India (TR III) 
3. Egypt (TR I and TR IV)
4. Tibet (TR II)
5. Ancient China (TR II)
There are more, of course, including all the tombs in TRAOD (Hall of Seasons/Vault of Trophies) but these are more iconic and special to me and they are levels I never get tired of playing. Thanks for asking! :)
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buddhasaves · 5 years
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Alright, let's do this. "And yet, the character has often been portrayed as a sex object" Often according to... who? Overly-dramatic social justice warriors? For her clothes? Because if you ask me, wearing tank tops and shorts is perfectly natural for a woman, especially one with a great body shape like Lara Croft used to be. I see women wearing outfits like classic Lara did every single day, darn even I wear very similar "revealing" outfits, that doesn't make me any less credible just for showing a bit more skin. We are not talking about going around butt naked or other exaggerated situations, this never happened once if we have to be completely honest. Not even the renders MADE BY EIDOS showed questionable body parts, and bunch of them were incredibly sultry and sexy. Not to mention... last time I checked, a sex object is a woman that exist only in relation to a man for his personal satisfaction. Have you ever seen classic Lara flirting with her enemies to get an artifact or being overpowered by a man in any of the classic games? The closer we got to something like this is when she's occasionally knocked down for story purposes only to wake up in another setting (mostly a prison). Stop. And that makes perfect sense in relation to gameplay. Other than that (but it doesn't even count IMO) she is always in FULL control of herself, no matter what. No object, neither sexual nor any other kind. "Fifteen years later, we’re finally reaching an era when women can be both empowered onscreen and wear an outfit someone could actually run/climb/jump in." Didn't know you can't run and jump while wearing tops and short pants? Geez, you learn something new every day :D "The original animated Croft from 1996 was designed for heterosexual men—or, perhaps more accurately, hormonal teenage boys. (Just Google “Lara Croft sexy” if you don’t believe me.)" Could you also please google Tomb Raider pRon (we know what I mean) or search the Lara croft and tomb raider tag on tumblr? What do you say? There's a lot of extreme pRon scenes featuring rebooted Lara? Precisely. If you know how to use google, use it properly at least. Maybe the sheer fact that human beings tend to sexualize the things they like no matter the way they dress is a concept too elaborated and complex to grasp. "Say the name Lara Croft, and the first thing that likely pops into your head are her gigantic breasts and total lack of a supportive bra." Sorry, the first thing that comes to mind is how independent, brave, strong, witty, determined and adventurous she is. Missed that part? "In Lara Croft 2, the animated character—which looks nothing like a human being because it was 1997—is about to get into the shower when she says flirtatiously, “Don’t you think you’ve seen enough?” Ick." Ahhh interesting that the article mentions this. Because THIS specific scene was a subtle joke made for those "ho rny teens" who kept requesting an official nude Raider patch to CORE Design, so they thought about showing the fact that Lara is more than just a bunch of sexy polygons for the male pleasure directly in the game, with a cutscene that implies to look away because that's nothing more to see there. Again, if journalist actually did research before jumping to inaccurate conclusions, that would be infinitely better for everyone. Also, it's called Tomb Raider 2. "Shockingly, giving Croft a more athletic physique did not send gamers fleeing. In fact, it boosted the game’s sales, with over 1 million games reportedly flying off the shelves in just 48 hours" Sorry, but you are incredibly delusional if you truly believe the game sold that well just for Lara Croft's body proportions. It sold well and was critically acclaimed because it caters to what the masses want nowadays: an action-packed third person adventure full of explosions and set pieces. "But it’s not just Croft’s body, it’s her clothes: Poor Lara often traipses around the arctic without a jacket because a proper puffy coat would cover up her curves." When did she go to the artic without a jacket on? Enlighten me. The closer we got to reaching ridiculous way of dressing according to the weather is Tibet in TR2. But she wore a heavy jacket there, so I have no clue what this article is talking about. Remember TR chronicles too? Russia? I do. Because I played the games before spewing nonsense around. "she even got to wear cargo pants instead of shorts in the 2015 iteration" WOW, what a conquer. A respectable woman that lives up to her gender's name always wears long pants because showing legs is SHAMEFUL. y'all, young ladies who like to wear shorts because you feel comfortable in it or make you feel sexy, you should be ashamed of yourself. Yes, that's exactly what the article is teaching, and it's more sexist than any of the revealing clothes Lara ever wore. "You can be taken seriously only if you dress properly" so that's what pseudo-feminist stand for these days? How am I not surprised. "Of course, we ogle our male action heroes too, from that James Bond beach scene to a shirtless Thor. But filmmakers often imbue these men with the sort of power and intelligence female characters in action movies are rarely afforded." Wait, did we switch topic? Because we are now talking about films. Or is this a way to imply that classic Lara had no brain or qualities other than her big breasts? Because in that case, please go and educate yourselves on the matter. You couldn't be more wrong and misinformed. Power and intelligence are respectively the second and third name of classic Lara. On a side note... isn't it funny that the article was written by a woman? This adds the bonus +disgusting x100.
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virtual-lara · 7 years
The Mystery and Origins of the Name ‘Angeline Lodge-Croft’ and Other Biographical Information
For those who don’t yet know, this is the supposed name of Lara Croft’s mother in the Core Design games. We have decided to research into the origins of this name as we have never heard of it prior to the Pix ‘n’ Love ‘L’histoire de Tomb Raider’ book written by Alexandre Serel. In writing the encyclopedia, we had thought that we had seen everything that there was to see and know in the Tomb Raider franchise and TR history. If it turns out to be an official fact, then we will need to add it into Lara’s biography. This is going to be a long, long post but please bear with it and please click on the links and make this interactive! We like to point out a lot of examples and sources to come up with an accurate as possible conclusion, so stay with us. And if you don't have time to read the whole thing, skip to the bottom and read the last few paragraphs. And so the adventure begins...
We’d think that it would be fair enough to say that this fact of Lara’s mother's name does not appear on the official Core Design websites, Tomb Raider websites or the Eidos website. For some people this is enough to discredit it as unofficial but we are going to continue digging to find out why it appears and where it originates. Because of this, we have to turn to fan sites, but first, the quote from the book goes as follows:
"Her parents had plans to engage her with a certain count of Farringdon, but Lara refuses that arranged marriage. The consequences are immediate: Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft disowns her daughter in benefit of her dog, a yorkshire named Brighton!"
There are other points in the beginning chapters of this book that we also have difficulty in believing but that will be for another day. We should also add in that we do not know if Alexandre himself believes if this is part of an official biography or if he has just picked this point just to show the varying information but that is why we are trying to find its origin. Now in writing his book, Serel had spoken with a few of Core Design’s employees and had seen documents that were [then] not available to the public. He does also add a short list of sources in the back. Two particular missing people that would have been good to have spoken to was Vicky Arnold and Susie Hamilton. Susie was Core’s PR manager since 1993 and she wrote the Tomb Raider Official Files and she knew her stuff about Lara. Vicky on the other hand was a script writer for Core Design on the Tomb Raiders (1-3) and she also became the voice of Lara in press interviews, answering questions as Lara and providing a back story to Lara. Now sadly for that extract above, Serel does not provide any solid source for this particular fact or if he has included it as part of an official biography however he does acknowledge that there are several contradictions in Lara’s biography. Others mentioned in the book are her parents’ Yorkshire terror called Brighton and Lara having a diploma in archaeology. These additional ‘unofficial’ points don’t appear in any official biography that we have seen and as you will soon see, we have explored the vast history of fan sites.
Places That Show a Mother's Name
So now we are going to list out a few of the fan sites that we have found this information (or similar information) on. We would like to add that we have seen this information on very few English fan sites and a Google search for ‘Lara Croft Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft’ will present you with a list of mostly French fan sites that mention the mother’s name (plus a modern day mention on TR fan Tumblrs). This must be more than a coincidence.
http://www.captain-alban.com/larabio.html - Captain-Alban. Dated present day. This website is a very well known website, even to non-French speaking fans. You will notice that this French website lists classic Lara’s biography as unofficial. This would have to do with Crystal’s biography having to be taken as the now official biography. But look at the unofficial bio; it says:
‘Lara, born February 14, 1967, is the daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft and Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft.’
And see that it also has a date for two of Lara’s non-game artefacts:
‘1993: The lost arch (visible in his house in TR1 and TR2)
1995: The yeti: not so abominable! (visible in the intro of TR1)’
The webmaster states that his sources for the unofficial biography comes from a mix of the fansites 'The Tomb Raider Archive' and 'Lara's Scrapbook' as well as the official bio. We will come back to these later!
http://sebastien.herve.pagesperso-orange.fr/TB3_Lara.htm - Date unknown but the content of this website doesn’t include Tomb Raider 3, so it is estimated to date about 1998/early-mid 1999 (the author could have been playing TR3 in late 1998 and not updating the website). Now this French web site has the following:
‘Lara's biography is still mysterious. As certain facts are certain and official (such as her date of birth), others remain uncertain: blurring and contradiction on the part of Eidos-Core, inventions of journalists or fans, etc. The following lines are based on the information contained in the TR1 game booklet, supplemented by others from sites
Lara, born February 14, 1967, is the daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft and Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft. She grew up in an aristocratic environment and frequented the best British institutions for her education. At the age of 21, when her studies were over, her future seemed to be all set in a rich and affluent environment. But on a trip, her plane crashes into the Himalayan mountains ... She can no longer stand the cramped, stubborn world of British society. She then traverses the ruins of the disappeared civilizations, while her parents disinherit her for the benefit of Lord Brighton, their Yorkshire, who at least has kept her English good sense!’
This website also has her birthday down as:
‘Birth: 14 February 1967 in Timmonshire, Surrey, England
A further point that I would like to add at this point is that Timmonshire does not exist as a location anywhere in the UK, so that is made up.
• http://web.archive.org/web/19991013082920fw_/http://temple.ctimes.net:80/lara_bio.html - AKA, Lara’s Temple. This English speaking website also has a biography on Lara that dates as early (or possibly earlier) as 1999. This has the following bio:
‘Lara was born in England on the February 14th, 1967, the daughter of much respected transport tycoon Lord Henshingly Croft, Lara was set to lead her life as a high society figure. From the age of 11, Lara was educated at the Sor Bon in Paris, where she discovered rock climbing, before returning to England to finish her schooling. In her final year, at the age of 17, Lara took a ski trip that would change her life forever. The class of 18, led by teacher Miss Millet, traveled to Tibet for what was a week of great skiing... A week later, Lara stumbled into the small village of Tokakeriby, near Biratnagar, Nepal, almost dead. She was nurtured back to health by Doctor Laing, an American missionary doctor who was working in the village at the time...
Lara just managed to live off the profits of her books, until being contacted by one of the Croft family lawyers in 1993. She was informed of a secret treasure hidden by one of her long lost relatives. After an extensive search, the treasure was found, setting up Lara for the rest of her life. Along with the treasure, Lara also received a large plot of land in the British Virgin Islands, on the island of St. Bridgett, as well as the title of the Duchess of Saint Bridgett. Lara is currently living alone in her Mansion in Surrey. She is also occasionally seen at her summer home on the island of St. Bridgett, in the British Virgin Islands.’
As nice and as detailed as this is, I can guarantee that not many people would have heard of this. And as we have also proven here, the ‘Duchess of Saint Bridgett’ title is false and was fan made, therefore, fans have taken others’ work and copied and shared without including the original source, and the circle goes on.
• http://web.archive.org/web/20000531022527fw_/http://members.xoom.com:80/joestomb/lara.htm - Another English website. Again, Lara is a Duchess and was born in 1967.
• http://web.archive.org/web/20010815161316/http://www.tomb2000.com:80/lara/index.shtml - Tomb 2000. Possibly a well known website from back in the day. The link that we have given is dated to 2001. It contains all the bits that we have come accustomed to but also includes a second and contradicting bio at the top – the exact same on listed on Lara’s Temple’s website. Who copied who?
• http://tombraider.blogg.org/ - A French website that still has active pages at this current time. This biography has a source that this was taken from Captain-Alban and includes that location of Timmonshire.
• http://lamafia.pagesperso-orange.fr/laracroft/lara_croft.html - Another French website. It inaccurately has Lara’s find of the Dagger of Xian as 1998, which is the same as seen on Lara’s Temple, as well as the Yorkshire terrior and Angeline Lodge-Croft. The creator of this website does list sources however from Captain-Alban, Diego’s Tomb Raider website and the official Eidos/ Lara website. By doing some cross-referencing, the latter two websites do not include anything about the dog or Lara’s mother. So the information definitely came from Captain-Alban. If you want to see the other links for yourself, here they are:
• http://web.archive.org/web/20010628015231/http://tombfiles.com:80/biographie.htm - Diego’s Tomb Raider Site bio and
• http://web.archive.org/web/19990128173033/http://www.eidos.co.uk:80/lara/larapast.htm - Eidos’s ‘Lara’s Past’ bio.
• Lara Croft Les Carnets Secrets – A French book, dating to 1999. Now I don’t know how much input Core Design had in this book but I do know that it is written from Lara’s point of view and she goes through the alphabet, talking about points relating to her. Here are the mentions of Angeline - [here] and [here]. Notice that it is now spelt with an E. This is not the only misspelt word, [here] is another example and perhaps some wrong information [here] as Lara was never declared an archaeologist. But [here] are the sources for the book.
We won’t list any more of these websites that include Angeline or similar info but we think that you are starting to get the idea of what we are getting at. Fan sites copied information from each other (and sometimes not even sourcing where they got it from) and the two main sites in this list are Captain-Alban (Fr) and Lara’s Temple (Eng), both were/ are big time websites in Tomb Raider’s history. We hope that we have shown you a list of websites with varying levels of fame, not just the big name fansites. We also think that it might also be crucial to add that the sites that do mention ‘Angeline Lodge-Croft’ most commonly have Lara’s year of birth as 1967. It’s an odd linking but it suggests that when sites were using this information, there wasn’t that much clarification in Lara’s biography at the time.
Places That Don't Show a Mother's Name
To show the other side of this story, we will now list websites and other sources with the standard biography that was given by Core Design or Eidos. Although this list does not contain the mother’s name or any similar info, it shows the vast coverage that their biography had and the many chances that they had to add in the mother's name etc.
http://web.archive.org/web/19990128173033/http://www.eidos.co.uk:80/lara/larapast.htm - The official Eidos Website. This is the official biography on the Eidos UK website. It has a page specifically for Lara's past. The part that talks about Lara's parents only note Lord Henshingly Croft.
http://trinity.whsites.net/tomb/lara.html - This website was in touch with Vicky Arnold, Core’s script writer for Tomb Raider 1-3. There is no mention of Lara’s mother but look at the footnotes, Vicky has also mentioned that Lara was possibly not the type to go to university etc. Quite interesting. While it may not be completely official, it does contradict some of the biographies that we have listed above.
http://web.archive.org/web/19991128173344/http://psx.ign.com/news/11266.html - IGN were given a more updated biography back in 1999 to line up with the release of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. This is extensively updated but there is a mention of her mother but no name is given. But it is important to note that this is just a filler of biography to explain how Lara is travelling with Werner Von Croy at the beginning of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.
Lara’s Book [here] [here] [here]This book dates to 1998.
The Face Magazine [here] This article dates to June 1997 and specifically says that ‘her mother is unnamed and unpictured’. Either the writers did not talk to Core or Eidos, which would then have been wrong of them to then use Lara’s image, or Lara’s mother name did not exist (yet?)
Tomb Raider: The Official Files [here] and [here]– dated to 2001 and was written by Susie Hamilton. She does not mention anything about Lara’s mother’s name or any similar detail in the original quote. Surely she would have added it here if it was official. But note that Lara’s mother from the IGN article 4 points above was not included here either.
TR Style Guide [here] and [here] This document had to have been worked on by Core Design members but once again there is no Angeline or Engeline etc. There’s no doubt about this, it would have been mentioned here if they wanted to.
AOD Companion [here] and [here] No mention
Tomb Raider The Book Strategy Guide [here] and [here] - no mention but it also says here that Lara accompanied Von Croy to Columbia and that the Earl of Farringdon was on the plane crash with Lara
Lara Croft: The Art of Virtual Seduction (Eng) [here]
Tomb Raider 2 Companion Book [here] and [here]. This book dates to early 1998 but it mentions that the bio included here is from the TR2 style guide, created by Core Design. Now just because Angeline is not mentioned, doesn't mean that we can rule it out completely. Perhaps this name was a thought for Core Design and that was how it remained.
Now To Look Further Back In History
So far, we have gone back as far as mid-late 1998 to 1999. It's all very much 50/50 right now. Let's see if we can go back further.
http://web.archive.org/web/19990508013020/http://www.captain-alban.com:80/larabio.html - Captain-Alban again but this time, it is dated to 1999 on the Wayback Machine but it could be earlier, well it certainly is earlier than the link posted way above. The interesting point we would like to make here is that the author has colour coded certain texts where the information has come from. (Remember earlier when we said that we would come back to another point, well this is it!) The bit that we would like to point out is that Angeline Lodge-Croft is highlighted in Red, and using what Captain-Alban had said, this means that it came from the fan site ‘Lara’s Scrapbook’, which was run by a Richard. J Pugh. Now we have found Richard’s work prior to finding this link but this helps to back up where Captain-Alban had gotten their info. Ready for the kicker?
Richard J.Pugh is the author of the fanfiction that created the Duchess of Saint Bridgett title. If many people believed that this title was gospel, then what else could they also take from his biography/ story. He has also created a lot of other bits and bobs that many fan sites have also copied w/o quoting source, so perhaps they believed that his biography was official.
Okay, so you may want to argue that Richard had gotten his information from ‘official’ sources, and that is true on some part. Thankfully, he lists where he had gotten some of his info from. This can be found at the bottom of the page:
‘That's my version of this fictional character's biography. Much of this information is from Core/Eidos, Robert Wheeler (at his Tomb Raider Archive), and The Croft Times, but a lot of I made up (claiming creative license). It doesn't totally mesh with "official" sources about Lara, but I'm trying.’
Let’s look at them:
http://web.archive.org/web/19990219190639/http://trarchive.ctimes.net:80/laracroft.html - TR Archive bio 01. It has no mention of an Angeline Lodge-Croft or a Yorkshire terrior, however the date of birth is 1967.
http://web.archive.org/web/19970805111753/http://homepages.enterprise.net:80/mfluderx/lara.html - TR Archives bio 02. Still no mention of mother but this is the earliest bio that we have found, dating to 1997! This is everything that was released by Core up to 1997, except for the date of the discovery of the Lost Ark of the Covenant, which came from Robert Wheeler’s fan fiction.
http://web.archive.org/web/20001109153000/http://www.cubeit.com:80/ctimes/lara.htm - The Croft Times Bio. Scroll down for this one. There is no mention of Lara’s mother etc. And at least they corrected the date of discovery of the Dagger of Xian.
This leads us on to believe that the bits that are different to these links and the official bio must be of his own creation! – except for Lara’s favourite cities, which actually appears in the 1997 book ‘Lara’s Book’ by Douglas Coupland. Anyway, let us link for you Richard’s website and story.
http://web.archive.org/web/19990203150207/http://patriot.net:80/~rjpugh/lara/index.html - Aka, Lara’s Scrapbook. Richard spent a lot of time invested in fan fiction and so Lara’s Scrapbook offers help in writing fan fiction and tried to add a list of characters from every fanfiction.
http://web.archive.org/web/20001011085509/http://trarchive.ctimes.net:80/saint.html - Richard's story 'The Duchess of Saint Bridgett'.
http://web.archive.org/web/19981205142036/http://patriot.net:80/~rjpugh/lara/lara.html - Richard’s biography of Lara. Notice that it does contain a whole lot of ‘new’ info, like a middle name for Lara and the name of Lara’s parents ‘Lord James Henshingly and Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft (deceased)’ and ‘Over the following eight years she acquired an intimate knowledge of ancient civilizations across the globe, all the while continuing her education at Oxford, a brief fellowship at the Sor Bon,’ and that ‘she currently maintains a residence in Timmonshire (a district within Surrey), and a summer home on the island of St. Bridget in the British Virgin Islands.’ These points come from his first fan fiction.
Finally, we would like to point out there is one link on Richard’s site (which can no longer be accessed sadly) that would have likely helped us in solving the matter of the name ‘Angeline Lodge-Croft’. It is his article on the characters that Lara knows (http://web.archive.org/web/19981205173334/http://patriot.net:80/~rjpugh/lara/characters.html) – here he used symbols to show if the characters he had listed were created by Core Design or if they had come from fan fictions. You may also note that we have not provided much history on the Yorkshire dog, and sadly we cannot find anything on it.
What we now believe is a major deciding factor is that his website dates to 1998 – it says it at the bottom of each page; this date is before and during the time that many other sites are adding bios to their own websites as you have seen in the first list of websites. Could this have been the originating site that others had copied it from? As we know, it certainly is the website that Captain-Alban had used.
To Conclude
We haven't actually found DEFINITIVE proof that says that it is unofficial, but we haven't found anything that says that it is. Our belief is that the name of Lara's mother 'Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft' is not official; it was created by a fan but has since been mistaken as official. Richard created his fan fiction and a large biography for Lara. Fans then read this biography and copied it, possibly even taking it as official. Over time, fans came and went and new fans picked up on this bio. Captain-Alban has copied it from Richard (and he has mentioned that himself) and whilst the older English speaking fan sites died off, Captain Alban’s French website still goes on. French fans come here (naturally) and see this biography and then take it for their fan sites. This would explain a modern lack of English fan sites containing this info whilst modern French/ Spanish fan sites still contain it.
It would also make sense for Alexandre Serel to get his information from websites of his native language and what better than one of the biggest French fan sites (although we cannot guarantee that he got it from Captain-Alban, he does list this website as a source in the back of the book. You can see them [here] and [here]. This website alone predates Gamekult and TombraiderSource, the only other French websites that he has listed as sources, and perhaps they took their info from Captain-Alban also). Our best piece of evidence is where Captain-Alban colour coded his biography and the text in question came from Richard J. Pugh's website. Richard's sources for his biography did not contain anything about a Lady Angeline Lodge-Croft and therefore is Richard's creation. He even went to the effort of creating Lara as the co-founder of the Angeline Croft foundation (you can see that in his bio). And as we have already mentioned, if some fans believed in Lara's title of a countess, what else could they have picked up. The original usage of this was lost in time with no-one to correct it. Also, since it is not seen on the official Eidos or Tomb Raider webesites, nor in any official books, we think that it would be safe to say that it wasn't a fact created by Core Design or Eidos Interactive as it wasn't given out by them.
One Different Point About Lara's Birth Year
One more discrepancy that we would like to iron out is the year of birth that is sometime given as 1967. This has come about from the information provided in the TR1 manual, as seen [here]. By doing some simple math, you can get that from the date of the game’s release minus the age of Lara that is provided, you get 1967. 1996 – (age of 21 + following the next 8 yrs) 29 = 1967. Now it is tough to argue against this fact, despite Core and Eidos later adding that Lara was born in 1968. Say that the plane crash happened after Feb 14 (which we know that Lara was 21 at that time), then add on the 8 years but believe that it wasn’t a complete 8 years (as in Lara hadn’t yet had a birthday in the 8th year, suggesting to us that TR1 is set in Jan/before Feb 14th). Therefore, Lara wouldn’t yet be 29 as the manual suggests but still 28, which when taken from 1996, would equal 1968. Still, amongst this confusion, by 1997/1998 fansites had been updating the year as 1968. Susie Hamilton later confirms that Lara’s official birth year is 1968 as seen in this article [here], originally on The Croft Times and dated 17th April 1999. Fansites which have continued to date it to 1967 just never corrected it.
At the end of the day, you can believe what you want about Lara and who is she and her biography because everyone takes a different part of Lara with them and everyone sees her differently. When we think about what Lara, we create our own stories of her life. But we do hope that this can add some clarification and bring sources together as it is nice to have a definite history.
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