amyholmes · 1 year
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Disc wars finale was staged/Dream was the intended prisoner of Pandora's Vault from the start - Counter arguments /rp
The "Dream was the intended prisoner all along" theory, along with the "The disc war finale was staged" theory, are two theories that definitely sounded plausible right after the disc war finale, back when everyone remembered Dream telling Punz to pretend to not be on his side back in December. Which is exactly what Punz did on Doomsday, he pretended to have cut ties with Dream, and was now on L'manburgs side. [here's an unofficial upload of said clip]
But after the disc war finale, people remembered this clip again, and questioned whether Punz's betrayal was genuine, or once again, something he and Dream had planned in advance.
Additionally, according to Dream, the prison was originally intended for someone very powerful, which could very well have always been Dream himself.
However, as time has gone on, this theory has, in my opinion, become less and less plausible.
Firstly, as time as gone on, we've never gotten anything to indicate that Punz's betrayal wasn't genuine. In fact, we've only gotten the opposite. Punz has never visited Dream since the disc war finale, made any attempts to keep in contact with Dream at all, or given him any information, as their possible "agreement" back in December would suggest. Additionally, after he learnt Tommy died, even under the influence of the egg, as the rest of the eggpire celebrated Tommy's death, Punz felt conflicted.
Punz: So he’s- he's actually gone?
BBH: He’s gone! And we have cake! So it’s like a double win!
Punz: Oh! I do like cake.
BBH: I like cake too! So we- we all like cake! We all needed to get rid of Tommy. So, you know what this means, Punz! The next- the next stage of the plan… can commence! The final… the final stage. This is it.
Punz: Oh my- this is kind of a bittersweet feeling… for me. ‘Cause, you know- [overlapping]
BBH: No, it’s a happy feeling! Because Tommy- he’s gone! [overlapping]

Punz: [overlapping] I mean, yeah! I mean, the egg, I’m very happy that we can move forward with the egg. This is very good for like, that, but… I feel weird, I- I, I saved Tommy! You know?
"BadBoyHalo: 🔴VOD - Celebrating Tommy's Death | Dream SMP" (44:03-44:46) [link]
If anything, this should almost completely prove the betrayal was genuine on Punz's part. He has no reason to lie and pretend to be upset here, and it's especially unlikely considering he is under the influence of the egg at this point in time. The only explanation for Punz's betrayal to still be disingenuous would be if cc!Punz literally doesn't know that the betrayal was fake, because how he decides to play his character afterwards does not line up otherwise.
With that being said, despite the entire theory essentially being based of that one clip with Dream and Punz from December, let's entertain the possibility that the betrayal was genuine on Punz's behalf, but Dream expected and planned for it to happen (without telling Punz). Because, as far as I'm aware, the only one who knows where the bunker is, is Punz, and therefore Tommy and Tubbo could not have been "saved" without him.
For this to be true, that would mean that Dream anticipated that Tommy would reach out to both Punz, and the rest of the server for assistance, and to have succeeded in that both by being forgiven by the rest of the server (who didn't have a very high opinion of Tommy at the time), but also to have paid Punz more than Dream did (if he even did pay Punz more, or if Punz decided to betray Dream regardless). So, if Dream anticipated Tommy attempting to win the rest of the server back in the fight against him, why would he make it harder for Tommy by turning the server against him, by framing him for the destruction of the community house, among many other things? Why would he stack the odds against himself? In fact, a lot of Dreams relationship to Tommy throws a huge wrench in this theory.
A lot of this theory hinges on the premise that Dream's "villainy" is all for show, that he intentionally angered, threatened and hurt people with the intent of turning them all against him (thus finally uniting people, against him). And sure, as seen in the December clip with Punz, Dream does in fact anticipate that people might turn against him.
However, that's all the basis there is to this theory in this regard, the rest of his actions in the entirety of s2 does not line up with this premise at all. At the beginning of s2, Dream goes out of his way to shift blame off of himself moreso than not. He kickstarts the season by griefing various buildings on the server together with Captain Puffy and framing Tommy for it (@tobi-smp put together a 40min [highlights video] for it on youtube, very helpful), and he was very lucky that Tommy ended up committing a prank gone wrong on his own, which was much easier to threaten L'manburg over.
During the entirety of Tommys exile, he puts time and effort into staying on people's good side.
Dream: The whole- the whole nation’s just incredible.
Tubbo: Thanks, Dream! You’ve never been this positive about it before!
Dream: Well! I- I said this… I’ll be honest with you, I said this uh, I said this to uh, to Quackity the other day, but, I- I truly think that- that with you as president, L’manburg can thrive! Because, before that, I mean [stutters] no offence to…
Ghostbur: [sniffles]
Dream: Um. Before that I don’t think there was- there was [stutters] the other presidents that may not have… been so good, but. But you! I think that you are fair, and you’re just. I think that you’ve proved that.
Tubbo: Thanks, Dream.
Dream: Yeah. Here, I’ll take my armour off.
Tubbo: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah, thank you- you- you’ve never honoured the laws of L’manburg before- oh my god! This is a- [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] Well, I never recognised it.
Tubbo: This is a- this is a big day!
"TUBBO VOD (12/7/2020) the one where Tubbo visit Ghostbur and plays alot of Chess ft. Dream, Ranboo +" (35:32-36-17) [link]
If his real intention was to have everyone turn against him, putting time and effort to stay on people's good sides for so long is not only counterintuitive, but also a huge waste of time. Sure, one could argue he was stalling until the prison was finished, he was playing the long-con and once it was finished he'd turn everyone against him with Doomsday.
But, then what was exile? If his intention was to put on a show, to only pretend to be a horrible person, why to an audience of one? Why would exile be so isolated, why would Dream sabotage visits? And I'd even claim, Dream wasn't even putting on a villainous show for Tommy, in fact he was actively conditioning him to think he was his friend, his only friend, the only one who cared. That is not someone who is trying to make people hate him.
And even at the point where he was allegedly trying to turn people against him, in the bunker when he was given the opportunity to tell everyone what he did to Tommy in exile, he kept his mouth shut. There's very few people to this day who know to what extent he made Tommy suffer in exile.
Here's a very consistent trait of Dream. He's not a risk-taker, in fact, he tends to over-prepare. This is why he so often tends to be merciless, to eliminate any chances of failure.
For him to have secretly orchestrated the entire disc war finale confrontation would be such a huge gamble that it's laughably out of character. He would then have to have anticipated Tommy to have gone around winning the rest of the server back, despite having framed him, turned people against him, and damaged his credibility. He'd have to anticipate Tommy winning Punz over somehow, despite it being very unlikely that he'd find a way to pay more than Dream (the guy who commissioned an entire prison for a stack of diamond blocks). All while having previously undermined his own efforts by trying to stay on people's good sides.
His comment on the server starting to turn against him reads less like Dream thinking his plan is working, and more like Dream finally starting to feel the odds turn against him and getting increasingly worried. His outburst at the green festival, blaming Tommy for the destruction of the community house, berating Tubbo over his presidency (thus taking back all the high praise he'd given during Tommy's exile), outing Ranboo as a spy, threatening to destroy L'manburg, does not read like someone trying to turn people against him. It reads like a desperate, last-ditch effort to turn everyone against each other.
I can see the argument that the Final Disc Confrontation at face value is a bit contrived, and I agree. It's flashy, cheesy and almost seems a bit too unlikely. It's true that the disc wars finale at face value is a bit of a gamble too, and again, Dream is not usually risk-taker unless the odds are in his favour. But the unlikeliness of the disc war finale going the way it went makes it the more believable option if i had to pick between it and the "disc wars finale is staged" theory. The odds were in Dream's favour, Punz, the only one (afaik) who knows where the bunker is, was still on his side, he'd successfully damaged Tommy's credibility, he had cornered Tommy and Tubbo and was one moment away from going through with his plan as he said he was. What would he have done if Punz never showed up? Stalled forever? Dropped the act? No matter how contrived the disc war finale is at face value, the alternative is arguably even more contrived (and additionally, a deeply unsatisfying conclusion to both Tommy's and Dream's characters. Yay Tommy loses yet again, yay Dream is still infallible and everything is still going according to his perfect BBC Sherlock level plan! What was the point of this conclusion again?)
This last point is short. There's the obvious question, if he made the prison for himself, why did he intentionally make the prison conditions worse for himself? But secondly, the more important question in my opinion, why should I care? If he intentionally put himself in the prison, and the conditions were his own choice, and it was for what he believed was the betterment of the server (unity), why should I root for him to escape?
He got exactly what he wanted, and this is also something that would allegedly help unite the server, so should I not want him to stay in there in that case? Or was his great plan to selflessly unite everyone only to then secretly escape with the help of, lets say, Enderboo? If he intended to have someone help break him out, why would he (assuming it was him) intentionally write a [waiver] that would ensure that anyone who'd assist in helping a prisoner escape must be killed? Would this not once again undermine his own efforts?
In short, I think the "staged disc wars finale/dream was the intended prisoner all along" theory creates more plot holes than it solves, it's very contrived and narratively unsatisfying for nearly every character involved. I understand why it's appealing for some, it's a flashy theory that sounds cool if you don't think too hard about it, and also does put Dream's True Intentions in a completely different light (even though his actions and the way he affected people remain the exact same) (and even though I find it a bit cheap and unearned). Is it not more plausible that they just wrote a cool and flashy straightforward ending to an arc, purely because they're amateur writers and it was the only way to take Dream, the most powerful character on the server, down? I digress.
Could this theory still be true? Sure. I don't know what's going on in the writing room. There are some little quotes and clips vaguely hinting at that direction (and then there's blatant ace-race-like neon signs pointing in the other, but again, I digress.) They could even retcon the Eggpire!Punz clip for all I know.
I think it would be a cheap, unearned and confusing twist, and I wouldn't like it a whole lot, but again, I'm not in the writers room.
(Regardless, I think the funniest part to me about this theory though is that even if his true intent was to get himself imprisoned for the sake of unity and eradicating conflict, he still failed astronomically considering the server is even more split and riddled with strange little factions after his imprisonment. lol!)
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Wilbur's first Dream SMP stream.
Tommy: Wilbur, I’m in a war, in a state of crisis.
Wilbur: And? Who cares.
Tommy: Well-
Wilbur: [laughs]
Tommy: Ok. Well… Yeah, no yeah, yeah you got me
Wilbur: Oh yeah?
Tommy: Tubbo has turned on me. He’s gone to the dark side. [overlapping]
Wilbur: [overlapping] As he should- as he should, as he should.
Tommy: Eh-, no!?
Wilbur: [pause] Yeah?
Tommy: No, no, no. No one should turn on TommyInnit, that’s not true.
Wilbur: Who- who’s allowed to turn on TommyInnit?
Tommy: Only you are, Wilbur.
Wilbur: Ok, well I’m excited to come turn on you, then.
"Wilbur hanging out in DREAM SMP" (2:04-2:33) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Wilbur Soot reveals his plans to found a nation
Wilbur: But, I have plans I-I have a plan for tomorrow, right?
Tommy: Yeah? Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah?
Wilbur: We’re- we’re gonna get revenge on anyone that wronged us.
Tommy: Oh, we got wronged so much, Wilbur Soot.
Wilbur: Yeah. You- you spent a, a stint in prison.
Tommy: I’ve, I- yeah, I went to prison!
Wilbur: Yeah, I-I know, I saw.
Tommy: Yeah.
Wilbur: And then… me and- me and Fundy had tried and get you out, but then, you know. In a cruel twist of fate, Fundy was also sent to prison.
Tommy: Yeah, we all just got imprisoned.
Wilbur: Yeah, so. We’re gonna get revenge. Alright?
Tommy: Ok. Tomorrow!
Wilbur: I’m thinking about tomorrow-
Tommy: What are you thinking?
Wilbur: I’m thinking, I’m thinking. We start- we build a wall.
Tommy: [pause] That’s awfully… topical, isn’t it?
Wilbur: What’s topical about it, Tommy?
Tommy: Isn’t that… No, go on, please, please, go on!
Wilbur: So, um.[clicks tongue] So, have you noticed something, about the issue last time, when we were- when we were trying to just, you know. Tryna get our, uh, blaze rods and stuff, d’you know what the issue was?
Tommy: What was the issue?
Wilbur: Alright, so think of all the people that were good to us, right?
Tommy: Tubbo.
Wilbur: Eret. Fundy. Tubbo. Right? What do they all have in common?
Tommy: They’re all weak, weaker than us.
Wilbur: They’re all European, Tommy. [brief pause] I’m thinking we build a wall to keep out the Americans.
Tommy: [nervous laughter] Oh, yeah?
Wilbur: We’re gonna build a wall, on the server. And the Americans are gonna pay for it. And we’re gonna keep them out of our land.
Tommy: Okay, I’m lagging, so I’m gonna-
Wilbur: ‘Cause they ruin bits! [laughs]
Tommy: ‘Cause they ruin bits?
Wilbur: No- no, no, they just- they just, they- they. We need to get rid of them. We need to keep them out.
Tommy: Okay?
Wilbur: So I’m saying, we build this wall, right? We get… we get Fundy involved, we get, well, ok- First thing we do, we rob the Americans for materials to build the wall.
Tommy: You know if we do that- second we do that, they’re gonna stab us and put us in jail and claim that they’ve won again.
Wilbur: Yeah, hence why we need a wall. [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] Saying they’ve won our- they’ve won the wall.
Wilbur: They can keep doing that, over and over again, but the wall’s getting built. Alright?
Tommy: ‘kay.
Wilbur: So we build this wall, right, and d’you know what we can do in this wall?
Tommy: What?
Wilbur: It’s our territo- we can make as many drugs as we want. The police have no- they have jurisdiction on us there.
Tommy: [pause] Okay? So we can-
Wilbur: Have you ever made a country before, Tommy Innit?
Tommy: I can’t say I have.
Wilbur: D’you remember Business Bay?
Tommy: Do I remember business bay… YES I RE-, YEAH! Yeah, yeah please! Go on, go on! Yes, yes!
Wilbur: Yeah. Yeah, so you’ve made a country you know-
Tommy: I’ve made a country, I’ve made a country.
Wilbur: Yeah. So that’s what- that’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna do that again, but better. […]
Tommy: So, what, tomorrow we’re gonna build a drug empire?
Wilbur: Well, no, we’re just gonna build a country! And then… it won’t be- the drugs will be legal.
Tommy: How do you know that Sapnap’s not gonna… Sorry, I’m just writing signs. Um, how do you know Sapnap’s not gonna- not gonna like… I don’t know. You know what they’re like man, how do we know they’re not gonna… make it a war? [overlapping]
Wilbur: [overlapping] Cause see the thing is, right. How I see it, is they can declare war, they can do whatever they want, but, like. If we just ignore them? And don’t acknowledge it? We win. We can’t lose.
Tommy: Yeah, but they- [stutters] they will just kill us. ‘Cause that is what happened last time.
Wilbur: Yes but, we just don’t- we don’t acknowledge them. We just ignore them.
Tommy: Yeah but- there’s only so much ignoring you can do when… yeah, yeah ok alright, alright.
Wilbur: And then we win. We can’t lose, possibly.
Tommy: Make ‘em pay, for what they’ve done wrong.
"TommyInnit & WilburSoot discuss their Empire Plans in Dream's Server." (1:46:33-1:51:51) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Wilbur: Dream- Dream, let me be your vassal. Dream! I understand you have a lot of TNT! A lot of the old trinitrotoluene, in your- in your possession, don’t you!
Dream: I do, I have-
Wilbur: You do!
Dream: I have a bit.
Wilbur: Dream, I want… to be your vassal. I want to- I want to set this up. I want to rig the city.
Dream: Where do you- where do you wanna meet?
Wilbur: Do you know where Pogtopia is?
Tommy: No! No, Dream-
Dream: Yes.
Tommy: Dream, don’t give it to him.
Dream: Tommy-
Tommy: It’s not right. This isn’t right!
Dream: Tommy, it’s too… I have to.
"Wilbur Soot VOD (Oct 8th) - [DreamSMP] who are you go away" (1:33:27-1:34:00) [link]
Dream: Techno!
Techno: Yeah?
Dream: Got any withers?
Techno: Oh, I’m liking where this is going.
Tommy: Stop! Stop, now!
Ranboo: You can’t-
Techno: Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Dream?
Dream: I’m saying what you think I’m saying.
Tommy: Armour up.
Techno: Are you callin’ in that favour, Dream? To destroy L’manburg?
Dream: [stutters] No, I’m not calling in my favour- you- you would destroy L’manburg- are you kidding me? No. You’d destroy it anyway. I’m not calling in that favour.
Techno: You know me so well, Dream. (…)
"Nothing bad ever happens at a festival. [Dream SMP]" (50:22-50:47) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
fav new exchange from nov 16th LOLZ
Niki: Listen to me! We- you can't like, if we got power, if we were presidents, then all of this wouldn't have happened!
Fundy: Nah, I would've fucked it up more, you're right.
"Fundy Archive "Dream SMP - THE FINAL WAR" (16 Nov 2020)"(19:30-19:39) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
"What do you think gives you power?"
Eret: So what’s up, man?
Dream: Uh, nothing much. I mean, obviously a big war coming today.
Eret: Yeah?
Dream: [pause] So! As king, of Dream SMP, which, that’s what you are, and have been.
Eret: Yeah.
Dream: What do you think gives you power? [pause] Is it your crown? Is it the fact that you’re king?
Eret: Those who are given power... hold onto it.
Dream: Okay. How?
Eret: I think respect is the big thing.
Dream: [brief pause] Sure. Respect is big. If respect the only thing protecting you from... a knife in the back... respect is nothing, right?
Eret: [pause] What are you saying, Dream?
Dream: I’m saying that you don’t have power because of your crown, you have power because of me. You have power because of the other members of Dream SMP, like Punz, and Sapnap, that give you power by protecting you, protecting your kingdomship. [brief pause] Am I wrong?
Eret: [pause] You’re not wrong.
Dream: Now, I’m not saying... for you to do anything, I’m actually saying the opposite, you should do nothing, because you are the king of Dream SMP. This is a war. [audio cuts out] -Dream SMP is not involved, by getting involved or implying involvement...you are [betraying] Dream SMP. You’re the king! You stay neutral. You let Pogtopia and L’manburg work it out, and… see what happens, and, you know. Hopefully, you know, hopefully! There’ll be neither afterwards. And, it’s only more land for you. Right?
Eret: So your plan is that they cancel each other out- [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] No-
Eret: -and then we reap the benefits?
Dream: The plan is that there is no Manberg, there’s no L’manburg there’s no Pogtopia, there’s just Dream SMP, and there’s Dream SMP everywhere, and that’s been my plan since the very beginning! I’ve- I’ve never wavered on that. That’s why I had you betray them, and that’s why I gave you kingship! Because, I felt like you… you’d be a good king, because you’re neutral.
Dream: I know you don’t- like, you don’t [stutters] I feel like you don’t really… like, push for power. You- you’re not very like, vengeful, you know? I feel like... you know, you don’t hold grudges, you’re very neutral! You just- you kind of, you know, [stutters] you just- you’re kind of the head of everything, you sit there, and you look pretty, and that’s it. Right?
Eret: ...yeah.
Dream: [pause] Right?
Eret: Yessir.
Dream: Okay. Well! That’s all I really have to say, I just had to say, just, remember where your power comes from, ‘cause it doesn’t- I doesn’t come from a- a pretty little crown, it comes from an axe, and a shield. Alright?
Eret: I understand.
Dream: Alright. I will see you soon.
"Eret | The Eret WAR! WAR NEVER CHANGES!!! (dream smp) (2020/11/16) | VOD" (39:35-43:00) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Lead-up to Dream's No Mercy Speech (+some ooc moments)
Dream: This is war, guys, this is war! There is no mercy! Guys, I need a ‘no mercy’ in chat, I need everybody to spam ‘no mercy’. We need the power. No mercy. No mercy! That’s all! That’s all there is, no mercy, guys, no mercy! If we have mercy, we will lose. That is- a sign of… defeat.
Sapnap: Yes.
Dream: A sign of weakness.
[puts down a sign that says ‘YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED’ in front of the L’manburg Embassy]
Dream: Ok. You’ve been warned. You’ve been warned. [clears throat] Alright. I wanna- I wanna go- I wanna go to um… I wanna go back towards uh… [reads chat message from <The_Eret>] ‘he is but a child and you destroyed his home-' Children are at risk in war, Eret. Ok?
George: [laughs]
Dream: They’re at risk. It is war. And! He seceded from the United States to the UK, where guess what? Guess what! He is not a child! Ok? In the UK, he is not a child, and he has- he has left the United States for the UK, or “L’manchild-berg” -whatever you wanna call it. And- Where he is no longer a child! Based on their- their, their… laws*.
-And thank you Caitlin for the donation. [laughs] fifty-one dollars! What are you trying- are you just tryna- just wanna donate your whole bank account or something? 

Alright, look. Somebody needs to send… send this uh, this clip to Tommy, ok? I’m gonna uh- Sapnap, I need you next to me. [reads dono] ‘You guys got me back into Minecraft, now my son and I play together’ -that’s amazing! That is amazing! I love that! That’s great.
Tommy! …and Wilbur, and the rest of “L’manchild-berg”. We… are at war. There is no mercy. We have burnt down Tubbo’s house, we have planted TNT-cannons around your land. We have cobblestone-walled the outside, and we have shot one warning shot, inside your walls, as an explosion. And we have no mercy! No mercy for you! Do you understand?
We will come, we will burn down your houses, we will kill everything inside your walls! And we will take back the land that is rightfully ours. If you do not surrender, I wanna see white flags! White flags, outside your base, by tomorrow, at dawn, or you are DEAD!
*Dream confuses the legal age of Majority in the UK with the legal age of consent in the UK.
"Dream declares WAR on the Dream Team SMP world | Dream SMP Ep. 34" (1:32:40-1:35:30) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
btw if anyone tries to make an argument that l'manburg "colonized" dream smp, they should know that c!dream himself refers to it as secession.
Dream: Ok. You’ve been warned. You’ve been warned. [clears throat] Alright. I wanna- I wanna go- I wanna go to, um… I wanna go back towards uh… [reads chat message from <The_Eret>] ‘he is but a child and you destroyed his home’- Children are at risk in war, Eret. Ok?
George: [laughs]
Dream: They’re at risk. It is war. And! He seceded(!!!) from the United States to the UK, where guess what? Guess what! He is not a child! Ok? In the UK, he is not a child, and he has- he has left the United States for the UK, or “L’manchild-berg” -whatever you wanna call it.
"Dream declares WAR on the Dream Team SMP world | Dream SMP Ep. 34" (1:33:23-1:34:00) [link]
so there's that one solved for you real quick.
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Tommy: [...]if we’re being serious for a millisecond, dickhead, you totally killed Tubbo, who was...- who is my-
Techno: AND?
Tommy:-best friend. And you…-
Techno: He exiled you Tommy!
Tommy: Well no, he exiled me ‘cause Dream made him-
Techno: Does Tubbo think you’re his best friend?
Tommy: ...
Techno: Does he think of you the same way, Tommy? You see Tommy, I know a lot about putting trust in other people. And havin’ them- havin’ them betray that trust, usin’ me as a weapon, and then casting me aside when it’s most convinient for them.- ‘Aww, just a little threat from Dream and aww, we-we gotta exile Tommyinnit! Oh, ‘cause Dream will get mad at us’, what’s the point! What’s the point of a government if it sells out its own citizens? It doesn’t even work! That’s why we have to take down the government, Tommy.
You wanna be friends with Tubbo? You wanna know what’s driven you apart? Why you don’t have your discs? It’s because of the government! If there was no government, you and Tubbo could be friends, you could have your discs back! There’d be nothing for Dream to threaten!
Join me. Let’s destroy L’manburg.
Tommy: [pause] You promise if I...if I join, we don't have to be pals, I can-
Techno: We don't have to be pals-
Tommy: Y-you- And listen, listen! You'll help me- [overlapping]
Techno: In fact, [overlapping] We- it's not even an option, just give up on that!
Tommy: Y-you'll help me get back my discs if I team with you-
Techno: I'll help you get back your discs, Tommy.
Tommy: I won't help you but you'll help me. I don't wanna destroy L'manburg. [overlapping]
Techno:[overlapping] You'll help me destroy the government-
Tommy: I won't help you destroy the government, but you'll- you'll let me... [glances back at the house]
Techno: Tell-tell you what, we’ll do some minor terrorism from which the goverment can- [stuttering] you- you know what, Tommy? We-we’ll let the details on the way, we’ll get the details on the way, Tommy. Alright?
Tommy: Technoblade. I am a huge fan of minor terrorism.
Techno: That’s just what I wanna wanna hear. Tommy-
Tommy: Not major terrorism, though. No- I don’t, I don’t wanna take down no governments. [...]”
"Tommy Teams with Technoblade in Exile" (17:15-19:15) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Dream: Alright, I think that- I think that’s most of the tour. [pause] Yeah! Basically, we won the war, and- and they- they’re recruiting members, they might try and recruit you. But you just just… blew up one of their walls, so I’m not sure they want you anymore but, …
Skeppy: Well, I’m a very valuable player.
Dream: That’s true! You can always negotiate with them. [overlapping] You can always negotiate with them.
Skeppy: [overlapping] Tommy will take me for… viewers and subs?
Dream: That’s true, and money,-
Skeppy: And money, and money.
Dream: -and money. Don’t forget about that.
Skeppy: And then…?
Dream: We have infinite power and land. So, you’ll always stay with us, I’m sure.
Skeppy: How do you have infinite power and land?
Dream: ‘Cause they only have that little bit of land that we gave them, and we have like everything.
Skeppy: So, you determine who gets what land?
Dream: Yes. Yes, yes.
Skeppy: Well, that just seems wrong, doesn’t it?
Dream: Well, no, It’s ‘cause- [stutters] everyone can build wherever they want, they just decided to say that they get to determine where they can build and we can’t! And we said, well no you can’t do that! And that’s what that was with the whole war was over.
Skeppy: So they didn’t like that-[overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] And then we won…- Yeah, exactly. No, no, we didn’t like that, that’s why we- we decided we’d fight them, and then we fought and we won and-
Skeppy: Wh- you didn’t like that they had that little piece of land, so you wanted to- [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] No, no, no, no, no!
Skeppy: -completely go to war with them?
Dream: No, no! No, no, no-
Skeppy: Dream! You are a literally a psycho!
Dream: -no, no, listen! You’re…-
Skeppy: What?
Dream: You are changing my words!
Skeppy: No I’m not! That’s exactly what you said!
Dream: No, they said that we can’t go in their land, when it like- everywhere else is on limits? So then, we didn’t like that, we said, no you can’t have your independent-
Skeppy: Just let them have their little land!
Dream: No, no, no, no, no!
Skeppy: It’s tiny! Look at all this land you have!
Dream: Yes, but-
Skeppy: That wasn’t necessary at all!
Dream: Well, we- we-
Skeppy: Just let them vibe out!
Dream: We won anyway! We won anyway, and then we,-
Skeppy: Oh my God.
Dream: -and then we that they could have it! We said they can have it! So-
Skeppy: Yeah, after you completely tore it into pieces, and I saw like,-
Dream: Yeah.
Skeppy: -random blocks… Ok. You know what, I’m not gonna argue…-
Dream: Well, listen! We won, that’s all that matters, we burnt down their houses and… blew up that- the whole land and we won. That’s pretty much it. [long pause] Anyway! Um.
Skeppy: [laughs]
Dream: [scoffs] You really make me out to be a bad guy! Look, we-we had to fight that war, ok? Skeppy: [continues laughing, bangs table] Dream: We had to to fight that war! It was a necessary evil!
Skeppy: No it wasn’t- You’re telling me you started the war, too?
Dream: Yes! Because-
Skeppy: You started it?
Dream: Well, listen-
Skeppy: It wasn’t even them! You started it!
Dream: They made a declaration-
Skeppy: You one day woke up and said they don’t deserve that tiny piece of land. [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] Well, no, ‘cause they made, they made a-
Skeppy: That’s literally what happened! And one day you woke up, and you said- [laughs]
Dream: Alright, Skeppy, let me explain- let me explain myself, ok? They made a Declaration of Independence-thing, they were gonna be independent from the Dream Team SMP! Saying that they were gonna their own land called "L’manburg" where we can’t… cross, and they-
Skeppy: Sure.
Dream: -would do as they please. And I said, no! You you’re gonna be part of Dream Team SMP still, and they said no! And I said, alright, we will kill you. And they said ok no, please Dream, don’t do that. And I said, well, then don’t, and they said no! And I said, alright, I’ll kill you! And they said no you can’t! And we fought, I killed them, and they said, [mocking voice] ‘Please! Please, Dream! Please, give us land!’ And I said, you know what? I’ll be gracious, they can have-
Skeppy: They sound so innocent! They sound like they just- they’re just tryna have a nice life for themselves, in a tiny little enclosed area! And you’re just a dictator!
Dream: They are- no! They are dictators! They are dictators [overlapping]
Skeppy: And you’re just ruining their lives! For what?[overlapping]
Dream:[overlapping] They are- they are dictators-
Skeppy: There’s so much land over here! Look on your left, look on your right! Look up-
Dream: I know! And-
Skeppy: -look down! There’s…
Dream: And listen to me Skeppy, listen to me.
Dream: It is all… Everything the light touches. Is our kingdom.
Skeppy: [pause] You just want it all, don’t you?
Dream: No, no, no! I don’t- I don’t want any of it! It’s fine! You can- anyone can have anything! Anyone can have all the land! I just wanted-
Skeppy: Oh, awesome! So, I can… tell them that, they are also able to build here and have houses here.
Dream: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, no, they can, they can!
Skeppy: Oh, really?
Dream: They know that, yeah, they know that!
Skeppy: Ok. What- so, what’s the problem? [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] But they can’t tell us- tell us that we can’t go in their land, that’s- that’s, that’s all we wanted to say. That they are not independent, they are a part of the Dream Team SMP, they’re just a delusional… small part.
Skeppy: [pause] Gotcha… ok well, I-
Dream: That- Makes more sense now, right? Makes more sense.
Skeppy: - I think, I think I understand a little bit but,-
Dream: Yeah.
Skeppy: -but I still think it’s cruel, but… [overlapping
Dream: [overlapping] Like, imagine somebody- imagine you invited somebody into your house, and you said ‘Hey- hey Dream, come in my house!’, and they came in your house, and then I said ‘You know what! This part over here? This table? It is my house now, it is my house.’, and you’re like ‘What!’, and then- then, [stutters]. I bring someone else and they’re like, [mocking voice] ‘just let them have the table! You have the whole like- look at how much of the rest of the house you have! It’s this shitty little table!’, and it’s like, no! No, no they can’t have my table, it’s still our table, they can have anywhere they want, they can stay-, I-I graciously let them come in and stay, and they wanna try and claim the-the table for theirs! And so, they don’t. They get, they can say- they can sit at the table! They can sit at the table! They can eat at the table, but they can’t have the table! That’s not their table!
Skeppy: Everyone definitely fucking hated coming to your house.
"Dream SMP | Day 1 | Skeppy Kills Dream's Dog | skeppylive Stream" (31:00-35:20) [link] (it's an unofficial vod, here's a [link] to Skeppy's own video, though it contains some cuts, so the entire conversation might not be included)
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Change of heart
Skeppy: There’s so much land over here! Look on your left, look on your right! Look up-
Dream: I know! And-
Skeppy: -look down! There’s…
Dream: And listen to me Skeppy, listen to me.
Skeppy: Okay?
Dream: It is all… Everything the light touches. Is our kingdom.
Skeppy: [pause] You just want it all, don’t you?
Dream: No, no, no! I don’t- I don’t want any of it! It’s fine! You can- anyone can have anything! Anyone can have all the land! I just wanted-
Skeppy: Oh, awesome! So, I can… tell them that, they are also able to build here and have houses here.
Dream: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, no, they can, they can!
Skeppy: Oh, really?
Dream: They know that, yeah, they know that!
Skeppy: Ok. What- so, what’s the problem? [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] But they can’t tell us- tell us that we can’t go in their land, that’s- that’s, that’s all we wanted to say. That they are not independent, they are a part of the Dream Team SMP, they’re just a delusional… small part.
Wilbur: Look, Dream I- Dream I appreciate- I appreciate, because you see the thing is, Tommy, Tommy, what you’re not understanding is, Dream only gave you that gear so that you could cause this conflict. You see? That’s what this is all about! Dream- Dream doesn’t want us to win, Dream just wants both Pogtopia and Manburg to be weak! That’s it! That’s- and that’s- Dream, Dream, I’m not- I’m not scolding you on this, that’s smart! You’re a smart guy, I’ve seen your two thousand IQ plays! Right? I- you can’t- nothing can get past you, right? So, I’m… I’m here to help you! I’m here to weaken both of us! So much. Manburg and Pogtopia will be… nothing more.
Dream: [pause] I… you’re saying Manburg?
Wilbur: Yeah- well, [looks into the camera] that’s what it’s called. [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] I think that… I- I do want Pogtopia and Manburg to be nothing more, and I want L’manburg, to be… something.
Tommy: Why do you want L’manburg, Dream? We’re the reason- you’re the reason we had to make L’manburg.
Dream: [brief pause] Schlatt is ambitious, and that’s a bad thing. He’s- he wants power, he wants land, he wants to expand… You guys having your own little server where you just… you frolicked around in the flowers, that’s- that’s fine by me, I don’t- I don’t care. But Schlatt- [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] Well, it wasn’t fine by you when we had our war, Dream.
Dream: Well… I- [overlapping]
Tommy: So this is an awful change of tone. [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] I had a change of heart. I had a change of heart.
Dream: Now, I’m not saying… for you to do anything, I’m actually saying the opposite, you should do nothing, because you are the king of Dream SMP. This is a war. [audio cuts out] -Dream SMP is not involved, by getting involved or implying involvement… you are [betraying] Dream SMP. You’re the king! You stay neutral. You let Pogtopia and L’manburg work it out, and… see what happens, and, you know. Hopefully, you know, hopefully! There’ll be neither afterwards. And, it’s only more land for you. Right?
Eret: So your plan is that they cancel each other out- [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] No-
Eret: -and then we reap the benefits?
Dream: The plan is that there is no Manberg, there’s no L’manburg there’s no Pogtopia, there’s just Dream SMP, and there’s Dream SMP everywhere, and that’s been my plan since the very beginning! I’ve- I’ve never wavered on that. 1. "Dream SMP | Day 1 | Skeppy Kills Dream's Dog | skeppylive Stream" [link] 2. "Wilbur Soot VOD (Oct 8th) - [DreamSMP] who are you go away" [link] 3. "Eret | The Eret WAR! WAR NEVER CHANGES!!! (dream smp) (2020/11/16) | VOD" [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Wilbur: Cause see the thing is, right. How I see it, is they can declare war, they can do whatever they want, but, like. If we just ignore them? And don’t acknowledge it? We win. We can’t lose.
Dream: No mercy. No mercy! That’s all! That’s all there is, no mercy, guys, no mercy! If we have mercy, we will lose. That is- a sign of… defeat. [...] A sign of weakness.
Tommy: [...] I know you're still really new to this server, and I know you build lots of things, so if you ever care about someone, do not give up on them, Foolish. Don't give up on people. Because that's how you lose.
1. TommyInnit & WilburSoot discuss their Empire Plans in Dream's Server. (1:51:24-1:51:33) [link]
2. "Dream declares WAR on the Dream Team SMP world | Dream SMP Ep. 34" (1:32:58-1:33:12) [link]
3. "FOOLISH and TOMMYINNIT being funny for Full Stream on Dream SMP" (3:00:42-3:00:54) [link][transcription from tv tropes]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Ponk and Tommy in the courthouse
Tommy: [mutes] Chat, go and tell [Wilbur and Fundy], go and tell them about the hole to my right, 'cause I can escape, tell them. [unmutes]
Sapnap: Ponk, I need you to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. I’mma go look for the other two suspects.
Ponk: Don’t leave me with him!
Sapnap: He’s on half a heart, Ponk. You got him, right?
Ponk: Yeah, he’s mean!
Sapnap: Alright officer, well- you-
Tommy: What- Did you get upset by my- by my…-
Ponk: Alright, I’ll turn into a roadman! Just you wait! Just you watch!
Tommy: You- you already are one.
Ponk: I’m not a roadman! What d’you mean?
Sapnap: Tubbo, where you at?
Tommy: What d’you mean! What- how can you not hear it?
Tubbo: I’m… watching Wilbur.
Ponk: Why’d you always have to be so mean, Tommy?
Tommy: How am I mean- you’ve li- You’ve imprisoned me, Ponk!
Ponk: All you do is shout!
Tommy: That’s not true, I’m talking at quite the reasonable tone.
Ponk: Which is kinda scary for me, ‘cause you’re probably planning something!
Tommy: When have I ever planned anything, that’s gone successfully? Except the other war that I won the other day.
Ponk: True. So you are a veteran at this?
Tommy: True! That’s very true.
Ponk: I like this side of Tommy.
Tommy: Yeah, I like it too! You know what, Ponk?- [overlapping]
Ponk: Keep this up and I might- I might do something- [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] -We’re actually becoming good friends!
Ponk: Yeah!
Tommy: What, so you’re my friend?
Ponk: Maybe!
Tommy: Let’s just go get dinner, Ponk! Let’s just go get dinner! Aw, thank you!
Ponk: Let’s go! [breaks iron bars]
Tommy: Let’s just- let’s just do it! [walks out of the cell]
Ponk: I’ll treat you!
Tommy: Yeah thank you, man! [pause] Actually, Ponk- [overlapping]
Ponk: [overlapping] Let’s go get some chicken-
Tommy -why don’t, why don’t I stay in here, ‘cause I don’t want you to get sacked, buddy, you’re a great guy, but I don’t want you to uh- [walks back into cell, puts iron bar back into place] See, I don’t want you to get fired from your job. Why don’t we sit here-
Ponk: Okay.
Tommy: -and we can bond, uh -why don’t, why don’t you help me. Now I think they’re- they’re, I think-
Ponk: [throws Tommy a shovel]
Tommy: Yeah, thank you Ponk! And hey man, listen, I’m fine with you keeping your tower* there, as long as you’re fine with me having a ‘this is property of Tommyinnit’ sign on the front. And even though it isn’t! But just so, just so I can feel like it is, is that cool with you?
Ponk: Okay. [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] And I’m totally fine with it! [makes displeased look at the camera.]
Ponk: Yes.
Tommy: Awesome.
Ponk: I’m good with that.
Tommy: But you've gotta- you've gotta pretend that you're on their side, right? 'Cause they'll think that you're trusted, buddy. [...]
*Tommy is talking about the tower Ponk built to rival Tommy's Power Tower
"TommyInnit & WilburSoot start an Empire on the Dream Team SMP" (11:10:25-11:12:21) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
Tommy's Second Dream SMP Stream EVER
Tommy: So what I did last time… to establish myself, w- oh, its still here! [laughs] I just- I just- I-I went around the entire server just putting signs, just saying it’s mine. And that’s funny. That-that [under his breath] I can’t- this bit… I really wanna see how long I can on this bit before someone calls me out.
"Tommy's Second Dream SMP Stream EVER" (5:35-5:57) [link]
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
First Disc War, Prologue
Tommy: SAPNAP!
Sapnap: [laugh] TOMMY!
Tommy: Don’t you do- don’t you do your little American [mocking voice] ‘Oh-I’m-from-Texas’- [imitating laugh]-laugh at me! Where are you, dick?!
Sapnap: [accent] How-howdy y’all!
Tommy: Where are you?
Sapnap: What?
Tommy: Why did you steal my things?
Sapnap: Tommy, I am borrowing them.
Tommy: I’m sprintin’ I’m- wait no, no, no, no,- [repeats “no”] [overlapping]
Sapnap: [overlapping] I am borr- I am- [unintelligible] Tommy,-
Tommy: -you have borrowed another man’s property, Sapnap!-
Sapnap: [laugh]
Tommy: -I’m gonna borrow your life! Where are you, where are you, where are you?
Sapnap: I’m- I’m borrowing them. Listen. Listen, Tommy! I will return them.
Tommy: No, no you’ll- [Punz throws Tommy a swiftness potion]
Sapnap: Listen! Listen, Tommy!
Tommy: [drinks potion]
Sapnap: I will return them under one circumstance. Alright? One circumstance. [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] And what is that, what is that?
Sapnap: You must join my cause.
Tommy: What’s your cause?
Sapnap: [pause] Well, we have… some people on the server-
Tommy: Where are you Sapnap? [overlapping]
Sapnap: [overlapping] -...we need taken down. I’m in a… un-…like a, what is it called? Unknown location.
Tommy: Oh, woman! [hits Alyssa] Sorry, I just- I had to- I was..- sorry.
Sapnap: You have to slay her, that’s the first step.
Tommy: Yeah… that was kind of just my- Where are you Sapnap?
Sapnap: I am in a… an undisclosed location. [pause] Now, Tommy, I will return everything-
Tommy: [turns around and kills Alyssa]
Sapnap: -which is only two things.
Tommy: [laughs]
Sapnap: There you go.
Tommy: Sorry. Sorry! I’m distracted! No, no, no, no, what’s happened?
Sapnap: Step one complete. Listen-
Tommy: [laughing] Why was that one of the steps?
Sapnap: I will give you all the stuff back, but you must be my ally. Okay? [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] Alright. Give me the things back, let’s meet up. Why have you done this, why have you committed such tyranny?
Sapnap: Meet-meet me at the courthouse […]
(At the courthouse)
Sapnap: [stands one block above Tommy] Now look, Tommy.
Tommy: [jumps up one block] What?
Sapnap: You must be my ally, alright?
Tommy: Give me back my things.
Sapnap: Will you be my ally?
Tommy: Why?
Sapnap: Because, a civil war is about to break out.
Tommy: [stutters] A war?! A war?! Oh my god!- [overlapping]
Sapnap: [overlapping] The war is about to break out-
Tommy: -Oh my god!
Sapnap: And I need you- [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] Well I will- I will only fight if you give me back my things.
Sapnap: Yes, yes! But I need you on my side. [overlapping]
Tommy: Give me them first, Sapnap.
Sapnap: I need you to be on my side.
Tommy: I can’t- I can’t work, I can’t work with this until you…
Sapnap: Look… you can have this for now. [throws Tommy his netherite sword.]
Tommy: No, give me my chest-plate back as well! Wilbur Soot helped me with that chest-plate, you give it back now Sapnap!
Sapnap: This chest-
Tommy: You… motherf- you… you… How do you expect me to fight a war with you’re going to antagonise me, you’re gonna make me angry?! [overlapping]
Sapnap: [overlapping] You… I’m not antagonising you, look. Tommy. [switches to diamond chest-plate] You must be on my side.
Tommy: Give me back my chest-plate and then- and then we can negotiate, but I’m not negotiating with a- a scumbag! A traitor!-
Sapnap: Alright, you- if I’m giving you this chest-plate, you’re not just gonna run away.
Tommy: I’m not.
Sapnap: Alright, I’ll kill you if you run away.
Tommy: You won’t, ‘cause I’ll outrun you, but I’m not gonna run away.
Sapnap: We… can be the most powerful, on the realm. [pause] Alright? I need you to be on my side, have my back… no matter what.
Tommy: [pause] Ok, why is that, why is that?
Sapnap: Listen, walk with me while we talk. Walk.
Sapnap: […] My house… was vandalised.
Tommy: Really?
Sapnap: Tommy? Where are you going?
Tommy: Oh, sorry, sorry.
Sapnap: My house was vandalised, so I went and vandalised said person’s house back.
Tommy: Uh oh, who was it, who was it?
Sapnap: [pause] Your arch nemesis.
Tommy: Ponk!
Sapnap: Your arch nemesis, yes.
Tommy: Oh no! I don’t like- If there’s- there’s only one person I don’t like as much as you, Sapnap.
Sapnap: Yeah. My house-
Tommy: And that’s Ponk! That’s Ponk!
Sapnap: Listen to this story, my house vandalised by this person, so I went and vandalised their house back.-
Tommy: Oh, as you do, as you do.
Sapnap: -And I log back on today, and this person wants to fight me! So me being the absolute chad I am- [overlapping]
Tommy: [overlapping] Ok- look I’ve gotta ask you, where did you steal- stealing my things come into this, ‘cause that’s why I’m a little pissed.
Sapnap: ‘Cause I… I wanted to ensure that I would win any vi- any battle. Decisively.
"TommyInnit actually kills Dream in Minecraft..." (2:12-7:02) [link]
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