barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
26 and/or 27 with blupjeans :3c?
26. [Covered in kiss marks] Yeah, well. You should see the other guy.
27. [Clearly been bitten by a vampire] Yeah, well. You should see the other guy.
((monster mash prompts here - send some in!))
The first thing Barry processed when he woke up is that he was cold as fuck. He had a blanket over him, somewhat reminiscent of when they put a sheet over a dead body, but he was freezing. Usually, when he got this cold, he'd get goosebumps, but they were absent. In fact, a lot of things were absent. The back pain he had had for the past two days was gone and the ache in his right knee was gone as well. Instead, the only real feeling his body had besides the utter chill was the warmth seeping from the side of his neck.
Ah. Right. Okay. Now he could remember.
Barry sat up, letting the blanket fall. He was shirtless- nope, let's not think about that. Okay, no, he was going to have to because when he swung his legs off the bed he was pantless too. He found his jeans near the end of the bed and his shirt nearby as well. They did little to help with the freezing feeling, but it did make him feel a little more protected.
After that, he shuffled out of his room, peeking towards the kitchen.
Lup was at the kitchen table, filling one of Barry's water bottles with a pint of blood. Normally, Barry would have asked her to bring one of her own cups to do that with (the iron taste never really did wash out), but seeing as... well. Barry would be getting used to the iron taste pretty soon.
"Babe," Lup said. She shook the last few drops from the blood bag and threw it basketball-style into his kitchen trashcan. It bounced off the rim and hit the floor. Lup ignored that entirely. "How're you feeling?"
She had a hickey on her neck. Barry put that there. Welp. Okay. He was fine. This was a normal morning. Sometimes, you and your girlfriend just had a good time and you, y'know, die because she turned you into a vampire. Consensually. Maybe Barry's priorities were a little mixed up right now, but all his mind could focus on is that Lup still looked super fucking hot.
"Uhm," he said. Distracted. He was distracted. Zero back in, Barry. "Not... great? Not bad. But not great."
"Medicore," Lup said. She gestured for him to sit down and pushed the blood-filled water bottle toward him. Barry grimaced at it and she nudged him with her arm. She was sitting incredibly close to him. He'd have to get used to this. "Try some, you big baby."
"Trying," Barry said, popping the lid open. He looked into the bottle. That sure was blood, alright. At Lup's judgemental look, he took a deep breath in and then let it out, shaking off the nervousness. It was blood. He was hungry. He asked for this. To be a vampire, not to drink blood, but same difference.
He took a sip.
This was... fuck, this was so good. There was a pang in his stomach and Barry just now realized how hungry he was. He lifted the bottle and drink more. Lup laughed from next to him.
"Slowly, Bar," she said, putting a hand on his wrist. Barry took another sip before pulling away and Lup smiled. "We've got time."
"We've got time," Barry said. He laughed a little. "We've got time! Oh my god!"
"Yeah," Lup said, grinning now. "We do."
Barry grinned, sweeping her into a hug. Lup laughed again, a little louder. He pulled back just enough to kiss her and Lup giggled into that too. He scraped his lip with his fangs by accident and had to move away much too soon. It wasn't bleeding (an obvious side effect of him no longer having blood) but it stung a bit. Lup put her hand on his knee and squeezed.
"Think we made the right choice?" Lup asked. Barry took another sip of the blood, a giddy feeling rising in his chest. He nodded, trying not to seem too excited about it all. But fuck, they had time. The majority of their relationship had been balanced on the fact that she was going to outlive him and every day had been one step closer to that. But they had time.
"We have time," Barry said again, elated.
"We do," Lup said. "What'd we do now?"
"Literally anything," Barry said. "I don't care as long as you're-"
"Rob a blood bank," Lup said immediately.
"Okay, I care a little," Barry corrected. "I was thinking like, the park, or-"
"A regular bank."
"Close, but no," Barry said, smiling. "But we have the time for that later." He paused. "That was a joke. I'm joking."
"I got it," Lup said, leaning in to kiss him again. "I would never make you rob a bank. I love you too much to let you get arrested."
"Aw," Barry said. "I love you too."
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literalliterature · 2 years
omg the win snippets sound so cool!! but what does “god help me” mean akndkadnskxj
Lol. Lmao. So due to the ways that I am, I of course had to think of a Hurloane storyboard set to Mr. Hozier's "Work Song" fhensggwhdge. I actually have a few scattered files with little bits and pieces of that vid that I worked on, but "god help me" is the name of the script I started for it, which I did not actually finish typing out, partly because I couldn't decide if I wanted to include the third verse or not. The doc is here (if you see my deadname no you don't <3), but here are some choice excerpts.
[Opening: Instrumental]
Throughout the entire instrumental opening, shots are in sepia and a sketchier style than the rest, only going into color once words begin. Each shot appears on a new beat and remains onscreen with a slow pan until the clap, when the screen cuts to black, followed by a new shot when the humming starts up again. Frames appear as follows: close-up on motorcycle wheels; Sloane driving off the cliff; Hurley (still in ram mask) reaching out to her as she falls; flock of ravens gathering.
‘Cause my baby’s sweet as can be
They’re gay. You know how it is.
Anyway, the gist of the video would've just been about the end of Petals to the Metal with Hurley diving into the vine monster to save Sloane, with flashbacks sprinkled throughout. First verse was meant to be from Hurley's POV, second verse from Sloane's.
As a bonus (and for some real old and scrunkly art of mine), here are a few frames for it that I did manage to draw back in the day!
Thank u for asking!!!
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ecothroat · 2 years
transgenderpolyhedrals >>> fagdykez :-]
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fruitsilly · 2 years
10 people you want to know better (tagged ppl are under no obligation to do this <3!!)
thank you jude @pansyfem for tagging me! this looks like fun :3
relationship status: single, but heavily lushing/meshing (the sensual/alterous equivalents of crushing respectively) on this guy in my class at uni rn. and i really. Really want him to be my boyfriend holy fucking shit he's so cute. anyways. i also have a milder squish on a girl who's also in my class. i have two exes but i am aromantic and since they were romantic relationships which needed reciprocation they didn't work out. i am still friends with one of my exes (who's also arospec) tho so it's all good!! :•D
favourite colours: my top 5 fave colours are
in that order :)
favourite foods: ough pasta. any kind of pasta really but i am especially partial to lasagne. i also love cheese and pizza. oh and how could i forget!!! millionaire's shortbread!!
song stuck in my head: TOXIC BY BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!!!!! although before this it was the borgia family horrible histories song :)
last thing you googled: i use firefox bc im swag so technically i duckduckgo'ed this Anyways. i searched for the tv show "you" bc i saw a gifset from that show featuring a lady i am incredibly bi for and i was like 👀 will i have to watch this now
time: 9.32PM (im gonna write the time of posting this bc i wrote this in my notes app)
dream trip: spain or scotland!! spain bc im learning spanish and scotland bc it's just such a lovely country <3
last thing you read: "the children" by lucy kirkwood! it's a play im reading for my course :)
last book you enjoyed reading: ugh i haven't had the capacity to actually sit down and read a physical book for... too long it's been ages. it's mostly to do with my disabilities and time :( i started reading good omens on my phone but i didn't finish it (i like it so much better than the show lmao). but the actual physical book i read last was "death sets sail" by robin stevens, the final book in her "murder most unladylike" series. ough. ive been with that book series from literally the very beginning. id highly recommend 👍
favourite thing to cook/bake: sadly i don't do enough cooking or baking to know but what i have made is fudge which was quite fun! ive also made a delicious cheesy pasta bake hehe
favourite craft to do in your free time: again. i haven't had the capacity or time to actually make any art since like... march, so, 7 months. yeesh. i miss making digital art. id like to pick it up again but idk when that'll be. id also like to try and get a badge maker bc i have loads of ideas but ugh time is a problem. im just so busy at uni.
most niche dislike: im sure there's Something since im autistic and autism is the Strong Opinions Disorder but nothing's coming to me atm [shrugs]
opinion on circuses: ive only been to one in my life and i really enjoyed it apart from the clowns who i found scary but i was like 8 i think. im less scared of clowns now. also the general aesthetics of them fuck severely
do you have any sense of direction: hardly lol! i have a great photographic memory so even going a certain route once with someone who knows the way i can remember it HOWEVER i am utter shit at finding my way with a map on my own. google maps is always open when im trying to find a place and even then i frequently go in the wrong direction or miss a turning. i just cannot translate distance on a digital map to irl distance. don't even get me started on using a traditional map bc g-d above. id end up more lost than i was before. im excellent at just confusing the hell out of myself <3
tagging: @sillyspooky @skylightz @bromantically @transgenderpolyhedrals @folderone @gir-posting @nvr-pass-spookier-version @heartslobbf @taikacohen @laymedowninsheetsoflinen (plus anyone who sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you ^_^). again no obligation to do this !! :)
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lezbianz · 2 years
🐄 hiiii
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this is an email my sophomore year history teacher sent to the whole grade. it still makes me giggle
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
2. “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.” with lup :O?
2. “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
Considering he worked for an organization that literally got rid of magic items that produced a strong magical thrall, maybe Barry should be more concerned. Maybe he should bring it up to someone like, "heyyyy, the umbrella that my roommate and I share custody over is giving me strange, cryptid dreams of figures in red robes. Should I be concerned about that?" No, that sounded ridiculous. The Director might fire him for- for something. Was having dreams about red robes a fireable offense? It might be, in her book.
Besides, it wasn't even just his umbrella. Half the time, it was Taako's. And he deffo wasn't going to say anything to get Taako's umbrella taken away. He looked like a kicked puppy every time it was Barry's turn. In his defense, Barry knew the feeling all too well. They had only decided on joint custody because neither of them wanted to go without it.
Of course, that was before the cryptid dreams.
They started simple. Barry would appear in a dark room, sitting cross-legged. Across from him, a woman in a red robe sat. She would open her mouth to say something and then Barry was waking up. This process repeated several times a night, to the point where Barry was almost grateful to give up the umbrella. Almost. Not really, though.
He'd get a break for a few days until the umbrella was traded back to him. And then, there he was again, every night in the dark room. The short, almost-conversations turned into short, actually-conversations. Ones where the red-robed figure would ask him about his day, or about Taako, or about whatever.
As the nights progressed, getting longer into their stay at the Bureau, the conversations got longer. The "how are you"'s would pick up into "tell me a bit about you" into something that was sorta like a therapy session, but chiller, and less focused on his traumas. The red-robed figure actually wanted to get to know him. Sometimes, Barry would tell her things that she seemed to already know, but she never seemed any less interested in hearing about them.
"He didn't," the Red Robe said, delighted.
"He did," Barry said. "Magnus tried to climb up the tree to get him down before- before the Director saw, y'know? And Magnus was an inch away from him before Davenport just fuckin' jumps back down the tree!"
"Oh my god," the Red Robe said, laughing. Barry loved that sound.
"And then Magnus got stuck on one of the branches when he was coming down-"
"Yes! And we were just gonna go get the Director at that point but then Davenport hops up there again and gets his shirt unhooked from one of the branches. And Mags just goes tumbling down the tree. I think he's still got the bruises, Merle refused to heal him 'cus he did it to himself."
"He's so fucking stupid," the Red Robe said, affection evident in her voice. "I wish I had been there to see that."
"I..." Barry paused, breath caught in his throat. He coughed. "I wish you had been too."
The glow of her robe shimmered and dimmed slightly, but Barry still got the impression she was smiling at him. He leaned back on his hands, looking at her.
"That's really nice of you to say, Barry," she said, finally. "But I'm not sure I'd be welcome with the whole, uh, y'know. Thing that Lu- that the Director has going on."
"Yeah, but you're not-" Barry scrambled to find a word that fit. "You're not evil? I hope."
"I try not to be," the Red Robe said.
"You're not evil," Barry said, a little more firmly. "I'm sure if you explained the situation-"
"That I've been invading the mind of her employees 'cus I'm lonely?" the Red Robe prompted. "I'm sure that'll go down well."
"She doesn't get it," Barry said. "You're not like the- the bad Red Robes. You didn't even know who the hell they were until I explained it to you."
"And you're nice," Barry went on. "And funny. I- I don't think you'd want to hurt anyone on purpose, so if I could just get her to listen-"
"Then maybe we could work something out," he finished. The Red Robe's form crackled and shifted, unsure of herself. Barry flushed a little. "Sorry. I'm just... you're not a bad person. You're just... in a bad situation? Or something. We can workshop it."
"Don't worry about it right now," the Red Robe said. "We'll figure something out later. It's getting late, isn't it?"
"I don't mind staying longer," Barry said hopefully but the Red Robe shook her head.
"You need sleep," she said.
"But Taako's gonna take the umbrella back tomorrow," Barry said. "I just, uhm. I wanted to spend more time with you."
"Hey," the Red Robe said. "You'll find your way back to me. I know you will. Until then-" she stood, stretching. Her form crackled a bit menacingly, but Barry couldn't bring himself to care too much. "Try to remember how many trees Magnus gets stuck in within the next week. I'm very eager to know about them."
"I will," Barry said. "Promise."
"I know you will," the Red Robe said, a grin in her voice. "See ya soon, babe."
And Barry woke up.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
1 (what's the fic youre most proud of?) 3 (what fic are you emotionally attached to?), and 17 (What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work? ) if you like! thankie!!
((writer asks here))
1. what's the fic you're most proud of?
Godddd, starting with the hard question, huh sdlfsdf. Probably? Buzzcuts and Braids. Just because like... I don't know. That one has always stuck with me a lot, for some reason. I really like how it's formatted and I love just like,,, the Freshness of it. It's very good.
Also, maybe Keep Your Friends Close! Because it's one of the only chaptered fics I have ever done and trying not to post it all immediately was hard but rewarding slkdfsdf
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
Again, I really gotta go with Buzzcuts and Braids lsdfsdf. I just like Lucretia, okay!!! And I loved exploring her character. I'm also very, very attached to Corrections; Fear of Rejection (as someone who loves trans!Magnus sldkfsd), and this "Don't forget me" ficlet! That last one of the first ficlet for TAZ I remember feeling proud of? It's pretty old but still good, I think!
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
I have three that immediately come to mind, though there are so, so many good ones. First off, this ask from anon, which just went on and on about why they like my writing?? Which did legit bring me to tears lsdfksdf. I cannot thank this person enough, they probably spent so much time typing this out and I still really appreciate it aaa. It's one thing getting validation from friends but like,, from someone I don't know, it's a whole 'nother ballpark, you know !!
Then, this ask, also from anon. Idk, something about this one kinda drives me crazy (in a really good way lsdkfsdf). I love it
Lastly, the comment below by @transgenderpolyhedrals on Buzzcuts and Braids, which I think about at least once a week sldkfsdf.
(warning for wine mention in the second paragraph)
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Honestly, I could go on and on for this question, because I fucking love any and all validation sdlfksdf (and super appreciate anyone who sent some, fr!!!!), but I'ma just summarized with the whole ise-validation-station tag sldfsd
Thank you for the ask!!
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literalliterature · 2 years
wip snippet game
Rules: "post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag people! This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!"
Thank you for the tag @paladinbaby ! Tbh this is a bit tricky for me because, especially with art, I tend to not give files in my art program names until I'm done/close to done with them, but I decided to just name them arbitrarily right this moment for the purposes of the list below lol. (I am also including some very old stuff that I may or may not ever pick up again, for funzies.)
Does Everything Go Away? (D&D, Polished Locks campaign)
Exeunt (D&D, Polished Locks campaign)
Turn the Lights Off (D&D, Ravenloft campaign)
Wolf wind test (personal)
Just Your Problem """Animatic""" (TAZ Balance)
god help me (TAZ Balance)
"When I'm Gone" script (TAZ Balance)
Bruno Is Orange (TAZ Balance)
Friend of the Devil (TAZ Balance)
Bad Idea (TAZ Balance)
Visual Art (Other)
"...You know I love you, right?" (Dimension 20, ACOFAF)
fuckin hungry (D&D, Polished Locks campaign)
i am rotating them in my mind (D&D, Polished Locks campaign)
The Scrungle (D&D, Ravenloft campaign)
Sumac (This Is How You Lose The Time War)
Uh Oh (Critical Role campaign 2)
Thunder Road (TAZ Balance)
More Jester merm (Critical Role campaign 2)
These Theropods Are Gay And There's Nothing You Can Do About It (Dinosaur OC story)
Patron Saint of Lost Causes (creative essay, personal)
Straighten Up and Fly Right (creative essay, personal)
lore i guess (D&D, Polished Locks campaign)
The Wanted (TAZ Balance, Old West AU)
Vesalius (original fiction, urban fantasy)
Once (original fiction, fantasy cowboys)
You Were Cool (TAZ Balance)
Tagging uhhhh @thegempage @punkbirdwitch @rebel-in-ink @transgenderpolyhedrals @swarmkeepers @mnemosius @nebulousbutch @ewanmcgregcore . Only if y'all want obviously lol.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
6 ("Kiss me and/or shut up.") sounds very taakitz :3c
6. "Kiss me and/or shut up."
((prompts here - accepting!!))
Kravitz was an actor by trade, but a musician at heart. His mother always said he had a natural charm about him. At least, that was her excuse for putting him through acting lessons throughout his entire childhood. He had mostly done commercials as a kid, the biggest hit he'd ever gotten was a minor character in a short film that never amount to anything.
Until last month.
Taako Taaco. Now there's someone with a natural charm. Taako seemed to dabble in all sorts of things. Baking, cooking, acting, performing. Anything under the sun, Taako could probably do it. Which is why it was so perplexing that he hired Kravitz to pretend to be his boyfriend, instead of using his good looks and wit to land himself an actual partner.
"I don't have time for that," Taako had told him once, over dinner. They were sitting out on the restaurant's porch under the light of a few strategically dim lamps and the full moon. From inside, a few cameras were clicking every few seconds. It had been his first "public date" with Taako.
And now, he was at his ninth, just over six months later. The nervousness he had first had around Taako and the swarm of paparazzi that came with him had faded. Taako seemed to be taking his role as fake boyfriend very seriously. They had gone suit shopping two days ago for this very event, in a small business outside the public eye. He made Kravitz some Pesce All'Acqua Pazza (a fancy fish dish that Kravitz had very much enjoyed) afterward.
It was beginning to not feel fake.
Kravitz tried not to read into it, lest it mess with his acting.
Especially not now, at the opening of Taako's new restaurant. Kravitz knew how hard Taako had been working on this, so he was trying not to draw any attention to himself. His job was simply to be arm candy, after all, which, if Kravitz could say so himself, he was very good at. But reporters were always desperate to get details on who Taako Taaco was dating.
"-thought, at first, I wouldn't be able to play the clarinet," Kravitz was saying. Honestly, his plan of talk about bullshit musical things until the reporters no longer care worked pretty well. "Because I was struggling with hand coordination at the time- this was just after I had got to cast off of my left hand, so it was pretty rough-"
The small group of reporters suddenly stood up straight. Kravitz knew well enough to know that wasn't because they cared about his ability to play the clarinet. He turned just in time to see Taako swooping towards him, sliding his arms around Kravitz's stomach to pull him into a hug.
"Babe," Taako said with a lilt in his voice and Kravitz leaned back into him. "Is it the clarinet story again?"
"It has a twist ending!" Kravitz defended, smiling. Taako rolled his eyes. "I didn't even get to the part where-"
"Kiss me and/or shut up," Taako said, already leaning in. Kravitz met the distance between them, heart thudding dangerously fast in his chest. If anyone asked him, it was because of the sudden flurry of flashes from the paparazzi. He didn't have actual feelings for Taako, he was just a very good actor.
So good, in fact, that he was almost starting to fool himself into thinking he was actually in love with Taako. Funny how that works, huh?
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
idk if you’re still taking prompts (ignore this if u aren’t akdnakdns) but android/alien with taakitz :O?
23. Android / alien
"When is your- your 'associate' getting here?" Taako said, pulling Kravitz back from the edge of sleep very suddenly. His voice was still stuttery, with an underlining buzz that hadn't stopped since Kravitz had found him. Kravitz hadn't even realized he had been dozing off until now, but now he could feel how heavy he had grown with exhaustion. He had been up... twenty-six hours now? Twenty-seven. Kravitz had done his fair share of all-nighters before, but never as action-packed as this.
"Ten-thirty," Kravitz said, sitting himself back up. He had been unconsciously leaning against the couch.
"And right now is?"
"Uhm," Kravitz said. He struggled to find his phone for a second, eventually locating it slipping into the couch cushions. He winced at the screen brightness, his eyes burning slightly. "Nine-fifty. That's like, forty more minutes."
"Those words mean nothing- nothing to me," Taako said.
"Soon," Kravitz tried, rubbing his eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"Bad," Taako said plainly. Kravitz winced again, giving him another once over. His neck was steaming, which was never a good sign, at least from Kravitz's perspective as a human.
Taako's ship had crashed into the field next to his apartment building yesterday morning. Between discovering aliens did exist and that they were extremely more technologically advanced than humans were, Kravitz had not had the chance to nap yet. It'd been a mess of Taako yelling at him in a language he couldn't understand and Kravitz trying to make sure that neither he nor Taako were in danger of lying. Taako had a very strict "I don't want to interact with more people than I have to" rule, which is why they were waiting for Barry instead of getting someone who might be able to help even better.
But Barry lived in a different city. And Taako was impatient. And god, Kravitz was tired.
"Sorry," Kravitz said, probably for the tenth time that day. "I'm sure he's coming as fast as he can. He might have gotten pulled over for speeding, actually."
"And you're- you're sure he's gonna be able to fix my ship?"
"Well," Kravitz said, grimacing. "Better than I can? Maybe he can fix your neck, too?"
"I'm fine," Taako said. "I'd rather get the ship fixed."
"Right," Kravitz said, trying to pretend like he understood the importance of putting a vehicle before his body. "Soon, I promise."
"Unless he got pulled over."
"Unless he got pulled over," Kravitz conceded.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
barry was very camera shy. whenever there was a cycle with cameras or something similar he insisted on becoming a photographer for the year so that he wouldn’t be in pictures. however, lup had a polaroid that she uses only to slowly bring barry out of his shell. she decorates their room with adorable pictures of him, both candid and not. now barry loves getting his picture taken
oh my god oh my god oh my god that's so cute. and relatable sldfksd. she would!!!!! she totally would do that, that's incredible aa
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
🖊️ + “fire” :O
send 🖊️ + a word and i'll find it in my wips!!
When Angus was younger, Grandpa used to tell him stories about Rockport that made it seem a lot greater than it actually was. Some of the stories were made up, of course, and Angus was sure all of them were exaggerated. Angus certainly couldn’t imagine his grandpa as a teenager sneaking into places at night or having wild parties, especially not out here in this dusty old town. He tended to stick to stories about himself when he was young and never mentioned names- One time, Angus overheard Daddy tell Mama that it was really because Grandpa couldn’t remember any of the names.
Still, they were good stories. Vague and nameless as they may be in Grandpa’s later years, Angus still thought back on them. He remembered Grandpa telling him about the firework that got set off in the museum by accident and tried to imagine the details around him the very first day he went in there. Fire on the walls, climbing to the ceiling. The curator with a fire extinguisher and the Mayor calling the fire department, yelling over the noise of everyone trying to get out.
Angus didn’t know why but picturing it added a little more flavor to the almost always empty museum lobby. Something about tragedy in quiet lives was intriguing.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
omg u were born!!!! congrats bestie :O
thank u !!! <3333
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ecothroat · 3 years
boygirlgore -> transgenderpolyhedrals
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