#transient world
felikatze · 2 years
ok it's actually really cool how laios defeating / eating the winged lion is an assertion of survival in the cycle of life. "you're trying to eat me, so to survive, i'll eat you first." laios wishes to defeat the winged lion on the basis that its wish contradicts the nature of this cycle and thus the nature of the world. multiple times in the story "eternity" is posited as something unattainable and inherently harmful (thistle trapping the inhabitants of the golden kingdom, marcille's actions as dungeon master, the winged lion's desire for eternal happiness). to change the nature of the world is to destroy the world as it currently stands.
however, the main mission of the main characters, the resurrection of falin, also goes against the nature of the world. "eat or be eaten." falin was eaten by the red dragon. end of. thus to resurrect her is an act of violence against falin that dooms her to a fate arguably worse than death (getting turned into monster only to die again).
the winged lion's curse is appropiate for laios because it was the winged lion's power that allowed him to hope to save falin at all. by assimilating the winged lion into the cycle of life, laios also has to submit to that same cycle and accept that falin is dead
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determinate-negation · 3 months
the smoke store right on my block that ive been going to since i moved here got fined and closed by the city for selling weed illegally im going to KILL MYSELF
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salty-an-disco · 6 months
just had a realization as to why I find the Leave as Gods ending pretty chill and something I’d actually wouldn’t mind doing–
I’m nonbiney, xenogender, and relate more to abstract concepts than my own body, becoming a concept too great for anyone but yourselves and your literal soulmate to understand is literally my dream lmao.
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delsshitposts · 6 months
While I'm going over the lore we just got with a fine toothed comb, enjoy these glamor shots of Acheron doing her thing
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Whatever Hoyoverse is paying their art department, it's not enough
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delzinrowe · 6 months
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The Twelve Sentinels | Honkai: Star Rail
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floorpancakes · 11 months
watanuki being compared to caged birds and beautiful women and cats who have sex and cats who die and witches and butterflies and ancient flirtation methods and flouncing about in his metaphorical mother's boxes of silky clothes, airily operating like a beautiful spectre who's grown into his body but stuck in the past is so ?????????
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Extremely funny scenes of Austenian irony at Jane Austen reading group
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The transient likes to buy lottery tickets, but always loses. He tells Cory and Shawn that he likes to lose, and then buys beer for them when they gives him a $10 bill for a $5 case. He walks back out to see them hugging, then admits that his brother has an "alternative lifestyle" (i.e. he's gay) and he doesn't have a problem with it.
Louanne is a woman at a truck stop in Reading, Pennsylania. She was very upset with her boyfriend and attempted to make him jealous with Cory, because Cory seemed like a nice guy. Topanga instantly became jealous, and challenged Louanne to step outside. When they came back in, they were instant friends, and she planned to braid Topanga's hair.
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drygrasses · 4 months
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warlordfelwinter · 9 months
star baker
since i finished lightfall in the middle of the dawning i'm saying delphi did too. people who care about his well being won't let him bury himself in killing things, so he's burying himself in cookies instead.
crow/guardian, ~900 words
When Crow entered Delphi’s quarters, he didn’t immediately see the Oracle, though the sounds of soft music and a knife against a cutting board coming from the kitchen made it apparent why. He did, however, see Delphi’s Ghost floating idly by a bookshelf. She turned as he came in.
“Oh! Crow!” she said, seeming surprised. “I didn’t know you were coming today. Happy Dawning.” 
“Happy Dawning, Artemis,” he said, curious at her tone. He walked over, glancing past her toward the other room. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be here?” 
“No,” she said. “Just…” 
He smiled, faintly. “Is there a reason you’re out here?” The question was punctuated by a particularly aggressive sounding chop from the kitchen. 
Artemis hesitated. 
“Is he all right?” Crow asked. That was a pointless question, he knew. Of course Delphi wasn’t all right. It had been just over a week since the Witness had gotten to the Traveler. Just over a week since Delphi had stopped being able to hear it. He had tried to stay in Neomuna and help with the ongoing effort there, but even Osiris had advised him to take a break and recover. 
“No. And he’s ignoring it,” Artemis said quietly. “You know how he is.” 
“I’ll try to talk to him,” Crow said, stepping around her. He heard the sound of Glint materializing as he went, staying behind to talk to Artemis. 
He walked through into the small kitchen, pausing to watch his partner who hadn’t noticed him yet. Delphi was standing at the counter, chopping an apple into small pieces, with his hair tied back and an apron on. His face was set in what looked like anger, a harsh contrast to the otherwise warm scene, and each chop of the knife was a little too forceful. 
“That apple say something to offend you?” Crow asked. 
It took a moment for Delphi to look at him, his expression only changing a little to add confusion to the irritation. 
Crow gestured at the fruit under his knife. “I’ve just never seen someone cut fruit with so much rage before,” he said. “Are you all right?” he asked, tone softer. 
Delphi stared at him and then abruptly looked back down and kept chopping. “I’m fine,” he said. 
Crow opened his mouth to protest, but he didn’t get a chance before Delphi continued. 
“I’m fine,” he said again, more forcefully. “In fact, I’m better than fine! I’m great! I’m happy! It’s the Dawning, after all, I should be hopeful and happy. And why wouldn’t I be! I’m alive, aren’t I? I’ve still got my Ghost, still got my Light. That’s more than a lot of people have!” 
He didn’t look at Crow as he spoke, still furiously dicing, the knife hitting the cutting board each time with a little more anger. 
“I’m still alive to fight another day! Loss isn’t defeat, that’s what everyone keeps telling me! So I’m great. Everything could end at any second and I’m making cookies because it’s the Dawning and I’m supposed to be happy—” 
As he brought the knife down again, voice raised, it slipped and the blade dug into his finger. Delphi jerked his hand back with a hiss and shook it, the wound almost immediately sealing as Artemis noticed from the other room.
He slammed the knife point first into the cutting board and just held it for a moment, breathing hard, before he looked at Crow again. Almost glaring at him. 
“I’m fine.” 
He looked back down and Crow could see the muscles in his jaw working, a slight shudder working it’s way into his breathing. Crow walked over, cautiously considering Delphi still had a knife in his hand and Crow knew he spent far too much time around hunters. Gently, he pulled Delphi’s hand away from the knife, meeting no resistance, and held it to his chest for a moment before putting his arms around him. Almost immediately, Delphi leaned into him, burying his face against Crow’s chest, fingers digging into his shirt.
Crow didn’t say anything, not sure there was anything he could say or anything he needed to say. Everything Delphi had been repressing since losing the Veil had reached its boiling point. So he just held him while he cried. 
Eventually, Delphi leaned back slightly and looked at Crow. The anger was gone from his expression and he just looked tired. 
“It’s just so quiet,” he said softly. “And I don’t know what to do.” 
Crow tucked a loose strand of hair behind Delphi’s ear, cupping his jaw and lightly kissing his forehead. 
“I think… we should make cookies,” he said. 
Delphi stared at him, his lips twitching in something that wasn’t quite a smile. “Cookies won’t bring the Traveler back.” 
“No. But they might bring you back.” 
Delphi sniffed and then sighed. He nodded once. “Yeah. Okay.” He stepped back. 
“Maybe let me do the chopping though,” Crow said. “Unless we’re flavoring these with radiolarian?” 
Delphi huffed, smiling. He moved aside, letting Crow pull the knife out of the cutting board. “I tried that one year…” he said thoughtfully, as he started measuring other ingredients into a bowl. “Not my own, obviously,” he added, quickly. 
“No, of course not, because that would be gross,” Crow said. 
“It’s not as bad as you’d think,” Delphi insisted, a laugh in his voice. 
“I’ll take your word for it…” 
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I was so lucky growing up. I had to move a lot, so I never had a childhood home, but I always had a roof over my head.
We ate a lot of Kraft dinner, Ramen noodles, but my mom made a home cooked dinner with meat and vegetables and gravy at least once a week if not more, sometimes almost every night. That is incredible. I was fed.
One thing we consistently had to sacrifice was heat. I was always cold in the cold months, we could only turn the heat on briefly and only in the rooms we were using. Off at night where blankets would suffice, off when we knew we would be out. I thought I'd always come home to a cold house.
As an adult, this is my second year being able to leave my heat on. I'm 32. I set it a month ago and it's been on ever since. I'm not cold.
This is... nice
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kamala-laxman · 2 years
Everything in the world is transient, subject to the law of change. Therefore, it cannot be real. What is real must be permanent, and that resides within you. Robert Adams
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touhoutunes · 2 years
Title: カエルグランジ (Frog Grunge)
Arrangement: 平茸
Vocals: 真野紫
Album: Hello, It’s a New World!
Circle: Aftergrow
Original: Faith is for the Transient People
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horce-divorce · 9 months
I hate it when abled people are trying to recommend me jobs like, "oh, wouldn't you like working at the post office? Wouldn't you be good at driving?" Like, YES, I WOULD, IF i was able to do it! If keeping a job for me was as simple as "being good at it" and "liking it okay" I would absolutely not be in this position lmao
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yumeyumeappleo · 2 years
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jackgoodfellow · 1 year
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I need to make a Facebook post soon to update my friends and family on where I'm at in terms of my general wellbeing. I have been very isolated, and while I am getting better, I at least want my friends to know that I have ghosted them due to severe illness rather than a lack of love.
For motivation, I told myself i could make some art to go with it, but uhhh... I think maybe it is too scary for Facebook? 😅 But then again, it is both eye-catching and accurate, even if it doesn't incorporate the kind of righteous rage and feral joy I sometimes find in survival. But that's an art project for another day.
This was basically DIY art therapy. Maybe someday I'll post all the paintings I made when I was in art therapy in IOP! I have tried a lot of different therapies, and art therapy is in my top 3 "therapies that actually work on me." I hope those paintings haven't warped too much in storage...
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