#transmasc!Sasha anyone??
cologona · 4 months
I think Sasha must not have been very close to her mother, or they had a strained relationship. Because despite knowing her father is a henchman and saying her mother was right that he was “no good” she still chose to follow him to Gotham of all places. Not just that, she stayed there. The entire time she was running around with Jason, Sasha wasn’t an orphan. Her mother was still alive, in Russia! Did she ever call her mother to tell her what happened? Did she visit (perhaps while Jason was in prison?) If she did then she didn’t stay, because in the end when Jason asks her where she wants to go she asks to stay with him.
Now I don’t read Jason and Sasha as father/daughter (among other reasons, Dick calls her Jason’s girlfriend) but I definitely think there’s a parallel between her relationship with her father and her relationship with Jason.
I’m not convinced that Sasha shares the same conviction in killing for the greater good that Jason has. I don’t think she’s really thinking about the greater good at all really- she just loves Jason and knows he loves her back. That’s all she needs. It’s interesting that she has this element of… innocent apathy(?) to her.
Another parallel: Jason’s first official kill was Egon, and he did it because he cared. Likewise, Sasha’s first kill was her own father and she did it as a mercy. If she had been allowed to stick around the story longer, what would her morals have turned out to be like?
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lockandkeyhyena · 5 months
i know whipping girl is primarily focused on the transfeminine side of things but as a trans guy i already think it has some super interesting things to say about transmasculinity.
While trans people on the female-to-male (FTM) spectrum face discrimination for breaking gender norms (i.e., oppositional sexism), their expressions of maleness or masculinity themselves are not targeted for ridicule-to do so would require one to question masculinity itself.
like obviously trans men face transphobia in different ways than trans women but i’d never thought of it in that specific way- it’s a really good point. my masculinity specifically has never been mocked but rather the fact that i am performing it at all.
its a really interesting way to point out the differences in oppression that trans men and trans women face. while a trans woman might be mocked for being too feminine, a trans guy isn’t (at least in my experience) mocked for being too masculine, rather for attempting to attain masculinity at all. femininity for trans women is seen as unattainable where as for trans men it’s seen as inescapable. whichever way you look, the concept of womanhood is being weaponised against trans people. as is such, transphobia towards trans men and trans women both stems from misogyny.
i’d love to hear some other trans guys thoughts on this! do you agree? or have you been in a situation where your masculinity has been mocked?
i think i’ll post excerpts of my favourite bits as i read through, even just these first few pages have been great. if anyone thinks i’m completely off base with my analysis let me know haha.
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chillykitty · 1 year
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the boyfriends
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t4tdanvis · 1 year
My friend who's never watched Mystreet gives headcanons of characters (part one maybe :3)
Gene - as a teenager, had no idea what being emo actually was but tried anyways. Has a twitter account but never posts anything and rarely ever goes on it. Lots of hair clips and also says "uwu" unironically
Sasha - extremely homophobic but also gay. Would call you slurs
Zenix - country gay. Says slurs not out of malice but because he doesn't know what they mean. His twitter bio probably says "gone fishing"
Dante - transmasc and pan but gets zero bitches
Travis - transfem but like, doesn't tell anyone or say anything about it, but doesn't correct people if they say "ma'am". Also aroace and pan. And he plays fortnite unironically
Vylad - acts like Draco Malfoy but fruitier. Has a reddit account but is only a part of meme subreddits and doesn't know anything about the bad parts. The only video game he plays is Hollow Knight and he only talks about Hollow Knight
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
Bob burger gender and seuxality inspired by @koko-raccoon
bob - bisexual and cisgender-ish but also he's had this interaction with louise at least once
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linda - she's a supportive cishet ally but she's had Lesbian experiences in her youth so who could say. she also dated gay men in high school to help them stay closeted so she's an unofficial member of the lgbtq community <3 she's like dolly parton yknow
gene - genderfluid and pansexual maybe?? or gay? I don't have a lot of thoughts on his sexuality tbh
tina - polyamorous and straight. definitely a Girl but her being transfem also makes sense in my head so she's either trans or cis either way she's very much a girl. maybe bisexual but like 10% attracted to girls and 90% boys. a pretty girl who was a customer at the restaurant smiled at her once and she thought about it for the next week
louise - agender and uhh.... lesbian? aroace?? one of those she isn't sure yet. she loves rudy no matter what though. maybe demiromantic asexual. Triple A louise (aromantic asexual agender she identifies with NOTHING)
gayle - she's a lesbian but she doesn't know that. she's cis but in an agender way <- does not follow up on this or explain myself at all
jimmy jr - aroace & cis
zeke - he's transmasc and straight
tammy - cis lesbian
jocelyn - also lesbian :) and transfem but she transitioned when she was pretty young i think. she was one of those four year olds who told their mom they were supposed to be born a girl and her family just kinda went with it and she was on hormone blockers by 5th grade ("Good for her")
rudy - straight but possibly transfem in which case he'd be a lesbian. not sure. definitely has egg vibes
darryl - he's cishet </3 but his lovely girlfriend is bisexual so he's that type of guy who would be at pride anyway (does not clarify who his girlfriend is. doesnt matter)
teddy - bisexual and asexual bcuz @koko-raccoon helped me see the vision. he does not know asexuality is a thing. could see him as transmasc too for sure. also polyamorous but in a casual way its not something he'd actively seek out but he wouldn't mind being in a relationship with multiple people either (same w/ bob and linda) he's got such a big heart
mort - he's never labelled himself but i think he wouldn't question it if he was in a relationship with a guy or found himself attracted to one. he's easy. maybe he'd just label himself as queer
mr frond - probably transfem and definitely bisexual. also asexual i think
mr ambrose - going to quote @koko-raccoon here bcuz they got it exactly accurate. don't need to reinvent the wheel. "no label. Uses queer to describe himself. Will go by any pronouns and will fuck anyone and it will be considered gay sex no matter who you are"
sasha - gay and came out at like age 7
duncan - also gay and nonbinary somehow. he/they energy
marshmallow - transfem lesbian
calvin - bisexual but is more into men than women. maybe like 30/70 attraction wise
felix - has questioned his gender identity on at least five seperate occasions but it never goes anywhere bcuz its too stressful for him and he's a little crazy. always feels like he's "queer" somehow but he knows he isn't attracted to men so he doesn't know what else it could be. dressed up in his mom's clothes and makeup ALL THE TIME as a kid. dont worry she'll get there eventually
gretchen - straight but transfem
jimmy pesto - horrible horrible Gay man who has to work through 500 layers of internalized homophobia. he's like a gay man trapped in the body and mind of a 1950s husband
andy - aroace
ollie - demiromantic straight and asexual
harley - pansexual and she gets a little nonbinary w/ it. collects microlabels like stickers when she's older
henry haber - cishet but also supports his awesome pansexual girlfriend (susmita) him and darryl should form a club
susmita - pansexual as previously mentioned
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trickster-tabby · 2 years
Campers in my camp camp au
Under the cut so anyone uninterested doesn't have to see this long ass post lmao
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Maxwell "Max" Lee
Age: 17
Gender: trans male, he/him xe/xem
Sexuality: pansexual polyamorous
Romantic partners: Preston and Sasha
Mixed Indian and Black American. Adoptive son of David Lee
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Neil Johnson
Age: 18
Gender: transmasc nonbinary, he/him it/its
Sexuality: queer
Romantic partner: Harrison
Jewish American
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Nicolette "Nikki" Smith
Age: 17
Gender: cis female, she/her they/them
Sexuality: lesbian aromantic
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Preston Goodplay
Age: 17
Gender: nonbinary, they/them
Sexuality: gay
Romantic partner: Max
Canadian American
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Harrison River
Age: 18
Gender: cis male, he/him
Sexuality: bisexual polyamorous
Romantic partners: Neil and Nerris
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Nerris the Cute
Age: 17
Gender: nonbinary, she/her elf/elfs they/them
Sexuality: unlabeled
Romantic partner: Harrison
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Gayle "Nurf" Nurfington
Age: 19
Gender: trans female, she/him (she wants people to refer to him like this)
Sexuality: straight
- (last one is an oc) -
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Peyton Drew
Age: 11
Gender: cis female, she/her
Sexuality: questioning
British American
Peyton is just like Max was when he was young. Angry, refuses to cooperate with the counselors, swears every other sentence. Max takes her under his wing and helps her learn to change like Max did
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moistvonlipwig · 1 year
Amphibia fandom, numbers #1,3,8,10,17,18,22,25
the character everyone gets wrong
I feel like this applies to all three of Anne and Sasha and Marcy lol...like Anne is not some innocent victim of cruel Sasha, she sucks real bad all on her own and that's what makes her growth so joyous to watch...and Sasha is not evil and tbh she's not even that mean, she's controlling to Anne obviously and that's not okay but she's not like pointlessly cruel, she's just a 13 year old girl who got put in by far the worst situation in Amphibia out of the three of them...and Marcy is not an uwu innocent baby with horrible abusive parents, she straight up kidnapped her friends and then tried to do it again because she's, again, 13 years old and can't handle the thought of losing her friends. 13 year olds can be very cruel and impulsive and selfish but they're still kids and they can still grow and Amphibia doesn't shy away from either of those truths but I feel like the fandom does not have a good grasp on them lol.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
When people say Grime was a good influence on Sasha. I love Grime, he is my second favorite character after Sasha herself, but he was an adult who manipulated a 13-year-old girl he had imprisoned into helping him enact state-sponsored violence which he enjoyed perpetuating because he was, per his own words, "just a bully in a tower." Even in S2 when they become genuine friends, he encourages her to lie to her friends and help him take over Amphibia. Don't get me wrong, I loved their relationship throughout the show for how odd and funny and mutually-manipulative and, yes, strangely touching it could be, but it wasn't actually healthy or positive until Grime came back to help Sasha defend Wartwood in "Turning Point".
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Any variant of "Marcy should've stayed in Amphibia". Um...no? First of all the lesson she needed to learn was not to hide from change but to accept and embrace it so yes she needed to go back and accept that her parents were moving. Second of all...did y'all want her to never see her friends again or...??? Like I don't think Marcy would've liked that very much! Tbh there's probably more egregiously bad takes out there but that one's the most common bad take I've seen.
worst part of fanon
I feel a little bad about this one because I know headcanons can be very personal especially ones around gender but whyyy is masc!Sasha/butch!Sasha/transmasc!Sasha such a common headcanon. That girl is sooo feminine.
there should be more of this type of fic/art
There should be more art of DOMINO because she is a cute lil kitty cat. And Anne Boonchuy would agree with me. :3
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
"Temple Frogs"!!! Why do I never see anyone talking about "Temple Frogs"!!! It's the best episode of 3A in my opinion. The reveal that Mrs. Boonchuy had all that tupperware she had to return in the first place because the community at the Thai temple cooked for her and her husband while Anne was gone...bro that got to me. ;_; And seeing the Plantars get involved at the Thai temple was sooo sweet, especially Hop Pop learning about khon. <3 It also has great character development for Anne as she returns to a more selfish and ungrateful mode of thinking before her mom calls her out and she realizes how valuable her community is.
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I love how the show depicts Amphibian society such that long before Andrias is revealed to be evil there are subtle but very noticeable hints of the rot underneath the glamor of Newtopia. The fact that the frogs of Wartwood are unfazed by political corruption and are so quick to turn on outsiders and each other -- the fact that the toads despite their apparent power over the frogs are stuck living in a tower engaging in near-constant violence -- the fact that Grime used to be a gladiator implying the existence of an underclass or possibly even slave class of toads who battle each other for the newts' entertainment and to gain power over each other -- the fact that Newtopia looks as nice as it does even though the rest of this is true...the worldbuilding is so well-done and paints such a convincing portrait of a society that keeps its lower classes battling at each other's throats so that they don't band together to fight against the upper classes who keep exploiting their labor and who in turn are little more than tools of the empire themselves. And the show does all of this without acting like the frogs are all pure angels or the newts are all evil aristocrats...they're all just people amphibians.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"Why wasn't Anne sad 24/7 about Marcy in 3A??? :(" Well, because Amphibia is a sitcom about frogs. And because Anne compartmentalizes and refused to believe Marcy was dead to begin with. And also she had a lot going on in 3A. But perhaps most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, Amphibia is a sitcom about frogs.
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mintcaboodle · 3 years
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one of my fav characters of all time
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
This is directed at no one in particular and totally nobody’s fault because I never made an official statement about it but I wanted to make it clear:
Heart is they/them
Wit is she/her
Strength is it/its
And just because they’re Eldritch horrors who’ve committed unspeakable evils doesn’t mean you’re allowed to misgender them
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the weirdest thing about Draikinator i can think of is when people were calling them out not on the 'sent p0rn to minor' thing but on the.. having too many LGBT headcanons thing? like istg when i was first looking for list of fucked up things Nate did, the top list was full of only 'uh they bad bc they have too many LGBT headcanons and its bad :///' which is so fucking bizarre. there was a video about it too, and 90% comments were 'thats right, their headcanons are bad, wow they suck'. nothing about the p0rn thing or Nate's bizarre Mapleshade obsession and woobifycation or anything. man what a weird time that was, when WC fans would ignore sending inappropriate and gross shit to kids, while being angry at headcanoning x character as trans or something.
yeah like. on the one hand draik had some fucking Rancid headcanons (ftm silverstream and mtf tigerheart are just. so fucking bad) but like.. people were never talking about those they were talking about how they headcanoned spottedleaf as an ace lesbian and that's stupid. like. Priorities
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 years
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They say, "Don't dare, don't you even go there, cutting off your long hair. You do as you're told"
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gerrydelano · 4 years
i’ve been sitting on this for a while, but i’m tired.
there is an undercurrent of transmisogyny here, as is true in every space, and i’m far from the first person to point it out. however, a recent, more direct instance of it has made it clear that some more explicit conversation is in order.
this post is only intended to encourage you to ask yourself some questions, as we should all be doing anyway. so, if you haven’t done so in a while, this is your sign to pause and reflect.
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EDIT 3/15/2021: okay, really quick! i received a heads up that this post has some unintentionally misleading phrasing, so i’m going to fix a bit of it, but i want to make some things EXTRA clear from the start to avoid any misinterpretation.
while this post is talking about transfem HCs on a broad scale, it did start in response to a specific instance regarding an amab nb/transfem guy HC, and i want to make it very clear that when i talk about him, i’m not HCing him as a trans woman.
in trying to make this broader and more educational, i DID miss a few steps, and for that i apologize! i was admittedly caught up in my feelings about that situation and in turn didn’t broaden the discussion quite enough — i should have said most of this when i first wrote the post.
as a rule, and as many trans women have said themselves, do not portray canon men as trans women. don’t do it! just don’t. 
it gives off the impression that trans women are just men, or are related to them in a fundamental/functional way, which is bioessentialism and transmisogyny.
if you’re going to HC anyone as a trans woman, look at the female characters in whatever you’re consuming! they are right there. they could be trans! 
so do NOT base your trans HCs on the sound of someone’s voice, or anything physical like that. it speaks loudly about how we view trans women, and it’s rooted in some dangerous lines of thinking.
in terms of myself, i want to make clear that the HC i primarily discuss here is not my only transfem HC. i personally HC sasha and georgie as trans women, jon as amab nb who rejects western terminology altogether and never transitions in any way, and gerry as a transfem gay guy who just goes on E as a major part of his recovery process, and as a way to reclaim his sense of self. that is it! so in no way is the discussion below about gerry insinuating i HC him as a trans woman: i emphatically do not, and reject that idea loudly.
for more information on how “transmasc” and “transfem” encompass a wide array of experiences, check out this post that ren linked in an ask they got dismantling the idea of a trans girl tim HC, which is a bad move.
once again, the post below did mainly begin in response to a conversation about amab nonbinary visibility, and i should have been more careful about shortening it to “transfem” broadly because it could have been read as me saying that this guy character is a trans woman. not at ALL what i meant, and if any TME folks reading this do that kind of thing yourselves, i kindly ask you to cut that shit out.
so, now, i’m just editing some of the wording below to align with these clarifications, but i still wanted to be fully transparent about the fact that i did overlook how certain phrasing might sound and achieved the opposite of what i meant! full responsibility, am very thankful that i was told. here we go!
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for context: a friend of mine made a post about how some trans HCs actively diminish important elements of the story and of those characters, and it received an unsolicited, frankly hostile response that more or less said, “you’re right that [character] reads as amab nb in canon, but i still HC him as transmasc because i want to lol.”
conversation about the issue of erasure did continue and become more civil, but it didn’t result in a change in behavior which leads me to believe they have no idea what their intial response implies. so, i just want to shed some light on that, because there are things we ALL miss, and it’s good to have a chance to correct ourselves. even this person should have that chance, and they won’t know to seize it until someone points it out. 
i’ll end up repeating this a bunch of times to be sure i’m coming across: this isn’t me getting petty about someone’s HCs just because they’re not my own. no one can stop you from doing what you want, i’m not an authority, and i’m not saying transmasc HCs are suddenly problematic. i’m literally transmasc myself, and share in many of the popular HCs around here, too.
this is just me saying the justification that was given in that response to the very idea of a character being an amab trans person didn’t come out of a vacuum. this is about the reason, and its foundation.
frankly, it comes down to rejecting the idea of particular anatomy, and that is tied to all sorts of rhetoric many of you claim to stand against.
this isn’t just about one person. there are a lot of people here, and in other places, this is also about. the amount of people who respond to ANY sort of criticism or undirected, thorough attempt to broadly raise awareness with “just let people have fun” is tone deaf. it means you have a deeper problem that you need to examine that has nothing to do with fictional characters.
even some people in the tags of ren’s recent post have completely missed the point that:
horizontal erasure is still erasure.
there is a time and place for projection! we all do it, it’s natural, it’s so much fun, it can really bring life to something and make our depictions of things all the more organic. this isn’t saying don’t project; that’d be hypocritical of me.
it’s about how seeing something that is not about you and deciding that it Should be about you Instead is ALWAYS a bad look, no matter what marginalized experience it’s about. chiara wrote a wonderful analogy before that explains it pretty well, too.
making the active decision while fully informed, to just go “But What If I Do It Anyway” does not actually set you apart or excuse you. in fact, it sort of makes you worse than someone who hasn’t put enough thought into it to even consider the possibility because now it’s a choice. you’re not the only person saying “but what if i do it anyway.”
break once again to remind everyone that this still isn’t me coming for your HCs. i’m a big boy, i know how to scroll past things that aren’t my cup of tea.
what i can’t just ignore is seeing just how easy some of us find it to knowingly dismiss our trans sisters, amab nb people, any transmisogyny affected person because you... can’t relate to them? 
i know how to scroll past HCs that aren’t my own, and even enjoy, respect and uplift them. but the frequency with which i would have to scroll past things like that is just an example of how the conversation that sparked this post is not an isolated thing.
so, what you need to ask yourselves is: 
what is it about transfems that you can’t relate to?
why are you afraid to portray them? what are you scared of doing wrong? 
who do you fear conversation with a transfem who might point out a mistake? what do you think will happen?
why is the wide spectrum of transfem experiences not interesting enough to explore? do you polarize it into meaning only trans women? do you just not consider it?
if you do only think of it as trans women, why are they not enough?
what is it that makes these experience something you just can’t depict with love and care?
what are you projecting, exactly, that means you can’t just... pick a different character to project it onto?
what does being transmasc lend to that character in the first place, if you fully acknowledge that it doesn’t align with the story that you already relate to?
why can’t you relate anymore if they’re transfeminine? why does that make what spoke to you about their story just go away suddenly? what is uncomfortable to you about saying that you relate to a transfem?
even if you think you have an answer that doesn’t rely on bioessentialism, chances are you still have some underlying instinct to distance yourself from our transfem sisters that you need to address within yourself.
transfeminine people are still trans. amab nonbinary people have, like, next to no visibility and are treated horribly in many community spaces if not outright turned away at the door. there are going to be differences in our axes of oppression, but that does not take away the root of it being that they are trans, and their stories do need to be told? the commonalities between our experiences don’t go away, and our stories are not more important than theirs. do not fall into bioessentialist traps.
the point of this post is mostly to raise some awareness for the following things:
this has happened multiple times in this space
people can see it when it happens
it has been brought up before
and it does have an impact
if you feel threatened by ANYTHING that was said in this post, then yes, it must be about you. no, that doesn’t mean i’m going to come to your house and steal your computer to delete any and all of your content where our HCs don’t align. it doesn’t mean anyone is holding a gun to your head and making you change your designs and depictions. that’s never been what this post is about.
it is only meant to make you ask why getting defensive might be more important to you than simply asking yourself the above questions. if you want to be told you’re not being transmisogynistic more than you want to reject and fight against transmisogyny without being asked to: that isn’t enough.
if your own answers to those questions make you uncomfortable, you may be regurgitating lines of thought that you should reconsider. 
needing to unlearn something is not the end of the world! the inability to accept that you can be/have been wrong in the past is the real thing that will stop you. 
but being able to admit that you might have been wrong, or biased, or had been going by a sour belief takes a lot more guts than standing your ground when you’re hurting people and they’re telling you step by step how you can stop. it’s a lot more respectable, that’s for sure.
this conversation has been going on for a while, and not just here. this isn’t new.
so, to fix this specific problem you might not have realized you had? 
talk to transfems. talk to trans women. talk to transfem gay guys! talk to amab nonbinary people. they are out there, and they are incredible.
follow more of them on social media and listen to what they have to say. 
read more books about their history, their experiences, their joy and success and love.
consider the ways that you could just buckle down and include them with the same ease with which you write about yourself and whatever other experiences outside of yours that you consider digestible.
but overall, just. consider being respectful when something is not about you. do not be that guy. be a better guy, and remember that you honestly owe transfems everything. all of your pride, all of the rights that were fought for, we owe transfems everything. particularly trans women.
so do whatever you’re gonna do with your HCs. this still isn’t me individually policing your content. i have no power over you and what i say has no bearing on what you create unless you let it. i’m sure you have your reasons. 
i am just asking you to be mindful and examine why you might be averse to change, to learning, and apparently to the overall transfeminine existence in specific. fandom is only an escape for the privileged. don’t be another part of the reason it can be so hostile to everyone else.
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(Mostly) Post Amphibia hcs
Anne is autistic and gets an official diagnosis for it.
She learns what masking is, amd realises she’s been doing it subconsciously, and with supportive friends and family, starts masking less and less.
One of the more obvious results of this is Anne’s clothes, she wears more scarfs, and she usually wears single color shirts that have a similar hue to her single color pants or skirt. She has legitimately good taste in fashion, she just doesn’t see the point unless it’s a special event, and she finds wearing matching single color shirts and pants/skirts relaxing.
Each of the girls all wear four different rings minimum.
The first two rings are their engagement rings, the other two are their aro and ace rings
The calamity trio are all aromantic, asexual, and in a queerplatonic poly relationship with each other
Marcy and Sasha both have bpd, Marcy’s is more internalized, and post Amphibia they both get official diagnoses and proper therapy
Sasha knows how to do swing dancing
Marcy becomes an animator and primarily does educational kid’s shows
Marcy has ezcema
Anne and Sprig get glasses post Amphibia
Sprig becomes a scientist
Marcy & Sasha are both transmasc and come out post Amphibia, and the first time Anne refers to them as “my boys” instead of “my girls” they both have to take a moment to themselves as a breather and just happy stim and squeal to themselves in gayness and gender euphoria
Anne and the others still refer to Marcy & Sasha or Anne, Marcy & Sasha as a group as “the girls” but in a gender neutral way
Anne has to have a few mins to happy flap intensely when Marcy & Sasha come out as trans, bc omg she can talk and infodump to two of her favorite people in the world about being trans!
Grime, Hop Pop, & Felicia are all in a poly relationship. Grime and HP, with Felicia’s consent decide to get hitched. Felicia doesn’t want to marry anyone, and Grime and HP are both more then accepting and love that about Felicia
Felicia is not a Sundew, I am thoroughly ignoring canon on that bit.
Sprig & Ivy are qpps.
Sprig realises he’s aromantic when searching up about the different earth names for orientations and genders and their flags, and he finds out about being arospec
Sprig comes out as aro to Ivy, ajd the fact that he still wants to be in a relationship with her, and upon Ivy taking the time to reflect upon the relationship and Sprig’s coming out, she realises she’s aro as well
Hop Pop is transmasc, genderfaun, Grime is agender, and Felicia is transfemme non-binary and doesn’t want any labels other then that.
Hop Pop is a beast at Mario Kart, and manages to beat both Marcy and Anne’s father at it, both who had held the title of “best mario kart player” previously.
Sasha is a transmasc with long hair, and she’s extremely proud of her hair.
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jojobearoo · 3 years
You're probably the only artist who draws the transmasc Sash hc that doesnt make me umcomfortable, cuz most of the time it feels like the harmful stereotype of "white skinny kid with depression that commits s/h" and everytime i see someone doing art of it is just extremely angst and it makes me umcomfortable for some odd reason.
But like the way you draw him is so much better and positive and doesn't make me umcomfortable for some reason, so thank you in a way i guess
(Sorry if this is a weird ask, i assure it's a positive thing, i just have a weird way of phrasing stuff)
nah ur good lmao I just think it's interesting bc I'm always drawing sasha with angst LMAO thats like. my thing. ig gender is never the focus of the angst but also I havent really seen anyone make gender specific angst without being transmasc themselves??? idk I see any scrap of transmasc sasha fanart and I shovel it in my mouth like a dog off the chain
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boopsamillion · 3 years
Idk if anyone cares but here r my sexuality/gender headcanons 4 the calamity trio
Anne - Trans girl and a lesbian
Marcy - Bisexual and nonbinary
Sasha - Bisexual transmasc/trans guy
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trashbindependant · 4 years
Reasons why tma fandom is more engaged with magpod’s mlm ships and it’s male characters than wlw ships and it’s female characters
For the reason why the fandom is more invested in mlm ships and male characters lets explore the content of the podcast.
Jon is the main character and Martin is shown as do-good character with his main fault being helping too much. In context jonmartin is the most popular ship as it has more screen time and has been developed since season 1. It also offers canon ace representation as well as showing that ace people can function in a romantic relationship
Lonely eyes is another mlm that has had a lot of traction in the fandom. This is due to the fact that they contain the main villains of the series, who have a history with each other, as well as on screen interactions. Whilst they are shown as evil, one part of the ship is considered attractive by a large portion of the fandom, which is important to consider when wondering how the ship got so popular.
As for Tim gaining more popularity than Sasha it is due to the fact that he was in the show far longer and offered the earliest portrayal of queer representation in the show from a member of its main cast. A lot of the fandom are queer themselves, so having this character being open with their sexuality early on in the series is very pleasing to certain viewers.
Now let’s examine wlw ships and female characters from tma
The reason why Daisy and Basira don’t get a lot of fandom attention is because they were introduced far later than the male characters, and have far less screen time
Another reason why why Daisy and Basira don’t get as much attention by the fandom is due to the fact they are cops. Many fans are anti-capitalist/authoritarian and have a negative opinion of cops. Daisy was purposely written to portray police brutality and was shown to be very violent and threatening, a lot of the time towards characters which the fandom had already grown attached to.
The reason why Melanie and Georgie don’t get the same attention as mlm ships is very similar to Basira and Daisy, they had very little screen time. Further more, the thought of them being in a relationship wasn’t really discussed until it was already cannon.
I’m not going to say that if you prefer the ships I have listed above to the fandoms mlm ships you are incorrect, because it is simply a matter of opinion. However, jonmartin is far more developed than both of them due to it being the main relationship.
Helen and Nicola is widely loved by the fandom, most of the fanart and cosplays I have seen is of them. Mainly because they are so interesting and unique characters that you don’t see often in horror.
Now, Mary Keay is a different story. Many villain characters that are romantised by the fandom lack the humanity and real world conotations that Mary keay has. Mary keay is a child abuser, and for many villain fans/monsterf*ckers that is going over a very set line. It is similar to the umbridge vs voldemort debate (whether or not the Harry potters fandom hating umbridge is sexism or due to her similarity with real life people)
Also, Gertrude Robinson was (and still is )greatly loved by the fandom, however as the show progressed it exposed more toxic parts of her character. Whilst the same thing can be said about Elias, Gertrude Robinson’s actions aren’t far more morally grey than downright evil. Those who are attracted to Elias due to his villainy may not have the same feelings towards Gertrude because she had good intentions, where as those who dispise Elias may not like Gertrude due to her cruel actions (that were later revealed to be unneeded)
Further more, the reason why Gertrude and Agnes don’t have the same ‘shippability’ as the mlm ships I have listed is due to lack of interaction portrayed on screen. They may have had great chemistry together, however that isn’t ever shown to the audience.
Now let’s discuss the fandom
Many members of the tma fandom joined due to the shows ace representation that isn’t often portrayed in media, especially along side a romantic relationship
Many members of the fandom are transmasc and possibly find it difficult to relate to female characters
Many members of the fandom are anti-police, therefore have a negative opinion of Daisy and Basira.
Many members of the fandom joined due to the queer characters, which at the start of the show was predominantly male.
I, as a mlm would also like to remark that the fetishisation of gay relationships are very overbearing in certain fandoms (and at certain points, TMA is one of those fandoms) so whilst I understand many people’s frustration of mlm having more fandom interactions than wlw could you also consider that it could be for the same reason why lesbian p*rn is more popular than gay p*rn
I am not looking to argue with anyone who as differing opinions to me, just to state my own. If you noticed any mistakes I may have made please correct me in the notes. I wish no ill towards anyone and I hope we can discuss this in a appropriate manner :)
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