#space gofs
lust-x-life · 1 year
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maahtigor · 3 months
Guys i'm losing my mind i was going crazy over this fanart like a day ago and turns out I'VE BEEN IN THE SAME DISCORD SERVER AS THE ORIGINAL ARTIST FOR A WHOLE ASS YEAR .,how do i REACT TO THIS 😭😭😭😭😭
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emeritusemeritus · 9 months
Since never. [Fred Weasley x Reader]
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Title: Since Never.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader (background George Weasley x Angelina)
Timeline: GOF, McGonagall’s dance class.
Summary: George meddles and Fred finally finds the courage to ask you to the Ball, not liking the idea of anyone else taking you. Inspired by TikTok, based on movie canon.
Warnings: Friends to lovers, minor kissing, harmless pranks. A load of fluff. Fred has a crush.
I’m thinking of writing a part two to this, but it would most likely just be self indulgent fluff 🤍
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"You know," George whispers into his twin's ear, trying to get Fred's attention whilst also trying to stay under McGonagall's radar as she addresses the Gryffindor students all huddled into one large classroom. The Triwizard Tournament and the associated Yule Ball had been announced the day before and as head of house, Mcgonagall had been tasked with teaching her students the traditional Waltz. The girls were seated on the left side of the room whilst the boys were seated on the right, kept separate for now as they listened to her explaining the ins and out of the tournament and the ball.
George leans forward to whisper once again to Fred who stands with his arms folded, watching in amusement as Filch hopelessly fiddles with an archaic megaphone, trying to get it to work. "Lee told me this morning that y/n's going to the ball with Cedric Diggory."
Fred's head immediately whips round with a face of utter horror as he turns to his brother, before briefly diverting his eyes over to you on the other side of the room and then returning his gaze to George.
"What, since when?"
"Since never," George smirks dangerously as he takes in Fred's rather apparent distaste to his words, his dismay and disappointment etched right across his face. "But your reaction just told me everything I needed to know."
Fred huffs and slinks back onto the windowsill where he'd been leaning feeling a little embarrassed at being caught out so easily by his twin. His crush on you was one of the only secrets he'd ever hidden from his twin, though apparently rather unsuccessfully, never wanting to be teased about it. You'd all been friends for so long that he never wanted to make things awkward by admitting his feelings and so he'd kept quiet for nearly two years of loving you secretly and silently.
"You should ask her," George says, leaning in once again. Fred doesn't reply, at least not verbally, but instead shoots his brother a fierce look that tells him to back off.
"Something may be about to burst out of Eloise Midgen, but I don't think it's a swan," Fred hears Ron mumble to his surrounding classmates, their eyes all sneakily turning to look at the girl in question, who shifts uncomfortably where she stands, unaware that half the boys of Gryffindor are looking at her. Fred's gaze doesn't linger long, instead finding you in the crowd, whispering with Angelica seated beside you as Hermione shoots you both a chastising look from the other side, clearly trying to listen intently to Mcgonagall.
Your hair is down now, not tied up in a high ponytail like it had been at breakfast. Your legs are neatly crossed in your seat, your school skirt revealing an appropriate but delicious amount of leg that Fred can hardly look away from. You're effortlessly beautiful, or at least you are to him, never looking better than when you are laughing and joking with your friends like right now. Sat surrounded by only the girls, Fred thinks it seems to to enhance your beauty, the prettiest face in a sea of girls.
"Mr Weasley."
Fred immediately looks up upon hearing his title called out as it so frequently is, though he's mightily relieved when it appears McGonagall was addressing his younger brother Ron, no doubt hearing him muttering.
"Will you join me please?" She asks, moving towards where he sits with an outstretched hand. The tone of her voice leaves no space for refusal as she tentatively reached out for his jumper and pulls him up of the chair, moving to stand in the middle of the room. The boys all make teasing noises as he stands, dragging his body over to Mcgonagall, feet hardly shuffling on the floor.
"Place your right hand on my waist," she says, opening her arms for him.
"Where?" He asks utterly horrified. Everyone looking on watches with sadistic amusement at his predicament. Fred can barely contain his delight at the scene before him, watching with utter glee, just like his twin beside him.
"My waist!" Mcgonagall replies, grabbing Ron by the sleeve and firmly placing his arm on her waist.
Fred heard a wolf whistle from the other side of the room and looks at you just in time to see your hand pull away from your mouth, clearly having been the perpetrator. The looking of delight on your face mirrors his own as you each catch each others gaze and he thinks just for a second that if he didn't love you already, it was firmly cemented now.
Ron turns and shoots you a look but you simply wink at him with a dung-eating grin before he is dragged back to focus on the professor.
"Mr Filch, if you please," Mcgonagall commands, prompting the caretaker to drop the needle on the record player, flinching only moments later as the speaker begins to crackle, before a signature waltz pours out.
"One two three, one two three," Mcgonagall starts counting as she leads Ron into a waltz, showing the steps that were specific to the champion's waltz.
Fred and George had been goofily dancing along with the music, hardly taking their eyes off of their embarrassed brother when Harry calls over to them.
"Oi!" Harry says, gesturing for Fred and George to come closer. They move in perfect unison and never take their eyes off Ron as they listen to Harry.
"You're never going to let him forget this are you?"
"Never," the twins say in synchronised perfection with identical smirks before leaning back slinking away to lean on the window as they had before.
"Everyone, come together!" Mcgonagall says from the centre of the room, finally pulling away from a bright red Ron to gesture everyone forward. The boys make no effort to move forward, clearly not wanting to participate whereas nearly all of the girls leap forward in excitement, waiting in a line to be picked.
Fred watches as Angelina drags you up, noticing that you had not leapt forward with the rest of the girls and he has to hide a snicker at seeing your disgruntled face, evidently not as keen to dance as your female classmates.
"Boys! On your feet!" Mcgonagall claps, getting the boys to also move forward. Neville stands first, followed by a few stragglers but no one moves forward until Fred steps out of line and whilst ignoring the looks from his twin and fellow Gryffindors, marches straight over to you.
"May I have this dance mi'lady?" He says dramatically with a bow of his head, extending his right hand to you.
"You may mi'lord," you laugh, placing your hand in his. He drags you over to the dance floor and places his hand on your waist just as he'd seen in the demonstration and with surprising precision, pulled you further away as he began spinning you. Your laugh echoed through the classroom even over the music as Fred span you around and around, completely ignoring the choreography until Mcgonagall shouted over and warned you both.
He seemed, for once, to heed the warning and pulled you closer into his chest then, placing his hand back onto your waist as he held you close, managing to quickly pick up the footwork that was needed for the waltz.
It was so intimate and romantic that you had to remind yourself frequently that this was Fred you were dancing with, knowing that he was out of bounds on account of your friendship with him and his siblings.You had to resist the urge to rest your head on his chest as you danced, enjoying the closeness as you half watched the rest of your house dancing around you.
"Do you have a date to the ball yet?" You hear Fred ask as he dances with you, hand resting on your lower back after lifting you in perfectly sync with the music.
"Not yet," you say, looking up to see him watching you with an intensity you couldn't place. "You?" You ask, temporarily breaking your eye contact as he clutched your waist, lifting you again and then taking your waist and your hand to spin you, just as the champions waltz demanded. He didn't verbally reply but instead shook his head with a frown before pulling you in closer and spinning you with more intensity which had you laughing again.
"Y/n," Fred says as he looks down at you, pausing his movements to speak but he's interrupted by Mcgonagall calling time on the dance class. She begins addressing the room of students on details of the ball and you all listen intently until she dismisses the class. When you turn back to Fred you notice he'd joined George and was already walking out the door, bag slung over his right shoulder. Angelina joined you, bringing you your bag as you said goodbye to Ginny and Hermione before walking to your next class together.
"You and Fred looked rather close," Angelina says as you place your bag onto your shoulder.
"He's my best friend Ange," you say, nudging her shoulder and rolling your eyes, pretending that you hadn't enjoyed it quite as much as you did.
"Has he asked you to the ball?" She says, not even flinching.
"No and I doubt he will," you say with a forced huff of a self-deprecating laugh.
"I hope George asks me," she says longingly as you turn the corner towards the charms classroom, instantly falling silent as you see the two brothers you'd been discussing already standing in the doorway to the classroom.
George looks over and smiles at you both, mainly Angelina as he beckons you over and you don't hesitate wiggling your eyebrows at her once he looked away, causing her to nudge you forcefully right back. You momentarily loose your balance from the unexpected nudge and as if on instinct, Fred's arms reach out to catch you.
"Falling for me princess?" He smirks, causing you to roll your eyes.
"You'd love that Weasley," you counter once you'd steadied yourself, seeing that George and Ange had already taken their seats.
"Ladies first," Fred says, opening his arms to gesture for you to go through the doorway first and you send him a sarcastic smile of gratitude before taking your seat next to Ang, in front of Fred.
Throughout the class you were desperately distracted, barely even listening or taking notes. thinking of your dance with Fred earlier and how he'd marched directly over to you ahead of all the other boys. You hoped that he was going to ask you to the ball, though you knew it would just be a pipe dream. Hopefully someone would ask you, even just as friends.
A piece of scrunched up parchment hits you square in the head, making you look round with a glare. Fred immediately smiles widely at you, if not a little sarcastically before he sends another note over to you with his wand, a little origami bird flying over your shoulder and onto the desk in front of you. Your eyebrows knit together in questioning as you look up at him again but he simply raises his eyebrows as if to say 'read it' and you turn and unfold the note delicately, shooting a quick look towards the professor to check that they weren't watching you.
'Black lake 7pm?"
You turned around, still looking confused but when you saw Fred watching you eagerly, you nodded with a little smile. He smiled back, winking at you before dropping his gaze back down to his work.
You secretly nudged Ang beside you and gestured with your eyes down to the little note, seeing her eyes bulge comically as she let out a little silent squeal of delight once she reads the note. She looks at you excitedly and wordlessly nods, as if thinking the same thing.
It's 6:50pm and you hadn't seen Fred or George at dinner which was unusual to say the least. Angelina and Harry had been there so it wasn't a Quidditch thing, which only confused you more. You made your way out of the castle utilising one of the secret passageways that you'd taken multiple times with the twins to avoid being seen, climbing around the statue of Gregory the smarmy and slipped down into the passage, walking the length of the little corridor until you could hear water rippling. You climbed up the little rocky steps and found yourself looking out at the Great Lake, beside the rocky cliffs that hid you from sight.
"Evening," you a voice called out from behind you, making you turn and frown. It was hard to see in just the moonlight with the shadows of the cliffs creating even more darkness, but you immediately sensed that something wasn't right. The person jumped down from where they had been perched on the rock and as they moved closer their long red hair and wooden jumper emblazoned with an 'F' came into focus.
"Hi, Fred," you said unconvincingly, looking at the bloke in front of you.
"Glad you could come gorgeous," he says, shifting to stand next to you. You couldn't help but observe him, looking at his features with subtle glances and questioning eyes.
"It's pretty out here tonight don't you think," he says with a shy smirk, though his eyes focus entirely on you as he speaks.
"Uh yeah, really pretty." He seems to briefly notice your lack of reply and casts a glance up at your eyes before looking away, focusing his attention on something to the right for just a moment.
"I've been thinking a lot about our dance earlier," he says shyly and you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes now that it's all added up in your mind.
You gesture for him to move in closer, placing your hand on his shoulder as he leans down so that you could whisper in his ear.
"We didn't dance earlier," you say bluntly though with humour behind it, picking up a rock and trying to skim it on the water.
"Eh?" He asks, turning quickly to look up at your face in surprise, taken aback by his words.
"I danced with Fred earlier. Where is he anyway?" You ask quietly, raising your eyebrow at him, foiling his plan. He barks out a loud laugh at your discovery and you immediately see the performance drop from his body as he slinks down to his regular stance, once again being himself. He subtly nods his head to the right and your eyes light up in glee as you lean back over to him.
"Want to mess with him?" You ask with a suggestive wiggle of your eyebrows. George's eyes immediately light up as he nods, a smile tugging at his lips already.
"You know I've been thinking about our dance a lot too," you say flirtily and a little louder now, ensuring that whenever Fred was, he would hear you. You even lean over to touch George on the arm as you speak, your body language changing as you play heavily on the flirting.
"Oh really?" He says, playing along with a concealed smirk.
"Mmm," you hum, tracing your fingers up his arm with exaggerated movements so you knew that Fred would see them if he was watching. "I spent the whole dance really hoping you were going to kiss me," you said innocently and you immediately have to bite your lip as you and George share a little silent laugh.
"What a coincidence," he says, trying to sound like Fred, "I was thinking the same thing."
"Are you thinking about it now?" You ask, reaching to play with his collar, your voice seductive and airy as you pull out all the stops. "Maybe you could give me a demonstration of exactly what you were thinking about."
All of a sudden you hear a few loud shouts and a shuffle as another figure comes into view, quickly making their way down the rocky cliffs and running comically with waving arms, straight over to stand between you and George, who are both now in hysterics. Fred immediately notices the two of you laughing and freezes in confusion before realising that he'd been played.
"When did you figure it out?" He says, sounding aghast at you seeing through their little scheme.
"The second George said 'evening'," you chuckled, straightening back up and laughing again as Fred and George begin to squabble about who's fault it was.
"Anyway, have fun you two," George says with a wiggle of his eyebrows before walking down the steps to the concealed passage, leaving you and the real Fred alone.
"You know that doesn't work with me," you say, turning to him with a smirk on your face, seeing him already looking at you and shrugging with a playful grin. "Why did you swap?"
"Needed to know you could tell us apart," he says with a cheeky grin that makes you frown, silently questioning him. "Gonna need to know which one's your date to the ball aren't you. Can't have you dancing with the wrong bloke."
Your eyes immediately widen and a smile beams across your face as his words register with you. He chuckles, seeing your reaction before dramatically getting down on one knee as if he was proposing.
"Y/n, would you do me the honour of being my date to the Yule ball?" He asks seriously, holding out his hands as if he was presenting you with a ring. You giggle and let out a little squeal before lunging at him, knocking you both to the floor.
"I might be wrong but I think that was a yes," he chuckles.
"Yes! Yes you great oaf," you reply with a smile, feeling completely elated. His smile matches yours as he pulls you down onto him and suddenly there's a tension that falls between you both at the intimacy of the moment.
"Still thinking about that kiss?" He asks, a nervousness falling across his features that you had so rarely seen. You don't reply, at least not verbally and give a small, shy nod as you look at his lips in anticipation, thinking of nothing else.
Not a moment passes before he leans up, gently pulling you down until your lips meet, his soft lips pressing gently against yours. After just a few seconds, his hands hover over your waist before he seems to find the courage to hold you, placing his hands on your waist and hip as the kiss deepens, lips working completely in sync as you sink deeper and deeper into eachother.
You pull apart a little while later and both giggle shyly at what had just happened. Fred never takes his hands away from your waist, even as he gently manoeuvres you until you're lying down on him, head on his shoulder as you both look up at the star filled sky, a comfortable silence falling between you as you both replay the moment in your heads over and over again.
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
is it me or do i like men groveling
can i request riize second chance romance if that makes sense:’)
(ur work is amazing pls continie keeping us happy^^)
i love groveling men too it’s ok anon 😗
RIIZE SECOND CHANCE ROMANCE ~ based on their birth charts
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reminder this is just based off of my opinion after looking at their birth charts and what I think would happen from my own observations these things are not exact fact unless they said it themselves !
SO MUCH ANGST OOOH MY GOF. Would be the most mature on the outside but on the inside he’d be ☹️☹️☹️. “I don’t even care about what she’s doing” [checked your instagram and other socials to see if you’re grieving as well or seeing someone new] He wouldn’t necessarily go out dating looking for a rebound he’d focus on his craft in all honesty and might even seclude himself a little bit. I see him taking a break with his s/o instead of just flatline breaking up and once he feels like he has emotionally healed as far as he can he’d return and it would be pretty serious like in a private closed space he’d want to talk everything out and NEEEDS you to be honest abt everything but he’d just want you guys back together and for both of you to be happy.
(I feel like Eunseok is aware that he could potentially fall victim to the “the one that got away” trope) but anyway. He’d be the biggest nonchalanter to ever nonchalant 😭 might even try to stay mutuals/cordial with you. Would date, see other people, have a mini roster and fwbs going on. But as soon as he realizes everyone else is boring him and wasting his oh so valuable time (And he hates. To waste his time.) he’d get so irritated at himself for letting go of such a good thing and would criticize criticIZE CRITICIZEE himself. Forces himself to not run from/internalize how he feels he’d reach out again, wouldn’t be the most sappy return ever he might even joke about what happened but he’d be as honest as he could ever be and would surprisingly admit where he fucked up.
His pride and the hurt he carried during the time apart would hold him back so badly. Would improve himself and boss up similar to Shotaro to show you what you were missing; try to find attention and praise elsewhere. But when he realizes you did the same thing and also became better in every way possible physically, mentally…and that people still have their eye on you like they did when he first met you..he’d cave. Would HAVE to shamefully put his hurt and pride aside. Cue his dramatic serious text at 11pm and him asking how you’re doing to see if the good things he’s heard about you were true (prays you say no when he asks if you’re seeing anyone) would ask you to meet him somewhere that was important to you two and nostalgic. Almost kills him to be wrong but has to accept it 😭
He’d be like “whatever” since he knows that so many girls want to be in your place, might even consider sliding back to that one ex. Would be torn between just letting things go back to normal but his stubborn stagnant attitude would leave him stuck in a victim state. But then once the pain slowlyyy seeps in and that what you two had was something genuine and you were one of few people that actually understood him and physically compatible with him then on the inside he’d lose it. Would have a wayyy more sappy lovey dovey way of coming back. Cue him using music in some way shape or form as his way of coming back. Would probably want to physically see you in a place that he’s most comfortable with.
So so sassy. Honestly he’d walk away pretty fast but would miss you pretty fast right after. He’d hesitate but only because he knows that he probably got a little mean when you two split and that you might not even want to talk to him. Tries to go dating around but wakes up and gets it together once he sees/hears that you’re talking to someone new (10 extra points if it’s someone he doesn’t like or thinks isn’t even close to how attractive he is ) . Tries to be cool about it but is hurting inside, would ask everyone for advice. The emotional side would take over and he’d just have to listen to how he feels and think later. His way of coming back is essentially him outdoing whoever has you on their sights or him showing you the epitome of affection. He’d have to force his virgo mercury to work and speak UP and apologize.
Would seem pretty ok and normal compared to everyone else similarly to Eunseok. Talks about you but wants to jump someone if THEY try to talk about you. (“can’t believe she’d do this” “yea she’s crazy asf” “Don’t say that 🫤.” ). (Cue him singing “When I was your man” by Bruno Mars 😭). He wouldn’t want to constrict and limit himself or you after the breakup so he’d also try to date/talk to other people. Has to give in and accept that thinking about you while hanging out with someone else is a CLEAR indicator that he needs to get off his high horse and return. He’d probably word vomit about how he feels about everything and apologize but also goes on this passive lecture on how you two shouldn’t allow each others feelings to rip you two apart like that again and the principle of it all.
Word vomit pt.2. Could go two ways. Way one if the breakup was on good terms/mutual after the breakup he’d probably remain friends or still be in contact with you, then once he realizes he can’t just move on at the snap of his fingers and realizes that every person he’s with has resemblance to you whether it’s physical/personality he’d impulsively talk to you and get right back if he can. If it was on bad terms it’d feel pretty cruel ngl like you’d feel like he kinda just disappeared and made his way elsewhere..but once he’s alone with his thoughts he’d have to realize the errors of his way or the faults on his side he’d IMPULSIVELY come forwards with how he feels, would probably ask you to dinner and have the conversation there and says everything that he has to.
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artemisia-black · 5 months
Do you think Walburga and Orion physically tortured Sirius or reg when they're being rebellious?
No I quite emphatically don't (will discuss below the cut with a TRIGGER WARNING: DISCUSSIONS OF ABUSE).
1.0 Emotional abuse is devasting
There was clearly emotional abuse and neglect, the gravity of which can often be lost in depictions of gratuitous physical violence. In some fandom spaces, there appears to be a perceived hierarchy of abuse, wherein emotional maltreatment is often regarded as less severe or less compelling to portray. In the case of the Blacks, there was undeniable emotional abuse and neglect. The significance of this type of abuse can frequently be overshadowed in narratives that focus more on explicit physical violence, potentially diminishing the recognition of the profound impact emotional trauma can have.
Walburga's portrait denounces Sirius as the "Shame of her flesh," and Kreacher incessantly proclaims that he is unworthy to "wipe slime from Walburga's boots." Furthermore, the indifference displayed towards permitting a penniless, underage child to leave the home is striking. These instances provide indisputable evidence of emotional neglect and abuse. Additionally, Sirius's almost tentative proposition to Harry regarding living together, coupled with his near disbelief upon receiving an affirmative response, indicates his struggle to believe that he is indeed loved. This vulnerability, evident in his shyness and the slight fumbling of his words, contrasts sharply with his overtly murderous demeanour in the preceding scene.
In my WiP Pietas, I explore how constant criticism makes Sirius feel profoundly lonely, yet he never calls it abuse. This aspect of the narrative underscores the significant internal gaslighting that often accompanies emotional abuse. Victims may internalise the constant belittlement and devaluation to the extent that they question their own feelings and perceptions, doubting the validity of their experiences.
At his words, a sense of kinship stirred in Sirius’s heart and an odd sensation began to build in his stomach. Thoughts of confessing his frustrations and his inner turmoil rose to the surface, like drowning men clamouring for desperate gasps of air. But before he could form a sentence, Leone carried on speaking.
‘But while you are a guest in my house, I ask that as a gentleman, you prioritise my sister’s honour above all else. She is very dear to me, and I do not wish to force her into a marriage.’
He had halted once more, looking over at the girl still seated on the bench with an undisguised fondness that made Sirius ache with a profound sense of loneliness. He could not remember the last time any member of his immediate family had looked at him with anything but anger or dissatisfaction and to his embarrassment, his eyes began to sting.
2.0 The Cruciatus tus as a disciplinary tool is like swatting a fly with a nuke
In canon, the Cruciatus curse comes with a life sentence in Azkaban and is an actual means of torture (not the equivalent of a punch- which is bad enough).
"He had been hit again by the Cruciatus Curse. The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that he no longer knew where he was. ... White-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin, his head was surely going to burst with pain, he was screaming more loudly than he’d ever screamed in his life — And then it stopped." GoF
“Pain,” said Moody softly. “You don’t need thumbscrews or knives to torture someone if you can perform the Cruciatus Curse. GoF
It seems highly unlikely that this curse, notorious for leaving the Longbottoms in need of long-term care, would be employed for disciplinary purposes. Moreover, given the Blacks' self-perception of near-royalty, it seems implausible that they would willingly subject their offspring to such torment, risking permanent harm to their lineage.
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demoptera · 7 months
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THEE??? TJE THE//?!?!? THEEEE????
WHY ARE YOU HERE WHY IS HE HERE HOW DID YOU GET HERE OHMG. the first time i saw him i literally jumped out of bed and fell on my arse.
Baal is so FUCKING UGLY. literally despise him i need him to die and the six fingers to feast on his corpse like those cats who eat their owners.
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i was NOT expecting this trio. but i absolutely love it theyre so CUTE!!!! Tbh i used to dislike atori and ocho but im starting to warm up to them because of this. THEYRE SO CUTE
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but. the... the focus of the chapter was about baal. sadly. sigh... i don't give a single flying testicle about that ugly rat with super saiyan hair+ fuckass bangs. literally what was he thinking, breathing the same air as.. ANYONE for that matter. not even gonna put a related image for this rant because he doesn't deserve storage space on my computer. i hope that flower princess tazes his nutsack next chapter. He doesnt deserve to be in the same vicinity as kirio. that poor little boy.. ik youre weak and shy or whatever but how can you let that rat belittle you. KILL KILLLLL KILLLLL
so yeah i loved this chapter simply because it had my pookie wookie in it. beautiful chapter 9/10 couldve used less netherworld andrew tate
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ashesandhackles · 10 months
HP Reread - Order of Phoenix (Part 2)
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Chapter 13,14
"Ron was now so low in his seat that his nose was on his knees". when Hermione confronts Fred and George about them testing sweets on first years. Also, living with Weasleys made Hermione realise what is a below the belt threat for Fred and George: write to Molly. XD (also the reason Ron is reluctant to go against Fred and George, something he was willing to do last year in GOF with the whole blackmail scheme, is due to reminders of Percy as Ron now holds the Prefect badge.)
love that both Hermione and Ron had opportunities to not read the room XD Ron getting on Cho's case about being a Tornadoes supporter when its clear she wanted to talk to Harry, and Hermione with Luna after she expresses her support to Harry. And Hermione being like "No REGRATS" after Harry is all, "Do you mind not offending the only people who believe me?" XD
"And it looks like it's going to rain" "what's that got to do with homework?" "Nothing" Ron is training for Quidditch secretly <3 I like that his arc is trying to define himself on his own terms (esp after the falling out with Harry in GOF which was because he felt overshadowed) - and the fact he takes initiative to practise for Quidditch, to be on team, is a step in that direction.
Harry enters Umbridge's office, and immediately takes the scene as a battle of wills. An adult being horrendous/violent is not a surprise to him, so what counts as "winning" for him in this situation is to not show he is in pain, or to check the time for when he would be allowed to go, or ask or to even complain to Ron and Hermione about it. There is also a lot of shame surrounding abuse, and ideas of weakness in admitting something like that happened to you.
Ron and Harry having a moment - where Ron reveals he wants to try for Keeper, and Harry tells him about Umbridge. It is incredible that Ron, a peer, got Harry to open up about something that has shame surrounding it. Speaks to how safe Ron makes Harry feel.
Both Hermione and Ron egging him to go to Dumbledore at different time: it's clear these two co-parents have discussed him. Also Harry discussing Umbridge with Hermione is operating under the assumption that Ron told her - and he would be right. Trio dynamics <3
Harry refuses to "trouble" Dumbledore because he feels abandoned by him, so he thinks he would write to Sirius instead: his safe space. <3
Hermione inviting him to knit hats with her. She is so happy that she can make all sorts of patterns now.
"She's nearly as nice as your mum": the way Harry understands this about Sirius, and the way Sirius also immediately understands what Harry is saying about Umbridge enough to come to the fire later. <3 also "Please write back quickly":(
I really, really love how Harry and Cho is written right down to the time we get to scenes with second hand embarrassment. Harry's crush on her is so endearing, and I like that he is comforted that Cho did not hate him for being alive when Cedric is dead (it's a casual throwaway line to Harry's own survivor's guilt)
"he got off on a mere technicality""many people I have spoken to remained convinced of his guilt" - the way Percy needs to double down and convince himself that he is on the right track.
"Nearly everyone in the wizarding world thought Sirius a dangerous murderer and a great Voldemort supporter, and he had to live with that knowledge for 14 years" the way this book emphasises how much Harry deeply understands Sirius. And also, now Sirius isnt cleared before his death hits hard.
Sirius' association of Hermione's worry for him as her sounding like Molly shows that he understands that Molly comes from a place of concern too. Also best evidence of their dynamic is not as prickly as it is made out to be.
Love the implication that Remus is just cussing Umbridge out in presence of Sirius. The comfort Remus feels speaks volumes.
"the world isnt split into good people and Death Eaters": an important quote, and given where Sirius comes from, a good insight into how he thinks.
Hermione looked upset when Sirius makes a joke about Kreacher, and this is because Sirius was the only adult to truly back her about Winky. Sirius knows she is right, just like he knows Dumbledore is right, Hermione invoking Dumbledore's name (like Molly did in the beginning) to get him to listen - he interrupts and changes the subject, because of how bitter he feels with regard to Dumbledore (just like Harry) + how isolated he is in a childhood home.
Sirius has personal bitter feelings about Dumbledore, but his eyes are clear with regard to the Order and what Dumbledore wants there: he warns the trio to not draw attention to the fact that Hagrid isnt there.
@artemisiablack masculinity meta covered 'less like your dad' moment in depth. My addition is - I am interested in Harry's complete understanding of this - not once does he become mad at this. Since he spends the entire book lashing out, isolated, disbelieved, he has a unique understanding of Sirius' position and is unusually forgiving of him. Remus tries the "what your father would have done/ wanted" route in DH, and Harry has far less understanding of it there because he is projecting himself onto Teddy's position.
Chapter 15, 16
I love the newspaper article about Hogwarts High Inquisitor. It is quite clearly a govt puff piece with support of a quote of a corrupt parent, Lucius Malfoy. The only dissent in the article comes at the end by Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Odgen, and Marchbank's quote of critique is something the prophet tries to diminish by having an article on her links with "subversive goblin groups" on page 17.
Lmao at Hermione looking sideways to see Harry's grade on his moonstone essay and when she gets neither Harry nor Ron's essay grades, she tries to engage them in a conversation about OWL grades. Until finally, Ron cracks and says, "If you want to know what grades we got, ask" and she is all,"I dont- I didnt mean - Well if you want to tell me". Such a poor liar LOL.
Ok I adore this detail of Fred and George naming the grades for them, and Ron raises his hand in mock celebration when they say "P is for poor" XD such a teenage boy thing.
Hermione retreated last time and came back with a new strategy. She came back to Umbridge's class reading the whole book. XD Umbridge tries to whisper to her, but Hermione speaks in clear, carrying voice so the rest of the class can overhear. Hermione rattles her enough that Umbridge forgets to whisper and then docks off points when she realises that Hermione outmaneuvered her. And then, Harry gets involved, to Hermione's distress.
"Yeah, Quirrel was a great teacher. There was a minor drawback of Lord Voldemort sticking out the back of his head" LOL
"Dean Thomas, if you do that to the mouse again, I shall put you in detention": Dean whatttt
Harry loses his temper with Umbridge in Care of magical Creatures again, and both Ron and Hermione groan. Poor kids. This is a hard year for them.
Harry comes back with a very severe bleeding hand and he is relieved that Hermione is being sympathetic instead of critical (like she was at breakfast when McGonagall took points off).
"Harry saw with an ominous feeling that her face was alight with fervour SPEW usually inspired in her" this is so endearing.
I love the tiny shade of coolness in Hermione when she mentions that Harry beat her in DADA when they had a competent teacher. It bothers her gifted child-ness a bit, but she is okay because it was done in a fair setting.
How much do you want to bet Ron and Hermione discussed the idea of Harry being a teacher and kind of laid a conversation trap.
also, Harry having his survivor guilt induced rant about how much it could have just been him who died instead of Cedric: it reminds me of the conversation in Deathly Hallows where Harry tells Ron: "Stuff like that always sounds cooler than it really was. I've been trying to tell you that for years."
Hermione says Voldemort for the first time, and that calms Harry down. It tells him that she is taking what he said seriously.
love that Hermione waited two whole weeks to broach the topic with Harry again. And also introduced the idea of this being an idea for a larger group of people. She believes there is a larger group of people who would be interested in what Harry has to say and that it isn't fair to deprive of them of a chance to learn - and it feels like either she has been in conversation with these people and has been gauging the mood.
and she names Ron as part of her initial idea, and Ron looks at her all alarmed . here is the confirmation that the conversation they had was rehearsed. Ron joins the conversation and backs Hermione once he is sure Harry is receptive to the idea.
the barman looked "tall and thin" and "vaguely familiar" to Harry. Aberforth :D
the man in dirty grey bandages is the one who informs Umbridge about the meeting: he is referenced earlier in the book as the dude who blows up toilets XD
"A couple of people?" but this is a good demonstration of scale of Hermione's ideas and also her awareness that this would be something Umbridge would disprove of.
first meeting of Fred and Aberforth. Later in DH, he will talk of him with familiarity: "Aberforth is getting ratty.."
love that Hermione's initial go to was to use Harry's reputation to give her idea credibility and Harry disproves that line of speech with a ":sharp look" but her voice grows bolder and has more conviction when she talks about what Umbridge teaches them is rubbish. It's a nice moment of Hermione taking on a leadership role.
Zacharias Smith's interruption rattles the trio, and both Ron and Hermione try to redirect the conversation away from Harry. But Harry intervenes in this case.
While Hermione gets nervous again, Susan Bones interrupts and bolsters the conversation in Harry's favour. ("is it true you can produce a Patronus?") also, love the detail that Molly asked Ron not to spread it around XD
also twins leap to Harry's defense when Zacharias is rude again. XD i really love that the twins are so protective about him.
Ginny intervening in Hermione and Luna's spat with a "hem hem". Love that Weasley family has a set of people who can imitate people very well. Ron does it in DH too - he imitates Pettigrew XD
the cute detail of Cho fastening her catch in hopes of staying back, but Marietta was being too impatient, so she had to leave. Such a teenage move.
ok, I know OOTP is a bit of transient phase for Romione: but I love the body language detail of Hermione turning around and trodding on Ron's feet in a shop. It speaks to how close they are standing - and it feels like a test of boundaries (we see this later with Ron gifting Hermione perfume).
OOTP - Chapter 17, 18
the beech tree the trio sits near the lake is a regular, they sit here again post-Grawp chapters (and it is the same tree Marauders are sitting under in SWM chapter).
love that Ron thinks Hermione projects her virtues onto everyone else (which she does in some ways!), but Hermione clarifies that no one can tell Umbridge because she jinxed the parchment. Ruthless lol.
Harry is so worried about Hedwig that he nearly forgets that she had a letter for him:( also the tenderness in the Harry-Hedwig here: and how annoyed she is with him for letting Grubby-Plank take her, and how that makes Harry feel.
Snape's reaction to Umbridge when she mentions DADA post, obviously sore subject for him, because he believes Dumbledore would not hand him that position out of lack of trust. In HBP, he mentions that he believes Dumbledore believes it will cause a relapse in his old ways - but in HBP, the year Dumbledore gives Snape the task to kill him, he is effectively also handing over his complete trust by giving him that post. (ofc, the job is jinxed, so there are reasons why Dumbledore didnt do it before- but I am looking at this in terms of an emotional dynamic between the two. It also adds an interesting layer to Dumbledore, someone who would refuse all sorts of temptation due to his own youth and how he projects those fears onto Snape)
Crookshanks coming close to the fire to put his face close to Sirius <3 Hermione has to pull him back to stop him from singeing his whiskers.
Hermione takes Sirius' advice about Three Broomsticks being a place that would be harder to overhear- her meeting with Rita and Luna later in the story takes place in Three broomsticks. Despite her reservations about Sirius' judgement at this point in the story, it's an interesting look into how her mind works.
What is the Mundungus-Aberforth backstory? He was apparently banned from Hog's Head 20 years ago. Is it the same tight spot Dumbledore bailed him out of?
Molly's perceptiveness about Harry's relationship with Sirius comes into play in her message that she asks Sirius to pass on. In the beginning of the book, she challenges Sirius' guardianship ("who else has he got?"), and here she has retreated to "though she accepts she has no authority over either of them and begs them..".
Love that Sirius tells Ron to tell Molly that he has passed it all on, "because I don't think she trusts me to." Sirius wants her approval.
Ofc Hermione suspecting this to be the case is one more reason the book is Hermione vs Umbridge. I also think, and this chapter demonstrates, with Hermione being the one with DA plan, creating failsafes, asking to think up a name, she functions as the leader-behind-the scenes.
Also Hedwig sitting on Dobby's topmost bobble is the cutest image.
Hermione bringing up the fact that Dobby's plans aren't always safe - with regard to room of requirement. I wonder if she was doubling back on the DA after the initial Sirius enthusiasm, and the enormity of what they are doing scared her for a moment. Or it was a need to double check.
ooh, Ginny had come in with Dean and other Gryffindors. Given that Ginny dates Dean in the next book, it is a significant point to her social circle.
"That's a majority - motion passed": Hermione XD
Harry being so cute that he decides not to point out that Neville's first attempt at Disarming when Harry is facing away from him does not actually count XD
Lmao @ twins going after Zacharias Smith. They are clearly very annoyed at him making jibes at Harry (as they displayed last time at Hog's Head).
Ok, Dean's enthusiasm is really <3 I forget that Dean's respect for Harry is what drives Dean's moment in DH, where he puts weight behind Harry being the Chosen one in the conversation. This, combined with how excited Neville was about disarming Harry, shows how the Gryffindor boys view him.
Chapter 19, 20
Queen Parvati has produced such a good reductor curse that she reduces an entire table full of sneakscopes to dust.
Hermione "trying to look modest" when Terry Boot is all admiration that she can do a NEWT level charm. LOL.
Loved the conversation between Harry and Hermione: he tells her it reminds him of the Dark mark, and she admits that is where she got the idea from. It is something she got out of Harry's retelling of the most traumatic night of his life, and I like that she stores details like this and treats information as information.
"Hey Potty I hear Warrington's sworn to knock you off your broom on Saturday" "Warrington's aim is so pathetic I'd be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to me": XD
Hermione kisses Ron on the cheek when he looks lost and miserable, and it is like the kiss brings him back to himself <3 he touches the spot slightly. (also she has to stand on tiptoe to do it. Ron is tall)
Angelina does not wince when Montague tries to crush her fingers. Go Angelina!
Lee trying to drown out the words of the terrible "Weasley is our King" song by shouting his commentary. Lee Jordan is King!
Draco actually wrote the lyrics for Weasley is our king, and Pansy was conducting it from the stands lol. Says a lot about the character dynamics here.
Harry holding George back, while the combined efforts of Angelina, Katie and Alicia are needed to stop Fred leaping on Malfoy XD and then of course Harry releases George when Draco insults his mum.
Hogwarts really doesn't care about verbal bullying. An entire song to wind up the Gryffindor Keeper? Okay. Muggle duelling after extended provocation? Oh good lord not.
Hagrid is back and so begins hints of my least favourite plotline: Grawp.
Chapter 20, 21, 22
Hermione wearing her own knobbly elf hats. So cute. I love how it is a little thing she takes pride in.
Ron being his caretaking self and really pressing about how Hagrid has been attacked. XD
Hagrid irritably calling them nosy and interfering and then his beard twitches and Harry grins. Harry bargains his Dementor story for Hagrid's tale.
Trolls on Polish border and a disagreement with vampire in Minsk? Gimme this bar tale!
love how much the everlasting fire imagery comes with Dumbledore: he offers the giants (via Hagrid) : everlasting fire. (there is Fawkes, and there is the inferno he uses against the Inferi)
Maxime being super impressive by both roughing it (Hagrid being all "she is such a well dressed woman but..") and also saving Hagrid from giants by being fast with her wand.
Okay, Hagrid going misty-eyed at memories of Maxime being fiery at the thought of attacking Death Eaters, and Harry allowing him 30 secs of reminiscences before clearing his throat, lol.
Hermione asking about Hagrid's mother and being scared of broaching the topic, and Ron covering for her<3
Thestrals first make an appearance through gnarled yew trees - to emphasise their connection with death. Nott, Harry and Neville are the only ones who can see them.
Neville being upset that his answer might have made things worse for hagrid, but truthfully, this entire segment is an exercise of Umbridge enjoying wielding her power.
Ron being greatly amused by Hermione's skiing holiday, and Harry being envious that Ron would go to Burrow until Ron tells him he is invited. And Harry feels guilty at the thought of Sirius being alone at Grimmauld Place for Christmas, and considers persuading Mrs Weasley to invite him. :(
Angelina sending Harry burning reproachful looks cos she had to recreate the Gryffindor team. XD Also, Ginny is on team as Seeker!
The tension building between Harry and Cho: how he resists the urge to walk past her several time after she beams at him, and how he hangs back hoping to get a Merry Christmas from her.
Cho is dealing with so many confused feelings in this scene: the what if about Cedric, and seeing Harry react heavily to his mention, she feels upset that she burdened him with her feelings, she says, "I know it must be horrible for you… me mentioning Cedric, when you saw him die. I suppose you want to forget about it?" and when Harry doesnt answer, she expresses her admiration and attraction.
the other half of him wanted to take it to the grave, Imao, Harry so dramatic.
"oh, are you that bad at kissing?" "dunno. maybe I am." "of course you arent." "how do you know?" LOL. The trio in this scene.
"emotional range of a teaspoon" - its a funny line, but it also conveys Hermione's feelings for Ron and how much she wants to disavow them at the moment, because he is "the most insensitive wart she had the misfortune to meet". XD The scene is also set around Hermione writing an essay to Krum.
Harry agreeing mindlessly to Ron's "he's a grouchy git, isn't he?" "bit grouchy, yeah." Also LOL at role reversal. Hermione was the one who said that Krum looks grumpy, and Ron was like, "who cares what he looks like" lol.
Harry wishing Sirius's head appears in the fire so he can ask for advice on girls XD
Harry's ridiculous dream before the nightmare conveys feelings of competition that he feels with regard to Cho's feelings for Cedric , and there is also a sense that he wants to give back to Dobby because he came to the room to set up Christmas baubles with Dobby's head.
Mrs Norris spots them on the way to Dumbledore's office (McGonagall shoos her), but the cat informs Filch, Filch informs Umbridge.
I love the implication here that Dumbledore is conducting a meeting with portraits (many of whom are in important wizarding institutions in the country, which means he gets information from everywhere). The discussion falls silent and portraits pretend to sleep as soon as there is a knock on the door.
"but in essence divided?" + the imagery of two serpents coiling and undulating in air. This is a reference to Voldemort's torn soul in Harry, but also the twin imagery between Harry and Voldemort is strong here.
also the comical whimsy of the portraits is there throughout the scene - them pretending to sleep but raising their eyelids enough to watch Harry, them yelling at Phineas to wake up, and finally, the witch with a wand that looked like a birch rod XD
love that Harry as a protector is embedded in Ginny's mind. She asks him directly what is going on, instead of the adults in the room. Harry reinforces this association by stepping directly in front of her in the climax chapters when Bellatrix threatens her.
ah the implication of Sirius being in his day clothes, and the whiff of a stale drink about him :(
Ron gives Harry a fleeting look(but does not challenge it) when Harry changes the story to as if he is watching the vision from sidelines, later on in the same chapter, he admits to seeing it through snake's eyes for Sirius and also admits to wanting to attack Dumbledore. Sirius gets the detail that Harry wanted to attack Dumbledore first.
Oh Sirius. :( It's such struggle for him to remain calm in a scene when Fred, understandably upset, hits at something below the belt. Sirius, who is a man of action, who ties his worth to doing hates being in this position. But once they sit down, he tries hard to be a host - giving them Butterbeer, suggesting they go to bed…
Ginny being curled like a cat and her eyes reflecting the firelight is such a sensual image.
"Harry and Sirius looked at each other often, intruders upon family grief… waiting… waiting". Again, the emphasis on how Harry views Sirius.
Sirius cooking for the Weasleys, Sirius saying "the more the merrier" and Molly beaming at him, and them cooking together <3
"well, he doesn't tell me anything any more" - not only does Harry confess the details of the vision, he also allows himself to tack on this resentful sentence of Dumbledore keeping him in the dark.
This is a bit of a moment for Sirius where he wants to assure Harry things are alright before admitting that the vision is worrying him - its one of the few moments in the series that Sirius is not entirely honest with Harry. So he goes to Dumbledore about this next to figure out wtf is going on - which is what arranges the Occlumency lessons.
LOL, the entrance to St. Mungos is a bit creepy, with dummy beckoning you closer with its jointed finger for entering.
Dilys (the headmistress) counting the Weasleys as though to report to Dumbledore who is visiting.
An old man with a hearing trumpet is here to see Broderick Bode.
Mrs Weasley panicking there is a werewolf in public ward, and Mr. Weasley assuring the man that Remus finds his condition easy to manage. Remus really never lets it show, unless he is bitching about Umbridge to Sirius. XD
Poor harry spends the entire chapter thinking that Weasleys had something "accusatory" in how they looked at him (a reflection of his own feelings of guilt), and he keeps being proven wrong: Molly hugs him and thanks him for saving Arthur's life, and Fred and George offer him extendable ears saying Harry has the right to listen in on their father. It makes the end of the chapter, where they are most likely worried about him and scared for him, all the more sad because Harry is going to think they are afraid of him
Chapter 23, 24
Harry's paranoia driving him to a point where he thinks he needs to go to privet Drive to keep other people safe.
Like Sirius, as angry as Harry gets at Dumbledore, he instantly obeys his instruction. And again like Sirius in his depressive episode, Harry also retreats to the room with Buckbeak, and refuses to eat.
hermione asking Harry not to tell Ron that skiing is not really her thing cos he kept laughing too much XD
Hermione and Ginny tag-teaming Harry out of his mood, leading to the "I forgot" "Lucky you" moment. And Ginny gives Harry the knowledge that gives him immediate comfort. Ron joins at the tail end of the conversation, where he senses Harry has started calming down. (He had previously looked down in response to Harry's angry glare)
Sirius singing "God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs" and his delight at having the house full, "especially at having Harry back":(
Sirius and Remus sending presents that shows both of their tacitly approving DA. Lovely shade to Remus' characterisation. Also how sweet of Tonks to send in a small model of the Firebolt.
Remus comforting Molly about Percy and the implication later that Sirius and Molly are cooking together again - Molly "sounding like she had a bad head cold" and Sirius bringing in turkey.
"The perfume is really unusual Ron" - Ron spotting that Hermione is indeed, a girl. What an awkwardly cute romantic-but-is-it gesture.
Kreacher's den - that is the boiler room where he sleeps - really makes me side-eye the stupid house elf plot that says Walburga and Regulus were "kind" to Kreacher. Sure Jan.
Christmas is the time where there is an uptick of patients who have come in cos of a family argument XD
Remus going to the forlon werewolf in the ward. :(
the Healer who ran after Ron through six portraits to offer remedy for spattergroit XD this will come in handy in Deathly Hallows.
Hermione sounding "slightly breathless" at the sight of Lockhart. Her crush remains XD
Neville saving the wrapper he got from his mum.
Harry being suspicious of Kreacher's behavior is why he is the lead detective of a mystery novel character. XD
Sirius is that character whose presence is just so powerful that his mood infects everyone: whether he is cheerful during the beginning of the holiday, or when he is depressed near the end of the holiday ("oozing under doorways like noxious gas"). Intense boy.
Harry egging on his castle which was tussling with Ron's pawn, lmaoo. "Squash him, squash him, he is only a pawn you idiot." I will say that the "Lucky you" scene and further on put Ginny among the trio. She is sitting with Hermione and Crookshanks, watching Harry and Ron play chess.
Snape and Sirius scene: this is an incredibly fun scene with two characters who are quite a match for each other's verbal sparring, and it also lays out their priorities. Sirius' priority is Harry, and he undercuts the power Snape is trying to establish in the scene by claiming ownership of both the house ("it's my house, you see") and Harry (I'm his godfather"). Snape's priority is Dumbledore's orders + the Order (and he rubs the fact that he is doing an important role to hit undercut Sirius' power in return).
The history between these two also muddies the scene with other complicated things. The moment Sirius stands up to emphasise that Harry shouldnt be bullied, Snape's, ever the hypervigilant against his former bullies, goes to his wand in his pocket. (we see a version of this in SWM, where James calls to him, and "Snape reacted as though he was expecting an attack").
They both throw emasculating insults at each other: Snape goads him about hiding in his mother's house, while Sirius calls him Lucius' lapdog. So essentially, what these two men are saying in the scene is - Sirius: "Stop tormenting Harry" and Snape is saying (especially with the jab about how Lucius knew it was Sirius): "You are putting the Order at risk". Poor Harry stuck at forcing these two grown men apart, standing immobile between them, hand outstretched. XD
Sirius forcing himself to be cheerful around people, and Harry noticing his face fell back into a brooding expression when the focus isnt on him:(
Ugh, Harry just not wanting to leave Sirius behind and the way his chest is constricting at thought of parting. And Sirius giving him a way to contact him, and then giving him a one armed hug. These two loved each other so much:(
The adults fell silent when Harry came in for breakfast, and Tonks was nervous about staying too long in the square (she even threatens Stan for simply saying Harry's name loudly). I wonder what is happening here? Are they being watched/followed? I would have loved to know more behind the scenes Order stuff. Interesting how Tonks takes the lead in this two man job, and how she splits them up, tips Stan to move them along etc etc. More glimpses of her Auror! self.
Harry saying Voldemort's name unnerves Snape, and he almost rubs the arm where his mark is. It shows that Snape is indeed, scared of Voldemort. (also Harry asking the right questions - "why can I see from snake's mind if its Voldemort's thought I am sharing?" smart cookie. It's because Nagini is a Horcrux.)
"well for the first attempt that was not as poor as it could have been" is Snape almost unwillingly complimenting Harry lol, and then he offers feedback in his typical bad teacher way: "remain focused, you wasted too much time and energy shouting. You are handing me memories you fear"
After Harry sees his mother and father in mirror, and Cedric's death once again: Snape looks "paler than usual, and angrier". I dont think he expected to encounter Lily again.
"fools who wear their heart proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked easily - weak people in other words - stand no chance against his powers". Snape is talking about himself, especially teenage Snape who joined the Death Eaters. We see a glimpse of teenage Snape later on, lying on grass and throwing swear words at James even without his wand, throwing a slur at his best friend because he is humiliated - "easily provoked, who cannot control his emotions". This is such an interesting chapter because Snape is talking about himself and there is recognition of who Harry is, away from his projection of "James' son". Snape's lip curl when asking about Ripper the dog, and Harry thinks Snape is mocking him (but interestingly, he never uses it to mock Harry - now or in the future, because it disturbs his James projection on him), but these words show that Snape is recognising himself in him. He hates it and will disassociate from the realisation until near the end of the series. Which gives weight to the "look at me" moment. He is asking Harry to really see him, and asking to be seen in return ("look at me")
Harry asking whats in the department of mysteries, unnerving Snape. Because it holds the prophecy Snape had overheard, but it also tells Snape that this is something that is haunting Harry for months (as he will later tell Dumbledore). Harry and Snape stepping on emotional landmines around each other - it makes for very interesting scenes, but good god, this is such a bad idea.
Hermione looking at Fred and george's Invisibility Hats and puzzling out how they work, and compliments how cleverly they used the charm.
Hermione asking Ron to check up on Harry since he looked ill all evening. <3 these two co-parents.
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duplicitywrites · 1 year
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Cindle (@cindle-writes) is someone I cannot say enough lovely things about! I want to give a special thank you to Cindle for all of her amazing Mutuals March posts with this shoutout dedicated especially to her. 💜
I think it's safe to say Cindle has quickly established herself as a pillar of the Tomarrymort community, whether it be to cheerlead, beta, or simply enable those in our little corner of fandom. Not only that, Cindle consistently writes some of the most amazing fics in a wide range of characters, ships, and tropes -- providing us with delicious smut that often includes an amazing plot twist as the cherry on top!
Long story short, Cindle never ceases to amaze me with her dedication to this fandom, both as a talented author and a supportive friend. Her enthusiasm makes this space a better one!
Cindle, thank you for all that you do! We appreciate you so very much. 💜🛐 To celebrate you, here are a few favourite works of yours chosen by some of your friends!
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☪ complete (Tom / Harry) E | 8.7k | Complete | Underage
Everything about this fic is perfect! There are so many yummy angst pieces of young Tom’s sad orphan backstory that are reflected in his (manipulative) interactions with Harry, and it meshes so beautifully with Harry's initial polite treatment of him as they get to know each other. Of course, the 'strangers' aspect speedruns right into 'lovers' once Harry realizes his newly-adopted baby Dark Lord is actually an omega. The ensuing smut is 👏🏼🥵🔥💯😈 !! I go absolutely feral for this dynamic and this fic delivers on every count.
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☪ dawn of a death of a dream (Tom / Harry) E | 53.8k | On-Going | No Archive Warnings Apply
This story demonstrates just how patient a young Tom Riddle was when it came to achieving his goals, and I just love how even with Harry being so certain Tom manages to capture him in his own messy web. We get mind games between enemies who often forget they are enemies, and allow their positive feelings for each other to shine through in a bid to trap the other using their intimate relationship. So fun & silly & WAIT WHAT?? 💜💜💜 ( this blurb written by Apples! 🍎)
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☪ Everything Green Is Gold (Tom / Harry) E | 21.3k | On-Going | Underage
BABY HARRY BELOVED! Professor Riddle takes first year Harry under his wing and teaches him sooo many things 😏🍆. Cindle really outdid herself on this story -- Tom is super manipulative with everything he does, but he is also so attentive with Harry in the process that even though we know what's happening, we're liable to... forget. Just a little 🤏. A million kudos for such a hot and realistic depiction 🔥!!
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☪ in bad faith (Voldemort / Harry, Cedric / Harry) E | 2.9k | Complete | Non-Con, Underage
This fic builds on an already fantastic premise -- an AU of GoF where Voldemort captures Cedric (and Harry!) -- and expands it to include even more angst! The smut is delicious and the plot twist at the end had me going insane. Without spoiling too much, I will say I love the aspects of the original dynamic surrounding Cedric, Harry, and Voldemort that are incorporated into this glorious mindfuck continuation.
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☪ i’ve missed you, my boy (Tom / Harry) E | 1.9k | Complete | Underage
One of the BEST plot twists I have ever read! Harry’s complex relationship with Voldemort is done so well in this post-war AU. I don’t want to spoil anything, but the reread value of this fic is incredible -- in the brief span of a few thousand words, we get so much character insight and build up to a truly incredible reveal. It is a delight going back and picking out all the details that lends to just how deeply messed up and multilayered this relationship is!
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☪ last rites (Scarcrux / Harry) E | 5.1k | Complete | Major Character Death
Such a HOT fic. Scarcrux knows all of Harry's deepest, darkest secrets -- including just how he likes to get off. Watching Harry's resistance crumble in the face of Tom's careful seduction is one of my favourite dynamics in this ship! And BOTTOM TOM is the whipped cream hat on this perfect PWP parfait. 💜🔥 We deserve more fics like this one, where Tom gets what he wants!
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☪ the dark passenger (Al / Harry, Tom / Harry) E | 5k | Complete | Non-Con, Underage
Cindle's next-gen writing is a huge part of why I have any interest at all in those characters, and this story is a great example of why! In this fic, we navigate Al's co-dependent relationship with Harry as his loving father and (though he doesn't know it!) his fated enemy. The merging of Al and Tom's personalities is so well done and elevates both ship aspects of the story, as well as seeing Harry through the lens of Al-with-Tom, in such a unique way!
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masterofdeath · 2 years
do you have any thoughts on harry and ron’s friendship?
i have a lot of thoughts, actually. thank you for asking.
whereas hermione and harry form a bound that is very sibling-like, 'you are my best friend because you are my best friend' and can love each other through their differences in communication style and conflict resolution/aversion; ron and harry are incredibly compatible. the true embodiment of boys will be boys, the can fluctuate between being two deeply empathetic and compassionate individuals who never stand idly by while some injustice is being committed, to being two idiots who would eat their own toes before finishing their essays in advance. ron and harry have a shorthand, and can offer insight to each other that evades others. even their differences mark a kind of understanding in each other.
ron and harry were always meant to be friends, i think they know as much. i think anyone can see as much ( long before ron was deemed the thing harry would miss most ).
through ron, harry experiences unconditional love for the first time in his life. it does not mean they never experience any kind of conflict, and their compatibility does have limitations in areas surrounding their insecurity. not versed in unconditional love ( yet somehow fluent ), harry reacts negatively to moments when he feels ron doubting him. yet ron can navigate heated discussions with harry that most people would not make it out of. ron’s journey towards confidence is one he takes harry on, another growing pain.
their worst argument, gof, showed ron seeking harry out to try and talk through his feelings. it's harry feeling attacked, as though ron was turning against him, which causes him to lash out. stubborn pride typical for their age marks the weeks which follow without them coming to a resolution. this ineptitude while they try to find footing in a new world that would look to pit them against each other. harry moves quickly to push ron away when he senses their bond is being threatened, and though his missing ron runs bone-deep, he holds on to his grudge as best he can.
and ultimately welcomes him back eagerly and readily.
that experience comes in handy the next year when ron is one of the only people who can successfully negotiate boundaries with harry. he tells him that when his anger has taken him too far, his calm rebuff of harry's temper helps remind them that their bond will always be rooted deep within them. harry seeks to build distance between his pain and the world around him, but ron ( and hermione! ) are steadfast in staying by his side. eventually he learns to let them in, and ultimately it's their support that pulls him away from the presipice of being swallowed whole in despair.
again in dh, we see ron try to talk to harry first to explain his view on the situation. he's right in his assessment that harry is not acting like himself and fueled by the locket, by frustration and hunger, they find a fracture to pick at when there does not seem to be anything else to fight. when ron returns, he's willing to accept the worst version of himself as being the mark of who he truly is. it's harry who corrects him this time, harry who reminds him he knows exactly the kind of person ron is. he will always come back, and that is worth every bit of strife along the way.
so often i see dissections of their conflicts as being some gotcha on where they fail as people, but i find it's the way they come back together that shows how much love is between these two boys. ron and harry are compatible, but they are not similar; and what they offer each other is immeasurable.
anyway, thanks for listening to my acoustic cover of wonderwall. here's a line that always kicks me right in the chest regarding them:
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harry experiences life at ron's side and even after he experiences what it means to do so without him, the space still remains reserved.
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adenei · 11 months
Sparks Fly
Written for Microfic Mayhem! A good old GOF AU/Missing Moment (ish?)
Thank you @cruelsummer-ficfest for helping me find my writing groove again and hosting a FABULOUS fest
Song: Sparks Fly
Ship: Romione
Read on AO3
The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless that should send me running
But I kinda know that I won't get far
“‘Next time there’s a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!’” 
Hermione brushes past Ron, heat rising in her cheeks and tears stinging her eyes. She only makes it a couple of steps before he grabs her by the arm and pulls her back. The room is starkly empty all of a sudden.
“Let me go, Ron,” she warns, but he doesn’t.
“You weren’t a last resort.” The words are barely audible. She wouldn’t have believed he actually spoke if she hadn’t seen his lips move.
“Oh, really?” She yanks her arm out of his grasp and steps forward so that they’re nose to nose again. “So, what? You just needed to ensure I was, in fact, a girl first?”
“I’m well aware you’re a girl,” he responds through gritted teeth.
And at that exact moment his eyes drift down, settling on the tiny bit of cleavage heaving up and down from her breathing before snapping back up to her face. Flattered as Hermione is, her nostrils flare and her cheeks flush with anger. “You have got to be kidding me.”
“What? No, I—” His ears are scarlet now and he steps back to shed the outer layer of his robes. “C’mon, Hermione. Trust me, I noticed.”
“Yes, well, don’t seem so shocked. I’m fully capable of wearing form-fitting clothes or undoing an extra button on my shirt. I just choose not to.”
“Why?” Ron’s eyes widen slightly, giving away that he didn’t mean to ask the question out loud.
Hermione sighs. “Because I’ll never be as desirable as Fleur or Lavender, so why bother trying?”
She’s not sure where the honesty comes from. It must be all the Butterbeer she’s had tonight that’s finally catching up to her.
“You’re clearly desirable. Viktor fucking Krum took you to the Yule Ball.”
“If only he were the one I wanted to go with,” she admits in a whisper.
Ron scoffs. “Yeah, right. Sure didn’t look like that in the Great Hall.”
“I’m not saying I had a horrible time,” Hermione snaps. “It’s just—” 
“Just what?”
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you, I know it's no good
She shudders, but doesn’t know if she can tell Ron. Sure, he’s her best friend, but admitting this would be a step too far. But he gives her that look and her heart melts a little more before the words come tumbling out. 
“I was having a good time until the end of the night. He tried to kiss me and I—I turned away.”
Ron balls his fists at his side. “He what?”
“No, no! He tried, but he didn’t. Being his date to the ball was one thing, but—I don’t know, I just couldn’t…he’s not who I wanted to share a first kiss with.”
Silence hangs thick and clouds the space between them until Ron finally speaks. His hands are no longer clenched and his jaw is more relaxed.
“You’ve thought about who you want to share a first kiss with?”
Hermione lets out a derisive laugh. “Of course I have! I am fifteen, you know. Even if I don’t always act like it…I would like the experience of kissing a boy at some point.”
“But you didn’t kiss Viktor.”
“I did not.”
“So who then?”
“I can’t say.”
“Can’t? Or won’t?”
“Can’t.” Her lip turns up into the slightest smirk, and perhaps it’s still the Butterbeer coursing through her veins, but she’s pretty sure the proximity to Ron is getting to her. That’s the reason she’s brave enough to say, “Rumor has it, he thinks I’m a nightmare.”
Their fingers brush and she hears a slight hitch in his throat and—did he just move closer? She’s so busy contemplating it that she almost misses his lips brush hers. It may not be a true kiss, but it’s pure heaven. Hermione closes her eyes and sparks fly, but before she can bask in the moment, it’s already gone.
“He definitely doesn’t.”
They remain frozen like that for a beat, and Hermione wishes he’d move back in and truly kiss her this time. Now that she’s had the smallest taste, she wants more.
But Ron pulls away instead. Running a hand through his hair, he grabs the discarded robe, and backs toward the boys’ staircase. Hermione is left reeling in the common room, frozen in place as she watches him leave. She leans on the back of the sofa for support, almost missing when Ron flashes a lopsided grin at her before disappearing up the staircase, and she’s left wondering if all of this is real.
Regardless of whether it did or didn’t, the question still remains:  Now what?
Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile
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lust-x-life · 1 year
Iggy Pop - Monster Men
Iggy and The Trolls:  Making of music theme.
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whinlatter · 11 months
Hi, You mentioned you liked the Tent scene in the DH movie which is very rare for Romione fans and book fans… and so I’m curious if there’s other things you like from the films? I would love to know
me fighting for my life in hinny/romione jail after saying i really like the tent scene
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Ok just in defence of the tent scene, which I love for so many reasons in a film series I broadly feel ambivalent about... I love that how plays with the idea of the characters just being kids getting a moment to piss about in a tent with the radio on, while the war rages around them (the song is O Children for a reason, and the fact that the train imagery runs throughout the lyrics... chef's kiss). I think it's a thoughtful twist on that line from DH about them being "three teenagers in a tent whose only achievement was not, yet, to be dead", playing with the teenageness of it all. I also really like how it steps out of being a HP film and plays both with a change of pace but also different forms of media - like, if you're converting something from one form to another (in this case, from a book to a film), you can and should think about what you can do in movies that you can't do in books, and music is so important in that. And I actually really love at the end where movie!Harry and Hermione look at each other and something seems to hang in the balance - I think it works as a bit of a wink and a nod to the audience expectations, but I love that they both turn away from it, because to the two characters there’s nothing of that between them, just deep love and ease with another person that they treasure and are grateful for. And then the song ends, and it’s back to the worry, three minutes of forgetting and back to the hours and hours of waiting and worrying. And although I don't really think of the movie characters as the characters, I do think it works as a way to render a dynamic in book!Harry and Hermione’s relationship by DH, which does have this intimacy, tenderness, and these gorgeous little twinge moments of physical affection:
She hesitated, but recognised the dismissal. She picked up the book and then walked back past him into the tent, but as she did so, she brushed the top of his head lightly with her hand. He closed his eyes at her touch, and hated himself for wishing that what she said was true: that Dumbledore had really cared.
Overall, though, I really don't love the films. I absolutely enjoy rewatching them with friends as a nostalgic relic of my childhood, yes I will re-enact the PS/SS chess scene on request, but I don't think as a series they're very strong, either as an adaptation or as a standalone body of work. My favourite film is probably GoF, because I think it just gets the vibe right: it nails the series shift that happens in book four, in that it delivers boarding school caper vibes immaculately, but then also really nails the political/courtroom scenes (the Barty Crouch Jr trial scene holds up as iconic, oh my god!) and the truly terrifying graveyard scene and the tragedy/agony of the aftermath. But in general I don't think the films are hugely well done, and I think giving David Yates films five through eight was a huge mistake (the man just turns the lights down to show that everything is getting dark and miserable, and directs weak, mannered performances from his actors in scenes that are poorly cut and edited. I will die on this hill). If JKR weren't set to make bank that she's going to pump into toxic TERF lobbying in Scottish/UK politics I'd be excited for the HBO series. Since the films were made we've seen how long-form series television can really be a wonderful medium for delivering quality adaptations and is where some of the most exciting new IP has been coming out of for the past few years, so there's such rich creative energy in that space that could deliver a really quality adaptation. But she is... so I am not!
Other things I like from the films that aren't in the books, after a lot of thought lol:
Burning the Burrow scene — it happened in the wrong film (the Burrow probably was attacked during DH, after Ron is revealed to be travelling with Harry at Malfoy Manor), but I think it’s extremely atmospheric, really chilling and beautiful (the reeds! the water! obsessed) Also it’s basically the best/most bearable Hinny moment in the wasteland of film Hinny........ but I digress
The crackling radio scenes from DH 1 (borrowed these heavily for inspo for Beasts, I love them so much)
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regheart · 7 months
guys. guys. you DO get that remus is a plot device right? his role in the books is like mentoring harry for the duration of 1 (one) book, introducing sirius, being the reason why the other marauders were animagi. jkr had no idea of what to do with him after book 5 and that's partially why remadora happened. the reason why he's not on gof (helping harry, housing sirius or whatever) is because there was no space for him in that book. sirius and moody are the mentors now, those are roles to be filled and he already played his part. he is given no part on the next books, besides having a son and dying to show that war orphans are a thing or whatever (as if harry himself didn't exist), despite that fact that he'd be the best person to help harry process his grief after sirius died. hold him responsible for his mistakes, sure, interesting characters have to be flawed but have the decency to acknowledge when your issue is just a) narrative convention b) jkr being a bad writer which makes up about 70% of the issues in the last three books
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hephaestiions · 2 months
for the ask game, C, K, N!
thank you so much for the ask, this was SUCH fun to do!
C: a ship you've never liked and probably never will.
my main ship is harry/draco, so i'm always very very picky with ships featuring either of them with someone else. i have (very occasionally) read fics featuring other ships with these characters (thinking of some delicious harry/charlie, even some harry/ginny and draco/astoria & have been a HUGE fan of some harry/draco/teddy and the recent dronarry fest) but i don't think i've read anything that isn't endgame drarry in some form, and i don't think i ever will. the only ship i can think of that actively squicks me and i don't think i'll read in any version ever is draco/hermione— it just doesn't do it for me at all!
K: which character has your favourite development arc/the best development arc?
in hp canon, i personally think harry himself? he was one of my favourite protagonists to follow in any book series, and i think seeing him getting much angrier, much wearier post-gof, much more aware of the expectations upon him and how he was being used as a tool in vaster games was both heartbreaking and really compelling.
in hp fanon, i mostly LOVE what my favourite authors & fics do with the slytherins, mostly draco, but also pansy. some of the most brilliant and interesting reckonings with their role and complicity and guilt in the war are rendered in fanfic and it never gets old! i LOVE watching the slytherins grow up into more complex, interesting, (deeply traumatised) people, it's such a revelation to encounter them/live in their heads!
N: three things i wish i saw more of in fandom.
i think the drarry fandom is such a vast and nuanced fandom that it's very hard to have things you don't see much of, whether in terms of tropes, canon exploration, meta-commentary or general fan behaviour. i do wish, sometimes, that more fics engaged with politics & social commentary and the ways magic interacts with them. there's a treasure trove of fics that do this, and they're my favourite genre of fics, but i'll never say no to more and to new and interesting ways of exploring this. i also ADORE casefics and wish there were more in the drarry fandom— full of magical theory, quintessential red herrings and the difficulties of falling in love while trying to hunt down murderers and dark artefacts. again, there's an array of fics that do this and they're some of my favourites, i'm just always hungry for more! and i just can't think of a third thing, i think fandom does a brilliant job of meeting my specific needs and i love this space so much in that regard!
send me some fandom asks!
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thumpierealunofficial · 21 hours
one hc per thumpie GO!!!
-noobie loves strawberry scented products, the smell hits you like a truck when you enter their room -furface sometimes likes to chase after butterflies but deliberately not catch them just to keep the chase going -long ago, fwoot got punched in the face so hard it warped their upper jaw, deleted their nose, and gave them a black eye on both eyes forever (my random explanation i came up with just now on why they look like that) -butter absolutely adores spooktacle and is besties with rare punkleton :) -rawt likes to eat mud and cement sometimes, it's kind of gross -recess loves to make paper airplanes. often, the wind blows them into the branches and leaves of the Bawnzi where they get stuck, much to the great leaders' annoyance. -tawooo likes to perch up at the very top of the tree and stick their feathers into the KaLnöOd sigil to mark their territory -orange flippy isn't very rational and often makes stupid decisions. they deliberately knocked out their tooth and replaced it with a gold one to increase their monetary value. they plan to replace their entire body with gold within the next year (it's not even real gold). yellow flippy is terrified. -boooo laughs like an evil cartoon scientist -gahwg will disappear into the waters for weeks on end and then just casually return sopping wet and thumping stumpies like nothing ever happened -mosh cannot be trusted around musical instruments. they will play the most divine riffs you've ever heard in your life and then smash and destroy it like an overdramatic rockstar -rhootz' nose probably grows when they tell a lie like pinnochio, except they never lie so it never happens -kal's current special interest is electricity and the supernatural monsters that wield it. they read every bit of lore the monster handlers publish on the subject. -anyanka is the biggest gamer out of all the thumpies, and they like racing games -chesh likes to bring random things very high up the tree and drop them. chesh has broken very many valuable possessions by doing this -gooie's favorite color is blue. they love blue so much they randomly turned blue once. no one has any idea how that happened -skwee hates gentle, affectionate touch like headpats and boops. they love rough touches like punches and smacks (not too hard though) -yuckles stores all their possessions in their hat, which has infinite space -chomph once gnawed a huge chunk of bark off the Bawnzi. this made kartoof absolutely livid. -mace is the biggest thumpie. they're also not very bright. most of their brainpower runs on war -kartoof's distinct, magical language is said to have originated from the trees themselves. kartoof's fluency in this language is what lets them perform their many powerful incantations and rituals. -izit loves peanut butter and will devour entire jars of it and not even wash it out of their fur, it's absolutely disgusting -gof can see very well in the dark. they will screech if you turn the lights on -bamf blinks sideways (i know they canonically don't but i like to think they do) -ruff once got bit by the stump creature oof owie ouchie -tumble loves to roar at everyone, it's absolutely adorable -bangers once traveled to party island expecting to see a sick rave and was utterly heartbroken when they found out there wasn't one -ka8lyn is a surprisingly good swimmer -jon uuh eats rocks or something idk -frankie admires the moon and sees it as a role model -mumsy lost their sight by staring at the sun too much -scoot has a rare condition called carpal hyperplasia (i pulled out the medical terminology textbook to make this one up im such a nerd), where a thumpie's vestigial paw bones overdevelop into actual paws. the paws are nonfunctional.
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shivstar · 8 days
Regarding this post, because comments are off!
Oh I am an Indian too! And I agree with the fact that Lord Shiv infact gives all of us energy. I am neither too old, nor too young, like in my early teenage era and God had proved that he is with me.
I remember, I was really depressed a few years back and then many things happened at the same time.
I started reading Harry Potter, I bent more towards God, and miracle, I am now a happy careless fellow.
I don't think Ron is done wrong by JKR. In DH, the whole point of him leaving was to show what the golden trio is without Ron.
Yes, it is stated that they won't be able to live a day without Hermione but will they be 'they' without Ron? No.
And talking about Remus, as he is actually, I have this fanfic of mine, currently in drafts...
Yes, he is like a mentor to Harry, but what if he calls him Uncle once in a while?
Do you ship Hinny? If no, who do you ship Harry with because well...my blog is full of
A) Hinny
B) Ron ain't bad!
C) Anti-Drarry!
D) James and Sirius weren't dumb daft idiots!
E) Supports platonic friendship
Do you support platonic friendship?
Hi!!!! Sorry for the late reply...
I am glad things are working out for you in real life.
About Ron done wrong by JKR. I meant it in a way that Ron in initial books was a strategic thinker who came up with solutions and really had a leg to stand on among the trio. In fact it was Hermione who came out as odd one out with how she opposed the other two on every step.
Then don't know what weird sort of women empowerment came in this woman's mind that she made Hermine as someone who is pretty close to dark grey character if we see her in different light. Trapping Rita skeeter in a jar, writing permanent word on Marietta edgecomb's forehead, throwing umbitch to cenataurs. Like yes she appeared cool girl whose transformation was from a nerdy rule following girl to the no. one rule breaker among golden trio.
But with how much Hermione stood out. Ron began to fade as a normal average friend. Rather than the cunning sweet guy we were introduced to.
I am not saying that Harry Or Hermione viewed him as less but i think that just so that the titular character can shine and the female lead can appear larger than life, Ron's character had to take a step back. That was sad. He is my favorite among golden trio.
The problem with Harry calling Remus as uncle is that till the end of books, Harry was still calling him by his surname. He didn't even felt comfortable to call him by his name. Let alone calling him an uncle.
Of course, you do you. But i cringe everytime Remus is shown in familial light to Harry when not once he assumed the role of an uncle. In poa, he was his teacher., in gof he was missing, in ootp he was James and Sirius's friend, in hbp he was again missing for most part, Harry even mentions that he expected to receive a letter from Remus now that Sirius is gone. I mean if he was really an uncle figure then it is his responsibility to check on a grieving 16 year old kid. in DH Harry becomes Remus's equal by assuming the role of the hope of the order. The guy Dumbledore told all order members to trust in and follow the lead of. Harry also sets Remus straight on being an idiot about tonks and teddy. Remus goes on to name Harry as the godfather. Again an indirect proof that Remus considers a 17 year old kid capable enough to take care of his kid in case he and tonks dies. Like Remus never gave Harry that space to be a kid.
I suppose I am okay with Hinny but I do not go to search for Harry centric fics where Romance is involved because I have seen that guy from age 11 and I am honestly not interested in sordid details of his love life. 😂
I have an exception to it though.- fics which involves Harry going back in time and dating Sirius. 😇😇😇
About my view on platonic friendship. Of course I support them. If I read a story with strong bond between friends, I feel at home. In HP world, the bromance between Harry and Ron. And Sirius and James is canonical. They both are like ride Or die sort of duos. I love them.
Infact if I keep my romantic prongsfoot heart on the side fir a minute, I love the stories in which Sirius is paired with some other character ( anyone but lupin) and James acts as a wingman or gives Sirius some tips on how to be in a relationship etc.
I hate stories in which best friends are kept aside to focus on the couple. Like no. That person is gonna be a part of all ups and downs kr the protagonist. He will know all sordid details as quickly as possible.
One of the many reasons as to why I hate wolfstar is that they have to water down Sirius and james's bond so that the couple looks picture perfect. I mean it will be a sad story if Remus competes with James in being the no. 1 person in Sirius's life and looses.
Like for James post marriage, lily and Harry took priority over Sirius. So fir me the ideal person for Sirius will be the one who becomes Sirius's no. 1 despite James being right there. Without compromising the prongsfoot platonic love and dependence on each other.
I have yet to find such story. But fingers crossed. Life is still long 😅
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