khaotickoins · 5 months
Hi I’m the one who asked for the trans🍇ist flag, can you please make your own. I can’t find one and I love your flags! /nf
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You can probably guess
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the-transid-gacha · 2 months
Hellooo, coud we please have a Skeppy fictive? (The minecraft ytber)
Name(s): Zak + other masc names
Gender(s): anything masc
Pronoun(s): also masc
Orientation(s): anything that likes men & fits the genders, maybe even 'contradicting' labels..
CisID(s): DPD
TransID(s): Maybe some transabled ones, or transharmed/ful ones. (But only mild ones pls, **no** trans🍇ist or trans🍇ed please) No transethnicity pls.
Personality trait(s): Energetic , Talkactive , friendly
Emoji Signoff(s): anything w the 💎 emoji
The rest is up to you thank you very much! If you can pls also add likes and dislikes. Have a nice day.
Names: Zak, Skeppy, Skep, And/Or Max
Genders: Demiboy, Diamondgender, Jewelgender, Xenoboy, Virtualboy, & Casiboy
Orientations: Gaybian, Asexual, Quoiromantic, & Hyperplatonic
TransIDs: TransAbled, TransHarmed, TransHarmful, PermaBlueHair, TransStalked, TransPopularity, TransNobody, TransFrontTriger, TransTwitterUser, TransPersonality, TransEpilepsy, TransCIPA, TransNPD, TransHPD, TransToxic, & TransHater
CisIDs: DPD, Capricorn, Black hair, Brown eyes, Minecraft user, DSMP member, Minecraft streamer, Famous, BPD, Photophobia, Caffeine addict, & Lego collector
Pronouns: He/Him, Hx/Hxm, Diamond/Diamond's, Shine/Shine's, Blue/Blue's, H3/H1m, Virtual/Virtual's, Minecraft/Minecraft's, Viral/Viral's, & Stream/Stream's
Species: Human
Age: 24
Source: Minecraft youtube (Skeppy fictive)
Roles: Chaos alter & Energy holder / Energetic alter
Likes: Minecraft, Diamonds, Energy drinks, Friends, & Challenges
Dislikes: His computer being slow, People not listening to him, Children, Flashing lights, & Bullies
Personality traits: Energetic, Talkative, Friendly, Loud, & Easily excited
Emoji Signoff: 💎👑
Appearance: (We didn't know if you meant the youtuber or their character so we put both ;-;) (Art is also not ours we are unsure of who's it is though, if someone knows let us know so we can properly credit them)
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Here you go!!!!!
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sewers-headmates · 1 month
ayyy super niche request but can we get like. an incel minecraft pillager- TurntechGodhead
god we haven’t played minecraft in ages. hope this works ok enough. not inlcuing a faceclaim apologies i just struggled with it to much
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Name: Pillager, Pill, Tyrant, Stampede, Storm, Rebel, Slayer, Ram, Zealot
Age: ageless, adult
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight
Species: pillager
Source: minecraft
Roles: persecutor
cisIDs: gray skin, ASPD, anger issues, low empathy, OCD, ADHD
transIDs: transIncel, transHarmful, transAbuser, transBPD, trans🍇ist, transMisogynist, permaAngry
Paraphiles: MAP, sadist, biastophilia, aptophilia, traumaphilia, vigiliaphilia, oplophilia, pecattiphilia, menophilia
Other Labels: ambiamorous
hope you enjoy him! sorry no faceclaim as i said before
-mod max
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goths-make-headmates · 2 months
just want a sys-teen [15-16] aizawa introject from bnha! include paraphilias and signoffs please :3 the more he's 'fucked up' the better. /nf thank you in advance, and if you don't wanna do it, please let us know via a post! you can delete this request too, no hard feelings!
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Aizawa Headmate
Name(s): Shota Aizawa
Gender(s): Proxvir , DistorGender , GoreCoric , GuroGender , Brokenic , CreepyThing , MonsterGender
Pronouns: He/Him , It/Its , Creep/Creeps , Horror/Horrors , Scar/Scars , Gore/Gores , Blood/Bloods , Wound/Wounds , Harm/Harms , Violent/Violents , Death/Deaths , 🔪/🔪s
Age(s): 15
TransID(s): TransGr00mer , TransDead , PanHarmful , NullChildhood , TransKiller , TransAngelOfMercy , TransAnimalAbuser , TransFighter , TransProgrammer , TransWaterBoarder , Trans🍇ist
CisID(s): Abuser , Problematic , ASPD , NPD , Creep , Anger Issues
Role(s): Intentional Harmer , Malicitor , Cynic
Like(s): Naps , Violence , Solitude , Gore , Weapons , Internet
Dislike(s): School , People , Animals , Nature , Conversations , Vegetables
Personality trait(s): Impatient , Apathetic , Logical , Reckless , Helpful if he gets something in return , Selfish , 'Evil' headmate
Para(s): MAP , Z00phile , Necr0phile , S0mn0phile , B!ast0phile , Z00sadism , Sadist , Erotophonophilia , Aptophilia , Emapihtophilia , Vigiliaphilia , Apagophilia , Asphyxiophilia
Emoji Signoff(s): 🔪🪦
Appearance: Young Shota Aizawa (MHA)
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girztacoz · 2 months
just a silly idea :3
what if I became the first trans politician and then was so good that I ran for president at like 30-40 (?) and then won and became the first trans president and change the us and made it safer for everyone and fixed all the law enforcement issues and mandated lgbtq+ books and teachings in middle schools to highschools
the books would be available to elementary students, but the teachings wouldn't start until 7th grade (because the teachings would mainly be s3x Ed and anatomy and stuff like that, and then I would change schools, pay the teachers more and change the curriculum so that middle school throughout highschool had more say in what they do and more time to actually socialize and learn social skills since that's like what they need during those years
I'm also gonna make abortions very legal and free under certain circumstances (r4p3, not enough money, underage, etc)
I'd also make sure every loud/crowded space has a sensory room available and every place with a bathroom has gender neutral bathrooms, I would make sure that a girl killing her 🍇ist would only put her on probation, because it's still murder for a good cause and understandable, and all 🍇ists get their d1cks/fingers cut off (or whatever they used to 🍇)
and I'd do much more but those are the main stuff
anyways, just a silly little idea :3
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antiradqueer · 1 year
important: tw rape, zoophilia rape
hey just a heads up. id watch out for any radqueers using the grape emoji now. saw a post about trans🍇ist, which i assume is alluding to transrapist. i specifically saw it being used in a post about being a "trans🐾🍇ist", which. you know. yeah.
grape is a work used to censor rape, its used everywhere like tiktok n youtube, doesn't surprise me that PRATs are using it now.
you should report these kinda posts for obvious reasons...
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therealbutcher · 4 days
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A gender related to not wanting to explain to anyone but if they keep pushing you tell them to " fuck off ", being a rapist and wanting people to fuck off , identifying with the 🍇ist label and not wanting to explain yourself etc.
This is my first time using a template so im sorry its not the best, feel free to remake!
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blackkittiesinabox · 5 months
> "cis abuser" "trans killer" "trans arsonist" whyre we building our own persecutors/lh
im not radqueer or anything but we have a daydream-character-turned-sentient who is a vigilante serial killer as a coping mechanism
so if we were radqueer then i could see him being transtorturemurderer or something edgy like that because he thinks about killing abusers?
i don't know what most of these people using alter packs are doing but it doesn't have to be a persecutor thing, there are plenty of reasons why someone could identify that way!
though if i see trans🚼🍇ist or something im going to be VERY concerned
Thing is about these terms, the trans ids suggest you want to become or do these things.
Take a lesser severe, but more well known one, transrace, these people literally want to become the race, they change the way they are and look to mimic the race, partake in that race's culture, ecetera ecetera.
Ofcourse maybe there are people who don't, but the mere idea of trans labels suggest you want to physically become that thing in most cases.
It inherently suggests you want to transition to do these things, or that you feel you should do these things.
And I've seen this, ive seen them write "cisabuser" then "transharmful, wishes to become worse."
I just think its sitting on a REALLY risky line. Especially when creating your own headmates, who have their own will and can do what they wish, both to you in headspace, and to others [this is coming from someone who has, accidentally, caused the creation of their own insys abuser /lhaffec (i love this headmate to peices even if they hurt me/gen) though of course, all the love is being sent to created persecutors !! Y'all are awesome !!]
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stalkingfriendly · 4 months
Bennet. Alter. Won't say system name. OG Zombzqueer, not the recoin. proship, pro consang etc.
70 horrible questions ask
Try and guess what's cis and what's trans: groomer, black, tall, blue eyes, 🍇ist, killer, more. I do not use the body to commit irl harm non consensually, rather within headspace. I identify with cisharmful terms, dni if that makes you uncomfortable. Definitely a paraphile. Thinking about making a carrd as I feel my blog may be annihilated at some point
Anon list:
🍃asks : anons or otherwise
💥fuck it up : This tag is for my IDs
🛑kinda gnar : anything ns.ft
🔥npt pack : npts I either req or enjoy- may include alter packs too!
🪤chatty mf : og posts
🍓marmar : my sister's IDs (/iw)
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sewers-headmates · 1 month
Joey Subsystem
you’re going to see a few of these. i’m apparently a glutton for punishment because why else would i make this. this one was specifically made for @thecutecoresys but if you do i would love to know!!!
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Name: Joseph Michael Richter, Joey
Age: 35
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human
Source: factive, starkid, actor
Roles: subsystem host, mood booster
cisIDs: brown hair, actor, singer, ADHD, autistic, bipolar
Other Labels: ambiamorous
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Name: Bug
Age: adult
Gender: trans male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight
Species: bug, transHuman
Source: starship
Roles: subsystem mood booster
cisIDs: red & yellow skin, bug, black eyes, DPD, ADHD
transIDs: transHuman, permaAdult, transAutistic, transHarmless, transGender
Paraphiles: autozoophilia
Other Labels: just a lil guy
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Name: Henry McDoon, The Bandit King
Age: 30
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human
Source: the trail to oregon!
Roles: persecutor
cisIDs: human, brown hair, anger issues, ASPD, asocial, BPD
transIDs: transHarmful, transAbusive, transOCD, transDelusions, transGaslighter, trans🍇ist
Paraphiles: MAP, sadist, erotophonophilia, timophilia
Other Labels: ambiamorous
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Name: Ted Spankoffski
Age: 35
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: human
Source: the guy who didn’t like musicals, the hatchetfield ape-man, forever and always, time bastard, abstinence camp, daddy, killer track, hey, melissa!, workin boys
Roles: sexual protector
cisIDs: homewreaker, brown hair, tall, autistic, bipolar, intrusive thoughts, OCD, sleazeball, hypersexual
transIDs: transHarmful, transManipulator, transGaslighter, transHarmed, transAbused, transKidnapped, transBPD, transAddict, transPTSD, transForcedPet, transForcedDog
Paraphiles: sadomasochist, consang, (auto)biastophilia, traumaphilia, cordophilia, pecattiphilia
Other Labels: polyamorous
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Name: Wilbur Cross, Uncle Wiley
Age: 45
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him, it/its
Sexuality: gay
Species: human
Source: black friday, watcher world, the witch in the web
Roles: gatekeeper, memory suppressor
cisIDs: military, PTSD, brown hair, low empathy,
transIDs: transCultist, transAbuser, transAbused, transForced, transHarmful, transHarmed, nullPanicAttacks
Paraphiles: he tends to say his are whatever his partners but what he really likes; teratophilia, oviphilia, sadomasocist, necrophile
Other Labels: polyamorous
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Name: Ethan Green
Age: 21
Gender: masc nonbinary
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/its
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human
Source: yellow jacket, black friday, jane’s a car
Roles: caretaker, protector
cisIDs: black hair, BPD, DPD, paranoia, GAD, brown eyes
transIDs: transImmortal, transMarried, transOCD, nullParinoia, transHarmless, transFather
Other Labels: looks scary, is a sweetheart
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Name: Peter ‘Pete’ Spankoffski
Age: 18
Gender: trans masc
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human
Source: nerdy prudes must die, abstinence camp
Roles: work/academic alter
cisIDs: brown hair, nerd, diabetes, autistic, sensory issues, PTSD, bad eyesight, glasses
transIDs: transHarmed, trisBullied, transAbused, transHOH, transEaringAid
Paraphiles: masochist, autobiastophilia, odaxelagnia, autoaptophilia, cordophilia
Other Labels: polyamorous, very very codependent
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Name: Crumb
Age: ageless
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: aroace
Species: mouse
Source: cinderella’s castle
Roles: mood booster
cisIDs: mouse, brown fur, squire, ADHD
transIDs: transProtector, transKnight, permaSilly, permaHappy
Other Labels: very brief to avoid including any spoilers i have found i just love Crumb so much
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Name: Owen Carvour
Age: 38
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: gay
Species: human
Source: Spies Are Forever
Roles: protector
cisIDs: special agent, british, brown hair, brown eyes, murderer, anger issues, NPD, god complex
transIDs: transGod, transASPD, permaFlirting, transOCD, transBipolar, trisHarmful, transBrainwashed
Paraphiles: sadomasochist, traumaphilia, oplophilia, hoplophilia, dacryphilia
Other Labels: ambiamorous
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i was gonna include some more minor characters but ehhhh this works! be prepared for my super self indulgent Jon one next ^^
-mod richie
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khaotickoins · 5 months
Can you do trans🍇ist?
Sorry if that’s out of your boundaries
I believe that’s already been done before if you’re curious? If you want us to make our own version that can work !!
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sewers-headmates · 1 month
I definitely should've added this to the last ask but I forgor
Could I also get an alterpack for a Billy Loomis to go with our Stu Macher?
- 🕰️
hope he enjoys him!
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Name: Billy Loomis
Age: 18
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: closeted gay
Species: human
Source: scream
Roles: protector-persecutor, anger holder
cisIDs: brown hair, NPD, god complex, asocial, homicidal, anger issues, ADHD
transIDs: transHarmful, transMurderer, transAbuser, trans🍇ist, trisSlasher, nullEmpathy
Paraphiles: sadist, necrophilia, erotophonophilia, biastophilia, (auto)aptophilia, oplophilia
Other Labels: ambiamorous
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i hope you enjoy him (and i hope Stu enjoys him lol)
-mod richie
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