#transiting lilith in Sagittarius 2017
hereticaloracles · 8 years
Lillith in Sagittarius: The Wilds
He was no dragon, Dany thought, curiously calm. Fire cannot kill a dragon.”  – George R. R. Martin, Song of Ice and Fire
Effective Date: February 14th-November 10th, 2017
Helios’ Astrological Angle on Lilith in Sagittarius: Can you hear it? That beat, deep within your soul? That call to your true self, who yearns to be free above all else? That pull to reject expectations and obligations and shuck off anything that seeks to drag you down? That, my friends, is Lilith, and she is waiting for you to join her in the dark hollows of your soul.
Okay, so we made it through our dark night of the soul that was her trip through Scorpio, and now it is time to take her lessons on what we cannot abide and put them into action. It’s no good if we are slaves to our emotions all the time, no, we need to actually be able to do something with them. They need to not be stumbling blocks that stand in our way and trip us up, but instead we need to make them our guide to true liberation.
Lilith in Sagittarius is best thought of as Daenerys Targaryen, her Khaleesi aspect- Queen of the wild riders, and wild in her own right. This is the part of the show where she starts truly owning her own power, and stepping into the role that her destiny demands of her, and this transit will act in a similar fashion. We have to be honest about what it is we want, and not just honest but candid about our desires! Denial of our feelings and emotions keeps us chained in service to some other agenda or agency, and Lilith will not abide that any longer. She refuses to suppress her self in order to glorify someone else’s wishes. No, Mutha does NOT play that! Lilith is wild and free, and going into Sagittarius only exacerbates that. Now even though she doesn’t have things like Rulership, I would give her an Exaltation in Sagittarius. It is just such a natural fit for her, and it will be to us as well.
Now, I know we have been talking a lot about the upswell of activism, protests and outrage on the ground level after the U.S. Elections, but the astro keeps feeding it! Lilith is no stranger to protest- in fact if the bible is to be believed, she is the first human to ever do it! She stood up for her rights and literally refused to lay down and take it, being nothing but a vessel for another’s pleasure with no regard to her own. She refused, and was cast from paradise into the wilds. Now, on first glance that may be a cruel punishment, but in actuality, Lilith got exactly what she wanted. In Eden, she was a toy, a trophy, a slave; After she was exiled, she was free.
I must put in a word of caution however- If you seek change hard enough, you will most likely get it, and not in a way you would like. Often this change comes at great cost, after hard-won battles. To fight for your rights almost always means losing your paradise. You must choose what is most important to you- Comfort or Justice. You cannot have both. Choose well.
Artemis’ Tarot Take on Lilith in Sagittarius:
Cards:  Ace of Cups, Strength, The Chariot
It’s time to get up on that horse and lead the charge.  This is Lilith at her wildest, and that is one reckless and devouring beast!  Do you know that little voice inside of you that says, “Sit down, this isn’t your time.  Just wait.”  Welp.  It’s about to go bye bye.  With Lilith in Saggo, you can expect your desires to rebel to become instinctual.  Someone asks you to lay down your basic human rights?  Fuck no.  Someone insults your lover?  Fuck no.  Someone asks you to turn the volume down just a little?  FUCK.  NO.
So, as you can see, this could uh kinda get in the way sometimes.  But it can also be that match the finally lights a fire under your ass (even after you have been begged by planet after planet to TRANSFORM since the goddamn mutable meltdown in June).  This is like a gang of rouges getting ready to stick up a banker and his wagon – pure raw rage and wild abandon.  I suspect a lot more “black box” anarchism may become a thing because of this transit.  All of the planets are gearing up in political activist mode, and Lilith is no exception to this.  She wants to fight for her higher ideals, and in Saggo she is far more dogmatic about this.  Be ye liberal, anarchist, libertarian, alt right, or whatever the fuck, your behavior due to ideological dogma will become amped the fuck up.
This entire reading is pushed forward by the Ace of Cups, meaning that it is very emotionally charged.  You’ve had it.  You’ve had it to the point that your emotions are spewing out like a fountain; bubbling waters so riddled with emotions it has turned black.  What is it exactly that we feel?  Dread? Anger?  Fear?  I would argue it is an interjection.  Yes.  It is that divine spark deep inside of all of us that refuses to be told it is a mere mechanism that is crying out.  We have been told that we have no power – or minimal power that they will grant us after we petition and ask ever so nicely.  FUCK NO.  We have so much power that we have forgotten about because we have been broken.
So here is what Lilith is going to learn; a herd of wild horses is better at fending off an enemy than just one horse.  Think of it like this: our enemies are trying to tame us, make us into playdough so they can mold us to their pleasing.  Lilith is here to liberate us from becoming broken in, harnessed and paraded around like clowns.  It’s time for some maneuvering.  Sometimes we need our ideals to be fired up – become solidified so that we can have the conviction needed to actually fight for what is ours.  When the whole world is melting the fuck down, you either dance in the chaos or you plow through it like a chariot.  This Lilith wants to brandish a spear and take her place on the battle field, and she knows she is stronger with like minded Amazons taking the charge with her.  Take your independence and help your sisters and brothers gain theirs as well – this is what Lilith in Saggo is demanding of us.  ONWARD!  
Lillith in Sagittarius: The Wilds was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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sometimesabsent · 7 years
my 2017
I guess this year was pretty... unmemorable, meaning that I made pretty slow progress?? Not many extraordinary things, but maybe it was all in the details. - i learned more about myself through schema therapy! and through other school material! - school started giving us more applicable knowledge& I actually went to practice in a hospital, also practiced with a friend. I realized that I enjoy the therapy process, started realizing what it implies more clearly, the whole thing got demistified at last! Now I believe it's something I could do! Not extraordinarily, and also I need much practice to learn applying techniques better and also being more empathic, patient and accepting... improving my listening skills! But I think I can do it  Not sure, oh so not sure about CBT versus other integrative approaches, though...  the comfort of rationality and detachment, or the risk of spontaneity and emotion? or both! - I learned autogenic training, started doing imaginary exposure exercises, used the chair technique with good results, started using suggestion statements... applying techniques on myself! Made coping cards for my schemas and my eating habits - I kept a diary with all the cool stuff I learned about myself this year, I started an astrological diary with stars-events correlations in my and in others' life, continued the gratitude journal and started a new notebook with good words about myself- appreciating my accomplishments instead of brushing them off. - I learned some predictive& occult astrology and I'm on my way of doing the project for participating to the diploma courses! - I had my first astrology clients! A friend's roommate, a school classmate, and a new friend who works in massage/energy therapy! 2/3 were visibly satisfied and Nutzi (the massage lady) even recommended me to one of her clients! - I did the first module of the Prananadi course (a kind of Reiki) and can now use my hands to energize/heal my body (in another way, haha) and also help others! I got rid of some aches using this technique and helped my mom, too! - I had my first past life regression with Nutzi  it shed some light on my issues with men, and then I found Morco, who simultaneously confirmed and infirmed my ideas about guys - I kept teaching English online, in summer I worked 5-6 hrs/day for a month, got a taste of how real life might look with a job  (except 2-3 more hours added to that, heh) - I travelled to England to see Tatiana, went to concerts and festivals in the summer (Summer Well, Electric Castle, Depeche Mode) with my sis, I went to Bucharest alone (and stayed in relatives' house while they were on vacation, hihi), visited Alexandra there also; I went to Brasov with my sis, and to the salt mine in Turda for treatment. It might not sound like much, but this is quite some movement for me! I partly enjoyed it, partly was sick for much of the travelling time, but it was worth it. - I talked to Isabella (girl from my college who I sensed I would get along with) and we became really good pals! I am not attracted to her, it was just a projection, and she's straight anyway- she's a very cozy friend, she feels like home! - I distanced myself from Adina, Maria, Andreea P., Vlad P., Tatiana after spring, Laura stopped talking to me... Alexandra left to Bucharest and we're still talking often, yet I feel a small distance from her, too. It's like I stopped spending time with people who I don't really have so much in common with, and who I was hanging out to just to avoid loneliness... I became more comfortable with solitude, started going alone to movies. I'm happy about this and in the same time I don't want to fully distance myself from my old friends, bcuz they're nice!! - The solitude thing is something that stands alone (hehe)... it's strange and interesting, to enjoy my own company for a change. - I volunteered for the gay films festival in my city and I translated movies; I didn't go to the meetings... It was anxious avoidance, and in the same time I sensed that it wasn't my crowd there. It was a pretty unsuitable time, with my newfound accentuated solitude. I enjoyed having helped, though - I messaged a girl I found on facebook and who seemed interesting, wanting to find out more about her and maybe meet. She got put off by my curiosity and questions and we haven't talked since- again it may seem like a small thing, but I'm glad I messaged her instead of waiting and obsessing over her from a distance, like I'd done with Isabella - I got diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome... I have stomach issues, hormonal issues, bad moods, dizziness and all. I'm under treatment and I'm not sure how much it's helping... - I had attempts to improve my eating habits; I keep falling back to old habits of emotional eating and exaggerating with the sweets, but I did lose a little weight and I won't give up - I established a routine of 30mins of exercise every day, most days. It's not perfect and not always, but it's a habit now!   - I wrote some dada poetry and some regular poetry, both in romanian and in english. I wrote prose for the Aska creative writing group,  but then as the group dismantled, I quit and I found it hard to write again... tried with some stories,  but didn't really succeed. - I read Fingersmith by Sarah Waters and loved it, The Secret History by Donna Tartt,  the self-help book by Jacques Salome (If only I'd listen to myself)- this one helped me tons;  Schema Therapy, my new bible; The Witches by Roald Dahl which made me feel more affection for C. (She loves the book); finished Psychological Types by Jung; read the book on Motivational Interviewing and got floored at how poorly I listen and empathize, and motivated to change;  discovered Spiral theory and Ken Wilber through Morco and got mindblown!   - I tried to revive my passion for drawing mandalas by going to the mandala coloring/drawing group, but that fizzled out!!  Didn't enjoy it enough to keep going - Attachment and jealousy linked to Cristina turned into love... The kind of feeling that I know is love and that seems to have become indestructible. It still has a lot of suffering attached to it (in the summer when I went to Bucharest, I felt like dying of love), but I'm learning to accept that as a part of life. Loving her just seems very important right now and it makes me grateful to be alive. - I enjoyed talking to Andreea and right now I feel a lot of affection for her. - I had continuing issues with assertivity, with Tatiana in England, with dad, with Alexandra, with my therapist. I practiced communication with Alexandra, Isabella and Morco (talking about my feelings and needs) - this happened online and also in real life with Isabella. It didn't bring about the disasters I had anticipated  
- I suppose I also avoided quite some things this year  I'm aware that these were my needs (solitude mostly) and in the same time I'm not entirely happy with this. I quit the job with Otilia, I quit therapy with George... Partly avoidance, partly uncertainty... 2017-2018: in solar return,  ether Sagittarius ascendant, conjunct Saturn... Pluto in 1st house..  Moon-Lilith in the 12th house... In transit, Jupiter return, Saturn in opposition with Moon-Venus and now this opposition in undoing  In SR I have quite some 5th house, I don't really see it manifested  About my list from the start of the year: - It got easier to relax (but far from entirely, it's still a struggle), I slowed down my rhythm of life a litte (especially in the last part of the year) - I managed to integrate relaxation/meditation/exercise in my daily routine, even though still a bit chaotically - I established my list of values more clearly!!  Right now: knowledge, spirituality, security,  mastery, friendship, love, creativity, sincerity.. Knowledge and sincerity: including with myself. Still have trouble with: sincerity, authenticity,  freedom, courage... I'm quite scared to know myself fully and to assume myself to others. - I was a little braver: I came out to my dad (needed to get drunk) and talked to Isabella (through indirectly getting to the point where she asked me to go to the theatre, and then I asked her to hang out) - I learned to enjoy being alone!!!!! And I became less dependent on talking to friends on messenger all the time   - Still kinda dependent on Cristina, I still got super sad and depressed when she didn't talk to me for a while... This abandonment issue I have is still on. - Kept focusing on astrology& completed the 3rd level of the course! - Kept focusing on self-knowledge!! - Worked through my resentment and attachment... Jealousy and judginess of others, I still have to deal with this through self-acceptance first... - Accepted my sex drive as what it is. - Didn't move alone and didn't do the 1-2 day alone trip I was thinking of... The homework Miclea gave us. Still have to do that Overall, it seems that I stuck to my goals decently well  most of them aren't quantifiable, but subjectively, I feel like I took important steps  It wasn't a very easy year, an extraordinary year, a very disciplined year; rather, I became more aware of some issues I have (schemas), I learned more small skills to better manage my emotional issues, I started enjoying being alone and appreciating myself more, I started taking steps to improve my health, I learned psychology and astro, I had fun teaching and going to concerts :) 
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Asteroid ISHTAR [7088] is the main female deity of Ancient Sumeria and represents: "Astrological Wisdom." transiting asteroid Ishtar Sadge 0 degrees 5 min November 29, 2017 conjunct pre-natal new moon total solar eclipse sun + moon sadge 0 degrees 5 min November 22, 1984 I;ts my time . to shine. let's c r e a t e . it doesn't have to last forever. my chariot may await. #destiny #fatetrain #imsmart #youknowit #inanna #asteroids #spreadinglight #justmeanssharingyourgifts #totheworld #leostyle the goddess of L O V E and W A R. i n a nna Let the Sun Shine. i won't stop. November 29, 2017 closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen #venus #blackmoon #lilith #ishtar #kali #sagittariusseason #sagittarius
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2019 planetary overview The Astrology of Year 2019 On this page, you'll find a … [The last Venus retrograde occurred from October 5-November 16, 2018; the …
2018 Planetary Overview . The Astrology of Year 2018. On this page, you’ll find a handy overview of cosmic events—such as eclipses, planetary retrogrades, and other planetary phenomena—in the year 2018.
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