#trans lifehacks
videoworm · 1 year
my body is a beast of flesh. it is misaligned and ugly. look at it! i'm going to make it my bitch
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atlastheboylyboy · 1 year
turns out i like my appearance significantly more if i take off my glasses and look in a mirror across the room
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gaast · 2 years
Hey Lifehacker, people are also pissed that the game is about ensuring the continued enslavement of antisemitic caricatures. That's also a controversy about the game that, you know, people think is important.
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radio-charlie · 2 years
Btw on more hilarious note, earlier tonight i kinda went a bit loco w/o planning to (not the fun type of loco but loco loco) and now have 4 months on T voice from beating my throat with one of those larger can openers
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xaveria · 1 year
well! brian had sepsis and almost died. but he’s better now! probably the last night spent in the hospital tonight and tbh the care we have gotten here has been amazing and they are probably gonna be able to get us on the charity program to get it all for free…?? and help get brian set up with their trans healthcare program??? lifehack almost die of sepsis and get free T from university hospital
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homokommari · 1 year
the only t4t superbats I ever found was pwp... no pining 😔 i think tumblr doesn't like links in asks so i'll just give the title of the first fic that came to mind;
- running backwards (the only way forward) by soetry on ao3: "Bruce gets hit in battle and forgets everything about being Batman. To get his memories back, someone has to get rather intimate with him." despite the summary this fic is rated Teen. it's also really cute and made my chest clench from the pining.
i'll send more if i remember... i keep looking for them and getting distracted lol
sadly ppl don't really make stories with trans characters if it doesn't involve sex. and like i get it, it's sometimes impossible to bring up transness otherwise in a story.
but here is my #lifehack. if a fic doesnt have a descriptive sex scene describing cis men's bodies................. they dont have to be cis. ;) they can be trans to u.
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johannestevans · 2 years
so I read your grindr advice, but how do you get past the anxiety to actually start hooking up? I'm nearly 30 and autistic and have never gone further than kissing and I want to get laid (not out of shame of being a virgin, I'm just horny) but I'm so afraid that it'll be obvious or I'll be awkward and offputting... not to mention body image issues being a chubby gnc trans man. I can only imagine things going horribly wrong and have chickened out and deleted the app every single time I've tried chatting on grindr
Honestly, I think this is one of those things where like... There's no way of easing your way into things or anything with physical intimacy - it's kind of like when you're about to dive into a swimming pool and you know the water might be a bit cold at first, so you just can't make yourself jump in.
There's no way of making it easier, there's no mental lifehack to get yourself over what will be a transition.
It's funny getting this ask because I was talking about this with a partner last night, and specifically like--
One of the things that I think makes sluts so attractive is that we approach sex and sexuality with ease and confidence, and the reason we do that is because we know that sex is honestly no big deal.
In your head, you think, oh my god, what if people think Im weird, what if I'm awkward, what if they think I'm ugly, what if they think I'm ugly, what if I'm not good at it, what if I have a bad time, etc, and the thing is, sex is honestly no big deal, there's no need for perfection. People fucking are just human beings like any others, and not only is there no expectation of perfection, once you're having sex, you don't really want perfection?
I would also say that like... I was chatting to @pingpong-amnesia about this, and he said that one of the big things about easing into sex with people is that the things you might be insecure about (being fat, being trans, being GNC, being hairy, etc) are not just things that you learn like, oh, some people will accept me despite these traits...
Like, no. Some people will find you hot because of them, and will find you hot including those aspects.
There's this lie that's constant and continuous, that everyone prefers ~conventional beauty~, but will accept you "despite" not being conventionally attractive or whatever, but the truth is that normal people are attracted to normal people.
I'm not saying oppression doesn't exist, that people aren't racist or fatphobic or transphobic, I'm not saying that all people are perfectly okay or whatever, like, a lot of people do have biases, and the way people process attraction and attractiveness is through a lens of their own bias.
But some people take that understanding of people's biases, and then basically internalise it as like... The only people that ever find fat people, or trans people, or disabled people, etc, attractive, are either people with the exact same experiences of marginalisation and/or chasers.
And that's just not true!
All kinds of people are attractive and sexy to different people, and I think the more that we fuck and engage with sex and sexuality, and specifically like, the clumsiness and messiness of sex? The more we realise how sex is just another form of communication and intimacy with others, that it can be really chill, and not a big deal.
I will say that i have more confidence now, btu when I was easing back into sex again after a period of celibacy, I felt a lot safer playing with other trans people and playing with non-sexual kink before I eased back into having more casual sex! And I also actually found it easier to fuck guys who were travelling through my city and were in hotel rooms rather than accomming or going to theirs, but that might be a personal thing for me.
So much of stuff like this is tailored to the individual situation, and I'm afraid there's never a universal script or step-by-step, but that's part of the nature of cruising and hook-up culture as a whole.
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mintyepic · 6 months
my lifehack while listening to trans artists with my mom is saying "the lead singer is actually [gender] but theyyy like to sing in a different register" and shes like "wow thats so cool.... i should bring that up with your musican brother maybe their lead singer can do that.... (he already does he has the voice of a beautiful angel girl she just thinks hes neat)"
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adz · 1 year
sry for an odd question, but I love your hair! anyplace you’d recommend to a clueless trans girl for a first haircut? (or any haircut, lol)
are u in the boston area? honestly i don't really have a person, my partner's been cutting my hair for years and i love it. i did find that you can use classpass credits for haircuts at certain places, and you get a bunch of free ones the first time u sign up... #lifehack
but yeah i don't really have personal experience at any places around here. maybe followers can assist?
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a-thread-of-green · 11 months
Lifehack: If you want to know if a trans-person's family reacted well to their coming out or not but don't want to ask, just find an inconspicuous way to lick their Blahaj. If you don't taste salt, it went okay!
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lifehack don't get so attached to ur kids names that when they come out as trans and want to change it u get super fucking personally offended about it
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anerdyfeminist · 1 year
hey i'm sorry to tell you but that post about lifehacks for hallucinations/delusions, the one with the transmisogynistic slur in the url-- i went to the blog and it's by a trans man who has a bunch of transmisogynistic/misogynistic posts, he's a transandrophobia truther who calls trans women "annoying bitches" for bringing up transmisogyny on posts about "transandrophobia" like this is someone who fully believes in misandry and that trans women perpetuate it
Jfc yikes. I’ll go delete
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polyhexian · 2 years
Lifehack: find a trans person with a dead name you like and swap with them. You are just a few quick Photoshop files away from your legal name and gender change folks
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syöjätär kuukausipalkka
syöjätär ammatti
syöjätär koulutus
syöjätär pienyrittäjänä
syöjätär kutsumusammatti
syöjätär EU-lainsäädäntö
syöjätär lupahakemus
syöjätär onko kulttuurista omimista karjalaisilta
syöjätär kilpailut saako olla trans nainen
syöjätär onko etua testosteronista
syöjätär doping skandaalit
syöjätär mestaruuskisat 1997 kuolonuhrit
leuka paikoiltaan ilman kipua lifehack
montako hiilihydraattia ihmis ruumiissa
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raccoon-queer · 1 year
found the ultimate work lifehack. I work a job that requires some light lifting, nothing too crazy but definitely annoying. I've found that if I use my girl customer service voice (I am a not-really-passing-but-visibly-queer trans man) while wearing an ace bandage on my arm in a visible place then like 50% of the time the customers will be like omg let me help you with that
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horrid-ace · 2 years
If you wear a pronoun pin of ur dead gender than transphobic bitches will use your preferred pronouns and you can tell others who use the pronouns on the pin the special little tip
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