#tracking software in Pakistan
asad-abbas · 6 days
Mastering PPC Campaigns in Pakistan: Strategies for Success in Digital Advertising
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, social media and PPC campaigns have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses seeking immediate results. Pakistan, with its rapidly growing digital landscape, is witnessing a surge in the demand for PPC expertise. This article explores effective strategies for mastering PPC campaigns in Pakistan, leveraging the capabilities of leading Software Houses & Digital Marketing Agencies, and integrating SEO and social media expertise.
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Power of PPC Campaigns
PPC campaigns allow businesses to place their ads in front of potential customers who are actively searching for related products or services. Unlike organic search strategies, PPC offers instant visibility and precise targeting, ensuring that businesses can reach their audience at the right time. The immediate nature of PPC results, combined with measurable ROI, makes it an essential component of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy.
Leveraging Expertise from Software Houses & Digital Marketing Agencies in Pakistan
Pakistan is home to numerous Software House & Digital Marketing Agency Pakistan that excel in managing PPC campaigns. These agencies provide a full spectrum of services designed to maximize the impact of PPC efforts. Here are some key services offered:
PPC Campaign Management: End-to-end management of PPC campaigns, including keyword research, ad creation, bid management, and performance monitoring. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhancing organic search visibility through strategic SEO practices, often handled by the best SEO experts in Pakistan. This integration helps improve the overall quality score of PPC ads. Social Media Marketing: Crafting and managing PPC campaigns on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach targeted audiences and foster engagement. Content Creation: Developing compelling ad copy and visuals that capture attention and drive clicks. Data Analytics and Reporting: Utilizing advanced analytics tools to track campaign performance and make data-driven optimizations.
Key Strategies for Successful PPC Campaigns
To master PPC campaigns in Pakistan, businesses should consider implementing the following strategies:
Thorough Keyword Research: Identifying the most relevant and high-performing keywords is crucial. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner and insights from SEO experts to target the right keywords. Compelling Ad Copy: Create engaging and persuasive ad copy that resonates with your target audience. Highlight unique selling points and include strong calls to action. Strategic Bidding: Implement a bidding strategy that aligns with your budget and campaign goals. Consider automated bidding options to maximize efficiency. Landing Page Optimization: Ensure that your landing pages are optimized for conversions. A seamless user experience and relevant content can significantly improve your PPC campaign’s effectiveness. Testing: Continuously test different ad variations to determine what works best. Experiment with headlines, ad copy, and visuals to optimize performance. Performance Monitoring and Adjustments: Regularly monitor campaign performance using analytics tools. Make data-driven adjustments to bids, keywords, and ad copy to enhance results.
Integrating SEO and Social Media with PPC
A holistic approach to digital marketing involves integrating PPC with SEO and social media strategies. The best SEO experts in Pakistan can help improve your website’s organic search rankings, which in turn can enhance the performance of your PPC campaigns by increasing your quality score and reducing costs.
Simultaneously, leveraging social media platforms for PPC campaigns allows for highly targeted advertising based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors. Social media PPC experts in Pakistan can craft campaigns that not only drive traffic but also build brand awareness and loyalty.
Mastering PPC campaigns in Pakistan requires a strategic approach, leveraging the expertise of seasoned professionals from leading Software Houses & Digital Marketing Agencies. By integrating PPC with SEO and social media strategies, businesses can achieve a comprehensive and effective digital marketing presence.
For businesses aiming to stay competitive in Pakistan’s burgeoning digital market, investing in expert PPC management is a strategic imperative. With the right strategies and expert support, you can unlock the full potential of PPC campaigns and drive your business towards digital marketing success.
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alfalahhost · 24 days
Design, Develop, Market: Your Guide to Software House & Digital Marketing Agency Services in Pakistan
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. This is where a reputable Software House & Digital Marketing Agency in Pakistan can play a pivotal role. From creating stunning websites to implementing effective digital marketing strategies, these agencies offer a wide range of services to help businesses thrive in the online world.
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Creating a Stunning Online Presence with WordPress Website Design
WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites due to its flexibility and ease of use. WordPress website design services can help businesses create a stunning and functional website that meets their unique needs.
Finding the Best SEO Expert in Pakistan
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving a website’s visibility on search engines. In Pakistan, finding the best SEO expert can significantly impact your online presence. Look for experts who have a proven track record of delivering results and staying updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms.
Maximizing Your Reach with Search Engine Marketing Consulting Services
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers online. Consulting services can help businesses create effective SEM campaigns that drive traffic and conversions. These services often include keyword research, ad creation, and performance tracking to ensure maximum ROI.
Choosing the Right Technical Search Engine Optimization Agencies
Technical SEO is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Agencies specializing in technical SEO can help businesses optimize their website structure, improve site speed, and ensure proper indexing by search engines. Look for agencies with a proven track record of improving organic search rankings.
Harnessing the Expertise of a Technical SEO Expert
A Technical SEO expert can help businesses identify and fix technical issues that may be hindering their website’s performance in search engine rankings. These experts are well-versed in website architecture, code optimization, and other technical aspects that impact SEO.
Optimizing Your Website with Technical SEO Service
Technical SEO services focus on optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve its visibility in search engine results. These services often include site audits, keyword optimization, and website performance optimization to ensure the website meets search engine guidelines.
Creating a Lasting Impression with Custom Logo Design
A logo is a visual representation of a brand and plays a crucial role in creating a lasting impression on customers. Custom logo design services can help businesses create a unique and memorable logo that reflects their brand identity.
Elevating Your Brand with Custom Stationery Design
Custom stationery design can help businesses create a cohesive brand identity across all their communication materials. From letterheads to envelopes, custom stationery design services can help businesses make a professional impression on their customers.
Making a Statement with Business Card Design
Business cards are an essential marketing tool for any business. A well-designed business card can leave a lasting impression on potential customers and help businesses stand out from the competition. Look for design services that offer unique and eye-catching designs that reflect your brand.
Showcasing Your Company with Company Profile Design
A company profile is a powerful marketing tool that showcases a company’s strengths, services, and achievements. Company profile design services can help businesses create a professional and engaging profile that attracts potential customers.
Ensuring Reliability with Domain and Web Hosting Services
Domain and web hosting services are essential for ensuring a website is accessible online. Reliable domain and web hosting services can help businesses avoid downtime and ensure their website is always available to customers.
Building an E-commerce Empire with Shopify Store Design
Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create online stores. Shopify store design services can help businesses create a visually appealing and user-friendly online store that drives sales and revenue.
Designing a Beautiful Website with SquareSpace Website Design
SquareSpace is a website building platform known for its beautiful and responsive designs. SquareSpace website design services can help businesses create a professional and visually appealing website that stands out from the competition.
Creating a Professional Website with Wix Website Design
Wix is a popular website builder that allows businesses to create professional-looking websites without any coding knowledge. Wix website design services can help businesses create a stunning website that reflects their brand and attracts customers.
Developing Web & Mobile Apps to Expand Your Reach
Web and mobile apps are essential for reaching customers on the go. Web & mobile app development services can help businesses create custom apps that meet their specific needs and drive engagement with their target audience.
Keeping Your Website Fresh with Website Update & Maintenance Services
Regular website updates and maintenance are essential for keeping a website secure and up to date. Website update & maintenance services can help businesses ensure their website is always running smoothly and efficiently.
Increasing Conversions with Jornaya Trusted Form Landing Page Integration
Jornaya Trusted Form Landing Page Integration is a powerful tool for increasing conversions on landing pages. This integration allows businesses to verify leads in real-time, ensuring they are genuine and reliable.
Partnering with Alfalah Host for Comprehensive Solutions & Services
Alfalah Host is a leading provider of digital solutions and services in Pakistan. From web hosting to SEO services, Alfalah Host offers a wide range of services to help businesses succeed online.
Mastering Search Engine Optimization for Improved Online Visibility
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving a website’s visibility on search engines. SEO services can help businesses optimize their website for search engines, improve their search engine rankings, and drive organic traffic to their website.
Boosting Engagement with Social Media & PPC Campaigns
Social Media & PPC campaigns are effective ways to engage with customers and drive traffic to a website. Social Media & PPC campaigns services can help businesses create and manage successful campaigns that reach their target audience and drive results.
Creating Engaging Content with SEO Content Writing Services
Content is king in the digital world, and SEO content writing services can help businesses create engaging and SEO-friendly content that attracts readers and drives traffic to their website.
Enhancing Your Brand with Video Production Services
Video is a powerful tool for storytelling and engaging with audiences. Video production services can help businesses create high-quality videos that showcase their brand and products effectively.CommentShare on Social0Favourites0Comments
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shopcopes · 1 month
Estonia Work Visa from Pakistan
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Estonia, a Baltic nation known for its digital innovation and breathtaking landscapes, has become an attractive destination for individuals seeking work opportunities abroad. For Pakistani citizens, obtaining a work visa to Estonia opens doors to a vibrant economy, diverse culture, and a high quality of life. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of the Estonia work visa from Pakistan, outlining eligibility criteria, application procedures, benefits, challenges, and everything in between.
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Eligibility Criteria
1. Educational Qualifications and Skills To be eligible for Estonia work visa from Pakistan, applicants must typically possess a relevant educational background and professional skills matching the job market demands. Degrees from recognized institutions and certifications in specialized fields enhance the chances of visa approval. 2. Experience Requirements In addition to educational qualifications, applicants are often required to demonstrate relevant work experience in their respective fields. Employers may seek candidates with a proven track record of success and expertise in areas such as IT, engineering, finance, or healthcare. 3. Financial Stability Applicants must showcase financial stability to support themselves during their stay in Estonia. This may include proof of sufficient funds to cover living expenses, accommodation costs, and other necessities.
Types of Work Visas in Estonia
Estonia offers various types of work visas catering to different employment scenarios. 1. Temporary Work Visa Designed for individuals employed by Estonian companies on a short-term basis, temporary work visas allow foreigners to work in Estonia for a specified duration. 2. Long-term Work Visa For those intending to work in Estonia for an extended period, long-term work visas provide the flexibility to pursue career opportunities and establish roots in the country. 3. Startup Visa Entrepreneurs and innovators looking to launch or expand their ventures in Estonia can apply for a startup visa, which offers support and resources for business development.
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Application Process
The application process for an Estonia work visa involves several steps. 1. Gathering Necessary Documents Applicants need to compile essential documents, including a valid passport, employment contract, educational certificates, and proof of financial means. 2. Applying Through the Estonian Embassy or Consulate Once all documents are in order, applicants can submit their visa applications through the nearest Estonian Embassy or Consulate in Pakistan. It's crucial to adhere to the embassy's guidelines and regulations during the application process. 3. Processing Time and Fees The processing time for Estonia work visas varies, but applicants should expect a waiting period of several weeks. Additionally, there are fees associated with visa applications, which may vary depending on the type of visa and other factors.
Benefits of Working in Estonia
1. Opportunities in Tech and Innovation Sectors Estonia's thriving tech industry and supportive startup ecosystem offer abundant opportunities for professionals in fields such as software development, cybersecurity, and e-governance. 2. Quality of Life Estonia boasts a high standard of living, with modern infrastructure, efficient public services, and a clean environment. Residents enjoy access to quality healthcare, education, and recreational facilities. 3. Access to European Union Markets As a member of the European Union, Estonia provides visa holders with access to EU markets, facilitating international business opportunities and collaboration across borders.
Challenges and Considerations
1. Language Barrier While English is widely spoken in Estonia, proficiency in the Estonian language may be necessary for certain job roles and integration into the local community. 2. Cultural Adaptation Adjusting to a new cultural environment and social norms can pose challenges for expatriates. Building cultural awareness and embracing diversity are essential for a smooth transition. 3. Legal Requirements and Regulations Navigating Estonia's legal framework and understanding employment laws is crucial for visa holders to ensure compliance and avoid any legal complications.
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Image by Canva
Tips for a Successful Work Visa Application
1. Researching Estonian Companies Before applying for a work visa, candidates should research potential employers and industries to identify suitable opportunities aligned with their skills and career goals. 2. Networking and Building Connections Networking with professionals already working in Estonia can provide valuable insights and potential job leads. Attending industry events and online forums can help expand professional networks. 3. Seeking Professional Assistance if Needed For complex visa applications or legal matters, seeking guidance from immigration consultants or legal experts specializing in Estonian immigration law can streamline the process and minimize delays.
Living and Working in Estonia
1. Accommodation Options Estonia offers a range of accommodation options, from modern apartments in urban centers to quaint countryside cottages. Renting or purchasing property depends on individual preferences and budget. 2. Healthcare and Education System Estonia's healthcare system provides comprehensive coverage for residents, with access to hospitals, clinics, and specialized medical services. Similarly, the education system offers high-quality schooling options for families relocating to Estonia. 3. Social Life and Activities From cultural festivals to outdoor adventures, Estonia offers a vibrant social scene with something for everyone. Expatriates can immerse themselves in local traditions, explore historical landmarks, and participate in recreational activities year-round.
Renewal and Extension of Work Visa
1. Requirements for Visa Renewal Visa holders wishing to extend their stay in Estonia must meet specific requirements, including maintaining lawful residence, fulfilling employment obligations, and demonstrating continued financial stability. 2. Process for Extending Stay in Estonia The renewal process typically involves submitting updated documentation to the relevant authorities and paying any applicable fees. It's advisable to start the renewal process well in advance to avoid disruptions to employment or residency status.
Comparison with Other European Work Visa Programs
Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to other European countries, Estonia's work visa program offers certain advantages, such as streamlined processes and a favorable business environment. However, applicants should weigh factors like language requirements and cultural differences before making a decision.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Experiences of Pakistani Professionals Several Pakistani nationals have successfully obtained work visas in Estonia and forged fulfilling careers in various industries. Their stories serve as inspiration and valuable insights for others considering a similar path. https://youtu.be/kiK_9FIkLjc?si=MTCNHjD677LA8UJG Video by Global Visa Tips YouTube Channel
Conclusion: Estonia Work Visa from Pakistan
Securing a work visa in Estonia opens doors to a world of opportunities for Pakistani nationals, offering access to a dynamic economy, vibrant culture, and European Union markets. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and nuances of living and working in Estonia, individuals can embark on a rewarding journey towards professional growth and personal fulfillment.
1. What are the main eligibility criteria for an Estonia work visa? Eligibility criteria typically include educational qualifications, relevant work experience, and financial stability. 2. How long does it take to process an Estonia work visa? Processing times vary, but applicants should expect a waiting period of several weeks. 3. Are there language requirements for obtaining an Estonia work visa? While English is widely spoken, proficiency in Estonian may be required for certain job roles and integration into the local community. 4. Can family members accompany the visa holder to Estonia? Family members may be eligible for dependent visas, allowing them to join the primary visa holder in Estonia. 5. Is it possible to switch employers while on a work visa in Estonia? Visa holders may change employers, but they must adhere to relevant employment laws and regulations. - Read the full article
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hoppeyates09 · 1 month
Production Monitoring Dashboard Oil & Gas Kpis
The course covers matters, including the kinds of dangers that power corporations face, the different sorts of insurance coverage insurance policies out there, and the elements that affect the worth of insurance premiums. The ISSB builds on the work of various reporting initiatives, together with the industry-based Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, Inte... The simulator is designed for training, coaching, and assessment activities, permitting trainees to achieve experience in operations, troubleshooting, and upkeep duties such as loop testing, stroke checks, and calibration. Trainees also follow a permit-to-work system and adhere to the identical procedures and work orders as in real-world installations as part of a Safe System of Work. This serves as the ultimate preparation by the Port Mourant-based GTTCI and its FACTOR oil and gas training facility in collaboration with Exxon and SBM to prepared college students for work on FPSOs offshore. The institute conducts various training packages in upstream sector with particular emphasis on Exploration, Drilling, Well Services, Production, Gas Processing Production and Instrumentation. This includes one yr training programs for contemporary graduates and technicians, enabling their career induction as nicely as quick refresher and superior training courses for experienced professionals. This 3-day training course is designed for those who are or shall be operating in the Supply & Distribution functions and can present the background information to permit them to take the proper decisions on tips on how to supply the network on the proper value. In this webinar, Brad Donohue, VP of Competency Management at IHRDC, demonstrates CMS Online Learning is bolstered by working on case material to explore uncertainties and risks within the context of manufacturing forecasting, cash-flow administration, incremental initiatives and asset portfolio manipulation. Monte Carlo modelling and Decision Tree analysis software are employed during the course to dev... Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an upcoming new expertise that has an important place within world efforts to decarbonise. It has a unique set of challenges, alternatives and dangers to be understood and accommodated within acceptable authorized, regulatory, and social and public licence frameworks. We would note that while this data is beneficial, manufacturing from Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (“PADD”) offers additional insights. Keeping in view the rising wants of Pakistan’s petroleum business, OGDCL established its personal Oil & Gas Training Institute (OGTI) in 1979 with technical help from Canadian International Development Agency. OGTI has emerged as a premier institute within the petroleum sector of Pakistan catering for the training wants of Geoscientists and Engineers of OGDCL and different E&P companies operating in Pakistan. This 2 half-day stay online training course will allow you to optimise your energy asset upkeep plan with Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM). Learn how CMS Online manages assessments, tracks compliance requirements, offers a gateway to numerous learning options and supplies built-in business analytics reporting. Let powerbi for oil and gas training present you ways CMS Online can streamline your studying and development actions to make sure a reliable workforce. It's important to study oil and gas as these are the highest pure resources that get used on a day by day basis. In our trendy society, oil extracted from the earth is used to supply lubricants for cars, bikes, vans, and many other moving parts. By using Power BI, firms in the Oil and gas trade can obtain higher operational visibility, enhance effectivity, adjust to regulatory standards, and ultimately, make higher business selections. Power BI reports and dashboards are simple to share, making it simpler for staff members and stakeholders to collaborate. Whether it is engineers, geologists, monetary analysts, or executives, everybody can benefit from having entry to the same knowledge and insights, introduced in a user-friendly format. This self-paced on-line training course offers delegates with a comprehensive overview of energy storage methods as we transition from fossil gas based power to renewable power sources trying into the ability and oil & gas sectors. At the Energy Institute, we're absolutely dedicated to achieving net zero emissions, while recognising the essential function that oil and gas operations presently play in giving individuals and societies across the globe access to power. Power BI has taken off as a compelling Business Intelligence resolution, now in heavy use throughout E&P companies. Here is an instance based on the open data supply from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. With this dashboard's widgets, viewers can track oil and gas manufacturing in a few alternative ways. With the Oil and Gas BOEPD widgets, we are able to see what number of barrels have been extracted this week. We also can see how a lot of an increase or lower this number is in comparison with the previous week. Learning Tree is the premier world provider of studying options to help organizations’ use of know-how and effective business practices. This class is designed to help present Excel or Spotfire customers be independent Power BI customers, as properly as refine data in particular areas for present intermediate Power BI users. Because the oil and gas industries generate a massive amount of knowledge, BI expertise has the potential to revolutionize them. This legitimate knowledge help authorities in making knowledgeable judgments that can help them improve productivity. From identifying one of the best places to carry on operations, to insights that can help reduce down on the risks of downtimes, BI performs a vital position within the clean working of these massive industries. Typical profession alternatives in oil and gas can begin with junior roles in oil and gas companies, or working as an analyst in authorities companies, financial companies, or trade associations.
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WEEK 1- SDL (The Afghan Girl)
The disturbing true story of the Afghan Girl photo (READ DESCRIPTION)
In response to this video i found this story very interesting but sad. I learnt about the story behind this photo and how many people dont actually know the truth. Steve Mccurry is the photographer and what actually happened was he was in Pakistan as a photojournalist and one shoot he went into an all girls islamic religious school, where he saw this girl, her name is Sharbat Gula. He thought her appearance was very interesting and her eyes were piercing. He managed to get her to show her face so that he could take her photo. As she stared at the camera in fear, the famous photo was taken.
"Her eyes are reflecting the fear of a war" but that was not the case, her eyes were reflecting the fear of a male stranger invading her space, her personal boundaries and her culture and leaving without even having learned her name. In their religion being in a room with a man who you dont know or are related to is something that doesnt happen. So this situation was a violation of her boundaries. As soon as the photo was taken she ran away in fear.
Her photo was captioned, “Haunted eyes tell of an Afghan refugee’s fears”, but now that the truth has been shared, the fear in her eyes were of the man in front of her.
Meanwhile the photographer- Steve, builds a whole career based on this one photo, and this girl has no idea any of this was going on (for 17 years). Then in 2002, National Geographic decides to do a follow up- using eye recognition softwares to track her down. When she was interviewed about it after all these years and asked how she felt about it- she said she was angry. As well as 'nervous and sad'.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
9 Ways NASA Solves Water Problems Around the Globe - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/9-ways-nasa-solves-water-problems-around-the-globe-technology-org/
9 Ways NASA Solves Water Problems Around the Globe - Technology Org
World Water Day reminds us not to take for granted the clean water we rely on. And in space, we treat every drop as a precious resource, prompting investment in technologies to conserve and reuse. Now, these innovations are hard at work here on Earth!
From discovering hidden water sources to advancing purification techniques, check out the different ways NASA is changing how we use and manage the water in our lives.
Water – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)
Microbial Check Valve
A water disinfection unit known as the Microbial Check Valve, which passes water through a bed of iodinated resin, was invented in the 1970s for drinking water on the space shuttle, and it was updated to be self-regenerating in the 1990s for use on the International Space Station.
A mat of ecoSPEARS spikes filled with a NASA-developed formula removes toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) without damaging the aquatic ecosystem. Image credit: Gagan Cambow, ecoSPEARS
The Microbial Check Valve is now central to water purification units that have been deployed across India, Mexico, Pakistan, and other countries, including hundreds of remote village locations. It also led to the popular DentaPure cartridge that has been purifying waterlines in dental instruments around the world for almost 30 years.
Radar Imaging to Locate Well Sources
In 2002, an exploration geologist who was using Earth imagery from NASA’s Spaceborne Imaging Radar to locate underground resources realized the images could also lead him to subterranean moisture.
He set about developing the WATEX System at his company, Radar Technologies International, and in 2013 the system uncovered a vast aquifer with tens of trillions of gallons of water beneath a parched corner of northwest Kenya. The technology has now helped to place 2,500 wells, many of them in drought-stricken regions, with a 98% success rate for finding water.
Regardless of the amount of winter ice cover, the waters off of the Alaskan coast usually come alive each spring with blooms of phytoplankton. These blooms can form striking patterns of blue and green seawater, such as those visible in this image of the Chukchi Sea acquired on June 18, 2018, by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8. Image credit: NASA/U.S. Geological Survey/Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen
Water Testing App
After NASA developed a simple coliform bacteria test for astronauts to test water on the International Space Station, an agency environmental engineer worked with his wife and a software engineer to develop the mWater smartphone app that let users carry out a coliform bacteria test based on the one NASA had created, as well as other simple water tests.
The app could then share the results through mapping software. Governments, nonprofit organizations, and water providers in 180 countries now use mWater test kits and apps to test drinking water and record, share, and track water data.
Orbital Systems’ Oas shower is the world’s first water-recirculating shower. It was inspired by a university’s partnership with NASA and is enabled by NanoCeram filter technology, which NASA helped fund with an eye toward improving astronaut life-support systems. Image credit: Orbital Systems
Filter Born from Astronaut Drinking Water Standards
Since its early days, NASA has explored various water purification technologies to provide drinking water for astronauts. In the early 2000s, with SBIR funding from the agency, Argonide Corporation optimized a filtration technology called NanoCeram, which uses a combination of positively charged microscopic alumina fibers and activated carbon to trap microorganisms and other contaminants.
NanoCeram has since been incorporated into lab-quality filters, water bottles, portable humanitarian units, industrial water purification, and even a water-recycling shower.
The Pod+ water bottle from nkd LIFE uses a filter medium developed and tested with the help of NASA funding, known as NanoCeram and now marketed as Disruptor, to purify water on the go, removing 99.97% of contaminants and accommodating a high flow rate. Image credits: nkd LIFE Ltd.
Microbial Contaminant Sterilizer
An early water purification technique NASA explored was the use of silver ions to neutralize microbial contaminants. In the lead-ups to the Apollo missions and then the space shuttle, the space agency commissioned the design and construction of silver ion generators to sterilize the water that was a by-product of the spacecrafts’ fuel cells, ensuring it would be safe to drink.
NASA never flew the technology, but the agency published details about the inventions, which have provided a basis for commercial product lines including in-home water filters and water softeners, as well as systems for pools, spas, cooling towers, ponds, boilers, and hospitals.
The Puronics Defender whole-house water conditioner uses silver-ion technology based on work NASA did in the run-ups to the Apollo and space shuttle missions. Positively charged silver ions neutralize bacteria in the unit’s filter beds. Image credit: Advanced Cascade Water Systems Inc.
Groundwater Remediation
After NASA discovered large amounts of chlorinated solvents in the groundwater around a historic launch complex at Kennedy Space Center, scientists at the center came up with a unique method for removing these pollutants – which are now banned but were also once used by a variety of industries.
In the 20 years following its patenting, NASA has licensed this formula, known as emulsified zero-valent iron, or EZVI, to several businesses that have used it in environmental cleanups all over the country. One of the Kennedy engineers later invented a similar technology for removing polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, another common pollutant, from groundwater.
A company that formed to license that technology in 2017 is already carrying out cleanups around the world.
Brett Baker checks a sprinkler on his family’s pear farm. Farms like his in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta have to monitor their water use, but accurate estimates were nearly impossible until the advent of OpenET, a platform that uses Landsat data to determine the total amount of water evaporated and transpired from a given area. Image credit: Environmental Defense Fund
Filtration by Osmosis 
In 2007, NASA learned of a Danish company working on water filtration based on membranes infused with aquaporins – the proteins that let water pass through cell membranes one molecule at a time.
Always interested in better water purification technology, NASA became the company’s first paying customer, funding the development of prototypes and then working with the European Space Agency to test the membranes on the International Space Station.
The company, Aquaporin A/S, now sells under-sink water purifiers in Europe and India, and its forward osmosis modules are cleaning industrial and municipal wastewater.
In the gray water reclamation system at Ames Research Center’s Sustainability Base, the two beige Aquaporin HFFO14 forward-osmosis modules on the left have as much filtration capacity as the entire legacy system on the right. Image credit: Aquaporin A/S
Tools to Monitor Farm Water Use
The best way to calculate agricultural water use isn’t to measure how much water is diverted to cropland, but to measure evapotranspiration from the plants and soil.
A tool called EEFlux, built by researchers in the 2010s, was among the first to use Earth-imaging data from NASA-built satellites to calculate evapotranspiration. It helps manage water resources in dry areas like California.
A similar commercial method from Tule Technologies has helped some California farmers cut their water use by up to half. In 2021, NASA and partners debuted the OpenET online platform that lets users calculate evapotranspiration anywhere in 17 western states. The tool is helping farmers and local governments work together to conserve scarce water resources.
Thrusters Powered by Electrolyzed Water
For all the ways NASA helps purify and conserve water on Earth, it is still, first and foremost, the world’s premier space agency. As such, it has also worked to use water as a rocket fuel – one that could be obtained on other planets, moons, and asteroids for deep-space travel.
Millennium Space Systems bought Tethers Unlimited’s first three water-electrolysis engines by helping to fund the technology’s final stage of development through NASA’s Tipping Point solicitation. The thrusters were to fly on Millennium’s Altair small satellites. Image credit: Millennium Space Systems
An electric current can separate water into hydrogen – NASA’s rocket fuel of choice – and oxygen, which helps it burn. In 2019, the company Tethers Unlimited unveiled the first commercial thrusters powered by electrolyzed water, which it developed with years of funding from the space agency.
The technology is first going into commercial satellites, which will use it to maintain or change their orbits.
Source: NASA
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techsoul123 · 1 year
GPS Tracker for Car, Bike
Simply insert a GSM sim card into the GPS unit. Whenever you call the unit it will respond with the coordinates of its location thru a SMS message. You can then use these coordinates on any mapping software (for example Google Earth) which will show where exactly the unit is located. Now GPS tracker buy in Pakistan. This Cutting-Edge GPS tracker is designed for advanced tracking/monitoring, especially for vehicle tracking using GPS, GSM and GPRS technology. That GPS Tracker for Car Bike. The GPS tracker is designed for use in any vehicle to track it’s location, such as cars, trucks, boats, motor homes, vans and construction machinery and many more – the live tracking possibilities are limitless! This is particularly useful if your vehicle, pets, child or your belongings have been stolen. Time to enjoy the benefits this GPS tracker brings!
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Now you can buy GPS tracker buy in Pakistan.
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Discover The Path to Success in Hair Transplantation with Professional Training Courses in Lahore, Pakistan
The Cosmetique Institute of Dermatology, Laser & Cosmetic Surgery offers a learning course, practice training, and instruction for hair transplantation. In addition, it will obtain the instructional equipment and software required to undertake hair transplantation using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure.
Through actual surgeries, the FUE workshop will aid the doctors in honing their skills. However, Cosmetique gears all of its FUE training towards hair surgeons, doctors, medical professionals, and cosmetic surgeons to aid them in developing greater expertise in FUE hair transplantation and hair restoration.
Performing a hair transplant surgery requires a medical team that is fully trained and experienced in hair transplantation, despite it being a cosmetic procedure. This is where training for hair transplants comes in.
Doctors, physicians, and medical assistants can now take hair transplant training courses in Lahore from a variety of specialists and clinics. So how do hair transplant training courses in Lahore operate? Moreover, what is taught in courses for medical professionals who wish to specialize in hair transplantation?
In this post, we'll examine hair transplant training courses in Lahore for doctors who want to learn more about the techniques involved in hair transplantation to address your inquiries. However, by presenting Cosmetique’s strategy for hair transplantation and training for medical professionals, we will also outline the procedure of hair transplant training.
The course covers the majority of the hair transplant procedure. In addition, including patient consultation, surgical planning, graft extraction, incisions, and graft installation.
In addition, the FUE workshops present and discuss various medical tools, technological equipment, and instruments required for the hair transplant technique. A process to transplant hair.
Hair Transplant Training
Program For 5 DAYS
Presentation of the medical staff and the clinic for Intervention Patient 1
A General Presentation of the FUE Method for Hair Transplantation
The course presents the apparatus and tools required for FUE hair transplantation, including Engine Micros and Punches.
Analyses and consultations for Patient 1
general observations about Patient 1's procedure
Patient 2 for Intervention
Preparing the operating chamber
The course covers two important aspects of patient consultation: methods for tracking the donor and recipient areas.
the process of creating local anesthesia
Removal of the grafts
Counting and keeping the grafts in storage.
Incisions: observation of various surgical procedures and methods
Placing the grafts in place
The medical team dresses the donor area after the surgery.
Postoperative therapies
Patient 3 for Intervention
Preparing the operating chamber
Third patient consultation: Tracing methods for the donor and recipient areas.
Extraction of Grafts under Local Anesthesia: Preparation and Practice (4 Hands)
counting and keeping the grafts in storage.
Incisions: observation of various surgical procedures and methods
The course includes a practice session on implanting the grafts with four hands. The medical team dresses the donor area after the surgery.
following-operational care
Consultation The patient's first wash following surgery
Patient 4 for Intervention
Preparing the operating chamber
The course covers techniques for tracking the donor and recipient areas during a patient consultation.
Local anesthesia preparation and use
Extraction of Grafts (Practice with 4 Hands)
Counting and keeping the grafts in storage.
Observation of various surgical procedures and incisions
The grafts are implanted (practice on 4 hands).
After surgery, the donor area is dressed
Following-operational care
Consultation Following surgery and the patient's initial washing 2
Patient 5 for Intervention
Preparing the operating chamber
Number 5 includes consulting the patient on techniques for tracing the donor region and recipient area.
Local anesthesia preparation and use
Extraction of Grafts (Practice with 4 Hands)
counting and keeping the grafts in storage.
Observations of various surgical procedures and techniques related to incisions
in the hair transplant training courses, medical professionals practice implanting grafts with four hands and dressing the donor area after surgery.
following-operational care
Consultation Following surgery and the patient's initial washing 3
The hair transplant training courses in Pakistan focus on FUE treatment methods and procedures, aimed at medical doctors, surgeons, physicians, and cosmetic doctors. In addition to hosting FUE workshops so that physicians may put what they have learned into practice, the hair transplant training courses in Lahore provide doctors with the necessary information on the issue through its courses.
The training program for hair transplants covers the following subjects:
Introducing the medical staff and the hair transplant
Discussion with patients
Getting ready for the hair transplant procedure
Removal of the grafts
Placing the grafts in place
After-hair-transplant care
The course covers topics such as before-and-after hair transplant procedures and what surgeons must do to provide their patients with correct information during patient meetings. The patient will enquire about their therapy and seek their advice on the aftercare procedure before the hair transplant. Because of this, the first course is crucial.
Moreover, the preparatory phase for the hair transplant surgery course includes gathering materials, maintaining personal cleanliness, applying a local anesthetic, and other actions. The student must practice removing and implanting the grafts depending on the treatment method. Moreover, if required, doctors administer FUE therapy using tiny needles or blades.
In addition, the hair transplant training courses in Lahore strongly emphasize providing doctors who wish to specialize in hair transplant treatments with enough information and practice throughout the course.
However, medical professionals who want to learn more about hair transplantation techniques in-depth and sign up for workshops like the FUE workshop to practice hair transplant surgery on real patients should take this course.
Moreover, by the end of the training programs, doctors and the medical staff will have acquired knowledge and expertise in hair restoration, FUE treatment, and hair transplant techniques.
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M.B.B.S.(Pb), Dip Derm (U.K), M.Sc.(U.K), FASDS (U.S.A.) Dip. Derm (Cardiff University, UK) M.Sc in Dermatology (Cardiff University, UK) Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (U.S.A)
M.B.B.S.(Pb), Dip Derm (U.K), M.Sc.(U.K) Dip. Derm (Cardiff University, UK) M.Sc in Dermatology (Cardiff University, UK) Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (U.S.A)
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asad-abbas · 6 days
Leading PPC Campaign Experts in Islamabad, Pakistan: Unlocking Your Digital Advertising Potential
In the bustling capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, businesses are increasingly turning to digital advertising to enhance their market presence. Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are at the forefront of this digital revolution, providing an effective way to reach target audiences and drive measurable results. This article delves into the leading social media and PPC campaign experts in Islamabad, exploring how their expertise can unlock your digital advertising potential.
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The Significance of PPC Campaigns
PPC campaigns are a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies. They allow businesses to gain instant visibility on search engines and social media platforms, directing targeted traffic to their websites. With the right expertise, PPC campaigns can significantly boost brand awareness, lead generation, and sales. However, achieving these outcomes requires the skills of seasoned professionals who understand the intricacies of digital advertising.
Expertise in Software House & Digital Marketing Agencies in Pakistan
Islamabad hosts a vibrant ecosystem of Software House & Digital Marketing Agency Pakistan that specialize in managing PPC campaigns. These agencies provide a comprehensive range of services to ensure that businesses maximize their advertising spend and achieve their marketing goals. Here are some of the critical services offered by these experts:
PPC Campaign Management: Comprehensive management of PPC campaigns from keyword research and ad creation to monitoring and optimization. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhancing organic search visibility through strategic SEO practices, often handled by some of the best SEO experts in Pakistan. Social Media Marketing: Crafting targeted social media PPC campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage users and build brand loyalty. Content Marketing: Developing high-quality content that supports PPC campaigns and drives organic traffic. Data Analytics and Reporting: Utilizing advanced analytics tools to track campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments.
Characteristics of Leading PPC Campaign Experts in Islamabad
To identify the top PPC campaign experts in Islamabad, consider professionals who demonstrate the following qualities:
Technical Proficiency: Mastery of PPC platforms such as Google Ads and social media advertising tools. Strategic Insight: Ability to develop comprehensive digital marketing strategies that align with business objectives. Analytical Acumen: Expertise in analyzing campaign data and making informed adjustments to enhance performance. Creativity: Skill in creating compelling ad copy and visuals that attract clicks and conversions. Proven Track Record: A history of managing successful PPC campaigns across diverse industries.
Role of SEO in Enhancing PPC Campaigns
While PPC campaigns offer immediate visibility, integrating them with SEO strategies can provide sustainable long-term benefits. The best SEO experts in Pakistan work alongside PPC professionals to ensure that organic search efforts complement paid campaigns. This integrated approach helps in maximizing overall digital marketing effectiveness by driving organic traffic and enhancing the relevance and quality score of PPC ads.
Social Media and PPC Campaigns Experts in Islamabad
Social media platforms have become essential channels for PPC advertising. Experts in Islamabad leverage the sophisticated targeting capabilities of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to run effective PPC campaigns. These campaigns are designed to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, creating personalized ad experiences that resonate with audiences and drive engagement.
Unlocking Your Digital Advertising Potential
Partnering with leading PPC campaign experts in Islamabad can unlock your business’s digital advertising potential. These professionals use a blend of innovative strategies, cutting-edge tools, and industry insights to deliver exceptional results. Whether your goal is to increase website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales, the right PPC expertise can make a significant impact.
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alfalahhost · 3 months
Empowering Your Digital Presence: Alfalah Host - Your Full-Service Software House & Digital Marketing Partner in Pakistan
In today's digital age, establishing a strong online presence is paramount for businesses looking to thrive in the competitive landscape. Enter Alfalah Host, a leading full-service software house and digital marketing agency in Pakistan, dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to elevate your brand's digital footprint.
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1. Comprehensive Digital Branding Solutions: Alfalah Host serves as your one-stop destination for all digital branding needs. Whether you require website development, mobile app creation, or graphic design services, our expert team is equipped to deliver innovative solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
2. Elevating Your Digital Strategy: With years of industry experience, Alfalah Host understands the intricacies of digital marketing. We offer strategic insights and data-driven approaches to help you reach your target audience effectively, driving engagement and conversions across various online platforms.
3. Maximizing Your Online Visibility:
Our search engine optimization (SEO) services are designed to enhance your website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), ensuring that your brand stands out amidst the digital noise. Through meticulous keyword research, content optimization, and technical SEO enhancements, we help your website rank higher and attract organic traffic.
4. Engaging Social Media Management: Alfalah Host excels in crafting compelling social media strategies to engage your audience across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. From content creation to community management, we ensure that your brand maintains a strong and consistent presence in the digital sphere.
5. Creative Content Production: At Alfalah Host, we understand the power of captivating content in driving user engagement. Our team of skilled content creators and videographers produces high-quality multimedia content that resonates with your target audience, effectively conveying your brand message and values.
6. Measurable Results and ROI: We believe in delivering tangible results that translate into tangible returns on investment (ROI) for our clients. Through regular performance monitoring, analytics tracking, and optimization, we ensure that your digital marketing efforts yield measurable outcomes and contribute to your business growth.
7. Client-Centric Approach: At Alfalah Host, client satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. We prioritize clear communication, transparency, and collaboration to ensure that your vision is realized effectively. Our dedicated team is committed to exceeding your expectations and delivering results that drive success.
8. Get in Touch Today: Ready to take your digital presence to new heights? Contact Alfalah Host today to explore how our full-service software house and digital marketing solutions can propel your brand forward. With our expertise and dedication, we're here to empower your journey towards digital success.
Contact Information:
Website: alfalahhost.com
Facebook: facebook.com/alfalahhost
Instagram: instagram.com/alfalahhost
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/70489750/admin
YouTube: youtube.com/@alfalahhost
Location: Google Maps
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leadconceptsl-blog · 1 year
LEADconcept Team
"Our team of experienced developers and designers have a proven track record of delivering software solutions that exceed our clients' expectations. We use the latest technology and development methodologies to build software that is scalable, reliable, and easy to use." #designers #technology #development #software #team #platform #collaboration #businesses #leadconcept #teamwork #app #design #appdevelopment #webdevelopment #graphicdesign #leadconceptsolutionleaders #leadconcept #webdevelopment #softwaredevelopment #yk #yasirkhurshid #usa #canada #california Address: Our team 19, Block A-2 Gulberg III Lahore, 54660 Pakistan [email protected] - [email protected] US #: +1 312.212.3396 Pakistan Office: 009242-35761429, 35764072 Cell #: 0092321-8465214 Visit site: of expe https://leadconcept.com/ https://lnkd.in/dmaB24rC
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The nature of the cyber threat has changed dramatically over the past twenty-five years.  In the early days of the personal computer, hackers were mostly motivated by the “lulz,” or laughs. They hacked computer systems just to prove that they could do it or to make a point. One of the very first computer viruses to infect IBM PCs was the Brain virus, created in 1986 by the brothers Amjad Farooq Alvi and Basit Farooq Alvi, aged twenty-four and seventeen, of Lahore, Pakistan. Their virus was intended to be innocuous, to stop others from pirating the software the brothers had spent years developing. Brain worked by infecting the boot sector of a floppy disk as a means of preventing its copying and allowed the brothers to track illegal copies of their own software. The brothers, upset that others were pirating their software without paying for it, included an ominous warning that appeared on infected users' screens:
Welcome to the Dungeon © 1986 Brain & Amjads (pvt). BRAIN COMPUTER SERVICES 730 NIZAM BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE-PAKISTAN PHONE: 430791,443248,280530. Beware of this VIRUS ... Contact us for vaccination ...
Their message is notable for several reasons. First, the brothers claimed to have copyrighted their virus, a ballsy move indeed. Even more strange was the fact that they included their address and phone numbers for users to contact the virus originators for “vaccination” or removal of the virus. Their reasoning for creating the virus seemed logical enough to Basit and Amjad, but what they hadn't realized was their creation had the capacity to replicate and spread and did so the old-fashioned way, through human beings' carrying around 5.25-inch floppy disks from computer to computer. Eventually, Brain had traveled the globe, introducing Basit and Amjad to the rest of the world.
  —  Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It (Marc Goodman)
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topitcompany · 1 year
Comprehensive Guide to Finding and Filtering the Top IT Companies
When it comes to finding and filtering top IT companies, you want an easy and simple process. That's where we come in. We provide verified lists of top IT companies that have the experience and expertise to handle your development projects.
With our simple and easy-to-follow process, you can find the right company for your project in no time. 
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What Are the Advantages of Hiring the Top IT Companies?
When you're looking for a development partner, it's important to consider all your options. Not all IT companies are created equal, and the benefits of working with the top companies can be significant.
Here are some of the advantages:
Expertise: The top IT companies have years of experience in developing software and applications. They know the latest trends and technologies, and they're constantly learning and evolving to stay ahead of the curve.
Quality: Top IT companies are committed to delivering high-quality work that meets your requirements and exceeds your expectations.
Reliability: These companies have a proven track record of delivering on time and on budget. They value their reputation, and they work hard to maintain their good name.
Efficiency: Working with a top IT company means you don't have to waste time explaining your requirements or dealing with miscommunication. These companies are experts in understanding and interpreting your needs.
scalability: As your business grows, so will your need for software development services. Top IT companies are prepared to scale up their operations to meet your increasing demands.
How to Research and Select the Right IT Company
It can be a daunting task to research and select the right IT company for your project. But with the right process, it can be a lot easier. 
Start by defining your needs and requirements. What kind of project are you working on and what are your specific needs? This will help you narrow down your search and find companies that are a good fit for your project.
Do your research. Read reviews, compare companies, and ask around for recommendations. This will help you get a better idea of what companies are out there and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
Narrow down your list of possible candidates. Once you have a good idea of what you're looking for, start comparing the companies on your list and see who best meets your needs.
Contact the companies and get quotes. This will give you a better idea of what each company charges and how they work.
Make a decision and hire the company that best meets your needs.
Different Types of IT Companies: What You Must Know
There are different types of IT companies, and it's important to know the difference before you start your search. Here are the three main types:
Enterprise companies: These are the big guns, and they typically have an in-house development team. They're a good option if you're looking for a large, complex project that needs to be handled by a team with experience in a particular area.
Contractor companies: Contractors work on a project-by-project basis, so they're good for smaller projects or for companies that don't have the resources or time to bring on an in-house team.
Offshore companies: Offshore companies are based in countries like India, Pakistan, or the Philippines, and they offer cost savings by charging less than local companies. They're a good option if you're looking for a low-cost solution.
Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to start filtering. Read on for our tips on how to find the best IT company for your needs.
Tips for Evaluating Technical Capabilities and Fit for Your Project
Once you have shortlisted potential IT companies, the next step is to evaluate their technical capabilities and fit for your project. 
Check the company’s past projects or people who have worked with them. This will give you a good understanding of the kind of work they do and the complexity of projects they can handle.
Ask for evidence that the company adheres to coding standards and quality assurance processes.
Look at their customer reviews and feedback. Are they highly rated? Do they get positive reviews?
Research their cultural fit—are their values, goals, and objectives aligned with yours?
Do a thorough background check on the vendors—how long have they been in business, what are their core competencies, etc.? All this information can come in handy when making an informed decision.
There you have it! Our comprehensive guide to finding and filtering the top IT companies. By following our simple and easy-to-follow process, you can find the perfect IT company for your development project.
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eagaloid · 2 years
EXPLAINED : Why do India hates Chinese app?
India has banned 118 Chinese app including PUBG and Tik Tok.
Even though India allowed many apps from several countries, what's it's reason to target on Chinese app? What did China do to India and does China use Indian apps in their country? Here we go to find all these.
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They had access to all our users information.
PUBG has over 50 million users and each user adding ever second, they allow to login through both google play store and Facebook, this allows them to track all our location and what we are interested in. They already have 5G in their country, this allows them to easily track all our information and play with it.
What happens if they have access to our data?
China banned play store in its country, in order to not leak a single information to foreign countries. This shows how important data is to other countries. Considering so, India banned 118 apps of China.
Information is the oil of 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.
What did China do to India?
For years, China has supported Pakistan in its terrorism activities, supplying it with intelligence reports, arms and ammunition and satellite facilities. It has also been encroaching into Indian territory. Since China develop it's own products, it need not fear for basic requirements. It have collaboration with Pakistan and supports many terrorism activities which is highly opposed by many countries and even then China continued on it's bad way.
What happens if we ban Chinese apps?
Trade is major strength of China, and since we banned many Chines products and software in India, this gives a high pressure on China since their whole economy is affected by this.
This will be the first step of India to show China that we're no longer victims of them!
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paperdrita · 2 years
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