#transformers bot shots
itzbeearts · 22 days
They go star gazing
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(Idea made by @cayennesugar) I drew the idea for funsies 😋
GRAHHHHHHDHXH I actually love them so much
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mysticfoxdesigns · 2 months
Here are my pieces for the Represent Zine hosted by @allsparkzines
The Rescue Bots
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Heatwave, who is Yaqui Mexican
Chase, who is Japanese
Boulder, who is Black Samoan
Blades, who is Indian Black
Armada cover
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Hotshot, who is Cuban
Thank you for allowing me to participate in this zine!
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signanothername · 1 year
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Momwave and Chase
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asktheunicronduology · 4 months
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we like to have fun around here
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Yesterday, I had to do my Earth Science Regents, and the first question was about gravity. That made me wonder…
How does Earths Gravity affect the Team? How does it differ from Cybertrons Gravity?
Thank You!
Well look at that, more world building. Nice!
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Gravity on Cybertron was an interesting thing. Cybertronians are an incredibly large and heavily built species. As such their world is gargantuan and has much greater gravity to support them. Back on Cybertron their gravity was simply a fact of life, it was normal. Most never reached the stars, and there were only a few odd places underground that had differences in gravitational effect. Overall they assumed what they endured was perfectly normal and were totally at ease with the effort it took to move and generally get around. However when the great exodus occurred and the remaining Cybertronians took to the stars, those that came to Earth were in for a surprise.
Those that had been to the stars were used to weightlessness, but it was just as common as the intense gravity of Cybertron when all things were considered. Earth's gravity however was FAR less heavy than Cybertron's yet not without gravity like in the depths of space. The immediate response to this was absolute panic and chaos. Team Prime were trained warriors and veterans of increadible skill. They were made to adapt, but there were quite a few difficulties before they got used to the world they now resided on.
Bumblebee was used to having to run his engines on incredibly high setting in order to achieve the speed needed to get from point A to point B. Along those same lines, he was also used to having to carry around days worth of energon rations so that he could maintain the force needed to move through the slog that was Cybertron's gravity at the needed speed. But upon arriving on Earth, his usual training when flying out the window when he threw himself into his alt mode and took on the speed he tended to fall to. Instead of moving at a reasonable pace, Bumblebee was sent careened across the landscape so quickly that he immediately spun out of control, doing roughly three flips through the air before he landed on a building. The team could only watch on in horror as Bumblebee attempted to get up only to move with speed he wasn't used to, promptly leading him to skid out of the rubble in his root mode and trip over his pedes. The speed needed to move at a casual pace on Cybertron was more than enough to cause the average bot to lose control.
Arcee ran into a similar problem with controlling her speed, but her main issue came when she tried to get used to her blades again. Her attacks came far quicker than she was used to with the use of the same amount of power she was accustomed to. In order to conserve energy and not tear something to shreds, she had to lower her power output. However that in turn meant that as soon as she lost focus, Arcee turned into a burned ball of rubber in alt mode or a spinning set of blades. There were several times were she got frustrated in the beginning and ended up flying against the nearest wall in her alt mode or overshooting by an increadible margin when sparring.
Bulkhead adjusted quicker to the change in gravity due to how heavy set he already was. His biggest issue was grip control considering how much easier it was to break things when he didn't need to expend nearly as much strength to do so. He would march along with the strength he normally used and ended up breaking holes into the floor. In the beginning he would even try to reach for an energon cube only for it to explode into a mess of goo for the same reason. He became a beast on the battlefield with how much easier it was to take a swing, but in turn he also took a long time to get used to being sent flying at any severe hit. Cybertron didn't have that issue, and in fact it war harder to get any solid air when needed.
Cliffjumper had the easiest time dealing with the shift in gravity. He was more accustomed to having to swap around his movement and speed. However his issues came when he tried to push the boundaries a little too far and test the limits of what he could do on a foreign world. Some tricks simply don't work as well with less gravity, including several flips and other parkour moves. Many times Cliffjumper leapt down from a short drop off with the intention to tuck and roll and immediately get back up, as the more oppressive gravity on Cybertron allowed due to how it limited excessive kinetic energy. But on Earth, such an attempt always left him spinning like a pinwheel across the ground, getting dirt and grime in every seam of his plating. Trying to do flips became far easier, but the resulting landing similarly left him reeling since he always tried to stiffen up, expecting gravity to keep him stable.
Ratchet for his part didn't suffer much due to the difference in gravity. The hardest thing for him was remastering his motor control, which was an overall quick process. However there were a few notable incidents where he picked up a scalpel only to crush it by accident or when he attempted to work a fine machine only to instead destroy delicate wiring. It drove him up the wall, but he spent increadible amounts of time adjusting in private so as to not make a scene. As such none knew of the various explosions that came in the wake of his efforts to work with chemicals without proper control of his servos. The only one who suspected a thing was Optimus, and that was only because the Prime was quick to notice the absence of certain materials and the presence of scorch marks instead.
Optimus for his part was similarly quick to adjust, and in fact his biggest problem came from his attempts to leap and attack that way. He was used to having to throw his entire frame into every jump and leap before then having to put his very spark into the effort of climbing and firing. The most height he got on Cybertron was a few feet, but suddenly on Earth he was sent careening through the air with enough power to make him momentarily wonder if he'd sprouted wings. Several times he tried to jump on the battlefield only to go flying through the air like a bullet. There were also instances were he would attempt to do a short skip to reach something only to crash into the thing he was attempting to grab. Ratchet lamented Optimus's adjustment period greatly.
Earth's gravity was so much lighter, and in turn gave the bots that much more power and speed. But in return their control and ability to move normally suffered greatly for it. Thankfully the children never witnessed their blunders.
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Hot Shot doodles✨
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notsotinyblob · 2 years
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@femmemetalezine is OUT and the leftover sale is happening right now until February 28th!! This is such a wonderful zine so don’t miss your chance to grab one!
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Steel'ndipity au rescue bot recruits
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tf-cyberaligned · 10 months
Designs for the sequel I am already planning
The Rescue Recruits!!
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And some of my lore that will be explored with for all of them!
Wedge was formed during the war. He was created through spark bonding between two Decepticons, though he never really met his Parensnatales (parents) due to their assignment within the ranks. Due to his young age, he was put into the energon mines on one of the Deception owned planets on the outskirts of the Milky Way. While he had to fight Autobots sometimes, this planet was relatively uninhabited by Autobots, meaning that many Decepticon children made their home here.
When the war ended, and they returned to Cybertron, Wedge found out that he was orphaned just like many of his miner buddies. While Cybertron was being rebuilt, several mechs had stepped up to take care of and watch over the young Cybertronians left behind. One of these groups was the newly reemerged Protectobots, who were missing one key bot in their lineup. Wedge was one of the young Cybertronians taken in by the team, where he soon learned about rescue work and started to ask for training in it. While Rescue City was being repaired, the Protectobots and several of the old Alpha team members who had returned to the city started to teach small things to the young Cybertronians who were under their care. While some dropped off from the lessons, the others stuck around to become the new rebirth generation of Rescue Bots, which Wedge was one of those.
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Whirl was also formed during the war, formed from a spark bond due to Ultra Magnus and Whirl Sr. not being careful with their conjunx bonding ceremony. While her designation was Whirlybird, she chose to use just Whirl to mess with mechs on the Lost Light. One day a large energy spike was detected across the Milky Way. While Ultra Magnus went off to investigate the strange anomaly, the Lost Light continued to avoid the attacks of the DJD.
Once the ship was able to reach Cybertron and the whole family was reunited, Whirl Jr. was stumped on what she was wanting to do. Whirl Sr. one day had suggested joining the newly rebuilt Rescue Bots Academy. Due to Ultra Magnus's knowledge of the old laws and regulations of Cybertron, he would teach Whirl Jr. them during his free time. Due to this, she had an immense love for the subject. So when she found out that the academy had enforcers as an option, she jumped at the chance to join. Leading her to join the first wave of new official Rescue Bot Recruits.
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Hot Shot and Jolt
Hot Shot was one of the mechs who reemerged from the Well. Jolt's spark connection with him is what allowed him to return. Jolt is his minicon partner, and one of his oldest friends. Hot Shot was one of the many young mechs who had to fight in the war. While he had a naturally forged frame, his spark was transferred to an adult build, offering more protection than his young, weak armor plating he had before. The pair fought side by side during the war as first Optimus's personal scouts, then as a commander of a squadron. Jolt helped to keep to Hot Shot in check, offering guidance to the young soldier. When Hot Shot had become a commander, his role also shifted to being a mentor for a young scout that Optimus had appointed. Hot Shot taught the young scout everything he needed to know, and the pair formed a close friendship. When the young scout had been kidnapped by Megatron while Hot Shot had been shot down, Primus had changed Hot Shot's frame. This new frame while lacking speed, made up for it in strength, allowing the young commander to rescue the young scout at Tyger Pax. After the events at Tyger Pax, the Ark was ready to launch. Hot Shot was meant to be one of the mechs that went on the ship. However as it was launching, the Nemesis had attacked. Hot Shot was one of the fatalities during this attack.
Upon his reemergence from the Well, he was met by the mechs who were looking over the many new sparks and reemerging sparks. After many questions, he was finally reunited with Jolt. After that Hot Shot and Jolt had aimlessly wandered around Cybertron. Hot Shot was one of the mechs who had no Parensnatales, and so he really had no place to go. After some years, the pair heard about a new Cube league forming. Cube was originally a game created during the war by Ratchet for the many young mechs who were forced into the war to have something fun to do. (Also was created to distract them from the Wrecker's game of Lob) Hot Shot remembering the many games he played, joined the league and was soon given a home among the teams. Over time, he had risen to fame, being one of the best players within the league. After a big final game of the season, Optimus had approached him. Shocked to see the meant to be dead leader, Hot Shot didn't believe at first that the mech was really in front of him. However after some time talking, Hot Shot learned that he had been alive for awhile at that point, and had just returned from a mission back to Earth. It was at this point that Optimus had offered him and Jolt a chance to go to the newly reopened Rescue Bots Academy.
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Medix also reemerged from the Well, being one of the mechs that was killed during the Rescue Bots Massacre. Medix is the child of First Aid and Vortex, having been formed by a spark bond during the start of the war. He too was put into an adult frame like Hot Shot was, and when the Protectobots joined the war, he was also brought into it with his cousins. He worked as a tirage medic on the field, being a true pacifist just like his aunt Groove. His team within the Rescue Bots rank was Alpha 2, which consisted of his cousins Skyfeather, Rook, and Heatrock. Skyfeather was their team leader, due to her being the oldest and most experienced out of them. The Alpha 2 team was able to combine with the Alpha 1 team (Protectobots), making the two teams very powerful in terms of the war. Skyfeather and Heatrock were able to combine within the actual Protectobot team, forming Gaia Guardian, while Rook and Medix were able to replace an original team member when they were unable to transform. When Defensor fell at Tagan Heights, Rescue City was left with Alpha 2 leading and protecting it. This is when Megatron decided to strike. Medix watched as his older cousins were slaughtered, before his death and the destruction of Rescue City.
Upon his reemergence, he was reunited with his cousins who also reemerged with him. Together the group made their way to the remains of Rescue City, where they were reunited with Hotspot, First Aid, Streetwise, and Groove. Blade's absence confused them all, but they all were quick to start rebuilding the city. Blades soon reappeared on Cybertron, having survived the war and was the reason that they were all able to reemerge due to his Gestalt bond with his siblings. When the school was rebuilt and reopened, Medix joined the new wave of students coming into the academy, excited to finish his training properly.
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Hoist, while not apart of the war, was a civilian casualty. His Almatonias (moms) had him before the war broke out. His family had decided to stay out of the war as long as they possibly could, but his death due to an Autobot Wrecker's explosions is what pushed his Almatonias to join the Decepticons.
His Almatonias survived the war, allowing for his reemergence. He was reunited with them, and after Cybertron had been mostly rebuilt, they were encouraging him to choose what he wanted to do in life. Now that the caste system was overthrown, he was allowed to do just that. Hearing about the reopening of the Rescue Bots Academy, and that engineering, one of his passions, was offered at the academy, he applied to be a student there. He was accepted and joined the first wave of new students.
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And that is the lore of these guys for the Cyberhumans and Cybertronians sequel! While this story isn't going to be mentioned much until that point in time, I wanted to get these out there as some of the characters will be mentioned within the main story of Cyberaligned. Due to how interwoven I want everything to be, we will be seeing glimpses of Hot Shot and Medix within Blade's memories, as well as meeting Whirl Jr. and Whirl Sr. in one of the future chapters when the Lost Light crashes on Earth.
I hope y'all are excited for this future plot!
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frosty-tian · 1 year
Day 7 (the final day) for @heartsandsparksshipweek!
Goodbyes/Shared Joys
(There’s a bit of both. Different formatting this time, it’s pretty much a short, illustrated fan-fic.)
Pairing: Boulder/Graham
Audiences: Teens
Warning⚠️: Character death, implied past spark-play(?) (basically implied past sexual activity but it’s only briefly mentioned)
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Trembling fingers stroked gingerly against the cool glass.
Usually this action stirred up pure ecstasy and rushes of adrenaline in the larger bot. But this time, it feels numbed down to mere tingling. Not painful, but not pleasant either.
All he seemed to be able to focus on is the frail figure lying in front of him.
Soft blue light washed over Gram, intervals of flickering turning his face into a sharp cutout of blue and black, somehow making his deep-set wrinkles even more clear. Painfully clear.
It may have stripped him of his physical strength bit by bit. Boulder noticed over the years when he wasn’t able to run as much, and remembers the one time he chuckled about his joints being weird while he helped him lift the crate for a building project.
No longer is his head of messy hair the dirty blonde they were so familiar with, now instead a complete powdery white.
Yet his eyes continued to be so gentle and bright, full of curiosity of an eager youngster.
“Your spark is still so beautiful like the first time you showed me.”
Never had he thought trying to keep a smile would be so hard. A small part of him yearned to beg, wanted to tell him to please stop talking so he could feel his small touch for just a bit longer. But he fought harder to push it down.
“Gramsy, baby, please, I love you. I love you so much.”
Boulder wants to keep smiling. He doesn’t want his lover’s last memory being him having a huge breakdown.
“Remember honey, like you once said.”
Graham coughed, breathing ragged and near-dry. Despite him struggling, knowing he’s barely hanging onto the last silvers of time he has left, he still wore such a bright smile.
“It’s not a goodbye, it’s see you later. I’ll always love you.”
Boulder’s sure he’s imagining it.
The moment Gram breathed his last, his fingers started to grow cold as it slowly slid down from his spark chamber. But his spark… he can’t explain it, it glowed brighter. He felt a rush of new warmth, laughter and unintelligible yet familiar chatter echoed in his processor as if hearing it all from a distant.
It’s almost as if in that exact moment, all which made Gram him, eloped with the spark of the one he held so close to his own heart.
“He really is gone.”
“He really is gone, isn’t he?”
“Boulder…” Before he was able to say another word, Blades immediately halted when the green bot gave a sudden heave.
“I… I, no, we. We did everything that we wanted to do, said everything including our final goodbyes unlike in the past, right?” Boulder’s voice is quivering.
“It counts as a happy ending.”
He turned to look at his remaining teammates, who stuck through so much thick and thin with him.
“So why…”
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chrismcfeely · 2 years
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Transformers: The Basics on HOT SHOT!
This weekend, for The Basics' 200th episode, we look at the bot who was to kids of the early 2000s what Bumblebee is to kids today! He's the poster boy of the Unicron Trilogy, the star of Rescue Bots Academy, and he's available now for Patreon supporters to watch early!
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knakrack · 1 year
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mysticfoxdesigns · 4 months
My previews for the Represent Zine hosted by @allsparkzines
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I had the honors of making two piece for this zine, one of the Rescue Bots and one for the Armada cover!
The preorders are open! All proceeds go towards the Palestinian Childrens Relief Fund!
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shrikeicee · 2 years
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so ive been watching rescue bots academy lately
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starsha-k-luna · 1 year
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Just finished a Sketch that I did inspired by @asmoteeth Rescue Recruits Grown Up AU (Sorry I can’t remember the official name)
I love the designs they’ve done of Hot Shot & Wedge, so I wanted to have a go at drawing them,
Also I love the idea of Hot Shot & Wedge dating, oh who am I kidding, I’m so shipping team “Wedgeshot”!
I had them together, whether they are just hugging or kissing, I’ll leave that to your imagination.
Hope you like it @asmoteeth
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Thank Primus he didn’t look up.
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