#trash art central blog
weaponizedmoth · 3 months
Reveal your true talent and draw Edward Cullen
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Here he is! Behold, true art. I also drew his notorious sidekicks, such as his future son in law and his future child bride! WOOOO!
Thank you for requesting this!
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dialup-dragon · 25 days
Boop!!! 🫵
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buccaneeering · 3 months
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I was kept up last night thinking about the crummy Erik drawing and had to make a better one.
Please forgive me for my first humble offering. 🥲💛
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It seems I have been... booped! You have gotten me many times, @trash-art-central-blog!
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kotaka-kun · 1 month
thank you for the tag @achillmango
rules: go to pinterest and type [your name] + “core” to show your aesthetic, then post the first 6 images.
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wait this is cuter than i expected... kotaka core... 3/6 kawaiicore... idk what to make of the other 3 but ill take it lskadfjalskdghasldkfj
no pressure or obligation tagging @missiemoosie @perplexedhedgehog @trash-art-central-blog
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margindoodles2407 · 7 months
Hello and Welcome to my Ramble Corner
Hi! My name is MarginDoodles2407, but y'all can call me Margin :)
I am a lifelong Zelda Nerd™ and am totally and completely normal about Ocarina of Time and Hyrule Warriors, especially. I am also Zelink Trash™ so. Important to note.
More importantly, I am Roman Catholic and Pro-Life. My faith is central to who I am as a person and while I try not to get political on this blog- because we all need fun places to hang out without the stress of the real world- I will not hesitate to post about my Catholicism and Pro-Lifery, so if that's not your jam? Understandable. But please, be respectful to my Religion and values, as I will be to yours.
Okay, back to nerdiness. I am also absolutely obsessed with Star Wars- especially the prequels and all they entail- and my natural habitat is weeping openly about warrior space priests.
I am an Artist and a Writer, and requests for both- especially Zelda themed- are always open. Just keep it Safe for Work :) In case you're interested, my AO3 is Margin_Doodles.
I am also the co-creator of @tloz-heros-spirit, an Original Zelda Game Concept that I run with my friend @whyoneartheven! If you like lore-accurate storytelling, over-the-top character designs, and seafoam-green ghost fire, give it a check-out!
And now, a handy-dandy Tagging System™:
#margin rambles: my musings about life and other random things
#margin writes: exactly what it sounds like
#my art: also exactly what it sounds like
#margin's links: wherein I ramble about my interpretations of the various Links. also usually includes the Zeldas :)
Have fun!
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*threatens you with the therapizer 2000* who are you and how did you find me
excuse me wtf is therapizer??
but i think.......maybe.....i have to choose my words wisely, my memory is trash.
WAIT!! okay so i just spent 20 minutes stalking clovers blog to see WHERE THE FUCK I FOUND IT but then i remebered i took a look at their art tag and found the post of the magma board youre on and i think its this one:
i might be smart
its because i LIKE youre energy. i was browsing youre blog and yeeeee my inner demons like you.
also why did you threaten me like we're in the mafia? people should do that more, like demand an answer or....something.
sorry for the long answer. we like to rant >:]
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fadebolt · 3 months
This blog is many months old by this point, and it seems like I'm slowly but surely being noticed by more and more people, sooooo I'm thinking a pinned post might be in order.
~ Hello! Hi! Sup!
Welcome to my lil space!
Name's FadeBolt, but feel free to call me Fade. (Yes, that is the name of a DotA ability. No, I did have more creative name ideas, I just did stuff under this one, so I'm sticking with it)
~ I'm an anxious 21 year old Hungarian wreck that is currently doing college in the northern parts of this small hellhole in the middle of nowhere that we call Serbia.
~ I like to gush and ramble about media. I like to interact with media. I like to make stuff about media. I like to look at, and take part in stuff that other people make about media.
~ Most of this blog is about my hyperfixation that has lasted for almost two entire years by this point, which is, you guessed it - Rain World.
~ Obviously, I still like other stuff (most notably Warcraft 3, as well as League of Legends and its wonderful lore/universe), and I might make posts about them on some occasions, but they're not my main interests, and considering how much I've entrenched myself in the RW community, that likely won't change anytime soon.
~ I don't really have a central thing that I intended for this blog. It's just simply - if I get ideas and I like them enough, then I'll do them. And if I stumble into something that really peaked my interest, or if I feel like I could add something onto it, then I'm reblogging it. (Though I do have a bit of an anxiety over that, cus whenever I reblog something, I always feel bad for the stuff I didn't reblog, but I can't just keep reblogging everything all day every day, so I often end up not reblogging good stuff. Help me. Please xd)
~ But the main things that you can expect here are long writings about my opinions, (mostly) fun drawing, voiceovers, and occasional ramblings about stuff.
~ I want this to be abundantly clear - I really value constructive criticism, no matter how unsolicited it might be. So if I said something you don't agree with, made a mistake somewhere, or just have some general issues with my stuff, don't be afraid to point them out. (Just make sure that it is actually constructive. The goal here is to improve, but there's not really much I could take away from something like "Your art sucks" or "Your opinions are stupid", is there?)
~ Due to recent, uhm... let's just call them 'events', I want to note that online discussions around politics and stuff related to that makes me extremely stressed and uncomfortable, especially after seeing what Tumblr can do to people that said stuff most folks didn't like.
This doesn't mean I'm making a strict 'no politics' rule or anything, I'm just looking to minimalize that stuff, and preferably keep it in private 1 on 1 conversations where I won't feel like I'm being judged by hordes of onlookers. This applies to any other contentious topic, too.
~ With that being said: I am not tolerating problematic stuff or asshole behavior here. I'll be somewhat lenient on this, but "I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming" will always take priority over avoiding being judgemental of others. Just please don't bother me with stuff that's obviously messed up, don't be a cunt, and don't send NSFW my way, that's all I'm asking.
~ Unlike a lot of folks, I will not be having a DNI list. I know that this sounds a bit weird, but I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming, and I do believe that media should be used as a way to unite us in spite of our differences (so this idea of saying "If you have these political opinions I don't like, then GTFO!" just doesn't sit right with me, though I completely understand why some people do that).
I also believe that instead of locking out and trashing on people who said and did stuff we didn't like, we should instead try and help make them understand why that stuff is wrong, so they can learn and grow, because people can indeed change for the better, especially with how many young folks are roaming around on this website. I won't force any of you to hold yourselves to these ideals, but I will stay true to them myself.
Aaaaaaaaand I think that's about all the important info for now. I might update this in the future, if need be.
Anyways, I'd like to quickly thank everyone who's ever supported me, taken part in positive interactions with me, or have even just quietly appreciated at least one little thing I have made/done at some point!
I was super scared that nobody's going to care even a little bit about anything I'll do, but I'm very thankful to have gotten proven wrong again and again and again by this wonderful community!
Have a wonderful day and night, everyone! Cheers! :D
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duckboxdumpster · 1 year
Creative Ways to Use a Dumpster Rental
When you think of a dumpster rental, waste disposal probably comes to mind. However, there are numerous creative ways to use a dumpster rental beyond merely tossing trash. In this blog post, we’ll explore some innovative ideas to help you make the most of your rental.
Dumpster Rentals for Community Events
Dumpster rentals can be a valuable resource for community events. For example, organizing a neighborhood clean-up event is much easier when you have a centralized location for waste collection. A dumpster rental provides that convenience.
Furthermore, consider using a dumpster rental as a collection point for charity drives. Collect clothing, toys, and other items for donation in one place, making it easier for volunteers to transport them later. Lastly, a dumpster rental can facilitate recycling events. Collect electronics, appliances, and other recyclable items for proper disposal or recycling.
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Dumpster Rentals for Gardening and Landscaping Projects
A dumpster rental can be an asset for gardening and landscaping projects. For instance, renting a dumpster for composting large amounts of organic waste is an eco-friendly solution. You can also use a dumpster rental to store and transport bulk landscaping materials such as mulch and gravel.
One innovative idea is using a dumpster rental as a temporary raised garden bed. Fill the dumpster with soil and plant your flowers or vegetables. This temporary solution is perfect for those who need additional gardening space or want to test a new gardening technique.
Dumpster Rentals for Art and Creative Projects
Artists and creative individuals can find inspiration in a dumpster rental. Use the dumpster as a canvas for large-scale art installations, murals, or even sculptures. You can also explore the concept of interactive installations using a dumpster rental as the main component.
Consider hosting a “dumpster dive” art event, where participants create art from discarded materials. This unique event encourages creativity and raises awareness about waste reduction and recycling.
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Dumpster Rentals for Unique Storage Solutions
A dumpster rental can serve as a practical storage solution during home renovations, moving, or when you need extra space. For instance, use a dumpster rental as a makeshift workshop or studio space for temporary projects.
Another creative idea is to transform a dumpster rental into a temporary, pop-up retail space or event venue. This innovative approach can help small businesses or event organizers save on costs while providing a memorable experience for visitors.
Dumpster Rentals for Educational Purposes
Educators can use a dumpster rental to teach children about waste management and recycling. By conducting a “waste audit” using a dumpster rental, students can track and analyze waste produced by a school or organization, promoting awareness and encouraging waste reduction.
A dumpster rental can also serve as a hands-on learning tool for construction, engineering, or environmental studies programs. Students can learn practical skills and gain real-world experience while working with a dumpster rental.
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There are countless creative ways to use a dumpster rental beyond traditional waste disposal. From community events to art projects and unique storage solutions, the possibilities are endless. Embrace innovation and think outside the box when considering a dumpster rental for your next project or event. You’ll not only find resourceful solutions but also experience the benefits of using a dumpster rental in novel ways.
Ready to explore the possibilities of a dumpster rental? Visit Duckbox Dumpsters to learn more and get a quote for your next project.
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weaponizedmoth · 3 months
Some drawing suggestions
Hear me out
Edward Scissorhands or Shaggy from Scooby Doo
Listen. You gave me Shaggy or Edward Scissorhands and like a normal person you were like "yeah, or, haha" emphasis on or
but the thing is I never really finished Edward Scissorhands, but Edward is the kinda thing that's right in my style sphere and Shaggy isn't but Shaggy is MY BOY right so I was finishing up my Evil Dead study thingy and was like bam:
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Shaggy AND Edward Scissorhands sharing a candy bar except oh no the horrors.
(originally it was gonna be a blunt, and Edward was gonna cut it in half but like who can draw that fr)
thanks for the suggestionsss~
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dialup-dragon · 2 months
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You think I booped you enough? lmao
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doyleplumbing · 1 year
7 Plumbing Services Offered By Expert Plumbers Of Burwood
Plumbing issues might arise at your house at any time. A malfunctioning water heater, jammed trash disposal, or clogged drains will have you in a complete scramble to choose the best plumber near you. However, selecting a plumber in a hurry might result in further problems down the road. Are you in need of a reliable and experienced plumber in Burwood?
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Plumbers may install, fix, and maintain any plumbing equipment, including water pipes, fixtures, drinking water systems, and waste disposal systems or toilets. This blog post will help you for a good understanding of their services. Plumbers in Burwood provide trustworthy plumbing services. Their crew consists of a group of qualified and licensed plumbers with extensive experience. They are committed to providing quality service, so you can trust that your plumbing will take care of all your needs.
Common Plumbing Issues that Need a Plumber?
You can require a plumber in two different situations: routine maintenance and an emergency.
However, As you might anticipate, plumbers’ charges are significantly higher in “emergency” cases.
The following are some situations where you may need to call a plumber:
Repair, replacement, or maintenance of water pipelines;
Maintaining, repairing, or replacing radiators in a central heating system;
Fixing, repairing, or installing bathroom fixtures (sink, shower);
Installing, repairing, or replacing kitchen fixtures (dishwasher).
Some plumbers give aid with other sorts of work, such as kitchen tiling, in addition to these typical tasks.
7 Plumbing Services Offered by Expert Plumbers of Burwood
Owners of residential or commercial properties cannot dispute the need for expert plumbing services. People today are wise enough to get their plumbing systems checked in advance rather than wait for a dead end. Any potential issue may be resolved by professionals as soon as possible before it worsens and causes additional harm to the home or business.
A properly functioning plumbing and drainage system are necessary for a peaceful home life. However, plumbing emergencies can happen at any time to disrupt this peace.
Plumbers in Burwood offer various services for their customers to ensure that your plumbing problems do not become a safety hazard. They can take care of whether you have a clogged drain or need help installing new fixtures. Some of their services include:
Drain Cleaning 
Plumbers of Burwood can clean out any blockages from your drains quickly and safely using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques.
Excavating the Drain
All drainage and plumbing systems are prone to wear and tear over time with use. They may degrade or suffer damage, but there are several indicators that you should be aware of, including clogged drains, sluggish drains, smelly drains, and noisy drains. And when the damage is bad enough that you start to see these symptoms, it is time to consider replacing your drains.
One can identify the specific site of pipe damage using professional techniques. By digging only the necessary area, the accurate placement makes it possible to save time and effort. Expert Plumbers of Burwood can repair the broken pipeline after locating its exact location. Their excavation services can assist you in solving your drainage issue before it worsens.
Gas Plumbing
Plumbers provide their clients in Melbourne and the nearby areas with top-notch gas plumbing services. Some of Burwood’s top gas plumbers are entirely licenced and trained in techniques that guarantee your family’s safety. Whether you require appliance installation, servicing, a gas leak inspection, or all of the above, they are always at your service. Gas fitters can install, fix, or service your appliances since they have the necessary credentials and approvals.
Fixture Installation 
Whether you’re looking for a new showerhead or bathroom fixture set, plumbers in Brighton can help you choose the perfect product for your needs and install it perfectly.
Inspection Using CCTV for Drains
Diagnosing a plumbing or drainage problem might be challenging without personally inspecting the affected area. The role of Plumbers in Burwood in this situation is essential. By selecting a CCTV drain inspection service, you can be confident that one of the knowledgeable and skilled specialists will swiftly and effectively address your issue. They examine your drainage system using cutting-edge equipment to find any possible problems. Additionally, they can do a CCTV drain pipe inspection to assess the state of your pipes and find any obstructions or concealed blockages.
Leak Detection 
If you’ve noticed unexplained puddles or dampness in your home, don’t wait until it becomes a significant issue. Call the expert plumbers of Burwood to detect the source of the leak before it causes more damage.
Pipe Repair 
From minor repairs to complete pipe replacements, plumbers have the experience and skill to tackle any job quickly and efficiently. Experienced technicians are on-call 24/7 to provide prompt service whenever you need it most. They use only high-quality parts and materials so that your repairs last as long as possible. And best of all, they offer competitive rates on every job so that you don’t have to break the bank for quality plumbing services.
If you’re looking for an experienced plumber in Burwood who provides high-quality work at
competitive prices, then look no further than Doyle Plumbing Group! They have over 10 years of experience servicing residential homes and commercial properties, so you can trust that they will take care of your plumbing needs quickly and professionally. They exclusively employ top-notch components, fittings, and machinery from reputable manufacturers to guarantee that you receive only the best service from them. With prompt and completely satisfactory services, their skilled plumbers can assist you with new installations, repairs, or replacements. Consult with them today to learn more about their services!
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themollyjay · 3 years
Dune, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Trash Fire
So, this blog has mostly been focused on writing, and that will probably continue, but there is a topic I want to address.  We’re coming up on the release of the third live action adaptation of Dune.  I’m writing this on September 10th, 2021, and Dune is scheduled to release on October 22nd, 2021.  Now, I will tell you up front, I am ridiculously excited for this movie, because I have read Dune multiple times, and I honestly love the story.
The thing is, for a long time, I struggled with that.  Not for the reason you might expect.  A lot of people decry Dune as a Mighty Whitey/White Savior story which, if you’ve only watched the David Lynch version, is a valid criticism.  The thing is, if you’ve read the books, you know that Dune is actually a deconstruction of those tropes, and an open criticism of the human tendency to fall in line behind charismatic leaders.  What always bugged me about Dune, and indeed a lot of classic science fiction (I’m looking at you, Lensman), is the sexism and gender essentialism that are often baked into the setting.
For those of you who don’t know, at the center of Dune is the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and concept of the Kwisatz Haderach.  In the Dune series, the Bene Gesserit is an organization of women who have had special education which allows them full control over their bodies and a number of special abilities. Two important abilities for the Bene Gesserit are the ability to see into ancestral memory, and the ability to see into the future.  The thing is, the Bene Gesserit can’t see into male memories, and their ability to see the future is limited, so they have spent thousands of years on a breeding program to produce the Kwisatz Haderach, which is a man who can survive the process the Bene Gesserit undergo in order to gain these two abilities.  A process which normally kills men.  This is considered desirable because a male would be able to look at both the female and male pasts and see into the future with far greater ability than any female ever could.
Sexism.  Gender Essentialism.  Right there, wrapped up in one of the central premises of the story. There’s something similar in the Lensman stories, where women just don’t have the killer instinct necessary to become Lensman, although eventually there are female Lensmen, this is framed as the end result of a long breeding program necessary to create those traits in a woman, and the women who can wield the Lens are depicted as more evolved than regular women.  For the record, I also love Lensman and I had the same struggle to come to terms with it that I did with Dune.
But how is it that I can sit here and love stories where some the central premises of the story run counter to my lived experience as a trans woman?  That’s a good question, without an easy answer.  The short version is, “Not uncritically.”  The long version is, well, long.
Something that a lot of people don’t understand is that when you engage with any piece of media, you’re not engaging with that piece of media in a vacuum.  Media exists in context, and in a very real way, media exists as part of a dialog.  People will write stories, and other people will write stories in response.  Events happen in the real world, and people will write stories in response.  People will bring their own culture, their own societal preconceptions, and their own personal beliefs into their writing.
This is a lesson I learned largely by looking at the way my writing changed as I progressed long my journey toward coming out and going through transition.  As I went through that process, my view of the world changed, and the things that went into my writing, the things I wanted to put into my writing, changed with it.  That realization and understanding allowed me to go back and look at works like Dune, Lensman, Star Wars, Star Trek, and a whole host of other things, and see them not just as a product of their times, but as a product of the people who created them, and all of the things those creators brought to the table.
To be clear, I’m not saying that when something was created should insulate it from criticism.  Far from it.  What I am saying is that media isn’t some timeless thing that can be judged against absolute standards of right and wrong that exist outside of the context of the society in which it was created and the society in which it was later consumed. We have to view media in the context of when it was created, while critiquing what it says in the context of the society in which it is consumed. We have to look at works like Dune and ask, ‘What was the author trying to say in the language and context of 1965 when the work was created’, and then ask, ‘How does what the author was saying apply to us, now in 2021?’.  Are the things the author/creator said valid?  Are they worth applying to the modern world?
But more importantly, what I’m saying is that in order for any art to have lasting value, that it must be okay to find joy and value in things that are imperfect by today’s standards, because I promise you the things we create today and the art we leave behind us, will be found similarly wanting by tomorrow’s standards.  All we can do is try to create with compassion, understanding, and acceptance, and hope that history judges us on the good we tried to do, rather than by failings we don’t have the language, mindset or understanding to avoid.
So, with that in mind, come October 22nd, I will sit in front of my laptop, with a huge bowl of microwave popcorn, and I will watch as an amazing cast and an incredible director give new life to a story that I have loved for decades.  I’ll roll my eyes at the sexism and gender essentialism baked into the story and the setting, while I watch to see if this version has captured the warnings that Frank Herbert wove into the original story.  Based on what I’ve seen so far, I suspect I’ll love pretty much every minute of it, even if it’s still a Trash Fire.
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Lin Kuei: food
The continuation of the morgianesffs-blog’s awesome list of questions about Lin Kuei. I initially divided them into smaller categories and the food will be the subject of the essay.
For the formalities, the original questions:
Food.  What foods do they normally eat? What foods do they like?  What foods don't they like? What foods do they absolutely love so much they'll stop what they're doing to get it?
I guess the Lin Kuei take on food may be stricte pragmatic one - they eat what is available. Preferable something that will keep them in top shape but everything will do, if necessary. Self-sufficiency and the art of survival are part of training so Lin Kuei would not have any second thoughts about eating stuff that people normally would not even think about. At the same time, there is a big chance that every adepts to some degree suffered from hunger and thirst, either as a part of punishment or test for endurance or a simply lack of skill to catch (steal) the food. I doubt the clan cares to feed warriors any fancy food, even more since the Lin Kuei headquarters (Temple / Fortress) is usually located in a harsh environment in which food is hard to grow to begin with. Because of this natural disadvantage, hunting seems like a good additional food source. It fed the clan but also gave opportunity for adepts / warriors to show their skills and gain experience (or in case of coming back with empty hands, bring them shame?). MK: Armageddon had the ice beasts marauding through the Arcika region - killing them could provide: food, furs, maybe some magic ingredients and safety.
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Also, Lin Kuei knew about and used portals leading to Outworld - one of old comics, Battlewave #5, outright says the clan had a hidden passageway.
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So the Lin Kuei could also get food from different realms, either by stealing the necessary stuff or as payment.. I kinda think that Lin Kuei has a system of related villages that serve the clan and satisfy the material needs like food and clothes. Maybe they pay tribute to the clan out of fear or maybe it is a more symbiotic deal? 
Anyway, I don’t think the clan would spoil their people with any fancy food to keep the rigorous discipline in check - albeit the clan could put on a suitable feast in honor of a respected guest/client like Shang Tsung if the occasion required it. At the same time, I don’t think it is forbidden to taste new dishes once the warriors were on mission. Especially not on a long-term kind of job when clan members must pretend to be normal human beings.
Because of that I suspect that those warriors who work undercover in various parts of Earthrealm and/or Outworld may indulge in eating all sorts of food, from expensive to the cheapest trash food. Whatever the budget / occasion would allow them, at least. And who knows, maybe the warriors like to challenge each other to eat the weirdest possible food, as some sort of courage test? Or just for personal fun? You know, like many young people do taste the freedom once they are on their own, far away from a strict “family”? 
At the same time, in times when there is not enough food, I can see the best parts or full portions being given to the most useful / essential members so the position in hierarchy may influence what and how much warrior is allowed to eat. Because let's be real here, (the old) Lin Kuei does not have a good track with empathy for weaklings. 
Now, I’m gonna head into headcanon-ish territory, so keep that in mind, please.
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I know it is a pretty popular joke (included even in the game itself as part of “friendship” finish moves) that Sub-Zero likes ice cream but honestly, I do think that cryomancers in fact prefer cold food over anything else.
(Human hybrid) Cryomancers are said to develop their powers as an young adults(*) and growing the freezing skills with passing time (which Bi-Han being the exception to the rule because he developed ice ability earlier than usual), so the older they get, their bodies are more and more adapted to hold the toll of cryomancer nature (like temperature dropping to negative degrees?). So getting inside them anything remotely warm sounds more like torture than feeding. 
(Of course, it could be the other way, as needing the hot food to keep cryomancers from freezing from inside but the drastic temperature differences are not human-friendly. First aid in case of frostbite even cautions against heating the body too fast with too high a temperature to avoid negative effects. Which is why I’m sticking to cryomancers preferring cold food over anything warm)
The cryomancer kids may be less sensitive to the difference between temperature of their bodies and eaten food / drink - though I suspect cryomancer genes should not be dismissed even at such young age - but in all fairness, I can’t imagine Bi-Han or Kuai Liang eating anything else than raw food, preferably not touched by fire or at least deep-frozen / cold and ice-creams are both cold and can provide necessary minerals / calories to keep them going. 
So yeah, I can totally see Bi-Han and Kuai Liang buying dozens of ice-cream boxes for breakfast, dinner and supper like it was the normal thing in the world. And probably keeping various deep-frozen foods in the fridge and eating it raw. To Tomas, Sektor or Cyrax’s horror, whoever was unlucky to be stuck with cryomancers on an undercover mission. Okay, I lied. Bi-Han would probably just send others to do the shopping so he would not need to deal with annoying people.  
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are capable of eating and drinking hot food because they were forced to learn that. That is why Kuai Liang was capable of brewing tea and why he used such a ceremony as a sign of good will toward Hanzo Hasashi even though drinking hot tea is, by nature, painful. 
As for taste, I think both Bi-Han and Kua Liang like plain flavors. Especially Bi-Han with his minimalistic nature. Kuai Liang seems more willing to taste different food and drink under Smoke’s challenge or suggestion. Ice creams may be the exception but less because cryomancers care for taste in itself and more because they are okay to eat any flavor as long as it is cold and available. Otherwise, they may just freeze various liquids (water, milk, juice) and eat them as ice creams. Something that actually could be pretty frustrating for other warriors if they left a carton of milk out of sight for a moment only to find Bi-Han or Kuai Liang freezing it and eating its content with a spoon. Because of that, the idea of coffee or tea with milk could be problematic (controversial) matter. Bi-Han accepts only Hydro’s need for milk added to coffee or tea - once Hydro gets it, the rest of milk is a fair game. And Cyrax seems to be bold enough to guard any open carton of milk or juice and keep it out of reach of Bi-Han, especially if he was the one responsible for shopping.
(Also, if Bi-Han even decided to smuggle the outside food for young Kuai Liang, I think it wouldn’t be anything sweet. More like frozen french fries just to tell his little brother how earthrealm people eat it heated up. Just imagine the shock and outrage of little Kuai Liang at the human stupidity!)
Comics!Hydro, as a close companion of Bi-Han is the most used to weird cryomancers eating habits. Because of water-related powers, Hydro likes everything liquid or with liquid consistency - soups, broths, jogurths, smoothies, everything will do. Somehow not really into meat. Also, the one advantage of such power is that Hydro can feed on water if necessary. 
In contrast to cryomancers, I imagine Tomas actually likes deeply fried or smoked stuff. Because without a fire there is no smoke and I like to think Enenra draws energy from fire / heat. Except the moments when Tomas is triggered by something from his past - then the smell or taste of burnt / burning meat (skin, hair) disgust him completely. May actually not like ice creams. Otherwise, he likes Czech food or in general, Central European / Central Eastern European cuisine because its taste is one of few things he remembers from his previous life. This is Tomas’ comfort food.
For me, Sektor with his obsessive behaviour is the one that tries to balance his food and reject the idea of eating anything for fun or out of curiosity. He wants to be in perfect shape and does not care for taste at all. To some degree, he also worries about how the foreign food will affect his strength, weight or body shape when on a long-term mission. The same as Bi-Han, Sektor is the last person that should be sent on shopping. However in case of the older Sub-Zero the problem lies in his abrasive nature and how he doesn’t conform to social norms (thus standing out too much) while Sektor won’t buy anything unless he reads the whole ingredients list and all additional information put on the package. Which means a shopping trip that takes like 10 minutes at best for other warriors usually takes Sektor around two hours, at least. You send him alone to shop for food and you are going to be hungry for the next few hours.
Considering how Cyrax is the most normal (balanced) Lin Kuei, he probably has the most healthy approach to food. Will eat anything that looks good, including fast foods ‘cause why not, it is cheap, edible and takeaway. And trust Cyrax to convince Sektor to eat that damn food too (the trick is to not let Sektor read what is - or is not - inside his meal). I don’t think Cyrax has a favorite kind of food because he doesn't like to limit himself. The same as Smoke, he may miss cuisine from his homeland but the general idea is to enjoy small pleasures like eating good food with companions.
Also, Cyrax is the only one that should be trusted with a shopping list if the Lin Kuei group for some reason ends in a shopping centre. A shopping list and the control over the trolley.
(Frost, like Bi-Han and Kuai Liang is all about cold / frozen food)
(*) From Mythologies Sub-Zero: “Sub-Zero learned of his ability as a young adult [...]. The ability to harness the element of cold is one that takes years of practice. It's full potential realized only by those who've mastered it at the latest stages of life. Sub-Zero's skills have the ability to develop much faster than those of the other Lin Kuei.” The fact that Bi-Han A) learned of his ability as a young adult and those B) develop much faster than usual at least suggest most modern cryomancers get their ice powers rather as grown up.
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allies + eje human au headcanons
I had to look up what eje meant, which was Axis in Spanish 🌮 (there's no sombrero emoji, and I'm mad about it). This is mostly a college Human AU, but there's still some future stuff in there. Enjoy the longest list of Headcannons in one post lol
Human AU Hetalia!
Has rich parents, but doesn't tell anyone, and somehow his big house that everyone parties at doesn't give it away.
The only person who knows is Japan, and that's specifically because Japan's dad works for America's dad.
Is a college student, hoping to go for some kind of music degree.
A first year.
Black T-shirt and jeans. Has a plaid button up for everyday of the month, usually has it tied around his hips.
Has like, one basic tux and refuses to wear anything but converse or airwalkers.
Space nerd #1, except he's more into what's beyond our boundaries, and loves the constellations.
One of the most popular kids, and no matter how hard you try he's not easy to hate.
Gives off dumb college kid energy even though he's one of the A+ students.
His glasses are for show. It was meant to be a rebellious thing since Canada use to get bullied about his own glasses, now it's just an esthetic.
Skate boards and plays the acoustic guitar in his free time.
Jeans are usually missing the knee section.
Once set off firecrackers in a metal trash can as a school prank.
Last year of college, majoring in history after failing his cooking classes.
Graphic tee central. We are unsure how many he has but he's up to 43 different shirts worn on campus.
Usually has his earbuds in, listening to punk rock.
Has an ungodly amount of bracelets. His favorite one is a black snap bracelet with little pirate skulls.
Was practically raised by his older brothers.
Lives alone, but is secretly an amazing writer.
Has a Tumblr blog he writes spooky stuff on.
Top of his class, but can be a dummy if he's put on the spot.
No one is sure how he's been allowed to take nothing but art classes. No English, or science, just art.
Is also a transfer student, he's probably the second richest thanks to daddy.
Is the school stud, despite not sleeping with a single soul, and is actually extremely nervous about dating, and is just more comfortable with playful flirting.
He wants to be a fashion designer, or Model. Mostly a Designer.
Loose shirts and tight pants.
Has a weird obsession with belt sashes.
Plays violin like a god, and is a senior.
Another senior in college.
Had the unfortunate event of being in the same cooking class as England before Arthur decided to switch degrees.
Still hangs out with him and Japan.
One of the few who is taking advanced classes, and is literally everyone's tutor.
Going for a Degree in Cooking. Wants to be a head chef.
His parents are over seas, but he promised to get them to America as soon as he can.
He wears a lot of colorful shirts that is always tucked into his pants.
Most of which look like bowling shirts, but he likes to add little Chinese patches to them. Has a signature jean jacket that is overwhelmed with patches.
Has a panda beenie baby keychain, so everyone knows exactly who it belongs to when he losses his keys.
Very quick to panic, and hates to admit he's wrong.
Third and final transfer student, along with Japan, and France.
Poor confused child is trying so hard.
He's kind of shy, and is fully aware his social akwardness creeps everyone out.
Almost cried the day America and Prussia adopted him into the cool kid circle.
His broken english is probably the biggest turn off for the people at school. It's why no one really talks to him, mostly because they can't figure out what he's saying most of the time.
Biggest sweetheart though, and is painfully smart, but do to the english thing he's stuck in the average classes, but China comes swooping in and his english gets almost fluent by his third year.
He doesn't own a single thing tech, minus a flip phone, but somehow knows all the hot keys on the computer to every program, and it's only because he's lazy about it and it's the funniest thing.
Space nerd #2 but knows more about the planets and can name every single moon, and knows the history of space discoveries by heart.
Secretly a hopeless romantic, and doesn't realize he reads England's blog.
Is pretty much a closet goth, but likes bright colors too much to be seen in all black.
Knows way to much about torture devices and learned very quickly that gets you out casted in a school setting.
Isn't upset that he doesn't have many friends, but somehow attracts all the little kids from the grade school.
He likes his northface sweater, and loose pants. But his shirts are pretty colorful, and he likes collecting shoelaces.
He spends a lot of time in the woodwork shop, creating amazing figures and such.
I can feel the dissapointed stares of Matt not being a photographer. Welp, guess he also gets a degree in art then.
Second year, Because he skipped one year in college.
Clothing style is long sleeves and vests.
He likes feeling fancy, and owns an endless amount of beanies.
One of the few people who talks to Russia.
His locker has a snot ton of polar bear stickers that everyone stuck to it, and he loves it.
Is baby but can kick butt in the wrestling club after school.
Has a tiny white Pomeranian that he rescued from it's mother who wouldn't take care of it, probably because the puppy was the runt of the litter.
Has a Harley Davidson and it's been painted black with the aurora on it, making everyone think it was his non-existent girlfriend's or something. Now it's a running joke.
He's not a jock, but he's friends with them.
Military Dad.
Is usually found hanging out in the gymnasium on breaks. It's quiet and no one is going to bother him. Usually.
Senior, and so ready to get the heck out of college.
Ladies love him, but he really hates the attention, like please help him.
Style wise he's pretty basic, but really loves his camo print.
Has owned countless doggos, and only attracted so many girls the day he walked to school with a fluffy poodle that France Hijacked for the day.
Doesn't ever go to dances after the first one and everyone tried to get him drunk, to no avail.
Had out drank some of the dumber students to shut them up.
Can be mean if you persistently pester him for dumb stuff, especially if he's already said no.
He's into construction and is working on a degree in Construction Management.
Exchange student number 3
Degree in technology is what he desires.
Style = Geek, but like a stylish geek.
Him and Canada are in photography class together.
Japan is also part of the cool kids, but only when they're about to do some dumb stunt, and need a camera man.
Doesn't mind, loves watching them make fools of themselves.
Has a rebellious streak, and tends to be a complete sass.
As soon as something seems to go bad, he gone. He's heading towards the door. Been in detention once, and that was it.
Why does everyone go to him for advice when china is literally down the hall?
Rich kid #3 and his parents are traditional and are having a crisis over their son's rebellious attitude.
Is a first year, and is oddly enough, going for a degree in history.
Really likes antiques and old artsy stuff.
Has a few shared classes with France, and they pretty much own those classes.
Rivals America's charisma, but isn't as popular due to:
Being seen around France, and not doing dumb and entertaining crap like america.
Gets picked on a lot Because he doesn't understand you can't be nice to the Jock's girlfriend without everyone thinking your flirting, even though you just needed directions on your first day of school.
Germany is now his bodyguard and he was kind of like "???" But they get closer the longer they hangout.
Fancy shirt man, like hand me downs from his Italian father. So they're really nice, and a lot of eye melting patterns.
Gets attached to people easily, and is sensitive when he gets taken advantage of during assignments, but toughs through it because he has too.
Has two cats literally named Mona, and Lisa.
Has cried at least once at school because he's a soft guy, but he gets a thicker shell the older he gets and learns to just laugh off other people's stupidity.
Protective older brother gooooo
Second year in school, and his first year made him want to eat brinks.
Doesn't know what degree he wants, but settled for a degree in cooking.
Shares his brother's shirts practically and it confuses everyone Because, didn't Feliciano wear that shirt last week?
Immediately thinks people don't know washing machines exist Because of this, so his sass factor is high up there.
Doesn't really have friends, and also does not care. He's a bit of a lone wolf and needed something to do.
The amount of not caring attitude contrasts his high grades and his teachers are painfully confused by it.
Will jokingly tell people to fight him at McDonald's, and almost fought someone but literally laughed, and suggested they got something to eat instead.
He's somehow, in a bizarre and unwanted sense, everyone's brother which is just...
No one understands him, but they like him, and he doesn't know why and it kind of bugs him.
He's usually in the front of the school daydreaming about, god only knows what...
Is the epitomy of the "she doesn't even go here" joke from mean girls, except he does go to that school.
Why did he need a degree? Oh yeah, Because work places don't care what kind of paper, you just need a paper.
Rival friendship with america, and Russia has had to step in to break up petty fights.
He's not sure why he's part of the popular kids since he's so fricken chaotic and obnoxious. Or so he thinks.
Genuinely a sweet guy in his last year, desperately wanting a degree in mathematics. Like, no one understands why mathematics until he starts pulling card tricks from his pocket that deals with it, and blows everyone's mind.
He is also head of the newspaper club.
Has the style of a teenage band member and will not apologize for it.
Has hijacked the schools speaker system to blast evanescence, which gave a huge boost to his friendship with Russia, since the big fellow shares Prussia's taste in music.
Can eat a whole ghost pepper without batting an eyelash, and this is only Headcannon and a worthy note because he became sick the day after and the whole school had "in loving memory of Gilbert's stomach" posters all over the place.
Teacher's are very much done with his harmless antics. They're noticably stupid pranks, but only to the point it's annoying.
Like he managed to make all the teacher's computer backgrounds as Brad Pitt wearing a sombrero. There's no joke, and no punchline. It's just a poorly Photoshopped sombrero?
Races his brother to school every morning, and afternoon. Cops have stopped them at least twice due to other bystanders getting freaked out.
Him and Romano don't mix well, but try to leave each other alone.
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visit-ba-sing-se · 3 years
3 things I associate with you are:
always writing really good image descriptions (I have not yet master this skill and reading yours helps me),
reblogging posts with not as many notes and/or beginner arists and giving them just as much enthusiasm and attention to detail as a post with tons of notes,
always tagging with op mastered in trash bending
hey! I am so happy that you think me ids are good, I am really trying (even though I know they are not always perfect). Also, shut out to @atladescribed for really doing the ground work and raising awareness about why image descriptions are important and being the central blog to provide them. And yeah I feel like it is so important to note that little notes do not mean little quality. There are so many artists out there, and it is a shame how tumblr sometimes treats them. On one hand, the algorithm is trash (say it with me kids) and on the other there is the tendency to only hype art from people who are already “established” artists in the fandom. Who make great content, do not get me wrong, I know and love them too. But that does not mean that someone else is out there creating who deserves attention and notes (and everyone who has every created content knows how much energy already one nice comment can give, or how crushing 0 notes can be. we've all been there, don't lie) Also, I am just selfish here to be honest, I see it, I love it, I reblog it and can continue to look at it and just be amazed. (fun tip to find and boost smaller/new artist: filter your search  for “newest” instead of “most popular” and scroll down a bit <3 And if you make art, please know that it will always make my day when you share it with me!) only thing I think was a typo is the trash bending part because that sounds really close to my tag for fan art, which is op mastered in talent bending because all you artists are just so talented damn 
Which three things do you associate with me? 
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