#trauma's a betch
nextinline-if · 1 year
I’ve seen people ask authors who they’d ship their characters with, but I’m curious which ROs, from other WIPs, are your favorite? Is there any specific reason?
I absolutely love your story so much! You’re wonderful!
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I'm unsure if both of these asks are yours, but I'm sorry it took so long to answer (like months RIP). Screenshot one was recent the other is older. Also thank you anon for your sweet words. <3
I appreciate your no-choice-patience <3 This is such a fun question. I read it wrong for about 4 months and kept stressing about which ROs to ship with mine. My brain was NOT working.
I'm being fucking serious, unfortunately. Please laugh at me in the comments. </3
Here are some of my favorite ROs from other WIPs:
Seven - @infamous-if; I can write a paragraph about why I like Seven but does anyone really want that? Heh. When the game first started, I was SO ready to be like "f you Seven, you jerk!" And then we find out that Seven still has that tattoo. Okay, interest peaked. Well, played. You got me f'ed up. I like to play tropes where it's from ex - to enemies - to lovers. Juicy stuff right there.
Ari - @theoperativeif; There's something really enticing about not just a slow burn but a slow burn that has the extra burn because of the obstacles in the relationship that prevent you from reaching each other. Ouch. I normally don't like slowwwww burns. Like, a little slow is good cause it's realistic but like where I ONLY get to imagine them in my MC's head or in memories? Got me f'ed up. (Again). I think I like this because of the trauma the two characters have faced together. Is trauma bond a tope? Don't know but let's go with that.
Blade - @shepherds-of-haven; On a surface level, you get a character who fights for those he cares for, has strong convictions, and is hard to get close to. I'm a sucker for those. But on a deeper level, I really enjoy the way his story is written and told. Unearthing Blade's past and trying to weave your MC into this complex character's heart. Not sure what trope is going on here but I'll take it all.
Sol - @theabyssal; Yeah, my Death is pretty pissed at Sol right now...but you're telling me that literal sunshine fell for Death? The Abyssal has A+ writing as is, but adding an incredible love story like that really hooks my soppy lil heart. The complexities...THE COMPLEXITIES. I'm on the edge of my f-ing seat here people. I want Sol to suffer and beg my Death for forgiveness. And my Death will make Sol suffer emotionally and then accept the forgiveness :') (she's a weak betch)
Dara - @ataleofcrowns; I mean, I LOVE forbidden/let's romance my general type of vibe. But Dara is an exquisitely written character. The whole game is beautiful but the characters are so full of depth. There's always another layer. Plus, I normally play a shier MC but I like catching Dara off guard. It's so enjoyable. Got me giggling and shit.
There are plenty of other lovely ROs from amazing IFs that I like but these came to the top of my mind and I didn't want to make this too long. I like tropes that f me up emotionally. More tears = better. Rip my heart out. Maybe put it back in. Maybe leave is on the ground. Author's choice.
That said, I go for a lot of different tropes and try to do multiple playthroughs to romance all or most of the cast. I think every character can offer something different and I don't want to miss out <3
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i-cant-sing · 29 days
Fwrack baldwin, i got over that betch. I now need the royal gay aus next part😤
skipping from one trauma to the next?
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b-o-0-m · 8 months
Security Breach Head Canon.
As far as I know, it is unknown as to why the animatronics in SC get quirky at night. So I'm going with dead kids' souls in the bots. But they're different kids. Chica, Bonnie, Monty, Freddy, and Roxy were Charlotte, Bodie, Morris, Francesco, and Robbin. Much older than the original five, they had a taste of reality. From what I know, the reason the OG 5 stayed in the suits was a need for revenge. This bunch didn't have a need for revenge. They had their own personal grief.
Charlotte had MAJOR addiction problems. Hell, addiction wasn't even a word in her vocabulary. Bodie killed his mother. There's no way around it. Granted it wasn't on purpose and there was supple evidence to prove so. But in Bodie's eyes, it was all his fault. Morris was just fucked up in the head. I don't know why, he just is. He WILL make offensive jokes and WILL double down if someone gets mad. Francesco was silent, not mute, just... silent. He often could not piece together a sentence if if didn't naturally come to him. So comebacks, comfort words, lies, and the like were near impossible for him. He did know how to listen though. And guess who became the therapist of the school? The town? His friends? All this trauma and grief caused dark thoughts to constantly plague his mind. And last and to her least, Robbin. I know this is gonna sound stupid, but this is MY headcanon. Robbin had no self-esteem, so she would often act big. But also tried to hype herself up and lie to other. She got lost in the lies and fraudulent stories she told. Eventually her lies made a whole new person, Roxanne.
But they still died. They were at the place in a small enclosed room. Charlotte lit a cig but it slipped and hit the carpet. Only problem was, the carpet was 85% flannel. The room went from 77°F to flames in a second. It took 3 hours and 27 minutes for someone to notice. By the time the fire had stopped, no one... not a single one of them was alive. And of course Fronnie all the way betch. Sorry this was long and probably cringy and probably horibal engish. So sorry. But ye
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
OK imma tryyyyyy to keep this short and sweet cause a bitch is fallim asleep but like YALL
I was FULLY not emotionally ready for my brains reactions to yall telling me what made yall decide to follow me like I KNOW ITS NOT THAT DEEP BUT MY BRAIN HAS LAUNCHED ME INTO "IF ANYTHING BAD EVER HAPPENED TO ONE OF YOU I WOULD KILL EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM AND THEN MYSELF" TERRITORY LIKE OMFG THE HORMONES ARE RAAAAGING BABES, I am fully that stray animal that imprints on you within ten seconds and then won't leave you alone 😂
I s2g sometimes when I'm feeling disillusioned and disconnected from this blog, and I extend a tiny shaky little grabby hand into the fandom (picture a shy little raccoon paw gingerly approaching you to go in for a soft little hand hold) I just end up like.... Getting really emotional over like every single little crumb of interaction and response. It just like... Idk. Sometimes I sort of forget that the people who interact with my content are whole ass human beings who are just out there, in the world, doing their thang, for some reason choosing to shine light onto my lil internet musings, and remembering that is just, very personal and humbling to me?
Idk if yall couldn't already tell I'm a whole ass mess, and seeing ur cute little responses just felt like getting valentines from your classmates when you're little 🥺 I always screenshot and save kind messages people send me, I revisit them often and they really mean a lot to me. It blows my mind that these are real people extending that kindness to me, for no personal benefit to themselves. I often fall into feeling like I don't have a place here anymore and that no one would notice if I just deleted it all and disappeared, and even one person reassuring me that that's not the case...
I really needed that today.
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marcela6malfoy · 2 years
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About moi Masterlist Taglist form
Requests : open
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Btw all of my Hogwarts fics are written in 5th year (I advanced one year, in other words they would be 17-18)
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# 💌
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# woman tips with Marce
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(serious talk ab serious topics)
#dark Marce
(this is me when I got to my dark place)
(me ranting and rambling)
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# my mariposa
(Is my beautiful @hopelessbutterfly )
# fangirl mode w marce
(I'm friends with lovely people)
# bestie betch / my hot bestie @im-constantly-fangirling
# bad bitch mode with Marce
(just a mood)
#tori my attorney
(my amazing @scandalous-chaos )
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(my sweet @i-have-my-issues )
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(me speaking Spanish)
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# Marce's fic recs
# Marce's witchy stuff
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ssreeder · 3 years
I literally said "Goddamnit Sokka" when Sokka said "RUN ZUKO!" "PLEASE GO!" And like THE FUCKING SCIENTIST!?!?!?!?!? HE CAME BACK!!! LIKE HE FUCKING KNEW WHAT WENT DOWN AT THE PRISON!!! like did he not notice all the signs of ab*se and trauma on Zuko when he gave him 🔥suppressants?!?!?!?! When he said "...he didn’t deserve to die like that but there is nothing left for you to save" my heart literally dropped to my stomach. I legit thought Zuko d-worded until Sokka found him in the tent😱😭😭😭
And oh my god, Zuko, my sweet babey boi what has he done to you😭😱. And I'm lowkey loving Sokka being ready to 'cut a bitch' *ahem, ARA* and like....what the actual fuck did she think was gonna happen to Zuko, after having previously mentioned that Zuko "was in Zhao's bed..."?!?!?!?
Like, I understand that Ara herself is a victim, likely suffering from a 'captive stockholm syndrome and young s*xually ab*sed victim's mindset', so her rationality only saw Zuko as an 'enemy' to her 'stable' environment/situation but still!!!!
You literally said "here's some trauma, with a side of comfort, as a treat" with ch 16! And I know, I KNOW, you warned us but whyyyy?!?!?!?
Ok! Mini rant over😁 I'm so excited for the next chapter (whatever may happen I still love you @ssreeder 😚). I love this story and will be here with you until the end of time!!
PS. (Can I bring my dog to the island and does it have wifi?)!!
Oh my gosh I just saw this!!
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& I just have to say I LOVE YOU SO MUCH @im-a-sokka-for-you-ooh
Now... there is so much I want to say about what is coming up but...... you know I won’t :D
I’m glad you guys want long chapters!!
... because that is what is happening, I am already 3k into the next one.
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Sokka’s vibe the entire second half of the chapter.
& I see that vibe continuing for a while... I think feral Sokka is here it’s stay... here to gay? Here to stay & gay?!
Hmmmmmm the possibilities...
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Now have a good weekend and a nice week and maybe Friday-ish we will get to catch up with them and see how’s is going?!?!
They’ll be fine!
.... right?!
*everyone reading anything I ever write on Tumblr or in an Ao3 comment*
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system-of-a-feather · 3 years
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@the-dissociated-bones​ This is why Dr. Pepper is still the best drink and I am still upset about our discourse we had a while ago. Dr. Pepper is an expert and specialist in trauma and you INSULTED and JUDGED my taste in it. SMH.
Get CANCELED betch.
-Riku (Host)
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sasorikigai · 3 years
❝ don’t ever try to kill me again. ❞ ( from biiingbao aka just fire grump and his ice betch with a heart lol )
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ghost of tsushima starters || @biiingbao || accepting
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Wrath comes forth, unhindered and unadulterated, sparks of nether-fire curling at his souls and fingers as blood, of the hurt and the dead - all the victims of Shirai Ryu massacre agglutinating in whole. Hanzo Hasashi’s shattered pride, his aspirations, all of his dreams fuel the pyre of his ire as he hears his own silent, curdled scream through his lips as if they were sealed shut beneath the muzzle of his mask. Forged by his trauma’s fibrillating strands shaking and writhing. Once, the passion and indomitable will of the greatest Shirai Ryu warrior to ever grace Japan has fueled his hellfire forge, melting glided iron of his ribcage to form his heart’s carnal rage. Never in his life, did Hanzo Hasashi feel useless and overwhelmed, in this face of this sad and distorted reality. And all he screams is this truth, this authenticity lodged inside his throat. It makes him enraged, it makes him choke, seething, as he refuses to demonstrate his chagrin, his vulnerability, and his humiliation. 
“Your impromptu massacre had barbarically slaughtered hundreds of Shirai Ryu, including non-kombatants, women and children. I did not think you would be the one to exact such sacrilegious and dishonorable carnage.” Scorpion’s timbre, pained and bloodstained, black tar oozing infection sinks, as the surging onslaught of adrenaline spikes every inch of his nerve, his spectral, yet corporeal form pumping to a pace faster than what can be seen. For in the abyss of his heart, there is a wrath he cannot quiet, and if it weren’t for their pre-established connection in life, Scorpion would have plunged his flaming kunai deep in Bi-Han’s corrupted heart, and let his immolating conflagration sink down deeper and become entrenched within the fabric of the cryomancer’s being, until the Lin Kuei could feel an inkling of Hanzo Hasashi’s endless agony and torment.  
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 “̯̲̱̘̫Yo̱̬̥͇̗u̠ m̤̙͖͙̳̣u̹̣r̼͖̣̪͍d̩̦̻̮̩ͅe̦r̩̲͓̲̦̻e͈̠̞̪d͎̪͍ ̺̟̙̬̳͖H̹a͙̱͈̼̙̫̘r̬͉͉ụ̞̻mi̺̳̤̘͉ a̫n͍̼̦̙d̖̦̘̰ͅ ̯͔S͈͔a̠͈t̠͚̗̪̟o̱sh̼̬͓̤̯i̟̞̹,͇̬̝̭̟ ̹̱̤̥͎a̞̮̤l̦̱͓ong̹̫̬ ̳͕͉͈̙̙̪w̻̜͎i̜̳t͇͇̥̭͖̪̣h ̳̜̪̤͎e̼̺̙̳v͔͙̯͎̖͖ͅe̦̺ṛ̮̳̥̪̟̺y̦̳o̭nͅe̦̟̗͈̘̘͕ ̪͇͇ͅin ͙̣t̤͙̲̫͖ͅh̻͖͔̮e̺͚̗̻̖ ̟̼̺̠̺̖̝c̟̬͕ọm̞̟̜̞p̮̘̯͓̭̥ou̪͓̝̝̟͚n̩d͕͕s̮̯̣͈̫͈͚,̳̗̥ ͕͕̗̥̟̰̹a͉̥̲̣̭̙n̬d̟͈͙͙ ͚̺͓̻͇̟ͅl̘͍̳e͖̯̱͖͙f̻͔̗̹̼̙t̼̗͕̬͔̼͇ mͅ��̜̫e ̭̯͈̰̭sp̩͎r̖̙̙̞̘a͇̻w̼̙̞͓̪̝l̬̪e̮d ͙̫̭̭̺̖̦f̙̣o̝̮r̠͓ͅ de̠̳̩̤̦̦̖ad̟̗̹͎ ̮͖̲̪u͇̦͚̘n̘͚̩͙d͕̩̠̮̥ḙr̼̠̩̪͍̹ ͖͚͍͉͍̬̹e̦̦̮n͇̗̯̳̼̰͓t͎͙͈̱͕̘͍o͙͔̖̹͉̻m̳̰̪̟̰̦bi͓̜̲͔̮̻n̤̤̫͈̗g ̩i̜̘̹c̩͈̜i͇̯̖c͍̯̳͎̳͓l̝̼̳̳e ͔̝i̟̫̼̫̘̙n̻̩̦͕̭͔ ̜̲̖̪͎̪s͖̲̯̳̩u͍̫c͓̤͙͇̘̤h̞̮̳̣̗̲͚ ̗͙ͅh͕̤̪u̼͍̻̥m̞̱͎ͅi͈l̠͎̤̲̰̗̻i̤̫̝͙͍a̦̮͇̬̯͕̘t͖̤ͅi͖̭̝o̞̠ͅn̟̱̣̭̜!”̼͉͔̪͔̼̝ ̩͚͔̫̪̟̥ “You have deceived me greatly, and that will elicit no forgiveness from me,” no greatness should follow Bi-Han in each deceitful act, each trail of sanguine blood trickling forth, as the stark, lucid memory still relives in the bone arena of Scorpion’s cranium even after centuries. Hanzo Hasashi may have once loved with unbreakable loyalty and trust like no one ever dared, but how his tortured, macerated heart seeks revenge and retribution. Now, this spectral flesh of Netherrealm’s wraith only beats and pumps wrath and vengeance in his soul, as he sinks deeper in his chagrin. Rage is what fuels and moves him in enraptured rampage, as his blood runs magmatic as his nimble footwork becomes galloping stallion, as Scorpion charges against the cryomancer with wreathing flame engulfing his forearm, as the chained kunai extends with such celerity.  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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ssickprimus · 3 years
How would Rick and Jerry celebrate Father's Day together?
If Rick give Jerry a Mother's Day gift as a cruel joke what would it be?
they probably would have a beer together tbh. both, rick and jerry are aware, that they’re not the dad of the year, so i can’t see them being super enthusiastic about it. or more likely, jerry would be anticipating that day, but aside from some awkward, abrupt words from morty and total-ignore, bitch-resting-face from summer, he would get nothing. rick, on the other hand, would get some extra pancakes and kiss on the cheek from beth, and it will sting jerry a lot. rick is a way worse father, than jerry could ever be, but he still gets his daughter’s ill-placed gratitude. i’d imagine, that this must be a pretty hard pill to swallow, esp when you see this year after year. but at the end of the day, they will both end up bitter and moody, not sure what to do with that title ‘dad’ at all. they’d be sharing the couch and having nothing nice to say about it. eventually, they can get to their own celebration of that day. 
...like one dad poking another’s dad hole sort of celebration. *loudly clears throat* i also think, that rick can offer jerry some back-hand recognition, sorta complimenting jerry on how he managed to handle two kids and not run away, despite how young he was, when he had to become a father. rick couldn’t handle one kid and he doesn’t even know how to handle her as an adult either. throughout the series rick always demonstrates the roots of that weird complex about being a parent, and failing at it. so whats jerry does is kinda admirable to him, even if it pains rick to admit it. even if it’s one of those big fat secrets, that he carries around like a loaded gun. but that's what makes a slip-up even more meaningful, bc rick not supposed to say it and never intended for it to be known. but if jerry will learn about it...huh. it can led to smth. not to heart-to-heart, but to smth nice still. 
as for mother’s day, i can see rick doing smth about it in dimensions, where jerry is single father (no betch). he can always joke about how he is the ‘daddy’ of the family, and jerry is the ‘mommy’, which would gross kids out, but like they’d be already aware, that those two fucking, so they will have to deal with it, along with trauma of walking onto ‘their parents’ having sex lol. and, hm, i can see mort slipping up and accidently calling jer ‘mom’ at least once. jerry won’t be happy or amused, but as long as it stays inside the house, he can overlook it. 
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As a wealthy and well-connected Hollywood celebrity, Hammer has been enabled by many, many people, including his “industry” inner circle—whose transgressions Effie has been documenting on her account as well—for years. But I’ve said it on my Twitter, and I’ll say it again here: This is unlike any sex scandal we’ve seen before. 
The difference between Hammer and other famous sexual abusers of the world—in my humble, untrained opinion—is his highly, highly troubling pattern of behavior. Hammer’s alleged behavior is reminiscent of just about every stereotype you’d associate with a budding Ted Bundy prodigy: animal abuse from an early age, fantasies about eating and displacing a woman’s organs, desires to break his partner’s ribs and bones during sex, and more. 
As far as I’m concerned, Hammer isn’t coming back from this—and this isn’t the kind of behavior you can easily rehabilitate, either. But his conduct is not only troubling, it’s terrifying—who would feel safe around him on a movie set going forward? Who would want their loved ones around him in the future? 
Complicating matters is the fact that the online gossip mills have nearly grown louder than the victims’ voices. One rumor that floated around r/ArmieHammerReceipts—before making its way to DeuxMoi, and eventually Page Six—was that Hammer was potentially involved in a missing persons case. “The thing is—I believed the rumors when I first saw them, honestly,” Lorenze told me. “He’s capable and he’s dangerous.” The rumors were quickly debunked, and it was confirmed that Hammer is not, in any way, related to the case. 
But that hasn’t stopped many from wondering what other skeletons may potentially be coming out of Hammer’s closet soon, and the number of anti-Armie sleuths subscribed to the subreddit grows everyday. 
Either way, I can’t help but feel that we appear to be living in a second reckoning comparable to 2017’s #MeToo movement following the bombshell sex crimes and coverups of Harvey Weinstein. There’s Marilyn Manson, and there’s Shia LaBeouf. There’s Joss Whedon, and there’s (maybe) Jared Leto. A clear message has been sent: The time is up for men who skated by the first time and were somehow left unscathed. (In fact, #TimesUpArmie has appeared to become the official social media hashtag in support of the victims.) 
While it’s unclear when exactly Hammer will face any legal consequences that will give his many, many victims the closure they need, one thing is for sure: The public, aka us, has all the power right now. So far, Hammer has been dropped from the romantic comedy Shotgun Wedding with Jennifer Lopez, Paramount drama series The Offer, and was also edited out of the promotional materials for his upcoming movie alongside Gary Oldman called Crisis. 
He’s crashing and burning right now. But we need to keep talking about it—because, to me at least, Hammer is a danger to society.
“As long as he’s out and free wherever he is, more women will get hurt,” Lorenze agreed. For every article with a headline insinuating that Hammer’s merely being “kink-shamed,” there’s likely a new 19-year-old sliding into his Instagram DMs telling him that she would love to indulge his kinks. 
In any case, Hammer’s image is forever tarnished, and Lorenze and the rest of the victims have shown unspeakable strength and grace in the face of terrifying-sounding trauma. And if Hammer ever returns from the Cayman Islands, his next Hollywood meeting might just be with a fist. Lorenze admits, “I’m not sure what I would do if I saw him walking down the street in LA or something, but I’d probably throw up and clock him in the face.”
If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, harassment or violence, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or chat online at online.rainn.org. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or chat online at thehotline.org.
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cloudsrust · 4 years
Have you seen the Fell au that @creepychippy made? It looks cool and I was wondering what your ghostsonas would look like in that au?
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Truth be told- They’re both actually exaggerated versions of what their original designs and characters were supposed to be originally. (so sketches were already done.) If I’m not wrong the thing about this AU is just being more edgy and dark with the tones right? They were quite edgy in the beginning ngl so they can work as their Fell! versions ohohoh. Also fade galore oh boi. Edward Shiza: -He has practically nothing of the sweet and pacifist persona of his original self. He is antisocial, bitter and a brawler.
-Goes by Shiza (wants to feel respected). Try calling him by name and you’ll get a scratch across your face- and he is being gentle.
-An absolute narcissist, only cares about himself and his look. If you insult his appearance or persona you may pass with a few of heavy comes back from him- but if you keep going it will grant you an early access to your second grave-... maybe even third.
-A sadomasochist, can’t really fight with him- it’s a win for him either way;;;
-Never began his hair dresser job (you wouldn’t want him close to you with scissors anyway-), he is just present at the hotel to torment others and enjoy himself.
-No touch trauma but he won’t let you touch him anyway with those “filthy pathetic hands”. If you try without permission he’ll either snap them or stab.
-Good at finding weak points to berate or attack- has absolutely no boundaries.
-Under those clothes’ layers has actually quite a strong physique (“If I had been stronger- that fucker (his murder) would’ve gone down first.”)
-Still has a soft spot for cute things or compliments- won’t show it fully but he will act-.. well not like a betch like he usually would.
Giovanni “Marion” Pupazzi:
-Tone still eerily calm. Just becomes creepier and more “playful” in their own way.
-Sees pain as something fun. A game. Keep that in mind if they invite you to “play”. -Just wanders around giggling under their breath to themselves. Spends most of their time hanging - both literally and figuratively - around the Grand Stage. (He just- dangles around the ropes of the upper stage when bored.)
-Only has one puppet. The changes between Gigi and Marion are shown by the presence or absence of their mask.
-Only Gigi actually uses the puppet.
Mask on: (Giovanni/Gigi)
-Will only speak through his puppet (DO NOT- try to put a finger in its mouth, those teeth are sharp and can rip out a finger with no problem.). Rarely breaks this rule.
-Don’t let them lay his hands on you, he will attach his strings and play around with your body until he gets bored.
-Has a thing for choking (no killing- just “playing”) so keep your neck out of the way (if they catch you tho, pull at the strings around their neck, it will block them for a bit, enough time to get away.)
Mask Off: (Marion)
-The exact same as I described her in Gio’s original Bio (charismatic, manipulative, rude, possessive.) maybe a bit more vulgar and direct.
-She enjoys biting out of nowhere if someone is annoying/boring her. With those golden teeth of theirs it’s not gonna be good.
-Her bodies’ possessions by strings lead to more damaging results than Gigi’s (As the ask already clarified- Fell!AU is from @creepychippy !)
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palamig · 5 years
Something about this episode made me realize another difference in the way kyo is treated, on the one hand, by the zodiacs, and on the other hand, by tohru.
Kyo has never been the kind of person who opens up to other people. Although he’s genuine asf and he literally can never be fake ever, there are still parts of himself he hides from even the rest of the zodiac. Spoiler alert, he never, ever told kagura (or anyone for that matter) that he knew exactly why she wanted to befriend him all those years ago, even after she confessed it to him. He didn’t tell anyone how deeply that kind of treatment from the other zodiacs fucked him up. He’s not a guy who goes up to one of the zodiacs and goes, you know it hurts me when you talk about my trauma that way. He keeps it to himself. He grew up to be a person who chooses to withstand the abusive treatment, because he knows that this is his role. And all those times when his trauma and anxiety get too much, he runs away, exactly the way he did when shigure reminded him of the purpose behind his hatred for yuki. It was too much to for him to bear. 
When shigure brings this up to hatori later, they both talk like this is something normal. Like, triggering kyo’s trauma is an oops i did it again moment. When kagura says that she and haru are happy that he’s getting to know yuki a little bit more, it’s like being told his feelings for yuki are something childish he’ll someday get over.
The thing that’s really terrible is that the zodiacs probably know how fucked up kyo’s life is. And yet it’s something they either consciously or unconsciously downplay or refuse to act upon. Kagura says things like i’m glad you’re getting along with yuki, without completely understanding, (or trying to understand?) just how important hating yuki meant for kyo’s mental sanity. Although i’m sure none of them (except shigure this betch) mean to hurt kyo, it goes to show how just exactly how glaring their indifference for kyo’s actual feelings are. They’ve known he was like this for years, and they’ve accepted his trauma like it was a part of him they have no power to change, or something they want no part of, or something he’ll eventually get over--whatever the reason, to the zodiacs kyo’s mental health does not mean anything. And maybe this was a large part the reason why kyo always feels so isolated from everything. 
Up until this time, a large part of tohru’s inner monologue has always been her wishing kyo and yuki would get along better. Tohru literally does not know anything about kyo and yuki’s past. To her, they’re just 2 cousins who argue a lot. And that’s why in literally almost every episode up until this one, we see her genuinely really wanting to see them actually start being friends. But what’s amazing is how quickly her feelings about it change once she follows kyo into the forest, and sees the gravity of kyo’s suffering. Once she realizes that for kyo, this hating yuki thing ran so much deeper than she could ever understand, than he would ever let her understand right now, her reaction was automatic. What the zodiacs all these years refused to act upon or acknowledge, tohru the span of seconds understood completely. 
When she tells him, it’s okay to hate on yuki, it’s like she’s telling him: you don’t have to take on all the horrible things in this world. You don’t have to force yourself to face the truth if you’re not ready. You have the right to do everything within your power to protect yourself from things you’re not ready to take on. Because no one should be made to do something they’re not comfortable with. And to kyo right now, “uncomfortable” is an extreme understatement to what getting along with yuki will do to him. 
And maybe this is a rare moment we see someone who actually takes the time to understand what kyo is feeling, without his “trauma” being treated as if it’s something he’s eventually going to get over once he stops hating yuki. 
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 23 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: SURPRISE, BETCHES! Nope, you’re not dreaming. This is real life. It’s not just fantasy. You’re definitely going to be caught in a landslide, though. After four months of silence, my writing juices are a-flowing and the shitstorms and clusterfucks are abundant. Hey, mystery anon. This one’s for you.
Warnings: clusterfucks. Also some mild smut. Mostly implied, nothing too graphic. Just how I like it. 
Word Count: You really don’t wanna know.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , Chapter 16 , Chapter 17 , Chapter 18 , Chapter 19 , Chapter 20 , Chapter 21 , Chapter 22
Ben sighed as he placed his phone on the nightstand after looking at the time for what felt like the fifth time since Annie had dozed off. He sighed and blamed his inability to sleep on jetlag, excitement and not wanting to miss a millisecond of being home.
He turned on his other side, propping his head on his hand. Sprawled on her back, Annie’s half-covered figure seemed to glow as the sun dawned. As gently as he could, he brushed a few stray locks of hair from her face, running his fingers through the silky strands. Annie stirred with a smile.
“Good morning.” She purred lazily, her eyes still closed.
“Did you get any sleep?” Annie’s eyes fluttered open. Turquoise staring into emerald-green.
“Not really.” Ben cupped Annie’s cheek in his hand and pressed a lingering kiss to her lips. “Christ, I’ve even missed your morning breath.”
“Wow.” Annie scoffed. “And they say romance is dead.”
“Shut up.” Ben kissed Annie again, deeper this time. “You’re not one for romance, anyways.”
“True.” Annie smirked. Ben started to roll away, out of bed, but stopped when Annie grabbed his wrist. “Where’re you going?”
“I have to take a piss, Annie.” Ben leaned down for one more kiss. “Am I allowed?” Annie pretended to mull it over in her head, tapping her lips as she pondered. “Right, then!”
“No!” Annie whined at Ben’s receding back. “Come back.”
She watched him walk away. Every muscle in his body even more defined than it was when he left. His back, his shoulders, his bum. She got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom’s closed door, waiting to hear the flush. When she did, she dropped on her knees and waited, sitting back on her heels.
Ben opened the door after washing his hands and almost stepped on her.
“What are you doing?” He raised a curious eyebrow.
“My personal trainer said I need more protein in my diet.” Annie smiled up at him, doe-eyed.
“Oh?” Ben’s jetlagged and fucked-out brain had trouble picking up on the implication. “Oh!”
“Mhm.” Annie said, getting up from her heels and wrapping her arm around Ben’s hardening cock. “It is time for breakfast, and all…”
Ben braced himself against the door-frame, arms and legs locking him into place. He looked down at Annie and bit his bottom lip. As if on cue, Annie wrapped her lips around him, making him moan.
“What?” Annie barked tiredly into the phone. “What?”
“First of all, it’s great to know you’ve successfully separated yourself from Ben’s dick.” Clara sassed. “Second of all, we’re having brunch. Then, and only then, we’ll release Rory back into the wilderness.”
“Do you know what time it is?!” Annie hissed, careful not to wake up Ben after he finally fell asleep.
“Yes. Do you know what your baby thinks of the time?” Clara retorted.
“Exactly. So, brunch. Us, Rami and Lucy, Joe.”
“Why can’t it be lunch?” Annie grumbled. “Like normal, unpretentious people.”
“Because we’re starving.”
“So eat something!”
“Annie, Rory woke us up at the crack of dawn! And during the night!”
“We woke up at the crack of dawn and during the night too! You don’t hear us moaning about it!”
“I’m sure the screams coming from you and the screams coming from Rory were very, very different, Annabelle.”
“You were the ones who wanted to take her so desperately!”
“Because she’s too young to be exposed to whatever crazy monkey sex you and Ben are into.”
“Oh, sit on a stick.”
“That the best you could come up with?” Clara chuckled. “He really fucked you silly, eh?”
“Can you please just -” Annie paused when she felt Ben stir and press up against her back.
“I’m going to have to call you back.”
“Something just came up.”
“Tell Ben about brunch!”
“Tell him yourself!” Annie giggled and put Clara on speaker phone. “You’re on speaker.”
“Can you extract your penis from my best friend for a hot minute?”
“Fine. This is nasty, you know. You two should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“You’re the one listening in on this.” Annie lilted. “Shame’s exclusively on you, you plum.”
“Fine.” Clara groaned. “Listen up, hornies!” Her voice shifted from the sugary sweet tone it usually carried to surprisingly assertive. “Gwilym’s flat. One o’clock. Your husband is very excited to see you, Ben. Don’t let him down.”
Clara ended the call muttering profanities as Ben and Annie started off another round.
“Where is my baby?” Ben basically kicked the door to Gwilym’s flat down. “Give me my Aurora or die!” 
“Jesus, Ben!” Clara panted, clutching on to her chest, “can you not do that?” 
“Give. Me. My. Baby.” 
“She’s right here!” Lucy popped up from the floor, where she, Rory and Rami played. “Oh wow, look at you! Dashing!” 
“Rami, remember, no Peek-a-boo!” Annie called, squeezing her way in around Ben. “Not everyone can handle the eyes!” 
“Lovely to see you again, Annabelle.” Rami replied sweetly, then looked down at Rory. “Your mother is such a bitch sometimes, isn’t she?” he cooed. 
“Just protecting my child from any future trauma, Mr. Roboto.” Annie said walking over to him. “I happen to love the eyes, anyways.” 
“Aw.” Rami smiled as Annie crouched down next to him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Hi lovie!” 
Rory squealed at the sight of her mum. 
“Where’s Gwil?” Ben asked. Rory tried to follow his voice with her eyes, but she couldn’t see him from where she was sitting. Ben tiptoed towards the sofa and lunged forward. “Boo!” 
“Well, she speaks dolphin.” Rami mused after Rory’s excited screeching subsided. “How does she even do that?” 
“I suspect Roger Taylor.” Ben walked around the sofa and knelt down next to his daughter. “Wanna come to me?” 
Rory waved her hands and babbled. Ben smiled warmly as he picked his daughter up from the floor.
The front door flew open, revealing Joe standing with his hands on his hips, pretending to be superman. 
“I have arrived!” 
“Yes. The entire building can tell.” Rami rolled his eyes.
“This is awkward.”
Lucy, Annie, Rami and Clara exchanged nervous glances.
“I didn’t mean anything by it, you know.” Clara put her hand on top of Joe’s. “I was just making a joke.”
“The hell you were!” Gwilym snapped. “Ben and I are basically a married couple.”
“Uh, the duck you are!” Joe dropped his fork. “I’m Ben’s husband. Everybody knows. An entire production team knows!”
“You bellends are fighting over my boyfriend.” Annie chimed in. “That’s really weird.”
“Better fight over him than over you than have him fight me over you…” Joe muttered.
“What was that?” Annie challenged.
“I said that’s it’s better if Gwil and I fight over him than having to fight Ben over you.”
“What… the fuck?” Rami looked as if he was watching a tennis match before Gwilym smacked him gently on the back of his head for using foul language. “Sorry! Sorry! What the duck?”
“What, you don’t know?” Joe smiled devilishly. “Since we’ve turned this into an Italian let’s-air-out-our-dirty-laundry-over-food thing…”
“Joseph, no.” Gwilym, Ben and Annie said simultaneously.
“Joseph, please continue.” Lucy said and wiped her fingers on her napkin. “We’re all ears.”
“You’re keeping secrets from me?” Rami was baffled. “Wow. Just… wow.”
“Oh, for crying out loud, it’s not that deep, alright?” Clara groaned. “Joe and Annie got drunk and almost kissed, as Joe and Annie usually do. End of story.”
“Again?!” Rami and Lucy choired.
“Seriously, dude, what the fu-” Rami stopped himself when Annie glared at him, “-duck?!”
“I don’t know, okay? She’s all over me!” Joe raised his hands in defeat. “I can’t really blame her, can’t I?”
“What?” Annie scoffed and took a sip of her water.
“Did I stutter?”
“No, I just couldn’t hear you while you dumped garbage out of your mouth there, for a second.” Annie replied calmly.
“Really, though, you two need to stop.” Rami pointed at the two. “This is not normal.”
“He burped right in my face.”
“That’s disgusting, Joey!” Lucy cringed.
“I could practically taste it.” Annie carried on.
“Ben? Would you like to comment?”
“No, I’m good.” Ben said and took another mouthful of food into his mouth with one hand, while feeding Rory with the other. “When did you guys get a high-chair?”
“Don’t change the subject, Benny.” Lucy quipped.
“We got one second-hand because we figured Annie and Rory will be spending some time here once we’re gone on tour.”
“You know what needs to happen?” Lucy wondered aloud, swirling her wine in her glass. “You two need to just kiss and get it over and done with.”
“What?!” Annie and Joe’s voices climbed in pitch.
“How much wine did you have?” Clara’s eyebrows were so high, they merged with her hairline. “What is happening?”
“Wait, hold on.” Ben froze. “That’s actually not the worst idea.”
“What?!” Annie and Joe’s voices climbed even higher.
“Look, Rory, they speak dolphin too!” Rami joked.
“Seriously,” Lucy continued, “just kiss.”
“She lost her mind.” Annie looked at Ben, wide-eyed.
“But did she really?” Ben tilted his head. “It will take the mystery out of the equation, in a way.”
“Bloody hell.” Gwilym breathed. “They’re right.”
“Look, you two clearly want to know what kissing the other will be like.” Ben stated. “So, if you two will just go ahead and bloody do it, the tension will break.”
“I’m not kissing your husband, Ben!” Annie hissed.
“Hey!” Gwilym snapped while Joe sat with a shit-eating grin on his face for being referred to as ‘Ben’s husband’ in front of his competitor.
“Why not?” Ben shrugged.
“Wait, you’re serious?” Joe leaned forward, wide-eyed. “Ben, buddy, you’ve clearly fucked yourself insane.”
“No, I mean it.” Ben leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. “Do it. Kiss.”
“What, now?!”
“Yeah. Go on.” Ben nodded. “Do it.”
“Ben…” Annie started.
“Shut up and kiss my best mate, damn it.” Ben slammed his fist on the table. “It’s not like I’m asking you to kiss your cousin.”
“Gross.” Gwilym shuddered.
“Exactly.” Ben shrugged. “Come on. You wanted to do it a few days ago.”
“I was drunk!” Annie said, horrified. “Ben, you can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am.”
“Guys? Anyone? A little help here?” Annie pleaded. The table was silent. “Wow. Thanks.”
“Wait, so you only want to kiss me when you’re drunk?” Joe seemed to snap out of a daydream. “That’s just mean!”
“Are you saying you want to kiss me when you’re sober?” Annie challenged him. Ben bounced his knee as he waiting for an answer.
“About as much as I’d like to French Frankie after she licked her butthole.” Joe bit the inside of his cheek. “I mean, Annie’s great, but -”
“Say no more.” Ben said and got up.
“Where’s he going?”
“Oh God, did we upset him?”
“You blithering idiots!”
“Fucking hell.” Gwilym pinched the bridge of his nose. “Annie, if you say one word about using profanities around Rory, so help me God -”
“There you go!” Ben returned with two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. “Drink up.”
“How are you two feeling?” Ben’s voice was exceptionally low as he lulled Annie and Joe into submission, “wanna kiss yet?”
With one arm wrapped around Joe and the other around Annie, Ben was all but a puppet master. Rory sat on Clara’s lap, nodding off, completely oblivious to the shitstorm around her.
“You’re pimping us out.” Joe slurred.
“You’re absolutely right, I am.” Ben started to close his arms, bringing the two together. “Dance, monkeys.”
“When did he become so evil?” Gwilym asked.
“Hollywood will do that to you.” Rami shrugged. “Shit happens.”
“Language!” Annie’s head snapped to look at Rami.
“She’s not drunk enough.” Lucy groaned. “And he’s getting too drunk.”
“Right, we need a plan, here.” Ben released the two. “Right, Annie, love, let’s have another drink?”
“Why just her?!” Joe whined.
“Oh, stop bleating!” Annie sighed. 
“Because Rory wants to play with her favourite uncle, is why.” Lucy intervened.
“Oh, my Josephine.”
“That’s not her name.” Annie snapped.
“She’s not yours.” Ben added.
“Eh, shut your pie holes.” Joe stumbled over to where Clara sat and plopped down on the floor. “Hey, Josie.”
“Ben, he keeps doing that!” Annie pouted while Ben poured her another drink. “What, you’re not getting one?”
“I need to drive us home, my love.”
“I can drive you.” Gwil quipped.
“And then how will you get home?” Annie looked at her cousin as if he spoke in tongues.
“Clara will pick me up.”
“I will?” Clara asked as she stood up to put Rory down for a nap.
“Look, we’re doing this, alright?” Ben looked around the room. “Team effort.”
“They’ll end up having a three-way.” Clara warned, walking away.
Annie sat on Ben’s lap, staring at him with a goofy smile. Her cheeks had a drunken, rosy tint to them, her eyes glazed and shiny. While she had seven shots of vodka and Joe had five, Ben had two. He had something to prove here, and he wasn’t going to let Annie get him drunk enough to forget about it. His fears were uncalled for, however. Annie was clearly blitzed at that point and would do anything he asked her to.
The group played a long, tiresome game of truth or dare to distract Joe and Annie from what the endgame was. During said game, almost everybody chose a dare, and they had to get creative. Rami had to change a poopy diaper, Gwilym tasted baby food, Lucy taught Ben how to pout like her, making Annie take more shots or glasses of wine, and this was just the tip of the iceberg.
“Banana, your turn.” Clara smiled deviously. “Truth or dare?”
“Hm. Not what I expected she’d say.” Clara looked like a deer in the headlights as she tried to come up with something. Anything. “Okay. Do you want more babies?”
“I want to have all the babies!” Annie declared, spreading her arms like wings. “All the cute little Ben babies.”
“We are the champions, my friends!” Ben started wailing, seemingly out of nowhere. “She is officially wasted!”
“Finally!” Lucy’s fist shot up in the air. “My God, she’s like a sailor!”
“Who’s turn is it?” Joe mumbled drunkenly.
“Yours.” Ben zeroed in on him. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare, duh.”
“I dare you to kiss Annie.” Ben said coolly. “A proper snog, please.”
Joe looked Ben in the eyes, waiting for him to say he’s just joking.
“You want me to make out with your wife?”
“Yes, please.”
“We’re not married.” Annie huffed.
“Irrelevant and even better.” Ben grinned. “Nothing to feel guilty about.”
“You really want us to do this?” Joe asked.
“And you won’t punch me in the face or get a divorce or -”
“We’re not married!”
“Your face is safe.” Ben reassured.
“Right. Okay.” Joe nodded to himself. He stood up and stretched his neck. “C’mere, Annie.”
“Ben?” Annie looked at him pleadingly. “Are you sure?”
“Go ahead.” He leaned in to kiss Annie. “I trust you.”
“So, how do we do this?” Annie turned to Joe.
“Well, come here.” Joe said. With a small push from Ben, Annie was on her wobbly feet and walking towards Joe. “Come on.”
Annie looked like Bambi first learning how to walk. She apprehensively approached Joe. He took her hand and pulled her to him.
The rest felt like they were watching a movie. The room fell silent. Rory was fast asleep in Gwilym’s bedroom. The only sound was the slow humdrum of the music Gwilym had playing in the background.
Annie slammed right into Joe’s chest, giggling. They started swaying to the music. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.
“Are they dancing?” Clara sneered. “They’re bloody dancing!”
“Shhh!” Gwilym silenced her. “This is how he does it.”
“Just be quiet and watch.”
With his finger hooked under her chin, Joe tilted her face up. They bumped noses and chuckled. Brushing his lips over hers, he cupped her face in both his hands and kissed her.
“Proper snog.” Ben muttered after he cleared his throat, watching his best friend cowardly kiss his girlfriend.
Joe rolled his eyes and went for it. He poked his tongue out and licked Annie’s lips, parting them. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer. As they kissed, Annie nibbled on his bottom lip gently. After a few minutes, Joe pulled away, frowning.
“For the love of all that is holy in this world, Annie, stop trying to bite my lip off will you!?”
“Well if you used a little bit more tongue, I wouldn’t have to do that!” Annie snapped back. “Honestly, this is not what I -”
Annie’s rant was cut short by Joe’s lips, kissing her with more fervour. They pulled away slowly, both frowning this time. They took a step back and stared at each other, disgusted confusion flashing in their eyes. Joe covered his mouth with his hand, turning his face away. Annie almost gagged.
“That was, by far, the worst kiss I’ve ever had.” Annie said, pointing at Joe.
“Christ, I felt like I’m either kissing a crocodile or an eel.”
“And there you have it, folks!” Lucy bowed victoriously.
“Why the fuck would you do that to me?!” Annie slammed the cupboard angrily after Ben had put Rory to sleep for the night.
Since they got home, they haven’t said a single word about Joe and Annie’s kiss. Meanwhile, Annie sobered up enough to let the reality of what happened sink in. She kissed Joe and hated it.
“Do what?” Ben feigned innocence.
“You know what you did.” Annie downed her glass of water.
“Because I love you, that’s why.” Ben sighed. “So you didn’t like the kiss, then?”
“No, I didn’t bloody like it!” She slammed the glass on the countertop. “Ben, why? Why would you do this?”
“It needed to happen.”
“I could never look him in the eye again, knowing what a horrid kisser he is!”
“Funny, he texted the same thing about you just a few minutes ago.”
“You’re an arse.”
“No, I’m a bloody genius, is what I am.” Ben puffed his chest. “Should’ve had you do that ages ago.”
“Are you joking?” Annie laughed in disbelief.
“Oh, not at all.” Ben gloated.
Annie turned around to wash the dishes and give Ben the silent treatment. Her attempts were futile. He came up behind her and engulfed her in his arms, nibbling on the shell of her ear. He could feel Annie’s breathing pick up and bent his knees, moving down to her neck. His hands slid down her sides, working their way to the waistband of her jeans.
“What are you doing?”
“What, exactly?”
“Well, you see,” his warm breath washed over her ear, raising goosebumps all over her, “the thing is, I love the fact that you don’t want Joe.”
“I told you a million times…”
“Yes, but now I know for sure. You don’t want anyone else…” He reached over to shut the water off, “… but me.”
TAGLIST:  @ramibaby @xgoingdownx @qweenly @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @justgivemethekeys  @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @rogerspoison @deacy-dearest @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod
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Headcanon Time! Sol please enough.
Andronikos isn’t good at personal space. Not for like, malicious reasons, it’s just not something that occurs to him for the most part. 
He was in the military, which is all about cramming people into small spaces like sardines, and then he spent at minimum 10 years (most likely more, depending on exactly when he defected) on pirate ships, which were probably small and cramped, full of illicit goods (the more you had, the more profit you made).
So his concept of personal space has probably been eroded a little over time. So he’s quite often all up in the inquisitors space, without realizing it most of the time. Standing too close, not too worried about bumping into each other/accidental touching, etc. How the inquisitor would react to this would vary, of course.
Yra, for example, hates it (at least initially). She’s a very standoffish sort of person even before the waterfall of traumas that get dumped on her and would be constantly snapping at him. Also she thinks he’s handsome and has the very tsundere reaction of not liking being attracted to him lmao
Byz wouldn’t mind too much, used to being crowded in the slave areas, plus she has all this power at her fingertips now so Andronikos doesn’t worry her at all.
Tarv-un is kinda used to it, but would probably just... push... Andronikos away. Just sorta... nudge him a few inches.
Ianthe 3000% doesn’t mind but she’s a thirsty betch and taps that basically immediately so.
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exastrisnonnocere · 4 years
Tumblr media
            ( repost, don’t reblog ! )
FULL NAME.  silas lane alderin NICKNAME.  si (rhymes with sky) GENDER. male HEIGHT.  6'3″ AGE.  37 (older in werebear verses) ZODIAC.  saggitarius  ♐ SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   fluent english & spanish, some each of italian, vulcan & orion
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
HAIR COLOR.   dark brown EYE COLOR.  golden brown SKIN TONE.  usually tan BODY TYPE.  lean & athletic, broad shouldered VOICE.  softspoken more often than not with a rasp that at times may elevate to a growl  DOMINANT HAND.  left POSTURE.   straight-backed when standing but a lounger when at rest SCARS. mostly small ones on his hands from triage work, a two-inch cut between the third and fourth ribs on his right side, very light surgical scars on his left shoulder from soft-tissue repair after trauma TATTOOS.  dual sleeves, mirroring tattoos on both calves, and a sun between his upper shoulders BIRTHMARKS.  none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   long, angular face and blocky torso &  tol.  v tol.
PLACE OF BIRTH.  san francisco HOMETOWN.  nowhere especially SIBLINGS.  sergio (27) & mikey (22) PARENTS.  michael (deceased) & elena (deceased)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
OCCUPATION.  surgeon CURRENT RESIDENCE.  space CLOSE FRIENDS.  he’s friends with most people to an extent, but only has a few very close friends RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  verse dependent but generally single FINANCIAL STATUS.  comfortable DRIVER’S LICENSE.  yes CRIMINAL RECORD.  juvenile records are sealed after 18 VICES.  sex, the occasional vape or cigarette, alcohol very rarely (low tolerance)
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  homosexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch LIBIDO.  varies, but generally moderate LOVE LANGUAGE.   support and enthusiasm RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   he tends to gravitate toward people who NEED him more than want him, and since he is overly supportive and generally fills some void for them while they’re figuring themselves out, they might feel love temporarily but often will withdraw once they recover from whatever loss or trauma they’re dealing with; silas sees this as his lot in life, to be a healer, a martyr, to be unhappy so others can move on
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   let it go - birdy HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    reading excessively.  particularly fond of poetry LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  left, over-analyzes everything FEARS.   dying alone SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  high when it comes to capability, low when it comes to identity VULNERABILITIES.  too many feels
tagged by:  stolen muahahaha tagging:  you betch
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mantalillness · 2 years
also im never ever venting to my bff cuz someone whined in mz dms and im like betch stfu idc that’s literall trauma dump r u insane we’re not even close what’s wrong w u ?????????
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