7-0-7-xx · 3 months
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Frida and her son. #wattpadstory
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jameseiji · 1 year
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The Death Of Superman (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1292037871-the-death-of-superman?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Eiji692&wp_originator=LmAEwrzxX5%2FzFlt604ybdr3NH9v6f%2F7q7Clf4S3Q8Z7ezN5MeqhbP444FOKdgnUr0%2BF8diC7aYT0CnMHIr4ALRMsCL0%2Bh7I6zstQiHFBuERbkBe07cfLSuK1uQ5njTng This is a summary and review of the of the comic story about the tragic end of the superheroe, known as "The Man Of Steel", by facing a famous villain.
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Alright, I'm making up some Shark Wars ship names.
(Honestly for organization of my own posts. If these exist in some other fandom, sorry lol.)
Velenka x Barklay: GhostHeart Shipping
Barklay x Mari: FirstGhost Shipping
Gray x Mari: SweetRouge Shipping
Gray x Barklay: CoralSpire Shipping
Gray x Velenka: TradeOff Shipping
Shell x Mari: TragicEnd Shipping
Grinder x Lochlan: RustedAnchor Shipping
Goblin x Velenka: TornFins Shipping
Finnivus x Velenka: Dynamic Shipping
Dinnock x Hocuu: Betrayal Shipping
Gray x Lochlan: Atlantis Shipping
Gray x Finnivus: BadEnd Shipping
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zelibrius · 4 years
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In the belly of the beast…
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fightwing · 3 years
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“ i’m still mad at you for leaving me on that roof. ” from duke! / @tragicend​ 
                  OOF,   yeah. if dick were in duke’s shoes he’d probably be a little bit more than ‘mad’. THEN AGAIN, because he IS dick he was kind of double juggling the gotham apocalypse with the spy organization that currently runs the world order holding him hostage when he’s technically supposed to be dead. he’s a world class circus kid, and even he was bound to drop the ball in truly spectacular ways sometimes.            needless to say, he’s glad that part of his life is over. dick grabs a mug, and on a second thought grabs another --- reminding himself to wash them out before alfred has the chance to take on another task.                 “ will it help at all if i say im sorry? the greater good and all? ”                      he starts the pour, thankful to have alfred’s tea on hand whenever he visits the manor. he really needed gotham out of the way before spyral’s big attack, and specifically the ones who could name the faceless man. tim, jason, damian, and in the end the ever intuitive duke would’ve been collateral spyral would’ve been all too happy to handle. and dick would do a lot before he ever let that come to be.                “ if it means anything, i was pretty confident you’d make it out. knew you wouldn’t be out for long. ”
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coteriie · 3 years
@tragicend / for tyler ( hi we need a bode pls universe )
the moment she sits up and dark lids snap open, the nightmare that tortured kinsey only moments earlier finds itself dissipating into nothing. images fade, voices dissolve into whispers, but the feelings remain and there’s no doubting that familiar ache in her chest.
it was a dream about dad.
of course.
she never stops reliving that moment, it seems, and the universe almost laughs as the world-weary teen sighs and runs a hand through unruly blonde locks.
despite the vastness of the key house, kinsey can’t help the urge to climb out of bed and wander the halls. something is telling her it’s the best way to preoccupy her mind, to somehow get her brain to relax. perhaps she’ll migrate to a sofa downstairs - falling asleep a bit closer to her mother’s room doesn’t seem so bad.
but just as she turns a corner at the end of the hall, a body emerges from around the bend, colliding with her own and sending her stumbling back a few steps.
“ jesus, tyler ! ” a whisper yell of shock and frustration follows the encounter, “ what are you doing up ? it’s the middle of the night ... ” her eyes dart around for a moment, hoping the outburst didn’t wake any of the remaining locke family.
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mtchstck-moved · 3 years
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@tragicend​ : “ god, you must have been the worst fourth grader ever. ” from tommy! b99 starters
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" I mean, not to brag, but i was name-dropped in my fourth grade teacher's letter of resignation. "
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anthcs · 3 years
“ they’re wrong. and don’t ever allow them to convince you otherwise. ” beck ...
@tragicend | (Charles) Beckendorf !
Kind and understanding as always, it's surprising to Katie that Beckendorf is being so patient with her struggles with mathematics. Especially when she's been told by others, even her mortal teachers in a mortal high school, that her skills in mathematics are sorely lacking.
Beckendorf's patience reminds her of her father.
Katie still remembers the sting of the careless words thrown around in hushed words, in gossip overheard in the public school bathroom, still remembers taunts and cruel words. Katie isn’t sure which one bothers her more - to be dismissed and treated unkindly by mortal teachers when she struggles with mathematics or to be dismissed as weak, as hysterical environmentalist, overly emotional hippie of sorts by some campers (never mind the fact that Katie did place an emphasis on environmental protection as Grover and the dryads did, never mind the fact that Katie does believe in possibilities achieved with peace and love and kindness).
"Why did the alphabet have to become a part of math? Math should be just dealing with numbers! Even I know that! And then, someone said, 'hey you know what will make things really terrible? letters in place of numbers!' I just---"
At Katie's feet, around Beckendorf's ankles, the flowers twist and turn. A few buds shrivel into muted colors, mere husks of the formerly bright colors and stems wilting. Oblivious, Katie's dramatic hand motions cause a few more to tangle with one another.
Katie's not sure how Beckendorf can be so patient when she's so clearly frustrated. Using the heel of her hand, as if to wipe away any tears (and there had been plenty of times where Katie did shed tears over the unkind words said by others), Katie shakily exhales.
"---I don't get it, at all!"
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boyancient · 3 years
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@tragicend​  /  ben  :   “ it is youth’s gift not to feel its debts. ”
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‘ I wouldn’t call it a gift, ’ he said irritably, the click-click-clacking of chalk against the wall a steady backdrop to the conversation. He took a sip of the coffee mug in his hand as he leaned back and observed his writings, trying to discern a pattern in the numbers, something new he didn’t put together before. ‘ Isn’t that what brought us here in the first place? Youthful recklessness. ’ He paused, lips twisted unpleasantly. ‘ If  I knew what I was risking when I was a kid I wouldn’t have jumped. ’ That’s what it always came back to, wasn’t it? The first jump that sent all the pieces toppling.
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nofive · 3 years
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@tragicend​ said: “ what happened to you? ” ben! 
[ x - accepting ]
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“I grew up,” he stated, simply only a slight tinge of anger lingered on his voice. That lingering anger though sounded almost like sadness if you listened carefully, if you knew Five. That was the real question did Ben know Five enough to see beyond the surface of his words? It was odd considering his body, but that was something people would have to get over eventually.
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@tragicend​ inquired: “ you’re not exactly easy to approach, you know. ” || tommy!
hades sentence starters ⤷ open!!
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Well at least now Wanda finally understood Tommy’s reason for being somewhat distant with her. Now knowing the truth it worried her on what to do to fix the issue at hand, that being how to be more approachable for her son.  ❝ How do you propose I fix the issue at hand then?❞
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fcrmata · 3 years
“ what am i? your own personal heater? is that all i am to you? ” johnny to 616 peter ... he’s being dramatic, don’t listen to him
    “Mhm,” Peter is barely listening to begin with, snuggled up against Johnny. As soon as he’d gotten back home he made a bee line for Johnny and stuck his head under his shirt and began to doze off. “You’re also my very handsome, cute, smart, sexy boyfriend.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to Johnny’s tummy. 
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dilipkpandey · 6 years
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!! वो आखिरी मुलाकात थी !! ...... वो आख़िरी मुलाकात थी, जानता तो उसे जाने न देता, छूता उसे एक बार, गौर से, देख लेता नज़र भर कर, थाम लेता एक बार हाथ, आख़िरी बार सहलाता, बाल उसके, करीने से, सजा देता काजल, आंखों में देख लेता, एक आख़िरी बार, उँगलियों को थामकर, कस लेता उँगलियों में, नाक से छूता, नाक अपनी, होठों को डुबा देता, प्यार में. वो आखिरी मुलाकात थी, जानता तो एक बात पूछता, कि कैसे जियोगी, मेरे प्यार-दुलार के बिना? नंबर बदल दोगी अपना, पता भी बदल दोगी, सब लोग भी छोड़ दोगी, हमारी जान पहचान के, पर कभी सोचा है, वो साल जो हम जी चुके, साथ-हाथ पकड़कर, उनको कैसे करेंगे, जुदा खुद से? वो आख़िरी मुलाकात थी, जानता तो हंस लेता, साथ उसके एक बार, रो देता बाहों में भरकर, मना लेता जान देकर भी, लिपट जाता उसकी ज़िद से, कि जाने न पाती ज़िद्दी वो लड़की. वो आखिरी मुलाकात थी, जानता तो लिख देता, उसके नाम कई चिठ्ठियाँ, कि हर रोज़ जिन्हें पढ़कर, वो अपने अतीत पर मुस्कुराती, और इतराती, फ़िर यही चिठ्ठियाँ, उसके मन में उठाती भावों के ज्वार, बार बार, और, एक टीस भी कि कैसे, छोड़ आई वो अकेला उसको, कि जिसको हज़ार वादे किए थे, साथ जीने के, मरने के, रहने के, साथ-साथ कई जन्मों तक सब कुछ सहने के, तो अब वो साथ नहीं है, क्यों? वो आख़िरी मुलाकात थी, जानता अगर तो मान लेता, कि इसके बाद नहीं होगी वो, ठंडी, गर्मी और बरसात, कि जिसमें भीग जाऊँगा मैं, इशारों में नहीं होगी कोई बात, जिन्हें बिनकहे जान जाऊंगा मैं, नहीं चाहूँगा मैं, किसी को इतना, कि टूट जाऊं जिसे चाह लेने के बाद. बहरहाल, हक़ीक़त ये है, कि अब तुम जा चुके हो, अगरचे आ सको तो, आओ देखो कितना, संभल गया हूँ मैं, अब किसी को जाने नहीं देता, मिल जाने के बाद, वो एक ही आख़िरी मुलाकात थी, लेकिन अब किसी को नहीं मिलता, मैं कभी आखिरी बार, तुमसे मिलना जितना रहा सही, उतना बिछड़ना भी था शायद, कि अब मैं जान गया हूँ, कैसे लगता है वो शख़्स, जो मिलता है आख़िरी बार...! ~दिलीप पाण्डेय .#HindiKavita #romance #reminisce #Nostalgia #latetbt #tb #instatbt #backintheday #life #tbt #memories #instalike #throwback #cute #instamemory #back #instatb #instagood #anothertbt #instamoment #reminiscing #old #LoveStory #TragicStory #miss #TragicEnd #LastMeetUp #BreakUpSong #BreakUp #photooftheday #best #tbts #HindiPoetry #HindiLanguage #hindiliterature #Poetry #GoodNights🌃
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shirozen · 3 years
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The life of cheap scissors #abunaday #daily #bunny #doodle #scissors #tragicending #broken #一日一兔 #剪刀断了 #artistoninstagram #illustrator #illustratoroninstagram #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/CVS8IaopcsN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eric-sadahire · 3 years
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My neighbor told me coyotes keep eating his outdoor cats. So I asked how many cats he has, and he said he just goes to the shelter and gets a new cat afterwards. So I said it sounds like he's just feeding shelter cats to coyotes, and then his daughter started crying.
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please read and follow in wattpad
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