#tracy kuntz
ladyknight33 · 7 months
"Doomed to die by the one you love." Such a curse lingered on the subjected soul. If only Jack Lloyd had known his solitary position as the ancient lighthouse keeper placed him in the center of a paranormal mystery. Jack suddenly found himself lost among ghosts, witches, and psychics after one strange summer night under the Hungry Ghost Moon. All Jack had wanted was to find out who Captain M. Sosa was and lay those bones to rest. He now had a curse to break.
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tracyk13 · 6 months
Prompt Practice
1. This story involves an intelligent bookworm, a laboratory, a dead body, and a huge mistake.
Detective Silver
She never spoke about her origin story. How do you explain that you were not exactly human? The world was not ready. She doubted the world would ever be ready. It continuously haunted her in the dark hours of the early morning when her primal appetite urged her to do the unthinkable. 
When the urge to feast gnawed within, she retreated the place of The Beginning. 
Smooth black surfaced laboratory tables held glass vials and flasks filled with unknown liquids. Many had evaporated into strange glowing crystals after years of abandonment. The chemist responsible for their creation once held great influence, testified by the faded awards and diplomas framed along the walls. Now he was a pile of bones swept into a dusty corner. 
Her nose wrinkled at the memory of slime covered flesh between her teeth. The teeth had been new. Some creation of a chemical byproduct, a source of DNA, and a curious little insect that investigated the wrong corpse. Her first memory in a strange body. The fragmented part of the Before the Beginning recalled only the foraging for food. 
The hunger pains wrenched her soft guts into terrible knots. 
Making her way to the bookshelves required navigating the rubble left by the explosive event that must have killed the chemist. Broken ceiling tiles and chunks of concrete formed a little maze of cleared path from the many previous visits. Tiny steps one way. Skirting a debris pile ready to collapse. Tip-toeing through shattered ceramics. The strange muscle memory tingled the back of her brain on realizing how she missed skittering from shadow to shadow in search of food. 
Instincts constantly urged her to seek dark, damp places. Here in this refuge she could remove the tight bun and let the silvery blue hair flow free. Long antennae sprang forward, brightening her world with thousands of senses. Every temperature and wind change guided her movements. A fabulous array of scents drew her closer to the musty pages. 
Her appetite surged. The forbidden treat now in reached. 
Books were treasures. The source of knowledge and comfort. She devoured every word on every page she ever encountered. Ever since the Beginning. Everything she could possibly learn about the new world she became part of came from books. Beginning with these. 
She plucked a thinning equipment manual from the shelf and flipped through the tattered edges, smiling at the old borrowing scars. Ripping out a yellowing page piled guilt upon guilt at destroying these sources of information. 
Yet savoring the ancient tastes eased her craving for home.
At least temporarily. 
The bright ringing alarm announced a disruption in the peace. “Detective Silver, here.”
“A report came across the radio of a suspicious death at the Marquee.”
“On my way.” She tucked the book back onto the shelf for the other bookworms that roamed the rubble. She popped the remaining piece of paper into her mouth to free up her hands for securing her hair and antenna. Her job demanded attention.
!!! Feedback for improvement welcome !!!
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ACC Announces Fall 2016 Dean's and Merit List
Alvin Community College recognized students for making the Fall 2016 Dean’s and Merit Lists during a reception on February 13.
To be eligible for the Dean’s list students must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average for 12 or more credit hours in a semester and no course with a grade lower than a C. To be eligible for the Merit List, a student must have 7 – 11 college-level semester hours during a semester with a minimum 3.5 GPA with no F or incomplete. College-level courses exclude credit-by-exam, nontraditional, transfer, or developmental courses.
The full Dean’s List recipients are: Juan Aguirre, Zachary Aldmon, Hannah Aldridge, Mohammad Alom, Daisy Alvarado, Donald Anderson, Kirsten May Andrade, Johnson Appiah, Jessie Arce, Yesenia Arenas, Rylee Arnold, Jordan Bagwell, Kelsey Barba, Taylor Barrow, Eva Bartley, Cassandra Mae Batang, Jerry Beasley, Alex Begnaud, Emery Bennett, Drew Bennett, Grant Bentley, Scott Berardi, Kane Berger, Alyssa Bergeron, Zachary Bernal, Dustin Bernatovich, Stephen Bishop, Victoria Bitner, Madison Bochard, Paul Boddy, Jared Bolton, Joseph Booth, Braedon Boznango, Natasha Braun, Taylor Broussard, Ruth Brown, Zara Burns, Bridget Byrd, Marc Cardenas, Raya Carr, Luis Carrillo, Dale Carrion, Guadalupe Castaneda, Dalia Castelan, Cayla Caster, Chelsea Catching, Cynthia Cedillo, Toni Chavez, Mica Chenier, Rachel Christodoss, William Clark, William Clifford, Freyja Coe, Nathan Comeaux, Cristian Cornejo, Meagan Crisp, Karlie Crow, Brandon Cuddihy, William Dahlstrom, Kaitlyn Dahlstrom, Cole Dahlstrom, My Dang, Jeffrey Davidson, Adriana Davila, Egla Delrioaguillon, Christopher Detorre, Cody Dewar, Raul Diaz, Nephtali Diaz, Katherine Dillard, Chase Dillman, Michael Dinsdale, Cheyenne Dornelles, Andrew Dotson, Adrienne Dover, Amanda D'Souza, Amber Eastham, Zachary Edwards, Kaitlyn Elder, Esther Erfan, Christopher Erickson, Adam Erlewein, John Evans, Karsten Fagan, Jennifer Fakharizadeh, Yecenia Fernandez, Clinton Fewell, Victoria Flannory, Tristan Flores, Jaecen Foytik, Timothy Franke, Scott Frankovich, Alyssa Frausto, James Freitag, Nathan Fuchs, Mallory Gaddis, JoLee Galetka, Marlena Gana, Soledad Garcia, Ryan Garner, Hector Garza, Brooklyn Garza, Bakari Gayle, Julia Glasgow, Stephen Glasgow, Mallory Glover, Rosemary Gonzalez, Stephan Good, Leslie Gordon, Signe Gostomski, Victor Gostomski, Esther Granados, Laurel Gray, Sophia Graziosi, Isabella Graziosi, Ariana Green, Bobbye Green, Emily Greenough, Evan Griffin, Marissa Grimes, Jonathan Guerrero, Emily Guidry, Brandon Hagood, Kayleigh Hanchey, Liam Haney, Joshua Hargett, Syeda Hasnain, Matthew Hernandez, William Hill, Kathryn Hoelter, Jared Holston, Hunter Honish, Lioubov Hooks, Terri Hubbard, Dayna Hudson, Ahamad Huff, Edgar Ibarra, Sarah Jackson, Leann James, Stuart Johnson, Sally Johnson, Allison Jones, Austin Jordan, Matthew Jrab, Neida Juarez, Cody Karstedt, Sara Khan, Jessica Kuntz, Stephen Labeth, Christian Lagunas, Christopher Lam, Mai Le, Anh Le, Travis Lemoine, Marianel Liga, Claudia Limon, Meiling Lin, Peng Lin, Aaron Linden, Skyler Little, Lisa Lopez, David Lovejoy, Teresa Lozano, Brittany Luke, Timothy Lute, Samantha Maddox, Charles Maldonado, Aaron Kyle Manio, Linda Manyida, Kaitlyn Manzanaris, Claire Marsh, Kara Martin, Jessica Martinez, Victoria Martinez, David Mbange, Wyatt Mccann, Kimberly Mcclain, Kelci McClary-Davis, Byran McDaniels, Elizabeth McDonald, Courtney McGregor, Jeremy McKinney, Alex McLeister, Christopher McQueen, Esteban Medrano, Rylan Meek, Mark Mejia, Gabrielle Melchor, Sarah Melenric, Beatriz Merida, Joshua Miles, Alexander Miller, Mandi Mitchell, Alicia Moreno, Alyssa Morton, Victoria Motes, Megan Myers, Josie Naval, Elizabeth Navarrete, Thanh Nguyen, Tien Nguyen, Kelly Nguyen, Brittany Nguyen, Achim Noack, Leah Noworyta, Tracey Oldham, James Oliver, Luke Olson, Chukwunonso Omeili, Jasmine Onyemachi, Danielle Ortiz, Gabriela Oxford, Amaya Padgett, Jose Padilla, Kayla Palmer, Victoria Palomarez, Neisha Pander, Juan Parkin, Lloyd Pate, Hiral Patel, Mary Patterson, Hailey Paulk, Christopher Perez, Jocelin Perez, Jacob Pitts, Maxx Pizzitola, Blake Powitzky, James Pugh, Jolan Pyland, Daniel Ramirez, Jesse Ramirez, Austin Redwine, Dustin Reeser, Anthony Reid, Steven Reyes, Luis Rodriguez, Jason Rogers, Michael Anthony Rohland, Roy Romano, Linda Rubenak, Amber Rushing, Michael Saladiner, Gabrielle Salinas, Lauren Santos, Laura Schindler, Zachary Schnitzer, Andrew Schueneman, Taylor Sengphanlaya, Savannah Serrato, Michael Shakin, Britney Sharp, Mallory Sherer, Weston Siemens, Noah Sills, Ashley Slaughter, Kirsten Slovak, Marcy Smith, Evetta Soma, Shauna Squyres, William Stanaland, Dorcas Starcke, Joshua Stearns, Austin Stephens, Jeffery Stewart, Richard Stillman, Jared Streeter, Nicolas Sudderth, Brittney Surber, Michael Swope, Sophia Lauren Talavera, Preston Tao, Nathan Tarket, James Thompson, Frances Tibia, Abigail Tiemann, Nicholas Trinh, Christopher Trochesset, Madison Troxlar, Matthew Tucker, Ernest Umandap, Victoria Van, Daniel Varghese, Hope Vavich, Sara Vera, Marisah Villarreal, Melanie Walker, Kaina West, Emily Wheeler, Krista Whitehead, Travis Wiggins, Zayne Willems, Tysheria Williams, Sarah Williams, Lori Williamson, Jordan Wix, Layla Wolken, Sarah Woods, Sara Yan, Katherine Yuchnewicz and Jinle Zhang.
   The full Merit List recipients are: Sheila Agim, Emily Aguiar, Christopher Alanis, Edera Alexander, Stacy Allen, Samuel Allison, Leonie Almeida, Kaleb Anderson, Blake Anderson, Kinsey Anderson, Alexia Andrade, Sheikinna Ang, Sunny Angst, Jael Anorga, Maryline Anyaso, Kathy Arenas, Abigail Armesto, Maida Arredondo, Marissa Arredondo, Jose Arreola, Juan Arzate, Denise Aviles, Yessenia Ayala, Madison Ayres, Kendall Baker, David Banda, Rosa Barron, Kenneth Bartholomew, Kamya Bates, Alyssa Battad, Victoria Bedar, Kathryn Bell, Beth Benge, Alokika Bhakta, Kristin Binford, Luke Black, Charlcie Blackmon, Cassidy Bodden, Bailey Bradley, Hannah Bransom, Alisha Brown, Angela Brown, Mary Brown, Breanna Burgess, Kamden Burke, Faith Butts, Brenda Camargo, Justin Campbell, Kirlice Carr-Lett, Sasha Casiano, Vicente Castellanos, Jeffrey Castillo, Korinne Cathey, Wendy Chapin, McKaylee Chapman, Ashlee Chappell, Laura Chebetar, Kelly Childers, Rachel Clark, Lynze Clayton, Ashley Collins, Brandon Conner, Jordyn Cooper, Treicha Coutee, Omar Coward, Derrick Cross, Kimberly Davis, Barrett Day, Paola Viera De Cardona, Lillian Decker, Robynn Demen, Lexie Derrick, Sandra Diaz, Bailey Dishon, Emily Drilling, Alexa Duminski, Natalie Dunlap, Troy Dunnahoe, Ashley Durham, Purelily Ekpo, Allissa Eller, Agustin Encinia, Jason Engelke, Victoria Esparza, Evelyn Espinosa, Annalysa Estrada, Robert Evans, Lela Fagan, Brendon Farmer, Dustin Fehrle, Caleb Fisher, Maricela Flores, Shelby Foland, Christian Fontenot, Paula Ford, Bethany Fortune, Erick Franco-Herrera, Ashley Frazier, Eugena Freeman, Theodore Frick, Jennifer Garay, Marina Garcia, Mirna Garcia, Cindy Garcia, Elijah Garcia, Charles Garza, Brenda Garza, Rose Garza, Eden Garza, Angela Gaytan, Jaina George, Adebisi George, Benjamin Godson, James Goff, Samantha Gomez, Tracy Gonzales, Jose Gonzalez, Xavier Gonzalez, George Gonzalez, Rhonda Gonzalez, Christopher Goodman, Patricia Gordon, Lauren Gormly, Ailia Gould, Carter Goyen, Brittney Green, Christian Greengrass, Adam Groce, Garrett Grothe, Monica Guerra, Jorge Padierna Guerrero, Autumn Guillory, Cody Gutierrez, Nichole Gutierrez, Sarah Gutierrez, Cindy Ha, Adam Haggerty, Patrick Hankamer, Kaitlyn Harbuck, Cierra Harris, Amy Harris, Brandi Hartman, April Hasse, Gabriella Hastings, Erin Haynes, Sarah Hedleston, Mercedes Hendrix, Julia Hensley, San Juanita Hernandez, Jessica Hernandez, Lorena Herrera, Julie Higuera, Jonathan Hirsch, Britney Hoang, Ashley Hoang, Molly Hodge, Shane Hoffower, Desiree Hofstetter, Brianna Holt, Natalie Honore, Katie Huff, Simeen Humayun, Yasmin Imouhdine, Kaden Ingram, Llasmin Interiano, Kimberly Isaacson, Lori Ivy, Candice Jackson, Destiny Johnson, Aaliyah Jones, Darrien Jones, Shawnee Justis, Samuel Kapel, Jane Kasinga, Meredith Kaspar, Taylor Kelley, Brittany Kennedy, Carrie Kidd, Cindy Knight, Rachel Kocurek, Eva Koll, Alison Kozuch, Binumon Chelackal Kunjappan, Kevin Kuriachan, Yva Ladera, Jordan Lake, Macy Langer, Stephanie Leblanc, Salena Leija, Scott Lever, Ariel Lima, Joseph Livingston, Reana Llamas, John Lombardi, Jehu Lopez, Hillary Lopez, Malia Mackenna, Catherine Magnuson, Katie Marabella, Ekaterina Marek, Veronica Mares, Ramiro Martinez, Joshua Mathew, Kaitlin McClurg, Dillon McCoy, Joseph Mcgee, Mackenna Mcintyre, Britni McKimmy, Katelyn McManus, Taylor Meador, Patrick Meador, Shea Mehornay, Ansel Mendoza, Diana Mendoza, Jose Sosa Mendoza, Brianne Menzies, Lauren Merritt, Taylor Messick, Mark Miller, Jessica Miller, Christian Miller, Amber Molidor, Robert Moore, Bridget Moore, Sheryl Moore, Sergio Moreno, Ashley Moss, Mara Mullally, Jose Navarrete, Robert Newman, Anh Nguyen, Svannah Nguyen, Sabrina Nguyen, Ragen Noriega, Ashley Novak, Gwyneth Obediente, Mariely Ocana, Oalyssa Oconer, Shemilore Oguntoye, Toluwani Olabiyi, Nikki Ondrus, Ana Ortiz, Adrian Ortiz, Anndrea Osborne, Angela Otoya, Ngozi Ozumba, Rumaldo Padilla, Jazmin Padilla, Dustin Page, Molly Page, Joshua Palin, Kevin Parker, Arriyon Parker, Rahul Paul, Roberto Pena, Emily Pepper, Brandon Perdue, Veronica Perez, Irving Perez, Heather Person, Eloy Phillips, Michelle Phung, Andrew Pier, Julia Pittman, Heather Porter, Vanessa Putnik, Brooke Quintanilla, Hector Ramirez, Christina Ranieri, James Rannik, Noelle Rebresh, Lindy Reed, Bethany Reed, Hunter Reed, Claretta Remy, Chloe Reyna, Meagan Ripple, Joshua Roberts, Olivia Roberts, Sara Rodrigues, Britney Rodriguez, Jeshua Rodriguez, Stephanie Rodriguez, Cecilia Rodriguez, Courtney Roeckel, Valerie Rogers, Jairo Romero, Raquel Rooney, Parker Roy, Pricilla Ruiz, Janie Salazar, Payton Salge, Brandon Salinas, Brenda Sanchez, Cynthia Sanders, Harrison Sauter, Mackenzie Savage, Taylor Savedra, Anthony Schmaltz, Patrice Scott-Willis, Patrick Thomas Sepnio, Mauro Serna, Akshaya Shankar, Randall Sharp, Steven Shelton, Nolan Sheppard, Christopher Simons, Daryl Smith, Vontavia Smith, John Snider, Thomas Soliz, Noah Sorrels, Victoria Soto, Edward Spiers, Amy Stahl, Brazos Starr, Dustin Stine, Ashley Strain, Jennifer Strain, Gail Stroud, Kayla Sturgill, Joshua Sturm, Hannah Suarez, Richard Suniga, Camille Surima, Blaire Tacquard, Luke Tadlock, Brooke Talbert, Regino Tellez, Avery Thomas, Brieanna Thomas, Twinkle Thomas, Halen Titus, Jolisha Titus, Rafaelle Tkac, Ariana Torrez, Payson Townsend, Kylie Trant, Courtney Trinidad, Elizabeth Tuffin, Gabrielle Vergara, Tarren Vielma, Weston Vincent, Ericka Walker, Kaitlyn Welsh, Felipe Trujillo Wheeler, Taryn Wilcoxson, Kalena Williams, Travis Williams, Simeon Williams, Tessa Williams, Haley Williams, Jessica Willis, David Wilson, Dellaney Wimberly, Timothy Winbush, Jennifer Wood, Timothy Wood, Arielle Woodruff, Kirstyn Woodside, Emily Wyhs, Lauriena Yanes and James Yeamans.
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matthewprinn · 5 years
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ladyknight33 · 8 months
"Doomed to die by the one you love." Such a curse lingered on the subjected soul. If only Jack Lloyd had known his solitary position as the ancient lighthouse keeper placed him in the center of a paranormal mystery. Jack suddenly found himself lost among ghosts, witches, and psychics after one strange summer night under the Hungry Ghost Moon. All Jack had wanted was to find out who Captain M. Sosa was and lay those bones to rest. He now had a curse to break.
First three chapters Free
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ladyknight33 · 2 years
It's out! I've taken my first step into publishing my personal works.
Excited. Nervous. Self-doubt.
But it won't get done unless I get it done. Hope you all enjoy.
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ladyknight33 · 2 years
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Curse of the Wandering Devil
Debuts on December 6th on Kindle Vella.
"Doomed to die by the one you love." Such a curse lingered on the subjected soul. If only Jack Lloyd had known his solitary position as the ancient lighthouse keeper placed him in the center of a paranormal mystery. Jack suddenly found himself lost among ghosts, witches, and psychics after one strange summer night under the Hungry Ghost Moon. All Jack had wanted was to find out who Captain M. Sosa was and lay those bones to rest. He now had a curse to break. (Original photo @juraja_23 Instagram)
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