#transformers alpha trion
welcometothesewers · 10 months
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My first time drawing Alpha Trion, a gift for my friend @compaculaaa
Version without blushies under the cut!
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Both his Prime form and Civilian form
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After the War, bots who visit the Hall of Records occasionally catch a glimps of the former head Archivist. Some even get a clearer image of him near the Current Head Archivist, Smokescreen.
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driftsart · 2 months
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A quick pre war trio doodle before homework :>
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Please excuse my attempt at being funny
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pasquiart · 2 months
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two wives fighting to have a husband!💕😅😳 my athena of my Au mech mermay together with queen Alpha of 💕✨@compaculaaa. it was fun collaborating with my friend her and her amazing art 💕✨✨✨
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cardboardmoon · 2 months
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Cybertronian Organ Trade
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bloominglegumes · 2 months
im.hunting for secrets in the tf one trailer because i'm normal
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there are markings on this guy's chest and shoulder that seem too deliberately designed to not be some kind of writing, but comparing it to cybertronian alphabets that have been presented before, i cannot for the life of me make out what it could be
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bottom right purple text only has "MINE" visible in the shot
top middle text says "HA'LS" in gold (or at least i'm assuming it does, i'm not sure what the little dash in the middle is meant to be) and "BAR" in green
i hope they get in a bar fight. i love bar fight scenes
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just thought it was funny that "IACON 5000" is written in english,, i assume it's because this setting is more important to the story and other text is mainly easter egg purposes
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the clearest frames i could pick out showing megsy's first alt mode. just for fun
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alpha trion is some kind of mossy mystical cave unicorn creature
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alpha trion is some kind of mossy cave creature who plucks organs out of rusting bodies and shoves them into people no hesitation
note alpha trion is also huge. (comparable size to the very creature-type bodies all around this cave area?)
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this shot was deliberately chosen to highlight this dead guy for some reason
gold and blue, claws, big feathered wings ringing bells for anyone??
if they're an existing character, i don't know who it could be
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the way baby megs is kneeling, gently placing his hand on the face and talking to it seems reverent or like he's confiding in it, so like duh showing that he feels connected to it in some kind of intimate, emotional way
(dead bodies don't turn grey in this universe, judging from the winged blue+gold guy, so.is little megs hanging out with a giant head is that what's going on)
note d-16 has the decepticon insignia already on his left shoulder throughout the whole trailer, and it seems about as beat-up and grimy as the rest of him, so it has to have been there for a good while
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klaudia96art · 7 months
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Sparkling Siblings au extra
AU family cooking 😉❤️ @compaculaaa
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I swear I would die for a fanfic or writing of Alpha Trion experience with feral bitey Orion who has no respect for his ancient ways or scrolls and like the experience of finding him.
Coming right up my dear anon! I may have messed with your prompt just a little bit. Sorry for how short this is.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Orion Pax." Alpha Trion put down his quill with a sigh as he looked over his shoulder. The feral monstrosity was at it yet again.
"Primus below, give me strength." He knew exactly what to expect, but it still prompted him to sigh as he looked at the hole in Orion's crib. He had, yet again, bitten his way through the metal bars and clambered his way to freedom. Alpha Trion would need to get a cyber-hound kennel or get a custom crib made from something far more sturdy than whatever the crib was currently made of.
This was the third crib just this stellar cycle.
"Archivists, be on the lookout for Orion Pax. He has escaped his designated space yet again." He sent the message over the private channel used by the Archives. He could almost feel the collective groan of his students as they put down whatever they were doing to find the wayward sparkling traversing the Archives.
He wandered the halls while rubbing his face in exhaustion. Ever since taking in Pax, there had been no peace in his once restful workspace. Orion cried throughout most of his recharge cycle, and barring that, he was plotting yet another escape attempt. It was draining on body and spark alike. Especially when Orion was found chewing on a record dating back to the early Quintesson era.
"Sir, we've located him?" He perked up at the voice coming across his commlink, but he frowned at the almost questioning tone. Was the archivist not sure?
"You do not sound confident." He remarked simply as he strode in the general direction of the archivist's signal.
"Well, we have found him, but he's... in the ceiling?" That was not a good sign. Alpha Trion all but sprinted until he found the archivist and a few others crowded around the base of a huge pillar. It held up the fifth archival level and extended more than sixty feet into the air. Looking up, Alpha Trion wanted to bang his helm against the nearest wall.
"Do we get a ladder?" The question hung in the air as Orion Pax clung to the very top of the pillar, his little clawed digits digging into the metal as he chewed on a datapad. Why he climbed up the pillar and why he was eating a datapad was beyond Alpha Trion. He stopped bothering to ask questions after a certain point.
"Yes, get the ladder." Alpha Trion sighed and died a little inside as, before he knew it, he was teetering precariously on a ladder with the aid of more than a few archivists as he reached out to grab his ward. The feral sparkling purposefully kept scooting around the pillar to avoid his grasp, growing as he did so. Alpha Trion had half the mind to shoot him with a dart gun just to make him loosen up. However, he was not fond of the idea of actually hurting the little monster.
A half groon and more than a few scratches later, Alpha Trion held his screeching ward by the leg upside down as he carefully worked back down the ladder. The archivists vented in relief and one was quick to grab an energon crystal for the screaming sparkling to chew on. The moment Alpha Trion put it in his intake, Orion's optics cycled down and he contented himself by crunching his way through the crystal.
It was a momentary break from what was likely to be a long few cycles of chasing Orion down while a new crib was made.
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Three hours later, I have all these rough sketches complete. Yes I am well aware I have a baby Primes problem. No I will not be stopping.
Enjoy the critters and their forever changing designs because I am indecisive.
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yasashii-leaf · 1 month
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Universe of TTB by @artsy-hobbitses
I found some drawings in my drive 😂, they date from 2023.
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marinatedsaltea · 5 months
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Well guess who had a birthday today
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jaybirdscoffee · 1 month
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elita one you are so important to me
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compaculaaa · 8 months
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Sentinel shan’t accept this shit
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Okay, I think the handling TFP/Aligned Orion Pax was weakened by the background inconsistencies that were supposed to ground his personality and motivations.
And that's why Orion Pax can come off as an asshole, weirdly tone deaf, or very naive, yet deep inside the revolution as a competent head.
It's as if the writers took so many cool things to prop up the guy, but let it compete with "How Orion Pax and Megatronus were Different" and made a mess.
And, depending on your view, it either was half-heartedly addressed or done masterfully.
Saltysaltdog did a really great analysis on Megatron's feelings of betrayal and humiliation of letting Orion Pax so close to everything, and it's found here: click
The biggest gripe I have with the whole thing with the characterization of Orion Pax is twofold: 1) the writers didn't leverage Orion Pax's unique, and let's be honest, precarious position, and 2) didn't expand deeper the fundamental differences that essentially broke Orion Pax and Megatron apart and started that catastrophic civil war.
The setup is there. Megatron and Orion Pax are distorted mirrors of each other. The major differences are driven by what was socially appropriate for them to consider as pathways.
The Cybertron that came to was deep in the grips of a well-established and well-entrenched caste system. In that kind of society, it isn't just money that decrees social mobility. The very hierarchy of the society is driven by cultural and religious norms on the "worthiness" of each group at various set levels. And from that "worth," it not only dictates the rights of the members in a caste but decrees the appropriate behavior and outlets as well as dictates how relationships between members of different castes are maintained.
So Orion Pax is a giant "FUCK YOU" to all of that. His very presence would have pissed off so many parties that isn't funny.
As in, I honestly believe he's alive because his initial seclusion from civilization had given him key skills and behaviors that saved his ass and Alpha Trion's personal care.
Yes. There would have been bullying. Yes. There would be complete resentment and hatred. Yes. There would have been social orstracism from his own colleagues.
Even individuals who are lumped with him as "caste climbers" or just sympathetic/pitying would have stayed away by the dangers of their own reputation being tainted.
"You're nothing but a bauble and an ornament. Merely a prized pet for Alpha Trion. One day, he'll lose interest, and that day, you'll go back to where you belong."
Orion Pax flaunted all the appropriate ways of inclusion to their occupation and way of life. He doesn't have a frame or a specialized ability that's related to information. He has no achievements, no accolades, and doesn't even have a sponsored education from a prestigious university or any useful connections.
Orion Pax is both an outsider and a representative. He needs to be extremely mindful of everything: his words, his tone, his body language, his own work... are all subject to scrutiny.
(And it either shows his sneakiness that he's able to shake off all eyes when he descends down to the gladiatorial game, his ability to lie by omission or obfuscation, or his colleagues relief with him out of sight.)
That very grey area would have left deep impressions on him. It would explain his passiveness, the perceptiveness, the way he speaks, and the careful plans he quietly does by the sides in a need-to-know basis.
Violence can come in many forms. And in a world where your worth is tied to your caste, then Orion Pax should be deeply familiar with the various ways it can be soft, sweet, and utterly insidious. A velvet wrapped steel glove. A dagger from the shadows. A poisonous treat. A deal of bad faith. A betrayl from a kind face.
Remember: Ratchet went through the proper channels and with the appropriate frame to match his function. Of course, he has that shield against so many grievances and injustices as well as many prejudices that color his perceptions. Look at the differences in how he recounts the brotherhood between Megatronus and Orion Pax and the outcome of before the High Council.
Orion is both given privileges that Megatron and his cohort wouldn't have, but it's also a noose around his neck. He is severely handicapped by Alpha Trion's deliberate meddling to keep the reincarnated Thirteen/the Matrix's newest Prime nearby and simultaneously well-informed and in the dark.
Unlike the miner-turned-gladiator, Orion doesn't have that option for bloodsport. His too low-caste for the avenues of security by the high-caste, but too high-caste to partake in the low-caste culture. It's acceptable for them to be physically violent, to be in bloodsport, to solve their grievances with their fists.
It's vastly different to the complete ruination of an individual's life that Orion got thrown into the deep end: reputation, finances, personal and professional relationships, involuntary reformat... The power games of the higher-castes are completely different ball-game.
He's stuck with his own thoughts because there's no way he can voice doubts to Alpha Trion (the mech who gave him such a position, advice, and unrestricted access to the archives) nor to his colleagues (who either hate his guts or would sell the information because information is power and the Hall of Records is a major point of power).
Look at the people he attaches himself to. They're rather straightforward: Megatronus, Ratchet, Jazz, Bumblebee, Arcee...
He's drawn to their ease yet still holds himself in a certain degree of formality because that's how he managed to survive in a snake pit. And that's too deeply ingrained into him at that point. People read that negatively. Megatron once saw that but didn't understand what it truly meant. Megatron saw his willingness to give up so much and his privileges, but he didn't understand the extent of the scars that Orion mentally and emotionally has.
Ratchet would be one of the few that really perceives that. The medic may not fully understands but he keeps trying, and the war eventually breaks down the barriers.
It would make so much sense about his strange notions, why he doesn't allow Megatron explore "his" world, why he keeps everything to himself, why he relatively comfortable with others outside his "caste."
This guy would literally ruminate the entire work day (both legal and subversive) until he fell asleep after rechecking the locks 27365837 times so an assassin or unfortunate "pet" didn't come into his room.
This could explain why he basically highjacked the damn meeting. Orion Pax has unrestricted access to many records. He knows his history. He can read between the lines. His A-game was on, especially in this endeavor.
Was it a well-intentioned plan to draw fire to himself because he had Alpha Trion’s strange degree of protection compared to the others? Was it panic because he knew all the ways to kill a person until death was mercy? Was it Plan 27-b because he thought all the ways it could go wrong? Was it his well-honed instinct demanding him to divert and pacify, but careful with the words (soft and fluttering with hidden danger with what is unsaid) to keep avenues open because to have the Primacy bestowed upon them would be an honor and completely legitimized the movement? Did he see the noose closing around Megatron and couldn't bear witness to have it strangle him, too?!
There's so much going on here. It all hinges on cultural absorption and clashes and the meddling by an ancient fart of an oracle, and it's just so tragically fascinating.
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kairukitsuneo · 6 months
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Overworked Alpha Trion is an unmoving rock
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