geektrashfan · 1 month
Watched Deadpool and Wolverine and...the Honda Odyssey scene is something.
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kfruityouth · 7 months
OBVIOUSLY youve never listened to the bass riff in the song with five names isolated and had a transcendetal experience. and it shows
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stinkyhorsebitch · 8 months
I was just refered to as "the plague with questionable gender and green hair over there" by a coworker... i think ive peaked or ive transcendet into a higher being
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The previous anon here. Just found out that the intention for the ending was that he is still dead and can only visit once a year. I do hate it now. A shame because the rest of the drama was so good.
Hi there anon! Sorry for not replying sooner, incl. to your previous ask.
I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the ending of the drama – it's always unfortunate when a otherwise good story leaves us wanting in the end. Watching it for the first time, it made me incredibly sad, and while my feelings have since changed, I understand that many viewers are not happy about the ending.
I'm curious though, from where did you get that the intention of the ending is that Shi Ying is dead?
I'm not aware of the scriptwriter or the director coming out and stating this. Judging by how open they left the ending, it would surprise me to hear that they would have clarified any intention afterwards in such a matter. And the intention can't be based on the novel for sure, because in the novel Shi Ying and Zhu Yan have their happy ending and most likely live out their 27 remaining years while keeping Kongsang safe.
So my advice would be to not let the interpretations of others limit you in how you see the ending. There are many ways to interpret the ending – some are sad, some are bittersweet, and some are happy.
I really want to write some longer posts about various aspects of the drama's plot or themes or characters, but I haven't found the time to do so yet. SoI have to keep it short for now, and just list some points and thoughts that imo work against a sad ending:
Shi Ying has come back to life once, there is no rule against him and Zhu Yan finding another way to get together.
There are several hints throughout the last episode that Shi Ying indeed has reached the true state, and it is said that this would make it possible to "change the course of all things". From then on, the possibilities for Shi Ying's future are endless.
In the genre of xianxia, it's not uncommon for immortal beings to have a "true" form. If we follow the idea of Shi Ying reaching a higher state of being by entering the true state, it's easy to conclude that a snowy rosa would be his true form. It's also not uncommon in xianxia for an immortal or cultivator to need some time to regain their strenght – in this case Shi Ying would have sacrificed his mortal body to seal Xu Yao, but his essence was still with Zhu Yan in the form of a petal, and turned into a flower and eventually a new body when he had recovered after some time.
This is a world full of magic, and there is no limit set to when the snowy rosa blooms. Remember how Shi Ying was able to restore or conjure the snowy rosa, and how the white petal that Zhu Yan had kept was able to make more flowers grow and bloom. Shi Ying may have transcendet his previous state of being, but that doesn't mean he's truly and completely dead (how could he then visit in the first place?) nor that he can only visit for a short time. Shi Ying and Zhu Yan still can find ways to travel the world together and enjoy each other's company. They are both very powerful cultivators after all.
If you have a lot of time at hand, I would also recommend this explanation of the ending, because it's very in-depth (especially the linked google doc), and provides lots of food for thoughts – including the question of what we even consider a happy ending. Xiao Zhan, for example, when asked about the happiest time in Shi Ying's life, answered:
“The happiest time, I think it should be, protecting Kongsang with the one he loved.”
Personally, I like the ending because it is bittersweet at first glance, but also a fullfillment with many possible ways to go at the second glance. While a definite happy end is easier to accept and to like, I believe the ending as it is provides a good closure to Shi Ying's main character themes and arc.
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ann-archive · 2 months
subject: transcendental idealism
Have you heard of Immanual Kant?
I had only in passing and actually know very little about what the man does. He is one of the most notable philosophers on epistemological idealism.
Transcendental idealism (a.k.a formalistic idealism) is a term applied to the epistemological idealism that is philosophy pioneered by Kant.
"In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant argues that space and time are merely formal features of how we perceive objects, not things in themselves that exist independently of us, or properties or relations among them." [3]
Three main concepts arise from Trancendental Idealism.
nature of appearances
nature of things themselves
relation of things in themselves to appearances
To understand the work of Kant, it is important to have some background information on his contemporaries as much of philosophy is bouncing between different concepts and ideas of individuals
George Berkley identified that there was one interpretation of the world. Throught the bodily senses, humans are able to percieve the world and aquire true knowledge, however the actual material world is not real. Instead the world is a multitutde of minds percieving themselves and each other. Therefore, objects do not exist as they are known as ideas
These objects are only known through their physical characteristics. From this perspective, the physical world is able to exist, however, the material world does not exist.
Materialism [1] in a philisophical standpoint believes that the world, mind, and conciousness, are results of material interactions of material things. This is a direct contrast to idealism, which emphasizes tjat conciousness is the fundemental substance of nature.
Trancendental idealism is unique in the epitemological idealism. In a Kantian sense, the world Transcendetal refers to the principles or necesaary conditions to apprehend knowledge from experience.
Therefore, what are the necessary conditions of reason to obtain knowledge?
Through the perception of our reality, we are able to acknoledge them through physical things within our environment. Examples of such are time and space. While they are non-physical aspects of the world; they are important as they help explain objects within the rational realm.
The rational realm is able to be percieved through our senses, but it may never be truly percieved due to our mind simplifying concepts or tying ideas to what is already known. We are unable to percieve or understand the real world directly because we only know our own version of it that our mind creates.
Kant characterizes synthesis as:
“the act of putting different representations together, and grasping what is manifold in them in one cognition” [2]
Kant himself also acknowledges the world of Newton himself. The physical world does exist as there is a physical chain of interactions that exist, but again it is the the human perception of the world in which we percieve the world.
This can then apply to the way that media itself acts as a barrier between a the subject and the audience; adding another barrier between the "real" world and those around us.
Be well,
Ann A.
main soure (honestly just watch the video, this is just a shitty transcription of it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hHXYiCNkgE [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materialism [2] https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-transcendental/ [3] https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-transcendental-idealism/
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kaamsart · 9 months
Creating a character for the game "League of Legends"
Hey guys! This was a project for my illustration discipline at university, where I had to create a character in a fictional universe, and I chose the game League of Legends.
The name of my character is Nymeria, The Wandering Mage. She is an elf mage from Ionia who can manipulate crystals and has skills with petrification. She is extremely curious, adventurous, and loves magic. Nymeria always explores magical ruins of Ionia to get magical items and new grimoires. Nymeria is currently studying at the School of Transcendetalism located in the Placidium.
I hope that you guys like the character!! 💐💗
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f0xd13-blog · 2 years
Wuuuut? Y'all invented flamenco pop and trasncended flamenco because it was really needed and that never happened in the past soooo because I'm a traditionalist and don't like this transcendet new age post-flamenco pop that only include countries with the spanish language, I don't like flamenco or flamenco pop or the reggaeton that is flamenco because those sounds don't exist in india already (sarcasm)
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 4 years
Storm Bringer'ın çıkmasına hazır bir 5 gün falan kalmışken ufak bir ön bilgilendirme ve kendi fikirlerimi yazayım dedim. Aslında daha önce yapacaktım böyle bir şey ama ne yalan söyleyeyim üşendim.
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Öncelikle kitap kapağımız bu şekilde. Diğer romanlarının kapaklarında olduğu gibi buradaki karakterler de yakışıklı gözüküyor.
Kapakta ön kısımda Chuuya'yı görüyoruz. Saçı hafif uzun. Arkasında duran melikli abimiz de Verlaine diye tahmin ediyoruz. Kapakta bulunan tüm karakterler hasım eder gibi bakarken bu abimiz piç gibi sırıtmış. İçimden bir ses bu adamın öleceğini söylüyor ama tabi ne olacağı belli olmaz.
Arkada sadece yüzlerini gördüğümüz iki figürandan birisi Dazai, diğeri ise yeni bir karakter. Gülümsüyor gibi durmuyorlar.
Verlaine'nin elinde ise zamanında Rimbaud'un olan şapka var. Biraz sonra bu şapkaya yeniden değineceğim.
Şimdi kitabın kalınlığına bir göz atalım,
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Soldaki kitap 15 Yaş romanı, Sağdaki ise Storm Bringer. Gözleriniz varsa zaten görmüşsünüzdür ama ben yine de yazayım; Storm Bringer, 15 Yaş romanına kıyasla sinek gibi kalmış. Bu kitabın kalın olmasından ise hoşnutum çünkü teslim tarihi kasımda olmasına rağmen roman martta yayınlandı. Tek kaygım bu kalınlığın Asagiri'ye olan baskı yüzünden olması. Bu kaygımı açıklamam gerekirse, bazen kitap şirketleri ya da editörler kitabı ince bulurlarsa yazara yeniden yazmasını ve romanı uzatması için geri gönderiyorlar, dolayısıyla kitapta çok fazla boş yapılmış oluyor.
Diğer illüstrasyonlara geçersek...
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İlk olarak buna değinelim.
Sağ üstteki adam kimin nesidir hala bilmiyorum ama iki tahminim var. Birincisi Transcendents grubunun üyesi olması, ıkincisi ise bu grubu araştıran bir devlet memuru ya da yeteneklerle alakalı bir grubu araştıran ajan olduğu.
Buradaki mekan bana hapisane havası verdi. Biraz da askeri bir atmosferi var. Shirase'nin giydiği gömlek ise üniformaya benziyor. Bu üniforma askeriyenin ya da bir organizasyonun forması olabilir.
Aynı zamanda bu resimde Verlaine'in, şu anda Chuuya'nın giymesi gereken şapkayı giydiğini görüyoruz. Yüzünde yine piç sırıtışı var. Şu emojiye [ 🙂 ya da :) ] benziyor. (Gereksiz bilgi, bu iki emojiden nefret ediyorum)
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Bir diğer resmimiz bu.
Adını bilmediğim adamın elinde yiyecek var sanırım ve ellerinde de alışveriş torbaları var. Giyiminde Avrupa esintileri görüyorum. Sonunda ortalıkta çapulcu gibi gezmeyip güzel kıyafetler giyen karakterleri göreceğiz. Verlaine'in de bu adamın da tasarımını çok beğendim.
Konumuza geri dönelim.
Chuuya'nın hala şapkası yok ve şu adama da dik dik bakıyor. Bu resimden yola çıkarak düşündüğüm senaryo şu: İkisi Verlaine'i araştırmak için yola çıkmış. Chuuya işini ciddiye alıyor ama adsız adam yolda gördüğü hediyelik mağazalara uğradığından Chuuya bu işi neden ciddiye almıyor diye rahatsız oluyor.
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Bir de şöyle bir resmimiz var. Görünümlerinden yola çıkarak suçlu olduklarını tahmin ediyorum ve güneş gözlüklü genç Gogol'a çok benziyor. Aynı zamanda yetişkin olanların yine Transcendets grubunda olma ihtimalleri olduğunu da düşünüyorum.
Çoğu yeni karakter olduğu için bu resme söyleyebileceğim fazla bir şey yok.
Kitabın kalınlığını da gördükten sonra bu kitap için olan beklentilerim epey yükseldi bu yüzden elimize Dead Apple gibi bir şeyi sıkıştırıverirlerse hayal kırıklığına uğrarım.
Ayrıca ana seri gibi, romanların çoğu hep bir belirsizlik üzerinden ilerliyor. Aslında bu belirsizlik hoşuma gitmiyor değil, teoriler kurup düşünmek eğlenceli ancak bir süre sonra her şey üst üstte yığılınca istenmeyen bir kafa karışıklığına neden oluyor. Bu yüzden bu kitabın diğer kitaplar için de anahtar olmasını bekliyorum.
Aynı zamanda Japonya dışındaki yetenekli organizasyon ve suç grupları hakkında bilgi de toplayacak gibiyiz. Agatha'nın organizasyonuna da değinilmesini bekliyorum. Ama en merak ettiğim konu Arahabaki'nin sırrı.
Neyse artık, geriye beklemek kaldı.
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naayyweasleeyy · 3 years
kangen belajar.
Malam sabtu kemarin pulang dari Soreang aku nge g-meet sama adik kelasku. Ceritanya dia mau diskusi gitu ttg proposal yg dia lagi ngebut saat itu. Aku ngga pinter nganalisis2, apalagi format skripsi dah cukup lupa. Idk why dia nanya ke aku tp ya mungkin emng krn sama2 sastra. Yaudah ku usahakan bantu dan jawab sebisaku.
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Inti yg pengen kuceritain di sini adalaaah kangeun kuliaah!!! Unpredictable bisa2nya aku kangen kuliah padahal dulu sering banget skip kelas, pake absen paket hemat. Ato lagi kelas izin ke toilet tapi balik lagi setengah jam kemudian karena dipake muter ato nongkrong2 di gedung V.
Lewat diskusiku bareng adik kelasku ini jd rada tb karena ada bbrp nama tokoh yg sering kudenger lewat matkul pas kuliah. Ya, dia analisis pake approach Psikologi Sastra.
Dari situ jadinya pikiran nostalgia ke satu matkul favoritku, matkul yg diajarin sama dosen pembimbingku tercinta: Introduction to Criticism sama Critical Theory.
Aku bukan tipikal yg pinter di kelas, jauh banget boro2 cuiiy. Tapi kalo ditanya prestasi terbesarku di masa kuliah apa, jawabannya adalah dapet nilai A di matkul yang kusebutin sebelumnya. Simpel atau cetek buat orang lain. Tapi di situ aku ngerasa effortku ke matkul itu sangat terbayarkan. Ngerasain yang namanya usaha, nugas, analisis begadang habis2an terbayarkan dapat nilai A. Bapak ini emang sangat objektif. Nilai mahasiswanya bener2 gimana si mahasiswa, gaada nilai kasian2. Kalo usahanya kurang, uas seadanya, presentasi seadanya ya nilainya juga sesuai. Juga kalo pas ngejalanin matkul ini serba hard effort, insyaallah nilai yg dikasih sama bapak akan sesuai yg kamu kerjakan dan usahakan.
Setelah lulus baru tau ternyata matkul ini jadi kunci untuk analisis gitu. Jd ketika kita mau analisis ttg objek ini, itu (seputar sastra). Analisisnya pake teori2 yang dibahas di Kritik Sastra. Dulu mah belaja2 aja cuma ngerasa bagian dr mata kuliah aja.
Inget banget usahanya pas ngerjain uas Criticism, analisis novel Burung-burung Manyar pake approach bebas yg dipelajari di matkul tsb. Aku pake teori Transcendetalism karena emang pas presentasi dapet jatahnya itu wkwk. Bener2 usaha untuk ngerjain ini. Inget banget sempet rada kontroversi ttg deadline sampe ada yg ngajuin jd volunteer buat nge-compile analisis2 sekelas biar deadlinenya gak kaya yg ditentuin sebelumnya (dapet tambahan 3 hari). Hamdallah dapet nilai 90. Mungkin buat orang 'apasii segitu doaang', tp ya bodo amat saat itu aku betul2 seneeng. Tidur pun mimpi indaah jadinyaa. Ginaya si mahasiswa biasa2 aja dapet score segitu di matkul yg kata orang sussaaah (ini stigma yg tertanam dari jaman maba).
Lalu sadar ketika waktu itu ngobrol sama @ily-ghin jaman2 hectic sama skripsi. Aku bilang ke dia, 'analisis skripsi rasanya lagi ngerjain TA matkul pa dian ya'.
Lalu dia bilang, TA essay waktu itu udah kaya mini skripsi! Baru sadaar. Waktu itu kerasanya sussaah bgt, tp pas udah skrg dipikir2 rasanya seru dan super challenging ofkors.
Bapanya bener2 ngasi tau secara detail ttg format tugasnya. Banyaaaaak bgt lalala nyaa, mana kalo ada yg salah format aja (bukan analisis) scorenya bakal dikurangi. Dari situ ternyata belajar tanpa kerasa kalo TA itu sangat2 yg jadi kunci utk diaplikasikan di skripsi. Jadinya tau cara pengutipan yg bener, cantumin reference yg bener dan yang lainnya.
Ya itu sih intinya kangen kuliah. Apalagi keinget serunya belajar sama Pak Yoga di Film Studies, serunya penyampaian ala pak Pepen, kocak stay coolnya pak Hasbi, jenius berksrisma kerennya pak Awang, daan pokonya dosen2 sastra yang super seruu!!
Pokonya kangeun se-BSI-eun. Tp suasana yang jamanku yaaa.
Cileunyi, 2 Agustus 2021
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luainlibra · 5 years
lunação in libra/ano marcial.
o pulsar lunar vitaliza meu existir! com a face negra da lua sinto o quanto minguei nos ultimos meses. sinto o quão viva agora estou. soul! minha face persefone, mira meu olhar.. sorrir, agradece e segue leve em seu caminhar.. não olha para trás. pois sabes q logo mais já é chegada hora de regressar as sombras. caminha uivando.. segue forte pela noite, estrada a fora, ela segue! meu amor vai contigo! que os ventos da sabedoria te acompanhem. optchá, deusa gitana mia!
ela meu ser.. ser,  a vejo trilhar o rumo conhecido que a.nos levará adentrar o mundo das cores, da luz, dos leves encontros com os queridos, das celebrações, dos sorrisos!
encontre os seus! abrace-os! envolva-os! e revele a eles quem tu hoje és.. e os intrigue-os com as certezas de quem tu, já não és! voltemos a ternacidade, querida! celebra o aqui! o sentir indica que a missão será desafiadora! afinal, nunca é fácil reconhecer as fraquezas e lançar amor sobre elas. nascer com a energia solar exaltada tem sua causa de ser. és consciente sobre o quanto semeias no viver demerteano! lidar com este existir é de veras, desafiador! pois poseidom não permite teu reconhecimento! semeia, semeia, semeia.. e segue semeando na luz os corações, afina sensibilizando as percepções alheias.. apresenta aos outros as infinitas possibilidades de apenas ser, de aprender, de experienciar, provar, se deliciar.. e permanecer ser! porém, se reconhecendo um ser expandido! és quimerica! és alquimista! a eloquencia do sentir/pensar/ser que te transborda é contagiante, envolvente, terno, amor.. o alheio te absorve ao ponto dele ser acrescido, transmutado, expandido.. e por vezes singurlamente usurpado. pois, aqui neste teu reino se reconhecer sendo reproduzida és tua fraqueza! se contente por eles seguirem no caminho da lapidação do inigualável! mesmo que sejas por reproduzir, meu.teu ser! jás tu.. apenas permanece ainda no mesmo ciclo.. impulsionando o existir alheio! te permistes ser absorvida! abre teu coração para o aprendizado transcendetal do sentir sermos um! és dádiva divina! penso que sem o cruzar dos caminhos, eles se demorariam um pouco mais para experienciar as sementes que tu lanças. mas também penso que, talvez eles nunca experimentariam tais sementes sem o laço destes ventos que os trazem as tuas trilhas! eu bem sei que é incomodo ter certezas embazadas nas incertezas! a certeza no teu viver demerteano é visivel a olho nu! já as incertezas é quase que terra alheia de tão impossivel de tocar.
o existir demerteano oferece sabores saudosos das tuas sombras! aguardas, que já o portal entre os teus mundos se abre. e enfim, poderá retorna para ti mesma! pois das sombras vim e sou! careço delas! meus ciclos lunares.. meu existir lunar neste pulsar.. encarnada lua in libra, me apresenta dentre tantas cintilancias o desafio de aceitar ser, dar, oferecer, contangiar, acender, aprimorar a existencia alheia! és a tua função vital neste suspiro que é a vida céu desta existência! és lunar! nutre, clareia, orienta, germina, vibra o que for alheio! eles crescem caminhando contigo! eles prosperam infinitude dentro deles.. damos graças as tuas sementes! benção! 
neste porvir que se inicia transbordo honra por ser quem és.sou! amo-te.me e te.me respeito mais do que nunca! agradecida, por cada pulsar! e por agora, sigo sendo espelho! espelho prateado, brilhante, enigmático.. com amor, gitana feiticeira. optchá, mi perséfone!
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robocorn-fun · 8 years
I’m so anxious living in the post ‘Taka no Dan’ was always ‘Band of the Falcon’ world
Official merchandise, localizations, content still being branded still says Hawk but the bad guy’s still the White Falcon of the New Band of the Falcon in Fa’ru’conia.
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cdorrego · 4 years
Aurelia Crit #1 Notes
always love love love. Your questions are very spiritual/transcendetal?? I don’t know what the right word is, they’re very introspective but also extro/retro-spective?? if thats a word? I find that very interesting because although your work is physical and here I always get this fugitive ephemeral feeling from it.  There’s a lot of permanence/abandonment/escape within your questions which I think blend together but also complicate each other so much and I think that’s a really great place to be. Your question about translation really draws me in. I wonder a lot about what translation means to you, here it seems to be  relationship with color. Is translation also lost in audience, intent, hand/mind, influence or voice? It really makes me wonder about honesty and when we are truly being honest or when we are withholding information without even meaning to. Complications in translations are incredibly frustrating, when you know what to say but it won’t come out at all. This leads me to the question about artist spirits within works. Do you think if we are honest with our works that they will hold us? I can’t help but think of pieces of artwork I have seen that have emotionally moved me or made me incredibly uncomfortable even when the artist has passed. It makes me think too of how much we leave behind in works due to our proximity to them. Our dust must be always collecting in them. I also find the relationship between your questions of letting go/falling apart and returning to an abandoned place really important. I do not know if these questions are a bigger metaphor, but there is heavy guilt and responsibility we often place on to our work, sometimes it really feels horrible to not return to them for so long. I think specially when we explore analytical, emotional, personal themes within them. It might almost even feel like abandoning and letting yourself go too? I’m thinking of Hilma af Klint and how she took periods of constant work and then very long breaks of a few years to try to reassess her spirituality. I wonder if you have read about that, I think you would find a lot in it.
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detaquitotop · 4 years
El Elche preparará al playoff en Pinatar Arena
El Elche preparará al playoff en Pinatar Arena
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A partir de mañana el club iniciará una concentración en San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia) de cara al cruce frente al Real Zaragoza.
El Elche preparará el transcendetal encuentro frente al Real Zaragoza en San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia). El club propuso a la plantilla un stage de preparación para encarar el partido con las máximas garantías deportivas y de seguridad, tal y como ha…
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melturao · 7 years
Didto Sa Amon Bala: Ang Kinaradto Sa Mga Binalaybay kag Sugilanon ni Laureana Cacho Sheppard
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Ini nga libro ika-anom na ni Laurie Cacho Sheppard. Kun wala kami magkilalahay sang 2010 sa workshop sa balay ni Peter Solis Nery sa Dumangas, wala gid ako makahibalo nga may nagasulat gali sang kinaradto nga binalaybay kag sugilanon sa Hiligaynon sa England. Ako ang gintugyanan ni Peter Solis Nery nga maghikut sang “informal writing workshop” sa Prima City, Dumangas kay sang amo sadto nga tinion ato ang aton abyan sa America. Pag post ko sang mga detalye parti sa workshop sa akon blog, una nga nag comment si Laurie. Dayun nagbayluhanay kami sang mga panan-awan parti sa pagsulat. Sang nahibal-an ko nga may duha na gali ka libro nga nabalhag (self-published) si Laurie, daw natingala ako: natingala ako nga wala ko siya mabasahan ukon mabatian man lang. Sabagay indi malikawan nga ang mga manunulat may mga biases, una na dira ang pag assume nga kun indi kilala ang ngalan sang tagsulat basi indi siya sagad ukon maayo sa iya craft. Nadugangan pa gid ang akon katingala sang didto sa workshop, nagtugda si Laurie nga ang iya pamaagi sang pagsulat “ginahutik” sang espirito ukon ano man ina nga kinaadman nga nagasulod sa iya pinsar kun siya magsulat. Sang amon ginbasa ang iya mga sinulatan (mga binalaybay nga halin sa iya ikaduha nga libro) wala namon malikawan ang ipaanggid ang mga ini sa mga binalaybay sang mga mystics sang una nga panahon. Indi tungod may madalum nga mensahe ang mga binalaybay ni Laurie; indi tungod ang iya pamaagi lain sa amon naandan; ini tungod may sampat nga “hilaw” ang iya mga binalaybay. 
 Sa dagway, tono kag tema, ang mga binalaybay kag sugilanon ni Laurie wala naglupad pakadto sa Englatera halin sa iya dutang natawhan sa Culasi, Ajuy, Iloilo. Sa isa ka babayi, asawa kag nanay nga nagapuyo na sa UK humalin sang 1994 tubutub subong, daw indi mapatihan nga madalum kag makusog ang ugat sang iya panulat sa kalibutan sang Hiligaynon kag sang mga Ilonggo. Sa amon pag updanay sa Prima city sadtong 2010, nasugilanon ni Laurie ang bahin sang iya kabuhi sang una: Ang pagdaku niya sa uma sa Ajuy, ang kabudlay sang pagpangabuhi nga wala sang iloy kag amay, ang iya pageskwela sa University of Iloilo, kag ang iya pagpangluguyawan sa Mindanao sang 1980s tubtub 1990s. Samtang nagapamati ako sa mga inagyan ni Laurie, nadumduman ko man ang mga sugilanon sang akon lola kag kaparyentehan sa Oton kag Miag-ao. Daw indi man gid maglayo ang ila mga inagyan sa pangabuhi. Ang ila sugilanon may bahid sang palapaw kag pagpadayaw sang ila kaugalingon kag abilidad amo man sang ila dutang natawhan kag pamilya. Sa ila sugilanon sila ang baganihan. Sa ila binalaybay sila ang labing maalam kag abilidaran. Indi ka Ilonggo kun indi mo maintidihan ini. Ang naglain lamang sa tunga sang sugilanon ni Laurie kag sang akon mga paryente amo ang mga ngalan sang mga tawu, tiun, kag duog kun sa diin natabo ang sugilanon. Ang pamaagi sang pagsugid, pagsaysay sang mga hitabu (kag ara gid pirmi ang elemento sang indi mapatihan ukon “supernatural” kag “folk wisdom”), alalangay gid. 
Ako nagapati man nga ang Ilonggo may kaugalingon nga “moral compass”— nagakahulugan nga may kina-iya kita nga paghangop kun ano ang maayo kag malain. Ang mga binalaybay kag luwa ni Laurie isa ka maduagon nga pagtuon sang Ilonggo “moral codes” (ang aton moral nga panan-awan sa kalibutan kag sa aton isig-kapareho). Amo ini ang kalibutan sang sinulatan ni Laurie sa libro nga ini. Dalisay kag halos wala pa lakot sang moderno nga dinag-on ang mga binalaybay kag malip-ot nga sugulanon diri. Samtang ang bag- ong tubo nga manunulat naganyat makigbahin sa mga bag-o nga mga butang kag hitabo, si Laurie iya nagabalik sa nagliligad. Siguro kay nahibal-an niya nga indi na mabalik ang natapos na—ang iya pagkabata kag pagdinalaga sa uma, ang kabuhi sang iya ginikanan, ang iya mga abyan, kaumahan, kag mga sapat sa palibot sa ila balay. 
Ini tanan nagligad na apang sa isip kag panumduman ni Laurie, buhi kag nagahulag sila tanan. Bisan nagtaliwan man kag nangindulaan ang madamu nga mga bahin sa kabuhi ni Laurie, malapit siya sa mga Romantic kag Transcendetal poets tungud sa iya pamaagi sang pagsulat kag pananawan. Kun patihan ko lang ang hambal ni Laurie, makasulat siya sang tatlo ka libro sa isa ka bulan. Ini tungud siling niya, naga-ulan lang ang mga tinaga sa iya pagsulat. Kun magpiyong ang iya mga mata, makita niya ang mga tinaga kag mga hitabu nga maathag, nagahulag, kag buhi. Wala pa labot ang hutik nga iya mabatian sa indi mapaktan nga oras. Ano man nga gahum ang yara kay Laurie (na interview na siya sa TV parti sina dira), makasiling kita nga halin ina sa Pinaka-Magagahum sa tanan tungud ini ginapautwas sa pinaka-magagahum nga paagi--sa binalaybay, ang lenguahe sang mga propeta kag bathala.
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nazyalenskey · 6 years
Okay so first of all, Thoreau is a stuck-up bitch, so you can fucking jot that down.
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