#transylvanian hunger
gnomestruck63 · 7 months
Darkthrone "Transylvanian Hunger"
Your eyes are cruel, to haunt
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
DARKTHRONE- Over fjell og gjennom torner
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partsal · 7 months
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swangtup6 · 2 months
Demo Review: Fenriz - A Funeral of Light (1996)
Ok so there's like no info on this band online that I've found, I have a policy of not reviewing NSBM (for the record) and the Polish scene (where this band comes from) is a minefield of sketchy politics but as far as I know they're clean. If im wrong abt this lmk n ill look further into it. all ik is that this demo goes hard as fuck
The first thing I want to talk about is the production, actually. This is DEFINITELY raw black metal. Everything sounds muffled, like it was recorded under water, you can barely hear the snare drum, you can't hear the cymbals at all, and the vocals are completely drowned out by everything else. All in all, it's lovely. I think the minimalistic sound makes for pretty perfect kvlt black metal, and this band is a huge inspiration for my own project, actually.
Next up has to be the guitar work. The guitar playing on this demo is phenomenal, with plenty of menacing riffs, eerie melodies, etc etc. I think the production serves the guitar particularly well as it gives it a kinda otherworldly feeling (like on Burzum's first demo) and the minimalistic songwriting let's the guitars stand out as the driving force behind this demo.
The drums are the only other instrument audible, so we're gonna talk about them next because we have to. The drumming is great, whoever drummed on this (metal archives says all of the instruments were played by one person named Thorn) can play with the best of them in this genre. The drumming is written well too, with plenty of blasts and a healthy dose of slower bits. It all feels natural and fluid, and only being able to hear the kick and the lower freqs of the snare drums is honestly a pretty cool effect. It's like the drum production on Transylvanian Hunger turned up to 11, with only the pieces of the kit absolutely necessary to get the rhythms audible.
The vocals are also fantastic. Thorn utilizes a somewhat-pained sounding high rasp that sounds totally sick and manages to cut through the thick guitar pretty easily. It almost sounds like the vocals are sitting on top of the instruments but in a cool way not a shitty production way.
Overall, this is one of my favorite black metal demos ever. I'm not going to give it as high of a rating as I think it deserves because I have to stick to my principles on how I rate these things or I'll rate everything 10/10, but it's easily like a 9/10 in my heart. I wouldn't recommend this to a newcomer to the genre, I don't think it's an essential listen even for experienced black metal fans, but it has a special place in my heart for being ridiculously raw, well played, well written, and all around dope as hell.
standout track: The Blaze Mountain
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witheredfleshh · 6 days
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is it just me or does this rock kinda look like transylvanian hunger
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Okay first of all a little background info, he's a vampire in my universe here
he doesn't remember his life before becoming a vampire or if there even was one, for all he knows he could have been created as a vampire
he had like a good 100 years where he was really a terrible person in the sense he couldn't control his hunger at all, he'd murder people by draining them
it took him awhile to get his bloodlust under control and he still struggles really hard with it
he drinks animal blood in blood bags and when needed donated blood that the government supplies him with to avoid any unfortunate incidents
his memory is really weird because he does have some that he can't place at all and he does not want to anyway, they are not pleasant
He is a very powerful vampire even by their standards, and having magic of course helps
he lives in the Transylvanian part of Romania, also (if I remember correctly from my visit there) it is a more wealthy ish part
he's a little goofy and he generally tries to be kind and understanding to other people, although he's a slight bit awkward
he doesn't think anyone could love him because he's weird (cough, it helps control his murderous monster personality, cough) and of course also because he's vampire, classic I know
regardless of this he goes out of his way to be helpful and understanding to the people around him, he's more talkative than Norway and more understanding of the youth/new world than England, also much better with patience. He can also be pretty sassy if he gets comfortable around you
he knows of the Twilight series, he thinks it's a little funny, even though he's outwards very much not amused at the whole sparkling in the sun thing
someone drunkly called him a glitter dick once, he got very confused and just looked at the person awkwardly, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on
His main element is fire, ironic really, but it does make him immune to being burned by stake or sun, at least that came when he mastered his element, so he's basically a daywalker (?), If that's the right term, idk
his eyes are blood red but a lighter shade than they used to be, because he's not longer an active killer
Anyways to relationship stuff!
I think a likely case of meeting Romania would be if you had magic too, especially fire magic, and it got way out of control, if it's bad enough the international security, and department of investigation, aka the ISDI (a sort of magical international force I've created for this world to make sense) would intervene to avoid incidents and assign The magic trio to help with the magic, which quickly turns into just Romania because he's honestly the best of them at teaching
now if fire is your main element, which we'll go with here, you would have a much easier time connecting to Romania, as in this scenario, your fires would connect on a magical level
this ensures a lot of fun shenanigans where he opens up to you and get unsure of himself in the sense of "how do I handle these new weird feelings?"
eventually he'd introduce you to his little helper, a fire spirit, a mischievous little thing intended on setting the two of you up
it's cute, there's a lot of training, based on kindness and understanding
if you were to become more powerful than him he'd never even consider being jealous, he'd be so happy for you and praise you for achieving something that incredible
if things get serious he'd want to turn you into a vampire like him, but first after you get married, you'd be his mate in vampire ways and legally
it's his biggest showcase of commitment, because it literally means he'd want to be with you until the end of time
he's such a romantic (becoming a vampire requires a certain amount of draining and also drinking vampire blood)
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fleshmannequin · 11 months
I am just...enamored by seeing the growth and range of a person's tumblr archive, like... in April they reblogged and posted cutesy pink stuff with hearts and little kitties and what have you, but then in May they reblogged transylvanian hunger by darkthrone and pelle ohlin suicide image
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blindassassin · 3 months
canada has new cigarette packs and i won't post them here because most of them are straight up like. body horror and autopsy photos. like presumably this is meant to deter people from smoking but there's a few problems
a) these pictures are metal as fuck. one of them looks like a blood eagle. you have increased how cool smoking is by 11% just by printing hi-res images of necrotic feet and weeping tumours onto the pack. it's like the time MADD made a bunch of posters that were like "risk takers meet undertakers" and i immediately went home and put on transylvanian hunger on repeat and forgot i was supposed to avoid drunk driving
b) people know smoking is bad for them. increasing the saturation of an image is not going to further convince people. they already know. examine the reasons WHY people continue to smoke DESPITE the fact that it is bad for them. addicts aren't fucking stupid; they do things that are harmful to their bodies in spite of the fact that it harms them, while still knowing this. making the images more explicit implies you think that they're stupid and don't know what the effects are, which isn't going to work because. they. do.
c) some of these images remind me a lot of the late nineties and early naughts anti-drug campaigns. you get felons to come to our class and tell us if we take heroin or cocaine our dicks would fall off and our mothers would implode. once literally one of us tried heroin or cocaine or weed we realized none of that shit was going to happen, at least not right off the bat, and we realized you were lying to us and we didn't know why, but you completely evaporated any trust we had in people who made stark, dramatic warnings about our health in regards to things that we read as fun or rebellious. when i open up a pack of smokes, which i use to regulate my anxiety while i work a tenuous minimum wage job (a minimum which the government helps to set), i see this gangrenous foot and remember the guy you paid to tell me that if i ever smoked weed i would end up in prison and i don't take it as seriously. and like i said, i have reasons for smoking that exist in a stronger arena than the reality that it is bad for me.
like my point is that in particular, health authorities treat addicts of all stripes as like, idiot children who just don't know any better when in reality all of us - regardless of what we're addicted to - are completely cognizant of the effect of drugs and continue to use them for other reasons. and i think most people are aware of that, but it helps to obfuscate the responsibility society has as a whole to question why someone would rather hurt themselves than not.
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idiotcoward · 7 months
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Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
This has got to be one of the best Black Metal albums of all time. Extremely fun and engaging riffs! Super well performed instrumentation and that classic super tenorey raw production you get from a lot of these classic 2nd wave black metal albums. The vocal performances are Icey and harsh and the overall aesthetic of this thing is so incredibly evil and dripping with hatred for mankind. Fucking such a fun record. A lot of these older black metal albums can feel like an undertaking to get into, because there’s just so much black metal from that era that’s either Nazi shit or just straight trash, but this record stands out as one of the best!
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anyavamps · 1 year
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Ghosts on Tape by Blood Red Shoes The Botanic Verses by The March Violets Vessel by VOSH Transylvanian Hunger by Darkthrone Reveries by Artic Flowers Painkiller by Judus Priest Songs of Love, Hope and Despair by Skeletal Family The Eternal Deep by Mephisto Walz In the Wake of Fire by Rosegarden Funeral Party Bites by Skinny Puppy Enki's Temple by The Garden of Delight Этажи by Molchat Doma Kiss me Deadly by Gen X Apnea by O Children The Sixx Premonitions by Tragic Black Exposure Therapy by Wingtips Violet Phase by Second Still Pornography by The Cure Echoes in the Corridor by Altar De Fey Lesbian Vampyres for Outer Space by Scary Bitches Treasure by Cocteau Twins Self Titled by Voodoo Church Tomb for two by Lebanon Hannover Obelisk the Tormenter by Qyburn Fire! Fire! Fire! By Geometric Vision Xibalba ||| Merciful nuns Phantasmagoria by the Damned. Passions Price by Diva Destruction Of Ruination by The Palace of Tears Azoic by Specimen The Spell Between by Caroline Blind
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4ngelofpurgatory · 6 months
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misterspectacular · 8 months
Last Voyage of the Demeter Review (SPOILERS) PART 1
I finally got to watch it, and I am IN LOVE WITH THIS VERSION OF DRACULA!!! The build up was great; expertly done. He goes through an INCREDIBLE transformation -- beginning as looking more human, but a full-fledged vampire by the end of it, and it is delightful. We need a second movie, ASAP -- now that they're off the ship, and Clemens is hunting him in London!! SO COOL! The movie is basically based on this bit from Bram Stoker's novel (taken from Wikipedia):
"Dracula leaves his castle and boards a Russian ship, the Demeter, taking along with him 50 boxes of Transylvanian soil, which he needs to regain his strength and rest during daylight. During the voyage to Whitby, a coastal town in northern England, he sustains himself on the ship's crew members. Only one body is later found, that of the captain, who is found tied up to the ship's helm. The captain's log is recovered and tells of strange events that had taken place during the ship's journey. Dracula leaves the ship in the form of a dog and runs up the 199 steps to the graveyard of St Mary's Church in the shadow of the Whitby Abbey ruins."
I will be making so many gifs but for now, here are some screenshots I took.
He's stunning.
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Even his coffin is cool.
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Claws! He's just a newborn vampire at this point.
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The first real glimpse.
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So new. So frail. He hungers!
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He started licking up the blood, it got me in the good spots.
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Digging his claws in! What a beast!
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His hands/fingers are abnormally long because they're slowly turning into wings -- it's phenomenal.
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He hungee (the gulping and slurping sounds got me, too, he just CHUGS).
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So much blood. Oh my God. (I have a blood kink, btw)
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Reminding me of Gollum ~
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His newborn vampire state really IS quite Gollum-y.
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He just SMILES -- he DELIGHTS in his own wickedness, and I love it. There's something really quite thrilling about a sentient monster.
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He talks! He kind of looks like a naked mole rat at this point. Can you imagine him coming after you?
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This shot is incredible. He's perfectly spooky. I love him so much. Javier Botet is freaking awesome.
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My boy's got his wings ~
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There he is! His full vampire form! SO GOOD (and by good, I mean he's absolutely terrible, but I love that about him). His eyes glow red when he's intense hehe ~
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I'm a sucker for wings.
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I regarded the human beings in the same way he did, during this movie. I have this thing where I tend to root for the villain, the bad guy, the monstrous creature that everyone fears. "Yeah, there you go, there's another snack! Oh, that's a good one, too!"
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He literally just chugs.
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*Shivers* Look at him.
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They refer to him as the Devil. I'm almost speechless, what can I say at this point? Just look at him.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/misterspectacular/727503300017192960/last-voyage-of-the-demeter-review-spoilers-part?source=share
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I really do think transylvanian hunger is the black metal song. like if you want to know what black metal is. what I like about black metal, or the original stuff, which is interesting and special to me is that it was obviously following a lineage of angry aggressive music but I wouldn't even really consider it metal apart from the vocals and guitar distortion. it's really not angry, most of it sounds very sad and lonely to me, I mean the minimal arrangements and very very simple song structure. this was also a reaction to complex and technical death metal songs but I think it has a really unique quality that isn't angry or whatever. it's not really pump up music. and it's not ugly I think most of it is very beautiful. or I get pumped up because it's beautiful. unique, it's not like anything else that had ever happened.
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cemeterylight · 10 months
rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people – no repeating artists!
thanks @cranberrymoons for tagging me! I usually quite like stuff like this but this was so hard lol
my music taste is certainly a music taste
Cumdumpster - Jack Off Jill
Eyeless - Slipknot
Mizu no Naka no Dendouritsu - AKB48
Even Flow - Pearl Jam
Transylvanian Hunger - Darkthrone
Escape - SKE48
Romeos Distress - Christian Death
Y’all Want a Single - Korn
LEECH - the GazettE
Inno a Satana - Emperor
Girls Rule! - Nogizaka46
Hang ‘Em High - My Chemical Romance
The☆Uchouten Summer!! - Niji no Conquistador
Shot Down - Scowl
please don’t feel obligated @deadtothebones @hunter-sylvester @hawkinsleather @munsonsduchess
anyone else can have a go too if you want 💕
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yandere-toons · 2 years
I woke up 5 in the morning to write this
Part 1 of… whatever i can call this
Ok so i haven't completely finished her character yet (she doesn't even have a name) but i have an idea. A little girl by the age of eleven gets forcefully turned into a vampire much to her parents dismay. They try to keep the situation all under wraps but unfortunately things didn't go as planned, the hunger gnaws at her one late evening turning off all her rational thinking and feasts on the neighbors dog. And just as her luck would have it she was spotted by the owner. The next part I'm a little stumped on how it would happen but long story short her parents send her off to Transylvanian in hopes that if the villagers fear her then at least they won't try to kill her.
The rumor of there being another vampire inhabiting Transylvanian has everyone on edge, a stray vampire feeding in another vampire's territory was absurd. Especially when that vampire was feared by all who spoke his name, at least in the village. Igor had caught wind of the gossip and decided to investigate for himself, besides it was his master's domain and it is his duty to exterminate any pests who try to leech off of his land. Though it seems like someone else has beaten Igor to the chase, a very distressed dr. von Goosewing who for ones thinks that maybe even he's not qualified for this situation as he stares into the deep crimson eyes within the darkness of his airship. A short girl with unkempt hair and a ruined dress with mud and dried blood staining its fabric, a vacant look in her hungry eyes. It wouldn't be surprising to think that such creatures didn't have any morals. But the tear stained cheeks told a different story. Besides all that Igor found potential in her, she was young and impressionable, perhaps she is the best catalyst to show his young master what a true vampire is, so he took her in.
Alright now that we've got the backstory settled I'd like to get to some trivial headcanons.
She wears all white lolita outfits or summer clothes with flower patterns on them. She has a red bow around her neck to cover the bite mark because it brings up bad memories.
Although she sometimes thirsts for blood and doesn't want to, she has a substitute for it. I don't know if you know this but it's been detected that coconut water is identical to human blood plasma. So as long as she has it she doesn't need to drink blood anymore much to Igor's dismay.
If she stands out in the brought daylight for too long she can get burnt, so she carries around a parasol with her.
She really likes the sun and wishes to be able to frolic in its glory someday on the flower fields but for the time being she occupies herself with the moonlight. It's oddly calming.
Haven't thought of her species yet but all I can tell you is that she is not a bird (but I would be lying if I didn't say that mentally I imagined her as a shorter and younger version of Snufkin, but like the fan made version where he looks more like a cat).
Her eyes turn a darker and darker shade of red the more angrier she gets.
Out of all of them she is unknowingly the most observant one, but often doesn't intervene in the trouble her friends find themselves in. It's either because she genuinely thought that they were competent enough or it's for her own enjoyment. But when things get irritating is when she puts her foot down.
At first Duckula and her gained a sort of mentor and student relationship that slowly developed into a sibling like relationship.
Que protective big brother Duckula.
You know those videos of children knocking down stuff from the table and laughing maniacally? That's her sometimes.
Is very patient with Nanny but sometimes even she's too much for her to handle.
She used to be afraid of spiders but soon learned that there's worse things to be afraid of, like herself.
She's not a very violent person but can't help but cheer Igor on when he threatens a particularly rude person.
Likes to play tea parties as much as she likes to “decapitate” her plushies or re-enact a particularly brutal scene from a play. Doesn't like being watched however.
After the catastrophe that was the family reunion she prepared her own special “blood” using her coconut water and some red food coloring, and even if she got caught she had a plan. She would tell them that the first time she tried to drink blood she became sick and swore to never drink it again but she just wanted to fit in with her family so much she faked it. Despite the ingenious lies she still has a plan C. If she were to drink blood unknowingly and someone called her out on it, she would tell them that the victims she bit from look awfully sick so that might have been the reason for their bad blood, also she's eleven how was she supposed to know. She's really proud of this plan.
Likes to play with Fluffykins :3
Don Diego mistakes her tinnitus for the same voices he hears.
When Don Diego asked for her name she stammered because at the time she had none and was mostly called Little Lady or other nicknames so he thinks that her name is Em.
Despite Don Diego's pyromaniac tendencies he's her favorite cousin, second would be Rory and then Guillame Bill.
I can imagine all of them playing a chaotic card game, or perhaps even clue.
Don Diego tried to adopt her once he realized that Duckula hadn't, at least not legally with papers and stuff.
She thinks that Goosewing is harmless, for the most part.
Found an old group photo of her with her parents, she then proceeded to crop them out and keep only her, mainly to remember how she looks like because the reflections stopped working. The only indication that there was someone else in the photo with her is the hand on her shoulder.
Does Not like the word “parents” she only associates it with bad things.
You know the book Dracula, yah imagine the story taking place where Duckula resides and the “main character” totally misreading the situation. Mainly because Igor wants to kill him and somehow fails every time subsequently raising the new visitor's suspicion.
Sometimes forgets that she's eleven because of what she's gone through and thinks that she is responsible for things she shouldn't be, Duckula helps her loosen up though.
Y'know because she isn't meant to be resurrected after she turns to dust I can imagine Igor putting her remains in an urn somewhere in the castle maybe with a portrait or a scrapbook of their adventures that 2015 Count Duckula finds later on. And if i'm not mistaken he's extremely lonely so finding out his ancestor had someone kinda makes him angry but also sad, he wondered where all that went and if he could have had something similar.
From dark beginnings to happy endings!
It makes me imagine Good Guy Goosewing secretly having tea parties with the girl, and Duckula competes with him over who has the better teacups.
Also, the line "... it was his master's domain and it is his duty to exterminate any pests who try to leech off of his land" is so eloquent and so Igor.
Don Diego as the favourite cousin and potential adoptive father is so neat!
I like the idea of her wearing summery clothes and carrying a parasol. From a distance, she'd look quite chic!
You're not mistaken. 2015 Duckula is the most lonely Duckula of all.
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revkilltaker · 1 year
Darkthrone – Transylvanian Hunger - LP - Peaceville Records - VILELP43
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Pressing Stats
Pressing #: 2013 Repress
Color:  Black
Qty Pressed: ???
Additional Info: Other Pressings Available
Track Listing
Transilvanian Hunger
Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
Skald Av Satans Sol
Slottet I Det Fjerne
Graven Takeheimens Saler
I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjød
As Flittermice As Satans Spys
En As I Dype Skogen
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