#trafficblr creator games
furrysmp · 1 year
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
What's with traffic life Grian and life bounds
3rd life he swears his first life to Scar
And Last Life he steals one of Scars lives (not quite a life bound)
Creates the Life trust exercise in the Southlands
And ultimately swears his loyalty to scar again bc of a contract for a life
In double life the one where they're by design soul bound to someone he goes out of his way to become secret soulmates with BigB
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At times, trafficblr/traffictwt/traffic fandom gets too intensely invested into the series. If a ship/dynamic/character really upsets you that much, maybe take a step back? The series is all fun for the players involved and should be for the audience as well. We're all in this together, so some should remember that content creators are also real people behind their character.
It pains me to see how much hate/critique anyone can get simply for running around in a game :(
It's all blocks in the end.
(not directed at anyone)
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pixiemage · 2 years
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I posted 878 times in 2022
That's 492 more posts than 2021!
496 posts created (56%)
382 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ pixiemage
@ theminecraftbee
@ hybbart
@ redstonedust
@ lunarcrown
(Seeing as I have a separate blog for most reblogs, this does not surprise me in the slightest lmao. On this blog apparently I am my own biggest fan xD)
I tagged 773 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#hermitcraft - 162 posts
#trafficblr - 109 posts
#pixiemage writes - 80 posts
#traffic life smp - 79 posts
#grian - 77 posts
#team rancher - 56 posts
#jimmy solidarity - 49 posts
#inthelittlewood - 48 posts
#ask the mage - 45 posts
#martyn inthelittlewood - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and this is exactly why i know full well the content creators in double life are fully fckn aware of what they’re doing with soulmate stuff
My Top Posts in 2022:
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2,119 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Most other SMP crossover fanfic universes: every server has portals to the server hub, players visit each other all the time, only barrier is a server whitelist, communication is easy
Post-Double-Life Team Rancher fics: they might never meet again outside the Life games, they have to break into each other’s servers to visit, they’re shocked when their soulmate appears in Hermitcraft/Empires, they defy the laws of the universe to see each other again
2,202 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
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I just think people who aren't aware that this is an emoji on Jimmy's discord server need to be made aware that this is, in fact, an emoji on Jimmy's official discord server
2,493 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
I love the fact that, not only did Grian see parts of the stream at just the right time to join Tubbo and Scar's call and commiserate with Tubbo over having to deal with Scar - "Welcome to my world/I am so glad this isn't just me" - but at SOME point both Doc and Tango were also watching, popped into chat, and immediately said "Shhh, we're lurking" without elaborating. So like. Basically three separate Hermits, including the other half of Desert Duo, showed up just to enjoy the chaos with popcorn in hand. I love their friendship.
EDIT: Since making this post I’ve been informed that both Xisuma and False ALSO showed up, which I must have missed in the half hour I had to step away from the computer lol…so it was a whole Hermit party! I reiterate: I love their friendship.
3,538 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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5,589 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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floweroflaurelin · 3 years
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She’s crazy. She’s dangerous.
Blood moon Pearl!! I’ve been so excited for Pearl to go red, I started sketching this out as soon as I saw today’s thumbnail. I seriously think it might be my favourite Last Life painting I’ve done yet! 🌙⚔️🌙
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encrypted-cryptid · 3 years
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feeling so very normal about mr ethoslab today
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rocketspleef · 3 years
So, do y'all remember that "I asked my friends to name the Hermits" post?
Well :)
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I asked my friends to name Last Life members :D (Tap/click for clearer images, hopefully)
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nomagicartz · 3 years
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Too late, too sorry
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lunarblazes · 3 years
this post is for appreciation of fan creators in the last life/third life community. you all are the BACKBONE of our community for REAL.
ever made art? written an analysis or fic? edited something together? drawn up an animation or animatic? taken a survey (shoutout to kel sprucewoodmpreg specifically, creator of the now-infamous Whoreslut Survey)? come up with just A Concept, an au, a headcanon, and let it sit in your brain for months?
all fan creators in this community are so adored and so beloved. i am kissing you metaphorically and platonically. you are all so talented, creative, and wonderful. the containment breaches recently may have been a big joke on my blog and a little scary, but the fact is that the content creators who make this series wouldn’t be purposefully digging through a random dead website like tumblr if they didn’t absolutely love what we create. we’ve trended last life so many times, it even got to the week in review trending last week! on web stuff, it was just below crit role and dsmp.
and i love the stuff we create too! so i have made the (possibly stupid) decision to try and encourage lesser-known creators to share their ideas with a little weekly event on my blog. other blogs can and are encouraged to participate in this, too, but only if they choose! somehow i’ve managed to become a decently sized blog in the trafficblr fandom, so, i thought there’d be no better place to host this than right here on my blog.
what is this weekly event, you may be asking. what do i have to do?
the event will be called…
(unless that conflicts with something else, it’s a work in progress lmao).
detailed rules under the cut! it got a little long lol
all that you must do is tag any piece of fan work for the last life/third life fandom with the tag “trafficblr creator games!” what i’ll do is, every friday, i’ll go through the tag and reblog every new post that i see. i’ll go on tag rambles, i’ll have a specific tag for it on my blog in case anyone wants to peruse my commentary. i’ll always reblog it (given that it doesn’t violate my blog boundaries, which is to say that it’s not sexual or shipping content. just a personal preference. you guys are still cool and valid i just don’t want that on my blog)!
my hopes are that this little event will coax lesser-known or intimidated blogs into the fanwork circle, and let me see WONDERFUL pieces from them as well as the more well-known blogs in trafficblr! again, all of you guys can feel free to participate in this event as either a creator or a platform, but there is absolutely no pressure for either. it’d be really cute if this became a Real Fandom Thing, but i’ve made it just so i can be really excited over something when the end of the week recording fear hits hehe!
as a fan creator myself, i always get super happy when people reblog my stuff with excited tags! i know an event like this would make me so much more confident in posting my stuff, and i just want everyone to feel welcome in our content creating community. we’re all so talented, so skilled, and even if you don’t create anything, this is absolutely a way you could contribute. artists have struggled with getting enough encouragement and engagement on tumblr because likes do not help visibility at all, and so encouraging with an event that is explicitly meant to give them reblogs seems like a great way to keep creators motivated and excited about starting new projects.
i do want to make it clear really quickly that you should NOT be pushing yourself to get content out “in time” for this event! if you do that, i will give you a little bonk on the head. there’s no rush, no hurry, and no worries! do not put pressure on yourself for something fun like this. there’s no deadline. it continues as long as i want it to and as long as others decide to do it.
TL;DR (because this got way longer than i thought it was going to):
i’m hosting a third life/last life fan content displaying event on my blog every friday starting this week!
to enter, simply use the tag trafficblr creator games
i’ll reblog everything in the tag with rambly tags and encouragement (barring sexual or shipping content, which you’re still welcome to post there! i’m just not going to be rbing it because it’s not something i personally want on my blog)
ALL types of fan content are welcome! fics, analysis, art, music, poetry, headcanons, edits— anything!
do NOT put pressure on yourself to deliver content every week. if you do this i’ll bonk you with the self-care stick
any blog is welcome to participate in the event as either a creator or platform! go wild with it :^D
please don’t use the tags for unrelated things! i love all the fanwork but unless it’s for last life or third life don’t post it in the tag, and if it’s just a normal post please don’t put it in the tag. we don’t want it to get overshadowed with unrelated posts please!
if you need clarification on anything or have any suggestions before the reblogging starts, shoot me an ask! i’m always happy to help!
posting in the tag can occur any day of the week, it’s just that the reblogs for the event will take place exclusively on fridays. just so i don’t have too much to spread out over the week!
MUAHAHAHA (sounds of my evil little positivity post)
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spitesprite · 3 years
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If you're running on thin ice
might as well dance!
Rbs and Tags are appreciated
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
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poisonheartfrog · 3 years
Etho hadn’t even tried to sleep. Scott, Cleo, and Ren were dozing nearby on makeshift piles of blankets in Scott and Pearl’s storage room while he had been staring at the stone ceiling for hours. He let the shifting gloom play tricks on his mind as his limbs ached with exhaustion. He saw Bdubs’ face in every shadow, and every shift in the darkness was a red name coming to kill him.
He should have protected him better. If only he hadn’t been so selfish and he had just given Bdubs a life without asking for anything in return. Twice Bdubs had come back from  red, from that boiling rage on the brink of death, so why should he have thought the universe would let the two of them try their luck a third time?
Etho used to think the face of death would look something like the wither. Skeletal screaming faces, bones the color of ash, utter and terrifying in its destruction. But he had faced down the wither and won. It had taken a life from Bdubs and reduced the center of the base to rubble, but with some help, it was defeatable. Death was subtler, quieter, harder to grasp. It was the knowledge that Bdubs would never yell “Hey!” or make fun of how he built stairs or debate the merits of soul sand vs soul soil or be his loud vibrant self again. It was knowing that in just a moment his closest friend, his ally and life partner had been taken from him, and now he had to keep on living in this cursed world alone.
Cleo stirred and looked up at Etho, a question in her eyes. If she had asked him how he was, he knew he wouldn’t be able to say anything. But she was mercifully silent, wordlessly wrapping him into a hug. He put his head on her shoulder and let his tears fall.
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widdendream5 · 3 years
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so with advice from the dead / and a halo over my head
@i-maybe-exist @redraspberrycats @chaos-creature1 @kukurami @jasmineon @immabethehero @thegoopoftheday @just-spacetrash @jenngo @ayyitsmelody @oasisofgalaxies
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galaxygermdraws · 3 years
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So that session was absolutely painful in every way possible. My heart is completely shattered. I am not okay. At all. I am shattered. 
(Reblogs with tags/comments r appreciated n encouraged. Thankyu)
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xie-solarin · 3 years
Mumbo's suit is impeccable. He makes a routine to calm himself down. He sews it and somehow manages to redo it when he falls in lava. He wakes up every morning and sees himself in the mirror trying to see what he saw the first day after arriving into Last Life.
Mumbo's suit is impolute. Not even a single sign of all the horrors his owner has seen. Perfectly starched and ironed. The tie lies correctly in the middle as he enters the Nether portal, not knowing he will soon watch his best friend die.
Mumbo's suit is clean. Even when he had to climb the tallest mountain in the server, his tie, his waistcoat and his shoes are sleek. He sees his best friend again, and now he is sure he can call him like that.
Mumbo's suit is not even a little bit messy when he sees the big red letters appear in his comm. But it gets full of dust and blood when he detonates the End crystal, and gets even more dirty when Etho pushes his sword through his back.
Mumbo's suit is stained of blood when he encounters Scar and they build the trap for Scott. Muddy and gross when he goes to Magic mountain this time. Quite in tone with his own perception of the world.
Mumbo's suit is impeccable again. Scar and Joel helped him to wash it and sew it (he does not has the mental not physical strength to do anything. Being a Red Life is awful, but they are used to it) Maybe it was for their own plesure, because who wants to be with someone that is all covered with blood. He appreciates it anyway
Mumbo's suit is impolute when he goes down from Magical Mountain one last time, (although he doesn't know that yet). He should probably had said goodbye to Scar, but he doesn't.
Mumbo's suit is clean. He silently prides in that while seeing Jimmy. And then Jimmy falls. He sees a friend die again. His suit wrinkles a little bit when he feels the arrow hit his shoulder.
He is going to make it out (he is not) and then Scar is going to sew the hole (he says its magic but they both know Scar is really good at sewing).
Mumbo's suit stains with his blood as he feels a bitter cold running from his stomach to all his body. Somehow his tie is still in place.
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t4tcecilos · 3 years
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lone wolf...
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floweroflaurelin · 3 years
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I’m sorry. It’s the way it was always going to be. I couldn’t do it… I’m sorry, it was too much.
A simpler image with some moving parts! My second Smajor painting in a row, but man, this part really stuck with me.
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