#translation: written in english. but with the hindi alphabet.
oleanderblume · 1 year
Tumblrs bad algorithm believes I am fluent in Hindi. I am most definitely not.
ई जस्ट हवे अ हिंदी कीबोर्ड
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hindisoup · 2 years
Devdas chapter 13 (of 16)
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Chandramukhi and Devdas (Dir: Bhimal Roy 1955)
While reading this chapter where Devdas finds his way back to Chandramukhi's place only to notice her as having closed shop and planning to move away, I paid close attention to the use of verb tenses - I found all the basic tenses present in this chapter:
Present habitual and progressive tenses
Although the simple past tense remains the most common tense to describe past events, when using adverbs like आज or आजकल that clearly refer to the present time irrespective of the time passed between the point of writing or when the events took place, present tenses are used in Hindi:
आजकल हर काम में वह याद आती है। These days she came to mind ever so often.
आज कई दिनों से वे यह सोच रही हैं कि वे काशी जाकर रहेंगी। She considered moving to Varanasi.
Past habitual and progressive tenses
The use of these two tenses in a novel that is mainly written in the past tense seems natural to me. They complement the story told in the simple past by highlighting certain actions or states as being habitual or progressive.
देवदास भी यही चाहता था। Devdas was of the same mind.
नए ढंग की बातचीत उसे थोड़ा दुख दे रही थी। These new sentiments were very distressful to him.
Present perfect
This tense describes actions or state of affairs that have ended or have been completed in the past but their effect is still felt in the present. The following examples are a bit grim perhaps, but we can see here that the tenses match in Hindi and in English.
“मेरे पिताजी चल बसे हैं।” "My father has passed away."
पति के मरने के साथ ही उनका सारा सुख खत्म हो गया है। With her husband's death all joy seemed to have gone out of her life.
Past perfect
According to textbooks, this tense is used for actions that have ended or have been completed in the past and the effect of which is no longer felt or present - it sounds simple enough and seems to correlate with the use of English tense describing activities that had been done in the past.
इतने दिनों तक वह कतई याद नहीं आई थी। In all these days he had never once thought of her.
ज़रा अँधेरा भी हो गया था। It was quite dark as well (lit. it had become quite dark)
The following examples highlight that Hindi sentences in past perfect do not necessarily translate naturally into English past perfect when writing prose (translation by Penguin Books).
I believe that the past perfective in Hindi can be used to indicate that the past action is not only completed, but also happened quite some time ago:
“लेकिन अगर कभी वक्त आए, तब तुम, हो सकता है यह देख सको कि मैंने सही बात कही थी।” "But if the time ever comes, you will know that I spoke the truth."
“उसी ने तुम्हें पहले प्यार किया था, उसी ने पहले तुम्हें यह बताया था।” "She loved you first, she spoke of it first."
And it can also be used in negative sentences to discuss actions that have not been completed to this day or never before until now.
“तो तुम इतने दिनों तक क्यों नहीं गई थी?” "Why haven't you gone yet?"
“कभी इस तरह से तुम्हारा हाथ पकड़कर मैं तुमसे बात नहीं कर पाई थी।” "I have never held your hands and talked."
Vocabulary after the bump!
अधर्म - impious, irreligious, sinful (adjective) अधीन - subordinate, subject, under (adjective) अनायास - effortlessly, simply (adverb) अशांति - unrest, turmoil, chaos (feminine) अशौच - impurity (masculine) असबाब - goods, stuff, property (masculine) असहनीय - unbearable (adjective) अस्थिर - unsteady, unfixed (adjective) अस्पष्ट - vague, unclear (adjective) आकर्षण - attraction (masculine) इरादतन - purposefully, intentionally (adverb) ककहरा - alphabet (masculine) कलंकिनी - stigma (feminine) काशी - ancient name of Varanasi खुमारी - happiness (feminine) गड़ना - to burrow, bury oneself (intransitive) गया-गुज़रा - wasted, bad, no-good, unworthy (adjective) चिता - funeral pyre (feminine) चुका देना - to settle, pay off, repay (transitive) चौपट - ruined, destroyed (adjective) छोर - end, edge (masculine) जूट - jute, hemp (masculine) झोंक में - on a whim (adverb) टकटकी - gaze, stare (feminine) टुकुर-टुकुर - staringly (adverb) ठेठ - genuine, authentic (adjective) डबडबाना - to fill with tears (intransitive) तन - body (masculine) तृप्ति - satisfaction, contentment (feminine) तैनात - appointed, posted, put on watch (adjective) दलाली - brokerage, dealing (feminine) दिवालिया - bankrupt (adjective) दौलतमंद - rich (adjective) निछावर करना - to sacrifice (life or wealth) (transitive) परचूनी - grocer (masculine) पहले की बनिस्बत - compared to before (adverb) प्रफुल्लित - laughing, smiling, blooming (adjective) फरेबी - fraudulent, scamming, cunning (adjective) बक़ाया - outstanding, remaining, leftover (adjective) बरसी - death anniversary (feminine) बुनना - to knit, weave, plait (transitive) भद्र - good, kind (adjective) मन के मुताबिक - according to one's mind मसख़री - joke, joking (feminine) मोह - infatuation, attachment (masculine) रीझना - to be enchanted, fascinated (intransitive) शर्म के मारे - out of shame (adverb) शाबाशी - applause (feminine) स्पष्ट - clear, obvious (adjective) हड़प लेना - to grab, to annex for oneself unjustly (transitive)
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skiddo-xy · 2 years
Farsi Persian vs. Dari Persian: What's The Difference?
Let's start with this: Farsi and Dari are both mutually intelligible dialects of the Persian language. Farsi is the official language in Iran and Dari is one of the two official languages of Afghanistan. Many people consider them to be the same. The question is: are they, in facct, the same?
First, let's consider the similarities.
What's the same?
Farsi (فا��سی) and Dari (دری) use the same standard alphabet. This alphabet is a variation of the Arabic alphabet, often called the "Perso-Arabic" alphabet.
The pronunciation difference between Farsi and Dari is said to be similar to the difference between American English and British English.
Adding onto the previous point, the consonants appear to be pronounced the same way
Most of the vocabulary is the same (see below).
The basic grammar is the same.
What's different?
While Farsi and Dari both use the same alphabet, the average literacy rate in Afghanistan is about 46% lower than that of Iran. By consequence, Dari is written considerably less than Farsi.
Dari uses more English loanwords than Farsi. Iranian linguists are seen to be more passionate about preserving Iranian Persian.
Pronunciation-wise, Dari is believed by some Iranians to be the Persian spoken prior to the Soviet invasion.
Generally, Dari uses more Turkish and Mongolian loanwords than Farsi does.
Some everyday vocabulary in the two languages. For example, the word for "thank you" in Dari is "تشكر" (tashakor) which is the same word in Arabic while in Farsi, the word for "thank you" is "مرسی" (mersi) comes from the French word for thank you (merci). Another example of
Dari has more dialects of the language spoken by the several ethnic minorities in Afghanistan. Farsi, on the other hand, has less dialects.
Vowels are often pronounced differently.
In my opinion, Dari and Farsi are (sort of) different languages.
While they possess many similarities, the vocabulary and pronunciation is too big for me to consider them to be two different languages. However, they are not as different as Spanish and Portuguese are. They can be understood with ease, though they are unmistakably different. Another reason why I can consider them to be different languages is that they are spoken in different countries - similar to how Hindi and Urdu are considered to be two different languages.
Do you speak/study either of the languages and have a different opinion? Let me know!
Sources: Discover Discomfort, Britannica (Dari Language), Diplomatic Language Services, Translators Without Borders, Wikipedia (Iranian Persian), Wikipedia (Dari) Britannica (Languages of Afghanistan).
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How do programming languages with regard to different human languages? Since it's all set terms can you just set your coding software of choice to a different language and it'll just translate that code into that programming language but in spanish or japanese? or do all the mainstream coding languages just work in english only?
things like vairable names and comments work fine in any language, so long as the IDE and compiler has access to than language's alphabet in their font database. Things like loop names, variable types, and native object and function names, however, only exist in the language the programming language has support for. For example, 'print' is always print in Python. You can actually see a good examples of this in, of all things, the dragon maid anime:
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about 1/3rd of all programming languages are made in english speaking countries, and even languages that aren't made in english speaking countries often use english syntax for international appeal. Python was made in the netherlands, Ruby in japan, but both use English syntax.
That being said, there's lots of programming langauges with non-english syntaxt. Qalib in Arabic, Nadeshko in japanese, Kalaam.io in hindi, etc. There's even programming lagnauges for more niche languages, for instance Lusus is written with Latin syntax.There are also several translations of popular/important programming languages into other natural languages, for instance Python and Basic have both been translated into numerous other languages like Chinese and German. There are even a small handful of programming languages that are meant to be international, and have native support for syntax in multiple languages.
That being said, most of the programming languages with a meaningful market share are written in english, and even if an existing translation exists many companies use the original english syntax since it's easier for international workers to work on the code. Native english speakers have a big leg up on the rest of the world, since the syntax is in their native language, and most of the documentation in their language is easily available and up to date. It's a lot harder to 'just learn to code bro' when the only language with syntax in your natural language is 10 years out of date!
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hinditypinggei62 · 2 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypingsis62 · 5 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypingsg94 · 6 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypingbro62 · 7 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypinggnd90 · 8 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
0 notes
hinditypinggnd62 · 8 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypingbj63 · 10 months
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypingtu-81 · 1 year
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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hinditypingtu67 · 1 year
From Transliteration to Translation: The Journey of Hindi Typing
Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script to another, while translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. In this article, we will explore the journey of Hindi typing from transliteration to translation.
In the early days of Hindi typing, transliteration was the most common method used to write Hindi on computers. Transliteration allowed users to type Hindi using the English alphabet. This method was popular among users who were not familiar with the Hindi keyboard layout and found it easier to type Hindi using the English alphabet.
Transliteration was not without its challenges, as it required users to remember the transliteration rules and follow them consistently. For example, the word "नमस्ते" (Namaste) would be written as "namaste" in English transliteration. The use of transliteration also led to inconsistencies in spelling, as users often used different transliteration rules.
Despite its challenges, transliteration was widely used for Hindi typing, especially for casual communication and social media.
As technology advanced, Unicode became the standard for digital text representation. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that allows text to be represented in any language, including Hindi. Unicode assigns a unique code to each character, allowing computers to accurately display text in different scripts.
The introduction of Unicode allowed Hindi typing to move beyond transliteration and use the Hindi keyboard layout for accurate and consistent typing. The Hindi keyboard layout is based on the Inscript standard and has specific keys for each Hindi character.
The latest advancement in Hindi typing is the use of translation tools. Translation tools allow users to translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. These tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to understand the context and meaning of the text and provide accurate translations.
Translation tools have made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi without the need for a human translator. They have also made it possible for businesses to expand their reach by translating their content into Hindi.
Some popular translation tools for Hindi include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator.
The Future of Hindi Typing
The future of Hindi typing looks promising, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements are expected to make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
Voice recognition technology is also expected to revolutionize Hindi typing, allowing users to dictate their text instead of typing it manually. This technology will be particularly useful for users who find typing challenging or have disabilities that make typing difficult.
In conclusion, Hindi typing has come a long way from its early days of transliteration to the present time of advanced translation tools. The use of Unicode and the Hindi keyboard layout has made it easier for users to type Hindi accurately and consistently. The use of translation tools has made it possible for Hindi speakers to communicate with people who do not speak Hindi. With the advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the future of Hindi typing looks promising, and we can expect further advancements that will make Hindi typing more accessible and easier for users.
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devnagri · 2 years
The need for English to Hindi Transliteration in the banking industry
The practice of translating a language from one writing method to another is transliteration.
Transliteration converts characters or fields from one alphabet to another without focusing on the underlying meaning. It phonetically represents the sounds of the words in another language.
Transliteration aids in reading the words written in foreign scripts by showing the sound of the words using the equivalent Latin letters. Most people do not realize the significance of transliteration until they encounter an unfamiliar language that does not use the Latin alphabet.
English-to-Hindi transliteration has gained immense popularity in the last few years. In every business, knowing many languages is a must. Expanding your business with Indian clients requires you to have English to Hindi transliteration skills.
A successful organization will ensure that both parties should understand each other since it is the most pivotal goal in any business. And that is why English-to-Hindi transliteration is considered a vital solution in your banking and finance company.
Today, we will discuss the critical advantages of hiring professional transliteration solutions for the banking and finance industry.
Professional transliteration solutions guarantee accuracy:
The banking and finance industry transliterates data from one writing script to another. With the process, you can encounter several foreign words, and here you aim to make your document as relevant as possible.
Financial transliterations require more than literary work because it is complex. Since the transliterations are technical, they demand accurate detail.
Professional maintain confidentiality:
Your bank information holds your company’s reputation, and no one may leak them. Experienced staff members will maintain confidentiality and your privacy with their work. People you have shared your financial information with must be trustable and reliable.
Experienced and knowledgeable:
Knowledge and previous experience are critical for banking and financial paper transliteration. Expert transliterators have an extensive apprehension of the system to give quality work with accuracy. The agency you chose for your English to Hindi transliteration must be capable of handling complex financial languages and terminologies.
The bank data has many short texts & industry-specific definitions, and some software can interfere with these terms. It is always better to get professional help for banks and financial work.
Professionals have rules of language at their fingertips:
Language is necessary to ensure legalization in the banking and financial industry. It proves that customers can trust your financial-related solutions. With an unfamiliar writing system, it can become almost impossible to make accurate transliterations, which is why professional English-to-Hindi transliteration agencies can help you get the utmost relevant transliterations.
Fast results:
The banking field requires speed transliterations since it undergoes rapid changes frequently. It is essential to provide new information and knowledge to clients timely. With professional English-to-Hindi transliterations, you can make fast changes and carry speed with the financial system.
Banking transliterations involve many legal documents and require several layers of proofreading, so hiring well-known English to Hindi transliteration agencies with certified professionals to get reliable results is a must.
Source: The need for English to Hindi Transliteration in the banking industry
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statsgreys · 2 years
Emcee definition
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Rapping: Refers to “spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics.” MC has also recently been accepted to refer to all who engineer music.” These MCs eventually created a new style of music called hip-hop based on the rhyming they used to do in Jamaica and the breakbeats used in records. The term MC continued to be used by the children of women who moved to New York City to work as maids in the 1970s. He would also make announcements such as the schedule of other events or advertisements from local sponsors. At each event, there would be a master of ceremonies who would introduce the different musical acts and would say a toast in style of a rhyme, directed at the audience and to the performers. “The use of the term MC when referring to a rhyming wordsmith originates from the dance halls of Jamaica. The hip-hop group, A Tribe Called Quest, included this statement in the liner notes to their 1993 album Midnight Marauders: James Brown had the lyrics, moves, and soul that greatly influenced a lot of rappers in hip-hop and arguably even started the first MC rhyme.Īs with some rappers, there was distinction, such as for MC Hammer who acquired the nickname “MC” for being a “Master of Ceremonies”, which he used when he began performing at various clubs. comes from, means just keeping the party alive.” Many people in hip-hop including DJ Premier and KRS-One feel that James Brown was the first MC. As Kool G Rap notes, “masters of ceremony, where the word M.C. MC can often be used as a term of distinction, referring to an artist with good performance skills. Some use this word interchangeably with the term rapper or emcee, while for others the term denotes a conception and demonstration of the role indicative of skill and of connection to the wider culture. As hip-hop progressed, the title MC acquired backronyms such as ‘mike chanter’, ‘microphone controller,’ ‘microphone checker,’ ‘music commentator,’ and one who ‘moves the crowd’. In hip-hop music, an MC, or rapper, is a music artist and/or performers who usually creates and performs vocals for his/her own original material.Īn MC uses rhyming verses, pre-written or ad lib (“freestyled”), to introduce the DJ with whom they work, to keep the crowd entertained or to glorify themselves. An MC usually presents performers, speaks to the audience, entertains people, and generally keeps the event moving. This English to Hindi Dictionary helps you to improve your Hindi as well as English.A Master of Ceremonies is the official host of a staged event or similar performance. It is widely spoken by 10 million people living North Indian States like Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Parts of Rajasthan. One of the Official Language of India is Hindi. Hindi languages is one of the oldest language which has roots laid back in around 10th Century AD. English is the 2nd Language learned by most of the people. Especially English language becomes common and connects people across the globe with each other. One of the widely spoken languages across the globe is English. , Hindi English Dictionary will assist you to know the meaning of words from English to Hindi alphabets. Usage of a dictionary will help you to check the translation in Hindi, synonyms, antonyms and similar words which will help in bringing up the vocabulary. Translation in hindi language for emcee with similar and opposite words presented by About English Hindi Dictionary Know the meaning of emcee word from this page in hindi and English.
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srbachchan · 3 years
DAY 4699
Jalsa, Mumbai                    Jan 10/11,  2021                 Sun/Mon 12:03 AM
BLOG का प्रारम्भ किसी Ef की वर्ष गाँठ से होता है  ; आज किसी Ef का जन्म नहीं लिखा है , लिखा है,  तो हिंदी दिवस का जन्म दिवस , और इस पुण्य अवसर पे मैं अपनी और समस्त साथियों की ओर से , आज के दिन की शुभ शुभ कामनाएँ दे रहा हूँ ।
Pramod Kumar Pandey"निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल,बिनु निज भाषा ज्ञान के, मिटै न हिय को शूल"''अपने देश की सब प्रकार से उन्नति करो। ..अपनी भाषा में उन्नति करो।''-भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र
'निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल, बिन निज भाषा ज्ञान के, मिटन न हिय के सूल'। मतलब मातृभाषा की उन्नति बिना किसी भी समाज की तरक्की संभव नहीं है तथा अपनी भाषा के ज्ञान के बिना मन की पीड़ा को दूर करना भी मुश्किल है।
“ without the progress or advancement of your mother tongue, the achievements of any society is not possible ; and without the knowledge of your own language, to remove that pain in the mind , is also very difficult ..”
ये FB पर Pandey जी ने लिखा था । मुझे अच्छा लगा , सो यहाँ डाल दिया  कॉपी पेस्ट कर के ! 
लेकिन बहुत से ऐसे भी मिले FB पर जिन्होंने जो लिखा , उसपर एक उत्तर देना मैंने अनिवार्य समझ ।
ये थे Ketan Patel :
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बीस बादाम में जब एक खट्टा बादाम निकलता है , तो उसका स्वाद कुछ ओर ही होता है  ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
जितनी बार तुम हमें ठोकोगे , उतनी बार हम फिर ठोकने के लिए खड़े हो जाएँगे  !
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So on the occasion of Hindi Day .. I thought it appropriate to write in Hindi , yet be able to translate the gist of the writing to those Hindi challenged Ef ..
The earlier portion was part of a poem written by the great poet Bhartendu Harishchandra born 1800′s in Kashi, now Benaras/ Varanasi .. that has been given apt translate ..
The later portion of the Blog is the comment made in FB by one Ketan Patel who firstly addresses me sarcastically as Inquilab Srivastava .. a well guided missile harping on my supposed earlier name Inquilab ( revolution ) and Shrivastava my family caste surname .. in India as many know the surname depicts the caste of the person, in this caste system society ..
He said, in English alphabets, that I was not a true Hindi person and that I was a person against Hinduism and Hindus, (which is my religion) , as many know . And he threatened me that I should stop playing around with the sentiments of Hindus , else my fate would be that of Raavan and Kans .. ( Raavan was the evil in the Ramayan, destroyed by Lord Ram ; and Kans the evil, was destroyed by Lord Krishna )
I responded by saying’ if you are so prone to Hindi, maybe you should have used Hindi alphabets instead of the English’ ; and that, ‘for truth not to be known is possible at times , but the propagation of a lie, pollutes your character ‘
On the occasion of Hindi Day I wished him and his family from me and my family , and said ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ .. Long live the Revolution .. a slogan that was coined at the time when we Indians , were fighting the British for our Independence .. I also pointed out to him ‘that his sarcastic reference to my Caste based Surname was inappropriate, when all know that me and my family have never believed in the caste system and that my Father , being a Shrivastava, removed his surname and changed it to his nome de plume, Bachchan, which does not depict any caste or gives any indication towards it ..and that is something you Mr Patel have not observed because you use your surname to depict your caste .. !!!’
‘Now you tell me Mr Ketan Patel, who is Raavan and who Kans !!’ 🤣🤣🤣
... and ending the Blog with a previous Blog line .. 
that .. “the number of times you shall thrash and beat me to the ground , I shall get up and thrash and beat you back, the same number of times .. “ 
In the 20 almonds that one eats , when that one sour almond comes up .. it tastes different, but, good too .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That was in a response to the odd negative abuse or troll, as they call it today, that comes up in the social media ..
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Good night dearest Ef .. and my love to all ..
The pictures be .. the first from work ..  the second , as I write this post from my desk ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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